item: #1 of 58 id: cord-019114-934xczf3 author: Zhan, Xiu-Xiu title: Epidemic dynamics on information-driven adaptive networks date: 2018-02-16 words: 4852 flesch: 40 summary: The sensitivity of the edge-breaking probability on epidemic spreading dynamics. Therefore, disease information diffusion may play an important role in the control of the epidemic outbreak, but it is not easy to quantitatively measure the strength of its impact [14] . keywords: adaptive; adaptive process; analysis; approach; behavior; breaking; case; density; different; diffusion; disease; disease information; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; edge; epidemic; fig; individuals; infected; information; information diffusion; informed; links; model; network; pairwise; probability; process; processes; results; simulation; spreading; state; susceptible; time; types cache: cord-019114-934xczf3.txt plain text: cord-019114-934xczf3.txt item: #2 of 58 id: cord-254195-k7e8g0ni author: Akinlar, M.A. title: Solutions of a disease model with fractional white noise date: 2020-04-30 words: 3448 flesch: 44 summary: Mathematics of Continuous and Discrete Dynamical Systems Analysis of a stochastic SIR model with fractional Brownian motion Modeling the Effects of Malaria Preventative Measures Mathematical Models of Malaria-A Review Stability Analysis and Chaos Control of the Discretized Fractional-Order Mackey-Glass Equation A Fractional Order Recovery SIR Model from a Stochastic Process A Fractional-Order Infectivity and Recovery SIR Model The fractional-order SIR and SIRS Epidemic Models with Variable Population Size A fractional order epidemic model for the simulation of outbreaks of influenza A(H1N1) Numerical solution and stability analysis of a nonlinear vaccination model with historical effects A New Fractional Modelling on Susceptible-Infected-Recovered Equations with Constant Vaccination Rate Fractional Differential Equations An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations Applications of fractional calculus in Physics Approximation of Fractional Integral and Caputo Fractional Derivatives Generalized Taylor's formula A Predictor-Corrector Approach for the Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations An algorithm for the numerical solution of differential equations of fractional order Detailed error analysis for a fractional Adams method Lyapunov functions for fractional order systems On some Routh-Hurwitz conditions for fractional order differential equations and their applications in Lorenz, Rossler, Chua Chen systems Stochastic Differential Equations An Algorithmic Introduction to Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations Numerical Approximations of Stochastic Differential Equations with non-globally Lipschitz Continuous Coefficients A General Fractional White Noise Theory and Applications to Finance Fractional White Noise Calculus and Applications to Finance. There is no SIRS-type model which considers fractional epidemic disease models with fractional white noise or Wick product settings which makes the paper totally a new contribution to the related science. keywords: analysis; applications; author; brownian; calculus; contribution; detail; deterministic; differential; disease; endemic; epidemic; equations; fractional; free; i(t; individuals; mathematical; method; modeling; models; motion; new; noise; numerical; operators; order; paper; population; present; product; sentence; sirs; solutions; stochastic; susceptible; system; type; white; wick cache: cord-254195-k7e8g0ni.txt plain text: cord-254195-k7e8g0ni.txt item: #3 of 58 id: cord-258018-29vtxz89 author: Cooper, Ian title: A SIR model assumption for the spread of COVID-19 in different communities date: 2020-06-28 words: 5817 flesch: 52 summary: The Lancet infectious diseases Modified SEIR and AI prediction of the epidemics trend of COVID-19 in China under public health interventions Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China, Italy and France A data-driven network model for the emerging COVID-19 epidemics in Wuhan, Toronto and Italy Estimation of COVID-19 dynamics on a back-of-envelope: Does the simplest SIR model provide quantitative parameters and predictions Modeling the impact of mass influenza vaccination and public health interventions on COVID-19 epidemics with limited detection capability Three basic epidemiological models The mathematics of infectious diseases The basic epidemiology models: models, expressions for R0, parameter estimation, and applications The SIR model and the foundations of public health Global analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic using simple epidemiological models A modified sir model for the covid-19 contagion in Italy Mathematical modeling of covid-19 transmission dynamics with a case study of wuhan Mod-370 elling the COVID-19 epidemic and implementation of population-wide interventions in Italy The effectiveness of quarantine of Wuhan city against the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID19): A wellmixed SEIR model analysis ), e0230405. System (1) can be solved numerically to find how the scaled (by f ) susceptible S, infected I and removed R m populations (what we call model solutions) evolve with time, in good agreement with the recorded data. keywords: cases; china; classic; communities; control; countries; covid-19; data; deaths; different; disease; early; evolution; government; health; increase; india; individuals; infected; infections; italy; june; measures; model; modelling; new; number; pandemic; parameters; peak; periods; population; predictions; rate; sir; sir model; south; spread; state; surge; susceptible; susceptible individuals; susceptible population; system; texas; time; total; usa; virus cache: cord-258018-29vtxz89.txt plain text: cord-258018-29vtxz89.txt item: #4 of 58 id: cord-258235-khdyxiwe author: Chakraborty, Tanujit title: Real-time forecasts and risk assessment of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases: A data-driven analysis date: 2020-04-30 words: 5631 flesch: 51 summary: Daubechies wavelets can produce identical events across the observed time series in so many fashions that most other time series prediction models cannot recognize [3] . ARIMA model is denoted by ARIMA(p, d, q). keywords: affected; analysis; april; arima; arima model; canada; cases; causal; cfr; characteristics; china; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 cases; data; datasets; days; different; disease; epidemic; error; estimates; fatality; figure; forecasting; forecasts; france; health; hybrid; india; korea; model; nonstationary; novel; number; outbreak; parameters; people; period; predictions; real; residual; risk; sample; section; series; short; south; study; term; time; time series; total; training; tree; values; variables; wavelet; wbf; wbf model; x.x4 cache: cord-258235-khdyxiwe.txt plain text: cord-258235-khdyxiwe.txt item: #5 of 58 id: cord-259846-oxbmtend author: Naik, Parvaiz Ahmad title: Global dynamics of a fractional order model for the transmission of HIV epidemic with optimal control date: 2020-06-18 words: 8471 flesch: 46 summary: [34] provided a class of fractional order differential models of biological systems with memory, such as dynamics of tumor-immune system and dynamics of HIV infection of CD4 + T cells. The purpose of dealing with fractional order systems is the memory and hereditary properties which are the complex behav-ioral patterns of biological systems gives us more realistic way to model HIV/AIDS systems. keywords: adams; aids; analysis; bashforth; caputo; change; class; conditions; condom; control; control measures; control problem; derivative; differential; disease; dynamics; effect; epidemic; epidemic model; equations; equilibrium; existence; fig; following; fractional; fractional derivative; fractional differential; fractional optimal; fractional order; free; function; global; hiv; individuals; infected; infection; infectives; initial; local; measures; memory; method; model; moulton; new; non; nonlinear; number; numerical; optimal; optimal control; order model; order κ; population; problem; proof; proposed; rate; results; section; solution; spread; stability; state; susceptible; system; theorem; time; transmission; treatment; unaware; use; values cache: cord-259846-oxbmtend.txt plain text: cord-259846-oxbmtend.txt item: #6 of 58 id: cord-261599-ddgoxape author: Nabi, Khondoker Nazmoon title: Forecasting of COVID-19 pandemic: From integer derivatives to fractional derivatives date: 2020-09-21 words: 6636 flesch: 49 summary: PRCC is a global sensitivity analysis method, which is used to quantify the relationship between model response function (outputs) and model parameters (sampled by Latin Hypercube Sampling method) in an outbreak setting [28] . In this paper, a new compartmental COVID-19 model has been studied rigorously with the help of Caputo fractional derivatives. keywords: algorithm; analysis; asymptomatic; cameroon; caputo; cases; class; compartmental; condition; confined; confinement; contact; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; derivative; differential; disease; dynamics; epidemic; equations; following; formula; fractional; fractional model; government; health; hospitalised; individuals; infected; infectious; initial; integer; measures; method; model; new; non; number; numerical; optimization; order; outbreak; parameters; people; physical; places; population; positive; proposed; public; quarantine; rate; real; recovered; results; sense; solutions; study; system; theorem; time; total; transition; transmission; unquarantined cache: cord-261599-ddgoxape.txt plain text: cord-261599-ddgoxape.txt item: #7 of 58 id: cord-268630-vu8yyisx author: Mohammad, Mutaz title: Implicit Riesz wavelets based-method for solving singular fractional integro-differential equations with applications to hematopoietic stem cell modeling date: 2020-06-17 words: 2860 flesch: 43 summary: mohammad A numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind based on tight framelets generated by the oblique extension principle A collocation method via the quasi-affine biorthogonal systems for solving weakly singular type of volterra-fredholm integral equations Applications of bi-framelet systems for solving fractional order differential equations Bi-orthogonal wavelets for investigating Gibbs effects via oblique extension principle Fractional differential equations Numerical solution of volterra integro-differential equations of convolution type by using operational matrices of piecewise constant orthogonal functions A predictor-corrector approach for the numerical solution of fractional differential equations Haar wavelet approach to linear stiff systems Framelets: MRA-based constructions of wavelet frames Smooth wavelet tight frames with zero moments Pseudo-spline, wavelets and framelets Pseudo box splines. Therefore, several methods involving integro-differential operators have been proposed to solve fractional differential equations. keywords: analysis; applications; calculus; cells; collocation; corresponding; derivative; differential; equations; following; fractional; framelets; function; high; integral; integro; kernel; masks; method; model; modeling; moments; numerical; order; paper; pseudo; refinable; riesz; singular; smoothed; solutions; splines; systems; tight; type; wavelets; work cache: cord-268630-vu8yyisx.txt plain text: cord-268630-vu8yyisx.txt item: #8 of 58 id: cord-269363-drjj705k author: Nenchev, Vladislav title: Optimal quarantine control of an infectious outbreak date: 2020-07-28 words: 4238 flesch: 53 summary: key: cord-269363-drjj705k authors: Nenchev, Vladislav title: Optimal quarantine control of an infectious outbreak date: 2020-07-28 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110139 sha: doc_id: 269363 cord_uid: drjj705k This paper studies the optimal control of an infectious spread based on common epidemic models with permanent immunity and no vaccine availability. medRxiv Optimal policies for control of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak Effective containment explains subexponential growth in recent confirmed COVID-19 cases in China A survey of the maximum principles for optimal control problems with state constraints Modelling the SARS epidemic by a lattice-based montecarlo simulation Extension and verification of the SEIR model on the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in Japan Optimization methods for solving bang-bang control problems with state constraints and the verification of sufficient conditions A local field of extremals for single input systems with state space constraints Modellierung von Beispielszenarien der SARS-CoV-2-Epidemie 2020 in Deutschland Projecting the spread of COVID19 for Germany. keywords: applied; approach; arc; available; bang; boundary; capacity; conditions; constraints; control; corresponding; covid-19; data; disease; final; following; function; germany; horizon; individuals; infected; infections; initial; isolation; max; model; number; optimal; optimization; outbreak; overall; parameter; policies; policy; population; problem; quarantine; sars; seir; sir; state; switching; time; total cache: cord-269363-drjj705k.txt plain text: cord-269363-drjj705k.txt item: #9 of 58 id: cord-280975-9hgtvm6d author: Sarkar, Kankan title: Modeling and forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic in India date: 2020-06-28 words: 3775 flesch: 41 summary: (2020) Modeling the dynamics of novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) with fractional derivative Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study The impact of the media awareness and optimal strategy on the prevalence of tuberculosis Fatmawati, Parameter estimation and fractional derivatives of dengue transmission model A dynamical model of asymptomatic carrier zika virus with optimal control strategies Dynamics of tuberculosis transmission with exogenous reinfec-440 tions and endogenous reactivations Modeling and analysis of Tuberculosis (TB) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Estimation of the transmission risk of the 2019-ncov and its implication for public health interventions Modelling strategies for controlling sars outbreaks Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 transmission dynamics with a case study of Wuhan Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China, Italy and France On the definition and the computation of the basic reproduction ratio R 0 in models for infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations Reproduction numbers and subthreshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission A methodology for performing global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in systems biology Avoidable errors in the modelling of out-460 breaks of emerging pathogens, with special reference to Ebola 2019-novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): estimating the case fatality ratea word of caution Campus quarantine (Fengxiao) for curbing emer-465 gent infectious diseases: Lessons from mitigating A/H1N1 in Xi'an To describe how best to minimize individuals impermanence and morbidity due to