MOOSE HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK Krystal Kerckhoff1, Brian E. McLaren1, Shane P. Mahoney2 and Tom W. Knight3 1Lakehead University, Faculty of Natural Resources Management, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada P7B 5E1; 2Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Sustainable Development and Strategic Science Division, 2 Canada Drive, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 4J6; 3Gros Morne National Park, P.O. Box 130, Rocky Harbour, NL, Canada A0K 4N0. ABSTRACT: Previous research indicated high variability in availability and habitat use by female moose in the lowlands of Gros Morne National Park (GMNP), Newfoundland and Labrador, an area dominated by bogs and forest. Here, we extend the earlier analysis with an additional 7 female moose (Alces alces americana) occupying the Park highlands, a region dominated by heath and shrub vegeta- tion with forest limited to sheltered valleys, typical of interior and highland parts of the province. Resource selection function (RSF) models with differences in habitat use between moose resident in the 2 regions and 2 moose that migrated from the lowlands in winter to the highlands in summer were rejected. In summer, more use of closed-canopy forest types occurred on the lowlands, while more use of non-forest habitat types occurred on the highlands. As before, we found that selection of disturbed forest is a winter phenomenon on the lowlands of GMNP; the same series of habitat types associated with disturbance were avoided in summer. Summer migration by about 20% of GMNP moose to the highlands suggests that foraging opportunities are better during that season than in winter, a motivation for migration perhaps augmented by an overabundance of moose on the lowlands and unfavourable temperatures in disturbed areas that might otherwise serve as lowland foraging areas. An observation of more clustered relocations of moose on the highlands than on the lowlands of GMNP is consistent with our conclusion that moose use habitats within the highlands and lowlands of Newfoundland and Labrador very differently. We recommend 2 approaches to moose management for these different landscapes, both within GMNP and elsewhere in Newfoundland and Labrador. ALCES VOL. 49: 113–125 (2013) Key words: Gros Morne National Park, habitat selection, moose, Newfoundland and Labrador, resource selection functions. According to habitat selection theory (Fretwell and Lucas 1970), individuals dis- tribute themselves in a manner proportional to the quantity or quality of limiting resources available in each of several fora- ging patches, larger habitat units, and still larger landscapes. For ungulates, habitat selection should be driven by an individual’s ability to sense and select higher-quality food items or foraging areas (McNaughton 1985, Fryxell 1991). Habitat selection that involves migration between 2 different land- scapes can arise in a seasonal climate where different fitness opportunities (or forage availability) are offered by each landscape, but where the difference is less during the growing season (Holt and Fryxell 2011). Moose (Alces alces americana) in New- foundland and Labrador, Canada presumably distribute themselves optimally according to habitat selection theory in each of 2 typi- cal landscapes in this province, the “high- lands” and the “lowlands.” We explore this idea with analysis of summer and winter location data from GPS-collared moose, using the assumption that more forested, lowland landscapes are, on average (i.e., throughout the year), superior to the 113 highlands where some moose migrate during summer. This paper is motivated by previous study of Gros Morne National Park (GMNP), an area of 1,805 km2 in western Newfoundland, where approximately 20% of the female moose population migrates within the Park from forested, coastal low- lands (< 400 m above sea level) in winter to relatively open highlands (between 400 and 800 m) during summer (McLaren et al. 2000). Our interpretation is that spending summer in a highland landscape offers an advantage to this fraction of the moose popu- lation. We compared seasons of activity of the resident moose in the highlands and lowlands of GMNP, and described their finer-scale activity in terms of frequency of smaller movements and the densities in which these smaller movement clusters occur throughout, by comparing the 2 landscapes. During winter, snow limits accessibility to forage more on the highlands than in the coastal lowlands (Martin 2004), a motivation for migration that is consistent with empiri- cal evidence from other studies of moose (reviewed by Ball et al. 2001). As an addi- tional explanation for the moose migration within GMNP, as suggested in McLaren et al. (2000), summer migration from the lowlands may be a means to avoid black bear (Ursus americana) predation on calves, because the highlands may offer easier escape from this predator given the longer sightlines in open habitats. This second idea would be similar to