ALCES 48 (2012) CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM: HAROld GREENfIEld CuMMING ............................................... i uSING PElVIS MORPHOlOGY TO IdENTIfY SEX IN MOOSE SKElETAl REMAINS ............................................. Jason A. Duetsch and Rolf O. Peterson 1 SEASONAl VARIATION Of PHENOlS, NITROGEN, fIBER, ANd IN VITRO dIGESTIBIlITY IN SWEdISH MOOSE .................................................................... ................ R. Thomas Palo, Peter A. Jordan, Åke Pehrson and Hans Staaland 7 EffECTS Of ESSENTIAl OIlS ON THE fEEdING CHOICE BY MOOSE ........... ...................................................................... Sabine Edlich and Caroline Stolter 17 dISTRIBuTION ANd PREVAlENCE Of ElAEOPHORA SCHNEIdERI IN MOOSE IN WYOMING ............. John C. Henningsen, Amy L. Williams, Cynthia M. Tate, Steve A. Kilpatrick, and W. David Walter 35 EffECTIVE TEMPERATuRE dIffERENCES AMONG COVER TYPES IN NORTHEAST MINNESOTA ....................... Amanda M. McGraw, Ron Moen, and Lance Overland 45 ECOTHERMIC RESPONSES Of MOOSE (ALCES ALCES) TO THERMO- REGulATORY STRESS ON MAINlANd NOVA SCOTIA ......... Hugh G. Broders, Andrea B. Coombs, and J. R. McCarron 53 HISTORY ANd STATuS Of MOOSE IN OREGON .............. Patrick E. Matthews 63 POTVIN dOuBlE-COuNT AERIAl SuRVEYS IN NEW BRuNSWICK: ARE RESulTS RElIABlE fOR MOOSE? .................... Roderick E. Cumberland 67 COMPARING STRATIfICATION SCHEMES fOR AERIAl MOOSE SuRVEYS .... ..................................................................... John R. Fieberg and Mark S. Lenarz 79 VISIBIlITY Of MOOSE IN A TEMPERATE RAINfOREST ..................................... ......................................... Susan A. Oehlers, R. Terry Bowyer, Falk Huettmann, David K. Person, and Winifred B. Kessler 89 AGE, SEX, ANd SEASONAl dIffERENTIAlS Of CARCASS WEIGHTS Of MOOSE fROM THE CENTRAl INTERIOR Of BRITISH COluMBIA: A COMPARATIVE ANAlYSIS ........................ Daniel A. Aitken, Kenneth N. Child, Roy V. Rea, and Olav G. Hjeljord 105 PERCEPTIONS Of MOOSE-HuMAN CONflICTS IN AN uRBAN ENVIRONMENT ..................................... Alaina Marie H. McDonald, Roy V. Rea, and Gayle Hesse 123 (Continued on inside back cover) 46TH NORTH AMERICAN MOOSE CONfERENCE ANd WORKSHOP ................ 131 PREVIOuS MEETING SITES................................................................................. 133 dISTINGuISHEd MOOSE BIOlOGIST - KJEll dANEll .................................... 135 dISTINGuISHEd MOOSE BIOlOGIST - PAST RECIPIENTS............................... 136 dISTINGuISHEd MOOSE BIOlOGIST - AWARd CRITERIA ............................... 138 EdITORIAl REVIEW COMMITTEE........................................................................ 139 ADDITIONAL COPIES Additional copies and back issues of Alces (ISSN 0835-5851 - called Proceedings of the North American Moose Conference and Workshop up to Vol. 16, 1980), most International Moose Sympo- sia, and Special Symposia can be purchased online through the Lakehead University Alumni Book- store - All past publications are priced at CDN or US $49.99 each plus applicable tax (GST or HST). Price includes mailing and handling costs. Prices are subject to change. For more information contact the Alces Business Editor. Make cheques, money orders or purchase orders payable to Lakehead University Bookstore. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Brooke Pilley worked long hours formatting and typesetting manuscripts. ALCES HOME PAGE Further information on contents of past issues, prices, ordering, as well as instructions to submitting authors, are available at our website: