Craig L. Gardner
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1300 College Road, Fairbanks, AK 99701-1599, USA.
ABSTRACT: I investigated the characteristics of moose (Alces alces) bycatch in kill snares set for
wolves (Canis lupus) in interior and south-central Alaska, USA. My objective was to design a kill
snare that would reduce moose vulnerability and injury if captured without reducing its effectiveness for
capturing wolves. I documented at close range (<30 m) snare encounters by captive moose in natural
habitat at the Kenai Moose Research Center (MRC) in south-central Alaska. Moose contacted 153 cm
or 183 cm snares (n = 184) with their chest–shoulder area (59.8%), neck-head region (34.2%), upper
legs (3.8%), and along the ribs (2.2%). I documented the fate of moose following 225 snare contacts;
13.8% were captured by the nose (5.8%), leg (4.9%), or unknown (3.1%) with the remainder either
knock-downs (65.3%) or push-asides (21.0%). Moose did not attempt to avoid snares. Of the 147
knock-downs, 86.4% formed a loop 15-38 cm in diameter that laid near the snow surface continuing
to present a potential trap for moose. I also evaluated capture rates by loop size for wild moose in 3
study areas in interior Alaska. Capture rate and type were not influenced by snare loop size or snow
depth in the wild or the MRC. Capture vulnerability of wild and captive moose was higher in snares
that were knock-downs by other moose or wind. I subsequently developed a snare that incorporated
an additional wire (diverter) placed at a height that allowed moose or any ungulate taller than the set
height of a wolf snare to contact and push the snare away prior to contact. This design reduced the
vulnerability of moose but not wolves to capture. I also placed a cinch stop at 24.1-26.7 cm from the
end stop of the snare loop to reduce injury to moose and act as a breakaway system without reducing
the snare’s effectiveness for capturing wolves. Results of this study are applicable to areas where wolf
or coyote (Canis latrans) snaring occurs in the presence of moose and other large hoofed mammals.
ALCES VOL. 46: 167-182 (2010)
Key words: accidental capture, Alaska, Alces alces, breakaway snares, Canis lupus, moose vulner-
ability, snare effectiveness, snare efficiency, trapping, wolf snares, wolves.
Kill snares are an effective trap to catch
wolves (Canis lupus), lynx (Lynx canaden-
sis), fox (Vulpes vulpes), and coyotes (Canis
latrans) (Phillips 1996, Roy et al. 2005, Ble-
jwas 2006), and are used throughout Alaska
(USA), Canada, and Russia. Although snares
were found to be 10 times more selective than
foothold traps for coyotes and lynx (Guthery
and Beasom 1978), incidental captures occur
(Proulx et al. 1994). Furthermore, wolf snares
can be even less selective than snares set for
smaller furbearers because cable diameter
and loop circumference are larger, set height
is higher, and the size and strength of a wolf
require that minimum breaking forces must
be high. Historically, the problem of snares
not being selective has been a concern for
wildlife managers and trappers (Phillips 1996),
resulting in areas closed to snaring throughout
North America (Shivik and Gruver 2002) due
to concerns that indiscriminate capture could
negatively impact other wildlife populations.
Also, public pressure exists to improve snare
selectivity (Traps, Trapping, and Furbearer
Management, The Wildlife Society Techni-
cal Review 90-1, 1990) and this is an issue
addressed by the international program Best
Management Practices (BMP) for regulated
trapping conducted by the International As-
sociation of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Moose (Alces alces), caribou (Rangifer
tarandus), and Sitka black-tailed deer (Odo-
coileus hemionus sitkensis) are caught in
wolf snares every year in Alaska (Gardner
2007). In separate 5-year studies using radio-
collared moose (75-125 active radios/yr),
Boertje et al. (2009) and M. A. Keech (Alaska
Department of Fish and Game (ADFG), un-
published data, Fairbanks) documented 0-3
moose killed/yr in wolf snares (0.5%/yr). Wolf
trapping was common in both study areas with
snaring the preferred capture method.
Based on my 15 years of experience
releasing nearly 40 moose from snares and
discussions with other Alaskan biologists, I
concluded that most moose restrained in wolf
snares die either at the capture site or from
frozen limbs or nose subsequent to release.
For example, Steve DuBois (ADFG, personal
communication) radio-collared and released
4 moose caught in snares that were without
obvious injury, yet died 2 days later. Although
necropsies were not performed, the timing of
deaths indicates that death was probably due
to complications associated with restraint in
the wolf snare.
Previous studies found that accidental
ungulate catch in coyote snares could be re-
duced through trapper education and use of
snares with improved selectivity (Phillips et
al. 1990, Phillips 1996, Roy et al. 2005). In
Alaska, development and testing of wolf snares
designed to release moose and caribou, but re-
strain wolves, has been ongoing since 1993 by
ADFG and private trappers. One difficulty in
designing a breakaway wolf snare is the trade-
off between achieving desired selectivity and
maintaining acceptable efficiency for wolves,
because wolves and moose exert powerful
forces on the snare when captured.
Two prototypes, the Thompson split lock
(Thompson Snares 2009) used with 0.28
cm diameter cable and the camlock soft pin
breakaway designs (Fig. 1), showed promise
in the laboratory and were used as part of a
wolf control program by ADFG in 1993-1994.
During the program 30 wolves, 9 moose, and 5
caribou were caught in snares with the Thomp-
son split lock breakaway mechanism. Of these,
29 wolves (96.7%), 6 moose (66.7%), and 3
caribou (60.0%) did not escape. I evaluated
these data using Fisher’s exact tests (FET)
and found that the release rate was higher for
moose (P = 0.03) and caribou (P = 0.047)
than wolves; however, the restraining rate
of moose and caribou remained unaccept-
ably high. Three wolves were caught by the
camlock soft pin design and 1 escaped due to
the mechanism release; no moose or caribou
were caught by this design.
