Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 1 Ana María Quezada-Ugalde /0000-0003-1855-6894 Universidad de La Laguna, Spain Alfonso Miguel García-Hernández /0000-0002-2838-8735 Universidad de La Laguna, Spain José Alfonso Maya-Barrios /0000-0003-0474-4165 Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González, Mexico Alejandra Auza-Benavides /0000-0002-7592-4625 Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González, Mexico Article Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child Development: An Integrative Literature Review Received: 09/12/2022 Sent to peers: 26/01/2023 Accepted by peers: 29/05/2023 Approved: 07/06/2023 DOI: 10.5294/aqui.2023.23.3.2 To reference this article / Para citar este artículo / Para citar este artigo Quezada-Ugalde AM, García-Hernández AM, Maya-Barrios JA, Auza-Benavides A. Con- sequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on child development: An integrative literature review. Aquichán. 2023;23(3):e2332. DOI: Theme: Health, well-being, and quality of life promotion Contribution to the subject: This review offers an overview of the effects on child development in children aged less than 5 years old that were living with their parents during the COVID-19 pandem- ic years, allowing evidencing the need to prioritize care for timely detection and assistance of neurodevelopmental changes. These tasks are action spaces where pediatric nursing and other disci- plines linked to childcare should work jointly, as part of a surveil- lance system. Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 3 Abstract Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic reduced the possibilities of generating stimulating spaces for children’s development, as all the systems with which a child interacts during this phase were affected. Objective: To identify the existing scientific evidence about the effects on child development in children aged less than 5 years old that were living with their parents while the social distancing measures adopted due to COVID-19 were in force. Method: An integrative review guided by the framework proposed by Whittemore and Knafl and the PRIS- MA statement, to consult the following databases: Medline, Science- Direct, Scopus and SciELO, with a search performed in English using these descriptors: “child development,” “growth and development,” “parenting,” “teleworking,” “infant care,” “home nursing,” “social isola- tion,” “coronavirus infections,” and “COVID-19.” The eligibility criteria were as follows: quantitative or qualitative studies that addressed the direct effects of the pandemic on children aged less than 5 years old; in turn, the exclusion criteria corresponded to articles with a population comprised of children with diagnosed developmental disorders or dis- abilities. Results: A total of 17  articles were included, whose findings were classified into the following categories: Exposure to risk stimuli, Deprivation of stimuli, and Exposure to protective stimuli. It is revealed that parental stress, absence of games and lower exposure to interac- tions that promote development are connected to changes in cognitive, emotional, and learning processing, in addition to exerting a negative impact on motor and language development. Conclusion: The ev- idence suggests that social distancing can be the main cause for the onset of delays in child development, in its motor, language, cognitive, and socioemotional areas. Keywords (Source: DeCS) Child development; COVID-19; pediatric nursing; caregivers; environment; family. 4 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 Resumen Introducción: la pandemia por la covid-19 disminuyó las posibilida- des de generar espacios estimulantes para el desarrollo de los ni- ños, puesto que todos los sistemas con los que interactúa un niño en desarrollo se vieron impactados. Objetivo: identificar la eviden- cia científica que hay sobre los efectos en el desarrollo infantil en menores de 5 años que convivieron con sus padres y madres du- rante las medidas de distanciamiento social tomadas por causa de la covid-19. Método: revisión integrativa guiada por el marco pro- puesto por Whittemore y Knafl, y The Prisma Statement, para con- sultar las bases de datos: Medline, ScienceDirect, Scopus y Scielo, con una búsqueda realizada en inglés, utilizando los descriptores: “child development”, “growth and development”, “parenting”, “te- leworking”, “infant care”, “home nursing”, “social isolation”, “corona- virus infections”, “COVID-19”. Los criterios de elegibilidad: estudios cuantitativos o cualitativos que abordaran los efectos directos de la pandemia en niños menores de 5 años; y de exclusión: artículos con población de niñez con trastornos del desarrollo diagnostica- dos o discapacidad. Resultados: fueron incluidos 17 artículos, cuyos hallazgos se clasifican en las categorías: exposición a estímulos de riesgo, privación de estímulos y exposición a estímulos protectores. Se revela que el estrés parental, la ausencia de juego y una menor ex- posición a interacciones promotoras del desarrollo se vinculan con alteraciones en el procesamiento cognitivo, emocional y de apren- dizaje, y tuvieron un impacto negativo en el desarrollo motriz y del lenguaje. Conclusión: la evidencia sugiere que el distanciamiento social puede ser la causa principal en la aparición de retrasos en el desarrollo infantil, en sus áreas: motriz, de lenguaje, cognitivo y so- cioemocional. Palabras clave (Fuente DeCS) Desarrollo infantil; COVID-19; enfermería pediátrica; cuidadores; ambiente; familia. Consecuencias en el desarrollo infantil derivadas de la pandemia por covid-19: revisión integrativa de literatura Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 5 Consequências no desenvolvimento infantil derivadas da pandemia de COVID-19: revisão integrativa da literatura Resumo Introdução: a pandemia de COVID-19 diminuiu as possibilidades de criar