SARS-CoV-2, it is important to see the relative significance of various ingredients responsible for disease transmission. keywords: analysis; asymptomatic; basic; cases; contact; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; daily; data; disease; dynamics; epidemic; estimated; india; individuals; infected; infectious; initial; march; mathematical; model; new; number; observed; pandemic; parameter; population; q model; rate; reproduction; s q; sarii; sars; social; study; susceptible; table; time; transmission; values; β s cache: cord-280975-9hgtvm6d.txt plain text: cord-280975-9hgtvm6d.txt item: #10 of 58 id: cord-283291-lj3k53px author: Brugnago, Eduardo L. title: How relevant is the decision of containment measures against COVID-19 applied ahead of time? date: 2020-08-12 words: 4570 flesch: 57 summary: Section 3 discusses the effect of containment actions on the total number of confirmed infected cases applied in three distinct days and Sec. 3. Figures 4(a) , 4(c), 4(e), and 4(g) display the total cumulative number of confirmed infected cases and Figs. 4(b), 4(d), 4(f), and 4(h) show the cumulative number of only symptomatic infected individuals. keywords: actions; april; asymptomatic; belgium; black; brazil; cases; continuous; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; cumulative; curves; daily; data; days; distance; distinct; dynamics; epidemic; fig; growth; individuals; infected; initial; law; model; number; parameters; people; possible; power; real; results; social; strategies; table; tests; time; usa; value; work cache: cord-283291-lj3k53px.txt plain text: cord-283291-lj3k53px.txt item: #11 of 58 id: cord-288080-rr9e61ay author: Mohadab, Mohamed El title: Bibliometric method for mapping the state of the art of scientific production in Covid-19 date: 2020-06-30 words: 2864 flesch: 44 summary: So the use of bibliometric analysis [2] to identify and analyze the scientific performance of authors, articles, journals, institutions, countries through the analysis of keywords and the number of citations constitutes an essential element which provides researchers with the means to identify avenues and new directions in relation to a theme of scientific research. Through bibliometric analyzes we try to get the trends of scientific research in the theme of Covid-19. keywords: academic; analysis; authors; bibliometric; citations; cluster; countries; covid-19; data; databases; display; field; figure; institutions; international; items; keywords; network; number; order; pandemic; publications; pubmed; research; researchers; results; science; scientific; scopus; study; visualization; vosviewer; web cache: cord-288080-rr9e61ay.txt plain text: cord-288080-rr9e61ay.txt item: #12 of 58 id: cord-288894-2iaq3ayv author: Kumar, Sachin title: A novel mathematical approach of COVID-19 with non-singular fractional derivative date: 2020-07-01 words: 3315 flesch: 46 summary: We find out the dynamics of susceptible, exposed, infected and asymptotically infected people, that how is behave with different fractional fractional order. A non-singular fractional derivative with Mittag-Leffler kernel has been used and the numerical approximation formula of fractional derivative of function keywords: behavior; calculus; class; contact; covid-19; definition; derivative; differential; differentiation; domain; dynamics; equations; fig; follows; fractional; function; increases; infected; interval; kernel; leffler; legendre; matrix; method; mittag; model; new; number; numerical; operational; order; orthogonal; people; polynomial; rate; section; solution; susceptible; time; virus cache: cord-288894-2iaq3ayv.txt plain text: cord-288894-2iaq3ayv.txt item: #13 of 58 id: cord-290952-tbsccwgx author: Ullah, Saif title: Modeling the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the dynamics of novel coronavirus with optimal control analysis with a case study date: 2020-07-03 words: 6466 flesch: 47 summary: The simulation results of without optimal control model are shown in section 5. Therefore, the largest compact invariant set in ∆ is the singleton set W 0 and using the LaSalle's invariant principle [17] , W 0 is globally asymptotically stable in ∆. The present section investigates the data fitting using model (3) to the confirmed reported COVID-19 infected cases in Pakistan. keywords: analysis; basic; burden; cases; class; contact; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; covid-19 cases; covid-19 infection; covid-19 model; covid-19 pandemic; dependent; disease; distancing; dynamics; effective; figure; following; global; health; hospitalization; impact; implementation; individuals; infected; infection; interventions; isolation; mathematical; mild; model; new; non; number; optimal; optimal control; order; pakistan; pandemic; parameters; people; pharmaceutical; prcc; present; quarantine; rate; reported; reproduction; results; section; self; social; strict; study; symptoms; time; tracing; transmission; world cache: cord-290952-tbsccwgx.txt plain text: cord-290952-tbsccwgx.txt item: #14 of 58 id: cord-291227-dgjieg7t author: Mandal, Manotosh title: A model based study on the dynamics of COVID-19: Prediction and control date: 2020-05-13 words: 3255 flesch: 55 summary: The mathematical model can help when these intervention measures are the best strategies for disease control as well as how they might affect the disease dynamics. Further, we perform the sensitivity analysis of the essential reproduction number and found that reducing the contact of exposed and susceptible humans is the most critical factor in achieving disease control. keywords: analysis; cases; class; control; covid-19; disease; dynamics; epidemic; equilibrium; fig; free; india; infected; mathematical; matrix; measures; model; number; optimal; parameter; person; population; portion; positive; present; quarantine; rate; reproduction; sensitivity; states; study; susceptible; system; table; theorem; transmission; value cache: cord-291227-dgjieg7t.txt plain text: cord-291227-dgjieg7t.txt item: #15 of 58 id: cord-295116-eo887olu author: Chimmula, Vinay Kumar Reddy title: Time Series Forecasting of COVID-19 transmission in Canada Using LSTM Networks() date: 2020-05-08 words: 4711 flesch: 46 summary: The rest of this paper is structured as follows: section II describes methods, datasets and LSTM models used in this paper. The predictions of LSTM model are shown in 4 with solid red line. keywords: analysis; approaches; authors; canada; cases; chimmula; components; covid-19; criteria; current; data; dataset; deep; disease; dynamics; editorial; figure; forecasting; function; gate; health; help; infections; information; input; intellectual; interest; learning; linear; lstm; manuscript; mathematical; methods; model; nature; networks; non; novel; number; order; outbreak; output; pandemic; paper; parameters; patterns; predictions; previous; rate; real; respect; results; series; statistical; study; temporal; term; time; transmission; trend; world cache: cord-295116-eo887olu.txt plain text: cord-295116-eo887olu.txt item: #16 of 58 id: cord-298626-duvzwxv0 author: Džiugys, Algis title: Simplified model of Covid-19 epidemic prognosis under quarantine and estimation of quarantine effectiveness date: 2020-07-29 words: 4812 flesch: 46 summary: We propose to build epidemic analysis and model on the dynamics of rate of new infection cases as more reliable epidemiological data together with an assumption of effectiveness to isolate registered infectious during imposed quarantine. ( 4 ) and ( 5 ), the parameter can be related to the infectious rate as follows Let us