item: #1 of 348 id: ar-14404 author: Daggett, Lyle title: Political Poetry date: 2010-10-25 words: 1959 flesch: 63 summary: The fact is that left- wing political poetry, taken as a whole, is better poetry than poetry in which the poet has tried to leave politics out of it, or in which the poet has deliberately written from a right-wing perspective (I suppose a few examples of the latter do exist). Some people argue that there is much badly written political poetry — that much of it reads like a political pamphlet chopped into line breaks, or sing-song rhyming doggerel — and that this proves that political subject matter is not suited to poetry. keywords: alternate; art; better; blake; class; critical; culture; dante; examples; good; journal; left; love; mao; mcgrath; nature; place; poem; poetry; poets; political; politics; populist; public; realism; right; routes; similar; social; subject; thing; thomas; time; tone; william; wing; work; working cache: ar-14404.pdf plain text: ar-14404.txt item: #2 of 348 id: ar-14405 author: Henry, Aaron title: Multinational [G]rape Corporation date: 2010-10-25 words: 1481 flesch: 55 summary: Market society then, produces not only fragmented subjects but the com- plete fragmentation of social life. This structure has a number of important effects that taken together form Cinar’s critique of capitalist society—a critique that goes far beyond being merely anti-consumerist and anti-security, as other reviewers have commented on. keywords: adobe; capitalist; cinar; corporation; couple; g]rape; man; market; mgc; multinational; pdf; play; reader; relations; scene; security; social; society; subjects; version; woman cache: ar-14405.pdf plain text: ar-14405.txt item: #3 of 348 id: ar-14406 author: Erdagi, Bora title: Eyes Wide Shut date: 2010-10-25 words: 2172 flesch: 65 summary: Alice suddenly starts asking Bill questions about their relationship. It tells the story of an upper-middle class New York couple (Bill Harford performed by Tom Cruise and Alice Harford performed by Nicole Kidman) who lose their way upon having a few existential crises in three consecutive days. keywords: alice; awareness; bill; bourgeoisie; class; critical; dream; experiences; eyes; film; harford; kubrick; life; masks; position; reality; relationship; sex; shut; sleep; social; story; way; wide; world cache: ar-14406.pdf plain text: ar-14406.txt item: #4 of 348 id: ar-14408 author: Lefebvre, Priscillia title: About Canada: Animal Rights date: 2010-10-25 words: 1512 flesch: 38 summary: John Sorenson delivers an extensive analysis of animal rights in Canada, which is both extremely disturbing and informative. Because of its broad nature, Sorenson does not delve into an exhaustive analysis of any one topic but provides the reader with an excellent overview of the legal, historical, and social issues surrounding animal rights in Canada as well as the arguments, misconcep- tions, and industry propaganda embedded within it. keywords: animal; broader; canada; discussion; examples; exploitation; fur; humans; hunt; industry; issues; justice; killing; oppression; people; production; profit; public; research; rights; seal; social; sorenson; suffering; use; veganism cache: ar-14408.pdf plain text: ar-14408.txt item: #5 of 348 id: ar-14409 author: Ozcan, Gulden title: Cops, Crime & Capitalism: The Law and Order Agenda in Canada date: 2010-10-25 words: 1734 flesch: 44 summary: Gordon, by conducting a careful empirical study of legal regulations, demonstrates how police practices have served the systematic subordination of racialised and gendered populations in Canada. Although Gordon’s approach to police as a state-centred strategy leaves some questions unanswered such as the ever-increasing numbers of private police, he provides an accessible account to remind us that po- licing is a strategy driven by a moral discourse on the importance of employment and self-discipline, rather than a strategy to fight crime. keywords: approach; book; canada; capitalism; chapter; class; crime; critical; distance; foucault; gordon; immigrants; immigration; labour; law; non; order; police; policies; policing; power; relations; social; state; theories; work cache: ar-14409.pdf plain text: ar-14409.txt item: #6 of 348 id: ar-14410 author: kokallaj, Alda title: The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet date: 2010-10-25 words: 1198 flesch: 44 summary: Foster’s main achievement is to draw together a difficult body of theory with urging po- litical questions and convincingly argue that it is high time ecological crises were addressed via a socialist, as opposed to a capitalist, approach. More generally, from Foster’s argument it can be discerned that in the face of ecological crises we need to think and act beyond disciplinary boundaries. keywords: book; capitalist; crisis; development; discussion; ecological; economy; environmental; foster; human; marx; nature; planet; political; revolution; social; sociology; work cache: ar-14410.pdf plain text: ar-14410.txt item: #7 of 348 id: ar-14411 author: Fanelli, Carlo title: In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown & Left Alternatives date: 2010-10-25 words: 1521 flesch: 39 summary: Albo, Gindin and Panitch remind the reader that the classical meaning of crisis is turning point, to which they ask: Has the crisis marked a turning point in the balance of class power and the organization of the state? He can be reached at In And Out Of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives 172 Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research Fortunately, the authors have preemptively summarized the outline of the book (p.25): ‘Chapter one explores whether or not we are currently witnessing the end of neoliberalism; chapter two engages in current debates regarding the nature of capitalist crises, and the relationship be- tween the state, finance and production in a neoliberal era; chap- ter three traces the historical process through which, over a cen- tury punctuated by previous cries, the American State and finance developed in tandem, and came to play a new kind of imperial role at the centre of global capitalism; chapter four traces the de- velopment of the crisis that began in 2007 and explains the active role of the American state, both under Bush and Obama, in con- taining the crisis in ways that reproduced the structures of class inequality and power domestically and internationally; chapter five analyses how the relationship between industry and finance played itself out in the auto sector, bringing to the fore the full class dimensions of the crisis; chapter six reflects on the impasse of the North American labour movement and the implications for the North American Left; and Chapter seven tries to think creatively about alternatives, not least in terms of how advancing the case for democratic economic planning, including the nation- alization of the banks and auto industry, must become integrated with demands for immediate reforms.’ keywords: albo; alternatives; american; authors; book; capitalist; chapter; class; crisis; finance; financial; gindin; global; industry; labour; left; meltdown; neoliberalism; new; panitch; power; social; state; structures; world cache: ar-14411.pdf plain text: ar-14411.txt item: #8 of 348 id: ar-14412 author: Hilchey, Edward title: Canada's 1960s: The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era date: 2010-10-25 words: 1315 flesch: 51 summary: Palmer sets the stage by contextualizing events within the broader history affect- ing Canada in the post-war era. 177 The conclusion ends with the vanguard of British Canada gathering with the world in Montreal’s Expo 67, celebrating Canada’s arrival into the modern era. keywords: 1960s; book; british; canada; canadian; era; events; history; identity; image; ironies; movements; pages; palmer; period; political; rebellious; red; social; war; work; world; youth cache: ar-14412.pdf plain text: ar-14412.txt item: #9 of 348 id: ar-14414 author: Evans, Bryan; Albo, Greg title: Permanent Austerity: The Politics of the Canadian Exit Strategy from Fiscal Stimulus date: 2010-10-25 words: 9860 flesch: 48 summary: And a third exit – and the focus of the most heated political debate – is from deficit-spending fiscal policies toward public sector austerity. The general notion, expressed at the Toronto G20 Summit and other international meetings, is cutting public sector deficits in half by 2013, and phasing in a reduction of debt to GDP rations after 2016. keywords: 2010; alternate; assets; august; austerity; available; balanced; bank; board; budget; budgetary; canada; canadian; canadian exit; capitalist; case; cent; central; coalition; collapse; common; conservative; core; corporate; credit; crisis; critical; cuts; debt; december; deficit; department; economic; economic crisis; economy; emergency; example; exit; exit strategy; federal; finance; financial; financial crisis; fiscal; fiscal stimulus; gdp; general; global; government; growth; harper; health; high; imf; income; increase; institutions; investment; january; jobs; journal; key; largest; levels; liberals; march; market; measures; minister; mortgage; national; neoliberal; new; november; number; ontario; opposition; parties; party; pay; percent; permanent; plan; policies; policy; political; politics; private; programs; projects; provinces; provincial; public; public sector; public services; quebec; regulatory; rescue; research; response; result; routes; sector; sector workers; september; services; social; spending; state; stimulus; strategy; support; system; tax; turn; unions; wages; workers; world; year cache: ar-14414.pdf plain text: ar-14414.txt item: #10 of 348 id: ar-14416 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Hurl, Chris title: Janus-Faced Austerity: Strengthening the date: 2010-10-25 words: 9481 flesch: 47 summary: Wait another ten years and the estimated cost to rectify this dilemma rises from $20 billion to $30 billion as nearly 40 percent of federal service workers are expected to retire in the next five years. It is argued that while social services and spending are restricted for certain seg- ments of the Canadian working class, new arrangements and spend- ing initiatives are rolled out by the federal government in order to fuel enhanced capital accumulation. keywords: accumulation; addition; advanced; aim; albo; alternate; alternatives; anderson; arrangements; assets; austerity; average; away; banks; benefits; budget; business; canada; canadian; canadian state; capital; capitalist; central; class; competitive; conservatives; contracts; control; costs; crisis; critical; current; cuts; debt; domestic; economic; economy; eds; election; employees; energy; environmental; example; expected; fact; federal; federal government; federalism; finance; financial; fiscal; foreign; free; gains; global; goods; governance; government; groups; hand; harper; health; income; instance; institutional; international; investment; janus; journal; labour; life; local; long; market; means; measures; militancy; minister; national; need; neoliberalism; new; ontario; order; particular; past; pensions; percent; policies; policy; political; power; press; private; privatization; profit; provinces; provision; public; real; recent; relations; research; restraint; routes; sector; services; short; social; social services; spending; state; stimulus; strategies; strategy; supports; tax; taxes; term; time; toronto; trade; union; wages; welfare; words; workers; working; workplace; world; years cache: ar-14416.pdf plain text: ar-14416.txt item: #11 of 348 id: ar-14417 author: Li, Minqi title: Can Global Capitalism Be Saved? date: 2010-10-25 words: 7847 flesch: 51 summary: It is the global semi-periphery (China, India, Russia, and Latin America) that could prove to be the focus of global capitalist contradictions. This is the basic political question confronting global working classes. keywords: accumulation; alternate; basic; capitalist; capitalist economy; century; china; chinese; class; classes; conditions; consumption; contradiction; costs; countries; crisis; critical; deficits; demand; development; early; ecological; economic; economies; economy; effective; engels; environmental; european; exit; expansion; exploitation; exports; figure; financial; fiscal; following; force; gdp; global; global capitalism; global economy; government; growth; high; historical; household; humanity; increase; international; investment; japan; journal; labor; large; long; major; market; massive; national; neoliberalism; new; percent; periphery; political; power; press; problem; production; profit; rate; research; resource; revolutionary; routes; run; second; sector; semi; share; social; socialist; state; strategies; struggle; surplus; system; terms; total; trade; wages; war; website; western; workers; working; world; years; york cache: ar-14417.pdf plain text: ar-14417.txt item: #12 of 348 id: ar-14418 author: Schmidt, Ingo title: European Capitalism: Varieties of Crisis date: 2010-10-25 words: 6539 flesch: 52 summary: European Capitalism: Varieties of Crisis 82 Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research What media commentators fail to mention is that EU core countries were eager to get Greece on board the EMU to underscore the country’s strategic position and get some level of control over its merchandise fleet. Presenting experiences from a number of EU countries, this article will look at centre – periphery relations, macroeconomic imbalances and the design of the EMU as key factors that can explain why speculative attacks against an economically small country like Greece, contributing about 2.5% to the EU’s total GDP, translated into a severe crisis of European capitalism (European Central Bank 2010). keywords: 1990s; account; alternate; austerity; boom; bourgeoisie; britain; british; capitalism; case; city; core; countries; country; credit; crisis; critical; current; debt; deficits; demand; domestic; early; eastern; economic; economy; emu; european; european capitalism; export; finance; financial; fiscal; foreign; france; french; gdp; german; government; greece; greek; growth; high; housing; hungary; imf; industrial; integration; international; ireland; italian; italy; journal; keynesian; london; markets; membership; neoliberal; new; peripheral; piigs; policies; political; position; private; production; public; research; result; routes; social; socialist; soviet; state; street; studies; surpluses; table; varieties; vol; wall; way; world cache: ar-14418.pdf plain text: ar-14418.txt item: #13 of 348 id: ar-14419 author: Radice, Hugo title: Cutting Government Deficits: Economic Science or Class War? date: 2010-10-25 words: 7270 flesch: 50 summary: Although the turn of the millennium was accompanied by further outbreaks of financial crisis—for instance, the ‘’ stock-market bust and Argentina in 2001—a new wave of global economic growth accompanied by low inflation appeared to justify the self-satisfied claim that ‘the ‘Great Moderation’ had arrived (Bernanke, 2004). The triumph of neoliberalism – and globalization While the Third World was devastated by the debt crisis of the 1980s (Hag- gard & Kaufman, 1992), the UK and US financial sectors pressed forward with deregulation at home and expansion abroad, laying the basis for their joint domi- nation of global financial markets. keywords: 1970s; alternate; banks; britain; business; capital; capitalist; case; central; class; classes; clear; coalition; consensus; countries; crisis; critical; cuts; debt; deficits; democracy; development; economic; economy; employment; excessive; finance; financial; fiscal; global; globalization; government; government deficits; growth; historical; ifs; income; inflation; interest; international; investment; journal; keynesian; labour; left; london; long; mainstream; markets; marx; monetary; money; neoliberalism; new; order; particular; parties; policies; policy; political; politics; post; power; press; private; production; public; radical; radice; rates; recession; reforms; research; response; result; right; rise; routes; rule; savings; science; second; sector; shift; social; society; spending; state; terms; trade; union; usa; war; way; workers; working; world; years cache: ar-14419.pdf plain text: ar-14419.txt item: #14 of 348 id: ar-14420 author: Wolff, Richard title: The Keynesian Revival: a Marxian Critique date: 2010-10-25 words: 4266 flesch: 42 summary: Second, the promise that has almost always accompanied each application of Keynesian policies 1 Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and currently Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York City. Different combinations of these components characterize Keynesian policies in different countries and at different historical moments. keywords: alternative; average; bureau; capitalism; costs; crisis; critical; critique; cycles; different; earnings; economics; economy; employers; end; enterprises; faire; figure; great; green; historical; hourly; journal; keynesian; keynesian policies; labor; laissez; left; level; manufacturing; marxian; micro; neoclassical; new; policies; policy; political; private; production; productivity; real; regimes; research; resnick; revival; routes; second; series; social; socialism; sources; state; statistics; surpluses; terms; theory; value; wages; wolff; workers cache: ar-14420.pdf plain text: ar-14420.txt item: #15 of 348 id: ar-14421 author: Schein, Rebecca title: Free Transit and Social Movement Infrastructure: Assessing the Political Potential of Toronto date: 2010-10-25 words: 3627 flesch: 46 summary: Free transit could represent a site of convergence between many distinct activist circles in the city and foster greater integration and collaboration between environmental advocacy, anti-poverty work, and diverse human rights organiza- tions. The invitation to imagine free transit is an invitation for transit riders to imagine them- selves not simply as consumers of a commodity, but as members of a public entitled to participate in conversations about the kind of city they want to live in. keywords: alternate; anti; assembly; broad; building; campaign; capitalist; city; class; communities; dialogue; downtown; environmental; fare; free; free transit; funding; g20; goods; greater; infrastructure; left; long; mass; meaning; members; movement; need; new; organization; people; police; political; potential; process; public; relationships; resources; riders; right; sector; services; social; space; system; tactics; toronto; transit; transit campaign; vision; workers; working; world cache: ar-14421.pdf plain text: ar-14421.txt item: #16 of 348 id: ar-14422 author: Broad, Dave title: PERIPHERALIZATION OF THE CENTRE: W(H)ITHER CANADA? REVISITED date: 2010-10-25 words: 1403 flesch: 70 summary: New York: New York University Press. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. keywords: broad; canada; canadian; centre; century; council; countries; dave; economic; economy; eds; globalization; halifax; jobs; labour; monthly; new; press; process; publishing; review; social; toronto; university; vol; work; world; york cache: ar-14422.pdf plain text: ar-14422.txt item: #17 of 348 id: ar-15854 author: Kelly, Elaine title: A Rough Climate for Migration date: 2011-11-14 words: 10283 flesch: 51 summary: The dominance of the security paradigm can be seen in recent efforts to lock down a concept of climate security which can then be effectively mobilised by policymakers, extending its reach from environmental and migration discourse into climate change. Marie Julia Trombetta recognises the difficulty of implementing climate security, arguing that its complexity arises in the paradoxical need to both transform and protect “the existing economic structure and way of life” (Trombetta, 2008, p. 591). keywords: action; africa; aid; america; australia; barnett; borders; brown; change; climate; climate change; climate security; concept; conditions; context; critical; dalby; decision; defence; derrida; deudney; disaster; discourse; displacement; dominance; dominant; earthquake; economic; efforts; environmental; environmental migration; ethical; event; example; fact; fear; feldman; fernandes; film; following; force; foreign; giroux; global; government; haiti; haitian; hospitality; host; hsu; human; inclusion; instance; international; invasion; issues; january; language; law; level; life; logic; mass; measures; migrants; migration; military; movement; myers; national; national security; need; new; north; paper; paradigm; people; policy; political; politics; possible; potential; power; press; privileged; problem; refugees; relation; research; response; role; rough; rough climate; securitisation; security; senegal; sense; shift; smith; social; south; sovereignty; state; struggles; tacoli; term; thompson; threat; times; trombetta; u.s; united; uniting; ways; work cache: ar-15854.pdf plain text: ar-15854.txt item: #18 of 348 id: ar-15857 author: Konings, Martijn title: Neoliberalism & the State date: 2011-11-24 words: 5882 flesch: 41 summary: Despite the attention to the state and its institutions, financial globalization is still conceptualized as the ‘disembedding’ of financial markets from their erstwhile ‘embedded liberal’ institutional environment and the resulting imposition of market discipline on public and private actors (e.g. Helleiner, 1994; Best, 2003; Ruggie, 2007). One of the central theo- retical points of critical IPE has been the role of the state in fostering the globalization of financial markets. keywords: ability; access; actors; american; american state; argument; article; authority; banks; big; capacities; capitalism; conceptual; contradictions; control; credit; crisis; critical; critical social; deal; debt; discipline; disembedding; economic; economy; elites; embeddedness; everyday; expansion; fact; fail; federal; finance; financial; financial markets; financial system; global; growth; infrastructural; institutional; kind; life; like; logic; markets; mechanisms; modern; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; order; perspective; polanyi; policies; policy; political; post; power; practices; press; public; regime; regulatory; relations; research; role; securitization; social; state; strategies; struggles; system; systemic; times; university; way cache: ar-15857.pdf plain text: ar-15857.txt item: #19 of 348 id: ar-15858 author: Germain, Randall title: Power, the State and Global Politics After the Great Freeze:Towards a New Articulation? date: 2011-11-24 words: 8987 flesch: 51 summary: What should be of more concern to scholars of global power is the condition of American values and ideals, which support in so many ways the entrenched American-centred global economic agenda. | 103 this, there were also some decisions that were simply not taken because the U.S. in effect blocked the way; such ‘non-decisions’ as she called them were also the product of American structural power (Strange, 1986). keywords: ability; agenda; american; american power; articulation; authority; balance; banking; banks; bric; british; capacity; capital; changes; consequences; control; countries; cox; crisis; critical; currency; debt; decisions; decline; development; dollar; economic; economies; economy; example; fact; financial; financial system; firms; framework; freeze; germain; global; global financial; global politics; globalization; governance; government; great; great freeze; important; institutions; interests; international; ipe; key; liberal; london; long; longer; major; markets; military; monetary; new; operation; order; organization; period; political; political economy; politics; power; press; princeton; private; public; question; regulation; regulatory; relations; research; reserve; role; rules; scholars; set; significant; social; state; strange; structural; structural power; struggles; supervision; susan; system; time; u.s; uniting; university; use; war; world cache: ar-15858.pdf plain text: ar-15858.txt item: #20 of 348 id: ar-15860 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Lefebvre, Priscillia title: The Ottawa and Gatineau Museum Workers date: 2011-11-24 words: 10276 flesch: 52 summary: Considering the brashness of Prime Minister Harper’s newfound Conservative majority, and the coor- dinated responses of the capitalist class, it is conceivable that the worst for Federal public service workers (and the users of those services) is yet to come. While striking PSAC workers in Local 70396 were certainly not, on the whole, anti-capitalist in their aims and efforts, important seeds were revealed in the strike toward a turn to class-struggle unionism. keywords: .com; action; agreement; air; albo; austerity; bargaining; benefits; camfield; canada; canadian; capitalism; century; civilization; class; clement; cmcc; collective; conditions; conservatives; contract; corporate; corporation; critical; critical social; decades; economic; economy; eds; education; efforts; employees; employer; employment; employmentand; end; fanelli; federal; fernwood; form; free; gatineau; government; great; halifax; harper; health; important; job; jobs; june; keynesian; kingston; labour; legislation; line; local; majority; management; market; mcbride; mcgill; members; minister; montreal; museum; museum workers; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; news; offer; ottawa; panitch; pay; people; percent; period; permanent; picket; plan; policy; political; positions; precarious; press; private; programs; psac; public; public sector; pupo; queen; recession; research; restructuring; rights; sector; security; service; social; state; strike; striking; struggles; studies; support; tax; temporary; thomas; time; toronto; trade; union; unionism; uniting; university; wages; war; way; welfare; women; workers; working; years cache: ar-15860.pdf plain text: ar-15860.txt item: #21 of 348 id: ar-15861 author: Fidler, Richard title: Qu date: 2011-11-24 words: 11448 flesch: 45 summary: A number of attempts have been made in recent years to launch new parties and processes, addressing a broad left or popular constitu- ency, that are programmatically anti-neoliberal if not anti-capitalist, some of them self-identifying as part of an international effort to create a “socialism of the 21st century.” Sporadic attempts were made in the 1980s to build new parties of the left, but without lasting success. keywords: action; activists; agreement; alternative; amir; anti; approach; assembly; associated; autonomy; bloc; broad; broad left; campaign; canada; canadian; candidates; capitalist; century; citoyenne; commission; common; community; constitutional; convention; critical; critical social; david; debate; december; delegates; demands; democratic; development; draft; economic; economy; election; electoral; environment; example; federal; feminist; fidler; following; forces; founding; framework; free; french; general; government; identity; important; independence; international; investment; justice; khadir; labour; language; large; left; left party; liberals; local; major; manifesto; march; mass; media; members; membership; montréal; movement; national; nationalist; ndp; neoliberal; new; new party; november; number; opposition; option; organized; parties; party; past; pds; people; perspectives; policy; political; politics; popular; pour; process; program; progressive; prominent; proposals; provincial; public; quebec; question; québec solidaire; québécois; québécois approach; radical; rap; recent; referendum; reform; representation; research; right; section; self; services; social; social movements; social research; socialiste; society; solidaire; solidarity; sovereignty; state; strategy; strong; struggles; support; system; times; trade; ufp; unions; uniting; vote; wing; women; year cache: ar-15861.pdf plain text: ar-15861.txt item: #22 of 348 id: ar-15862 author: Choudry, Aziz title: On Knowledge Production, Learning and Research in Struggle date: 2011-11-24 words: 8218 flesch: 49 summary: In their article on “movement-relevant theory,” Doug Bevington and Chris Dixon (2005) note that just as few activists read social movement theory, important debates inside move- ment networks often do not enter the scholarly literature about social movements. The dominant strands On Knowledge Production, Learning and Research in Struggle | 179 of social movement theory tend to be reductionist, Eurocentric, and disconnected from the social movements and organizations that are the objects of its study. keywords: academic; action; activist; analysis; anti; apec; bank; black; building; capitalism; change; choudry; civil; colonial; community; consciousness; context; critical; critical social; development; document; dominant; eds; education; engaged; engagement; foley; formal; forms; global; government; ground; historical; ideas; immigrant; important; information; intellectual; international; justice; knowledge; knowledge production; labour; learning; local; london; marx; movements; need; networks; new; ngoization; ngos; non; official; organizations; organizing; people; political; politics; power; practice; press; processes; production; radical; relations; research; scholars; shragge; smith; social; social movements; social research; social struggles; society; south; state; strategy; struggles; theorizing; theory; times; toronto; trade; turn; unions; uniting; universities; university; workers; world; york; zealand cache: ar-15862.pdf plain text: ar-15862.txt item: #23 of 348 id: ar-15863 author: Noonen, Jeff title: Socialism as a Life-Coherent Society date: 2011-11-24 words: 8782 flesch: 49 summary: Thus human beings share three sets of life-requirements corresponding to the three dimensions of human life: Socialism as a Life-Coherent Society | 201 physical-organic requirements of biological life, socio-cultural require- ments of human life as a socially self-conscious agent, and temporal requirements of free human life. While it is true, as John Bellamy Foster has demonstrated, that Marx did not ignore the natural foundations of human life but in fact understood labour as humanity’s metabolism with nature and criti- cised capitalism for imposing a “metabolic rift” between human beings 198 | keywords: activity; alternative; beings; biological; building; capacities; capacity; capitalism; care; civil; class; coherence; coherent; commons; comprehensive; consumer; critical; cultural; demands; democratic; destructive; development; economic; experience; expression; forms; free; function; good; history; human; human capacities; human life; institutions; intrinsic; karl; kovel; labour; lebowitz; life; limits; long; marx; mcmurtry; money; natural; necessary; needs; new; objective; organic; people; point; political; possible; power; practices; principle; productive; real; requirements; research; resources; satisfaction; sense; socialism; society; socio; structure; struggles; support; system; systematic; term; time; true; uniting; use; valuable; value; ways; work; workers; york cache: ar-15863.pdf plain text: ar-15863.txt item: #24 of 348 id: ar-15864 author: Parenti, Michael title: Profit Pathology and Disposable Planet date: 2011-11-24 words: 2237 flesch: 61 summary: What is now at stake for them is something more proximate and more urgent than global ecology; it is global profits. Ecologically sustainable forms of production threaten to compromise such profits, the big producers are convinced. keywords: air; big; business; centuries; commentary; company; corporate; cost; crisis; critical; disaster; disposable; earth; ecological; end; environment; fate; free; future; global; immediate; market; mill; need; new; pathology; planet; possible; profit; public; social; superrich; time; water; world; years cache: ar-15864.pdf plain text: ar-15864.txt item: #25 of 348 id: ar-15865 author: Armstrong, Pat title: Canadian Health Care: Privatization and Gendered Labour date: 2011-11-24 words: 3483 flesch: 63 summary: Your research indicates that due to this gendered division of labour in health care women are the primary health care providers in Canada, yet women hold very little decision making power when it comes to policy. The best defence of public health care is popular support and we need to mobilize that support more than ever because we are facing a huge threat. keywords: analysis; approach; armstrong; canada; canadian; care; critical; data; economy; employment; example; gender; gendered; government; health; health care; hugh; inequities; labour; ontario; pages; pat; pat armstrong; policies; political; press; privatization; public; reform; research; sector; services; social; struggles; time; toronto; university; ways; women; work; workers cache: ar-15865.pdf plain text: ar-15865.txt item: #26 of 348 id: ar-15866 author: Jhally, Sut title: Articulation, Cultural Studies, and Education date: 2011-11-24 words: 7974 flesch: 66 summary: They talk in really heavy theoretical ways, and you look around the room and most people are dozing off because they have no idea what people are talking about. Theory proceeds in small steps, and it proceeds on the shoulders of people who have gone before. keywords: action; advertising; articulation; change; classroom; communication; crisis; critical; critique; cultural; culture; debate; different; economic; education; form; function; important; intellectual; interested; interview; jhally; key; kind; knowledge; marx; media; modes; people; piece; place; political; production; public; questions; research; right; role; sense; social; struggles; students; studies; sut; teaching; terms; theory; things; time; uniting; universities; university; view; way; work; world; years cache: ar-15866.pdf plain text: ar-15866.txt item: #27 of 348 id: ar-15867 author: Perelman, Michael title: The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles The Economy By Stunting Workers date: 2011-11-24 words: 2835 flesch: 58 summary: But if you look at the last decade, business got virtually everything it requested, but without much job creation. Like Moliere’s bourgeois gentlemen, who was unaware that he was speaking prose, economists have developed a culture in which they communicate without any recognition of how much they have internalized the distorted perspective of a capitalist system. keywords: able; book; business; capitalism; carlo; century; conditions; creation; critical; economic; economists; economy; handcuffs; invention; invisible; job; labor; marx; michael; new; people; perelman; perspective; political; possible; power; research; role; social; society; state; system; times; wage; work; workers; working; world cache: ar-15867.pdf plain text: ar-15867.txt item: #28 of 348 id: ar-15868 author: Chomsky, Noam title: Democracy and the Public University date: 2011-11-24 words: 4630 flesch: 73 summary: So is it reasonable to think that public universities, specifically, have a democratic function? My strong suspicion is that the attacks on public universities, including things like tuition, quite possibly came out of this whole sort of mentality. keywords: business; centre; chomsky; control; corporate; critical; democracy; economy; fact; free; funding; government; high; institute; interview; kind; lot; mexico; mit; noam; open; pentagon; people; place; political; private; public; public university; research; science; social; states; students; technology; things; time; tuition; united; universities; university; war; work; world cache: ar-15868.pdf plain text: ar-15868.txt item: #29 of 348 id: ar-15869 author: Potter, Garry title: Imaginaries and Realities, Utopia and Dystopia date: 2011-11-24 words: 5826 flesch: 62 summary: However, as the project progressed it became clear that I simply could not present the dystopian vision and argument without engaging with potential strategies for dealing with the problems With respect to many of the dystopia thesis’s individual compo- nents, many people have provided far gloomier assessments than I. I tended to be rather cautious with predictions of catastrophe and apocalypse. But if the harsh reality stands in contrast to utopian vision there is something rather pathetic about the vision as well. keywords: analysis; argument; better; capitalism; caputo; carbon; change; collective; commentary; conflict; course; critical; development; dialectical; dissemination; dystopia; dystopia thesis; economic; economy; example; film; future; global; hope; hydrogen; ideological; ideology; imaginaries; inequality; knowledge; left; malaria; marxist; mystification; new; oil; peak; people; point; political; post; poverty; power; present; press; problems; production; question; realities; reality; research; respect; science; small; social; structural; struggles; suffering; system; terms; thesis; things; times; unemployment; uniting; university; utopian; vision; wealth; world; years; zizek cache: ar-15869.pdf plain text: ar-15869.txt item: #30 of 348 id: ar-15874 author: Henry, Aaron title: First As Tragedy Then As Farce date: 2012-11-05 words: 2628 flesch: 43 summary: In this sense, the political sphere, operates within this form of consciousness as the content (the materiality of the right to equal opportunity) when in fact it is nothing more than the symptom (one could use the word abstraction) of actual existing social relations that are in fact unequal. For Žižek, the point of this comparison of the different class rela- tions attached to symptom and fetishism seems to be this: the permis- sive-cynical subject is the easier of the class positions to mobilize because the form of the subjects ideological belief (i.e equality) can be recognized to be rooted in its content (i.e unequal relations) and as such the subject can simply integrate the content further into the form (i.e we will not be equal politically until we transform our economic relations therefore, let’s change economic relations). keywords: book; capitalist; class; critical; death; economic; false; form; function; fundamental; idea; ideology; liberal; liberalism; new; non; order; place; political; possibility; possible; question; relations; review; sense; situation; social; society; subject; tragedy; truth; working; žižek cache: ar-15874.pdf plain text: ar-15874.txt item: #31 of 348 id: ar-15875 author: Calnitsky, Naomi Alisa title: The Ecological Rift: Capitalism date: 2012-11-05 words: 1162 flesch: 21 summary: Their central target is industrial capitalism and its derivative effects, namely, the unsustainable social habits of consumer forces associated with capitalist production, and the unprecedented levels of ecological destruction associated with accumulative capitalism. His innovative and up-to-date approach placed politicized ecological questions into direct focus, to ask, how might we incorporate the earth into the balance sheet? Building upon past theoretical approaches and contributions, in The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth (2010), Foster, Clark and York offer a radical and comprehensive critique of the plan- etary environmental crisis as exacerbated by industrial capitalism. keywords: authors; book; capitalism; clark; critical; earth; ecological; ecology; economic; environmental; foster; human; industrial; marx; natural; nature; review; rift; social; war; work; world; york cache: ar-15875.pdf plain text: ar-15875.txt item: #32 of 348 id: ar-15876 author: Tozzo, Brandon title: State Power and Democracy: Before and After The Presidency Of George W. Bush date: 2012-11-05 words: 1044 flesch: 48 summary: Andrew Kolin’s book traces the centralization of control in the presidency at the expense of Congress and American democracy. For example, there is no discussion of why mass democracy movements such as the Black Panthers and the Socialist Party are favourable to American democracy, while others such as the religious right and Tea Party are not, since they are both mass movements albeit with different agendas. keywords: administration; american; book; bush; congress; critical; democracy; foreign; george; institutions; kolin; police; power; presidency; rights; social; state; united cache: ar-15876.pdf plain text: ar-15876.txt item: #33 of 348 id: ar-15877 author: Boyd, Ryan title: Missing Women, Missing News: Covering Crisis in Vancouver date: 2012-11-05 words: 2019 flesch: 47 summary: In a critical analysis of the racial component of the state’s culpability of endangering sex workers, Hugill’s study finds that only thirteen of 157 newspaper articles acknowledged that a significant proportion of missing women were Aboriginal (p. 47). Hugill pays special attention to who is speaking on behalf of missing women and prostitutes and their perceived credibility. keywords: aboriginal; book; canada; canadian; chapter; commonsense; conditions; coverage; crisis; critical; downtown; eastside; federal; hugill; local; media; negligence; news; police; prostitution; review; sex; social; state; study; times; vancouver; women; workers cache: ar-15877.pdf plain text: ar-15877.txt item: #34 of 348 id: ar-15878 author: Hurl, Chris title: Economic Democracy: The Working Class Alternative to Capitalism date: 2012-11-05 words: 1363 flesch: 48 summary: 296 | Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research in Critical Times Book Review Economic democracy: the working Class Alternative to Capitalism, by Allan Engler, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2010. As a long-time activist in the labour movement, heading up Local 400 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and contributing to a strong left current in the Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC), Engler approaches the problems of modern capitalism as an organic intellectual. keywords: book; capitalism; community; critical; democracy; economic; engler; hand; labour; manifesto; market; minority; people; process; rise; social; socialized; struggles; times; world; years cache: ar-15878.pdf plain text: ar-15878.txt item: #35 of 348 id: ar-15879 author: Nelson, Matthew title: The Politics of Genocide date: 2012-11-05 words: 1535 flesch: 32 summary: When systematic violence is carried out by US clients—such as Indo- nesia in East Timor from 1975-1999, Israel in the Gaza Strip and West Bank from 1967 to the present, or Rwanda and Uganda in Congo—they are viewed by the US political establishment as Benign and not worthy of condemnation. The Politics of Genocide has done much to emphasize the biases and contradictions of US foreign policy, but it should be read in conjunction with other theoretical contributions to themes related to genocide, impe- rialism and international law. keywords: atrocities; authors; bloodbaths; book; chomsky; class; critical; establishment; genocide; herman; imperialism; international; law; mass; media; nefarious; peterson; political; politics; research; review; social; states; vietnam; war; western cache: ar-15879.pdf plain text: ar-15879.txt item: #36 of 348 id: ar-19216 author: Stanford, Jim title: The Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism: Crisis, Non-Recovery, and Austerity date: 2012-12-14 words: 5923 flesch: 48 summary: The exceptionalist claim that Canadian banks were somehow inherently immune from the global meltdown is refuted; the success of the Canadian financial system in traversing the global meltdown reflects state policy, not any embedded advantages of Canadian banks. PARt iii: undERStAndinG CAnAdiAn FinAnCiAl StABility An influential stream within the broader ideology of Canadian exceptionalism is the myth that Canadian banks were blameless in the events of the 2008-09 financial crisis and the resulting recession. keywords: average; banks; canada; canadian; canadian banks; canadian exceptionalism; capita; countries; crisis; damage; decline; downturn; economic; economy; emergency; employment; employment rate; exceptionalism; fact; federal; financial; gdp; global; government; great; growth; industrialized; jobs; labour; lower; market; myth; new; oecd; ongoing; order; output; peak; percent; performance; policy; political; population; population growth; potential; pre; proof; public; rate; real; recession; recovery; stability; support; system; table; terms; time; total; u.s; years cache: ar-19216.pdf plain text: ar-19216.txt item: #37 of 348 id: ar-19217 author: Stoney, Christopher; Krawchencko, Tamara title: Crisis and Opportunism: Public Finance Trends from Stimulus to Austerity in Canada date: 2012-12-14 words: 8698 flesch: 50 summary: Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada Fiscal Year 2009–2010. report-rapport-eng.asp Department of Finance Canada. It is clear from this analysis why the revenues of the Ministry have increased 2 In 2004, the Ministry was composed of Transport Canada, the Canadian Transportation Agency (a regulatory agency) and the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada. keywords: accounts; action; analysis; areas; austerity; budget; canada; canadian; capital; case; change; chart; china; commitment; conservatives; constant; context; corporation; crisis; cuts; deficit; department; details; development; dollars; economic; economy; energy; environmental; exceptionalism; expenditure; expenses; federal; federalism; finance; financial; fiscal; flaherty; focus; funding; gdp; general; government; great; growth; harper; increases; infrastructure; jobs; long; major; march; markets; measures; millions; minister; ministries; ministry; myth; national; natural; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; news; open; opportunism; ottawa; paper; particular; past; percentage; plan; policies; policy; political; power; priorities; program; proof; public; receiver; recent; recession; research; resources; revenues; review; services; shift; significant; social; spending; state; stimulus; strategic; tax; term; time; total; trade; transport; volume; works; years cache: ar-19217.pdf plain text: ar-19217.txt item: #38 of 348 id: ar-19218 author: Sanger, Toby title: Canada date: 2012-12-14 words: 7955 flesch: 48 summary: With the bankruptcy of neoliberal economic policies, it is difficult to reach any other conclusion except that the Conservative govern- ment is continuing to aggressively implement neoliberal policies for political reasons: to expand the power of capital and to weaken the power of labour in a continued class war. While neoliberal economic policies are being increasingly questioned and abandoned by economists, politicians – including Canada’s Con- servative federal government – continue to implement them for purely political and ideological reasons: to further concentrate economic and political power among the owners of capital and to weaken the power of labour. keywords: austerity; balance; bank; bargaining; budget; business; canada; canadian; cansim; capital; class; conservative; corporate; countries; crisis; cuts; debt; decline; deficits; distribution; economic; economy; employment; environmental; exceptionalism; fanelli; federal; figure; finance; financial; fiscal; foreign; free; gdp; government; great; growth; household; hurl; imf; income; increase; inequality; interest; international; investment; labour; little; long; market; measures; monetary; myth; national; national income; neoliberal; new; oecd; officer; organizations; ottawa; outlook; paper; parliamentary; percent; policies; policy; political; post; power; previous; private; proof; protections; public; rates; reasons; recession; sector; share; slow; social; spending; statistics; stimulus; surpluses; tax; term; time; trade; wages; war; weakening; workers; working; world; years cache: ar-19218.pdf plain text: ar-19218.txt item: #39 of 348 id: ar-19219 author: Whiteside, Heater title: Stabilizing Privatization: Crisis, Enabling Fields, and Public-Private Partnerships in Canada date: 2012-12-14 words: 9401 flesch: 45 summary: And tHE 2008/9 GloBAl FinAnCiAl CRiSiS Many of the long-standing problems that accompany P3 projects were made even worse by the recent global financial crisis. P3 units promote and evaluate these projects and act as repositories of knowledge which facilitates policy learning by building government expertise surrounding the com- plex bidding, negotiation, and operational phase of P3 projects (Rachw- alski and Ross, 2010). keywords: afp; agencies; agreements; annual; auditor; away; building; camf; canada; canadian; capital; care; changes; concerns; cost; creation; crisis; deals; decade; decision; delivery; depoliticization; development; dispossession; economic; elements; exceptionalism; fields; finance; financial; financing; forms; framework; future; general; global; government; great; greater; health; hospital; important; infrastructure; institutionalization; interest; large; long; lower; mackenzie; makers; making; management; market; ministry; model; money; myth; new; normative; ontario; organizations; p3s; particular; partnerships; past; planning; policy; political; ppp; private; private partnerships; privatization; problems; procedures; process; processes; procurement; profit; projects; proof; province; provincial; public; public infrastructure; public sector; recession; report; restructuring; risk; rules; run; sector; services; sphere; state; support; term; time; traditional; units; use; value; way; ways cache: ar-19219.pdf plain text: ar-19219.txt item: #40 of 348 id: ar-19220 author: Harden, Joel title: When Resistance Isn date: 2012-12-14 words: 9035 flesch: 58 summary: Once a critical mobilization point was achieved, substantial momentum developed for pension reforms, with a wide array of observers crediting the CLC for driving the discus- sion. In a submission to Finance Canada on pension reform, CLC President Ken Georgetti made this explicit: “In a letter to Minister Flaherty dated March 27, 2005, I expressed the CLC’s deep regret that the federal review of defined benefit pensions was taking place in a context where corporate lobbyists were guiding the discussion. keywords: action; activism; activists; april; benefits; blackburn; campaign; canada; canada pension; canadian; change; clc; clc pension; clear; conditions; conference; congress; consultations; contribution; corporate; cpp; crisis; debate; december; decent; demands; department; dussault; economic; employer; exceptionalism; expansion; federal; fend; finance; financial; flaherty; following; funding; futile; future; georgetti; globe; government; great; http://www; important; income; industry; investment; issues; jim; june; key; labour; mail; march; markets; members; minister; moment; month; myth; new; non; november; opportunity; options; organized; ottawa; paper; pension; pension plans; pension reform; percent; phase; plans; policy; political; politicians; power; private; progressive; proof; public; recession; reform; report; research; resistance; retirees; retirement; room; rules; savings; sector; security; september; social; stalemate; stock; stories; surplus; system; time; toronto; union; vision; workers; workplace; years cache: ar-19220.pdf plain text: ar-19220.txt item: #41 of 348 id: ar-19221 author: Camfield, David title: What is Trade Union Bureaucracy? A Theoretical Account date: 2012-12-14 words: 9914 flesch: 49 summary: So far this alternative account of union bureaucracy has said almost nothing about union officials. These examples, which are simply meant to give a sense of some of the ways that bureau- cracy can be manifested within union organizations, suggest just how much is missed when a theory of union bureaucracy focuses solely or mainly on union full-time officers and staff. keywords: ability; account; action; activity; administration; analysis; attention; bureaucracy; bureaucratic; callinicos; canada; canadian; capitalist; case; century; character; class; collective; conception; conditions; contemporary; contracts; control; democratic; development; empirical; employers; example; exceptionalism; execution; existence; file; formal; goals; great; grievance; group; hyman; important; institutions; intellectual; kind; labour; law; layer; leaders; legal; leier; london; members; michels; movement; myth; nature; need; new; officers; officialdom; officials; organizations; people; perspective; phenomenon; political; power; press; process; proof; rank; recession; relations; relationship; rethel; rights; rules; self; separation; social; societies; society; sohn; source; staff; state; strikes; term; theoretical; theory; time; time officials; trade; trade union; understanding; union; union bureaucracy; union officials; unionism; university; use; ways; workers; working; york cache: ar-19221.pdf plain text: ar-19221.txt item: #42 of 348 id: ar-19222 author: Cummings, Jordy title: Social Property Relations in the 21st Century: An Interview with Ellen Meiksins Wood date: 2012-12-14 words: 5325 flesch: 41 summary: Political Marxism is far more conscious of the specifici- ties of capitalism, and so it can shed more light on how capitalism operates today, why it does what it does, why its crises take the form that they do, and what the possibilities are for the future – though I’d hesitate to call the approach ‘capital-centric’, if only because of its Social Property Relations in the 21st Century | 163 usefulness in identifying the specificity of other social forms too, not just capitalism. If you want to understand the relations between capitalism and, say, race, gender, or slavery, you obviously need to understand what makes capitalism distinct from other social forms, what generates its very specific operating principles and the distinctive historical dynamic that it has set in motion. keywords: 21st; approach; austerity; brenner; canada; canadian; capitalism; century; coercion; course; crisis; criticism; current; democratic; economic; emw; exceptionalism; extra; forms; freedom; global; great; history; imperatives; imperialism; kind; labour; left; liberty; long; market; marxism; mode; movement; myth; neoliberalism; new; occupy; old; particular; people; point; political; power; production; profit; proof; property; recession; relations; social; specific; state; struggles; today; ways; world cache: ar-19222.pdf plain text: ar-19222.txt item: #43 of 348 id: ar-19223 author: Wetmore, Rebekah; Romard, Ryan title: Twenty-First Century Socialism and the Global Financial Meltdown: In Conversation with Michael Lebowitz date: 2012-12-14 words: 4875 flesch: 49 summary: This emergence of new capitals and new forms of production pro- vides a basis for a structural crisis — in other words, a crisis which is the result of the changing structure of capital. By fictitious capital, we mean the capital invested in various vehicles which, while linked ulti- mately to the fortunes of real capital within the spheres of production and circulation, takes on a life of its own. keywords: alternative; anti; austerity; canada; canadian; capital; capitalism; centres; century; class; corporations; crisis; current; cyclical; defeat; development; economy; exceptionalism; financial; form; global; government; great; human; marx; materials; means; meltdown; need; new; old; overaccumulation; people; process; production; question; raw; real; resource; result; socialism; state; structural; struggles; tendency; value; venezuela; vision; workers; world cache: ar-19223.pdf plain text: ar-19223.txt item: #44 of 348 id: ar-19224 author: Brogan, Peter title: Neoliberalization and the Matrix of Action: In Conversation with Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck, and Nik Theodore date: 2012-12-14 words: 6715 flesch: 47 summary: This insight certainly provides some purchase on contemporary neoliberalization patterns in cities—but insofar as such property markets are also, today, tightly connected to global financial markets and instabilities, they certainly no longer provide the kind of “safe haven” from crisis tendencies that they appeared to offer during previous rounds of economic crisis. According to this idea, in a time of crisis, capital floods into the built environment as a potentially safe refuge – so urban property markets may experience particularly intense investment pressures precisely under conditions of industrial decline. keywords: action; alliance; analysis; broader; canadian; capitalism; cities; city; counter; crisis; development; different; economic; economy; exceptionalism; financial; forms; global; great; historical; ideological; important; institutional; jamie; kind; left; level; local; market; matrix; movement; myth; need; neil; neoliberalism; neoliberalization; nik; period; place; political; politics; present; process; processes; proof; public; question; recession; regulation; regulatory; reorganization; resistance; responses; rule; scale; sense; social; struggle; theory; time; understanding; urban; way; ways; work; world; years cache: ar-19224.pdf plain text: ar-19224.txt item: #45 of 348 id: ar-19225 author: Block, Shelia title: Austerity is Bad for Our Health: Gender and Distributional Impacts of Ontario date: 2012-12-14 words: 2413 flesch: 64 summary: GEndER iMPACtS oF AuStERity The burden of reductions in public services, loss of public sector employment, and privatization of public sector employment falls more heavily on women than on men. Because of the role of public sector employment in women’s working lives; it will also erode gender equity in the province. keywords: austerity; average; bad; budget; canada; canadian; changes; employment; families; gender; government; health; impact; income; increase; inequality; life; lower; ontarians; ontario; people; percent; policy; private; public; research; sector; services; shows; statistics; tax; women; work cache: ar-19225.pdf plain text: ar-19225.txt item: #46 of 348 id: ar-19226 author: Fanelli, Carlo title: Austerity and Aboriginal Communities: An Interview with David Newhouse date: 2012-12-14 words: 3389 flesch: 47 summary: There is an incredible movement within Aboriginal communities to use ideas, practices, theories, etc from our own intellectual heritage as the basis for everyday life, including organizational and community lives. It will be a challenge for Aboriginal communities to develop institutions that can effectively mediate between these two approaches. keywords: aboriginal; aboriginal communities; aboriginal peoples; austerity; budget; canada; canadian; communities; community; conditions; critical; economic; education; effective; extent; federal; funding; funds; government; great; groups; health; important; indigenous; issues; justice; level; life; local; loss; nations; needs; new; non; peoples; policy; process; public; research; schools; secondary; services; social; studies; support; urban; ways; youth cache: ar-19226.pdf plain text: ar-19226.txt item: #47 of 348 id: ar-19227 author: Wrye, Jen title: Climate Change and Crisis: In Dialogue with Simon Dalby date: 2012-12-14 words: 1651 flesch: 43 summary: In general environmental programs may have suffered but clearly European states remain much more concerned about environmental matters than at least the federal governments in both the U.S., given Republican agendas, and Canada, given the Conservatives’ agenda. JW: How ideologically driven are cuts to environmental spending, Can- ada’s abandonment of Kyoto commitments, etc.? keywords: agenda; austerity; canada; canadian; change; climate; crisis; economy; environmental; federal; geopolitics; government; green; initiatives; international; matters; political; programs; projects; public; resource; sector; security; spending; terms; things; use cache: ar-19227.pdf plain text: ar-19227.txt item: #48 of 348 id: ar-19229 author: Gindin, Sam title: Beyond the Economic Crisis: This Crisis in Trade Unionism date: 2012-12-14 words: 4507 flesch: 53 summary: This is not easy; it requires a transformation of everything about public sector unions. Today, capital is trying to consolidate and complete that defeat by going after the public sector and ensuring that it does not inspire any positive examples for private sector workers. keywords: alternate; attacks; austerity; bargaining; canada; canadian; capitalism; class; conference; crisis; economic; economic crisis; end; exceptionalism; finance; financial; gains; gindin; global; globalization; great; issue; jobs; labour; left; march; members; movement; myth; need; new; presentation; private; proof; public; recession; renewal; rest; routes; ryerson; sector; services; social; state; terms; things; time; today; trade; union; unionism; university; workers; working cache: ar-19229.pdf plain text: ar-19229.txt item: #49 of 348 id: ar-19230 author: Pich, Christine title: Whitmore, Elizabeth, et al. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1077 flesch: 42 summary: This relates to the central theme of the book, that is, in attempting to understand what constitutes ‘successful activism’ in complex contexts, there is no ‘right answer’ or ‘best practice’ when undertaking social justice oriented work. The main contribution of this book is that it highlights how, even in a hostile neoliberal capitalist climate, successes of varying degrees are experienced within the processes of working on social justice issues and that important work is being done on a day-to-day basis in this regard. keywords: activism; activists; book; chapters; collaborative; discussion; editors; important; justice; organizations; particular; regard; research; social; success; successful; terms; work cache: ar-19230.pdf plain text: ar-19230.txt item: #50 of 348 id: ar-19231 author: Spagnuolo, Natalie title: Engler, Yves. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1051 flesch: 43 summary: In Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid, Engler problematizes the claims of current analysts, such the former Canadian Ambassador to Israel Michael Bell,3 who would like to see greater Canadian involvement in the Middle East. Pages: 1-168. Reviewed by Natalie Spagnuolo1 Canada’s policy towards Israel constitutes a minefield of contentious issues which historians of Canadian foreign relations seldom directly address. keywords: anti; apartheid; book; canada; canadian; conflict; east; engler; expansion; foreign; heinbecker; israel; jewish; middle; momani; policy; political; relations; support; zionist cache: ar-19231.pdf plain text: ar-19231.txt item: #51 of 348 id: ar-19232 author: Curtin, Jillian title: Toussaint, Eric and Damien Millet. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1160 flesch: 59 summary: For example, in addition to their argument on how debt has redistributed financial resources from important social policies like health and education they make some important points about the impact of debt on resources and food sov- ereignty. Aside from these problems Toussaint and Millet do provide a general overview of how the burden of debt is crippling development efforts in many countries. keywords: argument; bank; book; countries; debt; development; economic; financial; global; hipcs; imf; investment; millet; problem; resources; review; system; toussaint; world cache: ar-19232.pdf plain text: ar-19232.txt item: #52 of 348 id: ar-19233 author: Patridge, Kevin title: Hill, Gord. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1179 flesch: 47 summary: He then goes on to provide some of the stories and evidence both of this destruction and the resistance that has accompanied it from the time of the first contact with Europeans to current conflicts involving indigenous peoples. These struggles completely alter the social landscape of North America by bringing in people from many other places in the world as well as contributing to the deaths of many millions of Indigenous people, the profound altera- tion of social structures that survived, and the export of a huge amount and variety of resources. keywords: americas; author; book; brief; canadian; colonization; current; great; hill; historical; history; indigenous; interested; narrative; nations; people; political; resistance; variety cache: ar-19233.pdf plain text: ar-19233.txt item: #53 of 348 id: ar-19234 author: Hall, Tiffany title: Fr date: 2012-12-14 words: 1027 flesch: 50 summary: Frölich’s wit- ness of the decline in mental health following her weakening physical state provides enough speculation for him to ask whether Luxemburg was the great leader they believed her to be: “…did her physical strength simply not suffice for the necessary tasks, or did this great leader, who as a theoretician and as a strategist of class struggle moved ahead with such unshakeable inner strength and tenac- ity, lack that crowning touch of the party leader who can make realis- tically sound judgments at critical moments irrespective of his mood Book Review: Rosa Luxemburg: Ideas in Action | 263 and who knows how to see to it that his decisions are carried out - that crowning touch which became Lenin’s second nature. Pages: 1-311. Reviewed by Tiffany Hall1 Rosa Luxemburg: Ideas in Action is the intellectual biography of Rosa Luxemburg and her role in socialist party movements in Poland, Russia, and Germany at the turn of the 20th century. keywords: action; book; chapters; contribution; frölich; ideas; life; luxemburg; party; political; progression; revolution; rosa; socialist; time; understanding cache: ar-19234.pdf plain text: ar-19234.txt item: #54 of 348 id: ar-19235 author: Braun, James title: Tully, John. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1074 flesch: 42 summary: From the Amazon rubber boom to the rise of synthetic rubber production in World War 2, Tully documents the history of rubber production and processing “inex- tricably bound up with the rise of capitalism, imperialism and moder- nity” (p.345). His study of rubber production and processing begins with the early industrial revolution in Britain, but is primarily focused on the birth and growth of the pneumatic tire industry in Akron, Ohio. keywords: akron; book; commodity; great; history; industrial; industry; labour; modernity; political; processing; production; resistance; review; rubber; social; supply; tully; war; workers; world cache: ar-19235.pdf plain text: ar-19235.txt item: #55 of 348 id: ar-19236 author: Wetmore, Rebekah title: Brouwer, Steve. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1110 flesch: 46 summary: Health care continued to improve including through the creation of Basic Health Teams and brigadistas sanitarias or health brigades in the end of the 1980’s. Both countries have made huge gains in traditional measures of health care and the social determinants of health but there are still prob- lems internally and abroad. keywords: book; care; community; countries; cuba; doctors; government; health; humanitarian; medical; missions; new; programs; public; review; revolutionary; social; system; university; venezuela cache: ar-19236.pdf plain text: ar-19236.txt item: #56 of 348 id: ar-19237 author: Calnitsky, Naomi title: Cockcroft, James. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1162 flesch: 40 summary: Revolutionary struggles in contemporary Mexico enrich the narra- tive, which intertwines past and present. Then and Now is a welcome addi- tion to existing literature on Mexican revolutionary ideology, relevant for its assessment of the ways in which revolutionary ideas have shaped contemporary resistance movements. keywords: attention; author; book; canadian; cockcroft; contemporary; current; great; history; ideas; labour; magonista; mexican; mexico; movement; new; p.l.m; period; political; present; review; revolution; revolutionary; social; work cache: ar-19237.pdf plain text: ar-19237.txt item: #57 of 348 id: ar-19238 author: Tfaily, Rania title: Ruben, Albert. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1081 flesch: 50 summary: Ruben shows how the CCR pioneered the creative use of the law by adopting novel and often untested arguments to launch legal battles along with educational campaigns with the purpose of facilitating social change. After a period of decline, the CCR saw its fortunes and profile increase following 9/11 and the war on terror which resulted in human rights violations of thousands of Arabs and Muslims. keywords: book; cases; ccr; center; change; courts; justice; lawyer; legal; organizations; people; political; progressive; review; rights; ruben; significant; social; staff; u.s cache: ar-19238.pdf plain text: ar-19238.txt item: #58 of 348 id: ar-19239 author: Fernandes, Sabrina title: Dwyer, Augusta. date: 2012-12-14 words: 1348 flesch: 40 summary: Although it is easy for the reader to get lost in the personal anecdotes of movement members, Dwyer’s narrative style is effective because it brings a human face back to the understanding of social movements. These include references made both by Dwyer and by the movement mem- bers themselves demonstrating how grassroots movements perceive the merging of theory and practice to be essential for the creation of alternatives. keywords: aid; author; book; broke; dwyer; education; grassroots; indonesia; institutions; members; movements; mst; poverty; review; social; solutions; stories; strategies; struggle; support; sustainable; unbroken; way cache: ar-19239.pdf plain text: ar-19239.txt item: #59 of 348 id: ar-19240 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Evans, Bryan title: From Great Recession to Great Deception: Reimagining the Roots of the Crisis date: 2012-12-14 words: 4204 flesch: 48 summary: Federal, provincial and local governments across the country, regardless of political stripes, are turning to a range of austerity measures that will erode public services and the quality of public sector employment. These efforts have been in combination with unprecedented amounts of personal affluence among certain groups in the midst of public sector austerity. . keywords: alternate; articles; austerity; book; bryan; bureaucracy; canada; canadian; capitalism; carleton; carlo; class; collective; communities; crisis; critical; david; decades; deception; economic; economy; editorial; emphasis; evans; exceptionalism; fanelli; finance; freedoms; global; great; great recession; growth; harden; health; historical; impacts; importance; interview; introduction; issue; labour; marx; movements; myth; neoliberal; new; non; ontario; past; people; political; private; project; proof; public; quill; recession; recovery; red; relations; research; resistance; rosenfeld; routes; sector; services; social; state; support; trade; union; university; workers; working; world; years cache: ar-19240.pdf plain text: ar-19240.txt item: #60 of 348 id: ar-19241 author: Rosenfeld, Herman title: The Electro-Motive Lockout and Non-Occupation: What Did We Lose? What Can We Learn? date: 2012-12-14 words: 6439 flesch: 55 summary: Also in August of 2012, the merger talks between the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers of Canada culminated in a proposal for new union. Austerity budgets at all levels of government and political attacks have continued to target public sector unions. keywords: agreement; attacks; august; auto; bargaining; campaign; canada; canadian; capacities; capital; caterpillar; caw; challenge; class; closure; collective; community; context; decent; defeat; demands; different; efforts; electro; emd; employers; exceptionalism; experience; february; government; grant; great; harper; investment; issues; jobs; keenan; key; kind; labour; larger; limited; local; lockout; london; manufacturing; motive; movement; myth; national; new; non; occupation; ontario; pension; people; percent; period; plant; political; pressure; previous; private; proof; provincial; public; recession; resistance; rights; rosenfeld; sector; severance; state; strategies; struggle; support; toronto; union; wage; workers; working; workplace; year cache: ar-19241.pdf plain text: ar-19241.txt item: #61 of 348 id: ar-20229 author: Clement, Wallace title: Macrosociological Approaches Towards a 'Canadian Sociology' date: 2013-11-01 words: 16138 flesch: 47 summary: This paper is no more than an attempt to move toward a wider perspective, a macrosociological approach to Canadian society, by examining some models and theories of modern national so- cieties. To provide an analysis of Canadian society it will be necessary to distinguish three types of macrosociological terms. keywords: absentee; account; analysis; anthropology; approach; aspects; attempt; book; canada; canadian; canadian society; canadian sociology; capitalism; case; center; central; character; clark; class; classes; clement; common; comparative; concerned; consociational; context; countries; cultural; culture; davis; democracy; developed; development; differences; different; distinction; dominant; earlier; economic; economy; eds; elements; elites; empirical; english; ethnic; ethnicity; example; extent; external; focus; foreign; form; framework; frank; french; general; government; groups; guindon; historical; history; holistic; human; identity; implications; important; indigenous; inequalities; integrated; interesting; internal; international; issues; john; language; large; latin; level; links; local; macrosociological; macrosociology; major; making; manzer; means; members; mills; mobility; model; mosaic; n.y; national; national society; nations; necessary; needs; number; outside; ownership; paper; particular; period; periphery; perspective; place; political; porter; power; press; problem; process; quebec; question; range; recent; regional; regionalism; related; relationship; religion; research; rioux; rocher; role; sense; similar; social; social class; societies; society; sociological; sociologists; sociology; state; structure; studies; study; substantive; sunkel; system; terms; theories; theory; toronto; total; total society; tradition; types; underdevelopment; understanding; united; units; university; vallee; variety; vertical; vol; way; ways; whyte cache: ar-20229.pdf plain text: ar-20229.txt item: #62 of 348 id: ar-20230 author: Glenday, Daniel title: The Dominion Government as Gatekeeper to the Canadian Ethnic Mosaic date: 2013-11-01 words: 5538 flesch: 48 summary: Industrialization from above though did not have a sufficiently profound impact on rural Quebec society until well into the second decade of the twentieth century. We can summarize that from 1891 to 1921 over 1 1/4 million French Canadians emigrated to the U.S.A. The lack of sophistication in these statistics due to the fact that neither the Canadian nor the American government kept accurate emigration records still does not erase the trend that a remarkable number of French Canadians left Quebec during the decades from 1880 to 1920. keywords: act; canada; canadian; canadian west; cartier; catholic; century; change; church; confederation; creighton; crisis; cultural; dominant; dominion; economic; elites; english; ethnic; ethnic group; federal; federal government; french; french canadians; george; government; group; guindon; historical; institutions; internal; land; macdonald; manitoba; minority; new; ontario; order; pluralism; policy; political; population; position; power; press; province; provincial; quebec; rebellion; red; relations; religious; riel; river; roman; rural; schools; settlers; smith; social; society; states; structural; subordinate; surplus; system; time; toronto; traditional; united; university; west; wirth; work; years cache: ar-20230.pdf plain text: ar-20230.txt item: #63 of 348 id: ar-20231 author: Marshall, Stan title: Embourgeoisement or Proletarianization? date: 2013-11-01 words: 7465 flesch: 55 summary: Levison dispels this by noting differences in the lifestyles of working class and middle class families especially in the location of working class areas vis a vis middle class areas. , the test to prove embourgeoisement would be to prove that the acquisition of incomes and living standards by manual workers similar to white collar workers would lead to the adoption of a new social outlook and new social norms that are middle class. keywords: action; affluence; affluent; blue; bourgeoisie; braverman; capital; capitalist; carchedi; changes; class; class structure; classes; collar; collective; conditions; definition; devaluation; development; division; economic; embourgeoisement; families; function; global; goldthorpe; hamilton; harry; ibid; identification; ideological; income; jobs; labor; level; manual; means; middle class; necessary; new; new middle; occupations; old; old middle; paper; perform; point; political; power; press; process; production; proletarianization; proletariat; relations; relative; society; structure; thesis; time; university; way; white; words; worker; working; working class; york cache: ar-20231.pdf plain text: ar-20231.txt item: #64 of 348 id: ar-20232 author: Mayer, Jan title: Social Mobility: A Critical Approach date: 2013-11-01 words: 6860 flesch: 28 summary: Despite the fond hopes of some of the structural theorists cited here, attempts at measuring structural (occupational) trends also lend support to the interp retation that the progression of industrialism has not resulted in increased mobility—as for example is shown by Natalie Rogoff's 1953 finding that when changes in the occupational structure were standardized out, a major factor in mobility changes between 1910 and 1940 was accounted for (cited in Koore, 19o6: 1^0). THE MEANING OF MOBILITY The theory of social mobility, Goldhaner informs us in the INTER- NATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA 0? keywords: american; analysis; approaches; attainment; belief; bendix; blau; career; changes; class; classes; collar; concern; criteria; data; degree; development; different; differential; dominant; duncan; economic; education; evidence; factors; father; form; general; groups; high; higher; important; income; individuals; industrial; industrialization; inequality; labour; lack; life; lipset; literature; little; major; manual; means; mechanisms; mobility; new; non; occupational; opportunity; parkin; people; point; political; positions; power; questions; rates; relationship; relevant; research; rewards; section; sibley; smelser; social; social mobility; societies; society; sources; status; stratification; structure; study; system; terms; theory; time; upgrading; upward; variables; white; work; workers cache: ar-20232.pdf plain text: ar-20232.txt item: #65 of 348 id: ar-20233 author: Smith, Chuck title: Towards a Marxist Theory of Transition date: 2013-11-01 words: 9983 flesch: 43 summary: But at any rate the main, point I wish to make is only that new productive forces were not immediately forthcoming as an inevitable result of changed relations production. As Bettelheim puts it the development of the productive forces in every country is to some extent conditioned by world production relations. keywords: agents; analysis; appropriation; articulated; articulation; balibar; capitalist; case; certain; class; class relations; class struggle; classes; combination; complex; concept; conditions; conjuncture; correspondence; determinate; determination; determined; different; distribution; dominance; dominant; dominant mode; dominant relations; economic; effects; elements; example; existence; forces; formations; forms; hindess; hirst; historical; ideological; instance; labour; labourer; level; limits; m.p; means; mode; nature; necessary; new; non; object; particular; point; political; possible; poulantzas; practise; process; production; productive forces; productive relations; property; real; relations; revolutionary; social; social classes; social formation; social relations; specific; state; structure; struggle; surplus; theoretical; theory; transformation; transition cache: ar-20233.pdf plain text: ar-20233.txt item: #66 of 348 id: ar-20234 author: Campbell, Ken title: Class Analysis and Technological Determinism date: 2013-11-01 words: 2684 flesch: 28 summary: Rather, it assumes that technological and scientific progress exert a determining influence over social institutions, that technological development determines the division of labour, and that social development can best be understood in terms of technological advance. More concretely, it assumes that the modern organization of work — the division of labour within industry, the existence of various levels of skilled labour and th •The argument of this paper has been compressed from a much more lengthy review of the Marxist and Weberian concept of class and the division of labour. keywords: analysis; argument; assumptions; braverman; capitalist; class; determined; determinism; development; differences; division; education; explanation; giddens; industrial; inequality; labour; level; market; marxist; modern; occupational; organization; parkin; process; production; relations; skill; social; structure; technical; technological; theoretical; theory; view; weberian; work; writers cache: ar-20234.pdf plain text: ar-20234.txt item: #67 of 348 id: ar-20235 author: Saunders, Eileen title: Implications of the Domestic Role of Women date: 2013-11-01 words: 3790 flesch: 52 summary: On the one hand, domestic labour is necessary labour because the commodities of capital require 1W additional labour (i.e., housework) before consumption. Domestic labour thus creates value because all labour produees value when it produces any part of a commodity that achieves equivalence in the market place with other commodities (Seccombe, 1973'9)- Domestic labour helps produce and reproduce labour power as a commodity. keywords: analysis; capital; capitalism; class; commodity; consumption; domestic; domestic labour; earner; economic; family; female; force; household; ideology; labour; labourers; market; nature; necessary; needs; oppression; position; power; privatized; production; relation; reproductive; role; seccombe; sphere; surplus; tasks; unit; value; wage; women; work; worker cache: ar-20235.pdf plain text: ar-20235.txt item: #68 of 348 id: ar-20239 author: Myles, John title: Introduction: Braverman and Beyond date: 2013-11-01 words: 508 flesch: 44 summary: Such a work is Harry Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital and it is for this reason that Braverman's analysis of the degradation of work in the twentieth century was selected as the topic for a special symposium held at Carleton Univer- sity in the fall of 1977, a summary of which appears in the following pages. In agreeing to prepare this paper for the symposium, Burawoy accepted the difficult and challenging task of critiquing Braverman from within the perspective of Marxist analysis. keywords: analysis; braverman; burawoy; labor; marxist; monopoly; symposium; university; work cache: ar-20239.pdf plain text: ar-20239.txt item: #69 of 348 id: ar-20240 author: Burowoy, Michael title: Between Marxist Orthodoxy and Critical Theory: Comments on Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital date: 2013-11-01 words: 3553 flesch: 44 summary: The Political and Ideological Aspects of the Labor Process In his concern for critique Braverman quite deliberately restricts his analysis to the objective aspects of the labor process. However, one cannot get at what is fundamental to the capitalist labor process or capitalist control by looking at variations within capitalism as Braverman does. keywords: analysis; aspects; braverman; capitalist; capitalist labor; class; conception; control; craft; critical; critique; different; execution; forces; ideological; labor; labor process; marxist; mechanization; monopoly; monopoly capitalism; point; political; process; production; relations; separation; socialism; states; surplus; symposium; time; understanding; united; work; worker cache: ar-20240.pdf plain text: ar-20240.txt item: #70 of 348 id: ar-20242 author: Panitch, Leo title: Leo Panitch: Braverman and Beyond date: 2013-11-01 words: 2817 flesch: 51 summary: There is another criticism of Braverman--he doesn't talk enough about class struggle. Braverman has an understanding of society's dynamic being composed of class struggle so deep that it suffuses his work and he doesn't constantly have to keep crying class struggle. keywords: braverman; burawoy; capitalism; class; clear; contradiction; criticism; critique; day; feudalism; history; important; labour; mapping; marx; point; process; production; relations; sense; social; society; struggle; technology; terms; understanding; way; work cache: ar-20242.pdf plain text: ar-20242.txt item: #71 of 348 id: ar-20243 author: Porter, John title: John Porter: Braverman and Beyond date: 2013-11-01 words: 710 flesch: 45 summary: Most of this compilation of materials - studies of work, labour force statistics and other things - we knew before. Many of the things said about the degradation of work, or the character of work, have been criticized through various art forms, if not sociology, and certainly Taylorism has been subject to ridicule for a very long time. keywords: book; braverman; force; growth; impressed; industrialization; labour; occupational; social; sociology; work cache: ar-20243.pdf plain text: ar-20243.txt item: #72 of 348 id: ar-20244 author: Swartz, Doanld title: Doanld Swartz: Braverman and Beyond date: 2013-11-01 words: 2122 flesch: 40 summary: Then, adding that the impetus to technological change can also come from class struggle (i.e: successful wage claims which render labour saving machinery profitable), suggests that Taylorism, by intensifying class struggles, spurred the technical- scientific revolution which led to monopoly capitalism. Now, it is important not to deny the control that workers exercise both over the method of performing their tasks and the pace at which it is performed, but to see Taylorism only as the specification of task performance as Burawoy does, is to misconceive, I think, what Taylorism and scientific management were all about. keywords: analysis; braverman; burawoy; capitalism; class; conception; control; development; division; efficiency; execution; important; labour; management; monopoly; performance; process; revolution; scientific; separation; surplus; symposium; task; taylorism; technical; view; workers; working cache: ar-20244.pdf plain text: ar-20244.txt item: #73 of 348 id: ar-20245 author: Nelson, Randle title: Science as Capitalist Ideology: The Sociology of Max Weber Reconsidered date: 2013-11-01 words: 10883 flesch: 50 summary: [Taylor 1945, p. 160] The Bethmann conscience that helped shape Max Weber's Germany is precisely what Weber advocates and encourages as he develops his sociology. Thus, through a process of substitution, bureaucracy rather than capitalism, the development of independent political leadership rather than the fact that one class profits by the labor of another, becomes the central problem of the German socio-economic order (see Cohen 1972 and Wright 1974-75) Scientist Weber provides citizen Weber with a solution to this problem, the leader with charisma. keywords: able; administrative; alternate; analysis; arguments; arrangements; assembly; attempt; bendix; bethmann; bias; bismarck; brief; bureaucracy; bureaucratic; capitalism; capitalistic; central; change; charismatic; citizen; class; classes; cohen; control; corporate; development; domination; economic; economic arrangements; economy; emphasis; engels; estates; europe; fact; force; frankfort; freedom; general; germany; gerth; giddens; government; great; ideal; ideology; important; individual; interests; junkers; labor; later; leadership; liberal; marx; masses; max; max weber; mayer; means; middle; military; mills; modern; national; neutral; new; objective; objectivity; order; organization; people; point; policy; political; politics; position; power; present; press; problem; reality; reforms; relationship; revolution; routes; rule; science; scientific; scientist; security; self; separation; social; sociologist; sociology; state; successors; super; support; system; taylor; time; trade; type; united; university; value; view; von; war; way; weber; work; workers; world; wright; years; york cache: ar-20245.pdf plain text: ar-20245.txt item: #74 of 348 id: ar-20246 author: Denis, Wildred title: Sociology, Philosophy and Materialism date: 2013-11-01 words: 11357 flesch: 47 summary: Using Thomas Kuhn as a starting point, I shall review some of the literature on sociological theory, indicating the major difficulties of discussing social theory while omitting any philosophical dimen- sion. My position essentially is that social theory cannot be fully understood without its philosophical roots. keywords: accepted; actual; alford; alternate; althusser; analysis; approaches; aspects; assumptions; attempt; base; basis; certain; change; class; concepts; conceptual; consciousness; crisis; definition; development; differences; different; dimension; discussion; distinction; dominant; empirical; ethnomethodology; example; explanation; facts; frankfurt; functionalism; fundamental; general; historical; idealist; ideological; issue; keat; knowledge; kolakowski; kuhn; language; level; literature; london; main; major; man; marx; marxist; materialism; metaphysical; models; natural; naturalism; nature; neutrality; new; objective; observational; paper; paradigm; particular; phenomenology; phenomenon; philosophical; philosophies; philosophy; points; political; positivist; presents; press; problem; question; realist; reality; realm; relationship; research; result; ritzer; routes; science; scientific; share; smart; social; social science; social theory; society; sociological; sociologists; sociology; states; structural; struggle; subject; syntheses; system; terms; theoretical; theories; theory; thorns; traditions; turner; underlying; urry; use; value; view; weber; work; world; york; zeitlin cache: ar-20246.pdf plain text: ar-20246.txt item: #75 of 348 id: ar-20247 author: Glenday, Daneil; Shrenk, Christopher title: Trade Unions and the State: An Interpretive Essay on the Development of Class and State Relations in Canada, 1889-1947 date: 2013-11-01 words: 6354 flesch: 47 summary: This essay investigates the interaction between the Canadian state and trade unions during the first half of this century primarily in terms of the political incorporation of trade unions in Canada. Trade unions enter the picture as reducing the class nature of the conflict by focusing almost exclusively on economistic or instru- mental demands. keywords: action; advanced; alternate; american; approach; bargaining; business; canada; canadian; canadian state; capitalism; class; class conflict; collective; commission; conflict; consciousness; development; disputes; emphasis; employers; federal; federal government; government; h.a; historical; hyman; important; incorporation; industrial; industry; institutionalization; interests; international; international trade; labour; large; leaders; legislation; levels; london; management; marxist; members; movement; necessary; organizations; parties; political; position; process; provincial; recognition; relations; representatives; role; routes; royal; second; social; society; sociological; state; strike; system; time; toronto; trade; trade unions; tradition; trotsky; unionism; unions; united; workers; working cache: ar-20247.pdf plain text: ar-20247.txt item: #76 of 348 id: ar-20248 author: Mayer, Jan title: Mature Marx: The Case Against an Epistemological Break date: 2013-11-01 words: 3127 flesch: 33 summary: MATURE MARX: THE CASE AGAINST AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL BREAK by Jan Mayer The philosophers have only INTERPRETED the world differently, the point is, to CHANGE it - 1 This quotation, taken along with Marx's other theses on Feuerbach, such as his critique of contemplative materialism as stopping at isolated man or human essence conceived of outside the aggregate of social relations and objective activity, sums up his attitude to idealist philosophy in general, as well as his dissatisfaction with Feuerbach 's anthropological humanism. In his early usage, Marx corrected Hegel by making history march on its feet instead of in the airy realm of Pure Reason; his principal concern was with the contradiction between bourgeoisie and proletariat and the way in which modes of production develop historically through the conflictual supercession of previous forms and social relations. keywords: accumulation; activity; alienation; analysis; capitalist; commodity; conditions; dialectics; early; economy; elements; exchange; hegel; historical; labour; man; marx; material; materialist; mature; means; particular; philosophy; point; political; production; reality; relations; social; society; surplus; unity; value; works; world cache: ar-20248.pdf plain text: ar-20248.txt item: #77 of 348 id: ar-20257 author: Heiple, Philip title: The Politics of Probability date: 2013-11-01 words: 8503 flesch: 43 summary: In this way probability theory could be viewed as a source for social theory inductively drawn from frequency distributions (recall Snizek's (1975) finding that mode of analysis determines theoretical perspective). The logical theory of probability is not in use in the social sciences, Unsuccessful attempts have been made to formulate social probability along the lines of the logical theory. keywords: alternate; analysis; anthropology; assumption; basis; biases; byrne; calculus; capitalism; carleton; carnap; case; certain; concept; critical; critique; department; development; events; ford; formal; general; graduate; gramsci; important; instrument; judgments; knower; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; level; life; logical; mathematical; means; metaphysics; methods; nagel; nature; new; newtonian; non; normality; numbers; official; opinionative; personal; phenomena; planning; plausible; points; polanyi; policy; political; polya; population; press; princeton; probabilistic; probability; probability theory; problems; quantitative; question; random; reality; reasoning; reification; reified; routes; sample; sampling; science; scientific; scientists; sense; set; social; social probability; society; sociological; sociology; state; statistical; students; subject; system; systematic; theorem; theory; thought; time; university; use; view; way; weber; work; world; york cache: ar-20257.pdf plain text: ar-20257.txt item: #78 of 348 id: ar-20258 author: Hass, Gordon title: Claus Offe and the Capitalist State date: 2013-11-01 words: 6811 flesch: 47 summary: However, the only answer that Offe provides rests upon the assumption of functional necessity and thus the analysis of system relations becomes teleological. Returning now to Offe's argument regarding system relations, we see that he cannot proceed from an analysis of production as his approach to the economic system expunges production and replaces it with a flawed analysis of the commodity, an analysis which is then incorporated into the functional logic of system relations. keywords: accumulation; analysis; approach; argument; autonomy; basis; capitalist; capitalist state; class; commodity; concept; conditions; conflict; content; crisis; critical; determination; dominance; economic; economic system; economy; exchange; form; functional; general; interest; intervention; labour; labour power; legitimacy; nature; offe; organizing; policy; political; political system; power; principle; problem; processes; production; relations; relationships; sector; social; society; specific; stability; state; subordination; surplus; system; theory; use; value; work cache: ar-20258.pdf plain text: ar-20258.txt item: #79 of 348 id: ar-20259 author: Ward, Bonnie title: The Myth of Autonomy in Family Farm Production date: 2013-11-01 words: 3704 flesch: 37 summary: The replacement of the family farm by corporate (capitalist) farming occurs after the incorporation of family farm production into the capitalist market. As is implicit in the foregoing discussion, the capacity of internal relations of family farm production to offer protection from transformed market conditions is limited. keywords: agricultural; agricultural production; analysis; autonomy; canadian; capitalist; commodity; conditions; corporatization; dependence; emergence; family; family farm; farm; farm production; farmers; farming; fowke; hedley; historical; history; independent; individual; interests; johnson; labour; market; members; mode; myth; ontario; ownership; policy; political; practice; process; producers; production; relations; role; significant; small; state; toronto; transformation; women; work cache: ar-20259.pdf plain text: ar-20259.txt item: #80 of 348 id: ar-20260 author: Jhally, Sut title: Marxism and Underdevelopment date: 2013-11-01 words: 9795 flesch: 44 summary: Having thus established to his theoretical satisfaction the existence of different modes of production Laclau then has to theorize the rela- tions between the different modes. Where capitalism is dominant but where pre-capitalist modes still exist and where they are needed by capitalism, violence has to take place on more than the economic level and must enter the superstructural level as well. keywords: alavi; america; analysis; articulation; banaji; bourgeoisie; capitalism; capitalist mode; carter; class; classes; colonial; colonial mode; colonies; colony; commodity production; contemporary; contradiction; debate; dependence; development; different; distinction; dominant; dupre; economic; economy; elders; elements; exchange; existence; exploitation; extent; feudalism; form; formation; foster; frank; history; important; indigenous; labour; laclau; latin; level; main; marxist; metropolitan; mode; nature; new; notion; period; perspective; place; point; political; power; pre; problem; process; production; relations; relationship; rey; role; sense; single; social; state; structure; superstructures; surplus; system; terms; theoretical; theory; underdevelopment; unity; work; world cache: ar-20260.pdf plain text: ar-20260.txt item: #81 of 348 id: ar-20261 author: Balkaoui, Janice title: A Critical Assesment of Media Studies date: 2013-11-01 words: 8335 flesch: 42 summary: Exactly two decades ago, Berelson delivered what was regarded by many as a eulogy for media studies, charging among other things that the field was troubled '.ot In short, our argument is that media studies should be incorporated into the wider study of stratification and legitimation (Murdock and Golding, 1977: 12). keywords: american; analysis; approach; assumption; attention; behaviour; canadian; capitalist; class; communication; concentration; concern; concerned; content; control; critical; cultural; culture; current; distribution; economic; eds; effects; elite; empirical; entertainment; evidence; example; form; framework; functionalist; functions; general; golding; groups; gurevitch; hegemony; ideas; ideological; ideology; impact; influence; information; inquiries; integration; journalism; level; literature; little; london; major; marxist; mass; mass communication; mass media; media; media content; media ownership; media research; media sociology; media studies; model; modern; murdock; n.y; nature; orientation; ownership; perspectives; political; position; power; press; quarterly; recent; relations; relationship; research; role; social; socialization; societal; societies; society; sociological; sociology; specific; state; stratification; structure; studies; study; system; theoretical; theory; tradition; view; vol; voting; weber; work cache: ar-20261.pdf plain text: ar-20261.txt item: #82 of 348 id: ar-20263 author: Alford, Robert title: Elections, State Policy and the Marxian Tradition in Political Sociology date: 2013-11-01 words: 6081 flesch: 56 summary: The State of Cultural Theory: A Review of Past and Present Fashions 105 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Carleton University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology Elections, State Policy and the Marxian Tradition in Political Sociology: An Interview Robert Alford Introduction Like the discipline in general, political sociology in North America has undergone considerable change since the early 1960s. In his career and publications, Robert Alford reflects many of those changes, which are of more than merely historical interest for scholars working in political sociology. keywords: alford; alternate; analysis; approach; canada; capitalist; case; certain; change; class; comparative; crises; critical; different; elections; elites; general; historical; impact; important; interests; interview; issues; j.c; marxist; outcome; participation; particular; party; people; pluralist; point; policies; policy; political; political sociology; politicized; politics; position; power; problem; public; question; r.a; research; right; robert; routes; sense; social; society; sociology; starting; state; structure; studies; study; theoretical; theory; tradition; university; urban; voting; way; ways; work; working cache: ar-20263.pdf plain text: ar-20263.txt item: #83 of 348 id: ar-20264 author: Lord, Stella title: The Struggle for Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value date: 2013-11-01 words: 9470 flesch: 56 summary: The women received only $25.00 a week in strike pay and this was due to run out after the tenth week. The Printers, for instance, were in a particularly bad situation because not only were they not receiving strike pay, but the UIC had ruled that because they were members of the same International as the stnikinc employees, they were ineligible for UIC payments.^ Christmas was approaching and the strike pay was running out. keywords: act; agreement; american; april; arbitration; artists; bank; bargaining; basis; brief; british; canada; canadian; case; change; clear; collective; collective bargaining; commission; company; cooligan; december; decision; demands; discrimination; economic; equal pay; equal value; examiners; federal; government; graphic; human; human rights; issue; job; jurisdiction; labour; legislation; local; male; matter; negotiations; note company; offer; ontario; ottawa; plant; plate; political; position; practices; pressure; printers; printing; process; provincial; question; rate; relations; rights; shime; shirley; similar; situation; steel; strike; strike pay; terms; time; tribunal; union; value; wage; women; work; workers; years cache: ar-20264.pdf plain text: ar-20264.txt item: #84 of 348 id: ar-20265 author: White, Robert title: Knowledge and Power date: 2013-11-01 words: 9405 flesch: 45 summary: Following this, he argues for the necessity of teacher autonomy combined with greater input from pupils, such that the definition of curriculum knowledge will lie with the main protagonists in the educational process. Thorough analysis of the linkages between the school, state and economy is beyond the scope of this paper, but a sketch of some of the ways outside agencies influence public school curriculum can be provided. keywords: analysis; approach; capitalist; central; certain; classroom; classroom knowledge; concern; consciousness; content; control; courses; curriculum; development; economy; educational; educational knowledge; educational practices; educational process; eggleston; example; exercise; fact; form; formal; general; greater; green; halsey; hand; hidden; human; ideas; ideological; interests; karabel; knowledge; learning; learning process; limits; manner; material; means; nature; new; ontario; order; organization; participants; particular; perspective; point; power; practices; problem; process; production; provincial; reality; relations; relationship; research; role; school; schooling; sharp; social; society; sociological; specific; state; structure; students; study; system; teachers; terms; theoretical; time; toronto; university; valid; valid knowledge; values; view; ways; work; world; york; young cache: ar-20265.pdf plain text: ar-20265.txt item: #85 of 348 id: ar-20266 author: Malcolmson, John title: The Limits of Keynesianism date: 2013-11-01 words: 4482 flesch: 42 summary: 94 However, as Mattick points out, there are serious problems inherent in the multiplier concept, which, in the final analysis, are rooted in the nature of state intervention and state spending within a capitalist economy. For this reason, it is no longer possible to speak of vital areas and processes which fall outside of this near pervasive blanket of state intervention. keywords: activity; advanced; analysis; business; capital; capitalist; class; conditions; consumption; crisis; current; debt; demand; economic; economy; effective; employment; equilibrium; expansion; expenditure; factors; fiscal; form; general; growth; income; increase; intervention; investment; keynes; keynesian; labour; level; mattick; monetary; money; national; nature; necessary; new; policy; practice; private; problems; production; propensity; reason; review; sector; social; spending; state; state intervention; surplus; system; total; value cache: ar-20266.pdf plain text: ar-20266.txt item: #86 of 348 id: ar-20267 author: Clarke, Debra title: The State of Cultural Theory date: 2013-11-01 words: 15289 flesch: 44 summary: for bourgeois culture was supplanted with a new reverence for working class culture (heavily inspired by Hoggart) that amounts to a kind of perverse elitism. Willis, for example, acknowledges that trade unions are by far the most important working lcass institution, and Sparks notes that this acknowledgement alone marks an important advance for an institution which, while dedicated to the study of working class culture has not, as yet , produced any major study, either theoretical or empirical, of the trade union movement (1977: 27-28). keywords: account; adorno; agency; althusser; american; analysis; anderson; apparent; approach; argument; arnold; audience; benjamin; birmingham; capitalism; case; centre; class; class culture; communication; concept; concern; conditions; conflict; consciousness; contemporary; critical; criticism; critics; critique; cultural; cultural studies; cultural theory; culture; current; determination; development; different; discussion; domination; early; economic; effects; eliot; emergence; emphasis; empirical; english; european; example; following; forces; formation; forms; frankfurt; fundamental; general; gramsci; growth; historical; history; hoggart; horkheimer; human; ideological; ideologies; ideology; important; individual; industrial; influence; innis; institute; institutions; intellectual; interests; jay; labour; later; leavis; left; life; light; literary; literature; little; london; major; making; marxist; mass; mass culture; mass media; mass society; material; materialism; mcluhan; means; media; modes; movement; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notes; notion; order; organization; particular; period; place; point; political; politics; popular; position; possible; post; potential; power; practice; press; problem; process; production; radical; real; relations; research; revolutionary; sense; set; social; society; sociology; sparks; state; studies; study; swingewood; theoretical; theories; theorists; theory; thompson; thought; time; toronto; tradition; turn; u.s; understanding; united; university; war; way; ways; williams; work; working; working class; world; york cache: ar-20267.pdf plain text: ar-20267.txt item: #87 of 348 id: ar-20268 author: Christensen, Erling title: Aspects of the Crisis in Petit Commodity Production in the Okanagan Valley date: 2013-11-01 words: 7155 flesch: 49 summary: In the current issue, two contributions deal with independent commodity production. Consequently, much debate has developed in recent years over the concept of petit commodity production and its role in Canadian agriculture. keywords: agricultural; agricultural land; agricultural production; alternate; anthropology; argument; attempts; bcfga; bctf; british; canada; canadian; capital; capitalist; carleton; cent; certain; circulation; class; columbia; commercial; commodities; commodity; commodity production; contradictions; control; costs; crisis; critical; dans; debt; des; development; dickinson; economy; family; farm; farmers; fresh; fruit; fruit production; government; graduate; growers; important; independent; industry; labour; land; larger; les; limited; m.a; major; mann; marketing; marx; mode; new; number; okanagan; operative; ottawa; paper; persistence; petit; petit commodity; pressure; price; producers; production; productivity; relations; retailers; returns; routes; selling; small; social; sociology; spheres; structure; students; time; total; transformation; tree; units; university; valley; value; vol; wage cache: ar-20268.pdf plain text: ar-20268.txt item: #88 of 348 id: ar-20269 author: Myers, Marybelle title: Beyond the Fur Trade: The Rise and Fall of the Eskimo Cooperative date: 2013-11-01 words: 10594 flesch: 53 summary: Co-op wages are geared to a standard of living consist- ent with the Inuit culture but not competitive, although the gap is narrowing under pressure from the population. This reflected a basic disagreement between co-op personnel and government project officers as to how co-op affairs should be run. keywords: activities; agreement; alternate; arctic; arctic co; arctic quebec; area; art; assistance; available; based; bay; beginning; business; canada; canadian; capital; carving; case; cent; claims; commodity; community; company; consumer; corporate; corporation; course; crafts; culture; development; economic; economy; enterprise; eskimo; eskimo co; exchange; facilities; fact; federal; federation; figures; food; form; fur; goods; government; group; hudson; hunting; indian; instance; interests; inuit; jobs; labour; lack; land; large; living; local; making; makivik; market; members; money; movement; native; native co; needs; new; non; northern; northwest; nqia; operative; ops; order; ottawa; people; personnel; place; political; population; povungnituk; private; proceedings; process; production; programmes; provincial; quebec; quebec co; quebec inuit; resources; routes; self; services; significant; social; spite; state; structure; subsistence; support; territories; time; trade; trading; traditional; transfer; use; vallee; vol; wage; way; western; work; world; years cache: ar-20269.pdf plain text: ar-20269.txt item: #89 of 348 id: ar-20270 author: Sansfacon, Daniel title: Sujet de Droit et Sujets de Droit: De la Pratique Juridique au Pluriel date: 2013-11-01 words: 7392 flesch: 68 summary: La connaissance rip la lni Le cas de R. v Catholique (1980) expl ique 1 ' element materiel de la connaissance et renferme aussi la question de la connaissance constructive. Ainsi, Pashukanis (1978), bien que cherchant une analyse de la forme juridique dans les relations objectives qui la fondent et qu'elle vient ensuite regler, constate-t- keywords: ainsi; alors; alternate; analyse; apparemment; aussi; autre; aux; avons; bien; c'est; c.c.c; capital; cas; categorie; cependant; certaines; ces; cette; cit; comme; commun; conditions; connaissance; connaitre; corps; cree; d'abord; d'un; dans; de la; deja; des; deux; devient; devoir; dire; discours; dit; donne; droit; economique; edelman; effet; elle; encore; est; etre; exemple; faire; fait; faut; fois; formation; forme; general; ici; ils; individu; infraction; juge; juridique; justement; justice; l'elu; l'etat; l'on; l'un; law; legislateur; les; lex; loi; lois; london; ltd; lui; maclean; mais; marxiste; maspero; mediateur; meme; miaille; moins; n'en; n'est; nature; non; nous; par; paris; pas; perspective; peuple; peut; politique; possibility; poulantzas; pour; pourtant; pouvoir; pratique; premier; pretend; probleme; processus; qu'il; qu'on; qu'un; que; question; qui; r. v; realisation; realite; regies; relations; routes; s'agit; s'il; sans; savoir; second; sens; sera; ses; situation; sociale; societe; soit; son; sont; sorte; sous; state; sujet; sur; terminologique; tous; tout; travail; tribunal; une; voir; volonte; woolworth cache: ar-20270.pdf plain text: ar-20270.txt item: #90 of 348 id: ar-20271 author: Edelson, Miriam title: Accountable to Whom? Trends in Management-Labour Relations in Local Government date: 2013-11-01 words: 9801 flesch: 48 summary: British Columbia is the only province where public sector employers may form accredited organizations. The letter ended with a reaffirmation of the Minister's support 117 of Council's mandate to enable public sector employers ... to attain fair and equitable levels of compensation relative ^to the private sector and to each other (Wolf e , 1978) . keywords: ability; accreditation; accredited; alternate; attempt; bargaining; british; british columbia; canada; canadian; capital; cent; certain; character; civic; collective; columbia; community; conditions; control; costs; council; crisis; cupe; decisions; demands; dollars; economic; effect; employers; equal; example; expenditure; federal; funding; general; government; gross; gvrd; impact; increases; insurance; issue; labour; labour relations; leave; legislation; levels; local; local government; local state; management; members; municipal; negotiations; new; officials; organization; paper; pay; pebc; points; political; position; pressure; private; private sector; problems; process; programs; province; provincial; public; public employers; public sector; public services; relations; representatives; research; revenues; routes; sector; sector bargaining; sector employers; services; settlements; sick; social; specific; state; strike; structures; substantial; system; taxes; terms; total; transfers; union; value; vancouver; vol; wage; workers; years cache: ar-20271.pdf plain text: ar-20271.txt item: #91 of 348 id: ar-20272 author: Robinson, David title: Community Colleges and the Division Between Mental and Manual Labour date: 2013-11-01 words: 8854 flesch: 43 summary: The work of Nicos Poulantzas on the contribution of the educational apparatus to