the explanation for why woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) often migrate up mountain slopes (Bergerud et al. 1984), and for why elk (Cervus canadensis) migrate between high and low elevations in Alberta (Hebblewhite and Merrill 2007, Hebblewhite et al. 2008). However, because moose densities are about tenfold higher in Newfoundland than in other parts of their range in North America (McLaren et al. 2004), creating obvious effects on hampering regeneration in the forests of the coastal plain of GMNP (Connor et al. 2000, McLaren et al. 2004, Gosse et al. 2011, Humber and Hermanutz 2011), and because only a fraction of the population migrates, we favour limited forage availability in the lowlands as the primary factor for summer moose migration. To explore this hypothesis, which is consistent with the Holt and Fryxell (2011) model for migration, we compare the frequency of the fine-scale summer move- ment on the lowlands and the highlands, and compare resource selection functions (RSFs) for highland and lowland moose in GMNP. STUDY AREA GMNP is located on the Gulf of the St. Lawrence on the northern peninsula of New- foundland. Its lowlands, which encompass parts of the Western Newfoundland Forest and the Coastal Plain sub-region of the Northern Peninsula Forest (Damman 1983), are characterized by weather influences from the Gulf, producing moderate levels of annual precipitation (900–1000 mm) and cold and snowy winters (300–350 mm is in the form of snow; Hare 1952). Its high- lands, which are situated in the Long Range Barrens (Damman 1983), are similarly influ- enced by the Gulf, but with an orographic effect that creates a harsher climate, having annual precipitation and snowfall on average double that of the lowlands (Watson 1974). The mean annual temperature on the high- lands is 4.5 °C colder than that of the low- lands (Banfield 1983). In 1878, one female and one male moose were introduced to Newfoundland from Nova Scotia, and in 1904, 2 male and 2 female moose were introduced from New Brunswick (Pimlott 1953). Moose first inhabited the northern peninsula of New- foundland by the 1940s (Caines and Deich- mann 1989). While moose are currently found in all ecoregions of Newfoundland, 114 HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK – KERCKHOFF ET AL. ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 their density varies considerably. In the late 1970s when GMNP was being established, moose increased first on the highlands and by the 1980s moose had increased through- out the Park (Connor et al. 2000). At the time of the GPS collaring, surveys using stratified random blocks estimated the moose population at 7,377 ± 1,249 (4.1 ± 0.7 moose/km2; McLaren et al. 2000; GMNP, unpublished data). In 2007, popula- tion size was estimated separately for the two landscapes, at 3,975 ± 1,287 in the low- lands (4.2 ± 1.4 moose/km2) and 788 ± 223 SD in the highlands (0.9 ± 0.3 moose/km2); densities in partial surveys of the park were estimated in 2009 at 5.9 moose/km2 on the lowlands and 1.1 moose/km2 on the high- lands (GMNP, unpublished data). METHODS Habitat Classification Taylor and Sharma (2010) classified habitat types on the lowlands and highlands of GMNP from a single-image subset of 2, 10-m multispectral SPOT-5 satellite images (recorded 20 June 2006) with a K-means unsupervised classification. Classes were reorganized and described using information from aerial photographs and forest inven- tories, and local expert knowledge and field visits. Ten habitat types resulted for the low- lands (Table 1), and 6 for the highlands (Table 2). Collectively, the lowlands com- prise 938 km2 or 52% of the Park, of which 417 km2 or 44% is moose habitat in forest or disturbed forest types; the highlands com- prise 867 km2 or 48% of the Park, 641 km2 or 74% of which is moose habitat, but only a fraction of which is forest (Table 3). The classifications in Table 1 and 2 are the refer- ence for our description of habitat use by moose. Moose Locations In June 1997, 12 adult female moose (11 with at least one calf) were immobilized and fitted with GPS collars (Lotek Engineering, Inc.; McLaren et al. 2000; Table 4). The col- lars were set to attempt a fix at 3-h intervals. Remote downloading occurred in September 1997, November 1997, and March 1998. The collars were removed in November 1998, and the remaining data records were collected at that time. Location accuracy was found to be dependent on collar position in relation to topography and canopy, but 95% of all differentially corrected data from test collars had ± 25 m accuracy (Moen et al. 1997, McLaren et al. 2000). All 2-dimensional fixes were removed from the dataset, and only differentially corrected locations were used in the current analysis. Depending on collar functioning, locations were recorded over a 4–15.5 month period (Table 4). Five of the collared moose were year-round residents in the lowlands, 5 were year-round residents in the highlands, and the remaining 2 migrated seasonally between