item: #1 of 89 id: businta-100 author: Sumardi, Devina Gilar Fitri Ayu; Purwaningsih, Tuti title: Spatial regression analysis for discovering quality living index (QLI) in Asia date: 2018-12-17 words: 3160 flesch: 57 summary: The highest value of life index value of 176.04 is owned by Japan and the lowest is 81.09 is owned by Vietnam. Many scientists and world organizations have formulated indicators used in measuring the quality of life index, which is calculated based on health index, material welfare, feel of one part of local society, occupation and productive activity, welfare emotional, relationships with family and friends, as well as personal safety in the community in the country [4]. keywords: asia; data; index; life; quality; regression; value cache: businta-100.pdf plain text: businta-100.txt item: #2 of 89 id: businta-101 author: Akbar, Muhammad Fathoni; ; Putri, Riris Aulya title: Assistive and wearable technology for elderly date: 2018-07-17 words: 4196 flesch: 62 summary: Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application ISSN 2614-0047 Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2018, pp. 8-14 8 10.31763/businta.v2i1.101 Assistive and wearable technology for elderly Muhammad Fathoni Akbar 1,*, Nur A’yuni There are two kind of technology that used to help elderly, those technology are wearable technology and assistive technology. keywords: activities; health; help; home; people; technology; use; vol cache: businta-101.pdf plain text: businta-101.txt item: #3 of 89 id: businta-102 author: Santoso, Priyo Aji; Wibawa, Aji Prasetya; Pujianto, Utomo title: Internship recommendation system using simple additive weighting date: 2018-07-17 words: 3166 flesch: 60 summary: Figure 1 shows the use case diagrams on apprenticeship recommendation system. Use case diagram on apprenticeship recommendation system. keywords: apprenticeship; internship; students; system; tam; use; variable; vol cache: businta-102.pdf plain text: businta-102.txt item: #4 of 89 id: businta-103 author: Anggoro, Bayu Koen; Hubeis, Musa; Sailah, Illah title: Information system interoperability maturity model date: 2018-07-17 words: 6418 flesch: 40 summary: Repository √ √ √ √ √ c. Academic Information System √ √ √ √ √ d. E-learning √ √ √ √ √ e. Learning Teaching Evaluation Process √ √ √ √ √ f. Research and Students’ Creativity Project Database √ √ √ √ √ g. Higher Education Database √ √ √ √ √ 4 a. The information and knowledge generated by the following application is as expected b. Digital Library √ √ √ √ √ c. Repository √ √ √ √ √ d. Academic Information System √ √ √ √ √ e. E-learning √ - √ √ √ f. Learning Teaching Evaluation Process √ √ √ √ √ g. Research and Students’ Creativity Project Database √ √ √ √ √ h. Higher Education Database √ √ √ √ √ Mean Percentage 93,75% 87,5% 100% 93,75% 100% √ = done – = not yet keywords: data; database; education; information; interoperability; level; maturity; system; university; √ √ cache: businta-103.pdf plain text: businta-103.txt item: #5 of 89 id: businta-104 author: Purnama, Muhammad Guntur Aji; Azizah, Oktavia Trian; title: Avoiding online game addiction among youngsters date: 2018-07-17 words: 3649 flesch: 64 summary: There is research conducted in the United States suggests that almost a third of its teenager correspondences play games every day and more severe 7 percent of them spend time playing games for 30 hours each week They spend their rest time playing games, forget their obligations as students, forget to eat, and forget to rest. keywords: activities; addiction; game; online; players; playing; time; vol cache: businta-104.pdf plain text: businta-104.txt item: #6 of 89 id: businta-112 author: Najm, Heidar; Tavallaee, Ruhollah title: Investigating the effect of electronic government in realizing social justice in Iraq date: 2018-12-30 words: 4026 flesch: 48 summary: [10] M. Moghimi and M. Alaei Ardakani, “Measuring good goverance factors and e-government role in enhancing it,” Q. J. Inf. Technol. 5. Conclusion The research findings highlighted the fact that only 45 percent of respondents were positive about increasing transparency resulting from the launch of e-government at the Missan Oil Company, which is indicative of the fact that e-government efficiency is well-suited to many operational and managerial levels It has not been described and there is a strong inertia from the staff and managers. keywords: effect; government; hypothesis; iraq; justice; research; social; variables cache: businta-112.pdf plain text: businta-112.txt item: #7 of 89 id: businta-113 author: Dwi Jaelani, Mardian; Prasetya Wibawa, Aji; Pujianto, Utomo title: Technology acceptance model of student ability and tendency classification system date: 2018-12-30 words: 5215 flesch: 61 summary: 47-57 Jaelani (Technology acceptance model of student ability and tendency classification system) usefulness. 47-57 Jaelani (Technology acceptance model of student ability and tendency classification system) Figure 2 shows the results of the classification of students' abilities. keywords: ability; classification; classification system; students; system; table; use; usefulness; variable cache: businta-113.pdf plain text: businta-113.txt item: #8 of 89 id: businta-114 author: Fahana, Jefree; Azhari, Ahmad title: TOGAF for designing the enterprise architecture of LAZISMU date: 2018-12-30 words: 2830 flesch: 37 summary: The results of this study are blue print business architecture, data architecture, application architecture so that it can support the business processes that exist in LAZISMU. Information system architecture in this stage consists of data architecture and application architecture that will be used by the organization. keywords: application; architecture; business; funds; information; management; togaf; zakat; ziska cache: businta-114.pdf plain text: businta-114.txt item: #9 of 89 id: businta-115 author: Lindi Chandrika, Katya; Perdana Adiperkasa, Risky; Ningtyas, Yana title: Cyber terrorism in Indonesia date: 2018-12-30 words: 4485 flesch: 53 summary: This creates ignorance in tackling Cyber terrorism crime in the future when people become victims of Cyber terrorism. The crime is Cyber terrorism. keywords: computer; crime; cyber; government; indonesia; information; terrorism; use; vol cache: businta-115.pdf plain text: businta-115.txt item: #10 of 89 id: businta-116 author: Shobirin, Achmad; Candra Leastari, Dian; Nuzula, Fidausi; Umeidah, Fitri title: The use of social media for engineering lecturers and students date: 2018-12-30 words: 3078 flesch: 54 summary: Social media has a different way of using respondents in the field of work in education in terms of information that is more likely to be youtube media than Facebook and Instagram, compared to Whatsapp which is more likely to be an interactive communication medium between lecturers and students so that the ease of using social media is based on the use of reason, the type of media, the type of media and the purpose of social media can improve the quality of teaching and learning during college. The reasons for using social media, social media types, social media types, and social media goals can affect insightful uses. keywords: engineering; information; lecturers; media; research; students; use; vol cache: businta-116.pdf plain text: businta-116.txt item: #11 of 89 id: businta-159 author: Hernandez, Leonel; ; Cantillo, Andres title: Expand the internet access in an urban park using a Wi-Fi offloading technique date: 2019-05-28 words: 5836 flesch: 55 summary: Finally, to meet the specific objectives the overall objective in proposing the design of a mobile data network with Wi-Fi complementary Offload solution to data networks UMTS and LTE that will allow decongesting the traffic generated by cell phone users is met redirecting mobile data downloading via a Wi-Fi network. A previous research article entitled Data Traffic Offload from Mobile to Wi-Fi Networks: Behavioral Patterns of Smartphone Users presents a model for defining the behavior patterns of smartphone users when downloading data from mobile networks to networks Wi-Fi keywords: access; data; internet; mobile; network; offloading; park; solution; traffic; users cache: businta-159.pdf plain text: businta-159.txt item: #12 of 89 id: businta-160 author: Ghosh, Anusua; Nafalski, Andrew; Nedic, Zorica; Wibawa, Aji Prasetya title: Learning management systems with emphasis on the Moodle at UniSA date: 2019-05-29 words: 3876 flesch: 51 summary: The open source online learning platform Moodle is adopted by UniSA to provide educators a space for collaborative learning using the optimized tools to create activities. LMSs and online learning platforms available for both K-12 and higher education [11]. keywords: learning; lms; management; moodle; online; platform; system; teaching; unisa cache: businta-160.pdf plain text: businta-160.txt item: #13 of 89 id: businta-161 author: ; Irawan, Ninon Oktaviani; Nurfadila, Piska Dwi; Ristanti, Putri Yuni; Hammad, Jehad A.H title: Blocking pornography sites on the internet private and university access date: 2019-05-29 words: 4117 flesch: 57 summary: Meanwhile, in accessing sites through university, it shows a change. 22-29 Ulfah (Blocking pornography sites on the internet private and university access) keywords: access; application; blocking; content; dns; filtering; internet; isp; pornography; provider; sites; university cache: businta-161.pdf plain text: businta-161.txt item: #14 of 89 id: businta-162 author: Prasetyo, Bayu; Aziz, Faiz Syaikhoni; Faqih, Kamil; Primadi, Wahyu; Herdianto, Roni; Febriantoro, Wicaksono title: A review: evolution of big data in developing country date: 2019-05-29 words: 4260 flesch: 54 summary: [20] K. Zhou, C. Fu, and S. Yang, “Big data driven smart energy management: From big data to big insights,” Renew. A review: evolution of big data in developing country Bayu Prasetyo a,1,*, Faiz Syaikhoni Aziz a,2, Kamil Faqih a,3, Wahyu Primadi a,4, Roni Herdianto b,5, Wicaksono Febriantoro c,6 a Electrical Engineering Postgraduate, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang b Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Malang c Metrological Resources Development Centre, Ministry of Trade-Republic of Indonesia 1*; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 * corresponding author 1. keywords: agriculture; analysis; challenges; countries; data; development; energy; evolution; storage; systems; technology; transportation; vol cache: businta-162.pdf plain text: businta-162.txt item: #15 of 89 id: businta-163 author: Khan, Sohail; Sultan, Abdulsatar Abduljabbar; Alsamarai, Salwa title: Social media and its adverse effect on academic performance of students date: 2019-05-29 words: 3452 flesch: 61 summary: 38-44 Khan (Social media and its adverse effect on academic performance of students) A large number of researchers have conducted research on Social Media and its influence on students’ academic performance and found a negative impact on it. 46.2% of students use Social Media for four to seven hours and 26.4% of students are online on Social Media for one to three hours daily. keywords: media; performance; research; students; time; use; vol cache: businta-163.pdf plain text: businta-163.txt item: #16 of 89 id: businta-174 author: Sanjaya, Hadi ; Andry, Johanes Fernandes title: Quality assurance of project management information system with ISO 9126 date: 2022-01-04 words: 3064 flesch: 57 summary: 82-87 82 Quality assurance of project management information system with ISO 9126 Hadi Sanjaya 1,*, Johanes Fernandes Andry 2 Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia 1*; 2 * corresponding author 1. 82-87 Sanjaya & Andry (Quality assurance of project management information system with ISO 9126) keywords: information; iso; management; module; pmis; project; quality; system cache: businta-174.pdf plain text: businta-174.txt item: #17 of 89 id: businta-175 author: Mefid, Khairen Niza; Ridwan, Ari Yanuar; Sari, Warih Puspita title: Global industry perspective of halal cosmetics applying sales and distribution process based on enterprise resources planning date: 2019-12-03 words: 2842 flesch: 56 summary: Halal sales order Ideally, users need a system that can send Halal Sales Order documents directly with integrated information. One of the main issues for Muslim consumers is the need for halal products. keywords: cosmetics; customer; halal; industry; process; products; sales; system cache: businta-175.pdf plain text: businta-175.txt item: #18 of 89 id: businta-176 author: Simanjuntak, Peronika title: Indonesias policy on ecommerce regulation and its challenges date: 2019-12-03 words: 4311 flesch: 48 summary: Conclusion Given its rapid development and the enormous impact of e-commerce on a country's economy, governments need to build a positive environment for e-commerce industries to take advantage of these new market opportunities. Social media platform proves to be a positive platform for e-commerce growth in Southeast Asia, and one of the critical drivers of this development is its high middle-class growth, changes in consumption and purchase patterns, and the growing number of mobile payment systems in the region. keywords: asia; commerce; countries; development; growth; indonesia; industry; southeast; technology cache: businta-176.pdf plain text: businta-176.txt item: #19 of 89 id: businta-184 author: Salim, Yulita; Puspitasari, Yustisia; Azis, Huzain; Anas, Risnayanti title: The use of augmented reality to educate preschoolers on preventing dental malocclusion date: 2019-12-03 words: 2301 flesch: 58 summary: The next step is giving TAF material to healthy teeth as well as teeth that have been capped (patched). Caries and premature loss or early date of deciduous teeth predispose to the lack of space in the tooth replacement and permanent phase [5]. keywords: children; education; malocclusion; reality; students; teeth; vol cache: businta-184.pdf plain text: businta-184.txt item: #20 of 89 id: businta-188 author: Mohamed, Asghaiyer title: Network load traffic on MySQL atomic transaction database date: 2020-04-23 words: 2605 flesch: 57 summary: 35-39 35 Network load traffic on MySQL atomic transaction database Asghaiyer Mohamed Asghaiyer* Beni Ulid Technology, Bani Walid, Libya 36 Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application ISSN 2614-0047 Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2020, pp. 35-39 Asghaiyer (Network load traffic on MySQL atomic transaction database) With the background mentioned above this research finally emerged. keywords: data; database; mysql; network; system; traffic; transaction cache: businta-188.pdf plain text: businta-188.txt item: #21 of 89 id: businta-19 author: Pratama, Reza Aditya; Shafira, Tiara; Ardiansyah, Faisal; Hakim, RB Fajriya title: Characteristics and segmentation of social problems with kohonen self-organizing maps date: 2017-03-01 words: 4374 flesch: 53 summary: 1-10 1 Characteristics and segmentation of social problems with kohonen self-organizing maps Reza Aditya Pratama 1,*, Tiara Shafira 2, Faisal Ardiansyah 3, RB Fajriya Hakim 4 Statistics Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Islamic University of Indonesia, Indonesia 1 Social problems are mismatch between element of culture or society which endanger social life keywords: crime; data; density; hdi; indonesia; kohonen; population; poverty; problems; rate; unemployment cache: businta-19.pdf plain text: businta-19.txt item: #22 of 89 id: businta-199 author: Burhan, Oemar Syarif; Praditia, Wahyu Eka; Admodjo, Bhimantoro Suryo; Yuniarto, Gustinar Yus; Ghosh, Anusua title: Modern parenting: An ethical way to nurture children in digital era date: 2021-10-26 words: 2787 flesch: 55 summary: 52-57 52 Modern parenting: An ethical way to nurture children in digital era Oemar Syarif Burhan a,1,*, Wahyu Eka Praditia a,2, Gustinar Yus Yuniarto a,3, Anusua Ghosh b,4 a Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia b University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia 1*; 2; 3; 3 * corresponding author 1. At the same time, children tend to go online from social networks to online multiplayer games that involve communicating with other players [2]. keywords: children; digital; internet; media; mediation; parents cache: businta-199.pdf plain text: businta-199.txt item: #23 of 89 id: businta-20 author: Anggorowati, Margaretha Ari title: Technology acceptance model for computer assisted personal interviewing date: 2017-03-14 words: 2299 flesch: 61 summary: Percieved of usefulness Fig. 7 shows that 65.28% users agree and 27.78% really agree that CAPI application is easy to use, but 6.94% has perception that CAPI applications is not ease to use. Fig. 1 shows the SEM structure for TAM CAPI model. keywords: agree; capi; data; model; tam; use cache: businta-20.pdf plain text: businta-20.txt item: #24 of 89 id: businta-203 author: Andini, Nurul Fajriah; Dewi, Popy Maulida; Marida, Tyas Agung Cahyaning; Aji Prasetya Wibawa; Andrew Nafalski title: A decade evolution of virtual and remote laboratories date: 2023-07-03 words: 4392 flesch: 46 summary: Different from virtual laboratories, remote laboratories facilitate real experiments in the form of distance learning. Virtual laboratory in a decade The virtual laboratory (Fig. 1) represents the use of computer technology to efficiently and interactively simulate experiments in a laboratory. keywords: doi; education; evolution; experiments; fig; laboratories; laboratory; learning; remote; students; virtual; vol cache: businta-203.pdf plain text: businta-203.txt item: #25 of 89 id: businta-204 author: Mumtaza, Qorina Mailil Husna; Nabillah, Shada Intishar; Amaliya, Sholikhatul; Rosabella, Yuveta; Hammad, Jehad Abdelhamid title: Worldwide mobile wallet: a futuristic cashless system date: 2020-09-15 words: 3109 flesch: 60 summary: The sixth annual Mobile Payments and Fraud Survey conducted in 2018 by Kount found that 37% of the merchants that participated already supported mobile payments at the Point of Sale and 31.4% planned to add to this feature or increase it. China is one of the biggest supporters of e-wallet and research from eMarketer shows that more than 45.2% of the Chinese population already uses mobile payments (Table 1). keywords: cashless; mobile; payment; system; use; vol; wallets cache: businta-204.pdf plain text: businta-204.txt item: #26 of 89 id: businta-206 author: Alfan, Muhammad Bahauddin; Sangjaya, Sabri; Rusdiansyah, Muhammad Rizal; Arfabuma, Fandi M; Kurubacak, Gulsun title: Internship and Entrepreneurship in computer science date: 2023-07-03 words: 2466 flesch: 46 summary: The study's results stated that entrepreneurship interests in computer science students are determined directly by social influence and self-efficacy. [20] A. Nugroho, Sunyoto, and U. Miftakhul, “Influence of internship toward entrepreneurship interest for mechanical engineering students,” AIP Conf. keywords: computer; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; internship; science; students; vol cache: businta-206.pdf plain text: businta-206.txt item: #27 of 89 id: businta-21 author: Gipayana, Muhana title: Spell checker implementation to analyze the narrative essay of sixth-grade elementary school students in Indonesia date: 2017-03-17 words: 4610 flesch: 53 summary: Some problems arise when elementary school students still need guidance in writing Indonesian sentences in narratives, that are still lacking the standard or misspelling. The first step in this stage is to know the extent to which elementary school students understand in writing the narrative essay which is then continued by benchmarking on some technology services that are able to help learning the essay, especially the narrative one. keywords: application; development; elementary; essay; evaluation; language; learning; narrative; school; spell; students; system; writing cache: businta-21.pdf plain text: businta-21.txt item: #28 of 89 id: businta-212 author: Rosyidin, Adjie; Pangestu, Arief Yoga; Iskandar, Austin Fascal; Darusalam title: Social Media and e-government to prevent corruption in Indonesia Villages date: 2023-07-03 words: 3755 flesch: 45 summary: While e-Government and social media can help promote transparency, combat corruption, and crack down on corrupt practices, this does not give anybody carte blanche to ignore the law or infringe on the rights of others. • How can social media and e-government be used as a weapon to combat corruption? keywords: corruption; doi; government; indonesia; information; media; public; village; vol cache: businta-212.pdf plain text: businta-212.txt item: #29 of 89 id: businta-213 author: Yusuf, Muhammad; Alamsyah, Nurwahyu; Syarif, Muh.; Muntasa, Arif; Muzakki, Hakam title: A novel framework of e-participation for smart cities date: 2019-12-03 words: 5143 flesch: 48 summary: [8] C. W. Phang and A. Kankanhalli, “A framework of ICT exploitation for e-participation initiatives,” Commun. 45-55 45 businta.v3i2.213 A novel framework of e-participation for smart cities Muhammad Yusuf a,1,*, Nurwahyu Alamsyah b,2, Muh. keywords: cities; citizens; city; framework; novel; participation; process; research; vol cache: businta-213.pdf plain text: businta-213.txt item: #30 of 89 id: businta-23 author: Primandari, Arum Handini; Khotimah, Khusnul title: Seismic analysis using maximum likelihood of gutenberg-richter date: 2017-03-31 words: 2835 flesch: 69 summary: This study is to quantify these parameters that are seismicity index, earthquake probability, and return period. Multiple studies from various field have been conducted in order to make a precise prediction of earthquake occurrence, such as recognizing the natural phenomena symptoms leading to the shaking and ground rupture. keywords: area; earthquake; magnitude; value cache: businta-23.pdf plain text: businta-23.txt item: #31 of 89 id: businta-239 author: Haviluddin, Haviluddin; Alfred, Rayner title: Big data: issues, trends, problems, controversies in ASEAN perspective date: 2019-12-03 words: 8556 flesch: 54 summary: In some professional communities, Big Data called business intelligence and business analytics refers to Big Data analytics (BDA) or Big Data mining in handling the amount of data that can reach Gigabytes (GB) and continues to grow rapidly. Main Focus of the Chapter In this chapter we discusses some of Big Data issues and trends especially in Big Data analytics to support the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). keywords: analysis; analytics; asean; big; business; challenges; data; data analytics; government; haviluddin; information; infrastructure; management; order; science; technology; trends; vol cache: businta-239.pdf plain text: businta-239.txt item: #32 of 89 id: businta-246 author: Koniyo, Moh Hidayat; Sudarma, Made title: Data retrieval service on poverty blockchain-based on regional government date: 2020-04-23 words: 2901 flesch: 60 summary: The distribution of assistance to disadvantaged people in an area is always synonymous with problems especially, in the duplication of assistance and manipulation of family data that actually has no right to obtain assistance data for underprivileged families. As shown in Fig. 4. Query results by entering the family code in a blockchain for cases (a) that have not and (b) that have received aid in the blockchain obtained query results in the form of family data with the status of receiving and not receiving and the hash of the result of the query block in the blockchain. keywords: assistance; blockchain; data; hash; poverty; result; vol cache: businta-246.pdf plain text: businta-246.txt item: #33 of 89 id: businta-256 author: Pokhun, Leeveshkumar; Chuttur, M Yasser title: Emotions in texts date: 2020-09-15 words: 7147 flesch: 56 summary: Techniques used for text emotion analysis over past five years Technique(s) Dataset(s) Authors do not use the same metrics, datasets, and emotion models such that it is not possible to compare the different emotion analysis techniques. keywords: accuracy; analysis; anger; classification; dataset; doi; emotion; emotion analysis; fear; model; text; vol cache: businta-256.pdf plain text: businta-256.txt item: #34 of 89 id: businta-258 author: Yusuf, Muhammad; Sophan, Mochammad Kautsar; Muntasa, Arif ; Alamsyah, Nurwahyu ; Nakkas, Haythem ; Sari, Putri Pradnyawidya title: E-government learning media through augmented reality technology date: 2020-04-23 words: 3887 flesch: 50 summary: AR learning media has been changes the education approach. In E-Government lecture, students have to come to the command centre and public service mall building to learn about command centre and public service mall learning materials. Fig. 9. keywords: centre; government; learning; mall; media; public; reality; service; video cache: businta-258.pdf plain text: businta-258.txt item: #35 of 89 id: businta-259 author: Hernandez, Leonel; Marchena, Piedad ; Wibawa, Aji Prasetya title: Characterization of the impact on the society of the local cisco networking academy of ITSA in Barranquilla date: 2020-04-23 words: 6907 flesch: 52 summary: % 4% 2% 3% 5% -9% ND ND pass rate in voucher classes - difference year after year 21,00% -15,00% 10,94% -29,51% ND ND ND ND % of registrants with activity with at least 75% on final - difference year after year 10,00% 10,00% 5,47% 0,00% ND ND ND ND N.