the reproduction of the division of mental and manual labour will be utilized since it is particularly helpful in understanding the relationship between community college education and the capitalist workplace. Their insinuation is that capital's interests have been represented in the development of policy on community college education. keywords: alternate; analysis; area; attention; bowles; braverman; canada; canadian; capitalist; capitalist labour; clark; class; classroom; college; college graduates; community; community college; conception; contribution; control; correspondence; curriculum; david; division; eds; education; education system; engineering; engineers; example; experience; fact; functions; gintis; graduates; hidden; higher; ideological; individuals; karabel; knowledge; labour; labour process; levels; literature; lower; management; manual labour; mental; necessary; new; ontario; organization; overt; particular; point; political; porter; position; postsecondary; poulantzas; production; programs; recent; relations; relationship; research; review; role; routes; school; schooling; separation; skills; social; social relations; society; sociologists; sociology; specific; students; study; system; technical; technicians; technologists; technology; terms; theoretical; toronto; training; universities; university; university graduates; vol; work; workers; workplace; york; zsigmond cache: ar-20272.pdf plain text: ar-20272.txt item: #92 of 348 id: ar-20273 author: Armstrong, Pat; Armstrong, Hugh title: Beyond Numbers: Problems with Quantitative Data date: 2013-11-01 words: 13245 flesch: 57 summary: Since many women are employed in smaller workplaces, this information may not only count some women inaccurately but also exclude entirely many of those in the lowest paid jobs. - II - 3. What this evidence suggests is that, if a question on sexual harassment were asked of all employed women, there would probably be an overwhelmingly negative response because of the way women perceive and respond to advances and because many women are segregated into jobs where there are few men to do the harassing. keywords: 1983; account; actual; age; analysis; answers; anthropology; armstrong; assumptions; available; basis; benefits; canada; canadian; care; carleton; case; cat; categories; category; census; changes; children; choices; collection; concepts; conditions; course; data; day; department; different; difficult; earnings; economic; effect; employment; examination; example; factors; facts; families; family; female; financial; force; government; graduate; health; historical; history; home; hours; household; husband; ideas; important; income; information; issues; job; jobs; labour; labour force; likely; little; m.a; machine; male; married; means; methodology; methods; monthly; nature; new; numbers; ottawa; particular; pay; people; person; perspective; place; possible; problems; process; quantitative; questions; real; research; respondents; responses; sample; segregation; services; sex; social; sociology; statistics; statistics canada; status; structure; studies; supply; support; survey; tables; tabulations; techniques; theoretical; theory; time; university; view; wages; way; wife; women; work; workers; working cache: ar-20273.pdf plain text: ar-20273.txt item: #93 of 348 id: ar-20274 author: Hamilton, Roberta title: The Collusion with Patriarchy: A Psychoanalytic Account date: 2013-11-01 words: 5889 flesch: 49 summary: The social reproduction of heterosexual men and women who place unequal value upon masculinity and femininity implies its corollary: that a whole range of needs, feelings, attitudes, desires and behaviours have had to be repressed in the process. The resolution of these two oedipal dramas will determine the biological maturation of the child and its subsequent entry into 'human' society through the incorporation of the parents' social standards. keywords: account; active; aims; analysis; anxiety; attachment; basic; body; capitalism; castration; child; civilization; complex; course; desires; development; ego; envy; family; father; female; femininity; freud; girl; heterosexual; horowitz; human; life; love; male; marcuse; marx; mother; nature; new; object; oedipal; oedipus; particular; passive; patriarchy; penis; primary; process; production; psychoanalytic; psychosexual; renunciation; repression; result; sexual; sexuality; social; society; species; structure; surplus; theory; women; work; world; york cache: ar-20274.pdf plain text: ar-20274.txt item: #94 of 348 id: ar-20275 author: Saunders, Eileen title: Socialist Feminist Theory: The Issue of Revolution date: 2013-11-01 words: 7038 flesch: 47 summary: 7. Implications for Recruitment of Political Cadres: The recruitment of indigenous cadres through appeals to Moslem women is useful not only in expanding party influence but also in their serving as prefigurative models of the role of women in the new society. Certainly, one must recognize the genuine role of mass parties in socialist states, but these are parties which are distinguished by their pyramidal structures, with an extreme concentration of power at the top of the pyramid (Miliband, 1977:115). keywords: analysis; apparatus; authority; c.c.p; capital; challenge; china; chinese; clan; class; clear; conditions; consolidation; control; davin; development; discussion; divorce; documents; economic; female; focus; growth; historical; hou; ideology; impact; implications; important; individuals; industrial; industry; insurgency; investment; labour; land; law; liberation; marriage; massell; material; mobilization; movement; new; notes; party; payoffs; period; phase; point; policies; policy; political; power; press; problem; process; production; proletariat; property; question; regime; relations; relationship; requisites; response; revolutionary; role; significant; socialist; socialist state; society; soviet; state; status; strategic; system; task; traditional; transition; university; urban; use; women; words cache: ar-20275.pdf plain text: ar-20275.txt item: #95 of 348 id: ar-20276 author: Morris, Cerise title: Pressuring the Canadian State for Women's Rights: The Role of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women date: 2013-11-01 words: 6751 flesch: 47 summary: The problems for public interest groups with limited financial resources have been summed up by Goldstein (1979:139): Since they represent no special interests, they are unlikely to possess any - 95 - automatic source cf financial support and must scramble for money where they can. Pressure groups, or public-interest groups as they are often called, are organizations whose members act together to influence public policy in order to promote their common interest (Pross, 1975:2). keywords: action; annual; areas; behaviour; bureaucracy; cabinet; canada; canadian; change; commission; committee; conditions; council; country; equal; executive; face; federal; feminist; financial; funding; government; groups; hand; impact; influence; information; institutional; interests; interview; issues; labour; limited; lobbying; marsden; meetings; members; minister; model; movement; nac; national; network; news; objectives; office; opinion; organization; organized; ottawa; party; pay; personal; point; policy; political; politics; pressure; pressure groups; priorities; problems; process; pross; public; regional; representatives; resources; restraining; rights; role; social; status; support; system; time; toronto; united; value; voluntary; way; women; work cache: ar-20276.pdf plain text: ar-20276.txt item: #96 of 348 id: ar-20277 author: Bourgeault, Ron title: The Development of Capitalism and the Subjugation of Native Women in Northern Canada date: 2013-11-01 words: 9510 flesch: 48 summary: The social structure that emerged, the restructured nature of relationships between Indian women and men, the form of colonialism that developed and the nature and form of the state that emerged within the fur trade, all were dependent upon the mode of extraction of the surplus labour (Marx, 1977b: 791; Marx, 1977a:209). Its intent is to reflect upon the way in which Indian women were in fact conquered and drawn into a class society and how male domination assumed a form that did not exist before the penetration of capitalism. keywords: bay; blood; bourgeois; breed; breed women; british; canadian; capital; capitalism; class; class society; collective; colonial; colonialism; commodity; communal; company; conquest; control; dependent; development; different; domination; economic; egalitarian; egalitarian society; elite; european; european men; exploitation; family; form; fur; fur trade; half; hudson; indian; indian population; indian society; indian women; individual; internal; labour; market; merchant; merchant capital; mixed; national; native; native women; necessary; new; northern; officer; oppression; order; particular; people; petty; population; position; posts; power; process; production; relations; relationships; river; situation; slave; social; societies; society; state; support; system; trade; units; use; women; work; working; years; york cache: ar-20277.pdf plain text: ar-20277.txt item: #97 of 348 id: ar-20278 author: Creese, Gillian title: Immigration Policies and the Creation of an Ethnically Segmented Working Class in British Columbia, 1880-1923 date: 2013-11-01 words: 11530 flesch: 44 summary: The ability to acquire Chinese workers at such low rates - 9 - of pay was premised on the historically lower subsistence level of Asian peasants in comparison to Europeans, the fact that the reproduction costs of Chinese labour were borne in China rather than in Canada, the system of contract labour to hire Chinese workers and, equally as important, the political inferiority accorded Asian immigrants by Canadian immigration policies. In the sawmills, Chinese labour earned between SI and S1.50 per day, the Japanese earned between 90 cents and $1.25, while unskilled white wages started at $2 and went up to $4.50 per day for skilled white labour (Royal Commission, 1902 : 101-124,360-365) . keywords: 1976; agitation; american; analysis; anthropology; anti; asian; asian immigration; asian labour; asian workers; b.c; bonacich; british; british columbia; canada; canadian; capitalist; carleton; century; cheap; cheng; chinese; chinese immigration; chinese labour; chinese workers; class; class conflict; columbia; commission; communities; community; competition; conditions; conflict; consciousness; context; country; creation; dans; day; development; east; economic; effect; employers; employment; ethnic; ethnicity; european; fishermen; focus; formation; general; government; historical; history; ideological; immigrants; immigration; immigration policies; important; indian; industry; inequality; inferiority; japanese; japanese immigration; labour; labour market; labour organization; labourers; lower; major; market; militancy; mines; mining; month; new; non; organization; ottawa; ouvriere; paper; permanent; phillips; point; policies; political; position; practices; press; province; provincial; race; racial; racist; railway; relations; research; resources; review; rights; role; royal; royal commission; segmented; settlers; social; society; sociology; split; state; status; struggle; studies; system; toronto; trade; turn; union; university; unskilled; vancouver; wages; ward; western; white; white labour; white workers; white working; workers; working; working class cache: ar-20278.pdf plain text: ar-20278.txt item: #98 of 348 id: ar-20279 author: Blight, Stephen title: Nationalism and Ideology date: 2013-11-01 words: 6795 flesch: 46 summary: Historical materialism posits the primacy of the relations of production in society, with class struggle constituting history's motive force. Next, Laclau makes a distinction between class struggle and classes-in-struggle. keywords: agents; althusser; basis; bloc; bourgeoisie; capitalist; character; class; class struggle; classes; colonial; common; concept; concrete; consciousness; contradiction; debray; development; discourse; dominant; dominant class; economic; elements; existence; factors; force; form; formation; fractions; hegemonic; hegemony; historical; history; hobsbawm; idea; ideological; ideology; indigenous; interests; interpellation; kikuyu; laclau; lenin; level; london; marxism; marxists; material; modern; nairn; nationalism; necessary; neo; new; order; people; petty; political; position; poulantzas; power; practices; process; production; progressive; real; relations; relationship; revolution; role; second; social; socialist; society; space; state; struggle; subjects; territory; theory; tradition; view; world cache: ar-20279.pdf plain text: ar-20279.txt item: #99 of 348 id: ar-20280 author: Lustiger-Thaler, Henri title: Nationalism and Class: A Case Analysis date: 2013-11-01 words: 12023 flesch: 47 summary: For Davis, though there are many references in Marx's work to the leading class, national class and universal - 64 - class, caution should be exercised in their explanatory value. This paper will argue, on the contrary, that nationalism within relatively homogeneous societies is expressed as well as appropriated by various class interests under the pervasiveness of a complex hegemony. keywords: absence; action; analysis; approach; bloom; bourgeoisie; canadian; capital; capitalist; case; central; certain; change; class; class interests; class relations; classes; collective; common; complex; conditions; congress; context; convention; csn; cultural; debate; des; development; discourse; earlier; early; economic; economy; effect; evident; expression; factors; federal; forces; form; formation; framework; ftq; general; government; gramsci; greater; groups; growth; hegemony; historic; hobsbawm; ideological; ideology; indicative; integration; interests; issue; la question; laberge; labour; larger; left; lesage; level; liberals; marchand; marx; movement; nairn; national; national class; national question; nationalism; nature; ndp; new; notion; nous; official; organization; paper; particular; parties; party; period; perspective; point; political; political action; political party; popular; position; power; president; previous; problem; process; project; province; provincial; public; quebec; quebecois; question; quiet; referendum; reform; regard; relationship; report; revolution; role; sector; sense; sixties; social; society; speech; sphere; state; structural; struggle; support; syndical; terms; time; type; union; view; workers; working; working class; years cache: ar-20280.pdf plain text: ar-20280.txt item: #100 of 348 id: ar-20281 author: Mannette, J.A. title: 'Stark Remnants of Blackpast': Thinking on Gender, Ethnicity and Class in 1780s Nova Scotia date: 2013-11-01 words: 10041 flesch: 51 summary: There is also some evidence that Black women were promised lower wages for domestic service than were Black men. Further, she explicitly acknowledges the deficit in women's history' of theorising about and analyses of Black women (2A). keywords: 1780s; 1976; 1983; accounts; activities; american; analysis; birchtown; black; black community; black labour; black loyalists; black nova; black people; black women; bray; british; capitalist; children; church; class; class relations; colonial; communities; community; construction; crime; cultural; culture; des; difference; dominance; dominant; economic; ethnic; ethnic relations; ethnicity; examination; experience; expression; families; family; following; formation; forms; free; gender; gender relations; gender subordination; group; halifax; historical; history; ideology; individuals; inequality; investigation; john; labour; land; life; little; lives; loyalists; marxist; need; new; nova; nova scotia; order; orthodox; people; period; position; practices; processes; production; punishment; race; relations; religious; research; role; school; scotia; segregated; segregation; sense; sex; shelburne; slaves; social; social relations; society; subordinate; subordination; system; terms; time; understanding; unequal; university; visible; wages; walker; way; white; wilson; women; work; york cache: ar-20281.pdf plain text: ar-20281.txt item: #101 of 348 id: ar-20282 author: Shulze, David title: Rural Manufacture in Lower Canada: Understanding Seigniorial Privilege and the Transition in the Countryside date: 2013-11-01 words: 10953 flesch: 57 summary: Characterizing the phenomenon In discussing capitalist production by seigneurs, most authors have been content to deal with Joliette and, occasionally, Joseph Masson. For Mears and McGill, as for Edouard Scallon, a partner of Joliette whose access to Lavaltrie's productive possibilities always required payment to Joliette or his widow, 38 the use of seigneurial privilege was an essential part of their institution of capitalist production. keywords: activity; agricultural; analysis; appendix; assembly; basis; bernier; bourgeoisie; british; cahiers; canada; canadian; capitalist; capitalist production; censitaires; century; coercive; commutation; concentration; concession; conditions; control; countries; countryside; courville; d'histoire; d'industrie; dans; dcb; de la; des; description; development; domestic; early; edition; elements; entrepreneur; est; example; exchange; export; flour; forges; form; france; free; historical; important; industrial; industry; instance; jean; joliette; joseph; journals; l'abbe; labour; land; large; lavaltrie; les; local; london; lower; lower canada; lumber; manufacture; manufacturing; market; marx; marxist; mass; maurice; mctavish; means; mercantile; merchant; milling; mills; monetary; montreal; natural; nature; naylor; new; nineteenth; ouellet; par; period; phenomenon; place; point; pour; press; privilege; production; progress; property; quebec; qui; relations; rent; resources; rights; robert; rural; saint; salee; saw; seigneurial; seigneurial privilege; seigneurs; society; state; sur; surplus; system; tenure; terms; timber; time; toronto; township; trade; transformation; transition; university; use; value; village; vol; wage; wealth; wood; york cache: ar-20282.pdf plain text: ar-20282.txt item: #102 of 348 id: ar-20283 author: Russell, Jesse title: Response to "The Development of Capitalism and the Subjugation of Native Women in Northern Canada" date: 2013-11-01 words: 1010 flesch: 55 summary: Indian women cannot share the same strategies used by white women because of their eco-centric world-view. After ten years of experience working alternatively with white women's centres (Rape Crisis etc.) and working on Reserves with Indian women, I felt a strong urgency to address the inherent incompatability between the white women's feminist movement and the unique position (i.e. subjugation) of Indian women. keywords: bourgeault; culture; feminist; indian; jesse; movement; native; nature; sense; view; white; women; world cache: ar-20283.pdf plain text: ar-20283.txt item: #103 of 348 id: ar-20284 author: Broad, Dave title: Peripheralization of the Centre: W(h)ither Canada date: 2013-11-01 words: 11296 flesch: 53 summary: Certainly the present 32 conjuncture presents Canadian labour with the opportunity of coalescing with other popular sectors and small business in opposition to the pe r lphe ral 1 zat ion of the centre. Panitch, noting recent events such as the Canad iani zat ion of the United Auto Workers, suggests that Canadian labour as a whole is confronted with the opportunity of overcoming its regionally- and sectorally-div ided past. keywords: -the; 1980; accumulation; alternate; american; amin; anthropology; austerity; b.c; basis; bennett; british; broad; canada; canadian; capital; capitalist; carleton; case; centre; changes; class; conditions; conservative; control; core; corporate; countries; crisis; department; development; discussion; division; dixon; economic; economy; enterprise; et al; exploitation; export; force; fordist; foreign; forms; free; frobel; future; general; global; government; graduate; growth; havemann; high; houle; ideology; industrial; industrialization; industrialized; industry; international; international division; investment; ipheral; issues; izat; izat ion; labour; liberal; like; literature; logic; long; low; manufacturing; marchak; market; means; monopoly; monthly; new; new international; nidl; note; operations; ottawa; panitch; periphery; policy; political; popular; power; present; press; process; processes; production; programs; reality; recent; relations; relationship; research; restructuring; review; routes; sector; semi; social; society; sociology; solidarity; state; struggles; studies; sweezy; system; technological; technology; time; toronto; trade; transnational; trends; u.s; unemployment; union; united; university; vol; von; wage; wage labour; welfare; williams; women; workers; working; world; world economy; world market; york; zones cache: ar-20284.pdf plain text: ar-20284.txt item: #104 of 348 id: ar-20285 author: Faustino-Santos, Ronald title: A Race of Cuckoos: Chinese Migration, Anti-Chinese Legislation and the Canadian Pacific Railway date: 2013-11-01 words: 8244 flesch: 54 summary: Those who benefited from the Chinese migrant labour trade were the imperial states which could expropriate Chinese labour for use in the colonies. The military power of the imperialist nations also created an unequal political relationship which meant that the foreign powers were able to regulate the flow of Chinese labour. keywords: accumulation; anti; britain; british; british columbia; british state; campbell; canada; canadian; canadian state; canton; capital; capitalist; century; cheap; china; chinese; chinese immigration; chinese labour; chinese legislation; chinese workers; class; colonies; colony; columbia; conditions; conflict; construction; contract; contract labour; coolie; economic; economy; european; example; exclusion; fact; foreign; form; general; government; houses; ideology; immigration; imperial; imperial state; imperialism; interests; labour; labour market; labour system; labour trade; labourers; legislation; level; lines; macdonald; market; material; merchant; metropole; migrant; migrant labour; nineteenth; non; opium; organized; owners; plantation; policy; political; powers; provincial; race; racial; racism; railway; recruitment; relations; role; social; source; split; state; system; trade; treaty; united; west; white; wickberg; workers; working; world; world system cache: ar-20285.pdf plain text: ar-20285.txt item: #105 of 348 id: ar-20287 author: Bourgeault, Ron title: Indigenous Women and Capitalist Exploitation: Response to Jesse Russell date: 2013-11-01 words: 2349 flesch: 47 summary: The discussion centred on Indian women and the Indian Act. Finally, 145 Russell contends that I portray Indian women as apathetic, ignorant, and physically unaggressive. keywords: aboriginal; article; assimilation; capitalism; class; culture; destruction; differences; exploitation; feminist; indian; indigenous; labour; metis; movement; oppression; people; relations; response; russell; society; subjugation; system; white; women; working; world cache: ar-20287.pdf plain text: ar-20287.txt item: #106 of 348 id: ar-20289 author: Vasquez Garcia, Veronica title: Gramsci, Women and the State date: 2013-11-01 words: 9239 flesch: 41 summary: Obviously, poor women benefited more than other women, although needless to say, women formed more than 60 percent of the poorest Nicaraguans (Idem). Women whose husbands are closely tied to these relations do not represent a problem (repression of sexuality in Gramsci refers only to male sexuality), while women whose husbands are millionaires are luxury mammals and can afford behaving like prostitutes as a way of entertainment. keywords: analysis; anthropology; battle; bloc; capitalist; carleton; change; civil; civil society; class; classes; conception; concepts; consciousness; consent; counter; critical; critique; cultural; culture; department; different; division; domestic; dominant; economic; family; feminist; forms; function; gender; graduate; gramsci; gramscian; group; hegemonic; hegemony; historical; human; ideas; ideological; ideology; institutions; intellectuals; interests; jaggar; labour; lives; male; marxist; needs; negotiation; new; oppression; order; organic; organization; particular; party; patriarchal; political; politics; position; power; practices; private; production; project; relations; relationship; research; revolution; revolutionary; role; sassoon; sense; sexual; sexuality; showstack; social; socialist; socialist feminist; society; sociology; state; struggle; students; system; terms; theoretical; theory; university; way; ways; welfare; women; words; working; world cache: ar-20289.pdf plain text: ar-20289.txt item: #107 of 348 id: ar-20290 author: Skinner, David title: Public Broadcasting in Canada: Subordinate Service date: 2013-11-01 words: 6565 flesch: 44 summary: Informed by a commercial rationale, private broadcasting in Canada was largely constructed as an extension of American broadcasting empires. While the history of broadcasting is indeed the product of real historical struggles, the regulatory framework has contextualized these struggles so as to foreground the reproduction of private capital. keywords: accumulation; act; activities; american; broadcasters; broadcasting; broadcasting act; broadcasting system; canada; canadian; canadian broadcasting; canadian state; cbc; central; commercial; commission; concerns; continued; corporation; country; crbc; crtc; development; discourse; early; economic; foreign; form; government; growth; historical; history; interests; legislation; little; national; nationalist; network; new; notes; ownership; policy; political; practice; pressure; private; private broadcasters; private capital; private sector; private stations; production; programming; public; public broadcasting; radio; radio broadcasting; railways; regulation; regulatory; relations; report; resources; revenue; role; royal; sector; service; state; stations; structure; system; television; toronto; university; weir cache: ar-20290.pdf plain text: ar-20290.txt item: #108 of 348 id: ar-20291 author: Shreenan, Paul title: On the Devaluation of Women's Labour: Hegemonic and Local Ideological Practices date: 2013-11-01 words: 7817 flesch: 47 summary: In fishing communities, the focus of this paper, women contribute to the family economy through a variety of productive strategies including subsistence production, the informal economy and waged labour (Connelly and MacDonald, 1983:46), yet women's work has consistently been devalued, undervalued or simply ignored by both the scholarly and broader community (Porter, 1987:48). Unfortunately, as the authors are well aware, the material is practically devoid of the presence of women and women's experience except where they are mentioned in a sexist and derogatory way. keywords: analysis; armstrong; atlantic; boat; canada; capitalism; case; catch; change; class; communities; contradictions; contribution; cultural; culture; davis; definition; development; discussion; division; domestic; economic; enterprise; equality; example; fact; family; fisher; fishing; focus; free; gender; hegemonic; household; ideological; ideological practice; ideology; important; independence; individuals; labour; legitimate; level; liberal; liberalism; local; male; market; material; mies; new; nova; opportunity; particular; patriarchal; points; porter; practice; press; private; problem; process; processes; production; public; relations; scotia; small; social; society; southwest; specific; state; strategies; structural; studies; subordination; terms; theory; unequal; university; value; variety; way; ways; women; work; world; york cache: ar-20291.pdf plain text: ar-20291.txt item: #109 of 348 id: ar-20292 author: Hubka, David title: Historical Materialism By Cross-Sectional Survey Design: The Limits of E.O. Wrights Study of Class Structure date: 2013-11-01 words: 5804 flesch: 47 summary: In his most recent work, Wright (1989) considers a full range of the many criticisms directed at his conceptualization and analysis of class structure. Theoretical impulses arising from this core feature are, as Wright sees it, torn between developing either simple or complex models of class structure in order to enhance its explanatory power. keywords: 1986a; abstraction; analysis; approach; attempts; basis; capitalism; categories; change; claims; class; class structure; classes; concepts; concrete; conditions; consciousness; cross; data; determination; development; erik; exploitation; fact; formation; forms; future; general; historical; history; ibid; individual; interests; level; limits; london; marx; marxist; materialism; means; mechanisms; method; mode; new; olin; philosophy; possible; power; production; project; range; relations; research; review; revolutionary; sayer; sectional; social; socialism; society; sociology; structure; struggle; survey; theoretical; theory; typology; value; work; wright cache: ar-20292.pdf plain text: ar-20292.txt item: #110 of 348 id: ar-20293 author: Turcotte, Michael title: Parker, R.G. Bodies, Pleasures and Passions : Sexual Culture in Contemporary Brazil date: 2013-11-01 words: 561 flesch: 48 summary: Only in the conclusion Parker specified that his study focuses on sexual culture in urban Brazil and not all Brazil. Richard Parker's first book keeps the attention of readers interested in sexual culture and gender studies. keywords: author; bodies; book; brazil; code; culture; parker; passions; pleasures; sexual; social cache: ar-20293.pdf plain text: ar-20293.txt item: #111 of 348 id: ar-20294 author: Fogarasi, George title: Aronowitz, Stanlezy & Henry A. Giroux. Postmodern Education: Politics , Culture and Social Criticism, date: 2013-11-01 words: 659 flesch: 26 summary: They use the language of postmodernism to give a new shine to critical pedagogy in an attempt to reintroduce these timely concerns to an audience that has dismissed anything remotely Marxist at a stroke in order to frolic in its simulacra. The book begins by contrasting progressive and postmodern (postmodern as critical theory in this instance) approaches to social change by analyzing Bennet's drug and education offensives. keywords: aronowitz; critical; criticism; discourse; education; giroux; pedagogy; politics; postmodernism; public; social; students; theory cache: ar-20294.pdf plain text: ar-20294.txt item: #112 of 348 id: ar-20295 author: Labelle, Paul title: LA FOLIE AU DECLIN DU MOYEN-AGE date: 2013-11-01 words: 2882 flesch: 64 summary: Par contre, lors de la naissance du capitalisme et de 1 'emergence de la science comme forme de connaissance , le clerge incorpore un nouvel element dans sa pratique discursive sur la deviance. la conduite bizarre parmi les indices de la sllerie . keywords: age; aux; avec; certains; ces; cette; ceux; chasse; clerge; clerical; comme; contre; corps; dans; de la; demoniaque; des; deviance; diable; discours; ecclesiastique; elements; entre; epoque; est; existence; feodale; folie; fous; george; history; inclut; l'eglise; l'epoque; l'ordre; la folie; la sorcellerie; les; lors; malleus; meme; monde; new; op.cit; par; pas; pendant; peut; possession; pour; qu'il; que; qui; satan; savoir; selon; siecle; societe; son; sont; sorcellerie; sorcieres; sur; une; york cache: ar-20295.pdf plain text: ar-20295.txt item: #113 of 348 id: ar-20296 author: Kandrack, Mary-Anne title: STUDYING PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC KNOWLEDGE: NOTES TOWARD A WORKING DEFINITION OF IDEOLOGY date: 2013-11-01 words: 1494 flesch: 41 summary: the concept of ideology refers precisely to the objectification of social processes for the purpose of technical manipulation and control (as opposed to practical or emancipatory aims {Habermas, 1972}). Lastly, Finn (1982) also argues that ideology is involved not only in the mystification of social reality but also in its reif ication . keywords: analytical; books; concept; control; discourse; discursive; domination; feminist; finn; foucault; habermas; ideology; knowledge; new; power; practices; press; processes; relations; social; therapy; thompson; york cache: ar-20296.pdf plain text: ar-20296.txt item: #114 of 348 id: ar-20297 author: Mosco, Vincent title: Communication, Culture and Power date: 2013-11-01 words: 8774 flesch: 48 summary: While Dr. Mosco's expertise is in the political economy of communications, the breadth and depth of his interests are apparent in this interview in which he explores contemporary debates over the nature of capitalist society, the relationships between cultural studies and political economy in communication studies, and the implications of globalization, deregulation, and privatization in the communication industries. One of the things I've tried to do over the Alternate Routes, Volume 10, 1993 Alternate Routes, Volume 10. 1993 years is to give communication studies a stronger theoretical grounding. keywords: advance; age; agreement; alternate; analysis; area; book; broadcasting; business; canada; canadian; capitalism; carleton; case; challenge; communication; companies; competition; computer; critical; crtc; cultural; cultural studies; culture; david; democracy; democratic; development; distance; economic; economy; editorial; example; field; film; fordism; forms; global; growth; important; industries; industry; information; integration; interest; interview; issue; labour; like; local; long; major; market; mass; media; mosco; national; need; new; notion; organized; pay; people; place; policies; policy; political; political economy; post; power; press; production; public; questions; range; recent; regulation; relations; research; routes; sector; services; social; society; sociology; state; students; studies; system; technologies; technology; telecommunication; telephone; television; theoretical; thinking; time; trade; tradition; u.s; understanding; university; users; vincent; volume; wide; work; years cache: ar-20297.pdf plain text: ar-20297.txt item: #115 of 348 id: ar-20298 author: Rideout, Vanda title: Telecommunication Policy for Whom? An Analysis of Recent CRTC Decisions date: 2013-11-01 words: 10214 flesch: 49 summary: Competition in telecommunication business services has, paradoxically, resulted in a more regulated telecommunication environment; one in which there is less regulation in the public interest but more regulation to manage market forces. The telecommunication users formed these umbrella associations to get cheaper, efficient, flexible, integrated, and specially designed telecommunication services. keywords: accounting; alternate; application; association; attachment; bcrl; bell; bell canada; bloc; british; business; cac; canada; canadian; capitalist; cent; cep; civil; class; classes; cncp; coalitions; columbia; commission; communications; companies; company; competition; compromises; crtc; decision; decision crtc; demands; distance; dominant; economic; enhanced; equipment; example; federal; fractions; government; groups; hearing; hegemonic; industry; information; interconnection; interests; interim; issues; large; lightel; line; local; long; long distance; ltd; market; monopoly; mosco; national; net; network; new; notice; number; order; organizations; ottawa; policies; policy; political; position; poulantzas; power; practices; private; process; programs; providers; public; radio; rail; rates; rebalancing; regulated; regulation; regulatory; relations; resale; residential; rideout; routes; services; sharing; social; society; standards; state; structural; subordinate; subscribers; subsidies; system; telecom decision; telecommunication; telecommunication decision; telecommunication policy; telephone; terminal; theory; toronto; unitel; university; users; voice; volume; workers cache: ar-20298.pdf plain text: ar-20298.txt item: #116 of 348 id: ar-20299 author: Robinson, David title: Taking "Freedom of the Press" Seriously: Critical Media Sociology and the Challenge of Democracy date: 2013-11-01 words: 9672 flesch: 50 summary: More recently, news media organizations have offered readers and spectators editorial 'talk-back' telephone lines, allowing audiences to register their views or complaints. Likewise, the ever increasing concentration of news media outlets raises real fears that a large number of public interests are not being served. keywords: access; advertisers; advertising; alternate; analysis; audience; autonomy; bourgeois; broadcasting; cambridge; canada; capitalist; citizens; claims; class; communication; competition; concentration; constraints; control; critical; culture; curran; debate; democracy; democratic; economic; economy; editorial; eds; elite; example; expression; financial; forces; freedom; garnham; government; groups; habermas; hall; ideas; ideological; imperatives; industry; information; institutional; interests; islamica; issues; john; journalists; keane; kind; large; liberal; liberal media; london; market; marketplace; marxist; mass; media; murdock; need; neo; news; news media; newspapers; non; number; open; opinions; order; organizations; ownership; people; periodica; peter; political; politics; possibility; power; practices; press; private; process; producers; production; professional; public; public sphere; quality; radical; readers; relations; research; researchers; robinson; routes; sage; schlesinger; self; shape; social; society; sociology; sparks; sphere; state; structural; studies; study; system; theories; theory; times; toronto; tuchman; university; views; volume; ways; work; world; york cache: ar-20299.pdf plain text: ar-20299.txt item: #117 of 348 id: ar-20300 author: Behnia, Behnam title: Reflections of the Reproduction of Dictatorship in Iran: Communication and Dictatorship date: 2013-11-01 words: 9228 flesch: 56 summary: However, what these scholars of Iranian revolution have overlooked is the presence of a contradiction in Iranian political collective action. 91 Alternate Routes, Volume 10, 1993 Critical Review of the Analyses of the 1979 Iranian Revolution Scholars of Iranian revolution are divided on whether there were one or two revolutions. keywords: abrahamian; agencies; alternate; amir; arjomand; bazaar; bazaaris; bill; cambridge; class; clergy; collective; communication; conditions; corporate; coup; culture; democracy; democratic; dictatorial; dictatorship; distorted; dowreh; east; economic; eds; example; exit; favour; forces; formation; general; government; graham; groups; habermas; halliday; horizontal; impact; independent; instance; institutions; iran; iranian; iranian political; iranian revolution; islamic; journal; khomeini; left; life; london; means; members; middle; miller; mobilization; modernization; mossadeq; movements; national; new; number; o'donnell; oil; old; opposition; order; organizations; parsa; party; people; percent; perspective; police; political; politics; power; presence; press; princeton; processes; protest; public; rapid; regime; religious; repression; result; revolution; revolutionary; reza; rights; routes; savak; scholars; shah; social; socialization; society; speaker; state; system; theory; time; trust; universal; university; use; voice; volume; women; workers; world; york cache: ar-20300.pdf plain text: ar-20300.txt item: #118 of 348 id: ar-20301 author: Chunn, Ian title: CANONS, PUBLISHERS, AND LITERARY NATIONALISM: TOWARD A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE date: 2013-11-01 words: 2782 flesch: 52 summary: Canon-formation is an intrinsically conservative process (Scobie, 1991 :57), and the tendency to resist change is greatest in national canons, as they function to define a national literature in turn tied to the sense of nationhood. While those who control the U.S. scene may seem small in number, in Canada it amounts to little more than university teachers of English who profess some degree of interest in Canadian literature. keywords: alternate; american; anthologies; bruns; canada; canadian; canonical; canons; century; chandler; chicago; chicago press; court; english; essays; formation; hallberg; herrnstein; history; lecker; literary; literature; mccarthy; national; nationalism; new; ohmann; poetry; political; press; process; publishing; routes; sense; smith; study; toronto; tradition; university; value; volume; von; work; writing cache: ar-20301.pdf plain text: ar-20301.txt item: #119 of 348 id: ar-20302 author: Hubka, David title: Richard Collins, Culture, Communication and National Identity: The Case of Canadian Television date: 2013-11-01 words: 902 flesch: 36 summary: In overview, Collins' rejection of Canadian nationalism (or assumptions thereof) is the basis of his rejection of policy objectives to support cultural identity through a national broadcasting system. The few espousing the rhetoric of Canadian nationalism are merely those who stand in the way of the inevitable world of international competition (xvi, 28, 349). keywords: american; broadcasting; canada; canadian; collins; cultural; culture; economic; european; identity; industries; nationalist; new; policy; state; television; world cache: ar-20302.pdf plain text: ar-20302.txt item: #120 of 348 id: ar-20303 author: Rideout, Vanda title: NEWSFORUM: Conference Report date: 2013-11-01 words: 769 flesch: 43 summary: As consumption for cultural products increases it should mean an increase for cultural creators but in Canada this will not happen without the state, cultural policies and cultural content. Atherton explained how newspapers work against the reporting of cultural policy because reporters who cover this area often have other priorities. keywords: book; broadcasting; canadian; carleton; communication; crtc; cultural; interest; new; newsforum; panel; policy; public; services; speakers; telecommunication; university cache: ar-20303.pdf plain text: ar-20303.txt item: #121 of 348 id: ar-20304 author: Reimer, Joel title: Future Probabilities for a Somali Nation State: Development and Governance date: 2013-11-01 words: 9635 flesch: 48 summary: Clans form a lineage derived socio-economic organizational frame- work witliin Somali society, which is legitimated by Islamic religious belief and tradition Tlie notion of shared religious heritage and common history is Reimer/ Future Probabilities for a Somali Nation State encapsulated in the genealogies of the cornucopia of Somali clans and lineages (Casanelli, 1982: 129). The examination of Somali clan structure is followed by an analysis of the structure and function ofthe Somali state immediately after independence in 1960 and of the succeeding government in 1969 of Siad Barre. keywords: abdi; address; administration; affiliation; african; alternate; alternate routes; analysis; anthropology; assistance; barre; bourdieu; canada; canadian; carleton; chicago; clan; colin; collective; conduct; control; country; critical; cultural; current; davidson; department; development; differences; discursive; disintegration; dominant; domination; economic; economy; editorial; eds; era; examination; field; forces; foreign; form; foucault; funding; future; global; gordon; govemmentality; governance; government; graduate; groups; history; i.m; identity; imf; individual; institutions; interests; international; introduction; islam; issue; journal; laitin; large; left; level; lewis; lineage; local; london; major; management; members; miller; mohamed; mohamoud; nation; nation state; necessary; new; ofa; ofthe; order; organization; pan; papers; people; policy; political; politics; population; post; power; practice; present; press; price; probabilities; problems; process; profits; project; publication; reimer/; relations; religious; research; result; role; rose; routes; rules; samatar; schraeder; secunty; security; set; siad; siad barre; situation; social; society; sociology; somali; somali government; somali nation; somali state; somalism; specific; stakes; state; structure; studies; support; system; university; use; volume; wacquant; war; western; work; world cache: ar-20304.pdf plain text: ar-20304.txt item: #122 of 348 id: ar-20305 author: Transken, Si title: Dwarfed Wolves Stealing Scraps From Our Masters' Tables: Women's Groups and the Funding Process date: 2013-11-01 words: 11538 flesch: 57 summary: If WEC women were designing these forms they would be much simpler, easier to understand, include more qualitative data, and would be designed with the assumption that we are trustworthy beings authentically doing everything we can to help other women with their messy and 'ordinary' day- to-day problems. If WEC women were designing the forms, we would assume that if last year a number ofwomen wanted to talk about incest, rape, violaice, poverty, unemployment, etc., there would also be women this year with the same concerns. keywords: account; activists; activities; agency; alternate; application; available; board; canada; canadian; charge; class; clients; community; consequences; cultural; day; development; different; documents; dollars; employment; ethnocultural; example; experience; facts; factual; feminist; financial; flinders; forms; funders; funding; funding process; funds; government; groups; immigrant; immigration; information; issues; knowledge; language; like; lives; masters; meetings; minority; mission; money; nations; needs; new; northern; officers; ofthe; ofwomen; ontario; organization; pamphlet; paper; participants; people; person; phone; potential; press; problems; process; processes; production; program; project; provincial; public; reading; reality; relevant; representatives; request; resources; ristock; routes; scraps; secretary; small; smith; social; society; sources; staff; state; statement; story; support; tables; time; toronto; transken/; transken/ women; united; university; visible; volume; volunteers; walker; way; ways; wec; wec women; white; wolves; women; work; working; world; year cache: ar-20305.pdf plain text: ar-20305.txt item: #123 of 348 id: ar-20306 author: Huot, Francois title: Myths on the Left: The Narrative and Discursive Practices of the AFL-CIO News date: 2013-11-01 words: 9723 flesch: 55 summary: Negotiation with a 'good' capitalist Union wins an agreement Union takes action Negotiation with a 'bad' capitalist Union organizes a strike Legal action lobbying Society benefits from union action Figure 5: The narratives for union action Initiating legal action is one of the preferred tactical avenues used by Amencan trade-unions. On the other hand, the members represented in the photographs of the AFL-CIO News act as good union members, holding signs, protesting or picketing. keywords: 1990b; action; activities; activity; actors; afl; aflcio; agreement; alternate; amencan; american; analyse; analysis; article; bad; bargaining; barthes; basic; benefits; bythe; capitalists; cio; cio news; collective; communication; conditions; connection; contract; control; democratic; different; discursive; economic; effect; employers; everyday; evil; examination; existence; fact; faith; figure; foreign; general; good; huot; ideological; ideological practices; ideology; important; individual; industry; interpretation; issues; jobs; john; kind; labour; leaders; left; legal; life; local; main; management; meaning; meetings; members; movement; myths; narrative; nature; negotiation; newspaper; notion; number; officers; ofthe; ofthe afl; opposition; order; organization; organized; persons; photographs; place; political; politicians; possible; practices; president; press; process; public; question; reader; real; representation; right; roland; routes; second; series; set; social; society; stage; stated; stories; story; strike; structure; study; support; system; text; thompson; total; trade; union; union action; union leaders; union members; vice; victims; volume; vote; washington; way; wins; women; workers; world; years; york cache: ar-20306.pdf plain text: ar-20306.txt item: #124 of 348 id: ar-20307 author: Hladki, Janice title: Problematizing the Issue of Cultural Appropriation date: 2013-11-01 words: 7777 flesch: 48 summary: I want and need to insert some lucidity and cogency to my wrestling with the issue of cultural appropriation as I also attempt to make space for continuous/contiguous questioning and an ongoing state of mulling and puzzlement. Myfocus is on cultural appropriation as it has been addressed inthepast three to four years in the context of Canadian cultural production. keywords: access; alternate; analysis; approach; appropriation; artists; attention; butler; canadian; censorship; change; colour; community; complex; concerns; conditions; context; critical; critique; cultural; cultural appropriation; culture; determination; dominant; eds; feminist; fixed; forms; foucault; freedom; fuse; gender; giroux; globe; group; hiadki/; hill; historical; imagination; important; issues; knowledge; native; new; non; notion; ofpower; ofthe; ongoing; oppressed; particular; peoples; philip; points; political; politics; popular; position; possibilities; possibility; power; practices; press; privilege; problematizing; producers; production; questions; racism; relations; representation; resistance; right; routes; rules; scott; self; sholle; social; society; space; spivak; studies; subject; support; todd; toronto; transformation; trinh; view; voice; volume; white; work; writing; york cache: ar-20307.pdf plain text: ar-20307.txt item: #125 of 348 id: ar-20308 author: Skinner, David; Robinson, David title: Re-thinking Cultural Policy: Critical Approaches in the Era of Privatization date: 2013-11-01 words: 3315 flesch: 43 summary: Re-thinking Cultural Policy: Critical Approaches in the Era of Privatization David Skinner Simon Fraser University David C. Robinson^ Carleton University Long established practices of cultural policy are rapidly changing throughout the world. Where once cultural policies were developed to serve a broadly defined 'public interest,' todaywe are witnessing the introduction ofpolicies that are primarily geared to serve private accumulation. keywords: agencies; alternate; broadcasting; canada; canadian; capital; changes; communication; critical; cultural; cultural policy; culture; current; democratic; distribution; era; expression; field; forces; forms; gamham; information; institutions; interest; international; interventions; market; media; mosco; nationalism; need; new; ofthe; order; ownership; place; policies; policy; political; politics; power; practices; press; pressures; production; products; progressive; public; representation; research; resources; robinson; routes; sector; skinner; social; sovereignty; state; studies; support; transnational; volume cache: ar-20308.pdf plain text: ar-20308.txt item: #126 of 348 id: ar-20309 author: Macdonald, J. Rachel title: Free Trade and Social Policy Reform: The Hidden Dimension? date: 2013-11-01 words: 4251 flesch: 53 summary: Finally, trade agreements bind the nation- state, both directly and indirectly, from pursuing social policies that may be mterpreted as restricting access to markets or as discouraging profit-making. Rec«it changes to the definition of poverty, cutbacks to Medicare, and proposals aimed at replaang Canada's social safety net with wage supple- mentprograms illustrate the degreeto which the ideological underpinnings of free trade have already dramatically altered social policy in Canada. keywords: advantage; agreements; alternate; benefits; canada; canadian; capital; care; competitive; corporate; corporations; cusfta; debate; development; drover; economic; economy; example; free; free trade; future; government; hand; harmonization; health; ideology; income; labour; liberal; macdonald; market; nafta; nation; national; neo; ofthe; people; policies; policy; political; poverty; power; programs; public; reform; routes; services; social; social policy; social programs; state; swanson; system; terms; trade; united; universal; universality; vision; volumel; wage; welfare; work cache: ar-20309.pdf plain text: ar-20309.txt item: #127 of 348 id: ar-20310 author: Robinson, David title: Newsforum Colloquim: "Zadig's Method," the Historical Sciaices, Museums and the Performance of Progress date: 2013-11-01 words: 1037 flesch: 32 summary: Originally intoided to overcome the perceived impasse betweai 'culturalist' and 'struc- turalist' approadies in British cultural studies, the incorporation ofGramsci 's notion of 'hegemony'—a state ofmoral, cultural and political leadership that is actively won and not simply imposed upon subordinate social groups — offered the discipline a less mechanistic and monolithic view ofthe ideologi- cal domination of a ruling class or bloc. In British cultural studies, the turn to Gramsci signalled a profound shift in thinking. keywords: bennett; bloc; british; century; class; counter; cultural; culture; dominant; groups; h^emony; hegemony; history; ideological; museum; ofthe; political; practices; progress; studies; view; work; zadig cache: ar-20310.pdf plain text: ar-20310.txt item: #128 of 348 id: ar-20311 author: Abdollahyan, Hamid title: Capital Accumulation, Technology Transfer and the Peripheralization of Sharecropping Agriculture in Iran date: 2013-11-01 words: 8946 flesch: 37 summary: 2 'The majority ofthese studies deal with pre-capitalist agricultural production as a transitional stage in the history of socio-economic progress (described by Vali, 1980:37). Turner ( 1 984) has also studied pre-capitalist agricultural production in Iran. keywords: 1950s; abdollahayan/; absentee; accumulation; agricultural; agricultural production; alternate; alternate routes; assumption; bourgeoisie; capital accumulation; capitalist; capitalist development; capitalist mode; carleton; century; change; class; concentration; conditions; countries; critical; dependent; developed; development; different; dominance; e.g.; economic; economies; economy; fact; feminist; forces; formations; growth; historical; hooglund; international; iran; iranian; jenkins; labour; labourer; lack; land; landlords; literature; looney; low; marxist; merchant; mode; najmabadi; nakhaie; necessity; new; ofthe; order; outflow; papers; peasants; penetration; period; peripherilization; position; post; power; pre; press; process; processes; production; production process; productivity; progress; reform; relations; result; routes; rural; rural economy; rural iran; sharecropping; social; socio; sociology; state; structural; studies; surplus; system; theoretical; time; todaro; traditional; transformation; transitory; turner; underdevelopment; university; urban; use; vali; volume12; war; water; words; work; world; york cache: ar-20311.pdf plain text: ar-20311.txt item: #129 of 348 id: ar-20313 author: Defresne, Todd title: Anthropology and the Invention of Deconstruction: A Brief Survey date: 2013-11-01 words: 6432 flesch: 51 summary: It is not, of course, that Derrida is the signified truth of deconstruction. In what follows, I will underscore and briefly survey some of the places where deconstruction is directly or indirectly addressed by anthropologists, with particular emphasis on the invention of culture literature; critically evalu- ate this work, noting how and where I think it succeeds and/or fails; indicate where a better appreciation of Derrida's work can help resolve some hesitations about the deconstruction of culture; and finally, delimit the Alternate Routes, Volume 12, 1995 Alternate Routes, Volume 1 2, 1995 politics of disciplinarity and what I am calling the anthropological invention of deconstruction. keywords: affirmative; alternate; american; analysis; analytic; anthropologists; anthropology; article; authenticity; chicago; clifford; cultural; culture; deconstruction; dernda; derrida; differance; discourse; double; dufresne; end; erasure; extent; fabian; handler; hanson; invention; jacques; language; law; levine; linnekin; literature; little; maori; marcus; metaphysical; mitchell; negative; nervous; new; ofthe; original; outside; perspective; phase; place; point; political; politics; position; postmodern; power; press; project; rabinow; reality; representation; responsibility; routes; self; social; society; subject; system; taussig; text; theoretical; thinking; trans; truth; turn; tyler; university; wagner; way; work; world; writing; york cache: ar-20313.pdf plain text: ar-20313.txt item: #130 of 348 id: ar-20314 author: Deisnan, Wade title: Ontological Gerrymandering? Non-Identity vs. Differance Adorno Contra Derrida date: 2013-11-01 words: 4999 flesch: 42 summary: The first phase of my argument is explicative and consists chiefly in an overview of Adorno and Derrida at the level of method. Finally, both are substantially influenced by Husserl in the critical development of thinking about the contradictions implied by the western philosophical project, hi Derrida's case, however, the grounds for arriving at the claim for