paper title (use style: paper title) issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.1 january 2021 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 17 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 applying the prototype model into the electronic reporting system for the elementary school student base on android tukino 1 information system, faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang,indonesia siti masruroh 2 information system, faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang,indonesia ‹β› daryanto herdiana 3 information system, faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang,indonesi abstract— teaching and learning is an activity that is bound by goal directed and carried out specifically to achieve that goal. because it is very important to seek knowledge for a bright future. supervision of students by the guardians of the students made the results of their children's achievements not improving. as well as student assessment by the teacher is still not well managed because it is still in the form of a note report. the system method used is the prototype model. with observation and direct interviews with the student section regarding the assessment system in the school where the author researched. the results of this study are applications that can be operated on an android smartphone. this application can provide fast information and update automatically in obtaining information on student learning outcomes. keywords: student assessment, e-report card, prototype method, application. abstrak— proses belajar mengajar merupakan suatu kegiatan yang terikat dengan tujuan yang diarahkan dan dilaksanakan secara khusus untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. karena sangat penting mencari ilmu demi masa depan yang cerah. pengawasan siswa oleh wali siswa membuat hasil prestasi anak tidak kunjung membaik. serta penilaian siswa oleh guru masih belum terkelola dengan baik karena masih berupa laporan catatan. metode sistem yang digunakan adalah model prototype. dengan observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan bagian siswa mengenai sistem penilaian di sekolah tempat penulis melakukan penelitian. hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang dapat dioperasikan pada smartphone android. aplikasi ini dapat memberikan informasi yang cepat dan terupdate secara otomatis dalam memperoleh informasi hasil belajar siswa. kata kunci: penilaian siswa, e-report card, metode prototipe, aplikasi. i. introduction education is one aspect that cannot be ruled out in life, the contribution of education to date is still expected to be improved, because this field can elevate the dignity of the nation and state, namely by producing human resources who can respond to world challenges. therefore, education will continue to be the government's main focus in realizing the intellectual life of the nation and [1]. the demands in today's millennial era require us to be able to keep up with increasingly rapid technological developments, especially with the presence of operating systems. android on smartphones is expected to be able to provide alternative solutions to solve the problems at hand. as the authority to supervise the learning process and results, the teacher provides reporting to students in the form of exams and student learning outcomes to the student's guardians to be evaluated by each student's guardian [2]. so that the child's learning outcomes and behavior can be monitored intensively by the student's guardian. one of the problems that arise from the case above is that there are still many parents who do not pay attention to their children's learning so that sometimes the learning process of their children is not closely supervised which results in a lack of motivation for children in learning because they feel less attention by their parents [3]. one of the reasons for the lack of parental attention to their children in learning. based on the problems stated above, the authors propose a medium and a solution to the problems that arise above, namely by making the application "e-reporting learning learners based on android (case study sd negeri cimahi ii)." ii. methods the system development method used in the preparation of this final project is to use the prototype method [4]. this method consists of several stages. the following are the stages of the prototype method in figure 1: 18 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 1 prototype stages 1. collection of needs at this stage, it is the stage that is carried out to collect data from various sources, namely by coming to the dinas to seek information about mutations [5]. then conduct interviews with transfer officers in the dinas. 2. build a prototype at this stage, it is a prototype application that will be made. 3. prototype evaluation at this stage, it is carried out by the teacher which evaluates the results of making sketches about student assessments. 4. system coding at this stage, the prototype is made using the php programming language with the concept of a code igniter framework [8]. 5. system testing after the system has become software, it must be tested before use. in testing this system, the black box testing method is used, in which the testing method is carried out on a program display that can run properly as desired, and white box testing which focuses on coding testing [9]. iii. results and discussion the process carried out at cimahi ii elementary school is not completely computerized and still uses bookkeeping [10]. therefore, the authors propose that the student assessment process can switch through the system. what is proposed by the author is based on android for users and based on websites for admins and teachers. the proposal aims to facilitate the transfer process that will be carried out at the dinas. below is a system design made by the author using astah [11]: a. use case diagram use case diagram describes some external actors and their relationship to the use case provided by the system [12]. the following is the use case diagram design: 1. usecase diagram below is a picture of a use case diagram for students. what is shown in figure 2: figure 2 usecase admin login diagram a. activity diagram activity diagrams describe a series of flow from activities, used to describe activities that are formed in an operation so that it can also be used for other activities such as use cases or interactions. the following is the activity diagram design: 1. admin login activity diagram admin login activity diagram is a description of the admin actor in accessing the system, where the admin fills in the username and password into the login menu, then the system will validate. 19 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 3 admin login activity diagram b. sequence diagram sequence diagram describes dynamic collaboration between some objects. its use is to show a series of messages sent between objects as well as interactions between objects. the following is the sequence diagram design: 1. sequence diagram perform admin login the sequence diagram for logging in is a picture of the interaction between menus, where the admin can log in. figure 4 admin login sequence diagram c. class diagram class diagram describes the static class structure in the system. the class represents something that is handled by the system. the following is the class diagram design shown in figure 5. figure 5 class diagram of student assessment d. system implementation system implementation is an explanation of how a program that has been made is run into a piece of hardware [13]. in the implementation process, software, namely the chrome browser, native, and the xampp application are used as virtual servers with apache and mysql server services installed [14]. the hardware used is a laptop with an intel core i3 processor with 4gb of ram. 1. implementation of the admin interface in this implementation, it displays the display of programs that have been run using a browser. the following are the results of the interface implementation: figure 6 admin login page figure 6 above is the admin login display image. where that page is the admin's first page to be able to enter the system by entering a username and password. 20 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 7 admin main page figure 7 above is the admin main page display. displays a list of menus for teachers, a list of students figure 8 teacher main page figure 8 above is the main display of the teacher's web which displays menus for inputting student scores. figure 9 display of student values figure 9 above is a display of the student scores input by the teacher. iv. conclusion in this final section, the writer will describe some conclusions that can be drawn and suggestions based on the findings of the research. in general, the authors conclude that: 1. with this application, teachers can enter student grades periodically through the e-reporting system for student assessments that can help teachers for assessment and archiving. 2. this student assessment e-reporting application is connected directly to a smartphone which is accessed by the student's guardian and can see the child's learning progress. 3. creating applications that can manage student grades and supervise student learning outcomes using the programming language php, javascript. reference [1] arman, a, (2017). sistem informasi pengolahan data penduduk nagari tanjung lolo , kecamatan tanjung gadang , kabupaten sijunjung berbasis web. jurnal edik informatika. vol. 2 (2) 163-170. 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[13] nugroho a. 2011. perancangan dan implementasi sistem basis data. yogyakarta: andi offset [14] baenil huda and saepul apriyanto, “aplikasi sistem informasi lowongan pekerjaan berbasis android dan web monitoring (penelitian dilakukan di kab. karawang),”buana ilmu, 2019, doi:10.36805/biv41.8.08. 21 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 [15] widodo (2011:6). pemodelan sitem beroriwntasi objek dengan uml. graha ilmu, yogyakarta. paper title (use style: paper title) p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs)) 46 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) information system design covid-19 with prototype model syahri susanto 1 school of oil technic akademi minyask dan gas balongan julifer p. manurung 2 technology information faculty of engineering computer universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› feddy wnditya setyawan 3 automotive engineering, politeknik hasnur barito kuala abstract—coronavirus or covid-19 is an epidemic that causes many people in parts of the world to die. this phenomenon has an impact on the weakening of the world economy and social restrictions in all countries. the factor that drives the high spread of this virus is due to the rapid transmission process between one individual to another individual. with the existence of this pandemic, condition encourages researchers to make innovations from various fields of science, especially in the fields of health science and information systems technology. several covid-19 cases in indonesia, especially in the area of west java province is quite high and increasing every day. existing information technology in west java province is not yet fully available. it can block to remote villages, thus impacting on the lack of public understanding related to the prevention and early anticipation of the spread of covid-19. in this research, information system design is done using the prototype method, aiming that the design of the system built can help the development of appropriate software, and can assist in the management of covid-19 data. keywords—information systems, covid-19, sdlc, uml, prototype. abstrak—virus corona atau covid-19 merupakan wabah penyakit yang menyebabkan banyak orang di belahan dunia meninggal. fenomena tersebut berdampak pada, melemahnya perekonomian dunia dan pembatasan sosial di seluruh negara. faktor yang mendorong tingginya penyebaran virus ini adalah karena proses penularannya yang sangat cepat antara individu seseorang ke individu lain. dengan adanya kondisi pandemi ini mendorong para peneliti buntuk membuat inovasi dari berbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan, terutama di bidang ilmu kesehatan dan teknologi sistem informasi. sejumlah kasus covid-19 di indonesia khususnya wilayah provinsi jawa barat cukup tinggi dan meningkat setiap harinya. teknologi informasi yang ada saat ini di provinsi jawa barat belum sepenuhnya tersedia dan dapat mengkafer ke pelosok-pelosok desa, sehingga berdampak pada kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terkait dengan pencegahan dan antisipasi dini penyebaran covid-19. pada penelitian ini dilakukan desain sistem informasi dengan menggunakan metode prototype, bertujuan agar perancangan system yang dibangun dapat membantu pengembangan perangkat lunak yang tepat guna, dan dapat membantu dalam pengelolaan data covid-19. kata kunci—sistem informasi, covid-19, sdlc, uml, prototype. i. introduction march 2020 is one event that will not be forgotten by everyone in the world [1]. this is because of the emergence of one of the viruses that caused many people in various countries to die, the economic collapse and limit the movement of everyone. at first, this virus was known to originate from wuhan city, china [2]. with so quickly, this virus attacks the entire country quickly [3]. factors that encourage the high spread of this virus due to the transmission process that is very fast between individuals to other individuals [4]. indonesia, which is one of the most populous people in the world, is inseparable from the covid-19 virus transmission case. this phenomenon makes researchers competing to provide innovation from various fields of science, especially in the areas of health science and information system technology. west java province, with a population of 2.273.579 people (data bps 2015). at present, the number of covid-19 cases in west java is quite high and is increasing every day. information systems related to this case, especially in the area of west java province are not fully available. there are still regions or districts that do not have accurate information and even tend to be considered undetected by the available information systems so that the public cannot know in detail which areas and regions are positively categorized as covid-19 [5]. the information system is designed so that the public can clearly know the total number of covid sufferers, the number of patients recovered, the number of patients died. also, the system also displays the location of the nearest checking health centre, the nearest referral hospital. the system also provides a means to find out ways to avoid (minimize) the spread of covid, as well as to give a covid-19 early detection questionnaire. ii. method sdlc (system development life cycle) is one of the most popular information systems development methods in information systems. there are four stages in building or developing information systems using sdlc, namely: planning, analysis, design, and implementation. [6],[7]. as for the implementation of sdlc, various methodologies can be used. the use of methods will vary depending on the emphasis, whether on business processes or business supporting data [8]. in this study using a system development method using prototype. prototype methods include planning, analysis, design, implementation [9]. the prototype model is used to define 47 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) everyday objects of software without specifying the input, process and output requirements [10]. the scope of activities of the prototype development model are : 1. define the object as a whole and identify the needs that have been identified 2. doing design quickly as a basis for making prototypes. 3. test and evaluate the prototype and then make additions and improvements improvements to the prototype that has been made. in figure 1 is the plot of prototype [3]: planning analysis design implementation prototype fig 1 : flowchart of prototype system development [10]. the design in the construction of this system includes several uml diagrams; each diagram depicting the processes running on information systems [11],[8],[12]. the following diagrams are used in analyzing the program: 1. use case diagrams 2. class diagram 3. activity diagram 4. sequence diagram [13]. iii. result and discussion the system is designed using modelling use case diagrams and used to find out what functions can be accessed by each actor. meanwhile, to find out the flow of user interaction is described using the activity diagram [14]. to design the process flow system is made using sequence diagrams, the use case diagram. following are the results of covid-19 information system design: a. use case diagram of covid-19 information system in this discussion, the activities that will be carried out by users on the system to be built are made in this discussion. the following is the result of the use case diagram design in the covid-19 information system shown in figure 2: fig 2 : use case information system covid-19 the diagram used in the design of this system consists of two actors namely user/community and admin as the officer who manages the system, some activities can be carried out by the actor, managing user data, managing hospital data, managing village data, managing clinical data, managing questionnaire data and managing case data. there are more specific functions in it, such as changing data, deleting data, and changing data. b. activity diagram of covid-19 information system in this discussion, the activities carried out by the user of the system to be built. the following is the result of the activity diagram design on the covid-19 information system shown in figure 3, figure 4, figure 5, and figure 6: fig 3: login activity diagram 48 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig 4: activity diagram delete case data fig 5: activity diagram plus case data fig 6: activity diagram edit case data fig 8: sequence login diagram fig 9: sequence diagram editing village user data 49 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig 10: sequence diagram delete village user data fig 11: sequence diagram plus case data c. system interface design interface description of the application that will be created. in the design, some several pages and menus can be accessed by the admin and user [15]. this design illustrates the flow of the application si-covid 19. the following is the result of the interface design, shown in figure 12, figure 13, figure 14, figure 15, figure 16 and figure 17: fig 12: main menu menu design (home) fig 13: design admin login menu fig 14: design user login menu fig 15: design menu news 50 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig 16: contact menu design fig 17: donation menu design conclusion can contribute an idea in making applications related to the covid-19 information needed by the public at this time. the system is always updated (update) will display the movement of cases that occur both the number of cases, the number of cures, the number of dead, the number of patients under surveillance and people under supervision. the early detection questionnaire page will display the results of a hypothesis (provisional estimate) in the form of an answer to the input provided by the public (user). this is a means by which the system and users can interact with each other which produces output to the user, so the most crucial goal is to minimize and even be able to control the spread of the covid-19 virus. references [1] f. w. roosinda et al., ramadhan dalam masa pandemi covid-19. penerbit qiara media, 2020. 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[15] v. narcisi, f. giannetti, e. martelli, a. del nevo, m. tarantino, and g. caruso, “steam generator mock-up preliminary design suitable for pb-li technology demonstration and code assessment,” fusion eng. des., vol. 146, pp. 1126–1130, 2019. paper title (use style: paper title) 22 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.1 january 2021 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) application for submission of research recommendations and practice work web based shofa shofiah hilabi 1 information system, faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang, indonesia arip solehudin 2 program studyteknik informatikafakultas ilmu komputer, universitas singaperbangsa karawang syahri susanto 3 school of oil technic balongan oil and gas academy indramayu, indonesia ‹β› abstract — application submission of recommendations for research and job training which is often late hampers students who will carry out research and practical work activities that will be carried out at institutions in karawang, making students have to spend time visiting the kesbangpol office where sometimes the completion of the letter is not clear when the completion completed, and also because of the head of the office's signature problem. the research method used is to use the waterfall method which in this method includes needs analysis, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. therefore it is hoped that after the design and recommendation system of a recommendation letter system / tools proposed by the author, it is useful for efficient time for students who will submit a recommendation letter for research and practical work to agencies in karawang regency and students do not have to go directly to the kesbangpol office. karawang regency to submit a recommendation letter keywoard: applications, recommendations, research letters, practical work. abstrak — aplikasi pengajuan surat rekomendasi penelitian dan kerja praktek yang sering kali terlambat menghambat mahasiswa yang akan melakukan kegiatan penelitian dan kerja praktek yang akan dilakukan di instansi yang ada di karawang, membuat mahasiswa harus menghabiskan waktu untuk mendatangi kantor kesbangpol yang mana kadang penyelesaian surat tersebut tidak jelas penyelesaianya kapan selesai, dan juga karena kendala tandatangan kepala kantor. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode waterfall dimana dalam metode ini meliputi analisis kebutuhan, desain, implementasi, verifikasi, dan pemeliharaan. maka dari itu di harapkan setelah di rancangnya dan sistem rekomendasi sebuah sistem/tools surat rekomendasi yang di usulkan oleh penulis, bermanfaat mengefisiensi waktu mahasiswa yang akan mengajukan surat rekomendasi penelitian dan kerja praktek ke instansi yang di kabupaten karawang dan mahasiswa tidak harus mendatangi langsung kantor kesbangpol kabupaten karawang untuk mengajukan surat rekomendasu. kata kunci: aplikasi, rekomendasi, surat penelitian, kerja praktek. i. introduction local government has a function in serving the community in administrative and bureaucratic matters. local governments have various regional work units (skpd) that carry out their main tasks for the benefit of the community. regional apparatus work units (skpd) are elements of regional government administration that to achieve success need to be supported by excellent planning by the organization's vision and mission [1]. a letter of recommendation is bidding made by a certain leader or official that contains information about a person's situation based on authentic data available because the party concerned has asked for his interest [2]. one of the karawang regency regional work units, namely the office of national unity and politics (kesbangpol) of karawang regency has the main task of assisting the regent in carrying out regional government affairs based on the principle of autonomy, namely in the preparation and implementation of regional policies in the field of national unity and politics [3]. the national unity and political agency also have tasks including collecting data on the names of the management structure of the secretariat address for all community organizations, non-governmental organizations located in karawang regency and also providing guidance for community organizations, non-governmental organizations in karawang. 1 (one) year and kesbangpol always takes action against problems that occur between ormas and other parties using mediating for the sake of unity and integrity as well as conduciveness. the national unity and political agency also have a duty to facilitate or provide letters of recommendation/introduction to student activities or institutions that will conduct research or carry out practical work. the recommendation letter will be shown to government agencies in karawang, which if students or institutions that are going to make a recommendation letter must first come to the kesbangpol office to find out what there are only requirements needed to submit a recommendation letter. the process of making a recommendation letter from the kesbangpol office is relatively short and easy because there is already a certain format for employees. however, the recommendation letter must be signed by the head of kesbangpol karawang, which sometimes the head of kesbangpol has duties outside the office so that when asked to sign it is quite difficult to contact and difficult to ask 23 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 for free time to sign recommendation letters that have been submitted by students or institutions. that is to save time, therefore researchers will create a web-based information system which will make it easier for students or institutions that will submit letters of recommendation addressed to government agencies located in karawang, students or institutions only need to open a website which will later be designed by the author, in submitting a letter of recommendation. if a student/institution is going to submit a recommendation letter, the student/institution must have the requirements needed by kesbang employees, including, ktp, kta, a letter from the university, if a web-based information system has been designed, the office of national unity and student politics and institutions is only sufficient. scanning and entering it into the system that has been designed by the author, then the student who will submit also lists which agency it is intended for, and from what date and until what month the student will conduct research / practical work activities, then if the letter has been approved by the employee a notification will appear in the system, and students just need to print the proposed recommendation letter for submission, to the place of the agency to be examined or to do practical work. therefore, the author will design a "application for submission of recommendations for submission of research and job training case studies at the office of national unity and politics of karawang regency" so that students or institutions that will make recommendation letters do not have to come to the office directly and it is easier and more efficient. time. ii. method the results of this study are using the waterfall method wherein this method includes needs analysis, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance, producing some of the data needed by the author to design a web-based recommendation letter submission system, all of the research results are obtained by observing. directly at the place of researchers and interviews with several users related to research and data collection to achieve this research [4]. the following is figure 1. research flow figure 1. research flow systems development methodology the methodology used in system development for the design and development of this system is the waterfall methodology [5]. the following is figure 2. the stages of the waterfall methodology figure 2.stages of the waterfall methodology several stages of the waterfall methodology, namely: 1. requirements analysis, collecting the complete needs then analyzed and defined the needs that must be met by the program to be built [6]. data collection was carried out by the author through observation, interviews and documentation. 2. design, in this stage the developer will produce an overall system and determine the software flow to a detailed algorithm [5]. 3. implementation is the stage where the entire design is converted into program code. the resulting program code is still in the form of modules that will be integrated into a complete system [7]. 4. integration & testing. this stage is carried out by combining modules that have been made and this testing is carried out to find out whether the software made is in accordance with the design and functions of the software [8]. 5. verification is the client or user tests whether the system is approved [9]. 6. operation and maintenance, namely the installation and repair process of the system as approved [10]. iii. results and discussion the application is designed using php and mysql database for data storage. before entering the coding stage, the design and flow of the proposed system will be made. the following are some of the stages in system and software design: a. use case diagram so to illustrate the system activity that will be designed by the author using modeling using use case diagrams, it is used to find out what functions are in it, and who uses these functions [11]. the following is a figure 3.use case is the system recommended by the author. 24 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 3. here is a use case diagram of a recommended application a. activity diagram activity diagrams are used to describe various activity flows in a system that is being designed and how each flow begins [12]. the following is a figure 4.a diagram of the proposed recommendation system activity. figure 4.activity diagram of the proposed recommendation system figure 5. class diagram of the recommendation system system requirements analysis system requirements analysis is used to identify new system requirements [14]. system requirements include user needs and admin needs and analysis of platform requirements. application for submitting letters of recommendation. 1. admin page a. login b. agency data c. university data d. official data e. transaction data f. report data 2. member page a. registration b. login c. recommended data application implementation the following is an implementation of the interface on the initial display before entering login [15]. the image below will display a dashboard displaying several menus that can be used by the admin. then the admin can use the menu as needed by the admin. b. class diagram class diagrams are used to explain the structure of the system in terms of defining the classes that will be made to build a system [13]. the following is figure 5. class diagram of the recommendation system. figure 6. here is the main admin page the image below will display a confirmation menu of the recommendation system process used by the admin. figure 7. here is the main admin page for system confirmation 25 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 submission in figure 7. below below will display a dashboard displaying several menus that can be used by the user. then the user can use the menu as needed by the user. figure 8 this is the user's main page the image below displays a dashboard displaying a recommendation menu that can be used by the user in submitting a recommendation letter. figure 9. below is the user recommendation menu page iv. conclusion based on the description and overall discussion, the application for submitting research recommendations and practical case study work at the national unity and political office of karawang regency, conclusions can be drawn, as follows: 1. to optimize the submission of recommendation letters, this application is made to provide more effective information, and students who submit recommendation letters at kesbangpol can submit recommendation letters for more than one submission of research recommendation letters or practical work. 2. creating a web-based application of recommendation letters can make it easier for the admin to verify or validate the submission of recommendation letters so that students do not fill the kesbangpol office. daftar pustaka [1] c. nisak, p. fitri, and a. kurniawan, “sistem pengendalian intern dalam pencegahan fraud pada satuan kerja perangkat daerah (skpd) pada kabupaten bangkalan,” jaffa, 2013. 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aspirations in the form of suggestions and criticisms are a form of attention from the community to the village government. if the community wants to convey their aspirations, they can open the jatibaru village website and enter the username and password that the community already has. after entering the system, there will be several menus, one of which is a menu for complaints or aspirations from the community to the village. the community needs to fill out the complaint form. and can submit more than one complaint. the submitted complaint form will be stored and recapitulated by the village. every week the village holds weekly meetings, which are held on wednesdays, to discuss complaints submitted by the community to minimize negative things that arise in the community. the village head also evaluates the rt or kadus who are less active in attending weekly meetings held at the jatibaru village hall. 18 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 ii. method a. data collection techniques in this process, in-depth research is carried out on the data needed during the process of making the system to be designed. following are the stages of data collection. a) literature study looking for theoretical references related to the research topic raised, theories obtained from several literature sources. there are several sources of literature that are often used in the form of books, journals, theses. b) observation the purpose of the observation is to observe the research site in order to get the information needed by the researcher, by going directly to the object being studied, namely the jatibaru village office, ciasem subang. c) interview in this interview, conducting a dialogue by asking questions to the village apparatus and the jatibaru village community aims to find out the process of submitting complaints so that it becomes material for building a new system. b. system development method the waterfall method is a method commonly referred to as the classic life cycle, describing a systematic approach to sequential software development. [9] the following are the stages of the waterfall model: figure 1 iterative waterfall[12] 1. system information and engineering modeling this stage starts from gathering requirements to be applied to the device system that will be developed. 2. software requirements analysis this stage is to collect the required needs with incentives to be understood by users, these needs are intended for users as system users later. 3. design this stage does the design of the interface design requirements for the system to be developed, the interface design needs to be done when you want to do system development. 4. coding the stages of making this program must be implemented using software. 5. testing this stage of system testing is carried out logically and functionally which is used to determine the parts of the system that have been previously tested. this testing is to minimize errors that occur in the program. 6. maintenance the maintenance stage or system maintenance needs to be done because the system needs can continue to be improved after use. iii. results and discussion in this study, the collection of survey requirements aims to analyze existing problems in village government and evaluate the standard application process. in this case, it is a systematic analysis. present and find solutions to village and community leaders' problems and needs to find out user desires for applications used with the waterfall method as system development. here are the steps: a. current system analysis at the jatibaru village agency currently, it is still done manually or by greeting with the village apparatus, not a few people want to express opinions and input for the jatibaru village government to be better, some problems or obstacles that occur, namely regarding the process of submitting complaints, they still often experience problems. impasse, such as the village head and village apparatus, which are often difficult to find, the community is reluctant to have direct dialogue when conveying their aspirations to the village apparatus, and also both village officials and the community are often constrained by time when they want to go to the village office in carrying out discussions, both residents who want to express their aspirations as well as village officials who want to respond to all community complaints. figure 2 running system 19 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 b. system design after knowing the description that has been running and the analysis results to determine user satisfaction regarding the system developed at the jatibaru village office, ciasem subang next is the development and design of the system. the following are the stages in making the system: 1. system proposed the proposed system aims to identify and evaluate problems found during research. the proposed system consists of analyzing problems and analyzing needs. therefore, the author gives the jatibaru village agency an idea to handle the above problems. below is the proposed system procedure for jatibaru village, ciasem subang. after analyzing the current system in jatibaru village, a system is proposed that will provide online complaint services. figure 3 system flowchart in the flow above, it can be seen that the community will start the complaint service by opening the website that has been built. then the community can enter their username and password to be able to log in to the home page then choose the complaint form and fill out the complaint, after that the admin receives the complaint and the village head discusses to provide a reply to the complaint submitted by the community. the village head confirms to the admin to reply to the complaint, then the officer in charge of the complaint can upload the progress of the settlement that is being carried out, after the complaint is processed the community can view the complaint again [10]. 2. use case diagram use case diagrams are diagrams that describe the scenario of the system that will be created and explain between the actors and the activities that will be carried out on the system that has been built. the use case diagram below describes the overall activities carried out by each user. figure 4 usecase diagram 3. activity diagram this activity diagram illustrates what the public does in making complaints. by logging in first, then if the data validation is correct, the system will display the user's main page. next, the user will select the complaint menu, the system displays the complaint form, then the user fills out the complaint if the complaint form has been filled in, the system will return to the main page and the complaint data is stored in the database. users can also add complaints if they want to make more than one complaint. 4. sequence diagram in this complaint input sequence diagram, it describes the lifeline between objects when the user inputs a complaint. below is the sequence diagram for the complaint input: figure 6. sequence diagram of complaint input 20 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 5. class diagram class diagram is a diagram that describes the form of the system in the process of class definition on the system to be built. figure 7. class diagram c. system implementation in the implementation of this interface, it displays a system display that has been created and run using google chrome and xampp as the web server. here is the interface implementation view: figure 8. login page figure 9. registration page figure 10. forgot password page figure 11. complaint input page figure 12. complaint review page figure 13. complaint responding page d. system evaluation this web-based public complaint information system aims to create a website where people can communicate their wishes to village officials, the wishes that exist in the community are solely for the progress of the village itself both in the field of development, facilities and infrastructure 21 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 in jatibaru village, every user who participating are granted access with privileges granted by the system, therefore every connection with the system already has a limit for each user. the results of testing the system using the black box testing method to determine its functionality so that it can be concluded that the resulting system functions as expected. the system that was built also helps the village head and village parties to know what is being communicated by the community. iv. conclusion based on the research results in making the final project on a web-based public complaint information system at the jatibaru ciasem subang village office, the researchers got several conclusions, namely as follows: 1. with the creation of a web-based public complaint system, the complaint process can be carried out easily and relevantly for the jatibaru village community. this system also has a complaint info feature to make it easier for the public to see the progress of the complaints submitted. 2. complaints submitted will be discussed by village officials and village heads so that they can be used as evaluation material for village officials to be even better. reference [1] d. haryanto and a. nasihin, “sistem informasi kearsipan surat masuk surat keluar di stikes mitra kencana kota tasikmalaya,” j. tek. inform., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 22–30, 2018, [online]. available: [2] b. huda, “sistem informasi data penduduk berbasis android dan web monitoring studi kasus pemerintah kota karawang (penelitian dilakukan di kab. karawang),” buana ilmu, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 62–69, 2018, doi: 10.36805/bi.v3i1.456. 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pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi. studi ini menggunakan metode vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (vapt), yang menggabungkan dua bentuk pengujian kerentanan untuk mencapai analisis kerentanan yang jauh lebih lengkap dengan melakukan tugas yang berbeda di area fokus yang sama. penilaian kerentanan menggunakan metode common vulnerability scoring system (cvss). hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (vapt) terbukti mampu mengidentifikasi tingkat kerentanan keamanan pada aplikasi rekonsiliasi di dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi dengan skor tingkat kerentanan 5,3 pada lingkungan sha512 dengan peringkat sedang dan 7,5 di lingkungan md5. dengan peringkat tinggi. jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma terbaik untuk mengimplementasikan otp adalah sha512. kata kunci— otp, sha512, md5, vapt, cvss abstract—this paper discusses the comparison of the results of testing the otp (one time password) algorithm on two encryptions, namely sha512 and md5 which are applied to the reconciliation application of the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi. this study uses the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (vapt) method, which combines two forms of vulnerability testing to achieve a much more complete vulnerability analysis by performing different tasks in the same focus area. the vulnerability assessment uses the common vulnerability scoring system (cvss) method. the results showed that the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (vapt) method was proven to be able to identify the level of security vulnerability in the reconciliation application at the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi with a vulnerability level score of 5.3 in the sha512 environment with a medium rating and 7.5 in the md5 environment. with high ratings. so, it can be concluded that the best algorithm for implementing otp is sha512. keywords— otp, sha512, md5, vapt, cvss i. introduction the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi is a government agency that applies information technology to support daily work processes. the reconciliation application which is one of the assets of the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi is a village financial application that functions to control village finances which includes financial input and financial realization. however, at this time, the reconciliation application has not implemented a good security system, so application security is currently very vulnerable to cyber-attacks. in addition, to ensure its security, it is necessary to test the system security on the application. observing this problem, it is necessary to improve system security by implementing two factor authentication, one of which uses one time password (otp). otp is an authentication method that uses a password that always changes every login, or changes every certain time interval. it can also be called a password that is only valid for a single login session [1]. the otp algorithms tested in this study were sha512 and md5. sha512 is an algorithm that uses a one-way hash function created by ron rivest [2] and is a development of the sha0, sha1, sha256, and sha384 algorithms. the hash itself functions to accept an input string of any length and convert a string whose output length remains the same [3]. the sha512 algorithm itself is used when generating random codes as an otp code generator. the sha512 function produces a message digest with a size of 512 bits and a block length of 1024 bits. in sha512 there are 80 rounds and for padding bits it is done as in sha-1, but the block size in sha512 becomes 1024 bits [4]. while the md5 algorithm was designed by ron rivest whose use is very popular among the open-source community as a checksum for downloadable 2 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 files [5] which has a block size of 512 bits with a digest size of 128 bits. the web security testing tool for both sha512 and md5 algorithms in this study is the burp suite, which is a java-based integrated platform for conducting security testing of web applications. burp suite in general is a web penetration testing framework. this tool is specially made for web applications. burp suite is now used by most professional testers as part of industry standard penetration tools. in the system security testing process, a combination of two forms of vulnerability testing is used to achieve a much more complete vulnerability analysis by performing different tasks in the same focus area, known as vulnerability assessment penetration testing (vapt) [6]. therefore, in this study, vulnerability testing of the reconciliation application system will be carried out using the vapt method [9]. ii. method the research method used is the penetration testing method which refers to a security test framework for a web application system, namely vulnerability assessment penetration testing (vapt). vapt itself is a combination of two vulnerability assessment and penetration testing activities, where vulnerability assessment is an activity that includes the process of examining a security vulnerability of a web application. while penetration testing is a process of simulating attacks on vulnerabilities found on the web and exploring them. the testing process using the vatp framework contains 9 necessary stages as shown in the following figure [7]. figure 1. vapt framework based on figure 1, this testing phase begins with the scope step (determining the focus of the test, namely information technology assets belonging to the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi, namely the reconciliation application), reconnaissance (at this stage information is collected as a basis for targets related to the system will be tested for vulnerability , such as ip address and hosting using domain tools), vulnerability detection (at this stage the process of finding information about security vulnerabilities in the reconciliation application using the burp suite tools on the otp that has been applied is carried out. after finding vulnerabilities, the results are then used as a basis in the planning stage next), information analysis and planning (at this stage analysis and test planning is carried out, namely looking for security vulnerabilities. this analysis and planning will later be used in the penetration testing process), penetration testing (at this stage sim ulation of attacks on information technology assets of the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi, namely the reconciliation application, namely by brute force), privilege escalation (at this stage the vulnerability exploitation process is carried out by utilizing information on vulnerabilities from the results of the penetration testing process), result analysis, reporting and clean-up (at this stage the preparation of a report on the results of the previous stages of testing is carried out). vulnerability assessment refers to the standardization of owasp (open web application security project) as well as penetration testing by conducting penetration testing according to standards. this study then compares the results of the application of the two sha512 and md5 algorithms in the reconciliation application of the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi through the otp flow in the figure 2. based on figure 2, the flow of the application that will be developed using sha512 and md5 to generate a time-based otp code is synchronized directly with the server in the verification of the otp code so that it can access into the system. the steps for generating the otp code are that the user enters the username and password on the login page, then it will be processed by sha512 or md5, then the otp code will be sent to the user's telegram application who will log in [8]. furthermore, the two algorithms are tested and assessed using the cvss calculation in table 1 and figure 3 below. figure 2. otp flow table 1. cvss score rating base score none 0,0 low 0,1 – 3,9 medium 4,0 – 6,9 high 7,0 – 8,9 critical 9,0 – 10,0 clean-up reporting result analysis privilege escalation penetration testing information analysis ang planning vulnerability detection reconnaissance scope 3 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 3. cvss calculation base score: if (impact sub score <= 0) else, 0) scope unchanged round up (minimum [(impact + exploitability), 10]) scope changed round up (minimum [1.08 x (impact + exploitability),10]) impact sub score scope unchanged 6.42 x iscbase scope changed 7.52 x [iscbase-0.029]-3.25 x [iscbase0.02] impact sub score: iscbase = 1 – [(1-impactconf) x (1-impactinteg) x (1impactavail)] exploitability sub score: 8.22 x attackvector x attackcomplexity x priviligerequired x userinteraction vulnerability level testing uses a scoring system from the (cvss) common vulnerability scoring system as a standard for calculating the level of a vulnerability in the system with a vulnerability level value as shown in table 2. table 2. vulnerability level of cvss rating base score range none 0,0 low 0,1 – 3,9 medium 4,0 – 6,9 high 7,0 – 8,9 critical 9,0 – 10,0 iii. results and discussion the level scoring test refers to the common vulnerability and exposure (cve) where cve is a list that displays any security information, both on software and firmware that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. this test is done technically to prove the scoring level on vulnerability. after obtaining vulnerabilities for both the sha512 environment and md5 algorithms, further testing is carried out on the technical login page (intruder positions process). this test is carried out on the sha512 environment and md5 algorithms using tools, namely the burp suite as a scanner as well as the executor, so that the target being analyzed has bugs so that the system can be hacked. testing the vulnerability of this target using brute force techniques. tabel 3. cvss formula sha512 base metric evaluasi skor attack vector network 0,85 attack complexity high 0,44 privileges required low 0,62 user interaction none 0,85 scope unchanged 0,68 confidentiality high 0,56 integrity none 0 availability none 0 base formula cvss:3.1/av:n/ac:h/pr:l/ui:n/s:u/c:h/i:n/a:n iss = 1 [(1-confidentiality) × (1-integrity) × (1-availability)] impact if scope is unchanged = 6.42 × iss exploitability = 8.22 × attackvector × attackcomplexity × privilegesrequired × userinteraction iss = 1 [ (1 – 0.56) × (1 0) × (1 0)] = 1 (0.44) = 0.56 impact if scope is unchanged = 6.42 × 0.56 = 3.6 exploitability = 8.22 × 0.85 x 0.44 x 0.62 x 0.85 = 1.6 impact + exploitability = 3.6 + 1.6 = 5.3 base score if scope is unchanged = round up (5.3, 10) = 5.3 after the intruder positions are executed, the payload sets configuration is then performed, before brute force testing is performed. at this stage, the burp suite will input the possible username and password used. furthermore, brute force attack testing was carried out on the sha512 environment and md5. then testing the results of the brute force attack on the rendering menu, it appears directly on the otp page. furthermore, the configuration of the intruder positions and payload before testing is carried out. the penetration process was successfully carried out by obtaining an otp code when testing with a brute force attack was carried out. the next process equates the otp code sent on telegram with the test results on the sha512 environment and md5. the results of testing the sha512 environment vulnerability level are presented in table 3 and figure 4. figure 4. base score metrics sha512 based on table 3 and figure 4, it is found that the vulnerability level of the sha512 algorithm is at the medium level. the results of testing the md5 vulnerability level can be seen in table 4 and figure 5. 4 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 tabel 4. cvss formula md5 base metric evaluasi skor attack vector network 0,85 attack complexity high 0,44 privileges required low 0,62 user interaction none 0,85 scope unchanged 0,68 confidentiality high 0,56 integrity none 0,56 availability none 0.56 base formula cvss:3.1/av:n/ac:h/pr:l/ui:n/s:u/c:h/i:n/a:n iss = 1 [ (1 confidentiality) × (1 integrity) × (1 availability)] impact if scope is unchanged = 6,42 × iss exploitability = 8,22 × attackvector × attackcomplexity × privilegesrequired × userinteraction iss = 1 [ (1 – 0,56) × (1 – 0,56) × (1 – 0,56)] = 1 (0,085) = 0,914 impact if scope is unchanged = 6,42 × 0,914 = 5,9 exploitability = 8.22 × 0.85 x 0.44 x 0.62 x 0.85 = 1.6 impact + exploitability = 5,9 + 1,6 = 7,5 base score if scope is unchanged = round up (7,5, 10) = 7,5 figure 5. base score metrics md5 based on figure 4, it is obtained that based on figure 5, it is found that the md5 algorithm vulnerability level is at a high level. iv. conclusion the results of testing security vulnerabilities in the reconciliation application of the dinas pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa kabupaten sukabumi using the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (vapt) method and the blackbox testing approach resulted in the level of vulnerability values being medium in the sha512 environment and in the md5 environment with high vulnerability values. from the test results, it is identified that there is a vulnerability in the browser session and the use of an inappropriate hash function, which has the potential to carry out a brute force attack. references [1] perdana, u. p. s. 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[9] d. kurniawan, a. l. hananto, and b. priyatna, “modification application of key metrics 13x13 cryptographic algorithm playfair cipher and combination with linear feedback shift register (lfsr) on data security based on mobile android,” int. j. comput. tech.-–, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 65–70, 2018. [10] b. huda, “sistem informasi data penduduk berbasis android dan web monitoring studi kasus pemerintah kota karawang (penelitian dilakukan di kab. karawang),” buana ilmu, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 62–69, 2018, doi: 10.36805/bi.v3i1.456. paper title (use style: paper title) p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 42 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) combination of hill cipher algorithm and caesar cipher algorithm for exam data security agung susilo yuda irawan 1 study program technical information faculty of computer science, universitas singaperbangsa karawang nono heryana 2 study program system information faculty of computer science, universitas singaperbangsa karawang email: ‹β› arip solehudin 3 study program technical information faculty of computer science, universitas singaperbangsa karawang email: abstract—the progress of communication technology has had a positive impact on human life, including in the field of education. the education office is currently implementing computer-based exams starting from the state higher education entrance joint selection (sbmptn) exam to the school final examination. but with the implementation of computer-based exams this is of course the less secure the level, therefore the authors make this research with the aim of securing the exam data that will be tested with hill cipher cryptography and caesar cipher. cryptography is a technique of hiding data that is done to secure data, in this case cryptography aims to secure data on exam questions. keywords : kriptografi, hill cipher, caesar cipher abstrak — kemajuan teknologi komunikasi telah memberikan dampak positif pada kehidupan manusia, termasuk di bidang pendidikan. kantor pendidikan saat ini sedang melaksanakan ujian berbasis komputer mulai dari ujian seleksi bersama masuk perguruan tinggi negeri (sbmptn) hingga ujian akhir sekolah. tetapi dengan implementasi ujian berbasis komputer ini tentu saja semakin tidak aman levelnya, oleh karena itu penulis membuat penelitian ini dengan tujuan mengamankan data ujian yang akan diuji dengan kriptografi hill cipher dan cipher caesar. kriptografi adalah teknik menyembunyikan data yang dilakukan untuk mengamankan data, dalam hal ini kriptografi bertujuan untuk mengamankan data pada pertanyaan ujian. kata kunci: kriptografi, hill cipher, caesar cipher i. introduction currently technology has developed very rapidly, including in the field of education, an example of application technological development that is on the exam. the education office is currently implementing a computer-based exam starting from the joint higher education entrance examination (sbmptn) exams to the final school exams. but with the implementation of computer-based exams, of course the less the level of security, then of the authors make this research with the aim of securing the data on the exam questions to be tested with hill cipher and caesar cipher cryptography [1]. it can be interpreted that cryptography is hidden tulidan [2]. there are several algorithms or methods on cryptography includes hill cipher, caesar cipher, vernam cipher, advanced encryption standard (aes), and so forth. ii. method the method used in this study is the caesar cipher and hill cipher method for the process cryptography on data security exam questions, to combine the two methods there are several process that must be done. figure 2 shows the process carried out. fig 1 the cryptographic process of caesar cipher and hill cipher in figure 1 can be seen the cryptographic process of caesar cipher and hill cipher methods. the first process is the problem the test (plain text) is encrypted by the caesar cipher method and produces cipher text. then the cipher text converted to decimal. the result of decimal is re-encrypted using the hill cipher method generate cipher text [3].to process the description or return to the original message with the process carried out it is the opposite of the encryption process, if in the first encryption process with the caesar cipher method then on the first description process is the hill cipher method [4]. iii. results and discussion the cryptographic process using the hill cipher and caesar cipher method is done by entering an example exam 43 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) questions to be encrypted and make a key. first the message will be encrypted with using the caesar cipher method, then the results are converted to decimal and re-encrypted with the method hill cipher with a single process and a key [5]. examples of exam questions to be encrypted are english exam questions "i am so. i want to eat "with key (key) = 5. the first stage that will be done is encryption with the caesar cipher method. as for the process it is as follows: plaintext = i am so . i want to eat key = 5 then change the plaintext and key to binary data, can be seen in table 1. table i conversion from plaintext to binary plain text biner i 01001001 a 01100001 m 01101101 s 01110011 o 01101111 . 00101110 i 01001001 w 01110111 a 01100001 n 01101110 t 01110100 t 01110100 o 01101111 e 01100101 a 01100001 t 01110100 then do the encryption process by shifting the binary number 5 steps to the right, can be seen in table 2. table ii encryption process with caesar cipher biner cipher text 01001001 01001010 01100001 00001011 01101101 01101011 01110011 10011011 01101111 01111011 00101110 01110001 01001001 01001010 01110111 10111011 01100001 00001011 01101110 01110011 01110100 10100011 01110100 10100011 01101111 01111011 01100101 00101011 01100001 00001011 01110100 10100011 in table 2 the encryption results obtained by the caesar cipher method are still in the form of binary numbers. then do the conversion to decimal to facilitate the next encryption process. table iii binary to decimal conversion process cipher text decimal 01001010 74 00001011 11 01101011 107 10011011 155 01111011 123 01110001 113 01001010 74 10111011 187 00001011 11 01110011 115 10100011 163 10100011 163 01111011 123 00101011 43 00001011 11 10100011 163 in table 3 can be seen from the results of the conversion to decimal where the results will be directly encrypted with hill cipher method. in the hill cipher method, the key used is a matrix in which the matrix is used is 2x2 by using the same key in the encryption process with the method before that is 5 [6] [7]. so that the existing key can be used for the encryption process using the hill cipher method, the key will be formed 2x2 matrix by performing a simple calculation process [8]. key = 5 key k = [ 𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝑘𝑒𝑦 − 1 𝑘𝑒𝑦 + 1 𝑘𝑒𝑦 + 2 ] k = [ 5 5 − 1 5 + 1 5 + 2 ] so from the above calculation results obtained 2x2 matrix key with numbers k = [ 5 4 6 7 ] next divide the row of decimal numbers in ciphertext2 into a matrix with the number of key matrix columns (key = 2x2). [ 74 11 ] [ 107 155 ] [ 123 113 ] [ 74 187 ] [ 11 115 ] [ 163 163 ] [ 123 43 ] [ 11 163 ] then do the key matrix multiplication with the matrix that has been made. [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 74 11 ] = [ 414 521 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 159 11 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 107 155 ] = [ 1155 1727 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 135 197 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 123 113 ] = [ 1067 1529 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 47 254 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 74 187 ] = [ 1118 1753 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 98 223 ] 44 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 11 115 ] = [ 515 871 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 5 106 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 163 163 ] = [ 1467 2119 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 192 79 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 123 43 ] = [ 787 1039 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 22 19 ] [ 5 4 6 7 ] [ 11 163 ] = [ 707 1207 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 197 187 ] in the last process of encryption change the results of this multiplication into the characters that can be seen in table 4. table iv the process of converting decimal to character decimal character 159 ÿ 11 vt 135 ‡ 197 å 47 / 254 þ 98 b 223 ß 5 enq 106 j 192 à 79 o 22 syn 19 dc3 197 å 187 » in table 4 we can see the final ciphertext results from the caesar cipher and hill cipher method, the ciphertext in the form of ascii numbers. so, the ciphertext from the example exam questions i am so. i want to eat is ÿ vt ‡ å / þ b ß enq j à o syn dc3 å ». furthermore, a description process is carried out to find out whether this method is successful for securing data on the sample exam questions. the first thing that will be done for the description process is the hill cipher method by multiplying the inverse key matrix with the ciphertext block matrix. k = [ 5 4 6 7 ] 𝑑𝑒𝑡k = (5 ∗ 7) − (4 ∗ 6) = 11 invers modulo: 11-1 mod 255 11x = 1 mod 255 11x = 1+255k x = (1+255k)/11 search for k = n with the result that x is an integer. k = 5; x = (1 + 255 * 5) / 11 = 116 (whole number) the inverse of 11 mod 255 is equivalent to 116 mod 255 which is 116. the determinant inverse modulo is used to find the martiks inverse. k = [ 5 4 6 7 ] then k-1 = determinan [ 𝑑 −𝑐 −𝑏 𝑎 ] so that k1 = 116 [ 7 −4 −6 5 ] = [ 812 −464 −696 580 ] 𝑚𝑜𝑑 255 = [ 47 46 69 70 ] continue multiplying the matrix with ciphertext. [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 159 11 ] = [ 797 11741 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 74 11 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 135 197 ] = [ 15407 23105 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 107 197 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 47 254 ] = [ 13893 21023 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 123 113 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 98 223 ] = [ 14864 22372 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 74 187 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 5 106 ] = [ 5111 7765 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 11 115 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 192 79 ] = [ 12658 18778 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 163 163 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 22 19 ] = [ 1908 2848 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 123 43 ] [ 47 46 69 70 ] [ 197 187 ] = [ 17861 26683 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑑 255 [ 11 163 ] after getting the results ,, then do the conversion to binary to proceed to the next process. tabel i proses konversi desimal ke biner decimal biner 74 01001010 11 00001011 107 01101011 155 10011011 123 01111011 113 01110001 74 01001010 187 10111011 11 00001011 115 01110011 163 10100011 163 10100011 123 01111011 43 00101011 11 00001011 163 10100011 these binary numbers are then re-encrypted for the last time using the caesar cipher method by shifting 5 times to the left, with the results that can be seen in table 6. table vi the process of converting decimal to binary 45 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) biner cipher text plain text 01001010 01001001 i 00001011 01100001 a 01101011 01101101 m 10011011 01110011 s 01111011 01101111 o 01110001 00101110 . 01001010 01001001 i 10111011 01110111 w 00001011 01100001 a 01110011 01101110 n 10100011 01110100 t 10100011 01110100 t 01111011 01101111 o 00101011 01100101 e 00001011 01100001 a 10100011 01110100 t in table 5 it can be seen that the results of the description that have been done produce a plaintext "iamso.iwanttoeat" in accordance with the example of the exam questions used for this study, with this the merging of the hill cipher and caesar cipher methods has been completed. iv. conclusion from the results of the research that has been carried out it can be concluded that the hill cipher and caesar cipher methods can be combined for the process of securing data with a good level of security, this method is also easily understood and for the encryption and description process using only one key so that it is easy to remember. references [1] r. kaur, “rectangular matrix with left inverse for variation in hill cipher: communication safe guard,” j. gujarat res. soc., vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 1234–1240, 2019. 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(2019). analyzing the kasiski method against vigenere cipher. arxiv preprint arxiv:1912.04519. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.2 july 2021 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) issn : 01 january 2020 44 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 analysis of e-commerce adoption level on culinary micro, small and medium enterprises (umkm) in karawang regency using smart plus karya suhada 1 study program technical information stmik rosma, indonesia email: lila setiyani2 study program information system stmik rosma, indonesia email: ‹β› damas setiadi sukardi 3 study program technical information stmik rosma, indonesia email: abstract— e-commerce is an electronic trading tool where trading transactions, both buying and selling, are carried out electronically on the internet network. the existence of the internet and various technologies in the telecommunication sector have changed many things, one of which is in umkm. the current owners of umkm are expected to be able to compete and maintain the continuity of their business by making changes and applications in the technical field. this study aims to analyze the level of e-commerce adoption in culinary umkm in karawang regency. the method used is a qualitative approach by measuring technology, environmental, organizational, and e-commerce adoption variables on the performance of umkm. the data collection technique used in this study was probability sampling, with random sampling types, with a total of 70 culinary umkm in karawang regency. the results of this study indicate that technology and environmental factors have a positive effect on the adoption of e-commerce so that they can improve the performance of the umkm in this study. keywords— e-commerce adoption, performance of umkm, umkm abstrak— e-commerce merupakan alat perdagangan elektronik dimana transaksi perdagangan, baik jual beli, dilakukan secara elektronik di jaringan internet. keberadaan internet dan berbagai teknologi di bidang telekomunikasi telah mengubah banyak hal, salah satunya di bidang umkm. para pemilik umkm saat ini diharapkan mampu bersaing dan menjaga kelangsungan usahanya dengan melakukan perubahan dan aplikasi di bidang teknis. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat adopsi ecommerce pada umkm kuliner di kabupaten karawang. metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengukur variabel adopsi teknologi, lingkungan, organisasi, dan e-commerce terhadap kinerja umkm. teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah probability sampling, dengan jenis random sampling, dengan jumlah 70 umkm kuliner di kabupaten karawang. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor teknologi dan lingkungan berpengaruh positif terhadap adopsi e-commerce sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja umkm dalam penelitian ini. kata kunci— adopsi e-commerce, kinerja umkm, umkm i. introduction the development of technology at this time is very rapid, a business is required to utilize existing technology to run its business. one of the technological developments is in the business sector. currently, business owners are required to keep up with technological developments, because along with technological developments, traditional markets are being displaced by technology which in this case is ecommerce. according to kuswiratmo (2016:163) electronic commerce (e-commerce) or better known as online shopping is the implementation of commerce in the form of sales, purchases, orders, payments, and promotions of a product of goods and/or services carried out by utilizing computers and electronic communication facilities [1]. digital or data telecommunications. in addition, this form of commerce can also be carried out globally, namely by using the internet network [2]. it is undeniable that the development of information technology has had an impact on commercial activities. the existence of the internet and various technologies in the telecommunications sector have changed many things. umkm are expected to be able to compete and maintain business continuity by making changes and implementation in the technical field. according to the state ministry of cooperatives and small and medium enterprises (menegkop and ukm), what is meant by small business (uk), including micro enterprises (umi), is a business entity that has a net worth of at most rp. 200,000,000, excluding land and building a place of business, and having annual sales of a maximum of rp. 1,000,000,000. meanwhile, medium-sized enterprises (um) are business entities owned by indonesian citizens who have a net worth of more than rp. 200,000,000 to rp. 200,000,000. idr 10,000,000,000, excluding land and buildings [3]. karawang regency has a variety of umkm. in november 2020, there were 87,574 umkm actors registered in the karawang district [4]. by looking at the number of researchers interested in analyzing the level of adoption of ecommerce in kulimer umkm in karawang district to find out the benefits of e-commerce for umkm owners and to know the technological capabilities and levels of e-commerce 45 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 adoption. the e-commerce referred to in this study is the use of go-food applications which are now increasingly being discussed as a means or activity of a business. the use of the go-food application is growing rapidly because in addition to making it easier for customers to find what food they want, it also makes it easier for business actors to make sales. the results of this study provide strategic knowledge and information regarding the adoption of e-commerce in culinary umkm in karawang district [5]. . ii. method a. types of research the research method used in this research is quantitative research. according to sugiyono (2011:8) [6], quantitative is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative/statistical, with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. . meanwhile, according to borg and gall (1989) in quantitative research, causal relationships between variables are detected, then the observed information from the sample is obtained through statistical data collection. the data collected were analyzed in numerical form [7][8]. b research population according to suharsimi (1998:117) in [7] explained that the population is the whole object to be studied. meanwhile, according to sugiyono (2010) [9] the population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain characteristics and qualities that have been determined by a researcher to be studied and then conclusions will be drawn. the population in this study is umkm in the culinary field in karawang regency. iii. results and discussion the following is a recapitulation of the results of the questionnaire that researchers have distributed to culinary umkm in karawang regency, amounting to 75 respondents. table 1. recapitulation of questionnaire results variable code questionnaire answer sts ts n s ss technology (tn) tn1 0 1 10 21 43 tn2 0 1 12 25 37 tn3 0 3 17 23 32 tn4 2 1 17 22 33 organizational (or) or1 0 2 17 28 28 or2 1 3 20 27 24 or3 0 4 12 20 39 or4 0 1 15 17 42 environment (lk) lk1 1 2 10 27 35 lk2 2 4 17 26 26 lk3 0 0 15 25 35 lk4 2 4 18 26 25 e-commerce adoption (ac) ac1 0 0 5 23 47 ac2 0 1 8 30 36 ac3 1 0 9 23 42 ac4 1 1 14 35 24 ac5 1 0 13 33 28 ac6 0 1 6 23 45 ac7 2 5 23 23 22 ac8 0 4 17 27 27 performance umkm (kn) kn1 0 4 18 31 22 kn2 0 0 22 34 19 kn3 0 0 17 34 24 additional information : sts : strongly disagree ts : do not agree n : neutral s : agree ss : strongly agree data analysis results the data processing used in this research is using smartpls. in the results of this analysis, validity and reliability tests were carried out. the structural model in this study can be seen in the image below. fig.1 structural model a. validity test in the validity test, the indicator is considered valid if it has an outer loading value of the variable dimension having a loading value > 0.7 so it can be concluded that the measurement meets the criteria for convergent validity. the output generated by smartpls for outer loading is as follows [10]. table 2. outer loading results 46 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 figure 2. outer loading value the results of the outer loading test in table 4.6 or figure 4.6 show that there are still invalid indicators marked in red. invalid indicators are ac4 with a value of 0.60, ac7 with a value of 0.654, ac8 with a value of 0.615 and tn4 with a value of 0.87. the condition for proceeding to the next stage is that the outer loading value must be valid, so that the outer loading test will be carried out again by removing / eliminating the previously invalid indicators. the results of the outer loading test can then be seen in the table below. b. reliability test the reliability test was carried out by looking at the composite reliability value. if the correlation value is more than 0.7 then it is said that the item provides a sufficient level of reliability, on the contrary if the correlation value is below 0.7 then the item is said to be less reliable. table 3. composite reliability value composite reliability e-commerce adoption 0.901 umkm performance 0.934 environment 0.894 organizational 0.788 technology 0.901 the table above shows that the correlation value of the composite reliability value for all constructs is above the value of 0.7. with the resulting value, all constructs have good reliability in accordance with the minimum value limit that has been required. to strengthen the results of the reliability test, the reliability test can be carried out with cronbach's alpha with the recommended value of 0.6. the table below shows that the cronbach's alpha value on all constructs has met the requirements, which are above 0.6. table 4. cronbach's alpha cronbach's alpha e-commerce adoption 0.862 umkm performance 0.912 environment 0.843 organizational 0.814 technology 0.833 c. evaluation of the structural model (inner model) structural model testing was conducted to see the relationship between the construct, the significance value and the r square of the research model. the value of r square is used to see the relationship between variables which is a goodnessfit model test. the value of r square can be seen. table 5. r square value r square r square ajusted e-commerce adoption 0.541 0.521 umkm performance 0.429 0.421 the table above shows that the e-commerce adoption variable has an r-square value of 0.541 which means that the technological, organizational and environmental variables affect the e-commerce adoption variable by 54.1% and the remaining 45.9% is influenced by other variables. while the umkm performance variable has an r-square value of 0.429, which means that the e-commerce adoption variable affects the umkm performance variable by 42.9% and the remaining 57.1% is influenced by other variables. d. t-statistic value the following is a diagram of the t-statistical values based on the output generated by smart pls. figure 3. output bootstraping adops i ecomme rce kine rja umkm lingkungan organis as ional te knologi ac1 0.705 ac2 0.733 ac3 0.792 ac4 0.610 ac5 0.755 ac6 0.779 ac7 0.654 ac8 0.615 kn1 0.787 kn2 0.904 kn3 0.875 kn4 0.840 kn5 0.893 lk1 0.853 lk2 0.841 lk3 0.801 lk4 0.801 or1 0.840 or2 0.732 or3 0.881 or4 0.784 tn1 0.821 tn2 0.878 tn3 0.810 tn4 0.687 47 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 iv. conclusion based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the factors that influence the adoption of e-commerce umkm in the culinary field are technological, organizational and environmental factors. furthermore, to determine the relationship between variables, researchers tested the hypothesis. the results of this study indicate that : technological factors are proven to have a positive effect on e-commerce adoption. this shows that the availability of information technology tools, the availability of programs and support systems, the suitability of benefits and costs, as well as the capabilities and skills of human resources in using e-commerce can encourage umkm owners to use ecommerce in running their business. organizational factors are not proven to have a positive effect on e-commerce adoption. this shows that the availability of financial resources, the readiness of umkm owners to accept risks, leadership commitment and awareness of information technology developments do not encourage umkm owners to use e-commerce in running their business. environmental factors have been shown to have a positive effect on ecommerce adoption. this shows that the demands and encouragement from consumers, suppliers, the development of the business world, and competitive pressure are able to encourage umkm owners to use e-commerce in running their business. e-commerce adoption is proven to have a positive effect on umkm performance. this shows that ecommerce can facilitate access to information, improve business performance, improve quality and speed of service, improve cost efficiency, availability of facilities and infrastructure, keep up with technological developments, encouragement from external parties and support from all elements of e-commerce organizations can improve umkm performance. such as increased productivity, increased sales, increased profits/profits, increased product innovation and increased umkm innovation after using e-commerce. references [1] b. huda and b. priyatna, “penggunaan aplikasi content management system (cms) untuk pengembangan bisnis berbasis e-commerce,” systematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 81–88, 2019. [2] helmalia, “pengaruh e-commerce terhadap peningkatan pendapatan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah di kota padang,” jebi (jurnal ekon. dan bisnis islam, vol. 3 no. 2, no. doi: 10.15548/jebi.v3i2.182, p. 237, 2018. [3] n. e. prastika and d. e. purnomo, “pengaruh sistem informasi akuntansi terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (umkm) di kota pekalongan,” j. litbang, vol. 4, no. 3, 2019. [4] e. kurniawati, “87.574 umkm di karawang terdaftar menerima bantuanmodal,”,p.available:, 2020. [5] s. s. hilabi and b. priyatna, “pembangunan profil desa berkelanjutan sebagai wujud kuliah kerja nyata (kkn) berbasis online (studi kasus desa karawang kulon),” pros. konf. nas. penelit. dan pengabdi. univ. buana perjuangan karawang, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1732–1746, 2021. [6] sugiyono, metode penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif dan r&d. bandung: alfabeta, 2011. [7] w. r. borg and m. d. gall, “educational research: an introduction, fifth edit,” new york and london: longman, 1989. [8] a. m. siregar, s. faisal, y. cahyana, and b. priyatna, “perbandingan algoritme klasifikasi untuk prediksi cuaca,” j. account. inf. syst., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 15–24, 2020. [9] sugiyono, metode penelitian pendidikan pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan r&d. bandung: alfabeta, 2010. [10] a. l. hananto and a. y. rahman, “user experience measurement on go-jek mobile app in malang city,” in 2018 third international conference on informatics and computing (icic), 2018, pp. 1–6. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.1 january 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 24 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 cardiovascular disease prediction using machine learning shivampandey undergraduate student of be cse aiml, chandigarh university, punjab email: ‹β› abstract—because of technology developments, the ecg yields improved outcomes in the realm of biomedical science and research. the electrocardiogram reveals basic the heart's electrical activity. early detection of aberrant heart disorders is crucial for diagnosing cardiac problems and averting sudden cardiac deaths. measurements on an electrocardiogram (ecg) among people with comparable cardiac issues are essentially equal. analyzing the electrocardiogram characteristics can help predict abnormalities. medical professionals presently base the preponderance of their electrocardiogram diagnosis on their unique particular areas of expertise, which places a substantial load on their shoulders and reduces their performance. the use of technology that automatically analyses ecgs as hospital personnel performs their duties will be advantageous. a suitable algorithm must be able to categories input signal with uncertain awesome feature on just how much they approximate input signal having known characteristics in order to speed up the identification of heart illnesses. a possibility of identifying a tachycardia is raised if this predictor can reliably recognize connections, and this technique may be helpful in lab settings. to accurately diagnose myocardial illness, a powerful machine learning technique should be used. through using recommended method, the effectiveness of cardiovascular disease identification using ecg dataset was evaluated. the reliability, sensitivities, and validity obtained using the svm algorithm were 99.314%, 97.60%, and 97.60% respectively. keywords— machine learning, heart disease, cardiovascular , dataset, engineering i. introduction though electrophysiological (ecg) readings are records of the bioelectrical activity of the cardiovascular system, when cardiovascular disease manifests, most or all of the indications diverge beyond their steady levels [1]. ecg measurements from individuals who have comparable heart problems are quite comparable. although the parameters of an electrocardiogram are unavailable, it is possible to assumed that the signal has the same arrhythmia if its structural pattern mimics that of an electrocardiogram with a particular irregularity. the ecg signal pattern can occasionally be analyzed to recognize heart problems. one of the most difficult and significant health challenges in the real world is coronary heart diagnosis. such condition has an influence on the blood vessel functioning, which might weaken the person's body. in accordance with the who, around 18 million people die from cardiovascular disease each and every year. because heart diseases are becoming increasingly common, individuals are more likely to avoid fatal situations. these are used to assess a patient's level of cardiovascular health [2]. wearable sensors can be used to detect diseases like cardiovascular disease, but they are susceptible to failure because of signal abnormalities. the validity of the data and the test results may be impacted by this problem. in order to anticipate and evaluate a variety of cardiovascular disorders, data mining and hybrid models have been suggested as prospective remedies. with textual information, different risk characteristics are extracted using a data mining approach. in ml algorithms, there still are essentially different phases. the very first permits for the selection of a trait's subset or importance, whilst the second forecasts the development of cardiovascular disease. inserting unnecessary characteristics may generate disturbance and misunderstanding whenever creating a base classifier. further, managing individuals might make categorization less accurate. it's indeed normal practice to discriminate among characteristics and classifications using uncertain combina tions processes. variables might increase the mean square error and lower your accurateness. an ecg is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used to track the physiological activities of the cardiac. it is capable of detecting a variety of circulatory disturbances, including those brought on by myocardial injury, cardiac arrhythmia, and acute coronary syndrome (sca). it is difficult to regularly examine wearable ecg monitoring because of their quick advancement and widespread affordability. machine learning algorithms methods have been extensively applied in a variety of fields, such as video processing, computational linguistics, and automatic speech recognition. their order to transfer extracted features but without help of user experts has been one of many main advantages. alternatively, operations were carried out by algorithms using its capacity for data-driven learning. timely screening of irregular heartbeat circumstances is crucial for the management of unexpected cardiac death and some other acute ailments carried on by myocardial infarction. a number of studies conducted on examining electrocardiogram information and identifying problems therein. 25 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 to find these anomalies inside this lab, each person wants to just have continued electrocardiogram measurement. this procedure takes a lot of time and energy. automating the automatic data treatment based on computer software is a quicker tool for diagnosing heart problems. an innovative computerized segmentation method is discussed in this work that can classify comparable ecg signals among distinct categories and predict the likelihood of heart disease in each classification. ii. literature review machine learning in field of medical machine learning (ml), a branch of ai technology, offers a selection on novel techniques and methodologies for developing statistics interpretive and forecasting predictions. doctors make a disease diagnosis based on their training, knowledge, observational studies, and expertise. machine learning might prove to be extremely useful in helping people acquire more about and comprehend healthcare. utilizing machine learning (ml) systems for precise diseases diagnosis and prevention in accordance with clinical indications and feelings, healthcare experts have correctly diagnosed sufferers [9],[10],[11],[12]. utilizing electrocardio graphic information, clinical characteristics, and intelligent systems, detect, categories, evaluate the seriousness of, and prognostic adverse reactions in cardiovascular. a unique video-based computational intelligence method called echo net-dynamic was successfully produced by [5]. in comparison to human analysts, our algorithm can evaluate echocardiography footage to estimate cardiovascular system [3]. in biomedical sciences, the physician will be able to diagnose the patient plus figure out the best course of treatment with the help of the pulse rate, electrocardiogram, and blood oxygen data that have been acquired. actual analyzing techniques and internet of things technology can assist warn sufferers concerning impending cardiovascular catastrophes [4],[13],[14],[15]. figure 1. ml method for cardiovascular disease diagnosis. several steps needed to build a model of machine learning for prediction and diagnosis are shown in figure 1. the first phase is gathering pertinent clinical evidence. after becoming sanitized, the data is split into two sets: training and assessment. svm, lr, k-nn, and other computer vision (ml) methods are used to build the model using training examples. the performance and reliability of the model are evaluated using the testing data. the last step could be to either choose a totally opposite model or enhance the efficiency of the current model that includes additional characteristics. iii. method a. supervised machine learning this was used to also create a forecasting model, which forecasts the upcoming based on the historical data. this teaching algorithm employs intake of classification model to complete the task on time. forecasting and classifications tasks belong to the category of supervised methods. using past precipitation data, for example, to forecast rainfall (regression task). by using photographs of salmon, the with tag "fish," the algorithm is expected to identify squid pictures and finish the multiclass classification [5]. b. algorithm used decision tree: although it could be used to handle machine learning problems, the supervised machine learning method termed as a tree structure was mostly usually utilized to resolve detection problem. this technique basically divides the entire set-in smaller chunks while constructing a tree visualization of the data, where every other node in the tree standing in for a classification model and indeed the interior nodes represent judgment nodes, and reflect the attributes. this characteristic at every cluster that separates the classification model most effectively is selected by the procedure. figure 2. showing working of decision tree as example, this clustering algorithm in fig.2 predicts whether such a person will probably purchase a computer. the tree is generated using training data, or tuples with known class labels. when a individual is a learner, bifurcation is based upon their age and credit history. the attribute values for a certain new tuple were contrasted with the tree structure. a route that shows the class predictions for the combination is constructed first from base to a binary tree [6]. c. the fundamental algorithm steps the step is performed sequentially and highest. every one of the training datasets are situated right at the bottom of the tree. categorical values are recommended for attribute values. before being employed in the model, continuous values are discretized. 26 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 figure 3. showing barplot of the dataset divisions of training sample are iteratively constructed based on the given parameters. a quantitative calculation is used to choose the diverging properties (such as information benefit, gain ratio, or gini index). the splitting cycle is continued until every occurrence of a specific node is a member from same category. probably there are no other input characteristics or there are not enough observations left to provide an accurate split. evaluate the strategy with data, then determine whether it is accurate. d. support vector machine typically used only for classifications, svms are indeed a popular category of supervised algorithms for machine learning. the svm classifier converts characteristic data into coordinates in an n-dimensional area. the information is then classified by a higher dimensional space that the program finds. the classifier represents a maximum margin. the fundamental idea behind svm is to repeatedly find a greatest margin class label (mmh) that accurately categories the collection only with fewest errors [7]. e. how does svm algorithm work promote efficient hyperplane that separates to divide the categories. picture just on left showing various black, blue, and orange optimal hyperplane. even though the black in this scenario adequately distinguishes the 2 classes, the blue and orange exhibit greater classifying errors. hyperplane: a hyper plane is a judgement layer that makes distinctions between such a collection of elements with varied class affiliations. margin is the separation here between two on the closest classification points. an angle between both the line and the nearby points or testing set is used to determine value. a massive class difference is seen to be beneficial; a reduced class difference is considered to be harmful. the descriptor with the highest separation as from closest point should be chosen. iv. results and discussion in the purpose of our research would have been to concurrently mitigate underfit and overfit defects in some other good design. we found and observed the model didn't result either in the overfitting or underfitting. it is expected that the system loss in training data will be less than that in testing data. another benefit is that if we understand these crucial ideas and are aware of how effective, we can handle even the most stressful circumstances. in comparison to test data, prototype loss should have been lower in training instances. there were two divisions used to rate the accuracy. our system improved as the quantity of training photos and parameter settings increased, resulting in. v. conclusion throughout the healthcare profession, cardiovascular disease diagnosis is difficult and crucial. the detection of cardiovascular problems through to the examination of unprocessed medical data will aid inside the lengthy safeguarding of human life. if indeed the illness is identified in its beginning phases and protective actions were implemented as quickly as feasible, the number of deaths could be managed. this aids with in earliest diagnosis of cardiovascular problems. therefore, in study, the svm classifier is used to gather data and provide a strategy for predicting cardiovascular disease with a reliability of 97.60%. to concentrate the researches on actual data rather than conceptual techniques and computations, a further development of something like the research is highly necessary. references [1] p. mcsharry, g. clifford, l. tarassenko, method for generating an artificial rrtachogram of a typical healthy human over 24-hours, comput. cardiol. 29(2002) 225–228. 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general is the recording of employee attendance and is one aspect of assessment in a company. the purposes of this study are finding out how employees can apply for leave and how to design and build an android-based attendance system application. data collection methods that used in this research include observation, interviews and literature study. the system development method that will be used is the system development life cycle (sdlc) model of the waterfall. with this system, employees and companies will be helped in the problem of absence and leave. the company will get accurate, fast and precise data in decision making. keywords: attendance, leave, android, uml, waterfall abstrak — absensi secara umum merupakan pencatatan kehadiran karyawan dan termasuk salah satu aspek penilaian dalam suatu perusahaan. tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu pertama untuk mengetahui bagaimana karyawan dapat melakukan pengajuan cuti dan yang kedua yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana merancang dan membangun aplikasi sistem absensi berbasis android. metode pengumpulan data yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu diantaranya observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. metode pengembangan sistem yang akan digunakan yaitu system development life cycle (sdlc) model air terjun (waterfall). dengan adanya sistem ini, karyawan dan perusahaan akan terbantu dalam masalah absen dan cuti serta perusahaan akan mendapatkan data yang akurat, cepat dan tepat dalam pngambilan keputusan. kata kunci: absensi, cuti, android, uml, waterfall i. introduction the development of technology as it increases from year to year is now very fast, we can get various technological advances easily, especially in information technology. utilizing information technology is a must for companies so that they are not left behind by the times, so, naturally, today many companies are competing to update new systems and technologies because to improve their business, especially in fields that are closely related to information technology. one of them is the employee attendance system and leave requests, the company must carry out this process properly, to make it easier to make decisions, the company needs accurate information without having to go through the manual recording which must be done repeatedly because the manual process takes a long time so it is not effective. . previously, the company only had physical documents but over the years the company-owned data also increased. this is one of the reasons companies use information technology in managing data such as attendance and leave data. attendance systems at companies start from using paper, fingerprints, magnetic cards to only using smartphones. the number of smartphone users currently allows some companies to update their android-based attendance and leave application systems [1] because it is more effective and efficient without having to queue to do absences and to reduce the buildup of leave application files in general. online attendance is recording attendance with a system that is connected to a real-time database [2]. employees can take attendance via smartphone anywhere according to their entry and return hours as long as the employee is still in the company environment. this requires a local area network (lan) which is only within the company environment so that employees cannot do attendance outside the company environment because the network coverage that is set up only covers company areas. besides being able to do attendance, this system can also apply for leave. the concept of an attendance system application that will be made is to make it easier for employees and companies in making attendance and filing leave and in making reports related to company data [3]. based on the above background, the writer tries to analyze and study the attendance system and leave submission which i will write in a final report entitled "application of employee attendance information system and androidbased leave submission". ii. methods 12 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 in this study, researchers researched several stages, namely the first to collect data, design systems, develop systems, test, and write a final report. the stages are as follows [4]: teknik pengumpulan data pengembangan sistem hasil penelitian waterfall metode penelitian observasi studi pustaka wawancara analysis design pengodean testing maintenance figure 1. research flowchart based on the picture above, the research stages are carried out starting from collecting data about the object to be studied, then continuing with designing the system to be made using the unified modeling language (uml) after that developing the system using the waterfall model [5], then proceeding to test a system to check functionality, if all stages have been completed then the process of writing a report from the research results. systems development method the system development method used in this study is the waterfall methodology [6]. figure 2.stages of the waterfall methodology a. analysis the process of collecting requirements is carried out intensively to specify software requirements so that it is easy to understand what kind of software is needed by the user [7]. in this study, the analysis was carried out through the method of observation at pt. xyz regarding attendance and leave as well as conducting direct interviews with several employees of pt. xyz to determine the shortcomings of the ongoing system and researchers dig up data from several journals, theories, and electronic documents that can support the research process [8]. b. design a multi-step process that focuses on the design of a software program including data structures, interface representation software architectures, and coding procedures. in this study, researchers designed a system using uml (unified modeling language) and for user interface design using the pencil application [9]. making program code the design must be translated into a software program. the result of this stage is a computer program by the designs that have been made at the design stage. in making program code (coding) in this study using android studio tools, with the flutter framework and the dart programming language and visual studio code as a programming language code editor. c. making program code the design must be translated into a software program. the result of this stage is a computer program by the designs that have been made at the design stage. in making program code (coding) in this study using android studio tools, with the flutter framework and the dart programming language and visual studio code as a programming language code editor. d. maintenance (maintenance), the maintenance stage can repeat the development process starting from specification analysis for changes to existing software, but not for creating new software. maintenance includes correction of unknown errors in the previous process, improvement of implementation, development of the system unit, and program maintenance. iii. results and discussion in making program code (coding) in this study using android studio tools, with the flutter framework and the dart programming language and visual studio code as a programming language code editor. before entering the coding stage, make a design and workflow of the proposed system first. the following are some of the stages in system and software design [10]: 1. use case diagram. use case diagrams are pictures of some or all actors and use cases to recognize their interactions in a system a. use case diagram of employee attendance system 13 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 1. usecase diagram of employee attendance system 2. activity diagram activity diagrams describe a series of flow from activities, used for other activities such as use cases or interactions. a. employee attendance activity diagram gambar 1. activity diagram absensi karyawan to carry out the employee attendance process, you must first log in using the username and password that has been set by the admin for each employee, if the verification is successful it will go to the main page and if it fails, it will return to the login page. when you have successfully logged in, select the attendance menu then select checkin when entering or select check out when leaving. b. activity diagram for requesting leave figure 3. activity diagram for requesting leave that is, to apply for leave such as the activity above, the employee must first log in first, then if the login is successful, it will enter the main page, if it fails, the login will return to the login menu when you have successfully logged in, select the left menu then see the remaining leave then fill in the leave submission form, after that the leader approves the leave submission, the admin confirms and the employee waits for confirmation from the admin whether the leave application is accepted or rejected by looking at the leave status in the leave history menu then print leave form. 3. sequence diagram sequence diagrams describe the dynamic collaboration between some objects and to show a series of messages sent between objects as well as interactions between objects, something that occurs at a certain point in the system's execution. a. employee attendance sequence figure 4. sequence diagram of employee attendance employe attendance system, namely to enter the application, the employee must first enter a karyawan aplikasi leader admin login verifikasi halaman utamapilih menu cuti tampil sisa cuti isi form cuti menunggu konfirmasi ya tidak cetak approval konfirmasi 14 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 username and password. if the login is successful, it will enter the main page, if it fails, it will return to the login page. when you have successfully logged in, select the attendance menu, then the system will display an attendance page after that select check-in when entering or check out when exiting and select log out to exit the application. b. sequence diagram for filing leave figure 5. sequence diagram for filing leave to apply for leave, employees must first log in by entering the username and password that has been set by the admin for each employee, if the employee successfully logs in, he will enter the main page, and if it fails, it will return to the login page. when login is successful, select the left menu then the system will display the left page then see the remaining leave then fill in the leave application form and it is approved by the leader after that wait for confirmation from the admin whether the application is accepted or rejected via the application then print the leave form that has been received. select logout to exit the application. 4. class diagram class diagrams are used to explain the system structure in terms of defining the classes that will be made to build a system. a. class diagram of employee attendance system and leave application figure 6. class diagram of the employee attendance system and leave requests designing application and web pages for employee attendance and leave submission page design interface design is an interface design that describes the display plan of the employee attendance system application to be built. below is a view of several interface designs for mobile and web admin applications made using the pencil application [11]. figure 9. design of employee attendance page on this attendance design page, employees perform attendance by choosing check-in for entry and check-out on exit figure 10. design of leave application page on this leave design page, employees apply for leave only by filling in the leave form and then the leader will approve it 15 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 11. the design of the admin attendance page on the attendance data admin web design page, the admin can view the attendance data of all employees and download it. figure 12. the design of the leave leader's approval page on the leader's leave approval design page, the leader can approve the employee leave application, which will then be confirmed by the admin. figure 13. the design of the admin leave confirmation page on this web admin design page, the admin can confirm submission of employee leave after leader approval. implementation of employee attendance and leave application web pages the results of the interface design have been built in the first stage, then the next stage is implementing or realizing the system design into the actual application. below are some of the display implementations of the mobile application and the web admin for employee attendance systems. figure 14. implementation of employee attendance pages employee attendance page where employees only click checkin when entering or check out when leaving then the data will be stored in the database, and employees can view attendance history or can print it if needed [12]. figure 15. implementation of leave application page the leave application page is for employees to apply for leave by simply filling in the form and entering the date from and to when the employee will apply and employees must also fill in family contacts who can be contacted during leave [13]. figure 16. implementation of the main admin page 16 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 attendance system dashboard page which is the main web page and can only be accessed by admin [14], on that page can be seen the number of employees, attendance, and leave requests. figure 17. implementation of admin attendance page attendance page where admin can see the attendance data of all employees and print it to make a report that will be submitted to superiors. figure 18. implementation of admin leave confirmation page leave confirmation page on the admin web where admin confirms employee to leave after the leader approves and the application will receive a notification if the leave request has been validated by the admin [15]. iv. conclusion based on the results of the above discussion and observations, several conclusions can be drawn, namely: 1. employees can do attendance without queuing using the online attendance application with the username and password that the admin has set for each employee. 2. employees can apply for leave online by simply filling in the leave form through the application. references [1] p. a. sunarya, e. febriyanto, and j. januarini, “aplikasi mobile absensi karyawan dan pengajuan cuti berbasis gps,” ccit j., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 241– 247, 2019. 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needed by several large companies. to support some data processing, one of them is employee data processing and employee contract data. given the existing problems in contract data pengelohan often occurs that the check is not maximal so some data left behind and even neglected impact on the increase in salaries of employees who are late due to contracts that are not handled according to schedule. this study aims to create a web-based ril application using sms gateway for delivery of contract data reminder information. this research uses sdlc method with extreme programming model with stages of planning, designing, coding, testing, implementation and evaluation. sms gateway is a gateway for information dissemination using sms. with sms gateway can spread the message of the serial number automatically and quickly which is directly connected with the database of mobile numbers that have been stored. this can be done by ril applications in sending reminder information messages to the hrd division as well as employees receiving their contract expiration date information. the result of the research is the user can maximize the checking of contract data so that nothing is left behind and give the report that arranged well and clear. keywords— contract data management, sms gateway, web abstrak— saat ini sistem informarsi dibutuhkan oleh beberapa perusahaan besar. untuk mendukung beberapa pemrosesan data, salah satunya adalah pengolahan data karyawan dan data kontrak karyawan. mengingat masalah yang ada dalam pengelohan data kontrak sering terjadi cek yang tidak maksimal sehingga beberapa data tertinggal dan bahkan terabaikan berdampak pada kenaikan gaji karyawan yang terlambat karena kontrak yang tidak ditangani sesuai jadwal. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi ril berbasis web menggunakan sms gateway untuk pengiriman informasi pengingat data kontrak. penelitian ini menggunakan metode sdlc dengan model extreme programming dengan tahapan perencanaan, perancangan, pengkodean, pengujian, implementasi dan evaluasi. sms gateway adalah gateway untuk penyebaran informasi menggunakan sms. dengan sms gateway dapat menyebarkan pesan nomor seri secara otomatis dan cepat yang terhubung langsung dengan database nomor ponsel yang telah disimpan. ini dapat dilakukan oleh aplikasi ril dalam mengirimkan pesan informasi pengingat ke divisi hrd serta karyawan yang menerima informasi tanggal kedaluwarsa kontrak mereka. hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengguna dapat memaksimalkan pemeriksaan data kontrak sehingga tidak ada yang tertinggal dan memberikan laporan yang tertata dengan baik dan jelas. kata kunci— manajemen data kontrak, sms gateway, web i. introduction the company has important assets, one of the most important assets of the company in addition to data, namely the managing human resources is the hrd (human resources development) division. one of his duties is to deal with employee contract issues. for that reason, in providing information about employee contracts that will be implemented usually use the short message service (sms). sms is one of the most popular cellular services at the moment. for companies and agencies, sms gateway is needed because sms gateway can provide information facilities related to the activities of the company or agency. in practice, the processing of employee contract data still uses microsoft excel as the main archive material which still experiences several obstacles namely difficulties in checking employee contracts, often even one of the employees who should have finished the contract or the contract will be ignored. with the large number of employee contract data that must be processed and increasingly complex, problems must be addressed and the need for information precisely and quickly. even the processing of employee contract data does not have an accurate report. then every time a contract is carried out suddenly without being prepared in advance because it has not been maximized in monitoring employee contract data, which results in fatal salary for employees who should rise when a new contract, but instead becomes left behind even neglected. therefore, it is necessary to design a web-based system and contract reminders using an sms gateway so that it can provide information more quickly and accurately. in addition, monitoring of information, especially employee contract data, is no longer overlooked or left behind in the contract period. this system also provides a reminder message facility via sms when employee contract data will be exhausted or not yet contracted and will soon be contracted. 38 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) based on the description above, for this reason, this research builds an application "design of reminder information last contract (ril) application using webbased sms gateway" by using the extreme programming (xp) model sdlc methodology including the stages carried out including: planning, designing, coding and expected testing can provide convenience in the delivery of information needed both management or employees themselves so that the employee contract process according to the contract expiration date. ii. method the methodology used is the sdlc method with the xp model. which can reduce development costs (implementation phase), a semi-formal methodology. planning developers must always be ready for changes because changes will always be accepted, or in other words flexible (maintenance phase), there are four stages of system development in this xp model, namely: planning, design, coding, and testing. figure 1 research flow iii. results and discussion the results of the research discussed in the previous chapter, will be discussed in this chapter. in this study the design of a reminder information last contract (ril) application using a web-based sms gateway with the xp model consists of several stages including planning, user story, design, coding, and testing. 3.1 planning planning is done to find out the current problems and to find out the needs needed for the application that will be made in this study. 3.1.1 user stories based on data collection by means of interviews obtained problems experienced by potential users as follows, 1. managing irregular employee contract data. 2. employee contract data checking is only done by looking at employee contract data in microsoft excel to see the expiration date of the employee contract so that sometimes the data is often missed plus there is no reminder information in checking the employee contract data. 3. inaccurate employee contract data reports. there are always differences in employee contracts, one of which is salary and the expiration date of the employee contract. 4. don't have an employee contract data processing application as well as an information reminder about employee contract data. from the problems mentioned above there are several application needs to know clearly and precisely the current problems faced by potential users of this application. 1. functional needs functional requirements analysis is carried out to find out what needs are needed by users of the reminder information last contract (ril) application using a web-based sms gateway. from the results of the interview in accordance with the user stories that have been made, then obtained some of the needs of users of the reminder information last contract (ril) application using web-based sms gateway. a. assist in declining employee contract data. b. helps check and provide employee contract data reminder information. c. provide clear and accurate reports. 2. system user analysis analysis of system users is done to find the right user for the application to be made. the analysis results obtained from the classification of system users, this application can only be used by the hrd division who knows all employee data, one of which is employee contract data. whereas the employees themselves only receive a piece of information about the continuation of their contracts, and the director himself only receives a contract report from the system user, hrd. 3.2 design 3.2.1 design modeling the design of this application will be built using uml modeling. where the application architecture design is created using class responsibility collaborator (crc), use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and sequence diagrams. 1. class responsibility collaborator (crc) crc is a collection of standard index cards that have been divided into three parts (classes, responsibilities, collaborators) 39 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) figure 2 crc employee contract data 2. use case diagrams the use case diagram describes an interaction between theactor and the application that will be created as shown below: figure 3. use case diagram of ril applications 3. activity diagram activity diagram explains the activity flow of the system process, with the activity diagram showing more detailed flow of the system running sequentially. figure 4 contract data check activity diagram 4. sequence diagram sequence diagram illustrates the interaction between objects around the system. figure 5. sequence diagram check contract data 5. class diagram class diagrams are used to describe the types of objects in a system, class diagrams also show the properties and operations of a class and the constraints that exist in relation to an object. the following figure 6 is a class diagram presentation from the rimender information last contract (ril) application. figure 6. class diagram of ril applications 3.2.2 designing design 1. interface design in the interface design a menu structure will be made which is shown below: a. employee contract data layout next figure 7 is a display of employee contract data from the ril application. system data basedivisi hrd login berhasil halaman utama mengecek data kontrak data kontrak karyawan habis kontrak <= 1 minggutidak menemukan data mengirimkan pesan ke pihak hrd menemukan data dapat verifikasi mengirimkan pesan ke karyawan untuk tanda tangan kontrak diperpanjang kontrak kirim pesan ke karyawan informasi tidak diperpanjang kontraknya tidak diperpanjang login +username +password +login() +cancel() +lupa password() data user +username +password +no.telp +tambah() +edit() +hapus() +cek data() data karyawan +nik +nama lengkap +jabatan +tempat lahir +tanggal lahir +alamat +no.kk +no.ktp +no.telp +tambah() +edit() +hapus() data kontrak +nik +tanggal habis kontrak +tanggal tanda tangan +gaji yang di terima +kontrak ke +tambah() +edit() +hapus() laporan +nik +nama +jabatan +tanggal habis kontrak +tanggal tanda tangan +gaji yang diterima +kontrak ke +cetak() +unduh() 40 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) figure 7. employee contract data b. report layout next figure 8 is a report display from the ril application. figure 8. report 3.3 coding from the design that has been made then will be translated into a software program (software) whose result is a web-based information last contract (ril) reminder application created using html, css, java script, php and phpmyadmin program codes as its database. the following application views for reminder information last contract (ril): a. display contract data menu this display will appear if the user selects the contract data menu in the main menu and in this menu there is an application contract data table from real that we can add, edit or delete and check the contract data that is exhausted. the following picture 9 display contract data. figure 9. contract data display b. report menu display this display will appear if the user selects the report menu in the main menu and in this menu there is a contract data report table that we can save or print. the following figure 10 display contract reports. figure 10. report views 3.4 testing at this stage the user (user) tries an application that has been built according to the user's request. the aim of the user is to evaluate this system in order to see what the user wants as in the user story design stage and identify the problems that occur in the application even though it has been tested before. evaluation is done by conducting interviews with the hrd manager of pt. fajar putra nusantara karawang: 1. can the ril application manage contract data easily? answer: yes, employee data management can be accessed and managed anywhere ... 2. can the ril application help with checking contract data? answer: yes, it is very helpful so as to minimize contract data that is left behind. 3. can the ril application help in remembering contract data? answer: yes, it is very helpful in remembering good contract data for our hrd division and even the employees concerned. 4. can the ril application provide clear and accurate reports? answer: yes, the report is quite clear and accurate. 5. does the function of the ril application fit the needs? answer: yes, the functional needs of the application are sufficient and are as needed. 6. is the ril application easy to understand? answer: yes, this application is easy to understand. iv. conclusion based on the stages of the research that has been done in making this reminder information last contract (ril) application, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. ril application is applied at pt. fajar putra nusantara to maximize the performance of the hrd division in contract data management. 2. the ril application utilizes sms gateway technology in providing in remittance information for contract data that will run out.. references [1] afrina, m., & ibrahim, a. 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[15] r. mayasari, “sistem informasi nilai mahasiswa berbasis sms gateway menggunakan trigger pada database,” systematics, vol. 1. pp. 44–57, 01-aug-2019. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.2 july 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 59 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 analysis of signal quality, voice service, and data access on telkomsel and indosat providers in pakisjaya district arip solehudin 1 study program technical information universitas singaperbangsa karawang nono heryana 2 study program information system universitas singaperbangsa karawang ‹β› agustia hananto 3 study program information system universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—kualitas dalam komunikasi sangat berpengaruh dalam kegiatan di zaman modern ini. kesenjangan pada kualitas jaringan yang diharapkan terhadap kualitas jaringan sebenarnya tak jarang ditemui. pengukuran terhadap performa jaringan penting untuk mereferensikan kepada pengguna untuk memilih operator yang tepat sekaligus bagi penyedia layanan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pelayanannya metode drive test merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur performa jaringan seluler. tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hasil perbandingan performa antar provider penyedia layanan. parameter yang digunakan dalam analisa ini adalah receive signal code power (rscp), cell id, signal noise ratio (snr), upload rate, dan download rate. parameter ini digunakan untuk proses pengukuran metode drive test. sedangakan alat bantu yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan nilai dari masing-masing parameter drive test dengan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis android, gnet track pro. hasil pengukuran dengan gnet track pro ini kemudian diolah dengan aplikasi google earth sebagai pemetaan area pengukuran.. data penelitian yang dikumpulkan dalam analisa ini sebanyak 60 kasus, dengan setiap desa berjumlah 20 data untuk selanjutnya diolah dengan metode drive test. dalam penelitian ini, telkomsel cenderung unggul dalam layanan voice dengan 150 jumlah panggilan berhasil dari 150 percobaan panggilan. sementara indosat unggul dalam penyediaan layanan akses data dan sinyal terutama di desa tanjungbungin. kata kunci: drive test, gnet track pro, telkomsel, indosat abstract—quality in communication is very important in activities in this modern era. it is expected that the expected network quality against network quality is actually not expected. measurement of network performance is important to refer for users to choose the right operator for service providers to improve the quality of their service drive test method is a method used to measure cellular network performance. the purpose of this study is to study the results of research between service providers. the parameters used in this analysis are receive signal code power (rscp), cell id, signal noise ratio (snr), upload rate, and download rate. this parameter is used for the measurement process of the drive test method. while the tool used to collect the value of each drive test parameter by using an android-based application, gnet track pro. the measurement results with gnet track pro are then processed with the google earth application as a measurement area. research data collected in this analysis were 60 cases, with each village 20 data collected to continue processing with the drive test method. in this study, telkomsel chose to excel in voice services with 150 successful numbers of 150 attempted calls. while indosat excels in providing data access services and special signals in the village of tanjungbungin. keywords: drive test, gnet track pro, telkomsel, indosat i. introduction communication is an integral part of our social life. communication is very closely related to support socialization. without communication, civilization and socialization would not run as it is today. in today's era, the ease of communication is one of the advantages of technological advances. unlike in the past where to communicate over long distances, humans still rely on postal mail, which takes days to be received by the recipient of the letter, technology makes communication easier, more practical, and can even be done in real-time. usually, operator services in densely populated areas such as urban areas tend to be better than areas with low population density, such as in rural areas. this is actually influenced by many factors, including the amount of network infrastructure and optimal operational capacity placed in an area, to the number of network users in that area. this certainly affects the user experience in communicating, poor signal conditions will have an impact on dropped calls, unstable data connections, and ultimately affect the user's decision to choose a network operator that suits their needs. in theory, the density and range of the signal will affect the speed of the data access connection itself. lack of coverage area has the potential to reduce the average data access speed in an area and vice versa. however, this could be due to two factors. the first is the result of data collection methods that rely on the quantity of user samples in an area to cause a lack of data in an area, to the quality of the sample itself, which may represent the actual measurement results in that area. it is hoped that this research can provide real aspects of the telkomsel and indosat provider networks so as to provide an answer to the actual situation of the network where in the initial research conducted by the author the data produced is quite contradictory, becomes a guideline and preference for the community in determining the use of the right operator. 60 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 ii. study of literature 2.1 mobile network development mobile wireless communication or wireless telecommunications has evolved in a short span of time, and as it should be, the impact of these innovations is felt by all walks of life significantly. as humans, we are designed to seek wider and deeper connections, and mobile technology has opened up possibilities for us to communicate better and more easily. the development of cellular technology started with 1g and was followed by 2g, 3g, 4g and 5g technology is currently being developed. 2.2 quality of service (qos) according to [1], quality of service (qos) is a method of measuring how good the network is and is an attempt to define the characteristics and properties of a service. qos is used to measure a set of performance attributes that have been specified and associated with a service [6]. in general, quality of service (qos) is a measurement method used to determine the capabilities of a network such as; network applications, hosts or routers with the aim of providing better and planned network services so that they can meet the needs of a service. through qos a network administrator can give priority to certain traffic. qos offers the ability to define the attributes of the services provided, both qualitatively and quantitatively. the purpose of qos is to provide different quality of service based on service needs in the network. according to [2] quality of service (qos) is a method of measuring how good the network is and is an attempt to define the characteristics and properties of a service. qos is used to measure a set of performance attributes that have been specified and associated with a service. in general, quality of service (qos) is a measurement method used to determine the capabilities of a network such as; application network, host or router with the aim of providing a better and planned network service so that it can meet the needs of a service. there are several parameters in qos, namely; bandwidth, throughput, jitter, packet loss, and latency.2.1 mobile network development. mobile wireless communication or wireless telecommunications has evolved in a short span of time, and as it should be, the impact of these innovations is felt by all walks of life significantly. as humans, we are designed to seek wider and deeper connections, and mobile technology has opened up possibilities for us to communicate better and more easily. the development of cellular technology started with 1g and was followed by 2g, 3g, 4g and 5g technology is currently being developed. 2.3 mobile kpi standard the mobile kpi standard consists of 3 aspects. accessibility is the user's ability to obtain services in accordance with the services provided by the network provider. retainability is the ability of users and network systems to maintain services after the service has been obtained until the time limit for the service is stopped by the user. while integrity is the degree of measurement when the service is successfully obtained by the user.[3] 2.4 drive test one method of measuring network data is the drive test. [4] argues that: the drive test is one of the steps for cell planning for a cellular phone network. the test drive retrieves the information needed for cell development planning or cell optimization to create quality communications. the special devices used in the test drive are generally large, separate (laptop, gps, and handphone) and are fewer simple devices. 2.5 gnet track pro according to [5] g-net track pro is an android-based application to perform netmonitoring of umts/gsm/lte/ cdma/evdo networks. this application monitors services from cellid, level, qual, mcc, mnc,lac, adjacent cell service cell time and level. in addition, this application can also be used to determine the quality of voice services with voice sequences, data services with sequence data and test data, and sms services with sms sequences. figure 1. gnet track pro interface display this g-net track pro application can be used to carry out indoor and outdoor test drives and retrieve and visualize data from cells that will be taken on a map or map, the visualization will be presented in the form of a route that has been traversed. the map is marked with an indicator in the form of color and cell breathing and the user will appear on the map. the results of the test drive will be saved in .kml format and a text file that can be extracted on a google map. mechanism in doing this test drive that is by first installing the g-net track pro software on the smartphone that will be used to do a test drive. 61 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 iii. results and discussion 3.1 drive test analysis using an android smartphone and gnet track pro software, a simultaneous drive test was carried out in 3 villages that were the object of research (tanjungbungin, solokan, and teluk buyung). after that, the data from the test drive is processed in the form of mapping (google earth) and cumulative data in tabular format. in the mapping image, what appears in colored dots is the area traversed during the drive test process. figure 3. drive test process map on gnet track pro table 1. results of cumulative drive test data processing the data that is processed from the results of the drive test for signal parameters is rscp. for internet data, the parameters measured are upload rate, download rate, and ping rate. meanwhile for the voice stage, the parameters measured are call setup, successful call, and dropped calls. then to determine the performance of each parameter, measurements were made with qos standards and kpi standards. tabel 2. standardization of rscp signal sequence parameter performance based on kpi standard tabel 3. standardization of upload rate parameter data sequence performance based on kpi standard tabel 4. standardization of data sequence parameter download rate performance based on kpi standard tabel 5. standardization of ping rate parameter data sequence performance based on kpi standard tabel 6. standardization of voice sequence parameter ping rate performance based on kpi standard 3.2 discussion of signal sequence in the signal sequence, the parameter being tested is rscp. signal strength performance with the rscp kpi standard of telkomsel has a very good predicate in tanjungbungin village, while in solokan village, telkomsel and indosat have good and bad marks, respectively. in telukbuyung village, telkomsel and indosat have bad and good predicate respectively. 3.3 discussion of sequence data in the data sequence, the parameters tested are download rate, upload rate, ping rate. for download rate performance with standard kpi throughput, tiphon and gnet track pro, telkomsel and indosat each have a very bad rating in tanjungbungin village, while in solokan village, location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter signal rscp -77 -79 -88 -90 -126 -85 db data upload rate 354 544 252 226 324 298 kb/s download rate 20 20 21 14 37 10 kb/s ping rate 407 180 913 238 82 2002 ms voice call setup 50 times successful call 50 50 50 49 50 42 times dropped calls 0 0 0 1 0 8 times location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter signal rscp -77 -79 -88 -90 -126 -85 decibel result very good very good good not good bad good location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter data upload rate 354 544 252 226 324 298 kbps result not good not good bad bad bad bad location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter data download rate 20 20 21 14 37 10 kbps resul t very bad very bad very bad very bad very bad very bad location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter data ping rate 407 180 913 238 82 2002 ms result bad enough bad bad good bad location tanjungbungin solokan telukbuyung operator telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat telkomsel indosat parameter voice call attempt 50 times successful call 50 50 50 49 50 42 times dropped calls 0 0 0 1 0 8 times result cssr 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 84% figure 2. drive test process on gnet track pro 62 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 telkomsel and indosat each have a very bad rating. in telukbuyung village, telkomsel and indosat each have a very bad predicate. in terms of upload rate performance with standard kpi throughput, tiphon and gnet track pro, telkomsel and indosat each have a bad reputation in tanjungbungin village, while in solokan village, telkomsel and indosat are bad, respectively. in telukbuyung village, telkomsel and indosat each have a bad reputation. for ping rate performance with kpi jitter standards, telkomsel and indosat each have a bad and sufficient predicate in tanjungbungin village, while in tanjungbungin village,solokan villages telkomsel and indosat each have a bad reputation. in telukbuyung village, telkomsel and indosat have good and bad predicate respectively. 3.4 discussion of voice sequence in the voice sequence, the parameters tested are accessibility which includes call attempts, successful calls, and dropped calls. the result is that with the kpi accessibility standard, telkomsel and indosat's voice call performances each have a ratio of 100% in tanjungbungin village, while in solokan village, telkomsel and indosat have a ratio of 100% and 98%, respectively. for telukbuyung village, telkomsel and indosat have ratios of 100% and 84%, respectively. iv. conclusion the results of the comparison of performance between service providers can be analyzed from the conclusions obtained. indosat tends to be superior based on signal quality even though it gets a bad predicate, but telkomsel has poor results in telukbuyung village. in terms of data access performance, indosat is superior in tanjungbungin village, in the other two villages. telkomsel is slightly superior in terms of upload and download rate. however, for ping quality, indosat is superior in tanjungbungin and solokan while telkomsel is superior in telukbuyung village. for voice call quality, telkomsel is superior with a call success ratio of 100%. meanwhile, indosat only obtained a 100% ratio in tanjungbungin. for cellular operators, which in this case become the object of the author's research, to be able to improve the quality of their services. in this case the signal quality and the placement of the base transceiver station (bts) location, in order to adjust to the natural topology and the surrounding environment. if possible, bts placement can be done in areas with high topology in order to reduce obstacles from surrounding objects and are in areas with high population density. this can be applied to the village which is a weakness in this study, both telkomsel and indosat operators. for operator service users who are the object of this research, namely telkomsel and indosat. in order to be able to make this research as a reference material to determine the operator in accordance with the quality of service in each region. references [1] m. v. panjaitan and a. a. zahra, “analisis quality of service (qos) jaringan 4g dengan metode drive test pada kondisi outdoor menggunakan aplikasi g-nettrack pro,” transient, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 409, 2018. 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"analysis effect of zfone security on video call service in wireless local area network." p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.1 january 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 11 | vol.3 no.1 january 2022 design of customer satisfaction application at bca kcp rengasdengklok using c.45 algorithm method april lia hananto 1 study program information system faculty of engineering and computer science, universitas buana perjuangan karawang shofa sofiah hilabi 2 study program information system faculty of engineering and computer science, universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› detrie noviani 3 study program information system faculty of engineering and computer science, universitas buana perjuangan karawang detrienoviami@mhs.ubpkara abstrak—bank bca selalu meningkatkan kualitas layanan sesuai dengan slogan “senantiasa disisi anda”. penilaian tersebut terdiri dari 4 atribut (waktu, akurat, fokus dan kepuasan). setiap atribut memiliki bobot nilai angka 1 (sangat tidak puas) sampai 5 (sangat puas). penilian tersebut masih dilakukan secara manual (menggunakan kertas), oleh sebab itu penulis pada penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma c.45 dengan dilakukan 3 kali pengujian sehingga menghasilkan klasifikasi yang diperoleh bahwa nilai akurasi yaitu mencapai 88,75% dengan nilai auc yaitu 0, 744 dan pengujian pada aplikasi yang dibuat menghasilkan 0,722. dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian layanan di bca kcp rengasdengklok termasuk kelompok klasifikasi yang cukup baik dikarenakan nilai auc-nya antara 0.70-0.80. kata kunci: pelayanan, algoritma c4.5, klasifikasi abstract—bank bca continuously improves service quality following the slogan “always by your side”. the assessment consists of 4 attributes (time, accuracy, focus, and satisfaction). each feature has a weighted value of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (delighted). the assessment is still done manually (using paper). therefore the authors in this study used the c.45 algorithm with three tests carried out to produce a classification obtained that the accuracy value reached 88.75% with an auc value of 0.744, and testing on the application that was made resulted in 0.722. it can be concluded that the service assessment at bca kcp rengasdengklok belongs to a reasonably good classification group because the auc value is between 0.70-0.80. keywords: service, c4.5 algorithm, classification i. introduction banking, commonly referred to as a bank, is a business entity that provides financial services for all levels of society. according to law number 10 of 1998, "bank is a business entity that collects public funds in the form of savings and distributes them to the public in the form of credit and or other forms to improve people's living standards [1]. bank bca is the largest private bank in indonesia, established in 1957. in providing services to the banking world, it always wants to provide the best service for customers to maintain and for the long-term sustainability of a company. customers judge the service on what they receive with what they expect [2]. the way to provide the best service to customers is to establish good relationships with customers and accept complaints felt by customers to improve service quality. the hope of every bank is customer satisfaction to develop the long-term sustainability of a company. as bank bca's commitment is "always by your side". the benchmark for the service quality of bca kcp rengasdengklok there is four attributes, namely as follows: time (time), focus (focus), accuracy (accurate), and satisfaction (satisfaction). of the four attributes above are mainstays that must be done to improve service quality at bca kcp rengasdengklok. in improving the quality of service to customer satisfaction, when the customer finishes a transaction, several questions and answers are given in numbers 1, namely very dissatisfied (stp), to 5, namely very satisfied (sp). this assessment data must be managed properly by a web-based system to make it easier for customers to provide assessments and make it easier for each employee to make reports and find out the quality of services that have been provided. the procedure that is running at the branch at the time of providing an assessment by customers is still manual, namely using paper by filling out a survey form manually, where the data is in the form of an archive so that it is vulnerable to damage and loss, therefore it is necessary to have an application with better storage (database) and safe. the reports generated on the service assessment are not timely (real-time). therefore it takes a long time to find out the results of the report. meanwhile, to analyze and manage the data using data mining to produce an information [3]. in analyzing this research, the information obtained uses the classification and calculation methods algorithm c4.5 to produce a decision tree to determine the level of service satisfaction. ramadhan, in his research using the c.45 algorithm method with rapidminer tools, produces an accuracy value of 96.50% [4]. 12 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 meanwhile, febriyanto [5] and dhika [6] their research using data mining classification resulted in the same accuracy value, namely 91%. in addition, [7] also tested customer satisfaction and obtained 93.33% accuracy results with the excellent classification criteria in the confusion matrix. not only determining customer satisfaction but the c4.5 algorithm method can also be used in determining the decisions of scholarship recipient students, resulting in a decision tree, namely 14 students who deserve scholarships [8]. as for determining the satisfaction of brt bus passengers using the c4.5 algorithm method, the accuracy results are 95%, indicating that the satisfaction of the brt bus is very good [9]. thus, the study shows that the c4.5 algorithm is very suitable for measuring customer/customer satisfaction. this study examines customer satisfaction regarding the services that have been provided. to determine the level of customer satisfaction using the c4.5 algorithm method, the c4.5 algorithm calculation using rapidminer tools and programming languages in building applications, namely php and mysql as the database. based on the explanation of the problem, the authors chose the title "designing customer satisfaction applications at bca kcp rengasdengklok using the c4.5 algorithm method" [5]. ii. method a. bank the definition of a bank as regulated in law number 10 of 1998 concerning banking is "a business entity that collects public funds in the form of savings and distributes them to the public in the form of credit and or other forms in order to improve the standard of living of the community.[1] the definition of a bank according to another opinion is an institution in carrying out financial activities needed by the community. [10] b. service according to the big indonesian dictionary, it is stated: "services are matters and conveniences provided in connection with" buying and selling goods and services” [11] according to tjiptono in the journal [12] “consumer satisfaction as a conscious evaluation or cognitive assessment concerns whether the product performance is relatively good or bad or whether the product is suitable or not suitable for the intended use”. meanwhile, according to another opinion, service is an attitude that is expected and results in the reality of a consumer's desire so as to form a service quality. [2]. c. customer satisfaction consumer satisfaction is very important because it can be profitable and makes competition within a company [7]. meanwhile, according to kotler, consumer satisfaction is a feeling of the expected reality [2]. d. data mining data mining is a term used to describe the discovery of knowledge in databases" [13]. meanwhile, according to pramudiono, namely "automatic analysis of large or complex data with the aim of finding important patterns or trends that are usually not aware of their existence" [14]. another opinion reveals that data mining is a technique in learning to analyze and knowledge [15]. e. classification of data mining classification is a process of grouping data that will be used to predict data in a decision tree that does not yet have a certain data class [5]. the steps in preparing kdd, namely: data cleaning, data integration, data selection, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, knowledge presentation. the levels of classification in data mining (gorunescu, 2011) are: a. 0.90-1.00 = very good b. 0.80-0.90 = good c. 0.70-0.80 = enough d. 0.60-0.70 = bad e. 0.50-0.60 = wrong f. algoritma c4.5 decisions so as to produce the best and significant accuracy values. meanwhile, according to [3] the c4.5 algorithm is the development of ide3 to create a decision tree with processed data. the first step is to calculate the entropy, the formula is as follows: 𝑛 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆) = ∑ − 𝑝𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑝𝑖 𝑖=1 description: s = case set n = number of partitions s pi = the proportion of si to s to make a decision tree, you must first choose the root by determining the highest gain value, the formula is: description: s = case set a = feature n = number of attribute partitions a |si| = proporsi the proportion of si to s |s| = number of cases in s in this study there is a flow of research methods in data collection and system development. the flow of the research method specified in the waterfall method is as follows: 13 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 2 research method flow iii. results and discussion data processing in designing customer satisfaction applications to get accurate results is carried out with 2 tests, namely manual testing using rapidminer tools and testing using a system designed using the php programming language with a codeigniter framework and a database using mysql. in the depiction of the design using uml modeling which consists of use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams. the flowmap of the proposed system for customer satisfaction applications is: figure 3 flowmap system 1. data collection in the process of data collection will be explained to design and develop the system in this study. data collection is done by using stages of literature study, observation, interviews and questionnaires 2. system design the following is a design model for customer satisfaction applications: 3. use case diagram the function of the use case diagram is to describe the usability of a system. the following is a proposed use case diagram for a service quality application: figure 4 usecase diagram 4. activity diagram the activity is carried out by the user, namely the customer, starting from the user selecting the questionnaire then the system will display the questionnaire, the user can fill in the questionnaire correctly and the system will save the answers from the completed questionnaire. activity diagram for filling the questionnaire as follows: figure 5 activity diagram 5. class diagram class system diagram of the proposed application of customer satisfaction with services at bca kcp rengasdengklok, as follows: 14 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 6 class diagram 6. sequence diagram sequence diagram describes a process performed by each user as messages sent and received. sequence diagram of the proposed service quality application system, namely: figure 7 sequence diagram 7. system implementation in addition to system design, the interface design for the customer satisfaction application aims to describe an application display design that will be implemented using pencil tools, as follows: figure 8 customer satisfaction survey design implementation of the system in the first stage using rapidminer tools, carried out 3 times of testing. data obtained by 100 respondents by distributing questionnaires on march 17 april 6 2021 through a system that has been created. taken 80 data (calculation of the sample using data solve) as a sample in this research. the data to be processed using rapid miner is as follows: table 1 data that will be imported to rapidminer nama waktu akurat fokus kepuasan layanan polynominal integer integer integer integer binominal id attribute attribute attribute attribute label iqbal 5 5 5 5 satisfied andri mulyadi 5 5 5 5 satisfied vustikawati aulia 5 5 5 5 satisfied abdulmalik 5 5 5 5 satisfied .. .. .. .. .. .. vinka syafana 3 2 2 2 not satisfied after the decision tree processing using rapidminer tools is complete, it will produce a decision tree as follows: figure 9 decision tree results tests carried out 3 timeswith k-fold validation 10, k-fold validation 5 and k-fold validation 3. the results of 3 tests using rapidminer tools are as follows: table 2 results of data analysis using rapidminer k-fold validasi accuracy precision recall auc 10 85,00% 87,88% 93,55% 0,526 5 86,25% 88,06% 95,16% 0,568 3 88,75% 89,55% 96,77% 0,744 based on the table above, the smaller the validation value, the higher the accuracy value obtained. the auc value obtained at validation 3 is 0.744, based on the classification level 0.70-0.80 = enough. it can be concluded that the services at bca kcp rengasdengklok on 17 march – 6 april 2021 are quite satisfactory. based on the results of analysis and testing that produces a decision tree and rules that are formed, the next step is to implement it into a program that has been made using the php programming language with the php framework and mysql database; it looks like this:: 1. login page on the login page for admins and employees, users who will access the application must first log in by entering 15 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 registered username and password. the display is as follows: figure 10 login page 2. register page for users who do not have an account to login and access the application, they must first register on the register form. display registers are as follows: figure 11 register page 3. customer survey results page customers who have filled out the questionnaire will be stored in the database and displayed in the administrator on the customer survey results menu. the customer survey result page is as follows: figure 12 customer survey results page 4. algoritma c45 page on the c4.5 algorithm page displays the results of entropy, gain and also the conclusion of the assessment results that have been given by the customer. the c45 algorithm page is as follows: figure 13 algoritma c4.5 page figure 14 c4.5 algoritma algorithm results page 5. questionnaire page for customers this questionnaire page is filled out by customers who have transacted at tellers and csos. here's how it looks: figure 15 customer questionnaire page iv. conclusion some conclusions from the research this: 1. the developed web-based application can simplify evaluating staff performance at the contact center of pt. xyz. the calculation method in the application follows the provisions or standards that exist in the internal organization, both the targets to be achieved and the assessment reference. 2. the application developed can help staff monitor work achievement every month. so that if there are poor work achievements in the previous month, staff can find out more quickly and make performance improvements in the following month. in addition, the application can also be helpful for department heads if a special evaluation is needed for staff based on final grades. 16 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 reference [1] m. abdullah, manajemen dan 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[15] b. rumpe, modeling with uml. aachen: springer, 2016. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.1 january 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 28 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 detecting harmful activity in pilgrimage using deep learning musa dima genemo study program computing software engineering gumushane university, turkey email: ‹β› abstract—cctv surveillance is the most extensively used intelligent latest innovation. the use of surveillance cameras has risen dramatically because of the con-venience of monitoring from anywhere and the reduction of crime rates in public areas. in this paper, we introduce the idea of bad vibe activity detection from live videos to enhance the security and safety of pilgrims. the proposed bad vibes activity recognition model is intended to be addressed in the most efficient manner possible using cutting-edge technologies such as tensorflow and keras. tensorflow was chosen because the project could be deployed to a mobile environment in the future with the possibility of extension of other areas such as airport security, bus stain, and public areas that may deserve special attention for security checks. we choose mediapipe ho-listic for employee bad vibe recognition in the model. keywords—artificial intelligence, classification, real-time object recognition, computer vision. abstrak—pengawasan cctv adalah inovasi cerdas terbaru yang paling banyak digunakan. penggunaan kamera pengawas telah meningkat secara dramatis karena kemudahan pemantauan dari mana saja dan pengurangan tingkat kejahatan di tempat umum. dalam makalah ini, kami memperkenalkan ide deteksi aktivitas getaran buruk dari video langsung untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan keselamatan jemaah. model pengenalan aktivitas getaran buruk yang diusulkan dimaksudkan untuk ditangani dengan cara seefisien mungkin menggunakan teknologi mutakhir seperti tensorflow dan keras. tensorflow dipilih karena proyek dapat diterapkan ke lingkungan seluler di masa mendatang dengan kemungkinan perluasan area lain seperti keamanan bandara, noda bus, dan area publik yang mungkin memerlukan perhatian khusus untuk pemeriksaan keamanan. kami memilih mediapipe ho-listic untuk pengenalan getaran buruk karyawan dalam model. kata kunci—artificial intelligence, klasifikasi, real-time object recognition, computer vision. i. introduction the use of surveillance cameras has risen dramatically because of the conven-ience of monitoring from anywhere and the reduction of crime rates in public areas. hajj is one of the five pillars of the islamic religion where the pilgrimage to the holy city of mecca in the kingdom of saudi arabia, which takes place in the last month of the year (hijri calendar) and which all muslims are obligated to make at least once throughout their lifetime if they can afford it [1]. before covid_19 emerged, 2.5 million people would travel every year to saudi arabia for hajj. due to this, the security of pilgrims needs special attention. new cut-ting-edge technology is required to ensure the safety of the people and the city where the hajj imitation takes place, as well as the detection of forbidden activi-ties and the carrying of prohibited things such as guns, flames, sharp metals, and the like. human activity recognition (har) is the ability to use sensors to ana-lyze human body indicators or motion and identify human actions or events [2]. har is regarded as a significant component in various scientific research set-tings, such as health [3], human-robot interaction [4], and security [5]. such technologies are in high demand during the hajj festival to safeguard pil-grims' safety. many people have become victims of the hajj scam in recent years, losing money, cellphones, and other valuables. nowadays terrorist acts pose the greatest danger to public safety [6]. prohibited things, such as carrying a gun, hurling a bomb, deceiving people, and threatening a suicide bombing, should be checked instantly. as a result, these challenges demand models that generate a warning or alarm. if accurate forecasts are provided in a timely manner, human lives can be saved by employing this newly introduced model. interleaved actions, such as throwing a stone at three walls (ramy al jamarat), which is also known as stoning the devil (sheytan) and running between mina and muzdalifah are a pillar of the hajj pilgrims. the stoning of the devil may cause prediction ambiguity, by throwing stones at people or away from the road and running between mina and muzdali-fah may cause prediction ambiguity with a sudden run. a recurrent neural net-work (rnn) is used to overcome activity overlapping difficulties. despite this, utilizing smart cctv surveillance reduces labor expenses while also increasing the security and safety of pilgrims. this study proposes a deep feature extraction mechanism for forbidden motion and activity identification 29 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 to address the difficulties. we proposed a new model named l4-branched-action net. by using this new model, we extract features from the video frame and bels the activity to activity to their respective class like the need for special attention, or safe move. 64 layers of cnndeep architecture are used for feature extraction. to optimize the deep features that have been obtained, an aco feature selection technique is applied. by running convolution layers over pre-trained public data like the cifra-100. ii. method the proposed model will be presented in its entirety in this section. further-more, this section includes details of the proposed 64-layer classification algo-rithm. we used the cifar-100 dataset to train the proposed model, as well as feature extraction from the action recognition dataset using the proposed cnn architecture, feature selection using ant colony optimization (aco), and predic-tion using a variety of algorithms. for autonomous feature extraction from video frames and classifications events in the frame, a novel proposed 64-layer cnn architecture is used. the recommended l4-branchedactionnet's physical architecture is shown in fig.3 and fig.4. fig.3. structure of proposed model fig 4. video frame generation table 1. layer configuration of l4-branched action net lay er # layer name feature maps filter depth strid e 1 input 227 × 227 × 3 2 conv_1 55 × 55 × 96 11 × 11 × 3 × 96 [4 4] 3 relu_1 55 × 55 × 96 4 batch_norm_ 3 55 × 55 × 96 ….. fc_20 1 × 1 × 100 [1 1] same 62 prob 1 × 1 × 100 63 fc_21 1 × 1 × 100 [1,1] same 64 video description the data was collected using a script generated utilizing opencv and mediapipe holistic, as shown in fig.5 frames of data are recorded for each word caught. fig.4. key using open pose using mediapipe holistic point extraction [12] numpy array is used instead of pictures to hold video frames. we passed three major steps to train the model. the following are the details of the new model's operations steps. the first step the is conv layer; (1) in the conv layer the input x i−1 filter is computed using equation 1. where 𝑝𝑗 input channels and 𝑝^𝑗 represent the number of output channels. j represents several layers in the mode, fi filter. equation 2 is used to calculate the max pool in the pooling layer. where 𝑢, 𝑣 represents the matrix index of frame x𝑝, 𝑗-1and 𝑙, 𝑚 matrix index of the pooling window. it calculates the mean and variance in fragments. the mean is derived, and the features are separated using the standard deviation as follows. where 𝑤 is the number of feature maps in a batch. we used both relu and leaky_ relu in the proposed model. all numbers less than 0 are transformed to 0 by the standard relu, which is stated as [15]: for values less than zero, leaky relu has a small slope rather than zero. a leaky relu will have v = 0.01u when u is negative. cnn can further be learned in-depth from several works [16-19]. the second step is feature extraction;(2) for feature extraction from a video frame, the appropriate frame is retrieved. the proposed approach is intended to feature extraction from the deep-trained cnn pipeline. we trained the new model on public dataset t such as cifar100 [70] which contained images of 1000 classes. the trained network is then used for feature extraction on action recognition datasets and the fc_18 layer is chosen for features extraction. a total of 4096 features is attained per frame from the fc_18 layer. the prepared dataset contains a total of 13250 video 30 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 frames. this makes the feature set dimension of all datasets 13250 × 4096. figure 5 illustrates the visualizations of the strongest feature maps at various convolution layers on l4branched-actionnet. fig.5. image visualizations of strongest feature maps at various convolution layers (a) conv_1, (b) conv_2, (c) conv_5, (d) g_conv_8, (e) conv_10. and the third step is (3) after interpreting the received result the extracted features are coded by applying entropy-coded aco optimization operation [25] using equation (5). where (x1-xn) represents the feature. we used aco for feature optimization based on the likelihood at a given point at a certain time. the last step is classification, in which aco-based chosen features are at the end passed to the predictor for categorization. several svm and knn versions are used to assess model performance. cub-svm emerges as the most effective as shown in table 2. table 2. performance of the model classifier sensitivity specificity precision measure percent lsvm 83.38 72.62 39.94 52.52 77.74 qsvm 89.11 91.53 61.79 76.01 86.14 fgsvm 57.29 51.78 25.02 32.80 54.39 mgsvm 90,52 92.35 62.56 76.58 86.28 cgcvm 68.47 64.45 31.80 41.75 66.33 csvm 96.33 95.59 76.61 88.08 92.99 for testing, we employed random selection using sklearn's train test function. following that, keras' callback functions were used to improve the training's efficiency. the accuracy of the test data is evaluated. we also used the public dataset on weizmann to compare our results to the current state of the art. the outcome is shown in table 3. table 3. performance evaluation on weizmann dataset method reference year accuracy dwt+knn [21] 2020 0.93 cnn+elm [22] 2020 0.94 gabor-ridgelet transform [23] 2020 0.93 lcf + msvm [22] 2021 0.95 ann [24] 2020 0.80 pcanet-xy-yt [25] 2021 0.91 ours (l4-branched-actionnet + entacs + cub-svm) 0.93 iii. results and discussion in the major goal of this study is to develop a cnn architecture that can recog-nize harmful actions during the hajj festival. then, the deep l4-branchedactionnet deep network proposed here is used to extract powerful features. the pretraining is carried out using a publicly available dataset, cifar-100. for testing, we employed random selection using sklearn's train test func-tion. following that, keras' callback functions were used to improve the training's efficiency to complete this design, many methods such as fine-tuning, add-ing and removing layers, and neurons were used. finally, the 64-layer architec-ture was proven it is the most efficient in terms of performance. tensor flow keras, opencv, and the numpy library were used in all the experiments in this. table 4. confusion matrix of csvm classifier sudden ran 0.92021 0.00 0.01 0.02 fighting 0.00 0.91221 0.00 0.01 throwing 0.01 0.01 0.90021 0.00 robbing 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.91002 sudden ran fighting throwing robbing iv. conclusion and recommendations detection of harmful vibes is critical for pilgrims' safety. to detect banned actions during the hajj festival, we utilized a 64-layer cnn network called l4-branched-actionnet. the model is evaluated on datasets that are freely availa-ble, such as the cifar-100 object detection dataset. the characteristics were retrieved and subsequently reduced using an entropy-coded aco. to evaluate model performance, several svm and knn versions are utilized. with an accu-racy of 0.91221, cub-svm emerges as the most effective. this work will be im-plemented on security personnel's mobile phones for convenient monitoring from any location in future work. references 1. r. k. tripathi, a. s. jalal, and s. c. agrawal, "suspicious human activity recognition: a review," artificial intelligence review, vol. 50, pp. 283-339, 2018 2. a. tapus, a. bandera, r. vazquez-martin, and l. v. calderita, "perceiving the person and their interactions with the others for social robotics–a review," pattern recognition letters, vol. 118, pp. 3-13, 2019. 3. a. ilidrissi and j. k. tan, "a deep unified framework for suspicious action recognition," artificial life and robotics, vol. 24, pp. 219-224, 2019. 4. konstantinidis, d., dimitropoulos, k., & daras, p. 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brotosaputro 3 study program master in computer science universitas budi luhur abstrak— pada proses pembuatan genteng keramik terdapat proses pembakaran menggunakan mesin kiln manufacture atau oven. untuk memastikan proses pembakaran berjalan dengan baik, dilakukan pemantauan 39 parameter yang ada pada mesin kiln tersebut yang harus di awasi secara manual berdasar data yang dihasilkan citra pada mesin kiln tersebut. proses pemantauan parameter tersebut tidak efektif yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau kelalaian manusia dan sifat manusia lainnya yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem untuk menyimpan data parameter mesin pembakaran genteng keramik yang dapat disimpan kedalam sebuah data base. setelah dilakukan analisis pada perangkat pembakaran (kiln) tersebut, recorder sensor yang menampilkan data parameter dapat diakses melalui jaringan lan (local area network), akan tetapi data yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk citra bukan dalam bentuk data digital alfanumerik. data citra yang didapat perlu diterjemahkan menjadi data alfanumerik sebagai sumber data. melalui pengenalan optical character recognition (ocr) dengan metode template matching, citra tersebut diubah menjadi data alfanumerik sehingga dapat di simpan dalam sebuah data base. dari hasil penelitian ini, prototype sistem yang dibuat mendapatkan akurasi sebesar 100.00% untuk konversi data citra ke data alfanumerik, kata kunci: citra digital, data numerik optical character recognition, kiln manufacture. abstract— in the process of making ceramic tiles, there is a combustion process using a kiln manufacture or oven. to ensure the combustion process goes well, 39 parameters are monitored on the kiln engine which must be monitored manually based on the data generated by the image on the kiln engine. the process of monitoring these parameters is ineffective due to human error or negligence and other human traits that result in losses for the company. therefore, a system is needed to store the parameter data of the ceramic tile combustion engine which can be stored in a database. after analyzing the kiln, the sensor recorder that displays parameter data can be accessed via a lan (local area network), but the data generated is in the form of an image, not in the form of alphanumeric digital data. the image data obtained need to be translated into alphanumeric data as a data source. through the introduction of optical character recognition (ocr) with the template matching method, the image is converted into alphanumeric data so that it can be stored in a database. from the results of this study, the prototype system made obtained an accuracy of 100.00% for the conversion of image data to alphanumeric data, keywords: digital image, optical character recognition numerical data, kiln manufacture. i. introduction pt. xyz is a leading manufacturer of glazed ceramic tile (and its accessories). one of the manufacturing processes for these products is the combustion process at a temperature of 1100 degrees celsius using a kiln manufacture machine or oven so that it can produce quality and durable ceramic tiles. in the process of burning ceramic tile products, direct monitoring is carried out by employees for 24 hours by observing 39 data parameters displayed through images on the monitor on the kiln engine panel. in the process of monitoring the kiln manufacture (oven) machine, the sensor data will be displayed in the form of an image that appears on a screen that will be updated every 5 seconds which must be monitored during the process. the image displayed on the oven screen will then be recorded manually and really must be monitored directly. however, human endurance and physical condition greatly affect the results of the monitoring. based on the initial analysis of the problem, it can be concluded that the kiln manufacture (oven) machine only displays 39 parameter data on a screen in the form of an image that will be updated every 5 seconds, the data is stored on a small capacity record machine and cannot be accessed by data. to overcome this problem, it would be possible to create a system or tool that can convert the image into alphanumeric data that can provide real-time information (monitoring automation). technological developments are increasingly developing more advanced than before, as well as image processing technology or digital images. image processing is a method of processing images (images / images) into digital form for certain purposes. one of the digital image processing studies is optical character recognition (ocr) which is a character recognition process through preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and recognition, optical character recognition (ocr) is one of the study areas of pattern recognition (pattern recognition) in digital images that classifying or describing an object based on quantitative measurements of its main features or properties. with this method is expected to provide a solution to pt. xyz in overcoming the problems that exist in the kiln manufacture (oven) machine. 54 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 the image can be accessed via a local area network (lan) and through the introduction of optical character recognition (ocr) the image can be converted into data in alphanumeric form as needed and can be stored into a system that can process the data and it is hoped that the application can provide information automatically. quickly and precisely to the user or user. ii. method 2.1 . study of literature a. image processing image processing is the process of processing pixels in a digital image for a specific purpose. initially, image processing was carried out to improve image quality, but with the development of the computing world, which is marked by the increasing capacity and speed of computer processing and the emergence of computational sciences that allow humans to retrieve information from an image[3]. the image processing process is a diagrammatic process starting from image retrieval, image quality improvement, up to a representative statement of the imaged image can be seen in the figure 1. figure 1 diagram of the digital image processing process. b. optical character recognition (ocr) ocr takes care of the problem of recognizing optically processed characters. optical recognition is done offline as well as online. offline after writing or printing is complete whereas online recognition is done where the computer recognizes the characters as they are drawn. printed and/or handwritten characters are recognizable but the results directly depend on the quality of the input document. the more limited the input, the better the performance of the ocr system. but when it comes to the completely unrestricted handwriting performance of the ocr engine it is questionable. figure 2.3 shows a schematic representation of the various character recognition areas [2]. figure 2 schematic of optical character recognition (ocr.) area) c. template matching correlation template matching is a technique in digital image processing that has a function to match each part of an image with the image that becomes the template/reference [4]. this is done by comparing the input image with the template image in the database, then looking for similarities using a certain rule. the image matching process that produces a high level of similarity / similarity determines that an image is recognized as one of the template images. d. kiln manufacture furnace or also often referred to as a combustion furnace is a device used for heating. the name comes from the latin fornax, oven. sometimes people also call it a kiln. a kiln is a tool or installation designed as a place of combustion using certain fuels that can be used to heat something [1]. the furnace is simple, composed of stones arranged so that the fuel is protected and heat can be directed. in manufacturing companies, the furnace is made in such a way that the fire or heat that is formed is not too dangerous for the user. klin at pt xyz, the kiln used is a single layer tunnel kiln which consists of 6 combustion zones, namely sub dryer, pre heating, firing, rapid cooling and cooling, with asbestos insulation and using lng (liquid natural gas) as fuel. the fuel will produce heat energy for the ceramic tile burning process. the heat that has been used in the firing section is not completely removed. most of it will be reused to flow to the dryer and sub dryer. but there is also some heat energy that is wasted because it contains carbon which can affect the results of tile products. image acquisition (image capture) image quality improvement image representative process 55 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 2.2 research method this research is applied research to identify character in image in kiln machine by using optical character recognition (ocr) method. based on the identification of problems obtained in the field observation process, literature study and interviews, namely during the combustion process in the kiln engine, so an application system was created to convert image data into alphanumeric data, using the optical character recognition (ocr) method based on template matching, which then results the conversion can be saved into a database. the research method can be seen in figure 3. figure 3 research flowchart block 2.3 prototype architectural design figure 4 depicts the prototype architecture for monitoring the parameters of the ceramic tile combustion engine (kiln manufacture) for intensive monitoring of the engine. figure 4 prototype architecture the prototype of this ocr data processing application was made by following the steps shown in figure 5 below: figure 5. system workflow 2.4 test design the result of the trial on the application is the result parameter in the conversion of image data into alphanumeric data using ocr. the resulting parameters will be used as a basis for predicting the value that will come out. in order to know how accurate, the prediction will be, before the parameter is formed, the parameter is first evaluated and validated by using a confusion matrix calculation consisting of accuracy, precision and recal [5]. the confusion matrix table can be seen in table 1. tabel 1 tabel confusion matrix true value true false predicted value true tp fp (true positive) (false positive) corect result unexpected result false fn tn (false negative) (true negative) missing result corect absence of result so, the precision, recall and accuracy formulas can be seen in formulas 1, 2 and 3. precision = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑃 1 recall = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁 2 accuracy = 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁 3 image identification preprocessing result identification developing application models prototyping dokumantatio capture image segmentation grayscaling and binaryization optical character recognition extracted text 56 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 iii. results and discussion 3.1 preparation of training data and test data in this study, as many as 100 image data taken from the kiln machine in .png format which will later be prepared for training data and test data which is the result of web capture which will later be converted into alphanumeric data. the figure contains parameters that must be monitored intensively for 24 hours. these parameters contain the temperature, gas pressure and air humidity which are read by sensors in certain parts along the ceramic tile combustion engine. at this writing, 10 of the 39 parameters were taken as samples for testing the conversion of images to alphanumeric data using ocr based on template matching. in detail can be seen in figure 6 table 2 below. figure 6 capture images of the kiln machine. tabel 2 description sample parameters for the ocr conversion process. no parameter description 1 tr1 preheating zone, which is the initial zone or area for the product to be heated before being burned in the next zone. the unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 2 tr3 is firing zone no.1 compaction process (pressure) at high temperatures so that changes in microstructure occur. in this parameter the unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 3 tc2 it is a thermocontroller parameter no2 to measure the temperature in the combustion process in the zone before firing zone no 3. the unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 4 tc3 in this zone, thermocontroller parameter no 3 is used to measure the temperature in the combustion process in the zone before firing zone no 4. the unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 5 tr14 is the zone after passing through the cooling zone no. 3 or to lower the temperature before entering the sub dryer. the unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 6 tr17 it is a drying area (sub dryer) after cooling the product. the parameter unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 7 kch is a parameter to see the hydraulic pressure (hydraulic kiln car) in running the conveyor while the machine is running. the unit used is kg/cm² 8 ti3 is the area to measure the temperature of the product no. 3 (zone temperature) before the product comes out of the machine after the drying process. the parameter unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 9 ti7 is an area to measure the product temperature no. 7 (zone temperature) before the product comes out of the machine after the drying process. the parameter unit used is degrees celsius (ºc). 10 hi3 is a sensor to measure the humidity of the air in the kiln machine in zone no 3 (zone humidity) 3.2 modelling making a model or prototype at this writing, the author makes a prototype which is divided into 3 parts, the first for processing ocr data using thinker board from asus, the second dummy or imitation to display the image of the kiln machine using oracle vm virtualbox, and the third prototype for the application server. the ocr uses oracle vm virtualbox to represent it as a documentation server. 3.3 character recognition the ocr system was created using the tesseract ocr software which was run on python 3.7 for ocr recognition from converted and segmented binary images. tesseract ocr will recognize each character from the segmentation results in the image after previously training the character template. the process of recognizing the character of the kiln machine image on the template uses four parameters when initialized, namely data path, language, mode, and white list [6] so that to obtain accurate detection results, a template is created as a path source as shown in table 4.3. below this: 57 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 table 3 implementation of the tesseract ocr template no citra hasil segmentasi template karakter 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 . 3.4 ocr application research results the results of the research on the prototype model of data conversion using ocr on the kiln machine pt. xyz can be seen from table 4 for type a tile products and table 5 for maroon 1000918 products below: tabel 4 ocr conversion result for type a tile products tabel 6 ocr conversion result for product maroon100918 3.5 ocr implementation test results the test results of the ocr conversion prototype model on the kiln machine that have been made using 11 training data as in table 4.2 and 100 test data containing 1000 parameters which are divided into two types of tasks / products can be seen in table 4.4 as many as 520 parameters for type a tile products and in table 4.5 there are 480 parameters for the maroon 100918 tile product. 58 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 the results of testing the application of ocr can be seen in table 7 below. table 7 confusion matrix test results result class current result class current current 520 0 result 0 480 from table 5 and table 6 above, both the parameters of the type a roof tiles and maroon100918 products obtained accurate conversion results and it is certain that there are no inappropriate parameters. from table 7, the following accuracy is obtained: accuracy = 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁 = 520+480 520+480+0+0 = 1000 1000 = 1 x 100% = 100 % based on the results of these calculations, the accuracy of 100.0% is obtained. iv.conclusion based on the discussion of the results of the research and testing of the research above, it can be concluded that the application model for converting images to numerical data using the optical character recognition (ocr) method based on template matching obtained an accuracy of 100.00%. references [1] arnofiandi, m. s. (2020) ‘rancang bangun tungku pemanas dalam proses metalurgi serbuk’, pembelajaran olah vokal di prodi seni pertunjukan universitas tanjungpura pontianak, 28(2), pp. [2] chaudhuri, a., mandaviya, k., badelia, p., and ghosh, soumya k. (2017) optical character recognition systems, studies in fuzziness and soft computing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-50252-6_2 [3] putra, d. (2010) ‘pengolahan citra digital’. yogyakarta: c.v andi offset (penerbit andi), p. 420. [4] hossain, m. a. and afrin, s. (2019) ‘optical character recognition based on template matching’, global journal of computer science and technology, 19(2), pp. 31–35. doi: 10.34257/gjcstcvol19is2pg31 [5] andono, p. n., sutojo, t. and muljono (2017) pengolahan citra digital. yogyakarta: penerbit andi. [6] nunamaker, b. bukhari, s., borth, d. and dengel, a. (2016) ‘a tesseract-based ocr framework for historical documents lacking ground-truth text german research center for artifical intelligence (dfki) kaiserslautern , germany univeristy of kaiserslautern , gemany’, ieee international conference on image processing (icip), pp. 3269–3273 paper title (use style: paper title) issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.1 january 2021 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 6 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 futsal field management information system based on android in 212 galuh mas karawang eko pramono 1 computer science faculty of engineering and informatics bina sarana informatika university indonesia saepul aripiyanto 2 information system faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang, indonesia ‹β› april lia hananto 3 school of computing faculty of engineering university teknologi malaysia abstractthis futsal field booking application is used to make it easier for tenants to know the empty futsal court schedule, to provide convenience in the process of renting a futsal field schedule without having to come directly to the futsal venue. making this application is done by the system development life cycle method. this application is implemented with the codeigniter framework, php programming language, mysql database as a data storage medium and testing methods using black box testing. as for the futsal field schedule rental uses gammu and modem as media. this application can be used by 3 users, namely admin, provider and tenant. admin can do provider approval. providers can process field data, rental rates, tenants, bookings, payment confirmations, galleries and providers. tenants can book via mobile and see available field schedule information, activation and payment confirmation. keywords: booking, futsal place, sldc, java, android studio abstrakaplikasi pemesanan lapangan futsal ini digunakan untuk memudahkan penyewa mengetahui jadwal lapangan futsal yang kosong, untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam melakukan proses penyewaan jadwal lapangan futsal tanpa harus datang langsung ke tempat futsal. pembuatan aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan metode system development life cycle (sdlc). aplikasi ini di implementasikan dengan framework codeigniter, bahasa pemograman php, database mysql sebagai media penyimpanan data dan metode pengujian menggunakan black box testing. sedangkan untuk sms gateway penyewaan jadwal lapangan futsal menggunakan gammu dan modem sebagai media. aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh 3 pengguna, yaitu admin, penyedia dan penyewa. admin dapat melakukan approval penyedia. penyedia dapat olah data lapangan, harga sewa, penyewa, booking, konfirmasi pembayaran, gallery dan penyedia. penyewa dapat melakukan bookingan via mobile dan melihat informasi jadwal lapangan yang available, aktivasi dan konfirmasi pembayaran. kata kunci: pemesanan, tempat futsal, sdlc, java, android studio i. introduction technological knowledge is an asset that is currently developing rapidly, the development of technology is no longer a matter of years, months, or days, but also hours and seconds, especially about information technology as well as communication supported by electronic devices. the emergence of various versions of communication science also supports the advancement of information technology science, such as ios android and frameworks, but now android is a new science that has just emerged but has changed a lot. ordering the futsal field is a promising endeavor. it has been widely applied in almost all cities having a futsal field rental business [1]. however, not all businesses are the same quality or weight, with the service process in making field bookings to transactions, for example, futsal 212 which is located in karawang district in this futsal field business has been running for quite a long time with a strategic location but at the booking and transaction processes in futsal still use manuals which hinder the progress of the business [2]. the futsal field ordering system is quite troublesome for tenants and members because it is still conventional. it becomes less efficient in terms of time, energy, and costs because users have to go directly to every futsal field location to check the futsal field orders and futsal shoes orders. based on these constraints, a system with. android-based futsal field management application in [3]. this validation is precise for field calendar problems and futsal field reservations and futsal shoes. android applications are easier to access. android can be accessed from anywhere and anywhere as long as there is an internet network or internet connection. this futsal mobile application makes it easy for tenants to see the field schedule and order futsal shoes, this order is according to a predetermined time [4]. ii. methods a. application concept method the research method used is the sdlc (system development life cycle) method. it consists of stages in an 10 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 activity that runs in one direction from the start to the end of the project for system design and application. [5]. the following is figure 2.1 method of system development life cycle figure 2.1 life cycle development system method b. research framework the research framework is a diagram that outlines the logical flow of a study, as shown in the figure below. [6] the following is figure 2.2 research framework sejarah profil jasa yang disewakan bukti transfer wawancara belum memiliki aplikasi -terjadi keluhan pelanggan karena terbentur jadwal dengan pelanggan lainnya design interface uml basis data testing implementasi perancangan/design analisis futsal 212 galuh mas data futsal 212 galuh mas observarsi dan wawancara upload bahasa pemograman menggunakan php,mysql aplikasi futsal berbasis android menggunakan webview black box figure 2.1 research framework 1. futsal data a. interview in this interview, he held a dialogue with the management of futsal 212 galuh mas karawang. aim to know the process of ordering the futsal field, so that it becomes a system [7]. b. observation the purpose of this observation is to observe the place of activity to get the information needed by the observer, by visiting the object of research directly [8]. c. literature study looking for theoretical references related to research topics raised by theories getting from several literary sources can be in the form of journal books, theses, and the internet [9]. 2. planning & design a. uml (unified modeling language) the design of this system is a variety of designs such as use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams, [10]. b. interface the interface design uses the pencil application, there are two designs for this interface, namely the admin website design and the android design, for the design as needed [11]. c. database this database is used to store data on the website, the database uses phpmyadmin [12]. 3. manufacturing process the process of making this system mainly analyzes the system that is currently running on futsal 212 and performs data retrieval according to the system's needs. the design of this system uses star unified modeling language (uml), such as admin data use case diagrams, admin data management activity diagrams, admin data class diagrams, admin data sequence diagrams. for user interface design using the pencil website admin and android applications. the android implementation uses a web view where this review from the website continues to host the website and convert to android, then download the converted application from the website to android and install the application on the android. [13]. 4. testing this test uses blackbox in an android based futsal field management application test. [14]. 5. upload this upload uses infinityfree hosting to get access to the internet via an android mobile [15]. iii. results and discussion information about the futsal field reservation system still uses conventional or comes directly to the futsal location. this is intended so that this system that will be established can be applied properly and optimally and helps in making reports to support better information delivery by looking at the deficiencies and weaknesses of the old system. the current system in futsal 212 galuh mas karawang 1. tenants or members of the futsal field must come directly to their futsal court to ask about the empty field schedule [16]. 2. admin checks the empty field schedule [17]. 3. admin records field orders and provides receipt of bookings to tenants or members [18]. 4. the tenant or futsal member directly pays down payment as a guarantee that the rental of the field will be according to the predetermined schedule [19]. 5. admin records field schedules booked by tenants or members [20]. 10 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 a. ongoing system analysis the system analysis that is currently running is described systemically with the activities that occur in a futsal field ordering process and a deposit for ordering the futsal 212 galuh mas karawang field. the following is the flowchart of the futsal field reservation system that is currently running in futsal 212 galuh mas karawang [21]. flowchart sistem yang sedang berjalan user petugas administrasi datang ke lokasi futsal mengecek jadwal memberikan jadwal memilih jadwal ya mencatat jadwal yang di pilih membuatkan kwintasi menerima kwitansi membayar uang muka selesai tidak figure 3.1 current system b. proposed system based on the results of the system analysis that is currently running above, the authors propose a system design and application based on websites and androids on futsal 212 galuh mas karawang, while the results of the system analysis that the author developed are described in more detail in the 2 flowcharts below. [22]. flowchart sistem yang diusulkan admin website kasir admin username & password login benar salah data pengguna edit & hapus tambah data data jadwal data lapangan data member data booking data laporan data sewa sepatu logout edit & hapus tambah data edit & hapus tambah data buat invoice edit & hapus edit edit & hapus tambah data tambah data edit & hapus cetak cetak detail klik detail cetak ubah status pembayaran simpan perubahan figure 3.2 proposed system c. website admin design design is the initial procedure of making a system or application to be made, where can be seen the processes required in making a system or application. while the design procedure made is a stage to improve or increase work efficiency, the system design stage is described as design to build a system or application and configure software and hardware components to produce a good application, the designed application becomes one component. [23]. 1. use case diagram managing admin data this use case is used to manage data which in this management is to make it easier for admins to input user data, member data, futsal shoe rental data, booking data, schedule data, field data, report data, payment data. furthermore, by conducting an assessment of the admin data design. [24]. figure 3.3 use case diagram 2. admin data activity diagram use case diagram login workflow to the admin website to manage data through the activity diagram as follows. starting from the admin website login, the admin fills in the login form by using the username and password to access the admin website. can input data and confirm who book the field and rent shoes and make payments [25]. figure 3.4 activity diagram 3. class diagram admin the class diagram is an important element in objectoriented systems, class describes a system building block. claas diagrams have features that model multiplicity, information, markers, polymorphism, and 10 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 other characteristics, some of which are listed in this system are concerned with designing an android-based futsal field management application [26]. figure. 3.5 admin class diagram 4. sequence diagram of admin data sequence diagrams are used to describe the interactions between objects in sequential time. but basically, sequence diagrams are used in the object model abstraction layer [27]. figure 3.6 admin data sequence diagram d. user interface website on this website, to manage data in the futsal area, especially managing futsal field bookings or futsal field reservations and providing futsal shoes rental, namely by ordering online via an android-based mobile futsal application there are several menus on the admin website, namely. member data, field data, order data, futsal shoes data, payment, and logout data [28]. a. admin login display this login screen enters the username and password to access the admin website, if the username is wrong or the password is wrong, return to the database to match the database. here is a login image to the admin website [29]. figure 3.7 login page a. website admin homepage the home page of this website has several menus for managing it such as member data, field data, ordering data, futsal rental data, payment, and logout data, these five menus admin has the right to delete and edit them in the admin area who manages these menus in [30] figure 3.8 home page b. user module page this module user page admin can delete user data that is no longer active and edit wrong user data, this user module gets a card from the futsal place, first fill in the registration form, namely in the futsal 212 galuh mas application karawang. the following is an image of the admin website user module page [31]. figure 3.9 user module page c. field data page the futsal field data admin page can add new field data or edit the futsal field that has been used by tenants or members, and delete futsal fields that are not fit for use or are damaged [32]. 10 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 figure 3.10 field data page d. schedule list module page the module page lists the futsal field schedule, is a futsal field that is already in use or is new to add empty booking hours and edit the field. the following is a picture of the update page & add the futsal field schedule module [33]. gambar 3.11 halaman daftar jadwal e. field list module page this futsal field list page is the admin managing, such as confirming or canceling confirmation or deleting the schedule list data page, the admin can cancel the confirmation if the tenant or member does not come and is replaced by another. the following is a picture of the module page listing the futsal court on the admin website [34] figure 3.12 field list page f. member module page this member module page is to find out who registers as a futsal member, through an androidbased futsal application, to make it easier for tenants or people who want to register as futsal members. the following is a picture of a futsal shoe rental data page [35]. figure 3.13 member module page g. booking list module page this booking list module page is to find out orders or bookings for futsal fields that have been booked by tenants or futsal members, and the admin gets edits and deletes if they don't or are canceled by the tenants. the following is a picture of the module for the booking list for futsal 212 galuh mas karawang [36]. figure 3.14 module page of field booking list h. logout page this logout page is to log out of the admin website, after logging in from the beginning of the admin website, filling in the username and password, and pressing the login button to access the admin website. the following is a logout image on the admin website [37]. figure 3.15 logout page i. android application the futsal super mobile application, before accessing the futsal super application, you must register or register to fill in your bio and get a username and password, to access the futsal super mobile application [38]. figure 3.16 futsal application based on android 10 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 iv. conclusion from the results of field research and the process of making android and admin websites, the authors conclude the following: 1. customers can access information on the futsal field without having to go to the futsal location in the application that has been provided. 2. creating an application that features a futsal court rental that can be accessed anytime and anywhere via android. references [1] agustian, a., rahayu, s., & nurlani, l. 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(2016). pengadaan barang dengan metodologi berorientasi obyek : studi kasus pt . liga indonesia. jurnal telematika, 3(2), 36–43. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.2 july 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 35 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 signature verification using the k-nearest neighbor (knn) algorithm and using the harris corner detector feature extraction method aang alim murtopo 1 study program technical information stmik ymi tegal bayu priyatna 2 study program information system universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› rini mayasari 3 study program information system universitas singaperbangsa karawang abstrak— keamanan proses transaksi sangat penting di zaman sekarang ini. tanda tangan dapat digunakan sebagai sarana penjamin keamanan suatu transaksi selain sidik jari. namun, ancaman pemalsuan tanda tangan bagi mereka yang menggunakan tanda tangan sebagai keamanan masih sangat tinggi dan sering terjadi. dalam penelitian ini, kami akan memverifikasi keaslian tanda tangan dan mengujinya menggunakan algoritma knearest neighbor (knn) dan metode ekstraksi fitur harris corner. ada dua macam perhitungan jarak yang akan digunakan pada algoritma k-nn yaitu dengan menghitung jarak dari euclidean distance dan manhattan distance. kata kunci— tanda tangan, verifikasi, knn (k-nearest neighbour), harris corner detector, euclidean distance, manhattan distance. abstract — the security of the transaction process is very important in this day and age. signatures can be used as a means of guaranteeing the security of a transaction other than fingerprints. however, the threat of signature forgery for those who use signatures as security is still very high and frequent. in this research, we will verify the authenticity of a signature and test it using the k-nearest neighbour (knn) algorithm and the harris corner feature extraction method. there are two kinds of distance calculations that will be used in the k-nn algorithm, namely by calculating the distance from euclidean distance and manhattan distance. the k value at knn taken is at k = 1, k = 3, and k = 5. keywords— signature, verification, knn (k-nearest neighbour), harris corner detector, euclidean distance, manhattan distance. i. introduction security in transactions needs to be given important attention today. there are several ways that can be done for transaction security measures such as fingerprints and pins are examples of frequently used security. one of the well-known safeguards is to use a signature. signatures are considered easier to use, cheaper, and quite effective. however, signature forgery is still common and poses a security threat to signature users. signature verification is a way to find out if the signature is genuine or fake. signature verification is divided into two forms, namely on-line and off-line signature verification. on-line means, when the signature is taken, recording of the time, pressure, and others. in off-line verification, the signature is only taken from a photo or image of that signature. the problem that often occurs in signature verification is the difference between the tools used to write signatures and the image retrieval process, image resolution, images that contain noise, and others. this signature itself is a handwriting that has a unique character and each person must have a difference. we often encounter unreadable signatures, however, signatures can be read as images and recognized by computers [1]. because of its uniqueness, the signature can be used as a security system and identifier of a person's identity. various studies that have been done before, have used various methods and feature extraction in this signature verification. among them, research [2] was conducted to verify signatures online using the feed forward back propagation error neural network and the discrete wavelet transform feature extraction method. research [3] used the euclidean distance model and geometric centre method for feature extraction. research [4] with k-nearest neighbour and gabor wavelet as characteristic extraction. research [5] used pca classification and multilayer feed forward artificial neural network and for its extraction using fourier descriptor and chain codes. research [6] used the euclidean distance classification and a new extraction method that is dividing into several images. 36 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 from some of the studies above, these researchers have attempted to find a method of classification and feature extraction that can produce the highest level of accuracy. this level of accuracy is very important to avoid signature forgery so as to provide a sense of security in transactions and everything related to the economic sector. this research will use the k-nearest neighbour (knn) algorithm and the harris corner method for its feature extraction. from several previous studies, knn is considered capable of classifying well for difficult images, such as in the study [7] "automatic medical image classification and abnormality using k-nearest neighbour", knn classifies medical images with an accuracy of 80% and greater when compared to svm linear and rbf kernel. harris corner can be used for grayscale images and produces a more consistent extraction value from distorted images. as in research [8] "harris operator corner detection using sliding window method", with the harris corner method palms can be detected with an accuracy of 97.5%. ii. method 2.1 . study of literature research [2], which has been done, namely online signature verification, the classification algorithm used is feed forward back propagation error neural network and feature extraction of discrete wavelet transform produces an accuracy of 95%. using a sample of 100 signatures consisting of 10 original signatures and 10 fake signatures for each person. this sample was taken from 5 people who gave signatures. research [3] with the euclidean distance model classification algorithm and geometric center feature extraction on signature verification, resulted in a random far of 2.08%, simple 9.75% and 16.36% skilled forgeries. meanwhile, the frr was 14.58%. signatures tested were as many as 21 original signatures and 30 fake signatures. from these signatures, 9 original signatures were found. research [4] carried out from signature verification, using the nearest neighbour classification algorithm and using gabor wavelet feature extraction. this study resulted in verification with accuracy ≥ human accuracy in carrying out signature verification with the smallest far and frr values in this study were 22.5% and 15.5%. research [5] identified signatures based on fourier descriptor and chain codes and produced far = 2.6% and frr = 1.6% in the verification process. this study uses the pca algorithm and ann feed forward for classification. meanwhile, for feature extraction using fourier descriptor and chain codes. research [6] the approach used for feature extraction is to divide the image into rectangles based on the midpoint of gravity of the signature. the classification uses euclidean distance. the result is 0% random far, 0% simple and 1% skilled. meanwhile, the frr is 0.5%. a) k-nearest neighbour (knn) k-nearest neighbour is a non-parametric classification even though it is simple but it is one of the popular and well-known and often used. the key to this method is the user-defined k parameter. when k is selected and given the x pattern, assign the pattern to the class that has the greatest number of knearest neighbour (a calculation to measure the distance to the nearest neighbour), because k-nn uses a calculation by determining the closest distance. the calculation of the distance used in the k-nn [9]: i. euclidean distance ii. manhattan distance b) harris corner harris corner detector (harris angle detector) is a point (angle) detector that is often used because it is able to produce consistent values despite rotation, scale, lighting variations and noise. harris angle detector based on the autocorrelation function of the local signal which calculates the local change of the signal. this detector also functions to detect local gradients in the horizontal and vertical directions at each surrounding point, the aim is to find the image value whose intensity varies from the two directions. harris corner based on: 𝑆𝑖𝑗 = ∑ ∑ 𝑊𝑚𝑛 [ ℎ𝑚𝑛 2 ℎ𝑚𝑛𝑣𝑚𝑛 ℎ𝑚𝑛𝑣𝑚𝑛 𝑣𝑚𝑛 2 ] 𝑗+𝐷 𝑚=𝑗−𝑑 𝑖+𝐷 𝑚=𝑖−𝐷 where is 𝑆𝑖𝑗 calculated in the area of measure (2d + 1) x (2d + 1) around position (i, j). ℎ𝑚𝑛 represents the derived filter response horizontally, 𝑊𝑚𝑛 on vertical, and 𝑊𝑚𝑛 is the weight that reduces the impact of the position. the following is the harris corner detection algorithm [10]: 1. calculate the x and y derivatives of the figure. 37 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 2. calculate the derivative of each pixel 3. calculate the product of the derivative of each pixel. 4. matrix form. 5. calculate the detection response in each pixel. 6. threshold response value. c) recall, precision, true negative rate and accuracy recall to find out the answers to the system obtained from: precision to determine the accuracy of the system to recognize the authenticity of signatures obtained from: accuracy to determine the performance of the feature extraction and classification used. table 1. confusion matrix total population true condition positive condition negative condition prediction condition predicted condition positive true positive false positive predicted condition negative false negative true negative true positive (tp) is when the program recognizes the authenticity of a signature image, it indicates that the signature image is genuine (true). false positives (fp) are when the program mistakenly recognizes the fake signature image as the original signature image. false negative (fn) is when the program mistakenly recognizes the original signature image as a fake signature image. true negative (tn) is when the program recognizes a fake signature image as a fake (true) signature image. 2.2 data collection signature image data, obtained from the scanning process and measuring 400x400 pixels totalling 300 images consisting of 150 original signatures and 150 fake signatures. these signatures were obtained from 10 different people. 2.3 design this research step is depicted in figure 1. verification of the signature starts from inputting the image of the signature to be tested, in the form of a grayscale image measuring 400x400 pixels, then extracting it to get the characteristics of the image. the results of this feature extraction in the form of coordinates that show the location of the angle are then stored with the knn model of the grayscale image feature extraction to be an example. the extraction results are then calculated the distance with the extracted samples one by one. after the distance calculation results are known, they are sorted from smallest to largest. the signature to be verified by category/label (fake or real), selected from a predetermined radius, will be tested. figure 1. design diagram iii. results and discussion this signature verification system, its appearance can be seen in figure 2 below. this signature verification system will be carried out in two ways for calculating the distance, namely euclidean distance and manhattan distance. in figure 2, to verify the signature by pressing the test image button to input the image to be tested. then press the original image button or the fake image button to input the image that will be used as training data. original and fake training data signature image is required for verification. after that the training data image is entered, press the verification button, the results will appear in the massage box. 38 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 figure 2. display of the verification system test result the test carried out aims to determine the results of the level of accuracy. in figure 3 below, an example of a signature that will be used in research: figure 3. sample signature in figure 4 below, are the results of the signature test image. the signature image that will be used is obtained from the results of the scan process without resizing, totalling 300 image data. the data is divided into 200 images of training data and 100 images as test data. the signature image which is the training data will not be used in the test data and vice versa. when testing, training data and test data will go through a feature extraction process using the harris corner method. the results of the coordinates generated in the feature extraction process will be calculated the distance to knearest neighbour. testing on the same signature image model using three kinds of variable k at knearest neighbour, namely k = 1, k = 3, k = 5 for the calculation of euclidean distance. figure 4. image testing results table 2. signature testing accuracy k = 1 euclidean distance model type precision (%) recall (%) true negative rate (%) accuracy (%) 0 0 0 100 50 1 100 80 100 90 2 50 100 0 50 3 50 100 0 50 4 50 100 0 50 5 50 100 0 50 6 50 100 0 50 7 0 0 100 50 8 0 0 100 50 9 50 100 0 50 testing with k = 1 in table 2 using euclidean distance calculations produces an average precision of 40%, an average recall of 68%, an average true negative rate of 40%, and an average accuracy of 54%. table 3. signature testing accuracy k = 3 euclidean distance model type precision (%) recall (%) true negative rate (%) accuracy (%) 0 0 0 100 50 1 50 40 60 50 2 100 20 100 60 3 50 100 0 50 4 50 100 0 50 5 50 100 0 50 6 50 100 0 50 7 0 0 100 50 8 0 0 100 50 9 50 100 0 50 testing with k = 3 in table 3 using euclidean distance calculations produces an average precision of 40%, an average recall of 56%, an average true negative rate of 46%, and an average accuracy of 51%. table 4. signature testing accuracy k = 5 euclidean distance model type precision (%) recall (%) true negative rate (%) accuracy (%) 0 0 0 100 50 1 66.66 40 80 60 2 0 0 100 50 3 50 100 0 50 4 50 100 0 50 5 50 100 0 50 6 50 100 0 50 7 0 0 100 50 8 0 0 100 50 9 50 100 0 50 39 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 testing with k = 5 using the euclidean distance calculation in table 4 produces an average precision of 31.66%, an average recall of 54%, an average true negative rate of 48%, and an average accuracy of 51%. table 5. signature testing accuracy k = 1 manhattan distance model type precision (%) recall (%) true negative rate (%) accuracy (%) 0 0 0 100 50 1 0 0 100 50 2 50 100 0 50 3 50 100 0 50 4 50 100 0 50 5 50 100 0 50 6 50 100 0 50 7 0 0 100 50 8 0 0 100 50 9 50 100 0 50 testing with k = 1 using the manhattan distance calculation in table 5 produces an average precision of 30%, an average recall of 60%, an average true negative rate of 40%, and an average accuracy of 50%. table 6. signature testing method average precision (%) recall average (%) average true negative (%) average accuracy (%) euclidean k = 1 40 68 40 54 euclidean k = 3 40 56 46 51 euclidean k = 5 31.66 54 48 51 manhattan k = 1 30 60 40 50 from the results of tests carried out in table 6, it is known that the k = 1 value of the euclidean distance calculation is the best with an accuracy of 54%. however, the value of k = 1 is prone to noise. with a value of k = 1, if the distance to the noise image is the smallest, then the image that is verified will be considered the same type of image as the noise image. this is indicated by the smallest true negative rate with a value of 40% (equal to k = 1 manhattan distance calculation). a small true negative rate indicates the system has probably made a mistake by accepting a fake signature as the original signature is large enough. the value of true negative rate depends on the similarity of the fake signature and image noise in the sample image. the greater the similarity of fake signature and image noise in the sample image, from the above test, it can be seen that the euclidean distance calculation is better than manhattan distance. this can be seen from the greater precision, recall, and accuracy euclidean distance values compared to manhattan distance. iv. conclusion signature verification can be done to determine the authenticity of the signature. signature verification is done based on the angle found and then applies the knearest neighbour algorithm. the small k value in the k-nearest neighbour algorithm has a tendency to accept the fake signature image as the original signature image is greater than the larger k value. euclidean distance calculation is better used for signature verification than manhattan distance calculation. at k = 1, the accuracy of the euclidean distance is 54% while the manhattan distance is 50%. v. suggestion as for suggestions that are useful for further research, namely: 1. further research can take a signature image using a pen tablet to reduce noise in the signature image. 2. future research can reproduce the signature image that will be used as an example. 3. signature verification can be done using other algorithms. a. references b. 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[10] s. j. prince, computer vision: models, learning and inference, cambridge: cambridge university press, 2012. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.1 january 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 22 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 sales system using apriori algorithm to analyze consumer purchase patterns elfina novalia1 study program information systems faculty of engineering and computer science, universitas buana perjuangan karawang apriade voutama2 study program information systems faculty of computer science, universitas singaperbangsa karawang syahri susanto3 school of oil technic akademi minyask & gas balongan ‹β› abstract—penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah sistem penjualan untuk mendapatkan data pesanan tepat waktu, tidak terlambat sampai dalam hitungan hari, dan data menjadi terstruktur. serta mengembangkan solusi untuk mengolah data transaksi penjualan yang akan semakin banyak menggunakan algoritma apriori untuk mengetahui pola pembelian konsumen sehingga dapat menjadi output untuk pengambilan keputusan atau pengetahuan. penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang fenomena yang ada saat ini sedalam mungkin. hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya kedalaman dan detail dari data yang dipelajari. pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall karena sangat sesuai dengan kebutuhan sistem yang akan dibangun. dari hasil penelitian, perhitungan sampel data transaksi dengan total 12 data pada tanggal 7-8 agustus 2021 menggunakan alat tanagra menghasilkan aturan asosiasi bahwa jika anda membeli pusaran, anda akan membeli caraco dengan nilai support sebesar 58% dan nilai confidence 100%, memiliki nilai lift ratio sebesar 1,3 menyatakan bahwa kedua produk tersebut memiliki keterikatan yang kokoh satu sama lain. diikuti oleh jika anda membeli faraco, anda akan membeli pusaran. jika anda percaya pada kristal, anda akan membeli arco yang memenuhi kriteria parameter yang ditentukan dengan nilai dukungan minimum 20% dan kepercayaan minimum 50%. keywords: penjualan, data mining, apriori algorithms. abstract—this study aims to create a sales system to get order data on time, not too late to result in days, and the data becomes structured. as well as develop solutions to process sales transaction data which will increasingly use a priori algorithms to find out consumer buying patterns so that they can be output for decision making or knowledge. this study uses a qualitative method to deepen understanding of the phenomena currently happening as profoundly as possible. this shows the importance of depth and detail of the data studied. the system development uses the waterfall method because it fits perfectly with the needs of the system to be built. from the results of the study, calculating a sample of transaction data with a total of 12 data on august 7-8, 2021, using the tanagra tools resulted in a rule association that if you buy a vortex, you will buy a caraco with a support value of 58% and a confidence value of 100%, having a lift ratio value of 1.3 stated that the two products have a solid attachment to each other. followed by if you buy faraco, you will purchase a vortex. if you believe in a crystal, you will buy an arco that meets the specified parameter criteria with a minimum support value of 20% and minimum confidence of 50%. keywords: sales, data mining, apriori algorithms. i. introduction technological developments from time to time continue to develop very quickly. likewise, what happened in the industrial era 4.0, where we are currently in an age that can be made easier to find and get what information we need through cyberspace as if the world is in our own hands. technology brings significant changes to its users. technology has both positive and negative impacts. in the industrial world, technology has an essential role in maintaining and caring for important data owned by a company agency. distributor ud bangun persada is a subsidiary of pt triton paint located in malang city, east java. pt triton paint is a company engaged in paint production. various kinds of paints produced include wall paint, iron paint and wood. distributor cat ud bangun persada, located in the karawang area, is a subsidiary of the west java main office in the cirebon area. currently, it has six employees consisting of 1 sales head, one admin, three sales and one courier. as well as having material shops that are members of the ud bangun persada paint distributor, this number will continue to increase from time to time. areas that become distribution centres for ud distributors build persada such as karawang, purwakarta, bekasi and other areas. ud bangun persada paint distributor only markets paint products produced by pt triton paint. in addition, it does not market products from other companies. in the case of sales transactions, they still record in writing, namely by way of sales recording what is ordered by the consumer on the order form. then the structure is given to the admin or hung on the shelf. after that admin inputs consumer orders, several problems are found, including the sales data being not on time, and sales data is still often carried by sales and not stored in a structured manner. from sales data that is increasingly piling up, a solution can be made to be processed as well as possible using apriori algorithm data mining to find out consumer purchasing patterns, namely the itemset pattern 23 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 to determine the attachment of one item pattern to another item that can produce information that can be used for decision making. decisions and gain knowledge. ii. method a. system a system is a procedural network of interconnected ones that collectively perform operations or achieve certain goals [1]. the system is a procedure or interrelated elements that have input, process, and output for the system to achieve its goals [2]. b. information information is data that has been classified, processed or interpreted for use in decision making. information processing systems convert data into information or process unnecessary data to be useful to the recipient[3]. information is data that is processed in a format that is more useful and meaningful to the recipient, and data is a source of information that describes actual events [4] c. sales sales are receipts obtained from the delivery of merchandise or from the delivery of services on the stock exchange as consideration items, namely in the form of cash, cash equipment or other assets [5]. sales is the gathering of a buyer and seller with the aim of exchanging goods and services based on valuable considerations, such as money considerations [6]. d. apriori algorithm the apriori algorithm is a method for finding the pattern of relationships between one or more elements in a data set, the apriori algorithm is known as the market basket. the a priori algorithm can understand the buying patterns of consumers in the case that there is a 50% chance that consumers will buy goods a and b and then goods and c [7]. apriori is a class algorithm that helps learn association rules. it works against transactions. the algorithm tries to find a common subset of a data set. a minimum threshold must be met for the association to be confirmed[8]. e. tanagra tanagra is free software for academic and research purposes. this research involves several methods in data mining ranging from data exploration analysis, statistical learning, machine learning to databases [9]. tanagra is one of the data mining software in which several data mining methods are provided, starting from exploring data analysis, statistical learning, machine learning and databases. unlike most data mining software, tanagra is an open source based software where everyone can access the source code, and add their own algorithms, as long as he agrees and conforms to the software distribution license.[10]. f. waterfall the waterfall model is the simplest sdlc (software development life cycle) model. this model is only suitable for software development with specifications that do not change [1]. waterfall provides a sequential or sequential software lifeflow approach starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing and support stages[11]. g. data collection techniques this method is compiled based on the results of the analysis of the research model that will be used, the results of the selection of system development, the waterfall model is used [12]. literature study is done by looking at books, journals and previous scientific works to learn and find out information related to the author's research. observation or observation is one of the primary data collection techniques by directly observing an activity carried out [13]. interviews are primary data collection techniques by directly face to face with the interviewee[13]. h. system development method figure 1 research flowchart analysis of the data to be searched, such as supporting data for system development and observing how the sales process and sales transaction data processing, as well as requiring sales transaction data samples for the a priori algorithm calculation process using tanagra tools which can find out patterns of consumer buying associations, and references these calculations will be compared with the a priori algorithm calculations in the system. the need for transaction data samples with the aim of understanding the attributes on the sales form and selecting attributes for the purpose of data mining processes. in the data analysis stage, the sample of transaction data is calculated using the tanagra tools with a minimum reference of 20% support and 50% minimum confidence. the result is the conclusion of the rule association that is formed from the calculation of transaction data using the tanagra tools. the design stage is the design of the system to be built. this design uses the uml (unified modeling language) model, consisting of several steps, such as use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence, and class diagrams. implementation from the design stage into coding in a programming language. the programming language used is php java and uses a mysql database and the codeigniter framework. whitebox testing is focused on the internal system, namely the source code of the program [14]. blackbox testing is done by testing system applications that involve users, which aims to find out the shortcomings of the application system that has been built. maintenance at this stage, the care that has been developed is carried out. this treatment is to prevent errors found in the system carried out on the method according to the software requirements to keep it stable[15]. iii. results and discussion a. data analysis the data analysis process uses the tanagra tools, in the early stages of determining a sample of transaction data. to find the rule association, determine the minimum support with 20% criteria while the minimum confidence is 50%. 24 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 2 sample transaction data before using the tanagra tools, in the next stage, converting transaction data as shown above into binary format with the following results: figure 3 tabular format after converting the data into binary format, the next step is to upload the binary format data into the tanagra tool. figure 4 tanagra dashboard then in the next process click define status 1, select the attribute that will be processed for mining, then select ok. figure 5 define status 1 then at the bottom select the association menu, then drop frequent itemsets into define status 1. in frequent itemsets 1, right click, then select parameters. as has been determined in the early stages of the parameters for a minimum support of 20%. then select ok. figure 6 frequent itemsets 1 the next step is right click on frequent items 1. click execute, right click on frequent itemsets 1 then select view. then the itemset minimum support 20% will appear as follows. figure 7 results of 20% support itemsets then select the association menu again and select a priori, then drop into define status 1. right click on a priori, select parameters then input minimum support 20% and minimum confidence 50% then press ok. figure 8 input support and confidence value the next step right click on a priori. press execute, right click then view. then the results of the rule association will appear with a minimum support of 20% and a minimum of 50% confidence as follows. figure 9 results of the rule association from the results of mining calculations using tanagra tools with minimum support parameters of 20% and 25 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 minimum confidence of 50%, conclusions can be drawn that produce association rules. if you buy a vortex, you will buy a varaco with a support value of 58% and a confidence value of 100%. having a lift ratio value of 1.3 indicates that the two products have a strong attachment to each other. followed by varaco => vortex, crystal => arco that meets the predetermined parameter criteria. b. system design the system design is the result of the implementation of the system analysis stage, in system modeling using uml (unified modeling language) diagrams which consist of use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams, the following are the results of the system design analysis. a) use case diagram use case admin the admin use case describes the role of actors who have access to the system, such as having access rights to login, managing customer data, managing product data, managing transactions, managing transaction data for data mining processing purposes, managing mining processes to generate association rules, managing results. mining, reports and can manage user management. the sales use case describes the role of actors who have access to the system, such as having login access rights, and managing sales transactions for product orders from customers. use case sales coordinator describes the role of actor activities who have access to the system, and have login access rights. the sales coordinator can manage transaction data for mining processing purposes, manage the mining process to generate association rules, and manage reports. figure 10 use case diagram b) activity diagram this activity is carried out by the admin to process sales transaction data using the apriroi algorithm, the admin selects the a priori submenu and then the processing mining form appears. after that select the transaction date range to be processed then input the minimum support and minimum confidence then submit the process, then the system displays the association rule that has been processed by mining. c) sequence diagram this activity is for admins when doing the sales transaction data mining process. figure 11 apriori process sequence diagram d) class diagram class diagram is a description of the system structure consisting of database attributes used in building a system, the following is a description of the class diagram. figure 12 class diagram a. system implementation the following is the association rule resulting from the system calculation. figure 13 rule association counting system the following is the association rule resulting from the calculation of the tanagra tools. figure 14 rule association tanagra 26 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 every user who has logged in according to their access rights will be immediately directed to the dashboard page. figure 15 dashboard pages the transaction page is a process page for finding association rules, this page can be accessed by admin and sales coordinators. figure 16 sales transaction page mining process page is a process page to find association rules, this page can be accessed by admin and sales coordinator. figure 17 mining process pages the mining results page is a history of the results of the association rule search, this page can be accessed by admin and sales coordinators figure 18 mining results page iv. conclusion the results of calculations using the tanagra tool with a total of 12 transaction data from august 7-8, 2021, produce a rule association: if you buy a vortex, you will buy a caraco with a support value of 58% and a confidence value of 100%. a lift ratio value of 1.3 indicates that the two products have a solid attachment to each other. you are followed by caraco => vortex, crystal => arco that meets the predetermined parameter criteria. after conducting an experimental calculation using the tanagra tool and then comparing it with a system calculation and producing almost similar measures, the sales system using the a priori algorithm data mining follows the needs. so that ud bangun persada distributors can find out the product is purchasing patterns of their members in the sales application. then the sales application generates sales data in real-time, and the sales data becomes structured so that you can view reports as needed. 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metode rekapitulasi dan penilaian kinerja staf serta untuk membuat model rancang bangun aplikasi rekapitulasi dan penilaian kinerja staf. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. pengembangan aplikasi berdasarkan metode iterative waterfall digunakan untuk mengakomodir proses rekapitulasi dan penilaian kinerja karyawan tersebut. manfaat dari penelitian yang dilakukan selain untuk mengetahui dampak dari keterlambatan informasi, juga untuk mempercepat proses rekapitulasi dan penilaian kinerja itu sendiri. informasi mengenai pencapaian kerja setiap bulannya disajikan dalam aplikasi yang dapat dilihat oleh masing-masing karyawan. hasil akhir rekapitulasi dan penilaian berupa nilai total dan rasio pencapaian prestasi kerja diharapkan mampu mempermudah kepala bagian dalam mengambil keputusan. kata kunci: sistem informasi, karyawan, rekapitulasi, peniliaian kinerja abstract—employee performance evaluation or appraisal is needed to assess company employees' work achievement or work performance against the given target within a specific time. the purpose of the study was to analyze the method of recapitulation and staff performance appraisal and create a design model for the application of recapitulation and staff performance appraisal. the research method used is qualitative research, where data collection is done using observation and interviews. application development based on the iterative waterfall method accommodates the recapitulation process and employee performance appraisal. the benefits of the research carried out are to determine the impact of information delays and speed up the recapitulation process and the performance appraisal itself. every month, information regarding work achievements is presented in an application that each employee can see. the final results of the recapitulation and assessment in the form of total values and ratios of work achievement are expected to facilitate the head of the department in making decisions. keywords: information systems, employees, recapitulation, performance appraisal i. introduction evaluation and assessment is a thing that is commonly found in an organization, both academic, social and corporate organizations. performance evaluation or assessment to individuals, work units, or work sub-units is closely related to awarding awards set by the institution or organization. performance or performance can be defined as an individual or teamwork following predetermined work instructions. evaluation or assessment of work performance is a routine program carried out by an organization, both government and private agencies, to determine steps in fostering or developing employees or employees following the results obtained from the evaluation or assessment. evaluation or assessment of work performance is a routine program carried out by an organization, both government and private agencies, to determine steps in fostering or developing employees or employees following the results obtained from the evaluation or assessment [1]. based on the interview results, following the company's internal policy that the recapitulation of work results is one of the elements in the performance appraisal. the assessment results will be submitted to each staff after the semester assessment period ends. in this case, the staff cannot improve because the final score results are final, and the team can only enhance work achievement in the following semester. this happens because there is no information to staff regarding work achievements every month in the current semester period. submission of information on work achievement every month to staff can have an indirect effect on the performance of the team themselves [2]. the results of interviews that have been conducted show that information about work achievements in the previous month is essential for the staff themselves. as a result, if the work achieved during the last month does not reach the target or is not good, the team can improve the following month. an integrated information system or application is expected to accommodate these needs by providing output in monthly work achievement data. implementing the correct application can simplify and speed up evaluating employee performance [3]. so that feedback can be informed quickly to make the necessary 6 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 improvements. so it is hoped that the built application can help optimize the performance of company employees [4] . and facilitate the supervision process [5]. definition of performance evaluation performance appraisal is a formal management system provided for evaluating the quality of individual performance in an organization [1]. staff definition staff are people who help a leader or chairman in managing something or a certain work unit [1]. for example, office staff, administrative staff, management staff, and so on definition of standard working method according to mondy (2008), the working standards method is a method of evaluating performance by comparing work achievements with predetermined targets or expected outputs. standards reflect the normal output of an average employee working at a normal pace. this assessment method can be applied in almost all types of work, but is generally used in production lines[6]. define flow map flow map according to wahyudi (2012)[7], "a diagram that shows the flow of data in the form of forms or information in the form of documentation that flows or circulates in a system. this diagram serves to determine the relationship between entities in a system. definition of unified modeling language according to sri mulyani (2016), unified modeling language (uml) is a standard tool for a system development technique that uses a graphical language as a tool for documenting and performing system specifications [8]. definition of php and codeigniter php stands for recursive php: hypertext preprocessor. php is a programming language that is specifically used for web application development [9]. codeigniter is an open-source php framework or framework that can help speed up developers in creating or developing a web-based application [10]. ii. method a. data collection techniques the research was conducted using qualitative methods, and data collection techniques were carried out by field observations, interviews, and literature studies [11]. 1. observation 2. the observation step was carried out by making direct observations of the operational contact center of pt. xyz to get information or information that is directly related to the problem. 3. interview interviews were conducted by giving several open and closed questions to the parties involved in the operational activities of the organization, namely department heads, team leaders, and staff. 4. literature study books, literature, or library materials are used in research by taking notes and or citing expert opinions as supporting the theoretical basis of research. b. system development method the system development method used in this research is iterative waterfall. iterative waterfall has advantages compared to the classic waterfall, namely it has feedback at each stage to the previous stage [12]. the choice of this method is not only because it is easy but also has advantages, namely when the system requirements are fully and explicitly defined, the system development will run well [13]. the steps or stages of system development with the iterative waterfall method are as follows [12]: 1. analyze analyze is the stage where all things related to system development are analyzed. so that problems and needs are identified as well as solutions that can be applied.. 2. design the results of the analysis carried out, the researchers then made an overview of the current process flow and the needs needed to make a design. the design made includes the application design using the unified modeling language (uml) as the model. 3. coding the coding stage is the stage of pouring the results of the design into codes in programming languages [12]. the programming language used is php. the coding process follows the general rules and rules used in the code igniter framework[10]. 4. testing the process of testing the application from the coding results is done by means of black box testing. where the functions of the application such as links, buttons, forms, and other elements can work or not [14]. 5. implementation the implementation stage is carried out by researchers by installing and configuring applications on the server computer. in addition, socialization is also carried out to all users or users who have access to the application. 6. maintenance maintenance actions are in the form of correcting errors found during testing and when the application is running. in addition, maintenance is also carried out on the application and database, namely cleaning the cache on the server computer and periodically backing up the database. figure 1 iterative waterfall[12] iii. results and discussion a. current system analysis the research was conducted at the contact center of pt. xyz. contact center pt. xyx has a role in providing aftersales service to consumers, as an information service center 7 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 for consumers via telephone, short message or short message service (sms), whatsapp, electronic mail, and social networking media. from the results of observations and interviews, it was found that the performance appraisal of staff working at the contact center of pt. xyz consists of four elements, namely work productivity, consumer satisfaction index or cs index, attendance, and product knowledge. the assessment process is carried out every six months or every semester. the staff team leader will recapitulate all elements of the assessment and perform calculations according to the calculation reference that has been determined. the results of the recapitulation and calculations will be submitted to the head of the department. after the assessment data is sent to top management, the department head will inform each staff of the performance value. the performance value is the final value, so if there is an element of an unfavorable assessment, it cannot be improved. staff can make improvements in the next assessment period. figure 2 current state flow map calculation method by determining the achievement of each element included in the range of certain classes in accordance with the targets and calculation provisions that have been determined. the result of the calculation with the target is expressed as a percentage. furthermore, the percentage of the comparison results will be multiplied by the weight that has been set as well. the accumulated results of the weighting of all elements in the form of a percentage number are expressed as the final value or key performance indicator (kpi). the formula for calculating the final value is stated as follows: 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ∑(𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭) description final score : kpi, expressed in % work achievement classification : work achievement is compared with the calculation reference set by the department. expressed in % weight : determined by internal department, expressed in % table 1 classification of work achievements job achievement classification/criteria (%) x1 ~ x2 xx % x2 ~ x3 xx % x3 – x4 xx % ... ... xn-1 ~ xn xx % b. system design 1. system proposal referring to the current conditions in the recapitulation process and performance appraisal of the contact center staff of pt. xyz, the researcher proposes to build a web-based application to facilitate the process of recapitulation and staff performance appraisal, so that staff can see their respective work achievements every month and also as a monitoring support tool for department heads. the flow map of the application submitted is as follows: figure 3 the proposed system flow map in the flow map of the proposed system, staff or agents can see the achievement of work every month. so that if there are work achievements in the previous month that are not good, improvements can be made during the same assessment period. 2. system requirements the requirements in the system are outlined in the following table: table 2 system requirements function or position requirement accees dept.head agent 8 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 team leader manage productivity data, cs index, attendance, and product knowledge test scores. save the assessment standards that have been set. admin staf view productivity data, cs index, attendance, and product knowledge test scores and their respective final scores agent head of department view productivity data, cs index, absenteeism, and product knowledge test scores, and the final score of all staff. save the assessment standards that have been set. department head by using the unified modeling language (uml), the access requirements in the system are described in the following use case diagram:: figure 4 use case diagram of the proposed system 3. activity diagram activity diagrams represent various activities or pieces of processes and sequences in the system [12]. figure 5 activity diagram calculate the final score (kpi) 4. sequence diagram sequence diagrams are used to model the interactions between objects and also represent sample snippets of software system processes [15]. figure 6 sequence diagram calculate the final value 5. class diagram class diagrams describe the static structure of a system or how the system is structured. the static structure of a system consists of a number of classes and their dependencies. a class represents an entity that has attributes and functions[12]. figure 7 the proposed system class diagram 6. database design database or database is needed to store data that will be, is being, or has been processed in the application. the relationship between tables in a database consisting of several entities is as follows. 9 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 8 relationships between tables in the database 7. interface design layout design describes the interface page (interface) designed on the application. figure 9 application login page display design after successful login, on the main page or dashboard, will display the user profile. the menu list is on the left. figure 10 dashboard page display designs the following is the final value calculation page display design. figure 11 staff kpi calculation page display design c. system implementation the coding process or coding to translate the design that has been made into a program using the codeigniter php framework which is paired with the adminlte3 site. the application built is called logsheet. figure 12 login page display figure 13 dashboard page view 10 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 14 kpi calculation page view by staff a. system test system testing with blackbox testing is carried out to ensure that the functions in the applications built do not contain errors or bugs when the application is run. table 3 testing the final value calculation menu (kpi) process design description result select the "kpi by agent" menu display the final score calculation page or kpi by staff name matching in kpi by agent, choose the name of the staff, the period of the first month and the end of the month displays a selection of staff name, starting month and ending month. login agent, unable to select staff name matching in kpi by agent, choose submit "go" after selecting staff name, starting and ending month period displays a summary of work achievements and final grades (kpi) based on the selected staff and month matching select the "kpi assessment" menu displays the kpi assessment page which contains a summary of the kpi achievements of all staff matching iv. conclusion some conclusions from the research this: 1. the developed web-based application can simplify evaluating staff performance at the contact center of pt. xyz. the calculation method in the application follows the provisions or standards that exist in the internal organization, both the targets to be achieved and the assessment reference. 2. the application developed can help staff monitor work achievement every month. so that if there are poor work achievements in the previous month, staff can find out more quickly and make performance improvements in the following month. in addition, the application can also be helpful for department heads if a special evaluation is needed for staff based on final grades. reference [1] m. abdullah, manajemen dan evaluasi kinerja karyawan. sleman: aswaja pressindo, 2014. 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[15] b. rumpe, modeling with uml. aachen: springer, 2016. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.1 january 2021 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 1 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) implementation of simple additive weighting (saw) method to determine exemplary pkh social worker (case study: ppkh garut regency) topan setiawan information systems study program faculty of computer science universitas ma’soem bandung, indonesia bayu priyatna information system, faculty of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang, indonesia ‹β› abstract—one measure of the success of an employee in carrying out his job is his election as an exemplary employee in the agency where he works. the selection must of course be based on standard measurement and objective assessment, the goal is that the predetermined results can be justified. a decision support system using the simple additive weighting (saw) method can help ppkh garut regency in determining exemplary pkh social worker in each sub-district ppkh unit, this method will look for weight values for each predetermined criterion consisting of quantity, integrity, dedication, reliability, initiative, diligence, attitude, motivation and presence. the data sample taken in this research was ppkh x sub-distric, where the results of the research are in the form of a ranking that can support the decision to choose an exemplary pkh social worker in ppkh garut regency. keywords: decision support system, pkh social worker, ppkh garut regency. abstrak —salah satu ukuran keberhasilan seorang pegawai dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya adalah terpilihnya sebagai pegawai teladan di instansi tempatnya bekerja. pemilihan tersebut tentunya harus didasarkan pada standar ukuran dan penilaian yang objektif, tujuannya agar hasil yang telah ditentukan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan metode simple additive weighting (saw) dapat membantu ppkh kab. garut dalam menentukan pendamping sosial pkh teladan di setiap unit ppkh kecamatan, metode ini akan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap kriteria yang telah ditentukan yang terdiri dari kuantitas, integritas, dedikasi, kehandalan, inisiatif, kerajinan, sikap, motivasi dan kehadiran. sampel data yang diambil pada penelitian ini adalah ppkh kec. x, dimana hasil penelitian berupa pemeringkatan yang dapat mendukung keputusan pemilihan pendamping sosial pkh teladan di ppkh kab. garut. kata kunci: sistem pendukung keputusan, pendamping sosial pkh, ppkh kab. i. introduction program keluarga harapan (pkh) is a program that provides conditional social assistance to keluarga penerima manfaat (kpm) that has been established by the ministry of social affairs or kementerian sosial (kemensos), as an effort to accelerate poverty reduction and has been launched by the government of indonesia since 2007 [1]. pkh implementers or pelaksana pkh (ppkh) are agencies scattered in every region starting from the central level (ppkh pusat), provincial level (ppkh provinsi), regency or city level (ppkh kabupaten / kota) and subdistrict level (ppkh kecamatan). pkh social worker at the sub-district level are employees or people who have direct contact with kpms to ensure that kpms get their rights and carry out their obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions. in an uncertain period of time, ppkh garut regency in collaboration with the garut regency social service has twice selected exemplary pkh social workers to give appreciation to workers who have shown achievements in carrying out their work. the selection was carried out on a bottom-up basis starting at the sub-district level where workers selected from the sub-district level were submitted to the regency level to take further tests. in its implementation the standards for measuring and assessing work performance are less clear and not transparent, so that dissatisfaction for those who feel that their performance has been maximized but are not selected. this in turn creates a negative stigma that the selection is subjective and the reward received is not based on work performance, but on other factors outside of work assignments. to overcome this problem, it is necessary to implement a decision support system with standardized measures so that the results can be accounted for [1]. decision support system (dss) is a system that is used to assist and determine decisions to information users to be more precise in solving problems that exist within a company, agency, or organization by data and certain methods [2]. one method that can be applied is the simple additive weighting (saw) method where the result is a ranking of exemplary employees [3]. by using the dss in decision making, the standard for measuring and evaluating the performance of each worker will be determined properly, so that all parties involved can accept the decision [2]. 2 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 ii. method a. research framework input output study of literature data collection data processing reporting understanding theories & concepts data and information required list of worker ratings research report fig. 1. research framework b. saw method saw is a simple multi-criteria decision-making method [4]. the steps in this method include: 1. assessment criteria (cj, j = 1, 2, 3,…, m), which are used as a reference in making this decision are shown in table i. table i. assessment criteria kode criteria (cj) c1 quantity c2 integrity c3 dedication c4 realibility c5 initiative c6 diligence c7 attitude c8 motivation c9 presence information: quantity : how quickly the worker gets the job done integrity : how committed the worker is to the job dedication : how much dedication is devoted by worker to realize the ideals and success of the pkh program realibility : relates to whether or not worker can be relied on on certain issues initiative : how often worker take corrective action, make suggestions for job improvement and accept responsibility for completing work diligence : willingness to carry out tasks without coercion and also of a routine nature attitude : worker's behavior towards the organization or boss or coworkers motivation : how successful are worker in motivating kpm to leave pkh program participation. presence : how often are worker present at the workplace to work or attend internal organization meetings 2. determine the weight of each criterion with (wj, j = 1, 2, 3, …, m) where ∑wj = 1. 3. determine a decision matrix using equation (1). if j is benefit criteria (1) if j is cost criteria information: rij : normalized performance rating value xij : the attribute value that each criterion has max xij : the largest value of each criterion min xij : the smallest value of each criterion benefit : if the largest value is the best cost : if the smallest value is the best 4. calculating the preference value for each alternative using equation (2). (2) information: vi : ranking for each alternative wj : the weighted value of each criterion rij : normalized performance rating value the biggest vi value indicates that the alternative ai is an alternative choice. iii. results and discussion a. determination of the scale and weight of the criteria determination of alternative values for each criterion using a likert scale of 9-1 [5], with the following formulations: table ii. criteria likert scale value quality 9 a 8 a 7 b+ 6 b 5 b 4 c+ 3 c 2 c 1 d the weight for each criterion based on the value of importance is addressed as in table iii. tabel iii. criteria weight 3 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 kode criteria (cj) weight (wj) c1 quantity 0.05 c2 integrity 0.20 c3 dedication 0.10 c4 realibility 0.03 c5 initiative 0.09 c6 diligence 0.15 c7 attitude 0.17 c8 motivation 0.08 c9 presence 0.13 summary 1.00 b. implementation this study used a sample of 21 pkh social workers in x sub-district, with the following steps: 1. value tabulation for each of the alternative criteria obtained from interviews with informants and supporting data is shown in table iv. tabel iv. worker data and value tabulation alternative c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 worker 1 a a a a a b+ a b+ a worker 2 a c+ b b+ b b+ b+ b b worker 3 b+ b b b b+ c+ c b c worker 4 b b+ b+ b b+ b b+ b b+ worker 5 b b+ c c b c+ b+ b c+ worker 6 b c+ b c+ b b b b b worker 7 a c+ b b a a b+ a b+ worker 8 a b+ a a b a b+ a a worker 9 a b+ b+ b+ b b a b b worker 10 b a c a d b b b b worker 11 a b a b+ b a b b+ a worker 12 a b b+ b+ b b+ b a b worker 13 a b a a b b b+ b+ b+ worker 14 b d d c d d c d d worker 15 c+ b+ b c+ b c b c+ c+ worker 16 b a a b b b b b a worker 17 a a a a a a a b+ a worker 18 a b b b b b b b b worker 19 c+ b+ b b c+ b b c+ c+ worker 20 b c b b b b+ c+ b b+ worker 21 b b c+ b b+ c+ b+ b c+ 2. the data value for each of the alternative criteria is then converted according to the likert scale of 9-1. so that you get the following results: tabel v. criteria value conversion table alternative c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 worker 1 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 7 9 worker 2 9 4 6 7 6 7 7 6 6 worker 3 7 6 6 6 7 4 3 6 3 worker 4 6 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 worker 5 6 7 3 3 6 4 7 6 4 worker 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 worker 7 9 4 6 6 9 9 7 9 7 worker 8 9 7 9 9 6 9 7 9 9 worker 9 9 7 7 7 6 6 9 6 6 worker 10 6 9 3 9 1 6 6 6 6 worker 11 9 6 9 7 6 9 6 7 9 worker 12 9 6 7 7 6 7 6 9 6 worker 13 9 6 9 9 6 6 7 7 7 worker 14 6 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 worker 15 4 7 6 4 6 3 6 4 4 worker 16 6 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 9 worker 17 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 worker 18 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 worker 19 4 7 6 6 4 6 6 4 4 worker 20 6 3 6 6 6 7 4 6 7 worker 21 6 6 4 6 7 4 7 6 4 3. normalizing the decision matrix using equation (1). if a criterion is included in the profit criteria type, the greater the value the better. meanwhile, if the criteria are included in the type of cost criteria, the smaller the value the better. table vi. types of criteria kode criteria (cj) type c1 quantity benefit c2 integrity benefit c3 dedication benefit c4 realibility benefit c5 initiative benefit c6 diligence benefit c7 attitude benefit c8 motivation benefit c9 presence benefit 1) quantity r11 = = r21 = = 1 … r211 = = 2) integrity r12 = = r22 = = … r212 = = 3) dedication r13 = = r23 = = … r213 = = … 4 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 9) presence r19 = = r29 = = … r219 = = table vii. normalization results alternative r1 r2 r3 … r9 worker 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 … 1.00 worker 2 1.00 0.44 0.67 … 0.67 worker 3 0.78 0.67 0.67 … 0.33 worker 4 0.67 0.78 0.78 … 0.78 worker 5 0.67 0.78 0.33 … 0.44 worker 6 0.67 0.44 0.67 … 0.67 worker 7 1.00 0.44 0.67 … 0.78 worker 8 1.00 0.78 1.00 … 1.00 worker 9 1.00 0.78 0.78 … 0.67 worker 10 0.67 1.00 0.33 … 0.67 worker 11 1.00 0.67 1.00 … 1.00 worker 12 1.00 0.67 0.78 … 0.67 worker 13 1.00 0.67 1.00 … 0.78 worker 14 0.67 0.11 0.11 … 0.11 worker 15 0.44 0.78 0.67 … 0.44 worker 16 0.67 1.00 1.00 … 1.00 worker 17 1.00 1.00 1.00 … 1.00 worker 18 1.00 0.67 0.67 … 0.67 worker 19 0.44 0.78 0.67 … 0.44 worker 20 0.67 0.33 0.67 … 0.78 worker 21 0.67 0.67 0.44 … 0.44 4. calculating the preference value of each worker using equation (2). vworker1 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*1.00) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*1.00) + (0.09*1.00) + (0.15*0.78) + (0.17*1.00) + (0.08*0.78) + (0.13*1.00) = 0.95 vworker2 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.44) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.78) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.78) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.68 vworker3 = (0.05*0.78) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.78) + (0.15*0.44) + (0.17*0.33) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.33) = 0.55 vworker4 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*0.78) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.78) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.78) = 0.74 vworker5 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*0.33) + (0.03*0.33) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.44) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.44) = 0.60 vworker6 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.44) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.44) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.61 vworker7 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.44) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*1.00) + (0.15*1.00) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*1.00) + (0.13*0.78) = 0.78 vworker8 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*1.00) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*1.00) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*1.00) + (0.13*1.00) = 0.89 vworker9 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*0.78) + (0.03*0.78) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*1.00) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.78 vworker10 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*1.00) + (0.10*0.33) + (0.03*1.00) + (0.09*0.11) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.65 vworker11 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*0.78) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*1.00) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.78) + (0.13*1.00) = 0.81 vworker12 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*0.78) + (0.03*0.78) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.78) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*1.00) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.74 vworker13 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*1.00) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*0.78) + (0.13*0.78) = 0.76 vworker14 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.11) + (0.10*0.11) + (0.03*0.33) + (0.09*0.11) + (0.15*0.11) + (0.17*0.33) + (0.08*0.11) + (0.13*0.11) = 0.18 vworker15 = (0.05*0.44) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.44) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.33) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.44) + (0.13*0.44) = 0.58 vworker16 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*1.00) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*1.00) = 0.80 vworker17 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*1.00) + (0.10*1.00) + (0.03*1.00) + (0.09*1.00) + (0.15*1.00) + (0.17*1.00) + (0.08*0.78) + (0.13*1.00) = 0.98 vworker18 = (0.05*1.00) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.67) = 0.68 vworker19 = (0.05*0.44) + (0.20*0.78) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.44) + (0.15*0.67) + (0.17*0.67) + (0.08*0.44) + (0.13*0.44) = 0.62 vworker20 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.33) + (0.10*0.67) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.67) + (0.15*0.78) + (0.17*0.44) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.78) = 0.59 5 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 vworker21 = (0.05*0.67) + (0.20*0.67) + (0.10*0.44) + (0.03*0.67) + (0.09*0.78) + (0.15*0.44) + (0.17*0.78) + (0.08*0.67) + (0.13*0.44) = 0.60 table viii. preference value of each worker alternative v1 v2 v3 … v9 vi worker 1 0.05 0.20 0.10 … 0.13 0.95 worker 2 0.05 0.09 0.07 … 0.09 0.68 worker 3 0.04 0.13 0.07 … 0.04 0.55 worker 4 0.03 0.16 0.08 … 0.10 0.74 worker 5 0.03 0.16 0.03 … 0.06 0.60 worker 6 0.03 0.09 0.07 … 0.09 0.61 worker 7 0.05 0.09 0.07 … 0.10 0.78 worker 8 0.05 0.16 0.10 … 0.13 0.89 worker 9 0.05 0.16 0.08 … 0.09 0.78 worker 10 0.03 0.20 0.03 … 0.09 0.65 worker 11 0.05 0.13 0.10 … 0.13 0.81 worker 12 0.05 0.13 0.08 … 0.09 0.74 worker 13 0.05 0.13 0.10 … 0.10 0.76 worker 14 0.03 0.02 0.01 … 0.01 0.18 worker 15 0.02 0.16 0.07 … 0.06 0.58 worker 16 0.03 0.20 0.10 … 0.13 0.80 worker 17 0.05 0.20 0.10 … 0.13 0.98 worker 18 0.05 0.13 0.07 … 0.09 0.68 worker 19 0.02 0.16 0.07 … 0.06 0.62 worker 20 0.03 0.07 0.07 … 0.10 0.59 worker 21 0.03 0.13 0.04 … 0.06 0.60 the vi with the largest preference value is the chosen worker, so that worker 17 is the recommended worker to become an exemplary pkh social worker in ppkh x subdistrict. conclusion based on the results described, it is concluded that the implementation of the saw method is effective as a decision support system in determining exemplary pkh social workers in ppkh garut regency. the results of research conducted on 21 pkh social workers in x subdistrict showed that exemplary pkh social worker in the region received a preference value of 0.98. references [1] a. m. siregar, s. faisal, y. cahyana, and b. priyatna, “perbandingan algoritme klasifikasi untuk prediksi cuaca,” j. account. inf. syst., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 15–24, 2020. 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[7] budiaji, weksi. 2013. skala pengukuran dan jumlah respon skala likert. jipp (jurnal ilmu pertanian dan perikanan), 2(2), 127-133. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.2 no.2, july 2021 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 62 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 the use of usability tests in website-based student report value processing information systems arip solehudin 1 technical information faculty of computer science, university singaperbangsa karawang, indonesia nono heryana 2 information system faculty of computer science, university singaperbangsa karawang, indonesia ‹β› rieke retnosary 3 information system faculty of computer science, university buana perjuangan karawang, indonesia abstract the information system for processing student report cards based on the website is a system that provides information on student activity reports online in the form of grade reports and related student information based on the web, thus helping speed and quality in delivering information. problems that occur in processing report cards at smpn 2 telagasari are currently still using report cards and inputting student scores is still manual. this study aims to build a value information system that makes it easier to check, record, and report computerized student grade data. in addition, by being web-based, data information can be accessed at any time. this website uses xampp as a web server for system design and mysql as a database. the design of the login menu consisting of admins, teachers, and students has separate access when opening the application so that the security of the program is maintained. testing this website using black-box testing and likert scale usability testing to make it easier for authors to assess whether this online report card processing information system website can facilitate users. keywords: information system, value, report card, website, mysql abstrak sistem informasi pengolahan raport siswa berbasis website merupakan sistem yang menyediakan informasi laporan kegiatan siswa secara online berupa raport nilai dan informasi siswa terkait berbasis web, sehingga membantu kecepatan dan kualitas dalam penyampaian informasi. permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pengolahan raport di smpn 2 telagasari saat ini masih menggunakan raport dan penginputan nilai siswa masih manual. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi nilai yang memudahkan pengecekan, pencatatan, dan pelaporan data nilai siswa secara komputerisasi. selain itu, dengan berbasis web, informasi data dapat diakses setiap saat. website ini menggunakan xampp sebagai web server untuk perancangan sistem dan mysql sebagai database. perancangan menu login yang terdiri dari admin, guru, dan siswa memiliki akses tersendiri saat membuka aplikasi sehingga keamanan program tetap terjaga. pengujian website ini menggunakan pengujian black box dan pengujian usability skala likert untuk memudahkan penulis menilai apakah website sistem informasi pengolahan raport online ini dapat memudahkan pengguna. kata kunci: sistem informasi, nilai, rapor, website, mysql i. preliminary the use of technology and information is now also an aspect of life that is not only limited to the work environment. this is what makes technology and data very important for the survival of society. school is an environment that has used information technology. education is an institution that aims to provide services in the academic aspect that is used by many people in guiding a student. the school directs students to become people who can advance the nation. the school is one of the bodies devoted to guiding students in the monitoring of educators. at the end of each semester, the school evaluates a student in one semester as a basis for measuring academic progress that has been passed. each teacher will process these values and then will be given to each homeroom teacher respectively. each homeroom teacher then collects and produces in one form an evaluation document, which results in a document known as a student report card. the processing of report cards at smp negeri 2 telagasari is arguably less efficient and not optimal. each subject teacher gives grades to students which are then handed over to the homeroom teacher to be processed into a diploma (report). in the process of ensuring the student report card numbers continue to use the old method. subject teachers share student grades with homeroom teachers using excel separately. this makes it difficult for the homeroom teacher to rework the information submitted by the teacher on the subject, as a result, the way the report card works is held back for each grade. the software used does not match the wishes of consumers as a result, it causes consumers to have difficulty in working on student report cards. this of course causes the process of processing information and making information, from the processing field not so optimal, it can limit the way of searching and presenting the required information. to improve the quality of learning, increase the effectiveness of the duration and source of energy for schools, both in 63 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 guiding practice activities or school administration, such as in working on report cards, the use of information technology is highly desirable. in collecting, calculating student grades, and printing student report cards, this report card processing information system will greatly facilitate the process of making student report cards. ii. research methods a. information systems an information system is a system that is produced by people who are divided into parts into a body to achieve the goal of presenting data [1]. b. data processing an information system is a system that is produced by people who are divided into parts into a body to achieve the goal of presenting data [2]. c. website website or short for the web can be known as a group of pages that are divided into several pages that contain data in the form of virtual information in the form of text, paintings, films, audio, and other animations that are carried out via connection routes [3]. d. report card report cards are information on the results of teaching participants' information while exploring teaching and learning activities and submitted at the end of the activity twice a year whose reporting, in this case, is the results of daily quizzes, daily obligations, midterm tests, end-of-semester tests, character, extracurricular along with the required records related to reporting cards [4]. e. student students or students are those who are specially handed over by their parents to explore training activities held at the school, which aim to become a creature who has insight, skills, professionalism, character, has high morals, and is independent [5]. f. teacher the teacher or teacher is a person who guides and provides teaching because of his rights and obligations he is responsible for the learning of teaching participants [6]. g. school administration school administration is a sub-system of the body, in this case, it is a school body. the key activity is to take care of all forms of school administration, from correspondence to record keeping. so the rules of effort are not only related to correspondence activities but also relate to all explanatory materials and data in the form of scripts [7]. h. anfield modeling language (uml) uml (unified modeling language) is a description that is widely used in industry to describe requirements, make system analysis and design, and describe systems in objectoriented programming [8]. the following are the types of uml: 1. use case diagram use case diagram is a model for data system actions to be made. use case charts can be used to identify the uses of everything contained in the data system and who has the power to use those uses [9]. 2. class diagram the class chart describes the state of the system usability and requirements related to important menus and database connections [10]. 3. activity diagram activity diagrams describe a workflow (activity movement) or activity (activity) of a system or business field [9]. 4. sequence diagram sequence diagrams describe the subject's actions against a use case by defining the duration of the subject's life and the notes to be sent and obtained by fellow-subjects [9]. i. mysql mysql is a relational database management system. that is information that is managed through a database that will be placed in several separate tables so that dealing with information will be much faster. mysql can also be used to manage databases from the smallest to the largest[11]. j. database a database is a collection of interrelated information, hidden in external funds and used as special software to manipulate it. the database is also a significant part of the information system because it acts as a data facilitator for its users [12]. k. waterfall the modified waterfall form is a sequential concept method, often used in software development methods, in its progress, it always flows to the bottom (like a waterfall) through the levels of communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment [13]. l. php php is a scripting programming language that was originally developed to generate html statements. moreover, programming developed with php one hundred percent is always shown in the form of html code [14]. m. codeigniter code igniter is a framework from php that is opensource using the mvc (visual meteorological condition) procedure to make it easier for developers or programmers to create an application with a website platform without having to make it from scratch[1]. n. black box testing black box testing is centered on a functional element of the software. the tester can interpret the combination of an input situation and carry out tests on elements of a functional program. black box testing is not an alternative solution to white box testing, however, an accessory for testing situations that are not covered by white box testing[15]. iii. results and discussion to get an analysis of user needs for the system, likert scale usability is needed as a method to be able to analyze user needs in using this system, the following steps are: 1. the likert scale usability test focuses on the convenience of consumers in using the student report card data system, as a result, the instrument used for this research is usability research. in the usability aspect, the test uses an evaluation sheet in the form of a questionnaire or questionnaire which will be distributed to respondents directly after trying the information system. the questionnaire used is the use questionnaire by lund a.m (2001) which already has four criteria, namely usefulness, ease of learning, and satisfaction. in the calculation process, 64 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 the questionnaire has five scales that are used as benchmarks, including strongly agree (ss), agree (s), uncertain (rg), disagree (ts), and strongly disagree (sts). the following is a table of likert scale usability questions: table 1 questionnaire likert scale 2. data analysis techniques are used to determine the level of achievement of the objectives of the research based on the data that has been collected. testing this usability aspect by using likert scale quantitative data analysis. the likert scale contained in the use questionnaire instrument can use answers on a scale of five or scale seven, in this study using a scale of five. according to sugiyono (2009), the answers to each instrument using a likert scale have a gradation from very positive to negative. the value of 1 is the smallest while the value of 5 is the largest. table 2 likert skala scale classification the total value obtained is then calculated by the following formula. 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 (%) = total value maximal value information : total value = total value obtained from respondents' answers maximum value = number of statements x number of respondents x 5 after getting the results of the calculations, the values obtained will then be converted into qualitative values in the percentage assessment table. before knowing the percentage assessment table first, look for the interval distance rating of the likert scale using the following formula. interval = 100/total score (likert) = 100/5 = 20 from the calculation of the interval above, it can be seen that the result of the distance interval for the assessment percentage table is 20, so the percentage assessment table can be seen in table 3. table 3 rating percentage 3. furthermore, the results of testing data from the four tables are collected and accumulated so that it will produce a summary of the usability testing of the student report card processing information system with a total score that can be seen in the following table. table 4 results of usability test accumulated data 𝑥100% 65 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 based on the results of the accumulated usability test data in table 4.33, a total score of 2538 points was obtained from a maximum possible score of 3000 points. from the results obtained, the percentage of eligibility is calculated based on the data obtained. the calculation of the percentage of eligibility based on the data is as follows. (%) = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙 × 100% = 2538 3000 × 100% = 84,6 % the result of calculating the percentage of eligibility is 84.6% so it can be concluded that the student report card processing information system meets the usability standard with the "very good" category when viewed in the feasibility percentage table contained in chapter 3. a usability test is a test used in beta testing is a stage last in the construction process. with input and suggestions, the student report card processing information system will continue to be developed based on user evaluations so that this student report card processing information system can achieve the maximum level of feasibility. after getting the results of the likert scale usability testing related to data requirements to determine the level of user interest, the next stage is the development and design of the system following the stages in making the system: 1. in designing this system using a use case diagram as a modeling system, which was created using uml (unified modeling language). describe in building a system program. it is used as a medium that has a function to design the system and describe the interaction between the actor and the system. the following is an example of a system diagram use case design: figure 1 use case diagram 2. activity diagram of system capital is useful in describing the workflow on the system such as describing login activities, data management activities, modifying data, and deleting data. the following is an example of an activity diagram that has been created. figure 2 activity diagram 3. squance diagrams are useful for compiling the steps of messages sent to find out the flow of the relationship between objects because the sequence is the most useful diagram for dividing the use case model into a barangin system specification. the following squance example diagram for designing a goods lending system can be seen below. figure 3 sequence diagram 4. a class diagram is a modeling of the system design structure contained in the database. class diagram also aims to describe the functions needed in designing and creating systems. the following is an example of a class diagram for designing a goods lending system, which can be seen below: 66 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 figure 4 class diagram 5. system interface design in designing this user interface, it is designed using a pencil application. user interface design aims to describe the appearance of the system to be created. the following is the user interface design of the goods asset inventory system: login interface design figure 5 login interface design figure 6 admin interface design figure 7 teacher interface design figure 7 student interface design iv. conclusion based on the results of research and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. 1. the student report card processing information system uses the waterfall development model from pressman with the stages of communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. the information system developed has features to manage teachers, manage students, manage classes, manage subjects, manage grades, and print student report cards. 2. the developed information system has carried out tests that focus on usability aspects with the calculation results in the very good category, the product is developed to facilitate the user's work so that the objectives of the research are achieved. reference [1] m. destiningrum and q. j. adrian, “sistem informasi penjadwalan dokter berbassis web dengan menggunakan framework codeigniter (studi kasus: rumah sakit yukum medical centre),” j. teknoinfo, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 30, 2017, doi: 10.33365/jti.v11i2.24. 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assessment of service quality which is strongly influenced by the perceptions and expectations of each customer. the dimensions of service quality are divided into 5 main dimensions, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible.this study includes associative research or relationships using quantitative approach. the sample in this study was telkomsel customers in karawang regency who used the mytelkomsel application. a sample of 100 respondents was determined the sampling snowball method. the research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. the results of the analysis using spss version 16 show that: (1) reliability influences customer satisfaction (2) responsiveness influences customer satisfaction (3) assurance and certainty influences consumer satisfaction (4) empathy influences customer satisfaction (5) tangible influences to customer satisfaction. keywords: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangiblec abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas layanan. faktor penting dari bisnis jasa adalah penilaian kualitas layanan yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh persepsi dan harapan setiap pelanggan. dimensi kualitas pelayanan dibagi menjadi 5 dimensi utama yaitu: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy dan tangible penelitian ini termasuk penelitian asosiatif atau relasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan telkomsel di kabupaten karawang yang menggunakan aplikasi mytelkomsel. sampel sebanyak 100 responden ditentukan dengan metode sampling bola salju. instrumen penelitian berupa angket. hasil analisis dengan menggunakan spss versi 16 menunjukkan bahwa: (1) reliabilitas berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (2) responsiveness berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (3) assurance dan kepastian berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (4) empati berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (5) pengaruh tangible terhadap kepuasan konsumen . kata kunci: reliabilitas, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangiblec i. introduction the development of technology is now a means that can help activities such as communication, research, and other business transactions. many mobile phone users and a cell phone are proof that indonesia is developing telecommunications technology. telkomsel is an indonesian communication company whose business process uses information technology specifically the internet. telkomsel's customer service where to process service problems experienced by customers, customers must go to the grapari office. to measure service quality for users, one of which is using the service quality method. this method connects service provider consumers' views regarding the quality of electronic services and measures the level of user satisfaction. service quality, measured from the dimensions of reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness, determine the percentage or group of user satisfaction. based on the article [1], telkomsel customers' service is still inadequate because customers have to come to grapari to incur transport costs, disrupt time, and take a long time to complete are not sufficient. in this case, it attracts researchers to research related to the quality of mytelkomsel services. a study on service quality on customer satisfaction concludes that acceptable service levels positively affect customer satisfaction. customer satisfaction is very dependent on the services provided by the company. this certainly supports the goals of telkomsel. based on the article [1], the customer service to telkomsel is still inadequate because the customer has to come to grapari to incur transport costs, disrupt time, and take a long time to complete so that it is not practical. in this case, it attracts researchers to be able to research related to the quality of mytelkomsel services. research on service quality on ‹β› 27 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 customer satisfaction concludes that acceptable service levels positively affect customer satisfaction. this was chosen because customer satisfaction is very dependent on the services provided by the company and supports the goals of telkomsel. ii. method a. service quality the service quality method is a questionnaire used to measure service quality. developed in the 1980s by zeithhaml, parasuraman, and berry, it used to measure various service qualities. the service quality method to measure the service quality of each dimension's attributes so that the value of the gap will be obtained, which is the difference between consumer perceptions of the service received and the expected expectation. measurement of this method by measuring the quality of the attributes of each dimension, so that the value will be obtained which is the difference between consumer perceptions of the service to be received. however, in general, there is no uniformity of limitations regarding the concept of service quality. the service quality model that is most popular and has been widely used as a reference in management and service research is the service quality method model developed by zeithaml et al. in their study [2] of their series of studies on the service sector. this model, also known as the gap analysis model, is closely related to the customer satisfaction model based on the approach confirmed in [3]. this method measures the quality of service quantitatively in a questionnaire containing dimensions of service quality, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy b. service quality the company's quality of service to customers is critical, considering that customers buy its products. this causes companies to compete to provide the best service to their customers. in simple terms, quality can be defined as a defectfree product in research [4]. according to zeithmal [5], service quality can be defined as "the extent of discrepancy between customer's expectations or desire and their perceptions." stated that the quality of service received by consumers is stated by the magnitude of the difference between the expectations or desires of consumers and their level of perception. c. service service is an aspect that cannot underestimate in any business competition. because with customer service, they will evaluate then consider whether they will be loyal to the service provider. so it is not uncommon for business people to maximize their benefits to attract large consumers. therefore, if you want to attract as many consumers as possible, you must know the meaning of the service itself. the definition of service or service in general, according to purwadaminta, is to provide everything that other people need. meanwhile, according to tjiptono, the definition of service is an activity carried out by a company to customers who have purchased its product. service, according to moenir in [6] service is an activity carried out by a person or group of people based on material factors through certain systems, procedures and methods in order to fulfill the interests of others according to their rights. service is essentially a series of activities. therefore service is a process. as a process, service takes place regularly and continuously, covering all the lives of people in society. d. quality according to lewis and booms (1983) in [7] and [8], service quality is defined as a measure of how well the level of service provided is following customer/user expectations. based on another definition, service quality can realize by fulfilling customers' needs and desires and delivery to match the customer. service quality can be identified by comparing consumers' perceptions of the service they expect or want against the service attributes of a company. e. customer satisfaction according to kotler, customer satisfaction is the level of a person's feelings after comparing the performance or perceived results compared with expectations. service quality and customer satisfaction are essential elements that must be accounted for to improve company goals [9]. this research uses descriptive and causal analysis with a quantitative approach. according to riduwan [10], a descriptive study is directed to solve problems by describing or describing the research results. causal research, according to [11] is a type of research where there is a causal relationship between the independent variable (the variable that affects) and the dependent (the variable that is affected) [13]. this study uses a quantitative approach, namely research by analyzing data using numbers. this research is field research, and this is because in obtaining data from direct observations to users using a questionnaire method. the sources used are the actors involved in customer satisfaction of telkomsel services. the questionnaire is used to explore related customer satisfaction, actors, and documents involved in customer satisfaction. the procedures carried out in this study are as follows: fig. 1 research methods 1. research planning: at this stage, the researcher prepares a research grid where the data or information extracted to describe data sources, data collection techniques, and questions to be asked to the data source. 2. compilation of research instruments: at this stage, the researcher arranges research instruments based on the grid arranged. after the instrument. 3. the instrument test was arranged for several respondents, then tested the validity and reliability. after the instrument was deemed valid and reliable, the instrument could be distributed to the respondents who had been appointed. 4. data collection: at this stage, the researcher collects data based on the grid that has been made and with the instrument that has been prepared. 28 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 5. data processing: at this stage, the researcher tested the validity and reliability of the data collected. then the data is processed using descriptive statistics, and then the hypothesis is tested. 6. preparation of reports: at this stage, the researcher prepares a report representing data interpretation and discussion of this research. iii. result and discussion a. characteristics of research subjects this description provides an overview of the research subject, where this study describes the respondents' characteristics as research subjects. the topics referred to in this study are customers who use telkomsel in karawang. in this study, telkomsel users were selected as a population of respondents because they already know telkomsel, which can help provide accountable data. taking respondents as samples in this study, several customers in the karawang area are 100 respondents. b. data acquisition to obtain data about the factors that affect customer satisfaction of mytelkomsel, karawang regency, questionnaires were distributed to mytelkomsel users. the questionnaires were distributed to 100 people and distributed to customers in karawang regency. this happened because did the filling online, did this because the covid 19 outbreak researchers could not distribute questionnaires directly in distributing questionnaires, researchers gave directions to respondents to fill out questionnaires. c. validity test according to sugiyono [12] "validity is valid means that can use the instrument to measure what should be measured." based on the validity test of the research instrument using the correlation matrix of the spss version 16 calculation results and the rtabel table, where the test results show that the instrument is said to be valid if rcount> rtabel, where if we look at the r table with the number of respondents (n) 100 then the r table is 0.195. table 1 validity test result item rhasil rtabel ket r1 0,770 0,195 valid r2 0,783 0,195 valid r3 0,746 0,195 valid a1 0,585 0,195 valid a2 0,640 0,195 valid a3 0,633 0,195 valid a4 0,629 0,195 valid a5 0,741 0,195 valid a6 0,676 0,195 valid t1 0,616 0,195 valid t2 0,787 0,195 valid t3 0,790 0,195 valid t4 0,653 0,195 valid e1 0,812 0,195 valid e2 0,741 0,195 valid e3 0,806 0,195 valid e4 0,722 0,195 valid s1 0,710 0,195 valid s2 0,782 0,195 valid s3 0,808 0,195 valid s4 0,781 0,195 valid from the results of the acquisition of the above variables (reliability, assurance, tangible, emphaty, responsiveness) all of them produce a value (rhitung)> than (rtabel) of 0.195. so it can be concluded that all instruments in this study are said to be valid. d. reliability test table 2. reliability test item alpha rtabel keterangan r 0,645 0,6 reliabel a 0,673 0,6 reliabel t 0,670 0,6 reliabel e 0,772 0,6 reliabel s 0,772 0,6 reliabel from the results of the reliability test, all the results of all variables (reliability, assurance, tangible, emphaty, responsiveness) resulted in all cronbach's alpha values> 0.6. so it can be concluded that all the instruments in this study are reliable. a. analisis service quality analysis of service quality with the service quality (servqual) model. in this study, the dimensions related to service quality are reliability, assurance and assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. the five dimensions have attributes in each dimension and in this study, there were 21 statements submitted to mytelkomsel users, karawang regency. all data attributes to respondents will be tested using validity and reliability tests to show whether the data is valid and reliable or not. based on the validity and reliability tests results, stated that all data from the respondents were valid. so can used in servqual calculations. servqual analysis was carried out by looking at the gaps between the expected services and the services received by users. from the results of the study of service quality, it can conclude that the level of service quality for each dimension (reliability, assurance, tangibles, responsiveness) still needs to be improved. whereas for variables so that users have well felt the empathy on the mytelkomsel application. the service quality method is a questionnaire used to measure service quality. developed in the 1980s by zeithhaml, parasuraman, and berry, it has been used to measure a variety of service qualities. the service quality method is a method used b. recommendations the service quality method is a crucial aspect in assessing the quality of service results from research obtained from the findings that have produced, so the authors provide recommendations such as the following: 1. based on the results of research that has been conducted by the author, the respondent's assessment of 29 | vol.2 no.1, january 2021 mytelkomsel service quality that gets the lowest rating is the tangible indicator, which received a low rating from telkomsel users. therefore, the recommendation given is that the company optimizes the services provided so that it can touch the heart of telkomsel users, besides improving customer service response in handling customer complaints and updating mytelkomsel features very attractive to users. 2. service quality in reliability, assurance, empathy, responsiveness (responsiveness), gets good scores from mytelkomsel users. overall service quality proved in the assessment of service quality, and sincere service is a factor that influences users to stay loyal to use telkomsel services. in this case, the author recommends that the company continue to maintain and improve the quality of service and exclusive features that are easy to understand. the research results on the level of customer satisfaction telkomsel regarding customer satisfaction with mytelkomsel users, karawang regency. based on the data obtained from the questionnaire that has been collected and has been statistically analyzed, it is found that the level of customer satisfaction telkomsel is quite satisfying from the questionnaire statement on telkomsel customers very satisfying. telkomsel's customer satisfaction level, based on data obtained from collected questionnaires and has been statistically analyzed, then seen from the questionnaire and in the table shows that customers are quite satisfied with the mytelkomsel application. from the respondent's assessment of customer satisfaction, namely in the variable reliability, there are three statement items in the statement the most exceptional item. namely, telkomsel provides promised service immediately so that the highest score is obtained, namely 397, the three statement items have a total of 1,173. furthermore, from the respondent's assessment of customer satisfaction, namely in the assurance and assurance variable, there are six items of the highest statement score, namely in the customer-friendly telkomsel service item. intangible variables, the most respondents 'responses were telkomsel's features that were easy to understand, and on the empathy variable, most respondents' answers were telkomsel who gave attention to complaints from customers. also, most respondents' responses to telkomsel's responsiveness variable provide the information needed to customers. all the respondents' responses indicate that mytelkomsel users in karawang regency are satisfied with telkomsel's services. iv. conclusion based on final study, the level of satisfaction of the research results shows very satisfyingly, namely in customer service. in this case, the telkomsel company should continue to provide maximum and increasing service quality so that consumers remain loyal to use the mytelkomsel application. there is a positive relationship between service quality variables and company image, where the better the quality of service performed by customer service, the more positive the company image is. so it can be concluded, the notion that is formed can be determined by the quality of service (customer service) to customers. from the correlation between customer service quality variables, it is known that the highest value is in the dimension of assurance and assurance, while the lowest value is in the tangible dimension. this shows that the assurance capabilities related to the quality of telkomsel and customer service services have a strong relationship to improve the company's image. references [1] j. rewah, “pengaruh kualitas layanan online terhadap kepuasan pelanggan telkomsel manado,” cogito smart j., vol. 2, no. 2, p. 250, 2016, doi: 10.31154/cogito.v2i2.34.250-263. 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[13] b. p. april lia hananto, “rancang bangun aplikasi informasi harga produk,” technoxplore, vol. 2, no.1, pp. 10–20, 2017. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.1 january 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 28 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 money check result data management application section verbasar by web-based (case study : perum peruri) topan setiawan 1 study program information systems faculty of computer science, universitas ma’some, bandung, indonesia nono heryana 2 study program information systems faculty of computer science, universitas singaperbangsa karawang, indonesia ‹β› bayu priyatna 3 study program information systems faculty of engineering and computer science, universitas buana perjuangan karawang, indonesia abstrak—pemanfaatan teknologi komputer dan sistem informasi di abad ke-20 ini sudah banyak digunakan, tidak terkecuali pada perusahaan. keuntungan dari penggunaan sistem informasi di perusahaan yaitu dapat menyajikan media pengelolaan data dalam proses bisnis perusahaan di mana sangat diperlukan agar efektifitas dapat tercapai. seksi verbasar merupakan salah satu seksi di perum peruri yang bertugas memeriksa hasil cetakan uang kertas, dengan jumlah karyawan sekitar 100 orang. pengelolaan dan penyimpanan data hasil pemeriksaan uang di seksi verbasar masih terdapat permasalahan. permasalahannya ialah penggunaan microsoft excel sebagai media pengelolaan dan penyimpanan data yang dinilai belum optimal. oleh karena itu dibangun sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan data hasil pemeriksaan uang seksi verbasar berbasis web sebagai pengganti sistem lama agar pengelolaan dan penyimpanan data menjadi lebih optimal dalam proses dan laporannya. pada pembuatan aplikasi ini peneliti menggunakan metode pengambilan data seperti observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. sdlc (system development life cylce) model waterfall digunakan untuk metode pengembangan sistem dengan uml (unified modelling language) sebagai modelling tools untuk mengembangkan rancangan sistem informasi. hasil yang diharapkan adalah agar pengelolaan data hasil pemeriksaan uang dapat memberikan sistem yang lebih baik dari sistem lama dalam hal pengelolaan data. kata kunci : aplikasi, sdlc, waterfall, web, pemeriksaan, uang abstract—the use of computer technology and information systems in the 20th century has been widely used, including companies. the advantage of using an information system in the company is that it can provide data management media in its business processes where effectiveness must be achieved. the verbasar section is one of the sections in perum peruri, which is in charge of checking the printouts of banknotes, with around 100 employees. there are still problems in managing and storing data on the results of money checks in the verbasar section. the problem is using microsoft excel as a medium for data management and storage, which is considered not optimal. therefore, a web-based application for data management of the verbasar section money examination results was built as a substitute for the old system so that data management and storage became more optimal in the process and report. in making this application, researchers used data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and literature studies. sdlc (system development life cycle) waterfall model is used for system development method with uml (unified modeling language) as modeling tools to develop information system design. the expected result is that the data management of money check results can provide a better system than the old system in terms of data management.. keywords : application, sdlc, waterfall, web, examination, money i. introduction the rapid and widespread use of computer technology has created a new pattern of life where almost every activity, especially in terms of work, cannot be separated from information systems. the current information system plays a role as a supporter or assistant in time efficiency and working methods. many companies are already using information systems to support all production activities that run in the company [1]. an information system is an organized system that functions in managing information where the information can be useful and has the intent and purpose so that the 29 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 information conveyed can be accepted and achieved [2]. one real example of the use of information systems is in the company. in companies, the use of information systems has become used at this time as a supporting medium for the running of business processes. [3]. verbasar section is one of the sections in perum peruri which is in charge of verifying or checking the printed money [4]. the problem in the big sheet verification section (verbasar) is that the data management of money check results is still using microsoft excel (ms. excel), which is considered ineffective [5]. data on the results of money checks are data on the amount of money (quantity) that each employee and data have checked on cash damage found during the inspection. the use of ms. excel as a data management media is more at risk of being changed or even deleted, either intentionally or unintentionally, because anyone can open the data. in addition, the large number of files stored on the computer makes searching for data difficult. then in terms of the admin's ability to operate ms. excel, which is still inadequate, it makes data management more difficult so that the data report on the results of money checks is hampered [6]. considering these problems, an internal information system application is needed in the verbasar section to manage money audit data so that data management becomes more effective and reduces the number of files stored. therefore, this research takes the title "web-based application for data management of verbasar section money check results." ii. method a. data collection techniques data collection techniques carried out in this study are as follows. 1. observation observation is to make direct observations in the verbasar verification section as a place of research. this observation is intended to obtain information related to the problems that are the object of research. 2. interview at the interview stage, the researcher conducted interviews with the leadership and admin of the verbasar section, regarding the data management of the ongoing money check results. the purpose of this interview is to obtain factual information. 3. literature study this literature study carries out activities of collecting research bases from journals, books, final assignments, proceedings that have a relationship with the research title appointed. information obtained from various sources, both national and international. b. system development method the system development method used in this research is the waterfall model sdlc (system development life cycle). the sdlc method aims to produce a quality system that is by the customer's wishes [7]. the waterfall is analogous to a waterfall, and water will flow step by step until it finally reaches its destination [8]. sdlc waterfall is a software development method that proposes a systematic and sequential approach to software starting from the level of system progress starting from analysis and ending with maintenance [9]. figure 1 stages of the sdlc waterfall model [10] the steps involved in making the application for data management results from money checks are as follows: 1. analysis (analysis) at this stage collect information about the system that is running in the verbasar section by means of observation and interviews. observations and interviews aim to obtain data that is in accordance with the facts in the verbasar section. after finding the problem, then it is analyzed to find a solution in the form of a proposed system. 2. design this stage is done before coding. this stage has 2 parts, namely system design and interface design. the system design is done with uml tools using 5 diagrams, namely use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and class diagrams. the second part is interface design, so that the interface is more effective, which means it is ready to be used with the desired results. the needs in question are the needs of users. the user interface on a system will affect the performance of its users. user interface design using the pencil application. 3. implementation (coding) in this stage, programming is carried out or the process of translating the design of the system design into a form that can be understood by the machine, using programming language codes. making this program or application uses the codeigniter framework, bootstrap as a css framework, mysql as a database, php programming language, and xampp as a web server. 4. testing testing is the stage of feasibility testing on the system to be made, starting from the system design, to the function of each of its features. this test uses black box testing and white box testing methods. 30 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 5. maintenance maintenance is the final stage in the waterfall model by performing maintenance on the current system. system maintenance can be done by making repairs to parts that experience problems when running and backing up data regularly. backing up data can take advantage of external storage such as a hard disk or by storing it in cloud storage (cloud storage). iii. results and discussion a. system planning at this stage is an activity to identify, analyze and evaluate problems or obstacles that occur in the current system, namely the process of managing data from the results of money checks. with the system analysis, it is hoped that improvements to the new system that will be designed can be proposed. 1. current system analysis the following is a flowmap of the system running on the data management of the results of money checks in the verbasar section: figure 2 flow maps of a running system in the system that runs on the process of managing the data on the results of the examination of money, the group leader asks for a form to write the data on the results of the examination of money which consists of 2 forms, namely a form to write the amount of money checks carried out by employees and a form to write the amount of money damage. the inspection result data form is filled in by the group leader, then inputted into microsoft excel according to each group, and the money damage data form is given to the admin. admin recaps data on damage to money and makes a report on the results of the inspection to be submitted to the leadership. leaders receive reports and acc reports. 2. analysis of the proposed system judging from the analysis that has been carried out on the system currently running in the verbasar section, it is proposed to make an application to be used as a medium or a place to manage data on the results of money checks. this application is a substitute for ms. excel as a data manager for money check results. figure 3 flow maps of the proposed system in the flowmaps, the proposed system for the data management application from the results of the money check requires 2 users, namely the admin and the group leader with their respective access rights. the first user or user is the group leader, where the task of the group leader is to input data on the results of money checks carried out by his group members. each group leader will have their own account to be able to access the system or application. the second user is the admin, where the admin has the task of recapitulating the data on money damage obtained from each group leader and making reports to the leadership regarding the data on the results of money checks in the verbasar section. b. system design the system modeling design uses uml (unified modeling language) which is a standard modeling language used as a visualization, specifying, constructing, and documenting the tools of an object-oriented software system [11]. 31 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 1. use case diagrams use case diagrams only describe a condition seen by outside users, not how the functions that exist in the system [12]. the use case diagram for the application for managing data on the results of money checks consists of the admin and group leader. a. admin: managing employee data, checking group data, managing user data, managing group data, managing goods data, managing damage type data, managing damage data, and managing reports. b. group leader: the group leader is an actor who has access rights to manage data on the results of money checks that have been carried out by employees who are members of the group. figure 4 use case diagrams 2. activity diagrams activity diagram is a series of processes used to describe activities that are formed in a series of operations. activity diagrams have the function of showing the sequence of process activities on the system, helping to understand the overall process [13]. the activity diagram below is an explanation of the process of managing money audit data which consists of adding, deleting data, and filtering data on money inspection results by the group leader. figure 5 activity diagram managing data from money check results 3. sequence diagram sequence diagram is a diagram of the interaction between objects based on a certain time sequence. sequence diagrams start from pulling the actors in the use case diagram by creating a detailed sequence of the flow of the use case process with messages flowing in it [14]. in the sequence diagram, the data input of the results of the money check carried out by the employee is entered by the group leader into the application, and the data will be stored in the production table in the database. gambar 1 sequence diagram input data on money check results 4. class diagrams a class diagram is a uml (unified modeling language) diagram that defines the classes and the relationships between the classes to be built. the classes in the class diagram consist of attributes and methods to make creating programs that describe the relationship between design documentation and appropriate software [15]. the class diagram on the application for managing data on the results of money checks can be seen in the following figure. 32 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 7 class diagrams 5. interface design interface design is an important part that will interact directly with users. the interface design that will be built on the money audit result data management application is as follows. a. main page display design with admin access: figure 8 admin access main page b. main page display design with access as group leader: figure 9 main page access group leader c. money check results page done by employee: figure 10 data page of money check results d. damage data page which is the result of findings on money checks carried out by employees: figure 11 money damage data page c. system implementation system coding is the translation stage from the designer that has been made in the uml model and the system interface design. at this stage the application is made using the codeighniter framework in which there is a php programming language combined with html, css, boostrap and javascript, for the base using mysql. 1. login page the login page is used by the user to enter the market retribution application according to the access rights owned by the user. figure 2 login page 2. dashboard page the dashboard page is the main page after the user has successfully logged in. 33 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 figure 13 admin dashboard page figure 14 group leader dashboard page 3. money check result page this page contains data on the number of cash checks completed by employees. figure 15 officer access page 4. money damage data page this page will display data on cash damage collected from the results of money checks by employees. figure 16 money damage data page d. system testing system testing on the money check result data management application uses the black box method where the test is carried out on the program display to ensure the program runs well as desired. the testing process for this application is as follows. table 1 testing the login page process design output result open the app show login page matching fill in username and password with correct data a successful login message appears and the application dashboard appears according to the user matching fill in username and or password with wrong data dashboard fails to appear, a message appears that the username or password has not been registered matching empty the username and or password dashboard fails to appear, a prompt message appears to fill in the username and password form matching e. maintenance maintenance on the system is carried out by correcting the program in case of errors, adding features as needed, and regularly backing up data. how to backup data by downloading the report on the results of the money check, then creating a report folder with the name of the date and month of the report. in addition, data related to the system, if there is a system update, data backups must be carried out, so that the data stored is the latest data. backup data storage can use 2 ways, namely with external storage such as hard disks and cloud storage (cloud storage). cloud storage is intended to avoid data loss when the hard drive is lost or damaged. system maintenance aims to maintain or even develop the system that has been created. iv. conclusion based on the descriptions in the previous chapters, a problem was found in managing the data on the results of money checks in the verbasar section, which still uses ms. excel as a data management and data storage tool. this problem is the reason for creating a web-based money check result data management application. from the results of trials that have been carried out on the application, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. this application can perform data processing on the results of money checks, including adding, changing, and deleting data. 34 | vol.3 no.1, january 2022 2. this application can display data reports on the results of money checks, which can be used to report to the leadership. 3. the data stored in this application is more efficient because the data is collected in one web-based storage source. 4. reports on the results of money checks can be displayed based on a certain period with the provided data filter facility. reference [1] suhendro, dedi. 2017. “perancangan dan implementasi realisasi 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mengelola pelayanan publik untuk bertransformasi memperbaiki paradigma birokrasi tidak efektif, e-government merupakan solusi untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik. salah satu kegagalan dalam implementasi egovernment adalah ketidaksiapan pemerintah desa dalam melakukan adopsi teknologi informasi. metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. hasil yang diperoleh, model framework stope yang terdiri atas strategy, technology, organization, people dan environment merupakan model yang paling tepat untuk menganalisis kesiapan pemerintah desa. dari 5 domain yang dinilai terdapat 3 domain yang mendapatkan predikat sangat siap dan 2 domain yang mendapat predikat siap. kata kunci— e-government, stope framework, pelayanan publik abstract— public services in the village are very important because the village is the smallest part of the administrative government system in indonesia and is the front line of public services. technological developments encourage the government to manage public services to improve the ineffective bureaucratic paradigm. e-government is a solution to improve public services. one of the failures in implementing e-government is the village government's lack of readiness to adopt information technology. the research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. the results obtained suggest that the stope framework model consisting of strategy, technology, organization, people, and environment is the most appropriate model to analyze the readiness of the village government. of the 5 domains that were assessed, 3 domains received the very ready predicate and 2 domains received the ready predicate. keywords— e-government, stope framework, public service i. introduction the village government [1] has a strategic role and position in national development because the village government is the smallest part of the administrative government system in indonesia. public services [2] in the village are a reflection of public services for higher levels of government, which so far have been carried out conventionally and have a paradigm of slow bureaucracy, convoluted procedures, and no certainty. technological developments encourage the government to manage public services to transform to improve the ineffective bureaucratic paradigm because the lack of quality public services is a major problem in indonesia. one solution is the implementation of e-government as a whole in public services. this is related to the initiation of e-government in indonesia through presidential instruction no. 6 of 2001 on telematics [3]. village government is an important level of government in a country. village government plays a crucial role in managing and developing the potential of the village [4], as well as providing public services to village residents. in the era of rapidly advancing information technology, village governments must also be ready to adopt e-government or government based on information technology. e-government is a government system that uses information technology to provide more effective, efficient, and transparent public services [5]. stope framework [6] is a framework that can be used to evaluate an organization's readiness to implement egovernment initiatives. the framework includes five components: strategy, technology, organization, people, and environment. by assessing each of these components, the organization can identify its strengths and weaknesses, and can develop a plan to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities. this can help the organization to successfully implement e-government initiatives and improve the delivery of services to the community[11]. technological developments encourage the government to manage public services to transform them to improve the ineffective bureaucratic paradigm. one solution is the implementation of e-government as a whole in public services. adoption of e-government [7] is absolutely necessary for now. the covid-19 pandemic forces all public services to be ready to transform into an electronicbased government system. in accordance with presidential regulation no. 95 of 2018 concerning electronic-based government systems, the implementation of e-government in mekarbuana village [8] requires various preparations to carry out the full implementation of e-government. village governments are required to be able to keep up with technological developments and continue to improve their 7 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 ability [9] to manage population administration and public services in the village. ii. method the research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. this is because the researcher wants to explore phenomena that cannot be quantified. as for the research framework used in this study, it is as shown in figure 1 below: fig 1. research framework iii. results and discussion based on the results of a study on the information system in mekarbuana village, there is no digital-based public information service yet. furthermore, the researchers carried out an analysis of the problems that are currently running in the process of government activities. it was found to have several problems, one of which was in carrying out various potential information systems and public information services using only conventional media. to analyze the functional requirements of the good village government system that will be made as follows: the system must be able to easily handle the process of conveying information to public acceptance. the results of literacy studies and data in the field, the required user needs related to the optimization of good village government based on information and communication technology in mekarbuana village include: 1. personal resident a. nik (population identity number) b. full name c. location of birth d. gender e. age f. religion g. phone number h. email address i. blood type j. education 2. population a. address (village, hamlet, rt, rr, street name) b. work c. resident status d. residence status 3. family a. marital status b. family card number c. father's name d. mother's name e. child relationship f. list of family members 4. etc a. passport number b. disability c. competence in addition to the need for population data collection, there are also other needs, namely data collection: 1. family, resident registration must have a family head. 2. event logging, the events recorded were residents being born, dying, moving out, and becoming tki (indonesian workers). 3. the family card separation. 4. administrative services include certificates of death; certificate of domicile; certificate of incapacity; business certificate; certificate of heirs; certificate of resident land; marriage certificate. 5. village-owned infrastructure services analysis of the implementation of good village government in mekarbuana village 1. political environment the existence of political support is the main determinant of the success of implementing good village government in mekarbuana village, with the existence of no. 95 of 2018 concerning the electronic-based government system (spbe) [10] and law (uu) no. 6 of 2014 challenging the village to make the implementation of good village government in mekarbuana village possible. 2. leadership, the commitment of the village head who shows the political will to adopt e-government to realize good village government in mekarbuana village. 3. stakeholders: there is support from various parties who have direct and indirect interests. 4. service transparency refers to the availability of information and all data that can be accessed by stakeholders and the realization of service transparency. 5. the budget, the availability of a budget to carry out the transformation of e-government. 6. technology, the presence of technology-assisted public services. results of analysis of village government readiness toward good village government in mekarbuana village using stope frameworks: table 1. stope frameworks no sub-domain percentage (%) rank (scale 4) description 1 strategy 80 4 very ready 2 technology 78 4 very ready 3 organization 75 4 very ready 4 people 61 3 ready 5 environment 60 3 ready stope 70.8 3 ready the stope framework is a tool that can be used to evaluate an organization's readiness to implement e-government initiatives. stope stands for strategy, technology, organization, people, and environment. each of these 8 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 components is assessed on a scale from 0 to 100%, with a rank from 1 to 4. in the example provided, the organization has a very high level of readiness in the strategy and technology components, with scores of 80% and 78%, respectively. this indicates that the organization has a strong plan and direction for implementing e-government initiatives, and has a good foundation of technological infrastructure and access to technology. the organization component has a score of 75%, which is also considered very ready. this suggests that the organization has a well-defined internal structure and processes, with clear roles and responsibilities, and that there is strong support and commitment from leadership. the people component has a score of 61%, which is considered ready. this indicates that the organization's workforce is generally able to use technology effectively, but there may be some areas for improvement in terms of training and support, and in fostering a culture of engagement and participation. the environment component has a score of 60%, which is also considered ready. this suggests that there is a good level of support and participation from the community, and that there are not significant barriers in terms of legal or regulatory issues. overall, the organization has a stope score of 70.8%, which is considered ready. this indicates that the organization is well-positioned to implement e-government initiatives, but there may be some areas where additional work is needed in order to optimize the use of technology and ensure that the initiatives are successful. fig 2. village government readiness graph below are the results of a swot analysis related to the readiness of the village government toward good village government in mekarbuana village. mekarbuana village's swot analysis has an important role for mekarbuana village in realizing a good village government based on information and communication technology. swot means strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. which means strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. a. strengths the strengths of the village government's e-government initiatives can be identified by examining several key factors. one strength is that administration services are provided free of charge. this can make it easier for the community to access government services, particularly for those who may not be able to afford fees. another strength is the presence of a system that regulates administrative services. this can help to ensure that services are provided in a fair and consistent manner, and can improve the transparency and accountability of the government. another strength is the existence of a clear vision and mission that supports service quality. this can provide direction and guidance for the government as it implements e-government initiatives, and can help to ensure that services are delivered in a way that meets the needs and expectations of the community. the village government also has a strength in its management of permit application processes. by streamlining and digitizing these processes, the government can make it easier for residents and businesses to apply for permits, and can reduce the time and effort required to complete these processes. finally, the village government enjoys a high level of trust and confidence from the community. this can be a valuable asset as the government seeks to implement e-government initiatives, as it can help to encourage community engagement and participation in these initiatives. b. weaknesses there are several weaknesses that may hinder the optimization of the village government's e-government initiatives. one potential weakness is the dissemination of information to the public. if the government is not effective at communicating information about its services and initiatives, it can be difficult for the community to access and use these services. this can result in low levels of engagement and participation, and can make it difficult for the government to achieve its goals. another weakness is the current state of the online service. if the online service is not user-friendly or if it does not provide all of the necessary information and services, it can be difficult for the community to access and use it. this can limit the effectiveness of e-government initiatives and make it difficult for the government to deliver services in a timely and efficient manner. finally, the village government may still rely on manual processes and services in some cases. this can be a weakness because manual processes are typically slower, less efficient, and more error-prone than digital processes. by transitioning to digital services, the government can improve the quality and speed of its services, and can provide a better experience for the community. c. opportunities there are several opportunities for the village government to optimize its use of information and communication technology in order to improve the delivery of services to the community. one opportunity is the support of the village government. if the government is committed to investing in technology and training, and is willing to create a supportive 9 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 and inclusive culture that encourages the use of technology, it can provide a strong foundation for the implementation of e-government initiatives. another opportunity is the high population growth rate in the village. as the population increases, the demand for government services is likely to grow as well. by using technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its services, the government can meet this growing demand and ensure that the community has access to the services it needs. another opportunity is the availability of services around the clock. by providing online services and information, the government can make it easier for the community to access services at any time of day. this can improve the convenience and accessibility of government services, and can make it easier for the community to engage with the government. the advances in technology, information and communication also present an opportunity for the village government. as technology continues to evolve, the government can leverage these advances to improve the quality and speed of its services, and to provide new and innovative services that meet the needs of the community. empowering village employees through technology is another opportunity. by providing employees with the training and tools they need to use technology effectively, the government can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations, and can help employees to deliver better services to the community. finally, the presidential decree no. 95 of 2018 concerning the electronic-based government system (spbe) provides an opportunity for the village government. this decree establishes a national framework for the implementation of egovernment initiatives, and can provide guidance and support to the village government as it seeks to optimize its use of technology. d. threats there are also some threats that the village government must consider in its efforts to optimize its use of information and communication technology. one potential threat is the risk of document forgery. if the government relies on digital documents and signatures, it is possible for individuals to forge these documents or signatures in order to obtain services or commit fraud. this can damage the integrity of the government and can undermine the trust of the community. another threat is the risk of malware attacks on office documents. if the government uses digital documents and files, it is possible for malware to infect these documents and cause them to be corrupted or lost. this can compromise the security and confidentiality of government information, and can disrupt the delivery of services. finally, rapid technological advancement can also be a threat to the village government. as technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the government must keep up with these changes in order to maintain the effectiveness and relevance of its e-government initiatives. if the government does not stay up-to-date with the latest technology, it may be left behind and unable to deliver the services that the community needs. below is a description of the results of the swot analysis related to the optimization of good village government based on information and communication technology in mekarbuana village. table 2. swot analysis strengths weakness • administration services are free of charge • system that regulates administrative services • vision & mission that supports service quality • permit application management • community trust in village government services • dissemination of information to the public. • the online service is not optimal yet. • manual service usage. opportunity threats • village government support. • high population growth rate. • service is available around the clock. • advances in technology, information and communication. • empowerment of village employees through technology. • presidential decree no. 95 of 2018 concerning the electronic-based government system (spbe). • document forgery rate • malware attack on office documents • rapid technological advancement by conducting a swot analysis, the village government can identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the optimization of good village government based on information and communication technology. this can help the government to develop strategies to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities, ultimately leading to improved services and a stronger community. iv. conclusion the readiness of the village government to adopt information technology is strongly supported by various factors, either directly or indirectly. during the covid-19 pandemic, the village government was "forced" to be able to transform and innovate in providing the best service to village communities. the existing infrastructure and human resources in the village government are ready to adopt and implement technology as a whole in every public service. overall, the results of the analysis of the readiness of the village government toward good village government are in 10 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 the rating of ready (3) on a scale of 4 to implement good village government. domain strategy has more influence on the readiness to implement e-government. 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(bit cs), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 35–40, 2022, doi: 10.36805/bit-cs.v3i2.2763. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.2 july 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 41 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 systematic literature review implementation of the internet of things (iot) in smart city development gunawan 1 study program technical information stmik ymi tegal & stkip invada cirebon email: wilda shabrina 2 study program technical information stmik ymi tegal email: ‹β› wresti andriani 3 study program technical information stmik ymi tegal email: abstract. internet of things (iot) "the smart city concept has become a dream that big cities in indonesia want to achieve, basically the smart city concept focuses on developing the human element using technology. iot opens up many opportunities for new services by connecting the physical world and the virtual world to various electronic devices. iot aims to leverage cuttingedge technology to support sustainable services for governments and their citizens. systematic literature review (slr) is one method in conducting an overview of previous interrelated researchers. the purpose of the literature study in this research is to understand trending research topics, methods, and architecture in the development of smart cities with iot. in this study, various interesting information was found in various research journals regarding the role of iot in building a smart city that has a role to serve smart city infrastructure, identify and analyze trends, develop smart cities and become innovations for iot. based on the research, there are things that need to be done to improve the study to focus more on the role of iot that can be more utilized. iot is also one of the technologies that are widely used in several countries in the development of iot in the future. iot in smart cities will become an inseparable technology because humans will increasingly depend on iot in their daily lives. keywords: internet of things, iot, smart city, systematic literature review i. introduction the smart city concept has become a dream that big cities in indonesia want to achieve [1]. smart city-based development has become a trend in cities or regional development around the world, with the belief that regions or cities and districts throughout indonesia need to adapt, smart city emphasizes the importance of innovation in solving problems in every city by using information and communication technologies. (ict), sensors, and data analysis as supporting factors and facilitating problem solving (realization factor [2]. basically, the smart city concept focuses on developing the human element using technology. the internet of things (iot) opens up many opportunities for new services by connecting the physical world and cyberspace to various electronic devices in homes, cars, roads, buildings and many other places is recognized as a major research and innovation stream. a decentralized environment, urban iot aims to leverage cutting-edge technology to support sustainable services for governments and their citizens [3]. iot can also be used to increase transparency and promote local government action against residents, increasing public awareness of their condition. therefore, the application of the iot model for smart cities is very attractive to local governments who may be early adopters of the technology, thereby acting as a catalyst for the adoption of the iot model on a larger scale [4]. with all the conveniences that the smart city concept gets by using the internet of things (iot) which already covers various circles, if the current technological sophistication looks like competing in realizing its development. do not escape with all the advantages of the concept with all its sophistication. with all the sophistication of the role of humans as workers can be replaced with machines that have been created. and the worst impact is the loss of jobs and livelihoods for some people, for that we need to be smart enough to be able to go with the flow and take advantage of all the sophistication that exists to make alternative choices for business and develop capabilities [1]. to realize a sustainable city and support improving the quality of life of citizens, but there are shortcomings when implementing iot such as the risk of system errors that may also arise due to power outages, the system also faces cyberattack vulnerabilities [1]. technological developments are now growing rapidly and iot media as a companion will always be present in all devices that are connected to each other, with iot expected to solve these problems [1]. this study aims to see the role of iot in smart cities. thus, the research question is: "what is the role of iot in building a smart city?" ii. method 2.1. study of literature systematic literature review (slr) is one method in conducting an overview of previous studies that are interrelated. slr is one of the standard methods so that the next research process can be re-done by other people with almost the same results. slr is a secondary research to map, identify, evaluate, consolidate and collect information from the main study results related to the research topic [5] 42 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 the purpose of the literature study in this study is to understand trending research topics, methods, and architecture in predictive analysis with iot. [6] 2.2. research question the purpose of the research question is to maintain the focus of the literature review. this condition facilitates the process of finding the required data. table 1 shows the research questions for this study [6]. table 1 research question id research question motivation rq1 which journals most frequently publish topics on the application of the internet of things (iot) in smart city development? identify the journals that most frequently publish topics on the application of the internet of things (iot) in smart city development. rq2 who are the most active and influential researchers on the topic of implementing the internet of things (iot) in smart city development? identifying the most active and biggest contributors to the topic of the application of the internet of things (iot) in smart city development. rq3 what is the most frequently used topic on application of internet of things (iot) in smart city development? identify the most frequently used datasets in the topic of implementing the internet of things (iot) in smart city development? rq4 what methods are often used for the application of the internet of things (iot) in smart city development? identify methods that are often used for implementing the internet of things (iot) in smart city development. 2.3. search strategy and selection there are two criteria in journal selection, namely inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. inclusion criteria follow the following points: 1. “smart city”, “internet of thing”, “iot” are in the title. 2. language: english, indonesian. 3. year: 2017 to 2022 4. publication type: journal and book 5. accessibility: documents available in google scholar. 6. document types: pdf, html. exclusion criteria are all journals that are not accessible, all downloaded documents whose publication type does not match the inclusion criteria, all journals with incomplete content, and all journals whose content does not match the theme of the research question. the search process according to stage 4 in the systematic literature review stage above consists of several processes, including the selection of digital libraries and setting keywords. before starting the search, it is necessary to determine or select the appropriate database to find relevant journals. the following are the digital libraries in this study: a. sciencedirect (http; // b. ieee ( c. google scholar ( d. keywords are developed according to the following steps: 1. identify search terms from the picoc, particularly from populations and interventions; 2. identification of search terms from research questions; 3. identify search terms in the title, abstract and relevant keywords; 4. identification of synonyms, alternative spellings and anonymous of search terms; 5. determination of thorough keywords using the identification of search terms bolean and and or. the keywords used for the search are: 2.4. study selection the main study search and selection process at each stage is shown in figure 1. the selection shown in step 5 was carried out in two steps: exclusion of the main study based on the title and abstract and exclusion of the main study based on the full text. the study selection used was only journals, while books and proceedings were not used in the study selection: 1. english speaking is preferred. 2. journals are included in computer science. 3. we get about 1,000 journals about iot. a. then the selection was made based on the title and abstract of 100 articles. b. the final results of the selection are 15 journals in the main study. 43 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 figure 1. main study search and selection 2.5. literature extraction and analysis main study ecstasy data extraction was designed to collect data from the main study needed to answer the research question. table 2 data extraction for questions property research question the year of publication and the most active researchers rq1, rq2 datasets used rq3 methods that are often used for implementing internet of things in smart city development rq4 literature analysis a. deep learning analysis originated from the study of artificial neural networks (ann), b. the most popular deep learning methods, especially in smart city research: rnn, cnn, dbn and sae c. there are 4 types of rnn: long short-term memory (lstm), gated recurrent unit (gru), bi-directional rnn and rnn encoder-decoder. d. cnn: consists of a number of convolutional layers connected as hidden layers e. dbn: a generative graphics model that studies the representation of the given data. f. sae: a stacked autoencoder is created by stacking each hidden layer of an ae on top of another. g. rnn and cnn are methods of deep learning that are often used in health research iii. results and discussion from the search results of scientific publications on a list of digital databases that have been selected, several scientific publications have been selected that can be used as references for authors to answer research questions that have been compiled. there are scientific publications that cannot be used as references because they do not specifically discuss the internet of things in smart city development. a summary of the evaluation results is presented in table 3. exclude by full text (20) take the initial list of main studies 17,195 start select digital library list define search character sciencedirect: 1.718 ieee: 99 google scholar: 17.500 exclude by title and abstract (113) make a final list according to major study (15) finish main study found? 44 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 table 3 summary of evaluation results reference research purposes research result the role of iot [3] showcasing the role iot can play in smart cities. the application component contains the rules governing the decisions made on the smart home control. it is estimated that the application will also receive information from the electric utility regarding the supply of electricity, and information from the weather bureau. play a role in serving smart city infrastructure [4] discusses urban iot design models by describing the specific characteristics of urban iot, and services that can drive the adoption of urban iot by local governments. most smart city services are based on a centralized architecture, where dense and heterogeneous devices placed in urban areas generate various types of data which are then sent via appropriate communication technologies to a control center, where data storage and processing takes place. utilization of iot to make design and other application characteristics more attractive. [6] predict data based on patterns extracted from historical data derived from iot data. there are six research areas that are trending in predictive analytics with iot, namely transportation, agriculture, health, industry. smart home, and environment. identify and analyze trends, methods and architectures used in predictive analytics with iot. [1] providing solutions that make it easier for humans in several sectors of work. infrastructure, management, regulation and citizens are the main components that are very efficient when viewed from the needs of the city of jakarta itself in implementing a smart city. playing a role in the development of a smart city, with a fast internet network, supervision of all cities can be done quickly. [5] applications improve services and help simplify decision making iot with a very heterogeneous network application with various types of objects. provide opportunities and challenges in the decision-making process. the main trends in the application of iot to support decision making are in the health, manufacturing and industry sectors, transportation, agriculture and smart home. [2] creating integration, synchronization, and synergy between smart city development planning at the central and regional levels, encouraging an effective, efficient, inclusive and participatory smart city development process there are 5 factors that support smart cities in temanggung regency, namely nature factors, structural factors, infrastructure factors, superstructure factors, cultural factors. temanggung regency has quite good regional readiness, especially in terms of regional digital infrastructure [7][8] a communications infrastructure that provides unified, simple and economical access to a large number of public services, thereby unleashing potential synergies and increasing transparency to citizens build a multipurpose iot mode even from very limited devices. using information schema & xml schema analyze solutions for urban iot deployments. starting from field trials which are expected to eliminate the uncertainty that still hinders the iot paradigm 45 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 [9] making the internet more immersive and pervasive. allows easy access and interaction with a wide variety of devices. padova smart city was successfully realized in the city of padova which specializes in the development of innovative iot solutions, which has developed iot mode and control software. analyze available solutions for urban iot implementation. [10] provide an evaluation of the readiness level for implementing smart mobility in jakarta measurement of jakarta's smart mobility is carried out using the indicators contained in smart mobility in jakarta, it can be said that they are ready to implement smart mobility in terms of accessibility and connectivity as well as the use of information and communication technology [11] iot extends the benefits of continuously connected internet connectivity cities in indonesia accept the concept of adaptation from a country that has successfully implemented the concept of a smart city the development of iotbased infrastructure will facilitate the development of smart cities in indonesia. [12] the realization of a smart city to create a city that is comfortable, safe, efficient and sustainable, as well as increasing transparency and efficiency of government governance in the city of bandung the iot concept in bandung is designed based on the results of a review of the theory and the development of previous research iot requires a framework or concept to be implemented because of the many concepts, models and hardware and software devices that have a very broad scope in iot technology. [13] creating an intelligent environment by utilizing various smart objects/devices that have sensory and communication capabilities to generate data and send it over the internet to make decisions an iot system can be represented and described in 3 main layers, namely the transportation layer and the application layer. each has a different technology researchers have shown issues regarding privacy, security and energy management that are still the main focus in the development of iot in the future. [14] iot using fog computing architecture offers a very feasible design study which is expected to be more satisfying with the new concept the results of the smart city design will be divided into 2 parts, namely smart city design in fields and architectural designs in all fields iot is chosen by using fog computing architecture to reduce latency, simplify communication between central devices [15] significant developments in smart cities, iot, crowdsourcing with a focus on technology, challenges and the latest developments related to smart cities. iot development and crowdsourcing are important drivers for smart city development. smart cities act as innovations for iot and crowdsourcing. [16] to synthesize developments in the field of iot and smart cities and advance the existing knowledge base by providing some recommendations for future research. assist researchers who are actively investigating iot in a smart city context. fills gaps in the literature by uncovering various iot and smart city research issues and topics. 46 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 iv. conclusion in this study, based on the results of slr searches conducted, found various interesting information in various journals that were studied about the role of iot in building smart cities, namely serving smart city infrastructure, identifying and analyzing trends, developing smart cities, and being an innovation for iot. references [1] m. subani, i. ramadhan, a. syah putra, and a. al muslim, “perkembangan internet of think (iot) dan instalasi komputer terhadap perkembangan kota pintar di ibukota dki jakarta,” ikra-ith inform. j. komput. dan inform., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 88–93, 2021. 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number of mobile users, the availability of various mobile features is also growing very rapidly. in line with these facts, the author aims to create a mobile dormitory application using location-based service (lbs) technology with the application of the haversine method, making it easier for users to find the closest dormitoryto their place of work with appropriate facilities. this application is not only to search for dormitorys, it can also place orders online, this is also an opportunity for the manager or owner of the dormitoryto promote their dormitory. methods of data collection are done by observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. the development of this application system uses the waterfall method. the final result of this research will create an android-based dormitory mobile application that can make it easier for dormitoryseekers to search and book dormitorys as well as a means of promotion for dormitoryowners and managers. keywords—android, haversine, location-based service, mobile dormitory, waterfall abstrak—pertumbuhan fitur mobile khususnya smartphone saat ini dapat dikatakan sangat berkembang. dilihat dari peningkatan jumlah pengguna ponsel, ketersediaan berbagai fitur ponsel juga berkembang sangat pesat. sejalan dengan fakta tersebut, penulis bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi mobile kost menggunakan teknologi location based service (lbs) dengan penerapan metode haversine, sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk mencari kost terdekat dengan tempat kerjanya dengan tepat. fasilitas. aplikasi ini tidak hanya untuk mencari tempat kost, juga dapat melakukan pemesanan secara online, hal ini juga menjadi peluang bagi pengelola atau pemilik kost untuk mempromosikan kostnya. metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. pembangunan sistem aplikasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. hasil akhir dari penelitian ini akan membuat sebuah aplikasi mobile kost berbasis android yang dapat mempermudah pencari kost untuk mencari dan memesan kost serta sebagai sarana promosi bagi pemilik dan pengelola kost. kata kunci—android, haversine, layanan berbasis lokasi, mobile dormitory, waterfall i. preliminary karawang regency is an area in west java province which has an area of 1,753.27 km2 or 3.73 percent of the area of west java province with a population of 2,336,009 people [1]. karawang is known as a big industrial city in indonesia. this can be seen from the number of companies that are established in karawang. therefore, many immigrants from various cities come to work for companies in this city. migrants who mostly don't know the area in karawang generally have problems finding dormitorys around the company where they work, especially dormitorys with the closest distance from the company. on the other hand, dormitoryowners find it difficult to promote or publicize available rooms or dormitorys. the growth of mobile features, especially smartphones at this time, can be said to be very developed. judging from the increasing number of mobile users, the availability of mobile features is also growing very rapidly and internet technology has progressed very drastically. the internet has become a very effective means of information and communication. with the internet, various information in the world can be obtained quickly. currently, android applications are widely used in various fields, one of which is in the field of business which has implemented many android applications and has been proven to provide benefits to the community [2]. based on this background, the author aims to design an application with the title "mobile dormitory application karawang using location-based service (lbs)", which can be used as a means to assist users in finding dormitorys based on the closest distance and knowing the dormitory address and information about other dormitorys. , and on the application, you can order dormitorys online. with the presence of this dormitory application, users can search for 56 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 the nearest dormitoryand book a dormitory. this application is made with the java programming language based on android and to determine the closest distance by utilizing location based service (lbs) using the haversine formula [3]. ii. research methods the methods used in this study are data collection methods, waterfall system development methods, haversine formula to determine the closest distance in finding a dormitoryin the application built, and location-based service to connect the user's location by utilizing the global positioning system which is already available on mobile devices. 4]. 1. method of collecting data in the data collection method, the researchers used four ways, including: 1)observation researchers visited and made direct observations to several dormitorys in karawang, these observations were like seeing and checking the overall state of the dormitorysuch as the state of the dormitory rooms and available facilities. the results of observations are in the form of facts and information about the state of the dormitory. 2)interview conduct direct interviews with dormitoryowners about how to order, pay and market the dormitoryand ask for information about the dormitorysuch as the name of the dormitory, dormitory address, dormitory rules, and others. the results of this interview are in the form of dormitory data that can be used as material for designing applications to be made. then, interview the dormitoryseekers about how or the methods used so far to search for dormitorys and how to order them. the results of interviews with dormitoryresidents are in the form of information that can later be used as the need for designing applications to be made. 3) literature study this literature study was conducted to obtain theoretical references related to the research topic raised, this theory can be obtained from several sources such as journals and theses. 4) documentation the documentation carried out in this study such as taking pictures of the dormitorywith a smartphone camera, existing facilities, and other images that support the process of this research. 2. system development method the development of this system uses the waterfall method [5], while the stages in the development of this system are as follows: figure 1 model waterfall 1) needs analysis (requirements analysis) at this stage, intensive requirements collection is carried out to determine software requirements so that users can understand the type of software needed [6]. 2) design (design) system design is a stage that focuses on the appearance of the system, including data structures, system software architecture, and system interfaces. this stage is designed to meet user needs by using a system in the form of designing a mobile application system display, such as searching for dormitory rooms based on location or location-based service (lbs) with the haversine method [3]. 3) implementation (coding) this stage is the coding stage of the program which is the implementation process in the form of an order or the realization process of the command form, and the computer can use a programming language to understand the process. the mobile application system that will be created uses the java programming language using android studio and the firebase database. this implementation phase includes the application of the haversine formula to determine the closest dormitory distance in the application [7]. 4) testing (testing) this testing stage is to ensure that the system that has been completed is by the designer's design, to find out whether the implemented functions can be used in the process of making and designing the mobile application system. 3. haversine formula the harvesine method is used to calculate the longitude of two points on the earth's surface based on latitude and longitude. haversine formula requires inputting the longitude and latitude of the user's location. the following is the formula of haversine [8]. figure 2 haversine formula information : lat1 = degree latitude of starting point long1 = degree longitude starting point lat2 = degree latitude of destination point long2 = degree longitude of destination point x = longitude (longitude) y = latitude (latitude) d = distance (km) 1 degree = 0.0174532925 radians r = 6371 km from the above formula, the following is a distance calculation using the haversine formula and an analysis of 57 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 the haversine formula calculation. this calculation is to measure the distance by using a sample of two locations, namely from the starting point of karawang international industrial city to the destination point of griya kost. location 1 karawang international industrial city is known : latitude = -6.359197486564478 longitude = 107.2742426711646 location 2 griya kost is known : latitude = -6.352268604491233 longitude = 107.309655751302 difference in longitude locations 1 and 2 difference = longitude location 1 longitude location 2 difference = 107.2742426711646–107.3096557511302 difference = -0.03541307997 convert latitude location 1,location 2,longitude difference to rad conversion result latitude location 1 = -0.110988933924 rad latitude location 2 = -0.110868002119 rad . conversion result longitude difference conversion result = -0.000618074843 rad calculates sin from latitude of locations 1 and 2 which has been converted to rad sin calculation results location 1 = -0.1107612039 sin calculation results location 2 = -0.1106410154 calculates cos from latitude of location 1, location 2 and longitude difference converted to rad cos calculation results location 1 = 0.9938470484 cos calculation results location 2 = 0.9938604357 cos calculation result longitude difference = 0.999999809 calculates the distance between location 1 to location 2 distance = (sin location 1 * sin location 2) + (cos location 1 * cos location 2 * cos longitude difference) distance =(-0.1107612039 * -0.1106410154) + (0.9938470484 * 0.9938604357 * 0.999999809) distance = 0.9999998039 calculating distance result to acos distance = acos (0.9999998039) distance = 0.00062618 convert acos distance results to degrees distance = 0.03587747121559 converting distance results from degrees to kilometers (km) distance = 0.03587747121559 * 60 * 1.1515 distance = 2,478774486 determine the final result distance = 2.478774486 * 1.609344 distance = 3.989200846 km 4 km the result of the above calculation is 3.989200846 km which is calculated from the starting point of karawang international industrial city and the destination point of griya kost. iii. results and discussion 1. running system analysis the current system analysis aims to see the process of finding a dormitoryin karawang city which is still being carried out by visiting from one dormitoryto another to see the state of the dormitorydirectly. the following is a flowmap on a system that is ongoing or currently running [9]. figure 3 flowmap of the running system 2. proposal system this design aims to meet all the needs of the users of the system to provide a clear and understandable picture. the proposed system describes the system to be built. the system design is made in the form of a flowmap, starting from the user opening the application, until the user manages to get a dormitory. the system design to be built is described in the form of a flowmap as shown in the following figure: 58 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 figure 4 flowmap of the proposed system 3. usecase diagram usecase diagram is a description of the actors and the needs of the usecase functions needed in the system [10]. the following is an image of the proposed use case diagram: figure 5 usecase diagram of the proposed system the proposed system uses a use case diagram explaining the system to be built with actors such as dormitoryseekers, dormitoryowners, and admins with their respective access. 4. sequence diagram the sequence is generally used to describe a scene or a series of steps taken in response to an event to produce a certain output, as well as what has changed internally and what kind of output has been produced. the following is a modeling of the mobile kost karawang application using a sequence diagram. below is an image of the sequence diagram of the proposed search: figure 6 kost search sequence diagram the picture above is a sequence diagram for the dormitorysearch, in which the user enters the search keyword on the home page, then the system processes the search and the system results will display the search dormitory results taken from the dormitory data. 4. class diagram class diagrams or class diagrams describe the structure of the system in terms of defining the classes that will be created to build the system. with class diagrams, you can make detailed diagrams by paying attention to the specific codes needed by the program and this can be applied to the structure described. the following is a class diagram on a dormitory mobile application. figure 7 class diagram of the mobile dormitory application 5. implementasi location-based service (lbs) location-based service (lbs) is used in the system, especially in conducting searches that can be connected to google maps. the result of location-based service (lbs) is the point from the place or location of the dormitorythat will be stored in the system [11]. 59 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 lbs implementation begins by finding the last location with latitude and longitude points from the global positioning service (gps) connected to the user's mobile device. this lbs is connected to google maps so that when it is determined the google maps display will match the user's location. 6. implementasi haversine the distance determination is generated from calculations using the haversine formula, the values used are the longitude and latitude points from the starting point to the destination point. the haversine formula begins by calculating the difference between the initial longitude point and the destination longitude point. then the value of the latitude of the starting point and the latitude of the destination and the difference between the longitudes are converted into radians. then calculate sin and cos from the results that have been converted from the value of the starting point and the destination point, but to calculate cos including the results of calculating the difference in longitude of each point [8]. the distance generated from the product of the starting point sin and the destination point sin is added up by the product of the starting point cos and destination point cos and the longitude difference cos. the result is converted to kilometers after finding across and multiplied by 60 * 1.1515 and multiplied by 1.609344 to produce the distance in kilometers [12]. 7. haversine formula calculation analysis the analysis of the haversine formula calculation uses three sample data. the results of calculations with the haversine formula can be seen in the following table: table 1 calculation results of haversine after calculating with the haversine formula, the researcher made an experiment using google measurement to measure the distance. this experiment was made by entering the coordinates of the start point and endpoint in google maps to measure, then using the distance measurement function by drawing a straight line from the starting point to the endpoint that was already available on google maps. this distance calculation experiment can be seen in the following figure: figure 8 google measurement based on the comparison of distance measurements using haversine formula and google maps, there are differences in distance measurement results of 0-10 meters. comparison of distance measurement results as in the following table: table 2 comparison of distance measurement 8. interface design the design of the interface or the interface on the software is used to connect the interaction between the user and the software to be made [13]. interface design or system display is made using pencil software. the interface design of the system building can be seen as shown below [14]. no titik mulai titik tujuan haversine latitude 1 longitude 1 latitude 2 longitude 2 1. -6,359197487 107,2742427 -6,352268604 107,3096558 3.98 km 2. -6,327623336 107,2877780 -6,323338243 107,3012788 1.56 km 3. -6,301365223 107,2780176 -6,304240781 107,2978055 2,19 km no titik mulai titik tujuan haversine google maps latitude 1 longitude 1 latitude 2 longitude 2 1. -6,359197487 107,2742427 -6,352268604 107,3096558 3.98 km 3.99 km 2. -6,327623336 107,2877780 -6,323338243 107,3012788 1.56 km 1.57 km 3. -6,301365223 107,2780176 -6,304240781 107,2978055 2,19 km 2,20 km 1. homepage 2. dormitory details page 60 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 9. system view implementation after performing the previous stage of analyzing the current system and designing the proposed system, then the process of implementing the system display here is the display of the dormitory mobile application: figure 1 is the home page, on this page, there is a dormitory search column to find a dormitoryby inputting the company name or dormitoryname, then when pressing the search button a list of dormitorys will appear based on the closest distance from the destination company. figure 2 is a page for displaying dormitory in detail such as addresses, categories, ratings or ratings, as well as available dormitory facilities figure 3 is a dormitory booking page, this page displays dormitory orders and can be seen in detail by selecting an order, a page like a figure 4 will appear which contains ordering data and can be inputted by the customer as needed. 10. black box test black box testing is centered on the functional requirements of the software. black box testing makes it possible in software engineering to obtain a set of input, process, and output conditions that are completely in sync with the functionality of a program. the system testing phase is carried out after the system implementation phase is complete. the execution of the test phase is to re-examine all the phases that have been run to find or find errors. the purpose of system testing is to ensure that the system that has been built will function as expected. the following is a table of the results of testing the system interface function using black box testing [15]. table 3 system interface testing no. test name user expected results test result status uji 1. login page dormitor y finder, dormitor y owner, admin the system can display the login page interface when opening the mobile system. the login process can be done by inputting text or logging in via a google account automatically the login page can be displayed. √ 2. homep age cost finder the system can display the home page interface after successful login. the home page can be displayed. √ 3. dormit ory details page cost finder the system can display the dormitory detail page dormitory detail page can be displayed √ 3. order page 4. order details page 1. homepage 2. dormitory details page 3. order page 4. order details page 61 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 4. search page cost finder the system can display a list of dormitorys that are sought in order based on the closest to the furthest distance the search page can be displayed √ 5. order page cost finder the system can display the order page order page can be displayed √ 6. dormit ory manage ment page dormitor y owner, admin the system can display a dormitory management page, on this page the dormitoryowner can add, view, change and delete dormitorys. admin can view and disable dormitory dormitory manageme nt page can be displayed √ iv. conclusions and suggestions based on the research that has been done and the test results of the mobile dormitory application using locationbased service (lbs) with the haversine formula, it can be concluded that: 1. a dormitory mobile application has been built that can display the location of the closest dormitoryfrom a company in karawang, this method uses the haversine formula to determine the closest distance where haversine is a formula that measures the distance between two points by drawing a straight line between the two points. this formula ignores terrain or obstacles when measuring these two points. 2. the application can provide detailed dormitory information needed by dormitoryseekers such as dormitory addresses, dormitory pictures, available facilities, prices, and other information. reference [1] “karawang kabupaten.” [online]. available: sumber: [2] bayu priyatna and fitria nurapriani, “implementasi koordinat google dan citra kamera pada aplikasi monitoring petugas berbasis android,” buana ilmu, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 106–121, 2020. 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describe the data analysis in a narrative manner. methods of data collection by observation, interviews, and literature study. teacher performance assessment is still done manually by using microsoft excel and microsoft word. other problems are needed, namely, the high cost of printing documents from each teacher, the documents submitted to the administration department are often damaged and confused, the assessment team must carry a lot of documents during the assessment, and errors during the assessment recapitulation. this can have an impact on delays in the teacher performance assessment process. the system development method uses the waterfall, hypertext preprocessor (php) programming language, mysql, and the simple additive weighting (saw) method. the results achieved in this study can create and design a teacher performance appraisal information system to help the assessment process quickly and correctly to reduce the occurrence of errors. keywords: information system, php, mysql, teacher performance assessment, saw abstrak smp it nurul huda batujaya merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan bagi siswa sekolah di kecamatan batujaya, kabupaten karawang. tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan penilaian kinerja guru. metode penelitian yang menggunakan metode kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis data secara naratif. metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. penilaian kinerja guru masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan microsoft excel dan microsoft word. masalah lain yang dibutuhkan yaitu, mahalnya biaya pencetakan dokumen dari setiap guru, dokumen yang diserahkan ke bagian tata usaha sering rusak dan membingungkan, tim penilai harus membawa banyak dokumen saat penilaian, dan kesalahan saat rekapitulasi penilaian. hal ini dapat berdampak pada keterlambatan proses penilaian kinerja guru. metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall, bahasa pemrograman hypertext preprocessor (php), mysql, dan metode simple additive weighting (saw). hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini dapat membuat dan merancang sistem informasi penilaian kinerja guru untuk membantu proses penilaian secara cepat dan benar untuk mengurangi terjadinya kesalahan. kata kunci: sistem informasi, php, mysql, penilaian kinerja guru, saw i. preliminary the task of a teacher is so important that many experts state that in schools there will be no change or improvement in quality without changes and improvements in educators. the teacher is a figure who can shape the soul and character of students. teachers can shape the character of students to become valuable for the religion of the nation and state, teachers play a role in conveying the information they have to students from teachers, students are educated to read, write and count and it is from educators that students get new information and foster the character of educators as people. the second parent in the school who acts as a teacher as a companion who can guide a motivator and supporter [1]. furthermore, to ensure educators in providing teaching at smp it nurul huda batujaya, they direct teacher performance assessments. teacher performance appraisal is very valuable to spur the enthusiasm of teachers to continue to improve their quality. in indonesia, teachers generally refer to competent schools with the main task of teaching, educating, directing, training, assessing, guiding, and assessing students. in general, teachers are educators, teachers in schools. a method is a way that is identified with a way of functioning in achieving the goals that users need so that they can understand the goals that can solve the problem. smp it nurul huda batujaya as a private school, also carries out teacher performance assessments, as a guarantee of the quality of educators honing their teaching skills. in the implementation of teacher performance assessment towards the end of the lesson. the implementation of teacher performance assessment is assisted by taking the 49 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 teacher assessment sheet that has been given by the school. in one class students are divided into four groups and in one day four teachers are teaching so that one group assesses one teacher. until now, teacher performance assessment sheets are still carried out routinely, by filling out the teacher's performance on a piece of paper and then collecting it. using this system will take a long time because it must be recapitulated. the recapitulation process takes a long time because it has to be scanned one by one by the administration, then the filling is only done by certain students who happen to take part in learning activities and who want to take the provided polymers and there are no categories of assessment results. given these shortcomings, teacher performance assessment requires the development of information technology to facilitate teacher performance assessment. one of them uses a web-based teacher performance appraisal information system using the simple additive weighting (saw) method. the research method used by the author is simple additive weighting (saw). this method was chosen because it determines the weight value for each attribute, with a ranking process that will choose the best alternative, which is the choice of teachers who have teacher performance assessments based on specified criteria. with the simple additive weighting (saw) method, it will be more precise depending on the value of the criteria and weights that have been determined [2]. in teacher performance assessment research, there are indicators of teacher performance assessment, especially pedagogic, personality, social, and professional as assessment criteria, each of which has its assessment importance. the information obtained in determining teacher performance assessments is obtained through primary data and secondary data depending on the observation and monitoring of teacher activities, with this system can help smp it nurul huda batujaya in assessing teacher performance quickly and easily. ii. methods a. system according to jogiyanto in kartikasari (2016), the system is a network of interconnected procedures, gathered together to carry out an activity or to complete a certain goal. so, the system is a collection of interconnected network components, to achieve a predetermined goal together [3]. b. information according to pratama in prabowo and syani (2016) information is the result of processing data from one or various sources which are then processed, thus providing value, meaning, and benefits [4]. according to jogiyanto in kartikasari (2016) information is data that is processed into a form that is more useful and more meaningful for those who receive it. information usually has a source, namely data. c. information system according to ladjamudin in prabowo and syani (2016) information systems based on the definition of systems and information described above, it can be stated that the information system is a combination of four main parts [5]. the four main sections include hardware software, infrastructure, and trained human resources. d. assessment performance is an expression of the word performance in english which has three meanings, namely: achievement, performance, and task execution. ruky, in supardi (2016, p. 45). meanwhile, in the general indonesian dictionary (2016, p. 598) performance has three meanings, namely: "way, ability, and attitude or behavior"[6]. in addition, supardi (2016, p. 46) suggests three other meanings of performance, namely: "work results, abilities, and achievements or encouragement to carry out a job". based on this opinion, it can be concluded that performance is an achievement/work produced by attitudes/behaviors based on ability and carrying out their duties. the performance will be an achievement if it shows activity in carrying out the tasks that have been charged. the definition of performance is often identified with work performance because there are similarities with work performance [7]. work performance itself is the result of a person's work in a certain period. work performance can be meaningful in its entirety if it is distinguished between standards, targets, and criteria that have been previously agreed upon. (suprihantoro in supardi, 2016, p. 45). e. teacher performance assessment teacher performance assessment is an assessment designed to identify the ability of teachers in carrying out their duties through measuring the mastery of competencies shown in their performance" (prisma, 2018 p. 355) to find out how much a person's performance is needed a tool or activity to measure a person's performance in a work unit or organization[8]. a tool or activity that can be done to measure a person's performance is a teacher performance appraisal tool, designed by taking into account the teacher's performance indicators "(nurdiansyah, 2018 p. 33). teacher performance assessment is carried out to fully describe how the teacher's performance is [9]. next priansa (2018, p. 393) that "the implementation of teacher performance assessment involves various parties, starting from the central level, up to the principal level. f. web according to sidik, the website was originally an information presentation service that uses the concept of hyperlinks that make it easier for surfers (a term for computer users who browse information on the internet) to get information simply by clicking on a link in the form of text or images that will be displayed in more detail (arizona, 2010). 2017)[10]. g. class diagram the class diagram is the structure of the program system on the types that are formed and is the flow of the database on a system [11]. class diagrams describe the 50 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 structure of the system in terms of defining the classes that will be created to build the system. the class diagram is a diagram that is used as a modeling of the classes in the system that are interconnected and use important elements. h. use case diagram use case diagram is a model for the behavior or behavior of the system to be made. a use case describes an interaction between one or more actors with the system to be created. use cases are used to find out what functions are in a system and who has the right to use those functions [12]. i. activity diagram activity diagram is a diagram to provide modeling of the dynamic aspects of a type system from which the user consists of two different types, each user has different access rights. activity diagrams describe the workflow or workflow of a system. noteworthy is that the activity diagram depicts system activities, not actor activities. j. sequence diagram the sequence diagram illustrates the behavior of the object in the use case by describing the lifetime of the object and the massage sent between objects [9]. therefore, to describe a sequence diagram, it is necessary to know the objects involved in a use case and their methods. the number of sequence diagrams depends on the number of use cases defined [13]. k. system development life cycle the stages in system development using the system development life cycle (sdlc) which is based on the model and process used by the developer to create a software system and describe the process, namely to obtain solutions to existing problems [14]. according to sukamanto and shalahudin (2016: 28), the waterfall method is a linear sequential model or the classical life flow of the waterfall model providing a sequential software life flow or starting from analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance which ends in ongoing support for completion. software. the following is a picture of a waterfall model according to sukamto and saladin. figure 1 waterfall model (waterfalls, 2016) 1. needs analysis at this stage, the development must know all the information about the software requirements such as the usability desired by the user and the limitations of the software. this information is usually obtained from interviews, surveys, or discussions. after that, the information is analyzed to get complete data regarding user needs. 2. design aims to provide a complete picture of what must be done and how the desired system will look. so that it helps the hardware and system needs that will be made as a whole. 3. implementation in this stage, a deeper examination will be carried out on the module that has been made, whether it has fulfilled the desired function or not. 4. test which aims to find out whether it is according to the desired design and whether there are still errors or not. 5. maintenance the final stage of the ready-made waterfall software development method will be run or operated by the user, besides that maintenance is carried out which includes repairs to the system. b. black box testing the black box method is testing the prototype of the function of the hardware information system [15]. according to lukman states that: black box testing is a stage that focuses on the functional statement of the software. this test case aims to show the software functions on how to operate. has data entry been running properly and whether the stored information can be kept up-to-date (hidayat, 2017) iii. results and discussion in developing a web-based teacher performance appraisal information system using the simple additive weighting (saw) method and then analyzing the application of simple additive weighting (saw), and designed with php and mysql, using the unified modeling language (uml) which includes class diagrams, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams. a. analysis of the application of simple additive weighting (saw) to determine the teacher's performance assessment by what is desired, the author uses the simple additive weighting (saw) method. this method is very appropriate to be implemented in the case of teacher performance assessment at smp it nurul huda batujaya. calculation of data manually, to get a weighted value in a way, each criterion has competence and competence has indicators or questions, obtained through observation and monitoring of teacher activities, the number of questions will be calculated to be used as a weight value (w) according to what has been determined by the head school. 51 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 table.1. weight students make an assessment of the teacher based on the category of assessment factors as follows. performance appraisal category 1. not fulfilled = 0 2. fulfilled = 1 3. highly fulfilled = 2 how many students choose a category when assessing teachers, the results obtained will be added up. then the results that students give value to the teacher are as follows. table.2 criteria the value that has been obtained will be entered into the calculation of the simple additive weighting (saw) formula [16]. pedagogic r11 = 92 max(92 50 47 54 46 ) = 92 92 = 1 r12 = 50 max(92 50 47 54 46 ) = 50 92 = 0.543 r13 = 47 max(92 50 47 54 46 ) = 47 92 = 0.511 r14 = 54 max(92 50 47 54 46 ) = 54 92 = 0.587 r15 = 46 max(92 50 47 54 46 ) = 46 92 = 0.5 personality r11 = 34 max(34 16 17 17 17 ) = 34 34 = 1 r12 = 16 max(34 16 17 17 17 ) = 16 34 = 0.471 r13 = 17 max(34 16 17 17 17 ) = 17 34 = 0.5 r14 = 17 max(34 16 17 17 17 ) = 17 34 = 0.5 r15 = 17 max(34 16 17 17 17 ) = 17 34 = 0.5 social r11 = 12 max(12 6 7 6 6 ) = 12 12 = 1 r12 = 6 max(12 6 7 6 6 ) = 6 12 = 0.5 r13 = 7 max(12 6 7 6 6 ) = 7 12 = 0.583 r14 = 6 max(12 6 7 6 6 ) = 6 12 = 0.5 r15 = 6 max(12 6 7 6 6 ) = 6 12 = 0.5 professional r11 = 18 max(18 9 9 14 9) = 18 18 = 1 r12 = 9 max(18 9 9 14 9) = 9 18 = 0.5 r13 = 9 max(18 9 9 14 9) = 9 18 = 0.5 r14 = 14 max(18 9 9 14 9) = 14 18 = 0.778 r15 = 9 max(18 9 9 14 9) = 9 18 = 0.5 from the results of the pedagogic, personality, social, and professional calculations above, the normalization of the r matrix is made as below. r=( 1 0.543 0.511 0.587 0.5 1 0.471 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.583 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.778 0.5 ) the preference value for each alternative (vi) is given as. calculation of data manually, each indicator that already exists is given a weight (w) according to what has been determined by the principal. w= 46, 18, 6, 9 doing the ranking process v1 = (46) (1) + (18) (1) + (6) (1) + (9) (1) = 46+ 18+ 6+ 9 = 79 v2 = (46) (0.543) + (18) (0.471) + (6) (0.5) + (9) (0.5) = 24.978+ 8.478 + 3+ 4.5 = 40.96 v3 = (46) (0.511) + (18) (0.5) + (6) (0.583) + (9) (0.5) = 23.506+ 9 + 3.498+ 4.5 no criteria weight(w) 1 pedagogic 46 2 personality 18 3 social 6 4 professional 9 alternative criteria pedagogic personality social professional teacher 1 92 34 12 18 teacher 2 50 16 3 9 teacher 3 47 17 7 9 teacher 4 54 17 6 14 teacher 5 46 17 6 9 52 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 = 40.5 v4 = (46) (0.587) + (18) (0.5) + (6) (0.5) + (9) (0.778) = 27.002+ 9+ 3 + 7.002 = 46 v5 = (46) (0.5) + (18) (0.5) + (6) (0,5) + (9) (0.5) = 23+ 9+ 3 + 4.5 =39.5 table 3 assessment results name score teacher 1 79 teacher 2 40.96 teacher 3 40.5 teacher 4 46 teacher 5 39.5 b. use case admin is in charge of filling in teacher data, filling in student data, user data, criteria data, competency data, question data, assessment data, report data. figure 1 use case diagram c. activity diagram the activity diagram depicts students accessing the system to the main page, then clicking the questionnaire to assess the teacher. figure 2 student activity diagram d. sequence diagram sequence diagrams describe the behavior of objects in the use case by describing the lifetime of the object and the messages sent between objects. the following is a design sequence made to design teacher performance assessments. figure 3 admin sequence diagram e. user interface design the design of the user interface is made as to the delivery of information on the appearance of the application that will be made, with the design of the user interface of the secretariat give input what kind of display should be made. the following is the design of the user interface and an explanation of the function of each form of the application that will be made: 53 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 figure 4 login display figure 5.admin main menu figure 6 student main menu figure 7 teacher's main page figure 8 teacher's main page vi. conclusion the conclusions that can be drawn from the results of research on web-based teacher performance appraisal information systems using the simple additive weighting (saw) method at smp it nurul huda batujaya are as follows: 1. with this teacher performance appraisal system, it can accelerate and facilitate students, teachers, principals, and administrative staff in conducting teacher performance appraisal activities. 2. the teacher performance appraisal information system can help the teacher's ability to determine competence. 3. simple additive weighting (saw) in the assessment information system can help teacher performance, especially at smp it nurul huda batujaya. references [1] aneu yulianeu dan aziz abdillah (2019) sistem informasi penilaian kinerja guru (pkg) berbasis web di sekolah dasar negeri 5 tanjung jaya kecamatan rajadesa kabupaten ciamis, jumantaka vol 03 no 01 pissn: 2613 / issn: 2613-9146 journal manajemen dan teknik informatika. 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computer sciences (bit and cs) 19 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 critical path method in contractor service company management information systems using incremental model hamim tohari 1 study program text accounting department of computerized accounting, politeknik negeri madiun email: ahmad kudhori 2 study program text accounting department of computerized accounting, politeknik negeri madiun email: ‹β› hedi pandowo 3 study program text accounting department of computerized accounting, politeknik negeri madiun email: abstract— good control is needed in managing a project, starting from controlling the human resources to systematic scheduling. cv. xyz surabaya is a contractor service company, that does not yet have an information system that can be used as a control tool in project management. critical path method (cpm) is one method that can be used to schedule projects. this study aims to design a project management information system by implementing cpm. the system design is done using the incremental model. the results of this study are in the form of a prototype system that fits the needs of cv. xyz surabaya, includes system flow, contextual data model (cdm), and user interface (ui). key words—cpm, information system, incremental abstrak— pengendalian yang baik diperlukan dalam mengelola suatu proyek, mulai dari pengendalian sumber daya manusia hingga penjadwalan yang sistematis. cv. xyz surabaya merupakan perusahaan jasa kontraktor yang belum memiliki sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat kontrol dalam manajemen proyek. critical path method (cpm) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadwalkan proyek. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi manajemen proyek dengan mengimplementasikan cpm. perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan incremental model. hasil dari penelitian ini berupa sistem prototype yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan cv. xyz surabaya, meliputi alur sistem, contextual data model (cdm), dan user interface (ui). kata kunci—cpm, sistem informasi, incremental i. introduction good control is needed in the management of a project. the control starts from controlling human resources to structured scheduling, and other factors that affect the progress of the project. in addition to influencing the progress of the implementation of a project, these factors can also be the cause of the minimum delay in project completion, so that the planned time does not exceed the predetermined time. if a project has a problem, it will have an impact on the implementation of the project, if the implementation of a project fails then the goals that have been set also fail, and will cause a waste of time and costs. cv. xyz surabaya is a company engaged in construction services with a specialization in floor construction, which includes water proofing, floor hardener, sealant polyurethane, concrete additive, bonding agent, and concrete injection, counting, epoxy floor & wall, termite control, cutter & ripere services. concrete. the absence of a good management information system (according to the needs of cv. xyz surabaya) has an impact on business processes in project management that are not well organized. cpm is one method that can be used to plan and supervise projects, which is the method most widely used by many systems that use the approach to the principle of network formation. the use of the cpm method can save time in completing various stages of a project [1]. observing the existence of problems in project management in cv. xyz surabaya, a solution that might be used is to create a web-based contractor management information system that will implement cpm in the project planning and scheduling process. in more detail, this contractor management information system is expected to assist in planning, minimize the occurrence of discrepancies in the plan and project realization, and facilitate the process of paying workers and filling out report documents. cpm is an activity-oriented activity that schedules project activities through network drawing [2]. levin and kirkpatrick in [1] explain that cpm(critical path method) is a method for planning and supervising projects which is the most widely used system among all other systems that use the principle of network formation. the cpm method is widely used by industry or construction projects. this method can be used if the duration of the work can be known and is not too fluctuating. siswanto in [1] explains that cpm is a project management model that prioritizes cost as the object being analyzed, cpm is a network analysis that seeks to optimize the total project cost by reducing the total project completion time. 20 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 we can know the critical path by calculating two start and end times for each activity, 1) early start (es), which is the previous time an activity can start, assuming all predecessors have finished. 