180 DISTINGUISHED MOOSE BIOLOGIST - AWARD CRITERIA An award was established by the North American Moose Conference and Workshop in 1981 to honour, and bring to the public's atten- tion, the outstanding contribution of a particular individual, individuals, and/or organizations to moose management. Criteria Guidelines for nominating individuals are as fol- lows: 1. Published papers on moose in a variety of refereed journals, (>10 in journals including Alces), department documents published in their jurisdiction, and articles in popular outdoor magazines and periodicals. 2. Involvement and participation in the North American Moose Conference and Workshop. (i.e., hosting a conference, participating in workshops, committees, raising innovative ideas, and donations of time and items to auc- tions). 3. Editing and reviewing papers submitted to Alces - a major consideration. 4. Field experience as a manager and or researcher who has demonstrated an understanding of field management and research on moose. 5. Administrative experience and attainment of a level of responsibility in overall resource man- agement with particular emphasis on moose. 6. Academic experience in attaining a level of education and subsequent sharing of this knowledge with the public, other peers, and administrators. 7. Time dedicated to moose management (i.e., # years involved). 8. Personal character. A subjective index based on an individual's interaction with his/her peers and others. A person having the broadest involvement regarding the listed criteria would best qualify. Criteria #1 and 2 should out-weigh those of #3-8 by a ratio of about 2:1. Nominations Nominations can be submitted by anyone before MARCH 15TH each year prior to the annual North American Moose Conference and Workshop. Persons submitting nominations must show (in writing) how their candidate meets the criteria and why they believe the candidate deserves the award. Upon receipt of one or more nominations, a Selection Committee consisting of all former recipients of the Distinguished Moose Biologist Award, who choose to participate in the selection process, will review submissions and reach a deci- sion based on a simple majority of those voting. The award when presented will be announced at the annual North American Moose Conference and Workshop. The recipient of the DMB Award is expected to attend the subsequent North American Moose Conference and Workshop and make a special "Distinguished Moose Biologist" presentation at the end of the conference. The local organizing committee and Alces will contribute to the travel costs of the recipient (see Alces website, http://bolt.lakeheadu.ca/~alceswww/alces.html, for details). The Distinguished Moose Biologist Award should not be considered an annual award. NOMINATIONS should be forwarded to: Dr. Arthur R. Rodgers Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 955 Oliver Road Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada P7B 5E1 E-mail: art.rodgers@ontario.ca