Alaska trappers continued to improve
ungulate release from wolf snares with a
Fig. 1. Common breakaway mechanisms used
by Alaskan trappers on wolf snares: (A) the
Thompson split lock, (B) Camlock soft pin,
and (C) S-hook.
variety of breakaway mechanisms, most
commonly a Thompson split lock used on a
smaller diameter cable (0.24 cm) or S-hooks
with varying breakaway strengths (Fig. 1). A
trapper survey conducted by ADFG (Blejwas
2006) suggested that these breakaway systems
worked for leg-caught moose, unless the
moose had entangled the snare wire around
flexible brush and could not generate enough
force to break the release mechanism; moose
caught by the nose or neck rarely broke free.
Moose that remain restrained were vulnerable
to injury and death due to freezing limbs at
the snare attachment point. These deficiencies
illustrated the need for a wolf snare design that
minimized moose capture, particularly by the
nose, and reduced the chance of injury when
the breakaway mechanism failed.
These findings were consistent with re-
sults from studies that evaluated breakaway
snare performance for capturing coyotes and
releasing deer (Odocoileus hemionus and
Odocoileus virginianus; Phillips et al. 1990,
Phillips 1996, Roy et al. 2005). Roy et al.
(2005) documented 74-88% release rates of
deer using snares with the National 813 S-hook
as the breakaway device. Deer that remained
restrained were mostly fawns and all were
caught by the neck. Phillips et al. (1990) found
that coyotes and deer fawns generated similar
force on a snare and concluded it would be
difficult to design a system that released all
deer yet restrained coyotes.
Previous efforts to reduce the accidental
restraint of moose in wolf snares and other
ungulates in coyote snares were to design
breakaway systems that allow these ungulates
to escape. Although completely eliminating
moose capture by wolf snares is improbable,
snares could be made more selective and
humane if differences in behavior or physical
stature of moose related directly to modifica-
tions that reduced their capture vulnerability.
Accounting for behavioral differences proved
beneficial in reducing incidental capture by
other snare types (Proulx et al. 1994).
My primary objective was to design a
wolf snare that would be less accessible to
moose and contain a breakaway system that
would minimize injury without reducing its
effectiveness for catching wolves. Snare ef-
fectiveness for any new design needs to be
consistent with current designs to be accepted
by trappers (Naylor and Novak 1994). I took
an innovative approach by directly observing
hundreds of moose–snare encounters at close
range (<30 m) in natural habitat to develop
and test snare designs. My original hypoth-
eses were: 1) wolf snare loop-size affects
moose vulnerability to capture, 2) moose were
equally vulnerable to being caught by the nose
or leg in wolf snares, and 3) moose became
more vulnerable to wolf snares as snow depth
increases. The primary contributions of this
study to wildlife research and management
are: 1) demonstrating that repeated direct
observations of ungulate–snare encounters are
invaluable for designing effective snares that
minimize the chance for bycatch of ungulates,
2) the importance of reducing vulnerability to
capture and incorporating an effective break-
away mechanism, and 3) the development of a
wolf snare that will likely protect moose and
other ungulates from being captured without
significantly reducing effectiveness for wolf
capture. Results from this study will benefit
the ongoing BMP process and be directly
relevant to areas throughout the world that
have wolves, large ungulates, and wolf trap-
ping with kill snares.
I field tested various designs of wolf
snares on captive moose at the Kenai Moose
Research Center (MRC) in south-central
Alaska and wild moose on the Tanana River
Flats in Game Management Unit (GMU) 20A
in interior Alaska (Fig. 2). The MRC allowed
me to observe 100s of moose–snare encounters
in a relatively short period of time, while in
GMU 20A I evaluated snares in habitat and
circumstances directly comparable to wolf
trapping in interior Alaska.
The primary overstory–shrub
vegetation types at the MRC
were paper birch (Betula
paperifera), alder (Alnus
crispa), willow (Salix spp.),
and spruce (Picea mariana
and P. glauca). Snow depths
were 10-15 cm in February
2005 and 40-50 cm in January
2007. Trappers commonly
set snares in these vegetative
types and snow conditions in
south-central Alaska.
I tested snares in 3 areas
within central GMU 20A that
supported high moose densi-
ties (>800/1,000 km2; Boertje et al. 2007) and
were adjacent to areas trapped commonly
for wolves. The primary vegetative types in
the Dry Creek area were dwarf birch (Betula
nana), willow, alder, and paper birch; spruce,
paper birch, willow, dwarf birch, and alder
were the common overstory-shrub species in
the Clear and McDonald Creek areas. These
areas were representative of habitats and cli-
mates commonly trapped in interior Alaska
(Gasaway et al. 1983, 1992). Snow depth was
reasonably similar in the 3 areas during snare
testing, ranging 28 (December 2005)-56 cm
(March 2006).
Moose Vulnerability to Wolf Snares
On 1-4 February 2005 and 6-9 January
2007, I observed moose-wolf snare encoun-
ters at the MRC by setting 153 cm and 183
cm wolf snares in areas that maximized the
chance that moose would encounter the snare
(areas of highest moose use), but in a manner
that mimicked typical snare sets for wolves.
I used these loop sizes because they are the
most commonly used in Alaska, are effective
in catching wolves by the neck, and are the
most readily available from commercial snare
dealers. I set the snares following methods
used by successful wolf trappers including
dying and boiling the snares and setting them
in a manner that they blended with the sur-
rounding vegetation. Each set included 1-24
snares, closely divided between 153-cm and
183-cm loop sizes; 3-10 moose were moni-
tored daily. When a group of moose moved
beyond observation, I pulled the snares and
reset them in another area.