2) the earliest finish (ef), which is the previous time activity could be completed. 3) last start (ls), which is the last time an activity can be started so as not to delay the completion time of the entire project. 4) the last finish (lf), which is the last time an activity can be completed so that it does not delay the completion time of the entire project (see figure 1). es a ef ls d lf figure 1. critical path elements description: a = activity name d = the duration of an activity es = earliest start ls = latest start ef = earliest finish lf = latest finish slack time is the free time that each activity has to be able to be postponed without causing delays in the overall project. slack time can be formulated as follows: 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 = 𝑳𝑺 − 𝑬𝑺 or 𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 = 𝑳𝑭 − 𝑬𝑭 description: slack = free time ls = latest start es = earliest start lf = latest finish ef = earliest finish according to larman in [3], it is stated that the iterative model is a methodology that relies on the development of software applications one step at a time in the form of expanding the model. this methodology is based on the initial specification of the basic model of the application being built. according to k. schwalbe in [4], the incremental model is "the incremental build life cycle model provides for the progressive development of operational software, with each release providing added capabilities". the incremental process model uses repetitive linear sequences to build software. as time goes by, each linear sequence will result in developments in software work which can then be used by users [5]. each stage in the increment method, which is contained in the methodology, has input and output. the output of the increment process will be used as input for the next increment process [6]. the incremental model was chosen because it has several advantages, namely: an easy process, there is testing and debugging, the possibility of project failure is small, and it can produce software according to needs in a relatively shorter time [7]. the incremental model is a method consisting of several increments with simple management, where the product is designed, implemented, and tested in stages (each module will be added in stages) until the product is declared complete or as needed. an information system is a system within an organization, which brings together the needs of daily transaction processing that can support the operational functions of a managerial organization with the strategic activities of an organization that can provide reports needed by certain outside parties [8]. an information system is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks, and databases that collect, transform and disseminate information in an organizational form [9]. according to [10] state that "management information system is a computer-based system that makes information available to users who have similar needs". referring to some of these references, it can be stated that the management information system is a structured set of elements that can present the information needed by management to support decision-making. this set of elements includes people, hardware, software, databases, and procedures. project management is a process of planning, organizing, and controlling company resources with short-term goals to achieve objectives and specific goals. project management is designed to manage and control company resources according to related activities, time efficiency, cost efficiency, and good performance. this requires good processing and can be achieved. some of the things that need to be managed in the project management area include cost, quality, occupational health and safety, environmental resources, risk, and information systems. project management is the application of knowledge, expertise, and skills, the best technical methods, and with limited resources, to achieve predetermined goals and objectives to obtain optimal results in terms of cost performance, quality and time, and work safety [11]. the project management process can be concluded as shown in figure 2. figure 2. project management process it takes a contractor who can carry out the work of the owner so that the work (project) can be carried out as planned. a contractor or can be referred to as a contractor, is a person or a business entity that is bound by a project and carries out the project by the contract agreement that has been made/agreed upon. a contractor is a person or entity who accepts work and carries out the implementation of the work according to the costs that have been determined based on the plans and regulations, as well as the conditions that have been set [12]. a contractor can be declared a person or an institution who is responsible for working on a project according to the specifications and budget provided by the owner or project provider. 21 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 ii. method this type of research is research & development (r&d). the information system design process is carried out using an incremental model.jenis penelitian ini adalah research & development (r&d). research design the design and construction activities of the contractor service company's information system are carried out using the incremental model. thus, the research design was made to follow or adapt to the existing stages in the incremental model, by the established boundaries(see figure 3). figure 3. research design iii. results and discussion 1. system requirements analysis new system design required by cv. xyz surabaya will involve five users with different access rights. the five users consist of admin, owner, project manager, customer, and foreman. the processes contained in the project management system in cv. xyz surabaya consists of (1) worker data input process, (2) service data input process, (3) equipment data input process, (4) material data input process, (5) user data input process, (6) order input process, (7) project data input process, (8) transaction process, (9) cpm calculation process, (10) project scheduling process, (11) attendance process, (12) progress input process, and (13) salary management process. input data user sistem admin start input nama, username, password, hak akses p h a s e end daftar user mst_user figure 4. flow map user data input process input pesanan pelanggan sistem admin start input data pelanggan, data pesanan pesanan prencatatan pesanan daftar pesanan buat surat penawaran kirim surat penawaran daftar pesanan end p h a s e figure 5. flow map order input process input data proyek sistem pemilikadmin p h a s e pesanan_detail prencatatan data proyek pilih acc pesanan, input biaya, durasi, tanggal mulai, tanggla selesai, unggah dokumen pendukung daftar data proyek start daftar data proyek end figure 6. flow map project data input process 22 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 hitung cpm sistem manajer proyek start input nama kegiatan, alat yg digunakan, pekerja, durasi kegiatan, kegiatan pendukung pesanan_kerja_ alat pesanan_kerja_ bahan pesanan_kerja_ kegiatan pesanan_kerja_ke giatan_pekerja perhitungan es (early start) ls (last start) ef(early finish) lf(last finish) perhitungan waktu bebas/slack (s) s=ls-es atau s=lf-ef end tabel cpm p h a s e pembuatan/input jalur kritis figure 7. cpm calculation process 2. contextual data model(cdm) the cdm design which will then be used to design the application of the system is shown in figure 8. figure 8. contextual data model(cdm) design 3. user interface(ui) design based on the results of the analysis of system requirements (functional requirements), ui designs are obtained for each process consisting of ui for (1) material master pages, (2) tools master pages, (3) user data pages, (4) data pages workers, (5) customer order master page, (6) transaction data page, (7) wage data page, (8) customer page, (9) service listing page, (10) payment page, (11) payment details page, (12) project data page, (13) worker attendance data page, (14) login page as shown in figure 5, (15) service list page, (16) service list page, (17) worker attendance master page, (18) attendance details page, (19) project progress list page, (20) customer order report page, (21) transaction report page, (22) salary report page, (23) schedule monitoring page. all of these uis are integrated into the main ui, which is the home page as shown in figure 10. figure 9. login page figure 10. home page in line with the research by [4] entitled “implementation of the incremental model in the information system for leasing of goods and services pt. sriwijaya indah persada palembang". the results of his research stated that information systems can be built using an incremental model consisting of requirements, specifications, architecture design, code, and test stages, while this study resulted in system design, cdm, and ui. while the research by [13] entitled "development of patient data information system for the rehabilitation section of bnn malang city using iterative incremental method", is also relevant to this study, in which the results of this study state that the results of the development of the information system are carried out according to the needs, this is evident from the results of the scenario testing carried out, while the results of this study also show that there is a conformity between the results of the system design and the needs reviewed based on the results of the system requirements analysis. iv. conclusion referring to the results and discussion that have been previously discussed, and after being associated with the formulation of the problem that has been determined in this study, the following conclusions can be drawn; the process of designing a contractor service company management information system using the incremental model can produce a prototype system that includes a system flow map, cdm, and ui. the application of the cpm method in the design of the management information system of the contractor service company at cv. xyz surabaya is by system requirements. upah_pekerja pekerja_absesnsi absen_detail report_kegiatan alat_kerja pekaerja_jasa kerja_bahan kegiatan_pekerja gaji_pesanan pesan_proses kerja_kegiatan pesan pesan_jasa bayar_pesan absensi id_absensi tanggal id_kegiatan id_do keterangan batal cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) date integer variable characters (15) variable characters (250) bitmap (1) variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 absensi_detail id id_pekerja presensi catatan id_absensi integer variable characters (5) boolean variable characters (250) variable characters (15) identifier_1 log_data id operation tabel user waktu old_value new_value integer variable characters (15) variable characters (150) variable characters (10) t imestamp blob blob mst_alat id_alat nama_alat keterangan gambar status_aktif cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (60) variable characters (250) variable characters (100) boolean variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 mst_bahan id_bahan nama_bahan keterangan gambar status_aktif cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (60) variable characters (250) variable characters (100) boolean variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 mst_jasa id_jasa nama_jasa keterangan gambar status_aktif cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (60) variable characters (250) variable characters (100) boolean variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 mst_pekerja id_pekerja id_jasa ava nama_lengkap upah_harian npwp tempat_lahir tanggal_lahir jenis_kelamin ktp alamat_sekarang alamat_ktp telp phone email status_aktif cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (5) variable characters (15) variable characters (250) variable characters (200) double variable characters (60) variable characters (35) date variable characters (20) variable characters (250) variable characters (250) variable characters (50) variable characters (18) variable characters (60) boolean variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 identifier_2 mst_user id_user nama_lengkap username password status_aktif hak_akses cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (5) variable characters (200) variable characters (100) variable characters (50) boolean enum variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 penggajian id_penggajian id_order tanggal keterangan batal cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (15) date variable characters (250) bitmap (1) variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 penggajian_detail id id_penggajian id_pekerja bayar upah integer variable characters (15) variable characters (5) integer double identifier_1 pesanan id_order id_pemb nama_order alamat phone telp catatan crtime variable characters (15) variable characters (20) variable characters (60) variable characters (250) variable characters (18) variable characters (50) variable characters (250) date & t ime identifier_1 pesanan_detail id id_order id_jasa luas lokasi jumlah integer variable characters (15) variable characters (15) double variable characters (250) double identifier_1 pesanan_bayar id_payment id_order pembayaran_ke tanggal nominal attach keterangan keterangan_admin konfirmasi cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (15) integer date double variable characters (100) variable characters (250) variable characters (250) enum variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 pesanan_kerja id_do id_order tanggal keterangan batal kerja_selesai cruser crtime mduser mdtime variable characters (15) variable characters (15) date variable characters (250) bitmap (1) bitmap (1) variable characters (5) date & t ime variable characters (5) date & t ime identifier_1 pesanan_kerja_alat id id_do id_alat jumlah keterangan terpenuhi catatan integer variable characters (15) variable characters (15) double variable characters (250) boolean variable characters (250) identifier_1 pesanan_kerja_bahan id id_do id_bahan keterangan terpenuhi catatan jumlah integer variable characters (15) variable characters (15) variable characters (250) boolean variable characters (250) double identifier_1 pesanan_kerja_kegiatan id id_do id_jasa nama_kegiatan tgl_mulai tgl_target keterangan integer variable characters (15) variable characters (15) variable characters (100) date date variable characters (250) identifier_1 pesanan_kerja_kegiatan_pekerja id id_kegiatan id_pekerja integer integer variable characters (5) identifier_1 pesanan_proses id id_order penawaran proses gagal kontrak tgl_mulai tgl_selesai deal crtime integer variable 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detection and classification. this algorithm detects the faces with and without masks using the video frames from the surveillance camera. the model trained on over 800 video frames. the sequence of a video frame for face mask detection is fed to the model for feature acquisition. then the model classifies the frames as faces with a mask and without a mask. we used loss functions like generalize intersection of union for abjectness and classification accuracy. the datasets used to train the model are divided as 80% and 20% for training and testing, respectively. the model has provided a promising result. the result found shows accuracy and precision of 95% and 96%, respectively. results show that the model performance is a good classifier. the successful findings indicate the suggested work's soundness. keywords: accuracy, computer vision, classification, face recognition, surveillance 1. introduction the covid-19 pandemic has spread across the globe, hitting almost every country. the epidemic was initially discovered in wuhan, china, in december 2019. the codi-19 epidemic has allowed us to pave the road for digital learning to be introduced. to stop the spread of the covid-19 pandemic, this article introduces face mask detection at university gates. face recognition applications employ various deep learning algorithms to look for human faces within larger pictures that often include non-facial items such as landscapes, buildings, and other human body parts such as feet or hands. the search for human eyes, which is one of the simplest characteristics to identify, is often where face identification algorithms get started. after that, the algorithm could make an effort to recognize the iris, the mouth, the nose, the nostrils, and the eyebrows. after the algorithm has concluded that it has located a facial area, it next conducts further tests to ensure that it has identified a face in the image [1]. the algorithms need to be trained on big data sets that include hundreds of thousands of examples of both face masks and without face mask pictures. this will assist guarantee that the results are accurate. the training helps the algorithms get better at determining whether a picture contains a face mask. where those faces are located within the image. knowledge based, feature-based, template-matching or appearance based approaches are some of the strategies that may be used in face identification [2]. the deep learning algorithm yolo is introduced that detects the objects efficiently. the authors do research and improve its version to v5 as shown in figure 1. each one has positive and negative aspects to consider. the problem occurs that we need an algorithm that accurately recognized the faces. in this paper, we have highlighted the issue that the algorithm accurately recognized the faces with and without masks. to build a model that detects face masks we used a new deep learning algorithm yolo v5. this algorithm efficiently resolves the problem and accurately recognizes the faces. figure 1: yolo detection process [4] the following is the order in which the manuscript is written. the introductory section and the literature review overview section are included in sections 1 and 2, respectively. the proposed approach is covered in section 3. section 4 shows the findings and explanation of the performance evaluation 48 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 experiments. the paper's conclusions are presented in section 5. 2. literature review knowledge-based approaches, also known as rule-based methods, characterize a face by adhering to certain guidelines. the difficulty of formulating rules that are clearly stated is one of the drawbacks of using this method. noise and light may have a detrimental effect on facial recognition techniques known as feature invariant methods [3]. these techniques employ distinguishing characteristics of a person's face, such as their eyes or nose, to identify a person's face. the detection of faces using template-matching approaches involves comparing pictures with conventional face patterns or traits that have been recorded in the past and connecting the two to establish a relationship between the three. the problem with these approaches is that they do not account for differences in position, size, or form. finding the important attributes of face photos requires statistical analysis and machine learning, both of which are used by appearance based approaches [4]. this approach, which is also used in the process of feature extraction for face recognition, is broken down into many sub-methods. the following is a list of some of the more specialized methods that are used in face detection: taking off the backdrop image. for instance, if a picture has a backdrop that is a single color, or if it has a background that is pre-defined and unchanging, then removing the background from the image may assist show the facial borders. sometimes the color of the subject's skin may help identify faces in color photographs; however, this is not guaranteed to work with every complexion. the use of motion to identify faces is yet another possibility. because a face is generally always moving during the real time video, users of this approach are required to determine the region of the face that is moving. this approach has a few drawbacks, one of which is the potential for misunderstanding with other moving objects in the background. a complete technique for detecting faces may be created by combining some of the tactics described in the previous paragraph [5]. face recognition in photographs can be challenging because of the many variables that can affect the process, differences in camera gain, lighting conditions, and image quality, as well as differences in attitude, emotion, location, orientation, skin color, and pixel values, the existence of spectacles or facial hair, and the photograph's orientation are all factors to consider. deep learning, which has been used to make advancements in face identification in recent years, has the benefit of greatly outperforming standard computer vision approaches. these advancements have been made in recent years. artificial intelligence detects objects. artificial intelligence required a large amount of data. then as a solution authors use yolo, however, a single yolo version did not detect a large number of objects accurately [6]. in [7] authors, highlight the issue of car number plate detection. authors use the yolo algorithm that does not accurately detect all number plates. the authors in [8], and [9] highlight the issue of face recognition. many other authors use other ml techniques; however, that techniques fail to capture the facial expressions. the accuracy of the algorithms is not good. the authors resolved the problem of detecting apple plants’ pictures. many authors use deep learning algorithms that fail to recognize that yolo v4 is used to detect pictures whose accuracy is also low [10-11]. paul viola and michael jones, computer vision researchers, developed a system in 2001 that could accurately recognize faces in real-time. these developments brought about significant advancements in the face detection approach [1, 12]. the viola-jones framework relies on the concept of teaching a model to recognize what constitutes a face and what does not constitute a face. once the model has been trained, it will extract certain features, which will then be saved in a file. this will allow the features extracted from fresh photos to be compared with the features that were previously recorded at different phases [13-15]. if the picture being analyzed is successful in passing through each step of the comparison of its features, then a face has been identified and the processes may continue. even though it is still widely used, the viola-jones framework has certain shortcomings when it comes to the recognition of faces in real-time applications. for instance, the framework may not function correctly if a face is obscured by something like a mask or a scarf. likewise, if a face is not orientated correctly, the algorithm might not be able to locate it [16]. other algorithms have been created to help improve processes and eliminate the disadvantages of the viola-jones framework, such as the region-based convolutional neural network (r-cnn) and single shot detector (ssd). this has helped to improve the overall quality of the process [3]. in the field of image identification and processing, an artificial neural network known as a convolutional neural network (cnn) is a form of neural network that was developed for the sole purpose of handling pixel input. to localize and categorize the objects seen in pictures, r-cnn will provide region recommendations based on a cnn framework. ssd requires only one shot to recognize several objects within an image, compared to two shots required by region proposal network-based techniques like r-cnn [27,28]. the first shot is used to generate region proposals, and the second shot is used to detect the object associated with each proposal [2]. as a result, ssd is much quicker than r-cnn. the covid-19 outbreak has quickly wreaked havoc on our day-to-day lives, impeding the flow of commerce and travel across international borders. protecting one's face by using a face mask has emerged as the new standard practice. in [17, 18] the not too distant future, many suppliers of public services will need their customers to wear masks that are suited for the environment to get their services. as a result, the identification of face masks has developed into an essential obligation to support international culture. in [19], [20] using several essential machine learning technologies such as tensorflow, keras, opencv, and scikit-learn, the method presented in this research offers a straightforward approach to accomplishing this goal. the 49 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 method that is proposed can correctly recognize the face in the picture or video, and it then decides whether or not the subject is wearing a mask [4]. in addition, it can recognize a face even when it is covered by a mask, both while it is moving and while it is being seen on video [21, 22,30], and [23,29]. the approach attains high precision. to properly determine the presence of masks and avoid producing overfitting, we study the ideal parameter values for the convolutional neural network model (cnn) [33-34]. 3. materials and method because lsvm is very fast, we utilized linear svm with non-linear x2-kernel to train the model. to achieve a balance, we use the homogeneous kernel map, which estimates explicit feature mappings to approximate the homogeneous additive kernels, to compute a linear approximation to x2 kernel [32]. the proposed model efficiently resolves the problem and accurately recognizes the faces. in the detection, the process algorithm collects all features of video frames. in the next step, the layering process started where all features are combined and sent for the prediction. in the last step, the prediction step is taken where all features are gathered from in this section, we discuss materials and implementation used for facemask detection on gates. our proposed method consists of four major steps that are: (i) object detection (ii) object localization (iii) objectness + box (iv) classification and confidence score. we first use a detector to extract roi and divide inputs into two parts: the object region, which is crucial, and the context region, which is secondary. the roi score is used to restore the classification outcome. finally, we do classification with a confidence score. the detailed proposed flow is shown in figure 2. figure 2: proposed model for facemask detection and classification. to recognize the faces, we employed the viola-jones algorithm. the three strategies employed by [14] are as follows: cascade, integral image (representation), and adaboost (classifier). several pixel-wise operations are used to compute the integral frame. we used equation 1 to calculate the sum of the left and top pixels of the impacted pixel, and the integral image is calculated. 𝖯(𝑥′, 𝑦′) = ∑ 𝐼(𝑥, 𝑦) 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑥′ ≥ 𝑥𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑦′ ≥ 𝑦 (1) the interest rio locations are found using hessian matrix approximation. rio is determined using equation 3. 𝛽(i, 𝛼) = [ cxx(i, 𝛼) cxy(i, 𝛼) ] cxy(i, 𝛼) cyy(i, 𝛼) (2) where cxx(i, 𝛼) , cxy(i, 𝛼) , cyy(i, 𝛼) are gaussian convolution of second order derivative. by forming a rectangle region around the interest locations, the descriptor is extracted. before computing the haar wavelet, the region is partitioned into smaller subregions. we increase the size of the object bounding box by a factor of 1:1 while maintaining the bounding box's center the same. the obtained result illustrates that increasing the bounding box size can increase classification performance. the image and performed the prediction as shown in figure 3. figure 3: model structure of yolo v5[10] the model is exploited with fine-tuned parameters. yolo v5 is used to classify face recognition into with and without masks, as shown in figures 4 [24 26]. the dataset is split into 80% training and 20% testing sets and classes are with masks and without a mask. moreover, the 300 images are from class 1 which is with a mask, and 450 without a mask after that images are augmented using the technique of rotation, translation, and scaling to get more images and overall images become 1200 for with mask and 1350 without a mask. furthermore, we used yolo fine tuned algorithm with change weights as well as activation function. figure 4: facemask detection 4. results and discussion: in this section, we discuss the steps and parameters that were employed during the computation of results. in the facemask detection process, we tested the proposed model. during testing, the proposed model accuracy and error rate were both taken into account while detecting fasemask. the result found are shown in figure 5 and 50 | vol.3 no.2, july 2022 figure 5: confusion matrix table 1 confusion matrix figure 6: fasemask detection results we used the generalized intersection of union (giou) loss function for the yolo v5. the gıou maximizes the overlap area of actual and predicted boundary boxes. as shown in figure 6, you is initially high at the point of prediction then slowly overlaps with the actual value. this shows that you gives good results that achieve good precision which is 97%. the value you are used for training purpose, this graph shows that this loss function maximizes the overlap area of ground truth and predicted boxes as shown in figure 4. these results show that yolo v5 accurately classifies face recognition with and without masks as shown in table 1 and figure 5. in the ground reality, there are 367 faces with masks and 476 without. moreover, yolo v5 is used to detect the face accurately. in figure 6, the objectness plot shows how accurately yolo v5 classifies the faces with and without masks. the objectness loss is due to wrong face recognition in giou prediction. the classification plot shows that the classification loss function deviates from predicting 2 for actual classes and 0 for other classes. this shows that yolo v5 classifies the classes more accurately as shown in the results. furthermore, precision and recall plots show that yolo v5 detects the objects accurately. the high precision shows that yolo v5 accurately predicts the objects. high precision shows the correctness of prediction. the recall plot shows how accurately find all the positives by using the yolo v5 algorithm. the recall is high means our results are good and yolo v5 detects the faces efficiently. the map@0.5 plot shows the mean of average precision at 0.5 you. the map is gradually increasing which shows how accurate the results are and how efficiently the yolo v5 algorithm detects the faces with and without masks. the f1 is a harmonic mean of precision and recall. as shown in the results, precision and recall are high which means our f1 score should also be high which shows the better performance of our used algorithm yolo v5 that classifies the faces with and without masks accurately. our results depict that yolo v5 detects the faces with and with masks more accurately and works efficiently in classification. we also used the public dataset to compare our results to the current state of the art. the outcome is shown in table 2. table 2: state-of-the-art performance evaluation dataset accuracy thermal cheetah dataset 0.942 anki vector robot dataset dataset 0.985 drone gesture control dataset 0.971 egohands dataset 0.982 pascal voc 2012 dataset 0.980 5. conclusion in this paper, the deep learning algorithm yolo v5 is exploited to accurately classify faces with and without masks. yolo v5 used the loss functions giou, objectness, and classification. that shows how accurately yolo v5 detects the objects. the dataset is split into 80% training and 20% testing sets and classes are with masks and without a mask. moreover, the 300 images are from class 1 which is with a mask, and 450 without a mask after that images are augmented using the technique of rotation, translation, and scaling to get more images and overall images become 1200 for with mask and 1350 without a mask. the used algorithm is evaluated through simulations in which the used algorithm yolo v5 precision is 96% and accuracy is 95%. the results show that yolo v5 detects objects more accurately. references [1] a. d. miller, t. b. murdock, and m. m. grotewiel, "addressing academic dishonesty among the highest achievers," theory into practice, vol. 56, pp. 121-128, 2017. 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perjuangan university, karawang. there have been several studies that have been conducted on predictions of new students by other researchers, but the results have not been very satisfying, especially problems with the level of accuracy and error. research on anfis studies to predict new students as a solution to the problem of accuracy. this study uses two anfis models, namely backpropagation and hybrid techniques. the application of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) model in the predictions of new students at buana perjuangan university, karawang was successful. based on the results of training, the backpropagation technique has an error rate of 0.0394 and the hybrid technique has an error rate of 0.0662. based on the predictive accuracy value that has been done, the backpropagation technique has an accuracy of 4.8 for the value of mean absolute deviation (mad) and 0.156364623 for the value of mean absolute percentage error (mape). meanwhile, based on the mean absolute deviation (mad) value, the backpropagation technique has a value of 0.5 and 0.09516671 for the mean absolute percentage error (mape) value. so it can be concluded that the hybrid technique has a better level of accuracy than the backpropation technique in predicting the number of new students at the university of buana perjuangan karawang keywords— anfis, backpropagation, hybrid, prediction abstract—proses penerimaan mahasiswa baru merupakan kegiatan rutin tahunan yang terjadi di sebuah universitas. kegiatan ini merupakan titik awal dari proses pencarian calon mahasiswa baru yang memenuhi kriteria yang diharapkan oleh perguruan tinggi. salah satu perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan penerimaan mahasiswa baru setiap tahunnya adalah universitas buana perjuangan karawang. ada beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan terhadap prediksi mahasiswa baru oleh peneliti lain, namun hasilnya belum terlalu memuaskan, terutama masalah tingkat akurasi dan kesalahan. penelitian tentang studi anfis untuk memprediksi siswa baru sebagai solusi dari masalah akurasi. penelitian ini menggunakan dua model anfis, yaitu teknik backpropagation dan hybrid. penerapan model adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) pada prediksi mahasiswa baru universitas buana perjuangan karawang berhasil. berdasarkan hasil pelatihan, teknik backpropagation memiliki tingkat kesalahan 0,0394 dan teknik hybrid memiliki tingkat kesalahan 0,0662. berdasarkan nilai akurasi prediksi yang telah dilakukan, teknik backpropagation memiliki akurasi sebesar 4,8 untuk nilai mean absolute deviation (mad) dan 0,156364623 untuk nilai mean absolute percentage error (mape). sedangkan berdasarkan nilai mean absolute deviation (mad), teknik backpropagation memiliki nilai 0,5 dan 0,09516671 untuk nilai mean absolute percentage error (mape). sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik hybrid memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan teknik backpropation dalam memprediksi jumlah mahasiswa baru di universitas buana perjuangan karawang. kata kunci— anfis, backpropagation, hybrid, prediksi i. introduction the process of admitting new students is an annual routine activity that occurs in a university. this activity is the starting point of the process of searching for prospective new students who meet the criteria expected by the college. one of the colleges that hold new student admissions every year is buana perjuangan university karawang. buana perjuangan karawang university is one of the universities in the karawang area which is developing very rapidly. this is proven by the high interest of new students who register and can be accepted at buana perjuangan university, karawang. this is of course a challenge and a good opportunity for the university. on the other hand, the stability and availability of campus facilities and infrastructure are things that need to be considered by university administrators. the university certainly has to be able to calculate how many new students are accepted at buana perjuangan university, this is important for the organizers as a material for decision making, especially those related to campus development, infrastructure, and resources that support the teaching and learning process in the campus environment. in this study, the authors used the anfis model to predict the number of new students at the university of buana perjuangan karawang. many studies have been conducted, using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) model in the prediction system. among them, the use of artificial neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis) in determining the status of mount merapi activities [5]; the use of backpropagation neural networks for new student 32 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 admissions in the computer engineering department at sriwijaya state polytechnic [1]; development of artificial neural network model to predict the number of new students in pts surabaya [2]; adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis) method for prediction of road service levels [11], and other studies. it is expected that the results of this study can provide good accuracy and error rates. in this study, the authors raised the title "adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) study in predicting new student admissions at buana perjuangan university, karawang. ii. method a. types of research in this research, the type of research used is quantitative. the objective of quantitative research is to develop and use mathematical models, theories and hypotheses related to natural phenomena. quantitative research is a type of research that basically uses a deductive-inductive approach. this approach departs from a theoretical framework, the ideas of experts, as well as the understanding of researchers based on their experience, then it is developed into problems and their solutions that are proposed to obtain justification (verification) or an assessment in the form of support for empirical data in the field. b. data collection data is a unit of information recorded by media that can be distinguished from other data, can be analyzed and is relevant to certain programs. data collection is a systematic and standard procedure for obtaining the necessary data. to collect research data, the authors used the interview method. to obtain data sources, the authors conducted interviews with the new student admissions committee, which were then validated with the data center (pusdatin) of buana perjuangan university. c. data analysis the data analysis technique used is to divide the data into two, namely training data and testing data. model training uses training data, while model testing uses testing data. the results of the model trial conclusion will be verified by diagnosis on the testing data. data analysis in this study aims to determine how accurate the adaptive neuro fuzzy inferences system (anfis) model at buana perjuangan university, karawang. in predicting the number of students using the singular value decomposition method. the stages of anfis data analysis can be seen in the following figure. fig. 1. anfis analysis and prediction process the data used in this research is secondary data, namely data on enrollments from new students obtained from the new student admissions committee, and active students for each study program obtained from the center for data and information (pusdatin), university of buana perjuangan karawang. d. framework the problem of admitting new students at a university is a routine problem that occurs every new academic year. so it needs good handlers in its implementation. information on the number of new students is important data for all campus members. both leadership, student affairs, academics, infrastructure and others. this is important because the campus must prepare everything due to the teaching and learning process. the prediction system for new students is certainly very helpful for the campus in preparing for needs a need that must be met by all members of the community in a university. the framework of this prediction system research includes: 1. the number of new students from the 2015/2016 academic year to 2019/2020. 2. the data is obtained from the new student admissions committee and is also equipped from the ubp data center. 3. data preprocessing (initial processing), data cleaning to eliminate data errors and data transformation. 4. the process of training and testing data 5. make predictions for new students 6. evaluate the level of accuracy with the mad and mape models 33 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 fig. 2. framework e. research subject the data source used in this study is data obtained from the buana perjuangan karawang university new student admissions committee which is then validated with the pusdatin section. new student data used as the source of data in this study were taken from new students from the 2015/2016 academic year to the 2019/2020 academic year. the new student data can be seen in detail in table 1. table 1 new students of ubp karawang 2015 to 2019 year pkn pgsd law psik ak man si if far ti 2015/2026 52 152 146 145 155 240 67 187 97 198 2016/2017 54 165 131 150 179 356 56 178 109 243 2017/2018 61 154 142 164 225 536 77 207 143 352 2018/2019 40 139 156 162 190 490 75 231 140 356 2019/2020 42 148 176 250 208 531 74 209 142 324 source : pusdatin the data will then be processed with a preprocessing process (pre-process) by means of data cleaning and normalization, before being used as data analysis in this study. the preprocessing results will then be processed using the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis) method as a method for carrying out the prediction process. iii. results and discussion a. preprocessing data the first step taken in this research data, is to pre-process the data on the number of new students accepted at the university of buana perjuangan for the period of the 2015/2016 academic year to 2019/2020. this needs to be done because the data used in the process is not always ideal for processing. sometimes in this data there are various problems that can interfere with the results of the process itself, such as missing values, redundant data, outliers, or data formats that are not in accordance with the system. the pre-processing of this data includes several stages, including data cleaning and data normalization. 1) data cleaning data cleaning is performed to eliminate inefficient and error-containing data. in this process, data is cleaned using the rapidminer application. fig.3. data cleaning process fig.4. results of data cleaning from the data cleaning process above, it shows that there are no errors or missing in the data used in this study. 2) data normalization before input data is entered into the network, the data is transformed into interval data (normalization). these data are normalized so that they are in the range [0,1]. normalization uses the min max formula (han, kamber, and pei, 2012). (1) x = data input xmin = data x minimum xmax = data x maksimum bmax = upper limit of the interval bmin = lower limit of the interval the purpose of normalization is to equalize the range of values for each data so that each data has a proportional role in each process. to facilitate the conversion process, the name of the study program is changed to the x variable. namely x1, x2, .... x10. table 2 data on the number of new students year x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 2015/2026 52 152 146 145 155 240 67 187 97 198 2016/2017 54 165 131 150 179 356 56 178 109 243 2017/2018 61 154 142 164 225 536 77 207 143 352 2018/2019 40 139 156 162 190 490 75 231 140 356 2019/2020 42 148 176 250 208 531 74 209 142 324 become interval data [0, 1] table 3 convert data to min max r x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 1 0,572 0,5 0,333 0 0 0 0,523 0,169 0 0 2 0,666 1 0 0,047 0,24 0,391 0 0 0,26 0,284 3 1 0,576 0,244 0,18 1 1 1 0,547 1 0,974 4 0 0 0,555 0,161 0,5 0,844 0,904 1 0,934 1 5 0,095 0,346 1 1 0,757 0,983 0,857 0,584 0,978 0,797 34 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 b. hypothesis test 3) data training process data that has been normalized in the form of min max, then used as a source of data for the training process (training) and testing (test data) in the anfis analysis process. for the anfis analysis process, the data is divided into two parts, namely training data and testing data. new student data from 2015 to 2018 is used as training data, while new student data for 2019 is used as testing data. table 4 data training x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 0,572 0,5 0,333 0 0 0 0,523 0,169 0 0 0,666 1 0 0,047 0,24 0,391 0 0 0,26 0,284 1 0,576 0,244 0,18 1 1 1 0,547 1 0,974 0 0 0,555 0,161 0,5 0,844 0,904 1 0,934 1 table 5 data testing x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 0,095 0,346 1 1 0,757 0,983 0,857 0,584 0,978 0,797 the training process (training) with the adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (anfis) model was carried out using the matlab r2010 tool. data analysis for this prediction uses two adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) models, namely backpropagation and hybrid techniques. so that the training and testing process is also based on these two techniques 4) backpropagation technique data training the data in table 4 shows that new student data is used as training data. the training process consists of 20 epochs (iterations) with an error tolerance of 0.001. from the results of data training with the backpropagation technique, the error rate obtained is 0.0394. fig.5. backpropagation technique training process from the backpropagation technique training above, the resulting error rate is 0.0394 with an error tolerance of 0.001 with 20 iterations. from this error value, the rate of increase and decrease in student predictions using the backpropagation technique is 3.94%. 5) hybrid technique data training in the same way, subsequent training is carried out using hybrid techniques. the training process was carried out 20 times with an error tolerance of 0.001. the training process can be seen in the following image: fig. 6. hybrid technique training process based on the results of training with the hybrid technique, an error rate of 0.0662 was generated. with this error value, the predicted value of increase and decrease in new students with the hybrid technique is 6.62%. 6) data testing process the next process is the testing process or data testing. this test is an application of the results of training data to predictions of new students. the data used in this process is the number of new students in 2019, the data can be seen in the following table: table 6 data testing x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 0,095 0,346 1 1 0,757 0,983 0,857 0,584 0,978 0,797 42 148 176 250 208 531 74 209 142 324 from the training process above, the predictive value obtained with the backpropagation technique is 0.0394 while the hybrid technique is 0.0662. 7) backpropagation data testing the test results with the parameters obtained from the data training process with an error rate of 0.0394 for the backpropagation technique, then the prediction results and errors of new students for 2019 are obtained. table 7 backpropagation technique prediction and error result no faculty data aktual prediction error (backpropagation) 1 pkn 42 42 0 2 pgsd 148 144 4 3 law 176 162 14 4 psik 250 168 82 5 ak 208 197 11 6 man 531 509 22 7 si 74 78 4 8 if 209 240 31 9 far 142 146 4 10 ti 324 370 46 fig 7. prediction of backpropagation technique 35 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 8) hybrid data testing meanwhile, from the data training process with an error rate of 0.0662 for the hybrid technique, the results of predictions and errors for new students for 2019 are as follows: table 8 hybrid technique prediction and error results no faculty data aktual prediction error (hybrid) 1 pkn 42 43 1 2 pgsd 148 148 0 3 law 176 166 10 4 psik 250 173 77 5 ak 208 203 5 6 man 531 522 9 7 si 74 80 6 8 if 209 246 37 9 far 142 149 7 10 ti 324 379 55 fig 8. prediction of hybrid techniques c. analysis and discussion the model used in this study is the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis). meanwhile, the techniques used in the fuzzy inference system (fis) are backpropagation and hybrid techniques. to measure the level of accuracy of the two techniques, the error rate of each technique must be sought. (hanke & wichern, 2005) said that forecasting techniques that use quantitative data often contain data in the form of a certain time series. which is where there are errors / errors made by forecasting techniques. therefore a method is needed to measure how much error / error can be generated by forecasting methods to be reconsidered before making a decision. there are also uses of this method of measuring error forecasting are: ▪ comparing the accuracy of the 2 (or more) forecasting methods used. ▪ measuring the reliability and benefits of the forecasting method used. ▪ finding the optimal forecasting method for the organization or company. to measure the level of accuracy of the backpropagation and hybrid techniques, the mean absolute deviation (mad) and mean absolute percentage error (mape) methods are used. a good level of accuracy is if the error rate is smaller than the others. 9) mean absolute deviation (mad) mean absolute deviation measures the accuracy of the prediction (forecast) by making an equal of the magnitude of the forecast error, where each prediction has an absolute value for each error. the formula used to calculate mad is: (2) information : y = actual value in period t y ̈t = forecast value in period t n = number of data periods from the measurement results of the accuracy level of the backpropagation and hybrid techniques that have been carried out using the mean absolute deviation (mad) method, the following values are obtained: table 9 mean absolute deviation hybrid aktual hybrid y1-ŷt 42 42 -1 148 144 0 176 162 10 250 168 77 208 197 5 531 509 9 74 78 -6 209 240 -37 142 146 -7 324 370 -55 total absolute deviation 5 mad 0,5 table 10 mean absolute deviation (mad) backpropagation aktual backpropagation y1-ŷt 42 43 0 148 148 4 176 166 14 250 173 82 208 203 11 531 522 22 74 80 -4 209 246 -31 142 149 -4 324 379 -46 jumlah deviasi absolut 48 mad 4,8 from the table above, backpropagation has a mean absolute deviation (mad) value obtained of 4.8, and for the total deviation of 48. as for the hybrid technique, the mean absolute deviation (mad) value obtained is 0.5 and the number of absolute deviations is 5. 10) mean absolute percentage error (mape) the mean absolute percentage error is calculated by finding the error / absolute error in each period, which is divided by the actual observed value for that period, and an average of the absolute percentage errors is made. the formula used to calculate mape is: (3) information : n = the number of data periods yt = actual value in period t yt = the forecast value in period t based on the results of the calculation of mean absolute percentage error (mape) for the backpropagation technique, the error value is 1.56365 with a mape value of 0.1563647. with a prediction error value of 15.6%. 36 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 table 11 mean absolute percentage error backpropagation aktual backpropagation y1-ŷt 42 42 0 148 144 0,02703 176 162 0,07955 250 168 0,328 208 197 0,05288 531 509 0,04143 74 78 -0,05405 209 240 -0,14833 142 146 -0,02817 324 370 -0,14198 jumlah deviasi absolut 1,56363 mape 0 as for the hybrid technique, the error value is 0.95167162 with a mape value of 0.09516671. with this, the prediction error value with the hybrid technique is 9.52%. table 12 mean absolute percentage error hybrid aktual hybrid y1-ŷt 42 43 -0,023809 148 148 0 176 166 0,056818 250 173 0,308 208 203 0,024038 531 522 0,016949 74 80 -0,081081 209 246 -0,177033 142 149 -0,0492957 324 379 -0,169753 jumlah deviasi absolut 0,95167162 mape 0,09516671 with the results of this test, it can be concluded that the predictions of new students at the university of buana perjuangan karawang with the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) model can be used properly. this is evidenced by the results of training (training) backpropagation technique has an error rate (error rate) of 0.0394, while the hybrid technique has an error rate of 0.0662. then based on the calculation of the value of accuracy in predicting, the backpropagation technique has an accuracy of 4.8 for the value of mean absolute deviation (mad) and 0.156364623 for the value of mean absolute percentage error (mape). meanwhile, based on the mean absolute deviation (mad) value, the backpropagation technique has a value of 0.5 and 0.09516671 for the mean absolute percentage error (mape) value. when compared to the accuracy, the hybrid technique is more accurate than the backpropagation technique, because it has a smaller error accuracy value. iii. conclusion from the results of research and testing that have been carried out on the study of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) in predicting new students at buana perjuangan university, karawang, it can be concluded as follows: 1. the application of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis) model in the predictions of new students at buana perjuangan university, karawang is successful. based on the results of training, the backpropagation technique has an error rate of 0.0394 and the hybrid technique has an error rate of 0.0662. 2. based on the predictive accuracy value that has been done, the backpropagation technique has an accuracy of 4.8 for the value of mean absolute deviation (mad) and 0.156364623 for the value of mean absolute percentage error (mape). meanwhile, based on the mean absolute deviation (mad) value, the backpropagation technique has a value of 0.5 and 0.09516671 for the mean absolute percentage error (mape) value. 3. based on the accuracy results, the hybrid technique is more accurate than the backpropagation technique, because it has a smaller predictive error accuracy value based on the mean absolute deviation (mad) and mean absolute percentage error (mape) values. acknowledgment finally, the authors would like to thank all those who have helped and provided criticism and suggestions so that this research can be completed on time. references [1] agustin, maria, ”penggunaan jaringan syaraf tiruan 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july 2021 e-ticketing system and integration with third parties scrum-based jimmy sentosa1 study program technical information stimik likmi email: maharina2 study program technical information stimik likmi email: candra zonyfar3 study program technical information universitas buana perjuangan karawang email: ‹β› abstract— scrum is a software development life cycle that will work with collaboration to produce products quickly but still provide quality. by using scrum, it will increase productivity and increase mutual trust, togetherness, responsibility, ideas communication and creativity of team members. the stakeholder's expectation to build an e-ticketing system fits with the agile nature of scrum. every process in scrum must run well starting from data collection, needs analysis, making product backlog, making sprint backlog, daily scrum meeting, sprint review until sprint retrospective must be carried out to achieve success. the applications built in this research will run on web browsers, android and api designs to be integrated with other applications. the research was conducted for two months by working on three product backlogs, then each product backlog would be broken down into three sprints. the results obtained in the study were able to answer the question of the problem that was built with the conclusion that the product owner's ability to communicate with stakeholders and daily scrum meetings was necessary in determining success in scrum. keywords— e-ticketing, sinar jaya, scrum, api, mobile, floor plan, seats, analysis, traveloka, redbus abstrak— scrum merupakan siklus hidup pengembangan perangkat lunak yang akan bekerja dengan kolaborasi untuk menghasilkan produk dengan cepat namun tetap memberikan kualitas. dengan menggunakan scrum akan meningkatkan produktivitas dan meningkatkan rasa saling percaya, kebersamaan, tanggung jawab, komunikasi ide dan kreativitas anggota tim. harapan pemangku kepentingan untuk membangun sistem e-ticketing sesuai dengan sifat gesit scrum. setiap proses dalam scrum harus berjalan dengan baik mulai dari pengumpulan data, analisis kebutuhan, pembuatan product backlog, pembuatan sprint backlog, daily scrum meeting, sprint review hingga sprint retrospective harus dilakukan untuk mencapai kesuksesan. aplikasi yang dibangun pada penelitian ini akan berjalan pada web browser, android dan desain api untuk diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi lain. penelitian dilakukan selama dua bulan dengan mengerjakan tiga product backlog, kemudian setiap product backlog akan dipecah menjadi tiga sprint. hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian mampu menjawab pertanyaan dari permasalahan yang dibangun dengan kesimpulan bahwa kemampuan product owner untuk berkomunikasi dengan stakeholders dan pertemuan scrum harian sangat diperlukan dalam menentukan keberhasilan dalam scrum. kata kunci— e-ticketing, sinar jaya, scrum, api, mobile, denah lantai, kursi, analisis, traveloka, redbus. i. introduction information technology growing rapidly parallel with the development of internet. indonesian government make some regulation for encourage companies to follow technology. regulation department of transportation republic of indonesia number pm 15 year 2019 informs every transportation company to issue electronic tickets and passenger manifests. based on these regulations, each transportation company must have its own e-ticketing system or can cooperate with existing e-ticketing systems such as pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng is a transportation company that prioritizes long trayek from city to city or island to island in indonesia. pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng has 36 years of experience and is one of the biggest companies in the transportation sector. pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng has many agents from lampung to sampang madura. pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng requires an e-ticketing information system starting from ticket sales to agent deposits. there are a lot of fictitious sales reports or ticket pricing outside the predetermined limits. the information system built is expected to minimize fraud in the field. in this research also will design about api e-ticketing for collaborating with third party agents such as traveloka and redbus. e-ticketing system will use scrum method because of the needs of pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng who wants to create an e-ticketing system in a short time due to demands from the government. scrum is considered to be able to fulfill the request of pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng because of its agile and fast nature. in addition, the development team needs 9 people and have expertise in their respective fields according to the needs of scrum. rapid project development requires continuous inspections that can be analyzed through daily scrum meetings. based on this, scrum is considered to be the most feasible method compared to other software development methods. the following are research about ticketing system that have been previously written which have similarities and became a reference in the preparation of this study. from previous search there not have any discussion about ticket sales by displaying mockups of seats. seat mockups are needed so that passengers know the desired seat location. 39 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 writer result of research naila, ajith dan muhammad murshid m.a. [11] the system created does not issue physical tickets and manifests. all transactions are recorded in the application and the conductor must scan the qrcode present in the application as proof of the passenger manifest. wahyudi [21] the method used in system development is the waterfall method. does not issue physical tickets and does not explain about ticket redemption because it is a case study for the concert seat system and there is no manifest. neli nailul wardah [22] the method used in system development is the waterfall method. and the system created does not issue physical tickets and manifests, all transactions are carried out via the web. della fauziah, fajar pradana, achmad arwan [3] the method used in system development is the waterfall method. the study did not go into more detail about ticket sales. the research discusses algorithms in finding route optimization. oky septian [18] the method used is the waterfall method. no physical tickets are issued as all transactions use the app. not discussing ticket exchange. i gede totok suryawan dan ary wira andika [19] the method used is the scrum method using 7 sprints. the application built is not an e-ticketing application but is similar to reservation and booking for tour vehicles. bienderil and achmad kodar [5] the method used is the scrum method using 13 sprints. the application built is not an e-ticketing application but a reservation for massage services ahmed ibrahim dan azman b ta’a[4] the method used is the prototyping method using the phonegap framework. there is no seating sketch display when booking tickets. oloyede, m.o, alaya s.m dan alaya s.m [12] the research does not discuss the system development method and only discusses ticket bookings without a schedule or seat availability. ii. method a. software development life cycle (sdlc) sdlc is a process of designing a system that always moves like a wheel that goes through steps such as planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. then the system will return to the planning stage if it is deemed inefficient to implement [9]. b. agile agile is a collaborative technique between an iterative and evolutionary approach by using documents formal form in relation to building software that is of good quality in terms of cost and at the right time according to changing needs [15]. c. scrum scrum is a system development method technique that was first created by jeff sutherland in 1993. scrum is a framework or methodology for developing product management and is a work pattern where everyone in the team is faced with ways to solve complex adaptive problems and at the same time being challenged to create products with the highest value productively and creatively [20]. scrum also is a methodology that follows an agile approach or principles. scrum is a framework of responsive software development for product management or application development that focuses on strategy, flexible product development where a team works and is divided into units to achieve common goals [13]. scrum is based on empirical process control theory or empiricism that is transparency, inspection, and adaption [17]. d. scrum flows scrum has complex stages that can affect the final result of system development. the stages in scrum are as follows product owner create product backlog, then product owner and scrum master will create sprint planning based on product backlog. every member in tim scrum then will develop the product called as sprint. the sprint will be closed with a sprint review to see if the sprint was successful or not [13]. to monitor sprint development team must organize daily scrum meeting that has a time limit of 15 minutes. this event is held every day during the sprint. in this event, the development team makes a work plan for the next 24 hours [17]. e. application programming interface (api) application programming interface or commonly called api is a collection of commands and functions that allow a system to interact with other systems. the api also functions as a bridge to make it easier for developers to use software infrastructure to rebuild the infrastructure [16]. apis are used to build distributed software systems whose components are interrelated but separate [1]. f. representional state transfer representational state transfer or commonly referred to as rest is a form of web standard architecture that uses the http protocol to exchange data. rest is often used in building multiplatform applications using apis. this is because in addition to having good performance, the use of rest is fast and easy in data exchange and communication [2]. the output of rest common called as javascript object notation or s json which is a format that consists of structured information and is generally used to transmit data between the server and the client [10]. g. e-ticketing e-ticketing is a way to document the travel process of passengers without issuing ticket papers. all information regarding passenger and travel data is stored digitally [6]. eticketing is made to make it easier for passengers to book tickets and to help admins and drivers with their daily tasks. the e-ticketing system runs online to make it easier or easier to buy bus tickets or travel information [14]. eticketing also an application on the web that allows passengers to check seat availability, purchase tickets, and pay for tickets online [11]. iii. results and discussion in making the system for pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng, first a scrum team must be formed with roles and tasks performed by the scrum team in developing the eticketing system as follows table 1 scrum team role role position task product owner project manager receive requests from clients and make a priority scale on the product backlog that is made to be carried out by the scrum team, establish good relationships with stakeholders. scrum master scrum master train, educate and manage the scrum team so that the rules in scrum can be applied during the system development period and arrange for the daily scrum meeting to run 40 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 role position task development team backend developer 1 create backend functions for third party agents development team backend developer 2 creating functions on the backend for the e-ticketing system development team frontend developer 1 creating a dynamic user interface, integrating the user interface with the functions provided by the backend developer development team frontend developer 2 creating a dynamic user interface, integrating the user interface with the functions provided by the backend developer development team mobile developer creating user interfaces on mobile and connecting with functions provided by backend developers development team ux designer creating user interfaces on mobile and connecting with functions provided by backend developers development team tester testing the features that have been developed by the developer in designing the e-ticketing system at pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng, the author uses the research method in the picture as follows: fig. 1. research methodology the e-ticketing system developed aims to create an effective management of ticket sales transactions carried out by agents of pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng, which previously still made sales transactions using manual tickets. the modules that will be developed are the schedule and departure planning module, the ticket sales module and the deposit module as well as cash inflows. each module will be done in 1 product backlog and each product backlog will be done in 1 sprint. product backlog departure schedule planning will be carried out for a duration of two weeks with a sprint goal of being able to make a schedule based on the selected filter for one calendar month, product backlog of ticket sales will be done within one month with the sprint goal api function for third party agents has been completed and sales can operate on android and browsers to printing electronic tickets. product backlog of deposits and cash inflows will be done within two weeks with a sprint goal of receiving money from agents. table 2 sprint schedule and departure planning id description days programmer j01 master permission function 1 backend developer 1 01 master permission view 1 frontend developer 1 j02 master user function 1 backend developer 1 j02 master user view 1 frontend developer 1 j03 login function 1 backend developer 1 j03 login view 1 frontend developer 1 j04 master terminal function 1 backend developer 2 id description days programmer j04 master terminal view 1 frontend developer 2 j05 bus class master function 1 backend developer 1 j05 bus class master view 1 frontend developer 1 j06 bus type master function 1 backend developer 1 j06 bus type master view 1 frontend developer 1 j07 mockup master function 2 backend developer 2 j07 mockup master view 3 frontend developer 2 j08 tripcode master function 2 backend developer 1 j08 tripcode master view 2 frontend developer 1 j09 departure generate from tripcode function 3 backend developer 2 j09 departure generate fron tripcode view 4 frontend developer 2 j10 departure list and update function 2 backend developer 1 j10 departure list and update view 2 frontend developer 1 j11 function for get departure data 1 backend developer 2 j11 function for export departure data 2 backend developer 2 j11 report loadfactor view 1 frontend developer 2 total 9 frontend developer 1 8 frontend developer 2 9 backend developer 1 9 backend developer 2 table 3. sprint sales id description days programmer t01 price rate master function 4 backend developer 2 t01 price rate master view 4 frontend developer 2 t02 display from access 3 frontend developer 1 t03 departure schedule for agent function 2 backend developer 2 t03 departure schedule for agent view 3 frontend developer 2 t04 list available seat plan function 2 backend developer 2 t04 sketch and list available seat view 5 frontend developer 2 t05 function to get ticket prices when there is a combination of boarding point, drop point and bus class 3 backend developer 1 t05 display departure information and prices from search combinations 3 frontend developer 2 t06 functions for sales 4 backend developer 2 t06 display for sales of spare tickets and seats 5 frontend developer 2 t07 function to get ticket data 2 backend developer 1 t07 automatic display and print when opening ticket view 5 frontend developer 1 t08 third party agent master function 2 backend developer 1 t08 third party agent master display and menu 3 frontend developer 1 t09 function for departure info based on parameters sent 2 backend developer 1 t10 function to place order on api 2 backend developer 2 t11 function to cancel booking tickets that have expired 2 backend developer 2 t12 function to view seat availability 2 backend developer 2 t13 function to change order status if there is a payment request 2 backend developer 2 t14 function to cancel ticket 3 backend developer 1 t14 function to cancel ticket 8 frontend developer 1 t15 create application with default browser 6 mobile developer t16 bluetooth printer settings 5 mobile developer t17 bluetooth printer settings 4 backend developer 1 t17 print the printer if the url contains the word print_ticket 8 mobile developer 41 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 t18 function to get sales data 2 backend developer 1 t18 function to export sales data 2 backend developer 1 total 19 frontend developer 1 20 frontend developer 2 20 backend developer 1 20 backend developer 2 19 mobile developer table 4 deposit sprint and cash inflow id description days programmer s01 ticket claim function 2 backend developer 1 s01 ticket claim display 2 frontend developer 1 s02 close sales function and create manifest 4 backend developer 2 s02 display close sales and manifest strook 3 frontend developer 2 s03 deposit function 2 backend developer 2 s03 agent deposit display 2 frontend developer 2 s04 function get deposit list for resume 1 backend developer 1 s04 display of deposits via resume 3 frontend developer 1 s05 function get deposit data 2 backend developer 1 s05 display of deposit print and autoprint 3 frontend developer 1 s06 printer format api for manifest 1 backend developer 1 s06 print manifest if the url contains the word print_manifest 5 mobile developer s07 printer format api for deposits 1 backend developer 1 s07 print the deposit if the url contains the word print_setoran 5 mobile developer s08 function to get deposit and resume data 1 backend developer 1 s08 function to export deposit and resume data 1 backend developer 1 s08 display for deposit data reports and resumes 2 frontend developer 2 s09 function to get commission data 2 backend developer 2 s09 function to export commission data 2 backend developer 2 s09 display for commission data report 2 frontend developer 1 s10 function to get passenger data 1 backend developer 1 s10 function to export passenger data 1 backend developer 1 s10 display for passenger data reports 2 frontend developer 2 s11 function to get loadfactor data 1 backend developer 1 s11 function to export loadfactor data 1 backend developer 1 s11 display for loadfactor data report 1 frontend developer 2 total 10 frontend developer 1 10 frontend developer 2 10 backend developer 1 10 backend developer 2 10 mobile developer at this stage the scrum team begins to create applications based on the sprints that have been set. in the development process using the trello application to control the tasks that have been done. in trello, a sprint panel and a develop, checking, need to change, question and discussion, commit and completed panel will be created. programmers can move items in the sprint panel into the develop panel when they are in progress. if the programmer has finished creating a function, then the programmer is obliged to move the finished item into the checking panel to be checked by the tester after deploying the work to the development server. if it passes the check, the tester can move the item to the commit panel. fig. 2. trello application the scrum master is then tasked with deploying the commits to the production server. if it does not pass the check, the tester will enter the item into the needs to change panel and the programmer can move the item to develop to be reworked. a sprint is declared successful if the sprint panel is empty and all items have entered the completed panel. if there are still items hanging, then the sprint will be declared failed. after the sprint is successful, the scrum team can repeat the same process on the sprint 2, sprint 3 panel. trello is an option for monitoring work besides being free, trello can also be viewed via a browser and can contain information, both text, attachments and images. so that the items in the work panel can be fully described in trello. the flow of the development process can be seen below fig. 3. development process the daily scrum meeting process is carried out by holding a meeting using google meet between the scrum team and the scrum master at 4 pm every day. meetings are held virtually because wfh is often applied within the company. the duration of the meeting is approximately 15 minutes. the things that were discussed in the meeting were: 1. what has been done on the d day. in this discussion, it can be seen the work carried out by each member of the scrum team, whether they meet the deadline in trello or not, also know what features can be tested by the tester. 2. what obstacles are encountered in the execution of the task. this is intended to provide information to the scum master about what obstacles are encountered. the scrum master is then tasked with finding ways to minimize the obstacles that occur. the existing constraints are not discussed in detail in the daily scrum meeting because of course it will take time and make the work ineffective. 42 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 3. questions to be discussed for working on the next day's task. if it can be answered quickly, it will be discussed in the meeting. however, if it is technical and feels time consuming, it will be discussed personally with the scrum master. in a sprint review, everyone on the scrum team gets together and discusses the results of the sprint. users are also invited to take part in a sprint review to discuss what has been completed. from the sprint review, ideas or opinions will usually appear that might add to or adjust existing functions. all opinions will be recorded and may be entered into the next sprint. the duration of the sprint review can last as long as 3 hours. in the sprint review, scrum team members will directly provide demos directly through the application or the users themselves who use the application. all features that are completed and can be used according to what the user wants will be recorded as increments. fig. 4. erd system fig. 5. result of program an api will be designed which has the following scheme to make sales sinar jaya api agen third party request tripcode send json schedule request maket send json maket post hold transaction send json status transaction post payment request send json status payment fig. 6. api process 43 | vol.2 no.2, july 2021 table 5. e-ticketing api method method description jenis method end point method get jadwal get /api/jadwal method get denah maket get /api/kursi method hold transaction put /api/tiket method payment post /api/payment iv. conclusion from this research, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. development of the e-ticketing system of pt. sinar jaya megah langgeng can be done using the scrum method. this study uses 3 product backlogs with each product backlog being carried out in one sprint duration. during the development stage, the development team used the trello application as a project management application and for the deployment process, the author used the git application. with this application, the product owner can monitor the performance of the scrum team and the scrum master can see problems if there are tasks that are past the deadline. the author uses his own human resources consisting of one product owner, namely the author himself, one scrum master, two backend developers, two frontend developers, one mobile developer, one ux designer and one tester in system development. 2. to support the planning carried out in this research, all needs and goals must be understood by the scrum team. needs analysis with user stories is quite helpful because the purpose of the application can be seen from there. daily scrum meetings must always be held to monitor the performance of the scrum team and daily scrum meetings will minimize obstacles in the work because things that slow down can be analyzed by the scrum master to be minimized. the daily scrum meeting must run effectively with a duration of around 15 minutes so that the time used can be focused on project development. a sprint retrospective at the end of the sprint also needs to be done to analyze problems that arose during the previous sprint to be able to work on the next sprint better. the product owner's ability to seek information and liaise with stakeholders by conveying ideas and confirming needs during sprint work are skills that are needed to achieve increments. acknowledgment to implement scrum in software development requires commitment and responsibility and the product owner must know the capabilities of everyone in the development team. during the sprint review process, the most effective way to determine whether a sprint was successful or not is to involve the user directly. so that users can provide suggestions or input for the features being worked on. for further research, it is expected to take user subjects who have many wishes and comments and can answer any plans that can be used to minimize risk and whether development techniques using scrum can deal with such stakeholder characteristics. references [1] biehl, 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[25] c. zonyfar, s. sihabudin, and a. khusaeri, “peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam memanfaatkan sumber belajar di internet melalui sosialisasi edukasi internet cerdas, sehat, dan aman”, tribhakti, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17-20, dec. 2019. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.1 january 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 11 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 an enhanced bio-inspired aco model for fault-tolerant networks samuel w lusweti 1 masinde muliro university of science and technology email: collins o odoyo 2 masinde muliro university of science and technology email: ‹β› dorothy a rambim 3 masinde muliro university of science and technology email: abstract—this research mainly aimed at establishing the current functionality of computer network systems, evaluating the causes of network faults, and developing an enhanced model based on the existing aco model to help solve these network issues. the new model developed suggests ways of solving packet looping and traffic problems in common networks that use standard switches. the researcher used simulation as a method of carrying out this research whereby an enhanced algorithm was developed and used to monitor and control the flow of packets over the computer network. the researcher used an experimental research design that involved the development of a computer model and collecting data from the model. the traffic of packets was monitored by the cisco packet tracer tool in which a network of four computers was created and used to simulate a real network system. data collected from the simulated network was analyzed using the ping tool, observation of the movement of packets in the network and message delivery status displayed by the cisco packet tracer. in the experiment, a control was used to show the behavior of the network in ideal conditions without varying any parameters. here, all the packets sent were completely and correctly received. secondly, when a loop was introduced in the network it was found that the network was adversely affected because for all packets sent by the computers on the network, none of them was delivered due to stagnation of packets. in the third experiment, still, with the loops on, a new aco model was introduced in the cisco packet tracer used to simulate the network. in this experiment, all the packets sent were completely and correctly delivered just like in the control experiment. keywords—aco, packets ,loops, networks, algorithm abstrak—penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan fungsionalitas sistem jaringan komputer saat ini, mengevaluasi penyebab kesalahan jaringan, dan mengembangkan model yang ditingkatkan berdasarkan model aco yang ada untuk membantu memecahkan masalah jaringan ini. model baru yang dikembangkan menunjukkan cara-cara untuk memecahkan perulangan paket dan masalah lalu lintas di jaringan umum yang menggunakan standard switches. peneliti menggunakan simulasi sebagai metode untuk melakukan penelitian ini dimana algoritma yang disempurnakan dikembangkan dan digunakan untuk memantau dan mengontrol aliran paket melalui jaringan komputer. peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental yang melibatkan pengembangan model komputer dan mengumpulkan data dari model tersebut. lalu lintas paket dipantau oleh alat cisco packet tracer di mana jaringan empat komputer dibuat dan digunakan untuk mensimulasikan sistem jaringan nyata. data yang dikumpulkan dari simulasi jaringan dianalisis menggunakan alat ping, pengamatan pergerakan paket dalam jaringan dan status pengiriman pesan yang ditampilkan oleh cisco packet tracer. dalam percobaan, kontrol digunakan untuk menunjukkan perilaku jaringan dalam kondisi ideal tanpa memvariasikan parameter apa pun. semua paket yang dikirim diterima dengan lengkap dan benar. ketika sebuah loop diperkenalkan pada jaringan, ditemukan bahwa jaringan terpengaruh secara negatif karena untuk semua paket yang dikirim oleh komputer di jaringan, tidak ada satupun yang dikirim karena stagnasi paket. dalam percobaan ketiga, masih dengan loop aktif, model aco baru diperkenalkan di pelacak paket cisco yang digunakan untuk mensimulasikan jaringan. dalam percobaan ini, semua paket yang dikirim dikirim dengan lengkap dan benar seperti pada percobaan kontrol. kata kunci—aco, packets ,loops, networks, algorithm i. introduction one can rarely do anything with data that doesn’t involve a computer network since these networks enable us to share information and other resources [1]. however, these networks have to be maintained well to keep providing users with these functionalities. these computer networks can fail to work especially when a network device fails or the communication link malfunctions or is being overused against its capacity [2]. the existing networks are more complex than the conventional networks therefore it becomes hard to create, install, manage and keep them up and running efficiently all the time [3]. due to these challenges, new technologies are needed to be employed in managing these dynamic networks that are at the center of business transactions today. there exist similar problems in real-life situations and their biological solutions which are naturally evolved and can also be applied in networking paradigms to help curb the drawbacks [3]. these are commonly referred to as bio-inspired systems. a bio-inspired system depicts a strong relationship between a proposed algorithm aimed at solving a certain problem and a biological or natural system possessing similar capabilities [4]. there exists a necessity to employ bio-inspired systems in computer networks because 12 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 living organisms like the ant colonies look better organized in their daily activities than the current internet [4]. this is because of the resilience to failure by biological systems to both internal and external environmental factors [5]. there exist many optimization algorithms including particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, leaping frog among others. in general, aco is the most popular and most successful algorithm that has ever been used in combinatorial optimization problems [6]. ii. literature review 2.1. loops loops can occur in a network whenever there exists more than one path (redundant links) at layer 2 between two endpoints or there are multiple connections between any two switches in the network or there is a physical connection between two active ports of the same switch. this loop creates broadcast storms during the forwarding of broadcasts and multicasts by switches. these switches repeatedly rebroadcast the message hence flooding the network [7]. this means that packets that are sent along a given path will eventually be stuck in that network forever making cycles, [8] unless some mechanisms are invoked which will help in flushing such packets out of the cycle. whenever you are using link-state protocols for instance ospf, the forwarding loops may transiently occur if the routers in use adapt their own forwarding route tables in response to a change in topology [9]. the adverse effects of the loop on ethernet switched networks include a reduction in bandwidth, memory clogging, and packet loss [7]. these and many other challenges in computer networks need to addressed using more intelligent mechanisms especially the use of metaheuristics like bio-inspired systems. this research paper concentrates on packet loops and provides an enhanced bioinspired mechanism to help solve the problem. 2.2 bio-inspired systems biology is frequently being employed as an inspiration for research in computer science [2] and other fields like engineering, mathematics, energy [10], and business. ant algorithms are in use today mainly to solve optimization problems instead of the problems and challenges that they were originally or initially developed to solve [11]. a direct approach to getting a solution to the combinatorial optimization problems is an exhaustive search [12], whereby the agents in these biological systems whose analogy is used to create bio-inspired systems, enumerate all possible solutions and choose the best one. the method of ants which is a bio-inspired system has proved to outshine other generalpurpose algorithms for optimization like the genetic algorithms. this is evident especially when employed in combinatorial optimization problems which require the interaction of cooperating agents [11]. a good number of such intelligent algorithms are therefore being developed with the aim of solving various complex problems. whereas some studies try to explore the application of bio-inspired algorithms theoretically, others are continuously working to improve the functionality of the algorithms [10]. this becomes a green light for the growth and development of artificial intelligence systems which mimic the behavior of ants, especially during foraging. these algorithms include neural networks, particle swarm, genetic algorithm, and ant colony optimization algorithm among others [10]. 2.2.1 aco architecture and design during the early years of 1990s, there was an introduction of the aco model proposed by m. dorigo and his companions as a metaheuristic optimization algorithm that is naturally inspired for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems [13]. aco is in the category of metaheuristics which are probabilistic algorithms for obtaining good solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems with a reasonable time of computation [14]. the other examples of metaheuristics include tabu-search, evolutionary computation, and simulated annealing [15] [16]. the foraging behavior of real ants inspired the creation and deployment of aco in various fields. aco is a very popular and modern optimization paradigm that gets its motivation from the scenario of how ant colonies find the shortest routes between their home and the food source [6]. during the process of searching for food (foraging), the forward ants start by randomly exploring the environment that surrounds their nest before they locate the source of food and deposit pheromone trails [17]. despite its well-known popularity and application, the theory of aco is still under development and is in its infancy stages; therefore a solid foundation of its theory is required [18]. the aco model has been modified in many forms since its introduction. however, these forms have a common architecture. the following figures show an image of real ants in a colony foraging and a flow chart of activities carried out by ants in an aco algorithm during their foraging activities. 2.2.2 how aco works ants are self-organized biological systems exhibiting three main principles of self-organization mechanisms which include interaction between individuals, feedback loops, and local state evaluation [19]. aco algorithm works following an indirect communication among the simple agents of a colony, known as artificial ants, enabled by their artificial pheromone trails as their media of communication [20]. the foraging ants thus communicate by laying pheromone chemicals on the ground as they search the environment for food [18]. the other ants are consequently attracted by the laid pheromone trails and therefore tend to closely follow previous ants. in the case whereby the foraging ants discover different routes between the nest and a source of food, the shortest path typically gets filled with pheromone quicker than the longer path [18]. a fascinating aspect of ants is their ability to find the shortest routes to the source of food. this is made possible only by the ability of these ants to follow the laid down pheromone trails by the predecessor ants taking in mind that most ants are almost blind meaning visual aspects are not in use [21]. the more the ants take the shortest route, the more pheromone gets deposited, until almost all ants follow the shortest path [18]. 2.3 application of aco in networks there have been many areas in which bio-inspired systems have been successfully applied, some of which have been mentioned in the sections above. however, a few of them have been applied in computer networks to enhance their functionality and improve their resilience to faults. the main area of concern being adaptive routing. a good example is the aco algorithm for network analysis and adaptive routing 13 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 [10]. many issues in networking are formulated as multidimensional optimization problems. as dimensions of networks are increased both in terms of the number of nodes and spatially, the centralized control of communication in these networks becomes impractical. in comparison with biological systems, an individual alone is of less interest compared to the collective behaviour of the system of a larger number of the same individuals like the ant colonies [10]. as a result, bio-inspired systems like aco have been developed and successfully applied in network node research and design due to the appealing analogies existing between biological systems and large computer networks [2]. aco has been applied in computer network routing problems in different formats such as antnet, anthocnet, acr [6], and antbasedcontrol(abc) [22] among other algorithms. abc was the first routing algorithm applied in circuit-switched networks for instance telephone wire networks [23]. this algorithm was deployed on a simulated version of the british telecom network, which formed the basis [20] of more research on this area of network routing problems. a highly successful application of the aco to the dynamic routing problems is the antnet algorithm, which was proposed by marco d and di caro [24] [25] [26]. this antnet being successful was recommended and applied in packet-switched networks in this case the internet for adaptive routing [20]. later on, the antnet became widely useful in mobile adhoc networks, to solve the routing problems and was used as anthocnet posting exemplary results [27]. antnet [28] and anthocnet [29] are two today very well-known aco-based routing algorithms. antnet is a proactive routing algorithm while the anthocnet is a reactive routing algorithm. they possess a very high delivery rate and find paths whose lengths are very close to the length of the shortest route [28],[30]. 2.4 challenges faced by aco if aco is used in network routing, the packets mimic the real ants. however, it still has some challenges. in this case, a problem arises when an ant (packet) is stuck in a cycle (loop) and is forced to revisit an already visited node. these loops bring about the stagnation of ants [31] and are undesirable in networks because they cause packet latencies [6] and the packets caught in a loop are eventually destroyed when aco is implemented. the large number of routes or paths makes it complex to manage the routing tables while concurrently increasing the probability of having packet loops [32]. although research was done and a new aco was developed known as maco, the research does not claim that maco will fully eradicate stagnation in ants, thus offering a basis for more research to be done on aco [31]. these reasons necessitated research on how best to re-route the packets that are caught into a loop and stagnated without destroying them and by preventing stagnation and still making them reach their intended destination in the new aco algorithm. iii. method a model was developed using python and pygame simulator to show the movement of ants. this study used the agile family as a model of sdlc since these methods are meant to quickly adapt to changing requirements, and minimize costs of production while upholding the quality of the software under development [33]. agile is a combination of both incremental and iterative types of sdlc [34]. iv. results and discussion in this chapter, the researcher presents the results of the simulation experiments performed. in these experiments, the researcher used the cisco packet tracer simulator to test various configurations of the network as shown below. first of all, the packet tracer is launched and a simple network configuration of four computer devices (two desktop computers and two laptops) are configured in the network. a router is used to bridge between two different network classes each having two computers. these classes include b having a default gateway of and class c with a default gateway of these computers are interconnected on the network using two 24-port. the so-developed network of computers is then subjected to different conditions and tested as shown by the screenshots below. 4.1. simple-aco the old model called simple-aco was applied in various fields including computer networks. s-aco ants were used to implement loop elimination which in turn improve the performance of the system [12]. while moving backwards through the path that in in their memory, the ants update the pheromone concentration on the paths they pass through. the following example shows how ants in s-aco eliminate loops as using backward pass presented by marco dorigo [12]. figure 1. final route, no loop but also node 4 is removed in aco, the private memory of ant is used to guarantee the probability of an ant building a feasible solution. however, during the process of finding these feasible routes, loops may appear making the ant rotate in a cycle for long. as a result, the ant ends up wasting time and resources [6]. when trying to avoid these loops, if an ant is forced to go back to an already toured node, the nodes having that cycle are removed from the private memory of the ant and information about the nodes is completely destroyed. if an ant moves in a loop for a time which is greater than half its age (time to live), the ant is consequently destroyed [6]. the model describes the movement of an ant from source to destination. from the flow diagram, if an ant is forced to return to an already visisted node, the node or ant will be destroyed. this saves the system from staying in a loop forever, but the killed ant never reached its destination. if the node is detryoed, then it is removed from the network making the node lose network connection. 14 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 figure 2. flow chart of original aco model showing how to eliminate loops pseudocode if (k ∈ v )/∗ check if the ant is in a loop and remove it ∗/ hops_cycle ← get cycle_ length(k,v); hops_fw ← hops_fw – hops_cycle; else hops_fw ← hops_fw + 1; v [hops_fw] ← k; t ,[hops_fw] ← tk→n; end if 4.2. enhanced aco model showing physical movement of ants figure 3. loops formed are assumed to be non-existent (for instance node 4 is not removed) in the figure above, if a loop is formed in the modified aco model, it will be assumed by the ants as the ants will still be reroute out of the loop if they are caught in the loop for more than half of their ttl. in this case no ant will be killed and no node will be destroyed. the ants are made to be a little more intelligent in that, when an ant is caught in a cycle, its assigned time to live will be used to determine if the ant is in a loop. if the ant takes rotates in a loop for a time interval which is greater than half of its ttl, then it is rerouted out of the loop to its intended destination. figure 4. flow chart enhanced aco model showing how to eliminate loops pseudo-code of enhanced aco model if (k ∈ v )/∗ check if the ant is in a loop and remove it ∗/ hops_cycle ← getcycle length(k,v; hops_fw>ttl/2; else hops_fw ← hops_fw + 1; v [hops_fw] ← k; t ,[hops_fw] ← tk→n; end if in the enhanced algorithm above, if an ant is caught in a cycle, hops_fw>ttl/2 , the else statement function hops_fw ← hops_fw + 1 is invoked to get the ant out of the loop unconditionally. the ant selects the next node described in its foraging instructions. this enhanced algorithm is then applied in the simulated computer networks to help reroute packs intentionally forced to return to selected nodes. this forced return is done by introduction of forced loops. 4.0 control experiment pinging the devices in the control experiment for instance from laptop 1 having ip address to laptop 0 and pc 0 having ip addresses and respectively, still shows communication taking place as shown by the command prompt screen in figure 5 below. 