espaços estimulantes para o desenvolvimento das cri- anças, uma vez que todos os sistemas com os quais uma criança em desenvolvimento interage foram afetados. Objetivo: identifi- car a evidência científica sobre os efeitos no desenvolvimento in- fantil das crianças com menos de 5  anos que viveram com os pais durante as medidas de distanciamento social adoptadas devido à pandemia de COVID-19. Método: revisão integrativa orientada pelo quadro proposto por Whittemore e Knafl, e The PRISMA Statement, para consultar as seguintes bases de dados: Medline, ScienceDirect, Scopus e SciELO, com uma pesquisa efetuada em inglês, utilizan- do os descritores: “child development”, “growth and development”, “parenting”, “teleworking”, “infant care”, “home nursing”, “social iso- lation”, “coronavirus infections”, “COVID-19”. Critérios de elegibili- dade: estudos quantitativos ou qualitativos que abordem os efeitos diretos da pandemia em crianças com menos de 5 anos de idade; e critérios de exclusão: artigos com uma população de crianças com distúrbios de desenvolvimento diagnosticados ou deficiência. Re- sultados: foram incluídos 17 artigos, cujos resultados se enquadram nas categorias: exposição a estímulos de risco, privação de estímulos e exposição a estímulos protetores. Verificou-se que o stress paren- tal, a ausência de brincadeiras e a menor exposição a interações de apoio ao desenvolvimento estavam associados a alterações no pro- cessamento cognitivo, emocional e de aprendizagem, e tinham um impacto negativo no desenvolvimento motor e da linguagem. Con- clusão: os dados sugerem que o distanciamento social pode ser a principal causa de atrasos no desenvolvimento da criança nas áreas motora, linguística, cognitiva e socioemocional. Palavras-chave (Fuente: DeCS) Desenvolvimento infantil; COVID-19; enfermagem pediátrica; cuidadores; meio ambiente; família. 6 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 Introduction Child development encompasses a series of biological, physiolog- ical, and behavioral changes in children from the moment they are born, when they are fully dependent, until their adolescence, when they achieve certain autonomy (1, 2). The first five years of life, char- acterized by high brain plasticity (3, 4), are especially important for children to have timely promotion experiences and to interact with their environment, aiming to reach optimum levels of physical, cog- nitive, language, and social development (5, 6). Ecological Theory (7) confirms how the interactions between a per- son and their environment can significantly affect human devel- opment, it describes the ecological environment as a set of nested structures that extend beyond the immediate situation faced by an individual and which is comprised of four levels: a)  micro-system, defined as the inter-relations within the developing person’s clos- est environment (e.g., school, community, group of peers); b)  me- so-system, which is the interconnection between the micro-sys- tems: c)  exo-system, which includes the elements with which the developing person has no contact but that produce events affecting their immediate environment (e.g., parents’ workplaces, communi- cation media); and d)  macro-system, which represents the culture and its subcultures, the social institutions, the health policy and the values (7, 8). In this regard, brain development results from the interaction be- tween biological and environmental influences. In the first years of life, those interactions should be generated by the caregivers, who should motivate children to move and turn around, providing them objects to explore, reach, and play with; in addition, during this stage, children need love and affection and that their hunger, tired- ness, sleep, sadness, or happiness signals are acknowledged (6, 9). In this sense, the father-/mother-child relationship becomes the center of the environment for children. The interactions between mothers and their newborns were carefully observed in a longitu- dinal study, finding that, when the caregiver intervenes confident- ly with the infant and constantly generates social interactions, the child’s functionality is protected and premature maturation of struc- tures such as the amygdala and hippocampus is prevented  (which intervene in the memory and socioemotional relationships process- es)  (10). In opposition, the absence of a bond with a caregiver due to abandonment situations, for example in institutionalized chil- dren (11), severely impairs neuronal circuits, which generates future developmental delays and behavioral deficits (12). During the years of the COVID-19 pandemic, families faced demand- ing childcare situations. Their routines were disrupted, as the par- ents had to work from their homes, take care of household chores, assist their children’s education and simultaneously meet the rest of their demands. All this produced an increase in the onset of parental Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 7 anxiety, depression, and stress, which in turn triggered negligent or punitive parenting situations and unfavorable environments for the progression of children’s cognitive, socioemotional, and communication skills (13-15). It can be asserted that the pandemic did not only cause physical ailments in people or communities (16); this phenomenon also re- duced the possibilities of generating stimulating spaces for chil- dren’s development (17). In terms of the Ecological Theory, all sys- tems with which developing children interact were affected (7). It is also known that experiencing adverse events in childhood (such as natural disasters, wars, confinement, or chronic stress) can impair children’s neurodevelopment  (18, 19). In this sense, the COVID-19 pandemic equals a natural disaster  (20), and it is possible the impact generated on the child population is not yet tangible. However, this integrative review will allow conducting a