ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV DIFFERENTIAL GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS AND GENE ONTOLOGY IN TRIPLOID AND DIPLOID POCILLOPORA ACUTA DEEKSHA MISRI, ERIN E. CHILLE, TIMOTHY G. STEPHENS DEBASHISH BHATTACHARYA (FACULTY ADVISOR) ✵ ABSTRACT Corals are marine invertebrates that are fac- ing life-threatening environmental stressors due to climate change. Polyploidy can, in such cases, be an important source of variation and adaptation in cor- als and other species. Polyploidy is the genomic condition wherein the cells of a normally diploid or- ganism have more than one pair of chromosomes. Pocillopora acuta, also known as the cauliflower coral, is a brooding coral that can also reproduce asexually. It is a stress-sensitive coral, which means it shows clear physiological changes in response to environmental stressors like temperature, salinity, and pH. In this study, about 60% of the stony coral Pocillopora acuta samples collected from Kāneʻohe Bay, Oahu, HI, were triploid. The aim of this study was to identify the differences in gene expression patterns between triploid cluster 1 (T1), triploid cluster 2 (T2), and diploid samples (D) of P. acuta. Pairwise comparisons were carried out between all categories: T1 vs. D, T2 vs. D, and T1 vs. T2. While there were a large number of genes exhibiting sim- ilar expression patterns in both triploid clusters, many genes were differentially regulated in T1 when compared to T2. This result provides evi- dence suggesting that the two triploid lineages originated from separate triploidization events in Kāneʻohe Bay. The differentially expressed genes shared between these two triploid lineages, when compared to the diploid coral lineage, suggests changes in cellular physiology as a result of poly- ploidization. Functional analysis of the P. acuta genes can provide deeper insight into the specific, differentially regulated molecular functions and bi- ological processes in triploids when compared to diploid P. acuta. Future studies involving compara- tive functional enrichment analysis with more trip- loid and diploid samples of P. acuta will provide more insight into events that caused triploidization and the coral’s response to environmental stressors. KEY TERMS: corals, coral bleaching, polyploidy, bioin- formatics 1 INTRODUCTION Polyploidy is the genomic condition wherein an organism possesses multiple chromo- some copies. This heritable condition can be a re- sult of genome duplication within a species (auto- polyploidy) or from hybridization of two different species (allopolyploidy). Polyploidy in an organism can cause a drastic change in cell organization and genome structure as well as problems in gene ex- pression, genome stability, cell physiology, and cell cycle processes (Wertheim et al., 2021). Thus, it can result in physiological changes in the organism in response to various kinds of environmental stress- ors like salinity stress, thermal stress, and pCO2 stress. Polyploidy is a relatively common occurrence in plants, and until recently, was believed to be a rare occurrence in animals (Wertheim et al., 2021). However, in recent years, polyploidy has been found in all major animal phyla and occurs relatively frequently in some groups, such as fish and amphib- ians (Wertheim et al., 2021). In some animals, trip- loidy may be beneficial to the organism with respect to improved growth, pathogen resistance, and cre- ation of more fit genotypes (Kang et al., 2004). Coral reefs are large marine ecosystems formed by colonies of coral polyps inhabited by a diverse microbiome, including algal endosymbi- onts (Symbiodiniaceae), bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses. Due to climate change, coral reefs are subjected to acutely high temperatures that disrupt the coral-algal symbiosis leading to coral bleaching ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV (Williams et al., 2021). When corals bleach, they ex- pel their symbionts, which provides most of thecar- bohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and O2 that fulfill the host’s energy requirements. Extended periods of bleaching, which cause compromised immunity and starvation, are a leading cause of the mass mor- tality of coral reefs globally (Williams et al., 2021). Corals need effective and efficient mecha- nisms to adapt and ensure their survival against en- vironmental stressors such as prolonged heat and oxidative stress. Hawai’i houses about 80 species of Scleractinia corals, and the islands are the world’s most isolated archipelago, geographically isolated from other reef systems. This reef system thus pro- vides an ideal platform for advancing coral biology and conservation using multi-omics and genetic tools. (Bhattacharya et al., 2022). To study the stress response of the stony coral Pocillopora acuta (also known as the cauliflower coral), 30 samples of the species were collected in 2018 from Kāneʻohe Bay in Hawai’i and exposed to ambient temperature and ambient CO2. From these samples, about 60% of the samples were triploid. While the origin of trip- loidy in this population is still unknown, there are currently three mechanistic explanations for the origin of triploidy within this population, including 1) self-fertilization of a P. acuta egg followed by fer- tilization by a foreign sperm, 2) diploidization of one of the two parental gametes, and 3) failure of the ovum to expel the second polar body (Stephens et al., 2021). It is also hypothesized that triploid geno- types may have spread throughout Kāneʻohe Bay by the generation of asexual brooded larvae, (Nakajima et al., 2018), and clonal propagation through colony fragmentation (Highsmith, 1982). Because this is the first known incidence of widespread triploidy in a coral population, we aimed to gain baseline information about gene ex- pression regulation and differential gene expres- sion between diploid and triploid P. acuta corals in the Kāneʻohe Bay ecosystem (Stephens et al., 2021). In the study conducted by Stephens et al., an un- rooted phylogenetic tree built using the SNPs iden- tified in P. acuta RNA-Seq data showed a putative split between diploid and triploid lineages. There were two triploid lineages identified, named triploid cluster 1 (T1) and triploid cluster 2 (T2). We studied the differences in gene expression between the two triploid clades (T1 and T2) and the diploid clade (D) P. acuta. Gene expression in an organism can be measured by examining the mRNA, the protein made by the mRNA transcripts. By exploring the dif- ferences in gene expression between the diploid and triploid colonies we hope to discover if, and in what way, polyploidy provides a selective ad- vantage. In light of the mass mortality of reef-build- ing corals under climate change, it is essential to generate this baseline information on how triploidy affects gene expression and regulation to develop an understanding of how triploid coral populations may respond to this burgeoning stressor. 2 METHODOLOGY CORAL SAMPLING AND COLLECTION Corals were collected from six reefs in Kāneʻohe Bay, a 45 km² sheltered water body in Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi in September 2018. 30 of the 119 collected samples were cultured under ambient temperature ambient CO2 (ATAC) for a 4-month period. Molecular samples for RNA-Seq and bisul- fite sequencing were obtained on days 1 and 2, and on weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16. RNA extraction and sequencing, read trimming, and gene count es- timation were conducted as described in Stephens et al. (2021). RNA was extracted from a small clip- ping using the Zymo Quick-DNA/RNA™ Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol for tissue samples. RNA library preparation and sequencing was then per- formed at Genewiz (South Plainfield, New Jersey, USA) following the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation Protocol (Illumina) with poly-A enrich- ment and HiSeq sequencing workflow targeting 15 million reads per sample. Quality trimming, adaptor removal, and gene count estimation were per- formed, and the resulting gene count matrix was used for differential expression analysis as de- scribed below. DIFFERENTIAL GENE EXPRESSION Using R version 4.0.5 and the edgeR pack- age v. 3.15 (Robinson et al., 2010), pairwise ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV comparisons of differential gene expression were conducted on the 27,254 genes that passed the low coverage filter of gene counts less than 10 (Robin- son et al. 2010). Three pairwise gene expression comparisons were conducted: T1 vs. D, T2 vs. D and T1 vs. T2, using DESeq2 (v. 3.14) (Love et al. 2014). The detected differentially expressed genes were filtered based on adjusted p-values less than 0.05 and fold changes (fc) greater than 1 for upregulated genes and less than -1 for downregulated genes. The UpSet R package was used to represent the six sets of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (upregulated and downregulated genes in T1, T2, and D samples) (Conway et al. 2017). This plot rep- resents nonempty and overlapping genes that were differentially regulated between the pairwise com- parisons. GENE ONTOLOGY Gene Ontology (GO) terms are a hierarchy of terms/descriptions that uses a controlled vocab- ulary to describe the known or inferred properties of a gene/protein. In this study, gene ontology and annotation were conducted following the GO pipe- line outlined in Chille et al. (2021) to annotate genes by relevant protein accession IDs for triploid and diploid samples of P. acuta. Briefly, DIAMOND (v. 0.0.14) was used to align protein and translated DNA sequences against the RefSeq non-redundant protein sequence database (nr database) compiled by the NCBI (Buchfink et al. 2015). To obtain gene ontology and annotation information from multiple databases, InterProScan (v. 5.53-87.0) was used to search the InterPro database to compile additional information about P. acuta protein sequences (Jones et al. 2014). Blast2GO is a powerful bioinfor- matics platform for gene annotation and ontology. Using the previously generated DIAMOND results as input, the mapping and annotation tools on Blast2GO were used to map and annotate the P. acuta gene sequences. Out of the 38,532 gene se- quences, 5073 were mapped. Then, InterProScan GO results were merged with the mapped and an- notated sequences from Blast2GO. The accession IDs for the gene sequences (generated by Blast2GO after mapping and annotation) were then run against the UniProt database. 3 RESULTS RNA SEQUENCING, QUALITY CONTROL AND CLUSTERING OF SAMPLES For all 30 samples collected at ATAC, 38,532 genes were predicted as described in Ste- phens et al. (2021). Pre-filtering to retain genes with cpm (counts per million) over 3.33 in at least 2 sam- ples resulted in 27,252 genes being selected for analysis. Out of the 30 P. acuta samples, 10 were diploid (D), 9 belonged to triploid cluster 1 (T1), and the remaining 11 were triploid cluster 2 (T2). PAIRWISE DIFFERENTIAL GENE EXPRESSION USING R For the first pairwise comparison (T1 vs. D), 1354 genes were upregulated in T1, 1,090 were downregulated in T1, and there was no significant difference in expression for the remaining 24,810 genes. For the second pairwise comparison (T2 vs. D), 1,157 genes were upregulated in T2, 1,330 were downregulated in T2, and there was no significant difference in expression for the remaining 24,767 genes. For the third and last pairwise comparison between the two triploid clusters (T1 vs. T2), 1,527 genes were upregulated in T1, 985 were downreg- ulated in T1, and there was no significant difference in expression for the remaining 24,742 genes. This information is represented in TABLE 1. TABLE 1: Numbers of differentially expressed genes in pairwise comparisons using edgeR, with adjusted p-value < 0.05, and fold change (fc) > 1 for upregulated genes and fc <-1 for downregulated genes. An UpSet plot is a graph used to represent intersections of two or more categories that have some shared similarity (Conway et al. 2017). For this study, an UpSet plot was used to visualize the DEGs similarly regulated across pairwise comparisons. Pairwise Comparison Upregulated (log(fc)>1) Downregulated (log(fc)<1) T1 vs. D 1354 1090 T2 vs. D 1157 1330 T1 vs. T2 1527 985 ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV FIGURE 1: UpSet plot of differentially expressed genes in pairwise comparisons between T1, T2, and D samples. The violet histogram on the bottom left of the figure represents the number of DEGs in each category of the pairwise comparisons. The black histogram represents the number of DEGs common between the highlighted pairwise comparisons (exact count shown on top of each black bar). For the black bars with a single dot across all sets, there is no overlap of differentially expressed genes with other categories. 954 out of the 1,330 genes downregulated in T2 (versus D) were also upregulated in T1 (versus T2). The second largest set of intersecting genes con- sisted of 856 genes that were upregulated in both triploid clusters against diploid samples. In contrast, only 439 genes were downregulated in both triploid clusters against diploid samples. Other intersecting sets of genes are shown in the UpSet plot above (FIG- URE1). 4 DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION DIFFERENTIAL GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS The aim of this study was to analyze the dif- ferential expression of genes in T1, T2, and D and to identify the physiological differences conferred by triploidy. DESeq2 was used to find the differentially expressed genes and DIAMOND, InterProScan, and Blast2GO were used for gene ontology and annota- ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV tion of the DEGs. While there were many genes ex- hibiting similar expression patterns for the two trip- loid clusters, there were also many differences. The number of differentially regulated genes for each triploid cluster is different when compared to each other and to diploid samples. The downregulated genes in T1 and T2 with log(fc) < -1 and adjusted p- value < 0.05 exhibit interesting differences in gene expression. Although both T1 and T2 clusters are triploid, the UpSet plot (FIGURE 1) indicates that the genes differentially expressed in both clusters show differences in gene regulation. 