I simulated the standard method of Alas-
kan wolf trappers (Alaska Trappers Associa-
tion 2007) by setting both 153 and 183 cm
circumference loop snares at 46 cm above the
supportive surface of the snow. This height
has proved effective in promoting neck catches
by causing wolves to contact the bottom of
the loop with their chest.
I recorded the initial contact point of a
moose encountering a snare and described
the characteristics of the encounter including
snare loop size, snow depth, fate, and moose
reaction. I categorized the fate of a moose-
snare encounter as knock-down, push-aside, or
caught. A knock down occurred when a moose
contacted the snare and caused it to drop from
its original height and form a smaller loop,
pushed aside was when the moose contacted
the snare but it returned to its original posi-
tion and retained its loop size. To prevent
restraining or injuring of moose, I modified
Fig. 2. Study areas were located at the Kenai Moose Research Center,
ca. 30 km northeast of Soldotna, Alaska and in Game Management
Unit 20A south of Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.
each snare by removing the nut or stop behind
the lock (Fig. 3). This modification allowed
the test snare to cinch normally but the lock
would slide off the cable quickly (<10 sec)
freeing any captured animal with minimal
discomfort. This approach also minimized
learned behavior effects.
I compared moose capture rates (moose
caught/encountered snare) and capture types
(nose, neck, and leg) between wolf snares
with 153-cm and 183-cm loop sizes at 2 dif-
ferent snow depths (46 cm and 10 cm). For
each catch, I recorded the snare loop size
and capture type. Initially I would reset the
snare attempting to increase encounters and
captures. However, there were incidences
when a different moose would encounter a
previously knocked-down snare and become
caught by the leg. To examine the capture rate
in previously knocked-down snares (another
moose or wind), I recorded the circumference
and position of the resulting loop following
18 knock-downs and evaluated the vulner-
ability of subsequent moose contacting the
fallen snare.
From 30 December 2005-31 March 2006,
I set and monitored 34 153-cm and 30 183-
cm circumference loop snares divided among
the 3 study sites (8-12 of each type/site) in
GMU 20A. I purposely set individual snares
along natural trails (simulated trail set) or
in a gang set with 6-11 snares blocking off
most of the natural trails in a 30 m radius
(simulated bait-kill set). Both snare sizes
were placed together, but not always in equal
numbers, to evaluate moose capture rates by
snare loop size. To be consistent with check
times followed by most Alaskan trappers in
areas without a defined check period, I waited
at least 7 days and as long as 21 days due to
periods of severe bad weather. Using tracks
in the snow and position of the snare and lock
in relation to the original set, I determined if
a snare was encountered by a moose and was
either knock-down, push-aside, or had caught
the moose.
Snare Modifications to Reduce Moose
Capture by the Nose
I used the results from the moose-snare
encounter tests conducted at the MRC to design
a wolf snare that reduced moose vulnerability
to capture. I attached a 2.30 mm diameter
“diverter wire” to standard 153-cm wolf snares
so that it extended 70 cm perpendicular to the
plane defined by the snare loop, at an angle
10-20o from the horizontal plane tangent to
the top of the snare (Fig. 4). The intent was
for a moose to contact the wire with its nose
or chest, and push the snare away before its
nose entered the noose. Length of the diverter
wire was based on measuring the distance from
tip of nose to chest on 3 taxidermy-mounted
adult male moose (≥6 yr). I used the longest
measurement (70 cm) to ensure that a moose
would contact the diverter before the snare.
Fig. 3. Test snare without a cable end stop (A)
that allows the lock to slide off the cable if an
animal is caught to prevent injury, and a snare
that includes an end stop (B).
I compared capture rates and types between
the diverter test snare design and 153-cm
and 183-cm loop standard snares by setting
diverter snares alongside these snares. Since
the snares in GMU 20A were not checked for
7-21 days, the number of days that a snare was
a knock-down and could potentially capture
moose was unknown.
I tested if diverter snares would be more
prone to being knock-downs by wind or snow
due to the additional wire because increased
knock-down rates would reduce snare effi-
ciency for wolves and possibly increase vul-
nerability of moose to leg capture. I compared
the knock-down rate between diverter snares
and standard 153-cm and 183-cm snares due
to wind in the Clear Creek and McDonald
Creek study areas in GMU 20A. Data from
Dry Creek were not included in my analysis
because the periods of observations were not
aligned with those of the other 2 areas. In the
Clear Creek area, 11-12 diverters and 10-11
standard snares (153-cm or 183-cm) were
monitored for 6 periods of 8-29 days (99 total
days and 2,291 trap nights). In the McDon-
ald Creek area, 8 diverters and 36 standard
snares (153-cm or 183-cm) were monitored
for 6 periods of 7-29 days (95 total days and
4,224 trap nights). Period length varied due
to periodic cold snaps (<-40o C for 6-13 days)
that precluded safe travel.
I categorized a snare as a knock-down
from wind if it had dropped from its original
set position if animal tracks, measurable snow-
fall, and high wind (snow off trees, drifting)
were not evident. I timed my visits after high
wind events but before subsequent snowfall. I
censored the data in only 2 instances because
I could not discern if wind or animals caused
the knock-down.
To compare selectivity and effectiveness
of diverter snares in the 2006-2007 trapping
season, I contracted 2 trappers in GMU 20A
to use 100 diverter snares in their normal
trapping activity. They were trained in data
collection protocol and provided with data
forms; they recorded the number of diverters
set at each site, how each snare was anchored
(flexible or solid anchor), species caught, and
fate of captured wildlife. They also interpreted
Fig. 4. Modified wolf snare showing the diverter wires that extend ca. 70 cm perpendicular to the snare
loop at a 10-20o angle from the top of the snare. The positioning of the diverter wire allows wolves
to travel underneath without contact and moose or large ungulate to contact the wires causing the
snare to be pushed away from the nose. The ends are recurved to minimize chance of injury when
encountered by a moose.
tracks to document if wolves avoided the set.