search, critical assessment, and synthesis of the diverse available evi- dence (21), to know the effects on child development in children aged less than 5  years old that were living with their parents while the social distancing measures adopted were in force. The topic is of utmost importance for all health areas, especially for the Nursing discipline, as there is an urgent need to devise care actions around young children, putting into practice continuous programs to evaluate development and instruct families on the care to be provided for optimum child development (1, 9). Methodology An integrative review was conducted following the five-phase design proposed by Whittemore and Knafl: 1) Identification of the problem; 2) Search in the literature; 3) Assessment of the infor- mation; 4) Analysis of the information, and 5) Presentation (22). In addition, to improve quality and transparency, the PRISMA statement guide extension was adopted as a reference (23). In the first phase, Identification of the problem, it was deter- mined that the review purpose would be to know the effects on child development in children aged less than 5 years old that were living with their parents while the social distancing measures adopted due to COVID-19 were in force. For this reason, the re- search question was formulated according to the PICo strategy (Population, Phenomenon of Interest, and Context) (24), where P: children aged less than 5 years old, I: effects on child develop- ment due to social distancing and the parents’ remote work; and Co: during the COVID-19 pandemic. This strategy allowed the formulation of the question: What were the effects of social dis- tancing and the parents’ remote work during the COVID-19 pan- demic on the development of children aged less than 5 years old? 8 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 For the second stage, Search in the literature, the following data- bases were chosen: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sys- tem Online  (Medline), Elsevier ScienceDirect, Elsevier Scopus and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The search was inde- pendently and simultaneously conducted by two of the research- ers in January and February 2022. Given the novelty of the theme, the research was only carried out in English, using DeCS and MeSH to select the descriptors: “child development,” “growth and devel- opment,” “parenting,” “teleworking,” “infant care,” “home nursing,” “social isolation,” “coronavirus infections,” and “COVID-19.” These terms were combined one-to-one using the AND and OR Boolean operators to generate algorithms (presented in Table  1), and thus reach the maximum variability possible. Likewise, organization, se- lection and identification of duplicates regarding the information was managed in the Mendeley tool (25). Table 1. Search Algorithms Concept Boolean operator Concept Boolean operator Concept Child development AND /OR Parenting Teleworking Infant care Home nursing Social isolation AND /OR Coronavirus infections Child development Parenting Teleworking Infant care Home nursing Social isolation COVID-19 Growth and development Parenting Teleworking Infant care Home nursing Social isolation Coronavirus infections Growth and development Parenting Teleworking Infant care Home nursing Social isolation COVID-19 Source: Prepared by the authors. Additionally, the eligibility criteria included quantitative studies (observational, correlational, experimental, and cohort) and qual- itative studies (descriptive, phenomenological, case, and ethno- graphic studies) published in scientific journals and addressing the direct effects of the pandemic on the child population aged from 0 to 5  years old, even if the manuscripts included other age groups. The exclusion criterion was applied to articles corresponding to dis- sertations, monographs, editorials or letters to the editor, as well as to publications whose populations were comprised of children with diagnosed developmental disorders or disabilities. Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 9 Employing this strategy, the two researchers who conducted the search initially identified 4486 documents. In addition, another re- searcher manually sought research studies in the references from those included. However, no publications were added with this strategy. The detailed information flow is presented in Figure 1. The third phase, Information assessment, was performed inde- pendently by three researchers. One of them assessed eligibility and discarded the documents that failed to meet the require- ments established, whereas the other two researchers read the studies, evaluating their quality and pertinence regarding the phenomenon under study. Any discrepancies were solved by consensus, with a fourth reviewer available in case no agree- ment was reached. For each study, the critical assessment tools proposed by the JBI (26) were considered, which include a checklist with the fol- lowing answer options: Yes, No, Unclear, and Does not apply. The level of evidence was established according to the recom- mendations set forth by the Oxford University Centre for Evi- dence-based Medicine (27). The data were extracted by two independent researchers who resorted to the data extraction tool proposed by the JBI (26) to summarize and organize them, materials with which an empty- ing matrix was prepared where the year, title, objective, design, population, main results, discussion, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations from each of the publications were de- tailed. Consequently, visualization was eased, which served as the starting point for data interpretation. The next step consisted of coding, categorizing and summarizing the data to produce answers to the research question. This prac- tice corresponds to the fourth phase: Analysis of the information. A second matrix was designed to present the relevant