135 KJELL DANELL DISTINGUISHED MOOSE BIOLOGIST - 2011 RECIPIENT The Distinguished Moose Biologist Award was presented to Professor Kjell Danell at the 46th North American Moose Conference and Workshop held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, May 23-26, 2011 in recognition of his many contributions to our understanding of moose biology and manage- ment. Professor Danell is Senior Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Kjell graduated from Umeå University in northern Sweden with a Master of Science comprised of botany, chemistry, zoology, and environment protection in 1971. Although Kjell received formal qualifications as a teacher after his M.Sc. Degree, he instead moved into research and became a graduate student. He graduated with a PhD in animal ecology with research focused on the ecology of the American muskrat that was an introduced species in Sweden. Afterward, Kjell’s research quickly diversi- fied and moose research and management became his primary interest. With the rapidly increas- ing number of moose in Sweden that peaked at ~500,000 in the 1980s, moose became of major societal interest and importance, both pro and con. This unique ungulate population required intensified management with issues such as hunting practices, forest damage, and traffic accidents of critical importance in Sweden, an extensive field of research that Kjell embraced. His contributions to international moose research and management have been extensive, with numerous publications, students, and outreach activity marking his distin- guished career. Kjell was employed as Professor in Animal Ecology in 1988, and is currently re- nowned as one of the most distinguished wildlife researchers in Scandinavia. Kjell has been a very productive researcher and writer, publishing well over 100 original research articles in more than 30 refereed international scientific journals including ALCES. Importantly, he also contributes substantially to the popular literature and agencies, producing >15 articles annually. He has edited a number of books, and written book chapters and ~100 popular scientific papers in Swedish and/or English. His magnum opus is the book Vilt, människa samhälle (English translation: “Wildlife, Human, Society”) on adap- tive management in Sweden that he recently edited with his long-time colleague and friend, Profes- sor Roger Bergström. This book, in many ways, comprises what Kjell represents and believes in with regard to practical management and outreach; applied research that aims for sustainable resource management with broad societal acceptance. Kjell has a discrete and sophisticated person- ality. His mind always moves in alternate ways, and his strategic approach is very result-oriented and determined. Yet, so many have enjoyed and savoured their productive and enlightening sit- downs with him to discuss matters from research and practical management, to strategic passages and purely private perspectives and reflections in his exhilarating academic world. The North American Moose Conference and Workshop is proud to recognize a humble and productive researcher that has devoted most of his life to science in general, and moose research and management in particular, Professor Kjell Danell, the recipient of the Distinguished Moose Biologist Award in 2011. Margareta Stéen Carl-Gustaf Thulin