the 2 landscapes. Data Analysis The dataset was divided into summer and winter seasons following Vander Wal and Rodgers (2009). Six moose were used for calculation of seasonal transition dates; 3 in the lowlands and 3 in the highlands with sufficient data records to span most of a calendar year. For these moose, cumulative distance travelled was calculated in ArcView version 9 (ESRI, Redlands, California) and plotted against time beginning with 1 Janu- ary. Winter was defined as the period when rate of travel was less than the mean rate, estimated from the points of inflection of the best-fit logistic curves to the plots, where the estimated changes from winter to summer and from summer to winter are sym- metric around the inflection points. Curve- fitting used the logistic regression program in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 18 (also used for all subsequent analysis). The median dates ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 KERCKHOFF ET AL. – HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK 115 for the start and end of winter were estimated from the 3 curves for each of the 2 land- scapes and used to define the seasons for all subsequent analysis. Summer and winter home ranges and core-use areas were calculated using the fixed-kernel method in Home Range Tools (Rodgers et al. 2007) with Gaussian (bivari- ate normal) distributions, reporting the 95% and 50% isopleths for ranges and cores, respectively. The bandwidth size was deter- mined by finding the smallest proportion of the reference bandwidth that allowed one continuous outer line to encompass the Table 1. Habitat descriptions from a lowlands classification of Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Habitat type Description Category Mature softwood forest Softwood dominated, especially balsam fir (Abies balsamea); some mixed stands with white birch (Betula papyrifera). Closed-canopy forest Closed spruce forest Softwood dominated (balsam fir and black spruce, Picea mariana); other species include tamarack (Larix laricina), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and alder (Alnus spp.); site condition can be wet. Some stands of scrub forest. Closed-canopy forest Closed mixed forest Balsam fir dominated with some mixed stands (balsam fir, white birch). Stem density can be very high. Younger mixed stands (∼30 years since disturbance) are included. Closed-canopy forest Young softwood forest Softwood dominated with high content of hardwoods; canopy >50% and 6–9 m in height. Closed-canopy forest Open softwood forest Balsam fir dominated with 25–50% open canopy; white birch can be significant; some tree regeneration (heights of 1–4 m). Open-canopy forest Open mixed forest Softwood dominated with 25–50% open canopy. Sometimes wet. Trees shorter than in closed mixed forest; some tree regeneration. Open-canopy forest Open hardwood forest Hardwood dominated with 25–50% open canopy. Often originally a mixed forest where regeneration of balsam fir does not occur. Open-canopy forest Sparse softwood forest Softwood dominated (balsam fir, black spruce) with <25% canopy; limited regeneration; ferns and grass very prominent (<50% of ground cover); forest canopy is very broken consisting of mostly remnant forest from past disturbance; low density young black spruce <6 m height; pockets of conifer regeneration <4 m height can be present. Disturbed forest: sparse canopy with herb/grass ground cover Herb-hardwood forest Dominant plants include ferns, grass and raspberry (Rubus spp.) >50% of ground cover; very sparse forest canopy; some remnant white birch with alder or elderberry (Sambucus racemosa). Very little balsam fir. Scattered spruce <4 m height. Includes forested areas that have not regenerated after severe disturbance. Disturbed forest: sparse canopy with herb/grass ground cover Herb forest Dominant plants include ferns and grass (>50% of ground cover); exposed soil is common; large amounts of dead material (standing or fallen) and scattered remnant trees. Little regeneration >30 cm height. Mostly forested areas that have not regenerated after severe disturbance. Disturbed forest: sparse canopy with herb/grass ground cover 116 HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK – KERCKHOFF ET AL. ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 polygons (Worton 1989). Areas of open water, wetlands, and rock barrens were excluded from each of the resulting polygons and the remaining area was divided into the habitat types appropriate to the landscape. Fine-scale habitat use examined areas where a minimum of 3 consecutive GPS locations < 24 h apart occurred, with distances between them of < 50 m. This definition of an impor- tant habitat patch was arbitrary, but based on an inference that foraging and other activities such as bedding take place with shorter tra- vel distances. Mean weekly travel distances, as well as distances between the habitat patches, were calculated for each moose, for summer and winter separately, and then compared across seasons