informa- tion from each article included in the analysis (Table 2), which was grouped according to the effects found in the child population. Iteratively, the research team made comparisons between the groupings to identify patterns in common that allowed defining the categories organized for their presentation. In the fifth and last stage, the emerging categories are presented, and the re- sults of this document are described. The bioethical principles applied to the context of an integra- tive review were met. Authorship of the studies and publica- tions included was respected at all times, and the materials ac- quired from indexed scientific journals. This paper has academic purposes, with the intention of knowing the current situation around child development and the actions that health profes- sionals should take. 10 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 Results The search process yielded a total of 4,486  documents; however, 4,451 articles were removed after applying the inclusion and exclu- sion criteria. The main reasons for this were document duplicity, not being research studies, not belonging to the knowledge area of in- terest or not answering the research question. Once this stage was concluded, 35  productions were analyzed in their entirety and 18 of them were discarded because they were not connected to child development and, thus, failed to answer the re- search question; therefore, 17 scientific productions were included in this integrative review. Figure 1 shows the flow to select the studies. Figure 1. Flowchart Corresponding to the Articles Included in the Study Source: Adapted from the PRISMA statement (23). Identi�cation of studies through databases and records Records or citations identi�ed in: EBSCO/Medline (n=97) SciELO (n=8) Science Direct (n=3,844) Scopus (n=537) Records or citations removed before screening: Duplicate records (n=40) Records signaled as ineligible by automation tools (n=0) Records removed after reading titles and abstracts (n=4,406) Records or citations screened (n=40) Publications sought for retrieval (n=40) Publications assessed for eligibility (n=35) Records or citations excluded (n=4,446) Publications not retrieved (n=0) Publications excluded after full reading (n=5) Publications excluded: Not meeting the eligibility criteria (n=18) Total studies included in the review (n=17) Id en ti �c at io n Sc re en in g In cl u si o n When characterizing the studies according to their origin, most of them  (n=8) were developed in North American countries (United States, Mexico and Canada), followed by Asia (n=5) (Indonesia, Ja- pan, Korea and China), the European continent (n=3) (Spain, United Kingdom and Portugal) and, finally, South America (n=1) (Brazil). Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 11 According to the knowledge areas, most of the studies are grounded on Psychology, Psychiatry or Neuropsychology (n=7), followed by Human Development (n=3), Children’s Health (n=2) and Parenthood and Family Support (n=1), as well as on academ- ic disciplines such as Nursing (n=1), Public Health (n=1), Social Work (n=1) and Education Sciences  (n=1). In addition, according to the methodology implemented, 15  articles following quanti- tative methods and 2 qualitative studies were included. Table 2 presents a synthesis of the main elements from the studies that comprise the final sample of this review. Table 2. Characteristics of Included Studies According to the Effects on the Child Population Authors / Year Objective/Problem Design Participants Main results LE* Torres-González C, Galindo-Aldana G, García-León IA , Padilla-López L A , Álvarez-Núñez DN, Espinoza- Gutiérrez YI. / 2020 (18) To characterize the effects of voluntary social isolation due to COVID-19 on socio-family behaviors at the personal level and on the children’s activities in the house. To determine the vulnerability predictors to undergo a negative isolation experience. Descriptive and cross- sectional 365 participants, adult parents of children aged between 1 and 12 years old. Family well-being during isolation is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, which also exerts specific effects on socio-family behaviors. In the child population, correlations were found between personal experience regarding isolation and changes in sleep quality, irritability, emotional control, hopes about the future, motivation, attention capability and problem- solving. 2c Hails K A , Petts R A , Hostutler CA , Simoni M, Greene R, Snider TC, et al. / 2021 (13) To determine whether the families’ COVID-19-related anguish is associated with young children’s emotional/behavioral functioning through negative parenting and whether these relationships vary according to events undergone by parents who have faced adverse child experiences (ACEs)†. Descriptive and cross- sectional 267 parents of children aged from 1.5 to 5 years old. Family anguish related to the pandemic was significantly associated with the increase in children’s emotional/behavioral problems. The parents that reported higher anguish levels were more prone to resorting to negative parenting practices (hostility, physical control and la x control), which in turn were associated with more emotional/behavioral problems in the children. 2c Riany YE, Morawska A . / 2021 (16) To develop and examine a model to explain how the factors identified in the literature are associated with children’s non-adaptation and skills during the pandemic. Descriptive and cross- sectional 354 mothers/ fathers with at least one child showing atypical development and aged from 2 to 10 years old. The families with psychosocial functioning problems perceived fewer positive family interactions and more non-adaptation in the children during the pandemic. Therefore, the parents’ mental health problems derived from the pandemic affected everyday care activities, resulting in significant problems among the children (such as aggressiveness, conduct problems, and emotional/behavioral problems). 