contradiction are substantially different from those arrived at by Adorno. keywords: adomo; adorno; alternate; analysis; approach; attempt; buck; categories; claims; clear; communicative; concept; conceptual; contemporary; contradiction; critical; critique; deconstruction; derrida; dews; dialectics; differance; fact; forms; historical; husserl; idealism; identity; jameson; language; level; logic; meaning; method; morris; movement; nature; negative; non; ofthe; order; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; press; principle; process; reading; reality; reason; relationship; routes; second; social; speech; subject; tendencies; text; theory; thinkers; thought; totalizing; volume12; work; writing cache: ar-20314.pdf plain text: ar-20314.txt item: #131 of 348 id: ar-20315 author: Browning, Catherine title: Silence on Same-Sex Partner Abuse date: 2013-11-01 words: 3584 flesch: 53 summary: Among these speculations, lesbians may have particular concerns for their community's external and internal image, resist challenges to their notion ofa 'lesbian Utopia' and their gendered analyses of partner abuse, and may be uncertain how to act on the problem of lesbian partner abuse. Concern for the external solidarity ofthe community, for example, may particularly silence abused lesbians. My research project will contribute evidence on how traditions of silence on lesbian partner abuse are uniquely shaped, and broaden the existing indi- vidual-social paradigm of same-sex partner abuse to include the level of lesbian communities. keywords: abuse; advocacy; alternate; analysis; area; battered; battering; centre; chicago; communities; community; domestic; fear; gay; groups; hand; heterosexual; individual; interview; isolation; kerry; lesbian; lesbian partner; level; lin; literature; lobel; london; ofthe; partner; partner abuse; press; project; relationships; renzetti; research; routes; seal; seattle; service; silence; social; support; therapy; variables; violence; women cache: ar-20315.pdf plain text: ar-20315.txt item: #132 of 348 id: ar-20316 author: Enns, Diane title: The Body Deferred: Reconsidering Feminist Approaches to Embodiment date: 2013-11-01 words: 3093 flesch: 47 summary: In this paper I Alternate Routes, Volume 12, 1995 assumptions about gender relations (and race, and class). My research draws on recent developments in feminist theories of the state to underscore the necessity to ' reintroduce politics ' in feminist analyses of the interrelation between gender, women's movements, and states. keywords: actors; agency; agents; alternate; box; capitalist; change; classical; concrete; connell; court; developments; domination; feminist; franzway; gender; gendered; interests; movement; new; notion; ofpower; ofthe; particular; patriarchal; policies; political; politics; power; press; recent; relations; routes; short; skocpol; social; socialist; specific; state; structures; systems; terms; theories; theory; university; watson; welfare; women cache: ar-20317.pdf plain text: ar-20317.txt item: #134 of 348 id: ar-20318 author: Blair, Derek title: Book Review: Taking Our Informants Seriously date: 2013-11-01 words: 3902 flesch: 47 summary: On the other hand, when the anthropologist is subjected to such extraordinary experiences, he/ she often ends up disregarding it as inappropriate data. First, it provides accounts ofanthropologists who havehad extraordinary experiences, or have chosen to seriously consider extraordinary accounts experienced by their informants. keywords: account; alternate; anthropologists; anthropology; approach; book; castaneda; circumstances; comment; cross; cultural; culture; dene; disbelief; dreams; epistemological; essay; ethnographic; experience; extraordinary; fact; fieldwork; fire; goulet; guedon; informants; issues; laughlin; life; non; ofthe; personal; press; question; reality; reincarnation; result; routes; scientific; section; tha; turner; understanding; visions; way; ways; western; wilkie; world; young cache: ar-20318.pdf plain text: ar-20318.txt item: #135 of 348 id: ar-20319 author: Hamilton, Sheryl title: Creative and Cultural Expression but not Art: Multiculturalism Arts Funding as Cultural Management date: 2013-11-01 words: 6723 flesch: 39 summary: To do this, I read the symbolic order in a second way, as social discourse, and suggest that it is to the level ofdiscourse that one must look to understand the function, role, and meanings of multiculturahsm arts policy. I argue that situated as it is at the intersection ofdiscourses ^^ of arts policy and of multiculturahsm that the CCE Program in fact constitutes a means by which cultural pluralism is fixed, identified, counted, and used to simultaneously demonstrate the need for, and success o£ multiculturahsm policy. keywords: act; alternate; alternate routes; analysis; artistic; artists; arts; arts funding; arts policy; assumptions; breton; canada; canadian; canadian cultural; canadian state; cce; citizenship; collective; community; country; creative; cultural; cultural expression; cultural identity; culture; defence; department; development; discourse; discursive; diverse; diversity; ethnicity; example; expression; fact; fleras; foster; function; funding; government; group; hamilton; handler; heritage; identity; individual; intervention; journal; management; mclellan; minister; multiculturalism; multiculturalism arts; mythic; narratives; nation; need; objectification; objectives; ofthe; order; ottawa; papers; plurality; policy; process; production; program; projects; research; richmond; role; routes; second; services; social; society; sovereignty; state; supply; support; symbolic; volume; work cache: ar-20319.pdf plain text: ar-20319.txt item: #136 of 348 id: ar-20321 author: Mason, Dominique title: Language, Power, and Politics: Revisiting the Symbolic Challenge of Movements date: 2013-11-01 words: 10325 flesch: 48 summary: 'Neo' resource mobilizationists, New Social Movement (NSM) theorists and political scientists all converge now to give greater weight to movements' subjective construc- tions in theorizing social movement activity. More importantly maybe, Laclau and Mouffe' s claim about the contingency of symbolic constructions should be taken on board by social movement studies. keywords: action; activity; actors; alternate; alvarez; analysis; arturo; attempts; bourdieu; certain; challenge; change; character; closure; codes; collective; complex; consequences; constructions; contemporary; critical; cultural; different; dimension; discourse; discursive; eds; escobar; example; existence; fairclough; feminist; field; forms; foucault; fowler; frames; frameworks; framing; groups; identities; identity; ideology; important; institutional; interests; issues; jenson; johnston; laclau; language; latin; level; life; limits; linguistic; london; making; masson/; meanings; melucci; mobilization; mode; mouffe; movements; new; new social; notion; object; ofmovement; ofpower; ofsocial; ofthe; order; organizations; particular; people; perspective; political; politics; positions; possible; power; practices; press; processes; production; projects; reality; relations; resource; role; routes; scholars; sense; sets; significations; signs; sites; social; social meanings; social movements; social reality; social relations; society; specific; speech; state; strategic; strategy; structure; struggles; subjects; symbolic; tarrow; terms; theory; things; understanding; university; use; volume; ways; women; world cache: ar-20321.pdf plain text: ar-20321.txt item: #137 of 348 id: ar-20322 author: Wolfman, Oscar title: Homophobia in/as Education date: 2013-11-01 words: 4994 flesch: 48 summary: The high school level was selected for this study because high school students are at the ages ofpuberty and dating—ages where sex and sexuality dominate their attention— and because the 1992 study by Masters, Johnson, and Kolodny reported that the most frequent attackers in lesbigay-bashing are adolescent males, attributing this violence to a rite of masculinity (Elia, 1993:178). As the ideology ofthis society is white and European, so too is that which is defined as appropriate gender behaviour Wolfman/Homophobia in/as education (Monteiro and Fuqua, 1995: 163), 2 which further complicates what and who is erased or constructed in sexual education. keywords: alternate; areas; bisexual; board; canada; canadian; closet; community; curriculum; discourses; education; experiences; foucault; gay; gender; groups; health; heterosexual; high; history; homophobia; homosexuality; homosexuals; identities; institutions; issues; journal; knowledge; lesbian; lesbigay; ministry; new; normalization; obe; official; ofthe; ome; ontario; orientation; ottawa; policies; policy; power; practices; prentice; queer; recent; research; resistance; respondents; routes; school; selves; sexual; sexuality; silenced; social; society; students; studies; study; susan; teachers; theory; toronto; university; violence; volume; warner; wolfman; work; york; youth cache: ar-20322.pdf plain text: ar-20322.txt item: #138 of 348 id: ar-20323 author: Hermer, Joseph title: The Smokey Bear Performance Rules date: 2013-11-01 words: 2310 flesch: 56 summary: Every summer Smokey Bear costumes are dispatched in crates across North America to parks to be animated in visitor service and nature interpretation programs. These Smokey Bear rules which park staff are expected to follow when suited up in the Smokey costume, nicely illustrate the important distinction made by H.L.A. Hart between primary and secondary rules, between rules that order regulatory objects, and rules that regulate the agents of regulation (Hart, 1961). keywords: 1994:2; alternate; america; assistant; bear; campaign; character; costume; fire; forest; governance; hermer; human; hunt; image; look; maryland; mnr; moral; nature; north; ofpark; ofthe; order; park; performance; prevention; public; pyne; regulated; regulation; risk; routes; rules; secondary; self; service; smokey; sociology; texts; volume; wearer; wilderness cache: ar-20323.pdf plain text: ar-20323.txt item: #139 of 348 id: ar-20324 author: Drouillard, Lisa title: Miami's Little Havana: A Nation in Exile date: 2013-11-01 words: 6646 flesch: 46 summary: Above and be- yond the aspirations of many Miami Cubans for the establish- ment of their sovereign control over their homeland, members of the community have created, as much as maintained, the po- litical, cultural and economic status of a nation in exile, await- ing not for the chance to rebuild Cuba, but to replace it. The Miami Cubans have truly suc- ceeded in creating a nation in exile engaged not merely in inter-ethnic conflicts, but in nationalist confrontations with world leaders. keywords: alternate; american; analysis; anderson; anti; balakrishnan; bay; building; case; castro; city; collective; communities; community; contemporary; country; critical; cuban; cuban american; cuban community; cuban enclave; cuban exile; cuban studies; cultural; decade; department; development; discourse; distance; early; economic; editorial; emigres; enclave; establishment; ethnic; evident; exile; exile community; experience; florida; forment; global; government; group; havana; history; identity; immigrants; initiatives; institutions; international; invasion; journal; language; little; long; mas; members; miami; miami cubans; migration; military; movements; national; nationalist; new; papers; pigs; place; policy; political; politics; population; power; powerful; program; projects; research; residents; return; rieff; routes; sacrifice; sense; significant; social; space; states; stepick; struggles; studies; study; system; u.s; understanding; united; university; welcome; work cache: ar-20324.pdf plain text: ar-20324.txt item: #140 of 348 id: ar-20325 author: Bennett, Nicole title: Global Village Chic: "Multicultural Fashion" and the Commodification of Pluralism date: 2013-11-01 words: 7376 flesch: 45 summary: In representing non-western cultures as existing in the past, and in reducing their cultural products to signifiers of exoti- cism, western designers are in fact dehistoricising and decontexualizing the communities whose products have inspired the various elements of different ethnic fashion collections. Clearly, the in- fluence of ethnic fashion is limited by its structural location within the larger systems of meaning-making which serve to £$% produce and reproduce our cultural understandings of ethnic and cultural differences. keywords: 1990s; appeals; beat; bhabha; blending; canadian; celebration; chic; collection; commodification; commodified; communities; consumers; contemporary; cultural; cultural products; cultures; debates; designers; difference; discourses; diversity; dress; eastern; elements; ethnic; ethnic fashion; ethnicity; ethno; example; exoticism; fact; fashion; flare; forms; gaultier; global; global village; groups; hasidic; hooks; images; individuals; industry; influences; liberal; like; multicultural; multicultural fashion; music; new; non; norm; number; outfits; ozbek; particular; patterns; pluralism; plurality; politics; present; products; punk; racial; recent; states; styles; term; tolerance; trend; turn; understanding; use; village; vogue; way; ways; western; women; work; world cache: ar-20325.pdf plain text: ar-20325.txt item: #141 of 348 id: ar-20326 author: Whelan, Emma title: Staging and Profiling: The Constitution of the Endometriotic Subject in Gynecological Discourse date: 2013-11-01 words: 7189 flesch: 41 summary: The questions which I begin to address here are: How have endometriosis patients been defined through the use of the 4fk R-AFS classification and the typical patient profile? How do definitions of endometriosis patients constructed via these two codifications compare with the ways in which endometriosis patients are de- fined within patient movements? keywords: afs; afs classification; american; analysis; association; attempts; buttram; ccce; claims; classification; clinical; codifications; concerns; conference; consensus; cramer; current; demographic; diagnosis; different; discussion; disease; endometriosis; endometriosis patient; experts; fertility; focus; form; foucault; groups; gynecological; gynecologists; gynecology; health; immutable; individual; journal; knowledge; latour; likely; medical; minimal; new; obstetricians; obstetrics; pain; paper; patient; patient groups; patient profile; pauerstein; pelvic; points; populations; professional; profile; psychological; research; researchers; risk; severity; society; stage; staging; sterility; subject; surgery; surgical; symptoms; system; treatment; typical; typical patient; use; ways; women; york cache: ar-20326.pdf plain text: ar-20326.txt item: #142 of 348 id: ar-20327 author: Shantz, Jeff title: Listen Anarchist!: Murray Bookchin's Defence of Orthodoxy date: 2013-11-01 words: 2283 flesch: 42 summary: Additionally, Bookchin's claim that, during the heyday of social anarchism, individualists exercised hardly any influence, is undermined if one considers only the case of Emma Goldman who Bookchin himself identifies as an extreme individualist, a Nietzschean (8). It is precisely the novelty of contemporary anarchism which has prompted the writing of Bookchin's text. keywords: analysis; anarchism; anarchy; autonomous; bey; bookchin; brown; century; commitment; contemporary; essay; estate; fifth; hakim; history; individualist; industrial; institutions; left; lifestyle; lifestylists; little; main; movements; personal; point; political; politics; radical; regular; review; social; socialist; society; spectre; susan; theoretical; transformation; works cache: ar-20327.pdf plain text: ar-20327.txt item: #143 of 348 id: ar-20328 author: Sorge, Antonio title: Nationalism by Ernest Gellner date: 2013-11-01 words: 2323 flesch: 46 summary: The only thing essentially distinguishing the Is- lamic world's nationalism (by the use of the term nationalism in this context, Gellner presumably means Islamic fundamen- talism) from European nationalism is the lack of severance be- tween faith and culture. The understanding that nationalism is a modern phenomenon which is not present in the two previous stages is contextualised within Gellner's conjectural (though reasoned) history of humankind, as presented in his Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure ofHuman History (1988). keywords: book; central; complex; cultural; culture; emergence; ernest; ethnic; europe; gellner; great; high; historical; history; human; industrial; islamic; modern; modernity; morality; nationalism; nations; normative; order; phenomenon; political; present; social; soviet; stages; state; time; type; world; zones cache: ar-20328.pdf plain text: ar-20328.txt item: #144 of 348 id: ar-20329 author: Powell, Christopher title: Crisis of Co-Optation: Human Rights Social Movements and Global Politics date: 2013-11-01 words: 10989 flesch: 48 summary: I propose a few conclusions regarding the utility of the 'global civil society hypothesis' and TSMO Volume 15, 1999 23 Alternate Routes theory generally: These analyses tell us much about the evolving organi- zational and political dynamics of human rights social movements and convey justified optimism regarding the continued political importance of TSMO actors in human rights politics. Therefore, following on these definitions, this paper investigates the impacts on human rights movements of specifically transnational politi- cal processes. keywords: activists; actors; alternate; american; analysis; arena; argentina; authority; basic; boundaries; brysk; capitalism; case; change; chemin; civil; civil society; class; commitment; community; contemporary; counter; crisis; danger; democracy; department; development; discourse; domestic; economic; editorial; emergence; example; focus; force; formal; freedom; generation; global; global civil; global politics; gramsci; hegemonic; hegemony; human; human rights; hypothesis; igos; impacts; importance; individuals; interests; intergovernmental; international; international relations; issue; journal; liberal; like; limits; local; massacre; mechanisms; military; movement organizations; movements; nature; networks; new; ngos; non; norms; opportunity; order; organizations; outside; pagnucco; papers; policy; political; politics; power; powerful; practice; press; processes; public; question; relations; research; rights; rights movements; role; routes; second; service; set; sikkink; smith; social; social movements; society; sovereignty; space; state; state actors; state power; state system; strategies; strategy; structures; struggle; studies; success; support; system; terms; theory; time; transnational; transnational social; tsmos; united; university; use; volume; walker; war; world; york cache: ar-20329.pdf plain text: ar-20329.txt item: #145 of 348 id: ar-20330 author: Balfour, Gillian title: From Advocates to Experts: Feminist Therapy with Women in Prison date: 2013-11-01 words: 7583 flesch: 55 summary: This changed, however, in 1988, when prisoner Mar- lene Moore hung herself in the infirmary of Kingston's Prison for Women (at the time the only federal penitentiary in Canada for women serving sentences of greater than two years). Women organized informal networks of shel- ters and safe houses for women in crisis and their children. keywords: aboriginal; abuse; addiction; alternative; analysis; anne; approach; balfour; behavior; canada; chemin; child; childhood; comack; community; conflict; control; correctional; counseling; counselors; experiences; feminist; feminist therapy; fraud; groups; groupwork; health; ibid; important; imprisonment; interviews; karen; law; leslie; life; lives; means; mental; model; needs; new; ottawa; physical; poverty; power; press; principles; prison; prisoners; problems; racism; routes; self; services; sexual; social; strategies; study; support; survivors; therapeutic; therapists; therapy; time; traditional; understanding; victimization; violence; volume; women; work cache: ar-20330.pdf plain text: ar-20330.txt item: #146 of 348 id: ar-20331 author: Sinclair, Roberta Lynn title: Hegemonic Masculinity, Male Peer Support and Sexual Aggression: Future Research Directions date: 2013-11-01 words: 8410 flesch: 61 summary: Sexual assault is multidimensional in nature: the victims of sexual assault include people who are married, single, widowed, and dating (e.g., Allison and Wrightsman, 1993; Stets and Straus, 1989); defini- tions of sexually coercive acts are broad ranging (e.g., DeKeseredy and Hinch, 1991; Schwartz, 1997); the effects of sexual assault (Arata and Burkhart, 1996; Koss, 1985) vary as much as the characteristics of the perpetrators (e.g., Malamuth and Dean, 1991; Rapaport and Posey, 1991). As sexual coercion researchers interested in the dynamics of male youth and sexual assault, the research agenda is twofold: i) to determine the extent of ado- lescents victimized by male sexual aggression, and ii) theoretical devel- opments must be made in order to better reflect adolescent experience with sexual aggression. keywords: abuse; abusive; activities; adolescents; aggression; alternative; assault; behaviour; beliefs; campus; canadian; chemin; college; crime; dating; dekeseredy; development; example; experience; familial; findings; focus; following; form; fraternity; future; gender; groups; hegemonic; hegemonic masculinity; heterosexuality; high; ideals; ideology; kanin; koss; male; male peer; masculinities; masculinity; membership; model; national; need; new; paper; peer; peer support; pro; rape; rates; relationships; research; researchers; role; routes; sanday; school; schwartz; sexual; sexual aggression; sexual assault; social; society; students; studies; study; support; surveys; theoretical; theory; time; totten; university; victims; violence; volume; women; york; young; youth cache: ar-20331.pdf plain text: ar-20331.txt item: #147 of 348 id: ar-20332 author: Dell, Colleen Anne title: The 'Premeditated' Creation of the 'Violent' Female Offender In Canada date: 2013-11-01 words: 10218 flesch: 52 summary: Though limited counter-research exists in the area, a 1989 study of fed- erally sentenced women in Canada, as part of the Federally Sentenced Women Initiative, concluded a 'type' of violent crime committed by women and a 'type' of female violent offender does not exist (Sugar and Fox. 1990). For example, normative sexuality ...helps to legitimate the ideology that women are dependent on men for their sexual and economic well-being, denigrates women's relationships with other women, and subjects them to continued domination by men (Messerschmidt, 1986:34). keywords: 1995; 1998; abuse; adler; alternative; attention; autonomy; battered; canada; canadian; capitalist; capitalist patriarchy; character; characteristics; chemin; class; conduct; control; crime; criminal; criminology; division; eds; emancipation; empirical; evil; example; explanations; faith; female; female offender; feminist; focus; form; gender; helpless; identification; identity; ideological; individual; institution; interest; journal; justice; labour; literature; lloyd; london; masculine; material; means; media; messerschmidt; new; offender; opportunity; oppressive; ottawa; paper; patriarchy; physical; position; power; powerful; powerless; press; prison; production; public; relations; research; review; role; routes; sexual; shaw; similar; social; socialist; society; state; statistics; structure; studies; study; support; system; theoretical; theories; theory; threat; toronto; understanding; unified; university; unnatural; victim; violence; violent; violent crime; volume; women; work; york cache: ar-20332.pdf plain text: ar-20332.txt item: #148 of 348 id: ar-20333 author: Shantz, Jeff title: Hakim Bey's Millenium date: 2013-11-01 words: 2449 flesch: 50 summary: Bey covers a broad sweep of issues ranging from the publicity surrounding his earlier publi- cations and the place of political radicalism in media circles, to his pre- occupation with the revolutionary potential of everyday life (7). In the years since the publication of T.A.Z., Bey's work proved both immensely influential and controver- sial. keywords: alternative; anarchist; anarchy; anti; autonomy; bey; capital; capitalism; chemin; desire; difference; end; ezln; federation; hegemonism; inspiration; left; millenium; money; nationalism; new; non; opposition; political; politics; potential; presence; radicalism; religion; resistance; revolutionary; self; spirituality; theory; volume; way; work; world cache: ar-20333.pdf plain text: ar-20333.txt item: #149 of 348 id: ar-20334 author: Johnston, Rory title: Sexual and Ethnic Scripts in the Context of African American Culture date: 2013-11-01 words: 1733 flesch: 44 summary: This can lead to a perception that black gay males are conforming to 'white culture' and simultaneously abandoning their 'Black roots.' This discussion focused on two segre- gated categories: gay males and Black males. keywords: african; afrocentric; alternate; american; behaviour; black; context; culture; editorial; ethnic; gay; graduate; heterosexual; homosexual; homosexuality; issues; males; men; new; orientation; papers; relationship; research; routes; script; sexual; social; societal; society; students; university; volume; wallace; white cache: ar-20334.pdf plain text: ar-20334.txt item: #150 of 348 id: ar-20335 author: Patterson, Mike title: Where the Forest Meets the Highway date: 2013-11-01 words: 11499 flesch: 64 summary: Hi S c o o c z a Vb/M/ue /6, 2000 31 Alternate Rentes c -- £-= 3 U S -S 5. *~ E -5 2 ,o , o c x: r . 73 o o ~ o u g *2 c 00 XT' rt — n o s is c keywords: actors; alternate; american; big; business; c o; c u; camp; canada; canadian; change; chemins; chicago; children; circle; citizen; collection; communications; communities; computer; control; country; critical; cultural; culture; cyberspace; data; denzin; description; digital; e o; economy; face; family; fire; forest; forms; foucault; free; future; giddens; global; globalization; going; good; groups; hand; highway; history; indian; information; internet; inuit; iroquoian; kids; kind; kirby; knowledge; lake; land; language; latour; life; like; long; making; media; methods; mills; modernity; music; nations; native; natural; nature; near; net; new; non; north; o o; o u; old; ottawa; past; people; perspective; phenomena; phone; place; population; possible; post; power; powwow; present; press; process; qualitative; reader; reality; research; road; room; routes; satellite; school; self; set; social; society; sociological; sociology; space; status; strauss; subject; system; technology; terms; theory; things; time; today; toronto; traditions; true; u u; university; use; volume; ways; web; work; world; years; york; youth cache: ar-20335.pdf plain text: ar-20335.txt item: #151 of 348 id: ar-20336 author: Seibert, Anita title: From Matka Polka to New Polish Woman date: 2013-11-01 words: 6438 flesch: 62 summary: It is believed that the discussion of the models of womanhood existing in contemporary Poland will bring the reader closer to an understanding of the specific cultural environment in which contemporary Polish women negotiate their identity, while at the same time avoiding some of the dif- ficulties encountered by Western academics studying Polish women. Alh unite Routes Work In Progress From Matka Polka to New Polish Woman Anita Seibert Introduction This article aims to provide a brief analysis of the main issues related to the socio-cultural status of Polish women, both prior to and after 198°. keywords: 1995; alternate; analysis; article; caine; catholic; changes; chemins; children; church; communist; contemporary; different; domestic; eastern; economic; eds; employment; equality; europe; fact; family; feminist; filozofii; gender; government; home; identity; image; instytut; issues; kobieta; labour; life; lives; magazines; main; marriage; married; matka; matka polka; models; mother; nauk; new; numerous; panstwowa; poland; polish; polish women; political; polka; polsce; position; power; research; review; role; routes; services; sexual; social; society; socjologii; soviet; state; studies; time; titkow; traditional; values; volume; warszawa; western; womanhood; women; work; znaczy cache: ar-20336.pdf plain text: ar-20336.txt item: #152 of 348 id: ar-20337 author: Robinson, Phil title: Resisting Subjection, Subjected Resistance: Sadomasochism, Feminism, Moral Regulation and Self-Formation date: 2013-11-01 words: 9715 flesch: 52 summary: The stance taken by Hopkins is premised on his acceptance of the radically honest, demo- cratic model of consent developed within SM communities (1994: 127). For all intensive purposes, SM communities can be charac- terized by voluntary associations with others who share similar interests in sadomasochistic sexual consumption. keywords: acts; alternate; alto; alyson; analysis; anti; approach; argument; boston; butler; c.a; chemins; claim; communities; community; consent; context; control; culture; desire; eds; emancipatory; emphasis; experience; feminist; formation; foucault; free; freedom; frog; gay; identities; identity; important; individual; instance; lesbian; liberation; life; linden; literature; means; moral; movements; nature; need; new; oppression; palo; patriarchal; people; personal; point; political; politics; position; potential; power; practice; practitioners; pro; process; public; publications; radical; radical feminist; reason; regulation; relationships; resistance; rights; routes; rubin; sadomasochism; san; self; sexual; sexuality; sm communities; smers; social; society; structural; technologies; term; thompson; true; truth; values; view; violence; volume; women cache: ar-20337.pdf plain text: ar-20337.txt item: #153 of 348 id: ar-20338 author: Di Luzio, Linda title: Taking A Stand: A Review of Nancy E. Dowd's In Defense of Single-Parent Families. date: 2013-11-01 words: 1378 flesch: 44 summary: Hence, for the sake of the children, future genera- tions, and all of humanity, the author pleads with us to recognize single- parent families as families of worth and value and demonstrate not only that stigma has no basis and only does harm, but also that single- parent families have unique characteristics, positive attributes which can contribute to all families (102). Moreover, given that the overwhelming majority of single parents are 'mothers', women have inevitably become the targets of blame for the emergence of such social ills. keywords: author; book; defense; dowd; families; family; form; law; legal; lone; parent; result; single; singleparent; social; support; volume; welfare; work cache: ar-20338.pdf plain text: ar-20338.txt item: #154 of 348 id: ar-20339 author: Shantz, Jeff title: Wally Seccombe and D.W. Livingstone. "Down to Earth People": Beyond Class Reductionism and Postmodernism. date: 2013-11-01 words: 1718 flesch: 46 summary: Presented are their views on class consciousness, racial and ethnic consciousness, gender conscious- ness and generational perspectives. Jeffrey Shantz Recently there has been much discussion and often acrimonious debate regarding the persistence of class, either as analytical category or as basis for identity, in the social transformations marking the contempo- rary era of 'postmodernity.' keywords: analysis; authors; book; capital; chapter; class; consciousness; earth; families; flexibility; hamilton; identity; important; interviews; livingstone; ontario; people; perspectives; production; reductionism; research; respondents; seccombe; social; theory; views; volume; workers; working cache: ar-20339.pdf plain text: ar-20339.txt item: #155 of 348 id: ar-20340 author: Patterson, Mike title: Millenialism and Y2k date: 2013-11-01 words: 9134 flesch: 68 summary: As reported in a local paper, front page: At a Chamber of Commerce meeting, people were told that Y2K failures could start with the beginning of 26 Volume 17, 2001 Chemins Alternatifs the new fiscal year in Canada, Japan and New York State on Apr. 1, followed by the new year in the remaining 49 U.S. states starting July 1 (requiring systems to make fiscal projections into 2000). Y2K failures could start this April' in the ****** Advance, Feb. 3: 1). keywords: adler; albas; alternate; alternatifs; baudrillard; big; bug; canada; carleton; cash; chemins; citizen; collection; common; computer; control; culture; data; day; devil; different; disaster; don; editorial; end; environment; events; experience; field; gane; giddens; global; good; government; hertz; home; house; huge; ice; impact; information; internet; issues; journal; kitzo; like; live; local; meaning; media; mike; millennium; mitchell; money; nature; new; ofthe; ottawa; paper; people; personal; perspectives; pizza; place; power; previous; problem; project; ready; real; research; responses; routes; rural; self; sense; shop; shows; situation; slices; social; sociology; space; stories; storm; study; systems; talk; taz; technological; technology; theory; things; thought; time; u.s; university; urban; voice; volume; way; woman; work; world; y2k; year; zeke cache: ar-20340.pdf plain text: ar-20340.txt item: #156 of 348 id: ar-20341 author: Nalaskowski, Lukasz title: Why Communism Lacked "Information Flow": A Theoretical Analysis date: 2013-11-01 words: 4575 flesch: 47 summary: However, there is a significant difference between democratic and undemocratic regimes with regard to information flow and with respect to how power- holders are kept informed. Then, employing Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, I approach the problem of information flow in a communist regime, starting with the description of the communist system and the role of the Party. keywords: alternate; alternatifs; analysis; besancon; case; central; channels; chemins; circulation; civil; civil society; code; communication; communist; communist system; democratic; different; economic; economy; flow; formal; free; groups; inclusion; information; information flow; institutions; interests; lipinski; luhmann; main; market; means; money; open; organizations; party; poland; political; power; press; private; public; regime; role; routes; rulers; sector; set; social; society; sphere; state; structure; system; theory; volume; wnuk; zybertowicz cache: ar-20341.pdf plain text: ar-20341.txt item: #157 of 348 id: ar-20342 author: Vachon, Al title: Horkheimer and Adorno go to Japan date: 2013-11-01 words: 4475 flesch: 59 summary: It was a powerful image of nature and land, torn apart and reassembled as consumer goods, mecha- nised-electronic products, consumed and disposed of, to be reconstituted as new industrial nature, building on the cities that spawned them. It is as unsatisfying and alienating as it is deadening, leaving the consumer empty and craving for more consumption in the hope of fulfillment, enmeshing them in a neverending maze that dissipates any resistance which they might have been capable of. keywords: adorno; advanced; alternate; appliances; belonging; bordieu; ceremony; chemins; class; communal; conspicuous; consumer; consumption; corporate; cultural; culture; debord; dissent; economic; electronic; garbage; global; goods; greater; hand; home; horkheimer; identity; image; industrial; industry; information; japan; japanese; job; land; life; like; mass; nature; need; new; people; possible; post; production; products; real; routes; self; social; society; space; technological; time; today; tokyo; veblen; volume; waste; waterfront; way; work; world; worth; year cache: ar-20342.pdf plain text: ar-20342.txt item: #158 of 348 id: ar-20343 author: Yacoubian, George; Urbach, Blacke title: Disproportional Involvement in the Use of Crack and Powder Cocaine:Findings from the ArresteeDrug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program date: 2013-11-01 words: 5287 flesch: 63 summary: Program George S. Yacoubian, Jr Blake J. Urbaclr Abstract Inspired by the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid-1980s, the United States Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, legislation that provided harsh new penalties for violations involving crack cocaine. This is a curious distinction given the similarities between crack cocaine and cocaine hydrochloride, the powder form of the drug from which crack is derived. keywords: abuse; adam; alternate; american; analysis; arrestees; chemins; cocaine; cocaine use; counterparts; crack; crack cocaine; crime; criminal; current; data; drug; drug use; federal; female; findings; gender; health; inciardi; issues; journal; justice; law; logistic; lowney; married; national; new; non; offenders; offenses; penalties; powder; powder cocaine; program; race; recent; regression; relationship; research; routes; sample; second; self; sentencing; states; study; table; treatment; united; use; variables; volume; white; women; yacoubian; york cache: ar-20343.pdf plain text: ar-20343.txt item: #159 of 348 id: ar-20344 author: Shantz, Jeff title: A Structured Anarchism by John Griffin date: 2013-11-01 words: 1171 flesch: 45 summary: Griffin's analysis of the market and money as aspects of unconscious drives and authoritarian compulsions, rather than as outcomes of real practices of accumulation and competitive social relations is neither con- vincing nor particularly insightful in terms of helping us to overcome those relations. (One story I've heard tells of the anarchists of the Munich Soviet of 1919 chasing Weber out of town before he could give a speech.) Unfortunately, rather than exploring the engagement between anar- chists and sociologists and the debates between them (which along with anarchist theory have been written out of sociological history), Griffin wastes this chapter on a rather unconvincing criticism of Marx's analysis of class. keywords: analysis; anarchists; attention; authoritarian; capitalism; class; collectivist; discussion; economics; griffin; money; organization; place; psychology; relations; social; sociological; sociology; theory; volume; work cache: ar-20344.pdf plain text: ar-20344.txt item: #160 of 348 id: ar-20346 author: Provost, Terry title: Bodying Black Goddesses:The Duty of Representation Across Time and Cultures date: 2013-11-01 words: 9257 flesch: 64 summary: White definitions of Black bodies and of Black ways of being—i.e., oversexed, diseased, subhuman, inferior— continue to be mass-pro- duced in images and re-internalised in popular culture. Certain contemporary portrayals of Black female deities which visually magnify the naked body conjure images of Black women from the Trans-Atlantic period. keywords: abolitionist; aesthetics; african; allegory; alterity; alternate; alternatifs; april; art; artist; atlantic; baartman; birth; black; black female; black women; blackness; bodies; bodily; body; book; botticelli; breasts; british; canadian; centuries; century; certain; chemins; colonial; colonies; contemporary; context; corporeal; critical; criticism; cultural; culture; d'avignon; d-7; dark; demoiselles; different; disease; duty; english; europe; european; experiences; fanon; female; female body; figure; focus; gallery; gaze; gender; genitalia; goddess; goddesses; harris; historical; history; ideologies; images; imaginary; individuals; lady; large; left; les; life; like; lives; london; making; media; modern; montreal; mother; naked; nakedness; new; nineteenth; nude; ofthe; oxford; paintings; panel; paris; past; people; person; picasso; political; power; privilege; race; racial; racialised; realities; reality; representation; represented; rosenberg; routes; routledge; rpt; rubin; sable; self; sexual; skin; slavery; slaves; social; society; stereotypes; syphilis; thorsen; time; trans; triptych; vancouver; venus; visual; volume; ways; western; white; william; women; woolnough; work; york cache: ar-20346.pdf plain text: ar-20346.txt item: #161 of 348 id: ar-20347 author: Gwillian, Janet E. title: Dangerous Customs: Censorship in Risk Society date: 2013-11-01 words: 10097 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, in the name of 'efficiency', general crime deterrence is replaced with risk management. Security, surveillance, and risk management are the police's new mandates according to Ericson and Haggerty as they write, we contend further that the role of the police as risk communica- tors in the service of external institutions changes the way in which the police provide security to individuals, organization, and institutions (1996: 18). keywords: actuarial; alternate; analysis; argument; bad; becki; butler; canada; canadian; case; censorship; certain; chemins; code; community; control; cossman; court; crime; criminal; customs; decision; discourse; discretion; doyle; effects; emergence; ericson; experts; fact; feminism; form; foucault; fuller; gay; haggerty; harm; heterosexual; history; ibid; individual; insurance; judicial; judiciary; justice; knowledge; lacombe; law; legal; lesbian; level; little; little sister; london; majority; management; materials; moral; morality; new; o'malley; obscene; obscenity; order; police; policies; policing; politics; pornography; power; practices; present; press; prevention; regulation; respect; right; risk; risk management; risk society; role; ross; routes; ruling; scientific; scythes; section; sexual; simon; sister; smith; social; society; standards; state; strategies; studies; supreme; system; test; testimony; toronto; trial; type; university; use; valverde; violence; volume; women; work cache: ar-20347.pdf plain text: ar-20347.txt item: #162 of 348 id: ar-20348 author: Miller, Brian P. title: Talk of Inventing Tradition: Sketching Limitations of Anthropological Concepts of Culture date: 2013-11-01 words: 5800 flesch: 48 summary: Volume 19, 2003 Chemins Alternatifs Perspective Talk of Inventing Tradition: Sketching Limitations of Anthropological Concepts of Culture Brian P. Miller University of Manchester Introduction: On a Cultural Approach As an adolescent, 'culture' was always something to possess. Culture found its way into my life through the relocation of my body to designated areas where culture was contained, erected, even illustrated, for my gaze and absorption, rearranging my perceptions and awareness, and readying me for a specific kind of experience. keywords: ability; academic; alternate; alternatifs; anthropological; anthropology; century; change; chemins; communities; concept; conditions; contemporary; context; critical; cultural; culture; debate; definitions; differences; discipline; escobar; experience; global; human; idea; identity; ingold; institute; issues; jackson; journal; knowledge; limitations; lives; london; making; marshall; meaning; new; order; papers; particular; people; perception; perspective; point; politics; practice; process; research; routes; sahlins; self; sense; similar; social; society; specific; takes; term; things; time; tradition; understanding; university; use; volume; way; ways; western; world; writing; years; york cache: ar-20348.pdf plain text: ar-20348.txt item: #163 of 348 id: ar-20349 author: Arnone, Anne title: Being Eritrean in Milan date: 2013-11-01 words: 15012 flesch: 54 summary: The dream though was privately experienced in many different ways by different peoples. In the milieu of Eritrean communities in Germany and in the UK, Al- Ali. keywords: access; alternate; alternatifs; analysis; anthropological; anthropology; applied; asylum; attention; body; building; cambridge; case; categories; catholic; change; chemins; church; collection; colonial; colonialism; communities; community; constitution; consumption; context; coptic; cultural; culture; data; description; different; discourses; earth; economic; eds; embodiment; eplf; eritrean; ethiopia; ethnicity; ethnography; european; experiences; fact; fieldwork; focus; forces; formation; gaze; groups; historical; histories; history; homeland; human; ideas; identities; identity; ideology; imnet; impact; important; individual; informants; insight; integration; interesting; issues; italian; italy; knowledge; language; law; liberation; life; linguistic; lives; london; loyalties; memories; memory; migrants; migration; milan; movement; nation; nationalism; nature; need; new; order; past; people; perceptions; period; personal; policies; political; politics; power; practices; pratt; present; press; previous; process; production; race; reality; refugees; related; relation; religious; research; routes; self; shape; site; social; society; specific; state; status; structure; studies; study; subjects; terms; territory; theoretical; time; transnational; type; understanding; university; use; value; volume; ways; work; years cache: ar-20349.pdf plain text: ar-20349.txt item: #164 of 348 id: ar-20350 author: Fish, Kenneth title: Biotechnology and the Society-Nature Relation date: 2013-11-01 words: 8373 flesch: 39 summary: The production of nature thesis, with its emphasis on the process whereby nature comes to be constituted as a social reality would seem ideal for grasping the significance of these technological developments. transgenic organisms might be 'per- suaded to produce proteins not otherwise found in nature. keywords: 1998; abstraction; accumulation; alternate; attention; biopolitics; biotechnology; capitalist; capitalist social; central; changes; chemins; commodification; commodity; concrete; context; critical; degree; development; discursive; dualism; economy; emergence; focus; form; genetic; global; historical; human; hybrids; ideology; implications; important; information; instrument; interests; labour; labour process; level; material; molecular; natural; nature; nature relation; new; pnt; political; practices; process; processes; production; proliferation; reality; relations; routes; science; shift; smith; social; society; takes; technoscience; technoscientific; thesis; things; unique; university; unprecedented; volume; ways; world; york cache: ar-20350.pdf plain text: ar-20350.txt item: #165 of 348 id: ar-20351 author: Martin, Fiona title: The Changing Configurations of Inequality in Post-industrial Society:Volunteering as a Case Study date: 2013-11-01 words: 11489 flesch: 63 summary: It also considers whether volunteer work can be explained according to the prevalent logic that it strengthens one's sense of place and purpose in the community/' Ultimately, this paper explores the possibility' that humanitarian vol- unteer work is, instead, a response to increasingly polarised social and economic inequality. Although comprehensive studies in the United States have begun to ask why self-interest is the most common logic currently drawn on to make sense of volunteer work (Eliasoph. 1998; Wuthnow. 1991). keywords: alternate; alternatifs; anne; anxieties; australia; bauman; better; bus; bus program; case; change; chemins; children; commitment; community; condition; consumer; contemporary; context; control; describe; difference; drug; example; experiences; fact; families; family; food; food bus; foucault; freedom; government; great; group; help; heroin; homelessness; hope; humanitarian; individual; industrial; kids; life; little; lives; living; lot; melbourne; moral; new; night; oldies; open; order; organizations; paper; particular; people; personal; philosophy; place; political; poor; post; poverty; press; problems; program; purpose; question; respect; responsibility; rose; routes; self; sense; social; society; sort; state; street; street kids; streeties; study; subject; support; talk; terms; thing; thought; time; underclass; university; use; volume; volunteering; volunteers; way; welfare; white; work; world; young cache: ar-20351.pdf plain text: ar-20351.txt item: #166 of 348 id: ar-20352 author: Smith, Robyn title: The Possibility of Pleasure: Foucaulfs Philosophy of the Subject and the Logic of an Appeal to Aesthetics date: 2013-11-01 words: 5736 flesch: 57 summary: 2 Foucault's analysis of autonomous fields of discourse and his analy- sis of modem subjects constituted along the axis of a truth, an ethic and power are mutually re-enforcing to his philosophy of the subject. I argue that his adher- ence to the analytic of finitude as the framework for modem thought and the constitution of modem subjects enables Foucault to develop a philos- ophy of modem subjects as constituted along the axis of power, ethics and truth. keywords: aesthetics; analytic; autonomy; axis; body; capacities; chemins; conditions; discourse; discursive; domination; ethics; experience; finitude; foucault; freedom; human; knowledge; labour; language; life; limitations; man; modem; modem subjects; modern; moments; object; order; philosophy; possibilities; power; present; relations; representation; sciences; self; sense; subject; things; thought; truth; volume; work cache: ar-20352.pdf plain text: ar-20352.txt item: #167 of 348 id: ar-20353 author: Godoy-Paiz, Paula title: 'Canada's Troubled Troops': The Construction of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Uses by the Canadian Armed Forces date: 2013-11-01 words: 7192 flesch: 53 summary: Subsequently, there has been an increasing amount of discussion within the military and in the media about the incidence of PTSD among Canadian soldiers. I then examine a number of news sto- ries of Canadian soldiers suffering from PTSD that have appeared in Canadian news. keywords: affairs; alternate; alternatifs; armed; article; atkins; attention; bodily; canada; canadian; canadian soldiers; caring; century; chemins; claims; clinical; construction; diagnosis; direction; discourse; disorder; dsm; event; experiences; following; forces; good; hacking; herman; ideologies; iii; image; individual; issues; late; memory; mental; military; moral; national; news; official; particular; past; peacekeepers; people; point; position; possible; post; present; psychiatric; ptsd; razack; real; routes; shock; social; soldiers; somalia; states; stories; stress; suffering; symptoms; syndrome; time; timeless; traumatic; traumatic memory; troops; troubled; veterans; victimhood; violence; volume; war; world; young cache: ar-20353.pdf plain text: ar-20353.txt item: #168 of 348 id: ar-20354 author: Herro, Anne title: The United Nations and International Conflict Resolution date: 2013-11-01 words: 5651 flesch: 57 summary: The idea of creating an on-call repertoire of UN personnel from a variety of backgrounds, almost like a peacekeeping package would be a valid solution in addressing the issue of the quantity and quality of personnel that UNTAC and other UN missions have had to face. Why are UN resources always an issue? keywords: accords; agreement; alternate; alternatifs; boutros; brahimi; cambodian; cambridge; chemins; civpol; component; conflict; cpp; democracy; deployment; doyle; election; enforcement; extent; factions; failure; fair; free; government; international; issue; judicial; justice; lasting; mandate; members; mission; nations; need; new; operation; order; paris; parties; peace; peacekeeping; people; personnel; police; political; press; process; report; resolution; resources; routes; security; smith; states; success; system; united; united nations; university; untac; volume; york cache: ar-20354.pdf plain text: ar-20354.txt item: #169 of 348 id: ar-20355 author: Vallee, Mickey title: The Secret Musical Self: Nostalgic Reification of Music According to Adorno date: 2013-11-01 words: 6801 flesch: 35 summary: That music is a form of regression, that this regression is the state within which reification occurs, suggests that Adorno's insights into popular music were contingent upon the intentional use of nostalgia in popular music production from the beginnings of the music industry. There is perhaps nobody in the history of music studies who considered popular music as blatantly ideological as Adorno or who scrutinized with such cynicism. keywords: 1941a; adorno; alienation; alternate; alternatifs; authenticity; ballad; beethoven; brennan; chamber; chemins; classical; commodities; commodity; compositional; consciousness; context; cultural; davis; emotional; escape; essays; example; exchange; experience; farm; festival; form; historical; history; human; identity; ideological; ideology; industrial; industry; key; labour; life; listener; material; modern; moment; music; musical; natural; neo; nostalgia; optimistic; past; people; person; popular; popular music; present; preservation; process; production; psychological; quaintness; radio; regression; reification; reified; relations; relationships; research; routes; secret; self; sentimental; social; society; state; survival; tradition; use; value; volume; work cache: ar-20355.pdf plain text: ar-20355.txt item: #170 of 348 id: ar-20357 author: Quehl, Nadine title: Queering 'Madness': Possibilities of Performativity Theory date: 2013-11-01 words: 9241 flesch: 52 summary: There is also potential for performativity theory to be applied to men- tal disorders, such as 'dissociative identity disorder' (DID) and 'border- line personality disorder' (BPD), both of which rest on the assumption that the 'normal' self is a unified, coherent and singular being. Queering 'Mental Illness? ' Turning from how performativity has been understood by Butler and Csordas, we will now reflect on how one might apply this theoretical approach to the study of 'mental illness,' or the experiences of those diagnosed with 'mental disorders.' keywords: act; action; agency; alternate; alternatifs; anthropology; approach; attempt; austin; bipolar; body; butler; chemins; crazy; csordas; cultural; depression; differences; different; discourse; disorder; effects; estroff; example; experience; fact; fee; force; gender; groups; identities; identity; illness; illocutionary; implications; important; individuals; interpellation; language; life; madness; making; meaning; mental; mental illness; metaphors; motives; nature; new; normal; notion; orr; people; performance; performative; performativity; possibilities; possibility; potential; power; psychiatric; psychiatrists; psychotic; queer; ritual; role; routes; sayce; schizophrenia; self; sense; sex; social; speech; subject; subversive; terms; theory; treatment; trouble; understanding; university; use; utterance; voices; volume; way; ways; work; york cache: ar-20357.pdf plain text: ar-20357.txt item: #171 of 348 id: ar-20358 author: Tejani, Riaz title: The Vanishing Point: Humanity, Vision, and Value Theory in the Age of Economic Globalization date: 2013-11-01 words: 6274 flesch: 53 summary: Thus a turn to reconcile modern with postmodern Marxism by considering the subaltern must realize that the erasure of most subal- terns, save for the few (call them hybrid 'subaltern-elites') who are able to at least negotiate Western value systems, precludes them from ever speaking on the matter. Castree's third way is to look at heterogeneity within value theory through a kind of incision made by Spivak. keywords: alternate; alternatifs; althusser; animals; argument; berger; body; capital; castree; chemins; class; commodity; crucial; culture; economic; economy; envision; field; food; form; global; history; human; humanity; ideological; ideology; kind; labor; like; logic; look; margins; market; material; means; modern; nature; need; new; object; outside; population; postmodern; process; production; question; raw; real; reality; representation; result; right; routes; sense; social; society; specific; specular; spivak; subaltern; subject; system; theorists; theory; use; value; vision; volume; way; western; work; world cache: ar-20358.pdf plain text: ar-20358.txt item: #172 of 348 id: ar-20359 author: Young, Kevin title: The Other Side of the Market: social governance in neoliberal world order and the economy of passive mitigation date: 2013-11-01 words: 10130 flesch: 46 summary: Markets for treatment A subtle, yet increasingly important dynamic within liberal capitalist societies is the market's function as a form of non-disciplinary social 154 Volume 20, 2004 Chemins Alternatifs governance in which the psychological, social, and environmental adver- sities generated by neoliberal restructuring actually stimulate economic activity, and the growth of new markets. On the contrary, such markets for treatment may be relatively minor when the total burden of social governance is considered. keywords: 1994; 2002; action; adversities; alienation; alternate; alternatifs; braudel; cambridge; capitalism; certain; chemins; classes; coercion; commodities; commodity; consumerism; consumption; contradictions; credit; crisis; critical; culture; dynamic; economic; economy; effects; empire; environmental; example; expansion; fact; forms; function; global; governance; hardt; hegemonic; help; hochschild; imperatives; important; increasingly; individuals; intensive; international; labour; life; literature; london; manifestations; market; marxist; material; mental; mitigation; natural; nature; negri; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; new markets; new york; non; o'connor; order; organization; paper; passive; passive mitigation; people; pijl; polanyi; political; political economy; possessive; possible; power; practices; press; private; problems; process; production; relations; resistance; restructuring; role; routes; sense; social; social governance; societies; sphere; state; terms; theory; treatment; understanding; unique; university; use; van; volume; way; ways; wood; work; world; york cache: ar-20359.pdf plain text: ar-20359.txt item: #173 of 348 id: ar-20360 author: Joffe, Linda S. title: Kirp, David L. 2003. Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line: The Marketing ofHigher Education date: 2013-11-01 words: 1262 flesch: 62 summary: While it would be impossible for anyone to write a 300-page treatise exploring the entirety of higher education economics, Kirp does a remarkable job of synthesizing the information we ought to know. Linda S. Joffe As the twenty-first century begins to bloom, perhaps no entity will meta- morphose as much as higher education—and economic factors are clearly a major force driving these changes. keywords: book; customer; david; economics; education; einstein; example; general; higher; kirp; law; line; market; marketing; money; outsourcing; place; rcm; school; shakespeare; students; today; university; volume cache: ar-20360.pdf plain text: ar-20360.txt item: #174 of 348 id: ar-20362 author: Watson, Gerald title: The Hidden Curriculum in Schools: Implications for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth date: 2013-11-01 words: 7550 flesch: 53 summary: Schools are also venues where gay and lesbian couples are covertly excluded from school social functions such as dances and where curricular resources for LGBTQ students, and those interested in LGBT-related issues, are usually nonexistent (Epstein and Johnson, 1994). Exam- ples of such student activism against school authority and cultural codes are many. keywords: activists; administrators; alternate; alternatifs; apple; bisexual; board; bobbitt; case; chemins; children; college; cultures; curriculum; dewey; discussion; district; diversity; dominant; education; educators; effects; elementary; environments; epstein; equity; experiences; focus; formal; gay; gays; gender; harm; heterosexuality; hidden; hidden curriculum; history; homosexuality; intentions; issues; jackson; johnson; justice; lakomski; learning; legal; lesbian; lgbtq; life; macdonald; measures; needs; new; norms; orientation; parents; particular; pinar; policies; policy; political; power; practice; relations; religious; research; resources; result; routes; school; sexuality; social; society; straight; students; teachers; teaching; theorists; toronto; values; volume; ways; york; youth cache: ar-20362.pdf plain text: ar-20362.txt item: #175 of 348 id: ar-20363 author: Stoddart, Mark C.J. title: The Gramsci-Foucault Nexus and Environmental Sociology date: 2013-11-01 words: 7877 flesch: 46 summary: The large discrepancies in social power between environmental claims-makers and the corporate and state actors in environmental conflict are rarely problematized. It also draws our attention to the intimate connection between the opera- tion of social power at micro and macro dimensions. keywords: 1992; 1995; adkin; alternate; alternatifs; analysis; articulated; articulation; capital; capitalism; carroll; chemins; class; concepts; conflict; constructivism; counter; critical; cultural; culture; development; discourse; dominant; ecological; ecology; economic; economy; environmental; environmental sociology; foster; foucauldian; foucault; framework; gordon; gramsci; gramscian; grossberg; groups; hall; hegemonic; hegemony; ideology; key; knowledge; lens; model; movement; natural; nature; new; nexus; notion; oxford; perspective; political; politics; power; press; problems; processes; production; ratner; realm; relations; research; routes; routledge; sandilands; schnaiberg; social; society; sociology; sustainable; tension; theoretical; theory; treadmill; truth; university; useful; volume; work; york cache: ar-20363.pdf plain text: ar-20363.txt item: #176 of 348 id: ar-20364 author: Howlett, Owen title: Racial Origins of Civic Nationalisms: Exploring Race Creation in Australia and Canada date: 2013-11-01 words: 6733 flesch: 54 summary: This is seen in both Canada and Australia where state deconstruction of racist race regimes has given rise to new race regimes. Clearly evident in both countries are patterns of race creation, based on racialist values, which created ideal images of white Australian and Canadian races, societies and countries. keywords: aboriginal; alternate; alternatifs; anderson; anthony; australia; building; canada; canadian; chemins; citizenship; civic; civic nationalism; construction; countries; creation; democratic; different; ethnic; exclusion; history; identity; imagining; immigrants; immigration; internal; marx; minorities; multiculturalism; nation; nationalism; new; non; peoples; policies; policy; political; politics; power; press; process; race; racial; racialism; racist; regimes; result; routes; settler; social; societies; society; stasiulis; state; studies; study; term; university; values; vickers; volume; white; work; york; zealand cache: ar-20364.pdf plain text: ar-20364.txt item: #177 of 348 id: ar-20365 author: Kistler, Sarah Ashley title: Loanwords and Code-switching: Distinguishing Between Language Contact Phenomena in Ch'ol date: 2013-11-01 words: 13042 flesch: 54 summary: Ch'ol speakers may not recognize Spanish loanwords as having Spanish origin; instead, they may consider these words to be Ch'ol words as a result of their assimilation and integration into the native Ch'ol lexicon. I gathered data through ethno- graphic research and recorded interviews that enabled me to analyze lan- guage interference, both generally and specifically, in the speech of a diverse sample of Ch'ol speakers. keywords: ability; alternate; alternatifs; analysis; assimilation; bilingual; bilingual speakers; bilingualism; borrowing; cambridge; campeche; ch'ol; ch'ol bilinguals; ch'ol lexicon; ch'ol life; ch'ol speakers; ch'ol speech; ch'ol words; changes; chemins; chiapas; code; codeswitching; community; contact; cultural; culture; daily; data; degree; different; discourse; distinction; dominant; ejido; equivalents; ethnic; event; example; extensive; fact; focus; frequent; government; grammatical; histories; hopkins; identity; indigenous; individuals; influence; integrated; integration; interference; intrasentential; items; kaufman; ladino; land; language; language contact; language interference; lexical; lexicon; life; linguistic; loans; loanwords; lopez; markers; married; mayan; mexican; mexico; migration; monolingual; monolingual ch'ol; muysken; myers; narratives; national; native; native ch'ol; new; numerous; order; origin; period; personal; phenomena; phonological; phrases; poplack; present; press; process; progress; regular; research; result; routes; sample; scotton; situations; social; society; spanish; spanish language; spanish words; speakers; specific; speech; switching; system; terms; thomason; time; tumbala; university; usage; use; volume; weinreich; widespread; words cache: ar-20365.pdf plain text: ar-20365.txt item: #178 of 348 id: ar-20591 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Evans, Bryan title: Editorial Introduction date: 2013-12-05 words: 2619 flesch: 39 summary: Next, Aaron Henry and Matthew Gandy discuss Editorial Introduction: Climate Change and Its Discontents | 11 new critical methodological tools with which scholars and activists can get a handle on the conjuncture, encompassing a range of issues con- nected with Gandy’s theory of ‘partial modernity’. 9 Carlo Fanelli and Bryan Evans Articles Introduction: Climate Change: ‘The Greatest Challenge of Our Time’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . keywords: alternate; bryan; canada; capitalism; carlo; change; climate; climate change; community; construction; critical; cummings; development; discontents; ecological; economic; editorial; emissions; environment; evans; fanelli; file:///d:/documents; foster; gendered; greg; indigenous; interview; introduction; issues; javascript; john; jordy; journal; labour; manuscript2013; new; political; politics; public; red%20quill%20books; research; review; routes; social; support; time; transit; union; uniting%20struggles; urban; war; work%20files; world cache: ar-20591.pdf plain text: ar-20591.txt item: #179 of 348 id: ar-20592 author: Fanelli, Carlo title: Climate Change: 'The Greatest Challenge of Our Time' date: 2013-12-05 words: 6872 flesch: 36 summary: When it comes to the science of anthropogenic climate change, like evolution, the debate is over: It is no longer a matter of debate whether or not human activity is influencing climate change, but the speed and scope of such change and its potential consequences for all life systems. Despite the conservatism, however, 2013 IPCC co-chair Thomas F. Stocker made clear that “Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time... keywords: activities; anthropogenic; anti; bill; canada; canadian; capitalist; carbon; cbc; challenge; change; class; climate; climate change; com; consensus; conservative; crisis; cut; debate; denial; department; discontents; earth; economic; emissions; energy; environmental; federal; fisheries; food; gender; ghg; global; government; great; harper; higher; human; important; inaction; increase; international; introduction; ipcc; justice; labour; levels; life; likely; making; market; means; media; natural; nature; new; news; november; oceans; october; oil; order; particular; percent; point; policy; political; politics; power; press; process; production; public; radical; recent; recession; renewable; report; research; result; science; scientific; scientists; services; social; solutions; state; strategy; time; trends; u.s; understanding; university; urban; warming; water; white; women; working; world; years; york cache: ar-20592.pdf plain text: ar-20592.txt item: #180 of 348 id: ar-20593 author: Katz-Rosene, Ryan title: Capitalism, the Climate Crisis, and Canada date: 2013-12-05 words: 8719 flesch: 44 summary: From the above analysis it would seem that neoliberal states are largely incapable of genuinely altering existing relations of mobility. Neoliberal states may have a willingness to reduce the socio-ecological impacts of transportation, but this is continually trumped by an unwillingness to intervene in the processes of economic growth. keywords: accumulation; anti; automobiles; canada; canadian; capacity; capitalism; cbc; change; climate; climate change; common; company; competition; contemporary; control; corporation; crisis; crown; democratic; discontents; ecological; economic; economy; efficient; energy; environmental; epe; example; february; federal; firms; fossil; framework; freight; fuel; global; government; growth; impacts; industry; infrastructure; interest; intervention; keynesian; level; market; means; mobility; modes; municipal; national; nature; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; neoliberalization; new; news; non; o n; order; ottawa; ownership; passenger; percent; place; policies; policy; political; politics; power; practices; present; private; privatization; privatized; problems; processes; production; public; rail; regulation; related; relations; review; rights; role; scales; sector; sense; services; setting; social; socio; state; systems; time; transit; transport; transportation; trucking; turn; unsustainable; use; vehicles; way; willingness cache: ar-20593.pdf plain text: ar-20593.txt item: #181 of 348 id: ar-20595 author: Cohen, Marjorie Griffin title: Gendered Emissions: Counting Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gender and Why it Matters date: 2013-12-05 words: 9592 flesch: 57 summary: The method I have used for calculating gendered GHG emissions through work is to use the known major contributors to GHG emissions in a variety of different ways. In this review of the literature on climate change justice, five basic principles emerge as a guide to the ethics of climate change policy. keywords: account; analysis; areas; assumption; canada; canadian; carbon; change; climate; climate change; climate justice; cohen; consumption; contributions; countries; country; data; deal; decisions; developed; development; differences; different; discontents; discussion; distinctions; division; ecological; economic; economy; electricity; emissions; employment; energy; environmental; equal; example; females; focus; footprint; force; gas; gender; gendered; ghg; ghg emissions; greater; green; higher; hours; household; impact; implications; income; industrial; industry; initiatives; issues; jobs; justice; kinds; labour; level; literature; major; males; national; nations; nature; new; oil; paper; people; percent; policies; policy; principles; production; public; related; report; research; responsibility; result; sector; share; shows; significant; social; sources; statistics; study; survey; table; tax; time; tonnes; total; transportation; trucks; type; understanding; vehicle; way; ways; women; work; world cache: ar-20595.pdf plain text: ar-20595.txt item: #182 of 348 id: ar-20596 author: Calvert, John title: Overcoming Systemic Barriers to date: 2013-12-05 words: 15110 flesch: 47 summary: This failure most clearly impacts the conventional training and apprenticeship of construction workers. But it also means there is little opportunity for a large portion of construction workers to acquire the advanced skill sets that are so necessary for implementing low carbon construction. keywords: able; activity; apprenticeship; approach; armstrong; association; barriers; benefits; british; building; c t; calvert; canada; canadian; capacity; carbon; carbon construction; challenge; change; charest; classroom; climate; climate change; codes; columbia; completion; component; comprehensive; compulsory; construction; construction industry; construction workers; contracting; contractors; cost; council; development; different; discontents; e n; economic; economy; effective; electrical; emissions; employers; employment; energy; environment; example; extensive; factors; federal; focus; general; ghg; global; government; greater; greening; hamilton; high; impact; industry; influence; initiatives; inspections; international; ipcc; issues; job; jobs; key; labour; large; long; low; major; market; materials; measures; n s; need; new; number; o n; objectives; ontario; operators; options; ottawa; overall; o’grady; paper; percent; policies; policy; potential; practices; prism; problems; process; program; project; provinces; provincial; public; qualified; quebec; rate; regulation; report; requirements; residential; resources; retrofitting; role; sector; services; significant; site; skilled; skills; small; smith; standards; statistics; stock; study; sub; support; system; systemic; t r; tax; technologies; term; time; toronto; trades; trades training; training; underground; underground economy; unionized; unions; university; use; vancouver; variety; way; wide; workers; workforce; working; workplace; world; years cache: ar-20596.pdf plain text: ar-20596.txt item: #183 of 348 id: ar-20597 author: Augusto Rosotto Ioris, Antonio title: Approaches and Responses to Climate Change: Challenges for the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin date: 2013-12-05 words: 10500 flesch: 42 summary: This situation represents not only a significant obstacle for doing social sciences research on climate change responses, but the slow imple- mentation of those measures in the region also suggests that the Pantanal wetland and the UPRB remain relatively marginalised in the formulation of environmental policies and even in the environmental diplomacy between Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. That is the case of the Pantanal, a large tropical wetland located in the Upper Paraguay River Basin (UPRB), in the centre of South America, where a range of responses are being devised to cope with the negative impacts of climate change. keywords: a.a.r; access; actors; adaptation; adaptive; adger; agribusiness; agriculture; amazon; america; analysis; anthropogenic; approaches; architecture; areas; basin; bolivia; brazil; brazilian; carbon; causes; challenges; changes; civil; climate change; climate justice; climatic; consequences; conservation; construction; conventional; countries; country; debate; development; different; discontents; ecological; economic; ecosystem; emissions; energy; entitlements; environmental; environmental change; evidence; financial; framework; future; ghg; global; governance; government; grosso; groups; hegemonic; high; human; hydropower; impacts; important; inequalities; influence; initiatives; instance; institutional; institutional responses; international; interviews; ioris; ipcc; issues; journal; justice; lack; large; legislation; likely; local; main; major; making; management; market; marketisation; mato; means; measures; mitigation; morales; nations; natural; new; organisations; pantanal; paraguay; pattern; percent; policies; policy; political; possible; problems; process; project; public; range; recent; redd; reduction; region; regional; related; relations; research; resources; responses; results; review; risks; river; scepticism; scientific; sectors; services; significant; social; society; socioeconomic; solutions; south; state; systematic; technologies; terms; theory; uprb; use; vulnerability; warming; water; wetland; world; year; | climate cache: ar-20597.pdf plain text: ar-20597.txt item: #184 of 348 id: ar-20598 author: Potter, Garry; Chen, Jun Mian; Hilal, Nazar title: Brazilian Dystopia: Development and Climate Change Mitigation date: 2013-12-05 words: 12572 flesch: 53 summary: We can see the effects of global climate change beginning to emerge in unusual weather patterns and the increased frequency of hurricanes, droughts and floods. Soil organic carbon has a potential rate of sequestration of up to 3 billion tons of carbon per year (Fairlie, 2012, p.1).Finally, it must be observed that Brazil’s cattle raising and beef export industry has expanded dramatically in recent years (see Figures 3 and 4 below) and thus is another significant Brazilian factor that is increasingly contributing to global climate change. keywords: agro; amazon; amazonian; argument; article; atmosphere; basic; beef; biomass; bodies; books; brazil; brazilian; brazilian dystopia; butler; capitalism; carbon; case; cattle; causality; cdm; certification; certified; change; climate; climate change; co2; collective; conservation; countries; course; critical; deforestation; deforested; developed; development; different; discontents; discourse; dissemination; driver; dystopia; dystopia thesis; ecological; ecology; economic; economy; effects; efforts; emissions; energy; environmental; estimates; example; existence; export; failures; fearnside; figure; focus; footprint; forest; forestry; form; foster; framework; fsc; fundamental; future; gas; ghg; global; greenhouse; growth; hand; hope; human; humanity; ibid; important; industry; inequality; interests; international; issue; key; knowledge; kyoto; land; level; living; local; logging; management; market; mitigation; mystification; nations; natural; nature; need; north; october; particular; pasture; people; percent; place; policies; policy; political; population; potential; potter; poverty; practices; problems; production; products; protocol; public; rainforest; ranching; realities; regard; research; resources; respect; right; role; root; scientific; section; services; significant; social; soil; solutions; south; standards; structural; sustainable; system; thesis; timber; time; trading; tropical; united; use; voluntary; warming; way; wood; world cache: ar-20598.pdf plain text: ar-20598.txt item: #185 of 348 id: ar-20599 author: Kading, Terry; Bass, Elisabeth title: Can You Build an Open-Pit Mine in an Urban Centre? Big Copper Versus a Small City and the Urban Environment in a B.C. Interior Community date: 2013-12-05 words: 9856 flesch: 55 summary: This rigid tone would be carried into KGHM’s long-awaited response to city council’s request for more information as “Kamloops city council sounded off about a letter from KGHM Ajax meant to answer questions asked of the proponent two years ago, calling the responses a range of things - from less than useless to shallow to a poor excuse. These potential detrimental effects have raised significant concerns for Kamloops city council, having devoted considerable time, planning and resources to an alternate vision for the city since 2003. keywords: activity; address; air; ajax; ajax project; approval; area; assessment; b.c; bass; blast; british; canada; canadian; centre; change; citizens; city; city council; climate; columbia; communities; community; concerns; context; copper; corporate; council; crisis; daily; decline; development; discontents; eao; economic; economy; effects; employment; environmental; evident; expansion; expected; extraction; facilities; fears; federal; financial; forestry; future; gas; global; gold; government; group; growth; health; high; howlett; impact; industry; information; interior; investment; kamloops; kamloops city; kapa; kghm; klassen; late; letter; level; liberal; limits; local; low; mines; mining; neo; new; news; number; open; opportunities; opposition; pit; place; plan; political; population; potential; private; process; project; proposal; prospects; province; provincial; questions; range; regional; regulatory; residents; resource; response; revenues; review; school; sector; services; set; significant; small; social; tax; thompson; time; urban; urban centre; vancouver; year; young cache: ar-20599.pdf plain text: ar-20599.txt item: #186 of 348 id: ar-20601 author: Cummings, Jordy title: The Contradictions of Localism: An Interview with Greg Sharzer date: 2013-12-05 words: 6435 flesch: 57 summary: Without extra-local political organization, capital can play these sections off against each other. JC: Structurally speaking, it seems that localism involves some aspect of commodity fetishism, in particular in its co-optation of opposition within capitalist social property relations. keywords: anti; bourgeois; capital; capitalism; change; class; climate; community; contradictions; course; discontents; economic; economy; example; food; forms; global; good; hand; history; impossible; labour; land; left; like; localism; making; market; mass; means; middle; movement; need; new; non; occupy; organizing; people; petty; pipeline; point; political; power; problem; production; project; property; question; relations; rent; revolution; right; schemes; sense; set; small; social; socialist; state; strategy; struggle; theory; urban; use; way; workers; working; world; years cache: ar-20601.pdf plain text: ar-20601.txt item: #187 of 348 id: ar-20602 author: Henry, Aaron title: Urban Space in Perspective: An Interview with Matthew Gandy date: 2013-12-05 words: 2297 flesch: 36 summary: ah: You have historicized urban space from the nineteenth century ‘bacteriological city’ to contemporary urban spaces constituted through ‘municipal managerialism’. Equally, if I want to include epidemiological aspects to urban landscapes or appreciate the wider scientific context for protecting urban bio-diversity I need to examine those fields carefully before attempting to combine aspects of the bio-physical sciences with a historically and geographically nuanced approach to the analysis of the production of urban space. keywords: book; case; cities; city; colonial; critical; ecological; environmental; fields; geography; global; history; interdisciplinarity; lagos; london; malaria; modernity; municipal; natural; need; new; perspective; policy; political; post; process; public; recent; relation; research; scale; sciences; scientific; social; space; types; urban; urban space; urbanization; wider; work cache: ar-20602.pdf plain text: ar-20602.txt item: #188 of 348 id: ar-20603 author: Kinch, Megan title: Indigenous Takes On Environmentalism: An Interview on the Front Lines of Indigenous Land Defense date: 2013-12-05 words: 3053 flesch: 72 summary: We’re still finding out ourselves, but we need to utilize other peoples, the revo- lutionary schools of thought, I guess, Marxism? 260 | Climate Change and Its Discontents affiliated with “environmental justice” movements in Canada have been trying to address previous shortcomings by putting solidarity with indigenous people at the forefront, but it hasn’t gathered the kind of support that mainstream environmentalism used to enjoy, nor has it been able to define what exactly that solidarity means. keywords: camp; different; environmentalism; giibwanasi; grizzly; indigenous; kaikaikon; kind; land; lot; marxism; movement; nations; native; people; questions; right; row; settler; ship; sleeping; struggle; things; time; wampum cache: ar-20603.pdf plain text: ar-20603.txt item: #189 of 348 id: ar-20604 author: cummings, Jordy title: The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire date: 2013-12-05 words: 6337 flesch: 39 summary: Despite these strengths, realist theory is based on a reification of the state and thus ignores the internationalization of Canadian capital and the role of dominant social groups in forging Canadian state policy at home and abroad. Or The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally | 271 on the other hand, does the Canadian state and Canadian capital have interests of their own that sometimes diverge with international capital? Jerome klassen3 (Jk): In the social sciences, there are several theories of Canadian state power in the global political economy. keywords: accumulation; afghanistan; agenda; ally; american; anti; basis; building; canada; canadian; canadian capital; canadian foreign; canadian state; capacities; capital; capitalist; change; class; climate; context; current; democratic; development; diplomatic; discontents; ecological; ecology; economic; economy; empire; energy; environmental; example; forces; foreign; foreign policy; geopolitical; global; government; harper; imperialist; interests; international; internationalization; issues; key; left; market; middle; military; mining; movements; necessary; need; neoliberalism; new; order; particular; peace; period; policies; policy; political; politics; position; power; relations; research; role; secondary; security; social; socialist; state; strategy; support; system; terms; trade; u.s; university; war; way; working; world cache: ar-20604.pdf plain text: ar-20604.txt item: #190 of 348 id: ar-20605 author: Rousseau, Christina title: Working in a Warming World: On Climate Change and Union Renewal with Carla Lipsig-Mumm date: 2013-12-05 words: 4264 flesch: 71 summary: Another thing I learned from my Australian experience (and I’ve seen this in Germany as well) is that environmental work in a workplace sometimes begins with one or two people who are passionate in gath- ering others. Running parallel to the issue of union renewal and attacks against working class people is the issue of climate change. keywords: bargaining; canada; canadian; carla; change; climate; clm; collective; different; employer; environmental; example; government; green; industries; issues; jobs; labour; level; lipsig; local; lot; movement; national; need; number; occupational; people; percent; renewal; research; right; social; things; unions; united; warming; ways; work; workers; workplace; world cache: ar-20605.pdf plain text: ar-20605.txt item: #191 of 348 id: ar-20606 author: da Silva, Steve title: Climate Change and Socialism: An interview with John Bellamy Foster date: 2013-12-05 words: 3241 flesch: 49 summary: Marx’s approach here, in which he introduced the concept of social metabolism and connected this to the earth metabolism anticipated the structure of all subsequent ecological systems theory and our under- standing of ecological crisis. The Vice President of Bolivia, Álvaro García Linera, has drawn on Marx’s metabolism concept in his discus- sion of ecological issues. keywords: argument; budget; capitalism; carbon; catastrophism; change; climate; climate change; concept; conditions; consciousness; crisis; direction; earth; ecological; ecological rift; ecology; energy; environmental; foster; global; issues; jbf; left; loss; marx; metabolism; monthly; movement; nature; new; nuclear; people; planetary; report; review; revolution; rift; science; social; socialism; society; theory; time; work; world cache: ar-20606.pdf plain text: ar-20606.txt item: #192 of 348 id: ar-20607 author: Wilson, Samantha title: The Ecological Rift: Capitalism date: 2013-12-05 words: 1383 flesch: 48 summary: Foster et al., argue that humanity has become alienated from its natural environment. Foster et al., stress that the ecological and social crises humanity faces are one and the same. keywords: capitalism; change; clark; climate; crisis; earth; ecological; environment; foster; giddens; humanity; market; politics; review; rift; social; society; state; sustainable; york cache: ar-20607.pdf plain text: ar-20607.txt item: #193 of 348 id: ar-20608 author: DiNovelli-Lang, Danielle title: Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle date: 2013-12-05 words: 1130 flesch: 35 summary: Otherwise, they are all very dif- ferent, and herein lies Federici’s most crucial contribution to the discussion of revolutionary subjects and subjectivities, most clearly articulated in the 2008 essay, “The Reproduction of Labor Power in the Global Economy and the Unfinished Feminist Revolution,” quoted above: By dismantling Marxist claims that capitalism has a progressive character (p.92) Federici frees us from the expectation that the revolution must come “after” it. Reproductive labor is not just the book’s organizing theme; it emerges through the process of reading Federici’s essays in sequence as the political problem that manifestly joins what would oth- erwise appear to be very different historical conditions of struggle, from the Wages for Housework campaign in the ‘70s to the anti-globalization movements of the fin de siècle. keywords: book; capitalism; essays; federici; feminist; housework; labor; point; press; production; reproductive; review; revolution; revolutionary; struggle; subsistence; university; work; workers cache: ar-20608.pdf plain text: ar-20608.txt item: #194 of 348 id: ar-20609 author: Komarnisky, Deborah title: False Positive: Private Profit in Canada date: 2013-12-05 words: 1049 flesch: 51 summary: Sutherland maintains that the exclusive use of public non-profit organizations is the best way to increase access to medical care, control costs incurred by private for- profit medical care, integrate services, improve quality of healthcare and enhance the democratic control of health care in Canada. Sutherland also challenges whether Canadians have equal access to medical care and through the use of private for-profit medical labo- 312 | Climate Change and Its Discontents ratories. keywords: access; canada; care; health; laboratories; laboratory; medical; non; private; profit; public; samples; sutherland; system; testing cache: ar-20609.pdf plain text: ar-20609.txt item: #195 of 348 id: ar-20610 author: Etcheverry, Gabrielle title: El diario del Che en Bolivia date: 2013-12-05 words: 1127 flesch: 55 summary: Book Review: El diario del Che en Bolivia | 313 Book Review El diario del Che en Bolivia by Ernesto Che Guevara. Photos of local roads, scenery, flora and fauna, such as tapirs, llamas, turkeys, and the kinds of fish Che describes catching for dinner in one of his entries are included throughout along with photos of some of the key towns and surrounding areas his group would have crossed on their journey. keywords: bolivia; book; castro; che; cuba; days; diario; diary; entries; ernesto; fidel; final; group; guevara; information; photos; review; revolutionary; states; university cache: ar-20610.pdf plain text: ar-20610.txt item: #196 of 348 id: ar-20611 author: Partridge, Kevin title: Don date: 2013-12-05 words: 1155 flesch: 51 summary: They are concerned about the absence of spaces for children and the problems of providing child- care amongst social justice groups. The editors of the book arrange the chapters so that they progress from descriptions of the many problems that people encounter when they are involved in social justice groups towards pos- sible solutions to these problems. keywords: activists; advocate; book; change; chapters; children; different; editors; groups; justice; movements; oppression; people; political; practices; problems; social; specific cache: ar-20611.pdf plain text: ar-20611.txt item: #197 of 348 id: ar-20612 author: Jaremko Bromwich, Rebecca title: Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women date: 2013-12-05 words: 1488 flesch: 48 summary: The text then uniquely discusses active steps women in prison take to challenge and change their condi- tions, from the formation by women in prison of peer education groups, the clandestine making of arrangements for children to visit mothers to prison rebellions and uses of the media by woman prisoners in raising public awareness about their lives. Reviewed by Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich1 Carleton University Victoria Law’s book Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcer- ated Women is an account of the agency of women prisoners in the United States produced by an abolitionist scholar. keywords: agency; bars; book; carleton; change; conditions; critical; fozooni; incarcerated; law; lives; prison; prisoners; read; resistance; review; social; states; struggles; studies; system; text; university; women; working cache: ar-20612.pdf plain text: ar-20612.txt item: #198 of 348 id: ar-20613 author: Malamiry, Mahman A. title: What is Critical Social Research? Volume 1 date: 2013-12-05 words: 1350 flesch: 36 summary: Pages: 1-198. Reviewed by Mahnam A. Malamiry1 Carleton University Babak Fozooni’s book provides a genuine, provocative, and insightful opportunity to have in one book a number of previously pub- lished articles in the realms of cinema and Iranian social movements; the ideological politics behind encyclopedic discourses on fascism, and Engels; and critical social psychology. The next article shows how socio-political systems of governance dominate Iranian family and women. keywords: analysis; article; book; complex; critical; discourses; foucauldian; foucault; fozooni; governance; iranian; islamic; kiarostami; means; political; politics; psychology; research; review; social; socio; studies; theoretical; working cache: ar-20613.pdf plain text: ar-20613.txt item: #199 of 348 id: ar-20614 author: Hawkins, Matthew title: Jos date: 2013-12-05 words: 1086 flesch: 34 summary: Book Review: José Carlos Mariátegui | 327 paper La Prensa where he eventually began writing on high society, liter- ature and art. To create a ‘sense of the world’ – achieved through a contextual and historical analysis of the contemporary reality – for Mariátegui is the opening for transforming the dominant social relations. keywords: anthology; becker; carlos; class; colonial; critical; economy; essays; health; historical; indigenous; intellectual; josé; mariátegui; marxist; paper; peru; peruvian; political; relations; review; vanden; writing cache: ar-20614.pdf plain text: ar-20614.txt item: #200 of 348 id: ar-20615 author: Whiteley, Paul title: A New Notion: Two Works by C.L.R. James date: 2013-12-05 words: 1105 flesch: 43 summary: Book Review: A New Notion | 329 Book Review A new notion: two works by C.l.R. James by C.L.R. James, edited and with an introduction by Noel Ignatiev. A New Notion presents James as polemicist, pamphleteer and above all as one believing centrally in the power of revolutionary workers: With the world socialist revolution the history of humanity will begin. keywords: boggs; book; c.l.r; democracy; ignatiev; james; lenin; marxist; new; noel; notion; party; pieces; review; socialist; society; soviet; state; tendency; union; workers cache: ar-20615.pdf plain text: ar-20615.txt item: #201 of 348 id: ar-20616 author: Santos, Madalena title: Negotiating Risk, Seeking Security, Eroding Solidarity: Life and Work on the Border date: 2013-12-05 words: 1122 flesch: 29 summary: Substantially, their research points to the contradictory processes that exist alongside the erosion of working class solidarity revealing traditional and non- traditional practices and possibilities for solidarity which has consider- able implications for the exploration of solidarity movements outside the workplace in all fields of study and political contexts. To deal with sexism, racism, and overburdening responsibilities, workers rely on individualized coping methods rather than collective solidarity. keywords: authors; class; collective; community; experiences; family; gender; gibbs; leach; practices; race; risk; security; social; solidarity; structural; study; women; workers; yates cache: ar-20616.pdf plain text: ar-20616.txt item: #202 of 348 id: ar-20617 author: Fodor, Matt title: The Great Revenue Robbery: How to Stop the Tax Cut Scam and Save Canada date: 2013-12-05 words: 1037 flesch: 49 summary: Taxes are viewed as a burden to be avoided; in other words, taxes are separated from the services they pay for. Dobbin stresses the need to link tax fairness with communitarian values and a progressive values and suggests that campaigners “frame the issue as a choice two very different futures: a continuation of the dystopian low-tax, high-private- consumption regime; the other, a return to higher taxes but also to more public goods and stronger communities” (p. 141). keywords: book; canada; canadian; chapter; conservative; corporate; great; political; politics; progressive; public; revenue; review; robbery; role; social; swift; taxation; taxes; toronto cache: ar-20617.pdf plain text: ar-20617.txt item: #203 of 348 id: ar-22310 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Evans, Bryan title: Capitalism in the Classroom: The Commodification of Education date: 2015-01-16 words: 4688 flesch: 45 summary: As a result, Ontario undergraduate students hold the largest debt at graduation averaging more than $37,000 per student and increasing to over $44,000 for PhD graduates. Consequently, post-secondary education (PSE) underwent an unprecedented expansion and one largely funded by the state. keywords: academic; alm; alternate; articles; austerity; average; bryan; business; canada; canadian; capitalism; carlo; centre; classroom; colleges; conference; corporate; cox; critical; degradation; development; economic; economy; editorial; education; evans; fanelli; fees; fisher; forms; framework; freedom; giroux; government; higher; increase; interests; interview; introduction; justice; knowledge; labour; like; market; measures; needs; neoliberalism; new; ontario; pay; percent; perspective; policy; political; politics; post; potter; private; privatization; process; production; profit; pse; public; recent; report; research; role; routes; school; secondary; sector; services; social; state; students; tuition; undergraduate; universities; university; volume; white; work; workers; year cache: ar-22310.pdf plain text: ar-22310.txt item: #204 of 348 id: ar-22311 author: Brownlee, Jamie title: The Corporate Corruption of Academic Research date: 2015-01-16 words: 11414 flesch: 48 summary: The Corporate Corruption of Academic Research | 41 costs of drug research is a costly venture. There is also increasing corporate and government pressure to reduce regulations 42 | Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education on drug research and eliminate independent watchdog groups.11 In the corporatized university, marketing and profit continue to replace science as heavily compromised research infiltrates the peer-reviewed literature and the “knowledge” base of physicians. keywords: academic; academic medicine; academic research; academy; american; areas; articles; association; authors; available; bias; biomedical; business; canada; canadian; cancer; case; children; clinical; commercial; companies; company; conclusions; conflicts; control; corporate; corporate corruption; corporations; corporatization; corruption; data; david; degradation; disclosure; drug; education; evidence; example; fact; faculty; financial; findings; freedom; funding; ghost; government; health; healy; higher; impact; independent; industry; influence; information; institutions; integrity; interest; journal; knowledge; krimsky; life; likely; literature; management; marketing; medical; medical research; medicine; nature; neoliberalism; new; olivieri; patent; peer; percent; pharmaceutical; planning; policy; polster; practice; press; private; process; production; professional; programs; public; publication; recent; relationships; reported; research; research bias; research secrecy; researchers; results; review; risk; schafer; schools; science; scientific; scientists; secrecy; sismondo; sponsors; studies; study; support; survey; tobacco; topics; toronto; trials; turk; universities; university; university research; washburn; work; world; writing; years; york cache: ar-22311.pdf plain text: ar-22311.txt item: #205 of 348 id: ar-22312 author: Noonan, Jeff; Coral, Mireille title: The Tyranny of Work: Employability and the Neoliberal Assault on Education date: 2015-01-16 words: 9259 flesch: 49 summary: Of all the alienating effects school produces, none is more damaging to the formation of individual and collective agency than the belief that making oneself marketable to potential employers is both a primary duty of social life and a natural necessity. Educators take sides, but not for one party as against another in any narrow and dogmatic way, but against the attempts of ideological schooling to present social life as fixed, its hier- archies natural. keywords: academic; adult; adult education; agency; agenda; alienated; assault; basic; canadian; capacities; capacity; capitalist; change; class; classroom; cognitive; collective; contradiction; course; critical; curriculum; degradation; demands; development; dialogue; discussion; education; educators; effects; employability; established; experience; faculty; freedom; future; goals; government; harris; higher; history; horton; human; imaginative; implications; individual; institutions; knowledge; labour; learning; level; life; lives; march; market; ministry; mission; narrow; needs; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; non; ontario; people; point; policy; political; popular; popular education; power; process; project; public; real; reality; reforms; request; rights; ruling; schooling; schools; secondary; self; sense; skills; social; society; space; students; system; teachers; thought; time; toronto; tyranny; understanding; universities; university; value; way; work; workers; world cache: ar-22312.pdf plain text: ar-22312.txt item: #206 of 348 id: ar-22313 author: Bocking, Paul title: Why Do Governments Adopt Neoliberal Education Policies? Critical Theory on Policy Movement in the Context of Contemporary Reform in Mexico date: 2015-01-16 words: 11147 flesch: 45 summary: The WB and the OECD have a major presence in Mexico and a significant impact on the formation of national education policy. I T Y I begin with the argument that critical perspectives from geography on policy transfer are highly complementary with those of comparative educa- tion for understanding why and how neoliberal education policies cross national borders. keywords: ace; agenda; agreements; alliance; analysis; approach; authorities; autonomy; bacon; bank; business; carnoy; case; changes; chiapas; city; cnte; comparative; constitutional; context; critical; dale; december; degradation; democratic; development; domestic; economic; education; education policies; education reforms; employment; exams; federal; focus; following; geographies; geography; global; gordillo; government; groups; gsae; guerrero; gurría; hernández; hiring; ideological; important; influence; interview; july; june; key; khamsi; laws; level; local; major; making; means; mexican; mexicanos; mexico; mexico city; movement; national; navarro; neoliberal; neoliberal education; neoliberalism; new; nieto; november; o n; oaxaca; oecd; opposition; organization; pact; pan; panzazo; party; peck; percent; peña; peña nieto; policies; policy; political; power; powerful; practices; president; primero; prince; private; public; public education; quality; recommendations; reforms; relative; research; resistance; right; role; roll; school; secondary; secretary; sector; september; significant; similar; snte; social; standardized; state; steiner; strategic; strong; structural; students; studies; study; substantial; support; system; teachers; time; transfer; transnational; union; university; work; world; world bank; year cache: ar-22313.pdf plain text: ar-22313.txt item: #207 of 348 id: ar-22314 author: Cosar, Simten; Ergul, Hakan title: Free-Marketization of Academia through Authoritarianism: The Bologna Process in Turkey date: 2015-01-16 words: 10079 flesch: 46 summary: The importance of higher education for the restructuring process is hinted at the LHE, which defined the Council of Higher Education (Yükseköğretim Kurulu, YÖK) as a consti- tutional organ in 1981, when Turkey was still ruled by a military regime.6 In the official discourse, the Council was justified on the grounds that the increase in the number of university students called for a standardized educational policy and administration. This ar ticle focuses on the neoliberalization of higher education in Turkey. keywords: 1980s; academic; adjustment; administrative; akp; amendments; analysis; ankara; article; authoritarianism; autonomy; bologna; constitution; context; couldry; council; country; coup; critical; data; decades; decisions; degradation; different; discourse; dynamics; dölen; economic; eds; education; education system; european; field; financial; flexibility; foundation; free; freedom; governments; grounds; hand; higher education; implementation; institutions; interview; knowledge; law; learning; legal; level; lhe; lifelong; march; market; marketization; measures; military; neoliberal; neoliberalism; neoliberalization; new; notes; opposition; order; parties; period; point; policies; policy; political; post-1980; power; practices; priorities; private; process; production; public; recent; regime; related; research; respect; restructuring; retrieved; right; sage; science; second; social; socio; sphere; state; structure; students; studies; style; system; teaching; technology; terms; transformation; turkey; turkish; universities; university; values; violence; working; world; years; yök; yükseköğretim cache: ar-22314.pdf plain text: ar-22314.txt item: #208 of 348 id: ar-22315 author: Potter, Garry title: Rebellious Responses to the Walmartization of Canadian Higher Education date: 2015-01-16 words: 8188 flesch: 56 summary: In my view, the key issue is the situation of contract academic faculty. Contract faculty and staff members fear identi- fication and management reprisals and so (perhaps wisely) have chosen to remain anonymous. keywords: academic; action; administrative; administrators; argument; arts; average; aware; benefit; bog; brantford; building; business; campus; canada; canadian; canadian higher; casual; change; choice; class; classes; colleagues; contract; cost; course; crisis; cuts; decision; degradation; departments; direction; education; example; experience; fact; faculty; fight; financial; force; good; higher; higher education; iprm; labour; laurier; like; little; long; making; management; members; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; number; ontario; pay; point; political; privilege; process; programs; public; quality; real; rebellious; recommendations; report; resistance; resource; responses; review; sbe; senate; senior; sessionals; situation; sizes; staff; students; teaching; tenure; terms; things; time; time faculty; timers; track; union; universities; university; walmartization; wilfrid; wlu; years cache: ar-22315.pdf plain text: ar-22315.txt item: #209 of 348 id: ar-22316 author: Newstadt, Eric title: From Being an Entrepreneur to Being Entrepreneurial: The Consolidation of Neoliberalism in Ontario date: 2015-01-16 words: 10382 flesch: 44 summary: In a recent discussion paper intended to frame debate over higher education policy in the Province, the Government asks: “The government is committed to providing new and dedicated sup- port for Ontario’s young entrepreneurs. “Ontario Higher Education Reforms 1995-2003: From Modest Modifications to Policy Reform.” keywords: 1980s; able; academic; agency; analysis; assessment; business; cairns; canada; canadian; capitalism; change; competitive; contingent; course; critical; crowd; david; degradation; degree; development; disentitlement; economic; economy; education; efforts; emergence; employment; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; example; fact; faculty; firms; fisher; funding; global; government; help; higher; higher education; idea; impact; innovation; institutions; intended; investment; jones; jurisdictions; kind; knowledge; labour; large; learning; levels; life; like; likely; literature; mainstream; making; manner; market; means; need; neoliberal; neoliberal university; neoliberalism; new; newstadt; oecd; ontario; particular; policy; political; polster; potential; press; pressure; product; programs; province; public; quality; rae; recent; reform; report; research; review; scholars; sears; sector; self; set; slaughter; smes; statistics; students; support; system; teaching; terms; time; toronto; transformation; trick; understanding; universities; university; way; ways; words; work; workers; york cache: ar-22316.pdf plain text: ar-22316.txt item: #210 of 348 id: ar-22317 author: Hewitt-White, Caitlin title: The OSSTF Anti-Bill 115 Campaign: An Assessment from a Social Movement Unionism Perspective date: 2015-01-16 words: 11965 flesch: 50 summary: The fact that OSSTF member survey results from 2009 indicated that members wanted a better partnership with the public The OSSTF Anti-Bill 115 Campaign | 179 and with parents casts a tragic shadow on the missed opportunities of the Bill 115 campaign to engage union members, parents, and students. This approach collapses the false dichotomy between union members and community members so that a union member’s interest extends beyond her immediate economic interests in good wages and working condi- tions, to include her wider interest in, for instance, affordable housing or quality public healthcare. keywords: action; agreements; anti; approach; april; austerity; bargaining; better; bill; boards; branch; business; campaign; canada; case; class; collaboration; collective; common; concerns; conditions; contract; control; coran; curriculum; cuts; day; days; december; degradation; democratic; district; economic; education; education workers; end; engagement; executive; extracurricular; federation; fight; file; fletcher; funding; globe; good; government; harris; high; interests; internal; involvement; january; job; justice; knowledge; labour; late; leaders; leadership; liberals; local; longer; mail; making; meetings; members; mou; movement; need; neoliberalism; new; non; november; october; offer; office; ontario; osstf; osstf anti; osstf members; osstf provincial; paper; parents; party; period; policies; policy; position; power; practices; presidents; process; province; provincial; public; public education; quality; rank; recent; relationship; retrieved; rights; ross; savage; school; school teachers; secondary; sector; september; social; social justice; staff; star; strategy; strike; structure; students; support; system; talks; teachers; toronto; union; union members; unionism; vote; weiner; workers; working; workplace cache: ar-22317.pdf plain text: ar-22317.txt item: #211 of 348 id: ar-22318 author: Nelson, Mat; Dobson, Lydia title: Precarious Employment in Ontario date: 2015-01-16 words: 9169 flesch: 52 summary: Palmer critiques Standing for viewing precarious workers as somehow part of a distinctive, “new class force,” within “a hierarchy of differenti- ated class formations,” as part of “a new neoliberal global economy” (Palmer, 2013, 42-43). However, precarious workers such as TA’s primarily operate on two to four year contracts, the majority of which are two years in duration. keywords: academic; administration; agreement; austerity; available; bargaining; benefits; board; broader; campus; canada; canadian; carleton; carleton university; challenges; class; collective; conditions; contract; convention; corporate; cost; crisis; cupe; cupe national; december; degradation; different; education; efforts; employment; fanelli; favour; fees; fellows; fight; forms; health; higher; impact; increase; instructors; interests; january; jobs; june; labour; lefebvre; living; local; march; members; membership; mobilization; national; neoliberalism; new; news; non; november; october; ontario; organizing; palmer; pay; percent; politics; post; postsecondary; power; precariat; precarious; precarious employment; precarious workers; precariousness; precarity; private; public; recent; residence; rml; round; sector; security; solidarity; standing; strike; struggle; student; support; tas; teaching; temporary; time; toronto; traditional; tuition; union; unit; universities; university; university sector; vote; wages; workers; working; workplace; year; young cache: ar-22318.pdf plain text: ar-22318.txt item: #212 of 348 id: ar-22321 author: Mirrlees, Tanner title: A Critique of the Millennial: A Retreat from and Return to Class date: 2015-01-16 words: 11228 flesch: 52 summary: By defining age as the thing that unites and divides people, millennial media discourse distorts the substantive division between owning and working class millennials. In postmodern management theory and practice, this “new spirit of capitalism”(Boltanski and Chiapello, 2005) gets millennial workers to superintend their own dispossession. keywords: 2013; 2014; advertising; american; analysis; apple; april; big; boomers; brand; business; canada; canadian; capitalist; century; ceo; ceos; circumstances; class; cohort; commodities; common; conflict; consumer; control; corporate; corporations; critique; debt; degradation; demand; different; discourse; diversity; economic; education; example; exchange; firms; free; freedom; generation; goods; high; historical; identities; identity; ideology; images; income; industries; inequality; interest; jobs; july; labour; late; life; low; making; management; managers; march; market; marketing; marketplace; means; media; media representations; millennial; millennial consumer; millennial generation; millennial working; money; need; neoliberalism; new; new york; news; olive; owners; owning; paper; pay; people; percent; period; political; politics; power; precarious; press; process; production; products; profit; promotional; racialized; real; relations; representations; rich; self; service; shape; social; socialist; society; sovereign; state; struggle; system; technology; time; u.s; wage; want; way; ways; wealth; white; women; workers; working; working class; workplace; world; xers; york; young; youth cache: ar-22321.pdf plain text: ar-22321.txt item: #213 of 348 id: ar-22322 author: McLean, Heather title: Neoliberalism and the Attack on Education: An Interview with Henry A. Giroux date: 2015-01-16 words: 2886 flesch: 37 summary: The apostles of neoliberalism, on the other hand, want to eliminate the critical function of public education on all levels and they are working hard to transform these institutions into disimagination factories. The attempts to colonize the arts as an extension of neoliberal public pedagogy and repression testi- fies to how cultural apparatuses have become increasingly responsible for the darkness that surrounds us. keywords: academics; alliances; attack; central; conditions; critical; crucial; cultural; democracy; democratic; education; faculty; hag; higher; imagination; important; labour; left; neoliberalism; new; pedagogical; pedagogy; people; political; politics; power; practice; public; radical; role; social; state; students; time; university; workers cache: ar-22322.pdf plain text: ar-22322.txt item: #214 of 348 id: ar-22323 author: Giroux, Henry title: The New Brutalism in Higher Education date: 2015-01-16 words: 6058 flesch: 47 summary: As the corporatization of higher education intensifies, there is little talk in this view of higher education about the history and value of shared governance between faculty and administrators, nor