define 0 as the growth rate of new infection cases when epidemic starts and spreads without control. keywords: actions; active; average; basis; cases; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; days; disease; dynamics; effectiveness; epidemic; epidemiological; figure; growth; growth rate; individuals; infected; infection cases; infectious; lockdown; march; measures; model; new; new cases; new infection; number; pandemic; parameter; period; population; quarantine; rate; region; scenario; spread; time; value cache: cord-298626-duvzwxv0.txt plain text: cord-298626-duvzwxv0.txt item: #17 of 58 id: cord-299312-asc120pn author: Khoshnaw, Sarbaz H.A. title: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the COVID–19 Pandemic Model date: 2020-05-25 words: 2087 flesch: 29 summary: We have applied the idea of local sensitivity to calculate the sensitivity 525 of each model state concerning model parameters for the updated model of the COVID-19. Results based on the computational simulations show that the model dynamics are significantly changed for different key model parameters. keywords: analysis; computational; coronavirus; covid-19; critical; different; disease; dynamics; equations; health; important; individuals; infected; key; mathematical; model; modelling; normalizations; novel; number; outbreak; parameters; reaction; sensitivity; simulations; states; symptomatic; systems; transmission cache: cord-299312-asc120pn.txt plain text: cord-299312-asc120pn.txt item: #18 of 58 id: cord-299810-e57pwgnx author: Martelloni, Gabriele title: Modelling the downhill of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy and a universal forecast of the epidemic in the world date: 2020-07-01 words: 3029 flesch: 53 summary: Analysis of the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy, the role of the asymptomatics and the success of Logistic model Early Phylogenetic Estimate of the Effective Reproduction Number Of Sars-CoV-2 Emerging coronaviruses: Genome structure, replication, and pathogenesis Data analysis on Coronavirus spreading by macroscopic growth laws CoViD19: An Automatic, Semiparametric Estimation Method for the Population Infected in Italy Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China A Poisson Autoregressive Model to Understand COVID-19 Contagion Dynamics, ssrn -abstract-id=3551626 CDC COVID-19 Response Team, Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) -United States How macroscopic laws describe complex dynamics: asymptomatic population and CoviD-19 spreading Notice sur la loi que la population poursuit dans son accroissement On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality and a new mode of determining life contingencies [2] Many growth models have been very recently applied to study the evolution of the Covid-19 infection keywords: approximation; april; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; curve; data; deaths; different; epidemic; evolution; fig; following; function; generalized; growth; infected; italy; linear; logistic; march; model; new; number; parameter; peak; population; quadratic; recovery; sars; study; swabs; time; total; use; virus cache: cord-299810-e57pwgnx.txt plain text: cord-299810-e57pwgnx.txt item: #19 of 58 id: cord-301035-dz8642qx author: Rasheed, Jawad title: A Survey on Artificial Intelligence Approaches in Supporting Frontline Workers and Decision Makers for COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-10-10 words: 6139 flesch: 30 summary: Table V lists the other identified COVID-19 AI-based applications that utilize respiratory or coughing data. A Capsule Network-based Framework for Identification of COVID-19 cases from X-ray Images Finding Covid-19 from Chest X-rays using Deep Learning on a Small Dataset Deep Learning on Chest X-ray Images to Detect and Evaluate Pneumonia Cases at the Era of COVID-19 A web-based Diagnostic Tool for COVID-19 Using Machine Learning on Chest Radiographs (CXR) Detection of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Associated Pneumonia based on Generative Adversarial Networks and a Fine-Tuned Deep Transfer Learning Model using Chest X-ray Dataset COVID-MobileXpert: On-Device COVID-19 keywords: accuracy; accurate; analysis; approaches; artificial; assessment; better; blood; cases; chest; chest x; china; classification; clinical; computer; convolutional; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; current; cxr; data; dataset; deep; deep learning; detection; development; diagnosis; different; discovery; disease; drug; forecasting; framework; health; help; high; images; infected; infection; intelligence; large; learning; level; machine; medical; methods; model; mortality; multi; network; neural; new; novel; number; order; outbreak; pandemic; paper; patients; pneumonia; positive; potential; prediction; public; rapid; rate; ray; ray images; rays; real; regression; researchers; respiratory; review; sars; screening; section; sensitivity; severe; spread; state; study; system; techniques; time; tools; transfer; transmission; world cache: cord-301035-dz8642qx.txt plain text: cord-301035-dz8642qx.txt item: #20 of 58 id: cord-301150-41lfsedz author: Sardar, Tridip title: Assessment of Lockdown Effect in Some States and Overall India: A Predictive Mathematical Study on COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-07-08 words: 2223 flesch: 41 summary: Forecast based on 20% reduction in current lockdown rate: we followed the same 206 procedure as previous two scenarios with 20% decrement in the estimate of lockdown rate 207 (see Table 1 and Table 2 ) to obtained the forecast during the mentioned time period. Forecast based on 30% reduction in current lockdown rate: we followed the same 209 procedure as previous three scenarios with 30% decrement in the estimate of lockdown 210 rate (see Table 1 and Table 2 ) to obtain the forecast during the mentioned time period. keywords: cases; compartment; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; effect; effective; estimate; fig; forecast; india; infected; infection; locations; lockdown; mathematical; model; nadim; number; parameters; period; population; projection; rate; reduction; sardar; shahid; symptomatic; table; transmission; tridip; value cache: cord-301150-41lfsedz.txt plain text: cord-301150-41lfsedz.txt item: #21 of 58 id: cord-301829-6yrgkx96 author: Bhardwaj, Rashmi title: Data Driven Estimation of Novel COVID-19 Transmission Risks Through Hybrid Soft-Computing Techniques date: 2020-07-25 words: 1970 flesch: 46 summary: Transmission data of the virus outbreak to atudy gov interventions [8] . It is the need of the hour to model the factors of COVID-19 transmission to minimize its spread and the extent to which it can be harmful. keywords: analysis; cases; china; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; days; deaths; epidemic; forecasting; health; hybrid; india; mase; mathematical; model; novel; outbreak; pandemic; rate; respiratory; series; smape; spread; study; syndrome; time; transmission; wavelet; world cache: cord-301829-6yrgkx96.txt plain text: cord-301829-6yrgkx96.txt item: #22 of 58 id: cord-303030-8unrcb1f author: Gaeta, Giuseppe title: Social distancing versus early detection and contacts tracing in epidemic management date: 2020-07-16 words: 11352 flesch: 52 summary: SIAM ArXiv: 2003.02062 ; Data Analysis for the COVID-19 early dynamics in Northern Italy A simple SIR model with a large set of asymptomatic infectives A simple SIR model with a large set of asymptomatic infectives How to reduce epidemic peaks keeping under control the time-span of the epidemic Accurate