using repeated- measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Minimum travel distances were calculated in all cases as straight lines between succes- sive location points. RSFs (Manly et al. 2002) were modelled 6 times each using logistic regression from pooled locations of all individuals: 1) based on number of locations in each habitat type within the home range, compared to its area on the surrounding landscape, for describing summer habitat use by residents and migrants using the highlands in a marginal model; 2) in a similar marginal model for describing winter habitat use by residents and migrants using the lowlands; 3) in a con- ditional model based on number of locations for each moose in each habitat type within its Table 2. Habitat descriptions from a highlands classification of Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Habitat type Description Category Open softwood forest Balsam fir and some black spruce in a closed canopy ranging to <75% open; dense pockets of krummholz (locally known as tuckamore). Open heath and fen and bog interspersed. Closed- to open- canopy forest Scrub forest Trees <4 m height. Open heaths, fens, and bogs throughout (>50% of area). Open-canopy forest Shrub Predominantly low shrubs (<1 m height), interspersed with fens, bogs, and small pockets of scrub forest. Associated with transition from fen and tundra to scrub forest. Can be wet. Non-forest Tundra Low heath vegetation comprised of sedges (Carex spp.), caribou moss (Cladonia spp.) and crowberries (Empetrum spp.); <20% rock, but few shrubs or trees. Fairly dry. Non-forest Fen Sedge meadows with fens throughout. Non-forest Rock barren Boulder fields and exposed rock. Very little vegetation. Non-forest Table 3. Habitat availability in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Habitat type Availability on landscape Area (km2) Percent Lowlands Mature softwood forest 69.6 7 Closed spruce forest 27.6 3 Closed mixed forest 65.5 7 Young softwood forest 56.7 6 Open softwood forest 62.5 7 Open mixed forest 43.6 5 Open hardwood forest 39.0 4 Sparse softwood forest 19.3 2 Herb-hardwood forest 20.0 2 Herb forest 13.5 1 Highlands Open softwood forest 184.7 21 Scrub forest 133.5 15 Shrub 130.0 15 Tundra 130.3 15 Fen 62.6 7 ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 KERCKHOFF ET AL. – HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK 117 Table 4. First and last dates of collaring, record length, and home range area in summer and winter from fixed-kernel estimates using a 95% isopleth for 12 GPS- collared moose. This table also shows median seasonal transition dates, and lengths of summer and winter for moose using the two landscapes year-round in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Migrating moose are identified by an asterisk. ID Landscape First day collared Last day recording Record length (days) Home range size (km2) Median seasonal transition dates Median season length (days) Summer Winter Winter to summer Summer to winter Summer Winter 15 Lowlands 25-Jun-97 13-Oct-98 468 11.9 12.1 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 16 Lowlands 25-Jun-97 13-Oct-98 468 13.2 13.1 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 19 Lowlands 25-Jun-97 05-Nov-97 130 2.9 1.8 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 21* Lowlands 25-Jun-97 16-Jan-98 201 — 5.5 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 22* Lowlands 26-Jun-97 18-Jun-98 352 — 12.3 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 25 Lowlands 26-Jun-97 21-Jun-98 355 8.3 12.1 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 26 Lowlands 26-Jun-97 15-Nov-97 139 4.2 2.4 18-Apr-98 11-Oct-98 173 181 17 Highlands 25-Jun-97 13-Oct-98 468 11.3 10.8 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 18 Highlands 25-Jun-97 27-Feb-98 242 6.8 8.7 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 20 Highlands 25-Jun-97 17-Mar-98 262 6.6 8.2 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 21* Highlands 25-Jun-97 16-Jan-98 201 5.7 — 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 22* Highlands 26-Jun-97 18-Jun-98 352 8.0 — 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 23 Highlands 26-Jun-97 13-Oct-98 467 9.2 7.2 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 24 Highlands 26-Jun-97 01-Jun-98 335 7.0 4.6 30-Apr-98 24-Oct-98 174 180 1 1 8 H A B IT A T U S E T H R O U G H O U T G R O S M O R N E PA R K – K E R C K H O F F E T A L . A L C E S V O L . 