IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 1 Renata Marinho Fernandes https://orcid.org /0000-0001-7358-9061 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil renata.fernandes.018@ufrn.edu.br Ana Carolina Costa Carino https://orcid.org /0000-0002-9938-6546 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil ana.carino.017@ufrn.edu.br Anna Thays Dias Almeida https://orcid.org /0000-0001-5511-6121 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil anna.dias.026@ufrn.edu.br Larissa Beatriz Francisca de Souza https://orcid.org /0000-0002-0232-7707 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil larissa.beatriz.701@ufrn.edu.br Maria de Lourdes Alves da Cruz https://orcid.org /0000-0003-1794-8810 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil maria.alves.082@ufrn.edu.br Ana Luisa Brandão de Carvalho Lira https://orcid.org /0000-0002-7256-960X Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil analuisalira@ufc.br Artículo ICU Nursing Team Mental Health in The Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review Received: 13/12/2022 Sent to peers: 31/01/2023 Approved by peers: 12/04/2023 Accepted: 13/04/2023 DOI: 10.5294/aqui.2023.23.2.6 To reference this article / Para citar este artigo / Para citar este artículo Fernandes RM, Carino ACC, Almeida ATD, Souza LBF, Cruz MLA, Lira ALBC. ICU Nur- sing team mental health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative review. Aquichán. 2023;23(2):e2326. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5294/aqui.2023.23.2.6 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7358-9061 mailto:renata.fernandes.018@ufrn.edu.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9938-6546 mailto:ana.carino.017@ufrn.edu.br https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5511-6121 mailto:anna.dias.026@ufrn.edu.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0232-7707 mailto:larissa.beatriz.701@ufrn.edu.br https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1794-8810 mailto:maria.alves.082@ufrn.edu.br https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7256-960X mailto:analuisalira@ufc.br https://doi.org/10.5294/aqui.2023.23.2.6 https://doi.org/10.5294/aqui.2023.23.2.6 https://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/?doi=10.5294/aqui.2023.23.2.6&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2023-06-23 Theme: Health, well-being, and quality of life promotion Contribution to the subject: This integrative literature review al- lowed identifying the mental health conditions among the Nursing professionals working in Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is essential because it maps the impacts trig- gered by the pandemic on these professionals’ health and life aspects; thus, its results can be used as a basis to develop strategies and ac- tions for the care and health assistance of ICU Nursing professionals. IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 3 Abstract Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health professionals were at an increased risk of developing psychological conditions, espe- cially in Intensive Care Units. A gap is verified in the knowledge about ICU Nursing teams’ mental health in the care provided to patients affected by COVID-19. Objective: To review the literature to identify the mental health conditions of ICU Nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and method: This is an integrative literature re- view with data collection from January to April 2022 in the Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Scopus Content Overview and Web of Science databases. The follow- ing descriptors were listed: “Intensive Care Units,” “COVID-19,” “Mental Health,” and “Nurse.” The materials included were studies produced since 2020, available in full in the Spanish, English and Portuguese lan- guages, and which answered the research question. Search and selec- tion of the articles were the duty of two duly trained researchers, who worked independently through peer discussion. The Preferred Report- ing Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses recommendations were followed. Results: From a sample of 16 articles, it was observed that the critical care of COVID-19 patients affected Nursing profession- als’ mental health with an emphasis on depression, anxiety, stress and fear. This was associated with a lack of evidence-based training, scar- city of human and physical resources, work overload and insufficient work experience. Conclusions: ICU Nursing professionals are mentally shaken; therefore, it is imperative to implement policies, strategies and methods to improve the psychological conditions of these profession- als, to ensure the quality of services. Keywords (Fonte: DeCS) Nursing; coronavirus infections; intensive care units; mental health; health promotion. 