Bio-based and Applied Economics 4(3): 235-259, 2015 ISSN 2280-6180 (print) © Firenze University Press ISSN 2280-6172 (online) Full Research Article DOI: 10.13128/BAE-16368 The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production: an application in the Province of Ferrara Parthena Chatzinikolaou1,*, DaviDe viaggi1, Meri raggi2 1 Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy 2 Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy Date of submission: June 30th, 2015, accepted November 4th, 2015 Abstract. This paper presents an evaluation of the provision of Ecosystem Services (ES). The analysis is based on the design of a framework suitable to be translated into a multi-criteria evaluation process, followed by empirical testing. It focuses on the dif- ferent categories of ES and applies a set of non-overlapping indicators available from existing statistical sources. The framework is applied in a traditional cultural land- scape, the Province of Ferrara, situated in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. To develop an applicable framework, we have chosen a set of ES indicators from the Mil- lennium Ecosystem Assessment. According to the results and based on the indicators used in each category, the provision of cultural and provisioning services is high in all of the municipalities, while there is greater diversity in the provision of regulat- ing and supporting services. A key challenge in our analysis was related to the lack of information on the actual provision of ES at the municipality level, which led to a significant use of proxy indicators. Use of improved datasets, explicit consideration of policy scenarios and accounting for local priorities about ES provision have been identified as the most relevant avenues for future research in this area. Keywords. Ecosystem Services, evaluation, indicators, multi-criteria analysis, classi- fication JEL Codes. Q57, C38 1. Introduction The ecosystem concept describes the interrelationships between living organisms and the non-living environment. “An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and the non-living environment interacting as a functional unit” (MEA, 2005). There is a full range of ecosystems, from natural forests, to ecosystems managed and modified by humans, such as agricultural land. Ecosystems provide a vari- ety of benefits to people that are divided into market and non-market ecosystem goods or ecosystem services (ES) and classified in multiple ways. * Corresponding author: 236 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework (MEA, 2003) identified four cat- egories of ES: (1) provisioning services, such as food and water; (2) regulating services, such as flood and disease control; (3) supporting services, such as nutrient cycling; and (4) cultural services, such as spiritual, recreational, and cultural benefits. Following the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010a), ES are the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-beings and are also categorized into four types: provisioning, regulating, habitat and cultural services. A new classification of ES is cur- rently under development at the international level by the Common International Classifi- cation of Ecosystem Services (CICES, 2013). According to CICES, there are three types of services: provisioning, regulation (maintenance), and cultural services. The concept of ES is being integrated into current biodiversity policies at the global and European levels (EC, 2009; Perrings et al., 2011). The EU has adopted an ambitious strategy to halt the loss of biodiversity and ES by 2020 (EC, 2010b, 2011). There are 6 main targets, and 20 actions to help Europe reach its goal. Target 2 focuses on maintain- ing and enhancing ES and restoring degraded ecosystems by incorporating green infra- structure into spatial planning. Improved ways and methods for ES quantification, mapping and assessment are need- ed to investigate the number and quality of ES produced by individual ecosystems and to increase the ability to feed such knowledge into policy design (TEEB, 2010b). While provisioning ES can often be directly quantified thanks to the availability of primary data, for other ecosystem services the collection of such information is often impossible (Maes et al., 2015). Thus, for most regulating, supporting, and cultural services, research- ers must rely on proxies for their quantification. As a result, altogether, data on quantifi- able ES remain limited and only a small number of indicators are being used for those that cannot be measured directly (Feld et al., 2010, 2009; Layke et al., 2012). Reviews of indicators used for ES are now available from the literature and contribute to developing reliable indicators for modelling, as well as for bridging current data gaps (Cowling et al., 2008; Egoh et al., 2012)few studies are embedded in a social process designed to ensure effective management of ecosystem services. Most research has focused only on biophysi- cal and valuation assessments of putative services. As a mission-oriented discipline, eco- system service research should be user-inspired and user-useful, which will require that researchers respond to stakeholder needs from the outset and collaborate with them in strategy development and implementation. Here we provide a pragmatic operational mod- el for achieving the safeguarding of ecosystem services. The model comprises three phas- es: assessment, planning, and management. Outcomes of social, biophysical, and valuation assessments are used to identify opportunities and constraints for implementation. The latter then are transformed into user-friendly products to identify, with stakeholders, stra- tegic objectives for implementation (the planning phase. Several studies have assessed changes in land use and their connection with the provi- sion of ES (Carreño et al., 2012; Fontana et al., 2013; Silvert, 2000). In many cases, their output includes environmental and land use information that are connected to landscape features, although few yield a direct assessment of changes in ES provision (Burkhard et al., 2012; Swetnam et al., 2011). According to de Groot et al. (2010), ES approaches and ES valuation efforts have changed the terms of discussion on nature conservation, natural resource management, and other areas of public policy. These efforts have strengthened 237The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production both public and private sector development strategies and improved environmental out- comes (de Groot, 2006; de Groot et al., 2002). The multidimensional logic of ES seems highly consistent with approaches based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). MCDA is a general framework for support- ing complex decision-making situations with multiple and often conflicting objectives. Regarding ES evaluation, MCDA methods have been applied as decision support systems that integrate economic and noneconomic values (Newton et al., 2012), used as approach- es for cost-benefit analysis (Wegner and Pascual, 2011), or as a methodological framework for addressing value dimensions related to ES (Mendoza and Prabhu, 2003). Oikonomou et al. (2011) proposed a conceptual framework that combines ecosystem function analysis, multi-criteria evaluation and social research methodologies for introducing an ecosystem function-based planning and management approach. Ananda and Herath (2009) provided a review of research contributions on forest management and planning. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the provision of ecosystem services focusing on the different categories of ES and applying a set of non-overlapping indicators availa- ble from secondary data sources. The approach used is based on the outranking method Preference Ranking Organisation Methods for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE). To evaluate the provision of ecosystem services, we used a traditional cultural landscape, the Province of Ferrara, situated in the Emilia-Romagna region and a set of ES from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework as criteria for the evaluation. The area con- sists of 26 municipalities, comprising the urban centre of Ferrara and adjoining agricultural lands within the ancient and vast Po River Delta. The area is characterised by historical- cultural locations, the surrounding landscape and protected areas of natural importance. In the present study, along with the application of PROMETHEE II, a comparison and ranking of the 26 municipalities of the province is performed, based on the selected ES indicators. Different studies have used ranking approaches as a tool to evaluate ES. At times those tools are used as part of a larger ES assessment process that can involve simul- taneously identifying ES and drivers of change, as well as ranking the most important ser- vices (López-Marrero and Hermansen-Báez, 2011; Shelton, 2001). The model assumes that the criteria are equally important, i.e. they did not use any weighing approach to reflect the relative preferences of decision makers. The structure of this paper is as follows: the following section describes the PRO- METHEE multi-criteria analysis framework; in the third section (Application), the case study and the selected ES indicators are introduced. In the fourth section, we present the results of the application of the PROMETHEE method for the evaluation of the provision of the ES in the Province of Ferrara. In the discussion sections, the key challenges as well as difficulties and limitations in our analysis are summarized, followed by a final conclud- ing section. 2. Methodology Among the various MCDA methods and the different software applications available, we used PROMETHEE II, which applies the outranking method and provides a complete ranking of a discrete set of possible alternatives, from the best to the worst, using the con- cept of net flow (Brans and Mareschal, 2005; Brans and Vincke, 1985). It is well adapt- 238 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi ed to problems where a finite number of alternatives are to be ranked whilst consider- ing several and sometimes-conflicting criteria (Brans et al., 1998). In addition, the math- ematical model is relatively easy to understand and is capable of determining preferences among multiple decisions (Vinodh and Jeya Girubha, 2012). PROMETHEE, unlike other outranking methods, does not aggregate good scores on some criteria and bad scores on others (it is non-compensatory), uses less pairwise comparisons, does not have the artifi- cial limitation of rigid scoring systems (e.g. the use of a 9-point scale for evaluation) and allows more flexibility in the determination of the weights (Albadvi, 2007). A considerable number of successful applications has been treated by the PROMETH- EE methodology in various fields such as banking, manpower planning, water resourc- es, investments, medicine, chemistry, health care, tourism, and dynamic management (Andreopoulou et al., 2011, 2009; Behzadian et al., 2010, 2013; Olson, 2001; Olson et al., 1998). Wolfslehner et al. (2011) based on a PROMETHEE II algorithm, calculated relative sustainability impact rating. Moreover, Madlenera et al. (2007) used the PROMETHEE method to compare and rank different energy scenarios according to 16 economic, social, environmental, and technological criteria. Regarding ES evaluation and assessment, Segura et al. (2015) applied a PROMETH- EE-based method to obtain new composite indicators for provisioning, maintenance and ‘direct to citizen services’. Fontana et al. (2013) have also used PROMETHEE to compare land use alternatives considering ES as criteria. Queiruga et al. (2008) applied PROMETHEE to rank Spanish municipalities according to their appropriateness for the installation of waste electrical and electronic equipment recycling plants. Moreover, Vail- lancourt and Waaub (2004) used PROMETHEE to rank regions in order to allocate green- house gas emission rights. Chatzinikolaou et al. (2013) applied PROMETHEE for the comparison and ranking of EU rural areas based on social sustainability indicators. Her- mans et al. (2007) used PROMETHEE to evaluate river management alternatives and elic- it preferences to rank and compare individual and group preferences. PROMETHEE has also been used in environmental management for ranking and selecting environmental projects (Yan et al., 2007) and environmental impact assessments for ranking waste man- agement alternatives and air quality/emission problems (Huang and Wang, 2014). For the implementation of the method the following procedure is recommended. 2.1 Problem definition The procedure proposed by Brans et al. (1986) starts by considering the multi-criteria problem (1): Max {f1(a),…fk(a),\ a ∈ K} (1) where K is a finite set of actions and fi,i = 1,…k, are k criteria to be maximized. The PROMETHEE methods include two phases (Roy, 1991): • the construction of an outranking relation on K, • the exploitation of this relation in order to provide an answer to (1). In the first phase, a valued outranking relation based on a generalization of the notion of criterion is considered: a preference index representing the preferences of the alterna- 239The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production tives is defined. The exploitation of the outranking relation is realised by considering a positive and a negative flow for each action. 2.2 Identification of alternatives The procedure is carried out by choosing among different elements to be examined and assessed using a set of criteria. These elements are called actions or alternatives. In the present study, the “alternatives” to be examined and evaluated are the 26 municipalities of the Province of Ferrara. In this sense, the concept of an alternative is used to identify dif- ferent objects to compare rather than reciprocally excluding courses of action. 2.3 Defining a set of criteria. The criteria represent the tools that enable alternatives to be compared from a specific point of view. The alternatives are compared pairwise under each criterion. Two alterna- tives a and b, can express an outright preference, a weak preference or indifference. In the present study, criteria are represented by a set of ES indicators, which are presented in the next section. 2.4 Evaluation matrix Once the set of criteria and the alternatives have been selected, then the payoff matrix is built. This matrix tabulates, for each criterion–alternative pair, the quantitative and quali- tative measures of the effect produced by that alternative with respect to that criterion. 2.5 Determining the multi-criteria preference index The preference structure of PROMETHEE is based on pairwise comparisons. The preference index, for each pair of alternatives a, b ∈ K (where K is the set of alternatives) ranges between 0 and 1. The higher it is (closer to 1), the higher the strength of the pref- erence for a over b. When the pairs of alternatives a and b are compared, the outcome of the comparison is expressed as follows: • P(a,b) = 0 means indifference between a and b, or no preference of a over b; • P(a,b) ~ 0 means a weak preference of a over b; • P(a,b) ~ 0 means a strong preference of a over b; • P(a,b) = 1 means a strict preference of a over b; H(d) is an increasing function of the difference d between the performances of alter- natives a and b on each criterion and d is the deviation between the evaluations of two alternatives on each criterion (2) (Vincke, 1992). H d( ) = P a,b( ),d ≥0, P b,a( ),d ≤0. ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ (2) 240 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi 2.6 Weighting Once the preference function Pi (i= 1,2,3,…n represent the criteria) is defined, the weights of each criterion must be determined. The weights π represent the relative impor- tance of the criteria used, if all criteria are equally important then the value assigned to each of them will be identical (Hermans and Erickson, 2007). The multi-criteria indica- tor of preference Π(a,b) which is a weighted mean of the preference functions P(a,b) with weights πi for each criterion, express the superiority of the alternative a against alternative b after all of the criteria are tested. The values of Π(a,b) are calculated using the following equation (Brans and Mareschal, 2005) (3): ∑ ∑ π π ( ) ( ) Π = = = a b P a b , , i k i i i k i 1 1 (3) In the present study, the shape of the H(d) function selected is the Gaussian form (Koutroumanidis et al., 2002) (4): H(d) = 1 - exp{-d2/2σ}2 (4) where d is the difference among the alternatives a and b [d = f(a) = f(b)] and σ is the standard deviation of all differences d and for each criterion. The model simulates 50 sce- narios of weights and on each scenario of weights ten scenarios on the standard deviation of s distribution of Gauss. The ten scenarios σ oscillate from 0.25 s until 2.5 s with step 0.25 s, where s the standard deviation of all differences d for each criterion. The mod- el formulates 500 different net flows for each alternative and calculate the medium value (Mareschal and Brans, 1991). 2.7 Ranking the alternatives The traditionally non-compensatory models include some for which the preferences are aggregated by means of outranking relations. The ranking of alternatives under PRO- METHEE uses the positive flow (5), which indicates the preference of the alternative a above all others, the negative flow (6) that indicates the preference of all of the alternatives compared with the alternative a, and the net outranking flow (7), which is the balance (difference) between the positive and the negative flows. φ+(a) = Σb∈k Π(a,b) (5) φ-(a) = Σb∈k Π(b,a) (6) φ(a) = φ+(a) - φ-(a) (7) 241The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production 3. Application in the Province of Ferrara 3.1 Case study The study area is the Province of Ferrara, located on the eastern side of the Emilia- Romagna region. It is composed of 26 municipalities covering an area of 2,632 km2 and a total population of about 359,000 (Table 1). Extending to the Po River Delta, the province offers sceneries of rare charm and contains important Natura2000 sites: the river Po delta of the only true delta in Italy and contains a complex national wet- lands system. The Natura 2000 site’s important coastal habitats and water bird species are under threat from the eutrophication of the lagoon waters, due to the accumula- tion of underwater vegetation. The Regional Park of the Po Delta is part of a system of the protected areas in the region. The park is divided into six “stations” around the southern area of the Po Delta, which are characterised and differentiated by particular environmental and landscape features. All of the areas are char- acterised by a wonderful natural environment which have led to the development of human activities such as fishing, agriculture, tradition, culture and art. Agriculture and trade are the most important sectors in the area, followed by building and industry. The main environment- related activities are connected to habitat resto- ration and conservation, species protection hab- itat, management of selected critical areas and the elaboration of development plans (Marino et al., 2014). The Rural Development Plan (RDP) of the Emilia-Romagna region has proposed dif- ferent measures that contribute to the preserva- tion of landscapes and focus on the delivery of ecosystem services. Specific RDP amendments include reinforced efforts contributing to water management, restructuring of the dairy sector, improved broadband internet infrastructure in rural areas, biodiversity, climate change miti- gation and adaptation. Furthermore, thanks to this policy action the park is improving agricul- ture in a positive and sustainable manner, e.g. organic production. Since reclaimed lands have replaced the wetlands, agriculture has replaced the typical landscape elements (marshes, pine woods) with large extensions of embankments and water channels (Viaggi et al., 2014). Table 1. Municipalities in the Prov- ince of Ferrara Code Territory Population X1 Argenta 22,087 X2 Berra 5,088 X3 Bondeno 14,864 X4 Cento 35,444 X5 Codigoro 12,337 X6 Comacchio 22,428 X7 Copparo 16,943 X8 Ferrara 131,842 X9 Formignana 2,802 X10 Goro 3,879 X11 Jolanda di Savoia 3,016 X12 Lagosanto 4,978 X13 Masi Torello 2,344 X14 Massa Fiscaglia 3,543 X15 Mesola 7,092 X16 Migliarino 3,670 X17 Migliaro 2,225 X18 Mirabello 3,420 X19 Ostellato 6,462 X20 Poggio Renatico 9,770 X21 Portomaggiore 12,190 X22 Ro 3,380 X23 Sant’Agostino 7,052 X24 Tresigallo 4,553 X25 Vigarano Mainarda 7,491 X26 Voghiera 3,823 Source: ISTAT and own elaboration 242 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi 3.2 Selection of Ecosystem Service Indicators Identifying consistent, quantifiable and comparable indicators supports the develop- ment of models and evaluation of ES. Determining what to measure and what method to use is directly related to the availability of data and the type of indicator. However, mainstreaming ES concepts more broadly will require information designed for policy- makers, including data, decision support tools, and “indicators” – information that con- denses complexity to a manageable level and informs decisions and actions (Bossel, 2002). Although global indicators provide an overview that allows for a regional or national scale analysis, in many cases there is limited information available. The demand for ecosystem services is increasing in many European countries, yet there is still a scarcity of data on values at regional scale (Gatto et al., 2013). As a result, proxy indicators are often used as surrogates. Proxy methods are especially used for cultural services, as these services are difficult to directly measure and model. Yet there are limitations to their use. Several reviews have tried to assess and summarize the use of indicators to provide information (Feld et al., 2009; Layke et al., 2012; van Zanten et al., 2014). Moreover, Egoh et. al. (2007) provided an extensive literature review of studies, excluding sub-global assessments, and identifying ES indicators. The selected ES indicators in the present study are those that are considered to give sufficient information on the benefits that people derive from an ecosystem (de Groot et al., 2012) among those available in the regional databases (i.e. publicly available for the entire Emilia-Romagna region). This was partly done on purpose to assess the usability of secondary data to assess the provision of ES at the municipality level. The data obtained from statistics usable as proxies of ES provision in the area were provided by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), other statistical databases (EUROSTAT; FAOSTAT) and regional sources (E-R; PR Ferrara). Provisioning and cultural services have the greatest number of indicators compared to other services. Land cover proved to be an important indicator for all four categories of services. Land cover data typically contains land use, such as agricultural land, vegetation types, and forest. The selected ES indicators are pre- sented in Table 2, divided according the different categories of ES. (See Appendix for more detailed information). 3.3 Provisioning services Among the studies that evaluate provisioning services, food provision receives the most attention. Indicators used for food production include agricultural production (potential) measured in hectares of land, livestock numbers or vegetation suitability for fodder produc- tion and grain yield (Fezzi et al., 2014; Palacios-Agundez et al., 2015; Pohle et al., 2013). Other provisioning services directly linked to human well-beings are crop production, cap- ture fisheries, and livestock production (Pohle et al., 2013). In the present study, the num- ber of agricultural holdings, the utilised agricultural area and the area of arable land have also been used as indicators to measure food provision. Regarding raw materials, the indi- cator used is the wooded area. Another service is water provision. It is important to note that water provision or supply is not the same as water regulation. The latter is the process through which clean water becomes available, whilst water provision or supply is water that 243The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production Table 2. Selected Ecosystem Services Indicators Ecosystem Service category (MEA) Ecosystem Service group Ecosystem Service Indicators Code Indicator Source Provisioning Food provision K1 Number of agricultural holdings Eurostat -2012 Food provision K2 Utilised agricultural area Eurostat-2012 Food provision K3 Arable land Faostat -2010 Water provision K4 Irrigated area Istat-2010 Water provision K5 Irrigated area - surface water (natural and artificial basins, lakes, rivers or waterflows) Istat-2010 Water provision K6 Irrigated area - underground water Istat-2010 Raw materials K7 Wooded area Istat-2010 Regulating Regulation of Water K8 Volume of irrigation water Istat-2010 Regulation of Water K9 Volume of irrigation water - surface water (natural and artificial basins, lakes, rivers or water flows) Istat-2010 Regulation of Water K10 Aqueduct, irrigation and restoration consortiums Istat-2010 Supporting Biological Control K11 Organic agricultural area Istat-2010 Production Quality K12 Agricultural area of PDO and/or PGI farms Istat-2010 Cultural Recreation and tourism K13 Visitors Arrivals PR Ferrara -2010 Recreation and tourism K14 Italian visitors, Arrivals PR Ferrara -2010 Recreation and tourism K15 Foreign visitors, Arrivals PR Ferrara -2010 Aesthetic enjoyment K16 Collective accommodation establishments E-R -2010 Aesthetic enjoyment K17 Hotels and similar establishments E-R -2010 Aesthetic enjoyment K18 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation, camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks E-R -2010 Recreation and tourism K19 Number of active enterprises (total) E-R -2010 Recreation and tourism K20 Number of active enterprises in agriculture (crop and animal production, support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities, forestry and logging, fishing and aquaculture ) E-R -2010 Recreation and tourism K21 Number of active enterprises in accommodation and food services activities E-R -2010 Recreation and tourism K22 Number of farms with other gainful activities (agritourism, recreational and social activities, initial processing of agricultural products, renewable energy production, wood processing) E-R -2010 Source: ΜΕΑ and own elaboration. 244 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi is already available for use. A number of previous ecosystem service studies have used water production, i.e. the volume of water produced by area, as an ES or as a surrogate for an ES. Water provision is measured through different indicators that include surface or ground water availability (Fan and Shibata, 2014; Karabulut et al., 2015). In the present study, the indicators for water provision are related to the irrigated area, by distinguishing surface water use (natural, artificial basins, lakes, rivers or waterflows) from underground water. 3.4 Regulating services Generally, there is a lower number of indicators for regulating services as they are not directly consumed or physically perceived by people. The majority of studies that evaluate regulating services has evaluated in particular climate and water regulation (Larondelle et al., 2014; Pan et al., 2014). Climate regulation services mainly relate to the regulation of greenhouse gases; therefore, the indicators for climate regulation included carbon storage, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas regulation. Another common regulating service that is mapped is water flow regulation (Simonit and Perrings, 2011; Stürck et al., 2015). Indicators used for mapping water flow regulation are nutrient retention and land cover (Boyanova et al., 2014; Schmalz et al., 2015). The total benefit to people from water sup- ply is a function of both the quantity and quality. However, due to the lack of suitable municipality scale data on water quality for quantifying the service, proxies are used as an estimation of the benefit (Egoh et al., 2008; Müller and Burkhard, 2012). In the present study, the indicators used for water regulation are: a) the volume of irrigation water- sur- face water (natural and artificial basins, lakes, rivers or waterflows); and b) underground, aqueduct, irrigation and restoration consortiums. 3.5 Supporting services This category of ES, according to the conceptual framework of the Common Internation- al Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES), is categorized under regulating and main- tenance services. The few indicators that have been identified relate to species and habitat. The comparatively lower numbers of indicators for supporting services could be attributed to the lack of information available on these services (Barbier, 2007, 2013). The identification of indicators for services such as life cycle maintenance and maintenance of genetic diversity are rather generic and it is hence difficult to find suitable indicators (Balvanera et al., 2006; Swin- ton et al., 2007). The most common examples include indicators for primary production, pro- duction quality and controls and nutrient cycling (Benayas et al., 2009; Crafford and Hassan, 2013). In the present study, the indicator used for biological control is the organic agricultural area and the area of protected designation of origin (PDO farms) and the area of protected geographical indications (PGI farms) are applied for production quality. 3.6 Cultural services Cultural services are non-material benefits that include recreation, spiritual and aes- thetic value. Identifying an indicator that represents these challenges, and that is spatially 245The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production represented, is fundamental for the measurement of the capacity of ecosystems to generate human benefits. Schaich et al. (2010) proposed an alternative approach to fill the knowl- edge gaps in cultural services that links ES research with cultural landscape research. This approach is based on the development of a well-being index based on indicators and met- rics derived from existing measures of well-being. Groups of indicators described by suites of metrics are commonly aggregated to evaluate components of well-being. These indica- tors represent social cohesion, education, health, leisure time, safety and security (Guhn et al., 2012; Huntington, 2000). The majority of these indicators describe the quantity and quality of ecosystems, economic drivers, and social inputs. However, these types of meas- ures are not directly used in quantifying the delivery of ES. The individual indicators are usually used to develop composite measures and are based on quantitative values, such as generally recognised qualitative assessments (Smith et al., 2013). The most common indica- tors for cultural services include recreation and ecotourism, which can be directly meas- ured through a number count of visitors (Milcu et al., 2013). Visitor information can also be obtained from national statistics or from park inventories. In the present study, we used the number of foreign or Italian visitors. Indicators used for recreational activities vary among studies, from accommodation suitability and summer cottages, deer hunting and fishing to natural areas and forested area for recreational purposes (Naidoo et al., 2011). Indicators include scenic sites, water bodies or forests as well as visitor numbers and acces- sibility to natural areas. In the present study, with respect to recreational activities, we used the active enterprises in agriculture, the active enterprises in accommodation and food ser- vice activities and the farms with other gainful activities, such as agritourism, recreational and social activities. Although these indicators are relatively easy to quantify, indicators for aesthetic and spiritual activities are still in the early stages of development and those that exist are difficult to quantify and compare between countries or regions (Eagles, 2002). In addition, in the present study, we used the collective accommodation establishments, hotels and similar establishments, holiday and other short-stay accommodations, campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks as proxy indicators for aesthetic services. 3.7 Application of PROMETHEE II The initial stage is the evaluation matrix, which presents the performance of each alternative in relation to each criterion. In our analysis, the alternatives are the 26 munici- palities of the Province of Ferrara (X1-X26, Table 1) and the criteria are the 22 ES indica- tors (K1-K22, Table 2). The performance of each alternative in relation to each criterion is presented in Table A1 and the evaluation matrix is presented in Table A2 (See Appendix). Using the data contained in the evaluation matrix, the alternatives are compared pairwise with respect to each criterion. The second stage involves the exploration of the outranking relation. The results are expressed by the preference functions, which are calculated for each pair of options. In the present study, the model assumes that the criteria are equally important and simulates dif- ferent scenarios for weighing accordingly. In the final stage, two alternatives (a,b) are compared with each other and each one is assigned two values of flows. The positive flow expresses the total superiority of the alternative against all of the other alternatives for all of the criteria. The negative flow 246 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi expresses the total superiority of all of the other alternatives against alternative for all of the criteria. Φ(x) the net flow of each alternative (the difference between the positive and the negative flow) and is used to obtain the final evaluation. 4. Results Table 3 presents the evaluation of the study areas, as obtained from the net flows. According to the value of the net flow, the 26 municipalities are divided into 5 groups. The first group of municipalities, characterised by high positive net flows, consists of: Comacchio, Goro, Argenta and Jolanda di Savoia, all located in the western area of the province. Comacchio and Argenta have the highest values in the indicators that rep- resent cultural services, such as foreign visitors, hotels and similar establishments, the number of active enterprises providing accom- modation and food service activities and the number of farms with other gainful recrea- tional activities. Goro has the highest rate in the number of active enterprises in agriculture (crop and animal production, support activi- ties to agriculture) and the highest number of farms with other gainful agricultural activi- ties. Moreover, Jolanda di Savoia has the high- est rate in the agriculture area of PDO and/o PGI farms. These features are indeed connected to key features of the area. Since a large part of the territory is within the Po Delta Park, it contains important Natura2000 sites. Visits to the area increase considerably during the sum- mer months. During this period, demand for beaches, areas of high naturalistic value and historical sites has resulted in the development of receptive structures, such as rental houses, hotels, camping areas, beaches with restaurants, etc. Summer tourism is also an important mar- ket for horticultural farms (most of which are close to the seaside). The second group of municipalities, with a positive but lower net flow, are Migliaro, Codig- oro, Vigarano Mainarda and Bondeno. Migliaro and Codigoro, located in the western area of the province, have high rates in the indicators that represent cultural services, such as Italian visitors, holiday and short-stay accommodation, camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks. Migliaro also has the highest rate in organic agricultural area. Moreover, Bondeno Table 3. Classification of the 26 municipalities Municipality Net Flow (Φ) 1 Comacchio 2,888194373 2 Goro 2,543589598 3 Argenta 1,997682356 4 Jolanda di Savoia 1,190854183 5 Migliaro 0,720865791 6 Codigoro 0,709070084 7 Vigarano Mainarda 0,694387495 8 Bondeno 0,614876652 9 Massa Fiscaglia 0,402104543 10 Portomaggiore 0,257389617 11 Mesola 0,194863948 12 Poggio Renatico 0,146803521 13 Cento 0,008314139 14 Ro -0,14634547 15 Sant’Agostino -0,21655112 16 Migliarino -0,27198083 17 Ostellato -0,28124392 18 Lagosanto -0,30769265 19 Mirabello -0,68414923 20 Masi Torello -1,00385534 21 Ferrara -1,14179801 22 Voghiera -1,26554807 23 Formignana -1,32908587 24 Copparo -1,34379219 25 Tresigallo -2,09068952 26 Berra -2,28626409 Source: own elaboration 247The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production and Vigarano Mainarda, located in the eastern area of the province, have the highest rate in the irrigated area from natural and artificial basins. The third group, with positive net flows around 0, consists of Massa Fiscaglia, Por- tomaggiore, Mesola, Poggio Renatico and Cento. Small negative flows around 0 distin- guish the fourth group including Ro, Sant’Agostino, Migliarino, Ostellato Lagosanto, and Mirabello. These groups of municipalities are in the middle of this evaluation, since the rates are neither extremely high nor particularly low. Municipalities with neg- ative net flows have low rates in more than one ecosystem system indicator, like agri- cultural farms with other gainful activities such as agritourism, recreational and social activities, initial processing of agricultural products or renewable energy production and the agricultural area of PDO and/or PGI farms. These results are connected to key features of the area, since the main recreational activities in the area are related to hab- itat restoration and conservation and species protection habitat (especially birds) while other agricultural activities are seen negatively, mainly because of the negative effect on water quality. The fifth and last group of municipalities, located in the central area of the province, (Masi Torello, Ferrara, Voghiera, Formignana, Copparo, Tresigallo and Berra) has negative net flows below -1. Berra has no organic agricultural area, hotels or similar accommoda- tion services. Tresigallo has no wooded area. Formignana has no hotels or similar estab- lishments. Other indicators with low rates are agricultural farms with other gainful activi- ties such as agritourism, recreational and social activities, initial processing of agricultural products or renewable energy production and the agricultural area of PDO and/or PGI farms. There is the potential to modify/improve the landscape through different projects. For example, some such initiatives include: the evaluation of the economic impact of cli- mate change on agriculture, conservation of natural areas, valorisation of local products, restoration of ecological areas as tourist attractions, restoration of forested areas, and the greening of farms to restore the traditional landscape). 5. Discussion Due to its explorative nature, this study is subject to several weaknesses and a num- ber of options for improvement. The main issue concerns the number of gaps in the ES metrics and indicators available at the regional level, with respect to the number and quality of indicators needed to reflect the ES approach in a comprehensive way. The most important challenge in our analysis was, accordingly, the lack of information with respect to the provision of ES at the regional level. The indicators available for most ES are not fully satisfactory in their ability to evaluate the quality and quantity of benefits provided. The number of ES indicators in each category varies significantly due to the different data availability and reliability. This prevented us from achieving a thorough understanding of the behaviour of individual services. In addition, due to data paucity, it was not possible to consider the interactions between specific services. Another limitation in the application of PROMETHEE is that it did not use any weighing approach to reflect the relative preferences of potential decision makers or soci- ety. According to Macharis et al. (2004), the model assumed that the criteria were equally important and simulated different scenarios for appropriate weighing. 248 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi Moreover, we did not consider alternative scenarios of ES production. In this respect, there is potential for further research as the model could be used to simulate alternative scenarios based on post-2013 measures that can affect the supply or demand of ES. In that case, the model could involve stakeholder preferences with respect to the services to be provided and the indicators and criteria to assess the services. For the valuation of ES, identification of relevant stakeholders is a critical issue (Hein et al., 2006). In almost all steps of the valuation procedure, stakeholder involvement is essential to determine main policy and management objectives and to identify the main relevant services and assess their values. This is an aspect that could be strengthened in further research. 6. Conclusions The objective of this paper is to evaluate the provision of ecosystem services in a tra- ditional cultural landscape in the Province of Ferrara. It is mostly an explorative paper intended to verify the possibility of using available secondary data at the municipality lev- el to comparatively assess ES provision. The case study area is characterised by historical- cultural sites, agricultural areas and protected areas of natural importance. From the final outranking, we can observe that the provision of ecosystem services varies greatly from one municipality to the next. Regarding the various ES categories, all of the municipalities offer a significant number of provisioning and cultural services, mainly connected to rec- reational opportunities; on the contrary, there is greater diversity in the provision of regu- lating and supporting services. This evaluation can support the characterisation of agricul- tural lands in terms of the provision of multiple ES. This exercise also contributes to the discussion surrounding the public goods provided by agriculture and efforts toward a bet- ter use of resources and can ultimately improve the spatial targeting of policy measures. A key challenge of ecosystem management is determining how to manage multiple ES across landscapes. Enhancing important provisioning ES, such as food and timber, often leads to trade-offs between regulating and cultural ES, such as nutrient cycling, flood pro- tection, and tourism. In terms of further research, the model can also be used to simulate alternative sce- narios, based on future agricultural policies that may affect the supply or demand of ES (EC, 2010b). Alternative scenarios could be built based on the provisions of the new pro- gramming period affecting landscape structure and behaviours related to ES. 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Ecosystem services provision. N um ber of agricultural holdings U tilised agricultural area A rable land Irrigated area Irrigated area - surface w ater (natural and artificial basins, lakes, rivers or w aterflow s) Irrigated area - underground w ater W ooded area Argenta 777 23104,96 21202,5 7897 650,83 69,83 317,2 Berra 241 5005,19 4662,83 1692 422,35 37,98 38,17 Bondeno 587 12818,7 12156,22 2864 1588,8 61 22,7 Cento 459 4965,41 4561,23 503 256,98 32,85 4,34 Codigoro 327 10891,06 10769,79 6685 343,19 22,6 75,71 Comacchio 293 10033,64 9694,82 6406 1260,9 44,07 114,77 Copparo 677 11631,09 10465,28 2402 404,45 40,68 33,63 Ferrara 1604 27874,6 22799,17 7433 1744,5 591,27 86,82 Formignana 103 1720,67 1470,55 382 78,18 7,5 2,09 Goro 24 638,48 635,48 174 22 0 3 Jolanda di Savoia 199 8230,48 7991,19 3200 53,8 12 23,13 Lagosanto 68 2124,74 1981 1468 59,16 0 17,73 Masi Torello 98 1527,95 1316,11 349 7,2 0 16,64 Massa Fiscaglia 102 3042,2 3000,49 1017 57,06 13,6 1,77 Mesola 282 4698,31 4592,52 3375 32,58 0 11,7 Migliarino 92 2831,47 2382,05 1121 55,52 0 5 Migliaro 52 3111,55 3073,59 264 10,85 0 15,24 Mirabello 43 1293,97 1196,75 70,7 11,6 23,06 0 Ostellato 349 11857,18 11206,6 5738 490,46 61,99 8,69 Poggio Renatico 244 5894,04 5233,23 1423 538,62 121,05 15,26 Portomaggiore 324 10036,12 9166,19 2901 254,48 70,35 59,04 Ro 163 2756,83 2590,52 709 5,9 37,34 20,12 Sant’Agostino 168 2404,4 2134,56 414 196,09 23 0 Tresigallo 80 1436,99 1240,67 359 52,41 8,31 0 Vigarano Mainarda 177 3182,31 2538,07 638 353 200,76 9,54 Voghiera 214 3763,29 2814,05 1301 348,72 20,62 11,61 256 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi Table A1. Ecosystem services provision (continued). V olum e of irrigation w ater V olum e of irrigation w ater - surface w ater (natural and artificial basins, lakes, rivers or w aterflow s) V olum e of irrigation w ater - underground w ater in or near the farm aqueduct, irrigation and restoration consortium O rganic agricultural area A gricultural area of PD O and/or PG I farm s V isitors A rrivals Argenta 22219871,85 1842392,49 18277528,04 6542 3169 5409 Berra 8888067,05 1295545,48 3634800,82 0 164 91 Bondeno 8721393,28 4753715,27 880400,95 100 563 898 Cento 1425067,73 785070,95 108623,73 18,3 56,5 11696 Codigoro 43698065,67 1058176,82 40023575,57 1389 426 3985 Comacchio 18585945,8 3681841,57 13115943,65 1140 651 455142 Copparo 10260339,76 1248347,74 3813132,4 143 451 4889 Ferrara 22737104,04 6201258,36 6654913,52 2535 440 175549 Formignana 1257376,39 290371,02 529924,59 5,2 18,7 88 Goro 514795,61 264000 236735,34 0 0 465 Jolanda di Savoia 28055933,9 138237,82 27293092,73 25,6 3802 56 Lagosanto 4133759,17 141047,59 2738931,48 0 16,3 358 Masi Torello 1019254,47 23917,94 83147,47 20,4 129 124 Massa Fiscaglia 3653570,09 476962,64 2930395,31 552 0 88 Mesola 8472806,43 60708,87 7768578,41 29,5 528 2944 Migliarino 3917812,87 94048,48 3562210,88 1126 88,7 1025 Migliaro 943095,47 28136,22 914959,25 2187 0 88 Mirabello 198455,23 35615,66 100623,67 0 0 88 Ostellato 18812898,76 1416033,01 16451586,06 435 28,1 5668 Poggio Renatico 3957393,46 1420865,38 2017315,88 6,2 93,5 271 Portomaggiore 8556809,49 843795,16 6507314,36 316 246 3328 Ro 2460678,75 21073,95 667629,1 29,8 11,9 97 Sant’Agostino 1241949,89 557231,38 572812,61 18,1 14,3 792 Tresigallo 1326476,31 139231,6 171284,57 108 85,3 1066 Vigarano Mainarda 1858061,51 995519,79 228545,16 13,9 41,9 2471 Voghiera 4077942,32 866873,9 161755,34 1,62 863 258 257The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production Table A1. Ecosystem services provision (continued). Italian V isitors, A rrivals Foreighners V isitors, A rrivals C ollective accom m odation establishm ents H otels and sim ilar establishm ents H oliday and other short-stay accom m odation, cam ping grounds N um ber of active enterprises (total) N um ber of active enterprises in agriculture (crop and anim al production, N um ber of active enterprises in accom odation and food N um ber of farm s w ith other gainful activities (agritourism , recreational and social activities) Argenta 4579 830 25 5 20 1347 16 89 80 Berra 79 12 0 0 0 260 9 13 14 Bondeno 735 163 9 2 7 748 16 50 19 Cento 9101 2595 16 7 9 2154 17 131 15 Codigoro 3244 741 14 5 9 837 56 60 22 Comacchio 365022 90120 107 27 80 2545 289 393 22 Copparo 4152 737 10 3 7 975 7 69 27 Ferrara 126404 49145 172 34 138 10860 30 697 64 Formignana 78 10 1 0 1 139 3 8 6 Goro 442 23 8 2 6 1197 1009 21 5 Jolanda di Savoia 56 0 3 0 3 130 6 13 11 Lagosanto 303 55 3 1 2 343 25 19 4 Masi Torello 114 10 5 0 5 152 0 10 6 Massa Fiscaglia 78 10 1 0 1 194 7 15 3 Mesola 2542 402 10 4 6 604 163 34 35 Migliarino 929 96 7 0 7 266 1 20 9 Migliaro 78 10 2 0 2 116 1 5 2 Mirabello 78 10 1 0 1 185 2 11 4 Ostellato 4788 880 10 2 8 363 10 27 16 Poggio Renatico 223 48 7 1 6 488 5 27 8 Portomaggiore 2969 359 10 1 9 759 6 55 30 Ro 93 4 4 0 4 161 4 14 12 Sant’Agostino 633 159 4 3 1 386 1 28 5 Tresigallo 807 259 3 2 1 268 2 18 4 Vigarano Mainarda 1758 713 7 3 4 390 4 28 7 Voghiera 206 52 3 0 3 273 5 15 13 258 P. Chatzinikolaou, D. Viaggi, M. Raggi Table A2. Evaluation matrix K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 X1 10,03% 91,20% 91,77% 12,99% 8,24% 0,88% 1,37% 9,62% 8,29% 82,26% 28,31% X2 3,11% 90,02% 93,16% 2,78% 24,95% 2,24% 0,76% 3,85% 14,58% 40,90% 0,0% X3 7,58% 92,72% 94,83% 4,71% 55,48% 2,13% 0,18% 3,78% 54,51% 10,09% 0,78% X4 5,92% 91,54% 91,86% 0,83% 51,07% 6,53% 0,09% 0,62% 55,09% 7,62% 0,37% X5 4,22% 91,36% 98,89% 11,00% 5,13% 0,34% 0,70% 18,92% 2,42% 91,59% 12,76% X6 3,78% 91,09% 96,62% 10,54% 19,68% 0,69% 1,14% 8,05% 19,81% 70,57% 11,36% X7 8,74% 91,06% 89,98% 3,95% 16,84% 1,69% 0,29% 4,44% 12,17% 37,16% 1,23% X8 20,70% 91,12% 81,79% 12,23% 23,47% 7,96% 0,31% 9,84% 27,27% 29,27% 9,09% X9 1,33% 92,18% 85,46% 0,63% 20,48% 1,96% 0,12% 0,54% 23,09% 42,15% 0,30% X10 0,31% 92,06% 99,53% 0,29% 12,63% 0,0% 0,47% 0,22% 51,28% 45,99% 0,0% X11 2,57% 90,57% 97,09% 5,26% 1,68% 0,37% 0,28% 12,15% 0,49% 97,28% 0,31% X12 0,88% 92,51% 93,23% 2,42% 4,03% 0,0% 0,83% 1,79% 3,41% 66,26% 0,0% X13 1,27% 92,73% 86,14% 0,57% 2,07% 0,0% 1,09% 0,44% 2,35% 8,16% 1,33% X14 1,32% 94,61% 98,63% 1,67% 5,61% 1,34% 0,06% 1,58% 13,05% 80,21% 18,15% X15 3,64% 88,17% 97,75% 5,55% 0,97% 0,0% 0,25% 3,67% 0,72% 91,69% 0,63% X16 1,19% 90,54% 84,13% 1,84% 4,95% 0,0% 0,18% 1,70% 2,40% 90,92% 39,77% X17 0,67% 92,68% 98,78% 0,43% 4,11% 0,0% 0,49% 0,41% 2,98% 97,02% 70,27% X18 0,56% 86,05% 92,49% 0,12% 16,42% 32,64% 0,0% 0,09% 17,95% 50,70% 0,0% X19 4,50% 93,54% 94,51% 9,44% 8,55% 1,08% 0,07% 8,14% 7,53% 87,45% 3,67% X20 3,15% 92,84% 88,79% 2,34% 37,85% 8,51% 0,26% 1,71% 35,90% 50,98% 0,11% X21 4,18% 92,09% 91,33% 4,77% 8,77% 2,42% 0,59% 3,70% 9,86% 76,05% 3,15% X22 2,10% 92,93% 93,97% 1,17% 0,83% 5,27% 0,73% 1,07% 0,86% 27,13% 1,08% X23 2,17% 90,23% 88,78% 0,68% 47,32% 5,55% 0,0% 0,54% 44,87% 46,12% 0,75% X24 1,03% 90,48% 86,34% 0,59% 14,58% 2,31% 0,0% 0,57% 10,50% 12,91% 7,49% X25 2,28% 90,62% 89,76% 1,05% 55,31% 31,46% 0,30% 0,80% 53,58% 12,30% 0,44% X26 2,76% 92,05% 84,78% 12,99% 26,81% 1,59% 0,31% 9,62% 21,26% 3,97% 0,04% 259The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production Table A2. Evaluation matrix (continued). K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21 K22 X1 13,72% 86,14% 84,66% 15,34% 91,20% 20,0% 80,0% 91,77% 1,19% 6,61% 10,30% X2 3,28% 98,63% 86,81% 13,19% 90,02% 0,0% 0,0% 93,16% 3,46% 5,0% 5,81% X3 4,39% 97,75% 81,85% 18,15% 92,72% 22,22% 77,78% 94,83% 2,14% 6,68% 3,24% X4 1,14% 84,13% 77,81% 22,19% 91,54% 43,75% 56,25% 91,86% 0,79% 6,08% 3,27% X5 3,91% 98,78% 81,41% 18,59% 91,36% 35,71% 64,29% 98,89% 6,69% 7,17% 6,73% X6 6,49% 92,49% 80,20% 19,80% 91,09% 25,23% 74,77% 96,62% 11,36% 15,44% 7,51% X7 3,88% 94,51% 84,93% 15,07% 91,06% 30,0% 70,0% 89,98% 0,72% 7,08% 3,99% X8 1,58% 88,79% 72,0% 28,0% 91,12% 19,77% 80,23% 81,79% 0,28% 6,42% 3,99% X9 1,09% 91,33% 88,64% 11,36% 92,18% 0,0% 100% 85,46% 2,16% 5,76% 5,83% X10 0,0% 93,97% 95,05% 4,95% 92,06% 25,0% 75,0% 99,53% 84,29% 1,75% 20,83% X11 46,19% 88,78% 100% 0,0% 90,57% 0,0% 100% 97,09% 4,62% 10,0% 5,53% X12 0,76% 86,34% 84,64% 15,36% 92,51% 33,33% 66,67% 93,23% 7,29% 5,54% 5,88% X13 8,43% 89,76% 91,94% 8,06% 92,73% 0,0% 100% 86,14% 0,9% 6,58% 6,12% X14 0,0% 84,78% 88,64% 11,36% 94,61% 0,0% 100% 98,63% 3,61% 7,73% 2,94% X15 11,23% 91,20% 86,35% 13,65% 88,17% 40,0% 60,0% 97,75% 26,99% 5,63% 12,41% X16 3,13% 90,02% 90,63% 9,37% 90,54% 0,0% 100% 84,13% 0,38% 7,52% 9,78% X17 0,0% 92,72% 88,64% 11,36% 92,68% 0,0% 100% 98,78% 0,86% 4,31% 3,85% X18 0,0% 91,54% 88,64% 11,36% 86,05% 0,0% 100% 92,49% 1,08% 5,95% 9,30% X19 0,24% 91,36% 84,47% 15,53% 93,54% 20,0% 80,0% 94,51% 2,75% 7,44% 4,58% X20 1,59% 91,09% 82,29% 17,71% 92,84% 14,29% 85,71% 88,79% 1,02% 5,53% 3,28% X21 2,45% 91,06% 89,21% 10,79% 92,09% 10,0% 90,0% 91,33% 0,79% 7,25% 9,26% X22 0,43% 91,12% 95,88% 4,12% 92,93% 0,0% 100% 93,97% 2,48% 8,70% 7,36% X23 0,60% 92,18% 79,92% 20,08% 90,23% 75,0% 25,0% 88,78% 0,66% 7,25% 2,98% X24 5,93% 92,06% 75,70% 24,30% 90,48% 66,67% 33,33% 86,34% 0,75% 6,72% 5,0% X25 1,32% 90,57% 71,15% 28,85% 90,62% 42,86% 57,14% 89,76% 1,03% 7,18% 3,95% X26 22,94% 92,51% 79,84% 20,16% 92,05% 0,0% 100% 84,78% 1,83% 5,49% 6,07%