of educating students as critical citizens rather than potential employees of Walmart. The ar ticle argues that under the material and affec tive assaults of neoliberalism, higher education across the globe is experiencing an unprecedented attack on its role as a democratic public sphere. keywords: academics; agency; american; analysis; anti; assault; attack; autonomy; better; brutalism; business; citizenship; civic; class; coetzee; consumption; corporate; corporations; country; crisis; critical; critique; degradation; democracy; democratic; dissent; economic; education; faculty; financial; form; freedom; good; governance; higher; higher education; imagination; income; instance; institutions; intellectuals; interests; journalists; justice; kind; labor; market; modes; need; neoliberalism; new; new brutalism; new york; number; past; pedagogy; people; percent; policies; political; politics; power; press; prison; public; relations; repressive; responsibility; right; rise; self; social; society; state; students; terms; threat; time; united; universities; university; values; violence; war; wealth; working; world; york; young cache: ar-22323.pdf plain text: ar-22323.txt item: #215 of 348 id: ar-22324 author: Bailey, Christopher title: Neoliberal Standardization and Its Discontents: An Interview with Diane Ravitch date: 2015-01-16 words: 1847 flesch: 58 summary: DR: The key features of neoliberal education reform are 1) a heavy reliance on standardized testing; 2) a willingness to eliminate collective bargaining and tenure; 3) a hostility to public education as such; 4) a preference for privately managed charter schools; 5) support for attacks on the teaching profession, including hostility to tenure and profes- sionalism; 6) support for alternate routes into teaching like Teach for America, whose recruits have only five weeks of training and typically leave after 2-3 years in the classroom. How is public education currently funded under these programs? DR: The privatization movement began with economist Milton Fried- man’s proposal for vouchers in 1955. keywords: bush; charter; department; education; funding; movement; neoliberal; parents; profit; progressive; public; reform; research; schools; secretary; standardization; standards; support; teachers; testing; u.s cache: ar-22324.pdf plain text: ar-22324.txt item: #216 of 348 id: ar-22325 author: James, Carl E. title: Beyond Education, Brains and Hard Work: The Aspirations and Career Trajectory of Two Black Young Men date: 2015-01-16 words: 9095 flesch: 55 summary: In fact, Canadian studies of Black university students (Gosine, 2008; James and Taylor, 2008) show that their educational aspirations were motivated by their sense of obligation to their immigrant parents and their desire to “give back” to their (Black) community. In fact, as Trevor said, “all of the Black students in the school were on the sports team, whether it was basketball, volleyball, or track and field”4 and some of them were in special education classes “for behavioural or academic reasons” – classes in which Black students tend to be over-represented (see Toronto District School Board, 2010). keywords: ability; able; academic; access; african; area; aspirations; athletic; basketball; better; black; braedley; brains; canada; canadian; career; case; class; community; conditions; critical; cultural; december; degradation; economic; education; ethos; experiences; fact; hard; help; high; individuals; interviews; james; job; kid; kobe; life; lives; london; luxton; males; men; middle; mother; neighbourhood; neoliberalism; new; occupational; opportunities; parents; participants; people; police; poor; race; racial; racialized; research; resources; responsibility; school; schooling; sense; skills; social; sociology; sports; structures; students; studies; study; support; system; teachers; teaching; theory; time; toronto; trevor; university; urban; ways; white; work; year; young; youth cache: ar-22325.pdf plain text: ar-22325.txt item: #217 of 348 id: ar-22326 author: Cummings, Jordy title: The Abode of Educational Production: An Interview with Peter McLaren date: 2015-01-16 words: 9909 flesch: 50 summary: Here, I have been influenced greatly by the work of Hegel and Marx, and Dunayevs- kaya’s theory of state capitalism. Yes, the textbook and assessment company that produces standardized texts, that is singled out by progressive educators as one of the companies that is destroying public education. keywords: able; abode; alternative; american; approach; bill; bloc; bolivarian; book; canada; canadian; capitalism; chapman; chávez; citizen; city; class; college; community; consciousness; context; corporate; corporations; corridor; course; cries; crisis; critical; culture; death; degradation; democracy; democratic; development; economic; edition; education; educational production; educator; financial; forces; freire; friends; global; god; good; help; henry; higher; historical; history; hope; ideas; important; initiatives; institutions; jesus; justice; kind; kingdom; knowledge; labor; left; life; like; look; luke; market; marx; marxist; means; mission; moral; need; neoliberalism; new; notes; obama; offer; old; particular; path; paulo; pearson; pedagogy; people; poetic; political; poor; population; power; praxis; process; production; progressive; projects; public; relations; revolutionary; rich; robinson; role; rules; ruling; schooling; schools; social; socialism; society; state; struggle; students; system; teachers; theory; thinking; time; today; toronto; transnational; understanding; united; university; use; venezuela; vision; way; work; workers; working; world; years cache: ar-22326.pdf plain text: ar-22326.txt item: #218 of 348 id: ar-22327 author: Harden, Joel D. title: Learning Without Sages? Reflections on date: 2015-01-16 words: 5533 flesch: 60 summary: My second source was “popular education”, a pedagogical approach that has challenged passive models of student learning. Students often do not want to learn and teachers do not want to teach. keywords: academe; academic; adrian; approach; book; canadian; carleton; challenges; class; classes; classroom; colleagues; course; critical; debates; degradation; department; discussion; education; educators; engaged; essay; expectations; experience; freire; general; giroux; grade; history; labour; large; law; learners; learning; lecture; like; materials; merits; movements; narrative; neoliberalism; new; north; ottawa; outline; pedagogical; pedagogy; popular; present; process; questions; radical; research; sages; second; seminar; social; society; students; studies; teacher; teaching; testing; time; toronto; university; words; work; writing; year; york cache: ar-22327.pdf plain text: ar-22327.txt item: #219 of 348 id: ar-22328 author: Cummings, Jordy title: Beyond the First Rung: An Interview with Jim Silver date: 2015-01-16 words: 6369 flesch: 55 summary: Many young Aboriginal people see no point in struggling to succeed educationally. This is a huge problem in western Canada, especially as regards Aboriginal people, who historically have had many negative experi- ences with education, and who continue to face discrimination in the labour market. keywords: aboriginal; adult; alternative; approach; better; building; canada; capitalism; change; city; class; collective; colonialism; communities; community; complex; degradation; development; education; example; families; gains; government; great; housing; income; initiatives; inner; inner city; jobs; labour; levels; likely; literacy; lives; low; manitoba; market; ndp; neoliberalism; non; outcomes; people; poor; poverty; publishing; real; reformist; reforms; rental; rung; sense; silver; social; struggles; students; support; system; ways; winnipeg; work; world cache: ar-22328.pdf plain text: ar-22328.txt item: #220 of 348 id: ar-22329 author: Fanelli, Carlo title: Critical Education and Insurgent Pedagogies: An Interview with E. Wayne Ross date: 2015-01-16 words: 7440 flesch: 41 summary: International students pay about $12,000/year tuition to attend BC public schools, which is about twice as much as the provincial grant for Canadian students in public schools; Public school districts are now allowed to create private, for-profit business companies to set up overseas schools staffed by BC certified teachers teaching the BC provincial curriculum as a way to make up for inadequate govern- ment funding; Inadequate funding from the province has pushed local parent groups into more and more fundraising and made schools more vulnerable to corporate incursions, which include advertising and corporate-branded private grants to support core curricular as well as extra-curricular school activities. He has published more than 20 books and over 200 articles, book chapters, essays, and reviews on curriculum studies, social studies education, teacher education, and critical pedagogy. keywords: academic; accountability; action; anti; authority; british; canadian; capital; class; columbia; common; community; conditions; corporate; critical; critical education; curriculum; degradation; democracy; democratic; dewey; discourse; education; educators; ewr; example; faculty; forum; free; freedom; funding; good; government; groups; high; human; ices; institute; insurgent; interests; international; journals; key; labour; learning; liberals; media; meeting; national; ncss; neoliberal; neoliberal education; neoliberalism; new; north; open; pedagogies; pedagogy; people; political; power; principle; private; program; provincial; public; public education; public schools; radical; reform; research; resistance; responsibility; rouge; rouge forum; schools; small; social; society; standardized; state; strike; students; studies; support; system; tax; teachers; teaching; testing; tests; university; usa; wayne; ways; work; working; workplace; world; year cache: ar-22329.pdf plain text: ar-22329.txt item: #221 of 348 id: ar-22330 author: Brogan, Peter title: Class Dismissed: Why We Can date: 2015-01-16 words: 1125 flesch: 50 summary: Here, Marsh demonstrates why the default position of using education to address economic inequality has failed. The second part of the book examines why, when, and how education has come to dominate discussions about “opportunity, prosperity and poverty in American life” (21), as well as alternative ways Americans once imag- ined they could advance in society (e.g. through collective struggle and a more expansive welfare state) has been pushed out of public policy debates. keywords: book; case; class; economic; education; good; inequality; literature; marsh; policy; poverty; problems; public; review; way cache: ar-22330.pdf plain text: ar-22330.txt item: #222 of 348 id: ar-22331 author: Pich, Christine title: Out of Left Field: Social Inequality and Sports date: 2015-01-16 words: 1108 flesch: 34 summary: First, the authors acknowledge that Marxist discussion towards sports has been quite critical – for instance, by dismissing it as a spectacle – and while the authors encourage such critical analysis, they also argue that sports has the potential to be a site of transformation where it could encompass leisure, pleasure, and social cohesion. 428 | Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education Book Review Out of Left Field: Social Inequality and Sports by Gamel Abdel-Shehid and Nathan Kalman-Lamb. keywords: analysis; athletes; authors; book; critical; economic; high; ideas; inequalities; inequality; key; literature; performance; social; sociological; sociology; sports; text; theoretical cache: ar-22331.pdf plain text: ar-22331.txt item: #223 of 348 id: ar-22332 author: Fairbairn, Jordan title: Reconsidering Knowledge: Feminism and the Academy date: 2015-01-16 words: 1162 flesch: 31 summary: The seven substantive chapters in the book deal with one or more of three central themes: 1) the importance of feminist knowledge production; 2) challenges posed by neoliberal approaches to education and university corporatization; and 3) feminist scholarship as a form of activism and/or resistance to the increasingly corporate university environment. The lectures were held with the aim of “refocusing the lens on feminist knowledge in the academy” (15). keywords: academy; activism; book; chapter; child; collection; contribution; feminist; focus; important; knowledge; neoliberalism; politics; production; research; review; scholarship; themes; universities; university; women cache: ar-22332.pdf plain text: ar-22332.txt item: #224 of 348 id: ar-22333 author: Garrod, J.Z. title: Imperial Canada Inc.: Legal Haven of Choice for the World date: 2015-01-16 words: 1527 flesch: 50 summary: Pages: 1-244. Reviewed by J.Z. Garrod1 Imperial Canada Inc. begins with a very simple question: why are 75 percent of the world’s mining corporations registered in Canada? The support of global mining corporations through a ‘made-in- Canada’ propaganda offensive through the education system, in which these corporations provide funding, advertising, and other philanthropic activities, including the development of provincial science curriculums; 6. keywords: book; canada; canadian; corporations; deneault; economy; global; history; imperial; imperialism; inc; industry; legal; mining; new; political; practices; press; quebec; sacher; sector; state; studies; transnational; university; world cache: ar-22333.pdf plain text: ar-22333.txt item: #225 of 348 id: ar-22334 author: Santos, Madalena title: Paved With Good Intentions: Canada date: 2015-01-16 words: 1233 flesch: 32 summary: In their view, humanitarian NGOs provide assistance for short periods of relief efforts such as during natural disasters, for example, while development NGOs try to alter the fundamental ways in which societies are organized. They distinguish between development NGOs and humani- tarian NGOs, although they devote less space to the latter. keywords: authors; barry; book; canada; canadian; development; global; goals; good; government; humanitarian; intentions; jay; neoliberal; ngos; oja; policies; poverty; projects; shaw; social; south; work cache: ar-22334.pdf plain text: ar-22334.txt item: #226 of 348 id: ar-22335 author: Joy, Amanda title: Resisting the State: Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists date: 2015-01-16 words: 1068 flesch: 45 summary: Scholars of Canadian history or activism may find Neigh’s personal approach to these subjects a refreshing change from a more top-down history, while remaining accessible to social justice activists providing insights from prior generations. Book Review: Resisting the State | 443 Book Review Resisting the State: Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists, by Scott Neigh. keywords: activist; anti; approach; book; canadian; chapter; history; movements; neigh; organizing; people; racism; review; social; state; stories; work cache: ar-22335.pdf plain text: ar-22335.txt item: #227 of 348 id: ar-22336 author: Speed, Shannon T. title: Yellow Ribbons: The Militarization of National Identity in Canada date: 2015-01-16 words: 1139 flesch: 34 summary: In Yellow Ribbons: The Milita- rization of National Identity in Canada, McCready sets out to contextualize the cultural “shift” of an increasingly militarized Canada as reflected in Canadian national identity. Overall, McCready offers a descriptive and unapologetically critical look at the militariza- tion of Canadian national identity. keywords: author; book; canada; canadian; chapter; cultural; identity; literature; mccready; militarism; militarization; military; national; neoliberalism; practices; productions; ribbons; support; yellow cache: ar-22336.pdf plain text: ar-22336.txt item: #228 of 348 id: ar-22337 author: Henry, Aaron title: The New Old World date: 2015-01-16 words: 1372 flesch: 51 summary: The primacy Anderson accords between productive and vibrant intellectual thought underscores his preoccupation with the declining intellectual culture that has taken hold of Europe today. Anderson’s primary argument is that Europe has now entered a period of economic, political, social, and cultural decline. keywords: analysis; anderson; book; conclusion; cultural; decline; economic; europe; historical; history; intellectual; left; new; old; political; politics; review; social; studies; technocratic; text; world cache: ar-22337.pdf plain text: ar-22337.txt item: #229 of 348 id: ar-22389 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Shields, John title: The Paradox of Low-Wage Work date: 2016-01-07 words: 1603 flesch: 35 summary: Sharing parallels with the processes so vividly described by Marx long ago, contributors to this volume of Alternate Routes critically deconstruct the paradox of low wage work under neoliberal capitalism. A warm thank you and well wishes to Priscillia Lefebvre who has served in a number of roles since 2010, Jordy Cummings who served as interventions editor since 2014, and Rebecca Schein who served as book reviews co-editor for this volume, for their time and commitment to critical social research as they move on to new avenues of their work. keywords: accumulation; administration; alternate; book; capitalism; carlo; class; critical; diane; economic; editor; experiences; fanelli; interventions; john; journal; labour; living; low; marx; neoliberal; noonan; paradox; politics; precarity; public; relations; research; reviews; routes; ryerson; shields; social; stephanie; toronto; university; volume; wage; wage work; work; worker; working cache: ar-22389.pdf plain text: ar-22389.txt item: #230 of 348 id: ar-22390 author: Luce, Stephanie title: Raising Wages date: 2016-01-07 words: 3801 flesch: 67 summary: Low wages and inequality are not just a problem for low wage workers. Whereas 20, or even 10 years ago, we heard that raising wages would lead to job loss and inflation, today, tech billionaires to the International Monetary Fund are worried about low wages and the impact of growing inequality on the macro-economy. keywords: activists; campaigns; cities; city; companies; countries; demands; economy; employees; example; fact; fast; federal; food; hanauer; higher; hours; inequality; introduction; jobs; labor; laws; living; living wage; low; luce; minimum; movement; new; occupy; possible; poverty; precarious; raise; service; states; strikes; struggle; time; u.s; union; wage; walmart; way; workers; years; york cache: ar-22390.pdf plain text: ar-22390.txt item: #231 of 348 id: ar-22391 author: Jonna, R. Jamil; Bellamy Foster, John title: Marx’s Theory of Working-Class Precariousness – And Its Relevance Today date: 2016-01-07 words: 9348 flesch: 50 summary: Marx, Braverman, Reserve Army of Labor, Precarious, Precariat In the last decade and a half the concept of worker precariousness has gained renewed currency among social scientists (e.g. Barbier, 2004; Vosko, 2000; Fudge and Owens, 2006). Most investigators define worker precariousness by reference to what workers lack: access to work; protection from arbitrary firing; possibility for advancement; long- term employment; adequate safety; development of new skills; adequate income; and union representation (see Standing, 2011, 10). keywords: accumulation; active; analysis; army; bourdieu; braverman; capital; capitalist; century; class; class precariousness; concept; conditions; countries; crisis; development; domestic; economic; economy; employment; engels; england; europe; existence; exploitation; factory; foster; general; global; growth; harry; higher; human; hymer; ilo; increase; industrial; industry; international; jobs; jonna; kalleberg; labor; labor army; latent; law; life; living; london; long; making; manufacture; marx; marxian; means; modern; monopoly; monthly; morris; new; notion; organization; pauperism; pauperized; percent; population; power; precariat; precarious work; precariousness; press; production; proletariat; relation; relative; reserve; reserve army; review; rural; sectors; small; social; stagnant; states; struggle; surplus; system; temporary; terms; theory; time; today; u.s; united; university; vast; wages; war; william; women; workers; working; working class; world; years; york cache: ar-22391.pdf plain text: ar-22391.txt item: #232 of 348 id: ar-22392 author: Livingstone, D.W. title: Exploitation, Stagnant Wages and Underemployment in Advanced Capitalism: A Canadian Perspective date: 2016-01-07 words: 3130 flesch: 42 summary: For employers, having an ample supply of qualified workers to employ for varying amounts of time and skill use with high intensity of effort is central to profit maximization. The fact that an oversupply of qualified workers is now essential to maintain levels of exploitation and reproduction of advanced capitalism is rarely hinted at. keywords: advanced; basic; briefly; canada; canadian; capitalism; class; d.w; e.g.; education; effort; employers; exploitation; force; forthcoming; gap; goods; human; intensity; jobs; knowledge; labour; learning; livingstone; measures; people; percent; perspective; precarious; production; prospects; qualified; recent; requirements; skill; social; stagnant; struggle; theory; time; toronto; underemployment; university; use; utilization; wages; workers cache: ar-22392.pdf plain text: ar-22392.txt item: #233 of 348 id: ar-22393 author: McBride, Stephen; Muirhead, Jacob title: Challenging the Low Wage Economy: Living and Other Wages date: 2016-01-07 words: 11318 flesch: 54 summary: Various social and political forces have pushed for policies to address issues of low wages and poverty. It opens with an historical overview of efforts to address low wages that touches on sectoral councils in the U.K, and the Awards system in Australia. keywords: american; average; awards; bargaining; basic; benefits; bernstein; british; businesses; campaigns; canada; canadian; centre; chicago; city; collective; commission; common; conditions; councils; countries; coverage; development; economic; economy; effect; employers; employment; example; figart; figure; floor; germany; global; government; human; impact; income; industrial; inequality; international; issue; jobs; journal; kingdom; labour; level; linneker; living wage; london; low; low wage; luce; manning; market; minimum wage; model; movement; municipal; municipality; national; neoliberal; neumark; new; number; oecd; ordinances; organized; overall; particular; pay; percent; policies; policy; political; pollin; potential; poverty; precarious; press; public; rates; real; relations; research; response; result; schulten; sector; set; social; states; statutory; statutory minimum; struggle; system; terms; time; trade; union; united; university; wage; wage campaigns; wage economy; wage movement; wage policy; wage work; wage workers; wills; work; workers; working; world cache: ar-22393.pdf plain text: ar-22393.txt item: #234 of 348 id: ar-22394 author: Lewchuk et al., Wayne title: The Precarity Penalty: How Insecure Employment Disadvantages Workers and Their Families date: 2016-01-07 words: 7593 flesch: 53 summary: : This paper examines the social and economic effects of precarious employment in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton area. They also suggest that workers in precarious employment are more likely to experience social isolation. keywords: age; benefits; career; categories; category; characteristics; children; communities; data; earnings; economic; employment; employment relationship;; face; families; family; form; friend; future; group; household; income; insecure; jobs; labour; life; likely; living; low; market; married; new; number; penalty; pepso; percentage; precarious; precarious employment; precarity; prospects; racialized; relationship; report; research; sample; secure; secure employment; security; self; social; source; standard; struggle; survey; table; temporary; term; time; toronto; u.s; uncertainty; university; wages; white; women; workers; working; young cache: ar-22394.pdf plain text: ar-22394.txt item: #235 of 348 id: ar-22395 author: Hannan, Charity-Ann; Bauder, Harald; Shields, John title: ‘Illegalized’ Migrant Workers and the Struggle for a Living Wage date: 2016-01-07 words: 9310 flesch: 47 summary: To improve the wages of low-wage workers, members of unions, community groups, activists, and support coalitions have launched living wage campaigns in cities in the USA, UK and, more recently, Canada. A review of the literature shows that living wage campaigns have not been very successful in achieving their broad goals while at the same time protecting low-waged illegalized migrant workers. keywords: access; agenda; angeles; arrest; bauder; bergos; campaign; canada; canadian; cities; citizenship; city; community; conditions; decades; deportation; development; economic; economy; employers; employment; example; global; growth; hearn; holgate; illegal; immigrants; immigration; impact; industrial; institute; international; jobs; journal; labour; lack; law; legal; levels; literature; living; living wage; london; los; low­wage; low­wage workers; luce; market; migrant; migrant workers; movement; neoliberal; new; ordinances; organization; organizing; pay; policies; policy; political; pollin; population; poverty; precarious; precarity; press; program; protection; public; regularization; relations; review; reynolds; rights; sanctuary; sassen; schierup; services; situation; smith; social; society; status; strategies; struggle; studies; support; tapia; temporary; terms; tfw; toronto; turner; undocumented; union; united; university; urban; vulnerable; wage campaigns; wage canada; wage movement; wages; wills; workers; working cache: ar-22395.pdf plain text: ar-22395.txt item: #236 of 348 id: ar-22396 author: Gottfried et al., Keren title: Paving Their Way and Earning Their Pay: Economic Survival Experiences of Immigrants in East Toronto date: 2016-01-07 words: 7820 flesch: 50 summary: Precarious informal work: those who work informal jobs (self­ employment or cash work) and report they ’cannot make ends meet’ each month; and, c. Workplace violations: those who work full­time but where at least one employment standard was not being met.9 The survey of this East Toronto enclave uncovered evidence that a large proportion of this population was struggling to make ends meet and working in precarious, insecure work. Again, ethnicity and English proficiency level appear to be driving the dependent variable of insufficient employment and involvement in precarious informal work, though only English language level appears to be driving the existence of workplace violations for those with full­time jobs. keywords: ability; activity; akter; analysis; bangladeshi; canada; canadian; cash; challenges; chinese; class; communities; community; conditions; data; east; economic; economy; eds; employment; enclave; ends; english; ethnicity; family; force; forms; full­time; gender; global; good; half; health; high; hours; household; immigrant; immigration; income; informal; institute; jobs; labour; labour market; language; levels; lewchuk; likely; living; low; market; neoliberal; newcomers; ontario; outcomes; overall; oxford; pay; policy; poor; population; poverty; precarious; precarious work; precarity; press; proficiency; public; regression; report; respondents; results; rights; sample; services; shields; skills; social; standards; statistics; struggle; survey; toronto; university; variables; violations; vulnerable; wages; way; williams; women; work; workers; working; workplace cache: ar-22396.pdf plain text: ar-22396.txt item: #237 of 348 id: ar-22397 author: Nichols, Leslie title: Lived Experiences of Unemployed Women in Toronto and Halifax, Canada Who Were Previously Precariously Employed date: 2016-01-07 words: 8051 flesch: 53 summary: The first finding is related to the erosion of state infrastructure: There is a lack of supports for unemployed women workers, and they also face difficulties owing to a lack of supports extended through social programs and supports in the areas of health care, childcare, retraining, and reentering the labour market. Dr. Nichols' research focuses on the social conditions of women in Canadian society through feminist theory and methods, with a focus on women workers in Canada. keywords: access; analysis; approach; benefits; canada; canadian; care; children; different; employment; experiences; financial; future; gender; halifax; hayes; health; hours; household; identities; identity; impacts; income; individuals; insurance; intersectionality; job; jobs; journal; labour; lack; lived; living; market; methods; months; multiple; need; neoliberal; new; nichols; number; participants; policies; policy; precarious; precarious employment; press; relationships; research; service; shields; social; society; standard; state; statistics; struggle; studies; study; support; theory; time; toronto; townson; unemployed; unemployed women; university; wages; women; work; workers; working; years cache: ar-22397.pdf plain text: ar-22397.txt item: #238 of 348 id: ar-22398 author: Mirlees, Tanner title: Reality TV’s Low-Wage and No-Wage Work date: 2016-01-07 words: 9861 flesch: 53 summary: But just as the one-sided rendering of “role model” precariats as hyper- exploited risk a “sense that there is no way out,” overlook the capacity of workers to collectively “contest” and “resist,” and gloss over “countervailing possibilities” (de Peuter, 2014, 365), stock descriptions of reality TV workers as dupes or pawns fail to address how these workers possess the collective capacities for understanding and changing their circumstances, possibly for the better. So, there is an emerging international effort to unionize reality TV workers, and some small victories. keywords: actors; agreement; american; article; august; benefits; big; cast; classification; cohen; commodities; communication; companies; company; conditions; content; contestants; contract; control; corporations; costs; creative; cultural; demand; different; economy; employment; entertainment; episode; example; exchange; experience; exploitation; footage; fordist; guild; industries; industry; interns; internship; jobs; labour; life; line; living; low; making; materials; maximize; media; minimum; model; networks; new; non; opportunity; owners; participants; participation; pay; people; peuter; political; post; power; precarious; precarious work; process; producers; production; profits; programming; programs; publicity; reality; reality tv; relations; research; rights; ross; scenes; scripted; season; sector; self; shows; story; strike; struggle; studios; talent; tasks; television; terms; time; tv networks; tv owners; tv production; tv shows; tv studios; tv workers; union; unionized; unpaid; wage; wage work; way; wga; win; work; workers; writers; wyatt; york cache: ar-22398.pdf plain text: ar-22398.txt item: #239 of 348 id: ar-22399 author: McDermott, Patricia title: Finally the Right to Strike: But What About Organizing? date: 2016-01-07 words: 8322 flesch: 51 summary: Employees covered by labour legislation are protected by a further set of employee rights, such as unfair labour practices and the right to retain their status as employees while on strike and thus have the right to their job back within certain time parameters. Unfortunately there is little hope of avoiding extensive litigation now that the array of Charter rights for unions under 2(d) seem almost fully in place. keywords: accepted; act; adell; alberta; association; bargaining; c.l.e.l.j; canada; canadian; case; certification; cfa; charter; clear; collective; constitutional; court; decision; definition; dickson; dispute; economic; employees; employer; essential; essential services; ewing; federation; freedom; fundamental; government; health; ilo; international; issue; judge; justified; labour; law; legal; legislation; living; new; notes; ontario; organizing; para; precarious; process; psesa; public; question; reference; relations; right; rwdsu; s.1; s.2(d; saskatchewan; scc; services; sfl; society; standards; strike; struggle; toronto; trade; trial; trilogy; tuaa; union; wages; wilson; work; work legislation; workers; workplace cache: ar-22399.pdf plain text: ar-22399.txt item: #240 of 348 id: ar-22400 author: Wells, Don title: Living Wage Campaigns and Building Communities date: 2016-01-07 words: 4749 flesch: 60 summary: They focus on persuading individual employers to pay their employees a Living Wage, on getting city councils to adopt Living Wage policies for municipal employees, on mobilizing neighborhood business associations to adopt Living Wages, and on negotiating Living Wages as part of local employment provisions in “Community Benefit Agreements” with developers and officials building public infrastructure projects in the community (Galley, 2015). 236 | Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages adopt a Living Wage, New Westminster, B.C. became the first Canadian city to adopt a Living Wage for its municipal employees, and Vancouver City Council recently voted unanimously for a Living Wage for city employees. keywords: administration; anti; benefits; block; building; campaigns; canada; canadian; centre; children; city; cleaners; communities; community; contract; costs; council; employers; employment; families; government; hamilton; higher; hour; housing; income; jobs; labour; levels; living; living wage; local; low; lower; mcmaster; minimum; minimum wage; new; ontario; organizations; parents; pay; policies; policy; politics; poor; poverty; precarious; private; public; school; social; struggle; support; time; toronto; union; university; wage; wage campaigns; way; workers; years cache: ar-22400.pdf plain text: ar-22400.txt item: #241 of 348 id: ar-22401 author: Cummings, Jordy title: Rethinking Precarity and Capitalism: An Interview with Charlie Post date: 2016-01-07 words: 2584 flesch: 49 summary: This is the only road to the revival of workers powers today. Clearly, the percentage of industrial workers has fallen – as it has since the 1890s as a result of mechanization and a rising rate of surplus-value. keywords: academic; benanav; capitalism; class; employment; faculty; golden; industrial; inventory; labor; like; logistics; long; low; movement; new; organization; organizing; period; political; potential; power; precarious; precarity; rate; recognition; sector; social; state; systems; time; union; value; wage; warehouse; workers; working; workplace; years cache: ar-22401.pdf plain text: ar-22401.txt item: #242 of 348 id: ar-22402 author: Caraway, Brett title: Recomposing the Casual Class in Precarious Times date: 2016-01-07 words: 5119 flesch: 44 summary: The lack of security among precarious workers has contributed to rising income inequality and social unrest in many OECD countries (Law Commission of Ontario, 2012). Organizing precarious workers: Workers’ centres open their doors. keywords: accumulation; action; analysis; article; authors; average; canada; canadian; capital; capitalist; casual; circuit; class; commodities; communication; conditions; creative; crisis; critique; cultural; data; economic; economy; employment; forms; global; greater; higher; ict; icts; income; industries; industry; information; jobs; keynesian; labor; like; living; long; magazine; marx; mobile; music; naics; national; new; number; people; peuter; policy; political; precarious; precarious employment; precarious work; precarity; production; rates; recent; research; sector; services; social; standard; struggle; technological; technologies; times; toronto; u.s; university; wages; workers; working; york cache: ar-22402.pdf plain text: ar-22402.txt item: #243 of 348 id: ar-22403 author: Flisfeder, Matthew title: Digital Labour and the Internet Prosumer Commodity: In Conversation with Christian Fuchs date: 2016-01-07 words: 4885 flesch: 54 summary: His work also figures quite prominently in your analysis of social media and social media labour. The Occupy Movement and Social Media in Crisis Capitalism, Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media, and several other books and articles on social media and critical media studies. keywords: advertising; age; audience; capitalism; commodity; communication; concept; crisis; critical; critique; cultural; culture; digital; digital labour; economic; economy; exploitation; facebook; fact; form; fuchs; ideology; internet; karl; labour; left; marx; marxist; media; new; non; political; politics; production; prosumer; question; scholars; social; social media; socialist; society; struggle; studies; theory; time; users; value; wages; work cache: ar-22403.pdf plain text: ar-22403.txt item: #244 of 348 id: ar-22404 author: Garrett, Rebecca; Jackson, Liza Kim title: Art, Labour and Precarity in the Age of Veneer Politics date: 2016-01-07 words: 6203 flesch: 55 summary: Our own genealogies include working out of traditions of participatory engaged direct cinema, community arts, and our long time involvement in overlapping liberation movements and decolonizing struggles, including: Afrikan decolonizing struggles, Palestinian resistance, Indigenous rights, prison abolition, punk anarchist feminism, disability activism, liberation theology, anti-imperialist, anti-apartheid, anti-poverty, housing, and squatting movements. Art works are bundled into portfolios and traded as futures. keywords: abundant; age; art; artists; arts; bodies; bourgeois; canada; canadian; capitalism; class; communities; community; complex; conditions; context; cultural; culture; debate; economic; economies; economy; exchange; fees; festival; free; future; garrett; gentrification; history; indigenous; individual; interactive; knowledge; labour; life; living; market; material; mayworks; media; money; n.d; nair; need; neoliberal; new; object; order; people; performative; philosophy; police; politics; poverty; power; practice; precarious; precarity; public; rebecca; relations; reproduction; resistance; situation; social; source; spaces; struggle; test#1; things; time; toronto; value; veneer; video; violence; wages; women; work; workers; working; world; writing; york cache: ar-22404.pdf plain text: ar-22404.txt item: #245 of 348 id: ar-22405 author: Feeley, Diane title: Detroit: Realities of Destructive Accumulation date: 2016-01-07 words: 5312 flesch: 60 summary: The reality is that only 28 percent of city residents are employed within the city; of those working in the suburbs, 42 percent earn less than $15,000 annually. City workers and retirees were savaged by the bankruptcy. keywords: accumulation; african; american; annual; auto; bankruptcy; benefits; black; building; business; care; city; class; community; company; council; debt; defense; department; destructive; detroit; detroiters; downtown; economic; eviction; federal; ford; foreclosures; gentrification; health; homes; hour; housing; income; industry; interest; jobs; living; local; majority; mayor; metro; michigan; neighborhoods; new; number; officials; organizations; orr; people; percent; plan; plants; police; poverty; precarious; projects; public; rate; realities; residents; resources; revenue; schools; service; shutoffs; state; street; struggle; tax; today; uaw; union; wages; water; white; workers; working; year cache: ar-22405.pdf plain text: ar-22405.txt item: #246 of 348 id: ar-22406 author: Coral, Mireille; Noonan, Jeff; Chislett, Paul title: Destructive Creation date: 2016-01-07 words: 5528 flesch: 59 summary: Precarious workers are the victims of capitalist success in undermining historical gains. A UNION OF MUTUAL AID While precarious labour makes organizing even more dangerous, it is also a spur to creative resistance on the part of precarious workers. keywords: better; capitalism; cheri; chocolate; class; conditions; contractors; counter; creation; creative; crises; critical; destructive; economy; education; everyday; fear; freire; future; gas; global; horton; human; joan; jobs; labour; life; like; lives; living; lunch; means; minutes; needs; new; norma; pay; people; political; power; precarious; precarity; press; problems; production; real; safety; schumpeter; secret; shopper; social; station; store; stories; street; struggle; supervisor; system; time; university; wages; windsor; workers; working; york cache: ar-22406.pdf plain text: ar-22406.txt item: #247 of 348 id: ar-22407 author: Mackin, Jennifer title: RECODING GENDER: WOMEN’S CHANGING PARTICIPATION IN COMPUTING date: 2016-01-07 words: 763 flesch: 47 summary: This provided an appropriate conclusion for two running themes in the book, which were the use of a positive perspective to view the problem of women in computer science, and the coming together of women to tackle such hurdles. As Abbate argues, women were pulled into computer work as a result of the war effort. keywords: abbate; book; britain; computer; computing; gender; history; industry; participation; science; war; women; work; years cache: ar-22407.pdf plain text: ar-22407.txt item: #248 of 348 id: ar-22408 author: Lee-An, Jiyoung title: COLONIZED CLASSROOMS: RACISM, TRAUMA AND RESISTANCE IN POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION date: 2016-01-07 words: 990 flesch: 33 summary: Not only would this book benefit Aboriginal students and professors, but also non-Aboriginal students and professors who participate in native studies. Pages: 1-198. Reviewed by Jiyoung Lee-An1 In Colonized Classrooms: Racism, Trauma and Resistance in Post- Secondary Education, Sheila Cote-Meek raises a fundamental question: How do/can Aboriginal students and professors contend with ongoing colonization taking place in Canadian university classrooms? keywords: aboriginal; author; book; classrooms; colonized; cote; groups; meek; non; practices; professors; racism; students; university; violence cache: ar-22408.pdf plain text: ar-22408.txt item: #249 of 348 id: ar-22409 author: Poon, Julie title: THE HEALING JOURNEY: INTIMATE PARTNER ABUSE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN THE LABOUR MARKET date: 2016-01-07 words: 1186 flesch: 36 summary: Taken together, these findings provide strong support for DeRiviere’s argument that the impact of abuse places women at a disadvantage in the labour market extending beyond the duration of the intimate relationship itself. Pages: 1-199. Reviewed by Julie Poon1 The Healing Journey: Intimate Partner Abuse and Its Implications in the Labour Market seeks to provide insight into the challenges that women confront when leaving an abusive partner within the labour market as well as their everyday lives. keywords: abuse; analysis; book; chapter; deriviere; earnings; education; employment; healing; insight; intimate; journey; labour; market; outcomes; partner; training; violence; women; work cache: ar-22409.pdf plain text: ar-22409.txt item: #250 of 348 id: ar-22410 author: D'Orazio, Dax title: THE OBAMA SYNDROME: SURRENDER AT HOME, WAR ABROAD date: 2016-01-07 words: 1097 flesch: 46 summary: The main setback is its polemical nature that fails to consider how American policy might be different with Obama’s rivals in the White House, Democrat or Republican. One key point overshadows much of Ali’s book: the policies pursued by the Obama administration are not solely idealism constrained by the realities of American politics and an intransigent Republican Party. keywords: administration; ali; american; approach; book; campaign; care; change; credentials; foreign; health; left; obama; policy; political; politics; presidential; progressive; review; support; syndrome cache: ar-22410.pdf plain text: ar-22410.txt item: #251 of 348 id: ar-22411 author: Careless, Jon title: THE SCIENCE AND HUMANISM OF STEPHEN JAY GOULD date: 2016-01-07 words: 1064 flesch: 44 summary: Establishing this point is the central thrust of this informative, well-written account of Gould’s career as a preeminent “paleontologist, evolutionary theorist, historian of science, and prolific writer.” Gould’s most prominent challenge to orthodox ideas is his critique of the Modern Synthesis, “the neo-Darwinian theory based on the merger of Darwinian natural selection and Mendelian genetics,” which gained paradigmatic status in the 1950s (18). keywords: authors; book; changes; deterministic; evolutionary; gould; ideas; jay; modern; new; science; selection; social; stephen; synthesis; theories; theory; work; york cache: ar-22411.pdf plain text: ar-22411.txt item: #252 of 348 id: ar-22412 author: Brisson-Boivin, Kara title: THE BLACK BOOK OF CANADIAN FOREIGN POLICY date: 2016-01-07 words: 1158 flesch: 48 summary: A strength of Engler’s book is the inclusion of discussion questions, which does help readers to reflect on commonly held assumptions about Canadian international relations as well as the lessons learned in each case. In conclusion, this book has much to contribute to the field of Canadian international relations. keywords: actions; black; book; canada; canadian; case; colonialism; discussion; engler; foreign; global; international; new; policy; public; relations; section; states; studies; theoretical; world; york cache: ar-22412.pdf plain text: ar-22412.txt item: #253 of 348 id: ar-22413 author: MacDonald, Katie M. title: AGRICULTURE AND FOOD IN CRISIS: CONFLICT, RESISTANCE, AND RENEWAL date: 2016-01-07 words: 1027 flesch: 46 summary: Her primary research surrounds the political economy of food systems, value chains, and the Ontario pork industry. This system, centred upon tightly consolidated, large-scale, transnational corporations, is also responsible for squeezing all stages of food production – scarring the land, air, and people that are each an integral part of this same system. keywords: agriculture; book; crisis; economic; feed; food; global; issues; katie; land; magdoff; new; number; policy; political; production; resistance; scale; system; tokar; work cache: ar-22413.pdf plain text: ar-22413.txt item: #254 of 348 id: ar-22414 author: Wallis, Allison title: MR. BIG: EXPOSING UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS IN CANADA date: 2016-01-07 words: 1326 flesch: 29 summary: Book Review: Mr. Big | 347 MR. Once the target has become involved in the fabricated criminal organization, undercover operatives, posing as crime bosses, suggest that criminal charges or suspicions of guilt can be disappeared under the condition that she or he fully discloses to Mr. Big the details of her or his involvement in the crime. keywords: authors; big; book; brockman; canadian; court; criminal; evidence; investigative; justice; keenan; legal; moral; operatives; risk; technique; use cache: ar-22414.pdf plain text: ar-22414.txt item: #255 of 348 id: ar-22416 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Tufts, Steve title: Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy date: 2017-02-03 words: 2471 flesch: 29 summary: Seeing the problems of cities as part of this broader shift towards austerity urbanism, however, is valuable because it reveals the larger political and economic drivers of these problems that go beyond more particular issues such as antipathy towards taxes, over-spending or the salaries of municipal workers. Of course, manifestations of austerity urbanism vary across diverse contexts. keywords: age; alternate; articles; austerity; austerity urbanism; brenner; bryan; capital; carlo; cities; city; condition; crisis; economy; editorial; employment; evans; fanelli; forms; housing; interventions; issue; javascript; jeff; john; journal; labour; living; marx; neoliberalism; new; noonan; policy; public; routes; services; shields; social; social economy; special; steve; toronto; tufts; university; urbanism; work cache: ar-22416.pdf plain text: ar-22416.txt item: #256 of 348 id: ar-22417 author: Lowe, Sophia; Richmond, Ted; Shields, John title: Settling on Austerity: ISAs, Immigrant Communities and Neoliberal Restructuring date: 2017-02-03 words: 10115 flesch: 45 summary: However, some respondents felt that the advocacy efforts were not always strategic, and were too often reactive and overly focused on settlement sector funding. This paper examines the state of immigrant settlement services delivered by nonprofit providers in the current period of government imposed austerity. keywords: accountability; advocacy; agencies; approach; austerity; baines; canada; canadian; capacity; centre; challenges; changes; citizenship; coia; collaboration; communities; community; competition; control; current; cuts; delivery; development; economic; economy; employment; end;; evans; experiences; federal; focus; funders; funding; good; government; greater; groups; harper; immigrant; immigrant settlement; immigration; immigration policy; impact; important; integration; international; interviews; isas; issues; journal; key; labour; limited; long; model; needs; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; newcomers; nonprofit; npm; number; ontario; organizations; paper; past; period; planning; policies; policy; political; politics; press; process; programs; providers; provision; public; research; resources; respondents; restructuring; richmond; role; sector; services; settlement; settlement sector; settlement services; settling; shields; significant; social; society; staff; state; success; support; system; term; toronto; university; urbanism; value; way; welfare; work; workers; working; years cache: ar-22417.pdf plain text: ar-22417.txt item: #257 of 348 id: ar-22418 author: Rudman, Debbie L.; Aldrich, Rebecca M.; Grundy, John; Stone, Melanie; Huot, Suzanne; Aslam, Awish title: You Got to Make the Numbers Work: Negotiating Managerial Reforms in the Provision of Employment Support Service date: 2017-02-03 words: 10253 flesch: 43 summary: Yet, as a growing body of critical social policy scholarship demonstrates, the adoption of NPM, as well as activation measures, can also be viewed as attempts to discipline managers, service providers, and clients’ conduct in ways consistent with neoliberal rationalities (Brodkin 2011; Soss et al. 2011). These effects include work intensification for service providers; reconfiguration of the relation between service providers, funders, and clients; and heightened insecurity for service providers and service users. keywords: accountability; activation; approach; associated; austerity; brodkin; cams; canada; canadian; case; clients; critical; data; delivery; demonstrate; disciplinary; discretion; economy; effects; email; employment; employment service; example; federal; findings; government; governmentality; grundy; ilcan; implications; individual; intensification; job; kevin; labour; level; long; management; market; measures; meeting; metrics; ministry; needs; neoliberal; new; npm; numbers; ontario; organizations; outcomes; particular; people; performance; personal; policy; porter; practices; precarious; precarity; pressure; providers; provision; public; reforms; relationships; research; schram; sector; service; service delivery; service providers; service provision; skills; social; soss; street; study; support; system; techniques; term; time; training; unemployed; university; urbanism; use; wage; ways; work cache: ar-22418.pdf plain text: ar-22418.txt item: #258 of 348 id: ar-22419 author: Evans, Bryan title: Alternatives to the Low Waged Economy: Living Wage Movements in Canada and the United States date: 2017-02-03 words: 11001 flesch: 55 summary: There are a number of living wage campaigns currently in BC. A number of the smaller centres do not necessarily have full on living wage campaigns. keywords: acorn; actions; activists; advocacy; alberta; alternatives; austerity; benefits; calgary; campaign; canada; canadian; capital; ccpa; cities; city; class; coalition; communities; community; conditions; council; countries; country; day; different; economic; economy; employers; employment; families; fast; federation; fight; food; government; greater; higher; income; inequality; insurance; issue; jobs; john; justice; labour; large; law; laws; level; living wage; local; low; major; minimum wage; movement; municipal; n.d; national; new; non; nova; number; oecd; ontario; ordinances; organizations; payments; people; policy; political; post; poverty; private; protests; province; provincial; public; raise; report; scotia; sector; services; social; social economy; staff; states; strikes; success; support; tax; terms; time; u.s; union; united; urbanism; vancouver; vibrant; victoria; wage campaigns; wage employers; wage movement; wage policy; wages; walmart; welfare; westminster; workers; working; york cache: ar-22419.pdf plain text: ar-22419.txt item: #259 of 348 id: ar-22420 author: Pin, Laura title: Does Participatory Budgeting Lead to Local Empowerment? The Case of Chicago, IL. date: 2017-02-03 words: 8531 flesch: 48 summary: In 2010 PB Chicago was formed, and by 2016 the process had expanded to $6.2 million dollars of infrastructure funding in seven different wards. In addition, although many volunteers with the PB process had pre-existing connections to the aldermanic office, some residents reported in interviews becoming more comfortable and knowledgeable about contacting the alderman’s office, findings that are also supported by survey data collected by PB Chicago (Crum et al. 2013). keywords: aldermanic; aldermen; america; austerity; baiocchi; ballot; black; budget; budgeting; capital; case; changes; chicago; city; communicative; community; concerns; context; cost; decision; deliberative; demands; democracy; democratic; development; dimensions; economic; economy; elite; empowerment; example; forums; framework; funding; funds; ganuza; governance; government; housing; ideas; important; improvements; income; infrastructure; interviews; journal; lead; limited; lipman; local; local empowerment; machine; making; mayor; menu; money; municipal; needs; neighbourhood; neoliberal; neoliberalism; neoliberalization; new; north; office; paper; park; participants; participation; participatory; participatory budgeting; party; patronage; pb chicago; pb process; pb projects; peck; policy; political; politics; primacy; process; processes; projects; public; research; residents; rules; schools; scope; social; staff; state; support; terms; theodore; time; university; urbanism; use; volunteers; ward cache: ar-22420.pdf plain text: ar-22420.txt item: #260 of 348 id: ar-22421 author: Noonan, Jeff; Watson, Josie title: Against Housing: Homes as a Human Life Requirement date: 2017-02-03 words: 7825 flesch: 50 summary: While the development of social rights in the twentieth century ameliorated to some extent (in the wealthiest capitalist countries) the gross deprivations of the Industrial Revolution and Victorian capitalism, they do not contest the dynamics of the capitalist system as a whole, its prioritization of private profit of comprehensive and universal need satisfaction, or legitimate the mobilization of oppressed and exploited and alienated themselves to transform the structures that cause systematic need-deprivation in the first place (Wood 2002: 130-1). The report criticised Canada for the “absence of a national housing strategy; inadequate housing subsidy within the social assistance benefit; shortage of social housing units; increased evictions related to rental arrears; increased numbers of homeless and lack of homelessness prevention; shortage of emergency 150 | Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy shelters; laws that penalize people for being homeless; lack of adequate housing for people with psycho-social and intellectual disabilities; and the poor housing conditions of Canada’s indigenous peoples” (Monsebraaten 2016). keywords: access; agency; appeal; approach; austerity; beings; better; canada; capitalist; case; causes; complex; conditions; conscious; control; crisis; cultural; deprivation; deprived; determinants; economic; economy; engels; forces; form; good; harm; health; homelessness; homes; housing; human; human beings; human life; individual; investment; lack; laws; life; living; market; material; mcmurtry; means; need; new; ontario; order; park; people; physical; point; political; private; problem; property; public; real; regent; requirement; residents; resources; rights; satisfaction; self; sense; shelter; social; social need; solution; space; stress; structural; struggle; study; system; toronto; universal; urbanism; value; way; working cache: ar-22421.pdf plain text: ar-22421.txt item: #261 of 348 id: ar-22422 author: Hamel, Pierre; Autin, Gregoire title: Austerity Governance and the Welfare Crisis in Montreal date: 2017-02-03 words: 7795 flesch: 56 summary: In the face of what has been described in a schematic way, the picture of the fight against austerity measures in Montreal is faced with numerous structural and subjective constraints. Taking these several elements into account, can we better understand how social actors are able to face austerity policies and austerity measures? keywords: actors; approach; austerity; austerity governance; austerity measures; austerity urbanism; canada; canadian; case; city; collaboration; community; comparison; conditions; consequences; couillard; crisis; decisions; different; difficult; economic; economy; education; example; fact; federal; general; governance; government; hand; health; immigrants; impacts; income; jobs; labour; level; liberal; local; low; major; measures; model; montreal; municipalities; negative; neighborhoods; new; organizations; people; policies; policy; political; politics; population; position; possible; poverty; power; process; programs; provincial; public; quebec; reform; respect; respondents; restructuring; sector; services; situation; social; specific; state; system; terms; time; trade; unions; urbanism; welfare; welfare crisis; workers cache: ar-22422.pdf plain text: ar-22422.txt item: #262 of 348 id: ar-22423 author: Keil, Roger title: Toronto Alles Uber: Being Progressive in the Age of Progressive Conservative Urbanism date: 2017-02-03 words: 9668 flesch: 48 summary: Toronto Alles Uber | 193 with the condition for progressive politics than the ambitions of the city’s and region’s elites. Toronto Alles Uber | 201 Miller and stayed mostly on the outside of Rob Ford’s ill-fated right- populist regime. keywords: alles; austerity; austerity urbanism; boudreau; business; centre; century; change; cities; city; civic; class; coalition; community; conservative; context; core; corporate; course; creative; critical; david; democratic; downtown; economic; economy; election; elite; federal; ford; future; global; governance; governing; government; hall; hamel; hard; housing; inner; innovation; issues; john; john tory; justice; keil; kipfer; labour; left; life; like; local; long; making; market; mayor; mayor john; mayoral; mayoralty; middle; miller; modernization; municipal; neoliberalization; new; north; nowak; october; ontario; opportunity; paper; party; past; percent; period; place; planning; political; politics; populist; position; post; power; problems; progressive; progressive politics; progressivism; province; provincial; radical; real; recent; reform; regime; regional; right; rob; roll; september; sharing; shift; social; social economy; space; star; state; stuck; suburban; suburbs; subway; support; system; technological; technologies; technology; term; time; today; toronto; tory; tradition; transit; transportation; uber; university; urban; urbanism; valverde; voters; way; work; world; years; young cache: ar-22423.pdf plain text: ar-22423.txt item: #263 of 348 id: ar-22424 author: Young, Douglas title: Redefining "Renewel" in Toronto's High-Rise Suburbs date: 2017-02-03 words: 3967 flesch: 50 summary: In Toronto austerity as common sense shapes one approach to conceptualizing decline in high-rise suburbs and a very particular approach to their renewal. The amalgamation of seven municipal governments that created a new City of Toronto on January 1, 1998 was considered by many as an attack on the pre-amalgamation City of Toronto Council which had been a vocal opponent of the provincial government’s neoliberal “revolution” and a champion of social democratic urban policy. keywords: affordable; apartment; approach; austerity; board; buildings; century; city; common; community; decline; district; economy; everyday; funding; governance; government; high; housing; income; inner; keil; life; local; mimico; neighbourhood; neoliberal; neoliberalism; non; north; number; planning; policy; program; progressive; project; public; region; renewal; rental; research; revolution; rise; rise suburbs; roll; sector; sense; social; stock; suburban; suburbs; toronto; total; tower; united; university; urban; urbanism; w6cat; way; york; young cache: ar-22424.pdf plain text: ar-22424.txt item: #264 of 348 id: ar-22425 author: Moyo, Otrude N. title: A Beautiful Community, But a Troubled City: Flint's Water Crisis date: 2017-02-03 words: 4625 flesch: 51 summary: Prior to this, residents had complained about the foul smelling and horrid taste of Flint City water. Recently, I received a letter from the department of health and human services outlining that if I was pregnant and had children who had ingested Flint water for a particular period I may be eligible for some public assistance. keywords: american; austerity; beautiful; black; cities; citizens; citizenship; city; community; consumer; crisis; decision; economic; economy; emergency; financial; flint; flint city; flint water; government; human; impact; lead; league; lederman; like; lives; local; making; managers; market; means; michigan; neoliberal; neoliberalism; officials; people; policies; policy; political; politicking; politics; problem; public; racialization; residents; revenue; river; sharing; social; state; supply; switch; today; troubled; united; urbanism; water; water crisis cache: ar-22425.pdf plain text: ar-22425.txt item: #265 of 348 id: ar-22426 author: Gallaher, Carolyn title: Do Efforts to Mitigate Gentrification Work? Evidence from Washington DC date: 2017-02-03 words: 5555 flesch: 57 summary: Indeed, Congress (with the president’s approval) decided to put the city into receivership despite opposition from its mayor, city council, and a majority of its citizens. 