p75-84_4106.pdf ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 MCLAREN AND MERCER - DENSITY MANAGEMENT 75 HOW MANAGEMENT UNIT LICENSE QUOTAS RELATE TO POPULATION SIZE, DENSITY, AND HUNTER ACCESS IN NEWFOUNDLAND B. E. McLaren1,2 and W. E. Mercer3 1Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, P.O Box 2222, Gander, NL, Canada A1V 2N9; 38 Virginia Place, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1A 3G6 ABSTRACT: We recommend introducing habitat-based moose density as a management tool to be used in annual quota setting. We illustrate our recommendation with the case of Newfoundland, where moose densities are much higher than elsewhere in North America, and have led to local areas of habitat deterioration and subsequent population decline. We suggest more emphasis be placed on relationships between local densities of moose and reported hunter kill locations to stabilize populations. We calculated both moose density and moose-kill density using estimates of forest and “scrub” cover in management units surveyed between 1985 and 2001, comparing aerial surveys with license sales for the same year population size estimates calculated by management unit, especially in central Newfoundland. In the latter part of our study period, a strong relationship between license quotas and population estimates (r2 kills and population size were less well correlated. Overall during this period, kill density increased, while moose density decreased, sometimes below target. ALCES VOL. 41: 75-84 (2005) Key words: accessibility, Alces alces, density, management, moose, Newfoundland, population dy- namics, quotas, targets Effective management of moose (Alces alces) populations requires on-going assess- ment of their size and productivity, ideally along with habitat assessments. It also requires consideration of the feasibility of implement- ing various hunting strategies, based on hunter demand and capability, and further on the ability of wildlife managers to understand moose population dynamics. Spatial variation in moose population dynamics and in hunter success within a management unit may demand sequence of unit-by-unit comparisons of aerial survey summaries and hunting objectives. Unfortunately, innovative licensing strategies within a management unit are rarely under- taken (one example is described in McLaren scale, habitat-based approach to management has long been a recommendation to managers (Timmermann and Buss 1998). Unlike the usual approach to moose management, carried out by estimating population size and assigning a sustainable “share” or “quota” to hunters, we recommend approaching moose populations by introducing habitat-based density measures as the basic management parameter. This paper is directed to illustrating our recommendation using the case of moose management on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. An interesting perspective granted by Newfoundland moose also comes from our 2Present address: Faculty of Forestry and the Forest Environment, Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada P7B 5E1 DENSITY MANAGEMENT – MCLAREN AND MERCER ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 76 experience that for game species, much focus is spent by managers on cases of declining populations, which are the short-term interest of the hunting public. Much less is understood about overpopulations, even though the situ- ation ironically also leads in the long term to declining populations (McLaren et al. 2004). Overpopulation, or overabundance, usually occurs following introduction into unexploited habitat and persists in situations without natu- ral predators (McShea et al. 1997). This is the case for Newfoundland, where wolves (Canis lupus) are absent due to their extirpation in the 1920s, and as a result, moose densities are much higher than elsewhere in Canada. Ac- tive control strategies to optimize condition of moose and moose habitat then arguably become a primary responsibility of managers (McLaren et al. 2004). Several decades ago, Pimlott (1953) suggested that inadequate hunt- ing was the most pressing issue facing moose management, particularly in Newfoundland. Associated with his argument were concerns for inaccessibility of large areas, refusal of logging companies to permit hunter access to their licensed lands, public pressure against liberalizing hunting seasons and against the killing of females, and the lack of inclination and/or inability of most hunters to penetrate into a hunting area from an established road. Another concern recognized during the 1960s was the inaccuracy of many moose aerial surveys (Bergerud and Manuel 1969). Mer- cer (1995) and Mercer and McLaren (2002) reviewed some of these same concerns and determined that problems still exist regard- ing the access by hunters of remote areas and the ability of moose surveys to detect local overpopulations in certain management units. Current stated goals for moose in New- foundland include a target density of 2 moose / km2 of forested habitat in each moose management unit. Yet, achievement of this goal is assessed only as an average for an entire management unit. Mercer (1995:92) presents the position that more emphasis be placed on relationships between densities of moose and hunter moose-kill to achieve this target and also to stabilize populations. This paper considers these variables explicitly and reviews moose management in Newfoundland in two periods, before and after Mercer’s (1995) recommendation. We will focus our discussion on local moose overabundance in Newfoundland. STUDY AREA The island of Newfoundland, 112,000 km2, is situated off mainland Canada in the North Atlantic, near 50° N latitude and 55° W longitude (Fig. 1). About two-thirds of the island is forested, in an area roughly bisected by the route of the Trans Canada Highway, plus in additional areas of the Northern Peninsula, Avalon Peninsula, west coast, and in river valleys along the south coast. Most forests Abies balsamea) and spruce (Picea spp.), with a mix of pioneer (Betula spp. and Populus tremu- loides), and tolerant (Acer spp. and Sorbus spp. and other) hardwoods. Moose (A. a. andersoni) were introduced to central Newfoundland in 1878 with the release of a male and female from nearby Nova Scotia (Pimlott 1953). A second release of two males and two females from New Brunswick, into western Newfoundland, fol- lowed in 1904. The arrival of moose to the Avalon Peninsula appears to have been delayed by several decades due to slower migration across a narrow isthmus (Broders et al. 1999). The island-wide population increased to record high numbers, about 150,000, by 1986 (Mercer 1995), after which populations de- creased, to a 1999 post-hunt estimate of 125,000 animals (Mercer and McLaren 2002). Moose now occupy all parts of the island of Newfoundland, with higher densities in for- ested than in non-forested areas. More than half a million Newfoundland moose have been taken by licensed hunters since 1945. The majority of licenses are sold ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 MCLAREN AND MERCER - DENSITY MANAGEMENT 77 to residents, from access linked to the Trans Canada Highway (Ferguson et al. 1989). Li- cense sales offer limited-entry opportunities to hunters, with a combination for most units of a selective hunt by sex (mostly male-only and some female-only tags) and a more restrictive draw for either-sex moose tags. Young of the year (calves) can be taken on both license types. Calculation of the combined license quota for each management unit begins with a popula- tion estimate from the last available aerial survey and a management objective (i.e., an increasing, decreasing, or stable population). For each year since the last aerial survey, an estimate of population recruitment is based on observed productivity (i.e., the number of calves) at the time of the survey. Recruit- ment is adjusted by estimates of natural, late- winter mortality. Mortality estimates in the population also include the number of moose killed by hunters based on hunter information (submitted mandibles and a mandatory report of success on individual licenses), and losses to poaching, crippling, and moose-vehicle collisions (Mercer 1995). Recruitment and mortality estimates are combined with reports of the number of moose seen by hunters with either-sex tags. The reconstructed population is used to create a “quota.” Quotas are most often changed when a management unit is periodically resurveyed (about once every 5-10 years) and found to be above or below “target.” Hunters provide in many cases a written description of their kill location, as well as information on maps attached to their license returns as to the 5 km × 5 km area where they took their animal. Demand for resident hunting in New- foundland has historically been high, and the number of licenses sold in most management units is very near to the quota. Allocations to non-resident hunting vary by management unit, are often given special consideration in more remote areas, and usually complete - age for Newfoundland. There is no special consideration for First Nations hunters in this part of the province. Resident hunter success varies considerably both among and within Newfoundland management units and is correlated both to the variability in