4 9 , 2 0 1 3 home range, compared to its area on the sur- rounding landscape, for describing summer and winter habitat use by residents of the lowlands; 4) in a similar conditional model for describing summer and winter habitat use by residents of the highlands; 5) in a con- ditional model based on number of locations for each moose in each habitat type within its core-use area, compared to its area in the home range, for describing finer-scale sum- mer and winter habitat use by residents of the lowlands; and 6) in a similar conditional model for describing summer and winter habitat use within the core-use areas of resi- dents of the highlands. In the first 2 (mar- ginal) models, one moose resident on the highlands was removed because of too few locations (ID 18, Table 4). Habitat use by residents in the 2 land- scapes, habitat use by the 2 migrant moose, and differences in habitat use between the winter and summer seasons were statistically compared in a mixed-effects model with ran- dom intercepts and coefficients (Gillies et al. 2006). To determine the most parsimonious regression models, corrected Akaike’s Infor- mation Criteria (AICc) and model deviance were compared to a model with random vari- ables for each individual moose. A com- pound symmetric structure was assumed, meaning that covariance among all responses of an animal was assumed con- stant (Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh 2004) and habitat availability was also assumed constant over time (Manly et al. 2002). These assumptions limit the applicability of the RSFs to the time period studied. Random intercepts and coefficients for all habitat types experiencing some use were estimated, and coefficients significantly > 1 were defined as selection of a habitat type. Calcu- lations were all relative to open softwood forest as a reference habitat type, which was defined similarly for both landscapes. RESULTS Home-range size varied considerably among individual moose, and there was no consistent size difference by landscape for either winter (F1,11 = 0.57, P = 0.58) or sum- mer (F1,11 = 1.53, P = 0.06; Table 4). There was also no difference in winter and summer home-range sizes on either the lowlands (F1,11 = 0.26, P = 0.88) or the highlands (F1,11 = 0.33, P = 0.67). The mean distances travelled during a one-year period were 309 km for residents on the lowlands and 267 km for residents on the highlands. Moose travelled less in winter than in summer. Weekly travel distances varied according to season (F1,11 = 106.35, P < 0.001; Fig. 1). There was no difference in weekly travel dis- tances by landscape (F1,11 = 0.75, P = 0.47). The summer season differed in length between the 2 landscapes, but only by a day (Table 4). Summer, defined by moose travel rates, started and ended close to 2 weeks earlier on the lowlands. The best-fit marginal RSF models describing habitat use by residents and migrants showed consistent selection of Fig. 1. Weekly distance travelled (km) for moose in Gros Morne National Park, New- foundland, Canada. ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 KERCKHOFF ET AL. – HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK 119 habitats in summer when they occupied the highlands together, and variable selection of habitats in winter when they occupied the lowlands together (Table 5); however, for both seasons, models with differences in habitat use between residents and migrants were rejected. For the remaining 4 RSFs, conditional models with residents and migrants pooled, the best-fit were those including seasonal differences. In summer, habitat types used less than expected based on availability at both the home-range and core-use scales were herb-hardwood forest and herb forest (Table 6). Closed spruce for- est, closed mixed forest, and young softwood forest were among the top habitat types selected in summer relative to open soft- wood forest, but were not selected more than expected. The pattern was generally reversed in winter on the lowlands; herb- hardwood forest and herb forest, along with open hardwood forest and sparse softwood forest, were all selected by resident moose at both the home-range and core-use scales. At the home-range scale, young softwood forest and both closed forest types were also selected in winter. In the RSFs calcu- lated for moose resident on the highlands, the fen, tundra, and shrub habitat types were selected in summer at the home-range scale, while only the fen and tundra types were selected at the core-use scale. The pat- tern was similar in winter, but scrub forest was also selected at the home-range scale and shrub, not tundra, was selected at the core-use scale. The overall trend in summer was more use of closed-canopy forest types on the lowlands and more use of non-forest habitat types on the highlands. Selection of disturbed forest is a winter phenomenon on the lowlands of GMNP; the same category of habitat types is avoided in summer. Defined by repeated occupation of an area with travel distances < 50 m apart, most fine-scale habitat patches on the low- lands were categorized as disturbed forest (50/127) or as open-canopy forest (47/127). There were an additional 22 fine-scale habi- tat patches identified in young softwood for- est, while only 8 of the 127 fine-scale habitat selections on the lowlands were in closed- canopy forest. There were 13.5 habitat patches per 100 km2 on the lowlands, but more on the highlands (18.3/100 km2) where the majority were in open softwood forest (70/159). Straight-line distances travelled between fine-scale habitat patches were Table 5. Ranking of habitat