Location, snare anchor point, and the number
of snares were not random; each trapper made
decisions from site-specific wolf sign and
available vegetation to anchor the snare.
Snare Modifications to Reduce Injury and
Death for Leg-caught Moose
To reduce injury to leg-caught moose and
other ungulates, I investigated the possibil-
ity of incorporating a cinch stop that would
prevent the snare from cinching tight on a
moose leg but not reduce the effectiveness
in killing neck-caught wolves. I selected the
placement of the cinch stop by comparing
loop sizes that killed trapper-caught wolves
by the neck (n = 62) with the circumferences
of loops cinched on hunter-killed moose legs
(n = 9). I also asked trappers to record sex
of wolves and if practical, provide the carcass
or front leg to age wolves (pup, adult) using
the epiphyseal closure on the radius and ulna
(Rausch 1967). Trappers in GMU 20A also
caught known-aged wolves marked in another
study (Gardner and Beckmen 2008). To de-
termine if the cinched down loop size differed
due to snare cable size or sex and age of the
wolf, I compared final loop circumferences of
0.24, 0.28, and 0.32 cm diameter snare from
wolf kills. Wolves were classified as pups
(5-11 months), subadult (17-22 months), or
adult. My rationale for these analyses was if
a certain size cable cinched tighter, or if the
circumference of cinched loop size on certain
age or gender of wolves is comparable to a
moose leg, the position of the cinch stop may
need to vary by cable size or not be a viable
option. To determine the minimum loop size
for leg-caught moose, I attached a snare cable
to the front and rear legs of hunter-killed 5
month calf (n = 1), adult female (n = 4), and
adult male (n = 4) moose at the most common
catch point on the leg, cinched it snug but not
so tight to cause injury, and measured the final
loop circumference.
I then tested the cinch stop snare in the
laboratory by cinching the snare down on
legs of a 5 month calf, an adult female moose,
an adult male moose, and a simulated wolf
neck (Phillips et al. 1990, Roy et al. 2005). I
observed that if the lock contacted the cinch
stop, the lock deformed (flattened out) as force
was added; this led me to investigate whether
this contact force would be sufficient for the
cinch stop to also function as a breakaway
mechanism. I hypothesized that the breaking
force would be less when the lock came into
contact with the cinch stop, which would occur
when cinched down on a leg of a moose or a
smaller ungulate, thus increasing the chance
of release. I constructed the breakaway com-
ponent by cutting the snare within the loop at
either 24.1 or 26.7 cm from the cable end stop
(circumference range of largest moose leg
and smallest wolf neck) and inserting a 0.24
cm double ferrule on 0.24 cm snare cable, or
0.32 cm double ferrule on 0.28 and 0.32 cm
snare cables. The ferrule was attached by
swaging each end using a 0.24- or 0.32-cm
swage tool. Each ferrule was inspected to
ensure that inconsistent manufacturing was
not a factor in breaking strength.
I initially evaluated breaking strengths of
the cinch stop breakaway (CSB) mechanism
in the laboratory by measuring the breaking
force by cinching down CSB snares until the
mechanism released on a front leg collected
from a female moose (circumference = 22.7
cm) and a simulated wolf neck (i.e., 27.9 cm
circumference steel pipe wrapped with cotton;
Phillips et al. 1990, Roy et al. 2005). The
simulated wolf neck was 32.6 cm in circum-
ference matching the mean neck size from 62
wolves collected from trappers; cotton was
added to allow the snare cable to embed and
absorb energy to better mimic when a wolf
is snared by the neck, and to make it more
similar to a moose leg. I measured the break-
ing force necessary to break the CSB using a
Dynalink dynamometer strain gauge (Model
7200; Measurement System International,
Seattle, WA, USA) attached to a hydraulic tee
cylinder (Model SAE-9012; Prince Manufac-
turing Corporation, Sioux City, IA, USA). I
tested the CSB system on 1×19 twist 0.24 cm,
0.28 cm, and 0.32 cm snare cable. Each snare
type was tested 20 times each on the simulated
wolf neck and a moose leg.
I compared the breaking strength for the
CSB for 0.24, 0.28, and 0.32 cm diameter
cable sizes to the 0.28 cm diameter Thompson
split lock design field and laboratory tested
during the wolf control program by ADFG in
1993-1994 (ADFG, unpublished data). The
breaking force of the Thompson split lock was
determined by different researchers at ADFG
with the same methodology and equipment
as described above. The measured breaking
forces for all the tested breakaway types do
not necessarily replicate the actual force that
captured moose or wolves exert on a snare,
but indicated possible differences that were
I first tested the efficiency of the CSB
mechanism for moose at the MRC in 2005 by
catching 2 male moose by the leg in a natural
setting. The CSB was attached on a 0.28 cm
1×19 snare. I documented how moose were
caught, their behavior while caught, and the
elapsed time to release. The efficiency of the
CSB snare was further tested in the 2005-2006
trapping season by the 2 contract trappers.
They set these snares under the same conditions
explained for the diverter snares. To maximize
the number of encounters and catches of moose
and wolves, only CSB snares without diverter
wires were set by these trappers recognizing
the possibility of nose catches.
Moose capture using the test snare without
the end stop complied with acceptable meth-
ods for field studies adopted by the American
Society of Mammalogists (Animal Care and
Use Committee 1998, ADFG Protocol #06-
04). Field testing by trappers of the diverter
and breakaway snare designs as kill snares
(end stop attached) followed state trapping
regulations but was not included under the
Data Analysis
I used the software R® (R Development
Core Team 2008) to perform statistical analy-
ses. I used chi-square tests (Cochran 1977),
or FET if any expected cell count was <10
in 2×2 contingency tables, (single degree of
freedom) to identify difference in capture rate
and capture type by snare type, snow depth,
captive and wild moose, and to distinguish how
moose initially contacted different snare types.