closed-form solution of the SIR epidemic model Asymptomatic transmission, the achilles heel of current strategies to control covid-19 (Editorial) Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19 Pre-and asymptomatic individuals contribute up to 80% of COVID-19 transmission Evidence supporting transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 while presymptomatic or asymptomatic Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 The rate of underascertainment of novel coronavirus (2019-ncov) infection: estimation using japanese passengers data on evacuation flights Estimation of the asymptomatic ratio of novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19) Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the diamond princess cruise ship Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-cov2) We have considered epidemic dynamics as described by mean field models of the SIR type; more specifically, we have first considered the classical Kermack-McKendrick SIR model [1] [2] keywords: -and; approach; asymptomatic; asymptomatic infectives; cases; class; considered; contacts; countries; covid; covid epidemic; covid-19; data; detection; different; discussion; distancing; dynamics; early; effect; effective; epidemic; epidemic peak; epidemiological; equations; fact; fig; fraction; general; hand; health; home; individuals; infected; infection; infectives; initial; isolation; italy; large; long; lower; means; measures; model; note; number; order; paper; parameters; particular; patients; peak; people; phase; point; population; presence; present; raising; reduction; sense; simple; simulations; sir; sir model; social; standard; strategies; structure; study; symptoms; system; terms; time; total; type; value; way; work cache: cord-303030-8unrcb1f.txt plain text: cord-303030-8unrcb1f.txt item: #23 of 58 id: cord-308069-iydjrmhh author: Contreras, Sebastián title: Statistically-based methodology for revealing real contagion trends and correcting delay-induced errors in the assessment of COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-07-03 words: 4975 flesch: 37 summary: From this plot, we can assess both successful and unfortunate effects that the different governmental actions have had on the spreading dynamics of COVID-19 in Chile, and specifically in Santiago, by analyzing corrected R t trends and comparing them with daily reported cases. Different methods for diagnosing COVID-19 have been developed and reported in the literature, with real-time RT-PCR being the standard applied globally (Lippi et al., 2020) . keywords: actions; cases; chest; chile; contagion; coronavirus; corr; cov-2; covid-19; curve; daily; data; days; delay; diagnosis; different; discharged; disease; distribution; dynamics; equation; error; et al; forecast; governmental; health; incubation; individuals; infected; infection; like; methodology; model; new; number; outbreak; pandemic; pcr; period; positive; probability; public; raw; real; reclassification; recovered; reported; reproduction; sars; sensitivity; sir; spread; symptoms; testing; tests; time; total; values; variables; viral; work cache: cord-308069-iydjrmhh.txt plain text: cord-308069-iydjrmhh.txt item: #24 of 58 id: cord-308115-bjyr6ehq author: Baba, Isa Abdullah title: Fractional Order Model for the Role of Mild Cases in the Transmission of COVID-19 date: 2020-10-20 words: 2395 flesch: 32 summary: Cantor's Paradise A survey on existence result for boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional differential equations The Analysis of fractional differential equations: an application-oriented exposition using differential operators of Caputo type stability and dynamics of a fractional order Leslie-Gower model Fractional Differential Equations Stability analysis of fractional differential system with Rieman-Liouville derivative Differential Equations: An Introduction to Differential Equations, creative commons, 94105 Differential Equation of Fractional Order: Methods, Results and Problems stability result for fractional differential equations with application to control processing Stability analysis of Caputo fractional-order nonlinear systems revisited Lyapunov function for fractional; order systems Volterra type Lyapunov function for fractional order epidemic model Analysis of Caputo fractional-order model for COVID-19 with lockdown Analysis of meningitis model: A case study of northern Nigeria Mathematical modeling for adsorption process of dye removal nonlinear equation using power law and exponentially decaying kernels Modeling chickenpox disease with fractional derivatives: From Caputo to Atangana-Baleanu A new study on the mathematical modelling of human liver with Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative A mathematical model for COVID-19 transmission by using the Caputo fractional derivative Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil A fractional differential equation model for the COVID-19 transmission by using the Caputo-Fabrizio derivative On the mathematical model of Rabies by using the fractional Caputo-Fabrizio derivative A mathematical theoretical study of a particular system of Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations for the Rubella disease model Analysis of the model of HIV-1 infection of CD4^{+} T-cell with a new approach of fractional derivative We write to declare our interest in publishing our work titled Fractional Order Model for the Role of Mild Cases in the Transmission of COVID-19 with the journal Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Preprints ( Stability behavior of mathematical model of MERS Corona virus spread in population a mathematical model for simulating the phased-based transmissibility of a novel coronavirus Estimating the reproductive number and the outbreak size of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) using mathematical model republic of Korea A conceptual model for the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China with individual reaction and governmental action A mathematical for the novel Coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan What is fractional Calculus. keywords: analysis; caputo; cases; china; control; covid-19; derivative; differential; disease; dynamics; endemic; equations; equilibrium; fractional; function; human; individuals; infected; infection; lyapunov; mathematical; mild; mild cases; model; number; order; outbreak; population; rate; reproduction; role; spread; stability; stable; system; theorem; transmission; virus cache: cord-308115-bjyr6ehq.txt plain text: cord-308115-bjyr6ehq.txt item: #25 of 58 id: cord-308296-43gmzqa6 author: Alkahtani, Badr Saad T. title: A novel mathematics model of covid-19 with fractional derivative. Stability and numerical analysis date: 2020-06-17 words: 1713 flesch: 59 summary: New fractional derivatives with nonlocal and nonsingular kernel: Theory and application to heat transfer model The Role of Power Decay, Exponential Decay and Mittag-Leffler Functions Waiting Time Distributions: Application of Cancer Spread New numerical approach for fractional differential equations key: cord-308296-43gmzqa6 authors: Alkahtani, Badr Saad T.; Alzaid, Sara Salem title: A novel mathematics model of covid-19 with fractional derivative. keywords: atangana; baleanu; caputo; classes; covid-19; definition; derivative; differential; equation; fractional; function; integral; mathematical; model; new; novel; numerical; n−1; positive; spread; t n−1 cache: cord-308296-43gmzqa6.txt plain text: cord-308296-43gmzqa6.txt item: #26 of 58 id: cord-309758-2rnhrbeq author: Batistela, Cristiane M. title: SIRSi compartmental model for COVID-19 pandemic with immunity loss date: 2020-10-29 words: 5134 flesch: 51 summary: For permanent acquired immunity, γ = 0 , and constant isolation rate, the peak of confirmed infection cases occur in the beginning of the second half of 2020. Decreasing the time interval in which a recovered person becomes susceptible ( γ = 0 . 