2c Mochida S, Sanada M, Shao Q, Lee J, Takaoka J, Ando S, et al. / 2021 (20) Research question: Were there changes in children’s psychological and physical stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and, if any, how did they manifest in children’s behaviors? Descriptive and cross- sectional 1,030 main caregivers of children aged between 1 and 6 years old (mean of 3.8). It was possible to identify that the mothers’ (main caregivers) schooling level and family income were related to lower stress signs in the children. There were also lower stress signs in the children that continued to attend daycare centers or kindergarten. Warm or permissive parenting protects children from presenting more stress signs, whereas punitive parenting increases them in children. 2c Waller R, Powell T, Rodriguez Y, Corbett N, Perlstein S, White LK, et al. / 2021 (28) To examine the associations between exposure to COVID-19, the parents’ concerns about the pandemic, strict and warm parenting practices and the children’s behavioral problems (CPs)§ and insensitive-unemotional (CU) traits||. Descriptive and cross- sectional 303 children aged between 3 and 10 years old. Afro-American and Hispanic parents, as well as those earning lower monthly family incomes, reported greater exposure and concern in relation to COVID-19. High levels of strict parenting were related to higher CP§ and CU|| traits in children, whereas lower levels of warm parenting are only linked to high CU|| traits. 2c 12 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 Authors / Year Objective/Problem Design Participants Main results LE* Huang P, Zhou F, Guo Y, Yuan S, Lin S, Lu J, et al./ 2021 (29) To investigate the association between the coronavirus pandemic experience and neurodevelopment in children aged 6 months and 1 year old and to explore the differences in this association by birth order. Cohort study 831 children (exposed group) and 5 ,223 children (unexposed group). In 2020, the pandemic experience was associated with a higher risk of delays in the Fine Motor Skills and Communication domains during the first year of life. The association between the pandemic experience and communication delays at one year of age was only found in first-born children, not in those born afterward. No associations were observed in any domain among the 6-month-old children. 2b Diniz E, Brandão T, Monteiro L, Veríssimo M. / 2021 ( 30) To examine the direct effects of marital adjustment on children’s behavior and to test if the parents’ self-efficacy mediated this association during home confinement due to COVID-19. Descriptive and cross- sectional 163 children aged between 2 and 12 years old (mean of 6.09) and their caregivers (mothers and fathers). Greater marital adjustment (the mutual process by which gratification is developed in a couple for achieving common objectives) was related to lesser aggressive behaviors in the children. The parents’ self-efficacy played a key role in explaining the association between marital adjustment and child development, contributing to increasing social competence and to reducing children’s aggressiveness and emotional withdrawal during this challenging situation. 2c Fitriahadi E, Priskila Y, Suryaningsih EK, Satriyandari Y, Intarti WD. / 2021 ( 31) To perform a sociodemographic analysis of young children’s growth and development during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Descriptive and cross- sectional 30 young children and their parents. The sociodemographic data significantly linked to growth and development in children aged less than 5 years old were maternal schooling (**p=0.001) and family income (**p=0.000). It was determined that having Higher Education allows people to be more rational when handling life problems, resorting to more effective coping strategies. In addition, young children’s development is negatively affected when their parents fail to participate directly or stimulate them. The higher the maternal schooling level, the better the knowledge about the need to stimulate child development. 3 Cardoso de Sá CS, Pombo A , Luz C, Rodrigues LP, Cordovil R. / 2021 ( 32) To identify how Brazilian families with children aged less than 13 years old faced social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly concerning the time devoted to physical and intellectual activities, games, activities in the open air and screen time. Descriptive and cross- sectional Families of 816 children aged from 0 to 12 years old. The parents consider that the time children devote to practicing physical activities was reduced and that the time spent behind screens and in family activities was increased. Differences between the genders were found for screen time (boys ††> girls) and for games with no physical activity (girls ††> boys); there were effects in all the categories analyzed according to the children’s age, with a trend towards an increase in the total time of sedentary lifestyle and a reduction in the time devoted to physical activity as age advanced. The increase in these activities favors the early onset of chronic diseases and changes in young children’s behaviors. 2c Gibson LY, Lockyer B, Dickerson J, Endacott C, Bridges S, McEachan RRC, et al. / 2021 ( 33) To understand the experience and impact of the initial lockdown due to COVID-19 in young families with children aged less than 4 years old. Qualitative 903 participants, Origins (n=400, Australia) and Born in Bradford (n‡=503, United Kingdom) cohorts. The most common concerns were as follows: a) financial and employment insecurity: b) health anxiety due to COVID-19; c) children’s education and care; d) current and future impacts of COVID-19 on society: e) child development and well-being; f ) mental health; and g) not seeing friends and family members. “Positive” or enjoyable aspects were also reported, such as spending more time with the family, leading a calmer life and practicing more physical exercises. 