I employed both chi-square tests and FETs
when expected cell counts were low as a check
against the potential for the exact tests to be
overly conservative (D’Agostino et al. 1988).
Lack of balance in the experimental design
precluded using generalized linear models to
test for interactions due to snow depth when
examining capture rates and types. To test
for differences in capture type, I followed the
method specified by Scott and Seber (1983)
that accounts for the covariance associated
with sampling a multinomial distribution. I
used t-tests to compare breaking forces for
the different breakaway mechanisms. I used
generalized linear models to assess the effect of
a diverter on the binary response, knock-down
by wind, or not. I used quasi-AIC (QAIC)
(Lebreton et al. 1992) and likelihood ratio
tests to compare these models and present the
goodness-of-fit metric, ĉ.
Moose Vulnerability to Wolf Snares
I documented 304 moose–snare encoun-
ters at MRC through direct observation or
from tracks in the snow and found no evidence
that moose modified their behavior due to the
presence of snares; moose did not shy away
or abruptly change course when encoun-
tering a snare. I observed 184 encounters
between moose and standard wolf snares;
the impact points were the chest-shoulder
area (59.8%; SE = 3.6%), neck-head (34.2%,
SE = 3.5%), legs (3.8%, SE = 1.4%), or ribs
(2.2%; SE = 1.1%) (Table 1). I documented
the fate through observation and by tracks
of 225 moose-snare encounters; 65.3%
(SE = 3.2%) were knock-downs, 20.9%
(SE = 2.7%) were push-asides, and 13.8%
(SE = 2.3%) were caught moose (Table 2).
Snare impact points were not related to
snare loop size. For 183-cm snares, moose
initially contacted their neck-head area 37.5%
(SE = 5.7%) of the time, similar to the initial
contact rate of 32.1% (SE = 4.4%; Table 1)
for 153-cm snares (χ2 = 0.56, P = 0.46). Cap-
ture rate was not affected by snare loop size
(χ2 = 1.31, P = 0.25; Table 2); capture rates of
the 153- and 183-cm loop snares were 17.3%
(n = 84, SE = 4.2%) and 11.8% (n = 147, SE =
2.7%), respectively. Snow depth did not influ-
ence capture rate (P = 0.83, FET; Table 3).
Capture rates of wild moose by 183-cm
loop snares (15 of 35, 42.9%, SE = 8.5%) were
not different (χ2 = 0.99, P = 0.32) from that
with 153-cm loop snares (12 of 38, 31.6%,
SE = 7.6%). Capture rate of wild moose (27
of 73, 37.0%, SE = 5.7%) was higher than
that of captive moose (31 of 225, 13.8%,
SE = 2.3%; χ2 = 18.9, P <0.001).
I was able to determine capture type in
snares encountered at the original set height
for 24 of 31 (77.4%) moose caught at the
MRC; 54% (SE = 10.4%) were caught by
the nose and 46% (SE = 10.4%) by the leg
(Table 2). Unobserved captures occurred
due to the short time necessary to escape the
test snare, as well as attempting to observe
multiple moose simultaneously. All nose
catches occurred in snares encountered at
Impact point
Contacts Chest–Shoulder Neck–Head Ribs Legs
Snare type n n % n % n % n %
153-cm loop 112 67 59.8 36 32.1 4 3.6 5 4.5
183-cm loop 72 43 59.7 27 37.5 0 0 2 2.8
Subtotal 184 110 59.8 63 34.2 4 2.2 7 3.8
Diverter 23 17 73.9 6 26.1 0 0 0 0
Table 1. Observed impact points where captive moose initially contacted 153-cm loop, 183-cm loop, and
diverter wolf snares (n = 207). This phase of the study was conducted at the Kenai Moose Research
Center, Alaska, February 2005 and January 2007.
Fate Capture typea
Pushed-aside Caught Nose Leg
Snare type n % n % n % # %b # %b
153-cm loop 144 104 72.2 23 16 17 11.8 7 5 5 3.6
183-cm loop 81 43 53.1 24 29.6 14 17.3 6 7.6 6 7.6
Subtotal 225 147 65.3 47 20.9 31 13.8 13 6 11 5
Knock-down (153-
and 183-cm snares)c
18 n/a n/a 6 33.3 0 0 6 0
Diverter 42 40 95.2 2 4.8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diverter knock-downc 19 n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2. Capture rate and type in 153-cm, 183-cm, and diverter wolf snares measured by observing
captive moose at the Kenai Moose Research Center, Alaska, February 2005 and January 2007.
a The sample size of capture type is less than # caught because all captures were not observed.
b Percent capture determined without including unknown capture types.
c Snares that were previously knocked down but left until another moose encounter occurred.
original height; all leg catches occurred in a
knock-down when a moose stepped in with
its front (n = 3) or hind foot (n = 8). The pro-
portion of nose and leg catches did not differ
(pleg – pnose = –0.08; 95% CI = –0.48, 0.32;
n = 24). Capture type did not depend on snare
loop size (P = 1, FET; Table 2) or snow depth
(P = 0.38, FET; Table 3).
Moose were caught more frequently by
knock-downs from another moose or wind
(6 of 18, SE = 11%; Table 2) than snares
encountered at original set height (31 of 225,
SE = 2.3%; P = 0.04, FET); leg captures
occurred only in previous knock-downs. At
the MRC, 86.4% (102 of 118, SE = 3.2%) of
knock-downs by moose formed loops 15-38
cm in circumference, remaining in the trail
at snow level and available for leg captures.
There was no difference in the number of
knock-downs of 153-cm (6 of 74, SE = 3.2%)
and 183-cm snares (0 of 36; P = 0.17, FET)
forming loops <15 cm.