04 ) to 25 days, the model indicates that number of confirmed infected will be reduced by almost two thirds by the end of this year and the number of infected cases with continue to reduce. keywords: asymptomatic; brazil; campinas; cases; compartment; confirmed; coronavirus; covid-19; data; days; disease; dynamics; eigenvalues; endemic; equilibrium; feedback; fig; immunity; increase; individuals; infected; infection; interval; model; number; outbreak; parameters; patients; paulo; peak; period; permanent; person; population; proposed; rate; recovered; santos; sars; second; section; sirsi; spread; state; susceptible; symptoms; são; temporary; time; unreported; wave cache: cord-309758-2rnhrbeq.txt plain text: cord-309758-2rnhrbeq.txt item: #27 of 58 id: cord-311054-dwns5l64 author: Rafiq, Danish title: Evaluation and prediction of COVID-19 in India: a case study of worst hit states date: 2020-06-19 words: 2171 flesch: 52 summary: A systematic review and meta-analysis Coronavirus: covid-19 has killed more people than SARS and MERS combined, despite lower case fatality rate Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, The lancet Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study Early dynamics of transmission and control of COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study Prediction of the epidemic peak of coronavirus disease in Japan Forecasting the Spread of COVID-19 in Kuwait Using Compartmental and Logistic Regression Models A model based study on the dynamics of COVID-19: Prediction and control Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics with a Case Study of Wuhan Prediction for the spread of COVID-19 in India and effectiveness of preventive measures A machine learning methodology for real-time forecasting of the 2019-2020 COVID-19 outbreak using Internet searches, news alerts, and estimates from mechanistic models Modeling and Forecasting for the number of cases of the COVID-19 pandemic with the Curve Estimation Models, the Box-Jenkins and Exponential Smoothing Methods Optimization method for forecasting confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China On The Consistency of Prediction Error Identification Methods Dynamical effects of overparametrization in nonlinear models Improved structure selection for nonlinear models based on term clustering System Identification -Theory For the User, Appendix 4A Method for the Solution of Certain Problems in Least-Squares Algorithm for Least-squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: For example, in [12] , a data-driven estimation method like long short-term memory (LSTM) is used for the prediction of total number of COVID-19 cases in India for a 30-days ahead prediction window. keywords: ahead; cases; china; control; covid-19; data; days; deaths; disease; dynamics; epidemic; error; estimation; forecasting; identification; india; measures; model; mortality; novel; number; prediction; rate; results; rise; spread; states; study; system; time; total; transmission; virus; worst; wuhan cache: cord-311054-dwns5l64.txt plain text: cord-311054-dwns5l64.txt item: #28 of 58 id: cord-311544-7ihtyiox author: Sun, Tingzhe title: Modeling COVID-19 Epidemic in Heilongjiang Province, China date: 2020-05-29 words: 2517 flesch: 44 summary: We estimated the influence of asymptomatic patients based on a data-driven model from Heilongjiang province. We trained our model based on COVID-19 epidemic in Heilongjiang province from January 23 to March 25, by which the last confirmed patient was cured in Heilongjiang province. keywords: april; asymptomatic; cases; china; contacts; coronavirus; covid-19; data; disease; epidemic; escaper; figure; heilongjiang; initial; interventions; model; novel; number; outbreak; parameter; patients; population; province; quarantine; rate; recovery; reported; set; simulations; stochastic; strict; transmission cache: cord-311544-7ihtyiox.txt plain text: cord-311544-7ihtyiox.txt item: #29 of 58 id: cord-312120-xt5v3bjh author: Lahmiri, Salim title: The Impact of COVID-19 pandemic upon Stability and Sequential Irregularity of Equity and Cryptocurrency Markets date: 2020-05-28 words: 3572 flesch: 39 summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic period it was found that (a) the level of stability in cryptocurrency markets has significantly diminished while the irregularity level significantly augmented, (b) the level of stability in international equity markets has not changed but gained more irregularity, (c) cryptocurrencies became more volatile, (d) the variability in stability and irregularity in equities has not been affected, (e) cryptocurrency and stock markets exhibit a similar degree of stability in price dynamics, whilst finally (f) cryptocurrency exhibit a low level of regularity compared to international equity markets. Moreover, we enrich the relevant literature on the efficiency of cryptocurrency markets 27-33 and spillovers of stock markets due to financial crises 1-24. Section 2 presents the Largest Lyapunov Exponent (LLE) and approximate entropy (ApEn) approaches. keywords: affected; apen; apen mean; apen variance; approach; approximate; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; cryptocurrency; cryptocurrency markets; efficiency; entropy; equity; financial; global; international; international stock; irregularity; level; lle; lle mean; lle variance; markets; mean; pandemic; pandemic period; period; price; stability; stock; stock markets; test; time; variance cache: cord-312120-xt5v3bjh.txt plain text: cord-312120-xt5v3bjh.txt item: #30 of 58 id: cord-315676-y0qbkszx author: Shahid, Farah title: Predictions for COVID-19 with Deep Learning Models of LSTM, GRU and Bi-LSTM date: 2020-08-19 words: 2795 flesch: 49 summary: ARIMA model comprises three processes named as auto regression, integration and moving average which is data independent and employed for model architecture and parameter estimation that is linear function for past observations and arbitrary error [25] [26] . Furthermore, detail description of proposed models is provided below. keywords: accuracy; actual; arima; cases; categories; china; confirmed; countries; covid-19; data; dataset; deaths; epidemic; error; forecasting; gate; gru; high; information; input; learning; linear; long; lstm; mae; measures; memory; models; network; performance; prediction; r2_score; recovered; regression; results; rmse; rnn; series; statistical; support; svr; terms; time; values cache: cord-315676-y0qbkszx.txt plain text: cord-315676-y0qbkszx.txt item: #31 of 58 id: cord-316705-3wzurnfp author: Lalmuanawma, Samuel title: Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic: A review date: 2020-06-25 words: 2939 flesch: 29 summary: Concerning contact tracing, studies have proven the use of ML and AI in augmentation of contact tracing process against infectious Chronic Wasting disease [36] . This paper aims to comprehensively review the role of AI and ML as one significant method in the arena of screening, predicting, forecasting, contact tracing, and drug development for SARS-CoV-2 and its related epidemic. keywords: algorithm; application; artificial; clinical; contact; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; current; data; deep; detection; development; disease; drug; epidemic; expert; forecasting; healthcare; images; infected; infectious; information; intelligence; key; learning; machine; medical; method; model; novel; outbreak; pandemic; paper; prediction; process; real; recent; researchers; review; sars; screening; spread; studies; system; technology; time; tracing; use; world cache: cord-316705-3wzurnfp.txt plain text: cord-316705-3wzurnfp.txt item: #32 of 58 id: cord-317371-v7hmc9sj author: Zhang, Xiaolei title: Predicting turning point, duration and attack rate of COVID-19 outbreaks in major Western countries date: 2020-04-20 words: 1896 flesch: 51 summary: To identify the turning point and predict the further spread of COVID-19 outbreaks while accounting for governments enforcement of stay-at-home advises/orders, social distancing, lockdowns, and quarantines against COVID-19, we combine the power law with the exponential law for daily new cases based on a segmented Poisson model. Unlike the widely used log-transformed linear model, our Poisson modeling approach enables us to deal with daily new cases as a count response with many zeros. keywords: actions; attack; canada; cases; countries; covid-19; daily; data; duration; final; government; italy; major; model; new; outbreak; point; rate; size; spread; turning cache: cord-317371-v7hmc9sj.txt plain text: cord-317371-v7hmc9sj.txt item: #33 of 58 id: cord-319804-i5oprni9 author: Mahajan, Ashutosh title: An Epidemic Model SIPHERD and its application for prediction of the spread of COVID-19 infection in India date: 2020-07-28 words: 2757 flesch: 50 summary: Mathematical models for the epidemic have a major role to make predictions of the transmission dynamics of the disease and thus assist the authority to take necessary movements for the containment. India has reached the fourth position in the world in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and presently has 449,613 confirmed cases and 14,162 deaths as of June 23, 2020, which is really an alarming situation. keywords: active; asymptomatic; cases; china; covid-19; data; day; deaths; different; disease; distancing; epidemic; impact; india; infected; infection; july; june; lockdown; material; mathematical; model; number; parameters; prediction; reported; sipherd; social; spread; supplementary; tests; total; transmission cache: cord-319804-i5oprni9.txt plain text: cord-319804-i5oprni9.txt item: #34 of 58 id: cord-320262-9zxgaprl author: Asamoah, Joshua Kiddy K. title: Global stability and cost-effectiveness analysis of COVID-19 considering the impact of the environment:using data from Ghana date: 2020-07-10 words: 3661 flesch: 50 summary: It is further inferred from this 310 study that; applying optimal control strategy on the rate at which the virus is released into the system, m 1 311 and m 2 , and also on the relative transmission rate due to human behaviour will considerably strike down 312 COVID-19 pandemic. Modelling of rabies transmission dynamics 477 using optimal control analysis Optimal control applied to biological models Optimal COVID-19 quarantine and testing policies Controlling the transmission dynamics of covid-19 Mathematical modelling of bacterial 486 meningitis transmission dynamics with control measures Co-dynamics of pneumonia and typhoid fever diseases with 490 cost effective optimal control analysis Optimal control strategies for dengue fever Cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal control strategies for breast cancer 494 treatment with ketogenic diet Modelling malaria dynamics with partial immunity 496 and protected travellers: optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis keywords: analysis; asymptomatic; class; control; coronavirus; cost; covid-19; disease; dynamics; effectiveness; environment; equation; equilibrium; function; gives; icer; implementation; individuals; infected; mathematical; matrix; model; modelling; ncov; novel; number; optimal; secondary; set; situation; stability; strategies; strategy; study; system; table; theorem; transmission cache: cord-320262-9zxgaprl.txt plain text: cord-320262-9zxgaprl.txt item: #35 of 58 id: cord-320980-srpgcy4b author: Aldila, Dipo title: A mathematical study on the spread of COVID-19 considering social distancing and rapid assessment : The case of Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2020-06-28 words: 6954 flesch: 64 summary: It can be seen that if social distancing intervention maintained for a longer period of time, then the outbreak of COVID-19 in Jakarta will be reduced significantly, and delayed. As a result, identifying critical model parameters in this study based on computational simulations 225 is an effective way to further study the model practically and theoretically and give some suggestions for future improvements of the COVID-19 transmissions, interventions and controlling the spread of disease. keywords: + φ; asymptomatic; backward; bifurcation; cases; covid-19; data; disease; distancing; endemic; equilibrium; following; free; hospital; incidence; individuals; infected; interval; intervention; jakarta; model; number; parameters; point; population; positive; rapid; rate; section; social; spread; strict; study; system; test; theorem; µ +; µ γ; α µ; ν γ; ν η cache: cord-320980-srpgcy4b.txt plain text: cord-320980-srpgcy4b.txt item: #36 of 58 id: cord-322862-dcb237an author: Bekiros, Stelios title: SBDiEM: A new Mathematical model of Infectious Disease Dynamics date: 2020-04-23 words: 8133 flesch: 49 summary: Epidemic models presented above describe rapid outbreaks during which normally the host population is assumed to be in a constant state. Conditions regarding this number guarantee the disease persistence, but in epidemic models such persistence can be dependent upon the magnitude of the stochastic ‡uctuations around the steady-state equilibrium. keywords: analysis; basic; beltrami; boundary; brownian; case; china; complex; conditions; control; coordinates; coronavirus; cos; data; demographic; density; deterministic; dimensional; disease; distribution; di¤erential; dynamics; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; equation; exp; function; health; heat; individuals; infected; infectious; interactions; laplace; local; markov; mathematical; methods; model; modeling; motion; n+1; networks; new; nition; novel; number; operator; outbreaks; past; pneumonia; policies; population; probability; process; projection; proof; public; radius; real; rst; s n; set; sin; sir; solution; space; sphere; spherical; spread; state; stereographic; stochastic; strategies; surveillance; susceptible; theory; time; transition; transmission; vaccination; variables; virus; x t; ‡uenza cache: cord-322862-dcb237an.txt plain text: cord-322862-dcb237an.txt item: #37 of 58 id: cord-325862-rohhvq4h author: Zhang, Yong title: Applicability of time fractional derivative models for simulating the dynamics and mitigation scenarios of COVID-19 date: 2020-06-04 words: 5904 flesch: 41 summary: Other complex SEIR models were also applied to model COVID-19 spread, such as the one proposed by Tang et al. key: cord-325862-rohhvq4h authors: Zhang, Yong; Yu, Xiangnan; Sun, HongGuang; Tick, Geoffrey R.; Wei, Wei; Jin, Bin title: Applicability of time fractional derivative models for simulating the dynamics and mitigation scenarios of COVID-19 date: 2020-06-04 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.109959 sha: doc_id: 325862 cord_uid: rohhvq4h Fractional calculus provides a promising tool for modeling fractional dynamics in computational biology, and this study tests the applicability