3 Jáuregui A , Argumedo G, Medina C, Bonvecchio- Arenas A , Romero- Martínez M, Okely AD. / 2021 ( 34) To investigate the correlations of the changes in the movement-related behaviors before and after the first stages of the confinement period due to COVID-19 in a nationwide sample of infants and preschool children from Mexico. Descriptive and cross- sectional 631 caregivers or parents of children aged from 1 to 5 years old. During the confinement period, only one out of three preschool children and infants met the physical activity recommendations and less than 4 %|||| complied with the screen time guidelines. The data showed that only 1.3 %|||| of the children included in this study met the movement recommendations during this period. 2c Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 13 Authors / Year Objective/Problem Design Participants Main results LE* Baiden Ph, LaBrenz CA , Findley E. / 2021 ( 35) To examine the association between adherence to the social distancing measures and the feeling of concern/ anxiety in female caregivers of children aged from 0 to 5 years old. Descriptive and cross- sectional 358 mothers of children aged between 0 and 5 years old. The caregivers that strictly complied with social distancing were 1.86 times more likely to feel concerned/anxious (OR a ¶¶=1.86, 95%||||CI***=1.07– 3.24). The caregivers that were upset for having to distance themselves from their activities of interest were 4.11 times more likely to feel concerned/anxious (OR a ¶¶=4 ,11, 95 %||||CI***=2.32– 7.24). The stress, concern and anxiety experienced imposed problems in childcare. 2c Lozano-Blasco R, Quilez-Robres A , Delgado-Bujedo D, Latorre-Martínez MP. / 2021 ( 36) Research questions: Has the consumption of YouTube channels targeted at early childhood increased during the COVID-19 pandemic? What types of resources have been most used? Has the consumption of educational content increased or, to the contrary, has playful content prevailed? Longitudinal Analysis of diverse social networks. The results not only indicate an increase in the use of YouTube channels by children. Social distancing increased the consumption of visual recreational content as a behavioral containment measure and reduced the promotion of traditional games. Use and consumption of content through screens implies possible risks (with changes in the learning system among them), which may not only generate addiction but also subsequent problems with attention and memory. 2c Russell BS, Tomkunas AJ, Hutchison M, Tambling RR, Horton AL. / 2022 (15) To examine the longitudinal impacts on the relationships between parents and children and the caregivers’ burden in the context of the parents’ reports on resilience, stress (both general and COVID- 19-specific), depression and anxiety, as well as closeness and conflicts with their children. Descriptive and cross- sectional 271 parents, over 18 years old and with children aged less than 18 years old (between 0 and 5 , n‡=103). The parents’ depression symptoms are producing more challenging effects on their parenting experiences. The parents also reported higher perceived stress rates in the children. The unemployment rates affected the female gender more than the male gender during COVID-19, and women reported worse mental health symptoms and care burdens at the beginning of the pandemic. 2c Stienwandt S, Cameron EE, Soderstrom M, Casar M, Le C, Roos LE / 2022 (17) To examine how the home factors and the changes related to COVID-19 increased or reduced the chances to take part in didactic activities to support development (“hands-on play”) and other similar ones (non-educational screen time) between parents and children. Descriptive and cross- sectional 708 parents, over 18 years old and with at least one child aged between 2 and 8 years old. The parents that meet the childcare needs and present lower parental stress levels reported more time devoted to hands-on play in all children’s age groups. The parents that meet the childcare needs and experienced higher parental stress levels reported more screen time among preschool children. 2c Park J-H, Park J-Y, Jin K-S / 2022 ( 37) To explore the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social distancing practices related to family life, the childcare burden on the parents and the children’s everyday life, during the initial stage of the pandemic in South Korea. To evaluate the negative impact of the pandemic on parents’ and children’s stress levels. Descriptive and cross- sectional 288 adults, parents of at least one child aged between 1 and 12 years old. The time devoted to childcare by the main caregivers significantly increased during the pandemic. For children, the time devoted to screens (h¶=1.76) and to online interactions (h¶=0.95) was significantly increased, whereas the in-person interaction time (h¶=4.17) and the time devoted to learning (h¶=2.16) were significantly reduced. In addition, the parents’ and children’s stress levels were significantly increased during the pandemic. 2c Snyder K, Chaudhary P, Pereira A , Masuda K, Niski J, Dinkel D. / 2022 ( 38) To explore the perceptions of health workers, parents and childcare providers about the influence exerted by the pandemic on how they interacted with infants to promote physical activity, muscle strength and communication. Qualitative 37 participants: parents (n‡=12), caregivers of children (n‡=12), health professionals (n‡=13). The caregivers identified concerns related to the following: limitations in social interactions (especially mask use, which affects communication), lack of access to peer modeling, fewer opportunities for physical exploration and the need for creative activities in various environments (e.g., §§, home/daycare centers), to promote child development during and after the pandemic. 