15 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 figure 5. control results 4.1 simulator with loops but without the algorithm the simulated network is configured as shown below. there is a modification from the control experiment by the introduction of physical loops on the network. figure 6 below shows the configuration. after simulating packets in this network, the message remained in progress forever as shown in the bottom right corner of the figure below. secondly, the messages in the network simulator kept on rotating between the loops created and the two switches 0 and 4. figure 6. loops without aco result 1 when we open the command prompt and ping from laptop 1 having ip address to laptop 0 and pc 0 having ip addresses and respectively, the icmp message fails to be delivered and shows time out on the command prompt and failed on packet tracer as shown in figure 7 below. figure 7. loops without aco result 2 4.2 simulator with loops and with the algorithm the researcher was able to run the algorithm and then simulated the network having the loops. secondly, the main algorithm is imported in the programming mode under the tcp python package of each computer device running in the networking. the algorithm displays the activity of random movement of ants on the pygame. the simulation mode of the cisco packet tracer shows message delivery in the network with green ticks as shown in the figure below. at the bottom right corner of the simulator, there is an indication of the successful delivery of messages. figure 8. loops with aco result 1 pinging the devices for instance from laptop 1 having ip address to laptop 0 and pc 0 having ip addresses and respectively, indicates communication taking place as shown by the command prompt screen below. figure 9. loops with aco result 2 4.4 interpretation of results in the above simulation, the researcher used three experiments to test and validate the data collected. the first which is a control experiment provides an ideal network with no variations in the network working under optimal conditions. it was discovered that the network messages were delivered properly between the devices on the network without any problem showing 100% success for the 4 messages sent over the network. in the second experiment, the researcher subjected the simulated network to forced loops as it normally happens in colleges and universities (mostly done by students). in this experiment, it was discovered that the network went completely down and could 16 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 not recover from the looping packets which completely failed to be delivered to the intended destination. pinging the network showed that the 4 messages send had a 100% failure rate. in the third experiment, the aco algorithm was simulated alongside the network with the loops still on. this experiment showed packets being delivered normally in the simulation mode by showing success to all icmp packets sent. the ping tool also showed a 100% success rate for all the 4 test packets sent by various devices on the network. this shows that the algorithm intervened to reroute the packets that would have otherwise gotten locked up in the loop as shown in experiment 2 where the packets kept rotating in the loop thereby breaking communication between the computers on the network. the algorithm helped the network in rerouting any packets that would be caught in the loop to reach their destination. from the above experiments, five average round trip times(rtt) were collected from control experiment and five from enhanced experimen. the control experiment had the following rtt as shown in figure 8 and figure 9 (6,0,0,2,0) averaging to 8/5 =1.6ms. the experiment of enhanced algorithm showed the following results as rtt as witnessed from figure 16 and figure 17 (0,0,2,0,16) avearaging to 18/5=3.6ms. although the algorithm’s results show that the packets get to destination on average 2 ms later than in the case of the control, it is still witin the allowed rtt. the 2ms delay may have been brought about by the cycling packets before getting out of the loop. for optimal network performance , studies have shown that rtt<500ms [75]. 4.5 how the enhanced aco algorithm works the aco model was first developed and applied in computer networks to help the network packets reach their destination very fast using the shortest route possible by mimicking the ants through their foraging behavior and intelligence. however, the model could not solve the problem of stagnation of ants and thus the new model developed in this research helps to get the stagnated ants out of the loop. the algorithm is then imported into the cisco packet tracer and the packet tracer translates the ants into real packets of the network. when the packets are caught in a loop, they use their random intelligent movement to get out of the loop, once they realize there are talking too long to reach their destination. the movement of the packets (similar to the ants after importing into packet tracer) is as shown below. figure 10. ants in model foraging figure 10 above shows packets finding the routes from the source of food to the nest (dest). figure 11. ants in model caught in a loop the figure above shows packets (ants) caught in a loop for sometime. figure 12. ants getting out of the loop this figure shows (packets) ants getting out of the loop after rotating in the loop for a few moments. the will be unnoticeable in the real network since it happens at a very high speed. 4.6 discussion according to research done by kwang hong sim and weng hong sun [31], when implementing aco the following issues arise: stagnation of ants and poor adaptiveness of ants. stagnation will occur if a network reaches its convergence too early (prematurely). this leads to the following problems: 1) congestion of packets (ants) on the optimal path, 2) reduction of probability of ants choosing other routes. the research further indicated that congestion and low probability of choosing other paths by ants will consequently lead to the following problems in dynamic computer networks: a) the selected path may become non-optimal if congested b) the congested path may be disconnected due to network failure. due to these issues, sim and sun noted that the network would eventually have a low degree of sensitivity due to changes in topology or link failure. in their research, sim and sun [31] proposed a new improved model called maco which they noted that it enhanced the adaptiveness of the network and reduced the chances of stagnation of ants. in maco, the ants are made to deposit pheromones of different colors and observed that ants will follow routes with similar colors reducing congestion. however, they conclude that their research does not guarantee that maco would fully eradicate stagnation of ants as it only reduced the chances of stagnation. secondly, another research was done by gianni di caro on the application of aco to adaptive routing in telecommunications networks [8]. the research showed that loops that lead to stagnation of ants should be avoided as much as possible because they cause very high packet 17 | vol.4 no.1, january 2023 latencies. to implement loop avoidance, di caro explained using an equation for avoiding loops in networks. for instance, if an ant is forced to return to a node that it had previously visited, the nodes that composed the loop are taken out of the memory of the ant, and all information describing those nodes is destroyed. consequently, if an ant moves on a cycle for a time that is greater than its half-life, the ant is destroyed. this destruction solves the problem of loops; although, another problem arises whereby the affected nodes and ants(packets) will be destroyed which means they will not communicate over the network as intended. considering the finding of the above two kinds of research, the researcher carried out this study to help strike a balance between stagnation and the destruction of ants. from the results above, the problem of stagnation of ants is more highly reduced than that of maco suggested by sim and sun [31] by making sure the ants that are caught in a loop simply get out of the loop using a new optimal route as shown in figure 10. this will help us make sure that all the packets in the network reach their intended destination as opposed to destroying stagnated ants as found out in the research by di caro [8]. v. conclusion and recommendations the results show that this research can add some contribution to the body of knowledge. when well adopted in schools, colleges, homes, and offices, the algorithm produced in this research study can go a long way in improving the reliability of the computer networks that are constantly under attack by forced loops. however, the algorithm does not completely guarantee that it will solve all the problems faced by computer networks. further research needs to be done to improve it further. references [1] meyers, m., "introducing basic network concepts." 2010, 14/networks.pdf (accessed june. 3, 2022). 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[online]. available: (accessed july. 2, 2022). 63 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-isssn : 2715-7199 vol.3 no.2 july 2022 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) a time series based gene expression profiling algorithm for stomach cancer diagnosis teresa kwamboka abuya1 study program computer science kisii university, kenya ‹β› bayu priyatna 2 study program information system universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstrak— eksperimen biologis telah menghasilkan sejumlah besar data ekspresi gen yang memiliki nilai sangat besar untuk diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan penyakit. namun, kelemahan yang cukup besar memang ada dalam pemanfaatan yang tepat dari data ini karena skala yang besar dan kerumitannya. sejumlah algoritma telah dikembangkan untuk menginterpretasikan data ini dalam bentuk profil gen untuk tujuan diagnosis. diantaranya k-means, pengelompokan hierarkis, pengelompokan berbasis kepadatan, pengelompokan subruang, dan peta yang mengatur sendiri. sayangnya, algoritme ini mengabaikan ketergantungan berurutan di antara titik waktu yang berurutan, tidak memadai dalam penemuan pola untuk mengubah aktivitas selama interval terbatas dari kerangka waktu eksperimen, dan tidak mampu membedakan antara pola faktual dan acak. dengan demikian, ada kebutuhan untuk algoritme pembuatan profil gen yang mengatasi kekurangan yang dibatasi waktu dalam algoritme saat ini dan karenanya memfasilitasi pembuatan profil gen yang efisien untuk mendiagnosis kanker perut secara dini. selama bertahun-tahun, eksperimen ekspresi gen deret waktu telah banyak digunakan untuk mempelajari berbagai proses biologis seperti siklus sel, perkembangan, dan respons imun. dalam makalah ini dikembangkan algoritma profil gen berdasarkan deret waktu untuk diagnosis awal kanker lambung. dengan menetapkan gen ke satu set profil model yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya yang menangkap pola potensial yang berbeda, signifikansi masing-masing profil ini dapat ditetapkan. profil signifikan ini kemudian dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut dan digabungkan untuk membentuk cluster yang kemudian dapat dimanipulasi oleh algoritma clustering. idenya adalah untuk mengukur aktivitas gen selama rentang waktu yang singkat sehingga dapat menghasilkan gambaran universal tentang fungsi seluler. singkatnya, ini termasuk mendeteksi pola berulang dalam data biologis. pola-pola ini kemudian digunakan untuk mengungkapkan informasi diagnostik yang mungkin penting bagi praktisi medis. desain penelitian eksperimental digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. data yang berkaitan dengan genom biologis digunakan untuk pekerjaan penelitian ini. karena perkembangan penyakit kanker saat ini, hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi signifikan dalam diagnosis dini kanker lambung sehingga pengobatan yang tepat dapat diberikan.. kata kunci: data microarray, respon imun, clustering, profil signifikan, diagnosis kanker. abstract— biological experiments have produced enormous amount of gene expression data that possess enormous value for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. however, considerable drawbacks do exist in the appropriate utilization of this data due to its massive scale and intricacy. a number of algorithms have been developed to interpret this data in form of gene profiling for diagnosis purposes. they include k-means, hierarchical clustering, density-based clustering, subspace clustering, and self-organizing maps. unfortunately, these algorithms ignore the sequential dependency among successive time points, are inadequate in the discovery of patterns for changing activity over a restricted interval of an experiment’s time frame, and are incapable of discriminating between factual and random patterns. as such, there is a need for a gene profiling algorithm that addresses the time-constrained shortcomings in the current algorithms and hence facilitating efficient profiling of genes for early stomach cancer diagnosis. over the years, time series gene expression experiments have been widely used to study a range of biological processes such as the cell cycle, development, and immune response. in this paper a gene profiling algorithm based on time series for early stomach cancer diagnosis is developed. by assigning genes to a predefined set of model profiles that capture the potential distinct patterns, the significance of each of these profiles can be established. these significant profiles can then be analyzed further and combined to form clusters that can then be manipulated by clustering algorithms. the idea is to measure the genes’ activities over a short period span so as to come up with a universal depiction of the cellular functionality. in a nutshell, this includes detecting recurring patterns in biological data. these patterns are then employed to reveal diagnostic information that may be important for the medical practitioners. an experimental research design was utilized to achieve the study objectives. data pertaining to biological genomes was employed for this research work. due to the upsurge of cancer in the current times, the outcomes of this research work is anticipated to be significant in the early diagnosis of stomach cancer so that appropriate medication can be administered. keywords: microarray data, immune response, clustering, significant profiles, cancer diagnosis. i. introduction 64 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 functional genomics is the discipline in which genes are utilized in the determination of their function whereas gene expression is an approach employed to examine the functional changes in these genes. according to [1], the expression level for a given gene across different experimental conditions are collectively referred to as the gene expression profile and the expression levels for all the genes under an experimental condition are jointly referred to as the sample expression profile. one of the goals in microarray data analysis is the identification of genes for which the expression level is significantly changed under different experimental conditions. another objective is to cluster the expressed genes or samples having similar expression profiles to make a meaningful biological inference from the set of genes or samples (martin, 2016). the field of bioinformatics essentially deals with biological information processing. one of the requirements for effective bioinformatics is an extensive range of computational models that helps in representation and computation of massive biological data. as [2] point out, biological experiments and processes analysis require too much effort. additionally, this process can prove to be very slow. this can be attributed to the ever-growing intricacy of the processes and fiery growth of biological data emerging from laboratories universally. the recent drawback, as [3] noted, is on how to convert this enormous data repository into knowledge that can facilitate understanding of biological processes and experiments pertaining to both health and diseases. according to [4] timeseries gene expression analysis allows for principled estimation of unobserved time-points, clustering, and dataset alignment. in this technique, every expression profile is modeled as a piecewise polynomial which is estimated from the observed data and every time point sways the overall smooth expression curve. gene expression experiments carried out using time series show that unobserved timepoints can be reconstructed with 10-15% less error when compared to other profiling methods. the time series-based clustering algorithm operates directly on the continuous representations of gene expression profiles. this is particularly effective when applied to non-uniformly sampled data. stomach cancer (sc) is the fourth most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide (yang,2018). although the incidence of sc has declined for decades, the prognosis of sc remains very poor, especially in china. at present, the pathogenesis of sc is unclear, thereby necessitating effective biomarkers and targeted therapeutics. traditionally, clinic pathological parameters were used in risk stratification of sc outcomes. however, a number of advanced sc patients remained stable for a couple of years, whereas some early-stage patients progressed rapidly [5]. therefore, reliable biomarkers or stratification systems that can be used for more accurate prediction are highly essential [6]. the greatest challenge in cancer diagnosis is the identification of a subset of genes with crucial roles in diverse stages of these diseases’ progression from early stages of carcinogenesis to its final stage of metastasis. as [7] explains, reliable identification of molecular determinants of clinical outcomes can facilitate the discovery of functional biomarkers predictive of therapy response or disease progression. in addition, this can provide insights into new therapeutic targets in this aggressive disease. [8] further point out that the complexity of genomic networks and the vast volume of genes present increase the challenges of understanding and interpreting the resulting mass of data. the problem is compounded by the vagueness, imprecision, and noise present in this data. according to [9], the current algorithms such as hierarchical gene profiling algorithm, selforganizing maps (som), support vector machines (svm) and k-means algorithm, can only detect relationships where there is sufficient variability in gene expressions and as such, functional interactions are only detectable if they induce changes in transcriptional state that persist over a reasonable timescale. to address this problem, algorithms for visualizing high-throughput single-cell datasets and identifying putative functional relationships between genes are required [10]. due to the potential of time series to unravel biological processes that take place over short time duration, this research work employed this nonconventional data type to come up with a gene profiling algorithm that is instrumental in disease diagnosis in human beings. in this paper, a time series based gene profiling algorithm for early stomach cancer diagnosis was developed. early and accurate diagnosis of stomach cancer can significantly improve the design of personalized therapy and enhance the success of therapeutic interventions. since time series has the potential of identifying significant chronological expression profiles and the genes associated with this profile, it can enable the comparison of cancer infected genes behavior across multiple conditions over short time duration. specifically, the response of gastric epithelial cells infected with the vacamutant strain of the pathogen helicobacter pylori was investigated [11]. the contributions of this paper include the derivation of mathematical parameters that were shown to help in the generations of gene profiles over a limited duration of time. the rest of this paper is organized as follows. section 2 presents the related work while section 3discusses gene profiles derivation. section 4 gives a presentation of results and discussion while part 5 concludes the paper. ii. method this paper adopted an experimental research design to develop an algorithm that aided in the derivation of gene profiles. the approach involved the derivation of gene profiling parameters which were then employed to develop a time-series based algorithm. this algorithm was then experimented on sample genomic data described in section a below, to provide the required gene profiles visualization in the form of graphs. this visualization provided a straight forward means of establishing the sequential dependency among successive time point. in addition, the visualization facilitated the discovery of patterns for changing activity over a restricted interval of an experiment’s time frame. 65 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 3.1 data set the genomics data employed in this paper were from two experiments measuring the response of gastric epithelial cells infected with the vaca-mutant strain of the pathogen helicobacter pylori. the data is sampled at five time points 0 h, .5 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h. a sample of these data is shown in figure 1 for g27 tc1 trial 4. figure 1. sample g27 tc1 trial 4 data this figure 1 shows tc1 gastric epithelial (ags) cells infected with wild type h. pylori (g27) and isogenic mutants in caga and vaca for 0, 0.5, 3, 6, and 12 hours. figure 2.0 shows the g27 tc1 trial 5 data. figure 2. sample g27 tc1 trial 5 data in these data samples, hybridizations of g27 (trial 4) and cag a(trial 3) time-courses are accomplished in parallel. a technical replicate of the g27 time course (trial 5) and hybridization of vaca(trial 3) time course is also accomplished in parallel. the cag a 6and 12-hour time points technically replicated (trial 4) (the cag a 6-hour sample of trial 3 are lost). 3.2 gene profiling modeling process this research dealt with the profiling, comparing and visualizing gene expression data from short time series of two experiments measuring the response of gastric epithelial cells infected with the vaca-mutant strain of the pathogen helicobacter pylori. the gene expression profiling comprised of four major steps as shown in figure 3. as show in this figure, the steps included the generation and normalization of expression signals, testing each probe for its differential or association with the phenotype, the application of proper statistical significance criteria to identify the gene expression profile, and the investigation of the functions and pathways of the genes in the expression profile. figure 3. gene profiling steps thereafter, a number of statistical significance criteria such as pearson correlation, p-value, euclidean distance, logistic regression, bonferroni correction, false discovery rate and time points permutation were applied to help identify specific list of genes differentially expressed or associated with the phenotype. although mutual information (mi) measure is superior over simpler measures such as pearson correlation as it is capable of capturing complex non-linear and nonmonotonic dependencies. in addition, it can reflect the dynamics between pairs or groups of genes, computing mi involves estimating pair-wise joint probability distributions which requires density estimation or data discretization, with the accuracy of these estimates depending on sample sizes. as this measure was not deployed in this research study. table 2 gives a summary for the deployment of the various performance metrics. table 2 performance metrics deployment sno statistical measure deployment 1. pearson correlation weighted relation between all genes 2. p-value significance of gene coexpressions 3. euclidean distance correlation distance between gene profiles 4. logistic regression estimate of cancerous probability 5. bonferroni correction adjustment to the confidence levels 66 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 6. false discovery rate adjustment to the confidence levels 7. time points permutation optimize the number of required profiles 3.3 the algorithm of modeling gene profiles the first step was the commencement of the algorithm while the second step in the processing activities was the input of the genomics data as shown in figure 4.0. in the next page. in step three, validation is done against empty genomic file upload such that if this field is empty, then an error message is generated for this effect in the fourth step. during the fifth step, the validation against spot ids not included is done such that if these ids are not included, then they are computed in the sixth step. the value of the spot id is initialized to 1 which are thereafter incremented by one until the value of 24192 is reached, which is equivalent to the number of genes in the file that were investigated. whereas spot ids were unique for each gene entry, the same gene symbol may appear multiple times in the data file corresponding to the same gene appearing on multiple spots. the seventh step was the computation of the average value for the expression values for the same gene. this was accomplished using the median before further analysis on the data was carried out. the eighth step was that option of filtering some specific genes using p-value metric. in situations where a gene was filtered, then it was excluded from further analysis. gene filtering was accomplished for those genes that did not show a sufficient response to experimental conditions, those genes that had too many missing values, or the gene expression pattern over repeats was too inconsistent as dictated by the minimum correlation between repeats. the ninth step was the usage of additional parameters namely the maximum pearson correlation and maximum number of candidate model profiles to dictate the selection of model profiles along with the maximum number of model profiles and maximum unit change in model profiles between time points as shown in figure 5.0. in this algorithm, the candidate model profiles were designed to be nonconstant profiles which started at zero and increased or decreased an integral number of units that was less than or equal to the value of the maximum unit change in model profiles between time points. figure.4. gene profiling algorithm pseudo-code when this parameter was set to zero, all permutations were used. in the eleventh step, the p-value based significance level was utilized to set the connotation level at which the number of genes assigned to a model profile as compared to the expected number of genes assigned was regarded as significant. during the twelfth step, the permutation test was set to permute all time points including time point zero when computing the expected number of genes assigned to a profile. in this case, the developed algorithm located profiles with significantly more genes assigned than expected on condition that all the input columns had been randomly reordered. on the other hand, during the thirteenth step, the permutation test was configured not to permute at time point zero and as such, the algorithm found profiles with more genes assigned than expected on condition that all the columns except for the first column had been randomly reordered. in the developed algorithm, permuting time point zero was preferred since it was the only test that took into account the significant changes that took place between time point zero and the immediate next time point (0.5 h). 67 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 in the fourteenth step, the correction method was utilized to adjust the significance level since this algorithm was meant to test multiple profiles for significance. two types of corrections were utilized in this algorithm. the first one was the bonferroni correction while the second one was the conservative false discovery rate (fdr) control. in the third scenario, no correction was made for the multiple significance tests. figure 5. modeling gene profiling process in the fifteenth step, two parameters namely the minimum correlation and the minimum correlation percentile were utilized to control the grouping of significant model profiles into clusters. in so doing, these parameters served to control how similar two model profiles had to be if they were grouped together. for the case of the minimum correlation, any two model profiles assigned to the same cluster of profiles had to have a correlation above this parameter's value. on its part, the minimum correlation percentile was employed in cases there were repeat data from different time periods. it was used to specify that any two model profiles assigned to the same cluster of profiles had to have a correlation in their expression greater than the correlation of this percentile in the distribution of gene expression correlations between the repeats. the last step was the display of the gene profiles based on the euclidean distance after which the algorithm halted in the seventeenth step. figure 6 gives a diagrammatic representation of the gene profile derivation process. as this figure shows, the process gene profile derivation process involves the input of the genomic data containing the gene expressions to be profiled. these data items are analyzed using parameters such as pvalue, pearson correlations, permutations, logistic regression and median to yield probable profiles as already discussed above. correction methods are then employed to adjust the significance level to permit the testing of multiple profiles for significance. figure 6. schematic gene derivation process the output gene groupings are then clustered using minimum correlation and minimum correlation percentile before euclidean distance is applied to them to distinguish the various gene profiles. the final outputs are the gene profiles in form of graphs. the logic here was that when the number of candidate model profiles exceeded the p value of seeing t more genes in the intersection, then instead of explicitly generating al l candidate model profiles, a subset of candidate model profiles of this size was randomly selected. in the tenth step, the number of permutations per gene parameter was employed to specify the number of permutations of time points that were randomly selec ted for each gene when computing the expected number of genes assigned to each of the model profiles. 68 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 iii.results and discussion in this section a time series-based gene profiling algorithm is developed. to test the derived parameters and their gene profiling abilities, the algorithms and statistical computations were put into use to achieve some functionality as shown in table 3. the genomics data from two experiments measuring the response of gastric epithelial cells infected with the vac a mutant strain of the pathogen helicobacter pylori were then fed as input to this algorithm. table 3. gene derivation process step parameter activity 1 n/a -commence gene derivation process 2 n/a -input genomic data 3 n/a -validation is done against empty genomic file upload 4 n/a -prompt genomic data input error 5 n/a -validation against spot ids 6 n/a -if not included in file compute spot ids 7 median -computation of the average value for the expression values for the same gene 8 p-value -filtering specific genes 9 pearson correlation, p-value -model profiles selections. 10 permutation -computation of the expected number of genes assigned to each of the model profiles 11 p-value, logistic regression -setting the connotation level at which the number of genes are assigned to a model profile 12 permutation -compute the expected number of genes assigned to a specific profile 13 permutation -configure permutation test not to permute at time point zero 14 bonferroni, fdr -adjust the significance level to test multiple profiles for significance 15 minimum correlation, minimum correlation -control grouping of significant model profiles into clusters percentile 16 euclidean distance -display generated gene profiles 17 n/a -halt gene derivation process the minimum absolute expression change was any value more than -0.05. as an illustration, using the maximum number of missing values to be 2, the minimum correlation between repeats to be 0, and the minimum absolute expression change to be 0.05 yielded the information in table 4.0 for the sample filtered genes. table 4. sample filtered genes the genes that were devoid of these three characteristics were regarded as standard genes and were the ones that took part in further analysis. table 5 gives information on the sample genes that passed the classification criteria. table 5. sample genes passing classification criteria afterwards, eight parameters were utilized for the computational derivation of gene profiles from this set of data: maximum correlation, maximum number of candidate model profiles, maximum number of model profiles and maximum unit change in model profiles between time points, number of permutations per gene, significance level, and correction method as shown in table 6 below. table 6. gene profiles evaluation metrics gene profiling option value maximum correlation 1 maximum number of candidate model profiles 1,000,000 number of permutations per gene(0 for all permutations) 0 p-value significance level 0.05 maximum number of model profiles 50 maximum unit change in model profiles between time points 2 correction method none minimum correlation 0.7 based on the evaluation metrics of table 6.0, the algorithm was run to yield the proposed gene profiles. 3.1 time series-based gene profiling. in this profiling, the maximum correlation specified the value that the maximum correlation between any two model profiles had to be below, and was therefore employed to guarantee that two very similar profiles were not selected. the maximum value for this parameter was set to 1 in order to prevent two perfectly correlated model profiles from being selected. it was observed that lowering this parameter led to the number of model profiles selected being less than the maximum number of model profiles even in situations where more candidate model profiles were available. on the other hand, the maximum number of candidate model profiles represented non-constant profiles which commenced at 0 and increased or decreased an integral number of units that was less than or equal to the value of the maximum unit change in model profiles between time points. the number of permutations per gene parameter specified the number of permutations of time points that were randomly selected for each gene when computing the expected number of genes assigned to each of the model profiles. 69 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 when this parameter was set to 0, all permutations were used. it was also important to set permutation test to permute time point 0 or not. when computing the expected number of genes assigned to a profile, if the permutation test for time point 0 was set, the permutation test permuted all time points including time point 0. it was observed that doing this led to profiles with significantly more genes being assigned than expected if all the input columns had been randomly reordered. on the contrary, if the permutation test was not set for 0, the permutation test permuted all time points except for time point 0. in this scenario, profiles with more genes were assigned than expected if all the columns except for the first column had been randomly reordered. permuting time point 0 was preferred since only this test took into account significant changes that occurred between time point 0 and the immediate next time point. however in some cases based on experimental design a gene's expression value before transformation at time point 0 was expected to be known more accurately than the other time points, and because of this asymmetry, not permuting time point 0 was also be useful. it was observed that increasing the maximum number of model profiles increased the number of candidate models as shown in table 7. table 7. maximum number of gene model profiles viz. significant gene models maximum number of model profiles resulting sig. number of gene models 50 14 60 16 70 18 80 20 100 21 120 23 140 24 based on the values in table 7, a graph was plotted for maximum number of model profiles against the resulting significant number of gene models as shown in figure 7. figure 7. maximum no. of model profiles viz. resulting significant. no. of gene models the graph of figure 7.0 shows that the resulting significant number of gene models increase nearly exponentially as the maximum number of model profiles was increased. consequently, to get fine grained gene model profiles, the maximum number of model profiles had to be increased and vice versa. table 8.0 gives the shift in the resulting significant number of gene profiles as the maximum unit change in model profiles between time points was adjusted. table 8. maximum unit change in model profiles viz. significant gene models maximum unit change in model profiles resulting sig. number of gene models 1 13 2 14 3 15 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 15 8 16 9 16 10 15 as shown in this table, generally as the maximum unit change in model profiles is increased, the resulting significant number of gene models is increased. this is due to the pronounced euclidean distances between the gene models. regarding maximum correlation, the value of minimum correlation was set to zero (0) and the value of maximum correlation was slowly reduced from 1 to zero. the results obtained are shown in table 9 are observed. table 9. maximum correlations viz. significant gene models maximum correlation resulting sig. number of gene models number of genes assigned 1 12 1005 0.9 12 1005 0.8 9 993 0.7 6 1185 0.6 4 1216 0.5 3 1243 0.4 3 1348 0.3 3 1348 0.2 3 1470 0.1 3 1470 0 1 1275 generally, as the value of maximum correlation is reduced from one to zero, the number of resulting significant number of gene models reduced to unity (1) while the number of genes assigned to these gene models increased from 1005 to a maximum value of 1275. this implies that when the correlation value is small, gene models are basically indistinguishable hence at correlation zero, there is only one resulting significant model. on the other hand, at maximum correlation, the genes can be clearly distinguished and hence the resulting significant gene models are many. concerning the number of genes assigned to models, at low correlation coefficients, genes profiles are indistinguishable and hence a large number of genes are assigned to the few available models. however, as the correlation coefficients are increased, the gene profiles become increasing disparate and 70 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 few genes are assigned to each of the many models now available as the rest are discriminated due to their large pvalues. 3.2 prediction power of the developed algorithm in the developed algorithm, sequences of gene expressions were listed in order of occurrence, starting at time point 0h to 12h. the aim was to collect and investigate precedent observations of gene expressions at various time points in order to come up with ideal models to express the intrinsic structure of the underlying genomic data. based on these models, it was possible to predict future gene expressions. to put this into perspective, profile id 17 was considered whose gene expressions are shown in figure 8. figure 8. gene expressions for profile id 17 a total of 54 genes were assigned to this model profile whose individual expressions are shown in figure 8. by sketching a line of best fit through these gene expressions and performing some extrapolations, the future expressions beyond the 12h time point can be obtained as shown in figure 9 below. figure 9. gene profile prediction the white thick line through the gene expressions is the line of best fit while the thick red line represents the extrapolated gene expressions for the 54 genes assigned to profile id 17 for the future 18h and 30h time points. suppose that the stomach cancer patient gene expressions are as shown in figure 10 below. figure 10. stomach cancer patient gene expressions over 30h duration comparing the hypothesized gene expressions over the 30h duration and the gene models in figure 11.0 below, then considering the first few gene expressions, model profile ids 13, 14,15,16,17 and 18 are candidates’ models that the stomach cancer patient gene expressions can fit in. however, taking into account the preceding time points eliminates model profiles 14(experiences near exponential growth followed by plateau), 15(experiences linear growth followed by plateau), 16 (portrays linear growth, linear decay and plateau), and 18 (presents linear growth followed by plateau). this leaves profile id 13 and 17 as the most probable model profiles. by drawing a horizontal line through these two profiles as shown in figure 11, it is possible to discern which of them perfectly fits the patient gene expressions. figure 11. gene model fitting based on this line and considering time-points at which troughs and crests appear, it is clear that model profile id 17 perfectly fits the patient gene expressions for a duration of 30h time points. as such, it can be implied that the developed algorithm led to accurate diagnosis of stomach cancer patients within 12h time points since the commencement of the cancerous gene expressions. in the next section, this algorithm is validated against some well-known gene profiling algorithms. 3.3 validation of the developed algorithm in this section, the time series-based algorithm that was developed is validated 71 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 against other gene profiling algorithms such as hierarchical gene profiling algorithm, support vector machine, selforganizing maps, and k-means algorithm. in hierarchical gene profiling algorithm, genes with related expression patterns are grouped together and connected by a series of branches to form a dendrogram. unfortunately, this algorithm considers each gene as an individual cluster and genes that are similar to each other form nested clusters based on the pair-wise distances. on the other hand, the time series-based algorithm developed in this research study considered a group of genes with similar expressions as profile clusters. for instance, in figure 6.6, a total of 155 genes were represented by a single model profile with id 40 and 90 genes were represented by model profile id 37. these two model profiles formed a cluster with a total of 245 genes. as such, the developed algorithm is operationally faster during gene profiling compared to hierarchical gene profiling algorithm, rendering it ideal for large genomic data set. the genomic data that was utilized in this research consisted of 24192 gene symbols observed under 5 time points, making the total gene expressions 120960, a very big data set for the rather slow hierarchical gene profiling algorithm. to effectively apply the support vector machine gene profiling algorithm, it requires training using the same members of each model profile that have to be identified. this training takes time and hence compared to the developed algorithm, it is slow and hence inefficient for large data sets such as the 120960 gene expressions that were under investigation in this research. although self-organizing maps algorithm has been employed to group 1,036 genes into 24 categories, this algorithm is slow in training, hard to train against slowly evolving data and are not so intuitive since neurons close on the map (topological proximity) may be far away in feature space. additionally, these maps do not behave so gently when using categorical data, or mixed data. comparing the 1036 genes that selforganizing maps algorithm profiled into 24 categories with the 24192 genes that were profiled using the developed time series-based algorithm, it is clear that the proposed algorithm is efficient. regarding svm algorithm, this algorithm has been used for cancer classification with microarray data where it served as a powerful classifier together with four effective feature reduction methods namely principal components analysis (pca), class-separability measure, fisher ratio and t-test to the problem of cancer classification based on gene expression data. although it very high classification accuracies, it requires feature reduction methods which renders it structurally complex compared to the time series-based algorithm implemented in this research. on its part, the k-means algorithm operates on a series of microarray experiments measuring the expression of a set of genes at regular time intervals in a common cell line. it requires that data be normalized to permit for comparisons across these microarrays. the output produced is in form of clusters of genes which vary in similar ways over time and hence it is possible to infer that genes which vary in the same way may be co-regulated and or participate in the same pathway. unfortunately, the numbers of clusters need to be specified which may be unknown in some instances, and figuring out the right number of clusters that represent the true number of clusters in the population is quite subjective. as such, the profiles obtained using k-means can vary greatly depending on the location of the observations that are randomly chosen as initial centroids. however, the developed time series-based algorithm employs statistical metrics such as p-value, pearson correlation, logistics regression and euclidean distance whose significance levels are well known. the k-means clustering algorithm assumes that the underlying clusters in the population are spherical, distinct, and are of approximately equal size and hence tends to identify clusters with these characteristics. therefore, this algorithm is incapable of yielding good results when clusters are elongated or not equal in size like the genomic data used in this research where some gene expressions were negative, zero and others positive. the kalgorithm is also sensitive to initial conditions, implying that different initial conditions produce varying result of gene profiles. it is also possible for a very far data from the centroid to pull the centroid away from the real one as shown in figure 12. below. here, 5 genes are assigned to cluster id 55 and it is clear from the gene. figure 12. k-means based profiling expressions that the profiling is not such accurate especially after the 0.5h time point. whereas 4 gene expressions have negative gradients, one of them has a positive gradient. during the 3h time-point, some gene profiles are at the rough, others are at the crest, plateau while others are still on their descent. the same is observed during the 6h time point. these varying result of gene profiles give contradicting depiction of gene activities and hence may lead to inaccurate stomach cancer diagnosis. iv.conclusion the aim of this paper was to develop a gene profiling algorithm based on time series to help in early stomach cancer diagnosis. based on a number of derived gene profiling 72 | vol. 3 no. 2 , july 202 2 parameters, an algorithm was developed that was then experimented on sample genomic data. the results of this paper included a number of gene profiles that obtained from the underlying pathogen helicobacter pylori data. the significance of this research lies on the fact that it helped generate gene profiles using very short time points. this feature is very critical in early stomach cancer diagnosis as it facilitates necessary preventive measures that curtail the cancerous cells advancement to other fatal phases. since this research was purely based on stomach cancer, future work in this area lies on the implementation of this algorithm for other types of cancer or diseases. references [1] sanchita & ashok s. 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"perbandingan algoritme klasifikasi untuk prediksi cuaca." jurnal accounting information system (aims) 3.1 (2020): 15-24. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 32 j.valarmathi1, v.t.kruthika2 a philosophical study of agricultural image processing techniques j.valarmathi1, v.t.kruthika2 1,2assistant professor, pg and research department of computer science and applications, vivekanandha college of arts and sciences for women(autonomous), tiruchengode – 637 205, india., abstract the development of agriculture in china has been substantially aided by the development of image processing technologies. it is simple for people to comprehend the significance of image processing technology for agricultural development by presenting the application status of image processing technology in agriculture and its impact on agricultural production value. this research examines how image processing technology is used in agriculture on the basis of that information. this study first examines how image processing technology is used in the world of agriculture. second, this study applies both classic machine recognition technology and image processing technology to crop pest identification, analyses their effects, and highlights the application effect of image processing technology in the agricultural industry. the findings indicate that this approach has a recognition rate of 86%, 89%, 91%, 83%, 78%, and 79%, respectively. it is evident that the detection of crop diseases and insect pests is improved by the use of image processing technology. keywords: agriculture, diseases, insect pests, image processing, machine recognition abstrak perkembangan pertanian di china telah banyak dibantu oleh perkembangan teknologi pemrosesan citra. sangat mudah bagi orang untuk memahami pentingnya teknologi pengolahan citra untuk pembangunan pertanian dengan menyajikan status penerapan teknologi pengolahan citra di bidang pertanian dan dampaknya terhadap nilai produksi pertanian. penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana teknologi pemrosesan citra digunakan dalam pertanian berdasarkan informasi tersebut. penelitian ini pertama kali mengkaji bagaimana teknologi image processing digunakan dalam dunia pertanian. kedua, penelitian ini menerapkan teknologi pengenalan mesin klasik dan teknologi pemrosesan gambar untuk identifikasi hama tanaman, menganalisis pengaruhnya, dan menyoroti efek penerapan teknologi pemrosesan gambar dalam industri pertanian. temuan menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ini memiliki tingkat pengenalan masing-masing 86%, 89%, 91%, 83%, 78%, dan 79%. jelas bahwa deteksi penyakit tanaman dan serangga hama ditingkatkan dengan penggunaan teknologi pemrosesan gambar. kata kunci: pertanian, penyakit, serangga hama, image processing, pengenalan mesin p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 33 i. introduction the first use of digital image processing was in 1920. the time it takes for a photograph to be transferred from the atlantic side has decreased from more than one week to three hours since the implementation of batland's cable image transmission system [1-2]. image processing technology has advanced with the quick development of computers [3–4]. humans rely heavily on images to exchange and collect information. every element of human work and life has steadily been impacted by the application of picture analysis and processing. the development of this technology is developing by leaps and bounds, and its application domains are continuously expanding along with the breadth of human activities expanding and the ceaseless appearance of scientific theories, and its great achievements are also accumulating day by day [5-6]. the efficiency of physical labour was historically quite poor, and agricultural growth trends were difficult to manage [7]. according to their work experience, the staff discovered that monitoring the growth of crops can provide them with information about the soil, water, and air humidity, which they can use to improve subsequent work appropriately and ensure that the crops grow normally and produce higher overall output values [8]. as science has advanced quickly, digital image processing technology has become increasingly widely used in agriculture. examples include the detection of pesticides in vegetables, the control of pests in crops, the identification of crop growth trends, and the colour coding of crops. digital image processing technology plays an indispensable role [9-10]. for the development of the agricultural field, it is therefore crucial to examine the image processing technology's current state of use. this research paper provides a quick overview of image processing technologies. four categories of image processing technology methods are covered in this article: image denoising, image rectification, image segmentation, and picture feature extraction. the implementation of image processing technologies in the sphere of agriculture is also examined in this research. additionally, the impacts of applying standard machine recognition technology and image processing technology to crop pest identification are compared in order to emphasise the application effect of image processing technology in the agricultural industry. the findings of the trial demonstrate how much more effective the image processing-based detection method is. ii. overview of image processing technology image denoising, correction, segmentation, feature extraction, and other techniques are all examples of image processing technology. a. image denoising noise is introduced and the image signal is contaminated during the processes of image acquisition and transmission due to the influence of equipment and external variables. denoising is a well-known and fundamental issue in image processing and analysis. gaussian white noise and salt-and-pepper noise are two types of typical picture noise. b. image correction image skew correction is the process of recovering the image that does not comply with the standard before processing the image. image skew is primarily caused by the deviation of scanning layout during the process of acquisition. it is highly typical to have diverse image effects during the image acquisition process, particularly the image tilt, due to the varied technology used by each individual. if there is no pertinent tilt correction applied before processing an image with skew, the final automatic recognition will be severely hampered. the image is first examined, and the degree of image skew is determined. then, to perform the picture rectification, the same angle is rotated in the original coordinate in vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 34 accordance with the determined tilt angle. the projection method, nearest neighbour method, hough transform, radon transform, and more methods are currently available. c. image segmentation one of the challenges in image processing and a significant issue in picture analysis is image segmentation. nevertheless, picture segmentation is the initial stage of the image processing process. the retention and display of image features after segmentation have a significant impact on the subsequent image processing. image segmentation can be considered to have a direct impact on the outcomes of image analysis and processing, and effective image segmentation will set up the final image processing on a solid foundation. the most well-known and often used segmentation technique is threshold-based segmentation. d. image feature extraction the pixel (x, y) in the image is assumed to be integrated throughout the image feature extraction process, and the total of all pixels above the pixel is represented by a sub integration system. iii. methodology this research applies image processing technology and classical machine recognition technology to crop pest identification, respectively, and evaluates their results in order to highlight the application effect of image processing technology in the agricultural industry. a. subjects two crops that were the same size were chosen as the experimental objects in this paper. the two fields' agricultural development patterns were comparable, they were in the same area, and other circumstances were largely the same. b. test object this investigation's goal is to find crop pests. pests and illnesses, such as the alfalfa armyworm, blue grey butterfly, bean grey butterfly, flame noctuid, and bean leaf roller, were chosen as the detection items in this study. c. detection index the detection index in this research is based on the degree of recognition for the two approaches. the detection effect improves with higher recognition degrees. iv. results and discussions a. analysis of image processing technology in agricultural field in this paper, the application of image processing technology in agricultural field is analyzed, agriculture uses image processing technology extensively. the prevalent uses of image processing technology in agriculture are examined in this research. according to table 1 and figure 1, the current usage of image processing technology in agriculture focuses mostly on crop growth monitoring, disease vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 35 and insect pest diagnosis, nutritional status monitoring, crop maturity monitoring, and crop colour identification. in order to effectively assess the growth state of crops, 29.3% of them are utilised to monitor crop growth. figure 1. aplication of image processing technology in agriculture 14.5% of cases of illnesses, insect pests, and weeds are diagnosed. it is used to provide crops with additional nourishment and water as needed. 16.7% of applications for crop maturity monitoring are made with the goal of increasing crop production effectiveness. crop colour identification employed 17.4% of the crop's colour, and its application goal was to categorise crops. this study then goes into further detail about this. b. monitoring crop growth in general, computer vision technology can be utilised extensively during the entire process of plant growth, monitoring plant growth and development, and if abnormal conditions are identified, it is useful to remedy the problem as soon as possible. crop leaf thickness, rhizome length, and water content are the key monitoring targets, and all pertinent information is meticulously documented. when paired with final data, we can assess crop production comprehensively; when combined with crop fruit photographs, we can determine at any moment whether the fruits are mature, lacking in food and water. c. diagnosis of diseases, insect pests and weeds in addition to giving crops the nutrients they require to grow properly on schedule, it is also essential to deal with the diseases, pests, and weeds that impede crop growth. in the past, this component of work was greatly influenced by agriculture's poor production value. with the development of image processing technology, its use in agricultural work has continued. this liberates the laborious statistical work of crops and significantly reduces the difficulty of staff job. in order for the personnel to carry out preventive work, image processing can be used to forecast potential issues that could arise during the early stages of crop growth. d. monitoring nutritional status real-time photographs of crop leaves and rhizomes can be captured using image processing technology during the growing process, allowing for the monitoring of crop leaf size and rhizome thickness. through the monitoring data, crop-related data can be compared to the average state to determine whether there are any nutritional deficiencies or other problems. this allows for the timely vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 36 development of an effective remediation plan, which ensures that crops grow normally and receive enough water and nutrition. e. monitoring maturity the crop fruit picture points may be gathered from a wide range using browser image and other relevant analysis technologies, and the crop growth and maturity can be precisely determined by the obtained parameters. these technologies allow us to assess the fruit's maturity and create efficient defences. for instance, the earlier-maturing fruit can be plucked earlier to prevent decay and other decline, which is helpful for the systematic management of the fruit situation and increases the effectiveness of production. f. identify crop colors the visual characteristic of colour makes it simple to assess the quality of crops. digital imaging technology's gathering and analysis of colour traits transform into a detection method to determine whether the crops are of excellent quality. a theoretical basis was established for the systematic and uniform development of maize quality inspection by using the detection of corn quality as an example. the analysis of multiple image indicators, such as colour saturation and sensitivity of corn kernels, can be used as the quality grading standard of corn kernel sweetness and fineness. g. analysis of image processing technology in agricultural field the traditional machine recognition technology and the image processing technology detection method are used to identify crop diseases and insect pests in order to study the application effect of image processing technology in agricultural fields, and the application effect of the two methods is compared. in this study, six different illnesses and insect pests—the bean leaf roller, bean leaf borer, flame armyworm, blue grey butterfly, bean grey butterfly, and alfalfa armyworm—were chosen as detecting objects. table 2 and figure 2 show that there are some discrepancies in the recognition rates of the two distinct detection methods for crop diseases and insect pests. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 37 the classic machine recognition technique among them has a recognition rate of 65%, 71%, 74%, 63%, 64%, and 62%, respectively. additionally, this approach had a recognition rate of 86%, 89%, 91%, 83%, 78%, and 79%, respectively. the detection approach utilising image processing technology can more successfully detect illnesses and pests based on the recognition data of the two detection methods. v. conclusions in order to achieve the modernization of agriculture level, digital image processing technology is widely applied in all facets of agriculture. despite a late start, the use of image processing technologies in chinese agriculture still produced positive outcomes. in this essay, the use of image processing technology in agriculture was examined, and its effects were researched. this study demonstrates how image processing technology is mostly employed in agriculture for the following five purposes: crop growth monitoring, disease and insect pest detection, maturity monitoring, and crop colour identification. additionally, the use of image processing technology in agriculture has produced positive outcomes, which encourages the growth of agriculture. references 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[5] sanjay b. dhaygude, nitin p.kumbhar, "agricultural plant leaf disease detection using image processing", international journal of advanced research in electrical, electronics and instrumentation engineering, vol. 2, issue 1, january 2013, pp:599-602. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 38 [6] prakash, saravanamoorthi, sathishkumar, parimala, "a study of image processing in agriculture", int. j. advanced networking and applications,volume 09, issue 01,2017, pp:3311-3315. [7] riya desai, kruti desai,shaishavi desai, zinal solanki, densi patel, vikas patel, "removal of weeds using image processing: a technical review", international journal of advanced computer technology (ijact), pp:27-31. [8] batmavady, samundeeswari, "detection of cotton leaf diseases using image processing", international journal of recent technology and engineering (ijrte), volume 8, issue 2s4, july 2019, pp:169-173. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 16 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) designing and building client-server based student admission applications arip solehudin 1 teknik informatika school of computer science universitas singaperbangsa karawang nono heryana 2 teknik informatika school of computer science universitas singaperbangsa karawang ‹β› yana cahyana 3 teknik informatika school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—admission of new students is a routine activity organized by the educational institution. early childhood education (paud) is included in out-of-school education in the age range of two to five years, the goal is to help improve physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have the readiness to enter further education. admission of new students to al-qudwah is still done using prospective students visiting al-qudwah and filling out the registration form with paper. new student admission application at al quwah aims to promote the school to the community at large and can also be registered without parents of prospective students visiting educational institutions. this application makes it easy for parents of prospective students to find out the facilities and infrastructure and the information available on al quwah. we built this application using html and phpprogramming languages with the php mysql database and using the waterfall method. keywords—application, admission, website,uml, waterfall i. introduction paud-level education is currently in demand by parents in helping the growth and development of children with the hope that children are better prepared to enter the next level of education. before entering, of course, parents will consider and look for information about which paud they will choose to assume responsibility for educating their children. usually, the information that parents look for about the condition of their school, the curriculum taught, admission fees, monthly administration, and what learning activities are available at these paud institutions. the development of information technology currently plays an important role in the development of information, especially internet users because the results of the information technology make communication limited by time and space to make communication without space and time restrictions. with the presence of the internet to provide alternatives for users in utilizing the information search needed. through the internet, it can provide the speed of information every time requires information, detail and free of cost. so that in indonesia there are many internet users every year. in general, the purpose of using the internet is to obtain and share information. the development of the internet has penetrated the field of education to make competitive competition between educational institutions. ii. theoretical basis a. understanding new students acceptance is a welcome process, act or attitude towards someone. students are students at an academy or college. new is something that did not exist before. new student registration (psb) is the activity of accepting and selecting prospective participants in education and training at schools. admission of new students (psb) is a process of academic selection of prospective students towards higher education [3]. b. website the website is one application that contains multimedia documents (text, images, sound, animation, video) in it that uses the http protocol (hypertext transfer protocol) and to access it using a software called a browser. some types of popular browsers today include internet explorer produced by microsoft, mozilla firefox, opera, and safari produced by apple [2]. c. uml unified modeling language (uml) is a standard specification language used to document, specify and build software. uml is a methodology in developing objectoriented systems and is also a tool to support system development [4]. d. waterfall the method used by the author in developing this software uses the waterfall model. the waterfall model is often also called the sequential linear or classic life cycle model. the waterfall model provides a sequential or sequential software life cycle approach starting from analysis, design, coding, testing and support stages [5]. e. system is working mobility of procedures or elements that are interconnected, gathered together to carry out an activity or to solve a problem [1]. iii. research methods the method of developing applications for new student admissions was created using the waterfall method. 17 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 1. waterfall method iv. result and discussion a. proposed application design 1. use case diagrams fig. 2. use case operator diagram 2. activity diagram activity diagram illustrates the workflow or work activities of the application to be implemented. the following is an activity diagram of the proposed application that will be implemented. fig. 3. activity diagram 3. class diagram class diagrams are used to describe the relationship between the classes of a system. following is the class diagram of the new student admissions application. fig. 4. class diagram b. implementation 1. main page display 18 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 5. main page display 1. psb display fig. 6. psb display conclusion the conclusions the author can draw that are: the acceptance system in al qudwah paud after observation is still manual so it is feared the loss of registration data because of damage or fire, with the website application developed by the author can minimize losses data because registration data is stored on a database. new student admission applications can media for publication and also to develop information technology, so that information got is fast and efficient. storage of registration records is still done in physical form, in this application each participant has a personal account to view the track record and results got. references [1] bayu priyatna, penerapan metode user centered design (ucd) pada sistem pemesanan menu kuliner nusantara berbasis mobile android, account. inf. syst. penerapan, pp. 17–30, 2018. [2] arief, m. rudyanto., 2011. pemrograman web dinamis menggunakan php dan mysql: andi publisher. [3] hendini, ade., 2016. pemodelan uml sistem informasi monitoring penjualan dan stok barang (studi kasus: distro zhezha pontianak). jurnal khatulistiwa informatika, vol. iv, no. 2 desember 2016, hlm. 107-116. [4] witanto, regi., solihin, hanhan hanafiah.,2016. perancangan sistem informasi penerimaan siswa baru berbasis web (studi kasus : smp plus babussalam bandung). jurnal infotronik volume 1, no. 1, desember 2016, hlm. 54-63. [5] pranata, dana., & hamdani., & k, marisa, dyna. 2015. rancang bangun website jurnal ilmiah bidang komputer. jurnal informatika mulawarman.vol.10. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 12 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) teacher monitoring application in teaching based on codeigniter framework in high schools syahri susanto 1 school of oil technic akademi minyask dan gas balongan bayu priyatna 2 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› fakhreza aditya permana 3 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—this is teacher monitoring in teaching at one karawang middle school, is needed to monitor teachers in teaching in class so it can be seen whether the teacher often does teaching and learning activities or not, teachers do not always attend school then carry out teaching and learning activities and also not teachers are not in attendance does not give assignments as a substitute for learning. this monitoring application can support the teacher monitoring process in teaching in the classroom. the system development method used is a waterfall and uses php and mysql. this application is a consideration of how often the teacher teaches in class. keywords—monitoring application, teaching teachers, php and mysql. i. introduction i need monitoring to get facts, data, and information from an activity that has been carried out. this monitoring intends to see whether the teacher's performance in carrying out teaching activities is going well so i can see it how often each teacher in carrying out teaching activities in class. monitoring the curriculum work unit, monitoring the teaching activities of teachers in the classroom. monitoring by involving the picket teacher as a direct observer of teaching activities carried out by the teacher so that, the picket teacher gives an indicator value to each teacher under the existing indicator criteria. i will take the results of the monitoring into consideration for the next semester's curriculum for the provision of teaching hours to each teacher after seeing the teacher's activeness in teaching in the classroom in the current semester. this research produces a website-based application that can help in the monitoring process that is carried out through the website. ii. theoretical basis a. software engineering software engineering is an engineering discipline or engineering that deals with all aspects of making software that requires following a systematic and approach and using appropriate tools and techniques under the problem to be solved, development constraints and resources [1]. b. monitoring to get an implementation plan is following what is planned management must prepare a program that is monitoring, monitoring will be aimed at getting facts, data and information about implementing the program, whether carrying out activities following what has been planned. the findings of the monitoring results are information for the evaluation process so that the results are whether the programs that are established and implemented get the results or not. monitoring is an activity to find out i made whether the program that is going well as it should be as planned, are there obstacles that occur and how the program implementers overcome these obstacles [2]. c. website website is one application that contains multimedia documents (text, images, sound, animation, video) in it that uses the http protocol (hypertext transfer protocol) and to access it using a software called a browser [3]. d. unified modeling language (uml) uml (unified modeling language) is a modeling language for systems or software that is an object-oriented paradigm. modeling (modeling) in analyzing and discussing a database, uml (unified modeling language) diagrams can be used. uml is one of the modeling tools to complete object-oriented software modeling [4]. iii. research methods metode waterfall software waterfall method in this research. the study used the waterfall system development method. where the method has 5 stages in developing the system. the following are the stages of system development in research. 1. design the design is used to make an initial description of the application to be made, in system modeling, web-based 13 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) teacher monitoring application interface at high scchool 1 karawang. 2. making the program code at this stage, the authors do the application coding following the design that has been made. 3. testing they carry the test out to test both and of the application that has been made, to ensure the application is running. in this study, testing using the black box testing method. 4. maintenance i do maintenance after the application runs by checking the application running. iv. result and discussion a. use case proposed application diagram in this diagram will discuss what is in this application and who can use it. 1. use case diagram application proposal for access rights to the monitoring and evaluation section. fig 2. use case diagram application proposals for access rights to the monitoring and evaluation section b. activity diagram application proposed activity diagram illustrates the workflow or work activities of the application to be implemented. the following is an activity diagram of the proposed application that will be implemented. 1. activity diagram application proposal for access rights to the monitoring and evaluation section; fig 3. activity diagram application proposal for access rights to the monitoring and evaluation section 2. activity diagram application proposal for teacher picket access rights. fig 4. activity diagram application proposal for access rights to the monitoring and evaluation section c. class diagram application proposal class diagrams are used to describe the relationship between classes of a system. the following class diagram of the monitoring application. fig 5. class diagram 14 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) d. proposed application interface design 1. login interface design to create interaction between user and application in login, the login interface design will later interact with the login process between user and application. fig 6. login interface design 2. the interface design of teacher picket access rights fig 7. interface design of teacher picket access rights 3. the interface design of m&e section access rights fig 8. interface design of m&e e. implementation this implementation contains the results of the design that has been created. the following is the display application. 2. interface the main page fig 9. main page conclusion they base the conclusion on the analysis that has been carried out as follows. 1. the teacher monitoring system in teaching at the karawang high school one work unit is still manual, in inputting indicators that are still manual so they are prone to errors. 2. in the monitoring application proposed by the author, a monitoring instrument input form is provided which is stored into the database and data from the inputted values can be seen. 3. the process of the report can be taken following the needs of the report date. references [1] b. p. april lia hananto, “rancang bangun aplikasi informasi harga produk,” technoxplore, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 10–20, 2017. [2] arisantoso., sanwasih, moch., samsudin, didin adhuri. 2014. prototipe monitoring dan evaluasi kinerja dosen untuk menunjang kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi (studi kasus universitas islam attahiriyah). teknologi informasi dan multimedia. issn: 2302-3805. [3] handayani, sutri. 2018. perancangan sistem informasi penjualan berbasis e-commerce studi kasus toko kun jakarta. ilkom jurnal ilmiah. vol. 10. e-issn 2548-7779. [4] pranata, dana., & hamdani., & k, marisa, dyna. 2015. rancang bangun website jurnal ilmiah bidang komputer (studi kasus : program studi ilmu komputer universitas mulawarman). jurnal informatika mulawarman.vol.10. [5] riyalda, bondan f., & turyana iyan., & santoso eko w. 2018. sistem informasi bencana tanah longsor (sibenar) berbasis web kecamatan cililin, kabupaten bandung barat. jurnal alami. vol. 2. eissn: 2548-8635. [6] suhartanto, medi. 2012. pembuatan website sekolah menengah pertama negeri 3 delanggu dengan 15 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) menggunakan php dan mysql. sentra pendidikan engineering dan edukasi. vol. 4. issn: 2088-0154. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 5 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) academic application design web-based on junior high schools baenil huda 1 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang fitri nurapriani 2 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› helga amanda3 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—current advances in information technology have provided great benefits in the world of education, making webbased academic applications is a major use of information technology. information technology enables academic data to be processed and, making the required presentation of academic information be got, and. this research uses technological trends in managing academic administration so that conventional bookkeeping in junior high schools is overcome by computer systems. the method in developing the system uses a waterfall with web-based device implementation. the application of this new system can improve the knowledge and skills of employees, teachers, and principals in web-based academic applications. keywords— application, academic, web based, waterfall. i. introduction the development of information technology requires accuracy in data processing for all institutions or institutions. the more precise in data processing, the easier it will be to get the trust of consumers, so that each institution or institution uses a structured information system that can answer and process data, including school academic data processing. using information in schools, besides improving quality, will also facilitate the administration such as business governance of existing data such as student data, teacher data, class data, student learning outcomes data, and subjects. data management like this will be easier and more effective by using academic information systems. junior high schools one purwasari in processing academic data processing student data, teacher data, lesson schedules, and others are still using a manual system. with a total class of 27 classes, comprising class vii (9 classes), viii (8 classes), ix (8 classes). the number of students in each class is almost 40 students and the number of teachers is almost 30, so it is very inefficient in processing academic data. by looking at the fun challenging in junior high schools one purwasari, the author wants to create an academic information system and take the title "web-based academic application design at junior high schools one purwasari". ii. theoretical basis a. design the design is a visual form that results from the planned creative forms. design is the process of planning everything [1]. system design is a phase in which design expertise is needed for computer elements that will use the system, namely the selection of equipment and computer programs for the new system [2]. b. application application is a ready-made program that can run commands from the user of the application to get more accurate results following the purpose of making the application. application is a problem solving that uses one of the application data processing techniques which refers to a desired or expected computation or expected data processing [3]. c. academic academics are a condition where people can convey and accept ideas, thoughts, science, and be able to test them [4], the word academic comes from the greek academic which means a public park (plasma) in the northwest of athens. after that, the word academic turned into academic, which is a kind of college place [5]. d. website a website is a collection of pages where a page is linked to other pages [6]. website is a collection of web pages that are interconnected and it relates the files to one another [7]. iii. research methods in this study refers to the waterfall model. at each stage in this study does not always depend on the user, only an analysis phase is a step approach to the user. therefore, in developing the software, researchers used the waterfall method. iv. result and discussion a. analysis of the current system the process of data processing and academic information storage at junior high scholes one purwasari karawang still uses a manual system, it requires quite a long time to make the process of reporting information. the following is a flow map system that runs in data processing: 6 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig 1. the system flowmap is running b. analysis of the proposed system the proposed system analysis is based on the website using the php programming language and using the mysql database. the use of the website can streamline time and make it easier for staff and teacher sections in processing data such as student data, teacher data, class schedule data, and grade data. besides the school principal can easily access information from the website. here is the proposed academic information system flow map: staff guru kepala sekolah input data pelajaran, data guru, data siswa, data kelas data tersimpan mengambil data siswa laporan / report data input data nilai siswa data tersimpan laporan / report data database ya tidak ya tidak fig 2. activity diagram of the proposed system c. class diagram class diagrams are used fatherly to illustrate the relationship between classes of a system. the following class diagram of the academic information system application. guru #kode_guru +nip +nama_guru +jenis_kelamin +alamat +no_telp +status_aktif +add() +edit() +delete() siswa #kode_siswa +nis +nama_siswa +jenis_kelamin +agama +tempat lahir +tgl_lahir +alamat +no_telp +foto +thn_angkatan +status +add() +edit() +delete() kelas #kode_kelas +thn_ajar +kelas +nama_kelas +kode_guru +status_aktif +add() +edit() +delete() nilai #id +semester +kode_pelajaran +kode_guru +kode_kelas +kode_siswa +nilai_tugas1 +nilai_tugas2 +nilai_uts +nilai_uas +keterangan +add() +edit() +delete() pelajaran #kode_pelajaran +nama_pelajaran +keterangan +add() +edit() +delete() kelas_siswa #id #kode_kelas #kode_siswa +add() +edit() +delete() n+ 1 1 n+ 1 n+ 1 n+ n+ n+ n+ n+ 1 n+ n+ fig 3. class diagram academic information system d. application testing at the application testing stage in this thesis is done using the black-box testing method, wherein this testing is carried out functional testing from the user's side. e. maintenance maintenance is carried out to maintain applications that have been implemented. this implementation is planned periodically. it is expected that the application can continue to run also can be known as the potential for unwanted things such as data theft. conclusion the conclusion that can be drawn from the making of information systems academics at purwasari one junior high school are as follows; this web-based academic information system can assist in the processing and archiving of academic data, namely; student data, teacher data, lesson data, class data, lesson schedules, and student grades. staff and teacher data management, student subject management reports, and student grade management reports quickly. references [1] w. hidayat, “perancangan media video desain interior sebagai salah satu penunjang promosi dan informasi di pt . wans desain group,” cerita, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 35–49, 2016. [2] p. kristanto, “ekologi industri,” j. chem. inf. model., vol. 5, no. 2011, pp. 1689–1699, 2013. [3] h. abdurahman and a. r. riswaya, “aplikasi pinjaman pembayaran secara kredit pada bank yudha bhakti,” j. comput. bisnis, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 61–69, 2014. [4] d. m. farid suryandani, basori, “pengembangan sistem informasi akademik berbasis web sebagai sistem pengolahan nilai siswa di smk negeri 1 kudus,” j. chem. inf. model., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 1689–1699, 2013. [5] s. k. dewi anggun kumalasari, hasan nur faozi, “perancangan sistem informasi administrasi 7 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) keuangan sekolah berbasis multiuser pada madrasah tsanawiyahal uswah bergas,” 입법학연구, vol. 제13집 1호, no. may, pp. 31–48, 2016. [6] a. d. anggi s, eko r, “perancangan sistem informasi berbasis website subsistem guru di sekolah pesantern islam 99 rancabango,” sttgarut, 2015. [7] a. suhadya, “perancangan website sebagai media promosi,” j. inform. pelita nusant., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 82–86, 2013. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 1 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) application of prototype method on student monitoring system based on web april lia hananto 1 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang bayu priyatna 2 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› asep haris 3 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—public vocational school in subang which continues to improve its academic activities, specifically in terms of improving student discipline related to student participation in school and improving student achievement. the collection of information about student participation and the value of new students delivered at the end of the semester compilation of report cards makes students who experience difficulties in the development of grades, meetings and student learning activities at school, for that we need a system that can help students to help guardians of students and the school in activities that involve students in school. in this research, we use a prototype method for system development. the advantage of the system built is that it can send attendance messages or student grades to enter no answers or get poor test scores for student guardians, student guardians can provide feedback on incoming information and make permits through the existing information system pages, the school also can use attendance data and grades to support activities at school. keywords— a student monitoring system, attendance, prototype. i. introduction monitoring academy activities is a major activity in the world of education. cipunagara vocational high school 1 as one of the educational institutions, of course, must carry out these activities as mandatory activities in the implementation of student learning activities, but these activities cannot be carried out optimally. one of the problems that often occur in high school level education environments is monitoring student attendance, the process of delivering information from school to student guardians in addition to internal problems such as the flow of data that is processed quite a lot every day, there are also problems caused by external factors such as manipulation data or cheating done by students in terms of attendance, this must be addressed immediately because it is very disruptive to the learning process at school. also, guardians of students still experience difficulties in monitoring the progress of their children's learning achievements or activities at school. notification of achievements (grades) and abscesses is done when the school report card is dropped, which is once every end of the semester. student guardians can only get the final results of their children's learning activities without being able to monitor their children's achievements and attendance during the teaching and learning process in progress. notification for students with problems is done by sending a letter and sometimes the letter is not delivered. also, the assessment of the teacher is also still not computerized, so the guardians of students or students still have difficulty knowing the value during the teaching and learning process. based on the above background, we need an information system that can facilitate teachers in absenteeism, provide assessments to students and facilitate student guardians in monitoring their children's academic activities. ii. theoretical basis a. prototyping method the prototyping method is an iterative process in the development of systems where requirements are changed into working systems that are continuously improved through collaboration between users and analysts". they can build prototyping methods through several development tools to simplify the process and the following cycle prototype methods [7]. fig. 1. the prototype method cycle [7]. the making of a prototype for system developers aims to collect information from users so that users can interact with the prototype models that are developed because prototypes describe the initial version of the system for the continuation of the actual larger system [1]. b. application i can interpret applications as a software program that runs on a particular system useful to assist various activities carried out by humans [2]. to understand the application is a program ready to use that is made to carry out a function for 2 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) users of application services and a target to be addressed can use the use of other applicationsa target to be addressed can use the use of other applications. according to the executive computer dictionary, the application has a meaning that is problem solving that uses one of the application's data processing techniques which refers to a desired or expected computation or the expected data processing [3] c. system the system is a network of procedures that are interconnected procedures, gathered together to carry out an activity or to complete a particular goal [4]. a sistem is a group of elements that are integrated with the common porpose of achieving an objective [5]. the system is a network of interrelated procedures, gathered together to carry out an activity or for a particular purpose [6]. iii. research methods in this study, applying the prototype development method to design and implement system designs. to obtain maximum results, this study therefore emphasizes the needs analysis. iv. result and discussion a. overview of the proposed system the physical architecture of the system comprises three main parts, client, application server, and database server. i can see the working principle of the system as a whole in the following figure: admin smartphone selver simson db guru/wali kelas wali siswa wali wali siswa wali siswa router wifi acess point firewall printer laptop switch fig. 2. architecture of student monitoring information systems b. use case diagram in the n use case of the design of student monitoring information systems, where there are 4 actors admin and homeroom teacher, subject teacher and student guardian. where 1. admin who has full rights in the activities of input, edit and delete, 2. homeroom teacher may see attendance data / grades, print attendance data / values and view and input messages or information for teachers or students, 3. subject teachers may input and view attendance data or grades, view incoming permits, view and input information either to the student, or two students, and 4. guardians students may view data on grades, attendance, information, input permits, and input responses incoming information. guru mata pelajaran wali kelas admin wali siswa pusat informasi input absensi / nilai lihat data absensi / nilai pengajuan ijin cetak data absensi/nilai mengelola master data kirim pesan login <> < < in cl ud e> > <> <> <> << in cl ud e> > fig. 3. use case diagram student monitoring information system c. class diagram after the use case diagram, the writer makes a class diagram aimed at a container that describes the structure of objects in the system formed from the relationships between classes. fig. 4. class diagram of student monitoring information system d. implementation of the user interface implementation of the user interface is done with every display program that is built. the following is the implementation of the user interface application simson (online student monitoring information system) created. e. main page of the program this page is the first page that appears when opening the simson application (online student monitoring information system), this page contains the logo, the name of the school agency and a portal to log in as the guardian of students and the school (subject teacher, homeroom teacher and admin); 3 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 5. main page of the program f. attendance data input page this student attendance page is the page that appears after the teacher fills in the attendance form, and clicks the show button, in this form the teacher can do student attendance, the data will be displayed in the default settings present, so the teacher can change the attendance status of students who are not present course, the following appearance of the user interface page design attendance (student attendance); fig. 6. attendance data input page g. value monitoring this value monitoring page is a page the student guardians can use that to see the values gottheir children can obtain that per subject based on the selected semester and class display the implementation of the value monitoring page: fig. 7. value monitoring h. print page value data this value data print page is a page that the teacher can use if he wants to print the value data that has been displayed. display the implementation of the value data report: fig. 8. print page value data i. attendance data print page display the attendance report data: 4 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 9. attendance data print page conclusion based on the results of the analysis conducted by the results of the design, realization, and testing of the system, several conclusions can be drawn, including: the results of the system analysis that runs include attendance data, student grades, and notification of problematic student information to student guardians, processed to get a new system design that can overcome the problems expressed in the background.the results of the new system design are discussed in the form of a web-based and mobile student monitoring system that can manage student attendance data, grades and infringement information so that it can be accessed by student guardians computerized or mobile. references [1] d. purnomo, “model prototyping pada pengembangan sistem informasi,” jimp j. inform. merdeka pasuruan, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 54–61, 2017. [2] b. p. baenil huda, “penggunaan aplikasi content manajement system (cms) untuk pengembangan bisnis berbasis e-commerce,” systematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 81–88, 2013. [3] andi juansyah, “pembangunan aplikasi child tracker berbasis assisted – global positioning system ( a-gps ) dengan platform android,” j. ilm. komput. dan inform., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2015. [4] bayu priyatna, “penerapan metode user centered design (ucd) pada sistem pemesanan menu kuliner nusantara berbasis mobile android,” account. inf. syst. penerapan, pp. 17–30, 2018. [5] rini, “sistem informasi pengolahan data penanggulangan bencana pada kantor badan penanggulangan bencana daerah (bpbd) kabupaten padang pariaman,” vol. 3, no. june, 2016. [6] ermatita, “analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi perpustakaan,” j. sist. inf., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 966–977, 2016. [7] muharto & ambarita arisandy. 2016. metode penelitian sistem informasi. yogyakarta: deepublish. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 19 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) implementation of the futsal field ordering platform using the ucd method agustia hananto 1 technology information master of computer science university of budi luhur muhamad mammun 2 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› nurhayati 3 technology information master of computer science university of budi luhur abstract—the development of information technology is exploding. we cannot separate the need for information from the use and use of computers. with a computerized information system, the work done will be more effective and accurate. karawang futsal is a sports venue in the karawang regency. using the futsal ordering system is still manual, the data input system which is still recording in the ledger, making reports is not accurate because of frequent miscalculations that result in making reports not on time because all processes are done. therefore, with the existence of a computer system, all the needs for everything in the karawang regency futsal will run. keywords—information systems, computerized, futsal. i. introduction information technology is a technology that is developing. the information available can take place, and. information that is accurate and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere and anytime, with information systems using computers as a medium that makes it easier for someone to manage data. good data and information management are very important for the needs of an organization, those related to business. one example is the futsal field ordering system. futsal court booking is a booming business that provides futsal field booking services. business processes in place for futsal field bookings still require customers to come in making an order and arrange the desired booking schedule. so customers do not know the empty schedule. every day the clerk records the orders from the customers in the order book. on the day of the order, the customer makes an order for payment. this can cause errors in recording. this manual field booking system is inconvenient for the field user and becomes less efficient in terms of time, energy, and cost because the user must go to any existing futsal venue to check the schedule and field booking. based on these constraints, it is very much needed a system with webbased futsal field booking design, in terms of accurate validation for scheduling and field booking problems. web applications are easier to access. a website can be accessed from anywhere as long as there is an internet network. this application helps consumers to see the field schedule and can order according to the desired time. this application is also designed so that owners of futsal venues can manage and manage their field schedules. using this system is able to manage futsal field bookings,, and. this web-based futsal field booking application is expected to help users to provide information about the field and make reservations and. ii. theoretical basis a. system a system is a unit comprising components or elements that are linked and arranged in such a way as to facilitate the flow of information that serves to achieve a goal [5], the system is a collection of sub-systems, elements, procedures that are integrated to achieve certain goals, such as target information or goals. meanwhile, the system is a collection of components that work together to achieve a goal [6]. b. information information is very important for the company in making every decision, information comes from the ancient french language, information in 1387 which was taken from the latin information which means "outline, concept, idea" [3]. information is data processed into a form that is more useful and more meaningful for those who receive it, while the data is a source of information that describes a real event information is data that has been organized and has had uses and benefits [4]. c. black-box testing the tester uses behavioral tests (also called black-box tests), often used to find bugs in high-level operations, at feature levels, operational profiles, and customer scenarios. the tester can make functional black box testing based on what the system has to do. behavioral testing involves a detailed understanding of the application domain, the business problems that are solved by the system and the system's mission. behavioral tests are best by testers who understand system design, at least at a high level so they can find common bugs for this design [2]. d. ucd (user centered design) ucd is the user's relation to the whole process. users/users not only provide input on the design concept but also must be involved in all aspects, including the stages of implementation in the system that will affect their activities. the user is also involved in the initial testing and evaluation and design. but depending on the complexity of the system to be built, there is [1]. iii. research methods before the research method used is the waterfall model. the waterfall comprises several stages of activity flow that goes one direction from the beginning to the end of the 20 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) system development project. the waterfall sdlc model provides a sequential or sequential software life-flow approach starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing, and support stages. here is a picture of the waterfall model: pelanggan menentukan lapangan futsal memesan lapangan futsal melakukan pembayaran menyediakan lapangan melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran admin fig. 1. use case diagram a. analysis the author analyzes the needs of the application to be built. the analysis is done by direct observation of research objects. it made observations to retrieve data approved by the object of research for study by researchers. b. the design the design is used to make an initial description of the application to be made, in system modeling, the application interface for photocell field ordering in karawang. c. making program code at this stage, the authors do the application coding by the design that has been made. d. testing they carry the test out to test both the logic and functionality of the application that has been made, to ensure the application runs as desired and according to its function. in this study, the study conducted testing with the black box method. e. maintenance i do maintenance after the application is running by checking the running of the application and backing up the data in a scaled way. . iv. result and discussion a. analysis of current system procedures explain the flow of new systems running in the form of information flow patterns that occur through documents, reports, processes or procedures that occur in the new system that is running. b. system architecture i built this system to provide information about futsal field reservations in the city of karawang through a media website. this futsal field data object is managed by an admin: fig. 2. system architecture c. database 1. class diagram class diagram is the most important element in objectoriented systems, the class describes a building block system. class diagram has other features and characteristics, while those listed in this system are those that are related to the design of a futsal field reservation system, the following class diagram on the futsal field order information system: login +username +password +input_data() member +username +password +input_data() +alamat +nama +hp pemesanan +kode_pemesanan +tgl_pemesanan +input_data() +status +member lapangan +kode_lapangan +nama_futsal +input_data() +jenis_lantai +nama_lapangan +luas_lapangan +deskripsi_lapangan +harga +simpan() +batal() +simpan() +simpan() konfirmasi pembayaran +kode_pemesanan +bank_tujuan +input_data() +no_rekening_pengirim +bank_pengirim +atas_nama_rekening +jumlah +simpan() 1 1 1 1 1m m m fig. 3. class diagram d. user interface 1. website mann page this main output page is the first page that will appear when the user enters the website address of the karawang regency futsal field booking platform website. this main page comprises several main menus, the home menu, today's booking menu, the schedule menu, the booking menu and the login menu, which are enabled to make it easier for users to find out futsal field booking information. next website home page display: 21 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 4. admin page 2. admin login page admin login input page to use all the admin features must first log in, next is the admin login page display: fig. 5. login page 3. member registration page on the input page of this member registration, a data form will appear that the user must fill in if he wants to register as a member. the appearance of member registration pages is: fig. 6. registration page 4. add booking page on the addition data booking input page, a data form will appear that the user must fill in if he wants to book a futsal field. the appearance of the additional data booking page is: fig. 7. add booking page e. testing testing this web-based futsal field ordering information system software using the black box method. black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the admin login form and member login form software. table 1. testing web grade test item test test level testing types login login admin integrasi black box login user integrasi black box testing pengisian registrasi user integrasi black box data testing pengisian transaksi integrasi black box conclusion from the results of field research and the website creation process, the authors conclude: 1. this photocell field ordering system can already be used. implementing this web-based information system can make it easier for customers and managers of futsal fields to get information relating to the futsal venue, futsal field reservations. 2. in this futsal field booking website information systems can print proof of payment for futsal field bookings to reduce fraud in payments.unnumbered footnote on the first page. references [1] bayu priyatna, “penerapan metode user centered design (ucd) pada sistem pemesanan menu kuliner nusantara berbasis mobile android,” account. inf. syst. penerapan, pp. 17–30, 2018. [2] black, m. j. & hawks, h. j., 2009.medical surgical nursing: clinical management for continuity of care, 8th ed. philadephia: w.b. saunders company [3] mulyanto agus. 2009. sistem informasi konsep dan aplikasi. pustaka pelajar. yogyakarta. [4] suryana, taryana dan koesheryatin. 2014. aplikasi internet menggunakan html, css, & javascript.jakarta: pt elex media komputindo. [5] wahyono, & teguh. 2004. sistem informasi konsep dasar, analisis, desain dan implementasi. 22 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) graha ilmu, yogyakarta. [6] suryana, taryana dan koesheryatin. 2014. aplikasi internet menggunakan html, css, & javascript.jakarta: pt elex media komputindo. paper title (use style: paper title) issn : vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 8 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) production raw material inventory control information system at pt. siix ems indonesia tukino 1 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang shofa shofia hilabi 2 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang ‹β› heri romadhon 3 information systems study program school of engineering and computer science universitas buana perjuangan karawang abstract—application of web-based raw material inventory control information system with a bill of materials (bom) using the php and mysql programming language as a database, and using the sdlc livestock device engineering method with stages of planning, design, implementation, and testing. i create a recording application that provides information about the availability of raw material reducing the error in calculating the amount of raw material based on the bill of material. with this application, it can help to purchase in determining the number of raw materials needed for production based on the master bill of material data. keywords— inventory, bill of material, information system. i. introduction this the production process is the core activity of a manufacturing company. in the production process, they require a company to produce a quality product following consumer desires. to conduct production activities, good raw materials must be available and following the company's production needs. therefore, determining the raw material inventory and is a very important activity in a production process. planning for the right raw material inventory is very supportive in the smooth production process. the smooth production process is very important for the company because it is very influential on the level of sales and profits got by the company. factors that influence the smooth production process are the availability of raw materials that will be processed in the production process. if raw material inventory is not available with the required amount or raw material is late until the company, then it will have a bad influence on the company that is affecting the company's profits, this is because of costs incurred for the company running out of inventory which results in lost opportunities benefit because consumer demand cannot be served and the production process is interrupted. in the research the author will conduct that is research on controlling raw materials in electronic products in the siix ems (electronic manufacturing services) company. the main raw materials for the electronic products are pcb (printed circuit board), capacitors, resistors, leds (liquid crystal display) and diodes. description of raw material into finished goods presented by pt. sipx ems indonesia in the form of (bom) bill of materials is a special table that shows how raw material changes into finished products. in the bill of material will show each product has a composition of any raw material and the size or amount needed to make one finished product. with the problems that occur in controlling the residual and the need for the use of raw material production, the author intends to analyze the system design information system inventory control material production row in p.t. siix ems indonesia. ii. theoretical basis a. information systems in the research process information system design requires an understanding of information systems, there are several opinions according to experts as follows: information systems are systems that can be defined by collecting, processing, storing, analyzing, distributing, information for specific purposes. like other systems, an information system consists of inputs (data, instructions) and outputs (reports, calculations) " [3]. information systems is a system within an organization that meets the needs of daily transactions that support the organization's operational functions that are managerial with the strategic activities of an organization to be able to provide certain external parties with the reports needed "[4]. in simple information systems of understanding above have in common that the information system will produce a report, meaning a process that produces a report or data. b. system analysis in a study a researcher must find the existing problems and solve those problems with certain methods of the system running and aims to find out all the problems that occur and facilitate in carrying out the next stage through analysis that has been made, according to experts the analysis of the system can be defined as the following: argues that system analysis is a process of reviewing an information system and dividing it into its constituent components for later research so that known problems and needs that will arise so that it can be reported in full and proposed improvements to the system " [5]. analysis of the system is a method for finding solutions to existing system problems by grouping existing 9 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) components into smaller components so that the solutions found by system requirements [6]. from the above definition, quotations have in common in the understanding that analysis is the process of solving the problem means that the existing problems will be solved by a particular method to get a solution to the problem. c. waterfall someone who conducts research certainly has a method of solving problems in a study, one of which is the waterfall method of various methods that will also be used by the author. this method is a classic method but is still often used in research methods, experts are precise about this method as follows: waterfall is one method of developing information systems that are systematic and sequential, meaning that each stage in this method is carried out sequentially and continuously [7]. the waterfall model as one of the basic theories and as required to be studied in the context of the software life cycle, is a life cycle that consists of starting the life phase of the software before it occurs until post-production [8]. the description of the waterfall method defined by the experts above can be drawn in outline by the authors of the method which is systematically structured from the phase before it starts to the phase after the information system starts. the stages of the waterfall method can be seen in the figure below according to [9]. fig. 1. waterfall model [9]. d. raw material inventory in a company, every operational manager is required to be able to manage and hold inventory to create effectiveness and efficiency. inventory of raw materials is inventory of raw materials has an important position in the company because the supply of raw materials is a very large influence on the smooth production process [13]. inventories of raw materials are inventories are stored materials or goods that will be used to fulfill certain purposes, for example, for use in the production or assembly process, for resale, or parts of an equipment or machine". from the above understanding, it can be understood that raw materials are raw materials, semi-finished materials, and materials that will be processed in the production process to become a finished product [14]. iii. research methods in this study, there is further research that contains the stages. this framework is the steps or stages that will be carried out by researchers in the settlement that will be discussed. is a flow cart picture. fig. 2. research framework iv. result and discussion a. use case system diagram to illustrate the system activities that will be made, the author uses modeling with use case diagrams. the use case diagram is used to find out what functions existing in the system and anyone who may use these functions. the use case diagram for the following raw material inventory control systems: fig. 3. use case diagram of raw material inventory control system 10 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) b. class diagram after the use case diagram, the writer makes a class diagram aimed at a container that describes the structure of objects in the system formed from the relationships between classes. the class diagram is: fig. 4. class diagram c. implementation 1. login page the login page is the start page that appears when opening a user page (backend). the function of the page is for the user to enter the main web page application: fig. 5. login page 1. main page fig. 6. main page conclusion based on the analysis that has been done, the authors can conclude that consumer satisfaction is a major factor in winning increasingly fierce industry competition. consumer satisfaction can be achieved in several ways including quality products, competitive prices, and timely delivery. therefore, a company needs to pay attention to the control and planning of raw material inventory (raw material) to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of data processing to maintain smooth production and increase customer satisfaction. to be able to optimize the inventory function, companies must make plans in the procurement of raw materials. the planning must be following the production needs for each boast with the existence of a raw material control system that has been made, is expected to facilitate the admin in conducting raw material relations, search for data to make reports, so that the creation of better jobs. as for the discussion of the previous chapters conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. the raw material control system at pt. six ems indonesia, especially for calculating raw material production needs, still use excel files and different storage databases. this causes the operational processes that are not yet maximized. 2. calculation of raw material requirements in the application using the bill of material multiplication. 3. in the application, a form is provided for request input or forecasts from the customer and then automatically calculates the raw material production requirements. references [1] swastika, i.p.a. & putra, i.g.l.a.r. 2016. audit sistem informasi dan tata kelola teknologi informasi. yogyakarta: cv. andi offset. [2] ahmad, rohani. 2010. pengelolaan pembelajaran. jakarta: pt rineka cipta. [3] sutarman. 2012. buku pengantar teknologi informasi. jakarta: bumi aksara. [4] tata sutabri. 2012. konsep sistem informasi. andi: yogyakarta. [5] wahana, komputer. 2010. shourtcourse sql server 2008 express. yogyakarta: andi offset. [6] whitten & jeffery , bentley. 2009. system analysis and design methods. new york: the mcgraw-hill companies, inc. 11 | vol.1 no.1, 01 january 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) [7] nasution, ruslan efendi. 2012. implementasi sms gateway in the development web based information system schedule seminar tesis. lampung : unila. [8] rizky, soetam. 2011. konsep dasar rekayasa perangkat lunak. jakarta: prestasi pustaka. [9] roger, s & pressman, ph.d. 2012. rekayasa perangkat lunak .yogyakarta: andi. [10] budiman, agustiar. 2012. pengujian perangkat lunak denganmetode black box pada proses pra registrasi uservia website. makalah hal:4. 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[16] assauri, sofjan. 2008. majemen produksi dan operasi. jakarta p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.1 january 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 1 | vol. 4 no.1, january 2023 coastal batik motifs identification using k-nearest neighbor based on the grey level co-occurrence method wresti andriani1 informatics engineering stmik ymi tegal email: gunawan2* informatics engineering stmik ymi tegal email: sawaviyya anandianskha3 informatics engineering stmik ymi tegal email: ‹β› abstrak-indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, budaya dan pariwisata. salah satu warisan budaya manusia yang terkenal di indonesia adalah batik. batik memiliki keunikan motif yang sangat beragam sehingga sulit untuk mengenali golongan tertentu terutama generasi muda. penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengklasifikasikan batik pesisir, khususnya batik tegal, batik pekalongan, dan batik cirebon sehingga dapat membantu memudahkan pengenalan dan pemahaman batik pesisir jika dibandingkan dengan batik pedalaman, seperti batik yogyakarta. metode yang digunakan adalah gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) untuk mengekstrak fitur tekstur, sedangkan untuk menentukan kedekatan citra uji dengan data latih menggunakan metode k-nearest neighbor (knn), perhitungan jarak yang digunakan adalah euclidean distance dan manhattan distance berdasarkan karakteristik tekstur dari citra batik yang diperoleh. hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini dimana skor tertinggi adalah 64% untuk euclidean distance dan 66% untuk manhattan distance pada k = 15. kata kunci— pesisir, glcm, knn, identifikasi abstract-indonesia is a country rich in natural resources, culture, and tourism. one of the famous human cultural heritage in indonesia is batik. batik has unique motifs that are very diverse, making it difficult to recognize certain groups, especially the younger generation. this research was conducted to classify coastal batik, especially tegal batik, pekalongan batik, and cirebon batik so that it can help facilitate the introduction and understanding of coastal batik when compared to inland batiks, such as yogyakarta batik. the method used is the grey level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) to extract texture features, while, to determine the proximity of the test image to the training data using the k-nearest neighbor (knn) method, the calculation of the distance to be used is the euclidean distance and manhattan distance based on the texture characteristics of the batik image obtained. the result obtained in this study where the highest score of 64% for euclidean distance and 66% for manhattan distance at k=15. keywords— coastal, glcm, knn, identification i. introduction indonesia is a country rich in culture and beautiful nature. one of the wealth that is owned is the batik culture. indonesian batik varies according to the many cultures that are owned in each region in indonesia. batik is an art that produces picture cloth which is the original heritage of the indonesian nation and is one of the world heritages and has been inaugurated by unesco, the united nations world agency in the fields of culture and education. based on the region, batik can be divided into two types, namely coastal batik and inland batik and based on the manufacturing process, batik is also divided into two, namely written batik, namely batik made by writing use liquid "wax" on cloth and stamp batik, namely batik made by depicting cloth using a stamp that has a pictorial part and is shaped like a relief and inscribed using wax liquid, then processed in a certain way. each batik from various regions has its own uniqueness and high traditional artistic value. the diversity of traditional batik motifs is due to differences in geography, flora and fauna, differences in lifestyle and livelihoods. in the past, batik work was often done by women and was an exclusive job, because the batik cloth produced was presented to the nobility or distinguished guests. coastal batik motives are batik motives produced in coastal areas such as the tegal coast, pekalongan coast, and cirebon coast, while the motives can vary, usually in addition to being influenced by geography and native culture, but also often influenced by culture brought by fishermen or traders from outside the area, making coastal fabric motives more diverse compared to batik motifs from the interior, such as batik motives from yogyakarta which are more influenced by the sense of nobility of the palace. the wide variety of traditional batik motifs in indonesia confuses traders and the younger generation (millennials) in recognizing the origin of existing batik fabrics. because there is no center or office that specifically handles and provides information about the history of batik itself. in this paper, the researcher hopes to help facilitate the millennial generation and related parties to become more familiar with motifs so that they can love these traditional products more, especially tegal batik, pekalongan batik, and cirebon batik. this study, will use the gray level co-occurrent matric (glcm) method as its feature extraction and use the 2 | vol. 4 no.1, january 2023 nearest neighbor (knn) method. the distance calculation uses euclidean distance and manhattan distance to determine the proximity of the test image to the training data and is expected to help identify and classify the image of batik motives. the well-identified image of batik will provide clear information and can be used for the preservation of indonesian batik fabric motifs from extinction. similar studies that have been conducted by some researchers using batik objects include zulfrianto y. lamasigi [1] dct for extraction of glcm-based features on batik identification using k-nn. the highest accuracy obtained by dct-glcm exists at an angle of 135° with a value of k=3 of 64.88% and a value of 64.88% and at an angle of 0° with values k=7 and 9 are 41.86%. frisnanda aditya, etc [2] pekalongan batik identification using the grey level cooccurrence matrix and probabilistic neutral network method. from the results of this classification test, the best accuracy is 61.33%. there is has been no research that examines the identification of the difference between coastal and inland batik using glcm and knn method before. ii. method a. gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) grey level co-occurrence matrix (glcm)was first submitted by haralick in 1979 with 28 features to explain spatial patterns. there are several steps that are taken, namely: first, calculating the features of the glcm by converting an rgb image into a grey scale image. second, creating a co-occurrence matrix is continued by determining the spatial relationship between reference pixels and neighbouring pixels based on angle 𝜃 and distance d. third, creating a symmetrical matrix by adding a co-occurrence matrix to the transpose matrix. fourth, the symmetrical matrix is normalized by calculating the probability of each element of the matrix. fifth, calculate the features of the glcm. each feature is calculated by one pixel distance in four directions, i.e. 00, 450, 900, and 1350 to detect cooccurrence [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. there are 5 glcm features used in this study, including: 1) angular second moment (asm) asm is a measure of the homogeneity of the image. 𝐴𝑆𝑀 = ∑ ∑ (𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀 (𝑖, 𝑗))2𝐿𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 (1) 2) contrast contrast is a measure of the presence of variations in the grey level of images. 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑠𝑡 = ∑ ∑ |𝑖 − 𝑗|2𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀 (𝑖𝑗)𝐿𝑗 𝐿 𝑖 (2) 3) inverse different moment (idm) used to measure homogeneity 𝐼𝐷𝑀 = ∑ ∑ (𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑖,𝑗))2 1+(𝑖−𝑗)2 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 (3) 4) entropy entropy for represents the measure of the grey level irregularity in the image. 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑖 = − ∑ ∑ (𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀 (𝑖, 𝑗)) log(𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀 (𝐼, 𝐽))𝐿𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 (4) 5) correlation correlation is a measure of the dependence between the grey values in the image. 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∑ ∑ (𝑖−𝜇𝑖′ )(𝑗−𝜇𝑗′)(𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀 (𝑖,𝑗)) 𝜎𝑖𝜎𝑗 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 (5) this equation is based on the mean value of the grey image intensity and the standard deviation. the standard deviation is obtained from the square root of the variant which shows the distribution of pixel values in the image, with the following formula: 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑖 = 𝜇𝑖 ′ = ∑ ∑ 𝑖 ∗ 𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑖, 𝑗) 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 = 𝜇𝑗′ = ∑ ∑ 𝑗 ∗ 𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑖, 𝑗) 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑖 = 𝜎𝑖 2 = ∑ ∑ 𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑖, 𝑗)(𝑖 − 𝜇𝑖′)2 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑗 = 𝜎𝑗2 = ∑ ∑ 𝐺𝐿𝐶𝑀(𝑖, 𝑗)(𝑗 − 𝜇𝑗′)2 𝐿 𝑗=1 𝐿 𝑖=1 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖 = 𝜎𝑖 = √𝜎𝑖 2 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑗 = 𝜎𝑗 = √𝜎𝑗2 b. k-nearest neighbor k-nearest neighbour (knn) is a method that uses a supervised algorithm the results of the newly classified query instance based on the majority of the categories on the knn. this algorithm aims to classify new objects based on attributes and training samples. the knn algorithm is very simple, based on the shortest distance from the query instance to the training sample to determine its knn. the training sample is projected into a multi-dimensional space, where each dimension represents a feature of the data. space is divided into sections-part based on the classification of the training sample. a point in this space is marked class c if class c is the most common classification in the k nearest neighbour of that point. 1) euclidean distance calculation of the distance of euclidean distance which is represented as follows [3] [13]: 𝑑 = √(𝑎1 − 𝑏1) 2 + (𝑎2 − 𝑏2) 2 + ⋯ + (𝑎𝑛 − 𝑏𝑛 ) 2 𝑑 = √∑ (𝑎𝑖 − 𝑏𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 (6) where d (a, b): the euclidean distance between the vector a and the vector b, ai: feature vector a, bi: features of the vector b, n: the number of features in the a and b vectors. 2) manhattan distance manhattan or city distance is a similarity measurement that is most suitable for project approvals that represent relevant cases with natural numbers or with quantitative data. also used to retrieve matched cases from the case base by calculating the absolute weighted sum of the differences between the current case and other cases the case base. to calculate the weight, the following quationis used: 3 | vol. 4 no.1, january 2023 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = ∑ 𝑊𝑘 |𝑥𝑖𝑘 − 𝐶𝑗𝑘 | (7) 𝑑𝑖𝑗 = 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑖 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑗 𝑊 = 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑋 = 𝑛𝑒𝑤𝑙𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐶 c. confusion matrix the confusion matrix is a table consisting of many rows of data test that predicted true and false by the classification model, to determine the performance of a classification model [14] [15]. table i. confusion matrix predicted class actual class class class = 1 class = 0 class = 1 f 11 f 10 class = 0 f 01 f 00 accuracy calculation using confusion matrix as follows: 𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝐹11+𝐹00 𝐹 11+𝐹10+𝐹01+𝐹00 or 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑥 100% the flow/stages that will be done in this study can be seen in figure 1 below: figure 1. research flowchart iii. results and discussion data collection (data collection) is obtained from literature study, observation, and data search in the form of batik motive images via the internet. image data obtained are as many as 90 batik motives, consisting of coastal batik from the city of tegal as many as 20 batik motifs, 50 kinds of pekalongan batik motifs, and 20 kinds of cirebon batik motives, also 10 kind of yogyakarta batik motives. batik yogyakarta as representative of inland batik. all the batik data motives obtained are converted into the same size and extension * jpg. this data image is then grouped into training data. yogyakarta batik motif images. all of the test data is the same size and also has a jpg extension. below are some examples of images of batik motives that have been collected: (a) (b) (c) (d) figure 2. example batik (a) from tegal (b) from pekalongan (c) from cirebon (d) from yogyakarta each image is done with the feature extraction process using glcm using matlab 2020. from matlab results, then feature extraction is classified using knn algorithm with 2 kinds of distance measurement, namely euclidean distance and manhattan distance and using rapid miner tool. a. texture feature extraction in the previous process, we obtained a total of 90 data of batik motifs as training data consisting of 20 tegal batik motifs, 50 kinds of pekalongan batik motifs and 20 kinds of cirebon batik motifs along with 10 kinds of batik motifs from yogyakarta as samples of inland batik motifs as a preprocessing stage. the results of this stage are then continued at the extraction stage of the texture feature. the extraction of this feature is done using matlab 2020 which results in table ii below: table ii. glcm results no matrix eccentat ion ... next ... korel ... energy homo… 1 116,570 68,016 0.617 0.005 5,453 0.066 2 90,403 42,895 0.148 0.006 5,134 0.028 3 132,540 56,192 0.210 0.005 5,338 0.046 4 104,627 72,138 0814 0.005 5,318 0.074 5 187,068 46,154 1,568 0.008 5,062 0.032 ⋮ 90 93,465 46,579 0.464 0.006 5,185 0.032 once the glcm feature extraction results using matlab 2020 are obtained, the feature extraction data is obtained from glcm, then the data is entered into the rapid miner tool and 4 | vol. 4 no.1, january 2023 using the loop parameter, it can be determined the value k = 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 for used, the k which produces the highest accuracy value to be used from the distance method, the method used are euclidean distance and manhattan (city) distance. the results can be seen in the table 3 below: table iii. comparison between the manhattan and euclidean methods accuracy distance k=1 k=3 k=5 k=7 k=9 k=11 k=13 k=15 manhattan 55 60 61 62 59 61 57 66 euclidean 52 59 60 61 63 62 62 64 the comparison of accuracy in table iii between euclidean distance and manhattan distance above, a graphic image is obtained as shown in figure 3. figure 3. comparison of manhattan and euclidean in the table iii and figure 3, it can be seen that the comparison from euclidean distance and manhattan distance, both of them have the highest accuracy at the value k = 15, where the highest accuracy is obtained at 64% for euclidean distance and is 66% for manhattan distance. the same occurrence for the smallest accuracy value is obtained at the value k=1. manhattan's accuracy is 55% and euclidean’s is 52%. b. confusion matrix in this study, in addition to knowing the comparison between euclidean distance and manhattan city distance, it will also be seen how accurate the coastal batik is with the inland batik by knowing the confusion matrix. the result of the confucius matrix from the classification of coastal batik with inland batik, in this case, represented by tegal batik, pekalongan batik, and cirebon batik for coastal batik and yogyakarta batik as inland batik can be seen from the following table iv. table iv. prediction motive batik performance true cirebon true yogyakarta true pekalongan true tegal class precission pred. cirebon 8 1 3 1 61,54% pred. yogyakarta 0 1 0 4 20,00% pred pekalongan 8 2 44 4 75,86% pred. tegal 4 6 3 11 45,83% class recall 40% 10% 88% 55% 45,83% when the prediction results above are tested using the confusion matrix obtained results in table v below: table v. matrix of the predictions no. label prediction result 1 cirebon pekalongan 0 2 cirebon pekalongan 0 3 yogyakarta pekalongan 0 4 pekalongan pekalongan 1 5 pekalongan pekalongan 1 6 pekalongan pekalongan 1 7 pekalongan pekalongan 1 8 pekalongan pekalongan 1 9 tegal pekalongan 0 10 tegal pekalongan 0 11 cirebon pekalongan 0 12 cirebon pekalongan 0 13 yogyakarta pekalongan 0 14 pekalongan pekalongan 1 15 pekalongan pekalongan 1 16 pekalongan pekalongan 1 17 pekalongan pekalongan 1 18 pekalongan pekalongan 1 the number 0 indicates the wrong label prediction, the number 1 indicates the correct prediction. the accuracy of predictions using manhattan (city) distance is higher than euclidean distance which is 66%. from the batik motif data that has been collected, there is a prediction that the true batik from pekalongan is higher 75.86%, than the true batik from cirebon is 61.54%. it can be concluded data from the training data obtained, after being tested was more predicted as pekalongan batik, then followed by cirebon batik. iv. conclusion based on the results of the above research, which uses 90 training data consisting of 20 data tegal batik motifs, 50 data pekalongan batik motifs, and 20 cirebon batik motifs, as well as 40 test data, consisting of 10 data of original tegal batik motifs, 10 pekalongan batik motifs, can be concluded: 1) the accuracy of cirebon batik motifs and yogyakarta batik motifs using manhattan distance method is better than euclidean distance, which is 66%. 2) the value k=1 of manhattan distance and euclidean distance is the smallest is 54% for manhattan and 52% for euclidean distance. 3) predicted result of batik motif from pekalongan, which is 75% and followed by cirebon batik by 61.54%, then the prediction of batik tegal is 45.85% and then batik yogyakarta that is equal to 20%. for more research, 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issues, which algorithm has many advantages including. md5 has a one-way hash function so that the message has been converted to a message digest, and it is complicated to restore it to the original message (plaintext). in addition to the advantages of md5 also has a variety of shortcomings including; very easy to solve because md5 has a fixed encryption result, using the md5 modifier generator will be easily guessed, and md5 is not proper because it is vulnerable to collision attacks. the research method used in this study uses computer science engineering by conducting experiments combining two cryptographic arrangements. the results obtained from this study after being tested with avalanche effect technique get ciphertext randomness results of 44.12%, which tends to be very strong to be implemented in password data authentication. keywords— information systems, md5, playfire cipher. abstrak—keamanan dan kerahasiaan data merupakan hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan pada sistem informasi. untuk menjahganya dibutuhkan kehandalan algoritma kriptografi yang digunakannya. md5 merupakan salah satu teknik yang banyak digunakan dalam masalah keamanan data password, yangmana algoritma ini memiliki banyak kelebihan diantaranya. md5 memiliki fungsi hash satu arah sehingga pesan yang telah diubah menjadi message digest (pesan ringkas), dan sangat sulit untuk mengembalikannya ke-pesan semula (plaintext). selain kelebihan md5 juga memiliki berbagai macam kekurangan diantaranya; sangat mudah di pecahkan karena md5 memiliki hasil enkripsi yang tetap, dengan menggunakan generator pengubah md5 akan dengan mudah ditebak, dan md5 kurang bagus karena rentan terhadap serangan collision attack. metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan rekayasa computer science dengan melakukan eksperimen penggabungan dua metode kriptografi. hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini setelah di uji dengan teknik avalanche effect mendapatkan hasil keacakan cipherteks 44,79% yang cenderung sangat kuat untuk di implementasikan pada autentikasi data password. kata kunci—sistem informasi, md5, playfire cipher. i. introduction the issue of data security and confidentiality is one of the essential things of information systems [1]. the technique that can be used to maintain data content is to use cryptographic techniques [2]. cryptographic techniques aim to provide security services, including security, to manage data authentication such as passwords [3]. md5 is a one-way hash function designed by ron rivest with a 128-bit hash value. it says the one-way hash function because messages that have been converted to digest messages (full messages) are complicated to restore to the original message (plaintext) [4]. md5 is one of the one direction hash functions that is widely used to resolve the integrity of a file [5]. md5 is implemented in networks that produce 640-bit message digest [6]. md5 will be a highsecurity network for transferring data in cellular systems [7]. md5 is the result of encryption that is made easy to guess, although one-way md5 will be much easier to hack just using an md5 modifier generator will produce a straightforward match. the md5 encryption method is not suitable because it is vulnerable to collision attacks [8]. from these questions, this study discusses the authentication agreement on a password by combining the md5 method hash function and the application of playfire cryptography. ii. method the research method used in this research is engineering, namely theoretical computer science, where researchers use a cryptographic technique with the md5 method and combine it with the playfair algorithm using a 13x13 matrix. the systematic description of the process flow of this study is outlined in figure ii-1 as follows: 34 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) data password (plaintext) encryption 1 ciphertext 1 md5 encryption 2 playfire 13x13 key 1 ciphertext 2 encryption data password (ciphertext 2) plaintext 1 playfire 13x13 key 1 md5 plaintext 2 decryption decrypt 1 decrypt 2 fig. 1. research methods a. md5 algorithm the hash function is widely used in md5 and sha cryptography. in this article, the hash function that is used by md5 algorithm [9]. md5 accepts input in the form of messages of any size and produces a message digest that is 128 bits in length [10]. md5 processes 512-bit blocks, divided into 16 32-bit sub-blocks. the algorithm output is set to 4 blocks, each measuring 32 bits, which, after being combined, will form a 128-bit hash value [11]. the steps in making a message digest, in general, are as follows: 1. adding padding bits. 2. add the original message length value. 3. initialize the md5 buffer. 4. processing messages in blocks of 512 bits. b. playfair matrix 13x13 formation of a 13 x 13 playfair matrix table of keys that have been entered, on the formation of a key consisting of letters, numbers and symbols, for example, the example key "akum@ululu5". the first step is a key that consists of numbers, letters or symbols should not have more than one appearance if there are these things, then eliminate numbers, letters or symbols that have similarities. so the key from "akum@ululu5" becomes "akum@ul5"[2];[12]. in table iii-2 is a matrix formed by the key "akum@u15": fig. 2. playfair matrix 13x13 [2];[13]. c. playfire encryption algorithm before doing the encryption process, the plaintext to be encrypted is set as follows: 1. all characters and spaces not included in the alphabet must be removed from the plaintext (if any). 2. if there is a letter j in the plaintext make changes with the letter i. 3. the plaintext, which is the original message, is arranged according to the letter pair (bigram). 4. when there are the same pair of letters, do it change one of the letters of the letter pairs with the letter z or x insert using the letter x because the letter x is very minimal at all in bigram, unlike the letter z, for example, is the word fuzzy. 5. if the letters in the plaintext have an odd number, then select additional messages then add at the end of the plaintext. other notes can be chosen, for example, the letter z or x [14]. d. playfire decryption algorithm following are the stages of the playfair cipher algorithm: 1. if there are two letters on the same key line, then each letter is changed using the message to the left. 2. if there are two letters in the same column, later each letter is changed by the message above. 3. if two letters are not located in the same row and column, then replace them with the word in the intersection of the first row of words with the column letter two. 4. later the second letter is changed using the word at the vertex of the rectangle made from the letter used [15]. iii. result and discussion a. interface system the application interface built can be seen in figure 3: 35 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) fig. 3. form login admin b. database system on this system, a database is created with one of the table names db_user as the sample used. here is figure 4 that shows the attributes of the user table and figure 5 shows the results of encryption: fig. 4. user table structure fig. 5. password encryption results c. ciperteks randomness test in the ciphertext randomness test, 30 trials were performed with random sample parameters based on the same data size, character length, and key. the results of the experiment using the calculation of the avalanche effect method with the formula: in general, bits in ciphertext will change from the number of bits in plaintext by 50%. the avalanche effect is approved well if the resulting bit change gets 45-60% (about half): the more changes that occur, the more difficult cryptographic algorithms to be completed or have high complexity. landslide implementation effect of the number of bit changes obtained from the xor calculation from the plaintext and ciphertext distribution to binary numbers, then prove the combined md5 with the playfair 13x13 algorithm. graph of landslide effects: table iii-1 comparison of ciphertext randomness test results no data password plaintext length (bit) afvalanche effect 1 sample 1 142 43,18 2 sample 2 482 41,31 3 sample 3 993 45,07 4 sample 4 1287 47,06 5 sample 5 1.981 47,51 6 sample 6 2.212 40,87 7 sample 7 3.580 45,34 8 sample 8 3.780 47,31 9 sample 9 4.324 44,96 10 sample 10 5.520 45,15 11 sample 11 5.804 46,93 12 sample 12 6.916 48,77 13 sample 13 7.882 44,92 14 sample 14 8.576 45,01 15 sample 15 18.796 45,97 16 sample 16 10.940 38,81 17 sample 17 16.980 43,62 18 sample 18 12.176 45,43 19 sample 19 31.992 44,94 20 sample 20 19.840 39,61 21 sample 21 33.372 40,14 22 sample 22 35.796 39,96 23 sample 23 25.692 44,40 24 sample 24 38.680 44,80 25 sample 25 58.286 44,48 26 sample 26 70.212 40,10 27 sample 27 95.890 44,73 28 sample 28 121.748 44,49 29 sample 29 138.780 44,15 30 sample 30 141.468 44,63 avalanche effect average score 44,12 fig. 6. avalanche effect test results conclusion based on the results of research conducted, password authentication data security can answer the hypothesis at the beginning of the study by applying the md5 algorithm and then combining it with playfair 13x13, which can improve 36 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) the security data on the previous md5 password algorithm, with the avalanche effect test results of 44.79%. besides having the strength of the md5 encryption technique with a combination of playfire 13x13 can cover the deficiencies found in the md5 method. references [1] inayatullah, “analisis penerapan algoritma md5 untuk pengamanan password,” j. algoritm., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1–5, 2017. 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identified. cluster 1 exhibited high magnitudes, with an average magnitude of 4.4, and shallow depths, averaging at 20 km. cluster 2 also had high magnitudes, averaging at 4.4, but deeper depths, with an average of 199 km. cluster 3 consisted of earthquakes with low magnitudes, averaging at 3.4, and shallow depths, averaging at 21 km. lastly, cluster 4 comprised earthquakes with low magnitudes, averaging at 3.4, but deeper depths, with an average of 136 km. among the 211 earthquakes, 29 were assigned to cluster 1, 39 to cluster 2, 100 to cluster 3, which had the highest population, and 43 to cluster 4. this study provides valuable insights into the clustering patterns and characteristics of earthquakes in the region, contributing to a better understanding of seismic activity in north sulawesi, indonesia. keywords: earthquake clustering; earthquakes data, machine learning; agglomerative clustering abstrak artikel ini membahas analisis klasterisasi pada data gempa bumi di sekitar sulawesi utara, indonesia. data yang digunakan adalah data gempa bumi yang terjadi selama tahun 2022 yang diperoleh dari repositori gempa bmkg. terdapat 211 gempa bumi yang dianalisis dengan batas magnitudo terendah 2,5 dan kedalaman maksimum 300 km. dalam penelitian ini, digunakan teknik klasterisasi aglomeratif dan metode elbow untuk menentukan jumlah klaster yang optimal dan unik. hasilnya, ditemukan empat klaster yang unik. klaster 1 memiliki gempa bumi dengan magnitudo tinggi rata-rata sebesar 4,4 dan kedalaman dangkal rata-rata sebesar 20 km. klaster 2 juga memiliki gempa bumi dengan magnitudo tinggi rata-rata 4,4, namun kedalaman lebih dalam rata-rata sebesar 199 km. klaster 3 terdiri dari gempa bumi dengan magnitudo rendah rata-rata 3,4 dan kedalaman dangkal rata-rata sebesar 21 km. klaster 4 terdiri dari gempa bumi dengan magnitudo rendah rata-rata 3,4, namun kedalaman lebih dalam rata-rata sebesar 136 km. dari total 211 gempa bumi yang dianalisis, terdapat 29 gempa bumi dalam klaster 1, 39 gempa bumi dalam klaster 2, 100 gempa bumi dalam klaster 3 yang memiliki populasi terbanyak, dan 43 gempa bumi dalam klaster 4. penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai pola dan karakteristik gempa bumi di wilayah sulawesi utara, indonesia. kata kunci: klasterisasi gempa bumi; data gempa; machine learning: agglomerative clustering p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 77 i. introduction earthquakes are natural phenomena that frequently occur in various regions around the world, including indonesia, which is known for its high seismic activity. this region is located around the pacific ocean, known as the pacific ring of fire (rof). the pacific ring of fire is a long chain of active volcanoes and tectonic structures encircling the pacific ocean. it stretches along the western coast of south and north america, passes through the aleutian islands in alaska, extends along the eastern coast of asia through new zealand, and reaches the northern coast of antarctica. the pacific ring of fire is one of the most active geological areas on earth and often experiences powerful earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. it is home to over 450 active and inactive volcanoes. most of these volcanoes are formed through the process of subduction, where dense oceanic plates collide and slide beneath lighter continental plates. material from the ocean floor melts as it enters the earth's mantle and then rises to the surface as magma. the deepest trench in the ocean, the mariana trench, is located along the western part of the pacific ring of fire. the majority of the world's largest earthquakes also occur within this ring. these earthquakes are caused by sudden movements of rocks laterally or vertically along plate boundaries. approximately 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur within the pacific ring of fire [1]. in indonesia, the frequency of earthquakes is exceptionally high, with an average of 6,512 tectonic earthquake events per year, equivalent to 543 events per month and 18 earthquake events per day [2]. this study focuses on the clustering of earthquakes in the vicinity of north sulawesi. the data used is sourced from the earthquake repository of the meteorology, climatology, and geophysics agency (bmkg) for a one-year period in 2022 [3]. a total of 211 earthquakes have been analyzed, meeting the minimum magnitude criteria of 2.5 and a maximum depth of 300 km. the aim of this research is to identify clustering patterns that can provide deeper insights into the seismic activity in the area. clustering is an effective approach for analyzing and grouping earthquake data based on their characteristics. several studies have applied this clustering method to categorize disaster data, disaster impacts, and tsunami potentials [4]–[7]. in this study, the agglomerative clustering method is used to partition the data into closely related groups based on attribute similarities. the validation of the unique and optimal number of clusters is performed using the elbow method. the cluster analysis results reveal the presence of four unique clusters. each cluster exhibits distinct characteristics, including magnitude scale and depth. understanding the earthquake clustering patterns in the north sulawesi region can significantly contribute to disaster mitigation efforts. by identifying the specific clusters and their characteristics, authorities and disaster management agencies can gain valuable insights into the distribution and behavior of earthquakes in the area. this knowledge can aid in the development of more targeted and effective disaster preparedness plans, early warning systems, and evacuation strategies. additionally, it can inform infrastructure development and building codes to ensure resilience against seismic events. ultimately, this research serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders involved in disaster management, enabling them to make informed decisions and implement proactive measures to reduce the potential impact of earthquakes and enhance the overall resilience of the region. ii. methods this study encompassed various stages, which involved conducting a review of relevant literature, collecting earthquake data, processing the data, applying the elbow method, performing agglomerative clustering, and conducting cluster analysis (refer to fig. 1). vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 78 figure 1. flowchart of research methodology. a. literature review in a high-quality research study, it is crucial to have a relevant collection of literature and references as a strong foundation. therefore, the initial stage of this research involved gathering literature related to the research topic. the collected literature encompassed various important aspects pertaining to the research subject. during the initial stage, the researcher gathered information related to earthquakes. this aimed to understand the characteristics, causes, and impacts of earthquakes that are relevant to the context of this research. additionally, the researcher studied machine learning, which is the technique or algorithm used for data processing in this study. a profound understanding of machine learning is crucial as it forms the basis for the data clustering conducted in this research. furthermore, the researcher obtained an understanding of the clustering technique using the agglomerative clustering method. clustering is a method used to group data with similar characteristics into specific clusters. in the context of this research, the application of the agglomerative clustering method enables the identification of unique clustering patterns and structures within the earthquake data in the north sulawesi region b. data gathering to obtain earthquake data in north sulawesi for the year 2022, the data source used is the official website of the meteorology, climatology, and geophysics agency (bmkg), accessible at [3]. the geographic region parameter is set to 0°n to 3°n latitude and 123°e to 126°e longitude. although the data available on this website is limited to a single month, by leveraging knowledge of the api (application programming interface), we can efficiently access and extract data using for loops and the requests module in the python programming language [8]. the process of retrieving data through the bmkg api will generate an html file that needs further processing. to convert it into a more structured format, the data needs to be parsed into a tabular form using the beautifulsoup library [9]. once the data has been successfully parsed and organized, the next step is to save it in csv format for easier further data processing. c. data processing after successfully obtaining the earthquake data in north sulawesi for the year 2022, the next step is to process and explore the data. the data processing is performed using the python programming language [8], utilizing several packages and libraries as described below: to perform numerical calculations on arrays or matrices, the numpy library is used [10]. additionally, for data analysis and processing in the form of dataframes, the pandas library is employed vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 79 [11]. for visualizing graphs and plotting data distribution on maps, the matplotlib, seaborn, and plotly libraries (including the api provided by mapbox) are utilized [12]–[15]. before proceeding with the agglomerative clustering method for clustering, the selected parameters for analysis, namely the earthquake magnitude scale (m) and depth (km), undergo a data preprocessing step using the standard scaler method. the standard scaler is a widely used technique in data preprocessing that transforms the data by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. this process ensures that the data is centered around zero with a standard deviation of 1, making it more suitable for clustering algorithms. by applying the standard scaler, the magnitude and depth values are normalized to a comparable scale, eliminating any potential biases caused by differences in their measurement units. this normalization allows for a fair comparison and accurate clustering based on the similarity of the scaled features. d. elbow method the elbow method is a visual technique utilized to determine the optimal number of clusters for clustering algorithms. it involves plotting the explained variance by each cluster against the number of clusters and observing the point of inflection, commonly referred to as the "elbow," where adding more clusters no longer significantly improves the explained variance [16]. in simpler terms, the elbow method assists in selecting the appropriate number of clusters for the given data by identifying the point at which adding more clusters does not yield substantial enhancements in the clustering outcomes. to apply the elbow method, we initially perform clustering with various numbers of clusters and plot the explained variance against the corresponding number of clusters. the elbow point on the plot represents the stage at which the explained variance begins to level off, indicating that the inclusion of additional clusters does not contribute significantly to the improvement. once the elbow point is determined, we can choose the number of clusters that strikes a balance between the explained variance and the simplicity of the model. e. agglomerative clustering once the optimal number of clusters has been determined using the elbow method, the subsequent step involves applying agglomerative clustering to the preprocessed data. agglomerative clustering is a hierarchical clustering technique that begins with each data point assigned as a separate cluster and gradually merges the closest clusters until all data points are grouped into a single cluster [17]. in this research, we utilized the agglomerative clustering algorithm provided by the python scikitlearn library [18]. the algorithm requires specifying the number of clusters, which is set to the optimal number obtained from the elbow method. for this study, ward's linkage criterion was employed, aiming to minimize the sum of squared differences within all clusters. f. cluster analysis afterwards, the resulting clusters are analyzed to identify patterns or trends within the data. this analysis involves examining the characteristics of each cluster, such as the average values of relevant variables, as well as utilizing visualizations like box plots to depict the clusters. by conducting cluster analysis, we can gain insights into the data structure and identify meaningful clusters among the population of 211 earthquakes in north sulawesi. these clusters can be further investigated to obtain a deeper understanding of the characteristics specific to each cluster. iii. results and discussion in this section, we will delve into the findings derived from the analysis of earthquake clusters in the sulawesi utara region of indonesia for the year 2022. the application of the elbow method resulted in the identification of four distinct clusters, as illustrated in fig. 2. these clusters represent groups of earthquakes that share similar characteristics in terms of their magnitudes and depths. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 80 following the determination of the optimal number of clusters, the agglomerative clustering technique was employed to further examine the data. this hierarchical clustering method starts by considering each earthquake event as an individual cluster and then iteratively merges the two closest clusters until all data points are grouped into a single cluster. by applying this method to the identified four clusters, we were able to discern notable dissimilarities among them, particularly in terms of the magnitudes and depths of the earthquakes they encompass. figure 2. elbow method with agglomerative clustering out of the total of 211 earthquakes analyzed, we observed that the first cluster consisted of 29 earthquakes, the second cluster contained 39 earthquakes, the third cluster emerged as the largest group with 100 earthquakes, and the fourth cluster comprised 43 earthquakes. these cluster-specific earthquake populations can be visualized in fig. 3. figure 3. distribution of earthquake events based on cluster. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 81 the distribution of earthquake data and the formed clusters can be found on the map displayed in fig. 4. in the cluster analysis, cluster 3 emerged as the most dominant cluster, primarily distributed in the offshore area. this cluster exhibits characteristics of low magnitude scale, with an average of 3.4 m, and shallow depths, with an average of 21 km. therefore, this area tends to be relatively safe from the impacts of earthquakes. figure 4. clustering results: grouping of north sulawesi earthquake events in 2022 no cluster 1 was found in the main island area. this cluster needs to be closely monitored as it exhibits a relatively high magnitude scale, with an average of 4.4 m, and shallow depths, with an average of 20 km. shallow depths can increase the potential for damage compared to deeper depths. however, in the northern island areas of mainland sulawesi, there are several earthquake sources that fall within cluster 1. therefore, this area requires careful mitigation planning to reduce the risk for the local population. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 82 figure 5. distribution of magnitude based on cluster. cluster 2 also displays a high magnitude scale, with an average of approximately 4.4 magnitude, and deep depths with an average of 199 km. this type of earthquake often occurs in the main island area, which may be related to the activities of active volcanoes in the north sulawesi region. figure 6. distribution of depth based on cluster. cluster 4 exhibits a low magnitude scale and deep depths, making it relatively safe. however, it is still important to remain vigilant regarding the potential earthquakes within this cluster. the distribution and descriptive data of the clustering results can be observed in fig. 5 and fig. 6, alo ng with table 1. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 83 table 1. data description based on cluster cluster number of earthquakes average magnitude (m) average depth (km) 1 29 4.4 20 2 39 4.4 199 3 100 3.4 21 4 43 3.4 136 having an understanding of the characteristics of the formed clusters, this information can be utilized in disaster mitigation efforts and more effective planning to protect the community and reduce the risks associated with earthquake impacts in north sulawesi. by incorporating this knowledge, appropriate measures can be taken to enhance preparedness, response, and resilience in the face of seismic events. it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of the population and ensure that strategies are in place to mitigate the potential consequences of earthquakes. you can access the results of the clustering analysis through the following link: iv. conclusions in conclusion, the application of agglomerative clustering to analyze earthquake data in the sulawesi utara region resulted in the identification of four distinct clusters with varying characteristics in terms of magnitude and depth. these clusters offer valuable insights into the seismic activity patterns in the area. the findings of this study have significant implications for disaster mitigation and risk reduction efforts in sulawesi utara. by understanding the clustering patterns of earthquakes, stakeholders can develop more effective strategies to protect the local population and minimize the impact of seismic events. future research in this field could focus on expanding the dataset by incorporating data from additional sources and over a longer time period. this would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the seismic activity and clustering patterns in sulawesi utara. additionally, investigating the correlation between these earthquake clusters and geological features, such as fault lines or volcanic activity, could provide valuable insights for predicting and mitigating future seismic events. v. references [1] m. masum and m. a. akbar, “the pacific ring of fire is working as a home country of geothermal resources in the world,” in iop conference series: earth and environmental science, iop publishing, 2019, p. 012020. 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development of the internet has given rise to various innovations, especially financial technology to meet the various needs of the community including access to financial services and transaction processing. fintech (financial technology) is an innovation in the financial sector that refers to modern technology used to transact, check deposit rates, transfer funds, and perform various other financial services. the creative industries are an industry that utilizes the creativity and skills of individuals use as goods of value. the purpose of this study is to determine the role of financial technology and its constraints in the creative industry in indonesia. the existence of innovation and creativity that arises in the community, making the creative industry is an essential role in the development of a regional economy. the research method used in writing this article is descriptive qualitative. thus, qualitative research only describes responses to situations or events so that it does not explain causality or do hypothesis testing. keywords—financial technology, creative industry, internet, indonesia abstrak—di era modern, penggunaan teknologi berkembang pesat untuk memperoleh informasi dan berbagai layanan elektronik lainnya, banyak orang yang sudah menggunakan teknologi, terutama internet untuk memudahkan pekerjaan mereka. melihat pesatnya perkembangan internet telah memunculkan berbagai inovasi, terutama teknologi keuangan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk akses ke layanan keuangan dan pemrosesan transaksi. fintech (teknologi finansial) adalah inovasi di sektor keuangan yang mengacu pada teknologi modern yang digunakan untuk bertransaksi, memeriksa suku bunga simpanan, mentransfer dana, dan melakukan berbagai layanan keuangan lainnya. industri kreatif adalah industri yang memanfaatkan kreativitas dan keterampilan yang digunakan individu sebagai barang yang bernilai. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran teknologi keuangan dan hambatannya dalam industri kreatif di indonesia. adanya inovasi dan kreativitas yang muncul di masyarakat, menjadikan industri kreatif merupakan peran penting dalam pengembangan ekonomi regional. metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam menulis artikel ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. dengan demikian, penelitian kualitatif hanya menggambarkan respons terhadap situasi atau peristiwa sehingga tidak menjelaskan hubungan sebab akibat atau melakukan pengujian hipotesis. kata kunci— teknologi keuangan, industri kreatif, internet, indonesia. i. introduction the internet is one of the technologies widely used by humans in modern times like today. ranging from children, teens to adults use it for various purposes such as browsing, chatting, and much more. from this internet emerged various applications and websites that help people in their work [13]. based on the results of the apji and polling indonesia survey in 2018, the number of internet users is 171.18 million. it will be a lucrative market opportunity for applications, systems and technology to reap the domestic market. technology is increasingly developing over time. to make it easier for people to make transactions, check balances and so on, a technology called fintech (financial technology). fintech is a financial service that utilizes technology and software as a forum for the distribution and delivery of information [1]. the background to the emergence of fintech is when there is a problem in society that cannot be served by the financial industry with various obstacles. among them are regulations that are too strict as in the bank and the limitations of the banking industry in serving the community in certain areas [2]. financial technology in bank indonesia regulation number 19/12 / pbi / 2017 is the use of financial system technology that produces new products, services, technology or business models and can have an impact on monetary stability, financial system stability, efficiency, smoothness, security and payment system reliability. financial technology providers which include payment systems, market support, investment management and risk management, loans, financing and capital providers, and other financial services. financial technology or fintech in indonesia is a very potential market opportunity [3]. the fintech companies are mostly micro, small or medium-sized companies that do not have much equity but have a clear idea of how to introduce new services or how to improve existing services in financial service markets [4]. fintech develops in various sectors, ranging from payment startups, lending, financial planning (personal finance), retail investment, financing (crowdfunding), remittances, financial research, and others [2]. like banks, the fintech company's business model also focuses on payment and 24 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) loan services [5]. from the data recorded by the fsa until january 2018 there are 260 thousand people borrowing in the fintech company in indonesia. the presence of financial technology is beneficial for people in accessing financial products and makes it easier to conduct financial transactions with a touch of technology in hand. wherever and whenever people can make transactions without having to come directly to financial companies or waiting in line with various procedures such as banking in general. this can increase financial literacy in indonesia [6]. fintech refers to the integration of finance and technology and is different from electronic finance, where electronic finance continues to technically support the existing financial system [7]. several studies have been conducted previously that discuss the analysis and role of financial technology. one of them is a research conducted by muzdalifa, rahma, & novalia (2018), which discusses the role of fintech in increasing financial inclusion at msmes in indonesia. the results of the study concluded that the presence of a number of fintech companies also contributed to the development of msmes. not only limited to helping finance venture capital, fintech's role has also expanded to various aspects such as digital payment services and financial arrangements [1]. other research has been conducted by chrismastianto (2017) swot analysis discussion related to the installation of financial technology on the quality of banking services in indonesia. research has analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (swot) of financial technology installation so that financial technology produces an accurate level of effectiveness in improving the quality of banking services in indonesia so that banking management can apply it to reach all elements of indonesian society [8]. in this study, the author will raise the theme of the role of financial technology in the field of creative industries in indonesia as the subject of the discussion. creative industries are creativity, expertise and talents that have the potential to improve welfare through offering intellectual creation [9]. the government through the trade department has identified the scope of the creative industry covering 14 sectors including advertising, architecture, the art market, crafts, design, fashion, video, interactive games, music, performing arts, publishing and printing, software, television and radio, research and development [10]. the entry of fintech is a new breakthrough in aspects of business in indonesia to become more efficient and comfortable [11], this is what can support the development of fintech in the field of creative industries. creative industries make a significant economic contribution. also, the creative industry creates a favorable business climate and builds the nation's image and identity. on the other hand, the creative industry is based on renewable resources, creates innovation and creativity, which is a competitive advantage of a nation and has a positive social impact [9]. because of the increasingly visible role of financial technology in various fields in modern times like now, the authors will conduct research aimed at analyzing the role of fintech and its constraints in the creative industries in indonesia. ii. method the research method used in writing this article is descriptive qualitative [14]. qualitative research methods are research methods based on postpositivism philosophy, or interpretative and constructive paradigms, which view social reality as something holistic or intact, complex, dynamic, full of meaning and symptom relations are interactive and are used to examine natural conditions of objects, not an experiment, where the researcher as a critical instrument, data collection techniques carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive or qualitative and the results of the study emphasize the meaning rather than generalization. this study uses a qualitative method to determine the role and constraints of fintech in the creative industries [15]. qualitative descriptive research is aimed at gathering actual and detailed information, identifying problems, making comparisons or evaluations, and determining what other people are doing in dealing with similar problems and learning from their experiences to establish plans and decisions in the future [4]. thus, qualitative research only describes responses to situations or events, so it does not explain causality or do hypothesis testing. iii. results and discussion in the current era of globalization, the role of financial technology is developing so rapidly for the world economy, one of which is in the field of creative industries. the purpose of this study is to find out the role of fintech and its constraints in the creative industry in indonesia. there are several sub-sectors of the industry or creative economy that have contributed to the country's gdp, as shown in figure 1 below. figure 1. contribution of gross domestic product in creative economy according to subsector (2016)[12] from the picture above it can be seen that the creative economy or industry is a sector that has the potential to be processed more deeply to advance the country's economy. with the entry of fintech is expected to be a breath of fresh air for changes in the creative industry sector. the role of fintech in the creative industry is as follows. 1. capital loan from the data obtained from bekraf (creative economy agency) in 2016 the company's capital results or creative industry businesses are divided into three parts with the following percentage, 92.37% of companies use their capital, 25 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 24.44% of companies make bank loans, and 0.66% of companies use venture capital. for more details, see in the following figure 2 below. figure 2. access to capital for the creative economy industry 2016[12] from this data fintech can be a solution by providing online capital loans with a simpler and more simple submission process by completing the requirements. several online loan services such as danamas, modalku, and koinworks. 2. digital payment services the fintech company can also provide digital payments that are easier to fund for entrepreneurs or companies, so that entrepreneurs or companies can make payments safely. fintech in this field is ovo, gopay, and jenius. 3. financial management services financial management services are services that provide solutions in the areas of recording expenses, monitoring investment performance and financial consulting at no charge. fintech in this field is a healthy wallet and there are several constraints of companies or businesses in the creative economy. according to data obtained from bekraf (creative economy agency), there are several obstacles such as domestic marketing, research and development, physical infrastructure, and others, as shown in the following figure 3 below. figure 3. constraints faced by creative economy enterprises or companies [12] in the field of creative industries in indonesia, the existence of financial technology also has several obstacles, including the following. 1. it infrastructure it infrastructure in indonesia can be said to be uneven, and internet networks can only be felt in big cities like jakarta, bandung, surabaya, and others, while in small cities or remote areas it is still not sure and this is one of fintech's problems in the creative industry. 2. human resources (hr) lack of human resources (hr) in the regions is one of the obstacles to the spread of fintech making it difficult for fintech to develop. human resources (hr) should be educated in the regions to spread fintech evenly. 3. lack of financial literacy many people in rural areas are not familiar with the term fintech about how to use it, its benefits, etc. not knowing this financial literacy makes financial planning and management in the community not suitable. iv. conclusion financial technology (fintech) is an innovation in financial services using technology so that people can easily access financial products and services. fintech can be used to facilitate human being to work, especially in finance such as transactions, checking deposit interest, transferring funds and many other jobs. the presence of several fintech companies contributed to the development of the creative industry in indonesia. in the current era of globalization, the role of fintech is very diverse and expected to help the creative industry players or companies in developing their businesses. there are several roles of fintech that can help businesses or companies in developing their businesses, such as capital loans, digital payment services and financial management services. in helping business people or creative industry companies, fintech also experiences several obstacles such as uneven it infrastructure in indonesia, lack of human resources, and the lack of public financial literacy 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[15] m. hennink, i. hutter, and a. bailey, qualitative research methods. sage publications limited, 2020. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 54 using i-hubs for bridging the gap of digital divide in rural kenya samuel w lusweti 1, kelvin k omieno2 1 department of information technology, school of computing and informatics, masinde muliro university of science and technology 2 department of information technology, school of computing and information technology, kaimosi friends university., abstract the world is moving towards digital economy where almost everything being done today is digitally controlled because necessity is the mother of innovation. everybody is striving to attain digital stability as a lot of revenue is generated in the digital world. digital divide therefore becomes so disadvantageous to people left without access to computers and the internet. in this paper, researchers discuss the role of kenyan innovation hubs in closing the gap between those who have access to the internet and computers and those who do not. the paper discuss the world bank projection of the gdp emanating from the use of icts and the challenges facing innovation. government support plays a key role in ensuring that the people secluded from icts are able to access these services especially those in rural areas. this research found that in kenya, innovation hubs have helped the citizens staying in rural areas to gain access to internet and develop their ideas and innovations as well as undergo mentorship. nonetheless, a lot of support is needed from the kenyan government through the launching of more innovation hubs especially in rural areas that can help improve the online business, innovation and thus increase the gdp from icts. key words: i-hubs, digital divide, innovation, gdp, internet abstrak dunia bergerak menuju ekonomi digital di mana hampir semua yang dilakukan saat ini dikendalikan secara digital karena kebutuhan adalah ibu dari inovasi. semua orang berusaha untuk mencapai stabilitas digital karena banyak pendapatan dihasilkan di dunia digital. oleh karena itu, kesenjangan digital menjadi sangat tidak menguntungkan bagi orang-orang yang dibiarkan tanpa akses ke komputer dan internet. dalam makalah ini, peneliti membahas peran hub inovasi kenya dalam menutup kesenjangan antara mereka yang memiliki akses ke internet dan komputer dan mereka yang tidak. makalah ini membahas proyeksi bank dunia terhadap pdb yang berasal dari penggunaan tik dan tantangan yang dihadapi inovasi. dukungan pemerintah memainkan peran kunci dalam memastikan bahwa orang-orang yang terpisah dari tik dapat mengakses layanan ini terutama di daerah pedesaan. penelitian ini menemukan bahwa di kenya, pusat inovasi telah membantu warga yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan untuk mendapatkan akses ke internet dan mengembangkan ide dan inovasi mereka serta menjalani bimbingan. meskipun demikian, banyak dukungan yang dibutuhkan dari pemerintah kenya melalui peluncuran lebih banyak hub inovasi terutama di daerah pedesaan yang dapat membantu meningkatkan bisnis online, inovasi, dan dengan d emikian meningkatkan pdb dari tik. kata kunci: i-hub, kesenjangan digital, inovasi, pdb, internet p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 55 i. introduction the united nation’s world summit of information society (wsis), geneva 2003, tunis commitment, tunis 2005 and the copenhagen declaration agreed that ict is a key player in eradication of poverty and unemployment as it helps in creation of development-oriented information society [25]. the best way to make use of ict services is through research and innovation; the later becoming the most widely used method of technological advancement. innovation is the change in traditional practice for the remarkable success of humanity towards colonizing the earth, technology and product diversification [1] . the importance of innovation has thus made human beings to be cleverer and daring to make their lives more comfortable especially when it comes to technological advancements in various fields. ict has not been left out in this, as many countries around the world have resorted to innovation in ict. kenya has for almost 20 years committed itself to gain economic stability and global recognition through technological advancement. the commitment of kenya in technological developments started with vision 2030 economic blueprint [2]. in trying to meet the objectives of this economic blueprint, kenya has made a great milestone in technological advancement in the area of ict for years now. during the period of covid-19 pandemic, innovation was heightened in the country to keep its economy afloat amid the ravaging effects of the pandemic. the innovations which were majorly concentrated on use of ict for teaching and learning, making of local computer-controlled ventilators and online business transactions helped in fast-tracking the achievement of kenya’s ict policy vision 2030 [3]. innovation hubs are also an important component of technological advancement that are used to help countries attain economic stability and for interconnecting people in different parts of the world to interact and share knowledge and resources. i-hubs form a basis were innovation ideas are bred, incubated and hatched into solution centered systems basing on prevailing conditions in a given environment. a. barriers to innovation in developing countries developing countries are generally known to have low industrial development and with lower human development index as compared to other countries in the world. this means that the countries are still growing in terms of technological advancements. the united nations classifies countries according to their economic stability and growth as either developed or developing. kenya is classified under the category of developing countries among many other countries in africa, asia and latin america [4]. developing countries generally face a number of challenges that affect the broad area of development including agriculture, industry, education medicine and technology. the following are some of the challenges faced by developing countries derailing their industrialization process: 1) inadequate funding, 2) poor infrastructure, 3) insufficient support from governments, 4) lack of motivation for innovations, 5) inadequate research facilities, 6) lack of opportunities and poor cooperation among business firms [5]. innovation helps countries to be economically stable hence most countries classified as developed do well in innovation, creativity and invention. in kenya for example, innovations among its citizens in the early years of 21st century lagged behind due to inadequate funding, insufficient support from the government, volatility of innovation and inadequate research facilities. due to the volatile nature of technological innovations and the changing technological environments, it has been a challenge for kenyan innovators to strike the balance of mechanisms and expectations of the society on technological innovation [6]. this is especially difficult when working alone without government support and without i-hubs where people meet to bring onboard different ideas. however, during the wake of the novel corona virus disease, the country witnessed a lot of innovations and inventions in various areas including medicine, and ict [2]. b. digital divide in 1990s, digital divide was defined as the gap between those who have access to computers and the internet and those who do not have the access [7]. digital divide existed long before 1990s but the term was not being used before, instead information inequality or knowledge gap were the common terms used. the origin of this term is vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 56 connected to the us department of commerce national telecommunications and information administration (cntia) [8] which advices the us president on the telecommunication and information policies. digital divide therefore excludes some groups of people from the uptake of information communication technologies. according to [9], the following groups of people are excluded in icts by digital divide: low-income earners, elderly people, unemployed, people with low literacy level, rural and urban areas, single parents, people leaving with disabilities, women and children. in kenya, there exists digital divide between rural and urban areas, and between kenya (developing country) and developed countries. poor power supply in rural areas in kenya which predicates the internet and computers among other aspects make the internet to be less cost-effective [10] leading to poor distribution of the internet in these areas. this inadequacy of power, computers and the internet has made rural areas in kenya to lag behind in technology and innovation. figure 1 below shows the penetration and uptake of internet in kenya for a period of 30 years since 1990 to 2020. figure 1 sourced from world bank: individuals using internet (% of kenya’s population) [11]. from figure 1 above, there has been an exponential increase in the number of people in kenya accessing the internet for a period of 30 years. however, for that period a maximum of only 30% of kenyans are able to access the internet. this could be as a result of the large population of people leaving in rural areas who are unable to access the internet services. according to the un specialized agency for icts, the world is increasingly becoming digitized, and the economy of digital exclusion is more expensive than closing the gap of digital divide [12]. the urgency further stated that 60% of the global gdp is expected to be contributed by digital technologies by 2022 thus people who are unable to connect to digital systems highly risk being left trailing in economic development. figure 2 below sheds more light why ict has been important in kenya’s economy over time from 2013 to 2019. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 57 figure 2 source: kenya national bureau of statistics figure 2 above shows that ict has been contributing to gross domestic product (gdp) growth of the country by 10.8% on average annually since the year 2016 thus proved to be a dynamic source of economic growth and job creation [13]. although there is a promising growth of gdp from ict in kenya going into the future, a lot has to be done in order to increase the input of ict on the country’s gdp so as to meet the projection of united nations specialized agency for icts of 60% although the country is already behind the schedule. the main cause of this derail in many countries is the gap between those who have an access to internet and computers and those who do not have any access. this is because by january 2022, only 42.0% of kenyans were able to use internet which has not reached in many rural areas as 71% of the population stay in rural areas [14]. to narrow this gap, kenya as a country has among many other practices invested in i-hubs that would then help fast track the contribution of icts towards the 60% ict gdp projection by the un. ii. methods this research paper adopted qualitative research method in which secondary data which is published online with information on innovation was used. thematic analysis methods were used to dissect, understand and analyze collected data in related areas. iii. results and discussions a. innovation hubs (i-hubs) i-hubs have also been a source of bringing people from different backgrounds together for exchange of ideas thereby enhancing co-working which has been applied in various fields around the world [15]. co-working spaces created by establishment of innovation hubs help knowledge workers to gather together, create knowledge and benefit from it by working alone yet staying together [16]. these hubs have consequently helped the freelancers to vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 58 come together for support on the art of freelancing and social connection. innovation hubs have also been used in many developed and developing countries to help enhance their technological advancements. in uk for example, the london innovation hub (lih) which started in the year 2005, has transformed into 80 hubs with membership of over 13,000 worldwide [17]. lih is especially important because everybody in the world today looks at london as a model of innovation, social entrepreneurship and development. consequently, in zambia (africa), the lusaka innovation founded in 2011 was the only hub in the country which was aimed at helping young graduates of computer science gain skills in programming [17]. the hub has evolved to become a centre for innovators to connect and collaborate in working on various viable business project models. in kenya, a number of innovation hubs have been started by various stake holders both in public and private sectors making kenya to become a tech hub in the entire of east africa [2]. the following are some of the renowned i-hubs started in kenya that are harnessing technical knowledge and ict innovation from kenyan youths to enhance technological advancements up to rural areas of the country. b. kenya: the silicon savannah silicon savannah is widely known as the hub for technological ecosystem making kenya a recognized it hub in east africa. kenya coined the title silicon savannah which means that the country provides a fruitful environment for government support for innovation through technology. the moniker term silicon savannah which springs from two ecosystems of california’s silicon valley is a center for high tech and innovation and grassland savanna which is an ecosystem characterized by tree and grasses forming a conducive environment for growth. the mobile technology and digital payments made a great step in earning kenya this name [18]. silicon savannah is home to one of the fastest internet speed in the world; thanks to the fiber optic cable laid undersea making big firms such as microsoft, intel, facebook and ibm an environment to invest in high tech technologies [19]. through silicon savannah, kenya is becoming a major technological hub in africa. in the year 2007, kenya’s iconic telecommunication company safaricom launched m-pesa which is a mobile money transfer service that earned kenya a global recognition for becoming the first banking service for mobile phones to be developed and used in developing countries [20].the mobile phone money transfer service has been in operation till today in kenya and beyond whereby in the year 2022 alone, there were over 19 billion m-pesa transactions in kenya [20]. after development of m-pesa app, later in the same year 2007, turbulent political instability in kenya led to the launch of ushahidi (witness) app which helped citizens to track the real time post-election violence outbreaks and report to police immediately [21]. silicon savana moniker coined by kenya, proves that the country is alive to technological advancement and has considerably invested in innovations. c. afrilabs and association of countrywide innovation hubs (acih) association of countrywide innovation hubs (acih) based outside of nairobi-kenya, has the objective of promoting activities of its member hubs and to support them build sustainable businesses in rural and semi-urban areas in kenya. afrilabs which is africa’s largest network of innovation hubs was started in the year 2011 with the aim of supporting african entrepreneurs, developers and innovators. it achieves this objective by proving them with a friendly co-working space and training them in readiness for developing and implementing innovative solutions facing the continent [22]. afrilabs and the (acih) signed a long-term partnership to co-support the rural innovations by creating training and mentorship programs to help grass root i-hubs in africa thrive [23]. “through this collaboration, we are looking to an inclusive innovation ecosystem in africa and becoming a source of prosperity for all by strengthening grass root hubs to foster rural and peri-urban innovation.” said acih chairperson. afrilabs supports over 340 innovation hubs across all the 52 countries in africa and empowers innovators and developers through technological trainings, legal and financial support. on the other hand, acih is a network of i-hubs in kenya found outside nairobi city with membership of over 56 technology and innovation hubs with the main objective of promoting activities of member hubs. acih does this by supporting their vision of building sustainable businesses in rural and second-tier towns in kenya [23] through expert opinion, joint research and engaging the government in policy frameworks on behalf of startups. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 59 d. konza technopolis kenya’s vision 2030 economic blueprint paved way for the development of konza technology city project aiming at developing a technology innovation hub in africa [24]. the city is located in a rural area 60 kilometers south of nairobi capital city on the way to mombasa city and is still under construction. it is estimated to cost about 1.2 trillion kenyan shillings (us $14.5 billion) upon completion. according to konza city website, [25] it will be a world class city powered by the ict sector, superior infrastructure and governance systems that are business friendly. the city will sit on a 5,000-acre plot surrounding three rural counties; machakos, makueni and kajiado. the project will attract software developers, disaster recovery centers, data centers and will be home to a hi-tech university focusing on research and technology, tvet institutions, schools and hospitals and stadiums [25]. these investments will make konza a smart city and a hub of innovation bringing light to former rural areas. the konza technopolis development authority (kotda) developed the vision to make the city a “global technology and innovation hub” and the mission to “develop a sustainable smart city and an innovation ecosystem, contributing to kenya’s knowledge-based economy” [25]. with these objectives, the city will create 200,000 jobs by the end of the year 2030. many of the staff who will work in the city during construction and setup of ict infrastructure will be locals from the rural areas of the three counties making them interact with digital equipment and infrastructure. e. national government innovation hubs the national government of kenya through the ministry of ict in the year 2019 established 300 constituency innovation hubs across all the constituencies in the country [26]. this establishment was meant to help train the youths across 290 constituencies on online jobs through the use of ajira digital platform. this platform was launched by the same ministry of ict in the year 2018 to help over one million youths to work online annually. according to the principal secretary of the ministry of ict, the world is moving away from traditional physical jobs to multiemployer online jobs [26] . the innovation hubs are also meant to help the youth enhance their innovation capability which is in line with the country’s ict policy. the ministry was set to partner with constituency development fund boards to provide laptops and internet to youths from various constituencies living in both rural and urban areas [26]. through the use of these innovation hubs. the government of kenya was able to train over 150,000 youths on ajira digital platform by december 2022 increasing the number of youths working online to 1.9 million up from 1.2 million in the year 2021 [27]. due to establishment of the 300 innovation hubs in the country with at least once i-hub per constituency, many youths in rural kenya are also able to access computers and internet. this is because more than half of the constituencies in the country are in rural regions. f. county governments i-hubs kenya is divided into 47 county governments which run devolved central government programs. bungoma county is one of the rural county governments available in kenya. being a rural county, technological uptake and advancement is very low as compared to urban counties like nairobi. this is because there is poor distribution of electrical power, computers and the internet [10] bringing about undesired gap of digital divide between the two counties. in the quest to bridge this gap, the county government of bungoma in the year 2015 launched a us$2 million matili technology hub (mthub) during the ict convention and innovation forum [28]. the aim of the hub was to help tap innovative minds for the economic prosperity by use of ict in the county. “there is great emphasis across major cities to adopt technology solutions, but this time we are looking to have citizens at county level innovate and benefit from solutions that they themselves engineered” said the governor of bungoma county at that time. prior to the launch, the county government officials partnered with international universities to help set up the i-hub. they also had travelled to lagos nigeria with young tech entrepreneurs to participate in the demo africa event [28]. the event equips young techies with knowledge and skills relevant in setting up technology parks and innovation hubs as well us networking. in baringo county, there exists rift valley innovation centre (rvic) which is one of the newly established rural based ict innovation hubs [29]. it consists of ultra-modern ict center vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 60 with computers, internet and servers that can support over 200 users concurrently. rvic is an incubation center for young techies to add value to the community through entrepreneurship and business mentorship. iv. conclusion this paper presented importance of ict to countries in the quest to attain industrial and economic stability. the paper has discussed how innovation in ict can help fast-track the implementation of ict in various areas. however, the challenges facing ict penetration in kenya have been discussed. nevertheless, the paper as also how various stake holders are working to see that innovation is open to all amid these challenges. in the past, many innovators failed to achieve their dreams because they stayed in rural areas where there was poor internet connectivity, very few computers and lacked support and training. this problem brought about a disparity between those who had access to computers and the internet and those who did not have access (especially those leaving in rural areas). the disparity which is widely referred to as digital divide is undesirable as it makes the people to economically lag behind in the current information society. at the onset of digital innovations in kenya, only people leaving in urban areas were able to learn about using ict for coming up with innovations as well as showcase their innovations. however, in the recent past, the idea of innovation hubs and incubation hubs have greatly improved on how to harness the skills of young innovators regardless of where they stay. from the data collected in this paper, researchers discussed how innovation hubs have been used to help kenyan innovators staying in rural areas to have access to computers and the internet. this access to internet has become a ladder towards bridging the gap of digital divide that has for long existed between the rural and urban areas. although, data from the world bank and kenya bureau of statistics show that even though the population of kenyans who can access internet is growing, their percentage is still too low and the number of innovation hubs is very low. more and more innovation hubs need to be put into villages by the kenyan government and other stake holders to help many kenyans who cannot access or afford the internet gain free access so that they can achieve their innovation dreams through ict. references [1] l.k racheal. et al., "eureka!: what is innovation, how does it develop, and who does it?," child 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[online]. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 39 iot-based farmland intrusion detection system emmanuel onwuka ibam1, olutayo k. boyinbode2, helen o. aladesiun3 1,2,3 school of computing, federal university of technology akure, nigeria,, abstract as crop vandalization with conflicts between farmers and herdsmen become recurrent in nigeria, existing farm intrusion prevention methods such as fence mounting and placement of farm guards can no longer guarantee farm security. this is because intruders either jump over the fence or attack guards on duty without visual evidence. therefore, a complementary approach using computer technologies for effective detection is required. this paper presents an iot-based farm intrusion detection model using rfid and image recognition technology. rfid sensor as well as cameras are placed at entrances of a fenced farmland for simultaneous identification. the sensor reads workers’ tags for identification, while cameras capture images of users for further identification as captured images are sent to convolutional neutral network (cnn) for recognition. a user whose image cannot be recognized is flagged as an intruder and an intrusion alert with visual evidence is sent to the farm owner. the system showed a high level of effectiveness with an accuracy of 90%, precision of 70%, and 80% recall rat e and effectively controlled the rate of illegal encroachment into farmland keywords: buzzer; convolutional neural network (cnn); internet of things (iot); microcontroller; pir sensors; radio frequency identification (rfid) abstrak perusakan tanaman dengan konflik antara petani dan penggembala menjadi berulang di nigeria, metode pencegahan intrusi pertanian yang ada seperti pemasangan pagar dan penempatan penjaga pertanian tidak dapat lagi menjamin keamanan pertanian. ini karena penyusup melompati pagar atau menyerang penjaga yang bertugas tanpa bukti visual. oleh karena itu, diperlukan pendekatan pelengkap menggunakan teknologi komputer untuk deteksi yang efektif. makalah ini menyajikan model deteksi intrusi pertanian berbasis iot menggunakan teknologi rfid dan pengenalan gambar. sensor rfid serta kamera ditempatkan di pintu masuk lahan pertanian berpagar untuk identifikasi simultan. sensor membaca tag pekerja untuk identifikasi, sementara kamera mengambil gambar pengguna untuk identifikasi lebih lanjut saat gambar yang diambil dikirim ke convolutional neutral network (cnn) untuk dikenali. seorang pengguna yang gambarnya tidak dapat dikenali ditandai sebagai penyusup dan peringatan intrusi dengan bukti visual dikirim ke pemilik tambak. sistem menunjukkan tingkat efektivitas yang tinggi dengan akurasi 90%, presisi 70%, dan tingkat recall 80% dan secara efektif mengendalikan laju perambahan ilegal ke lahan pertanian. kata kunci: buzzer; jaringan syaraf konvolusional (cnn); internet of things (iot); mikrokontroler; sensor pir; identifikasi frekuensi radio (rfid) i. introduction virtually every country in the world relies on agriculture to survive, not just because it is a source of food but it is also connected to the production of most basic human needs. in nigeria, agriculture remains the leading non-oil sector of the country’s economy, providing about 70% of the nation’s population with jobs. it is a major source of livelihood for those in rural areas as they depend on the proceedings from their farm harvest to cater for their family. p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 2, no.2 | 40 however, the sector has suffered a major setback with persistent cases of intruders; human and animal alike causing serious damages to crops by stealing, eating, and trampling on crops. in recent times, the destruction of crops has aggravated with the incessant conflicts between herders and farm owners arising from illegal encroachment of cattle into farmlands. usually, mounting of fences round farmland, engaging farm guards, use of repellants, among others are used as means to wade off invaders. though relatively effective, these methods can be less than ideal and are sometimes prohibitively expensive to put in place [3]. moreover, with the herdersfarmers conflict, the existing security measure cannot completely guarantee safety as several farm guards have been killed and fence been jumped over without visual evidences. in order to overcome these challenges, there is need to build a system that will alert farmers of any intruder and also repel animals away from the farm. the aim of this paper is to detect and prevent intruders from entering into the farm land by implementing an iot based intrusion detection model for farmlands using rfid technology and image recognition technique. radio frequency identification technology is a technology which uses radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. currently, this technology is dramatically increasing the use of wireless technology in many areas such as healthcare, transport, military, textile, and agriculture. unlike barcode systems, rfid systems reflect better result in industrial applications like baggage tracking, access/vehicle control, animal tracking, etc. apart from traditional usage of rfid technology, another innovative research path of rfid is integrating rfid technology with mobile devices such as mobile phones and pdas [14]. this automation can provide accurate and timely information without any human intervention, access to such information where one can individually identify each one of the tagged items uniquely; help in improving your processes and also to make informed decision. radio frequency identification (rfid) technology is an automatic identification system consisting of a tag and a reader which can communicate with radio waves [11]. in this way, a lower costs more efficient process management and monitoring is provided. the remaining of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 provides the related works. section 3 describes the proposed system architecture and the methods applied to actualize the system. section 4 explains how the system was implemented, while section 5 provides the evaluation of the system. section 6 presents the conclusion. ii. related work [15] carried out a survey on animal detection methods in digital images and observed that animal in image processing have been an important field to numerous applications. they narrowed the applications to three main branches, namely detection, tracking and identification of animal. they identified the efficacy of applying computer vision in image processing for animal detection, use of transformation function such as the fourier transform, face detection approach and thresholding segmentation method. they identified lighting problem and changes of natural environment from day to night at outdoor surveillance system as two problems that need to be considered in developing an animal detection algorithm. there are copious numbers of researches undertaken to improve the old system of securing farmlands. [5], a smart farmland using raspberry pi for crop vandalization prevention and intrusion detection system was developed. they showed how passive infrared sensors (pir) was used to detect motion of human body, once the employed pir sensors detect motion the cameras capture an image and start recording the video, the owner of the farmland gets notified about the intrusion. this information along with the captured video is stored onto cloud from where the administrator /farm owner can access it once he receives the message. rfid tags was used to differentiate between the authorized person and the intruders, if the person is an authorized one then no action is taken by the system. system uses two mechanisms to ward off animals namely: the rotten egg spray and electronic vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 41 firecrackers. their system requires no human supervision, hence saves a lot of time and energy. the system works in real time to detect the animals in the field, in addition the farmers can access the view of their fields remotely. however, the use of fire cracker can cause damages to crops, while rotten eggs spray can result in crop diseases. [12] worked on an animal detection system using ultrasonic sensors to detect the movement of the animal and send signal. this signal is transmitted to gsm and which gives an alert to farmers and forest department immediately. however, the system can only detect the animals but cannot prevent them from destroying the crops. kaluti et al. (2018) developed an iot based wireless sensor network for easy detection and prevention of wild animal’s attack on farming lands. in their study, they showed how sensors such as pir motion sensor, sound recognizing sensor, and web cameras were used to collect data. aurdino mainly the raspberry pi, acts as master node and collects the data from the sensors which sends those data to the server for further processing. the server processes the data and sends signals to the speakers to produce sound in order to stop the animals by crossing the forest boarder, and also sends message to the mobiles of the nearer villagers, farmers, and the forest office to take the safety precautions. their system was helpful to the farmers in protecting fields and save them from financial losses and also saves them from unproductive efforts that they endure for the protection of their fields. however, in this work the stealing of rfid tags can give intruders access into the farmland. [6], worked on human-animal conflict using pir sensors and camera as first round of security where the animal movement is detected using the sensor and the sensor in turn triggers the camera to take the picture of the animal and transmit the image for processing via microcontroller i.e., through wsn. the microcontroller transmits the image from the camera to the pc in the command center where the image processing and classification of animal is done. once the animal is found to be a threat the pc will send the signal to the repellent system via microcontroller to take appropriate action. however, the system results in crop diseases. in cherukat et al., (2014), a farm field protection using sensor networks, due to the fact that fields nearer to the forests were facing problem of attack of wild animals on the crops. to this effect, they designed a smart field that is on low cost, low energy consuming, small sensor nodes. they showed how sensor nodes are deployed in groups, this group of nodes is connected to a common node and common node to the main node. the three parts of sensor deployment is primary, secondary and tertiary. the primary node controls the network, secondary nodes passes data from tertiary to primary node. by including more sensor nodes more farm areas can be covered. except the node in primary all other nodes are connected with pir (passive infrared) sensor. their system helped to protect farmlands from wild animals. it was a self-managing, cost effective and energy efficient system. however, any failure in one of the nodes results in failure of the whole system. koik et al., (2016), in their research, did a comprehensive analysis on animal detection methods in digital images. the study was carried out in order to design a system that uses digital image processing for animal detection. they showed how digital image processing system was built up by the use of power spectral in trying to test animal presence in the image, fourier transform by transforming from spatial domain to frequency domain, animal detection based on thresholding segmentation method in which if the threshold is greater than a pixel of gray that value is set to white and others are set to black. the system helped to detect the exact animal that entered the field. however, this work cannot be suitable for fast detection of animals. [8] developed an intruder recognition in a farm through wireless sensor network, this came as a result of the struggle farm owners go through for top yield in varied ways after which, their yield may be curtailed due to the interference of animals and unauthorized humans. due to this, many farmers sleep in field area to save their crops risking their lives if wild animals attack their fields. animal attack on the crops could also cause infections to the buyer when the crops are sold in the market due to the vol. 2, no.2 | 42 animal poison. hence, it is much essential to monitor the boundaries of the farm to discover movement of unauthorized entries into the farm. they therefore aimed at designing a wsn in border surveillance and intrusions detection that is cheaper for the farmer. they showed how the system is implemented to detect intrusion of animals in farms using wireless sensors and buzzers which detects the animals and produce acoustic sounds. at various locations around the farm, motion sensors are placed where certain distance is maintained between them and one of the motion sensors is made as the centralized from where we can operate all other sensors. the sensors which are present frequently sense the movement and pass it to the coordinator through rfid. an arduino board is placed near the centralized sensor to which gsm module is interfaced along with buzzers and rfid transmitter. animals are being detected by the motion sensors in the agricultural area. when an animal or human is being detected by the sensors in the agricultural area, the sensors are activated through rfid transmitter and the system produces sounds through the buzzer and will give a very minor shock to the animal. this sound irritates the animals and they cannot accommodate it at that place and due to minor shock animals will fall. however, the system was not able to provide video processing. [2], animals from wild area were continuously attacking crops for so many years and the protection of these crops field from wild animals was a serious issue. the wild animals face shortage of water and food as a result of which they move towards the agriculture area which creates great loss to the crops and annual income of farmers. when wild animals enter in a farm there is a need for an alert system to prevent crops from being damaged by wild animals. the developed a system and their objective was to prevent the loss of crops and protect the area from intrusion of wild animals which causes major damage to the agricultural area. their system has a wireless sensor network (wsn) consisting of a large number of autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. the wsn consists of various clusters connected with the sink node. each cluster has number of sensor nodes having one master node capable of collecting the data from remaining nodes, web camera and gsm connected to the raspberry pi kit. camera is used to detect the motion of wild animal and ones it gets detected it captures its image and distinguishes its features as dangerous or not, if it is dangerous then it sends instant message to the farmer. it saves farmers from unproductive efforts that they endure for the protection of their fields. however, the system is expensive and require high maintenance. [1], implemented an intelligent security system for farm protection from wild animals in order to provide food requirements of the people and produce several raw materials for industries as animal interference in agricultural lands has resulted into huge loss of crops. hence, they developed a prohibitive fencing to the farm, to avoid losses due to animals. they showed how fencing wire is used as a sensor. when animals come in contact with this open cable the circuit will be grounded and we get initial input signal that indicates presence of animals at fencing. after getting that initial input signal followed by amplifier circuit passing it for further processing, then, it will be given to the microcontroller and their system will be activated, immediately buzzer will be on, at night time, flash light will be on and message will be sent to the farmer. continuous monitoring can be done because it works on solar panel. however, damages still occurred during storms, thunder and lightning which is still a risk of dangerous shocks to farmers. therefore, the development of an internet of things farmland intrusion detection system with automatic facial recognition module for effective security and safety of both crops and farm owners aimed at tackling the shortcomings pointed in the reviewed literatures has become imperative. iii. methods based on the proposed system architecture in figure 1, the rfid reader, camera, and buzzer are all connected to a microcontroller placed at the entrance of the farmland. the rfid tags unique identification number is configured with the staff information stored in the database. at the entry point vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 43 into the farm, the tag is brought closer to the reader for staff identification as the staff tag is cros schecked with the staff information in the database. while confirming staff id, the microcontroller will activate the camera to capture facial image of staff. the image is then fed into face recognition module for further prove of identification. this process is carried out simultaneously to prevent intruders using authorized tag into the farmland. if any of these actions should fail, an intruder alert message is sent to the administrator’s system or the farmer’s smart phone, and the buzzer will produce a loud irritation noise. figure 1. iot-based farmland intrusion detection system architecture. the the detection of an authorized person with a valid rfid is estimated using the frequency of signal reading received by the reader. the signal power measured at the receiving node (rfid reader) is known as rssi (received signal strength indicator), the rssi received is translated from reader’s antenna into frequency of signal reading which is displayed by the reader. the rssi transmission power for the person is expressed mathematically as: 𝑝(𝑅) = 𝑝(𝑇) − 10𝑛log( 𝑅 𝑇 ) − 𝐵 (1) 𝐵 = { 𝑞 ∗ 𝑝 𝑖𝑓 𝑞 < 𝑐 𝑐 ∗ 𝑝 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 (2) where n is the attenuation factor, p(t) is the signal power at the reference distance t, r is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver for the tag, q is the number of obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver, p is the attenuation factor of the farm, and c is the maximum number of obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver. the signal strength is converted into frequency of signal from the reader’s antenna and displayed by the reader. the transmission frequency increases with proximity of the rfid reader with the reference tag. the signal power in rssi is converted to distance by using the euclidean equation which is stated as: 𝐸 = √∑ (𝐴𝑛 − 𝐵𝑛 ) 2𝑁 𝑛=1 (3) vol. 2, no.2 | 44 where e is the relative position of the reference tag a and unknown tag b, a_n represents the signal strength of the reference tag, b_n is the signal strength of the unknown tag received on the reader, n is the number of times the measurement is taken. however, the microcontroller activates the camera to take snap shot of the person. captured images were preprocessed by way of image value normalization and feature extraction. image value normalization involves bringing images into a range of into a range of intensity value that is normal. this is achieved using equation (4) 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙 = 255 ∗ (𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙−𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛) (𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥−𝐼𝑚𝑖𝑛) (4) where 〖output〗_(channel )is the normalized image, input_channel is the image to be normalized, i_max is the maximum pixel value, and i_min is the minimum pixel value. thereafter, global features were extracted from normalized image using principal component analysis (pca). pca involves computing the eigenvalues λ and eigenvectors μ of the data correlation matrix c =x^t x, where x is an n*q data matrix of n number of samples and z features using equation (5): (𝐶 − 𝐼𝜆𝑖 )𝜇𝑖 = 0 | 𝑖 = 1,2,3, … , 𝑞 (5) where q is the total number of eigenvalues. the k numbers of eigenvectors μ having the largest eigenvalues λ were picked as principal components (pcs) based on a given threshold value as defined in equation (6) ∑ 𝜆𝑖 𝑘 𝑖=1 ∑ 𝜆𝑖 𝑞 𝑖=1 ∗ 100 > 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 (6) where threshold value specifies the percentage of information to be retained, k∈q represents the number of eigenvalues whose corresponding eigenvectors to be retained. pca extracted features were fed into cnn model for recognition. cnn takes the preprocessed input image vector x=(x_1, x_2,x_3,…,x_n ) with an assigned class c_l which are the images of farm staff. at the convolutional layer, images are convolved to extract features that forms feature maps f_m using equation (7) 𝑓𝑚= 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ(𝑤𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏) (7) where b represents the bias term, w represents weight matrix, and x_i is the input vector. thereafter, the feature maps f_m is passed to the max-pool layer where max-pooling operation is applied to each feature map to obtain the most significant features by selecting features with the maximum value as expressed in equation (8) 𝑓𝑚 = max {𝑓𝑚 } (8) where f_m represents the downsized features. the obtained features f_m is fed to the fully connected layer which contain the softmax function that will classify the image data as intrusive or nonintrusive as in the equation 9. 𝑦 = 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡 max(𝑤𝑜 𝑓𝑚 + 𝑏𝑜 ) (9) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 45 where y represents the output, w_o represents the output weight, and b_o represent the output bias. if the recognition model give a recognition rate below 70%, it triggers an irritation alarm and subsequently send alert to the administration’s system (base station) and the owner’s smart phone iv. results and discussions this section presents the implementation of the internet of things farm land intrusion detection system, using rfid technology and image recognition technique to prevent unauthorized person into the farmland, and a safe defensive mechanism using irritation noise to scare away intruders. rfid reader was mounted at the entrance of a farm to read the tags of farm workers for identification purpose. the microcontroller, the rfid reader, tags, the buzzer, the camera and application software which includes the user interface design. the tools used in the development of the software part are as follows: • personal computer with 64 bit operating system and processor intel® of 2.20ghz. • php, mysql, html, css and javascript programming languages. • xampp apache local server. • python programing language for the image recognition algorithm. a. user interface design a user interface is the portion of a program with which a user interacts with the computer system. the user interface of the farm land intrusion detection system contains: 1. login page this is the default page that appears when the application is launched. this page enables the farm owner to access its features. figure 2 shows the system interface. the system contains three major parts, farmers login, farmers face identity prediction, farm worker enrolment. they are shown below:can be presented with tables or figures. results and discussions must also interconnect with theory that used. avoid excessive use of citations and discussion of published literature figure 2. user interface design vol. 2, no.2 | 46 figure 3. signing in of a farm owner 2. farmer’s face identification prediction the image identity checking module contains an image upload module for uploading an image which would be used to check if the face is authorized to enter into the farm. the module activates when an object or a person attempts to enter into the farmland via the entrance points. this is to prevent the possibility of an intruder using a worker’s tag. figure 5 shows the identity checking module. figure 5. identity checking interface 3. farm worker enrolment the system takes the required data and save in the database, the system wait for the farm owners to click on proceed and then put the rfid tag close to the rfid reader. figure 6 shows the unique rfid tag number and the login details to be provided by the farm owners. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 47 figure 6. registration of a farm owner figure 7 shows the unique rfid tag number and the login details to be provided by the farm owners: figure 7. registration of a farm owner figure 8 shows the data of the farm owner has been successfully uploaded. vol. 2, no.2 | 48 figure 8. successful of a farm owner 4. face recognition with camera captured images will undergo different pre-process steps such as image value normalization, image enhancement, and feature extraction. figure 9. sample of pre-processed images vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 49 figure 10. scree plot for pca these are the output of the pre-processed images figure 11. pca reduced images figure 12 shows the face recognition operations indicating authorized and unauthorized farm owners. vol. 2, no.2 | 50 figure 12. face recognition operation figure 14 shows a layout of the system database showing farm owners that is been recognized by the system. figure 14. a layout of the system database vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 51 figure 15 shows typical messages sent to the farm owner’s mobile phone figure 15. sample of received message on farm owner’s mobile phone 5. evaluation confusion matrix table (shown in table 1) was used in this study to describe the performance of the recognition module on a set of test data for which the true values are known. in this study, 20 image test data were used of which 15 were authorized farm workers and 5 were regarded as intruders. the true positive (tp) represents the number of correctly detected intruders. true negative (tn) represents number of correctly recognized farmers. false positive (fp) represents the number of farmers that were incorrectly recognized as intruders, while false negative (fn) represents intruders that were incorrectly recognized as farmers. table 1. confusion matrix of system recognition module prediction class intruder farmer actual class intruder 4 1 farmer 2 14 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 4 + 13 4 + 12 + 2 + 1 = 0.9 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 4 4+2 = 0.7 vol. 2, no.2 | 52 recall = 4 4+1 = 0.8 the system shows a high level of effectiveness with an accuracy of 90%, precision of 70%, and 80% recall rate. 6. system performance and evaluation table 2 shows the comparison of recognition accuracy score of the developed system with existing farm intrusion detection systems, while table 4 depicts the comparison of the developed system with existing system using other metrics such as efficiency, technology used, operations performed by the system and platform used. table 2. comparison of recognition rate of developed system with existing systems performance metrics vinaya et al (2018) saieshwar et al. (2018) sachin et al., (2017 developed system. accuracy 87.35% 54.32% 82.5% 90% figure 17 is the chart showing the accuracy of the previous work and developed work. figure 17. accuracy chart v. conclusion this research has established an effective farmland intrusion detection system using rfid technology and image recognition technique to prevent unauthorized person into the farmland, and a safe defensive mechanism using irritation noise to scare away intruders. rfid reader was mounted at the entrance of a farm to read the tags of farm workers for identification purpose, therefore, the system proceeded by taking face images of the workers for further identification. the capture images were 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 vinaya a (2018) saieshwar (2018) sachin (2017) developed research system. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 53 preprocessed and salient features were extracted using pca algorithm. extracted features were fed into the recognition module driven by cnn for recognition. the system was implemented using programming language, and other packages such as flask 1.0, pytorch, mysql. the result of the system shows a recognition score of 90% accuracy, precision of 70% and 80% recall rate, while existing system shows the accuracy of 87.35%, 54.32% and 82.5% respectively. hence, with the objective of developing an iot farmland intrusion detection system using sensors and cnn, this research therefore has succeeded in controlling the rate of illegal encroachment into farmer’s farmland. references [1] abhinav v. d. 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in many functions related to the human body and if not functioned properly can affect the other parts too. predication of the disease at an earlier stage can help reduce the risk of severity. this paper implemented oversampling dataset, feature selecting attributes, and performance analysis for the improvement of the accuracy of classification of liver patients in 3 phases. in the first phase, the z-score normalization algorithm has been implemented to the original liver patient data-sets that has been collected from the uci repository and then works on oversampling the balanced dataset. in the second phase, feature selection of attributes is more important by using rfe feature selection. in the third phase, classification algorithms are applied to the data-set. finally, evaluation has been performed based upon the values of accuracy. thus, outputs shown from proposed classification implementations indicate that ann algorithm performs better than adaboost algorithm with the help of feature selection with a 92.77% accuracy. keywords: machine learning, classification, feature selection, rfe, ann, adaboost, and liver. abstrak hitungan penyakit hati adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling umum di seluruh dunia dan menjadi sangat umum akhir-akhir ini dan bisa berbahaya. penyakit hati meningkat di seluruh dunia karena berbagai faktor seperti konsumsi alkohol berlebihan, minum air yang terkontaminasi, makan makanan yang terkontaminasi, dan paparan udara yang tercemar. hati terlibat dalam banyak fungsi yang berkaitan dengan tubuh manusia dan jika tidak berfungsi dengan baik dapat mempengaruhi bagian lain juga. predikasi penyakit pada tahap awal dapat membantu mengurangi risiko keparahan. makalah ini mengimplementasikan dataset oversampling, atribut pemilihan fitur, dan analisis kinerja untuk peningkatan akurasi klasifikasi pasien hati dalam 3 fase. pada tahap pertama, algoritme normalisasi zscore telah diimplementasikan ke kumpulan data pasien hati asli yang telah dikumpulkan dari repositori uci dan kemudian bekerja pada oversampling kumpulan data yang seimbang. pada tahap kedua, pemilihan fitur atribut lebih penting dengan menggunakan pemilihan fitur rfe. pada fase ketiga, p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 86 algoritma klasifikasi diterapkan pada kumpulan data. akhirnya, evaluasi telah dilakukan berdasarkan nilai-nilai akurasi. dengan demikian, keluaran yang ditunjukkan dari implementasi klasifikasi yang diusulkan menunjukkan bahwa algoritma jst memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada algoritma adaboost dengan bantuan pemilihan fitur dengan akurasi 92,77%. kata kunci: pembelajaran mesin, klasifikasi, pemilihan fitur, rfe, ann, adaboost, dan liver i. introduction liver disease can be defined as liver inflammation that results from the actions of bacteria, or toxic materials so that liver doesn’t properly operate anymore. according to the reports that have been conducted by world health organization (who) 2005 there has been an estimate that 7.6 million patients had died from cancer and 84 million individuals would die over the next decade. this data had shown that the liver cancer represents 6th most widespread cancer type worldwide and it is the 3rd-largest death cause along with the development. it’s unavoidable that technology development and easier access to internet have made it easier to identify liver disease and become big supporters of dealing with special need illnesses [1]. machine learning (ml) represents an artificial intelligence (ai) part that allows the system to get knowledge without any explicit knowledge. the supervised algorithms take advantage of the human inputs and outputs for prediction accuracy and training process, which is why, they are utilized for a variety of the applications of classification. thus, ml application had extended to the health-care also. a very significant problem in the health-care is the rising numbers of the liver disease patients. liver is one of the most vital organs with some functionalities such as detoxification of chemicals, bile production, and productions of vital protein types for the blood clotting [2].feature selection has also been referred to as the instance selection, attribute selection, variable selection, data selection, feature construction, or feature extraction. it is utilized for the data reduction by redundant and removing irrelevant data for increasing data mining accuracy. feature selection chooses many relevant features from original features [3].classification has been defined as one of the crucial tasks in dm and ml, due to the fact that it is aimed at categorizing every instance in the dataset to distinctive groups on the basis of information that has been identified by its features. in addition to that, a major dm task is the data classification. it has been attempted to create classifier identifying diabetes at minimal cost and with optimal performance [4][5]. ii. literature review over the recent years, various researches have been performed to classify liver patients. s. jain et al. [6], proposed a paper based on the indian liver patient dataset that has a variety of symptoms for around 600 patients. this work is aimed at the evaluation of several intelligent technique outputs, such as k-nn, xgboost, support vector machines (svm), and decision tree with the ratio of the training set to testing set being 80% and 20% respectively. and results have shown that k-nn gives an accuracy of 64%, the svm model gives a 66% accuracy, the decision tree model gives an 81% accuracy, and xgboost gives an accuracy of 91%. g. jamila et al. [7], the proposed model for the prediction of liver cirrhosis sickness employed naive bayesian, classification and regression tree (cart), and svms with 10-fold cross-validation. accuracy, recall, precision, and f1 score were used for the evaluations of the model's performance. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 87 among all the strategies used in this study, svm technique produces the optimal results, with an accuracy of 73%, precision of 73%, recall of 100%, and f1 score of 84%. g. s. harshpreet kaur [8], this study has been based upon the prediction of the liver diseases with the use of ml algorithms. the prediction of the liver diseases involves many different levels of steps, such as: preprocessing, classification and feature extraction. in this paper, a hybrid classification approach has been suggested for the prediction of liver diseases, and data-sets have been collected from kaggle data-base of indian liver patient records. the suggested model was able to achieve a 77.58% accuracy. m. ghosh et al. [9], aimed at evaluating a number of the ml outputs, such as random forest, logistic regression, xgboost, svms, adaboost, decision tree and k-nn for prediction and diagnosis of the chronic liver disease. the algorithms of the classification have been assessed on the basis of different criteria of measurement, like the accuracy, f1 score, precision, recall, area under the curve (auc), and specificity. amongst algorithms, random forest exhibited superior performance in the prediction of liver diseases with 83.7% accuracy. n. nahar et al. [10], analyzed a new and efficient method of ensemble learning for classification of liver diseases, where 5 ensemble algorithms, namely adaboost, beggrep, logitboost, begg-j48, and random forest have been implemented and compared based on accuracy, fpr, rmse tpr, and roc curve. logitboost outperformed the rest of the ensemble methods, where its accuracy has been 71.53%. this paper has codified an effective process for diagnosing liver disease using deep learning giving it a web-based approach. the model attained an accuracy of 67.6 percent and this model predicts whether the user is having a liver disease or not. iii. materials and method fig.1. overall process of liver disease model a. dataset and attributes presently, there is a wide range of the data-sets related to liver diseases. in the present paper, ilpd has been utilized, it includes 583 rows and 2 classes. where 1st class is associated with the patient records (prs) of the liver disease and includes 416 records, the 2nd one is for the non-liver (pr) and consists of 167 records determined with the use of the summation of every sector field. fig1 illustrates the distribution of the data in data-set. in general, the data-set includes 11 columns for 142 females and 441 male patients. details have been listed in table1. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 88 table1. attributes of the dataset no attributes type range 1 age: patient age interval [4-90] 2 gender: patient gender nominal [femalemale] 3 tb: total bilirubin interval [0.40-75] 4 db: direct bilirubin interval [0.10-19.70] 5 alkphos: alkaline phosphotase interval [63-2,110] 6 sgpt alamine: amino-transferase interval [10-2,000] 7 sgot aspartate: amino-transferase interval [10-4,929] 8 tp: total protiens interval [2.70-9.60] 9 alb: albumin interval [0.90-5.50] 10 a/g ratio: ratio of albumin and globulin interval [0.30-2.80] 11 selector field * binary [1-2] fig. 1. the number of patients in the dataset b. dataset pre-processing pre-processing can be defined as a highly vital stage in ml classification as the cleaner the data, then the better are the result of classification tends to be [11]. the methods of preprocessing that have been applied in the model can be explained as: a. reducing noisy data: there are 2 data noise types in ml, which include: class noise and attribute noise. none-the-less, for the maximum accuracy in suggested model, the attribute noise is decreased for enhanced accuracy with the use of panda library. b. data transformation: which indicates the process of the reorganization or re-structuring of the raw data. it’s utilized for the purpose of transforming the raw data to proper format allowing the data mining to obtain the strategic information faster and in a more effective way. c. standard scalar: which transforms the data in a way that its distribution has an average value of 0 as well as a standard deviation that equals to 1. the aggregate functions conduct the operations on column values them return one value. c. oversampling oversampling refers to the random duplication of the minority class values. as we have already seen, the ipld dataset has 167 non-liver samples and 416 liver samples. therefore, it may suffer from imbalanced class distribution issue that the class of the majority may bias prediction. to overcome this problem, random oversampling is used to increase the majority of class samples. d. feature scaling feature scaling normalizes feature values in a pre-defined range. it’s a very vital step for building a machine learning model. it reduces the training time and sometimes helps to achieve faster 1 6 7 4 1 6 n o n l i v e r l i v e r vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 89 convergence for many machines learning. scaling using mean and standard deviation may suffer if a dataset contains too many outliers. we have used the z-score outlier detection technique to detect the outliers and handle those outliers using robust scaling. e. feature selection feature selection can be defined as the process of the selection of significant characteristics strongly associated with output from data-set for faster model training, decreased dimensionality, reduced complexity, improved accuracy and straightforward interpretation. significant bio-markers/variables have been obtained from records of clinical information and lab tests of the patients with the use of the ml and statistical data mining algorithms. the abovementioned preprocessing tools include packages allowing feature selection [12]. recursive feature elimination (rfe) rfe can be defined as feature selection approach of a wrapper type. internally, it utilizes filter-based approaches; none-the-less, it differs from filter method. it has 2 significant options of configuration, which include: i. it determines the number of the features that are to be chosen, ii. it sets ml algorithm in the feature selection. in initial case, it searches a sub-set of the features through the consideration of all of the features that are present in training data-set and eliminates features until the needed number of the features is left. in 2nd case, it utilizes an ml algorithm and ranks characteristics based on their significance. it discards least significant features then repeats model fitting steps. the entire process is repeated to the point where the stated number of the features is left [13]. f. dataset splitting the data-set is split to data for process analysis training and testing. in that, 80% of the data has been utilized for the training and 20% of it has been used for the testing. g. classification techniques classification is a model used to predict the future behavior of the data by classifying the records into predefined classes. in the classification, precise disease detection with the use of the testing and training dataset [14]. it proposed 2 ml models for building prediction. initially, the training data has been trained across 2 ml models, such as neural network and adaboost are predicted based on a trained model of learning, one by one, and after that, test the data. some of the parameters that include the precision, accuracy, and recall are finally compared with some algorithms that have been explained above. a. artificial neural network classifier an ann [15] is a simulation of the working of the biological neural networks. each one of the nodes has been modeled after a neuron, which is why, it is referred to as artificial neurons as well. an nn is made up of several layers, every one of which has a number of the nodes. the typical nn has been represented by fig2. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 90 fig2. diagram of a typical ann basically, there are 3 components in the typical ann: • input layer – one layer whose number of the nodes is dependent upon the input dimensions. the input layer applies a transform to nn’s input and passes that along as input to hidden layers. • output layer which is the last layer of an nn, the dimensions of which have been characterized by the output. this layer conducts a functionality on hidden layer’s output prior to the production of the results. • hidden layer those layers represent the algorithm’s crux. they conduct all of the calculations on input for the purpose of producing output. the work of those layers is not known. which is why, only weights and parameters that have been provided to those layers may be tweaked for the purpose of producing the needed results. a network becomes deeper with the increase of the number of the hidden layers. each one of the nodes in a network is referred to as a perceptron, which has been depicted in fig3. a perceptron is made up of 2 parts, which are: a sum of inputs and activation function on summation. a certain node takes weighted summation of its inputs then passes it to linear or nonlinear activation function. fig3. a diagram of the perceptron the equation for certain perceptron has been depicted by 1. weighted summation of inputs (x.w) is passed through activation function (f) besides bias value (b). it may be denoted as product of vector dot, where n represents the number of the inputs for each node. the activation function produces output prediction that has been provided as set of the inputs. bias term has been added to computation for the purpose of helping in the enhancement of the learning of the perceptron. z = f (b + x.w) = f (b + ∑ 𝑥𝑖 𝑤𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 ) (1) each perceptron utilizes step function as the activation function. in a set of the perceptron’s, which is ann (referred to as the multi-layer perceptron as well), each one of the layers may have a separate activation function. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 91 b. adaboost algorithm adaboost algorithm includes the use of very short (1-level) decision trees as weak learners added in a sequential manner to the set. every one of the consequent models tries correcting predictions that have been made by the model before it in a sequence. it combines several of the average or weak predictors for the purpose of building strong predictor [16]. h. performance measure performance measure of different machine learning algorithms is analyzed by considering measures such as [17]. • confusion matrix the confusion matrix is a table used in performance measures that helps in easy visualization as well as in distinguishing true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives. • accuracy accuracy measure is calculated by considering the ratio of the observations that have been correctly predicted to total number of the observations. accuracy = 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁 (2) • precision it represents the percentage of true positives out of all the predictions. precision = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑃 (3) • sensitivity out of the total positive, what percentage are predicted positive. sensitivity = 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁 (4) • specificity – it represents true negative rate which is the proportion of the negative tuples which have been identified correctly. specificity = 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃 (5) iv. results and discussion on the implementation of algorithms that have been mentioned in previous section, the following results have been obtained: table1. confusion matrix actual / predicted normal abnormal normal tp fn abnormal fp tn table 2. confusion matrix of ann without rfe feature selection actual / predicted normal abnormal normal 15 3 abnormal 5 60 table 3. confusion matrix of ann with rfe feature selection actual / predicted normal abnormal normal 16 1 abnormal 5 61 table 4. performance measure of ann model without and with rfe feature selection model accuracy precision sensitivity specificity ann without 90.36% 75% 83.3% 92.3% vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 92 rfe ann with rfe 92.77% 76.1% 94.1% 92.4% table 5. confusion matrix of adaboost without rfe feature selection actual / predicted normal abnormal normal 12 5 abnormal 6 60 table 6. confusion matrix of adaboost with rfe feature selection actual / predicted normal abnormal normal 13 4 abnormal 5 61 table 7. performance measure of adaboost model without and with rfe feature selection model accuracy precision sensitivity specificity adaboost without rfe 86.74% 66.6% 70.5% 90.9% adaboost with rfe 89.15% 72.2% 76.4% 92.4% fig. 4. show accuracy of ann and adaboost models without and with rfe feature selection fig. 4. accuracy of ann and adaboost models v. conclusions this work presented a model for prediction of liver disease occurrence probability. the analyses and evaluations of suggested model have shown that it’s highly sufficient and easy to utilize and implement. two ml algorithms have been applied to ilpd data-set for classified liver patients. in the data preprocessing issue of imbalanced class distribution, an oversampling technique (random over sampling) is used, and used the z-score outlier detection technique to detect the outliers and handle those outliers using robust scaling. then applied rfe feature selection specifies the number of characteristics to be chosen is used for achieving better performance and for achieving an enhanced result, we have applied ann and adaboost algorithms. from the analysis of experimental results, the ann algorithm has achieved the highest accuracy of 92.77%. 0,82 0,84 0,86 0,88 0,9 0,92 0,94 ann without rfe ann with rfe adboost without rfe adboost with rfe accuracy models vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 93 references [1] h. hartatik, m. b. tamam, and a. setyanto, “prediction for diagnosing liver disease in patients using knn and naïve bayes algorithms,” 2020 2nd int. conf. cybern. intell. syst. icoris 2020, pp. 1–5, 2020, doi: 10.1109/icoris50180.2020.9320797. 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nearest neighbor (knn) algorithm of this study to analyze customer satisfaction of camera tenants. in this study price, facilities, services and loyalty are input attributes of customer satisfaction. satisfied and dissatisfied is the result of the output. increasing customer satisfaction and increasing profits on cikarang camera rentals is the aim of this research. this study using the knn algorithm obtained accuracy = 98%, recall classification = 86.67%, classification accuracy = 100% and auc = 0.750. it is expected that the results of this study can be used as a reference for building applications that can facilitate companies in obtaining information about customer satisfaction. keywords—datamining, classification, knn algorithm, customer satisfaction. abstrak—customer kepuasan pelanggan merupakan tujuan perusahaan dalam memberikan layanan kepada pelanggannya. sewa kamera cikarang berkomitmen untuk kepuasan pelanggan. dengan menggunakan algoritma k-nearest neighbor (knn) penelitian ini untuk menganalisa kepuasan pelanggan penyewa kamera. dalam penelitian ini harga, fasilitas, layanan dan loyalitas merupakan atribut masukan kepuasan pelanngan . puas dan tidak puas merupakan hasil outputnya. meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan meningkatkan laba pada sewa kamera cikarang adalah tujuan penelitiian ini. penelitian ini dengan menggunakan algoritma knn mendapatkan akurasi = 98%, klasifikasi recall = 86,67%, ketepatan klasifikasi = 100% dan auc = 0,750. diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan untuk membangun aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan perusahaan dalam memperoleh informasi tentang kepuasan pelanggan. kata kunci— pengumpulan data, klasifikasi, algoritma knn, kepuasan pelanggan. i. introduction a. introduction along with the high level of human activity to meet the needs and needs of daily life, humans need to release their fatigue with a vacation. then it needs to be supported with a camera to capture the moment of his vacation. but not everyone has a camera that is good enough to capture the holidays. public awareness of the elements of service that can be provided by companies is increasing due to advances in education and a more prosperous economy, as well as the development of science and technology. the importance of service quality provided by service companies and in the form of goods is increasingly being realized by consumers. each consumer's assessment of the quality of services / services varies depending on how consumers expect the quality of the service / service based on experience [1]. achieving success in a service business, customer satisfaction must be the basis of management decisions, so management must make increasing customer satisfaction a fundamental goal. in order to provide quality services, the company must continually improve the quality of its human resources and the equipment it leases. this step is important to improve services from time to time. people who judge whether or not the quality of service is called a consumer. by comparing the services they receive with the services they expect consumers can judge the service. consumers who are satisfied with the services provided by a company will make these consumers come back again to use the company's services again. companies that have loyal customers because the company can satisfy their customers. word of mouth promotion without coercion regarding the services it has received will be carried out by loyal consumers [4]. tight competition must be faced by companies in the increasingly rapid development of the business world. the customers he has by the company are expected to be maintained forever. to realize this, it is not something that is easily climatic, as business competition is very tight at the moment considering that there are rapid changes that can occur at any time such as changes in customers, competitors or changes in broad conditions that are always dynamic. this requires policy makers to develop a strategy that is able to achieve sales growth targets, increase the company's market share, and achieve capabilities as the basis for sustainable growth. [1]. the tight competition must be faced by the company in the rapid development of the business world. in general, there are many ways to maintain customers forever, in a very tight mailto:sutan.faisal@ubpkarawang 28 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) business competition it is very difficult to realize it given the many changes that can occur at any time. such as changes in customers. competitors and changes in broad conditions that always change dynamically. this makes policy makers to continue to develop a strategy that can achieve the goals of rental growth, increase market share, and the achievement of capabilities as a basis for sustainable growth [16]. b. definition of data minning data mining is data mining that has long been taken from several series of activities when viewed from the point of view, according to [5]. data mining is an integrated data analysis process that consists of a series of actions based on the definition of the objectives to be analyzed, with data analysis and interpretation of the results. in recent years data mining has attracted the attention of the public and the world of information systems, because useful information in the form of knowledge generated from large data is needed. applications ranging from market analysis, fraud detection, and customer retention, to production control and exploration science are generated from information and knowledge. [7]. according to [5], data mining has the following stages of the process: 1. defining goals for analysis the clearest statement of the problem and the achieved goals are the most important in the correct formulation of the analysis. determining the method to be used is one of the most difficult parts of the process. there must be no room for doubt or uncertainty and clear goals must. 2. selection, organization, and preliminary treatment data the collection or selection of data needed to be analyzed is done after the objectives are analyzed and identified. the ideal source of data is theata's backup company, a "storage room" of historical data that is no longer used. if there is no data storage, the data market can be created by matching different corporate data sources. 3. exploration of data analysis and transforming it at this stage involves an initial exploration analysis of data, which is very similar to thetechnique online analytical process (olap). transformation of the original variables to better understand the phenomena or statistical methods used are carried out at this stage. to highlight anomalous data, different data from other data is used in the analysis of exploration. 4. specifications of statistical methods statistical methods can be used, as well as many available algorithms, so it is possible to classify already available methods. the choice of method used to prepare the analysis depends on the problem being studied or the type of data available. different methods are edited into two main classes according to different stages of data analysis, in particular: a. descriptive method to describe groups of data in a concise manner is the main goal of the method. there is no descriptive hypothesis between the available variables. included in this group are the association method, loglinearmodel, graphical model). b. prediction method the purpose of this class method is to describe one or more variables that are performed by finding classification or prediction rules based on the data. these rules help to predict or classify one or more answers or future variables of the target variables in relation to what is happening with the explanatory or input variable. included in this method are neural networks, decision trees, and linear and logistic regression models. 5. data analysis based on the method chosen, which will then be applied to the statistical method to be used then translating into the appropriate algorithm to get the required results based on available data. 6. evaluation of the methods used and comparison for the analysis of the final model selection 7. commentary on the selected model and its use in the decision-making process. c. clasification and prediction classification and prediction is a method that can make smart decisions. researchers have now proposed a number of classifications and forecasting methods for machine learning, pattern recognition, statistical research. in this study, we focus on classifying methods in data mining as part of the machine learning process. the form of data analysis that can be used to extract models to predict future trends in data to be predicted is the classification and prediction of data mining. the classification process is divided into two stages, first the learning process in which the classification algorithm is used to analyze training data. is, the results of the presentation of the learning model or classifier in the form of classification rules, the two phases of the classification process, estimating the accuracy of the classification model or classifier from the test data. if the accuracy is accepted, the model is applied to find out the predicted results of new data. bayesian methods, bayesian networks, algorithm-based rules, neural networks, vector machine support, mining rules associations, k-nearest neighbors, case-based reasoning, genetic algorithms, rough sets and fuzzy logic are the classification techniques used. focusing the nearest neighbor (knn) k algorithm in this study. d. data minning methods the idea of people already having knowledge in the process of classifying management has already been widely used. but talking about taxonomy (tassein = classify + nomos = science, law) its use as a science of grouping living organisms (alpha taxonomy) at first ,has since become a general science group, including the principle of classification (taxonomic schemes). thus, classification (taxonomy) processes the placement of an object (concept) based on a number of categories, each object (concept) based on ownership. [6]. four basic components for the classification process: 1. class: the dependent variable of the model is the categorical variable to represent the 'label' that uses the object after its classification. examples of lessons are: heart attack, customer loyalty, stellar lesson (galaxy), earthquake lesson (storm), etc. 29 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 2. predictors: classification of data and based on the classification made from the model represented by the characteristics (attributes) which are independent variables. examples of such predictors are: smoking, drug consumption, blood sugar, sales frequency, sex status, satellite images, geological record, and wind speed direction, season, etc. 3. training dataset the data used for the 'training' model to recognize according to class, based on predictions available from the two two component data values before. 4. testing the dataset: contains new data classifications based on the model built on, and classifications that are accurate (model performance) so they can be evaluated [6]. a. there are no other attributions in the separate post b. there are no records inbranch an empty e, k neighrest neighbor k-nearest neighbor (knn) is included in the instancebased learning group. this algorithm is also one of thetechniques lazy learning. knn searches the k group of objects in the training data that is closest (similar) to the object in new data or testing data (similar) to the object in new data ordata testing [15]. case in point, for example it is desirable to find a solution to the problem of a new patient by using a solution from an old patient. to find solutions from new patients, closeness to old patient cases is used, solutions from old cases that have closeness to new cases are used as a solution. there were new patients and 4 old patients, namely p, q, r, and s (figure 2). . when there is a new patient, the solution is taken from the case of the elderly patient who has the greatest kinship. fig. 1 ilustrasi knn for example, d1 distance between new patients and patient p, d2 distance between new patients and sick q, d3 distance between new patients and sick r, d4 distance between new patients and patient s. the picture shows that d2 is closest to the new case. thus, the patient q solution will be used as a solution for the new patient. (henny leidiyana, 2013) euclidean distance and manhattan distance (city block distance) are ways to measure the proximity between new data and old data (training data), the most commonly used is euclidean distance. [2], namely: where a = a1, a2, ..., an, and b = b1, b2, ..., bn represents the n attribute values of the two records. for attributes with category values, measurements with euclidean distance do not match. instead, the following functions are used [10]: different (a, b) {0 if ai = bi = 1 besides where ai and bi are the category values. if the attribute value between the two records being compared is the same, the distance value is 0, the meaning is similar, on the contrary, if it is different then the value of proximity is 1, it means it is not similar at all. for example the color attribute with red and red values, the value of proximity is 0, if red and blue then the value of proximity 1. normalization is done if measuring the distance from attributes that have large values, such as income attributes. normalization can be done with min-max normalization or z-score standardization [10]. if thedata training consists of a mixture of numerical and category attributes, the use of min-max normalization is preferred [10]. to calculate the similarity of cases, a formula is used [9]: note: p = new cases q = cases in storage n = number of attributes in each case i = individual attributes between 1 to n f = function similarity attribute i between cases p and case q w = weight given to i attribute e. evaluation and validation of data mining prediction methods in this study cross validation, confusion matrix, and roc (curvesreceiver operating haracteristic) curve methods are used for evaluation and validation. 1. cross validation to predict the error rate standard testing is done. in getting the overall error rate, the training data is randomly divided into several parts with the same comparison then the error rate is calculated section by section, then calculate the average for all error rates 2. confusion matrix table 2.1 is the method used, one class is considered positive and the other negative, if the dataset consists of only two classes. percentage of accuracy of data records that are classified correctly after testing the classification results is the result of evaluation with a confusion matrix that has accuracy, precison, and recall.accuracy values [7]. the proportion of positive predicted cases that are also true positive on the actual data is called precision or confidence. the proportion of true positive cases that is correctly predicted correctly is called recall or sensitivity. [12]. table 1 model conflusion matrix correct classification classified as + + true positives false negatives false positives true negatives 30 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) true positive is the number of positive records that are classified positively, false positive is the number of negative records that are classified positively, false negative is the number of positive records classified as negative, true negative is the number of negative records classified as negative, then enter the test data. to get the amount of sensitivity (recall), specifity, precision, and accuracy enter the value of the test data into the confusion matrix. sensitivity is used to compare the number of t_pos to the number of positive records, while the comparison of the number of t_neg to the number of negative records is used precision. the equation below is used to calculate it 7]: sensitifity = 𝑡_𝑝𝑜𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑠 (3.0) specifity = 𝑡_𝑛𝑒𝑔 𝑛𝑒𝑔 precision = 𝑡_𝑝𝑜𝑠 𝑡_𝑝𝑜𝑠+𝑓_𝑝𝑜𝑠 accuracy = sensitivity pos + (pos+neg) specifity neg (pos+neg) remarks: t_pos = number of true positives t_neg = number of true negative p = number of record positives n = number of tuples negatives f_pos = number of false positives 3. roc curve accuracy and visually comparing classifications can be demonstrated by the roc curve. confusion matrix specified by the roc. two-dimensional graphics with horizontal lines as false positives and vertical lines as true positive are called roc (vercellis, 2009). to measure the difference in performance the method used is generated from the calculation of the area under curve (auc). the formula used by auc θr = 1 mn ∑ ∑ ψmi=1 n j=1 (xt r, xjr) where : 𝟁(x,y) = { 1 𝑌 < 𝑋 1 2 𝑌 = 𝑋 0 𝑌 > 𝑋 description: x = positive output y = negative output ii. method in this study using rapidminer studio 9.0 testing tools, using the following methodology: fig. 2 methodology used a. dataset is a collection of data, a database table represented by a dataset, or it could be a data matrix where each particular variable is represented by a column, the amount of data is represented by a row. the retrieve operator loads the rapidminer object into the process used in this research. exampleset, but can also be a collection or a model. data is retrieved this way as well as meta data from the rapidminer object. b. validation the operator used to perform simple validation randomly divides exampleset into a training set to set the test and evaluate the model. split validation to estimate the performance of the learning operator (usually in an invisible data set) is performed by this operator. in practice, it will be shown how accurate a model estimate (learned by certain learning operators). c. knn algorithm in this study an experiment was carried out using the classification method of decamination tree datamining knn algorithm on customer satisfaction questionnaire data on cikarang camera rental. data will be processed using the knn algorithm and produce a model, then the resulting model will be tested cross validation which produces accuracy, precision, recall and auc. d. apply model learning algorithm which is the first model trained on exampleset by other operators. after that, this model can be applied to another exampleset called apply model. to get predictions on data that are not visible or to transform data by applying the preprocessing model is the goal of applying the model. the model attribute must be compatible with exampleset where the model is applied. exampleset apply the model must have the same number, sequence, type, and role attributes as exampleset used to generate the model. e. performance the the operator is used to evaluate the statistics of a binomial classification task, ie a classification task whose 31 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) label attribute has a binomial type. this operator provides a list of performance criterion values from the binomial classification task. measure the results of this study using a confusion matrix (accuracy, recall classification, classification accuracy) and the roc curve. iii. results and discussion a. data set analysis results the data set used is the customer satisfaction questionnaire data set for cikarang camera rental, this data set contains data information about customer satisfaction questionnaires regarding prices, facilities, services and loyalty. the total data in this data set is 100 records, each of which has 10 attributes including: 1. no (integers, roles: id) 2. name (polynominals) 3. price x1 (integers) 4. facility x2 (integers) 5. services x3 (integers) 6. loyalty x4 (integers) 7. results (binomials: satisfied & dissatisfied) from the attribute data set above (1 to 7) the training & test process will be carried out using the 10 fold cross validation method, while the 7th attribute will be the target of the results of the classification process. and here we will try to analyze the difference between accuracy and error obtained by comparing the predicted results and results. fig. 3 10 fold cross validation the questionnaire can be illustrated below: fig. 4. questionnaire form data that has been processed using ms excel fig. 5. data questionnaire that has been processed b. experiment and evaluation results in this experiment there are 7 attributes which will be trained and 2 values that indicate the target (classification) on the 7th attribute, which means the knn algorithm is initialized, 6 input attributes and 1 output attribute. the results of this study are: 1. confusion matrix table number of true puas (tp) is 124 records classified as true positive 124 records and false negative (fn) of 0 records . next 26 records for true dissatisfaction (ttp) are classified as true positive 23 records and false negative as many as 3 records. 2. pervormance vector no nama harga x1 fasilitas x2 pelayanan x3 loyalitas x4 hasil 1 anwar 6 4.33 4.00 3.50 puas 2 maulana 6 4.33 4.00 3.50 puas 3 budiman 5 4.33 3.75 3.50 puas 4 geofany 5 4.33 3.75 3.00 puas 5 fiki ananda 5 4.33 3.75 3.00 puas 6 haryanto 2 3.00 3.00 2.50 tidak puas 7 rizky narezka 5 4.33 4.25 3.75 puas 8 aditia 5 4.00 4.50 3.75 puas 9 agil 5 4.33 3.75 4.00 puas 10 fadilah 3 3.00 3.75 2.75 tidak puas 11 purwati 5 4.33 3.50 3.75 puas 12 nurhajjah 5 3.67 3.50 4.25 puas 13 umay 5 4.67 4.00 3.50 puas 14 jesica 3 3.67 3.25 2.75 tidak puas 15 krismonga 5 4.00 3.50 3.50 puas 16 marzuki 3 3.00 2.75 2.75 tidak puas 17 akbar 3 3.67 2.50 2.50 tidak puas 32 | vol.1 no.2, 10 july 2020 buana information tchnology and computer sciences (bit and cs) 3. roc curve iv. conclusion the classification method using the knn algorithm is very good for determining the correctness of classification in data mining. evidenced by the results of accuracy = 98%, classification recall = 86.67%, classification precision = 100% and auc = 0.750. references [1] abdul rohman, model algoritma k nearest neighbour (knn) 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[16] tan s, kumar p, steinbach m. 2005. introduction to data mining. addison wesley. paper title (use style: paper title) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 63 saubhagya: an online food donation platform for ending hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka g.h.t.r. irushika1, j.j. sathsara2, k.v.m. wijesinghe3, d. i. de silva4, p.k.i. udeshika5, r.r.p. de zoysa6 1,2,3,4,5,6department of information technology sri lanka institute of information technology new kandy rd, malabe, sri lanka,,,, 5, 6 abstract hunger and malnutrition continue to be significant challenges in developing nations, including sri lanka. to address this issue, the research paper presents "saubhagya," an online web application that provides a platform for social assistance. the platform allows individuals to donate food and groceries to needy organizations such as blind, deaf, orphanages, making it a user-friendly and effective solution. users are required to register as food donators, needy people(organizations), partners and food collection agents. the system connects these user groups when necessary, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. one unique feature of "saubhagya" is its live capability of tracking food collection and delivery using gps and google maps. this feature ensures that food donations are delivered to the right organizations promptly, promoting transparency, accountability, and communication among users. the research paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of "saubhagya" in reducing hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka through user feedback and system performance metrics. if successful, the platform can be scaled to other developing nations facing similar challenges. this research demonstrates the potential of digital platforms in addressing social and environmental challenges. by leveraging technology, collective action can be harnessed to create positive social impact. "saubhagya" represents a significant step forward in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, and it is hoped that it can inspire others to use technology to address pressing global issues. keywords : food donation management, hunger and malnutrition, food insecurity, donator, food donation web application abstrak kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi terus menjadi tantangan yang signifikan di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk sri lanka. untuk mengatasi masalah ini, makalah penelitian menghadirkan "saubhagya", sebuah aplikasi web online yang menyediakan platform untuk bantuan sosial. platform ini memungkinkan individu untuk menyumbangkan makanan dan belanjaan ke organisasi yang membutuhkan seperti tunanetra, tuli, panti asuhan, menjadikannya solusi yang ramah pengguna dan efektif. pengguna diharuskan mendaftar sebagai donatur pangan, orang (organisasi) yang membutuhkan, mitra dan agen pengumpul pangan. sistem menghubungkan kelompok pengguna ini bila diperlukan, memastikan proses yang lancar dan efisien. salah satu fitur unik "saubhagya" adalah kemampuannya melacak pengumpulan dan pengiriman makanan secara langsung menggunakan gps dan google maps. fitur ini memastikan bahwa donasi makanan dikirimkan ke organisasi yang tepat dengan segera, mempromosikan transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan komunikasi antar pengguna. makalah penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan "saubhagya" dalam mengurangi kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi di sri lanka melalui umpan balik pengguna dan metrik kinerja sistem. jika berhasil, platform tersebut dapat ditingkatkan ke negara berkembang lainnya yang menghadapi tantangan serupa. penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi platform digital dalam mengatasi tantangan sosial dan lingkungan. dengan memanfaatkan teknologi, tindakan kolektif dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menciptakan dampak sosial yang positif. "saubhagya" p-issn : 2715-2448 | e-issn : 2715-7199 vol.4 no.2 july 2023 buana information technology and computer sciences (bit and cs) vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 64 merupakan langkah maju yang signifikan dalam memerangi kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi, dan diharapkan dapat menginspirasi orang lain untuk menggunakan teknologi guna mengatasi masalah global yang mendesak. kata kunci : pengelolaan donasi pangan, kelaparan dan gizi buruk, kerawanan pangan, donor, aplikasi web donasi pangan i. introduction hunger and malnutrition are critical challenges faced by developing nations worldwide. despite significant economic development and increased agricultural output, starvation and malnutrition continue to be major obstacles in many countries, often due to environmental degradation, drought, and loss of biodiversity. sri lanka is one such country facing these issues. to address the problem of hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka, this research paper presents "saubhagya," an online web application that provides a platform for social assistance. the platform allows individuals to donate food and groceries to needy organizations such as blind, deaf, orphanages, and more. the goal of this platform is to address the issue of hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka by providing an efficient and user-friendly solution. the problem statement of this research is to address the issue of hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka. the significance of this research lies in the potential of digital platforms to address social and environmental challenges, particularly in developing nations. the research questions for this study are: how effective is "saubhagya" in reducing hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka?, what are the user feedback and system performance metrics of the "saubhagya" platform?, how can "saubhagya" be scaled to other developing nations facing similar challenges?, the remaining sections of this paper will discuss the design and implementation of "saubhagya," the evaluation of its effectiveness, and its potential impact on addressing hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka and other developing nations. the paper concludes by highlighting the significance of digital platforms in addressing global issues and the potential for future research in this area. ii. litreture review hunger and malnutrition are persistent problems in many developing nations, including sri lanka. a growing body of research indicates that digital platforms can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by facilitating efficient food donation systems. one study [1] found that digital platforms can help bridge the gap between food waste and food insecurity by providing a direct link between food donors and needy organizations. the study highlighted the importance of technology in reducing food waste and alleviating hunger. similarly, a study [2] suggested that digital platforms can be effective in addressing malnutrition by enabling real-time tracking and monitoring of food distribution. the study found that digital platforms increased the efficiency and transparency of food distribution, leading to improved nutritional outcomes. other studies have highlighted the role of digital platforms in promoting social and environmental sustainability. for instance, a study [3] emphasized the importance of digital platforms in reducing food waste and promoting sustainable consumption practices. overall, the literature suggests that digital platforms have great potential in addressing social and environmental challenges, including hunger and malnutrition. "saubhagya" represents an innovative application of digital technology in addressing the problem of hunger in sri lanka, and it is hoped that this research will contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the effectiveness of digital platforms in social and environmental problem-solving. iii. related work 1. share the meal’ donation and fundraising application 'share the meal' is a contribution and fundraising online application [4] that allows users to give money to purchase a meal for someone in need. there are also fundraisers set up to assist people and to promote sustainable agriculture. users can give money for a single meal, with a minimum donation of $0.80 usd. the problem with this service is that users may only contribute money to others in order to buy a meal; they cannot personally contact the individual and assist them. 2. food donation connection’ food wastage management application 'food donation connection' is a website [5] that handles extra food and distributes it to those in need. 'food donation connection' organizes food donation programs for restaurants interested in donating food. donors vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 65 receive financial rewards through tax savings, as well as engagement in community and business reputation, as part of the charity process. the issue with this application is that only restaurants may be donors, and they must also collaborate with a charitable organization. 3. application for reducing food waste in india (no food waste) it is a food collection and waste management network [6] that gathers excess food from individuals and companies and distributes it to those in need. they even gather food from celebrations such as weddings, parties, and other special occasions. the group only needs a phone call with the location, and they will come and pick up the food. they also have a transport vehicle called 'foodiva,' which was designed just for collecting leftovers. 4. application for reducing food waste in india (no food waste) food insecurity affects around 34 million individuals in the united states [7]. 'feeding america' is an organization that connects people with food banks, food pantries, and local food programs. it is beneficial to link with local food banks so that people may find their location and pick up some food. donors can also find out where food banks are located and give food to them. the application is only accessible in the united states. iv. methodology saubhagya: food donation web application" is made up of the following components: react, a frontend javascript toolkit for developing web apps; mongodb, a document-based open-source database; and nodejs is a javascript runtime environment, and express is a nodejs web application framework. figure 1: mern stack development architecture figure 1 depicts the essential components of a full stack application. a full stack application is made up of two major components: the frontend and the backend. the code that shows the application in the user's browser is typically referred to as the frontend. the backend is made up of all the logic that represents the program executing on servers and connecting to the database. the frontend is often built with reactjs. everything related to showing data to the user, re-rendering objects in the browser using dom elements, and furthermore is written by the developer. all http requests from the frontend are handled by the backend server, which also loads data from the database. the database is a location where all of the data from the application is saved in schemas.the frontend of the saubhagya web application is reactjs [8]. react is a popular javascript library for creating user interfaces. it is one of the quickest and most versatile javascript libraries for developing apps, and it has a large community to assist fellow developers if they run into any issues. reactjs allows developers to design applications based on components. developers split the whole user interface into reusable components since programmers break down difficult code into smaller bits. the various components are subsequently merged into parent components, which are then displayed. to study reactjs, programmers must have a fundamental understanding of html [9], css [10], and javascript [11]. html is utilized in the creation of web applications. it is equivalent to the human body's skeleton. css is an abbreviation for cascading style sheet. it is used to create and style websites, and it allows developers to employ colors, fonts, and a variety of other aesthetic options. javascript, a text-based computer language that can be used on both the client and server sides, may be used to create interactive web pages. after being acquainted with these web development languages, programmers must understand npm. npm is a package manager for node.js. it is used to add node modules and packages to the project. fundamental reactjs concepts such as component architecture, state, props functional component, class, and how to integrate api with react app, among others, are required when creating a reactjs-based web application. react router will assist vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 66 developers in loading specified interface material and redirecting to certain sites. server render and webpack assist developers in keeping dependencies in a project's static file. loaders in webpack assist to conduct certain tasks in the project. figure 2: nodejs: what is nodejs for figure 2 shows that nodejs [12] is neither a language nor a framework. it is a javascript runtime that is free and open source. the javascript engine, like nodejs, executes code in the runtime environment, although it contains certain extra server-side modules. because nodejs is developed in c, c++, and javascript, it is highly quick and has excellent performance. nodejs has a lot of functionality, which is why it can run javascript code on the server. figure 3: restful api using node.js and express.js expressjs [13] is a nodejs framework built for fast and simply creating apis, online applications, and cross-platform mobile apps. it has excellent performance; it is quick, light, and unopinionated. express does not compel programmers to create code in a specific way. expressjs is a scripting language for the server. if programmers must develop a rest api, expressjs will shorten the time required to code. that is why the expressjs framework for nodejs was created. this is seen in figure 3. mongodb [14] is a document-oriented, no-sequence database (nosql). it was originally made accessible in august 2009. when it comes to relational data structures, mongodb substitutes documents for the rows that are common in such models. because of its adaptability, developers can deal with evolving data models. mongodb supports embedded documents, arrays, and other document-based capabilities and may define complex hierarchical connections with a single record. the document is schema-free since the defined keys are not fixed. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 67 large-scale data transfers are thus out of the question. before beginning with backend implementation, programmers must install the necessary applications. 1. vs code or a similar editor 2. the most recent node.js version 3. api postman creating frontend install node and npm first to rapidly set up a development environment for the application. visit the nodejs website and download version 18.15.0 lts. the frontend of the project may now be created by developers. the command run "create-react-app saubhagya-web-application" may be used for this. this will create a folder and install the packages required to run react in that folder. within that folder, type npm start, and a local server will be launched. creating backend 1. make a new folder and name it, then open it in vs code and run the command "npm init -y" to start the project. 2. in the terminal, type "npm i cors dotenv express mongoose" to install the dependencies. 3. modify the server.js file's main entry point. 4. make the folders database, controllers, models, and routers. figure 4 depicts the previously described folder arrangement. figure 4: folder structure of the backend 5. replace the scripts with the ones displayed in figure 5. figure 5: backend package.json file 6. to begin the server, programmers must import express, then configure the app with express(), create a get function for the endpoint "http://localhost:3000" with app.get(), and set the port to 3001. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 68 7. run the nodemon server with the command "npm run dev." if the server starts properly, the terminal should display "server is running on port 3000." 8. copy the mongodb url from the database and put it into the.env file. replace and with the database's login and password. 9. open the database folder's index.js file and import mongoose, the database url from the .env file, construct the database connection function for connecting to the database, export the method, and call it in the server.js file. 10. in the models folder, create different files that specify the database schemas for the services we provide in this application, such as boarding schema, product schema, and etc. 11. define the end point methods, such as create, update, delete, and retrieve methods, and etc. 12. include the route end points in the server.js file. 13. use the postman api to test the newly generated end points [15]. tools used for the implementation azure board [16] is one of the key azure devops services that is used in a project to track work with kanban boards, making it simpler to finish tasks as a team. when programmers utilize azure devops, they will have an azure board on which they may construct and configure a kanban board. a kanban board contains information on all of the work items that developers will deliver or work on in a certain project. it is simple to manage and work on items in the project backlog using the azure board. the backlog will contain all of the tasks that must be completed in the current or forthcoming sprint. azure boards will also give a variety of reports. as the project progresses, developers must update their tasks and features on the kanban board. azure boards are great for task management and tracking because they give a clear image of work completed/being completed by team members. github [17] is a web-based graphical user interface hosting service. github enables team members to communicate, track, and update their work while working on the project from any place. as a result, projects remain open and on schedule. the team can stay organized and on the same page by using github. pull requests on github help teams evaluate, improve, and suggest new code. implementations and recommendations can be addressed before making modifications to the source code. sonarqube [18] simply scans through a developer's code and discovers errors early on. it is an open-source static testing analysis application. it is used by developers to maintain the uniformity and quality of their source code. code quality checks look for potential defects, design inefficiencies caused by code errors, duplication of code, insufficient test coverage, and other concerns. selenium [19] is a free (open source) automated testing framework for web applications that runs across several browsers and platforms. selenium's major focus is on web-based application automation. selenium is a collection of tools that each target a different aspect of an enterprise's testing needs. v. proposed system the proposed system "saubhagya” is an online web-based system that serves as a platform for people who want to donate food to those in-need with the goal of zero hunger in sri lanka. this proposed system will eliminate all disadvantages of the current food donation systems and benefit all users. the basic prerequisite to use this web application is a smartphone. the system has four types of users and this system has a unique software engineering feature. the users are, 1. needy people 2. donators 3. partners 4. delivery agents the unique feature of this system is that, the live capability of tracking food collection and delivery using gps and google maps. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 69 figure 6: home page-saubhagya all the four types of users should login or register with the system to utilize saubhagya. needy people needy people is a key user of the system. they can present their organization in the system to obtain food donation via the system. needy people organizations are viewed many donators who visit the web application. initially, needy people must register their organization in the system. they should provide details such as organization name, address, contact number, email, number of children, number of adults, meals, food preferences, other required necessities and organizational logo. figure 7: use case diagram of needy people the above use case [figure 7] shows the needy people functional activities. these are the basic functionalities that needy people can operate in the web-based system. needy people can post requests of food to obtain it from the donators. also, the donators can send food donation requests to the needy people. there needy people can accept or decline the food donate requests through the system. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 70 figure 8: needy people make food request needy people can do all the curd operations through the system [figure 8]. such as insert the organization to the system. update the organization details, view or delete organization from the system. search other needy people organizations. generate reports on food requests. when considering the advantages of the system for needy people, saubhagya is a life savior for the needy people because physical food donation programs are not happening as expected. to get rid of that problem, this online food donation platform for the needy people is the ideal option to eliminate hunger in sri lanka. because, multiple food donators can connect with this platform. donators the key resource of this system is the donors. they give food and other necessities to those in need. donators might donate for the food requests raised by the needy people. additionally, they can use the system to contribute food to their preferred organization for those in need. the main benefit of this process is that it enables donors to connect with partners to post about their spare food and then donate it to those in need who cannot afford to buy food for themselves. unlike other platforms for food donations, saubhagya gives donors the opportunity to make donations and manage food requests. figure 9: use case diagram of donator the functional actions of the donor are shown in the above-mentioned use case [figure 9]. these are some of the fundamental features of the web application that donors can use. in addition to the benefits of the system for vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 71 donations, it also saves donors time because physical donation programs can occasionally be a little timeconsuming. the ideal approach to manage donations is through the web platform, which will eliminate that issue. the user satisfaction is yet another benefit in addition to those mentioned before. figure 10: donator dashboard this interface [figure 10] displays the donators' dashboard. the user can view the active donations, pending donations, and reject donations. users can also view the latest requests received for his/her donations. donators can do all the curd operations through the system. such as insert the donations to the system. update the donation details, view or delete donations from the system. generate reports on food donations. partners (food donor partner) a food donor partner is a person who voluntarily supports donations. they can support a donation in a variety of ways. those are: • by donating goods etc. • donation of processed food. • by donating money. • by offering discounts on the purchase of goods or food (only for business locations). figure 11: key user flow of donor partner vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 72 before using the web application, the user must register and log in (if a new user). after login, the user will be redirected to a separate dashboard [figure 11]. there the donor partner can see "needy people” as well as "donations”. under donations, partner can request to contribute to a donation of their choice. figure 12: use case diagram of donor partner above diagram [figure 12] demonstrate the basic functionalities that a partner can do. partners can view donation partnership requests, generate reports, and view the user profile. under “my partnerships”, all data about solicitations and donation partnerships made so far is displayed. he or she can edit a request that has not been approved by the donor. the ability to delete is also present but only requests rejected by the donor can be deleted. and like other features, the donor partner can view the profile, edit the profile, generate reports and delete his or her account. delivery agents figure 13: add food collection details vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 73 the proposed system for food collection agents consists of several key features, starting with registration where users can sign up to become food collection agents by providing their name, contact details, and other necessary information. after registration, users can log in to their personalized dashboard, which includes the view my account page and food collecting details. the view my account page allows users to view and update their profile information, while the add new food collecting details page enables users to add new food collection activities to the system [figure 13]. the view food collecting details page displays existing food collection activities, and users can edit or delete them on the update & delete food collecting details page. additionally, the system provides a search function that enables users to search for specific food collection activities based on different parameters, and users can generate reports based on the collected food data. overall, this key user flow diagram outlines how users can navigate through the system to manage their food collection activities efficiently. figure 14: key user flow of delivery agent the above diagram [figure 14] highlights the functionality offered to food collecting agents in order to efficiently handle the food collection process. agents can create new food collecting activities, view current ones, update or delete them, and search for specific activities based on certain criteria. in addition, the system allows the user to generate reports based on the food data you collect. unique feature of saubhagya web application the real-time tracking feature in saubhagya uses gps and google maps to track the food collection and delivery process. when a donator or partner posts a donation or support request on the platform, the system automatically assigns a delivery agent to collect and deliver the donation to the needy people organization. the delivery agent then uses the saubhagya app on their smartphone to navigate to the collection and delivery locations. vol. 4, no.2 july 2023 | 74 as the delivery agent moves from the collection location to the delivery location, the system tracks their location using gps and displays it on a map in real-time. this allows all the four types of users to track the progress of the delivery process. the needy people organization can see the status of the delivery in real-time and estimate the arrival time. the donator or partner can also see the status of their donation or support and track its progress. additionally, the delivery agent can use the real-time tracking feature to navigate to the delivery location more efficiently and update the status of the delivery in the system. the real-time tracking feature is a significant advantage of saubhagya, as it provides transparency and accountability to the food donation process. it allows all the four types of users to track the delivery process in real-time and ensures that the donations reach the needy people organization on time. it also helps to build trust between the users of the platform and encourages more people to donate food and support. overall, the combination of gps and google maps in saubhagya provides an accurate, efficient, and userfriendly way to track the location of delivery agents in real-time. this benefits all the four types of users by providing transparency, accountability, and trust in the food donation process. vi. disscussion the saubhagya web application is a cutting-edge solution to the ongoing challenges of hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka. by leveraging the latest technology and utilizing the mern stack, the application provides a user-friendly and effective platform for individuals to donate food and groceries to those in need. the front end of the application is built using reactjs, which is a popular javascript library that allows for efficient rendering of web pages. the back end of the application is built using expressjs and node.js, which are two powerful and widely-used web development frameworks. these technologies enable the application to handle large amounts of data and perform complex calculations in real-time. to store and manage the data, the application uses a mongodb database. this database is highly scalable and can handle large amounts of data, making it an ideal choice for a platform like saubhagya. the application also uses various libraries such as axios, mongoose, and express, which help to streamline the development process and improve the performance of the application. in terms of design, the saubhagya web application has been developed with the user in mind. the interfaces are simple and intuitive, featuring side navigations, menus, icons, and buttons that make it easy for users to navigate and understand the application. additionally, the application utilizes external css libraries such as bootstrap and material icons to make it more visually appealing and engaging for users. overall, the saubhagya web application is a powerful and innovative solution to the challenges of hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka. by utilizing the latest technology and developing a user-friendly platform, the application has the potential to make a significant impact in reducing hunger and improving the lives of those in need. vii. conclusion in conclusion, the issue of hunger and malnutrition remains a significant challenge in developing nations such as sri lanka. the research paper proposes "saubhagya," an online web application that provides a platform for social assistance to address this issue. this system allows individuals to donate food and groceries to needy organizations such as blind, deaf, orphanages, and more, making it a user-friendly and effective solution. the unique feature of "saubhagya" is its live capability of tracking food collection and delivery using gps and google maps, ensuring transparency, accountability, and communication among users. the paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of "saubhagya" in reducing hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka through user feedback and system performance metrics. the significance of this research lies in the potential of digital platforms to address social and environmental challenges, particularly in developing nations. by leveraging technology, collective action can be harnessed to create positive social impact. the findings of this research will contribute to the development of digital platforms that can address pressing global issues. the proposed system "saubhagya" has the potential to make a significant impact on reducing hunger and malnutrition in sri lanka and other developing nations. the system's scalability makes it a promising solution that can be adapted to other countries facing similar challenges. this research demonstrates the potential of technology to address social and environmental challenges and inspire further research in this area. viii. references [1] kusuma, s. 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