Snare Modification to Reduce Moose
I observed 23 moose-diverter snare en-
counters at the MRC and the impact points
were either at the chest-shoulder (73.9%) or
neck-head area (26.1%; Table 1). Based on
observations and tracks, moose contacting a
diverter wire caused knock-downs in 40 of
42 cases (95.2%) with 2 push-asides (4.8%;
Table 2). No moose contacting a diverter
snare (n = 42) was caught, and the capture
rate was less than that for standard snares
(P = 0.007, FET; Table 2). Assuming the next
encounter with a diverter snare would result
in a capture, the capture rate for the diverter
snares would have remained lower than that
for standard snares (P = 0.04, FET).
Moose knocked down diverter snares
more frequently than standard snares (P <
0.001, FET), and once knocked down, 85.0%
formed 15-38 cm circumference loops on
the snow. Due to the high knock-down rate,
I hypothesized that moose would be more
vulnerable to leg catches in diverter snares;
however, no moose at the MRC was caught in
a knock-down from diverter snares (n = 19)
compared to 6 of 18 caught in knock-downs
from standard snares (P = 0.008, FET). I
observed 6 knock-downs from diverter snares
contacted by moose, and in all cases the di-
verter wire was still contacted first causing
the snare loop to move away. Encounters of
1-2 additional contacts caused no damage to
the diverter wire.
The capture rate of wild moose in diverter
snares (without a cable end stop) was 12.1% (7
of 58) in GMU 20A. As snares were unattend-
ed, I was not able to determine capture types
and the frequency of encounter for knock-
downs of diverter snares. Diverter wires on
the 7 snares that caught moose were bent and
no longer functional, but I could not confirm if
this damage was pre- or post-capture. Moose
were only caught in diverter snares unchecked
12-21 days; no moose were caught in snares
unchecked 7-11 days. Standard test snares set
in GMU 20A caught moose more frequently
(27 of 73) than diverter modified snares (P =
0.002, FET).
The 2 contracted trappers caught and
killed 9 wolves by the neck after setting 96
diverter snares in GMU 20A in December
2005-March 2006. No moose encountering
Snow type Encounters Catch rate (%) Nose catch (%) Neck catch (%) Leg catch (%) Unknown
Deep snowa 218 12.8 9 (4.3) 0 12 (5.7) 7
Shallow snowb 62 11.3 4 (6.6) 0 2 (3.3) 1
Table 3. Catch rate and catch type of captive moose in standard wolf snares at 2 snow depths at the
Kenai Moose Research Center, Alaska, February 2005 and January 2007.
a Snow depth ca. 46 cm.
b Snow depth ca. 10 cm.
a diverter snare was captured (n = 9); no wolf
or moose approached any other snare. Based
on binomial probabilities (95% confidence
level), the diverter snares would catch at least
71% of wolves and prevent capture of ≥71%
moose (Proulx et al. 1994)
Diverter snares were not knocked down
more by wind than standard 153- and 183-cm
snares. The global generalized linear model,
with QAIC = 95.1, indicated that area and pe-
riod effects were significant or marginal (area:
2 = 4.5, P = 0.03; period: x4
2 = 8.9, P = 0.06),
while the diverter effect and the area:period
interaction were not significant (diverter:
2 = 1.4, P = 0.23; area:period: x4
2 = 2.8, P =
0.58). A comprehensive comparison of real-
istic models indicated that the best fit model
included area as the only covariate (QAIC =
84.4 and weight of evidence = 48.2%). The
goodness of fit statistic (ĉ) was 1.7 for the best
model indicating reasonable fit.
Snare Modifications to Reduce Injury to
Loop circumference of cinched snares
on moose legs was 23.5-24.1 cm for 3 adult
males, 22.5 cm for 1 yearling male, 20.9-
22.7 cm for 4 adult females, and 19.7 cm
for 1 calf; average cinch size was 22.4 cm
(SD = 0.32). The average loop circumference
of neck-caught wolves (n = 62) was 32.6 cm
(SD = 2.48, range = 26.7-38.7); the smallest
was on a 5 month old female (22.7 kg). The
cinch stop could be placed
22.7-26.7 cm from the cable
end stop based on the age (sub-
adult/ad) and sex of 31 of these
wolves; therefore, I placed the
cinch stop at either 24.1 cm or
26.7 cm for testing.
The breakaway force
required to release the CSB
mechanism depends upon
snare cable size, circumfer-
ence of the cinched loop, and
proximity of the lock to the
CSB mechanism (Table 4, Fig. 5). On a moose
leg, the cinched loop stopped at the cinch stop
as the lock contacted the mechanism. On the
simulated wolf neck, the cinched loop size was
32.6 cm and the lock stopped 5.9-8.5 cm from
the CSB. The breakaway force was higher on
the simulated wolf neck than the moose leg,
increased with cable size, and decreased when
the CSB mechanism was placed further from
the cable end stop (P ≤ 0.01; Table 4). The
breaking force for CSB equipped snares was
less than the breaking force of the 0.28-cm
snares with a Thompson split-lock (325.4 kg;
SE = 8.2, P < 0.001), regardless of cable size
and CSB placement (Table 4).
During the initial field test a 12 year and a
3 year old male moose were caught at the MRC
in a CSB snare with the mechanism placed at
24.1 cm and attached with solid anchor. The
3 year old male was caught by the hind foot
and broke free in <2 sec; the 12 year old male
was caught by the front leg and broke free in
2 min and 21 sec. Upon capture, the 12 year
old male tangled the snare wire around sur-
rounding flexible shrubs preventing it from
pulling directly against the solid anchor; the
lock was tight against the breakaway mecha-
nism but the snare loop rotated around the
foot. After inspecting the leg and verifying
that the restraining loop caused no injury, I
determined that the design was adequate for
further testing by the 2 contract trappers.