º of registrants with activity - difference year after year -700 -2000 -2006 2849 ND ND ND ND Voucher eligible - difference year after year 19% 10% 5% -22% ND ND ND ND vouchers requested - difference year after year [4] N. Moss and A. Smith, “Large scale delivery of Cisco Networking Academy program by blended distance learning,” in 6th International Conference on Networking and Services, ICNS 2010, Includes LMPCNA 2010; INTENSIVE 2010, 2010. keywords: academy; cisco; cisco networking; course; fig; impact; itsa; learning; nd nd; networking; networking academy; rate; students; study; year cache: businta-259.pdf plain text: businta-259.txt item: #36 of 89 id: businta-26 author: Dzikrullah, Fahmi; Rinjani, Muhammad Angga title: A framework design to develop integrated data system for smart e-government based on big data technology date: 2017-12-01 words: 4687 flesch: 39 summary: [16] F. Fioravanti and E. Nardelli, “Identity management for e-government services,” in Integrated Series In Information Systems, Boston, MA: Springer, 2008, pp. Introduction The information communication and technology become the backbone of e-Government to reorganize the public service agencies who are still using traditional techniques so that the quality of service to the community could be faster and easier. keywords: agencies; application; data; fig; framework; government; information; interoperability; public; services; system; technology cache: businta-26.pdf plain text: businta-26.txt item: #37 of 89 id: businta-266 author: Herdianto, Roni; Syahidin , Dzikra title: Gadget & adolescent: Its effect depiction on the daily life date: 2020-09-15 words: 5850 flesch: 58 summary: Question 3 Recapitulation Results Fig. 3 illustrates that most adolescences at Junior High School X use gadget from three to five hours a day. Question 2 Recapitulation Results Fig. 2 illustrates that most adolescences at Junior High School X own gadget more than 2 years. keywords: adolescences; fig; gadget; internet; life; research; results; school; subjects; use; vol cache: businta-266.pdf plain text: businta-266.txt item: #38 of 89 id: businta-27 author: Muhajir, Muhammad; Gusmayyeni, Gusmayyeni; Sari, Redita Anggita; Rahmatika, Tusriana title: Application of rule association with algorithm apriori of disaster residental fires date: 2017-12-01 words: 3396 flesch: 65 summary: Output split residential fire disaster data Summary data is a summary regarding some information about residential fire data to be analyzed. keywords: algorithm; association; data; disaster; fire; rule; support; value cache: businta-27.pdf plain text: businta-27.txt item: #39 of 89 id: businta-28 author: Primandari, Arum Handini; Ikasakti, Nur Aini title: Job applicants clustering using self-organizing map date: 2017-12-01 words: 4817 flesch: 61 summary: This indicates that the third group consists of the districts that have high unemployment rates. Unemployment is higher education that have graduated DI / DII / DIII and S1 and S2 / S3 reaches 741 people. keywords: cluster; clustering; education; group; job; organizing; school; self; unemployment cache: businta-28.pdf plain text: businta-28.txt item: #40 of 89 id: businta-283 author: Aripriharta, Aripriharta; Firmansah, Adim; Mufti, Nandang; Horng, Gwo-Jiun; Rosmin, Norzanah title: Smartphone for palm oil fruit counting to reduce embezzlement in harvesting season date: 2020-09-15 words: 3366 flesch: 59 summary: This paper reports on an experimental study in the form of a smart application to count oil palm fruit in the field quickly and accurately. Method This proposed system implemented a single-shot detector (YOLO) lite version 3 as CNN in a smartphone application to detect and count palm oil fruit. keywords: accuracy; application; counting; fruit; model; oil; palm; smartphone; system; vol cache: businta-283.pdf plain text: businta-283.txt item: #41 of 89 id: businta-286 author: Herdi, Tazkiyah; Dores, Ardiansyah title: Bayes interpretation for smoke-free area cities index date: 2021-10-26 words: 3847 flesch: 59 summary: Meanwhile, 57.8% of schoolchildren aged 13-15 years were exposed to cigarette smoke at home and 66.2% in public places, implying that 6 out of every ten school children aged 13-15 years were exposed to cigarette smoke at home in public places [1]. The increase in the number of active smokers and individuals still exposed to cigarette smoke shows that efforts have not been optimized to reduce tobacco consumption. keywords: bayes; cities; health; places; policy; smoke; smoking; vol cache: businta-286.pdf plain text: businta-286.txt item: #42 of 89 id: businta-287 author: Dwiyanto, Felix Andika; Elmunsyah, Hakkun; Yoto, Yoto title: Indonesian online learning system evaluation framework based on UTAUT 2.0 date: 2020-09-15 words: 4295 flesch: 57 summary: However, not all variables are tested because they will be adjusted to the needs and conditions of system use. This study aims to propose an evaluation of Indonesian online learning system which known as SPADA. keywords: acceptance; evaluation; learning; model; online; system; technology; use; variable; vol cache: businta-287.pdf plain text: businta-287.txt item: #43 of 89 id: businta-289 author: Teng, Ming Foey; Putra, Yudha Kusuma; Ilham, Muhammad; Pratama, Wahyu Arbianda Yudha title: How much does distance learning affect social life and psychology of growing adolescent date: 2020-09-15 words: 3925 flesch: 57 summary: One of the innovations of technology in the education field is distance learning [3], [4]. Distance learning is considered as an essential strategy to improve the quality of education, where it also provides advocating for peer-to-peer collaboration. keywords: distance; distance learning; education; learning; students; teachers; vol cache: businta-289.pdf plain text: businta-289.txt item: #44 of 89 id: businta-30 author: Zahara, Soffa; Sumpeno, Surya; Pratomo, Istas title: Application level interoperability on IaaS cloud migration date: 2017-12-01 words: 2874 flesch: 36 summary: There are several methodology about cloud migration : 1. The benefits of this research is to give a reference method interoperability testing migration between cloud systems that are more specific to the application functionality so can be implemented in real migration between cloud providers. keywords: application; cloud; computing; functionality; interoperability; migration; system; testing cache: businta-30.pdf plain text: businta-30.txt item: #45 of 89 id: businta-36 author: Herwanto, Guntur Budi; Ningtyas, Annisa Maulida title: Recommendation system for web article based on association rules and topic modelling date: 2017-03-23 words: 4510 flesch: 62 summary: Web usage association rule mining has long been a traditional data mining method for automatic extraction of potentially interesting information about the behavior of the website visitors from the web usage log files [9]. We use apriori as the algorithm for association rule mining, and enrich the association rule with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) keywords: association; mining; recommendation; rule; session; system; topic; user; web cache: businta-36.pdf plain text: businta-36.txt item: #46 of 89 id: businta-380 author: Sufiana, Sufiana; Soewarlan, Santosa ; Tinarbuko, Sumbo title: User generated content: Cybernetic infographic visual narrative date: 2021-10-26 words: 5300 flesch: 51 summary: The UGC trend has sparked interest in cyber media to integrate UGC in the process of creating infographic visual narratives. However, there are not many studies linking infographic visual narratives about millennial mothers in the world of cybernetics with ultrasound. keywords: content;; infographic; information; media; mothers; narrative; system; theory; ugc; user; visual; vol cache: businta-380.pdf plain text: businta-380.txt item: #47 of 89 id: businta-395 author: Ilham, Nadifah Adya; Mahisha Mutharrif Laila ; Muhammad Aditia Syauqi; Mohammad Ardy Audya Armadhana; Anusua Ghosh title: Impact of Intense Social Media Usage on Sleeping Pattern date: 2022-12-30 words: 5632 flesch: 52 summary: Social media usage will have a beneficial impact since it will make daily tasks easier. The findings suggest that social media usage and sleep behaviors, particularly late sleep beginning, are correlated with statistically ISSN 2614-0047 Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application 123 Vol. 6, No. 2, December 2022, pp. keywords: adolescents; impact; insomnia; media; media use; research; sleep; sleeping; social; students; usage; use; vol cache: businta-395.pdf plain text: businta-395.txt item: #48 of 89 id: businta-398 author: Arrazy, Muhammad Afdhal ; Ndaru, Muhammad Tatag Adi ; Sari, Nandha Mustika ; Ariyanti, Mei Dwi ; Ghosh, Anusua title: The impact of social media use on suicide-related behavior date: 2021-10-26 words: 3703 flesch: 52 summary: 37 articles were used to support this study that consists of 19 articles about cyberbullying and 18 articles about social media addiction. Social media addiction has a major negative impact on mental health and leads to depression. keywords: addiction; articles; behavior; cyberbullying; media; students; suicide; use; victims; vol cache: businta-398.pdf plain text: businta-398.txt item: #49 of 89 id: businta-405 author: Ilmiawan, Ramadhani Akbar; Nafisah, Riza Maqfiratun; Nisa, Rizki Khoirun ; Hart, Yaritza Haq Indra ; Herdianto, Roni title: Popular dating apps in Indonesia and the United States date: 2022-01-04 words: 4546 flesch: 59 summary: Comparison of Legal Protection The increasing annual number of crimes also offsets the increasing number of dating app users., must be supported by solid legal protection from the local government. With benefits, portability, numbers, opportunities, and multimodality, dating app users are increasing every year. keywords: application; apps; data; dating; indonesia; states; tinder; united; united states; ✔ ✔ cache: businta-405.pdf plain text: businta-405.txt item: #50 of 89 id: businta-407 author: Ahnan, Maftuh; Budi, Lalu Agung Purnama ; Roziqin, Mohamad Firzon Ainur ; Rosalia, Nur ; Sasono, Rian Ari title: Social Media Addiction and its Impact on Social Relationships date: 2022-03-31 words: 5319 flesch: 60 summary: Data on social media users, 90% of the population aged 18-29 years use social media, 82% of the population aged 20-49 years use social media, 69% of the population aged 50-64 years use social media, and residents over 65 years use social media as much as 40% 53-64 Maftuh Ahnan (Social media addiction and its impact on social relationships) Table.3 Description of Social Addiction Question Answer Quantity Mean Median Modus Variants I feel worried if a lot of social media notifications come in, but I cannot access social media for some reason 1 56 0,68220962 1 1 0,864876385 2 1 3 9 4 4 I often sleep late because of playing social media 1 7 0,706938776 3 3 0,721325052 2 20 3 33 4 10 I do not mind if no social media notifications are coming to my phone 1 10 0,742857143 2 2 0,765217391 2 30 3 22 4 8 I often neglect my obligations because I am too busy with social media 1 2 0,535918367 3 3 0,593995859 2 15 3 35 4 18 How long have I been using social media 1 20 0,546938776 2 2 0,592339545 2 35 3 13 4 2 When there are activities, I will not play social media 1 12 0,932244898 2 2 1,121325052 keywords: addiction; data; doi; impact; media; media addiction; relationships; research; respondents; test; users; vol cache: businta-407.pdf plain text: businta-407.txt item: #51 of 89 id: businta-408 author: Fahmi, Ahmad Maulanal ; Azizah, Hanifah Nur; Mahendra , I Putu Arda ; Fatkhiatin , Irma ; Hammad, Jehad A.H title: Promoting Covid-19 vaccination with Instagram date: 2021-10-26 words: 3023 flesch: 52 summary: Then we classify each recorded post into 2 categories: the Vaccine category, which means the post contains COVID-19 vaccination information, and the Non-Vaccine category indicates that the post does not contain COVID-19 vaccination information. Our observations found that only 2 posts contained COVID-19 vaccination information with a total of 629 likes and 39 comments, while 23 posts in the non-vaccine category received 3.759 likes and 163 comments. keywords: covid-19; health; indonesia; information; instagram; media; ministry; vaccination cache: businta-408.pdf plain text: businta-408.txt item: #52 of 89 id: businta-411 author: Hernández , Leonel; Juniarti Fatimah, Tri; Fautngilyanan, Petrus Jack; Hamid, Sayed Rahman; Pramudhita, Setya Rahadi; Simbolon, Triyanti title: Misuse of Facebook user data date: 2021-10-26 words: 5864 flesch: 63 summary: Other Facebook users, namely those under 18 years old, are 3%, 26 to 30 years old there is 4%, 31 to 40 years old there is 4%, the remaining 0% are Facebook users who are over 40 years old. 14-27 Hernández (Misuse of Facebook user data) online social networking sites [7]. keywords: data; facebook; facebook user; fig; information; log; media; misuse; privacy; users; vol cache: businta-411.pdf plain text: businta-411.txt item: #53 of 89 id: businta-414 author: Collantes, Leonel Hernandez ; Aulia Saputro, Nina; Akmaluddin, Rizky ; Liliana, Shinta Ayu ; Umam, Yogi Khairul ; Harviansyah, Yushivan Rendi title: The Psychological Effects of Using Instagram: Its Effects on Anxiety, Self-Confidence, and Body Image date: 2022-03-31 words: 8061 flesch: 62 summary: Being a visual-based social media, Instagram users will be more likely to see the posts of other users posted, and people will assume that the photos the other users posted indicate how the people in them actually live. According to previous research, Instagram users show decreasing body satisfaction, decreasing positive affect, and increasing the negative effect on their mental health [12]. keywords: body; fig; instagram; media; photos; research; respondents; self; subjects; use; vol cache: businta-414.pdf plain text: businta-414.txt item: #54 of 89 id: businta-415 author: Aji P Wibawa; Mokhamad Iqbal; Oktarian Karyanto; Wiliaguna, Prezza; Rifki Fajar; Vishnu Adisaka title: TikTok and Indonesian Housewives date: 2022-03-31 words: 3692 flesch: 68 summary: The interview topic delivered to the respondent will be compared with previous research to determine the effects of TikTok videos on homemakers. Yes, I usually look for cooking and news videos on TikTok H4 Yes, I usually watch TikTok videos with my daughter Do you have TikTok? keywords: children; daughter; tiktok; use; videos cache: businta-415.pdf plain text: businta-415.txt item: #55 of 89 id: businta-417 author: Wibawa, Aji Prasetya; Aji, Bayu Kuncoro; Filby , Brilliant ; Fadhilah, Farhan ; Imro’aturrozaniyah, Imro’aturrozaniyah; Istiqlal, Adib title: Supernatural and Facebook groups in Indonesia date: 2021-10-26 words: 2415 flesch: 58 summary: This paper aims to examine supernatural groups on Facebook based on the number of followers, the number of posts, and discussion topics. 1-6 Wibawa (Supernatural Facebook groups in Indonesia) Table.2 Number of supernatural groups and total members Group Status Number of Groups Total Members Public (0) 40 291,843 Private (1) 65 6.700.000 Fig. keywords: facebook; groups; members; posts; public; total; vol cache: businta-417.pdf plain text: businta-417.txt item: #56 of 89 id: businta-42 author: Saputra, Muhammad Firman Aji; Siregar, Sherly Allsa; Izdihar, Zahra Nabila title: Social effects of digital pornography date: 2018-11-19 words: 4228 flesch: 51 summary: For this reason, Child pornography is almost always sold or exchanged in a closed area and usually sold for a considerable price. In fact, pornography addiction is more severe than addictive substance addiction and psychotropic. keywords: content; effects; information; internet; pornography; sex; technology; vol cache: businta-42.pdf plain text: businta-42.txt item: #57 of 89 id: businta-424 author: Khafit Badrus Zaman ; Ardiansyah, Mohammad Iqbal Firman ; Muhammad Busthomi Arviansyah; Muhammad Ferdyan Syach; Naziro; Aji Prasetya Wibawa title: Social Media and Online Prostitution Industries date: 2022-03-31 words: 3699 flesch: 51 summary: Online prostitution can also be tackled by minimizing the use of social media, which is one of the supporting factors for online prostitution itself— not minimizing the real meaning. Apart from teenagers, online prostitution cases also involve children. keywords: cases; countries; development; doi; media; online; prostitution; sex; vol cache: businta-424.pdf plain text: businta-424.txt item: #58 of 89 id: businta-430 author: Pratama, Awanda S. S.; Danan, Elloy Y. M. S.; Angeline, Grace; Abdillah, Irfan Z. ; Prayoga, Jevin A. ; Jabari, Nedal A. M. title: A roadmap for the successful use of social media in electoral campaigns date: 2021-10-26 words: 6751 flesch: 57 summary: Social media is now crucial for election campaigns as more and more people use social media in their daily lives. 