4 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 Salud mental de los profesionales de enfermería intensivistas ante la pandemia de la COVID-19: revisión integradora Resumen Introducción: durante la pandemia de la covid-19, los profesionales de la salud han presentado riesgo aumentado para el desarrollo de afecciones psíquicas, especialmente en la unidad de terapia inten- siva. Se encuentra vacío de conocimiento acerca de la salud men- tal de los profesionales de enfermería intensivistas en la atención a los pacientes acometidos por la covid-19. Objetivo: identificar, en la literatura científica, las condiciones de la salud mental del pro- fesional de enfermería intensivista durante la pandemia de la co- vid-19. Materiales y método: se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura; la recolección de datos ocurrió de enero a abril de 2022 en las fuentes de dados Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Scopus Content Overview y Web of Science. Se han relacionado los siguientes descriptores: “Intensive Care Units”, “Covid 19”, “Mental Health”, “Nurse”. Se han incluido estudios producidos desde el 2020, disponibles de forma integral, en español, inglés y portugués, y que atendieran a la pre- gunta de investigación. La búsqueda y selección de los artículos se ejecutaron por dos investigadores capacitados, de modo indepen- diente, mediante discusión por pares. Se siguieron las recomenda- ciones del Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Resultados: desde una amuestra de 16 artículos, se ha observado que la atención crítica a pacientes con covid-19 ha afectado la salud mental de los profesionales de enfermería con én- fasis para depresión, ansiedad, estrés y miedo. Lo anterior se asocia a la falta de tratamiento basado en evidencia, la carencia de recur- sos humanos y físico, la sobrecarga de trabajo y las experiencias de trabajo insuficientes. Conclusiones: los profesionales de enferme- ría intensivistas están mentalmente debilitados; por lo tanto, urge la implantación de políticas, estrategias y métodos para mejorar las condiciones psicológicas de estos profesionales para, así, asegurar la calidad en los servicios. Palabras clave (Fuente: DeCS) Enfermería; infecciones por coronavírus; unidades de cuidados intensivo; salud mental; promoción de la salud. IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 5 Saúde mental da equipe de enfermagem intensivista ante a pandemia da COVID-19: revisão integrativa Resumo Introdução: durante a pandemia da covid-19, os profissionais de saú- de apresentaram risco aumentado para o desenvolvimento de afecções psíquicas, especialmente na unidade de terapia intensiva. Verifica-se lacuna de conhecimento sobre a saúde mental da equipe de enfer- magem intensivista no atendimento aos pacientes acometidos pela covid-19. Objetivo: identificar, na literatura científica, as condições da saúde mental do profissional de enfermagem intensivista duran- te a pandemia da covid-19. Materiais e método: esta é uma revisão integrativa da literatura; a coleta de dados ocorreu de janeiro a abril de 2022 nas fontes de dados Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Scopus Content Overview e Web of Science. Elencaram-se os seguintes descritores: “Intensive Care Units”, “Covid 19”, “Mental Health”, “Nurse”. Incluíram-se estudos produzidos desde 2020, disponíveis na íntegra, em espanhol, inglês e português, e que respondessem à questão de pesquisa. A busca e seleção dos artigos foram executadas por dois pesquisadores treina- dos, de modo independente, mediante discussão por pares. As reco- mendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses foram seguidas. Resultados: a partir de uma amostra de 16 artigos, observou-se que o cuidado crítico de pacientes com co- vid-19 afetou a saúde mental dos profissionais de enfermagem com destaque para depressão, ansiedade, estresse e medo. Isso se asso- ciou à falta de tratamento baseado em evidências, à carência de re- cursos humanos e físicos, à sobrecarga de trabalho e às experiências de trabalho insuficientes. Conclusões: os profissionais de enferma- gem intensivistas estão mentalmente abalados; portanto, é impera- tiva a implantação de políticas, estratégias e métodos para melhorar as condições psicológicas desses profissionais, para, assim, garantir a qualidade nos serviços. Palavras-chave (Fonte DeCS) Enfermagem; infecções por coronavirus; unidades de terapia intensiva; saúde mental; promoção da saúde. 6 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 Introduction COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2, with a predominance of respiratory symptoms. The World Health Or- ganization (WHO) declared it a pandemic in March 2020. Until De- cember 2022, more than 651 million cases and 6 million deaths were recorded worldwide (1). It was a fact the general population presented negative reactions to the pandemic, which represented a complex and multifaceted issue (2). People have different ways of dealing with stressful situations depending on their training, life story, individual characteristics, and the community where they live. During the pandemic, in addi- tion to the fear of contracting the disease, there was a constant im- pression of insecurity towards the daily activities of living in society, with changes in interpersonal relationships (3). In addition, some groups responded more intensely to the COVID-19 pandemic stress, namely: younger individuals, females or those with chronic diseases; patients affected by COVID-19; health pro- fessionals who worked in assistance to COVID-19, and individuals with mental disorders, including problems related to substance use, such as alcohol and other drugs (2, 4). A Brazilian study indicates an increase in psychological factors such as sadness or depres- sion (40.4 %), anxiety or nervousness (52.6 %) and sleep problems (43.5 %), amid this social niche (5). Several studies show that health workers working on the front line of care for people infected with the COVID-19 virus are at an increased risk of developing psychological disorders, especially Nursing professionals (2, 6, 7). Intensive Care Units (ICUs [8]) stand out among the hospital environments for health care during these pandemic times. In this environment, Nursing care during the critical pandemic pe- riod was based on excessive working hours, inadequate staffing, a high number of admitted patients, and lack of professional train- ing; in addition to the need to deal with the grief, pain, and suffering of others (9, 10). Nursing professionals are among the most deval- ued groups in the health area, even when representing the pillar of health services around the world. Within an ICU, Nursing profes- sionals are the main caregivers and those with the longest contact times with the patients (11). Thus, the mental illness process in Nursing professionals responsi- ble for the immediate and continuous care of critically-ill patients affected by COVID-19 and with higher rates of infection and death due to the disease stands out (12-14). Various studies evidence the need to prioritize protection measures for the sake of preserving the optimization of their capacities (6, 7). The mental health care of an ICU Nursing team cannot be interrupted or minimized in the post-pandemic period, as certain individuals may be slow to exter- nalize the psychological distress signs and symptoms (15). IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 7 Given the above, a gap is verified in the knowledge about ICU Nursing professionals’ mental health in the care provided to pa- tients affected by COVID-19. To establish targeted and effective health promotion and prevention actions, this study aims at iden- tifying, in the scientific literature, the mental health conditions of ICU Nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods This is an integrative literature review. This approach provides a synthesis of knowledge and grouping of relevant research re- sults in the practice, generating a solid and accessible overview of complex concepts, theories or related health problems (16). To develop the guiding question, the “Population-Concept-Context” (PCC) strategy was applied, where “P” is the ICU Nursing team, “C” is Mental health and “C” is the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, the following question was formulated: What is the ICU Nursing team’s mental health like during the COVID-19 pandemic? Data collection took place from January to April 2022, in the following data sources: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); Scopus Content Overview (Scopus), PubMed, Embase and Web of Science. The following descriptors available in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were listed: “Intensive Care Units,” “COVID-19,” “Mental Health,” and “Nurse”. AND and OR Boolean operators were used. The following cross- ing was obtained: ((“Intensive Care Units”) AND (“nurse” OR “nurses” OR “nursing”) AND (“mental health” OR “mental illness” or “mental disorder” OR “psychiatric illness”) AND (“covid-19”)). The studies included were those conducted since 2020 (the year when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared), available in full in Spanish, English and Portuguese, which answered the research question. The articles excluded were those duplicated across the databases, as well as editorials, letters to the author, theoretical essays, literature reviews, dissertations, theses, and protocols. Search and selection of the articles were the responsibility of two duly trained researchers, who worked independently through peer discussion. The State of the Art Through Systematic Review software was used as a support, which allows methodically organizing the development of literature reviews. Another re- searcher was consulted in case of disagreement. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations were adapted for this review (17). The data were extracted through a data collection instrument prepared by the researcher in charge, including the following variables: title, authors, year of publication, country, journal, im- pact factor, language, type of study, level of evidence, and the evidenced mental health conditions. The data were organized in a Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet. 8 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 Figure 1. Flowchart corresponding to the process to select the articles included in the research, according to the PRISMA 2020 adapted recommendations. Brazil, 2022 Source: Prepared by the authors. Regarding the analysis of the levels of evidence corresponding to the studies included in this research, the recommendations proposed by Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (18) were followed. For the diagnostic, treatment, and intervention studies, the following classification was observed: Level I — Randomized clinical trials; Level II — Prospective cohort studies; Level III — Retrospective cohort stud- ies and case-control studies; Level IV — Case series; and Level V — Opinions or consensus. Studies related to etiology and prognosis fol- lowed this classification: Level I — Synthesis of cohort or case-control studies; Level II — Prospective cohort studies; Level III — Retrospec- tive cohort studies; Level IV — Case series; and Level V — Opinions or consensus. In addition, the results were presented descriptively and visually, with the elaboration of figures and tables The main findings were interpreted and discussed against the pertinent literature. For being an integrative literature review, this research waived submis- sion to any Research Ethics Committee. Results A total of 45 manuscripts were identified. While selecting the ma- terials, duplicate studies (n = 65) and those that did not meet the inclusion criteria (n = 289) were excluded. In the eligibility stage, 29 studies were read in full. After the thoughtful full-reading analysis, 16 articles were included in the current sample. Figure 1 presents the flowchart corresponding to the process to select the studies and comprise the sample. No. of studies identi�ed in the search databases (n = 415) CINAHL (n = 73) Scopus (n = 82) Selected studies (n = 415) Publications selected for eligibility (n = 59) Studies excluded (n = 354) Duplicated studies (n = 65) Did not meet the inclusion criteria (n = 236) Editorials, letters to the author, literature reviews, or protocols (n = 34) Other reasons (n = 21) Total studies included (n = 16) Studies excluded (n = 43) Research not exclusively conducted in ICUs (n = 22) Research involving other professionals (n = 13) Intervention research (n = 3) Research investigating the patients' mental health (n = 2) Other reasons (n = 3) PubMed (n = 78) Embase (n = 145) Web of Science (n = 37) No. of studies identi�ed in other sources (n = 0) Id en ti � ca ti o n Se le ct io n El ig ib ili ty In cl u si o n IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 9 The final study sample evidenced more publications in 2021 (80.5 %), from countries in Europe (43.75 %) and Asia (37.5 %), with methodological designs corresponding to retrospective (62.5 %) and prospective (25 %) cohort studies, written in English (93.75 %). Table 1 shows the characterization of the articles included in the study according to publication journal, impact factor, method, lev- el of evidence, and country of origin. The main findings from each selected study can be seen in Table 2, along with their authors and years of publication. Table 1. Characterization of the Studies. Brazil, 2022 No. Journal/Impact Factor* Method/Level of Evidence Country of Origin A1 (19) Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP JCR 1.123 Retrospective cohort study/III Brazil A2 (20) BMJ Open JCR 3.006 Case series/VI China A3 (21) Nursing in Critical Care JCR 2.897 Prospective cohort study/II China A4 (22) Frontiers in Psychiatry JCR 5.5 Prospective cohort study/II China A5 (23) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management JCR 5.576 Prospective cohort study/II China A6 (24) Nursing in Critical Care JCR 2.897 Prospective cohort study/II Egypt A7 (25) Nursing in Critical Care JCR 2.897 Retrospective cohort study/III Spain A8 (26) American Journal of Critical Care JCR 2.207 Retrospective cohort study/III United States A9 (27) Intensive & Critical Care Nursing JCR 4.235 Retrospective cohort study/III Netherlands A10 (28) Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care JCR -2.82 Retrospective cohort study/III Iran A11 (29) Acta Biomed for Health Professions SJR 1.8 Retrospective cohort study/III Italy A12 (30) Nursing in Critical Care JCR 2.897 Case-control study/III Nepal A13 (31) Healthcare JCR 3.160 Retrospective cohort study/III Romania A14 (32) Australian Critical Care JCR 3.265 Retrospective cohort study/III Sweden A15 (33) Journal of Clinical Nursing JCR 4.442 Retrospective cohort study/IV Turkey A16 (34) Intensive & Critical Care Nursing JCR 4.235 Retrospective cohort study/III Turkey Key: Impact factor according to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) or to Journal Citation Reports (JCR), 2021. Source: Prepared by the authors. 10 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 Table 2. Main Findings from the Studies Related to the ICU Nursing Team’s Mental Health. Brazil, 2022 No. Authorship/Year Main Findings A119 Conz CA, Braga VAS, Vasconcelos R, Machado FHR da S, de Jesus MCP, Merighi MAB, 2021 The critical care of patients with COVID-19 affected nurses’ mental and physical health. Emotional wear out was evidenced by experiencing illness and distancing from family members. The uncertainty regarding the care of patients with COVID-19 generated fear of contamination. A220 Hu F, Ma J, Ding XB, Li J, Zeng J, Xu D et al., 2021 The nurses that provided care to patients infected by COVID-19 felt higher stress levels. All participants felt despair and abandonment. A321 Leng M, Wei L, Shi X, Cao G, Wei Y, Xu H et al., 2021 Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ICU nurses showed some level of mental distress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and perceived stress. The stress sources included working in an isolated environment, concerns about lack and use of equipment, high workload, fear of contagion, and insufficient work experience. A422 Li J, Zhang Y, Li L, Yi W, Hao Y, Bi Y, 2021 During the pandemic, 44.9 % of ICU nurses had depression. In addition, the obligation to work overtime generated tension and difficulty to relax. A523 Yifan T, Ying L, Chunhong G, Jing S, Rong W, Zhenyu L et al., 2020 ICU nurses presented somatic symptom disorder, among which was the prevalence of chest discomfort and palpitations, dyspnea, nausea, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, drowsiness, sweating, and waist pain. A624 Baraka AAE, Ramadan FH, Hassan EA, 2021 In this study, 38.5 % of the nurses presented severe stress; 10 %, extremely severe stress; 62 %, severe anxiety, and 34.5 %, moderate depression. The hospital’s lack of human and physical resources and the number of colleagues infected with COVID-19 were the strongest predictors of stress, anxiety and depression. A725 Peñacoba C, Catala P, Velasco L, Carmona- Monge FJ, Garcia- Hedrera FJ, Gil- Almagro F, 2021 Nurses who worked in ICUs with patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus showed high-stress levels and mental health deterioration. A826 Guttormson JL, Calkins K, McAndrew N, Fitzgerald J, Losurdo H, Loonsfoot D, 2022 The nurses reported stress related to the lack of evidence-based treatment, poor patient prognosis, and absence of family members in the ICU. Physical and emotional symptoms were found, including exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, and moral distress. Fear of contracting COVID-19 or infecting family members and friends was also prevalent. A927 Heesakkers H, Zegers M, van Mol MMC, van den Boogaard M, 2021 There was a prevalence of anxiety (27 %), depression (18.6 %), and post-traumatic stress disorder (22.2 %) symptoms, found in 256 (35.3 %) nurses in the COVID-19 ICU; whereas 41.7 % presented high work fatigue. A1028 Belash I, Barzagar F, Mousavi G, Janbazian K, Aghasi Z, Ladari AT et al., 2021 The increased anxiety among nurses working in the COVID-19 ICU was associated with age, weekly working hours, pregnancy, cases of direct participation in resuscitation procedures, and observing patient death cases. A1129 Vitale E, Galatola V, Mea R, 2021 The nurses reported a high anxiety component, especially linked to the fear of becoming infected and infecting their family members. In addition, there were reports of mild, moderate, and severe depressive status (37.4 %). IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 11 No. Authorship/Year Main Findings A1230 Tamrakar P, Pant SB, Acharya SP, 2021 COVID-19 ICU nurses showed more psychiatric symptoms (90.4 %), anxiety (36.5 %) and depression (21.2 %) when compared to nurses in non-COVID-19 ICUs. Two participants had suicidal ideation, and all nurses (100 %) were afraid to pass the infection on to their family members. A1331 