moose density (Ferguson and Messier 1996) and to road accessibility (Ferguson et al. 1989). In 2002, 26,360 moose licenses were sold for insular Newfoundland. An average resident - ing a season approximately from September to December. METHODS Twenty-three sample moose management units, ranging in size from ca 700 to ca 4,500 km2, were selected from among those in insular Newfoundland considered most accessible to resident hunters. This selection, chosen to represent a standardized level of access to hunting, excluded special management units (created in a few remote locations) but included any management unit intersecting the Trans Canada Highway, plus two management units Fig. 1. Location of 23 moose management units along the Trans Canada Highway in Newfound- land, for which aerial survey data are available for two periods, 1985-1991 and 1993-2001. DENSITY MANAGEMENT – MCLAREN AND MERCER ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 78 on the Avalon Peninsula less than a 30 minute drive from the highway and less than an hour from metropolitan St. John’s (Fig. 1). Choice of management units was also based on avail- ability of aerial population estimates in our two periods of interest, 1985-1991 and 1993-2001, roughly before and after management recom- mendations made in the early 1990s (Mercer 1995). These two periods also correspond to the last peak moose density recorded and to the most recent population estimates for most areas (Mercer and McLaren 2002). Only two management units adjacent to the highway, units 8 and 10 in western Newfoundland, were excluded from our analysis due to lack of data. Moose population estimates were obtained from calculations (Inland Fish and Wildlife Division, 1985-2001, unpublished) made fol- block survey (Gasaway et al. 1986), usually conducted from mid-January to late March. - cally from Cessna-185 aircraft at an altitude of 50-150 m. Census blocks ranged from 2-4 km2 and moose were counted by 3 observers and a pilot in a helicopter (typically Bell 206B and 206-L). Search intensity was usually 4-5 minutes / km2 has been used in all calculations to account for observer bias (unseen moose), based on averages from a set of calibration efforts in the 1980s (Oosenbrug and Ferguson 1992). Moose density was calculated from estimates of the area of merchantable forest and non- merchantable (“scrub”) cover from forest inventory maps of each management unit. License sales and estimates of moose kill were obtained for the same years as the moose survey, within the two study periods Tourism, Culture and Recreation. Kill density was calculated using estimates of forest and “scrub” cover in each management unit as same factor as in the calculation of moose density. Kills were estimated from the reports of hunters responding to a questionnaire and adjusted for all non-respondents by the reports obtained in one mailed questionnaire reminder. Kill estimates, then, are calculated as a pro- portion of license sales. Thus, sales rather than quotas are reported in our correlations, although the difference between license sales comparisons of license sales and kill density with population estimates, all correlations P > 0.05 were reported. RESULTS moose license quotas in eastern Newfoundland - lated by management unit, especially in central Newfoundland (Table 1, Fig. 2). By 1993-2001 population in all sampled management units, management units we sampled, including all but unit 44 on the Avalon Peninsula (Table 2). Aerial survey data became available for west- ern Newfoundland during the second period, and in this area, all units except unit 14 were as- estimate. Thus, a strong relationship between license quota and population size developed over time for the management units in our the estimated moose population size (r2 = 0.81) in the 1993-2001 period (Fig. 2). A consist- ent and strong relationship existed between the number of licensed kills and the moose population in management units on the Avalon Peninsula, r2 = 0.99 (n = 3) during 1985-1991, and r2 = 0.91 (n = 6) during 1993-2001 (Fig. 3). However, for central Newfoundland, the same relationship was stronger during 1985-1991, r2 = 0.94 (n = 4), than during 1993-2001, r2 = 0.66 (n = 8). In a comparison of the earlier and the later periods, kill density increased while moose density decreased in most management units on the Avalon Peninsula and in central ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 MCLAREN AND MERCER - DENSITY MANAGEMENT 79 Newfoundland (Tables 1 and 2). Kill density with population density in our sample from western Newfoundland, r2 = 0.39, where data were available only for 2001. DISCUSSION