28-37 28 A roadmap for the successful use of social media in electoral campaigns Awanda S. S. Pratama a,1,*, Elloy Y. M. S. Danan a,2, Grace Angeline a,3, Irfan Z. Abdillah a,4, Jevin A. Prayoga a,5, Nedal A. M. Jabari b,6 a Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia b Department of Electrical Engineering, Palestine Technical University, Tulkarm, Palestine 1*; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 * corresponding author 1. keywords: campaigning; campaigns; candidates; election; facebook; information; internet; media; news; people; politics; television; trump; twitter; use; vol cache: businta-430.pdf plain text: businta-430.txt item: #59 of 89 id: businta-433 author: Istiyanto, S. Bekti ; Priyantono, Mochammad Bagus ; Rifai, Muhammad Abdul Faiz ; Wahyuningsih, Kartika ; Fansyiari, Dzanun ; Ramdhani , Lalu Gilang Obidia title: Social media learning on Indonesian university students date: 2021-10-26 words: 2995 flesch: 63 summary: 58-62 Istiyanto (Social media learning on Indonesian university students) can indicate user satisfaction with the technology perspective based on the dimensions of content, accuracy, format, ease of use of the system, and timeliness 58-62 Istiyanto (Social media learning on Indonesian university students) Table.1 Result of Facebook Variable Content Accuracy Format Ease to use Timeliness Question 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 The Result 64.4% 68.2% 62.5% 61.2% 62.4% 55.6 66.8% 72.6% 58.2% 61.2% The Final Result 66.3% 61.85% 59% 69.7% 59.7% keywords: learning; media; satisfaction; social; students; use; variable; vol cache: businta-433.pdf plain text: businta-433.txt item: #60 of 89 id: businta-435 author: Rahmawati, Yuni; Fatimah, Siti; Harianja, Candra Friyandi ; Noor , Zaka M. ; Aulia, Shafa T. title: Social media for energy saving campaigns date: 2021-10-26 words: 4228 flesch: 60 summary: In January 2021, social media users in Indonesia are equivalent to 61.8 percent of the total population. Based on data reported from We Are Social, The highest number of social media users are teenagers 18-24 years with a classification of 14.8% for women and 15.9% for men, while among adults aged 25-34 years, 14.8% for women and 19.3% for men [6]. Fig. keywords: account; energy; facebook; followers; indonesia; instagram; media; saving; twitter; users; vol cache: businta-435.pdf plain text: businta-435.txt item: #61 of 89 id: businta-439 author: Maulana, Ahmad Saufi; Agung Andhika F.; Balqies Savina; F.ti Ayyu Sayyidul L. ; Fachrul Kurniawan title: Instagram Performance Analysis of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study in the Fashion Sector date: 2022-03-31 words: 4311 flesch: 58 summary: This research compares the performance of social media Instagram on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), focusing on the fashion sector. This research aims to determine what factors affect online sales performance on Instagram social media, specifically in the fashion sector. keywords: account; followers; instagram; marketing; media; msmes; product; sales; vol cache: businta-439.pdf plain text: businta-439.txt item: #62 of 89 id: businta-455 author: Negara, Edi Surya ; Triadi , Dendi title: Topic modeling using latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) on twitter data with Indonesia keyword date: 2022-01-04 words: 4357 flesch: 56 summary: Modeling Topic Stage with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) 3.3. The notion of topic modeling is made up of three entities: word, document, and corpora. keywords: allocation; data; dirichlet; lda; method; modeling; text; topic; twitter; vol cache: businta-455.pdf plain text: businta-455.txt item: #63 of 89 id: businta-456 author: Abdillah, Leon; Mukti, Yogi; Puspita, Desi; Suhartini, Suhartini title: Indonesian sharia fintech services and social media usage date: 2022-01-04 words: 4211 flesch: 55 summary: The author will continue his studies with a focus on Islamic Indonesia Fintech and the financial services it offers. Based on those previous studies, there is minimum information related to the landscape of Islamic Indonesia Fintech. keywords: abdillah; business; fintech; indonesia; information; islamic; media; services; sharia; technology; vol; world cache: businta-456.pdf plain text: businta-456.txt item: #64 of 89 id: businta-463 author: Kareem, Shahab Wahhab; Askar, Shavan ; Ahmed, Kosrat Dlshad title: Structure learning of bayesian network using swarm intelligent algorithm: a review date: 2022-01-04 words: 5802 flesch: 56 summary: [29] The authors regarded Bayesian networks structure learning is widely considered to be a difficult computational problem, as the more candidate graphs you have, the more the ratio of variables grows exponentially. 133-141 133 Structure learning of bayesian network using swarm intelligent algorithm: a review Shahab Wahhab Kareem a,b,1,*, Shavan Askar a,2, Kosrat Dlshad Ahmed a,3 a Information System Engineering Department, Technical Engineering College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq b College of Engineering and Computer Science, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan, Iraq 1*; 2; 3 * corresponding author 1. keywords: algorithm; bayesian; bayesian network; data; doi; learning; method; network; optimization; search; structure; variables; vol cache: businta-463.pdf plain text: businta-463.txt item: #65 of 89 id: businta-470 author: Kurniawan, Dwi Ely; Dzikri , Afdhol ; Herman, Nanna Suryana title: Development of fishery marketplace app for fishermen to support local products during the covid-19 pandemic date: 2022-01-04 words: 4061 flesch: 61 summary: SMS messages in the form of information on fish products. The fisheries marketplace application displays a catalog of fish products that can access the public to view product information, prices, and transact. keywords: application; batam; doi; fish; fishery; gateway; marketplace; product; sms; sus; vol cache: businta-470.pdf plain text: businta-470.txt item: #66 of 89 id: businta-473 author: Mutembei, Leonard; Ishengoma, Fredrick title: Towards academic computer emergency response teams in African developing countries date: 2022-01-04 words: 3975 flesch: 38 summary: African academic CERTs can motivate academic actors to develop a cybersecurity culture through knowledge exchange, promoting guiding principles, and setting an example. The proposed framework is divided into five clusters, which include the Academic CERT Board, Academic CERT managers, Academic CERT technical team, Academic CERT operational team, and Academic CERT users. keywords: african; cert; computer; cyber; information; response; security; team; universities; university cache: businta-473.pdf plain text: businta-473.txt item: #67 of 89 id: businta-490 author: Gani, Irwan; Suharnanik, Suharnanik title: Housewife perception of gadget functions: Economy creative opportunity in woman empowerment, theory of economic sociology perspective date: 2022-01-04 words: 5751 flesch: 53 summary: 107-114 107 Housewife perception of gadget functions: Economy creative opportunity in woman empowerment, theory of economic sociology perspective Irwan Gani a,1,*, Suharnanik b,2 a Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia b Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia 1*; 107-114 Gani & Suharnanik (Housewife perception of gadget functions) Women as workers use technology and information in the platform of mobile phones and the internet. keywords: communication; economy; functions; gadgets; information; internet; media; modernity; theory; use; vol; women cache: businta-490.pdf plain text: businta-490.txt item: #68 of 89 id: businta-491 author: Rahayudi, Bayu; Priandani, Nurizal Dwi ; Hanggara , Buce Trias ; Mahmudy, Wayan Firdaus title: Database optimization for improved system performance and response time of hospital management information system date: 2022-01-04 words: 4037 flesch: 55 summary: [2] P. R. Vegoda, “Introduction to hospital information systems,” Int. [19] K. M. Kuo, C. F. Liu, P. C. Talley, and S. Y. Pan, “Strategic improvement for quality and satisfaction of hospital information systems,” J. Healthc. keywords: analysis; data; database; hospital; information; module; performance; process; simrs; system; vol cache: businta-491.pdf plain text: businta-491.txt item: #69 of 89 id: businta-492 author: Dharmastuti, Anjarie ; Wiyono , Bambang Budi ; Hitipeuw, Imanuel ; Rahmawati, Hetti ; Wahyuni, Fitri ; Apriliyanti , Fressi title: Development of a criticality scale related to hoaxes in social media date: 2022-01-04 words: 4428 flesch: 60 summary: Especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, the use of social media is known to have increased intensively, both for communication, information, and the learning process The existence of social media is also glorified as a symbol of openness and freedom of information [4]–[6]. keywords: criticality; doi; hoaxes; information; media; news; results; scale; thinking; vol cache: businta-492.pdf plain text: businta-492.txt item: #70 of 89 id: businta-507 author: M. Khairul Anam; Indra Prayogo; Susandri; Yoyon Efendi; Erlin; nurjayadi title: The Readiness Analysis of Smart School Implementation Using Technology Readiness Index to Support Smart City Implementation date: 2022-12-30 words: 7169 flesch: 55 summary: This is what needs to be considered in improving the readiness of prospective users in the adoption of Smart Schools technology later. Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application ISSN 2614-0047 Vol. 6, No. 2, December 2022, pp. 132-145 132 The readiness analysis of smart school implementation using technology readiness index to support smart city implementation M. Khairul Anam a,1,*, Indra Prayogo a,2, Susandri a,3, Yoyon Efendi a,4, Erlin b,5, Nurjayadi a,6 a STMIK Amik Riau, Jl, Purwodadi Indah Km. 10 Panam, Pekanbaru 28294, Indonesia b Pelita Indonesia Institute of Business and Technology Jl. keywords: analysis; data; index; pekanbaru; readiness; research; results; school; smart; technology; technology readiness; tri; value; vol cache: businta-507.pdf plain text: businta-507.txt item: #71 of 89 id: businta-508 author: Linando, Jaya Addin; Herwanto, Guntur Budi title: Concerns for Digital Privacy in Business and Management: An overview and Future Discourses Recommendation date: 2022-12-30 words: 2423 flesch: 51 summary: The authors compile data privacy in HRM and marketing articles through ‘title words’ and ‘keywords’ search combinations on Publish or Perish (PoP) software and run the result’s visualization using VOSviewer as can be seen in Fig. Roles-Trust-Security This is arguably the most wide-ranging cluster as it concerns the privacy-related interconnected components like the role of digital marketing in political campaigns, the role of user privacy concerns in platforms competition, the role of governmental organization to regulate data privacy and the role of information types that shape privacy issue. keywords: business; concerns; data; doi; management; marketing; privacy; vol cache: businta-508.pdf plain text: businta-508.txt item: #72 of 89 id: businta-534 author: Harno Supardin; Satra, Ramdan ; Asis, Muh. Arfah ; Teng, Ming Foey title: Comparison Analysis of Digital Forensic Tools on Instagram Messenger using The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Method date: 2022-03-31 words: 2890 flesch: 52 summary: Based on the above background, a study titled Comparative Analysis of Digital Forensic Tools on Instagram Messenger Using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Method was conducted. 65-75 65 Comparison Analysis of Digital Forensic Tools on Instagram Messenger using The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Method Harno Supardin a,1*, Ramdan Satra a,2, Muh. keywords: analysis; digital; evidence; forensic; instagram; process; tools cache: businta-534.pdf plain text: businta-534.txt item: #73 of 89 id: businta-545 author: Asghaiyer, Mohamed; Omar, Abdaraouf Abdalla title: Forecasting IoT Pollution Data Using Forward Newton for Sustainable Green Environment date: 2022-03-31 words: 2589 flesch: 59 summary: The information obtained is then processed and analyzed so that complete data or information is obtained regarding the specifications of user needs for the software to be developed At this stage, data is collected on the IoT server, stored in the MySql database, then processed in CSV format and later processed in python. [10] J. B. A. Gomes, J. J. P. C. Rodrigues, R. A. L. Rabêlo, N. Kumar, and S. Kozlov, “IoT-enabled gas sensors: Technologies, applications, and opportunities,”, 2019, doi: 10.3390/jsan8040057. keywords: analysis; co2; data; doi; iot; newton; pollution; software; vol cache: businta-545.pdf plain text: businta-545.txt item: #74 of 89 id: businta-551 author: Santoso, Ong, Hansel; Junaedi, Hartarto; Santoso, Joan title: Dragonfly Algorithm for Crowd NPC Movement Simulation in Metaverse date: 2023-04-08 words: 3112 flesch: 61 summary: 𝑝 = |𝑥2 − 𝑥1| () 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑑 + 𝑝 () Equation (15) calculates the distance between each individual and the booths spread over the area, and Equation (16) calculates the profile similarity between individuals and job fair booth profiles as a fitness function used in each iteration of Equation (17). 76-83 Hansel Santoso (Dragonfly Algorithm for Crowd NPC…) keywords: algorithm; bachelor; crowd; individual; job; npc cache: businta-551.pdf plain text: businta-551.txt item: #75 of 89 id: businta-553 author: Apriantoro, Muhamad Subhi; Adelia Eka Nuraini; Hudaifah title: Social Network Analysis of The Development of The Halal Industry In Indonesia date: 2022-12-30 words: 4305 flesch: 61 summary: The top influencer on Twitter accounts, the most influential related to Halal Industry conversations, is @yozariam 729 engagements. 102-110 Apriantoro (Social network analysis of the development of the halal industry in Indonesia) keywords: analysis; fig; halal; halal industry; indonesia; industry; mentions; social; twitter; vol cache: businta-553.pdf plain text: businta-553.txt item: #76 of 89 id: businta-581 author: Oghu, Emughedi; Ogbuju, Emeka ; Abiodun , Taiwo ; Oladipo, Francisca title: A Review of Sentiment Analysis Approaches for Quality Assurance in Teaching and Learning (RETRACTED) date: 2023-07-18 words: 6998 flesch: 50 summary: Thus, we recommend future work that considerss using students’ emotional expressions as feedback for student sentiment analysis. Opinion means extracting and analyzing individuals’ opinions about a particular subject, while sentiments analysis refers to finding sentiment words or phrases that exhibit emotion. keywords: analysis; conference; doi; education; feedback; learning; papers; research; review; science; sentiment; sentiment analysis; student; study; teaching; vol cache: businta-581.pdf plain text: businta-581.txt item: #77 of 89 id: businta-592 author: Eka Putra, Fauzan Prasetyo; Maulana, Fairuz Iqbal; Akbar , Nawawi Muhammad ; Febriantoro, Wicaksono title: Twitter sentiment analysis about economic recession in indonesia date: 2023-03-02 words: 3417 flesch: 52 summary: [3] M. Arora and V. Kansal, “Character level embedding with deep convolutional neural network for text normalization of unstructured data for Twitter sentiment analysis,” Soc. Data Preprocessing Ensuring that our data is machine-readable is a crucial aspect of data analysis. keywords: analysis; data; doi; fig; indonesia; polarity; recession; sentiment; study; tweets; twitter; vol cache: businta-592.pdf plain text: businta-592.txt item: #78 of 89 id: businta-593 author: Putri , Nastiti Susetyo Fanany; Widiharso , Prasetya ; Utama, Agung Bella Putra; Shakti, Maharsa Caraka; Ghosh , Urvi title: Natural Language Processing in Higher Education date: 2023-07-03 words: 7571 flesch: 53 summary: NLP sentiment analysis is used to analyze unstructured textual data to find positive or negative sentiments contained in the supervising teacher's notes and to predict the probability of dropping out of school. Machine learning chatbots allow identifying user input. keywords: analysis; application; chatbots; data; development; doi; education; language; learning; machine; nlp; processing; sentiment; sentiment analysis; students; text; translation; vol cache: businta-593.pdf plain text: businta-593.txt item: #79 of 89 id: businta-596 author: Wibawa, Aji Prasetya; Dwiyanto, Felix Andika ; Utama , Agung Bella Putra title: Deep learning in education: a bibliometric analysis date: 2022-12-30 words: 2990 flesch: 52 summary: On the other hand, Deep learning (DL) is a subfield of ML that focuses on the creation of artificial neural networks (ANN). For various objectives, deep learning may be used in education, including obtaining individualized information about each student's educational experience [6]. keywords: analysis; doi; education; fig; learning; research; students; vol cache: businta-596.pdf plain text: businta-596.txt item: #80 of 89 id: businta-598 author: Kusumasari, Adita Ayu ; Syafitri, Annisa Amelia ; Selly, Adita Febiola ; Buseri, Dimas Prastyo ; Erlangga, Fabyan Raif ; Jimenez, Genett title: Social Media Instagram for Promoting Tourism In The Eastern Indonesia date: 2022-03-31 words: 5406 flesch: 52 summary: The author will determine the