Petrișor C, Breazu C, Doroftei M, Mărieș I, Popescu C, 2021 ICU nurses presented high moral distress levels throughout the pandemic, which was associated with anxiety, depression, and the intention to quit their jobs. A1432 Hallgren J, Larsson M, Kjellén M, Lagerroth D, Bäckström C, 2022 The ICU nurses reported feeling insecure due to limited knowledge about the COVID-19 virus and how it spread. In addition, they experienced the fear of being infected and the uncertainty related to the safety of Personal Protective Equipment. They also presented somatic symptom disorder and feelings of helplessness, nervousness, and stress. A1533 Kandemir D, Temiz Z, Ozhanli Y, Erdogan H, Kanbay Y, 2021 The ICU nurses presented scores for moderate to extremely severe depression (65.5 %), anxiety (58.3 %), stress (72.3 %), and moderate or severe insomnia (39.7 %). A1634 Şanlıtürk D, 2021 Among the participants, 63 % and 20 % presented moderate and high-stress levels, respectively. This result was because of the fear of contracting the virus at any moment, due to the asymptomatic characteristic of the COVID-19 disease in some people. Source: Prepared by the authors. Thus, it was possible to create a summary chart of the mental dysfunctions in the ICU Nursing teams during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety, depression, stress, and fear stand out as the most prevalent conditions in the Nursing team. Table 3 shows the disorders and the studies in which they were found. Table 3. Synthesis Chart of the Mental Disorders in the ICU Nursing Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Brazil, 2022 Anxiety (A6; A8; A9; A10; A11; A12; A13; A15) Depression (A4; A6; A8; A9; A11; A12; A13; A15) Stress (A2; A3; A6; A7; A8; A9; A14; A15; A16) Fear (A1; A3; A8; A11; A12; A14; A16) Fatigue (A5; A9) Insomnia (A8; A11; A15) Somatic symptom disorder (A5; A14) Insecurity (A14) Nervousness (A14) Suicidal ideation (A12) Sensation of impotence (A14) Emotional wear out (A1) Source: Prepared by the authors. 12 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 Additionally, this study evidenced causal factors associated with the presence of these disorders in the mental health of these pro- fessionals. Uncertainty regarding patient care due to the lack of ev- idence-based treatment, absence of human and physical resources, work overload, and insufficient work experience was included. In the ICU, there is the aggravation inherent to the structural physical scope, as it is an isolated environment permeated by poor health prognoses, with frequent deaths. Finally, the number of colleagues infected and the fear of infecting themselves and their family mem- bers due to the virus’ high transmissibility rate are also mentioned. Discussion The ICU Nursing work in the treatment of COVID-19 patients during the pandemic led to damages to these individuals’ mental health. These professionals presented high anxiety, depression, stress and fear levels. The pandemic exerted an immense effect on health professionals’ general and mental health, many of whom faced this challenge in dire conditions and without institutional support, with impacts not only at a professional level but also on their morale and overall determination (35-37). The anxiety of health professionals who worked on the front line against the pandemic was shown in this study as the most preva- lent impairment, a fact that corroborates with studies showing the significant increase of this condition when compared to previous periods (37). Nurses are the most affected due to factors such as being mainly female, pre-existing diseases, physical symptoms of COVID-19, prolonged exposure to patients with COVID-19, and the fact that they work in an ICU (38). The prevalence of depression in the studies analyzed denotes an extremely relevant factor. This phenomenon is associated with Nursing professionals’ mental overload caused by concern about increased COVID-19 infection rates among professionals and ex- cessive work in inappropriate conditions. Thus, the professionals who experienced the pandemic were more prone to developing psychological disorders, such as depression (36, 39). The feeling of fear was found in most of the studies selected for this research; the motivations were associated with the fear of becom- ing infected or infecting family members and, consequently, leading them to death. A previous research study pointed to fear as one of the main feelings stated by the Nursing team, involving the fear of contaminating themselves or others and losing family members (40). In addition, a significant increase in work-related fatigue and the presence of insomnia in ICU professionals were evidenced. A study observed that most of the professionals presented loss of sleep quality and constant