B i o - b a s e d a n d A p p l i e d E c o n o m i c s BAE Bio-based and Applied Economics 10(1): 3-6, 2021 | e-ISSN 2280-6172 | DOI: 10.36253/bae-11497 Copyright: © 2021 F.G. Santeramo, M. Raggi. Open access, article published by Firenze University Press under CC-BY-4.0 License. Firenze University Press | www.fupress.com/bae Ten years of Bio-Based and Applied Economics: a story of successes, and more to come Fabio G. Santeramo1, Meri Raggi2 1 University of Foggia (Italy) 2 University of Bologna (Italy) Bio-based and Applied Economics, the official jour- nal of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics, has been established in 2011: the Journal has constantly hosted high quality manuscripts, published by scholars aiming at contributing to the debate on topics that have been relevant for the Association. In less than ten years BAE has become a well- established international journal, indexed in several scientif ic databases, such as Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index™ of Web of Science. Across years, the Journal has repeatedly devoted attention to innovative aspects for the profession, with a special attention to the definition and evolution of the bioec- onomy (Schmidt et al., 2012), lately as the “evolution- ary process of transition from systems of mining non- renewable resources to farming renewable ones” (Zil- berman et al., 2013). The importance of bioeconomy is increasing more and more exactly because its objec- tives are converging towards those of the new para- digm of economic growth: the circular economy (Agui- lar et al., 2018). As from the very first articles hosted in the opening and in subsequent issues, such as those authored by Viaggi (2012), Romano (2012) and Esposti (2012), among others. The large number of submissions that the Journal has attracted has allowed to publish research papers from many very traditional areas such as agri-food system analyses, demand and production economics (e.g. Sckokai and Varacca, 2012), price, trade and policy analyses (e.g. Matthews, 2013; Jafari et al., 2018; Santeramo and Cramon-Taubadel, 2016). In addi- tion, the Journal has hosted several manuscripts ana- lysing fields closely connected with the agricultural and applied economics, such as environmental economics, behavioural economics, political economy, development economics, health economics, or focused on important and timely topics such as changes in the agri-food sys- tems and methodological challenges in analysing them (e.g. Heckelei et al. 2012; Donati et al., 2013; Scoppo- la, 2015). Such a broad range of topics has allowed the Journal to become an agora for the scientific debate, and such a prominent role is very much strengthened by the Open Access nature of the Journal that, coupled with absence of submission and publication fees, guar- antee that manuscripts are accessible to all interested readers, without limitations of any kind. After a decade of great achievements, the Board has launched several initiatives (Moro et al., 2019) such as, among others, words mention to the most impact- ful papers hosted in BAE and the recurrent recognition of one “Best Paper in BAE”. The first edition of these awards has been in 2021. Starting from the next years a special mention will also be dedicated to the reviewers that have excelled in their (extremely valuable) reviewer activities. The support of competent reviewers has been one of the main resources on which the Journal has counted to become a very well-established field Journal. BAE is not only a fast-growing Journal, but also a resilient, fast-changing environment. After a deep reor- ganization of the Board, composed by the two Editors in Chief, five Associate Editors, and the editorial assistant, and a major transition to a new online platform, BAE has just renewed its graphical aspect to provide more information to the readers, and emphasize the rigor and transparency of the double-blind peer review process, a mechanism that ensure the high quality of the manu- scripts hosted in BAE. Furthermore, the Journal will host more articles, organized in four issues per year: a signal that the growth in quality is solid and promising. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode 4 Fabio G. Santeramo1, Meri Raggi24 Fabio G. Santeramo, Meri Raggi Bio-based and Applied Economics 10(1): 4-6, 2021 | e-ISSN 2280-6172 | DOI: 10.36253/bae-11497 The best has yet to be described. Among the new initiatives we proudly announce, starting form the fol- lowing issues, BAE will host a series of invited reviews aimed at synthesizing the topics debated in BAE as well as at emphasizing the status of the art of the Bioecon- omy, a repeated tradition for the Journal (e.g. Romano, 2013; Viaggi, 2016; Sckokai, 2016). Following the debate on bioeconomy is of utmost importance, due to the vivid attention that the topic is receiving not only in Europe (Wessler et al., 2017; D’Adamo et al., 2020; Stegmann et al., 2020), but also in other continents (Asada and Stern, 2018; Zilberman et al., 2018). Moreover, BAE aims at publishing invited reviews on behavioural and risk management in agri-food sys- tems issues in agri-food systems, themes that have attracted several important submissions (e.g. Coletta et al., 2018; O’Donoghue et al., 2020; Giampietri et al., 2020) and are highly debated in top field journals (How- ley , 2015; Vigani, and Kathage, 2019; Sok et al., 2021). In order to follow the debate on vulnerability, resil- ience and systemic changes in the agri-food sector, greatly animated by Allouche (2011), Upton et al. (2016), Pingali and Sunder (2017) and Shobe (2020), the Jour- nal will continue to dedicate attention to the systemic changes in the agro-food systems, and to the resilience of the agri-food systems, updating the debated that has been animated in BAE by several authors such as, among others, Sarris (2013), Alvarez and Arias (2015), Avanzini et al. (2018) and Romano et al. (2019). The Board has also solicited reviews to synthesize the state of the literature devoted to speculating on pol- icy and trade dynamics (e.g. Peterson et al., 2000; Petit, 2008; Sun and Reed, 2010; Pannell and Claassen, 2020), whose debate dates back to the first issues of BAE (e.g. Moschini et al., 2012; Dwyer, 2013), but has never ended (e.g. Carbone et al., 2015; Olper, 2016), and, indeed, has increased in prominence (e.g. De Maria, 2018; Macedo et al., 2019). Last, but not least, the Journal will dedicate space to review the state of the art on the rural development and on nutrition and health issues, whose debate has deep roots in BAE and it is quite promising and vivid (e.g. Barreiro‐Hurle et al., 2010; Irwin et al., 2010; Camaioni et al., 2013; Sckokai et al., 2014; Bertolini and Pagliacci, 2017; Cerroni et al., 2019; Frison and Clément, 2020). The Board is proud of the journey that the Journal is facing and will continue to work to ensure that BAE will continue to be an independent and Open Access environment to debate and disseminate rigorous scien- tific findings, and authoritative critical views. As clos- ing note, the Editors in Chief express their gratitude to the scientists who have made possible the ambitious project of Bio-based and Applied Economics to become a solid reality. REFERENCES 1. Aguilar, A., Wohlgemuth, R., & Twardowski, T. (2018). Perspectives on bioeconomy. New Biotech- nology. 40(25), 181-184 2. Allouche, J. (2011). The sustainability and resilience of global water and food systems: Political analysis of the interplay between security, resource scarcity, political systems and global trade.  Food Policy,  36, S3-S8. 3. Asada, R., & Stern, T. (2018). Competitive bioecon- omy? Comparing bio-based and non-bio-based pri- mary sectors of the world.  Ecological Economics,  149, 120-128. 4. 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Economics of sustainable development and the bioeconomy.  Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 40(1), 22-37. Volume 10, Issue 1 - 2021 Firenze University Press Ten years of Bio-Based and Applied Economics: a story of successes, and more to come Fabio G. Santeramo1, Meri Raggi2 The capitalisation of decoupled payments in farmland rents among EU regions Gianni Guastella1,2, Daniele Moro1, Paolo Sckokai1, Mario Veneziani3 Contribution of periurban farming systems to local food systems: a systemic innovation perspective Rosalia Filippini1,2, Elisa Marraccini3, Sylvie Lardon2 An investigation into Italian consumers’ awareness, perception, knowledge of European Union quality certifications, and consumption of agri-food products carrying those certifications Niculina Iudita Sampalean1, Daniele Rama1, Giulio Visentin2 Wine after the pandemic? All the doubts in a glass Daniele Vergamini*, Fabio Bartolini, Gianluca Brunori Public R&D and European agriculture: impact on productivity and return on R&D expenditure Michele Vollaro1, Meri Raggi2, Davide Viaggi1