Our Recommendation to Set Quotas Using Density and Habitat Information For effective moose management that incorporates a “biodiversity” approach, data from aerial surveys must be combined with habitat information both before periodic aerial - ment unit for survey purposes) and in the intervening time between surveys (when we argue that both moose density and habitat be given consideration during a quota-setting exercise). The easiest calculation of density in our calculation, to arrive at density from a measure of available habitat from forest inventory maps. We recognize that closer at- tention to habitat might distinguish categories of forest types and forest age, known to have very different carrying capacities (e.g., Parker and Morton 1978). Variation in moose density, alternatively variation in carrying capacity, is important and is regrettably too often ignored from our review that the density of moose appears to be highly variable among New- foundland management units Fig. 2. Moose quotas, expressed as license sales, relative to population size in management units in west- ern Newfoundland (open circles), in central Newfoundland (triangles), and on the Avalon Peninsula (squares), in 1985-1991 and 1993- 2001. Management units were selected along the Trans Canada Highway, as shown in Fig. 1. The dashed lines indicate a range, in which - lation size. The solid line indicates the cor- relation between license sales and population size during 1993-2001 for all units, r2 = 0.81. even in a coarse measure of habitat availability. This variation is acknowledged by managers recognized for its potential to lead to over- population and habitat deterioration unless it - land moose management, 1985-1991. Target moose density in Newfoundland is 2 moose / km2 of - ment unit.1 1 hand, if moose use forest preferentially, then their density in forest cover alone would have a higher expected value than in our average for forest and “scrub” cover. Unit Survey Year Population Estimate Density1 Quota License Sales Percent Hunter Success Kill Density Percent of Population Killed Central Newfoundland (4 Management Units Surveyed) 22 1990 6270 3.86 180 180 71.9 0.08 2.1 23 1991 8557 3.00 340 340 61.9 0.07 2.5 24 1985 3663 6.45 350 350 53.6 0.33 5.1 27 1989 6032 3.00 180 180 58.0 0.05 1.7 Avalon Peninsula (3 Management Units Surveyed) 33 1987 1680 3.48 170 170 63.3 0.22 6.4 34 1986 2100 2.56 100 100 86.1 0.10 4.1 36 1986 5738 5.34 950 950 60.5 0.54 10.0 DENSITY MANAGEMENT – MCLAREN AND MERCER ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 80 is given special attention during quota setting. In the Newfoundland example, moose management during 1985-1991 failed to address overpopulation by even a simple approach to proportional quota setting for management units 22, 23, and 27, an appar- ent failure particular to central areas (Fig. 2). These management units, while recognized as containing some of the more remote hunting areas, do not actually have the highest moose densities. According to our calculations, they are nevertheless above target, like all areas during 1985-1991 (Table 1). Areas above target density should be managed for higher hunter kill, which has generally occurred, but with more apparent success on the Avalon Peninsula (Fig. 3). During the period after recommendations to address density in man- agement, closer correlation occurs between license sales (quotas) and population size (Fig. 2). However, during the same period, less correlation occurs between kill density and population density, particularly in western Newfoundland (Fig. 3). The proportion of periods and the variation in hunter success and activity that we report suggest that manage- ment has improved in terms of a simplistic and proportional approach to population size, a goal probably typical of ungulate manage- ment. At the same time, there is no apparent effort to assign quotas to manage kill density proportionally to moose density. Differences in kill density in a perfect man- objectives like targeting a population for reduc- tion. However, manipulation of license quotas to achieve an increase or decrease in hunter kill is always a “best guess,” considering the accuracy and currency of data on moose and on hunting. Moose population estimates are always inaccurate, especially given observer example. Population estimates also have wide within a density stratum. Lag time between surveys of up to 10 years creates further dif- kill is imperfectly estimated, because hunters do not completely or accurately report their kill activity or location. Moreover, directing Fig. 2. Moose quotas, expressed as license sales, relative to population size in management units in western Newfoundland (open circles), in central Newfoundland (triangles), and on the along the Trans Canada Highway, as shown in Fig. 1. The dashed lines indicate a range, in which - tion size. The solid line indicates the correlation between license sales and population size during r2 = 0.81. ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 MCLAREN AND MERCER - DENSITY MANAGEMENT 81 hunter kill to target geographically isolated overpopulations will create a lower overall hunter success, contrary to normal manage- ment objectives. All the same, we present the case that optimal management will certainly not be achieved if quotas are assigned by assuming that a maximum sustained yield exists proportional to all population sizes. Problems are certain to arise if hunter suc- cess is not viewed and monitored as a spatial variable, especially as overall hunter success declines with demographic changes and busier lifestyles. Our very feasible recommendations are to factor habitat into an explicit measure of moose density, and further to acknowledge and account for spatial variation in hunter - ingly, this approach has a few precedents in Newfoundland, where management objectives to target overpopulations met with success. For example, in the 1960s, a small area of central Newfoundland, located within management unit 16, had experienced failure in forest regeneration due to moose overabundance. and by a moose aerial census (Bergerud and Table 2. Data references and calculations used in this study for the second of two periods in Newfound- land moose management, 1993-2001. Calculations are as in Table 1. Unit Survey Year Population Estimate Density Quota License Sales Percent Hunter Success Kill Density Percent of Population Killed Western Newfoundland (8 Management Units surveyed) 4 1997 4992 1.69 1200 1198 57.8 0.23 13.9 5 1993 3548 2.75 900 899 82.0 0.57 20.8 6 1994 4674 3.03 1000 999 72.2 0.47 15.4 7 1994 2478 2.48 610 610 70.6 0.43 17.4 9 1996 1217 2.07 500 500 78.2 0.66 32.1 13 1997 1870 1.55 400 399 62.4 0.21 13.3 14 1997 5117 1.89 700 700 79.5 0.21 10.9 41 1997 2039 2.24 500 500 62.8 0.34 15.4 Central Newfoundland (8 Management Units surveyed) 15 1996 7759 3.02 1700 1694 65.9 0.43 14.4 16 1994 2695 2.37 500 495 54.4 0.24 10.0 21 1997 2736 1.92 500 500 61.6 0.22 11.3 22 2000 7490 4.61 1350 1334 71.9 0.59 12.8 24 1991 1237 2.18 300 300 53.6 0.28 13.0 27 1997 1600 0.80 400 399 58.0 0.12 14.5 28 2001 3226 1.80 400 400 62.4 0.14 7.7 42 1997 5106 4.65 800 764 45.3 0.32 6.8 Avalon Peninsula (6 Management Units surveyed) 31 1996 2319 4.48 600 600 65.1 0.75 16.8 33 1995 833 1.72 250 250 63.3 0.33 19.0 34 1997 2876 3.5 650 650 86.1 0.68 19.5 35 1995 548 0.91 150 150 45.4 0.11 12.4 36 1995 3402 3.17 700 700 60.5 0.39 12.4 44 1997 1710 6.13 300 300 82.3 0.88 14.4 DENSITY MANAGEMENT – MCLAREN AND MERCER ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 82 targeted for a reduction of moose using special hunting licenses (Bergerud et al. 1968). In a contemporary example, McLaren et al. (2000) described the creation of a management subu- nit, within unit 15, to direct additional hunter effort where the central Newfoundland forest industry was also sustaining losses. It seems unfortunate to us that examples have not arisen outside of forest economic concerns, when, as we stated in the introduction, negative ecological effects associated with habitat and subsequent moose declines can be avoided by addressing any case of overabundance. a modern, updated forest inventory as to clas- about moose habitat, which can be combined with fairly accurate reports by hunters of locations of moose seen and killed, to create a sophisticated, annual review of predicted moose density between aerial survey years. - land Discrepancies between the comparisons of license sales and population size (Fig. 2) and of kills and density (Fig. 3) may for any moose management unit or larger area indicate an explicit management objective, a failure to manage hunter success, or a failure to ad- dress overpopulation. Reductions in moose density in Newfoundland seem to have been typical between 1985 and 2001, as shown by increased license quotas (Tables 1 and 2) and by changes to the relationship between kill density and population sizes (Fig. 3). Whether these reductions were part of an explicit or implicit management strategy is unclear. from our review of moose management in Newfoundland between 1985 and 2001. A difference in management of central Newfoundland and the Avalon Peninsula is easily apparent. In both time periods, central Newfoundland experienced a lower proportional number of moose taken by