tiredness, mainly due to the high work de- mand to which they were subjected. In addition, symptoms such as IC U N ur si ng T ea m M en ta l H ea lt h in T he F ac e of t he C O V ID -1 9 Pa nd em ic : A n In te gr at iv e Re vi ew 13 headache, nervousness and sadness were found, confirming the physical and psychological effects of the pandemic period (41). Thus, health professionals that work directly with patients with COVID-19 in high-risk environments presented more psycholog- ical symptoms when compared to those from other sectors. Di- rect assistance to people infected with the virus led to increased concerns about infecting family members and to higher anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression levels due to increased fear. In addition, nurses have the highest workload and the longest con- tact time in care provision, which act as determining factors in the deterioration of their mental health (42). In this regard, the increase in the number of professionals infect- ed and away from work caused overload to the teams, contrib- uting to psychological exhaustion and feelings of loneliness and increased stress in this population (43, 44). A study developed with an ICU Nursing team showed that the prevalence of Burn- out syndrome was 25.5 % throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a consequence of the high-stress levels in this population seg- ment, among other reasons. Within the main causal factors, there is emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, arising from overtime and rigid workloads (37, 43). These data corrobo- rate those found in the current study. Thus, it is indispensable to consider the relevance of ICU Nursing work, especially in emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic situation. In addition to that, it is necessary to provide adequate working conditions and psychosocial support to preserve these professionals’ mental health to guarantee the quality of the care provided (42). Countless studies reveal the need to offer psy- chological monitoring to the professionals who worked directly in coping with the pandemic, both in the short- and long-term, due to the intrinsic and unique characteristics of a global public health emergency (45-47). Studies on the harms caused to ICU Nursing professionals’ mental health during the pandemic period contribute to imple- menting actions targeted at five-year prevention, which aims at providing biopsychosocial care to the professionals, given the importance of preserving their health to ensure patient safety (48, 49). The pandemic period evidenced the relevance of this fifth aspect as indispensable to maintaining quality in terms of care and the work environment, reflecting on the strengthening of the health system (50). Thus, investments in the area of caregivers’ health are necessary to ensure safe health care. Nursing professionals are important actors in the provision of humanized care, focused on welcoming, directed listening and comforting patients. However, when these professionals are emotionally shaken, the nature of care is weak- ened. Thus, it is encouraged to carry out new research studies 14 A Q U IC H A N | eI SS N 2 02 7- 53 74 | A Ñ O 23 - V O L. 2 3 N º 2 - CH ÍA , C O LO M BI A - A BR IL -J U N IO 2 02 3 | e 23 26 with greater methodological depth, to point out the mental health indicators of this population group and the measures adopted for its mitigation during the viral infection by the new coronavirus. The type of study and the number of databases listed stand out as a limitation, which precludes comparing the articles analyzed and monitoring the daily evolution of the findings. For being an emerg- ing topic, new scientific findings are published every day. Conclusions The results allowed identifying the conditions that affected the mental health of ICU Nursing teams during the COVID-19 pandem- ic, focusing on depression, anxiety, stress, and fear. Such conditions were mainly caused by the lack of evidence-based health-disease treatment, the deficit in human and physical resources, the care en- vironment that was isolated from the other sectors, and the con- stant increase in the number of viral infections among professionals and their family members. Thus, it is emphasized that preventing mental illness in Nursing teams should be considered an indispensable element for care quality and safety. It is necessary to implement policies, strategies, and methods to improve the psychological conditions of these pro- fessionals and thus ensure better quality in the services provided. Conflict of interest: None declared References 1. World Health Organization. WHO COVID-19 dashboard [Inter- net]. Available from: https://covid19.who.int/ 2. 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