ALCES 46 (2010) CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM - Albert W. Franzmann ...................................................................... i AlbERt W. FRANzMANN ANd dIstINguIshEd COllEAguEs MEMORIAl AWARd.................................................................................................. iv FIFtY YEARs OF FOOd ANd FORAgINg IN MOOsE: lEssONs IN ECOlOgY FROM A MOdEl hERbIVORE ....................................................... Lisa A. Shipley 1 OPtIMAl hARVEstINg OF MOOsE IN AlbERtA ............................................... ................................................................................. Cailin Xu and Mark S. Boyce 15 A hIstORY OF MOOsE MANAgEMENt IN utAh ................................................. ...................................... Michael L. Wolfe, Kent R. Hersey, and David C. Stoner 37 uNdERstANdINg thE IMPACt OF MENINgEAl WORM, PARELAPHO- STRONGYLUS TENUIS, ON MOOsE POPulAtIONs ...... Murray W. Lankester 53 ACtIVItY PAttERNs, FORAgINg ECOlOgY, ANd suMMER RANgE CAR- RYINg CAPACItY OF MOOsE (ALCES ALCES SHIRASI) IN ROCKY MOuNtAIN NAtIONAl PARK, COlORAdO ............. Jason D. Dungan, Lisa A. Shipley, and R. Gerald Wright 71 MOdElINg sEAsONAl dIstRIbutION ANd sPAtIAl RANgE CAPACItY APPROXIMAtIONs OF MOOsE IN sOuthEAstERN WYOMINg ....................... ...... Phillip E. Baigas, Richard A. Olson, Ryan M. Nielson, Scott N. Miller, and Frederick G. Lindzey 89 POtENtIAl VulNERAbIlItY OF bull MOOsE IN CENtRAl bRItIsh COluMbIA tO thREE ANtlER-bAsEd huNtINg REgulAtIONs .................... ... Kenneth N. Child, Daniel A. Aitken, Roy V. Rea, and Raymond A. Demarchi 113 MORPhOMEtRY OF MOOsE ANtlERs IN CENtRAl bRItIsh COluMbIA ..... ............................................. Kenneth N. Child, Daniel A. Aitken and Roy V. Rea 123 thE IMPACt OF MOOsE (ALCES ALCES ANdERSONI) ON FOREst REgENERAtION FOllOWINg A sEVERE sPRuCE budWORM OutbREAK IN thE CAPE bREtON hIghlANds, NOVA sCOtIA, CANAdA .......................... ..................... Craig Smith, Karen Beazley, Peter Duinker, and Karen A. Harper 135 NutRItONAl CONdItION OF Adult FEMAlE shIRAs MOOsE IN NORthWEst WYOMINg .. Scott A. Becker, Matthew J. Kauffman, and Stanley H. Anderson 151 REduCINg NON-tARgEt MOOsE CAPtuRE IN WOlF sNAREs ...................... ..................................................................................................... Craig L. Gardner 167 YOutubEtM INsIghts INtO MOOsE-tRAIN INtERACtIONs ........................... ............................................ Roy V. Rea, Kenneth N. Child, and Daniel A. Aitken 183 AN AdVIsORY COMMIttEE PROCEss tO PlAN MOOsE MANAgEMENt IN MINNEsOtA ............... Amanda M. McGraw, Ron Moen, Grant Wilson, Andrew Edwards, Rolf Peterson,Louis Cornicelli, Mike Schrage, Lee Frelich, Mark Lenarz, and Dennis Becker 189 (Continued on inside back cover) 44th NORth AMERICAN MOOsE CONFERENCE ANd WORKshOP ................ 201 PREVIOus MEEtINg sItEs................................................................................. 203 dIstINguIshEd MOOsE bIOlOgIst - KENNEth N. ChIld ............................ 204 dIstINguIshEd MOOsE bIOlOgIst - PAst RECIPIENts............................... 205 dIstINguIshEd MOOsE bIOlOgIst - AWARd CRItERIA ............................... 206 EdItORIAl REVIEW COMMIttEE........................................................................ 207 ADDITIONAL COPIES Available from: Lakehead University Bookstore, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7B 5E1 Alces 39-46 Price $40.00 Canadian or U.S. each (including supplementary issues) Alces 24-38 Price $38.00 Canadian or U.S. each (including supplementary issues) Alces 17-23 Price $20.00 Canadian or U.S. each Proceedings of the North American Moose Conference and Workshop 8-16 Price $20.00 Canadian or U.S. each Make cheques, money orders or purchase orders payable to Lakehead University Bookstore. All prices include 5% G.S.T., mailing and handling costs. Prices are subject to change. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Brooke Pilley worked long hours formatting and typesetting manuscripts. ALCES HOME PAGE Further information on contents of past issues, prices, ordering, as well as instructions to submitting authors, are available at our website: