item: #1 of 125 id: ak-100 author: Retar, Iztok title: A NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF SLOVENIAN SPORTS TOURISM? date: 2015-12-15 words: 1475 flesch: 30 summary: The event was rated as a successful activity in the further development of sports tourism and the Second International Scientific Conference is planned in 2017. Therefore, the implementation of kinesiology scientific knowledge in sustainable sports tourism is of vital importance. keywords: activity; centre; conference; development; education; enforcement; faculty; goback; infrastructure; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; knowledge; kot; new; ocene; poročila; pri; primorska; public; razvoj; reports; research; reviews; science; scientific; services; slovenia; slovenije; sports; sports tourism; stevens; storitev; sustainable; ter; tourism; tudi; turistica; turizma; university; zavzemajo; športnega; športnih; športnoturistične cache: ak-100.pdf plain text: ak-100.txt item: #2 of 125 id: ak-101 author: Pišot, Saša title: THE 22nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMETRICS, BIOSTAT 2015 date: 2015-12-03 words: 812 flesch: 43 summary: šoli biometrije, ki jo je tokrat izvedla priznana profesorica Lynne Billard iz Univerze v Georigiji iz ZDA. Viswanathan Ramakrishnan (Medicinska univerza v južni Karolini, ZDA), ki je v predstavitvi keywords: analysis; biometrics; biostat; clinical; data; design; dubrovnik; goback; life; methods; multivariate; pišot; prof; saša; sciences; simpozij; statistical; symposium; tudi; university cache: ak-101.pdf plain text: ak-101.txt item: #3 of 125 id: ak-102 author: Dimec Časar, Tjaša; Tušak, Matej; Dolenc, Petra title: CHANGES IN MENTAL HEALTH AND SATISFACTION WITH LIFE DURING PHYSICAL INACTIVITY INDUCED BY BED REST EXPERIMENT date: 2016-01-12 words: 5705 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: prolonged physical inactivity, bed rest studies, mental health. Bed rest studies could further be enriched by examining the effects of various psychological interventions, such as relaxation and visualisation techniques on participants’ mental status. keywords: 27–38; annales; anxiety; bed; bed rest; body; changes; complete; day; days; decrease; depressive; differences; dimec; dolenc; effects; exercise; experiment; general; head; health; high; inactivity; increase; individuals; ishizaki; item; journal; kinesiologiae; level; life; matej; medical; mental; mental health; mood; neaktivnosti; participants; period; petra; physical; physical inactivity; problems; prolonged; psychological; questionnaire; research; rest; results; satisfaction; scale; scores; significant; simulated; size; slovenia; space; state; stress; studies; study; symptoms; time; tjaša; tušak; view; view item; časar cache: ak-102.pdf plain text: ak-102.txt item: #4 of 125 id: ak-103 author: Marušič, Uroš title: 20th ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE date: 2015-12-15 words: 536 flesch: 59 summary: Letošnjega ECSS-kongresa se je udeležilo 2394 udeležencev iz 70 držav, oddanih pa je bilo 1587 povzetkov. Odvile so se 4 plenarne sekcije, 3 ustne predstavitve in 64 predstavitev v obliki posterja, prisostvovalo pa je tudi 38 povabljenih govornikov. keywords: college; congress; ecss; european; goback; kongres; malmö; oral; research; science; sport; university; univerze cache: ak-103.pdf plain text: ak-103.txt item: #5 of 125 id: ak-104 author: Marušič, Uros title: SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ACTIVE HEALTHY AGING (AHA 2015) date: 2015-12-15 words: 783 flesch: 41 summary: dr. Sandra Pais (Center za raziskave in razvoj v zdravstvu, Univerza Al- garve, Portugalska), • prof. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage (Center Jacobs za vseživljenjsko učenje in institucionalni razvoj, Univerza Jacobs, Bremen, Nemčija). keywords: active; aging; aha; center; cognitive; conference; germany; goback; healthy; magdeburg; nemčija; ph.d; physical; pišot; prof; rado; raziskave; research; scientific; staranja; university; univerza; zdravo; znanstvena cache: ak-104.pdf plain text: ak-104.txt item: #6 of 125 id: ak-105 author: Zubac, Damir title: CONTEMPORARY KINESIOLOGY: 5TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE date: 2015-12-28 words: 538 flesch: 42 summary: The whole scientific agenda, including pleasant social interaction, took place in the Split University Library, which permitted the participants to network, exchange experiences and ideas with the possibility of further development of possibilities for cooperation. Šimunič pa je predstavil nova znanja in izsledke TMG- -študij keywords: conference; contemporary; education; faculty; health; international; issues; kinesiology; physical; physical education; pišot; scientific; split; sport; university; šimunič cache: ak-105.pdf plain text: ak-105.txt item: #7 of 125 id: ak-106 author: Dimec Časar, Tjaša title: SUMMER SCHOOL »A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO WORKPLACE HEALTH-PROMOTION AND CORPORATE WELLNESS” date: 2015-12-15 words: 522 flesch: 53 summary: Predavatelji so bili iz vseh štirih sodelujočih univerz: dr. Hans Peter Brandl-Bredenbeck (Univerza v Augsburgu), dr. Uwe Pühse (Univerza v Baslu), dr. Carlo Reggiani, dr. Boštjan Ši- munič, dr. Dorjana Zerbo Šporin in dr. Shawnda Morrison (Univerza na Primorskem). keywords: approach; goback; holistic; mundus; padua; ph.d; poletne; school; september; summer; university; univerza; wellness; šole cache: ak-106.pdf plain text: ak-106.txt item: #8 of 125 id: ak-107 author: Šimunič, Bostjan; Volmut, Tadeja; Pišot, Saša; Plevnik, Matej; Čeklić, Urška; Pegan, Nika; Dolenc, Petra; Retar, Iztok; Koren, Katja title: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACHIEVING MEDIUM- AND HIGH-INTENSITY PHYSICAL / SPORT ACTIVITY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH AND LEARNING OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS date: 2016-01-13 words: 4404 flesch: 40 summary: A survey conducted in the United States reports that students are mostly physically inactive during the lesson of physical education, since they reach high physical activity for only 13 per cent of the time. Consequently, policy makers and moderators of strategies in the field of movement, health and sport should strive to develop the appropriate curriculum and strategies for increasing the volume, intensity and quality of P / SA during physical education. keywords: 1–12; achievement; active; activities; activity; adolescents; aktivnosti; annales; annales kinesiologiae; brief; cent; children; christenson; class; exercise; fact; fact sheets; field; fitness; general; gibalne; gibanja; goback; health; high;;;; huppert; increase; intensity; intensity physical; intenzivnosti; keeley; kinesiologiae; koper; kot; leslie; lesson; matters; med; mediumand; mediumand high; minutes; movement; naj; npr; number; obdobje; objective; otroci; otrok; partnership; people; physical; physical activity; physical education; pišot; policy; prevention; pri; pridobljeno; public; rate; research; school; sheets; sport; sport activity; srednjein; srednji; students; tako; teachers; thompson; time; tudi; uro; učencev; učiteljev; visoki; visokointenzivne; vsaj; vzgoje; zdravje; časa; šimunič; športa; športne; športne vzgoje cache: ak-107.pdf plain text: ak-107.txt item: #9 of 125 id: ak-108 author: Plevnik, Matej; Bažon, Ines; Pišot, Rado title: PLAYING RELATED HEALTH RISK´S AMONG STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF MUSIC DEPARTMENT AT THE KOPER ART SCHOOL date: 2016-02-17 words: 6665 flesch: 50 summary: Musicians are top athletes who execute, dominate and control tiny movement skills and can undergo tremendous physical, functional and cognitive strain while studying and playing musical instruments both during their performance or other artistic pro- duction. The purpose of the study was to deter–ferences between approaches in the strate- gies of practicing musical instruments of students and teachers of Music Department The Koper Art School. keywords: ackermann; activity; annales; anxiety; assessment; average; bažon; body; breaks; carpi; cognitive; common; conditions; current; demands; differences; dijakov; discomfort; education; extensor; factors; fatigue; figure; fingers; fitness; goback; health; health risks; heart; higher; importance; injuries; instrument; item; kinesiologiae; koper; kot; left; lower; matej; measures; medical; medicine; mental; movements; muscle; musculoskeletal; musical; musical instrument; musicians; neck; occurrence; organization; pain; performance; physical; pišot; playing; plevnik; practice; preventive; problems; professional; radialis; rado; rate; research; right; risks; robinson; scale; school; strain; students; study; syndrome; table; tako; teachers; technique; tendinitis; time; tudi; tunnel; university; view; view item; world; years; zander cache: ak-108.pdf plain text: ak-108.txt item: #10 of 125 id: ak-109 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2016-01-29 words: 725 flesch: 38 summary: Nenazadnje pa je programska oprema OJS kompatibilna z navodili OpenAIRE in omogoča neposreden izvoz metapodatkov o člankih za potrebe predvidenega vključevanja revije v Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), kar je v skladu z »Nacionalno strategijo odprtega do- stopa do znanstvenih objav in raziskovalnih podatkov v Sloveniji 2015–2020« MIZŠ. Finally, the OJS software is compatible with the OpenAIRE instructions and allows direct export of metadata on articles which is required for the envisaged integration of the journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which is in line with the »National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia 2015 – 2020« by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. keywords: access; annales; articles; board; editorial; goback; international; issue; journal; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; modern; ojs; open; problems; professionals; revije; scientific; smo; training; tudi; wider; širši cache: ak-109.pdf plain text: ak-109.txt item: #11 of 125 id: ak-110 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2016-02-09 words: 845 flesch: 36 summary: In ravno optimizacija gibanja posameznika in skupin s ciljem dviga gibalnih zmožnosti, zagotavljanja zdravja in priporočil varne in učinkovite vadbe so področja obravnave znanstvenih prispevkov in strokovnih priporočil druge številke šestega letnika Annales Kinesiologiae, ki je pred vami. Gibalna aktivnost, ki je v filogenezi človeka pomenila veliko več kot zgolj transportno gibanje in se je v njegovi kompe- tenci razvijala s potrebo po preživetju, komunikaciji, kreativnosti in izraznosti, identi- fikaciji, vse do vsebin športa kot socializacijske in integracijske vsebine, ne nazadnje družbene norme, pa je danes v sodobnem in razvitem svetu izgubila svojo pomembno vlogo. keywords: abilities; activity; annales; development; environment; factors; gibalnih; goback; health; important; interaction; journal; kinesiologiae; kot; lahko; man; modern; motor; need; participation; physical; priporočil; prof; recommendations; scientific; social; ter; človeka cache: ak-110.pdf plain text: ak-110.txt item: #12 of 125 id: ak-112 author: Završnik, Jernej; Pišot, Rado; Volmut, Tadeja; Koren, Katja; Blažun Vošner, Helena; Kokol, Peter; Vošner, Janez; Šimunič, Boštjan title: LOWER CORRELATION BETWEEN BICEPS FEMORIS CONTRACTION TIME AND MAXIMAL RUNNING SPEED IN CHILDREN THAN IN ADULTS: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY IN 9- TO 14-YEAR OLD CHILDREN date: 2016-08-09 words: 8222 flesch: 56 summary: Correlation between body mass, height, ROHR index, and Tc of vastus lateralis and biceps femoris While the TMG measurement tool or running speed measurement equipment are not readily available to parents, average school sports teachers or sport club trainers, we decided to analyse how simple anthropometrical measures like mass, height and ROHR’s index are correlated to Tc of vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles to enable them to have some indicators for predicting the muscle developments and sport talents of young adolescents. +VL +VL +VL -BF, +VL Body height +VL +VL +VL +VL +VL ROHR index -BF -BF -BF 34 Jernej ZAVRŠNIK, Rado PIŠOT, Tadeja VOLMUT, Katja KOREN, Helena BLAŽUN VOŠNER, Peter KOKOL, Janez VOŠNER, Boštjan ŠIMUNIČ, 21–42 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 Interestingly, the ROHR’s index is obviously a better predictor of contraction times for biceps femoris muscles compared to mass and height, indeed, it only correlates with biceps femoris muscles and not in any instance to vastus lateralis muscles. keywords: 21–42; adolescence; age; analysis; annales; anthropometrical; biceps; biceps femoris; blažun; blažun vošner; body; boys; boštjan; boštjan šimunič; childhood; children; composition; contraction; contraction time; correlation; data; development; differences; education; exercise; femoris; femoris contraction; follow; gender; girls; grade; growth; height; helena; index; item; janez; janez vošner; jernej; journal; katja; kinesiologiae; kokol; koren; lateralis; lateralis muscle; longitudinal; maribor; mass; maximal; maximal running; maximum; measured; measurement; muscle; non; participants; pearson; period; peter; physical; pišot; process; properties; rado; research; rohr; running; running speed; school; science; sexes; shorter; significant; skeletal; skeletal muscle; slovenia; speed; sport; study; tadeja; teachers; time; tmg; valenčič; vastus; vastus lateralis; view; volmut; vošner; years; završnik; šimunič cache: ak-112.pdf plain text: ak-112.txt item: #13 of 125 id: ak-113 author: Paravlić, Armin title: 4th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE EXERCISE AND QUALITY OF LIFE, 22nd to 23rd April, 2016 date: 2016-06-07 words: 636 flesch: 48 summary: Številna udeležba predstavnikov Inštituta za kineziološke raziskave je že tradicionalna, kar je le še en odraz dobrega sodelovanja med našim Inštitutom in Fakulteto za šport in športno vzgojo iz Novega Sada. keywords: april; conference; education; eqol; exercise; international; life; novi; physical; quality; research; sad; scientific; serbia; sport; university; univerza; športne cache: ak-113.pdf plain text: ak-113.txt item: #14 of 125 id: ak-114 author: Jelovčan, Giuliana; Zurc, Joca title: PRESCHOOL CHILDREN’S RESULTS IN MOVEMENT ABC TESTS: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GIRLS AND BOYS IN MOVEMENT DEFICIT date: 2016-09-16 words: 7010 flesch: 53 summary: The objectives of the research: – To identify the presence of impairments in motor skills or deficits in movement when testing a group of preschool children; – To identify differences in performance on movement ABC tests between girls and boys, – To identify statistically significant correlations between the movement ABC te- sts. Below we present the results of the studied sample of children on movement ABC tests, with respect to the performance resulting on a scale of 0 to 5 (0-best score, 5-worst result), which was used to determine the presence of statistically significant differences betwe- en the achievements of boys and girls and statistically significant correlations between individual movement ABC tests. keywords: 3–19; abc tests; age; annales; assessment; average; bag; balance; ball; better; blocks; boys; children; clumsiness; coordination; correlations; cycling; dcd; development; differences; difficulties; disorder; dynamic; findings; gender; gibanja; girls; giuliana; goal; hand; henderson; individual; item; jelovčan; joca; kindergartens; kinesiologiae; leg; level; motor; motor development; motor skills; movement; movement abc; old; otrok; percentile; perform; period; physical; pišot; preschool; preschool children; problems; rank; research; results; rho; rope; sample; significant; skills; statistical; stringing; study; sugden; table; task; terčon; testing; tests; track; videmšek; view; year; zurc cache: ak-114.pdf plain text: ak-114.txt item: #15 of 125 id: ak-115 author: Tul, Miloš; Verdenik, Zdenko; Maršič, Matija; Mulej, Matjaž title: THE ROLE OF SMALL-SIDED GAMES IN MODERN SOCCER AND THE ISSUE OF THEIR HOLISM date: 2016-11-21 words: 11390 flesch: 51 summary: Certain SSG are therefore deliberately “impoverished” in order to pursue a single, priority, specific goal (e.g. SSG with an emphasis on aerobic endurance components are often the content in the preparatory period) in a given stage. In the foreground of this paper there is the question of SSG integrity (as the prevailing practi- cal methods of work in modern football practice), through the analysis of the conditions required in order to classify the use and further development of SSG in practice as an innovation, taking into account the laws of requisite holism and innovation. keywords: 43–65; account; analysis; annales; approach; aspect; basis; clubs; coaches; communication; complex; conditions; cooperation; d ea; definition; design; development; different; e m; e.g.; education; elements; elsner; environment; essential; etc; example; experience; field; figure; fitness; football; games; general; holism; holistic; important; individual; innovation; italian; item; ith; ke t; kinesiologiae; knowledge; law; learning; level; like; ljubljana; m ar; maršič; matija; matija maršič; matjaž; matjaž mulej; method; miloš; modern; modern soccer; mulej; n ew; n o; necessary; new; p ro; parts; path; personal; phenomenon; physical; players; possible; practice; process; quality; question; r t; reality; relationships; requisite; role; selected; sided; sided games; small; soccer; specialization; specific; sports; ssg; system; systemic; t f; t t; tactical; tactics; team; technical; th e; thinking; time; tin; tio; tio n; trainers; training; tul; uefa; use; verdenik; view; way; work; working; zdenko; zdenko verdenik cache: ak-115.pdf plain text: ak-115.txt item: #16 of 125 id: ak-117 author: Kleva, Matej title: FOUNDATION ANNIVERSARY PROMOTION OF THE OLYMPIC COMMITTEE OF KOSOVO, 27th May, 2016 date: 2016-09-12 words: 468 flesch: 55 summary: Glavna vloga Inštituta za kineziološke raziskave je bila izvedba meritev antropometrij- skih in gibalnih sposobnosti otrok, ki so sodelovali v različnih aktivnostih. maja 2016 organiziral olimpijski dan, ki je bil keywords: analysis; bil; body; children; institute; inštituta; kinesiology; kosovo; mass; measurements; meritev; ock; olympic; otrok; research cache: ak-117.pdf plain text: ak-117.txt item: #17 of 125 id: ak-119 author: Plevnik, Matej title: FADILJ EMINOVIĆ and MILIVOJ DOPSAJ (eds.): PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EFFECTS ON THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND ADULTS. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016, 332 pp date: 2016-10-25 words: 734 flesch: 35 summary: Therefore, it is extremely important that the interdisciplinary research in the fields of kinesiology, medicine, rehabilitation, anthropology and others highlight both the positive effects of physical activity as well as the negative effects of physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 1 85 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 81–88 Book Review FADILJ EMINOVIĆ and MILIVOJ DOPSAJ (eds.): PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EFFECTS ON THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND ADULTS Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016, 332 pages The scientific monograph titled “Physical Activity Effects on the Anthropological Status of Children, Youth and Adults” by the editors Fadilj Eminović and Milivoj Dopsaj represents an important new contribution to interdisciplina- ry treatment of physical activity and its effects on physical and mental health of an individual in particular. keywords: activity; aktivnosti; annales; children; diseases; dopsaj; effects; eminović; fadilj; health; important; kinesiologiae; milivoj; monograph; ocene; physical; physical activity; pomemben; poročila; reports; research; reviews; science; scientific; status; telesne cache: ak-119.pdf plain text: ak-119.txt item: #18 of 125 id: ak-120 author: Mekinc, Janez; Grom, Lea; Omejec, Tomislav; Planinc, Saša title: FACTORS AFFECTING ACCIDENTS ON SKI HILLS (Slovenian Case) date: 2017-01-17 words: 8823 flesch: 52 summary: We obtained data on ski accidents for three consecutive ski seasons between December 2012 and April 2015. We also studied who is most often responsible for ski accidents. keywords: accidents; affairs; age; annales; april; authors; average; behaviour; bodily; causes; children; conditions; data; day; days; december; differences; equipment; factors; fatal; fault; fis; foreign; grom; group; helmet; hills; holidays; injured; injuries; injury; inspectorate; internal; international; item; janez; kinesiologiae; knowledge; lea; level; local; mekinc; minor; minor accidents; new; number; omejec; operation; period; planinc; police; rank; regulations; republic; risk; rules; run; safety; saša; season; self; significant; ski; ski accidents; ski hills; ski season; ski slopes; skiers; skiing; slopes; slovenia; slovenian ski; snow; source; sport; study; table; tomislav; total; understanding; view; weather; winter; years cache: ak-120.pdf plain text: ak-120.txt item: #19 of 125 id: ak-121 author: Koren, Katja; Pišot, Rado; Šimunič, Boštjan title: VERTICAL JUMP HEIGHT IN YOUNG CHILDREN - A LONGITUDINAL STUDY IN 4- TO 6-YEAR OLD CHILDREN date: 2017-01-24 words: 7176 flesch: 60 summary: The beginner level generally depicts the mini- mal standard of children ages 4 to 7 (Gabbard, 1992). 161 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 2 Katja KOREN, Rado PIŠOT, Boštjan ŠIMUNIČ: VERTICAL JUMP HEIGHT IN YOUNG CHILDREN - A LONGITUDINAL STUDY ..., 153–170 In the next analysis we compared CMJ height performance (with arms) in children classified with different jumping coordination score (1 − poor; 2 − average; 3 − excel- lent). keywords: activity; adults; age; analysis; annales; arms; assessment; athletes; average; body; boys; boštjan; bredin; children; cmj; cmj height; coordination; countermovement; data; development; effects; excellent; exercise; factors; fat; figure; fms; focke; force; girls; harrison; health; height; higher; increase; item; journal; jump; jump height; jump performance; jumpers; jumping; katja; kinesiologiae; koren; kruk; level; longitudinal; longitudinal study; mass; medicine; motor; muscle; nicol; obesity; old; p=.001; participaction; performance; physical; pišot; poor; power; progress; rado; research; science; sexes; sports; strength; studies; study; swing; trends; use; velocity; vertical; vertical jump; view; view item; warburton; year; young; young children; šimunič cache: ak-121.pdf plain text: ak-121.txt item: #20 of 125 id: ak-122 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2016-12-12 words: 913 flesch: 49 summary: V štirih izvirnih znanstvenih prispevkih, objavljenih v prvem zvezku 7. letnika re- vije Annales Kinesiologiae, nam avtorji odstirajo pogled na preučevanje mlajših in sta- rejših, moškega in ženskega spola, v specifičnih situacijah in nenazadnje v športih, kjer cilj, žal, ni vedno usmerjen le v kakovost posameznika in njegovega učinka, temveč pogosto predvsem v tekmovalni rezultat tukaj in zdaj. Revijo pa zaključuje kratka ocena zbornika, ki je v letu keywords: activities; age; aktivnosti; annales; article; bolj; children; dejavnikov; development; factors; importance; individual; kinesiologiae; kot; modern; new; old; performance; posameznika; predvsem; prispevek; quality; razvoja; role; small; society; sport; ter; time; volume cache: ak-122.pdf plain text: ak-122.txt item: #21 of 125 id: ak-124 author: Marušič, Uroš title: THE 21st ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE date: 2017-01-13 words: 584 flesch: 47 summary: Po številu udeležencev je bil to drugi največji ECSS kongres do sedaj, takoj za ECSS v Barceloni (leta 2013), z udeležbo kar 2783 raziskovalcev iz celotnega sveta. Similarly, the competition for young researchers (ECSS Young Investigator Award 2016 Contest) took place at ECSS in Vienna. keywords: assistant; college; congress; doc; ecss; european; hip; marušič; ph.d; professor; science; sport; uroš cache: ak-124.pdf plain text: ak-124.txt item: #22 of 125 id: ak-125 author: Paravlić, Armin title: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „SPORT SCIENCE AND SPORT AS A REGULAR COMPONENT OF THE LIFE STYLE" Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 1st - 3rd November 2016 date: 2017-01-31 words: 775 flesch: 38 summary: Znanstveni program je vseboval plenarna predavanja uglednih mednarodnih stro- kovnjakov: Rado Pišot (Univerza na Primorskem, Slovenija), ki je svoje predavanje namenil pomembnosti fizične aktivnosti v današnji družbi; Elke Knisel (Univerza v Magdenburgu, Nemčija) je predstavila model promocije zdravja v šolah. Potr- dimo lahko, da je bila konferenca uspešna, ne le zaradi znanstvenih, ampak tudi zaradi socialnih vidikov, in je gotovo dosegla zastavljene cilje. keywords: armin; bil; conference; germany; institute; international; kot; magdeburg; nemčija; november; paravlić; physical; regular; research; science; scientific; sharm; sport; university; univerze; športu cache: ak-125.pdf plain text: ak-125.txt item: #23 of 125 id: ak-126 author: Plevnik, Matej; Pišot, Rado title: REPORT FROM THE ROUND TABLE "A KINESIOLOGIST IN THE LABOUR MARKET" date: 2017-02-06 words: 1861 flesch: 38 summary: Gostje so 180 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 171–180 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 7 • 2016 • 2 ugotovili, da je kineziolog, kot izobražen strokovni delavec, umeščen tako v obstoječi Zakon o športu kot tudi osnutek novega zakona, ki bo predvidoma sprejet v bližnji prihodnosti. Dogodek so zaključili s sklepom, da si je potrebno prizadevati za večje povezovanje inštitucij, ki izobražujejo kineziologe v Sloveniji ter si nadalje prizadevati za širjenje sistemske ureditve področja zaposlovanja kineziologov in promocije polja kineziologije. keywords: activity; annales; association; centre; dela; development; educated; field; health; human; kinesiologist; kinesiology; kineziologije; koper; kot; labour; ljubljana; market; matej; national; ocene; ph.d; physical; pišot; plevnik; poročila; pri; profession; programov; programs; rado; reports; research; reviews; round; science; slovenia; slovenije; sport; study; table; ter; trgu; tudi; university; zdravja; znanstveno; športu cache: ak-126.pdf plain text: ak-126.txt item: #24 of 125 id: ak-127 author: Paravlić, Armin; Marušič, Uroš; Gerževič, Mitja; Urzi, Felicita; Šimunič, Boštjan title: THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT EXERCISE-BASED INTERVENTIONS ON FUNCTIONAL FITNESS OF OLDER ADULTS date: 2017-06-28 words: 10782 flesch: 60 summary: Effects of cognitive training interventions with older adults. In contrast, various exercise / physical activity interventions, when individually and professionally programed, have been proven to produce beneficial effects on physical and cognitive functions as well (Hallage et al., 2010; Hanson et al., 2009; Karavirta et al., 2011); even for population at-risk and / or patients (Flansbjer, Miller, Downham, & Lexell, 2008; Heyn, Abreu, & Ottenbacher, 2004; Morris, Dodd, & Morris, 2004). keywords: acids; activities; activity; adults; aerobic; age; agility; aging; alterations; american; amino; analysis; annales; armin; association; balance; biological; blair; body; boštjan; chair; changes; clinical; cognitive; combined; daily; day; dietary; different; dynamic; effects; elderly; endurance; et al; evidence; exercise; f[3,38; felicita; fitness; fsst; functional; gerontology; gerževič; grip; group; health; improvements; intake; intensity; interventions; item; ith; journal; kinesiologiae; living; loss; lower; marušič; mass; medical; medicine; meta; minute; mitja; moderate; mortality; muscle; nelson; nutrition; older; older adults; optimal; p e; paravlić; participants; peg; peg+bcaa; peg+cog; performance; physical; pišot; population; post; pre; program; protein; rado; research; resistance; results; review; risk; sample; sarcopenia; sciences; score; senior; series; sessions; significant; specific; sports; square; stand; step; strength; studies; study; supplementation; test; time; training; trial; uroš; urzi; van; view; view item; volpi; walk; week; years; šimunič cache: ak-127.pdf plain text: ak-127.txt item: #25 of 125 id: ak-129 author: Hrovatin, Jasna; Pišot, Saša; Plevnik, Matej title: HEALTHY AGEING AT HOME: ERGONOMICS ADAPTATIONS OF INTERIOR DESIGN AND SELF-ASSESED QUALITY OF LIFE OF OLDER ADULTS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF LJUBLJANA date: 2017-04-25 words: 5099 flesch: 55 summary: The results indicate that older people generally think they have sufficient lighting of their work surface, but in reality the lighting in most cases is too weak, which hinders older adults at their work and may also be a cause of accidents. Living environment is one of the factors that can contribute to healthy and safe ageing at home, providing that it is well adapted to the needs of older adults. keywords: accessories; adaptations; adequate; adults; ageing; annales; aware; bathroom; capability; changes; correlation; data; design; elderly; environment; equipment; ergonomic; fabisiak; fact; faculty; falls; figure; furniture; general; handrails; healthy; healthy ageing; home; hrovatin; independence; interior; item; jasna; kinesiologiae; kitchen; level; life; lighting; living; ljubljana; matej; needs; number; older; older adults; participants; people; physical; pišot; plevnik; population; project; quality; questionnaire; research; results; safety; saša; self; shelves; shower; slovenia; status; study; survey; university; view; years; življenja cache: ak-129.pdf plain text: ak-129.txt item: #26 of 125 id: ak-130 author: Vidnjevič, Marko; Tasheva, Rumiana; Urbanc, Jure; Gašperin, Urška title: DIFFERENCES OF THE TENSIOMYOGRAPHY-DERIVED BICEPS FEMORIS MUSCLE CONTRACTION TIME AND DISPLACEMENT BETWEEN DIFFERENT AGE AND FITNESS GROUPS date: 2017-07-31 words: 3104 flesch: 54 summary: BF muscle deteriorates in all groups, but least in explosive athletes, which emphasizes strength and power training to maintain skeletal muscle contractile properties. We decided to measure BF as, according to Valenčič & Djordjevič (2002) in Djordjevič, Rozman, & Pišot (2005), there are indications that BF muscle is one of the most sensitive to deterioration or improvement after physical inactivity or age and training, respectively. keywords: active; activity; adults; age; aging; annales; athletes; biceps; body; contraction; data; differences; doi; exercise; femoris; gašperin; groups; health; item; jure; kinesiologiae; lifestyle; marko; maximal; medicine; method; muscle; non; older; participants; people; physical; pišot; rumiana; sedentary; slovenia; sport; tasheva; time; tmg; urbanc; urška; vidnjevič; view; years; šimunič cache: ak-130.pdf plain text: ak-130.txt item: #27 of 125 id: ak-132 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2017-04-10 words: 1242 flesch: 53 summary: Koliko pa je to vprašanje in iz njega izhajajoča problematika uza- veščena v širši družbi? V tokratnem uvodniku kratko predstavitev prispevkov zato namerno začenjamo na koncu, pri le na videz manj pomembnem poročilu iz okrogle mize z naslovom »KI- NEZIOLOG NA TRGU DELA«, ki je v organizaciji Društva kineziologov Slovenije potekala na Znanstveno-raziskovalnem središču Univerze na Primorskem v pričetku novembra 2016. V člankih, objavljenih v tokratni številki revije, lahko ponov- no najdemo dokaze, da je za spremembo potreben le premik v prepričanju, pravi motiv ter strokovna usmeritev. keywords: ali; annales; articles; average; editorial; elderly; extent; health; individual; issue; kinesiologiae; kinesiologists; koliko; kot; lahko; lifestyle; mize; modern; okrogle; ponovno; posebej; problems; professionals; question; reasons; round; smo; society; table; tako; tudi; življenja cache: ak-132.pdf plain text: ak-132.txt item: #28 of 125 id: ak-133 author: Cigrovski, Vjekoslav title: IS SPECIFIC MOTOR TEST ENOUGH TO EVALUATE NEW ALPINE SKI KNOWLEDGE IN SKI BEGINNERS? date: 2017-07-31 words: 3693 flesch: 52 summary: The results show no statistically significant correlation between lateral jumps in predefined pace and the acquired knowledge of short turn ski technique. During ski turns, especially short turns skiers are constantly performing lateral leg movements which are simulated by lateral jumps during training. keywords: 5–14; alpine; alpine ski; alpine skiing; annales; average; baković; beginners; božić; cigrovski; continuous; correlation; franjko; igor; item; ivica; judges; jumps; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; knowledge; lateral; learning; level; marijo; matković; motor; movements; participants; performance; research; results; rhythm; rupčić; short; short turn; simulator; ski; skiers; skiing; skilj; specific; study; table; technique; tempo; test; tomislav; training; turn; university; video; view; vjekoslav; zagreb cache: ak-133.pdf plain text: ak-133.txt item: #29 of 125 id: ak-134 author: Jurdana, Mihaela title: EXERCISE EFFECTS ON MUSCLE STEM CELLS date: 2018-01-26 words: 4523 flesch: 49 summary: The maintenance of skeletal muscle mass depends on mono nucleated muscle pre- cursors or muscle satellite cells. The maintenance of skeletal muscle mass and regenerative capacity depends on a functional pool of muscle satellite cells. keywords: activation; acute; aging; annales; cells; content; damage; different; doi; effects; elderly; endurance; et al; exercise; fibre; human; hypertrophy; increase; intensity; item; journal; jurdana; kadi; kinesiologiae; lewis; martin; mass; mihaela; muscle; muscle mass; muscle regeneration; muscle satellite; muscle stem; myonuclear; number; parise; proliferation; rando; regeneration; resistance; response; rudnicki; satellite; satellite cells; skeletal; skeletal muscle; snijders; stem; stem cells; studies; training; type; verdijk; view; view item cache: ak-134.pdf plain text: ak-134.txt item: #30 of 125 id: ak-135 author: Lazzer, Stefano; Rejc, Enrico; Del Torto, Alessio title: BENEFITS OF AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HEALTHY AGING date: 2018-01-17 words: 6046 flesch: 51 summary: Effects of aerobic exercise training in community-based subjects 124 Enrico REJC, Alessio DEL TORTO, Stefano LAZZER: BENEFITS OF AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING WITH RECOMMENDATIONS ..., 111–124 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 8 • 2017 • 2 aged 80 and older: a pilot study. The reductions in BP from aerobic exercise are often similar to those induced 116 Enrico REJC, Alessio DEL TORTO, Stefano LAZZER: BENEFITS OF AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING WITH RECOMMENDATIONS ..., 111–124 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 8 • 2017 • 2 by a single antihypertensive drug. keywords: activities; activity; adults; aerobic; aerobic exercise; age; aged; aging; alessio; american; analysis; annales; athletes; benefits; blood; bone; capacity; cardiac; cardiovascular; decline; del; density; depression; disease; doi; effects; enrico; et al; exercise; exercise training; factors; fleg; guidelines; healthy; heart; high; higher; hypertension; increase; individuals; intensity; item; journal; kelley; kinesiologiae; lazzer; life; loss; maximal; medicine; meta; minutes; mortality; older; older adults; oxygen; physical; physiology; power; qol; recommendations; reduced; reduction; regular; rejc; risk; sports; stefano; studies; study; torto; training; view; view item; v’o2max; v’o2peak; women; years cache: ak-135.pdf plain text: ak-135.txt item: #31 of 125 id: ak-136 author: Mohorko, Nina; Petelin, Ana title: EXERCISE AND THE AGEING IMMUNE SYSTEM date: 2017-10-24 words: 4867 flesch: 49 summary: Breteler, M. M. B. (2004). VIEW ITEM ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 8 • 2017 • 1 31 Ana PETELIN, Nina MOHORKO: keywords: 23–32; activation; activity; acute; adults; age; aging; ana; annales; anti; body; cells; chronic; cytokines; diseases; doi; effects; elderly; et al; exercise; factors; franceschi; function; grade; il-6; immune; immune system; immunity; immunology; immunosenescence; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; item; journal; kinesiologiae; levels; low; macrophages; mass; mohorko; muscle; newman; nina; older; oxidative; people; petelin; physical; pro; production; reactive; regular; research; response; results; risk; sciences; singh; stress; study; system; systemic; tnf; training; view; view item cache: ak-136.pdf plain text: ak-136.txt item: #32 of 125 id: ak-137 author: Passaro, Angelina; Capatti, Eleonora; Dalla Nora, Edoardo title: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE AS A KEY FACTOR IN SUCCESSFUL AGING date: 2018-02-07 words: 7569 flesch: 48 summary: Jour- nal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(1), 147–152. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12631 VIEW ITEM Avila, J. J., Gutierres, J. A., Sheehy, M. E., Lofgren, I. E., & Delmonico, M. J. (2010). Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(8), 2293–2307. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31823a3e2d VIEW ITEM Winnick, J. J., Sherman, W. M., Habash, D. L., Stout, M. B., Failla, M. L., Belury, M. A., & Schuster, D. P. (2008). keywords: active; activity; adipose; adults; aerobic; aerobic exercise; age; aging; american; angelina; annales; benefits; body; bone; calcium; capacity; capatti; cardiovascular; changes; chronic; clinical; composition; dalla; day; decline; decrease; density; diabetes; dietary; disease; doi; edoardo; effective; effects; elderly; eleonora; endurance; energy; et al; evans; exercise; fat; ferrara; ffm; fitness; function; health; high; increase; individuals; insulin; intake; internal; item; j. a.; journal; kinesiologiae; loss; lower; mass; medicine; metabolic; muscle; muscle mass; need; nora; nutrition; obesity; older; older adults; particular; passaro; people; physical; physical activity; physiological; population; protein; rate; related; research; resistance; review; risk; sarcopenia; sciences; significant; singh; skeletal; sports; strength; studies; study; supplementation; syndrome; systematic; tissue; training; type; vat; view; view item; vitamin; weight; women cache: ak-137.pdf plain text: ak-137.txt item: #33 of 125 id: ak-138 author: Pišot, Saša title: CONFERENCE REPORT: 8th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON KINESIOLOGY - 20th Anniversary date: 2017-10-09 words: 445 flesch: 35 summary: Together with three satellite symposiums: Health Kinesiology, New technologies in Physical Education and Science in Dance enable participants to provide a forum for the latest research, theoretical and applicative insights, findings and experiences from the vast field of kinesiology, the science of human movement and exercise. In the middle of May 2017, Rado Pišot, Boštjan Šimunič and Saša Pišot were at- tending the 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology in Opatija, Croatia. keywords: conference; croatia; goback; international; kinesiology; kineziologija; mednarodne; opatija; participants; physical; pišot; saša; sport cache: ak-138.pdf plain text: ak-138.txt item: #34 of 125 id: ak-141 author: Gerževič, Mitja; Plevnik, Matej; Marušič, Uroš title: BENEFITS OF MOTOR AND/OR COGNITIVE EXERCISE: A REVIEW WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE THIRD AGE date: 2017-12-29 words: 8363 flesch: 45 summary: Based on this premise, we divided the second part into three sub-topics: i) the effects of physical exercise / training followed by computerized and other forms of cognitive training, ii) the effects of simultaneously performed motor and cognitive exercise / training and iii) the effects of dancing, interactive video dan- cing and ancient body-mind meditative techniques. any kind of physical exercise / training followed by computerized and other forms of cognitive training, 2. simultaneously performed motor and cognitive exercise / training, 3. dancing and interactive video dancing or even 4. keywords: 33–49; abilities; activity; adults; aerobic; aerobic exercise; age; aging; ambrose; annales; benefits; bherer; body; brain; chi; cognitive; cognitive decline; cognitive exercise; cognitive function; cognitive training; combination; combined; computerized; control; curlik; dance; dancing; decline; dementia; disease; doi; dual; effects; erickson; erickson et; et al; exercise; falls; function; functioning; gerževič; greater; group; health; high; interactive; intervention; item; journal; kinesiologiae; learning; levels; life; liu; marušič; matej; meditative; memory; mental; mind; minutes; mitja; motor; neurogenesis; neuroscience; new; older; older adults; performance; physical; physical activity; physical exercise; physical training; plevnik; positive; quan; randomized; research; results; review; risk; sciences; shors; spatial; strength; studies; study; tai; task; techniques; times; training; uroš; vadbe; van; video; view; view item; walking cache: ak-141.pdf plain text: ak-141.txt item: #35 of 125 id: ak-142 author: Kleva, Matej title: REPORT FROM THE 2nd ROUND TABLE "A KINESIOLOGIST IN THE LABOUR MARKET" date: 2017-12-13 words: 791 flesch: 51 summary: Povabljeni gostje na okrogli mizi so bili: Luka Hren (eden od ustanoviteljev podjetja KinVital d.o.o), ki je predstavil primer uspešne samostojne poti na področju kineziologije; Katja Vodopivec (zaposlena v zasebnem fi- zioterapevtskem Centru Remedios v Mariboru), ki je predstavila povezavo med kinezi- ologijo in fizioterapijo, Matej Kleva (zaposlen na Znanstveno-raziskovalnem središču Koper, Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave), Dogodka, ki je potekal na Fakulteti za šport Univerze v Ljubljani, se je udeležilo 50 študentov. keywords: april; association; dela; goback; kinesiologist; kinesiology; kineziologov; kleva; labour; market; matej; mizi; okrogli; round; second; slovenian; sport; table; štuhec cache: ak-142.pdf plain text: ak-142.txt item: #36 of 125 id: ak-144 author: Lenarčič, Blaž title: 36th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT date: 2017-11-10 words: 743 flesch: 32 summary: Sekcija je bila razdeljena na dva dela: predstavitev pogledov na dvojno kariero slovenskih športnikov s strani ključnih dele- žnikov in okroglo mizo. V zadnjih letih je postala dvojna kariera športnikov izjemno aktualna tema na med- narodnem nivoju in z dogodki, kot je bil tu predstavljeni, postaja pomembna vsebina nacionalne agende. keywords: athletes; bila; career; committee; conference; development; dual; dvojne; education; goback; international; izobraževanje; management; olympic; organizational; science; section; slovenia; sport; znanost; zvez; športnikov cache: ak-144.pdf plain text: ak-144.txt item: #37 of 125 id: ak-145 author: Pišot, Rado title: 1st SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SPE BALKAN SKI date: 2017-12-13 words: 1325 flesch: 48 summary: This led to organising the SPE (Science, Practice & Education) Balkan Ski Conference. Za mednarodni odziv so organizatorji poskrbeli s tem, da so SPE BALKAN SKI decembra 2016 predstavili na konferenci ICSS (International Conferen- ce of Science and Ski), ki je potekala v kraju St. Christoph v Avstriji, ter s promocijo preko uradne spletne strani ECSS (European College of Sport Science). keywords: 51–60; balkan; balkan ski; colleagues; conference; congress; countries; demo; držav; education; experts; field; goback; idea; important; international; interski; kinesiologiae; kopaonik; march; ocene; področju; poročila; practice; reports; resort; reviews; science; scientific; ski; smučanja; smučarsko; spe; sports; tem; tudi; winter; zimskih; športov cache: ak-145.pdf plain text: ak-145.txt item: #38 of 125 id: ak-149 author: Gerževič, Mitja title: EDITORIAL date: 2018-01-17 words: 1565 flesch: 38 summary: Jurdana tako posodobi pogled na vlogo mišičnih satelitskih celic pri 68 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 8 • 2017 • 2 uravnavanju mišične mase v povezavi z učinkovitostjo različnih vadbenih intervencij za zmanjšanje upada mišične mase, ki je lahko prisotno v vseh življenjskih obdobjih, predvsem pa v starosti. Temu sledi pregled Rejca, Del Torta in Lazzerja, ki izčrpno predstavi vplive staranja na največjo aerobno moč, učinke aerobne vadbe pri starejših osebah in povzame trenutno veljavna priporo- čila za aerobno vadbo za to življenjsko obdobje. keywords: activation; activity; adults; aerobic; age; annales; authors; celic; cells; effects; endurance; exercise; female; healthy; issue; journal; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; kot; lahko; lifestyle; mase; mass; med; mišične; moč; muscle; older; people; physical; preko; present; pri; različnih; recommendations; review; revije; role; sarcopenia; satelitskih; satellite; scientific; skeletal; starosti; strength; study; tako; tem; ter; training; vadbe; zmanjšanje; športne cache: ak-149.pdf plain text: ak-149.txt item: #39 of 125 id: ak-150 author: Rajović, Ranko; Ković, Vanja; Berić, Dragana title: Playing, then and now – differences in time and elements of play from parents’ perspective date: 2021-05-05 words: 6464 flesch: 62 summary: The paper discusses differences of play in the time dimension and possible consequences of such behavior for child development. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that one of the main issues of contemporary lifestyle is sedentary behavior, more generally lack of physical activity, and consequent deterioration of child development and health. keywords: accommodation; activities; activity; age; analysis; annales; answer; average; balance; behavior; berić; box; brain; childhood; children; cognitive; data; day; days; development; difference; dragana; duration; dynamic; education; elastics; elements; etc; figure; fine; fitness; games; half; hopscotch; important; kinesiologiae; ković; marbles; minutes; motor; motor skills; parents; physical; play; play time; playing; questionnaire; questions; rajović; ranko; research; rotation; running; school; screen; sedentary; significant; skills; square; study; survey; table; time; today; university; vanja; walking; weekends; working; years cache: ak-150.pdf plain text: ak-150.txt item: #40 of 125 id: ak-151 author: Kleva, Matej title: MEDITERRANEAN HEALTH CENTRE date: 2018-01-17 words: 895 flesch: 44 summary: Direktor ZRS Koper, prof. Prof. Rado Pišot, Ph.D., Director of ZRS Koper, further explained the planned purposes of the new Mediter- ranean Health Centre premises. keywords: annales; center; centre; health; institute; izola; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; kineziološke; koper; maribor; medicine; mediteranskega; mediterranean; ocene; opening; poročila; prof; raziskave; reports; research; reviews; sports; support; zdravja; zrs; športno cache: ak-151.pdf plain text: ak-151.txt item: #41 of 125 id: ak-153 author: Doyle-Baker, Patricia Katherine; McLean, Leanne P; Fung, Tak title: FEMALE ATHLETE TRIAD - PROBABLE BUT DIFFICULT TO CONFIRM IN FEMALE ICE HOCKEY PLAYERS date: 2018-04-03 words: 10659 flesch: 57 summary: HP MC (35.8 ± 11.2 days) was longer than C (29.8 ± 4.3 days) and HP LP (10.1 ± 2.1 days) was also longer than C (9.6 ± 2.8 days). A negative EB was identified (HP = -1026.52 ± 450.1; C = -780.00 ± 310.19 kcal / day), yet no significant within-group differences in WT (HP p = 0.7; C p = 0.8), BF % (HP p = 0.97; C p = 0.6), or fat free mass (HP p = 0.6; C p = 0.98) were found over the study dura- tion. keywords: 25th; 69–92; 75th; activity; age; american; annales; anovulatory; association; athlete; athlete triad; baker; bmd; body; bone; calculated; caloric; change; clinical; cm2; composition; cycles; daily; data; day; days; density; dietary; difficult; disturbances; doi; doyle; drinkwater; eligible; energy; epa; exercise; expenditure; fat; female; female athlete; fung; greater; group; health; hip; hockey; ice; intake; item; journal; kcal; kinesiologiae; leanne; length; loucks; low; lumbar; mass; mclean; mean; measurements; median; medicine; menstrual; metabolic; mineral; negative; number; nutrition; osteoporosis; participants; patricia; percent; percentile; physical; players; population; prior; probable; radial; rate; ree; reproductive; research; results; score; sites; slp; specific; spine; sport; state; study; table; tak; tee; time; total; triad; values; view; week; weight; women; years; young cache: ak-153.pdf plain text: ak-153.txt item: #42 of 125 id: ak-154 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2018-01-25 words: 1097 flesch: 41 summary: Kritična obravna- va znanstveno raziskovalnih vprašanj, ki se zrcalijo v ogledalu kineziološke znanosti, pred nas tako postavlja odgovornost do znanosti, stroke in družbe, posameznika in skupin, neposrednih uporabnikov ugotovitev in zaključkov, ki jih ponujamo. Najprej je to kratko poročilo iz druge okrogle mize »Kineziolog na trgu dela«, ki jo je keywords: activities; ageing; alpine; annales; article; avtorji; beginners; exercise; factors; individual; issue; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; knowledge; med; motor; new; performance; physical; predvsem; profession; quality; questions; reports; research; results; science; scientific; ski; society; specific; sports; test; začetnikov; znanosti; članka cache: ak-154.pdf plain text: ak-154.txt item: #43 of 125 id: ak-155 author: Strašilová, Kateřina; Vajda, Petr title: INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL INTERACTION IN A GROUP ON YOUNG GIRLS’ PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE date: 2018-07-17 words: 3945 flesch: 60 summary: Knowledge of partner’s ability as a moderator of group motivation gains: an exploration of the Köhler discrepancy effect. It says that group performance will always be as strong as the weakest group member. keywords: 3–13; annales; coactive; comparison; conjunctive; differences; doi; effect; exercise; feltz; gain; girls; group; group members; hertel; increase; individual; inferior; influence; interaction; irwin; item; journal; kateřina; kerr; kinesiologiae; members; motivation; performance; petr; physical; position; psychology; research; results; seat; smo; social; social interaction; sport; strašilová; task; team; test; training; try; view; wall; young; young girls cache: ak-155.pdf plain text: ak-155.txt item: #44 of 125 id: ak-158 author: Simič, Vesna; Mohorko, Nina title: NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL JUNIOR SWIMMING TEAM date: 2018-12-11 words: 9010 flesch: 52 summary: More emphasis should therefore be pla- ced on adequate daily CHO intake in female young swimmers. Therefore, low protein intake is problematic, and even (too) high intake in the context of low EA does not guarantee appropriate protein availability. keywords: 15–34; activity; adequate; adolescent; age; annales; athletes; availability; body; bone; burke; calcium; cho; competitive; composition; consumption; cycle; daily; data; day; deficiency; desbrow; dietary; doi; drinks; energy; et al; exercise; fat; female; female swimmers; figure; fluid; food; group; health; high; higher; hours; individual; intake; international; iron; item; journal; junior; kinesiologiae; leveritt; limit; long; low; lower; majority; meal; medicine; menstrual; mohorko; national; national junior; needs; nina; nutrient; nutritional; nutritional strategies; performance; physical; pri; protein; protein intake; questionnaire; recommendations; reported; requirements; sciences; simič; slovenian; slovenian national; sports; status; strategies; supplements; swimmers; swimming; swimming team; team; training; use; values; vesna; view; view item; vitamin; vitamin d; vnos; young; young swimmers cache: ak-158.pdf plain text: ak-158.txt item: #45 of 125 id: ak-159 author: Bogataj, Špela; Lešnik, Blaž title: CORRELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT MOTOR ABILITIES AND SCORE POINTS IN THE RAUCH CUP date: 2018-07-17 words: 3461 flesch: 57 summary: In the future, we suggest that in addition to motor test, researches also include several anthropometric measures and examine cognitive and behavioural measures of motivation. We set the following research questions: i.) is there a correlation between selected motor tests and points achieved in Rauch Cup in male U14 age class and ii) does the selected model of four variables has a correlation with points achieved in the Rauch Cup. keywords: abilities; alpine; analysis; annales; athlete; blaž; body; bogataj; cmj; competition; correlation; counter; criterion; cup; different; faculty; jump; kinesiologiae; legs; lešnik; linear; ljubljana; maximum; maxsp; mlr; model; motor; movement; mskok10; mt400; multiple; performance; points; rauch; regression; research; results; run; score; significant; skiers; skiing; slovenia; speed; sport; start; table; tests; time; variable; young; špela cache: ak-159.pdf plain text: ak-159.txt item: #46 of 125 id: ak-161 author: Šlosar, Luka; Plevnik, Matej; Marušič, Uroš title: PLAYING ACTIVE VIDEO GAMES WHILE IN A TENNIS TRAINING PROCESS: A NEW TRAINING TOOL OR A HANDICAP FOR CHILDREN? date: 2019-01-15 words: 6706 flesch: 66 summary: The present study shows the effect of playing / not playing AVG in children while being in the early process of tennis training program, and better understand the impact of AVG games on players’ physical skills. Validation of a Tennis Rating Score to evaluate the technical level of children tennis players. keywords: 75–88; active; annales; attention; avg; backhand; body; children; control; development; doi; effect; elements; evaluated; experimental; f t; forehand; games; gh t; group; intervention; item; ith; kinesiologiae; large; luka; marušič; matej; moderate; motor; movement; n d; participants; physical; players; playing; plevnik; post; pre; process; program; research; results; size; skills; slovenia; stroke; study; t l; t s; t t; t w; technique; tennis; tennis training; test; tio; training; trsc; uros; video; view; week; šlosar cache: ak-161.pdf plain text: ak-161.txt item: #47 of 125 id: ak-162 author: Tomljenović Borer, Katarina title: How does exercise support dietary approaches to weight loss and better health? date: 2019-05-29 words: 8873 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: obesity morbidities exercise insulin leptin body weight 32 Katarina TOMLJENOVIĆ BORER: HOW DOES EXERCISE SUPPORT DIETARY APPROACHES TO WEIGHT LOSS ..., 31–58 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 10 • 2019 • 1 KAKO GIBALNA VADBA DELUJE KOT PODPORA DIETI PRI ZNIŽEVANJU TELESNE MASE IN IZBOLJŠEVANJU ZDRAVJA? IZVLEČEK Hiter globalni razmah debelosti in prekomerne telesne mase zaradi številnih z njim povezanih bolezni in posledično krajšanja življenjske dobe, predstavlja vedno večje breme tako za posameznike kot tudi za zdravstvene sisteme. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 10 • 2019 • 1 31 Review article doi: received: 2018-07-29 UDC: 613.24:796.011 HOW DOES EXERCISE SUPPORT DIETARY APPROACHES TO WEIGHT LOSS AND BETTER HEALTH? keywords: activity; adaptation; american; annales; annales kinesiologiae; approaches; associated; balance; basal; behavioral; biological; body; borer; brain; burant; calories; capacity; carbohydrate; cell; changes; clinical; concentration; control; daily; data; diabetes; dietary; dietary approaches; disease; eating; endocrine; energy; et al; evidence; evolutionary; exercise; exercise energy; expenditure; fat; features; figure; food; function; gain; glucose; goback; health; high; homeostatic; hormone; https://doi; human; hunger; hyperglycemia; hyperinsulinemia; increase; insulin; intake; journal; katarina; katarina tomljenović; kinesiologiae; knuth; leptin; level; liver; loss; low; lower; mase; mass; meal; medicine; metabolic; morbidities; muscle; negative; new; non; number; nutrition; obese; obesity; palatable; physical; physiological; physiology; postprandial; prevention; quantity; rapid; receptors; reduction; resistance; response; review; rise; risk; sedentary; selection; sensitivity; shulman; storage; strategies; study; support; support dietary; t2d; telesne; tissues; tomljenović; tomljenović borer; total; type; van; wat; weight; weight loss; wuorinen; years cache: ak-162.pdf plain text: ak-162.txt item: #48 of 125 id: ak-164 author: Meulenberg, Cecil J. W. title: 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES IN SPORT date: 2018-10-05 words: 1001 flesch: 45 summary: Dvodnevni znanstveni program je potekal v treh dvoranah s Sekcija uvodnih predavanj drugega dne je bila izredno zanimiva. keywords: 15th; 57–68; annales; april; budva; conference; international; kinesiologiae; koper; kot; lecture; med; mladostnikov; muscle; naslovom; ocene; otrok; physical; poročila; predavanju; predstavil; prof; reports; research; reviews; science; sessions; sport; temo; transformation; tudi; vpliv cache: ak-164.pdf plain text: ak-164.txt item: #49 of 125 id: ak-165 author: Pišot, Saša title: 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SPE BALKAN SKI date: 2018-08-28 words: 891 flesch: 56 summary: Ronu Kippu (ZDA), ki je nadomestil odsotnega prof. Po lanski uspešni prvi konferenci, ki je bila organizirana v Smučarskem centru Kopaonik v Srbiji na pobudo prof. keywords: 57–68; annales; balkan; bosnia; center; conference; demo; education; international; jahorina; kinesiologiae; koper; ocene; pišot; poročila; prof; reports; reviews; science; ski; skiing; slovenia; spe; sports; university; winter cache: ak-165.pdf plain text: ak-165.txt item: #50 of 125 id: ak-166 author: Puhalj, Stojan; Lešnik, Blaž title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIMENSIONS OF TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE OF YOUNG ALPINE SKIING COMPETITORS AND COMPETITIVE PERFORMANCE date: 2018-11-09 words: 5196 flesch: 55 summary: Alpine skiing technique – Practical knowledge and scientific analysis. Statistically high significant correlations between the components of the technique in free skiing indicate that the training elements of free skiing techniques are a very important part of training for young competitors. keywords: alpine; alpine skiing; annales; association; balance; blaž; body; competitive; competitive skiing; competitors; component; correlation; course; criterion; cup; dimensions; edges; elements; factors; free; free skiing; gates; good; high; important; item; kinesiologiae; knowledge; level; lešnik; line; ljubljana; loland; main; meyer; movement; müller; performance; phase; physical; puhalj; quality; racing; rauch; relationship; research; results; score; skiing; skiing technique; skills; skis; slovenia; smučanju; sport; stojan; supej; tcs; technical; technical knowledge; technique; tfs; time; training; turn; university; variables; variance; view; young; žvan cache: ak-166.pdf plain text: ak-166.txt item: #51 of 125 id: ak-167 author: Dolenc, Petra; Petrič, Mojca title: PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN OLDER ADULTS date: 2019-01-17 words: 6544 flesch: 49 summary: Given the prevalence of depressive symptoms and the low rate of diagnosis among older adults, the promotion and maintenance of moderate-intensity aerobic PA could be 125 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 2 Petra DOLENC, Mojca PETRIČ: PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN OLDER ADULTS, 121–134 a recommended way for improving psychological well-being for all older people (Bri- dle, Spanjers, Patel, Atherton, & Lamb, 2012; Lee et al., 2014; Mummery, Schofield, & Caperchione, 2004). Also, further 129 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 2 Petra DOLENC, Mojca PETRIČ: PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN OLDER ADULTS, 121–134 studies using objective PA measures can contribute significantly to establish clear links between the amount of exercise and specific mental health benefits in older adults. keywords: active; activity; adults; aerobic; age; aging; analysis; annales; anxiety; association; benefits; care; colleagues; depression; doi; dolenc; effects; efficacy; elderly; exercise; failure; general; health; heart; hypothesis; important; intensity; item; journal; kinesiologiae; lee; levels; life; literature; living; mechanisms; medicine; mental; mental health; meta; mood; older; older adults; patients; people; petra; physical; physical activity; physical exercise; physical health; population; positive; program; psychological; qol; quality; questionnaire; recent; regular; relationship; research; results; review; risk; scale; self; significant; social; status; studies; study; symptoms; systematic; training; treatment; view; view item; week cache: ak-167.pdf plain text: ak-167.txt item: #52 of 125 id: ak-168 author: Meulenberg, Cecil J. W.; Marušič, Uroš title: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTHINESS AND FITNESS ACROSS THE LIFESPAN date: 2018-12-05 words: 717 flesch: 43 summary: znanstvena konferenca o zdravju v celotnem življenjskem obdobju ('Health Across Lifespan' HAL 2018), ki sta jo organizirala Univerza Otto von Guericke Magdeburg in Center za nevrodegenerativne bolezni Magdeburg skupaj z Evropsko skupino za raziskave starejših in gibalno/športno aktivnost ('European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity' EGREPA), je bila izvedena zelo uspe- šno. Ne le zato, ker je pritegnila približno 160 udeležencev 22 različnih narodnosti iz Afrike, Azije, Evrope ter Severne in Južne Amerike, ampak tudi zato, ker je bila dobro organizirana in zelo informativne narave. keywords: activity; aging; annales; brain; cognition; cognitive; conference; effects; egrepa; exercise; fitness; health;;; kinesiologiae; lifespan; magdeburg; motor; organised; physical; sessions; zelo cache: ak-168.pdf plain text: ak-168.txt item: #53 of 125 id: ak-169 author: Meulenberg, Cecil J. W.; Plazar, Nadja title: WORLD FOOD DAY 2018 – CONFERENCE ON ''FOOD, NUTRITION, HEALTH'' date: 2018-12-13 words: 787 flesch: 45 summary: Vzporedno sta bili organizirani dve okrogli mizi: Povezava med okoljem, pridelavo hrane in zdravjem, ki jo je moderiral dr. Janez Podobnik in Povezava med prehranje- vanjem, gibanjem in zdravjem, ki jo je moderiral prof. Konferenca, katere glavni organizator je bil prof. ddr. keywords: bil; conference; dan; day; ecpd; eftn; food; health; hrane; janez; koper; moderated; nutrition; peter; pišot; podobnik; prof; rado; raspor; zdravja; zrs cache: ak-169.pdf plain text: ak-169.txt item: #54 of 125 id: ak-171 author: Lipošek, Silvester; Planinšec, Jurij; Leskošek, Bojan; Pajtler, Aleksander title: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND ITS RELATION TO PHYSICAL FITNESS AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS date: 2019-01-09 words: 6258 flesch: 49 summary: Physical activity is usually performed with less consistency, more often in some we- eks, in others less, sometimes physical activity is performed on weekends, sometimes ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 2 101 Silvester LIPOŠEK, Jurij PLANINŠEC, Bojan LESKOŠEK, Aleksander PAJTLER: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ..., 89–104 during the week, etc. The weekly duration of physical activity (number of hours of physical activity in the previous week), frequency of vigorous physical activity (number of sessions of vi- gorous physical activity lasting at least 15 minutes in the previous week), frequency of moderate physical activity (number of sessions of moderate physical activity lasting at least 15 minutes in the previous week), frequency of low effort physical activity (num- ber of sessions of low effort physical activity lasting at least 15 minutes in the previous week) and sports club membership were used as indicators of physical activity. keywords: 89–104; academic; active; aleksander; annales; body; bojan; children; correlation; countries; data; doi; duration; education; exercise; females; fitness; frequency; gender; health; hours; influence; intensity; item; journal; jurij; kinesiologiae; leskošek; lipošek; low; males; maribor; minutes; moderate; pajtler; performance; physical activity; physical education; physical fitness; planinšec; positive; regular; relationship; reported; research; results; school; second; self; significant; silvester; skinfold; slovenia; sports; students; study; success; table; test; time; university; university students; view; view item; vigorous; weekly; weekly physical; year; študentov cache: ak-171.pdf plain text: ak-171.txt item: #55 of 125 id: ak-172 author: Pregelj, Sara; Šimunič, Boštjan title: EFFECTS OF 8-WEEK ELECTRICAL MUSCLE STIMULATION ON THE MUSCLE CONTRACTILE PROPERTIES IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS date: 2019-01-09 words: 7260 flesch: 62 summary: However, TMG was not used after EMS training study. In addition, we also investigated the retained effect after 8 weeks without EMS training. keywords: active; analysis; annales; applied; athletes; babault; benito; body; boštjan; changes; cometti; conditioning; contraction; deley; doi; effects; electrical; electrical muscle; electrodes; electromyostimulation; ems; ems training; et al; exercise; extensors; flexors; follow; force; girls; group; height; improvements; increased; isometric; item; journal; jump; kinesiologiae; knee; leg; lopez; maffiuletti; malatesta; martinez; mass; maximal; measurements; medicine; minutes; motor; muscle; muscle stimulation; mvc; participants; plyometric; pregelj; properties; research; rfd50; sara; science; skeletal; slovenia; sports; stimulation; strength; studies; study; time; tmg; training; view; view item; voluntary; week; šimunič cache: ak-172.pdf plain text: ak-172.txt item: #56 of 125 id: ak-173 author: Marušič, Uroš title: THE 23rd ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE date: 2018-11-14 words: 640 flesch: 53 summary: pa je slavil Henri Tilga iz Univerze Tartu, Estonija (The Effects of Web-based Intervention Program on Physical Education Tea- chers’ Letošnji kongres sta v sodelovanju organi- zirali dve univerzi in sicer »University College Dublin« (UCD) in »Ulster University«. keywords: college; congress; dublin; ecss; european; kongres; marušič; motor; presentation; research; science; sessions; sport; training; university; uroš cache: ak-173.pdf plain text: ak-173.txt item: #57 of 125 id: ak-175 author: Meulenberg, Cécil J. W. title: Health benefits induced by adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle components diet and physical activity date: 2019-05-22 words: 7310 flesch: 46 summary: Although Mediterranean diet is the principal component of this lifestyle, other components, like physical activity and socializing, form complex interactions and together they complete into the Mediterranean lifestyle. Keywords: lifestyle, Mediterranean diet, physical activity, health benefit, interac- tions. keywords: activity; adherence; alvarez; american; analysis; annales; bach; benefits; blood; brain; cardiovascular; cholesterol; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; components; consumption; cultural; cécil; density; depression; dernini; dietary; disease; duration; effect; estruch; et al; factors; fatty; food; garcia; general; goback; health; health benefits; high; higher; host; https://doi; human; index; interactions; intervention; j. w.; journal; kastorini; keys; kinesiologiae; levels; lifestyle; lipoprotein; m. a.; martínez; medicine; mediterranean; mediterranean diet; mediterranean lifestyle; meta; metabolic; meulenberg; microbiota; months; mortality; nutrition; physical; physical activity; prevention; psychiatry; public; quality; randomized; recent; reduced; research; review; risk; scientific; social; sofi; sotos; specific; studies; study; syndrome; systematic; training; trials; unesco; weight; years cache: ak-175.pdf plain text: ak-175.txt item: #58 of 125 id: ak-176 author: Marušič, Uroš; Pišot, Saša title: SUMMER SCHOOL ON HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLE "HALS - HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLE 2018" date: 2018-12-13 words: 1650 flesch: 58 summary: Nadaljeval je dr. Enrico Tongiorgi, ki je predstavil projekt Memori-Net, kjer se oblikujejo nove smernice obravnave pacientov po možganski kapi. S praktičnega vidika je dr. keywords: active; activity; adaptations; afternoon; aktivnosti; anita; annales; boštjan; brain; dan; day; gibalne; hals2018; healthy; hokelmann; kathrine; kinesiologiae; koper; lifestyle; marco; marušič; mediterranean; mišičnih; muscular; narici; new; ocene; paolo; participants; ph.d; pietro; piran; pišot; poletne; poročila; predstavili; rehfeld; reports; research; reviews; school; september; sports; sta; stroke; summer; udeleženci; uroš; šimunič; šole; športne cache: ak-176.pdf plain text: ak-176.txt item: #59 of 125 id: ak-177 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2018-12-17 words: 487 flesch: 39 summary: Kot pomemb- ne dejavnike za doseganje cilja pa izpostavljajo tako socialni vidik – vlogo skupine in socialne integracije ter nabora ustreznih strategij prehranjevanja, kot tudi funkcionalni vidik – vlogo gibalnih sposobnosti ter tehničnega znanja. With the professionally adapted and integrated, but above all, coordinated operation of these factors, we can multiply the effects and impact of exercise and the sport results which is not only shown in sports results or ranking, but will represent an important positive experience for further and sustainable engagement in physical / sports activities. prof. keywords: activities; annales; articles; development; exercise; individual; kinesiologiae; physical; pišot; prof; quality; rado; role; scientific; sports; ter; vadbe cache: ak-177.pdf plain text: ak-177.txt item: #60 of 125 id: ak-178 author: Pišot, Saša title: FINAL SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE "MOTOR SKILLS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN" date: 2018-12-18 words: 1006 flesch: 43 summary: Establishing the impact of parental support on children’s physical activity and the degree of their physical activity at the level of children’s motor abilities and e) Determining the impact of different training programs on motor skills and abi- lities of pre-school children. A wider selection of motor skills that are already included in the project, such as intervention training and exercises, will enable children to choose from the sports ac- tivities that they master and enjoy. keywords: activity; aktivnosti; children; conference; croatia; development; djece; education; hrvaške; kinesiologiae; motor; motoričnih; ocene; otrok; ph.d; physical; pišot; poročila; preschool; professional; project; projekta; reports; republic; reviews; saša; skills; zagreb cache: ak-178.pdf plain text: ak-178.txt item: #61 of 125 id: ak-179 author: Pišot, Rado title: EDITORIAL date: 2019-01-07 words: 732 flesch: 46 summary: Prof. Rado Pišot, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor 74 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 2 UVODNIK Kako izkoristiti informacijsko tehnologijo v prid gibalni/športni aktivnosti je izziv, ki si ga postavljajo ne samo proizvajalci športne opreme in tehnologij, temveč tudi vsi tisti športni strokovnjaki, ki stremijo za ciljem premakniti krivuljo upada gibalne aktiv- nosti v pozitivno smer. Vprašanje, kako izkoristiti aktivno video igro tenisa pri mlajših teniških igralcih, so si tako zastavili tudi avtorji prvega članka in ugotovili pozitivne učinke predvsem v izboljšanju vizualne pozornosti, ki pa ne more nadomestiti realnega treninga tehnike. keywords: active; activity; aktivnosti; annales; article; conference; effects; healthy; kako; kinesiologiae; life; lifestyle; ph.d; physical; positive; prof; rado; regular; sports; tennis; tudi; znanja cache: ak-179.pdf plain text: ak-179.txt item: #62 of 125 id: ak-180 author: Šimunič, Boštjan; Pišot, Rado title: CONFFERENCE REPORT "SKELETAL MUSCLE: FROM MOLECULES TO FUNCTION" date: 2019-01-18 words: 1779 flesch: 73 summary: (iz predstavitve Rada Pišota in Boštjana Šimuniča) V veliko zadovoljstvo nam je bilo, da je lahko Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave ZRS Koper sodeloval na tej konferenci in hkrati, da si tudi ti del našega Inštituta. Bila je le peščica študentov, ki je pred skoraj osmimi stoletji ustanovila eno prvih univerz v Evropi. keywords: annales; bila; boš; boštjan; carlo; conference; dan; day; eno; great; inactivity; kinesiologiae; king; kot; lahko; leta; life; men; minila; moral; muscle; neaktivnosti; night; noč; ocene; old; older; padua; pišot; poročila; pri; prof; rado; reggiani; reports; reviews; scheherazade; smo; story; sultan; tako; time; tisoč; tudi; university; univerzi; young; zgodbo; znanstvenih; šahrijar; šeherezada; šimunič cache: ak-180.pdf plain text: ak-180.txt item: #63 of 125 id: ak-182 author: Zerbo, Dorjana title: The benefits of physical activity and exercise on physical, cognitive and daily life activities in aging adults date: 2019-09-20 words: 5789 flesch: 46 summary: Dancing has a superior potential to induce more positive effects on brain volumes in elderly people to peperitive physical exercises (Rehfeld et. Physical exercise for sleep problems in adults aged 60+. keywords: abilities; activities; activity; adults; aerobic; age; aged; aging; american; annales; balance; bed; benefits; brain; cognition; cognitive; conditions; daily; daily life; decline; dorjana; effective; effects; elderly; endurance; exercise; fitness; flexibility; functional; functioning; gerževič; goback; health; important; influence; intensity; interventions; journal; kinesiologiae; life; marušič; mass; medicine; muscle; older; older adults; people; performance; physical; physical activity; physical exercise; pišot; population; power; programs; regular; resistance; rest; review; risk; sports; strength; study; successful; systematic; training; walking; week; women; zerbo; šporin cache: ak-182.pdf plain text: ak-182.txt item: #64 of 125 id: ak-185 author: Jurdana, Mihaela; Barlič-Maganja, Darja title: Physical activity regulates the intestinal microbiota composition date: 2019-11-25 words: 6424 flesch: 37 summary: Recent ani- mals and human studies suggest that regular physical activity increases the presence of beneficial microbial species of gut microbiota and improves the health status of the host. These microorganisms are known as gut microbiota and are sometimes referred to as a »forgotten organ« (O’Hara & Shanahan, 2006). keywords: 99–114; activity; alterations; animals; annales; axis; bacterial; barlič; beneficial; brain; butyrate; cancer; cell; changes; clarke; colonization; communication; composition; cryan; darja; decrease; development; diet; dietary; different; dinan; diseases; disorders; diversity; dysbiosis; early; effects; et al; exercise; factors; function; gastrointestinal; git; goback; gut; gut microbiota; health; host; https://doi; human; immune; immunology; important; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; intestinal; intestinal microbiota; journal; jurdana; kinesiologiae; life; like; maganja; medicine; metabolic; metabolites; microbial; microbiota; microbiota composition; microbiota diversity; mihaela; nature; nutrients; obesity; physical; physical activity; physiological; physiology; positive; production; response; reviews; role; scfas; science; serotonin; species; studies; study; system; training cache: ak-185.pdf plain text: ak-185.txt item: #65 of 125 id: ak-188 author: Meulenberg, Cecil J. W. title: Book review Sustainable Diets - Linking nutrition and food systems date: 2019-11-05 words: 1057 flesch: 44 summary: Ob mnogih prehranskih indikatorjih, je kot posebej poveden izpostavljen tudi vidik telesne aktivnosti oz. Avtorji so opozorili še, da je za pridobivanje relevantnih informacij glede telesne aktivnosti primerna metoda osebnih intervjujev ter da je nujno potrebno zagotoviti priporočila za specifične trajnostne prehrambne in tudi sicer življenjske slo- keywords: activity; aktivnosti; annales; avtorji; ciljev; development; diets; environmental; food; goback; health; international; jih; kinesiologiae; kot; mediterranean; monograph; nutrition; ocene; okolje; physical; poročila; prehrambnih; prehrane; prehranjevanja; reports; reviews; sustainable; telesne; tem; ter; tisti; trajnostne; tudi; vsem cache: ak-188.pdf plain text: ak-188.txt item: #66 of 125 id: ak-189 author: Meulenberg, Cecil J. W.; Pišot, Saša title: 5th International Scientific Conference on "Exercise and Quality of Life": Novi Sad, Serbia, 11-13 April, 2019 date: 2019-08-08 words: 932 flesch: 32 summary: The plenary lectures of the conference covered various as- pects within the subtopic ‘from active childhood to healthy aging’ in a very informative way: Wlodzimierz Starosta: Model of children’s comprehensive movement education in a family as a fundament of healthy, physically active, successful and long life; Antonino Bianco: Field-based tests for the assessment of physical fitness in youth practicing sports: a systematic review within the ESA program; James S. Skinner: Exercise and quality of life in the elderly; Francisco B. Ortega: Fitter kids for a healthier adult soci- ety; Jozsef Betlehem: How can health literacy influence health status?; Jorunn Sund- got-Borgen: Exercise and quality of life in healthy adolescents, women with eating dis- orders and female elite athletes; Dejan Magoc: Impact of 5-2-1-0: a community-based childhood obesity prevention initiative; Sanja Music Milanovic: Physical (in)activity in early school-age: What are we doing wrong?; Visnja Djordjic: The post-milennials’ lifestyle and what physical education can do about it?; Sanja Salaj: Physical activity and motor skills in preschool children; Finn Berggren: HEPA Europe – Before – Now – and ???. From the main lectures, it was obvious that there is a role for attendees and organ- isers to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity during primary school periods, to battle sedentary lifestyles, and to consider physical activity as an integrated element of obligatory academic courses. keywords: activity; assessment; children; conference; education; europe; exercise; field; goback; health; hepa;;;; life; novi; physical; pri; quality; sad; sanja; school; sports; tests; tudi; več cache: ak-189.pdf plain text: ak-189.txt item: #67 of 125 id: ak-195 author: Stanković, Nemanja; Milošević, Nikola; Živković, Mladen title: The impact of the 2013 rule changes on gripping configuration in high-level judo athletes date: 2019-12-10 words: 4090 flesch: 58 summary: As expected, new gripping rules have increased the difficulty of breaking the grip, leading to a significant increase of grip configurations where tori and uke have a strong connection (kenka-yotsu and ai-yotsu). Since central grip configuration is a defensive grip, used to block the opponent’s attacks rather than to produce our own, the registered decrease can be characterized as a positive outcome of the rule changes. keywords: 3–13; actions; analysis; annales; athletes; attacking; calmet; central; championships; changes; combat; configurations; cross; difference; elite; franchini; goback; grip; gripping; impact; international; journal; judo; judokas; kenka; kinesiologiae; male; miarka; milošević; mladen; nemanja; nikola; opponent; p<0.001; performance; prijema; rule; sample; significant; sport; stanković; techniques; test; time; usage; weight; world; yotsu; živković cache: ak-195.pdf plain text: ak-195.txt item: #68 of 125 id: ak-196 author: Pišot, Saša title: Report of the First Belt and Road Physical Education Forum: Zagreb, Croatia, April 16 -18, 2019 date: 2019-11-22 words: 1085 flesch: 41 summary: športih je 32 ustanov iz 16 držav (Pekinška univerza za šport, Pekinška Normal univerza, Kapital univerza za telesno vzgojo in šport (CUPES), Karlova univerza v Pragi, Univerza Chulalongkorn, Uni- verza Comenius v Bratislavi, Univerza za telesno vzgojo in šport v Gdansku, Nemška univerza za šport v Kölnu, Univerza “Josefa Pilsudskega“ za telesno vzgojo v Varšavi, Latvijska akademija za športno vzgojo, Litovska univerza za šport, Masarykova uni- verza v Brnu, Nacionalna športna akademija „Vassil Levski“ v Sofiji, Univerza Pa- lacky Olomouc, Ruska državna univerza za telesno vzgojo, šport, mladino in turizem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Univerza za šport v Tirani, Uuniverza Cirila in Metoda v Skopju, Transilvanska Univerza v Brasovu, Univerza v Alberti, Univerza v Beogradu, Univerza v Ljubljani, Univerza v Črni Gori, Univerza v Nišu, Univerza na Primorskem, Univerza v Sarajevu, Univerza v Splitu, Univerza Tartu, Univerza iz Worcestra, Univerza v Zagrebu, Univerza „Vasile Alecsandri“ v Bacauu in Univerza Western) podpisalo soglasno izjavo za promocijo razvoja raziskovanja športa in telesne vzgoje, s katero želijo omogočiti, da šport v svoji vlogi Ob tem je bilo organizirano samo- stojno srečanje s predstavniki Pekinške univerze za šport, kjer sta možnosti za razvoj sodelovanja na skupnih področjih predstavila prof. keywords: 73–80; annales; belt; centre; countries; development; držav; education; forum; goback;; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; koper; ocene; phd; physical; physical education; pišot; poročila; prof; reports; research; reviews; road; saša; science; sports; telesno; university; univerza; vzgojo; zagreb; šport cache: ak-196.pdf plain text: ak-196.txt item: #69 of 125 id: ak-197 author: Pišot, Saša title: Report on a visit to the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism: Moscow, Russian Federation, 14th – 18th May 2019 date: 2019-12-19 words: 876 flesch: 55 summary: Pogovarjali smo se o trenutnih dobrih praksah in pomanjkljivostih sistemov v Rusiji, Egiptu in Sloveniji. Naslednji korak je namenjen oblikovanju konkretnih predlogov za sodelovanje v raziskavah in morebitno primerjavo podatkov raziskav na področju gibalnega statusa otrok. keywords: 2019; child; cooperation; education; goback; institute; lecture; maja; motor; phd; physical; pišot; prof; research; russian; saša; slovenia; smo; sport; state; systems; tourism; university; visit; work; youth cache: ak-197.pdf plain text: ak-197.txt item: #70 of 125 id: ak-199 author: Marušič, Uroš title: Research exchange at one of the top american institutions - University of Michigan date: 2019-11-25 words: 721 flesch: 35 summary: Dr. Marušič je raziskoval v laboratoriju prof. Dr. Marušič se je med izmenjavo na Univerzi v Michiganu poglobil tudi v področje nevroergonomije, kjer je keywords: bohnen; difficulties; disease; education; exchange; goback;;;; instability; institutions; koper; marušič; michigan; mobility; parkinson; ph.d; research; university; uroš cache: ak-199.pdf plain text: ak-199.txt item: #71 of 125 id: ak-201 author: Teraž, Kaja; Meulenberg, Cecil title: Nutritional intake of Slovenian semi-professional handball players date: 2020-01-24 words: 7306 flesch: 54 summary: Furthermore, the average of 90.4 kg of body mass falls within the range of 82.2 to 96 kg as reported by previous studies in male handball players (Chaouachi et al., 2009; Ghobadi et al., 2013; Massuca et al., 2015; Molina-López et al., 2013; Šibila & Pori, 2009; Sporiš et al., 2010). White bars: energy, calculated from RDEI as in section 4.2.1; Gray bars: carbohydrates, calculated from lower recommended limit; Hatched bars: protein, calculated from lower recommended limit; Black bars: fat, calculated from upper rec- ommended limit. 142 Kaja TERAŽ, Cécil J. W. MEULENBERG: NUTRITIONAL INTAKE OF SLOVENIAN SEMI-PROFESSIONAL HANDBALL PLAYERS, 129–147 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 10 • 2019 • 2 Several studies reported body fat, but only a few specifically related to the field position for male handball players, not differentiating between left, right or centre- backs (n = 21, Chaouachi et al., 2009; n = 78, Šibila & Pori, 2009; n = 92, Sporiš et al., 2010). keywords: 129–147; actual; american; annales; anthropometric; association; athletes; average; bars; body; burke; calculated; carbohydrates; centre; cécil; daily; data; days; dietetic; energy; energy intake; et al; fat; fat intake; female; figure; food; handball; handball players; height; high; intake; international; journal; kaja; kcal; kinesiologiae; literature; lower; macronutrient; male; male handball; male players; mass; match; medicine; meulenberg; nutritional; nutritional intake; percentage; performance; players; position; present; professional; professional handball; protein; range; recommendations; rodriquez; semi; slovenian; specific; sports; studies; study; team; teraž; training; training days; vnos cache: ak-201.pdf plain text: ak-201.txt item: #72 of 125 id: ak-202 author: Bon, Marta title: Characteristics of adolescents' active lifestyle in the city of Ljubljana date: 2020-01-24 words: 5069 flesch: 57 summary: Given that young people spend approximately half of their waking day at school, schools represent an essential setting for promoting physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviours (Morton, Atkin, Corder, Suhrcke, & Van Sluijs, 2016). Correlates of physical activity: why are some people phys- ically active and others not? keywords: 87–98; active; active lifestyle; activities; activity; adolescents; aged; aktivnega; annales; benefits; bon; characteristics; childhood; children; city; classes; correlates; data; dijaki; education; environmental; et al; facilities; factors; farooq; fitness; general; goback; health; important; interventions; interviews; journal; kinesiologiae; level; lifestyle; ljubljana; marta; medicine; methods; municipality; nursing; outdoor; participation; people; physical; physical activity; policies; results; review; school; secondary; sloga; social; sports; state; students; study; support; teachers; test; time; van; years; življenjskega cache: ak-202.pdf plain text: ak-202.txt item: #73 of 125 id: ak-211 author: Stojiljković, Nenad; Mitić, Petar; Sporiš, Goran title: Can exercise make our children smarter? date: 2020-01-15 words: 5808 flesch: 46 summary: The greatest influence of physical exercise has been observed in the domain of executive functions, which are of the great importance for performing daily activities, for the ability to adapt behavior in children, their intellectual functioning and success in performing tasks at school (Tomporowski, McCullick, Pendleton, & Pesce, 2015). Hippocampal dentate gyrus is another location where neurogene- sis induced by physical exercise can occur. keywords: activity; aerobic; annales; bdnf; brain; brain structure; callosum; cells; chaddock; changes; children; cognition; cognitive; control; corpus; cortex; development; different; effects; erickson; exercise; factor; fitness; function; goran; greater; growth; hillman; hippocampal; imaging; important; improved; increase; influence; intensity; journal; kinesiologiae; kramer; level; longitudinal; matter; memory; minutes; mitić; nenad; neural; neurogenesis; neuroscience; neurotrophic; new; older; performance; petar; physical; physical exercise; positive; prefrontal; process; regions; related; researches; smarter; sporiš; stimulus; stojiljković; structure; studies; study; volume; white cache: ak-211.pdf plain text: ak-211.txt item: #74 of 125 id: ak-212 author: Pišot, Rado title: Editorial date: 2019-12-19 words: 725 flesch: 43 summary: Pri tem so določena okolja še posebej spodbudna in sredozemsko je z vsem, kar mu nudita posebno naravno in družbeno okolje, prav gotovo eno najprimernejših. Res je sicer, da se z današnjimi pristopi v diagnostiki in iskanju ozadij dobrega rezultata posamezniku lahko popolnoma približamo in na osnovi znanstvenih ugotovitev usmerjamo nadaljnje trenažne pristope, kot so predsta- vili avtorji prvega prispevka v izdaji revije, ki je pred vami. keywords: annales; approaches; bolj; direct; exercise; goal; good; health; impact; individual; kinesiologiae; regimes; result; solutions; tako; times; tudi; večkrat cache: ak-212.pdf plain text: ak-212.txt item: #75 of 125 id: ak-213 author: Pišot, Rado title: Editorial date: 2019-12-19 words: 670 flesch: 60 summary: Znanje, ki je lahko kakovosten produkt znanosti, se šele v rokah teh udejanji kot dodana Fizično in družbeno okolje, ki obdaja posameznika in nanj nedvo- mno vpliva, pa je v dveh keywords: annales; authors; contributions; environment; findings; goback; human; individual; kinesiologiae; kinesiology; knowledge; lahko; movement; nam; znanje; človeka cache: ak-213.pdf plain text: ak-213.txt item: #76 of 125 id: ak-222 author: Jazbinšek, Sončka; Kotnik, Primož title: Influence of physical activity on linear growth in children and adolescents date: 2020-05-25 words: 6190 flesch: 50 summary: Inflamma- tory cytokines, such as TGF-β, IL-1β, and IL-6, act directly on binding to their re- ceptors in the growth plate cartilage and thereby suppress bone growth. At the same time, it also stimulates growth plate maturation directly through receptors ER-α and 32 Sončka JAZBINŠEK, Primož KOTNIK: INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON LINEAR GROWTH IN CHILDREN ..., 29–42 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 11 • 2020 • 1 ER-β, expressed in all zones of growth plates, decreasing proliferative capacity of chondrocytes in the process of senescence (Lui, Garrison, & Baron, 2015; Weise et al., 2001). keywords: 29–42; active; activity; adolescents; age; alves; annales; balance; baron; body; bone; calcium; children; chondrocyte; cytokines; development; duration; early; effect; endocrine; energy; et al; exercise; function; growth; growth hormone; growth plate; health; height; hormones; igf-1; important; increase; inflammatory; influence; insulin; intake; intensity; jazbinšek; journal; kinesiologiae; kotnik; levels; like; linear growth; local; longitudinal; mass; maturation; mechanisms; medicine; metabolism; mineral; mountjoy; muscle; negative; nilsson; peak; phillip; physical; physical activity; plate; primož; process; proliferation; pubertal; puberty; recent; research; result; review; secretion; senescence; sončka; sports; studies; tissue; vitamin cache: ak-222.pdf plain text: ak-222.txt item: #77 of 125 id: ak-223 author: Pišot, Saša title: Mother’s perspective of maintaining an active outdoor leisure time of a preschool child date: 2021-01-07 words: 5909 flesch: 50 summary: When family leisure time is shrinking, additional efforts should be made to encourage and enable physically active leisure time of families. The problem mirrored in this research is that insufficient and inactive spending of family leisure time is mostly the result of fa- mily-work conflict (resulting in “lack of time for outdoor activities”) where mothers often ended up in dissatisfaction, fatigue, suffering stress. keywords: active; active leisure; active outdoor; activity; annales; characteristics; childhood; children; conditions; data; demographic; development; education; efficiency; environmental; facilities; factors; families; family; family leisure; financial; group; health; higher; holidays; home; important; interviews; journal; kinesiologiae; lack; leisure; leisure time; lifestyle; living; lower; mother; motor; outdoor; outdoor leisure; parental; parents; personal; perspective; physical; physical activity; pišot; preschool; preschool child; prostega; qualitative; research; role; saša; semi; social; socio; spending; sports; status; structured; study; support; test; time; weather; weekends; work; years; časa cache: ak-223.pdf plain text: ak-223.txt item: #78 of 125 id: ak-225 author: Conte, Marcelo; de Souza, João Vitor; Azevedo, Gustavo; Fernandes, Victor title: Lactacidemia during track day motorcycle racing competitions date: 2020-10-01 words: 3127 flesch: 53 summary: Both current and vintage motorcycle racers showed an increase in lactacidemia, although descriptively vintage motorcycle racers showed higher lactate concentrations, both at rest and after the race. The method of measuring lactate concentration after sports car races has been used to compare the physiological responses between professional and amateur drivers, identifying direct relationships between competitiveness and the physical condition of the practitioner, which reinforces the need for specific training for that population (Bar- thel et al., 2020). keywords: anaerobic; andrade; annales; augusto; azevedo; blood; brazil; comparison; concentrations; conte; day; drivers; exercise; fernandes; goback; graph; gustavo; high; increase; journal; joão; kinesiologiae; lactacidemia; lactate; marcelo; medicine; metabolism; mmol; motorbike; motorcycle; motorcycling; muscle; paulo; performance; physical; race; racers; racing; ramos; results; riders; significant; souza; sports; studies; study; são; track; training; victor; vintage cache: ak-225.pdf plain text: ak-225.txt item: #79 of 125 id: ak-235 author: Rizman Herga, Nataša; Fošnarič, Samo; Kolar, Andreja title: School chair design and key criteria from the users’ point of view date: 2020-10-25 words: 6602 flesch: 59 summary: Analiza ustreznosti izmer šolskih stolov glede na antropometrične zna- čilnosti učencev v osnovnih šolah [Adequacy analysis of school chair measurements ac- cording to the anthropometric characteristics of primary school pupils]. The study has shown that, in addition to comfort, school chairs must provide dynamic or active sitting. keywords: active; adolescents; age; analysis; andreja; annales; answers; anthropometric; armrests; chair; chair design; characteristics; children; class; classes; classroom; comfort; comfortable; criteria; data; design; different; dimensions; dynamic; environment; experiment; figure; fošnarič; furniture; gender; girls; goback; health; height; herga; home; key; kinesiologiae; kolar; kot; lower; nataša; number; older; older pupils; opinion; ormož; pain; position; posture; pri; primary; problems; prolonged; pupils; questionnaire; research; results; rizman; rizman herga; samo; samo fošnarič; school; school chair; school furniture; seats; sedentary; significant; sitting; soft; static; students; study; support; survey; table; time; use; users; work; younger cache: ak-235.pdf plain text: ak-235.txt item: #80 of 125 id: ak-242 author: Aleksić Veljković, Aleksandra; Đurović, Dušanka ; Biro, Filip ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Ilić, Predrag title: Eating attitudes and body image concerns among female athletes from aesthetic sports date: 2020-11-23 words: 4832 flesch: 54 summary: EATING ATTITUDES ..., 3–16 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 11 • 2020 • 1 Conclusion: The study confirmed the relationship between body image concerns and pathological eating attitudes among female aesthetic sport athletes. Our study aims to explore the relationship between body image concerns and eating disorders among female aesthetic sport athletes. keywords: 3–16; aesthetic; aesthetic sports; aleksić; annales; athletes; attitudes; behaviors; biro; bmi; body; body image; body shape; borgen; bsq; bulimia; concerns; control; correlation; dieting; disorders; dissatisfaction; dušanka; eating; elite; estetskih; factors; female; filip; girls; group; ilić; image; image dissatisfaction; journal; katarina; kinesiologiae; non; oral; podobo; predrag; pri; questionnaire; results; risk; sample; score; shape; specific; sports; stojanović; study; sundgot; table; telesno; test; total; veljković; weight; years; đurović; športnicah cache: ak-242.pdf plain text: ak-242.txt item: #81 of 125 id: ak-250 author: Pišot, Saša title: 2nd EURO-PAK International Conference on Sports Sciences & Physical Education: “A Way Forward Towards Healthy Life”. Islamabad, Pakistan, 11-13 October 2019 date: 2020-10-30 words: 649 flesch: 37 summary: oktober 2019 V sredini oktobra 2019 je univerza za znanosti in informacijsko tehnologijo Sharad v Pešavarju v sodelovanju z univerzo v Pandžabu, Lahore; univerzo Abdul Wali Khan, Mardan; univerzo Otto von Guericke Magdeburg, Nemčija; univerzo v Sargodhi, Sar- godha; univerzo Gomal, DI Khan; pakistanskim odborom za šport iz Islamabada; mi- nistrstvom za visoko šolstvo v Pakistanu, pakistanskim svetom za znanost (PCOSS); mednarodno zvezo za znanosti o športu in zdravju (INSHS) in komisijo za visoko šol- stvo Islamabad, Pakistan, organizirala drugo In the middle of October 2019, Sharad University of Science and Information Te- chnology, Peshawar, in cooperation with the following institutions: University of the Punjab, Lahore; Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan; Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany; University of Sargodha, Sargodha; Gomal University, DI Khan; Pakistan Sports Board, Islamabad; Higher Education Department, KP; Pakistan Coun- cil of Sports Science (PCOSS); International Network of Sport and Health Science (IN- SHS); Higher Education Commission Islamabad, Pakistan, organised the 2nd Euro-Pak International Conference on Sports Sciences & Physical Education with the promising title: “A way forward towards healthy life.” keywords: 65–76; annales; education; goback; health; international; islamabad; khan; kinesiologiae; ocene; pakistan; physical; pišot; poročila; reports; reviews; science; sports; university; univerzo cache: ak-250.pdf plain text: ak-250.txt item: #82 of 125 id: ak-252 author: Marušič, Uroš title: TWINning the BRAIN with machine learning for neuro-muscular efficiency (TwinBrain) date: 2020-11-02 words: 1131 flesch: 44 summary: The TwinBrain project was successfully designed and obtained within the Institute for Kinesiology Research, Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper), under the leadership of dr. Uroš Marušič. The activities of the TwinBrain project are aimed at establishing and raising the quality of the research group in the country with a lower R&I index (ZRS Koper), with the help of partner institutions with a higher R&I index (TUB, UNIGE and UNITS). keywords: activities; annales; behaviour; berlin; body; brain; cilj; dejavnosti; dinamiko; dynamics; efficiency; goback; imaging; kinesiologiae; koper; learning; machine; med; mobile; možgansko; muscular; neuro; ocene; poročila; project; projekta; r&i; reports; research; reviews; system; tub; twinbrain; unige; units; zrs cache: ak-252.pdf plain text: ak-252.txt item: #83 of 125 id: ak-257 author: Stanković, Mima ; Đorđević, Dušan; Zelenović, Milan; Božić, Danijel title: Correlation of body composition with speed and agility of children aged 9-10 date: 2021-03-04 words: 3775 flesch: 57 summary: Previous research has shown a negative correlation between body weight of the respondents, regardless of gender, and success in performing motor tests for speed running and agility. In addition to body composition, a correlation was found between body height and performance of Original scientific article doi: received: 2020-11-30 UDC: 612.65:796.012.1 122 Mima STANKOVIĆ, Dušan ĐORĐEVIĆ, Milan ZELENOVIĆ, Danijel BOŽIĆ: CORRELATION OF BODY COMPOSITION ..., 121–130 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 11 • 2020 • 2 one-legged stationary hop, as well as between basal metabolism, the one-legged sta- tionary hop test and the overall results achieved in motor skill tests. keywords: abilities; aged; agility; annales; basal; bmi; bmr; body; body composition; bot-2; božić; children; composition; correlation; danijel; dušan; examinee; hop; index; kinesiologiae; legged; mass; metabolism; milan; mima; motor; negative; number; parameters; physical; relationship; research; respondents; results; running; sample; significance; skills; speed; stanković; stationary; statistical; study; test; tsaa; weight; years; zelenović; đorđević cache: ak-257.pdf plain text: ak-257.txt item: #84 of 125 id: ak-258 author: Šimunič, Boštjan; Pišot, Rado; Volmut, Tadeja title: Confference report: 10th Jubilee International Scientific and Professional Congress - A Child in Motion 2019: Piran, Slovenia, 7 - 9 November 2019 date: 2021-01-07 words: 1020 flesch: 45 summary: POROČILA IN OCENE, 65–76 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 11 • 2020 • 1 Hkrati s kongresom smo gostili tudi pomembne goste mednarodnega projekta »Knowledge Hub on the Euro-Mediterranean region – MED-HUB«, ki ga vodi Evro- -sredozemska univerza v partnerstvu z organizatorji kongresa, ki je povezal stroko in znanost naše sredozemske regije v prioritete razvoja novih rešitev in študijskih progra- mov celotne evropske regije. In school children, physical / sports activity is encouraged not only in the course of physical education, but also in other school subjects. keywords: 65–76; annales; child; children; congress; development; euro; gibanju; goback; hub; important; international; kinesiologiae; konference; koper; mediterranean; motion; ocene; otrok; physical; poročila; pri; professional; region; reports; research; reviews; school; scientific; sports; tudi; work cache: ak-258.pdf plain text: ak-258.txt item: #85 of 125 id: ak-270 author: Pišot, Rado title: Editorial date: 2021-01-08 words: 860 flesch: 41 summary: Ob deseti obletnici revije Annales Kinesiologiae in znanstvenega objavljanja v okviru znanstvene založbe Annales ZRS želim čestitati vsem dosedanjim avtorjem, še posebej pa ožjemu in širšemu uredniškemu odboru in številnim recenzentom. During the ten years of its existence, Annales Kinesiologiae has published many articles which scientifically substantiate the role and importance of physical/sports ac- tivity, exercise and training for the preservation of a balanced functioning of the hu- man organism, of one’s health, motor competence, and of the quality of life in one’s different roles and activities. keywords: activities; annales; editorial; existence; gibalne; health; kinesiologiae; life; measures; ohranjanje; organized; physical; prof; public; revije; scientific; sports; threat; training; tudi; ukrepi; vadbe; zdravje; znanstveno; športne cache: ak-270.pdf plain text: ak-270.txt item: #86 of 125 id: ak-271 author: Shah, Zubia; Mughal, Abdul Waheed; Khan, Sherbaz; Tauqir, Saman; Shah, Inayat title: Moderate physical activity improves inflammatory markers (IL-6 and TNF Alpha) and diabetic profile in prediabetic population date: 2021-05-18 words: 5328 flesch: 47 summary: The exact intensity of exercise capable of eliciting the required heart rate was determined and each participant was asked to perform moderate intensity exercise (45 minutes including warm up and cool down) at home, monitored through pedometers, 5 days a week for 12 weeks. Conclusion: Moderate intensity exercise significantly decreases the levels of circu- lating inflammatory cytokines and improves the diabetic profile in prediabetics. keywords: abdul; activity; annales; basal; bmi; body; cardiorespiratory; composition; consumption; development; diabetes; diabetic; effects; exercise; fbs; females; findings; fitness; glucose; hba1c; heart; high; il-6; inayat; inflammatory; insulin; intensity; interventional; journal; khan; kinesiologiae; levels; males; markers; mass; medical; mellitus; moderate; mughal; oxygen; pakistan; parameters; participants; patients; pederson; physical; population; post; prediabetes; profile; regular; resistance; saman; shah; sherbaz; significant; stage; study; table; tauqir; tnf; training; type; vo2; waheed; week; zubia cache: ak-271.pdf plain text: ak-271.txt item: #87 of 125 id: ak-272 author: Pišot, Rado; Kleva, Matej; Teraž, Kaja ; Paravlić, Armin; Marušič, Uroš; Pišot, Saša; Šimunič, Boštjan title: Stay active date: 2021-03-09 words: 1199 flesch: 47 summary: Prav ta pa je v zadnjih desetletjih (še posebej po letu 1993, odkar je medmrežje komercialno dosegljivo?!) Človekov organizem se je v milijonih let oblikoval in razvijal z zoperstavljanjem težnosti, naši predniki so z razvojem pokončne drže in vsakodnevnim gibanjem razvili edinstven skeletno- mišični sistem, živčni, srčno-žilni in dihalni sistem in delovanje celotnega organizma podredil svojim opravilom, ki jih je vodil edinstven um. keywords: 65–76; abilities; active; activities; activity; advice; aktivni; annales; body; booklet; daily; doma; edinstven; exercise; healthy;; human; individual; infection; jih; kinesiologiae; lahko; measures; movement; ocene; p)ostanite; physical; pišot; poročila; predvsem; reports; reviews; search; smo; tudi cache: ak-272.pdf plain text: ak-272.txt item: #88 of 125 id: ak-273 author: Marušič, Uroš title: Living with smart technology: development opportunities and dangers date: 2021-05-18 words: 564 flesch: 31 summary: It was organized by the Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper) in cooperation with Koper Theater, and broadcast live via the websites and Facebook pages of ZRS Koper, Koper Theater, and the Regional Portal. The conversation was chaired by Rado Pišot, PhD (Director of ZRS Koper), and among the invited speakers were Gorazd Andrejč, PhD (Institute for Philosophical Studies ZRS Koper and Uni- versity of Groningen, the Netherlands), Gašper Hrastelj (Deputy General Secretary of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO), Uroš Marušič, PhD (Institute for Kinesiology Research, ZRS Koper) and Matej Mertik, PhD (Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Maribor). keywords: 147–158; annales;; kinesiologiae; koper; marušič; november; ocene; phd; poročila; reports; reviews; speakers; technology; theater; uroš; zrs cache: ak-273.pdf plain text: ak-273.txt item: #89 of 125 id: ak-277 author: Plevnik, Matej title: Editorial date: 2021-05-20 words: 704 flesch: 53 summary: Only with intense effort will we be able to overcome the intergenerational decline in physical activity. Starši otrok in mladostnikov imajo v svoji vlogi pomembno nalogo, da z zgledom in stalno motivacijo svoje najmlajše navdušujejo za redno gibalno udejstvovanje. keywords: active; activity; annales; children; development; environment; family; gibalno; importance; issue; kinesiologiae; kot; parents; patterns; physical; pomembno; pomen; pri; studies; tem; time; tudi; vedno; znova; časa cache: ak-277.pdf plain text: ak-277.txt item: #90 of 125 id: ak-278 author: Pišot, Saša title: New dimension and a new challenge: the presentation of Erasmus+ Sport “SKI EASY project” date: 2021-05-20 words: 981 flesch: 39 summary: so dejavnosti in cilji programa SKI EASY: – postaviti model poučevanja SKI EASY, ki bo prilagojen jezikovni in kulturni raznolikosti; izvesti brezplačen modul za učitelje smučanja za pridobitev certifikata SKI EASY; – izobraževalna gradiva SKI EASY (priročniki in IKT-aplikacije za pametne te- lefone); 154 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/ In the three-year project period (1 January 2021–31 December 2023) with a total budget of 385,198.00 €, the SKI EASY activities and outcomes are as follows: – SKI EASY teaching model adapted to linguistic and cultural diversity; free module for ski instructors to obtain a SKI EASY certificate; – SKI EASY educational materials (manuals and ICT application for smart- phones); 152 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/ keywords: 147–158; accessible; association; bodo; easy; education; erasmus; instructors; kinesiologiae; koper; model; ocene; poročila; poučevanja; project; projekta; reports; reviews; simple; ski; skills; slovenia; smučanja; snegu; snowsports; sport; teaching; university; univerza; učiteljev; zaradi; združenje; zrs cache: ak-278.pdf plain text: ak-278.txt item: #91 of 125 id: ak-304 author: Puš, Katarina; Kajtna, Tanja title: Prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms among female football players and non-players date: 2022-08-10 words: 5203 flesch: 51 summary: Depressive symptoms categories (BDI-II) in female football players and non- players Group BDI_II depressive symptoms categories Minimal Mild Moderate to severe Total Football players Count 37 7 34 78 % of the group 47.4% 9.0% 43.6% 100.0% Non-players Count 77 24 19 120 % of the group 64.2% 20.0% 15.8% 100.0% Total Count 114 31 53 198 % of Total 57.6% 15.7% 26.8% 100.0% Results of depression symptoms from the DASS-21 questionnaire (Table 2) show that 71.8% of female football players experience normal to mild levels of depression, while 10.3% show severe to extremely severe symptoms of depression. BAI consists of 21 questions about anxiety symptoms and its purpose is to distin- guish anxiety from depression. keywords: 15–27; adolescents; affected; age; anksioznosti; annales; anxiety; anxiety symptoms; athletes; bai; bdi; beck; categories; clinical; count; dass-21; depression; differences; different; disorders; events; experience; factors; female; female football; football; football players; general; group; health; high; journal; kajtna; katarina; kinesiologiae; lack; levels; life; major; mean; medicine; mental; mild; moderate; non; normal; pandemic; peers; people; players; prevalence; puš; questionnaires; research; results; risk; sample; score; severe; severe depression; slovenian; sports; stress; study; symptoms; table; tanja; total cache: ak-304.pdf plain text: ak-304.txt item: #92 of 125 id: ak-305 author: Černigoj, Erika; Volmut, Tadeja title: Integrating physical activity in mathematics lessons: A pilot study date: 2022-08-10 words: 5518 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusion: This study showed that integrating physical activity with mathematics in the academic classroom results in increased moderate to vigorous physical activity compared to a traditional classroom. With an accelerometer we measured the amount and intensity of physical activity and the time of physical inactiv- ity during school hours and, particularly, during mathematics lessons. keywords: 29–41; academic; accelerometer; active; activity; aktivnosti; annales; bartholomew; children; classroom; control; control group; data; donnelly; education; effect; erika; et al; experimental; gibalne; grade; group; health; hours; intensity; intervention; journal; kinesiologiae; koper; learning; lessons; martin; matematike; mathematics; mathematics lessons; medicine; minutes; murtagh; mvpa; physical; physical activity; pilot; primary; program; results; school; slovenia; students; studies; study; tadeja; time; university; vazou; vigorous; volmut; černigoj cache: ak-305.pdf plain text: ak-305.txt item: #93 of 125 id: ak-306 author: Henigman, David; Katarina Ohnjec title: Teaching feints to handball beginners : Preliminary results date: 2022-08-10 words: 3434 flesch: 54 summary: The program was implemented over two months, during which 18 training sessions (35%) were conducted for the improvement of feint skills, from 52 training sessions overall. The non-parametric (Wilcoxon t-test) method was used to analyze changes in the levels of feint performance at different times. keywords: 5–13; annales; average; basic; beginners; children; cronbach; david; different; elements; evaluation; feint; final; forward; forward feint; game; grade; handball; henigman; homogeneity; improvement; initial; item; katarina; kinesiologiae; learning; left; measurement; methods; mini; motor; movement; ohnjec; opponent; papić; passage; performance; players; playing; preliminary; program; reliability; results; right; single; skills; sports; study; table; teaching; team; technical; test; training; young; zagreb cache: ak-306.pdf plain text: ak-306.txt item: #94 of 125 id: ak-308 author: Šuc, Nika; Lešnik, Blaž title: Body mass index changes in children and adolescents with intelectual disability during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2022-12-30 words: 4427 flesch: 49 summary: After such devastating results of so many studies, the health program and school prevention programs should increase the level of physical activity, promote a healthy and active life style and try to rebalance the current situation of increased BMI of youth after all the restrictions. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 23 Original scientific article DOI: received: 2021-11-30 UDC: 613.25-053.2-056.34: 616-036.21 BODY MASS INDEX CHANGES IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH INTELECTUAL DISABILITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Nika ŠUC1, Blaž LEŠNIK2 1 Center Janez Levec Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Corresponding author: Nika ŠUC Center Janez Levec Ljubljana, Karlovška 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.: +386 41 805 033 E-mail: ABSTRACT Introduction: Intellectual disability (ID) is a generalized neurodevelopmental dis- order characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. keywords: 23–33; active; activity; adolescents; adults; age; analysis; annales; blaž; bmi; body; body mass; boys; changes; children; covid-19; disabilities; disability; effect; foley; general; girls; groups; health; home; increase; index; intellectual; intellectual disability; itm; kinesiologiae; levels; lešnik; ljubljana; lloyd; lockdown; mass; mass index; mean; measurements; nika; obese; obesity; overweight; pandemic; people; period; physical; population; school; sex; significant; social; study; temple; time; values; weight; years; youth; zbmi; šuc cache: ak-308.pdf plain text: ak-308.txt item: #95 of 125 id: ak-312 author: Pišot, Saša; Teraž, Kaja title: 11th International Scientific and Professional Conference "A Child in Motion”: Portorož, Slovenia, 4 -6 October 2021 date: 2022-10-28 words: 652 flesch: 51 summary: MEDNARODNA ZNANSTVENA IN STROKOVNA KONFERENCA OTROK V GIBANJU Portorož, Slovenija, 4.–6. oktober 2021 V dveh letih, ki so minila od naše zadnje konference, v času restriktivnih ukrepov, ki The pa- pers present current research findings as well as examples of best practices by teachers and educators in addressing the challenges of physical inactivity, eating habits, social contact, and more, that had arisen as a result of the pandemic and consequent home schooling. keywords: 11th; aftermath; annales; child; conference; current; international; kinesiologiae; motion; new; ocene; pandemic; period; poročila; portorož; professional; reports; reviews; scientific; speakers cache: ak-312.pdf plain text: ak-312.txt item: #96 of 125 id: ak-313 author: Marušič, Uroš; Peskar, Manca title: Slovenian Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Laboratory (SloMoBIL) date: 2022-08-10 words: 967 flesch: 42 summary: 66 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 59–66 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 12 • 2021 • 1 Na slavnostni otvoritvi so sodelovali prof. dr. Rado Pišot, direktor ZRS Koper, prof. On 8 July 2021, the Institute for Kinesiology Research of the Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper) acquired a new laboratory. keywords: annales; berlin; body; brain; ceremony; efficiency; head;; kinesiologiae; koper; laboratory; marušič; movement; ocene; partner; poročila; prof; project; reports; research; reviews; slomobil; slovenian; trieste; twinbrain; university; uroš; zrs cache: ak-313.pdf plain text: ak-313.txt item: #97 of 125 id: ak-320 author: Kresal, Friderika; Bračun, Špela; Tönig, Laura; Amon, Mojca title: Physical therapy recommendations for injury prevention in alpine skiing date: 2022-08-10 words: 5752 flesch: 50 summary: Conditioning for skiing and ski injury prevention. Alpine ski injuries and their prevention. keywords: acl; alpine; alpine skiers; alpine skiing; amon; annales; anterior; bračun; common; competition; cruciate; cup; equipment; evidence; exercise; factors; fitness; friderika; head; hewett; important; incidence; injuries; injury; injury prevention; journal; kinesiologiae; knee; kresal; laura; level; ligament; literature; measures; mechanisms; medicine; mojca; neuromuscular; physical; preparation; prevention; programs; recommendations; reduction; related; research; review; risk; skiers; skiing; slopes; specific; sports; stabilization; studies; study; systematic; therapy; training; tönig; use; world; years; špela cache: ak-320.pdf plain text: ak-320.txt item: #98 of 125 id: ak-324 author: Rossi, Carlo; Roklicer, Roberto; Bianco, Antonino; Manojlovic, Marko; Gilic, Barbara; Trivic, Tatjana; Drid, Patrik title: The effect of rapid weight loss on the handgrip strength of national-level wrestlers date: 2022-10-28 words: 3911 flesch: 58 summary: Rapid weight loss (RWL) stands for a method characteri- zed by losing at least 5% of body weight in fewer than seven days prior to competition (Khodaee et al., 2015). ABSTRACT The effects of rapid weight loss (RWL) in combat sports athletes is an area that is not yet fully discovered. keywords: annales; antonino; athletes; barbara; baseline; bianco; body; carlo; combat; drid; effect; elite; gilic; handgrip; hgs; hisst; journal; judo; kinesiologiae; left; level; loss; manojlovic; marko; mase; mass; measurement; muscle; participants; patrik; performance; phase; physical; rapid; reduction; research; results; roberto; roklicer; rossi; rwl; sports; strength; studies; study; tatjana; telesne; trivic; values; weight; wrestlers; wrestling cache: ak-324.pdf plain text: ak-324.txt item: #99 of 125 id: ak-325 author: Šimunič, Boštjan title: Workshop report: physical activity-related injuries prevention in adolescents. What do we know? Piran, Slovenia, October 6, 2021 date: 2022-10-28 words: 1182 flesch: 49 summary: In adolescents, physical activity and sport contribute to healthy musculo- skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, and metabolic development and help maintain physical fitness and healthy body mass. Piran, Slovenia, October 6, 2021 The Institute for Kinesiology Research at ZRS Koper participates in the internati- onal project Prevention of physical activity injuries in adolescents (PARIPRE), led by the University of Prešov, Slovakia. keywords: 137–144; activity; adolescents; annales; boštjan; finland; gibalna; health;; injuries; injury; institute; kinesiologiae; koper; letu; med; ocene; physical; poročila; poškodb; prevention; pri; prof; reports; reviews; risk; smo; sports; tudi; ukk; workshop; šimunič; športna; športnih cache: ak-325.pdf plain text: ak-325.txt item: #100 of 125 id: ak-326 author: Pišot, Saša; Pišot, Rado; Šimunič, Boštjan title: Time passes – healthy habits stay? A longitudinal small sample comparison of muscle contractile properties, motor abilities and lifestyle characteristics of athletes and non-athletes date: 2022-10-28 words: 6780 flesch: 55 summary: Comparison between athletes and non-athletes Group Athletes Non-athletes Effect size* Number 7 6 Body mass index / kg/m2 9 years 16.7 ± 2.9 17.7 ± 1.9 0.54 10 years 17.3 ± 3.0 18.7 ± 2.2 0.63 11 years 17.4 ± 2.9 18.7 ± 2.9 0.48 12 years 18.7 ± 3.1 21.0 ± 2.4 0.98 13 years 19.4 ± 3.3 20.7 ± 1.8 1.07 14 years 19.9 ± 2.7 20.8 ± 2.0 0.42 … … … … 27 years 21.9 ± 3.7 23.1 ± 2.5 0.65 Fat mass / % 27 years 22.7 ± 6.4 23.7 ± 3.0 0.33 Running speed / m/s 9 years 5.5 ± 0.4 5.7 ± 0.5 -0.39 10 years 5.7 ± 0.4 5.6 ± 0.4 -0.15 11 years 5.6 ± 0.4 5.7 ± 0.4 -0.41 12 years 5.9 ± 0.4 6.0 ± 0.4 -0.02 13 years 6.0 ± 0.3 6.1 ± 0.3 -0.39 14 years 6.1 ± 0.4 6.3 ± 0.3 -0.64 … … … … 27 years 6.4 ± 0.5 6.3 ± 0.5 0.31 126 Saša PIŠOT, Rado PIŠOT, Boštjan ŠIMUNIČ: ..., 117–133 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 12 • 2021 • 2 Group Athletes Non-athletes Effect size* Number 7 6 Countermovement jump height / cm 27 years 31.6 ± 5.7 27.6 ± 5.0 0.81 Squat jump height / cm 27 years 29.9 ± 5.3 26.1 ± 7.2 0.74 Contraction time of vastus lateralis / ms 9 years 20.7 ± 2.5 19.2 ± 2.6 -0.57 10 years 19.0 ± 2.1 17.6 ± 2.1 -0.64 11 years 19.3 ± 4.2 19.2 ± 2.8 -0.01 12 years 21.7 ± 4.4 20.4 ± 2.3 -0.56 13 years 21.6 ± 3.6 22.1 ± 2.4 0.22 14 years 22.7 ± 3.7 23.7 ± 3.3 0.30 … … … … 27 years 21.5 ± 3.0 21.4 ± 2.2 -0.05 Contraction time of biceps femoris / ms 9 years 32.1 ± 3.5 34.2 ± 7.3 0.29 10 years 31.2 ± 2.9 32.8 ± 9.1 0.17 11 years 32.0 ± 3.5 33.9 ± 6.6 0.29 12 years 31.1 ± 4.5 33.3 ± 8.6 0.26 13 years 29.4 ± 3.7 36.9 ± 13.0 0.58 14 years 29.6 ± 1.8 34.9 ± 12.8 0.41 … … … … 27 years 29.1 ± 2.8 33.9 ± 7.6 0.64 Sedentary time / min 27 years 335 ± 157 417 ± 147 0.55 Daily energy consumption / MET 27 years 4663 ± 2823 3346 ± 2780 0.47 MET… metabolic equivalent; *positive values of effect size denote better results for athletes. keywords: abilities; activity; adolescence; adulthood; age; annales; assessment; athletes; biceps; body; boys; boštjan; boštjan šimunič; changes; characteristics; children; composition; consumption; contractile; countermovement; daily; data; development; effect; energy; exercise; fat; femoris; fiber; follow; general; gpaq; groups; habits; health; height; higher; index; journal; jump; kinesiologiae; life; lifestyle; longitudinal; lower; mass; maximal; motor; muscle; non; old; participants; participation; period; physical; pišot; properties; quality; questionnaire; rado; rado pišot; regular; research; running; sample; saša; saša pišot; sedentary; self; size; skeletal; speed; sport; squat; status; study; table; tensiomyography; time; type; years; završnik; šimunič cache: ak-326.pdf plain text: ak-326.txt item: #101 of 125 id: ak-328 author: Štravs, Nika title: Diego Celin, Rado Pišot: SAFELY AND WITH JOY ON A MOTORBIKE. Psychophysical preparation for recreational motorcyclists: Annales ZRS, 2021, 152 pages date: 2022-08-10 words: 1304 flesch: 46 summary: Ne moremo namreč prezreti dejstva, da je predvsem dobra fizič- na priprava voznika nepogrešljiva za obvladovanje vožnje ter s tem za večjo varnost na cestah in dirkališčih. Prav zato mislim, da je ta knjiga idealno zimsko branje za vsakogar, ki se ima za resnega motorista. keywords: annales; body; book; fizične;; importance; kinesiologiae; knjiga; lahko; med; motorbike; motorcycle; motorcycling; motorcyclists; motoristov; ocene; pišot; poročila; preparation; pri; priprave; psiho; psychophysical; rado; rado pišot; recreational; reports; reviews; riding; roads; safe; safety; sem; ter; tudi; vožnjo; zrs cache: ak-328.pdf plain text: ak-328.txt item: #102 of 125 id: ak-329 author: Potočnik, Nejka; Stanković, Kaja title: The effect of phonated breathing on oxygen uptake during and after submaximal cycling date: 2022-10-28 words: 5637 flesch: 47 summary: Thus, the aim of our study was to examine the effects of phonated breathing on cardiopulmonary adaptation to moderate exercise and subsequent recovery. DISCUSSION Our first main finding was that phonation during moderate exercise has a minimal effect on the respiratory response to exercise and recovery in young, healthy partici- pants. keywords: 73–89; anaerobic; annales; baseline; breathing; brp1; brp2; brp3; brps; changes; co2; consumption; cycling; deficit; difference; effect; exercise; exhalation; figure; higher; intensity; journal; kaja; kinesiologiae; mean; medicine; metabolism; minutes; moderate; moderate exercise; mouthguards; nejka; oxygen; participants; patients; pattern; pep; phonated; phonated breathing; physiology; positive; potočnik; pressure; production; pulmonary; pursed; recovery; resistance; respiratory; rest; significant; significant difference; spontaneous; spontaneous breathing; sports; stanković; studies; study; table; test; uptake; values; ventilation; veq; vo2 cache: ak-329.pdf plain text: ak-329.txt item: #103 of 125 id: ak-332 author: Pišot, Rado title: Editorial date: 2022-08-10 words: 1196 flesch: 42 summary: Rado Pišot, PhD, Editor-in-Chief ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 12 • 2021 • 1 3 UVODNIK Gibalna aktivnost je bila ob kognitivni in socialni tista, ki je človeka spremljala sko- zi evolucijo na prav poseben način in ga ves čas opredeljevala kot edinstveno zemeljsko živo bitje. in edin- stven sistem, ki je zadovoljeval njegove življenjske potrebe do dela (predstavljajmo si delo žilnega kirurga, nevrokirurga ali restavratorja, pilota …), umetnosti in kulture (virtuoz na violini, slikar ali kipar, plesalec, igralec …) keywords: activity; adolescents; ali; annales; body; children; day; gibalna; health; human; kinesiologiae; kot; laboratory; lahko; living; motor; need; new; nove; physical; predstavlja; predvsem; quality; raziskave; safe; sedentary; smo; social; society; sports; studies; tako; ter; time; tudi; way; work; časa cache: ak-332.pdf plain text: ak-332.txt item: #104 of 125 id: ak-335 author: Jeruc Tanšek, Monika; Švent, Andrej; Kacin, Alan title: Effects of inspiratory muscle training on physical performance during backpack carrying date: 2022-12-30 words: 6036 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: load-carrying, respiratory muscle fatigue, respiratory muscle training, thoracic motion restriction. The physical training of members of military special forces includes both low- intensity activities (e.g. military patrols) and high-intensity activities (e.g. military interventions and combat operations) while wearing a backpack, so it might be use- ful to include respiratory muscle training in their training routine. keywords: 5–21; alan; andrej; annales; applied; backpack; body; breathing; brown; cmh2o; effects; effort; endurance; exercise; exertion; experimental; expiratory; faghy; fatigue; group; heart; imt; inspiratory; inspiratory muscle; intensity; jeruc; journal; kacin; kinesiologiae; load; maximal; maximum; mcconnell; measured; mep; military; minute; mip; monika; muscle; muscle training; performance; physical; physical performance; physiology; placebo; posttest; pressure; pretest; program; progressive; rate; resistance; respiratory muscle; significant; special; strength; study; subjects; tanšek; test; training; walking; weeks; švent cache: ak-335.pdf plain text: ak-335.txt item: #105 of 125 id: ak-338 author: Puhalj, Stojan; Lešnik, Blaž; Povhe, Alexander; Kelc, Robi; Matejek, Črtomir title: Correlations between motor and anthropometric variables and the performance of young competitors in alpine skiing date: 2022-10-28 words: 5302 flesch: 46 summary: The Pearson correlation coefficient values between motor skill variables and performance (points) in the Rauch Cup. TEST We were therefore able to expla- in the 51.2% of the performance variance with motor skills variables (R2 = 0.512), which represents a slightly smaller share than for the set of all variables. keywords: abmi; alexander; alpine; alpine skiing; annales; anthropometric; basic; blaž; body; certain; characteristics; coefficient; competitive; competitors; correlation; cup; development; faculty; index; jump; kelc; kinesiologiae; level; lešnik; ljubljana; maribor; matejek; motor; motor skill; movement; mrosi; ms20nvzp; mskok10; mt400; pearson; performance; physical; points; povezanost; povhe; puhalj; rauch; results; robi; set; sig; significant; ski9; skiing; skills; slalom; speed; sport; statistical; stojan; study; subjects; table; tesjcas; test; treaopto; university; variables; young; younger; črtomir cache: ak-338.pdf plain text: ak-338.txt item: #106 of 125 id: ak-344 author: Jurdana, Mihaela; Tomažič, Ana; Žvanut, Boštjan title: Fat mass to fat- free mass ratio and body composition in participants with chronic leg problems date: 2022-12-30 words: 3790 flesch: 59 summary: The dual bur- den of excessive FM and low FFM may lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular and other diseases and disability and lower physical performance compared with individu- als with normal body composition or low FFM or high FM alone. The FM to FFM ratio (FM/FFM) was calculated as an index of obesity combined with sarcopenia and the fol- lowing cut-off values were used (Biolo et al., 2015; Prado et al., 2012): FM/FFM ratio < 0.40 for metabolically healthy obese individuals in whom the increase in FM was minor compared to that in FFM; FM/FFM ratios between 0.40 and 0.80 for obese phenotypes in whom FM predominated FFM, but FFM is still adequately maintained; FM/FFM ratios > 0.80 for obese phenotypes with sarcopenia in whom FM was increased and FFM was reduced. 39 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 Mihaela JURDANA, Ana TOMAŽIČ, Boštjan ŽVANUT: keywords: addition; adults; ana; analysis; annales; association; bmi; body; body composition; body fat; body mass; boštjan; clinical; composition; fat; fat free; fat mass; ffm; ffm ratio; free; free mass; height; higher; hip; index; journal; jurdana; kinesiologiae; knee; mass; mass ratio; mihaela; muscle; obesity; pain; participants; patients; prado; ratio; sarcopenia; study; tomažič; values; water; women; žvanut cache: ak-344.pdf plain text: ak-344.txt item: #107 of 125 id: ak-346 author: Pišot, Saša title: Editorial date: 2022-10-28 words: 838 flesch: 44 summary: Zavedanje, da je na določene fiziološke parametre športnika mogoče vplivati z neinvazivnimi posegi, prilagojeno vadbo in določenimi prehranskimi režimi, je dobrodošla podpora trenerjem in športnikom. Kako lahko ma- nipulacija telesne mase in poseben visoko intenziven vadbeni režim pri rokoborcih vplivata na moč stiska ter kako so določeni antropometrični in motorični parametri po- vezani s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mlajših alpskih smučarjev, odkrivajo avtorji v reviji, ki je pred vami. keywords: annales; answers; athletes; authors; bodo; certain; competitive; covid-19; curative; exercise; impact; issue; kinesiologiae; knowledge; koper; lahko; new; pandemic; pandemije; pišot; present; pri; related; research; saša; scientific; specific; training; tudi cache: ak-346.pdf plain text: ak-346.txt item: #108 of 125 id: ak-349 author: Vilar, Pia Lina; Kovačič, Tine; Gerževič, Mitja title: Injury prevention and physiotherapy procedures for ankle injuries in ballet dancers: A literature review date: 2023-04-18 words: 9342 flesch: 49 summary: It was found that ballet dancers experience a high incidence of ankle injuries, which is also the case in other sports, especially in soccer, running and gymnastics, yet there have been very few in-depth and original scientific studies on this topic in the last 10 years, with only one randomised controlled investigation in the field of prevention of ballet injuries in general. Previous research has shown that the lower extremities account for the largest share (77%) of ballet dancer injuries (Bickle et al., 2018; Leanderson et al., 2011; Rietveld, 2013; Nunes et al., 2019). keywords: achilles; acute; age; al le; analysis; ankle; ankle injuries; ankle sprain; annales; anterior; articles; authors; ballet; ballet dancers; campbell; clinical; common; conservative; criteria; dancers; databases; date; different; effective; et al; evidence; exercises; factors; field; flexor; following; foot; fracture; functional; gerževič; hallucis; high; ice; impact; impingement; incidence; inclusion; injuries; injury; injury prevention; journal; kadel; keywords; kinesiologiae; kovačič; lack; las; library; lina; literature; longus; lower; management; martin; medicine; methods; mitja; morton; muscle; n=2; night; original; physical; physiotherapy; physiotherapy procedures; pia; posterior; prevention; prevention procedures; procedures; professional; programmes; rehabilitation; research; rest; results; retrieved; review; rietveld; risk; rupture; scientific; search; shoes; sobhani; specific; sports; sprain; strengthening; stretching; studies; study; syndrome; table; technique; tendinitis; tendinopathy; tendon; text; therapeutic; time; tine; title; training; treatment; use; vera; vilar; vosseller; vosseller et; years cache: ak-349.pdf plain text: ak-349.txt item: #109 of 125 id: ak-358 author: Perko, Uroš; Černelič-Bizjak, Maša title: Disordered eating attitudes, depressive symptomatology and alcohol consumption in young athletes date: 2023-04-18 words: 6831 flesch: 48 summary: Significant differences were found between female and male at- hletes, with female athletes reporting higher levels of disordered eating atti- tudes and depressive symptoms. On EAT-26, female athletes scored statistically significantly higher than male athletes (U = 5.012, p = 0.003), indicating that female athletes are at higher risk for eating disorders. keywords: alcohol; alcohol consumption; alcohol use; alkohola; american; analysis; annales; associated; association; athletes; attitudes; audit; average; behaviours; body; borgen; ces; clinical; college; consumption; depression; depressive symptoms; disorders; eat-26; eating; eds; elite; et al; factors; female; female athletes; health; high; higher; https://doi; international; items; journal; kinesiologiae; low; maša; medicine; mental; participants; participation; performance; perko; point; population; prevalence; problems; psychological; related; relationship; report; research; results; review; risk; scale; score; self; severe; significant; slovenia; sports; students; studies; study; sundgot; symptomatology; symptoms; table; test; uroš; use; value; variables; weight; years; young; černelič cache: ak-358.pdf plain text: ak-358.txt item: #110 of 125 id: ak-365 author: Kolar, Edvard; Tušak, Matej title: The Decision-making style structure of Slovenian sports managers date: 2022-12-30 words: 10887 flesch: 55 summary: Decision making styles and the use of heuristics in decision making. Differences in the way we de- cide: The effect of decision style diversity on process conflict in design teams. keywords: 47–73; alacreu; analysis; annales; authors; average; avoidant; avoidant style; avsec; bruce; characteristics; coefficient; cognitive; consistency; crespo; decision; decision making; decision style; dependent; dependent decision; dependent style; different; dms; edvard; factor; factor loadings; factor structure; faletič; fifth; gdms; general; general decision; high; important; individual; individual decision; information; internal; intuitive; intuitive decision; intuitive style; inventory; items; journal; kinesiologiae; kmo; kolar; loadings; makers; making; management; managerial; managers; matej; measure; method; model; non; number; odločanja; organizations; original; problem; process; projections; questionnaire; rational; rational decision; rational style; related; research; results; rotation; sample; scott; second; slovenian; slovenian sports; solution; spontaneous; spontaneous decision; spontaneous style; sports; sports managers; structure; structure model; study; style; style factor; style inventory; style items; style structure; table; test; thunholm; total; tušak; usa; use; variables; variance; way; work cache: ak-365.pdf plain text: ak-365.txt item: #111 of 125 id: ak-367 author: Kovačević, Erol; Čaušević, Denis; Spicer, Seth; Kovač, Siniša; Doder, Ivor; Likić, Slavenko; Metikoš, Boris title: Body composition of young soccer players date: 2023-04-18 words: 3436 flesch: 59 summary: ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 2 131 Original scientific article DOI: received: 2022-11-28 UDC: 572.087:796.332.071.2 BODY COMPOSITION OF YOUNG SOCCER PLAYERS Erol KOVAČEVIĆ1, Denis ČAUŠEVIĆ1, Seth SPICER3, Siniša KOVAČ1, Ivor DO- DER1, Slavenko LIKIĆ1, Boris METIKOŠ2 1University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education 2 University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb 3 Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, New Jersey, USA Corresponding author: Denis ČAUŠEVIĆ, PhD Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Patriotske lige 41, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina E-mail: ABSTRACT Purpose: The main aim of this study was to examine and analyse the body composi- tion of young soccer players across different age groups. Conclusion: These results indicate that younger soccer players have lower abso- lute values of morphological characteristics compared to senior players. keywords: age; annales; body; body composition; body mass; boris; composition; denis; doder; erol; et al; fat; ffm; game; groups; height; ivor; journal; kinesiologiae; kovač; kovačević; likić; lower; mass; metikoš; morphological; nikolaidis; percentage; performance; physical; players; research; results; seth; siniša; slavenko; soccer; soccer players; spicer; sports; state; studies; study; telesne; u15; u17; u19; young; young soccer; čaušević cache: ak-367.pdf plain text: ak-367.txt item: #112 of 125 id: ak-368 author: Mateer, Timothy J.; Pighetti, Joshua; Taff, B. Derrick; Allison, Pete title: Outward Bound and outdoor adventure education: A scoping review, 1995-2019 date: 2023-04-18 words: 23135 flesch: 53 summary: In examining OB learning processes broadly, the relationships with other participants, course challenges, and instructor facilitation were all identified as elements of the OB experience that impact participant learning. Finally, a general discussion follows each of these three sections in which we present an argument for greater theoretical rigor in OB research. keywords: academic; adventure; adventure education; al d; al s; allison; analysis; annales; approach; ar d; ar ol; ar tic; ar y; b ou; bobilya; bound; c ar; c ou; co m; collection; components; course; d b; d st; d w; data; de d; derrick; design; development; e co; e du; e m; e o; e pr; e si; e st; e t; e w; e xp; ed m; education; elements; emotional; environment; et al; et ed; et ho; experience; experiential; findings; following; future; growth; hattie; ie w; individuals; io n; ith; iti; jirásek; joshua; journal; kinesiologiae; l e; la nd; learning; literature; lle d; m al; m ar; m ea; m en; m es; m et; m pl; m s; martin; mateer; methods; n st; n w; nature; nc e; nd c; nd e; nd m; nd n; nd p; nd s; neill; ng e; nt s; o ut; ob experience; ob learning; ou nd; outcomes; outdoor; outdoor adventure; outdoor education; outdoor learning; outward; p ar; p os; p ro; participants; people; pete; physical; pighetti; pl e; place; populations; process; program; programming; qualitative; r st; ra m; relationships; relevant; research; researchers; review; risk; ro gr; role; rs p; s af; s ch; s co; s n; s tu; s ur; sa m; se ar; se s; section; self; social; specific; st io; studies; study; taff; te d; te r; th e; th s; theory; timothy; tpr; understanding; ur e; ut w; w ar; w ho; w ith; w s; y m; y p cache: ak-368.pdf plain text: ak-368.txt item: #113 of 125 id: ak-369 author: Pišot, Saša title: Having fun while learning - SKI EASY SNOW DAY: 1st SKI EASY Multiplier SPORT EVENT, Pamporovo, Bulgaria 14–16 March 2022 date: 2022-12-30 words: 832 flesch: 58 summary: Glavni zamisli dneva na snegu SKI EASY sta promocija učnega modula SKI EASY in omogočanje otrokom začetnikom, starim od 6 do 9 let, zlasti tistim, ki prihajajo iz socialno in ekonomsko šibkih družin, da doživijo razburljiv dan na snegu in poskusijo 82 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/ POROČILA IN OCENE, 77–84 ZABAVNO UČENJE SMUČANJA – DNEVI NA SNEGU SKI EASY 1. keywords: 77–84; children; dan; day; days; dneva; easy; experience; implementation; kinesiologiae; model; multiplier; ocene; pamporovo; poročila; project; reports; reviews; ski; smučanja; snegu; snow; sport; teaching cache: ak-369.pdf plain text: ak-369.txt item: #114 of 125 id: ak-371 author: Pišot, Saša title: Report on the EASS & ISSA 2022 World Congress of Sport Sociology: Tübingen, Germany, 7–10 June 2022 date: 2022-12-30 words: 795 flesch: 54 summary: David Webber PhD (Rewriting the future: Alternatives to ‘the present’ (and presence of) capitalist realism in elite European football) 2. Opened up new questions in the field of sport impact on the local community with the lectures: (Re)configuring for sport, volunteerism and the civil society landscape: Toward sustainable communities and capacity building in a post- -Olympic metropolis by prof. Med referati so bile v ospredju predvsem teme depresije, deviantnega vedenja vrhunskih športnikov in trenerjev in vpliv ukrepov za zajezitev covida-19 na participacijo v športu in pereča politična vprašanja s področja športa. keywords: association; community; congress; david; eass; european; football; issa; kinesiologiae; kongresa; lectures; prof; research; society; sociologije; sociology; sport; sta; tübingen; world; športa cache: ak-371.pdf plain text: ak-371.txt item: #115 of 125 id: ak-372 author: Šimunić, Boštjan; Štravs, Nika; Kleva, Matej; Čerče, Peter title: Knowledge for Health: Integrated health care: Koper, Slovenia, 1 October, 2022 date: 2023-04-18 words: 1681 flesch: 53 summary: Strokovnjaki z različnih področji so na dogodku, ki je namenjen najširši zainteresirani javnosti, poskušali osvetliti problem celostnega zdravja v preseku med mišičnim, kognitivnim in srčno-žilnim zdravjem. pa nameravajo proučiti mehanizme in časovne zakonitosti upada mišične mase in zmogljivosti pri mlajših in starejših, kar je ključno za razumevanje procesov upada ter oblikovanje preventivnih in kurativnih ukrepov/smernic. keywords: annales; boštjan; brain; cardiovascular; cognitive; day; decline; event; exercise; experts; fibers; general; health; holistic; international; izola; kinesiologiae; knowledge; koper; learning; marušič; med; mišične; muscle; neuromuscular; ocene; older; performance; phd; physical; poročila; pri; prof; project; public; reports; research; reviews; sarcopenia; sarkopenije; sklopu; srčno; starejših; strokovnjaki; tudi; uroš; zdravje; znanje; zrs; šimunić cache: ak-372.pdf plain text: ak-372.txt item: #116 of 125 id: ak-374 author: Teraž, Kaja; Pišot, Rado title: Report of 4th International SPE Balkan Ski Conference : Pamporovo ski resort, Bulgaria, 13 – 17 March 2022 date: 2022-12-30 words: 896 flesch: 58 summary: balkanska smučarska konferenca SPE, ki bo potekala v smučarskem središču Predeal v Romuniji, in promovirana v največjem društvu za snežne športe na svetu. The abstracts published on this occasion present the latest perspec- tives on the sensitive areas of safety and injuries, preparation, and the development of ski technique, as well as modern possibilities and approaches in the methodology and didactics of teaching skiing. keywords: association; balkan; bulgaria; conference; demo; event; instructors; international; kinesiologiae; koper; kot; members; pamporovo; phd; prof; resort; serbia; ski; skiing; slovenia; smučanja; smučarskem; snegu; snow; spe; središču; učiteljev cache: ak-374.pdf plain text: ak-374.txt item: #117 of 125 id: ak-375 author: Teraž, Kaja title: Conference report – 4th International Conference on Technology Innovations for Healthcare (ICDHT): Magdeburg, Germany, 14th‒16th September 2022 date: 2023-04-18 words: 539 flesch: 46 summary: Among the participants, colleagues from the Institute for Kinesiolo- gy Research ZRS Koper presented their work; Prof Dr Rado Pišot (Digital Technology – from an Obstacle to an Incentive for a Healthy and Active Lifestyle), Prof Dr Boštjan Šimunič (The Decomposition of Tensiomyography Using Advanced Mathematics) and Prof Dr Uroš Marušič (Wearables and Wireless Technology for Training and Tele-Re- habilitation Services) were the keynote speakers and Dr Saša Pišot and Kaja Teraž gave their oral presentation. Kaja Teraž _Hlk122510532 _Hlk121925715 _Hlk121925783 _Hlk117671776 _Hlk117676890 _Hlk117676830 _Hlk122521710 _Hlk123029474 _Hlk51764713 _Hlk51617947 _Hlk51764685 _ keywords: 4th; annales; conference; digital; germany; icdht; kaja; kinesiologiae; magdeburg; pišot; področju; prof; program; research; technology; tehnologije; teraž cache: ak-375.pdf plain text: ak-375.txt item: #118 of 125 id: ak-377 author: Šimunič, Boštjan title: Editorial date: 2022-12-30 words: 1190 flesch: 53 summary: Na primer, če ste vitki, to še ne pomeni, da je vaše tveganje za zdravje manjše. Pusta masa je masa mišic, kosti, vezi, kit in notranjih organov, od katere je odšteta tudi zdravju koristna oziroma potrebna maščobna masa. keywords: annales; bioimpedance; body; bolezni; bolj; bone; brez; component; composition; dexa; fat; health; hours; important; iskanje; kinesiologiae; kot; masa; mase; mass; maščobo; methods; natančnosti; pomeni; precision; ray; risk; search; spremljanje; standards; telesne; test; testom; thin; tudi; valid; več; vitkostjo; vodi; zdravju cache: ak-377.pdf plain text: ak-377.txt item: #119 of 125 id: ak-378 author: Marušič, Uroš title: Neuroscience of movement: TwinBrain Summer School 2.0, Piran, Slovenia 4-9 July 2022 date: 2023-04-18 words: 697 flesch: 55 summary: Kako težka je ta naloga, se zavemo šele, ko se (ponovno) naučimo določene kognitivno-motorične naloge, kot je ohranjanje ravnotežja na smu- čeh ali med deskanjem ali celo prijemanje žlice po možganski kapi. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 2 185 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 185–195 NEUROSCIENCE OF MOVEMENT TwinBrain Summer School 2.0, Piran, Slovenia 4-9 July 2022 keywords: annales; cognitive; disease; imaging; kinesiologiae; neuroscience; ocene; parkinson; piran; poletna; poročila; reports; reviews; school; slovenia; summer; twinbrain; šola cache: ak-378.pdf plain text: ak-378.txt item: #120 of 125 id: ak-379 author: Jurdana, Mihaela title: Editorial date: 2023-04-18 words: 1086 flesch: 44 summary: V tej številki med drugim predstavljamo raziskavo, ki je proučevala razširjenost prehranskih motenj in vedenja pri slovenskih športnikih in športnicah v povezavi z depresijo in zlorabo alkohola. V tej številki avtorji predstavljajo oceno učinkovitost fizioterapevtskih in kinezioloških obravnav pri zdravljenju poškodb baletnih plesalcev. keywords: academic; activities; adventure; annales; athletes; characteristics; dancers; disease; disorders; education; female; fields; health; issue; kinesiologiae; kot; lahko; literature; male; med; outdoor; parkinson; physical; players; pogosto; pri; prostem; soccer; sport; stress; studies; tej; več; številki cache: ak-379.pdf plain text: ak-379.txt item: #121 of 125 id: ak-95 author: Purkart, Barbara; Šimunič, Boštjan; Gerževič, Mitja title: AN OVERVIEW OF TRAINING METHODS THAT PROMOTE THE HIGHEST LIPID OXIDATION DURING AND AFTER A SINGLE EXERCISE SESSION date: 2016-02-04 words: 13058 flesch: 46 summary: With increasing exercise intensities, muscle acetylcarnitine content is increased concomitantly with a decrease in the free carnitine content (Je- ppesen & Kiens, 2012). The effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilisation in humans. keywords: acid; activity; adaptation; adipose; aerobic; american; anaerobic; annales; applied; availability; bahr; barbara; body; boštjan; carbohydrate; carnitine; consumption; continuous; cycle; cycling; diabetes; diet; duration; effect; effective; endurance; endurance pa; energy; epoc; et al; excess; exercise; exercise intensity; exercise training; expenditure; fatty; fitness; following; food; free; glycogen; greater; helge; high; higher; hours; human; increase; insulin; intensities; intensity; intensity interval; intensity pa; interval; interval exercise; interval training; item; jeppesen; journal; kcal; kiens; kinesiologiae; lean; level; lipid; lipid oxidation; lower; mass; medicine; men; metabolism; methods; minutes; mitja; moderate; muscle; muscular; nutrition; obese; obesity; overview; overweight; oxidation; oxygen; people; physical; physiology; plasma; postexercise; purkart; regular; rer; research; resistance; resistance exercise; rest; rich; science; sedlock; sejersted; session; sets; short; similar; skeletal; sports; strength; substrate; term; tgs; tissue; training; type; untrained; utilization; van; view; view item; vo2max; vo2max intensity; women; šimunič cache: ak-95.pdf plain text: ak-95.txt item: #122 of 125 id: ak-96 author: Kacin, Alan; Rosenblatt, Benjamin; Grapar Žargi, Tina; Biswas, Anita title: SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS WITH BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTED RESISTANCE TRAINING date: 2015-11-27 words: 10834 flesch: 42 summary: During muscle contraction, an increase in intra-muscular pressure is generated under the pressurized cuff, further disturbing muscle blood flow. Hemodynamic and hormonal responses to a short-term low-intensity resistance exercise with the reduction of muscle blood flow. keywords: 3–26; abe; activation; acute; adverse; advice; alan; anita; annales; application; applied; arterial; assessment; athletes; bemben; benjamin; bfrr; bfrr exercise; bfrr training; blood; blood flow; blood pressure; body; cardiac; cardiovascular; case; cell; changes; clark; clinical; combined; compression; conditions; considerations; cuff; damage; different; disease; disorders; effects; et al; european; evidence; exercise; exertion; factors; ferguson; flow; flow restriction; following; function; grapar; hargens; healthy; high; higher; history; hunt; hypertrophy; increase; inflammatory; injury; intensity; ischemic; item; journal; kacin; kinesiologiae; limb; load; loenneke; lower; mechanical; medical; medicine; metabolic; mmhg; muscle; nakajima; nerve; non; occlusion; oxygen; pain; patients; peripheral; physiology; pneumatic; post; potential; pressure; reduced; reduction; reperfusion; research; resistance; resistance exercise; responses; restricted; restriction; results; review; rhabdomyolysis; risk; rosenblatt; safety; science; screening; sets; sports; strazar; strength; stress; studies; study; subjects; surgery; syndrome; system; tina; tissue; tool; tourniquet; tourniquet pressure; training; use; vascular; venous; view; view item; wide; width; wilson; yasuda; žargi cache: ak-96.pdf plain text: ak-96.txt item: #123 of 125 id: ak-97 author: Mekinc, Janez; Mušič, Katarina title: ELEMENTS OF SAFETY IN PARAGLIDING date: 2016-06-07 words: 6129 flesch: 53 summary: On its own, the segment of foreign paragliding tourism in Tolmin and Kobarid rep- resents around 25% of all foreigners who visit the two municipalities. Paragliding tourism in the Upper Soča Valley is becoming increasingly important. keywords: 67–80; accidents; air; analysis; annales; april; area; arrivals; association; best; cases; conditions; data; development; elements; equipment; experience; factors; flight; flying; foreign; free; hand; hang; impact; important; information; interviewees; jadralnega; janez; katarina; key; kinesiologiae; know; landing; law; local; main; mekinc; ministry; missions; mountain; mrs; municipalities; mušič; national; new; number; official; opportunities; padalstva; paragliders; paragliding; park; permits; pilots; posočje; razvoj; region; registration; regulation; rescue; research; risk; safety; security; sites; slovenia; soča; soča region; sport; stakeholders; study; swot; table; tolmin; tourism; triglav; upper; upper soča; valley; weather; world; year cache: ak-97.pdf plain text: ak-97.txt item: #124 of 125 id: ak-98 author: Dobnik, Marina title: INJURY RISK FACTORS IN CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN PHYSICAL / SPORTS ACTIVITY date: 2015-12-23 words: 10197 flesch: 59 summary: Child injuries in Bergen, Norway. (2001) studies find that gender as injury risk factor in sports injuries is closely related to other injury risk factors, e.g. type of sports and type of injury. keywords: 39–57; active; activities; activity; adolescents; aerobic; age; aged; ages; annales; attention; authors; bloemers et; body; boys; brudvik; characteristics; children; clark et; collard; common; connection; determined; development; diener et; different; dobnik; emery et; environment; et al; exercise; factors; findings; fitness; fractures; gender; girls; groups; higher; higher risk; index; individual; injured; injuries; injury; injury risk; interesting; item; journal; kinesiologiae; level; majority; marina; martin; mass; medical; medicine; michaud; michaud et; motor; number; older; opinions; organised; parents; participants; physical; physical activity; pišot; possible; poškodb; prevention; reports; results; review; richmond et; risk; risk factors; school; schwebel et; skills; spinks; spinks et; sports; sports activity; sports injuries; strength; studies; study; subject; theisen; type; view; weight; williams; williams et; y es; years; youth cache: ak-98.pdf plain text: ak-98.txt item: #125 of 125 id: ak-99 author: Retar, Iztok title: ANTON ZUPAN AND MATEJ PLEVNIK: SWIMMING AND OTHER FORMS OF AQUATIC EXERCISE FOR PEOPLE WITH NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS date: 2015-12-09 words: 938 flesch: 46 summary: V nadaljevanju poglobljeno obrav- navata poseben pomen plavanja, hidroterapije in terapevtske rekreacije, pri čemer pred- stavita tudi omejitve za izvajanje omenjenih aktivnosti na predmetnem področju, kar je za trajnostno zagotavljanje varnosti izjemnega pomena. Avtorja izvirno predstavita in uveljavita svoje izkušnje iz prakse in teorije ter izjemen občutek za delo z ljudmi s posebnimi pričakovanji in potrebami. keywords: annales; anton; book; disorders; exercise; forms; goback; hydrotherapy; kinesiologiae; kot; matej; mišičnimi; neuromuscular; ocene; patient; people; plevnik; področju; poročila; recreation; reports; reviews; swimming; tudi; water; zupan; živčno cache: ak-99.pdf plain text: ak-99.txt