3 *LE = Level of Evidence from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine; †ACEs = Adverse Child Experiences; ‡n = Absolute number; §CPs = Conduct Problems; ||CU = Callous Unemotional; ¶h = Hours; **p = Non-arbitrary minimum significance level (p-value); ††> = Greater than; §§e.g. = For example; ||||% = Percentage; ¶¶OR a = Adjusted Odds Ratio; ***CI = Confidence Interval. Source: Prepared by the authors. 14 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 The analysis of the studies allows classifying the findings into three categories that present the effects suffered by the child popula- tion aged less than 5 years old and their caregivers throughout the pandemic, as well as the connection of such consequences with child development. The first category is Exposure to risk stimuli, which responds to the increase in parental stress during the pandemic and to excessive screen use by children. The second category is called Deprivation of stimuli and is related to the change in the families’ habits and to the absence of games, accompanied by increased sedentary lifestyles and even with parents resorting to punitive parenting practices. The last category, Exposure to protective stimuli, alludes to the existence of opportunities during social distancing to preserve positive coex- istence and closely track developmental milestones. Discussion Based on the question set out, it might be stated that the effects of social distancing and the parents’ remote work during the pan- demic on the development of children aged less than 5 years old are related to the deprivation of stimuli that protect development and also to the continuous exposure to risk stimuli, to the detriment of opportunities to implement protective stimuli. In this sense, the findings of this integrative review would make it clear that the parents are a key component in children’s micro-sys- tems (7, 39), especially in the age group between 0 and 5 years old. Therefore, when the environment is so abruptly modified as it was during the pandemic, the bond between caregivers and their chil- dren can be impaired and, consequently, exert an impact on child development. The main effects will be presented according to the emerging categories. Exposure to risk stimuli Compellingly, the findings indicate how the pandemic years  (2020 and 2021) have represented a major challenge for families around the world, especially for those that raise very young children, as par- ents are expected to look after their safety, health, nutrition, leisure and rest. Added to these responsibilities, they experienced circum- stances such as increased workloads, job loss, lower social interac- tion and increased house chores (16, 29). All these changes in everyday life favor the onset of risk stimuli for children in full development. One of these risks would be high parental stress levels, which in turn hinders understanding the children’s needs and conditions and the possibility of positively responding to them. Stress in caregivers is accompanied by other changes in mental health, such as anxiety, depression, frustration and irritability (16, 35). The studies describe that, in this panorama, Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 15 parenting practices are usually negative (punitive) and associat- ed with emotional/behavioral problems in children, such as dif- ficulties externalizing emotions  (12, 13, 37). For example, one of the studies sets forth that fewer experiences of gratifying inter- actions with parents (demonstrations of warmth and affection) imply fewer opportunities to imitate, practice or develop behav- iors related to social connections, cooperation and affiliation with others (28). As a last element for this category, we should mention an im- portant number of publications indicating the increased expo- sure to screens among children aged less than 5 years old (29, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41). According to the World Health Organization (40), children should not be exposed to electronic devices before the age of 2, whereas screens may be used for a maximum of one hour a day after that age. During the pandemic, parents resorted to electronic devices to mitigate the childcare burden  (37), the reason why these gadgets became the primary entertainment or distraction resource, even for more than 2.5 hours a day (29, 32, 36). Use and consumption of contents through screens carries with it possible physical and intellectual risks, such as changes in cognitive processing and in learning the primarily expressive language, in addition to a reduction in some executive functions such as attention and memory (37, 41, 42). In a longitudinal study, it was verified that screen use during the pandemic was due to the need to mitigate the lack of activities in the open air and, consequently, the consumption of audiovisu- al materials was mainly focused on leisure and not on academic purposes (36). Deprivation of stimuli During the pandemic years, it has been understood that parents were stressed and focused on meeting the household and work demands, the reason why they have found it difficult to generate interactive playful intervals (use of blocks, puzzles and imag- inary role play, among others) with their children  (17). In addi- tion, the evidence highlights that most of the population lives in apartments, which generally lack suitable spaces to practice physical activity. They live in overcrowded places in some cases and, given the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, it was not possible to access recreational parks (32, 34). Regarding play, it is of vital importance to note that they are nor- mal and expected behaviors for childhood, and it is indispens- able that children enjoy constant playful periods (18). Added to this, modeling is crucial for children’s learning; however, given the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, their recreational in- teraction was reduced, either with their parents or with other family members, and they had no contact with other children in most cases (31, 36). 