The contract trappers set 24.1 cm (n =
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Final cinch circumference (cm)
csb at 26.7 cm 0.28 cm cable
csb at 24.1 cm 0.28 cm cable
csb at 26.7 cm 0.24 cm cable
csb at 24.1 cm 0.24 cm cable
Stop contact
Moose Leg Wolf Neck
Fig. 5. Comparisons of breaking strengths for a cinch stop breakaway
mechanism by placement and cable size.
212) and 26.7 cm (n = 80) CSB snares with-
out diverter wires during the course of their
normal wolf trapping in 2005-2006. They
neck-caught and killed 20 wolves with the
24.1 cm CSB snare (16 flexible and 4 solid
anchors), and 9 wolves (0 escaped) with the
26.7 cm CSB snare (6 flexible and 3 solid
anchors). Five of 6 moose (2 calves and 4
adult) caught in the 24.1 cm CSB escaped,
and all 3 adults escaped the 26.7 cm CSB
snare; captures occurred with 5 flexible and
4 solid anchors. The single moose (yearling
female) not escaping was neck-caught (flex-
ible anchor). I assumed that escaped moose
were those caught by the leg because the CSB
mechanism was not designed to release neck
or nose-caught moose. I combined results
to test efficiency and selectivity because no
wolves, but all leg-caught moose, escaped from
both CSB snare types. The CSB breakaway
system restrained and killed all 29 wolves
and allowed the release of all 8 leg-caught
moose; no wolves or moose approached any
other available snares. Based on the binomial
probabilities (95% confidence level), this
breakaway system should kill ≥90% of wolves
captured and allow escape of at least 68% of
leg-caught moose (Proulx et al. 1994).
My data indicate that moose are vulnerable
to wolf snares because 1) moose are largely
unaware of wolf snares and do not try to avoid
them even if detected, 2) the top of the loop of
wolf snares is set at a height that corresponds
closely to the height at which moose carry their
head while walking or sometimes feeding, and
3) even knock-downs mostly retain loop sizes
large enough to catch a moose by the leg.
Reducing vulnerability to wolf snares and
developing an effective breakaway mechanism
is difficult because moose are caught in differ-
ent manners; most are caught in wolf snares
by the nose or leg (Tables 2 and 3). Capture
type and rate depend on whether the snare is
encountered at its original set height or is a
knock-down lying on the trail. I found no dif-
ference in catch type or rate due to snare loop
size or snow depth. Both nose and leg catches
occur at the same proportion if the snare is
encountered at original height, but leg-caught
moose have to cause a knock-down and step
into the loop; I only observed leg catches in
knock-downs. Moose are more vulnerable to
knock-downs caused by other moose or wind
due to the loop size and position on the trail.
Not surprisingly, managers and trappers have
Type/location Cable size Breaking strength (kg)
Moose SE Wolf SE
CSB/24.1a 2.4 192.6 3.53 240.4 5.97
2.8 246.6 6.44 314 7.43
CSB/26.7b 2.4a 166.4 3.62 201.1 3.86
2.8b 228.4 3.46 246.5 6.21
3.2c 276 6.89 312.9 8.2
Split lockc 2.4 264.2 3.6
2.8 325.4 8.2
S-hookd 2.4 198.5 12.2
Table 4. Breaking strength (kg) of breakaway snares used on simulated wolf necks and actual moose legs
in Fairbanks, Alaska, 2004–2006. Each snare cable diameter combination was tested 20 times.
aCinch stop breakaway (CSB) located 24.1 cm from the cable end stop.
bCinch stop breakaway located 26.7 cm from the cable end stop.
cThompson split lock.
dS-hook attached to a Thompson lock.
concentrated on designing snare types more
effective in releasing leg-caught ungulates
than improving capture selectivity.
I found that moose vulnerability to wolf
snares can be reduced by adding a diverter
wire that extends from the snare about 70 cm
at a 10-20o angle from the horizontal plane
tangent to the top of the snare (Fig. 4). The
placement and length of this wire ensures that
moose will initially contact it instead of the
snare, thereby pushing the snare aside or creat-
ing a knock-down, and minimizing the chance
of a nose/neck-caught moose. Unfortunately,
there is no efficient breakaway mechanism
that will allow escape of a neck/nose-caught
large ungulate. I believe that diverter snares
will also minimize neck/nose-caught caribou
and other non-target species taller than wolves
because the diverter wires would be struck
prior to contact with the snare. Importantly,
the efficiency of wolf captures was not affected
by adding the diverter wire.
Diverter wires did not increase the fre-
quency of knock-downs by wind, but did cause
more knock-downs by moose than occurred
with standard snares. However, there was no
related increased capture of moose suggesting
that the diverter snare continued to be effec-
tive. My 23 observations of moose contacting
diverter snares indicate that the snare usually
falls to the trail after contact forming a 15-38
cm loop with the diverter wire maintaining its
original orientation. Therefore, subsequent
moose on the trail should still contact the
diverter wire prior to stepping into the loop.
The most likely situations when moose are
caught in diverters occur when moose do not
follow the trail and bypass the diverter wires,
or when diverter wires are damaged. The
diverter wires in this study were not damaged
after 1-2 knock-downs. All moose caught in
diverters were in snares unchecked ≥12 days
indicating that the efficacy of diverters may
be reduced from repeat contacts with the
diverter wire or a moose eventually did not
follow the trail. These failures illustrate the
need to incorporate a breakaway system to
allow leg-caught moose to escape.
I found only one reference evaluating
breakaway efficiency for wolf snares (Thomp-
son Snares). Most information describing
the efficiency of breakaway snares has come
from trappers who report good success with
several breakaway mechanisms, particularly
the Thompson split lock on 0.24 cm diameter
cable and S-hooks (Blejwas 2006). However,
there are no reports of trappers or researchers
incorporating a cinch stop with any of the
breakaway mechanisms on wolf snares. Due to
extreme cold temperatures in most of Alaska,
moose that do not break free from snares
often sustain mortal injuries due to freezing.