4 In 1973 Congress passed the District of Colombia Home Rule Act, which gave the city the power to elect its own mayor and city council. keywords: act; affordable; apartment; associations; austerity; bill; buildings; buy; cities; city; condominium; congress; context; control; conversion; costs; council; d.c; developers; displacement; economy; efforts; example; gentrification; housing; income; justice; keynesian; low; market; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; ownership; paper; people; policies; politics; post; price; process; profit; purchase; rental; rents; residents; right; sale; social; solution; springer; state; statute; tenants; topa; units; university; urbanism; use; vas; washington; work; years cache: ar-22426.pdf plain text: ar-22426.txt item: #266 of 348 id: ar-22427 author: Attoh, Kafui; Mitchell, Don; Staeheli, Lynn A. title: The University in the City: The Campus as a Space of Dependence and Engagement in the Age of Austerity date: 2017-02-03 words: 5359 flesch: 50 summary: Indeed, the conditions under which academics work as “productive labor” has grown increasingly alarming, especially as university administrators claim their institutions must face up to the new realities of “austerity.”4 In the U.S. the 1862 Morrill Land Grant Act authorized the selling of federal land to finance state universities and colleges; “land-grant” universities were mandated to support agricultural development in their states. keywords: administrators; austerity; berkeley; building; cambridge; campus; campuses; capital; city; college; community; community engagement; conditions; corporate; corporatization; course; cox; crisis; dependence; development; district; economic; economy; education; engagement; example; factory; faculty; fight; free; gcu; geography; hetherington; higher; initiatives; institutions; kerr; kind; knowledge; lawyer; legitimacy; like; marx; movement; national; new; people; place; political; press; public; radical; research; salford; sausage; sense; smith; social; space; speech; state; students; universities; university; urbanism; world; york; zones cache: ar-22427.pdf plain text: ar-22427.txt item: #267 of 348 id: ar-22429 author: Marshall, Robert title: Escape from the Staple Trap. Canadian Political Economy after Left Nationalism date: 2017-02-07 words: 2041 flesch: 55 summary: Of course, both Innisian and Marxian inspired Canadian political economy approaches varied greatly. The first school was Innisian-inspired and documented Canadian dependency on the United States. keywords: alternate; argument; book; british; canada; canadian; capitalist; class; control; critical; debates; dependency; economic; economy; facts; foreign; imperialist; journal; kellogg; left; national; nationalist; new; political; press; questions; research; routes; social; staples; state; theory; toronto; university; world cache: ar-22429.pdf plain text: ar-22429.txt item: #268 of 348 id: ar-22430 author: Kingsmith, A.T. title: The Winter is Over: Writings on Transformation Denied 1989-1995 date: 2017-08-11 words: 1332 flesch: 50 summary: What Negri suggests—and this is the leap that his reading of the strike makes—is that the immaterial and interactive character of the labour performed in the service sector constitutes the global form of an increasingly interactive and even democratic form of production in a post- industrial or post-Fordist environment. In starting from the dual position that ‘blocking the circulation of commodities has been fundamental in the history of working-class insurgency’ and that ‘the sphere of circulation is no longer simply one movement in the total process of capitalist valourization, but the global form structures production itself,’ Negri argues that to confront capital in the sphere of circulation is to strike the metropolis—that fundamental vector of contemporary struggles ‘where life and work tend to pass over one another.’ keywords: a.t; alternate; century; critical; form; journal; left; negri; new; post; production; research; routes; social; strike; struggles; transformation; twitter; war; winter; work; writings cache: ar-22430.pdf plain text: ar-22430.txt item: #269 of 348 id: ar-22434 author: Neusiedl, Christoph title: Making Peace with the Earth date: 2017-08-14 words: 1842 flesch: 54 summary: This war is fought, as Shiva explains, by multinational corporations (MNCs) and nation-states as their faithful vassals: “Governments mutate from welfare states to corporate states as they deregulate corporations and over-regulate citizens (...). Throughout the book and with a focus on India, Shiva explores the different yet interrelated wars being fought against the earth, the means of war applied by MNCs and the Indian state, and the human and non-human costs of it. keywords: alternate; book; climate; critical; deep; democracy; development; earth; farmers; free; indian; journal; justice; market; marketisation; means; mncs; new; order; peace; private; research; routes; sector; shiva; social; south; state; suicide; war; wars; water cache: ar-22434.pdf plain text: ar-22434.txt item: #270 of 348 id: ar-22435 author: Farhan, Sara title: Gramsci on Tahrir: Revolution and Counter Revolution in Egypt date: 2017-08-11 words: 2067 flesch: 47 summary: Relying on existing historiography on revolutionary Egypt as well as journalistic accounts and interviews with demonstrators and activists, Marfleet pens the accounts of the diverse composition of the movements. Welcomed additions to a course on contemporary Egypt, Gramsci on Tahrir provides both, a detailed expansion of theoretical Marxist theories and historical context to the contemporary events while Egypt reveals that the Tahrir movements were the beginning of a revolutionary process that is still underway. keywords: actors; alternate; beinin; brotherhood; composition; counter; critical; demonstrations; economic; egypt; egyptian; events; experience; gramsci; hegemonies; history; journal; level; marfleet; mass; movements; muslim; political; process; research; revolution; revolutionary; routes; smet; social; tahrir cache: ar-22435.pdf plain text: ar-22435.txt item: #271 of 348 id: ar-22436 author: Ruiz-Chapman, Tania title: Just Work?: Migrant Workers’ Struggles Today date: 2017-08-11 words: 1385 flesch: 42 summary: Struggles Today is a collection of articles edited by Choudry and Hlatshwayo that highlights the difficulties that migrant workers face around the world. As demonstrated throughout the collection migrant workers are subject to gross human rights violations compounded by the dynamics of racialization which construct migrant workers as less than human as compared to local populations. keywords: alternate; analysis; authors; book; chapters; choudry; collection; contributors; critical; foreign; hlatshwayo; journal; labour; migrant; neo; organizing; precarious; programs; research; rights; routes; social; use; workers cache: ar-22436.pdf plain text: ar-22436.txt item: #272 of 348 id: ar-22437 author: Neusiedel, Christoph title: Making Peace with the Earth date: 2017-08-14 words: 1842 flesch: 54 summary: This war is fought, as Shiva explains, by multinational corporations (MNCs) and nation-states as their faithful vassals: “Governments mutate from welfare states to corporate states as they deregulate corporations and over-regulate citizens (...). Throughout the book and with a focus on India, Shiva explores the different yet interrelated wars being fought against the earth, the means of war applied by MNCs and the Indian state, and the human and non-human costs of it. keywords: alternate; book; climate; critical; deep; democracy; development; earth; farmers; free; indian; journal; justice; market; marketisation; means; mncs; new; order; peace; private; research; routes; sector; shiva; social; south; state; suicide; war; wars; water cache: ar-22437.pdf plain text: ar-22437.txt item: #273 of 348 id: ar-22439 author: Calnitsky, Naomi Alisa title: Cuba Beyond the Beach: Stories of Life in Havana. date: 2017-02-01 words: 1298 flesch: 44 summary: Cuban street culture and its impact on female visitors also inform training for her students, before they might encounter the ubiquitous piropos and groseros, or flattering and aggressive remarks (57). The second chapter explores Cuban sound culture and the author is its keen anthropologist. keywords: alternate; author; book; canada; chapter; city; complexities; critical; cuban; cultural; culture; dubinsky; economy; havana; journal; karen; life; lives; new; play; present; relationship; research; routes; shopping; social; socialism; state; street; tone cache: ar-22439.pdf plain text: ar-22439.txt item: #274 of 348 id: ar-22440 author: Wellum, Caleb title: Utopia or Bust: A Guide to the Present Crisis date: 2017-02-01 words: 1371 flesch: 49 summary: The final chapters of Utopia or Bust pivot from appreciation to critique with essays on the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek and art scholar Borys Groys. Kunkel wrote the essays between 2010 and 2013 in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and previously published each in either the London Review of Books, n + 1, or the New Statesmen. keywords: alternate; analysis; book; bust; capitalism; crisis; critical; economics; essays; financial; history; ideas; intellectual; journal; kunkel; marxist; present; research; routes; social; thought; utopia cache: ar-22440.pdf plain text: ar-22440.txt item: #275 of 348 id: ar-22441 author: Del Fa, Sophie title: The Radical Imagination: Social Movement Research in the Age of Austerity date: 2017-02-01 words: 1454 flesch: 57 summary: In their last part entitled “The Methods of Movements” they ask a central question: “How can social movement researchers and social movements themselves reimagine solidarity?” We, as social researchers, have to bring research outside the university, be it about social movements or in any other fields of research. keywords: activists; activities; alternate; authors; book; critical; imagination; movements; project; radical; research; researchers; routes; sense; social; time; university; website cache: ar-22441.pdf plain text: ar-22441.txt item: #276 of 348 id: ar-22442 author: Mirrlees, Tanner title: Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right date: 2017-02-01 words: 1515 flesch: 52 summary: Nagle casts the alt right as an emerging victor in the early years of an online battle with the Tumblr left, and explores how the alt-right crossed over from marginal anonymized websites into “mainstream public and political life” alongside Trump’s race for the presidency. Nagle might have better conceptualized the alt-right’s style as “pseudo-transgressive,” or, a superficially rebellious and resistant style that is substantively intertwined with the system in dominance that is capitalism and compliant with social class power. keywords: alt; alternate; book; critical; culture; internet; journal; left; media; movements; nagle; online; political; power; right; routes; social; style; today; transgressive; trump; tumblr; twitter; wars; white; wing cache: ar-22442.pdf plain text: ar-22442.txt item: #277 of 348 id: ar-22443 author: Choudry, Aziz title: Indigenous Peoples As Subjects Of International Law date: 2018-02-05 words: 1174 flesch: 33 summary: Marcelle Burns (Kamilaroi) interrogates the foundational work of Hugo Grotius and Francisco de Vitoria on the concept of society in the context of their contributions to shape an (Eurocentric) international legal order, and its use as a tool to exclude Indigenous Peoples from recognition as sovereign subjects within state regimes and international law. This is a timely collection which makes a substantive, significant contribution to move thinking beyond understandings of rights that are imprisoned in a taken-for-granted framework of liberalism and colonialism (see also D’Souza, 2018, on this) and assimilationist models developed by colonial states like Australia, Canada and others to accommodate claims for ‘recognition’ and ‘equality’ of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. keywords: alternate; book; chapter; critical; determination; domination; genocide; indigenous; international; journal; law; legal; nations; peoples; research; rights; routes; self; social; starblanket; state; watson cache: ar-22443.pdf plain text: ar-22443.txt item: #278 of 348 id: ar-22444 author: Fanelli, Carlo; Potter, Garry title: 'A Work For the World and For Us' date: 2018-02-16 words: 4106 flesch: 35 summary: A series of Interventions further confront issues of social inequality and social justice. These elements also suggest the need to explore more egalitarian forms of distribution and options for social change and social justice. keywords: alternate; amy; analysis; arendt; article; authors; book; canada; canadian; capitalism; carlo; carroll; caxaj; change; class; cohen; context; critical; critique; cross; democracy; economic; editors; evans; fanelli; future; garry; great; half; historical; hope; inequality; interventions; issues; javascript; journal; justice; keynes; labour; mark; market; marx; measures; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; party; people; political; potter; relations; report; reproductive; research; resistance; review; routes; social; social inequality; social justice; spectre; state; structures; struggle; tcc; time; university; unpaid; way; women; work; world; young cache: ar-22444.pdf plain text: ar-22444.txt item: #279 of 348 id: ar-22445 author: Duffy, Ann; Pupo, Norene title: Unpaid Work, Coercion and the Fear Economy date: 2018-02-16 words: 8816 flesch: 51 summary: Here, the authors locate unpaid work historically by considering the direct physical force that underlies slavery and work within total institutions, and then analyze the contemporary subtle, indirect pressures exercised by hegemonic ideologies to sustain unpaid internships and unremunerated working days. Secondly, we argue that unpaid work is expanding in the current historical/economic context. keywords: activities; approach; attention; benefits; canadian; capitalist; care; children; class; coercion; coercive; community; compensation; complex; contemporary; context; direct; domestic; economic; economies; economy; education; efforts; employers; employment; example; exploitation; family; fear; fear economy; feminist; force; formal; forms; free; gender; global; growth; high; home; hours; household; household work; human; immigrant; important; inequality; internships; job; justice; labour; leave; little; market; nannies; national; neoliberal; new; order; particular; patterns; pay; political; power; practices; press; recent; recipients; regimes; relations; reproductive; research; review; rights; school; services; social; sociology; spectre; star; state; students; support; terms; time; toronto; training; university; unpaid; unpaid labour; unpaid work; voluntarism; volunteer; wage; ways; welfare; women; work; workers; workfare; working; york; young; youth cache: ar-22445.pdf plain text: ar-22445.txt item: #280 of 348 id: ar-22446 author: Mandell, Nancy; Lam, Larry; Borras, Jana; Phonepraseuth, Janice title: Living on the Margins: Economic Security Among Senior Immigrants in Canada date: 2018-02-16 words: 9958 flesch: 55 summary: For senior immigrants, income divergence tends to be most distinct among recent immigrants, disabled immigrants, older immigrants who arrived as seniors, and female migrants who live alone (Dalgleish, 2008; Preston, Kim, Mandell et al., 2013).6 Racialization shapes the economic security of senior immigrants (Preston et al., 2014, 2013). keywords: adult; age; aging; ale; barriers; benefits; canada; canadian; care; catalogue; challenges; children; class; community; course; data; different; disabled; early; earnings; economic; economic security; employment; experiences; families; family; female; food; gender; gis; government; government income; groups; health; high; housing; immigrants; immigration; incidence; income; individuals; inequality; insecure; interviews; iranian; justice; kim; labour; later; life; likely; living; low; mandell; margins; market; money; new; oas; older; older immigrants; participants; pendakur; pensions; people; percent; policy; poor; population; poverty; preston; private; punjabi; qpp; race; racial; recent; research; retirement; savings; secure; security; self; senior; senior immigrants; situations; social; social inequality; spanish; spectre; statistics; status; structural; support; time; toronto; unattached; university; vietnamese; vulnerability; vulnerable; women; work; years cache: ar-22446.pdf plain text: ar-22446.txt item: #281 of 348 id: ar-22447 author: Moreno, Karla Angelica Valenzuela; Shields, John; Drolet, Julie title: Settling Immigrants in Neoliberal Times: NGOs and Immigrant Well-being in Comparative Context date: 2018-02-16 words: 9105 flesch: 44 summary: As noted, immigrant settlement service NGOs are operating in a difficult political and socio-economic environment (Szalai and Gobl, 2015). This is particulary evident in the growing role of nonprofits in social provision as illustrated in immigrant settlement services. keywords: able; accountability; acquisition; activities; actors; advocacy; agencies; america; anti; approach; austerity; bauder; broader; canada; canadian; case; cities; civil; communities; community; context; countries; country; courses; crisis; critical; cross; delivery; difficult; economic; eds; ethnic; europe; evans; france; funding; germany; global; government; groups; immigrant; immigrant integration; immigrant settlement; immigration; important; inequality; integration; issues; journal; justice; labour; language; local; market; measures; migrants; multiculturalism; national; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; newcomers; ngos; nonprofit; north; oecd; organizations; oxford; paper; partnerships; policies; policy; political; populations; practices; press; private; process; programs; providers; provision; public; refugee; relationship; research; resources; right; role; salamon; sector; security; services; settlement; settlement services; shields; social; social justice; society; spectre; state; support; sweden; times; toronto; understanding; united; university; vol; way; welfare; work; working cache: ar-22447.pdf plain text: ar-22447.txt item: #282 of 348 id: ar-22448 author: Cohen, Amy; Caxaj, Susana title: Bodies and Borders: Migrant Women Farmworkers and the Struggle for Sexual and Reproductive Justice in British Columbia, Canada date: 2018-02-16 words: 9825 flesch: 47 summary: Based on insights gained in the field and through community-based research and advocacy efforts, this paper outlines what is currently known about women SAWP workers’ struggles to attain full reproductive justice. We conclude with a discussion on how migrant women creatively resist restrictions imposed upon them, and we make recommendations aimed at improving the experiences of women SAWP workers attempting to achieve reproductive justice in BC. keywords: ability; access; acts; advocacy; agricultural; agricultural workers; barriers; bodies; borders; british; canada; canadian; care; challenges; citizenship; columbia; community; conditions; control; discussion; employers; employment; encalada; everyday; experiences; face; factors; farms; farmworkers; fear; female; foreign; gender; gendered; government; grez; groups; health; health care; hennebry; human; inequality; information; international; issues; journal; justice; labour; lack; legal; limited; literature; mclaughlin; mexican; mexico; migrant; migrant agricultural; migrant farmworkers; migrant women; migrant workers; migration; officials; okanagan; ontario; oppression; overt; paper; participants; particular; policy; political; program; provincial; region; relationships; report; reproductive; reproductive health; reproductive justice; research; resistance; rights; risk; rules; sawp; sawp workers; seasonal; services; sexual; sexual health; sexuality; social; social justice; spectre; status; studies; study; temporary; treatment; unique; united; university; valley; women; workers; year cache: ar-22448.pdf plain text: ar-22448.txt item: #283 of 348 id: ar-22449 author: Cross, Ruth; Warwick-Booth, Louise title: Neoliberal Salvation Through a Gendered Intervention: A Critical Analysis of Vulnerable Young Women’s Talk date: 2018-02-16 words: 8850 flesch: 54 summary: This paper presents data from an evaluation which explored the impact of a gender-specific intervention designed to support young women (Project X). Project X sits within a wider agenda in UK policy that frames young women in certain ways which can be interpreted differently depending on contrasting perspectives. keywords: alcohol; analysis; approach; booth; brown; cat; centre; control; critical; cross; data; different; discourse; drinking; early; emily; engagement; evaluation; experiences; feminist; figure; focus; future; gendered; gill; girls; good; governance; groups; hanbury; health; imperative; individual; inequality; interpretation; intervention; jenna; journal; justice; life; london; neoliberal; new; normative; paper; people; perspective; policy; political; power; problems; project; research; resilience; resistance; risk; ronan; salvation; self; sharpe; social; society; specific; spectre; stories; story; structural; support; talk; university; vulnerability; vulnerable; warwick; women; worker; young; young women cache: ar-22449.pdf plain text: ar-22449.txt item: #284 of 348 id: ar-22450 author: Chapman, Debra D.; Ruiz-Chapman, Tania; Eglin, Peter title: Global Citizenship as Neoliberal Propaganda: A Political-Economic and Postcolonial Critique date: 2018-02-16 words: 8969 flesch: 44 summary: We make the case for a program of critical studies devoted to analyzing the features, sources, institutional carriers and uses of the concept of global citizenship as neoliberal propaganda serving to mystify young people’s understanding of their place in the world. (UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 2012) “Education for global citizenship helps enable young people to develop the core competencies which allow them to actively engage with the world, and help to make it a more just and sustainable place.” keywords: alberta; april; bodies; borders; boundaries; british; canada; canadian; capitalism; cartesian; cartesian subject; case; chapman; citizenship; colonial; communities; concept; control; corporate; critical; critique; culture; david; death; decaro; deportation; detention; development; different; economic; eds; education; example; experience; experiential; fact; global; global citizenship; government; handbook; help; human; ibid; idea; imperialism; inequality; institutions; international; isin; isl; justice; land; learning; life; london; migrant; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; new york; non; northern; order; paper; particular; people; peter; place; political; politics; power; practice; press; program; propaganda; rhetoric; rights; routledge; rygiel; schattle; science; self; service; social; society; south; space; spectre; state; students; studies; study; subject; subjectivity; teeple; toronto; undocumented; united; universal; universities; university; university press; use; values; white; work; world; york; young cache: ar-22450.pdf plain text: ar-22450.txt item: #285 of 348 id: ar-22451 author: Baldus, Bernd title: Small Causes, Large Structures. A New Look at the Roots of Social Inequality in Human Societies date: 2018-02-16 words: 7688 flesch: 49 summary: Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Sociology, Inequality This paper assumes that social inequality is one possible outcome of a fundamental social dilemma: how to distribute the results of collective, cooperative activities among the contributors. He has taught and published in the field of social inequality for more than 40 years. keywords: actions; american; baldus; better; causes; century; change; class; common; complex; cooperation; countries; course; current; different; distributive; durkheim; dynamics; early; economic; effects; engels; events; evidence; evolution; external; functional; growth; historical; history; human; important; income; independent; inequalities; inequality; inequality structures; journal; justice; large; laws; life; long; look; major; marx; material; modern; natural; new; non; opportunities; order; origins; pathways; people; percent; political; power; predictable; press; processes; public; rational; recent; relations; research; resources; result; review; rise; role; sciences; second; self; small; small causes; social; social inequality; societies; society; sociological; sociologists; sociology; spectre; spencer; states; structures; study; systems; theoretical; theories; theorists; theory; time; trust; u.s; understanding; universal; university; wealth; weber; world; york cache: ar-22451.pdf plain text: ar-22451.txt item: #286 of 348 id: ar-22452 author: Carroll, William K. title: Rethinking the Transnational Capitalist Class date: 2018-02-16 words: 7112 flesch: 42 summary: The same holds of course for national states, which have pursued regionalization strategies within blocs such as NAFTA and the EU. The latter is a tendency held in check by the continuing political power of national states and by the fact that the vast majority of the world’s capitalists – the 99% within the infamous 1% – in fact, are not transnationally invested. keywords: accumulation; agency; american; amsterdam; analysis; apeldoorn; capital; capitalist; capitalist class; carroll; china; chinese; class; communities; community; corporate; corporations; der; development; economic; economy; financial; formation; fractions; free; geopolitical; global; global capitalism; globalization; graaff; harris; heartland; hegemonic; hegemony; historical; hymer; industrial; inequality; integration; interests; international; investment; journal; justice; level; london; market; military; money; neoliberalism; network; new; north; organized; pijl; political; power; practices; press; process; production; project; regional; related; relations; robinson; school; sklair; social; society; south; spectre; state; structural; study; system; tcc; tendency; theory; thesis; tncs; tns; transnational; transnational capitalist; transnational class; van; world cache: ar-22452.pdf plain text: ar-22452.txt item: #287 of 348 id: ar-22453 author: Jessop, Bob title: The World Market, ‘North-South’ Relations, and Neoliberalism date: 2018-02-16 words: 8297 flesch: 39 summary: World market integration is a contradictory process. And, insofar as it decreases the power of the working class, it increases inequalities of income and wealth, strengthens the potential for overproduction and weak demand, and, as is now widely recognized in critical political economy, creates the potential for financialization and finance-dominated accumulation as a driving force of even The World Market, ‘North-South’ Relations, and Neoliberalism | 217 further – but destabilizing – world market integration. keywords: accumulation; africa; america; analysis; asia; aspects; capital; capital accumulation; capitalist; cases; china; colonies; competition; constraints; contradictions; countries; credit; crises; critique; dependent; derivatives; development; different; domestic; early; east; economic; economies; economy; engels; european; exchange; expansion; exploitation; financial; forces; foreign; forms; free; global; historical; history; important; industrial; industry; inequality; integration; international; jessop; justice; labour; latin; lawrence; local; london; markets; marx; mecw; mode; monetary; money; national; nature; neoliberalism; new; north; order; political; post; power; pre; press; primitive; process; production; profit; real; regime; relations; role; scale; shape; shifts; social; south; spaces; specific; spectre; states; studies; surplus; system; term; time; trade; uneven; value; variegated; varieties; wishart; world; world market cache: ar-22453.pdf plain text: ar-22453.txt item: #288 of 348 id: ar-22454 author: Carpenter, Sandra title: Disability and Social Equality: The Centrality of Independent Living date: 2018-02-16 words: 5030 flesch: 57 summary: 5 Inspired by the Ralph Nader consumer movement in the USA, in our case people with disabilities were reconceptualised as ‘purchasers’ of disability services and supports denoting more power over the quality of outcomes of those services and supports. They were social enterprises, and objective proof of both the equal capacity for self-determination on the part of people with disabilities and that the deepest problem we faced was not physical disability, but socially imposed barriers. keywords: alternatives; assistance; bloorview; boarding; canada; capacity; care; centres; cheshire; children; community; control; daily; disabilities; disability; disabled; equality; example; help; home; independent; institution; justice; kids; life; like; lives; living; medical; model; movement; need; new; parents; people; person; philosophy; physical; problem; professionals; regular; resources; right; school; self; services; social; society; spectre; support; things; time; toronto; years cache: ar-22454.pdf plain text: ar-22454.txt item: #289 of 348 id: ar-22455 author: Graham, Mark; Woodcock, Jamie title: Towards a Fairer Platform Economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation date: 2018-02-16 words: 4714 flesch: 19 summary: Our clicks tie us to the lives and livelihoods of platform workers, as much as buying clothes tie us to the lives of sweatshop workers. However, platform work goes significantly further, involving the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call (Howe, 2006, 1). keywords: available; bargain; challenges; change; conditions; content; countries; criteria; different; digital; economy; eds; employment; example; fairer; foundation; gig; global; graham; heeks;;;;;;;; important; income; inequality; information; jobs; justice; labour; living; location; london; meatspace; new; online; platform; press; process; research; shaw; social; spectre; strategies; type; uber; wage; work; workers; working; world cache: ar-22455.pdf plain text: ar-22455.txt item: #290 of 348 id: ar-22456 author: Ritterbusch, Amy E. title: The Quantitative Tactics Used to Delegitimize a Right to the City Social Justice Movement in Bogotá, Colombia date: 2018-02-16 words: 5119 flesch: 39 summary: Siguiendo la misma premisa, con los comentarios que presentamos a continuación no pretendemos criticar la concepción de sociedad de los autores. Additionally, the authors focus primarily on the presentation of quantitative counter analyses to demonstrate how “la intervención pudo tener efectos positivos para la ciudad y la zona específica de influencia de El Bronx (the intervention could have had positive effects for the city and the specific zone of 264 | Social Inequality and the Spectre of Social Justice influence of ‘El Bronx),” a statement that can also be interpreted as politically motivated (Tobón and Zuleta, 2017, 6). keywords: analysis; andes; authors; bogotá; bronx; canal; cesed; citizens; city; colombia; communities; context; cpat; critical; data; de los; debate; department; destapando; document; drug; el bronx; fieldwork; focus; following; government; homeless; human; human rights; individuals; inequality; informe; injustice; intervention; justice; la olla; las; launch; los; members; methodological; methodologies; multiple; olla; paradigm; parces; police; political; public; qualitative; qualitative research; que; raid; report; research; response; rights; rigor; security; sense; shadow; sobre; social; social justice; spectre; tactics; team; terms; una; universidad; university; urban; violations; violence; work; world cache: ar-22456.pdf plain text: ar-22456.txt item: #291 of 348 id: ar-22457 author: Bowman, Norah title: “The Elders Said if We Stop Fishing We Will Die, We Will No Longer Exist”: Hannah Arendt’s Black Holes, Canadian Corporate Mining Impunity, and Indigenous Narrative Resistance date: 2018-02-16 words: 5539 flesch: 49 summary: The assumption that Canada is essentially humanitarian explains why external and internal analysis of Canadian foreign policy often presents Canadian corporate human rights violations as “confused, rooted in a misunderstanding of the region, or as a simple expression of our subordinate relationship to the United States” (Gordon and Webber, 2016, 3). Of the mining resources listed on the TSE, many are located on the homes of indigenous people living in colonial states. keywords: 2015; arendt; black; canada; canadian; canadian mining; case; ccm; citizenship; cmc; colonial; communities; community; consent; corporate; corporations; elders; environmental; evidence; exploitation; extractive; fish; fishing; global; government; guatemala; hannah; history; holes; honduras; human; human rights; humanitarian; impunity; indigenous; inequality; justice; lake; land; legal; local; members; metals; mining; moral; multiple; murder; nation; nazi; non; oblivion; ongoing; open; people; pity; problem; reconciliation; regimes; regulatory; report; resistance; rights; social; spectre; spill; spring; state; territory; trc; unceded; united; unwg; violations; violence; world cache: ar-22457.pdf plain text: ar-22457.txt item: #292 of 348 id: ar-22458 author: Fioret, Cameron title: Against the Commodification of Water date: 2018-02-16 words: 4318 flesch: 55 summary: Water qua water should be commonly owned and used by anyone, and it should only be excluded from others once it is used and not for reasons of commodification and profit- making. Water, treated as common property, would overcome the denial of water to those who cannot afford their water bills because the necessity of water for human life would be realized and placed above profit-making, and thus not denied on the basis of the ability to pay. keywords: ability; access; basic; bottled; california; collective; collective ownership; commodification; common; common ownership; detroit; earth; global; harmless; human; humanity; journal; life; moral; nations; natural; necessary; necessities; necessity; need; nestlé; order; original; ownership; people; percent; property; resources; responsibility; rights; risse; share; social; survival; use; water; world cache: ar-22458.pdf plain text: ar-22458.txt item: #293 of 348 id: ar-22459 author: Baumtrog, Micheal D. title: Navigating a Necessary Inequality: Children and Knowledge-Based Injustice date: 2018-02-16 words: 5294 flesch: 52 summary: (Fricker, 2007, 22-29).6 Recent research has pointed to the impact of child testimonial injustice in the medical field. Although it appears that both Canadian and American legal systems are making improvements to account for what is being called “the voice of the child” (Welder, 2000; Chong and Connolly, 2015), a gap still remains between studies of child testimony and legal practice (Brainerd and Reyna, 2012; Birnbaum, 2009: keywords: adult; age; capacity; case; central; certain; childhood; children; collective; credibility; credible; decision; default; deficit; development; epistemic; epistemic injustice; example; experience; fact; fricker; gender; hermeneutical; identity; individual; inequality; injustice; interpretive; knowledge; legal; necessary; number; oxford; paper; philosophical; practical; prejudice; question; race; reasoning; research; resources; sexual; social; spectre; stereotypes; term; testimonial; testimony; understanding; unjust; use; ways cache: ar-22459.pdf plain text: ar-22459.txt item: #294 of 348 id: ar-22460 author: Ferguson, Bruce title: Re-Thinking Struggle: Starting From Story date: 2018-02-16 words: 5676 flesch: 50 summary: Our measure of medium term success would attempt to bring the average statistics of Indigenous people to the same rates as the average Canadian and that would indeed be a success that both Canadians and ourselves could celebrate. Challenges to the existence of Indigenous peoples in Canada relate more to dispossession rather than genocide (although cultural genocide could be a result). keywords: 1970s; allies; arguments; black; canada; canadian; change; colonial; communities; community; critique; experience; history; human; identity; identity politics; indigenous; indigenous struggle; inequality; justice; knowledge; language; life; lives; long; mainstream; militant; movement; nation; nature; need; people; philosophical; political; politics; position; problem; question; resistance; resurgence; revolution; right; self; small; social; sources; spectre; stories; story; struggle; system; term; thinking; thinking struggle; thought; time; today; understanding; western; white; world cache: ar-22460.pdf plain text: ar-22460.txt item: #295 of 348 id: ar-22462 author: Marshall, Robert title: Automating Inequality. How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police and Punish the Poor date: 2018-02-05 words: 1906 flesch: 58 summary: The technologies of monitoring, regulating and policing not only includes digital tools; but, also includes new discourses, belief systems and frameworks. Pages: 1-260. Reviewed by Robert Marshall1 Virginia Eubanks’ book follows in the footsteps of earlier polemics documenting the policing of poverty in the United States.2 Unlike these previous studies, and building upon her own prior work (2012), Eubanks focuses on the role of information technologies as a tool for increased monitoring and surveillance of social assistance recipients in the United States. keywords: administrators; alternate; book; class; code; critical; data; democracy; digital; eubanks; impacts; inequality; journal; new; politics; poor; poorhouse; poverty; press; public; research; risk; routes; services; social; state; systems; tools; united; university; welfare; york cache: ar-22462.pdf plain text: ar-22462.txt item: #296 of 348 id: ar-22463 author: Mooers, Colin title: Building the Commune: Radical Democracy in Venezuela; Decolonizing Dialectics date: 2018-02-05 words: 2723 flesch: 44 summary: There are currents within both feminist and anti-racist Marxism today that specifically reject the idea that capitalism can be understood in terms of class relations at the point of production. Equally problematic is the idea that class agency requires a force or will originating outside these social positions. keywords: alternate; bolivarian; capitalism; chavez; ciccariello; class; colonial; colonialism; communal; communes; concept; critical; dialectics; dussel; economic; exploitation; fanon; forms; gender; government; idea; internal; journal; labour; land; maduro; maher; maizal; marxism; national; new; people; political; popular; pueblo; race; radical; relations; research; routes; social; state; twitter; venezuela; years cache: ar-22463.pdf plain text: ar-22463.txt item: #297 of 348 id: ar-22464 author: MacLellan, Duncan title: Unions and the City: Negotiating Urban Change date: 2019-01-18 words: 939 flesch: 49 summary: The ongoing ability of child care sector unions to reach across to community groups and apply their combined pressure will demonstrate how important these issue are to building a society that aims to benefit its citizens more broadly. This volume arrives at a time of complex Canadian and American trade issues, and this work reminds us that many unions are struggling to maintain what they have worked tirelessly to achieve for their members and to stop the erosion of these hard fought employee gains. keywords: book; care; case; chapters; child; city; critical; film; green; important; jobs; labour; new; social; toronto; unions; urban; york cache: ar-22464.pdf plain text: ar-22464.txt item: #298 of 348 id: ar-22465 author: Zaman, Habiba; Habib, Sanzida title: Migration of Bengalis to Canada: History, Settlement, Identity and Social Justice date: 2019-03-19 words: 56 flesch: 29 summary: Migration of Bengalis to Canada | 7 8 | Migration of Bengalis to Canada Migration of Bengalis to Canada | 9 10 | Migration of Bengalis to Canada Migration of Bengalis to Canada | 11 12 | Migration of Bengalis to Canada Migration of Bengalis to Canada | 13 14 | Migration of Bengalis to Canada keywords: migration cache: ar-22465.pdf plain text: ar-22465.txt item: #299 of 348 id: ar-22483 author: Fanelli, Carlo ; Luce, Stephanie title: Austerity Without End date: 2019-08-06 words: 2637 flesch: 53 summary: Whereas public sector union density has stayed relatively consistent from the mid-1980s to early-2000s, hovering around 72 percent, total Canadian private sector density fell from 26 percent to just over 18 percent. The result has been declining union density in most industrialized countries. keywords: austerity; bargaining; canada; class; collective; decline; democratic; density; eds; employers; employment; end; fanelli; future; ilo; jobs; labour; life; luce; members; neoliberalism; new; percent; political; politics; power; press; private; public; relations; rights; sector; social; states; time; union; unionization; unionized; united; wages; work; workers; working; workplace cache: ar-22483.pdf plain text: ar-22483.txt item: #300 of 348 id: ar-22485 author: Evans, Bryan ; Goguen, Marcel title: Policy Paradigms and the Structure of the State Apparatus: Embedding Neoliberalism date: 2019-08-06 words: 9017 flesch: 52 summary: In contrast, beginning in the 1970s, neoclassical ‘intersubjective understandings’ of inflationary crises were caused by the failure of state policies so that they could only plausibly be dealt with through fiscal and monetary austerity (Widmaier, 2007, 47-49; 2004; 2003). Ideas concerning public policy and management, as the basic building blocks of knowledge and expertise, no matter 14 | Austerity and the Precarization of Everyday Life how anodyne and antiseptic the packaging, are anything but technical and apolitical. keywords: 1997; 2014; actors; administration; alternative; analysis; apparatus; austerity; authority; berman; blyth; béland; canada; central; certain; changes; concept; crisis; decline; dominant; dynamics; economic; economists; economy; evans; everyday; evidence; expertise; government; hall; ideas; ideational; ideology; important; influence; institutional; intersubjective; interview; issue; knowledge; life; limited; locations; london; makers; making; management; manufacture; market; matter; neoliberal; neoliberal policy; neoliberalism; new; non; npm; outside; paradigms; perspective; policies; policy; policy paradigms; policy process; political; politics; power; precarization; press; problems; process; public; public policy; relationship; research; result; role; sector; service; shift; social; specific; state; state apparatus; structure; support; technical; toronto; understanding; university; use; welfare; widmaier; work; world cache: ar-22485.pdf plain text: ar-22485.txt item: #301 of 348 id: ar-22487 author: Joy, Meghan; Shields, John ; Cheng, Siu Mee title: Social Innovation Labs: A Neoliberal Austerity Driven Process or Democratic Intervention? date: 2019-08-06 words: 7739 flesch: 49 summary: This requires finding out, to use a Blairist turn of phrase, ‘what works’; to push for new ways of thinking about social problems, to use the market in creative ways to fund and find solutions, and to approach social policy solutions in a pragmatic apolitical fashion. While SILs theoretically open up interesting possibilities regarding participatory policymaking and the involvement of grassroots civil society, the question is whether SILs address issues of values and power that lie at the root of wicked social policy problems (Rittel & Webber, 1973). keywords: actors; address; administration; analysis; approaches; austerity; behavioural; bonds; canada; canadian; case; causes; change; citizens; communities; complex; critical; crucial; democratic; design; different; economy; eds; emphasis; empirical; evans; everyday; financial; funding; governance; government; ideas; impact; innovation; innovation labs; issues; journal; joy; justice; labs; life; market; neoliberalism; new; non; npm; peck; place; policy; policy problems; policymaking; political; politics; power; practice; precarization; press; private; problems; process; processes; profit; project; public; questions; rationalist; research; rittel; sector; service; shields; sibs; sils; social; social innovation; social policy; social problems; solutions; solve; solving; stakeholders; state; systems; time; toronto; university; value; way; webber; westley; wicked cache: ar-22487.pdf plain text: ar-22487.txt item: #302 of 348 id: ar-22488 author: Fifi, Gianmarco title: The Dimensions of Passive Revolution date: 2019-08-06 words: 8961 flesch: 41 summary: KEYWORDS: Gramsci; passive revolution; hegemony; critical political economy; critical theory Introduction One of the main theoretical references that critical scholars have relied upon in the last few decades in order to provide a non-deterministic 7 Gianmarco Fifi is a PhD candidate in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. According to Peter Thomas, passive revolution for Gramsci meant ‘a distinctive process of (political) modernization that lacked the meaningful participation of popular classes in undertaking and consolidating social transformation’ (Thomas, 2013, 23). keywords: antithesis; austerity; author; bloc; bureaucratic; callinicos; capitalist; centralism; class; classes; common; concept; contemporary; critical; crucial; current; demands; democratic; development; different; dimensions; dominance; dominant; dynamic; economy; emphasis; everyday; example; fact; forces; good; gramsci; groups; hegemonic; hegemony; historical; intellectuals; international; level; life; london; masses; means; morton; movements; necessary; need; new; notebooks; order; particular; passive revolution; passivity; people; point; political; politics; popular; position; potential; power; praxis; precarization; present; prison; process; production; project; relations; restructuring; revolutionary; risorgimento; roccu; role; sense; situation; social; society; state; strong; struggles; studies; subaltern; term; thomas; thought; time; translation; understanding; use cache: ar-22488.pdf plain text: ar-22488.txt item: #303 of 348 id: ar-22489 author: Perreault-Laird, Jordyn; Silver, Susan title: Precarity as the New Reality? Millennials’ Representation in the Changing Workplaces Review Policy Process date: 2019-08-06 words: 9742 flesch: 46 summary: The decision to use submissions to the CWR was founded upon the desire to understand the type and degree of representation millennials received in the consultation process and to explore the ways in which their concerns were discussed. Based on the nature of their representation in this policy process, we explore the degree to which millennials are a serious consideration of labour policy, and as such, if they are viewed as a group deserving of this attention. keywords: analysis; austerity; bill; canada; canadian; categories; category; challenges; changes; characteristics; cohort; community; concerns; consultation; cormier; cwr; degree; demographic; economic; economy; employees; employment; esa; everyday; experiences; final; final report; force; generation; government; group; hankivsky; health; impact; important; international; intersectionality; issues; jobs; kershaw; labour; labour market; law; laws; legislation; life; limited; making; market; millennials; minimum; minister; ministry; new; number; olra; ontario; participation; pay; people; phase; policy; policy process; poverty; precarious; precarity; precarization; presence; process; public; reality; recommendation; report; representation; research; review; short; social; standards; student; study; submissions; substantive; table; temporary; terms; time; total; type; unique; vosko; vulnerable; wage; way; women; workers; workforce; workplaces; years; young; youth cache: ar-22489.pdf plain text: ar-22489.txt item: #304 of 348 id: ar-22490 author: Koenig, Biko; Woodly, Deva title: Building Justice in the American Labor Movement date: 2019-08-06 words: 10538 flesch: 59 summary: You have LPNs [licensed practical nurses] who are higher wage workers in the nursing home who will get small raises, who'll say, ‘I can't do my job next when I've got people next to me who are working double shifts, or two jobs.’ We should note that many union workers are not necessarily interested in questions of labor justice as we discuss them: “I think some of our best nurses, our activist nurses, get it keywords: 2016; able; action; american; arguments; austerity; benefits; better; building; campaigns; center; century; change; claims; common; community; conditions; contract; cornell; discourse; distributive; economic; economy; employers; everyday; ff15; fight; focus; food; frame; framework; groups; healthcare; higher; hour; immigrant; important; institutional; international; interview; issues; ithaca; job; justice; labor; labor justice; labor movement; language; laundry; leadership; life; like; lives; living; local; low; lwc; mahoma; making; material; members; membership; milkman; minimum; movement; n.d; need; new; nurses; organizations; organizers; organizing; people; policy; political; politics; poverty; power; practices; precarization; press; public; research; restaurant; rights; roc; seiu; sense; social; society; state; status; support; tactics; terms; time; training; union; united; university; vision; voss; wage; way; workers; working; workplace; york cache: ar-22490.pdf plain text: ar-22490.txt item: #305 of 348 id: ar-22492 author: Routes, Alternate title: Complete Issue - Austerity and the Precarization of Everyday Life date: 2019-08-06 words: 49310 flesch: 50 summary: Aside from the socio-economic advantages to being unionized – higher wages, pensions and benefits, job security, training, transparency and due process – organized labour has a long history of shaping social policy in the interests of working class communities and strengthening the social wage – public services or benefits that people receive in supplement of their wages earned from work and Austerity Without End | 7 paid for by redistributing wealth through the tax system (Himelfarb and Himelfarb 2013). Ideas and social policy: An institutionalist perspective. keywords: 1998; 2004; 2010; 2014; 2016; 2019; ability; able; account; action; actors; address; administration; advisors; advocacy; agency; agenda; alternative; american; analysis; antithesis; apparatus; approach; arguments; attention; austerity; author; authority; balance; bargaining; benefits; best; better; bloc; broader; building; bureaucracy; bureaucratic; business; callinicos; calls; campaigns; canada; canadian; capitalist; case; categories; category; causes; center; central; centralism; centre; certain; challenges; change; characteristics; citizens; city; claims; class; classes; clear; collective; common; communities; community; complex; concept; concerns; conditions; consultation; contemporary; context; contract; control; core; crisis; critical; crucial; current; cwr; decision; decline; degree; demands; democratic; demographic; density; design; development; different; dimensions; direction; discourse; diverse; dominant; dynamics; economic; economic policy; economists; economy; eds; emphasis; empirical; employers; employment; end; esa; evans; everyday; everyday life; evidence; example; experiences; expertise; fact; fanelli; ff15; fight; final; financial; focus; food; force; forms; framework; free; future; general; generation; global; good; governance; government; government policy; gramsci; great; group; hankivsky; healthcare; hegemonic; hegemony; high; higher; historical; hours; ideas; ideational; ideology; ilo; immigrant; impact; important; industry; influence; innovation; institutional; interests; international; intersectionality; interview; introduction; issues; ithaca; jobs; journal; joy; justice; key; knowledge; labor; labor justice; labor movement; labour policy; labs; lack; language; law; laws; leadership; legislation; level; life; like; likely; limited; limits; lives; living; local; locations; london; long; low; luce; lwc; main; makers; making; management; market; masses; material; matter; means; mechanisms; members; mere; milkman; millennials; minimum; minister; morton; movement; n.d; nature; necessary; need; neoliberal; neoliberal policy; neoliberalism; new; new public; non; notebooks; notion; npm; number; office; ontario; opportunities; opportunity; order; organizations; organizing; outside; oxford; paper; participation; particular; passive; passive revolution; passivity; pay; people; percent; perspectives; phase; philosophy; point; policies; policy; policy analysis; policy making; policy paradigms; policy process; policy work; policymakers; policymaking; political; politics; popular; position; possible; potential; poverty; power; practice; precarious; precarity; precarization; presence; press; previous; prison; private; problems; processes; production; profit; progressive; project; public; public policy; public sector; quality; question; reality; recent; recommendation; relations; relationship; report; representation; research; respect; restructuring; result; review; revolution; revolutionary; rights; rise; roccu; role; routes; sciences; second; sector; seiu; self; sense; service; set; shields; shift; short; sibs; significant; sils; similar; situation; small; social; social innovation; social policy; social problems; society; solutions; solving; specific; stability; staff; standards; state; state apparatus; status; strategy; strong; structure; struggles; student; studies; study; subaltern; submissions; substantive; support; system; technical; temporary; terms; theory; think; thomas; thought; time; today; toronto; total; trade; translation; treatment; type; understanding; union; unionization; unionized; unique; united; university; use; useful; value; vulnerable; wage; way; ways; welfare; wider; widmaier; women; workers; working; workplaces; works; world; years; york; young; youth cache: ar-22492.pdf plain text: ar-22492.txt item: #306 of 348 id: ar-22497 author: McGibbon, Jennifer title: Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers’ Rights date: 2019-09-09 words: 1228 flesch: 46 summary: This will not be a revelation to anyone already interested in sex workers rights, but it is an important intervention into the literatures which treat sex workers as criminals, disease vectors or psychologically damaged individuals. As out sex workers, Mac and Smith have credence that stems not from their personal work experiences (this is little more than a footnote in the text) but from years of organizing and advocating on behalf of sex workers rights. keywords: alternate; analysis; authors; book; chapter; critical; industry; journal; legal; mac; movement; prostitutes; research; rights; routes; sex; smith; social; theoretical; workers cache: ar-22497.pdf plain text: ar-22497.txt item: #307 of 348 id: ar-22498 author: Hudson, Carol-Anne title: The New Poverty date: 2019-09-11 words: 1149 flesch: 51 summary: From this more intimate perspective we are reminded that, wherever we live in the Global North, policymaking that decouples economic growth from social welfare puts us all at risk of falling into poverty. This book seeks to set the record straight on the re-emergence of poverty in the UK and to alert readers to how the media reports and interprets social policy and facilitates a conservative ideological orientation. keywords: alternate; armstrong; book; british; critical; economic; families; journal; media; new; policy; poor; poverty; research; routes; social; state; stephen; war; welfare; work cache: ar-22498.pdf plain text: ar-22498.txt item: #308 of 348 id: ar-22499 author: Lamoureux, Samuel title: Understanding the Business of Global Media in the Digital Age date: 2019-09-23 words: 1212 flesch: 51 summary: The authors offer an interesting comparison 1 Ph.D. student in media studies, Faculté de communication, Université du Québec à Montréal. The following chapters deal with the six lenses to rethink the business of global media. keywords: age; authors; book; business; communication; critical; digital; economy; global; labor; lens; media; new; political; production; research; social; studies; study cache: ar-22499.pdf plain text: ar-22499.txt item: #309 of 348 id: ar-22500 author: Weber, Barret title: For a Left Populism date: 2020-01-06 words: 1355 flesch: 49 summary: Pages: 1-98. Reviewed by Barret Weber1 For decades, political theorist Chantal Mouffe led efforts to outline a theory of politics capable of coming to terms with on-the-ground struggles generally referred to as New Social Movements. According to Mouffe and Laclau, a deepened and radicalized concept of hegemony was needed to bring about a new “ontology of the social,” which the authors thought was needed to escape problems they diagnosed in the canons of Marxism that reified social class as the a priori category of social and political analysis, as well as the regrettable conversion of social democracy to neoliberalism under “the third way” and New Labour. keywords: alternate; class; critical; democracy; democratic; hegemony; journal; laclau; left; mouffe; new; political; politics; populist; project; routes; social; strategy; struggles; work cache: ar-22500.pdf plain text: ar-22500.txt item: #310 of 348 id: ar-22501 author: Rothera, Evan C. title: New Directions in the Study of African American Recolonization date: 2020-01-20 words: 1284 flesch: 43 summary: Pages 1 – 356. Reviewed by Evan C. Rothera1 Too often, for a number of reasons, scholars rush through colonization when they teach U.S. history. Beverly C. Tomek, currently associate chair of humanities at the University of Houston-Victoria and Matthew J. Hetrick, who teaches history at the Bryn Mawr School, have assembled an excellent volume that challenges much of what scholars think they know about colonization. keywords: acs; african; alternate; american; black; christian; colonization; colonizationists; critical; hetrick; history; journal; liberia; missionary; movement; research; routes; scholars; social; states; tomek; u.s; united; war cache: ar-22501.pdf plain text: ar-22501.txt item: #311 of 348 id: ar-22504 author: Beardsworth, Adam title: Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump. date: 2020-02-23 words: 1299 flesch: 51 summary: In a letter addressed “To the children of Satan” and mailed to more than twenty US mosques in the wake of Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory, an alt-right group calling itself Americans for a Better Way declared “[t]here’s a new sheriff in town—President Donald Trump. Alternate ROutes: A Journal of Critical Social Research ‖ Twitter @ARjcsr 1 ALTERNATE ROUTES: A JOURNAL OF CRITICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH BOOK REVIEW Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump, by David Neiwert. keywords: alt; alternate; america; book; conservative; critical; decades; detail; election; fringe; journal; media; movements; nation; neiwert; party; political; research; right; routes; social; tea; trump cache: ar-22504.pdf plain text: ar-22504.txt item: #312 of 348 id: ar-22505 author: Bartkiw, Tim title: Labour Under Attack: Anti-Unionism in Canada date: 2020-02-23 words: 803 flesch: 40 summary: On the other hand, as a second theme, the book emphasizes in various parts the importance of improved understanding of what may be called negative union experience or “feedback” effects. Not surprisingly, the importance of union democracy in relation to this issue of agency is repeatedly stressed. keywords: anti; book; case; chapters; decline; focus; interesting; labour; negative; overall; research; social; theoretical; union; unionism; useful cache: ar-22505.pdf plain text: ar-22505.txt item: #313 of 348 id: ar-22506 author: Fanelli, Carlo ; Whiteside, Heather title: COVID-19, Capitalism and Contagion date: 2020-07-16 words: 8155 flesch: 48 summary: In 2019, Statistics Canada (2019) came to similar conclusions, estimating that average Canadians received over $6,000 in public services, $4,000 in education, and close to $9,000 in direct COVID-19, Capitalism and Contagion | 11 cash transfers (e.g., unemployment insurance, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement), including another $2,500 in other public services like housing, recreation, culture and environmental protection. The OECD ranks Canada 25th out of 37, behind even the US, when it comes to public spending on social services as a share of GDP, a trend connected to the decades-long assault on public services as avenues of profit accumulation through privatization, public-private-partnerships and other forms of marketization (Evans and Fanelli, 2018; Whiteside, 2015). keywords: accumulation; american; anti; april; austerity; average; basic; benefits; canada; canadian; capacity; capitalism; change; class; climate; companies; contagion; coronavirus; corporate; corporations; countries; covid-19; crisis; cuts; debt; decades; democracy; democratic; direct; domestic; economic; economy; emergency; end; europe; evans; fanelli; federal; financial; fiscal; foreign; future; gains; global; government; great; growth; half; high; history; housing; imf; income; increase; international; investment; jobs; labour; large; left; liberal; like; limits; london; long; low; making; market; marx; movements; national; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; news; pandemic; past; pay; people; percent; policies; policy; political; politics; populism; post; power; press; production; profit; protest; public; public services; radical; recent; recession; response; right; schmidt; sector; services; social; state; support; tax; taxes; times; today; toronto; trade; turning; unemployment; university; value; virus; volume; wages; wealth; welfare; whiteside; workers; working; world; worth; years; york cache: ar-22506.pdf plain text: ar-22506.txt item: #314 of 348 id: ar-22507 author: McMichael, Phillip title: The Globalization Project in Crisis date: 2020-07-16 words: 8126 flesch: 44 summary: Here, Chinese state capitalism puts the global market system to good use, complementing its state developmentalist model with trade, investment and training partners (Scoones, 2019). On the other hand, political elites (already beholden to financial elites) use the threat of immigration, via racist appeals, to distract from root causes in global market volatility. keywords: affairs; africa; alternative; american; anti; austerity; beijing; belt; brazil; brexit; bri; capitalism; century; change; chicago; china; chinese; civil; colonial; corporate; countries; crisis; cultures; deal; debt; december; development; dirlik; ecological; economic; economies; economy; elites; end; environmental; ethnic; european; extractivism; farming; fascism; financial; food; force; foreign; form; game; global; globalization; globalization project; guardian; hegemonic; historical; history; human; ibid; immigrant; imperial; india; infrastructure; initiative; internal; international; investment; labor; land; london; longer; market; mcmichael; migration; minorities; model; moment; movements; multipolarity; nationalism; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; northern; order; origins; patel; perspective; polanyi; policies; political; politics; populations; populism; power; press; private; production; project; protest; public; regime; relations; rights; rise; road; rule; rural; smith; social; society; south; southern; state; strategy; subject; support; surveillance; system; times; trade; transnational; trump; university; use; war; western; white; widespread; wing; world; wto; york cache: ar-22507.pdf plain text: ar-22507.txt item: #315 of 348 id: ar-22508 author: Galbo, Joe title: Making Sense of Italian Populism: The Five Star Movement and the Lega date: 2020-07-16 words: 6314 flesch: 58 summary: Populism as political communication style: An empirical study of political party discourse in Belgium. While the European right looks to a “strong” leader, M5S is suspicious of the term “political leader.” keywords: anti; beppe; beppe grillo; berlusconi; blog; calise; casaleggio; castes; coalition; crisis; democracy; democratic; different; digital; election; elites; establishment; european; fascism; form; forza; giuffrida; globalization; government; grillo; guardian; internet; italian; italian populism; italy; kaltwasser; lanzone; leader; leadership; left; lega; like; local; london; m5s; matteo; media; migrants; movement; mudde; national; nationalism; new; order; parties; party; people; percent; personal; platform; political; politicians; politics; popular; populism; power; press; protest; refugee; renzi; representation; review; rhetoric; right; rise; salvini; sense; social; star; state; strategies; style; support; traditional; university; voters; wing; woods; year cache: ar-22508.pdf plain text: ar-22508.txt item: #316 of 348 id: ar-22509 author: Jones, Bryn title: EU Neoliberalism at Bay: Social Democratic Renewal or Populist Economic Nationalism? date: 2020-07-16 words: 9796 flesch: 48 summary: Right-wing politicians promoted a toxic xenophobic backlash from this mass immigration by linking it to EU policies. EU fiscal policy is rigid, exchange rate flexibility between member states is impossible and monetary policy is centralized. keywords: alternative; anti; austerity; authoritarian; autonomy; banks; bay; break; brexit; brexit party; british; business; casaleggio; centre; changes; clegg; coalition; conservative; controls; conventional; corporate; corrupt; countries; crisis; debt; democracy; democratic; deputies; different; direct; early; eclectic; economic; economy; elections; electoral; elites; emu; european; farage; figures; finance; financial; fiscal; forces; forms; freedom; general; globalisation; globalism; governance; government; grillo; groups; guardian; immigration; income; independence; influence; institutions; internal; international; italian; italy; jeremy; johnson; key; labour; labour party; leadership; left; lega; like; local; loucaides; m5s; main; major; making; manifesto; market; mass; measures; media; member; membership; migrants; minister; model; monetary; movement; mps; national; nationalism; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; news; nigel; nord; northern; online; opposition; ownership; parliamentary; parties; party; people; policies; policy; political; politicians; politics; popular; populism; populists; post; potential; power; press; protest; public; referendum; reforms; regional; regulation; representative; right; rise; rousseau; rules; salvini; second; september; services; similar; single; social; sovereignty; spending; states; stelle; support; supporters; system; tax; times; trade; ukip; union; voters; wing; workers; world; years cache: ar-22509.pdf plain text: ar-22509.txt item: #317 of 348 id: ar-22510 author: Martell, Luke title: The Democratic Economy: Beyond Globalisation and Neoliberalism date: 2020-07-16 words: 8513 flesch: 51 summary: This need not replace local ownership, as pluralism is desirable for various reasons, and in many cases greater local accountability and participation is positive. Corbyn’s Labour combined both, and proposals for social ownership discussed in this chapter see ownership of production and equality of distribution as linked. keywords: alternative; anchor; appeal; approach; areas; argue; beckett; berry; brown; building; capital; capitalism; change; city; cles; common; community; competition; corbyn; corbynism; council; democracy; democratic; democratic economy; economic; economy; equality; forms; government; greater; groups; guinan; hanna; howard; institutions; international; issue; labour; labour party; lawrence; left; local; london; market; movements; national; new; opposition; ops; ownership; o’neill; participation; party; people; place; policies; policy; political; politics; populism; power; preston; private; procurement; proposals; protest; public; public ownership; renewal; right; services; social; social ownership; socialist; society; state; structures; support; system; systemic; way; wealth; wishart cache: ar-22510.pdf plain text: ar-22510.txt item: #318 of 348 id: ar-22511 author: della Porta, Donnatella title: Spreading Protests: Changing Paths of Transnationalization of Social Movements date: 2020-07-16 words: 6987 flesch: 40 summary: Social movement studies explained the emerging transnational social movement organisations, global protests, and cosmopolitan framing as triggered by economic, social, political, and cultural globalisation. In sum, the Global Justice Movement influenced the anti-austerity protests through the development of collective memory (Daphi and Zamponi 2014; della Porta et al 2018) and, filtered from the latter, also impacted on the most recent wave of global protests against social and political inequalities. keywords: action; activists; anti; austerity; austerity protests; cambridge; campaigns; capitalism; citizens; collective; contentious; cosmopolitan; countries; crisis; cross; d. della; della porta; democracy; development; different; diffusion; dimension; economic; ecpr; eds; european; financial; forms; global; global justice; globalization; greece; hot; ideas; important; inequalities; information; institutions; international; justice; justice movement; level; local; massive; mattoni; media; mobilisations; movement; networks; new; organizations; participatory; political; politics; populism; porta; power; practices; press; processes; protests; public; social; social movement; solidarity; space; specific; spreading; studies; tarrow; time; transnational; transnationalization; union; university; waves; world cache: ar-22511.pdf plain text: ar-22511.txt item: #319 of 348 id: ar-22512 author: Careless, Jon title: Exploring the Trajectory of Housing Assistance Policies in Canada date: 2020-07-16 words: 9193 flesch: 51 summary: The evidence presented will thus reveal how the Canadian state undertook this transition towards housing policies marked by neoliberalism and financialization, as well as explain why the state in Canada was so susceptible to the influence of neoliberal ideas predicated on removing barriers to capital accumulation (i.e. privatizing public assets, removal of bureaucratic rules and oversight that impede the business class). Importantly, the evidence provided does not suggest housing policy was necessarily more effective during the welfare state-era at tackling the housing access and affordability problems experienced by the working class and by income poor families overall. keywords: 1970s; access; accumulation; affordability; andersen; annual; assistance; canada; canada mortgage; canadian; canadian housing; canadian state; capital; century; changes; class; cmhc; cohesion; control; corporation; crisis; demand; economic; economy; efforts; esping; example; fallis; federal; financialization; form; government; growth; haps; help; homeownership; house; housing; housing assistance; housing market; housing policy; hulchanski; income; interest; investors; journal; keynesianism; limited; market; mbs; mortgage; national; neoliberalism; new; nha; non; ottawa; parliament; people; percent; policies; policy; political; populism; post; power; press; private; problems; profit; program; protest; provinces; provincial; provision; public; rates; rent; rental; report; research; role; sector; securities; shelter; social; social housing; state; studies; subsidized; support; suttor; time; toronto; trajectory; twentieth; university; urban; walks; welfare; welfare state; working; wwii cache: ar-22512.pdf plain text: ar-22512.txt item: #320 of 348 id: ar-22513 author: Goutor, David title: Uneven Engagement: Unions and the Living Wage in Ontario date: 2020-07-16 words: 10084 flesch: 56 summary: While scholars have provided valuable insight into how different organizations – including unions – have united behind living wage campaigns, there have been few detailed studies of just what labour leaders think about the living wage, especially in Canada. It reveals strong support for living wage campaigns and a belief that they should be a high priority for the labour movement. keywords: active; activism; answers; approach; bargaining; benefits; bill; business; campaigns; canada; community; council; discussion; economy; employers; engagement; evans; executives; fairness; fight; focus; gender; government; groups; hamilton; high; higher; impact; important; increase; interviews; issues; labour; larger; lead; leaders; level; little; living wage; local; low; majority; members; minimum; minimum wage; movement; municipal; need; new; ontario; ontario living; organizations; pay; people; political; populism; potential; poverty; power; priority; protest; public; questions; raise; rates; regulatory; respondents; responses; sense; social; start; support; uneven; unionists; unions; united; university; voluntary; wage; wage campaigns; workers; working cache: ar-22513.pdf plain text: ar-22513.txt item: #321 of 348 id: ar-22514 author: Afara, Nour title: Forever Idle: The Resilience of Colonial Ideas on Black Bodies date: 2020-07-16 words: 9015 flesch: 50 summary: I highlight the question of falling behind and/or failing forward by tracing the failings of social policy and its impacts on Black bodies by conducting a cross-historical analysis of seventeenth-century South Africa, specifically travel diaries from European incursions and twentieth-century United States, specifically works of social policy. Beyond the everyday racism that Black bodies are subjected to, I argue that these discourses were used by the state to continue to manage them, therefore perpetuating the colonial project. keywords: activity; africa; american; baartman; black; black bodies; bodies; body; boris; case; century; coetzee; colonial; colour; community; concept; contemporary; contexts; cultural; decadence; diaries; discourses; discursive; european; example; families; family; hard; historical; history; hottentots; ideas; identity; idleness; individual; initiative; jordan; language; lazy; leisure; life; like; mental; moment; moral; moynihan; negro; neocleous; particular; pejorative; people; physical; policy; political; populism; power; press; progress; protest; queen; race; racial; reading; report; resilience; result; saartjie; section; seventeenth; similar; slavery; social; society; south; space; spillers; state; subjects; time; travel; twentieth; united; university; venus; way; ways; welfare; welfare queen; white; women; work; world; writers cache: ar-22514.pdf plain text: ar-22514.txt item: #322 of 348 id: ar-22515 author: Noonan, Jeff title: Democracy in Troubled Times date: 2020-07-16 words: 5609 flesch: 54 summary: The paper examines liberal democracy as a contradictory social formation. The democratic side of liberal democracy is largely a result of these struggles. keywords: beings; capitalism; case; change; class; climate; common; conditions; control; countries; decisions; democracy; democratic; dependence; different; economy; enslaved; family; foa; forces; form; free; history; human; individuals; institutions; labour; law; liberal; liberal democracy; life; market; means; mounck; need; people; plant; political; popular; populism; power; private; problem; property; protest; public; rational; resources; rights; rule; scope; self; set; short; social; society; structure; struggles; system; term; times; troubled; women; workers; working cache: ar-22515.pdf plain text: ar-22515.txt item: #323 of 348 id: ar-22516 author: Ives, Peter title: Global English in the Wake of the Collapse of Globalism date: 2020-07-16 words: 4618 flesch: 48 summary: Drawing on recent empirical findings, this article argues that the advent of global English is fundamentally related to the massive presence of English as a mandatory subject in national public school-systems throughout the world. While Marxist historical materialist and other critical approaches provide thorough critiques of such mainstream approaches to ‘globalization,’ such analyses have been surprisingly silent on language politics, including global English (Ives, 2010; 2015).6 3 Language use is notoriously difficult to quantify, but by most estimates in the middle of the 20th century, about 250 million people used English on a daily basis, whereas by 2000, that number was over 1 billion and many estimate that now almost half the world’s population have significant command of English (see Crystal 2003, Graddol 2006). keywords: 20th; analysis; anderson; approaches; balibar; building; cambridge; capitalism; century; collapse; community; cosmopolitan; countries; crystal; cultural; dynamics; economic; education; english; global; global english; globalism; globalization; gramsci; imperialism; ives; key; language; linguistic; london; mandatory; modern; nation; national; nationalism; native; new; oxford; phillipson; policies; policy; political; politics; populism; power; press; project; protest; public; rise; role; school; sonntag; spread; state; subject; university; use; wake; world cache: ar-22516.pdf plain text: ar-22516.txt item: #324 of 348 id: ar-22517 author: Collombat, Thomas title: Introduction to Special Section: Interventions on Labour Transnationalism as Practice Reflections from Trade Union Activists and Staff date: 2020-07-16 words: 1461 flesch: 53 summary: Global Labour Studies. Global Labour Journal 8(3), 201-218. keywords: canada; canadian; challenges; efforts; global; globalization; imperialism; international; introduction; journal; labour; movements; nastovski; new; press; research; role; social; solidarity; south; studies; today; trade; union; university; war; waterman; workers; world cache: ar-22517.pdf plain text: ar-22517.txt item: #325 of 348 id: ar-22518 author: Gibb, Euan title: Global Framework Agreements: Building and Protecting Space for Local Collective Bargaining Through International Organization date: 2020-07-16 words: 5311 flesch: 49 summary: Nobody knows the priorities of local issues as intimately as local workers and their trade unions. As a result, workers’ organizations at the international level have increased efforts to develop independent strength and capacity of local trade unions to act. keywords: agreements; bargaining; basic; clauses; cls; collective; companies; company; competition; conduct; context; convention; corporate; countries; development; different; diversity; documents; effective; efforts; european; fichter; framework; framework agreements; gallin; gfas; global; global framework; globalization; gufs; icftu; ilo; implementation; important; independent; industrial; international; iuf; labour; language; level; local; management; neoliberal; north; oecd; online; organizations; organizing; populism; power; protest; relations; respect; rights; sector; social; south; specific; standards; strong; suppliers; support; tncs; trade; unions; workers; working; world cache: ar-22518.pdf plain text: ar-22518.txt item: #326 of 348 id: ar-22519 author: Cameron, Kelti; Casselman, Louisse; Hoogers, Evert title: Defending Public Services: Canadian and Colombian Workers on the Frontlines date: 2020-07-16 words: 5664 flesch: 39 summary: The potential role for Colombian public sector unions in rebuilding the labour movement should not be underestimated. Workers in Canada learned that Colombian public sector workers were deprived of their rights to collective bargaining and to strike and faced unjust dismissal and blacklisting. keywords: afro; agreement; alliance; bargaining; buenaventura; building; canada; canadian; canadian union; canadian workers; collective; colombia; colombian workers; communities; community; countries; country; cupe; cupw; delegation; dora; employees; experiences; forces; free; frontlines; frontlines initiative; general; global; government; human; important; indigenous; initiative; international; labour; leaders; leadership; lilia; members; movement; new; november; nupge; office; organized; plan; political; populism; postal; postal workers; power; president; privatization; protest; psac; public; public sector; public services; resistance; rights; sector; sector unions; sector workers; services; social; solidarity; state; stpc; struggle; support; trade; union; uribe; visit; water; workers; working; years cache: ar-22519.pdf plain text: ar-22519.txt item: #327 of 348 id: ar-22520 author: Marshall, Judith title: Global Networks Challenging the Power of the Mining Industry date: 2020-07-16 words: 7384 flesch: 49 summary: According to the report back from Valerio Vieira, then President of Metabase Inconfidentes, a founding member of AV, 12 of the 14 unions representing Vale mine workers were basically “company unions”, eager to praise the new president. USW had convened a global meeting in Sudbury of unions representing Vale workers soon after Vale’s take-over. keywords: affected; agreements; bargaining; boyce; brazil; canada; canadian; capture; challenge; chile; collective; communities; community; companies; company; compliance; conference; contributions; corporate; corporations; countries; development; different; direct; education; exchanges; forms; free; fund; global; globalization; government; harvey; health; humanity; inco; industry; initiatives; institutional; instruments; international; labour; land; leaders; local; long; marshall; meeting; members; mines; mining; mining industry; model; mozambique; multiple; need; neoliberalism; networks; new; nickel; operations; order; people; political; populism; power; president; projects; protest; public; regulatory; relationships; report; resources; rights; role; safety; sector; social; solidarity; state; steelworkers; step; study; sub; sudbury; support; tailings; teck; time; today; trade; transnational; union; usw; vale; visit; way; workers; working; workplace; world; years cache: ar-22520.pdf plain text: ar-22520.txt item: #328 of 348 id: ar-22523 author: Grant-Young, Josh title: The Robotic Imaginary: The Human & the Price of Dehumanized Labor date: 2020-11-28 words: 1296 flesch: 32 summary: “Caring”, the first chapter of The Robotic Imaginary, argues convincingly that A.I. and care labor – “a feminized and routinely undervalued form of labor” (31) – has always been (per Rhee) wrapped up in the history of A.I. Drawing on Joseph Weizenbaum’s Rogerian therapist A.I. named ELIZA, the character Helen in Richard Power’s novel Galatea 2.2, Samantha in the Spike Jonze film Her, and art installations featuring A.I., Rhee explores how Alan Turing’s foundational essay “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” sets the pace for care work to be a crucial part of A.I. labor (with care labour being an undervalued and unwaged one under capitalism). Rhee examines how in the 1990’s, a ‘turn’ towards emotions as a defining quality of the human experience (counter to the Enlightenment’s insistence on reason) arises in tandem with the development of machines who communicate with humans via emotional expression – termed ‘sociable robots’. keywords: a.i; alternate; art; care; critical; dehumanization; drone; history; human; imaginary; journal; labor; present; readers; research; rhee; robotic; robotic imaginary; robots; routes; social; work cache: ar-22523.pdf plain text: ar-22523.txt item: #329 of 348 id: ar-22524 author: Noonan, Jeff title: Marx, Capital, and the Madness of Economic Reason; The Ways of the World date: 2021-01-18 words: 3156 flesch: 47 summary: Gorz’s main point: capitalism reduces the world and human life to a one- dimensional economic reason which treats both as quantified inputs into a process that must expand or die. Human life is the product of billions of years of physical, chemical, and evolutionary processes. keywords: activity; alternate; capital; capitalism; change; cities; critical; dynamics; economic; economy; environment; essays; formation; geography; global; harvey; historical; human; journal; life; madness; marx; material; materialism; nature; new; political; problem; production; reason; research; routes; social; society; space; struggle; time; understanding; urban; value; ways; work; workers; world cache: ar-22524.pdf plain text: ar-22524.txt item: #330 of 348 id: ar-22525 author: Martin, Susan Marie title: Not Good Enough For Canada: Canadian Public Discourse around Issues of Inadmissability for Potential Immigrants with Diseases and/or Disabilities 1902-2002 date: 2021-08-06 words: 1317 flesch: 47 summary: Alternate ROutes: A Journal of Critical Social Research ‖ Twitter @ARjcsr 1 ALTERNATE ROUTES: A JOURNAL OF CRITICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH BOOK REVIEW Not Good Enough For Canada: Canadian Public Discourse around Issues of Inadmissability for Potential Immigrants with Diseases and/or Disabilities 1902-2002, by Valentina Capurri. Just ahead of the pandemic Valentina Capurri reviewed the political and public discourses underpinning these measures: spanning the period 1902 to 2002, she soundly unearths the breadth of Canada’s efforts to establish the economic value and ‘worthiness’ of potential immigrants using these criterion. keywords: admissibility; alternate; canada; canadian; capurri; critical; disabilities; economic; family; globe; good; immigrants; journal; measures; medical; public; research; routes; scotland; social; studies; time; toronto; university cache: ar-22525.pdf plain text: ar-22525.txt item: #331 of 348 id: ar-22526 author: Fanelli, Carlo ; Whiteside, Heather title: In the Fight of Our Lives : date: 2021-08-17 words: 114 flesch: -542 summary: In the Fight of Our Lives | 5 6 | Work for Change In the Fight of Our Lives | 7 8 | Work for Change In the Fight of Our Lives | 9 10 | Work for Change In the Fight of Our Lives | 11 12 | Work for Change In the Fight of Our Lives | 13,Federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mRNA%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20Mississauga%2C%20Ont,Federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mRNA%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20Mississauga%2C%20Ont,Federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mRNA%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20Mississauga%2C%20Ont,Federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mRNA%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20Mississauga%2C%20Ont,Federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mRNA%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20Mississauga%2C%20Ont keywords:,federal%20government%20invests%20%24200%20million%20to%20build%20an%20mrna%20vaccine,investment%20in%20a%20mississauga%2c%20ont; lives cache: ar-22526.pdf plain text: ar-22526.txt item: #332 of 348 id: ar-22534 author: Martin, Susan Marie title: Productivity and Prosperity: A Historical Sociology of Productivist Thought date: 2021-09-06 words: 1256 flesch: 45 summary: ‖ Twitter @ARjcsr 3 ALTERNATE ROUTES: A JOURNAL OF CRITICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH The rest of the chapter surveys the deepening of the link between productivity and prosperity with the goals of government policy to the point that, at least in government circles, there was no turning back. The chapter on the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, now Statistics Canada, is one example how gathering and disseminating data about economic activity can work at a subliminal level on a population; in Foster’s words, “the presumed link between productivity and prosperity permeates stories, theories, and conversations that do not, on surface, appear to have much to do with productivity at all” including those as disparate as shorter workdays and stand-up desks (89). keywords: alternate; canada; canadian; case; chapter; concept; critical; economic; economy; foster; government; historical; journal; productivity; prosperity; research; routes; social; studies; university; work cache: ar-22534.pdf plain text: ar-22534.txt item: #333 of 348 id: ar-22535 author: Boeckner, McKenna James title: Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire date: 2021-10-07 words: 1709 flesch: 42 summary: In his new book, Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire (2020), Halberstam tracks the rhetorical presence of those wild things from Sendak’s infamous children’s book as they manifest in contemporary and historical knowledge production and offer theoretical potential as anti-colonial and anti-heteronormative genealogical tools. In this vein, Wild Things represents Halberstam’s first book-length foray into what can be considered ecocriticism or queer ecologies. keywords: alternate; bewilderment; book; children; closet; colonial; contemporary; critical; desire; epistemology; ferox; halberstam; human; indigenous; journal; knowledge; like; nature; new; press; queer; research; routes; sedgwick; sendak; social; theory; things; thought; university; way; wild; work; years cache: ar-22535.pdf plain text: ar-22535.txt item: #334 of 348 id: ar-22536 author: Girard, David title: Queering Representation: LGBTQ People and Electoral Politics in Canada date: 2022-01-21 words: 1284 flesch: 48 summary: Pages: 1-358. Reviewed by David Girard1 The fight for equal rights for LGBTQ communities, while at times slow and exasperating, has evolved significantly over the past fifty years in Canada. The chapter on the Liberals focuses solely on the good things the party has done for LGBTQ communities without mention of any criticism. keywords: alternate; book; canada; chapters; community; critical; issues; journal; lgbtq; liberals; ndp; party; political; politics; queering; representation; robinson; routes; sexual; social; tremblay cache: ar-22536.pdf plain text: ar-22536.txt item: #335 of 348 id: ar-22537 author: Ramos, Andrew title: In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West date: 2022-02-17 words: 1316 flesch: 34 summary: The text raises the point that actually existing neoliberalism deforms its theoretical legacy, and revises Brown’s 2015 hit book by shifting from a macro-economic lens to a refined criticism of Hayekian neoliberalism. She argues that Hayekian neoliberalism destroys the social as a concept and reduces democratic political power, and that it replaces these two processes with a conflation of traditional morality and market freedoms. keywords: architecture; authoritarianism; book; brown; chapter; critical; democracy; equality; hayek; hayekian; neoliberalism; political; rise; routes; ruins; social; text; theoretical; theory cache: ar-22537.pdf plain text: ar-22537.txt item: #336 of 348 id: ar-22538 author: Germaine, Mary title: The Twittering Machine date: 2022-02-26 words: 1387 flesch: 57 summary: This image is Richard Seymour’s opening metaphor for social media, or as he calls it, the social industry: the extremely profitable trade Facebook, Google, and Twitter make with users, offering communication tools in exchange for their personal data. Seymour doesn’t address silent users directly but does put an answer in front of us through his account of how the Twittering Machine “manages time differently” (65), counting the minutes, hours, or weeks since content was posted, rather than the clock time at which it was published. keywords: addiction; alternate; book; critical; data; industry; internet; journal; machine; media; new; pew; reading; research; routes; seymour; social; time; twitter; twittering; users; web; writing cache: ar-22538.pdf plain text: ar-22538.txt item: #337 of 348 id: ar-22539 author: Marshall, Robert title: The Rowell-Sirois Commission and The Remaking of Canadian Federalism date: 2022-10-12 words: 2093 flesch: 41 summary: Skelton conveyed to the Prime Minister that “the disintegration of Canada is proceeding fast” (pg.5) did King grasp the seriousness of what was being demanded and the federal government succumbed to the pressure and appointed a Royal Commission on 14 August 1937 References: Inwood, Gregory J. Continentalizing Canada: The Politics and Legacy of the Macdonald Royal Commission. keywords: alternate; authors; book; british; canada; canadian; commission; constitutional; crisis; critical; economic; federal; federalism; ferguson; free; government; history; impact; inquiry; journal; king; mackenzie; powers; provincial; recommendations; research; robert; routes; rowell; royal; significant; sirois; social; state; time; university; wardhaugh cache: ar-22539.pdf plain text: ar-22539.txt item: #338 of 348 id: ar-22540 author: Tremblay, Naty ; Duran, Rosa; Reinders, Kathryn title: Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times date: 2022-10-12 words: 1335 flesch: 33 summary: While the book could have benefitted from a more nuanced, intersectional approach to unpacking neoliberal governmentality, Governing the Social provides a strong foundation in Foucault’s core ideas, concepts, and applications that may spur further critical analytical work and continue building the consciousness required to understand the consequences of power, privilege, and inspire everyday acts of resistance. Divided into three sections, Governing the Social features a wide array of case studies which illustrate how specific practices of neoliberal governmentality have shaped the West over the last four decades. keywords: alternate; book; change; chapters; critical; diverse; everyday; governing; governmentality; journal; neoliberal; neoliberalism; power; practical; practices; research; resistance; risk; routes; social; students; times; work cache: ar-22540.pdf plain text: ar-22540.txt item: #339 of 348 id: ar-22541 author: Evans, Bryan title: A Different Kind of State: Imagining Popular Power and Democratic Administration for the 21st Century date: 2023-02-22 words: 9124 flesch: 46 summary: A second Poulantzian concept, state administration, distinguishes between the traditional understanding of public administration where the machinery of the state is seen to be fragmented, politically neutral and technocratic but subject to the dominance of an elected and representative legislature with the observation that the state is instead subject to an expanding concentration of state power in the hands of the executive arm. Thus, not only does the executive become the site for the elaboration of state policy, but it is also becomes the principal actor in this process. keywords: actors; address; administration; agenda; albo; apparatus; barcelona; bec; bologna; capitalist; cases; central; centre; citizens; city; class; community; control; council; decision; deliberative; democracy; democratic; democratic administration; development; different; direct; economic; eds; elite; executive; experience; forces; form; glc; government; greater; groups; housing; ibid; initiatives; innovations; institutions; interests; key; kind; knowledge; labour; left; line; local; london; making; means; movements; municipal; needs; neighbourhood; new; non; open; order; organizations; panitch; participation; participatory; parties; party; pci; people; planning; policy; political; politics; popular; poulantzas; power; practice; press; problems; process; processes; program; public; public administration; quality; question; radical; red; representative; role; sense; services; shift; social; socialism; society; state; theory; time; trade; unions; university; urban; wainwright; wilson; workers; working cache: ar-22541.pdf plain text: ar-22541.txt item: #340 of 348 id: ar-22543 author: Livingstone, D.W. title: Professional Employees’ Transformative Potential: Labour Aristocracy or New Working Class date: 2023-02-22 words: 8845 flesch: 44 summary: More specifically, there should be positive associations between non-managerial employee classes and expressions of pro-labour oppositional class consciousness. Professional employees and other non-managerial workers who have accrued more net wealth are about as likely as workers with less net assets to express pro-labour oppositional class consciousness. keywords: advanced; aristocracy; assets; available; basic; canada; canadian; capital; capitalist; change; class; class consciousness; classes; conditions; consciousness; consistent; contradictory; control; corporate; countries; data; economy; empirical; employees; employer; employment; evidence; express; extent; findings; force; general; greater; groups; industrial; industrial workers; interests; jobs; knowledge; labour; labour consciousness; labour force; labour oppositional; large; levels; likely; livingstone; making; managerial; managerial workers; managers; middle; national; net; new; non; numbers; occupations; oppositional; oppositional class; oppositional consciousness; owners; percent; period; political; power; production; professional; professional employees; profits; progressive; recent; research; revolutionary; self; series; service; service workers; small; social; source; specialized; structure; studies; support; surveys; table; terms; thesis; time; total; upper; views; wealth; workers; working cache: ar-22543.pdf plain text: ar-22543.txt item: #341 of 348 id: ar-22544 author: Fanelli, Carlo ; Whiteside, Heather title: Pandemic Capitalism and Cities: Work and Inequality date: 2023-03-06 words: 9569 flesch: 41 summary: The ‘centre’, like social democratic politics more widely, is a politics devoid of adversaries, and increasingly a spent force neither able to provide a convincing intellectual explanation of what has been happening over the last forty years, nor connect with the various layers of the working class negatively affected by the consequences of neoliberal de- democratization. We also seek to identify opportunities for rebuilding worker power through a radical anti-capitalist politics attuned to cities in crisis. keywords: act; albo; anti; april; austerity; benefits; broader; canada; canadian; capacities; capitalist; care; change; cities; city; class; communities; context; coronavirus; corporations; covid-19; crisis; cuts; debt; decades; democracy; democratic; economic; economy; eds; effects; employers; employment; estimated; evans; fanelli; financial; fiscal; future; global; governments; growth; half; higher; history; housing; human; ilo; imf; income; increase; inequality; inflation; international; investments; jobs; journal; labour; left; life; living; local; london; long; low; market; marx; measures; monetary; national; need; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; news; non; oecd; organization; pandemic; peck; people; percent; policies; policy; political; politics; poverty; power; precarious; press; private; profits; property; protections; public; radical; rates; recovery; relations; research; responses; rights; scale; sector; services; social; socialist; space; spending; state; strategies; struggles; studies; support; tax; taxes; time; toronto; union; unionized; university; urban; urbanism; use; wage; wealth; welfare; whiteside; wider; words; work; workers; working; workplace; world cache: ar-22544.pdf plain text: ar-22544.txt item: #342 of 348 id: ar-22545 author: Ba', Stefano title: Precarity and Processes of Classification: Conflictual Concepts of Class, Labour-Power and Caring date: 2023-03-08 words: 7737 flesch: 54 summary: Conventional and Conflictual Concepts of Class A conflictual concept of social class is crucial to understanding the daily struggles of people in precarity, thus this article deploys alternative concepts around class (Adorno, 2019; Bonefeld, 2002; Dinnerstein & Neary, 2002; Radice, 2015; Tischler, 2009) so as to articulate them in the contemporary scenario of precarious employment. The sociological study of precarity, in the sense of casualisation of employment linked to general social insecurity, has been connected with issues of social class almost from the outset (Paugam, 2000; Castel, 2003; Toscano, 2007; Standing, 2011). keywords: aim; analysis; approach; article; barbara; benjamin; bonefeld; broader; capital; care; caring; case; children; class; classes; classification; concept; conditions; conflictual; conventional; counter; crisis; critical; daily; daughter; dinerstein; economic; employment; european; family; financial; following; general; giannini; group; holloway; insecure; insecurity; italian; italy; job; jobs; labour; life; lives; living; marcus; marika; market; material; means; middle; mothers; narratives; neary; normal; occupations; omar; participants; people; point; power; precarious; precarious employment; precarisation; precarity; press; processes; raffaella; relations; research; roberta; social; sociological; stories; struggles; support; theory; time; tischler; university; vosko; wage; work; workers; working; world cache: ar-22545.pdf plain text: ar-22545.txt item: #343 of 348 id: ar-22546 author: Venne, Rosemary A. ; Hannay, Maureen title: Behind the Work-Fertility Trade-off: Women, Work and Transitions date: 2023-03-08 words: 9493 flesch: 51 summary: The pandemic appears to be accelerating the shift towards lower fertility rates though it is uncertain if this is a temporary downturn. Policy implications of delayed reproduction and low fertility rates. keywords: activity; adulthood; aging; baby; balance; canada; canadian; career; caring; century; changes; childcare; children; complex; concerns; countries; course; covid-19; current; decades; demographic; early; earning; economic; economy; education; employment; families; family; female; fertility; flexible; force; gender; globe; higher; home; identity; impact; issue; job; jobs; labour; leave; levels; life; likely; longer; low; lower; mail; march; market; marriage; mitchell; model; mothers; moyser; nations; new; ontario; pandemic; parental; parents; participation; patterns; people; period; policies; policy; population; postwar; prolonged; quebec; rates; recent; report; retirement; roles; school; social; society; statistics; supply; supportive; terms; time; trade; transitions; trovato; united; unpaid; venne; women; work; workers; workforce; working; years; york; young cache: ar-22546.pdf plain text: ar-22546.txt item: #344 of 348 id: ar-22547 author: Colaguori, Claudio title: Neoliberalism and its Discontents: The Ideal of Liberation in the Context of Dialectical Tensions and Planetary Extremification date: 2023-03-13 words: 8097 flesch: 44 summary: The state of exception, a political condition initially explored by Schmitt (1996) is yet another manifestation of the transformation of classical liberal state into the neoliberal state. 87 “Neoliberalism is in the first instance of theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong private property rights, free markets, and free trade… It must also set up those military, defence, police, and legal structures and functions required to secure private property rights and to guarantee, by force if need be, the proper functioning of markets.” keywords: adorno; advanced; analysis; books; capitalism; case; century; children; civil; classical; competition; concept; conception; condition; consciousness; consumer; context; corporate; corruption; crisis; critical; cultural; culture; democracy; derrida; dialectical; domination; economic; emancipation; empire; enlightenment; evident; exchange; extremes; extremification; female; force; forms; freedom; friedman; global; harvey; history; horkheimer; human; ideal; images; individual; individualism; inherent; instrument; law; legal; liberal; liberalism; liberty; life; london; macpherson; manner; market; material; means; media; military; mill; milton; modern; movements; nations; nature; neoliberal; neoliberalism; new; new york; ongoing; order; original; oxford; patriarchal; people; philosophical; planetary; political; possessive; power; present; press; principle; private; problems; property; protection; public; rand; reality; relation; rights; rule; seigel; self; sexual; social; societies; society; sovereign; state; subjection; suffering; system; theory; thought; time; today; type; university; university press; violence; visual; war; wealth; women; world; york cache: ar-22547.pdf plain text: ar-22547.txt item: #345 of 348 id: ar-22548 author: Calvert, John title: Just Transition in the Construction Industry: A Union’s Campaign to Create Jobs by Promoting Climate Change Upgrades in Buildings date: 2023-03-27 words: 8411 flesch: 51 summary: Recent literature on the effectiveness of energy conservation buildings has highlighted the ‘performance gap’ in new and refurbished net zero buildings. As part of their climate policies, school districts have been exploring energy saving programs such as roof and wall insulation, better windows, LEDs, low flow toilets and more efficient boilers. keywords: 131; administrators; air; allison; ashrae; audit; audit program; auditing; benefits; better; building; calvert; campaign; canada; canadian; change; climate; commercial; commission; components; construction; contractors; cost; design; districts; ductwork; emissions; energy; energy audit; facility; free; ghg; government; guide; high; hvac; impact; industrial; industry; initiative; inspection; institute; insulation; insulators; investment; jobs; john; king; lanarc; local; low; major; managers; mechanical; members; mi energy; national; net; new; owners; performance; pipes; potential; program; provincial; qualified; quality; red; report; research; roi; savings; school; seal; sector; sherrard; software; specifications; standards; systems; table; technology; thermal; trade; training; union; unionized; university; upgrades; upgrading; use; vol; work; workers cache: ar-22548.pdf plain text: ar-22548.txt item: #346 of 348 id: ar-22549 author: Durou, Guillaume ; Maroto, Michelle ; Brown, Delphine title: Unpacking the Alberta Advantage through an Intersectional Lens: Social Class, Gender and Minority Groups in Alberta date: 2023-04-04 words: 9281 flesch: 47 summary: Our research seeks to understand the extent of that so-called advantage by examining the intersection of social class, gender, race, marital status and immigrant status for two distinct periods – before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using those two datasets, we shed a light on the dynamics of inequality and rethink social class in the West. keywords: advantage; alberta; alberta advantage; american; analysis; approach; better; black; canada; canadian; categorical; categories; census; certain; citizen; class; class identity; common; context; data; differences; different; discrimination; economic; effects; ethnicity; experience; family; framework; gap; gender; groups; health; higher; identification; identity; immigrant; immigrant status; income; indigeneity; indigenous; individuals; inequalities; inequality; interaction; international; intersectionality; intersections; journal; law; likely; low; lower; man; marital; marital status; marriage; married; measures; methods; middle; middle class; migration; model; new; non; oil; pandemic; people; policy; political; politics; population; position; poverty; press; province; quantitative; race; relationship; research; respondents; review; self; single; social; social class; social status; society; sociology; statistics; status; studies; study; subjective; survey; terms; theory; times; unemployment; university; upper; viewpoint; white; women; working cache: ar-22549.pdf plain text: ar-22549.txt item: #347 of 348 id: ar-22550 author: Lippman, Anna title: Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present date: 2023-07-27 words: 1119 flesch: 54 summary: “Though anti-Blackness permeated all aspects of Canadian society, Policing Black Lives focuses primarily on state or state-sanctioned violence (though at times this is complemented with an enlarged scope in instances where anti-Black state practices were buttressed by popular hostility, the media or civil society). Chapters five and six go further beyond conventional notions of criminalization through discussing anti-Black policies and practices in both social services and border ‘security’. keywords: anti; black; bodies; canada; canadian; chapters; focus; lives; maynard; people; practices; research; slavery; social; state; system; violence; ways cache: ar-22550.pdf plain text: ar-22550.txt item: #348 of 348 id: ar-22554 author: Potter, Garry title: Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program date: 2023-08-11 words: 1264 flesch: 60 summary: Marx first distinguishes use value and exchange value. Exchange value, is, of course, totally different. keywords: capitalism; communism; exchange; hudis; labour; marx; necessary; production; review; social; socialism; time; translation; use; value; work cache: ar-22554.pdf plain text: ar-22554.txt