16 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 3 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - J U LI O -S EP TI EM BR E 20 23 | e2 33 2 Therefore, increased sedentary lifestyles and the limited opportuni- ties for games and physical exploration, as well as lack of access to modeling by groups of peers, suggest lesser participation in muscle strength and learning activities and scarce bonding (29, 32, 34, 37, 38). In terms of child development, we might be facing a negative impact on the motor, cognitive, language and socioemotional areas (42-44). In parallel, children’s everyday routines changed, as some of them ceased to attend educational centers and had their recreational ac- tivities suspended, which resulted in an increase in boredom and irritability levels. Finally, until the usual balance of routines is re- sumed, the changes in the eating, sleep and rest habits may contin- ue to be a reality in most homes (16, 34, 45, 46). To close this category, we again mention punitive parenting practic- es, as the evidence indicates that the combination of parental stress and children’s irritability sometimes results in the use of aggressive measures as a control resource. On the contrary, to ensure healthy emotional development, acceptance and negotiation in the face of children’s behaviors are recommended, with no severe punish- ments (1, 2, 13, 20, 30, 46-48). Exposure to protective stimuli An aspect that has been highlighted by the research studies is the families’ socioeconomic level and how it influenced each house- hold’s dynamics during social distancing. For example, the families with no financial difficulties reported “staying home” as a positive experience through which they spent quality time among all its members, devoted time to stimulate and/or educate their children, and carried out collaborative activities such as playing, eating, and doing the house chores (16). Likewise, other positive elements were reported, such as the oppor- tunity to lead a calmer life and, consequently, paying more attention to the developmental milestones gradually reached by young chil- dren (33, 48, 49). The importance of maintaining good quality inter- personal relationships to favor well-being and socioemotional skills in children stood out (30, 50). To conclude, it is to be mentioned that, between birth and the age of 5, children go through a critical time window to establish increas- ingly complex functions in the different developmental domains. Finally, as already mentioned, optimum development depends on the stability of the interconnected systems that comprise the envi- ronment. Consequently, the COVID-19 pandemic years represented a drastic change for very young children’s micro-, meso-, exo- and macro-systems, in addition to exerting negative impacts in at least one area of their development. This review has its limitations. Despite the rigorous search strategy and the selection of articles, there is a prevalence of cross-sectional Co ns eq ue nc es o f t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic o n Ch ild D ev el op m en t: A n In te gr at iv e Li te ra tu re R ev ie w 17 surveys, which, due to their design characteristics, restrict ex- trapolation of the results and making causal inferences; howev- er, the phenomenon under study forces research studies to fol- low such design. In addition, the studies were developed during the pandemic months, reason why access to the participants was via digital means, which reduced and exerted an impact on the possibility to recruit families that lacked electronic devices or Internet connections. As a strength, it is noted that the review is focused on child de- velopment. Although children’s physical and mental health is important for the Nursing discipline, it becomes necessary to turn to look at the new generations’ development skills, as the nations’ potential and future productivity depend on them, as well as the elaboration and effective implementation of policies for child development. Among the implications for Nursing, as well as for those involved in child development would be the creation of family monitoring programs during the first years of the children’s life since, ac- cording to their training and due to the ability to implement care actions around growth, development and childcare, the profes- sionals from the Pediatric field are the ones with the ideal com- petencies for their implementation. These programs should be included in the development of surveillance systems that include the participation of different health professionals in all existing levels of healthcare, with Pediatric Nursing among them and in a central position. The findings of this study allow for generating hypotheses for future primary research studies that include broad sociodemo- graphic diversity and assess child development through stan- dardized instruments; in addition, from there, it becomes neces- sary to develop new secondary research studies that investigate the new family dynamics, the parenthood experiences and pa- rental-child attachment, among other topics. Conclusion The studies reveal the following as the main effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: increased parental stress, changes in family habits, absence of games, and increased sedentary life- styles, which in turn reduce the interactions that promote devel- opment in children aged less than 5 years old. Therefore, social distancing may be one of the main causes for the onset of delays in child development, in its motor, language, cognitive and socio- emotional areas. Conflict of interests: The authors declare having no conflict of interests. 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