item: #1 of 29 id: bjsir-1150 author: Omolayo, Bunmi; Mokuolu, Bola title: Influence of Perceived Job Tension on Stress Reaction Among Hospital and University Workers in Nigeria date: 2008-09-16 words: 2589 flesch: 57 summary: Four hypotheses were tested and results shows that job stress is directly proportional to personal distress. There will be a significant relationship between personal distress and job stress among the workers. keywords: ambiguity; conflict; difference; distress; ekiti; feeling; female; holmes; hospital; independent; influence; job; level; masuda; new; nigeria; participants; perception; personal; personality; reaction; related; relationship; result; role; significant; state; stress; stressors; study; table; tension; university; university workers; variable; workers; years cache: bjsir-1150.pdf plain text: bjsir-1150.txt item: #2 of 29 id: bjsir-255 author: Islam, MF; Rahman, M Mokhlesur title: Arsenic Removal Efficiencies of a Few Impregnated Silicate Meterials date: 2007-08-01 words: 5310 flesch: 59 summary: The materials tested are FeSO4 treated roasted brick particles, Fe2(SO4)3 treated roasted brick particles, FeSO4 and Na2CO3 treated brick particles, Fe2(SO4)3 and Na2CO3 treated brick particles, ZnSO4 and Na2CO3 treated brick particles, FeSO4 and Na2HPO4 treated brick particles and waste cement plaster as such. Leaching of loaded As from FeSO4 treated roasted brick particles using TSP (Triple Super Phosphates) solution Weight of brick particles taken in a beaker = 9 g Size of the brick particles taken = (-3.15+2) mm mesh Concentration of the leaching solution = 10 % TSP Volume of solution taken for leaching of As = 100 ml. pH of the solution = 2.97 Absorbing material FeSO4 Treated roasted brick Leaching period (minutes) 20 40 60 80 100 120 Actual As concentration in leach (ppm) 2.5 3.0 7.5 15.0 26.25 26.25 Total amount of As in brick particles, g (in 20 g) 75.96 x 10-4 % leached As in solution 3.29 6.58 9.87 19.74 34.56 34.56 100 ml. keywords: absorption; arsenic; arsenic absorption; brick; brick particles; capacity; cement; concentration; contact; crushed; different; effect; fe2(so4)3; feso4; high; hours; iii; impregnated; interval; iron; leaching; loaded; long; materials; mesh; minutes; na2co3; ordinary; oxide; particles; period; phosphate; ppm; process; removal; roasted; roasted brick; short; size; soaked; solution; sulfate; table; time; total; waste; water cache: bjsir-255.pdf plain text: bjsir-255.txt item: #3 of 29 id: bjsir-256 author: Rashid, M Harunur; Nur-E-Elahi, M; Khan, M Akhter Hossain title: The Participation of Different Categories of Farmers for the Production and Utilization of Lady's Finger (Hibiscus esculentus L.) date: 2007-08-01 words: 2581 flesch: 60 summary: Monthly production, consumption and selling pattern of lady's finger Figure 1 shows the monthly production, con- sumption and selling pattern of lady's finger of different farmers for the months of April to July. Lady's finger consumption was highest per head in case of medium farmer and was decreased from medium farmer to marginal one. keywords: agronomic; april; bangladesh; categories; consumption; crop; cultivation; different; farmer-1; farmers; fertilizer; fig; finger; ha-1; higher; institute; lady; management; march; marginal; medium; okra; pattern; production; rate; research; selling; small; utilization; vegetable; yield cache: bjsir-256.pdf plain text: bjsir-256.txt item: #4 of 29 id: bjsir-258 author: Jahangir, AA; Mondal, RK; Nada, Katrun; Afoze, Sadia; Hakim, MA title: Response of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer and Plant Spacing on Growth and Yield Contributing Character of Sunflower date: 2007-08-01 words: 2871 flesch: 75 summary: The positive effect of closer plant spacing on seed yield as obtained in the present study agreed well to the findings of Islam et al. and Zaffaroni et al. where they found highest yield at closer plant spacing.16-17 Rao et al. also reported the reduction in sunflower yield under higher plant density.18 The other two plant spacing treatment produced near about the same seed yield without any significant change. The variation in plant spacing caused a significant difference in sunflower seed yield. keywords: abc; agron; application; effect; fertilizer; head; height; highest; ind; maximum; nitrogen; number; phosphorus; plant; response; seed; spacing; sunflower; treatment; yield cache: bjsir-258.pdf plain text: bjsir-258.txt item: #5 of 29 id: bjsir-267 author: Mr. RubeL title: File 2539 (5).qxd date: 2007-07-09 words: 2390 flesch: 71 summary: However, the productivity of cabbage per unit area is quite low as compared to the developed countries of the world.1 Among the various factors involved nutrient supply is an important inputs for realizing higher cabbage yield and its nutrient content. Experimental evidence showed that the response of cabbage is high to nitrogen application and moderate to phos- phorus application.2-3 Several authors report- ed the importance of N-P fertilizer on the pro- ductivity and nutritional quality of cabbage.4-5 The information regarding N-P fertilizer on cabbage yield and its nutritional quality is very meagre in our local climatic condition. keywords: cabbage; content; control; effect; fertilizer; growth; highest; maximum; nitrogen; nutrient; nutritional; phosphorus; plant; plot; quality; rate; total; treatment; value; yield cache: bjsir-267.htm plain text: bjsir-267.txt item: #6 of 29 id: bjsir-2713 author: Razzaque, MA; Ali, MA title: Effect of Mulching Material on the Yield and Quality of Potato Varieties Under No Tillage Condition of Ganges Tidal Flood Plain Soil date: 2009-06-25 words: 2130 flesch: 69 summary: The Heera 60.18 117.37 8.52 51.03 21.302 Dhera 55.47 116.37 8.00 49.15 19.276 Diamont 58.93 116.5 7.91 48.14 18.541 Chamak 57.12 117.0 7.29 49.64 17.638 Cardinal 56.87 116.87 7.60 49.52 18.237 CV(%) 3.69 0.32 2.02 1.46 2.26 LSD (0.05) 3.037 0.584 0.243 1.11 0.662 Variety Plant height (cm) Plant/plot Tuber/plant Tuber weight (g) Yield (t/ha) Table I. Yield and yield contributing characters of potato variety as affect by mulching under no tillage condition (Pooled). Yield contributing characters of potato variety as affect by mulching under no tillage condition (Pooled value) Razzaque and Ali 55 Green tuber (by %wt.) keywords: bangladesh; cardinal; chamak; condition; dhera; effect; heera; higher; hoque; hyacinth; material; mulching; plant; planting; potato; quality; rashid; research; rice; season; soil; straw; table; tillage; tuber; varieties; variety; water; weight; yield cache: bjsir-2713.pdf plain text: bjsir-2713.txt item: #7 of 29 id: bjsir-2723 author: Shormin, Tanjia; Khan, M Akhter Hossain; Alamgir, M title: Response of Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Water Stress on the Growth and Yield of Japanese Mint (Mentha Arvensis L.) date: 2009-06-25 words: 3005 flesch: 72 summary: The effects of soil moisture stress on the uptake of nitrogen by different crops were reported to differ and even were opposite some times (Campbell et al., 1977). Generally, plant height was increased as the level of nitrogen increased. keywords: --0.47; 44(1; analysis; arvensis; bangladesh; capacity; crop; dat; different; effect; essential; experiment; f.c; fertilizer; field; fresh; growth; height; herb; japanese; kg n; levels; mentha; mint; moisture; nitrogen; plant; plant height; pot; product; research; response; samples; soil; spss; stress; table; total; treatment; water cache: bjsir-2723.pdf plain text: bjsir-2723.txt item: #8 of 29 id: bjsir-274 author: Rahman, MS; Ali, MY; Ali, MU; Hasan, AJM Moynul title: Studies on the Lipid and Glyceride Compositions of Cassia alata Seed Oil date: 2007-08-01 words: 2482 flesch: 61 summary: The fatty acid composition of the oil was determined by GLC and the results were pre- sented in Table V. Gas chromatographic analysis showed that unsaturated fatty acid present in Cassia alata seed oil were mainly oleic (25.6 %) and linoleic (45.5 %) which altogether accounted for over 70 % of the total fatty acid. Glyceride composition of Cassia alata seed oil (weight %) Mean results of three experiments results for each sample Name of the districts from where seeds were collected Rajshahi Dinajpue Dhaka Monoglyceride 2.1 1.8 1.5 Diglyceride 3.9 3.4 3.6 Triglyceride 91.7 92.0 91.5 FFA 2.1 2.5 2.7 Table III. keywords: acid; alata; ali; analysis; bangladesh; cassia; cassia alata; chemical; chromatography; column; composition; dhaka; dinajpur; districts; ether; fatty; fatty acid; glyceride; lead; lipid; neutral; oil; percentage; present; rahman; rajshahi; results; samples; seed; silicic; table; tlc; total; unsaturated; value; weight cache: bjsir-274.pdf plain text: bjsir-274.txt item: #9 of 29 id: bjsir-276 author: Rahaman, MS; Hasan, AJM Moynul; Ali, MY; Ali, MU title: A Flavone from the Leaves of Cassia Alata date: 2007-08-01 words: 1329 flesch: 70 summary: UV spectra (MeOH) was recorded on a Shimadzu UV-240 spectrophotometer, IR Spectra (KBr) on a Shimadzu IR-460 instrument, 1H- NMR spectra(CD3OD) on a Bruker AM-500 FT NMR spectrometer (500 MHz) using TMS as internal standard, 13C-NMR spectra A Flavone from the Leaves of Cassia Alata M. S. Rahaman,a AJM Moynul Hasan,a M. Y. Alib and M. U. Alib aBCSIR Laboratories, Binodpur Bazar, Rajshahi-6206 and bDepartment of Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh Abstract Studies were carried out on the leaves of Cassia alata. is a small tree generally grown in the gardens and not far away from human dwellings.3 Its use as medicine, especially in the eradication of Herpescircinatus is confirmed by Mekenna et al.4 Earlier investigations on Cassia alata reported the presence of only hydroxymethy- lanthraquinones (unidentified) and chryso- phanic acid as isolated compounds.5 Hauptmann and co-workers6 isolated rhein (an antibiotic) and its reduced form with other anthraquinone derivatives which they could not identify. keywords: 13c; acetate; alata; cassia; cd3od; compound; ethyl; flavone; h-6; india; isolated; leaves; mass; new; nmr; spectra; spectrum; vol; water cache: bjsir-276.pdf plain text: bjsir-276.txt item: #10 of 29 id: bjsir-280 author: Sen, R; Mondal, ATMAI; Brahma, S; Khan, MS title: Effect of Different Soil Moisture Regime on the Yield and Yield Components of Onion date: 2007-08-01 words: 1331 flesch: 68 summary: Five regimes of irrigation (control, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 IW/CPE ratio with 4 cm depth of irrigation water at each irrigation) were tried in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Bulb yield/ha increasing significantly with the increase of soil moisture regime upto 1.00 IW/CPE ratio. keywords: bangladesh; bulb; control; cpe; different; effect; efficiency; irrigation; moisture; onion; ratio; regimes; soil; use; water; weight; yield cache: bjsir-280.pdf plain text: bjsir-280.txt item: #11 of 29 id: bjsir-287 author: Hossain, M Tofazzal; Islam, Suravi; Mondal, Mokbul Hossain; Khan, AH title: Studies on Anomalous Behaviour at Curie Point Tc of Some Classes of Mixed Ferrites date: 2007-08-01 words: 3063 flesch: 62 summary: This was experimentally found out by Forestier in Zn2+ ions substituted mixed ferrite.3 On the other hand, the addition of diamagnetic Zn2+ con- tent increase the room temperature perme- ability of Mn ferrite from 250 to 1000 and Ni ferrite from 10 to 700. In case of Ni-Mg ferrite addition of NiO enhances AB and BB interaction resulting increased Tc values which is evident in Fig. 2.4. Effect of sintering temperature on Curie temperature, Tc The objective of the study of group C was to observe and gather a general knowledge about the Tc values of Mn-Zn ferrites with different sintering temperature. keywords: additives; anomalous; behaviour; clay; composition; content; curie; dependent; exchange; ferrites; fig; group; hossain; increase; interaction; ions; magnetic; mixed; observed; octahedral; samples; sites; study; temperature; tetrahedral; values; variation; zn ferrites; zn2 cache: bjsir-287.pdf plain text: bjsir-287.txt item: #12 of 29 id: bjsir-295 author: Husain, MM; Hasan, MR title: Efficacy of Malathion in Controlling Tribolium Castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) date: 2007-08-01 words: 1780 flesch: 67 summary: To deter- mine synergistic effects of piperonylbutoxide on adult T. castaneum required quantities of malathion alone and in combination with piperonylbutoxide was individually weighed using an electronic balance and mixed with wheat flour. After thorough mixing, the treated flour (approximately 1g) was then transferred to individual glass vials contain- ing Tribolium castaneum adults and secured at the top with cotton wool. keywords: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; adult; castaneum; concentrations; control; econ; effect; ent; flour; food; grain; husain; insecticides; instar; larvae; ld50; malathion; mortality; piperonylbutoxide; ppm; res; toxicity; tribolium cache: bjsir-295.pdf plain text: bjsir-295.txt item: #13 of 29 id: bjsir-3558 author: Mahapatra, Bi B; Sarangi, AK title: Polymetallic Complexes Part 91 Dimeric and Monomeric Complexes of CoII, NiII, CuII, ZnII, CdII and HgII with N∩O-O∩N and N∩O Donor Bis-bidentate and Bi-dentate Azodye Ligands date: 2011-08-09 words: 2619 flesch: 69 summary: One broad band appears in the region 3400-3412 cm-1 for LH2 complexes and the other peaks at ~837-842 cm-1 for CoII , NiII and CuII , LIH complexes which are assignable to -OH stretching and rock- ing vibrations respectively indicating the presence of co- ordinated water molecules in the complexes (Nakamoto, 1978 and Gamo, 1961) In the electronic spectra of NiII complexes, four bands appear at 10250(10282), 17122(17315), 24980(24992) and 32240(31355) cm-1 which may be assigned to 3A2g(F)� 3T2g(F) (v1), � 3T1g(F) (v2), �3T1g(P) (v3) and CT transition respectively. keywords: atoms; azodye; band; bidentate; bis; brown; cdii; cell; chem; cm-1; co2lcl2; coii; complexes; compound; cuii; data; electronic; hgii; inorganic; lh2; ligands; mahapatra; metal; niii; nitrogen; octahedral; parameters; polymetallic; reddish; solution; spectra; table; unit; water; znii cache: bjsir-3558.pdf plain text: bjsir-3558.txt item: #14 of 29 id: bjsir-359 author: Chowdhury, Jasim Uddin; Nandi, Nemai Chandra; Uddin, Minhaj; Rahman, Majibur title: Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils from Two Types of Spearmint (Mentha spicata L. and M. cardiaca L.) Introduced in Bangladesh date: 2007-08-16 words: 1273 flesch: 66 summary: No. Name of compounds Molecular Molecular % content weight formula M. spicata M. cardiaca 1 Benzene, tert-butyl 134 C10H14 0.15 -- 2 α-Bourbonene 204 C15H24 1.67 0.95 3 Camphene 136 C10H16 -- 0.40 4 cis-Carveol 152 C10H16O -- 1.43 5 trans-Carveol 152 C10H16O 1.25 0.62 6 Carveyl acetate 194 C12H18O2 0.58 0.19 7 Carvone 150 C10H14O 73.29 60.90 8 Caryophyllene oxide 220 C15H24O 0.76 -- 9 Caryophyllene 204 C15H24 -- 0.74 10 Dihydrocarveol 154 C10H18O 1.12 0.13 11 α-Cubebene 204 C15H24 -- 0.14 12 Dihydrocarvone 152 C10H16O 3.83 0.95 13 Diisobutyl carbinol 144 C9H20O 0.93 -- 14 Cyclooctanol 128 C8H16O -- 0.11 15 Eucalyptol 154 C10H18O 1.01 2.22 16 4-Hydroxy-3,5,5- 154 C9H14O2 0.75 -- trimethylcyclohex-2-enoen 17 (+)-Isomenthol 156 C10H20O 0.37 -- 18 β-Farnesene 204 C15H24 -- 0.26 19 Jasmone 164 C11H16O 0.59 0.51 20 Furan, 2,5-diethyltetrahydro 128 C8H16O -- 0.09 21 Ledol 222 C15H26O 0.73 -- 22 D-Limonene 136 C10H16 7.59 21.58 23 Germacrene D 204 C15H24 -- 0.55 24 cis-3-Hexenol 100 C10H12O -- 0.07 25 trans-p-Mentha-2,8-dienol 152 C10H16O 0.23 -- 26 2-Naphthol,1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7- 166 C11H18O 1.47 -- octahydro-4a-methyl 27 cis-3-Hexenyl isovalerate 184 C11H20O2 -- 0.15 28 Isomenthone 154 C10H18O -- 0.17 29 Piperitone 154 C14H18O 0.44 0.45 31 trans-Sabinenehydrate 154 C10H18O 1.57 -- Table I. Chemical constituents of essential oils from M. spicata and M. cardiaca Chowdhury, Nandi, Uddin and Rahman 81 References Anonymous. No. Name of Compounds Molecular Molecular % content weight formula M. spicata M. cardiaca 32 4-Terpineol 154 C10H18O 0.27 -- 34 Limonene oxide, trans 152 C10H16O -- 0.10 35 β-Linalool 154 C10H18O -- 0.04 36 Menthone 154 C10H18O -- 1.38 37 β-Myrcene 136 C10H16 -- 1.11 38 Octyl Cyclobutane carboxylate 212 keywords: bangladesh; c10h16; c10h18o; cardiaca; carveol; carvone; constituents; content; essential; fred; india; lee; limonene; major; mentha; oil; oils; plants; spearmint; spicata; trans cache: bjsir-359.pdf plain text: bjsir-359.txt item: #15 of 29 id: bjsir-3666 author: Farooque, KN; Zaman, M; Halim, E; Islam, S; Hossain, M; Mollah, YA; Mahmood, AJ title: Characterization and Utilization of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) from Rice Mill of Bangladesh date: 2009-11-09 words: 3404 flesch: 66 summary: Phase analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicates the presence of quartz, crystobalite and anorthite, while micro structural features obtained from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) shows that RHA particles are highly porous and honeycombed structure. Particle size distribution Particle size analysis of RHA (Fig. 1) shows that ~8% , ~41% , ~8% , and ~10% of RHA particles are in the range of 0.1 - 0.05 mm, 0.05 - 0.01 mm, 0.01 - 0.005 mm, 0.005 - 0.001 mm respectively. keywords: analysis; ash; bangladesh; brick; building; bulk; ccs; cement; characterization; chemical; composite; compressive; density; diffraction; dta; husk; husk ash; increase; kumar; lime; linear; making; material; particles; phase; porous; pozzolana; presence; present; properties; rha; rice; rice husk; sample; sem; shrinkage; silica; size; soil; strength; study; suitable; surface; temperature; thermal; utilization; water; xrd cache: bjsir-3666.pdf plain text: bjsir-3666.txt item: #16 of 29 id: bjsir-3672 author: Mahabub-Uz-Zaman, M; Ahmed, Nazim Uddin; Akter, Rasheda; Ahmed, Kabir; Aziz, M Shafiqul Islam; Ahmed, M Shamsuddin title: Studies on Anti-inflammatory, Antinociceptive and Antipyretic Activities of Ethanol Extract of Azadirachta indica Leaves date: 2009-11-09 words: 4896 flesch: 58 summary: 0.04* 0.51± 0.08* 0.65 ± 0.08* 0.64 ± 0.09* 25.0% 35.4 % 46.3% 46.7% A. indica ethanol extract 1g/kg 0.49± 0.06 0.58 ± 0.06* 0.71 ± 34.4% A. indica ethanol extract 1g/kg 24.5 ± 1.48* 20.5% A. indica ethanol extract 500 mg/ kg 28.4 ± 1.6 7.8% A. indica ethanol extract 100 mg/ kg 28.8 ± 1.2 6.5% keywords: 500mg; a. indica; acetic; acid; activity; acute; ahmed; analgesic; anti; antinociceptive; antipyretic; azadirachta; bangladesh; carrageenan; chronic; control; cotton; dose; drug; edema; effect; ethanol; ethanol extract; extract; granuloma; hot; indica; indica ethanol; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; injection; leaf; leaves; level; mean; mice; model; p<0.05; pain; paw; pellet; plant; present; rats; response; significant; sodium; standard; studies; study; table; temperature; test; time; toxicity; weight; writhing cache: bjsir-3672.pdf plain text: bjsir-3672.txt item: #17 of 29 id: bjsir-3673 author: Khanum, Hamida; Muznebin, Farhana; Nessa, Zaibun title: Nematode and Cestode Prevalence, Organal Distribution and Histological Effects Due to Parasitic Infection in Laboratory Rat Strain, Long-Evans (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769) date: 2009-11-09 words: 1939 flesch: 60 summary: In duodenum 46 (43.75%) parasites were collected and 1848 (75%) parasites were collected from anterior intestine, 729 (77.08%) para- sites from posterior intestine and 931 (95.83%) parasites were collected from caecum. The intensity of V. nana showed the highest intensity in ante- rior intestine (61.71) while, parasites were totally absent in stomach, posterior intestine and caecum. keywords: anterior; bangladesh; caecum; dhaka; diminuta; duodenum; evans; helminth; highest; hosts; infected; intensity; intestine; laboratory; long; lower; mice; muris; nana; parasites; posterior; prevalence; rats; rattus; spumosa cache: bjsir-3673.pdf plain text: bjsir-3673.txt item: #18 of 29 id: bjsir-60570 author: None title: 129 date: 2023-06-21 words: 7563 flesch: 63 summary: The safflower seeds were also coated using a film coating material in order to improve their properties and quality, and the film coated seeds were compared with those in the control group. The safflower seeds were also coated using a film coating material in order to improve their properties and quality, and the film coated seeds were compared with those in the control group. keywords: agriculture; balcı; carthamus; coated; coating; control; cultivars; diameter; dumanoğlu; fakültesi; film; grain; group; highest; journal; length; lowest; material; mean; mm2; physical; plant; properties; research; safflower; safflower cultivars; safflower seeds; sciences; seeds; study; table; tinctorius; varieties; variety; variety balcı; variety yektay; variety yenice; width; yektay; yenice; yield; ziraat cache: bjsir-60570.htm plain text: bjsir-60570.txt item: #19 of 29 id: bjsir-61901 author: Abroshan, Hamid; Rezaei, Saman; Golchoobian, Hooman ; Foladi, Fateme; Rumizade , Ehsan; Mirshams, Ali title: Energy audit of a sugarcane plant to find out the main energy saving opportunities: Energy Analysis of a Sugarcane Factory date: 2023-03-27 words: 19 flesch: 66 summary: 403 Forbidden Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu) Server at keywords: apache/2.4.54 cache: bjsir-61901.pdf plain text: bjsir-61901.txt item: #20 of 29 id: bjsir-62772 author: Shage, GY ; Ali, AY title: Biodiesel from moringa stenopetala seed oil date: 2023-03-27 words: 36389 flesch: 52 summary: There are more than 300 vegetable oils identified as potential feedstocks for biodiesel production globally. Generally, it can be concluded that moringa stenopetala is a promising alternative feedstock for biodiesel production for the reasons: it does not affect food security, has a good oil content, and can be harvested throughout the year. keywords: acid; alcohol; analysis; astm; biodiesel; biodiesel effect; biodiesel production; biodiesel yield; catalyst; characterization; chemical; cost; demirbas; design; different; doi; effect; energy; engine; experimental; extraction; factors; fuel; higher; journal; loading; lower; maximum; methanol; method; model; moringa; oil; oil ratio; oil yield; optimum; optimum value; parameters; performance; physical; point; previous; process; properties; quality; reaction; reaction temperature; report; response; result; seed; seed oil; standard; stenopetala; study; surface; table; temperature; time; transesterification; value; ° c cache: bjsir-62772.pdf plain text: bjsir-62772.txt item: #21 of 29 id: bjsir-63347 author: Bhuiyan, Mohammad Nazrul Islam; Raiyaan, KR ; Afrin, Sadia; Nahid, Meher title: Effect of the temperature and osmotic stress on the growth and cell viability of Candida maltosa date: 2023-06-22 words: 19 flesch: 66 summary: 403 Forbidden Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu) Server at keywords: apache/2.4.54 cache: bjsir-63347.pdf plain text: bjsir-63347.txt item: #22 of 29 id: bjsir-63634 author: None title: 53 date: 2023-03-26 words: 60651 flesch: 57 summary: The defect-related emissions enhanced with increasing Gd doping in the ZnO indicate that a large number of deficiencies, such as oxygen vacancies, are most usually related to crystal deformation (Yi et al. 2017). The defect-related emissions enhanced with increasing Gd doping in the ZnO indicate that a large number of deficiencies, such as oxygen vacancies, are most usually related to crystal deformation (Yi et al. 2017). keywords: absorption; analysis; appl; applied; band; binding; characteristics; chemical; data; defect; devices; different; doi; effect; electronic; emission; energy; et al; fig; findings; gap; gd concentration; gd doping; gora; green; high; influence; ions; kumar; lattice; like; like zno; magnetic; materials; method; obeid; observed; optical; optoelectronic; oxide; oxygen; peak; photoluminescence; phys; physics; powder samples; prepared; prepared gd; present; properties; pure zno; responsible; results; reveal; samples gd; sem; semiconductor; shift; spectra; spectroscopy; state; structural; synthesis; synthesized; temperature; undoped zno; vacancies; violet; visible; wang; xps; zinc; zno; zno bulk; zno crystal; zno dms; zno films; zno hexagonal; zno lattice; zno materials; zno nanocrystals; zno nanoparticles; zno nanorods; zno nanostructures; zno nanowires; zno polycrystalline; zno powder; zno samples; zno single; zno structure; zno thin cache: bjsir-63634.htm plain text: bjsir-63634.txt item: #23 of 29 id: bjsir-64166 author: Lal, Nathu ; Kumar, Amit; Kanhaiya Chawla; Sharma, Sandeep ; Lal, Chhagan title: Synthesis of MgO nanostructure thin films via electrodeposition method for gas sensing applications date: 2023-06-22 words: 43723 flesch: 49 summary: The FTIR spectra of deposited MgO nanostructure thin film with transmission peaks ranging from 500 to 4000 cm-1 are shown in Fig. This study provides detailed information about the electronic effects in presence of hydrogen gas on deposited MgO nanostructure thin film. keywords: analysis; applications; applied; band; band gap; bilayer; characteristics; characterization; chemical; co2; coated; composition; core; deposited; deposited mgo; deposition; doi; effects; electrical; electronic; elemental; elements; energy; equation; et al; fig; functional; gap; gas; glass; high; huang; hydrogen; hydrogen gas; international; ito; jangid; journal; level; like; liu; magnesium; magnesium oxide; materials; metal; method; mg(oh)2; mgo; mgo nanoparticles; mgo nanostructure; mgo thin; morphology; nanoparticles; nanostructure thin; nanostructures; nitrate; optical; oxide; oxide nanostructure; oxide thin; pattern; peak; physics; presence; present; process; properties; range; ray; response; results; room; sample; semiconductor; sensing; sensitivity; solution; spectra; spectrum; state; storage; structural; study; substrate; surface; synthesis; synthesized; technique; temperature; thin films; vacuum; visible; wang; work; xps; xrd cache: bjsir-64166.pdf plain text: bjsir-64166.txt item: #24 of 29 id: bjsir-64236 author: Rahman, MA; Rahman, MM; Nemoto, K; Sarwar, AKM Golam title: Proximate composition and thermal properties of hemp and flax fibres date: 2023-03-27 words: 15890 flesch: 57 summary: Proximate analysis showed that hemp fibre had higher ash content on average than flax fibre (Table I). Proximate analysis showed that hemp fibre had higher ash content on average than flax fibre (Table I). keywords: analysis; ash; audu; bangladesh; bengal; cannabis; carbohydrate; cellulose; composites; composition; content; council; crude; different; doi; energy; et al; european; fat; fibres; flax; flax fibres; flax genotypes; genotypes; girijappa; hemp; hemp fibres; hemp genotypes; higher; ishag; mass; maximum; natural; o’malley; parliament; plant; properties; protein; proximate; rahman; sativa; seeds; shuvo; stage; table; temperature; textiles; tga; thermal; thermogravimetric; use; value cache: bjsir-64236.pdf plain text: bjsir-64236.txt item: #25 of 29 id: bjsir-64570 author: Akter, Suma; Khan, Md Harunor Rashid; Saha, Mithun Kumar title: Mineral nutrition of rice and post-harvest soils influenced by self-made organic composts date: 2023-06-22 words: 35432 flesch: 53 summary: Results and discussion Mineral nutrition of rice plants The total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium contents at maturity stage of rice plants grown under field condition were significantly (p≤0.05) influenced by the application of variable indigenous organic amendments (rice hull compost, rice straw compost, sawdust compost and vermicompost) during Aman season (Table IV and Fig.1). Results and discussion Mineral nutrition of rice plants The total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium contents at maturity stage of rice plants grown under field condition were significantly (p≤0.05) influenced by the application of variable indigenous organic amendments (rice hull compost, rice straw compost, sawdust compost and vermicompost) during Aman season (Table IV and Fig.1). keywords: agricultural; akter; amendments; analyses; application; applied; available; bangladesh; calcium; climate; compost; condition; contents; control; crop; crop straw; different; doi; doses; edible; effects; elements; et al; fertility; field; food; growth; ha-1; harvest; harvest soils; health; hull compost; kg-1; low; magnesium; microbial; mineral; nitrogen; nutrients; nutrition; organic; organic amendments; organic composts; people; phosphorus; plants; plot; potassium; properties; rates; research; results; rice; rice hull; rice plant; rice production; rice straw; samples; sawdust; sawdust compost; season; soil; soil organic; soils rice; straw compost; study; sulfur; table; tissues; total; treatments; use; variety; vermicompost; yang; yields; zhang cache: bjsir-64570.pdf plain text: bjsir-64570.txt item: #26 of 29 id: bjsir-65108 author: Hashem, MA; Payel, S; Ali, MS; Bhowmik, P; Sahen, MS title: Tannin agents from native Swietenia microphylla (sky fruit) for leather processing date: 2023-03-27 words: 19 flesch: 66 summary: 403 Forbidden Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu) Server at keywords: apache/2.4.54 cache: bjsir-65108.pdf plain text: bjsir-65108.txt item: #27 of 29 id: bjsir-66990 author: Sujan, SM Asaduzzaman ; Hossain, M; Uddin, M Nashir ; Fakhruddin, ANM title: Optimization of alkali concentration in the pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for ethanol production date: 2023-06-22 words: 39164 flesch: 47 summary: During alkali pretreatment usually most of the extractives are removed with the increasing of alkali concentration. During alkali pretreatment usually most of the extractives are removed with the increasing of alkali concentration. keywords: 100oc; acid; alkali; alkali concentration; alkali pretreatment; analysis; astm; bagasse; bioethanol; biomass; carbon; cellulose; cellulose content; cellulose crystallinity; cellulose yield; chemical; composition; content; cooking; cri; crystalline; crystallinity; different; different alkali; digestibility; doi; enzymatic; enzyme; et al; ethanol; fermentation; figure; glucose; hemicellulose; hplc; hydrolysis; index; lignin; materials; matter; mesh; method; min; model; moisture; org/10.1016; pentosan; percentage; process; production; raw; raw sb; reaction; regression; samples; sb samples; sem; size; standard; structure; sugarcane; sugars; sujan; surface; technology; temperature; temperature alkali; time; ultimate; water; woody cache: bjsir-66990.pdf plain text: bjsir-66990.txt item: #28 of 29 id: bjsir-972 author: Parveen, Sahana; Ahmed, M Shakir Uddin; Nasreen, Tania title: Microbial Contamination of Water in Around Dhaka City date: 2008-07-09 words: 1207 flesch: 57 summary: FCC(counts /100ml) E.Coli(cou nts/100ml) Salmonella (%) Parveen, Ahmed and Nasreen 275 comparison to tubewell water and bottled water, river water, pond water and household water showed more pathogenic contamina- tion. All river water, pond water and house- hold water were heavily contaminated with Coliform, Faecal coliform, E. Coli and Salmonella whereas tubewell water and bot- tled water were devoid of Faecal Coliform, E. Coli and Salmonella. keywords: 2.4x104; bangladesh; bottled; coliform; contamination; count; dhaka; faecal; health; hours; household; microbial; n.f; plate; pond; river; salmonella; samples; total; water cache: bjsir-972.pdf plain text: bjsir-972.txt item: #29 of 29 id: bjsir-973 author: Saha, Manoranjan; Dey, Haradhan Chandra; Karim, Mohammad Ziaul; Ismail, Mohammad; Saha, Dipti title: Alkylation of Cresols with Cyclohexene in the Presence of p-Toluenesulphonic Acid date: 2008-07-09 words: 2011 flesch: 65 summary: Thus cyclohexyl o-cresols could be obtained in 95.5% yield under the following reaction conditions: temperature = 130OC, molar ratio of o-cresol to cyclohexene = 5:1, time of addition = 2h, time of stirring = 2h and the amount of catalyst = 10% by wt. of o-cresol. Fille 2566 (15).qxd Alkylation of Cresols with Cyclohexene in the Presence of p-Toluenesulphonic Acid Manoranjan Saha*, Haradhan Chandra Dey, Mohammad Ziaul Karim, Mohammad Ismail and Dipti Saha Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. keywords: acid; alkylation; catalyst; cresol; cyclohexene; cyclohexyl; expt; group; molar; presence; ratio; reaction; ring; saha; temperature; time; toluenesulphonic; yield cache: bjsir-973.pdf plain text: bjsir-973.txt