954 genes downreg- ulated in T2 in comparison to diploid samples are upregulated in T1 compared to T2 and are not dif- ferentially expressed in T1 compared to D. This in- dicates that these 954 genes may be downregu- lated only in T2 and not T1. Similarly, there are 419 DEGs that are only downregulated in T1 and 414 DEGs downregulated in T2 that have no intersec- tions with the other triploid cluster across all com- parisons. However, there are 439 DEGs that are downregulated in both T1 and T2 against D. These genes depict no significant differential expression in the pairwise comparison between T1 and T2. Hence, while there are a significant number of genes that are exclusively downregulated within each triploid cluster, some are common between the two clusters as well. This indicates that although both T1 and T2 are triploid, there are a large num- ber of differences and similarities in gene expres- sion patterns. This analysis is supported by the differential expression patterns for upregulated genes as well. Notably, 331 genes upregulated in T2 against D are downregulated in T1 against T2. These genes may be only upregulated in T2. There are 402 upregu- lated genes in T2 that are not differentially ex- pressed in T1 and 399 genes upregulated in T1 but not in T2. 595 DEGs are upregulated in T1 against both T2 and D but show no differential expression in T2. However, 858 genes are upregulated in both T1 and T2 against D and show no differential ex- pression in the pairwise comparison between T1 and T2. Again, since there are many upregulated genes showing differences and similarities in ex- pression patterns in both T1 and T2, it is possible that after independent triploidization events, T1 and T2 adapted in somewhat similar ways to the same environmental conditions. While both triploid clusters have many DEGs regulated in the same way, there is an equally large number of DEGs expressed in completely dif- ferent ways even between the two clusters. This may indicate that there were two separate sources of triploidization in the P. acuta reef in Kāneʻohe Bay, but adaptation of similar forms of triploidization in the coral can cause some genes in both clusters to be differentially expressed in similar ways. In future studies, we will compile gene on- tology data obtained from DIAMOND, InterProScan, and Blast2GO and perform functional enrichment analysis will be performed on all 119 samples col- lected in the study. This will be done in order to identify the biological processes and molecular functions that are differentially regulated in triploid P. acuta across all stress conditions as described in the methodology section (ATAC, ATHC, HTAC, and HTHC). This analysis will shed more light on the physiological and biochemical differences between triploid and diploid P. acuta. Comparative func- tional enrichment analysis will provide insight into pathways impacted by differential expression of some genes in triploid lineages in P. acuta under en- vironmental stress. It will also shed light on how trip- loidization can help the stress-sensitive P. acuta adapt to changing environmental conditions to en- sure survival in the face of rampant climate change in the decades to come. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my mentor, Erin Chille, for her guidance and support. I would also like to thank Dr. Timothy Stephens for detecting triploidy in the samples and letting us use his findings and data as the basis for our study. Lastly, I would like to thank Dr. Debashish Bhattacharya for his continued scientific guidance. 6 REFERENCES [1] Andrews, S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. ARESTY RUTGERS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL, VOLUME I, ISSUE IV [2] Bhattacharya, D., Stephens, T. G., Tinoco, A. I., Rich- mond, R. H., & Cleves, P.A. (2022). Life on the edge: Hawaiian model for coral evolution. Limnology and Oceanography. [3] Buchfink, B., Xie, C., & Huson, D. H. (2015). Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. Nature methods, 12(1), 59-60. [4] Chille, E. E., Strand, E., Neder, M., Schmidt, V., Sher- man, M., Putnam, H. M., & Mass, T. (2021). 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After graduating from Rutgers, Deeksha plans to continue performing research and pursue a PhD in bioinformat- ics. Outside of the lab, Deeksha is also involved in the women in STEM community on campus, and previously served as President of the STEM Ambassadors – Women in STEM club at Rutgers. She is also an active member of the Douglass Residential College for Women and serves as a Research Advisory Board mentor for Douglass. Previously, Deeksha has been involved with Aresty as a Summer Science participant as well as a peer reviewer for RURJ. For any questions, please contact Deeksha at