hunt- Fig. 3. Moose kill density calculated from license sales and adjusted success rates, relative to popu- lation density in management units in Newfound- land, in 1985-1991 and 1993-2001 (management units as in Fig. 1, symbols as in Fig. 2). The solid lines, A, indicate the correlations between moose kill density and population density for the Avalon Peninsula, r2 = 0.99 in 1985-1991 and r2 = 0.91 in 1993-2001. The solid lines, B, indicate the correlations between moose kill density and population density for central Newfoundland, r2 = 0.94 in 1985-1991, and r2 = 0.63 in 1993-2001. Kill is only weakly correlated with population size in western Newfoundland, r2 = 0.39 (data are available only for 1993-2001). ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 MCLAREN AND MERCER - DENSITY MANAGEMENT 83 ers. Moreover, this difference was larger for management units of higher moose density. A general explanation of the trend may lie in the fact that road access is much more limited in central Newfoundland than on the Avalon Peninsula, where about half the residents of the province have their permanent homes. For example, in 1985 license sales in unit 24 were proportional to the population estimate, similar to management units on the Avalon Peninsula (Table 1, Fig. 2). Yet a density calculation illustrates an apparent failure to address overpopulation in the habitat-limited unit 24, relative to the apparently more inten- sive management approach that was possible on the Avalon Peninsula (Fig. 3). The over- by 1991 (Table 2, Fig. 3), but this change is actually the result of creating a new unit, 42, by subdividing unit 24. Unit 42 is not only smaller in area with more moose than the revised unit 24, but also has proportionally less forested habitat and was, up until recently, less accessible (Table 2). Thus, by a concerted effort to direct the quota to a less accessible area, license sales in both management units fell near the expected value proportional to the two population estimates (Fig. 2), but hunter success was low and calculated kill density in unit 42 fell well below the regression line predicted by moose density (Table 2, Fig. 3). Recent resurvey of unit 42 (Inland Fish and Wildlife Division, unpublished data, 2004) 1997 and corroborates our suggestion of an unaddressed overpopulation that led to decline. On the Avalon Peninsula, where hunter accessibility is relatively high, moose manage- ment strategies have generally been quicker to respond to overpopulations. Examples of this principle come from reviewing both the more and less accessible management units within the region. In the more accessible category accessible category is unit 36. (Unit 31, like unit 36, is not accessed directly from the Trans Canada Highway but has a direct highway has only regional highway access and contains a large wilderness area, where motorized vehicles are prohibited.) Unit 36 was among the most densely moose populated manage- a population estimated at about a one-third reduction in density by the second period (Fig. 3). While some of this change may have been due to a density-dependent decline resulting from overpopulation, we believe much is at- tributable to higher kill density documented even for the earlier period (Table 1). In the other management units where high moose density occurs, for example, in units 31, 34, and 44, managers responded by increasing license quotas that resulted in higher kill density (Table 2). In western Newfoundland, kill density and moose density are not correlated (Fig. 3), and the highest proportional quotas occur (Fig. 2). Because management units in this area are similar in density to the target for Newfoundland (Table 2), we argue that they are actually managed inconsistently and in some cases hunted unsustainably toward population 6 and 41, which are among the highest in kill density despite near target moose density. We view these cases as further examples of density in assigning quotas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the Inland Fish and Wildlife Division of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for providing the information required for this review. The idea for this paper arose from the management plan for moose drafted by W. E. Mercer for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. DENSITY MANAGEMENT – MCLAREN AND MERCER ALCES VOL. 41, 2005 84 REFERENCES BERGERUD, A. T., and F. MANUEL. 1969. Aerial census of moose in central Newfound- land. Journal of Wildlife Management 33:910–916. , , and H. WHALEN. 1968. The harvest reduction of a moose population in Newfoundland. 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