147 6TH INTERNATIONAL MOOSE SYMPOSIUM Yakutsk, Russia 13 - 21 AUGUST 2008 tional management of biological resources since they represent the national wealth and wellbeing of the present and future genera� tions.” �he �hair also welcomed delega��he �hair also welcomed delega�welcomed delega� tions from previous host countries including Dr. Vince �richton of �anada and the only participant of all six International Symposi� ums, Professor Kjell Danell, Member of the Swedish Royal Academy, Professor Leonid Baskin of Russia, Dr. Kris Hundertmark of the USA, and a large group of Norwegian moose biologists. �he Symposium continued 15�21 Au� gust at �he Sosnovy Bor Sanatorium, MIA in the Khangalassky region. Participants stayed in cabins on the banks of the great Lena River. �here were 54 presentations by Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Estonian, Finnish, and American researchers covering a diversity of moose�related topics includ� ing morphology, genetics, ecology, and management; forage, habitat, and range; diseases and biotechnology; and social, legal, economic, and ethical issues. At the final plenary session 3 key points were raised: 1) In the 21st century effective moose management programs will be critical to preserve the history, ethnic identity, and spiritual and material values of moose important to peoples in regions under increasing industrial development. 2) International cooperation in moose research and management is essential to develop the most effective moose man� agement systems globally. Establish� ment of an inter�regional coordinating centre would best achieve this goal. 3) Sound population monitoring that promotes effective scientific and economic moose management strategies is necessary to ensure that moose provide widespread and Moose in Virgin and Anthropogenic Altered Landscapes �he 6th International Moose Symposium was held in eastern Siberia, Russia in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) on 13-21 August 2008, marking the first Moose Symposium held in modern Russia. �he theme and location of the Symposium were especially significant because this region of Russia is undergoing dynamic development, yet still holds much virgin forest, and moose evolved and subsequently spread from this region to North America via the Bering Land Bridge. �he Symposium was hosted by the Sakha Republic Government, the Institute of Biological Problems of the �ryolitho� zone, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Severtsev Institute of Problems in Ecology and Evolu� tion. �he organizing committee was headed by A. I. Stepanov, Deputy Head of the Sakha Republic, and included V. A. Grigo� riev, Minister for Nature Protection of the Sakha Republic, A. A. Pakhomov, Minister of Science and Professional Education of the Sakha Republic, Professor N. G. Solo� monov, corresponding member of the Rus� sian Academy of Sciences, and Professor L. M. Baskin of the Severtsev Institute. More than 90 participants, over half from North America and Europe, joined in Yakutia to discuss and learn about global moose research and management. A. I. Stepanov, �hair of the Organising �om� mittee, opened the VI International Moose Symposium at the �onvention Hall of the Sakha Academy of Sciences by reading the welcoming speech of V. A. Shtyrov, Presi� dent of the Sakha Republic who stressed that “�he Sakha Republic makes great efforts in preserving, rehabilitation, and ra� 148 continuous benefit to society. �he plenary session ended with par� ticipants of the 6th International Moose Symposium expressing their gratitude to many agencies of the Sakha Republic including the Government, Ministry for Na�Government, Ministry for Na�, Ministry for Na�Ministry for Na� for Na�for Na� Na�Na� ture Protection, Department of Biological Resources, Department of Hunting Manage�, Department of Hunting Manage�Department of Hunting Manage� of Hunting Manage�of Hunting Manage� Hunting Manage�Hunting Manage� Manage�Manage� ment, Ministry of Science and Professional Education, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and staff of �he Sosnovy Bor Sanatorium. Ap�Ap� preciation was also extended to the staff at Lena Pillars Nature Park, local authorities and citizens of the Khangalassky region, the Hunters and Fishermen Association of Khangalassky region, Yakut State Ag� ricultural Academy, Yakutsk Agricultural Research Institute, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and many others. �he Symposium concluded on 21 August after which a number of participants par� took in multi-day field trips. Authors: Innokenty Mikhailovich Okhlopkov Scientific secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences Institute for Biological Problems of �ryoli� thozone, Yakutsk, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yakutsk State Univer� sity, 677891, Yakutsk, Lenin Avenue, 41 E�mail: mountlab@ibpc.ysn.ru Nikita Gavrilovich Solomonov �ounsellor of the RAS, Professor Institute for Biological Problems of �ryoli� thozone, Yakutsk, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yakutsk State Univer� sity, 677891, Yakutsk, Lenin Avenue, 41 E�mail: mountlab@ibpc.ysn.ru