research focus, namely analyzing the use of Instagram social media on the @maluku_punya account with 7C Framework elements and supporting and inhibiting factors for using Instagram @maluku_punya social media in promoting Eastern tourism. Likewise, you can also take advantage of Instagram social media in promoting tourism. keywords: @maluku_punya; account; content; feature; indonesia; information; instagram; media; tourism; users; vol cache: businta-598.pdf plain text: businta-598.txt item: #81 of 89 id: businta-601 author: Latumakulita, Luther; Mandagi, Franklin; Paat, Frangky; Tooy, Dedie; Pakasi, Sandra; Wantasen, Sofia; Pioh, Diane; Mamarimbing, Rinny; Polii, Bobby; Pongoh, Jantje; Pinaria, Arthur; Tenda, Edwin; Islam, Noorul title: Web-Based System for Medicinal Plants Identification Using Convolutional Neural Network date: 2022-12-30 words: 3981 flesch: 56 summary: 158-167 158 Web-based system for medicinal plants identification using convolutional neural network Franklin M.D. Mandagi a,1, Frangky J. Paat a,2, Dedie Tooy a,3, Sandra E. Pakasi a,4, Sofia Wantasen a,5, Diane D. Pioh a,6, Rinny Mamarimbing a,7, Bobby J. V. Polii a,8, Jantje Pongoh a,9, Arthur G. Pinaria a,10, Edwin Tenda a,11, Luther Alexander Latumakulita a,12,*, Noorul Islam b,13 a Sam Ratulangi University, Jalan Kampus, Manado 95115, Indonesia b Kanpur Institute of Technology, A-1, UPSIDC, Rooma Industrial Area, Kanpur, 201008, India 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13 * corresponding author 1. 158-167 Mandagi Author (Web-based system for medicinal plants identification using convolutional neural network) of 73.33%, and the highest 80.00%. keywords: accuracy; data; fig; model; network; neural; plants; system; training; validation; vol cache: businta-601.pdf plain text: businta-601.txt item: #82 of 89 id: businta-602 author: Setiawan, Esther Irawati; Natalie, Valerynta; Santoso , Joan ; Fujisawa, Kimiya title: Sequential Pattern Mining to Support Customer Relationship Management at Beauty Clinics date: 2022-12-30 words: 3856 flesch: 54 summary: To test the proposed method, the researchers applied it to customer data from a telecommunication service provider, demonstrating its effectiveness in this field. [2] S. Wilde, Customer Knowledge Management: improving customer relationship through knowledge application. keywords: algorithm; crm; customer; data; management; mining; pattern; sequential; support; vol cache: businta-602.pdf plain text: businta-602.txt item: #83 of 89 id: businta-605 author: Herman Yuliansyah; Sulistyawati ; Tri Wahyuni Sukesi ; Surahma Asti Mulasari; Wan Nur Syamilah Wan Ali title: Artificial intelligence in malnutrition research: a bibliometric analysis date: 2023-07-03 words: 5117 flesch: 52 summary: 32-42 32 Artificial intelligence in malnutrition research: a bibliometric analysis Herman Yuliansyah a,1,*, Sulistyawati b,2, Tri Wahyuni Sukesi b,3, Surahma Asti Mulasari b,4, Wan Nur Syamilah Wan Ali c,5 a Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogakarta 55191, Indonesia b Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogakarta 55164, Indonesia c Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor 43600, Malaysia 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 *corresponding author 1. Based on five searched words: malnutrition, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning, it was found that machine learning is the most widely used artificial intelligence approach for malnutrition research. keywords: abs; analysis; doi; fig; intelligence; learning; malnutrition; research; vol cache: businta-605.pdf plain text: businta-605.txt item: #84 of 89 id: businta-606 author: Budiarto, Laksono; Rokhman, Nissa Mawada ; Uriu, Wako title: Uncovering negative sentiments: a study of indonesian twitter users' health opinions on coffee consumption date: 2023-03-30 words: 3397 flesch: 57 summary: The limited character count on Twitter makes it an ideal platform for opinion mining. 2. Method Sentiment analysis, sometimes called opinion mining, is a method or process that classifies text resulting in Natural Language Processing (NLP) keywords: application; coffee; data; doi; health; kopi; mining; minum; opinions; twitter; vol cache: businta-606.pdf plain text: businta-606.txt item: #85 of 89 id: businta-609 author: Arifin, Muh Awal; Satra, Ramdan; Syafie, Lukman; Nidhom , Ahmad Mursyidun title: Optimizing AWS lambda code execution time in amazon web services date: 2023-03-30 words: 5698 flesch: 55 summary: [20] S. Dorodko and J. Spillner, “Selective Java code transformation into AWS Lambda functions,” CEUR Workshop Proc., vol. 2330, pp. In this study, the method used is to collect data on code execution time at various input sizes, then perform an analysis of the factors that affect execution time. keywords: aws; cloud; code; computing; data; execution; files; function; lambda; serverless; time cache: businta-609.pdf plain text: businta-609.txt item: #86 of 89 id: businta-621 author: kurniawan, Fachrul; Arif, Yunifa Miftachul ; Nugroho, Fresy ; Ikhlayel, Mohammed title: Comparing neural network with linear Regression for stock market prediction date: 2023-03-10 words: 2640 flesch: 56 summary: Therefore, the second test scenario is carried out by changing the training cycles to 500, and the learning rate to 0.1. Fig. 3. Neural network architecture for testing Fig. 4. Prediction results of neural network test 1 ISSN 2614-0047 Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application 11 Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2023, pp. 8-13 Kurniawan (Comparing neural network with linear regression for stock market prediction) Open, high, and low inputs are linked to hidden 1 in neural network test 2. Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application ISSN 2614-0047 Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2023, pp. 8-13 8 Comparing neural network with linear regression for stock market prediction Fachrul Kurniawan a,1,*, Yunifa Miftachul Arif a,2, Fresy Nugroho a,3, Mohammed Ikhlayel b,4 a Department of Informatics Engineering, State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia b Department of Information Technology and Communications, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine 1; 2; 3; 4 * corresponding author 1. keywords: data; linear; market; network; neural; prediction; regression; stock; vol cache: businta-621.pdf plain text: businta-621.txt item: #87 of 89 id: businta-88 author: Ar Rosyid, Harits; Prawidya, Della Murbarani; Fajariani, Erna; Adhilaga, Hanif; Amalia, Amalia title: The online game addiction psychology and interpersonal relationship of the engineering students date: 2019-12-03 words: 2936 flesch: 55 summary: There are four criteria used in this study, which are online games, online game addiction, psychology, and interpersonal relations. Next, the second criteria is online game addiction. keywords: addiction; games; gaming; online; players; students; vol cache: businta-88.pdf plain text: businta-88.txt item: #88 of 89 id: businta-96 author: fithri, hidayah kariima; Rifani, Jeanny Indra; Aniendya, Mutyara Whening; Jamilah, Nadiratin; ghosh, anusua title: Smartphone usage on senior citizen date: 2020-04-23 words: 2688 flesch: 61 summary: For respondents C, she did not have a hand phone or smartphone, but because of the supportive environment of almost all children and grandchildren having smartphones, he was very interested in learning how to operate and use a smartphone[14]. Smartphones have advantages such as functions to take photos, play songs, record sound and access geographic information and the global positioning system (GPS) keywords: citizen; data; respondents; smartphone; use; vol cache: businta-96.pdf plain text: businta-96.txt item: #89 of 89 id: businta-97 author: Anik Nur Handayani; Reski Dwi Suciati; Ulfa Qomaria; Widya Lestari ; Youngga Rega Nugraha; Paul Igunda Machumu title: The use of social media for earthquake and Tsunami information date: 2023-07-03 words: 3687 flesch: 58 summary: Based on a survey of social media users, social media had an effective role in the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi. Forms of information on social media disasters obtained Fig. 6 indicates that seismic and tsunami information retrieval is obtained through certain groups, uses certain keywords, and searches using event descriptions. keywords: central; disaster; earthquake; information; media; social; sulawesi; tsunami cache: businta-97.pdf plain text: businta-97.txt