types, from most to least selected, for highland residents (N = 5; n = 3,252) and migrants (N = 2; n = 2,919) during summer on the highlands, and lowland residents (N = 5; n = 2,013) and migrants (N = 2; n = 1,018) during winter on the lowlands, where lower-case n refers to total number of locations in home ranges used to calculate resource selection functions (RSFs); Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Habitat types signifi- cantly selected (P < 0.05) by at least 4 of 5 residents or both of the migrants are shown in boldface. The open softwood forest is a reference habitat (shown in italics). Residents Migrants Summer on the highlands (1) Fen Fen (2) Tundra Tundra (3) Shrub Shrub (4) Open softwood forest Open softwood forest (5) Scrub forest Scrub forest Winter on the lowlands (1) Closed spruce forest Herb-hardwood forest (2) Herb forest Closed spruce forest (3) Closed mixed forest Herb forest (4) Mature softwood forest Mature softwood forest (5) Young softwood forest Closed mixed forest (6) Herb-hardwood forest Sparse softwood forest (7) Sparse softwood forest Open hardwood forest (8) Open hardwood forest Young softwood forest (9) Open mixed forest Open mixed forest (10) Open softwood forest Open softwood forest 120 HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK – KERCKHOFF ET AL. ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 greater in summer than in winter (F1,120 = 36.28, P = 0.01), a consistent pattern for moose in both landscapes (F1,120 = 0.08, P = 0.93); there was no difference in travel distances between patches by landscape (F1,120 = 0.01, P = 0.99). DISCUSSION Despite variation among individual moose in habitat selection in the Park’s more diverse and forested lowlands, as reported earlier (McLaren et al. 2009), we are able to show with RSFs that more use of closed-canopy forest occurs in summer, likely as a means of heat avoidance. Conver- sely, selection of disturbed and open-canopy forest is a winter phenomenon on the lowlands; the same category of habitat types is avoided during summer. In the cooler highlands, selection of non-forest habitat types may reflect less need to escape heat in the summer relative to the lowlands, and perhaps a means to escape insects. In winter, where moose populations are locally at higher densities according to both aerial sur- veys (GMNP, unpublished data) and the fre- quency of our identified winter habitat patches, selecting disturbed and open- canopy forest on the lowlands may be matched to optimal foraging, while selecting fen and shrub on the highlands may be matched to travel through areas where snow is packed along trails that reduces the energy cost of locomotion (Telfer and Kelsall 1979). Table 6. Ranking of habitat types, from most to least selected, within home ranges and core-use areas for resident moose in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada: 5 moose in lowlands and 4 moose in highlands; lower-case n refers to total number of locations in home ranges or in core-use areas used to calculate RSFs. Habitat types selected or avoided (P < 0.05) in proportion to their available area are shown in boldface. The open softwood forest is a reference habitat (shown in italics). Summer habitat ranking Winter habitat ranking Lowlands Home range (n = 3,765) Core-use area (n = 1,485) Home range (n = 2,013) Core-use area (n = 1,679) (1) Closed spruce forest Closed mixed forest (1) Herb forest Herb-hardwood forest (2) Young softwood forest Closed spruce forest (2) Herb-hardwood forest Herb forest (3) Closed mixed forest Young softwood forest (3) Young softwood forest Sparse softwood forest (4) Open softwood forest Mature softwood forest (4) Open hardwood forest Open hardwood forest (5) Mature softwood forest Open softwood forest (5) Closed mixed forest Open mixed forest (6) Sparse softwood forest Open hardwood forest (6) Closed spruce forest Closed spruce forest (7) Open hardwood forest Open mixed forest (7) Sparse softwood forest Young softwood forest (8) Open mixed forest Sparse softwood forest (8) Open mixed forest Closed mixed forest (9) Herb-hardwood forest Herb-hardwood forest (9) Mature softwood forest Open softwood forest (10) Herb forest Herb forest (10) Open softwood forest Mature softwood forest Highlands Home range (n = 2,954) Core-use area (n = 1,609) Home range (n = 1,914) Core-use area (n = 1,619) (1) Fen Fen (1) Fen Fen (2) Tundra Tundra (2) Shrub Shrub (3) Shrub Shrub (3) Tundra Tundra (4) Open softwood forest Open softwood forest (4) Scrub forest Scrub forest (5) Scrub forest Scrub forest (5) Open softwood forest Open softwood forest ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 KERCKHOFF ET AL. – HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK 121 In areas where snow is deep, reducing the energy cost of travel may be more important than avoiding competition for food. The most straightforward way of describing habitat use is in terms of density (Holt and Fryxell 2011). To approximate local moose densities, the total area in habi- tat types selected