Therefore, a cinch stop would be a remedial
measure for leg-caught moose especially if
the snare was anchored to a flexible anchor
and more time was required for the moose to
break free.
The ideal wolf snare would incorporate
a breakaway system that released all leg-
caught moose but no neck-caught wolves.
The breaking force necessary to cause release
of the CSB mechanism placed either at 24.1
or 26.7 cm tested during this study was low
enough for all leg-caught moose to break free
regardless of the anchor type, but was suf-
ficient to hold all neck-caught wolves. The
advantage of the CSB mechanism over other
breakaway mechanisms is that it breaks easiest
when the lock comes in contact and pushes
against the ferrule. Thus the breaking force
necessary for release of a leg-caught moose,
where the lock contacts the ferrule, will be
less than that for a neck-caught wolf where
contact is not achieved. The breaking force
increases the further the cinch down point is
from the CSB mechanism because the force
is no longer concentrated on the release, but
spread around the entire loop. This is not
the case for breakaway mechanisms that are
dependent on the lock separating or S-hooks
pulling apart; the breaking force is similar for
moose and wolves, or possibly less for wolves
as loop size is larger (Roy et al. 2005).
Not using a cinch stop can be problematic
if the breakaway mechanism does not release
the moose because the chance of injury and
even death is high due to freezing limbs. To
minimize the chance of injury, a cinch stop
should be included when S-hooks are the pri-
mary breakaway mechanism. Unfortunately,
a cinch stop does not work with the split lock
on any size cable because a split lock releases
when the cable is pulled through the cut. If a
cinch stop is incorporated, it would also have
to be pulled through the cut. I recommend that
trappers use the CSB or S-hooks incorporated
with a cinch stop as their primary breakaway
mechanisms on wolf snares.
An apparent disadvantage of the CSB was
that breaking forces decreased with smaller
diameter cable because of less contact surface
(less friction) between the cable and ferrule,
increasing the possibility that wolves could
escape. Some trappers may be reluctant to use
the CSB mechanism on 0.24 cm cable using
the attachment methods described herein. To
alleviate that concern, higher breaking forces
can be achieved by increasing the contact
surface between the ferrule and cable by
increasing the number of times the ferrule is
swaged or by using a longer ferrule.
Placement of the CSB on the snare loop is
an important consideration because breaking
force declines with greater spacing between
the CSB and the end stop. I recommend that
the CSB be placed at 26.7 cm to minimize
the breaking force for moose or other smaller
ungulates yet ensure adequate loop size and
holding strength to kill wolves. My analysis
of loop size relative to cable diameter indicated
that this would be adequate for wolf snare cable
set 0.24-0.32 cm. For snares using S-hooks
as the breakaway mechanism, I recommend
placing the cinch stop at 26.7 cm.
Trappers, other researchers (Phillips 1996,
Roy et al. 2005), and I have found effective
release mechanisms to release ungulates from
snares. None of these breaking mechanisms,
including the CSB, are efficient in releasing
nose-caught moose from wolf snares; the di-
verter wire is presumably the only mechanism
that reduces nose catches.
Snares are an effective method to catch
wolves and are a preferred trapping method
in Alaska. However, the associated accidental
capture of moose is problematic. Based on
the characteristics of how moose encounter
a wolf snare, I found that incorporating 2
modifications (diverter wire and cinch stop) to
the snare resulted in fewer caught and injured
moose, and higher escape rate. These changes
did not affect the snare's effectiveness to catch
wolves as I found no instance where wolves
either escaped or evaded capture because the
breakaway mechanism released, or by actively
avoiding the snare. Both modifications can
be easily done by trappers and commercial
suppliers of wolf snares on snare cable with
0.24-0.32 cm diameter. Although results are
particularly pertinent to wolves and moose,
these results are likely applicable in other
areas where wolf or coyote snaring occurs in
the presence of other large hoofed mammals.
Importantly, these modifications will improve
selectivity without reducing efficiency of
wolf snares.
In areas of high moose density where
wolves are trapped intensively, I recommend
that a cinch stop be required, and possibly
a diverter wire, to reduce the chance of ac-
cidentally catching and restraining moose.
Furthermore, a maximum 7-day snare check
should be considered because knock-downs
make moose more vulnerable to capture, al-
beit, recognizing that trapping in rural Alaska
and Canada often requires long trap-lines and
severe weather conditions that may require
special consideration.
Using captive moose to evaluate vulner-
ability to snares and test snare modifications
proved to be an opportunistic and valuable
approach. If possible, further study to improve
selectivity and efficiency of snares should
be conducted with tractable moose to real-
ize optimal sample sizes and testing design.
Specifically, I recommend evaluating the
influence of snare loop size by investigating
loop sizes <153 cm. I documented no reduced
capture rate in 153-cm snare loops as com-
pared to 183-cm loops, despite the top of the
tear-dropped shaped loop of 183-cm snares
being at least 7.9 cm higher. The ideal loop
size would be >153 cm and reduce the chance
of caught moose, yet maintain high efficiency
in wolf capture.
The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration
Project W-33-3 provided financial support.
I thank J. Crouse, S. Jenkins, L. Lewis, T.
Lohuis, J. Selinger, and T. McDonough for
their assistance in the field and T. Hollis and
J. Caikoski for helping construct snares. T.
Hollis, R. Perkins, and J. Whitman helped
test snares. I thank B. Taras, S. Brainerd, R.
Boertje, J. Burns, L. McCarthy, and S. Sze-
panski for their editorial comments to this
manuscript. N. Pamperin and M. Ross assisted
constructing the figures. I particularly want
to thank M. Keech and T. Lohuis for many
discussions on possible snare designs and
B. Taras for his help with data analysis.
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