by moose could be substi- tuted for an average density over the entire landscape areas. If habitat types selected dur- ing winter, based on the core-use areas of GPS-collared moose occupying the lowlands in this season, are used to represent the best habitat types (herb-hardwood, herb, sparse softwood, and open hardwood forests), win- ter density would be 20.6 moose/km2, almost 5 x larger than the density estimate across the lowlands in the March 2007 survey (4.2 moose/km2). If moose remaining on the highlands in winter similarly used only those habitat types selected in core-use areas by the GPS-collared subset (fen and shrub), their density would be 1.7 moose/km2, about twice the landscape density estimate (0.9 moose/km2) for the highlands. The lowland winter habitat types are essentially aban- doned during summer in favour of habitat types providing thermal cover (closed- canopy forest); this change, combined with 20% of the population migrating to the highlands (McLaren et al. 2000), reduces effective summer density on the lowlands. Meanwhile, summer migrants, according to the 2007 winter lowland population estimate, should double the corresponding winter estimate for the highlands, where tun- dra, roughly equal in area to shrub, is simply substituted as a preferred habitat in summer. Presumably, seasonal abundance of forage is one benefit to spending the summer on the highlands. Thus, 2 landscapes in GMNP provide insight into habitat selection by moose in Newfoundland and Labrador. We find that moose adapt seasonally to the Park’s low- lands and highlands. Moose adopting either of 2 strategies, year-round residence in one landscape or migration between landscapes, do not appear to select habitat differently when they occupy the same landscape. This point parallels the consensus for migration in a review and study in Sweden (Ball et al. 2001) that concluded that snow depth is the likely driver for moose migration. What dif- fers in our study is insight into the advan- tages in summer for the fraction of moose opting to return to an otherwise less hospita- ble landscape, that being the snowy high- lands. If we accept a conclusion from a Québec study that movement rates for moose are better indicators of forage availability than home range size (Dussault et al. 2005), and that the habitat patches in open softwood forest on the highlands offer more forage in summer than that provided on average in the disturbed or open-canopy forest on the lowlands, we are describing a situation simi- lar to what has been described for predator- free Svaldbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) (Bremset Hansen et al. 2009). In this case, populations in over- grazed range move to areas of higher forage biomass, not higher forage quality. Further, although plant phenology from spring through early summer is generally associated with increasing forage quality (Klein 1990), the nitrogen content in forage declines initi- ally after snowmelt (Van der Wal et al. 2000). Thus, migrant moose may travel upland in GMNP to maximize biomass con- sumption while tracking delayed plant phe- nology in the cooler highlands climate. It is recommended that moose manage- ment in GMNP consider 2 landscapes (the lowlands and the highlands) as separate management units due to differences both in habitat types they offer and densities of moose they support. Park management plans should ensure landscape connectivity for moose migrating between the highlands and lowlands. On this note, management across Newfoundland and Labrador that is both 122 HABITAT USE THROUGHOUT GROS MORNE PARK – KERCKHOFF ET AL. ALCES VOL. 49, 2013 effective and adaptable need not be depen- dent on defining discrete populations of moose, but should be in the context of the 2 very different landscapes the Province offers to moose. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. A. Rodgers, Centre for Northern For- est Ecosystem Research, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Dr. D. Eastman, Uni- versity of Victoria, provided advice and con- structive criticism on portions of this paper submitted by its lead author as a MSc thesis in Forestry at Lakehead University. Two anonymous reviewers and Alces editor Dr. E. Addison provided helpful comments to improve this manuscript. S. Taylor, GMNP, provided invaluable assistance in interpret- ing habitat types and in analyzing GPS data. This project was funded and coordi- nated by the Institute for Biodiversity, Eco- system Science and Sustainability of the Government of Newfoundland and Labra- dor, with additional funding and in-kind sup- port provided by Parks Canada and Lakehead University. The original fieldwork and preliminary data analysis occurred under the guidance of the Inland Fish and Wildlife Division of the Government of Newfound- land and Labrador, with assistance by D. Anions and C. McCarthy (formerly of GMNP) and technical advice from Dr. A. Rodgers. REFERENCES BALL, J. P., C. NORDENGREN, and K. 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