of fractional-derivative equations (FDEs) for modeling the dynamics and mitigation scenarios of the novel coronavirus for the first time. keywords: calculus; caputo; cases; china; city; classical; constant; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; covid-19 evolution; covid-19 outbreak; data; death; dependent; derivative; disease; distancing; dynamics; epidemic; evolution; fde; fdes; fig; fit; fractional; impact; infected; infection; initial; likely; mathematical; memory; mitigation; model; modeling; new; non; novel; number; order; outbreak; pandemic; particle; peak; people; period; person; pharmaceutical; population; random; rate; reaction; recovered; recovery; scenario; section; seir; seir model; shanghai; social; spread; stochastic; study; susceptible; time; toll; transmission; wuhan cache: cord-325862-rohhvq4h.txt plain text: cord-325862-rohhvq4h.txt item: #38 of 58 id: cord-327544-7ws2kleo author: Hammoumi, Aayah title: Impact assessment of containment measure against COVID-19 spread in Morocco date: 2020-08-22 words: 3927 flesch: 47 summary: Taking account of the previous assumptions, the dynamics of COVID-19 can be described as follows: Susceptibles (S) contacted with either unreported symptomatic (Ĩ u ) or asymptomatic infectious individuals (Ã), at an effective contact rate, c, are infected with infection probability, β, and move to the asymptomatic infectious class (Ã). key: cord-327544-7ws2kleo authors: Hammoumi, Aayah; Qesmi, Redouane title: Impact assessment of containment measure against COVID-19 spread in Morocco date: 2020-08-22 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110231 sha: doc_id: 327544 cord_uid: 7ws2kleo Since the appearance of the first case of COVID-19 in Morocco on March, 02,2020, the cumulative number of reported infectious cases continues to increase and, up to date, the peak-time of infection is not reached yet. keywords: asymptomatic; average; cases; communiqué; confined; contact; containment; control; coronavirus; country; covid-19; cumulative; data; days; disease; duration; epidemic; fig; government; health; individuals; infectious; march; ministry; model; moroccan; morocco; number; peak; population; rate; reported; reproduction; spread; susceptible; time; www.covidmaroc cache: cord-327544-7ws2kleo.txt plain text: cord-327544-7ws2kleo.txt item: #39 of 58 id: cord-328069-a9fi9ssg author: Pathan, Refat Khan title: Time Series Prediction of COVID-19 by Mutation Rate Analysis using Recurrent Neural Network-based LSTM Model date: 2020-06-13 words: 3407 flesch: 61 summary: About 0.1% increment in mutation rate is found for mutating of nucleotides from T to C and G, C to G and G to T. While a decrement of 0.1% is seen for mutating of T to A, and A to C. It is found that this model can be used to predict day basis mutation rates if more patient data is available in updated time. Accurate determination of mutation rates is essential to comprehend the evolution of this virus and to determine the risk of emergent infectious disease. keywords: analysis; array; australia; change; china; codon; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; dataset; date; different; figure; future; genbank; gene; genome; genomic; human; length; lstm; missense; model; mutation; mutation rate; novel; nucleotide; pandemic; patients; process; rate; rna; sars; sequence; series; study; substitution; testing; time; virus; world cache: cord-328069-a9fi9ssg.txt plain text: cord-328069-a9fi9ssg.txt item: #40 of 58 id: cord-330703-fbmy6osu author: Zhang, Zizhen title: Mathematical model of Ebola and covid-19 with fractional differential operators: Non-Markovian process and class for virus pathogen in the environment date: 2020-07-28 words: 3770 flesch: 69 summary: Thus we can write the following and rearrange such as For the above integrals, we can have as follows If we put them into above equality, we obtain the following scheme So we can write the (3.1) with caputo derivative as S 1 (t n−1 , S n−1 , I n−1 , R n−1 , D n−1 , P n−1 ) − 2 S 1 (t n−1 , S n−1 , I n−1 , R n−1 , D n−1 , P n−1 ) (7.14) keywords: caputo; covid-19; d n; d n−2; d(t n−1; derivative; disease; ebola; equation; following; fractional; function; i(t; i(t n−2; j=2; model; n −; new; numerical; n−2; p n; p n−2; present; r n; r(t n−1; s n; s(t; s(t n; s(t n−2; scheme; t n−1; time; virus; y(t; y(t n−1 cache: cord-330703-fbmy6osu.txt plain text: cord-330703-fbmy6osu.txt item: #41 of 58 id: cord-332618-8al98ya2 author: Barraza, Néstor Ruben title: A non-homogeneous Markov early epidemic growth dynamics model. Application to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic date: 2020-09-18 words: 4604 flesch: 57 summary: A theoretical framework to model epidemics by a non homogeneous birth-and-115 death process was proposed in [21] . -The proposed model matches the subexponential growth on the early stage of an epidemic. keywords: birth; case; contagion; countries; cumulative; curve; early; epidemic; evolution; expression; fig; function; growth; immunization; incidence; individuals; infections; mean; model; mtbi; number; order; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; polya; population; probability; process; proposed; pure; rate; section; sir; stochastic; time; value; way cache: cord-332618-8al98ya2.txt plain text: cord-332618-8al98ya2.txt item: #42 of 58 id: cord-333162-gwmvsoru author: Malki, Zohair title: Association between Weather Data and COVID-19 Pandemic Predicting Mortality Rate: Machine Learning Approaches date: 2020-07-17 words: 946 flesch: 40 summary: For Italy, regions 33 with a temperature higher than 15 degrees Celsius and 34 75% humidity have less spread of COVID-19 cases. The researchers concluded that the 76 clustering abilities of self-organizing maps enable to 77 group countries based on COVID-19 confirmed cases. keywords: analysis; cases; coronavirus; covid-19; data; features; humidity; learning; machine; model; mortality; novel; number; pandemic; rate; regions; spread; study; temperature; variables; weather; work cache: cord-333162-gwmvsoru.txt plain text: cord-333162-gwmvsoru.txt item: #43 of 58 id: cord-334413-h6n36jei author: Bhattacharyya, Suvanjan title: A Novel CFD Analysis to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19 Virus in Hospital Isolation Room date: 2020-09-17 words: 2702 flesch: 35 summary: Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics Characterization of infectious aero-sols in health care facilities: an aid to effective engineering controls and preventive strategies Effect of ventilation pattern on room air and contaminant distribution Disinfection of environments in healthcare and no healthcare settings potentially contaminated with SARS-CoV-2 Aerosol and surface distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 in hospital wards Design and simulation of isolation room for a hospital Airborne Respiratory Diseases and mechanical systems for control of microbes Role of ventilation in airborne transmission of infectious agents in the built environment-a multidisciplinary systematic review Improved Strategy to Control Aerosol-Transmitted Infections in a Hospital Suite Methodology for minimizing risk from airborne organisms in hospital isolation rooms Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications COVID 19: Guidelines on disinfection of common public places including offices Indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment Temperature significantly changes COVID-19 transmission in (sub) tropical cities of Brazil Outbreak of a new coronavirus: what anaesthetists should know COVID-19 transmission in Mainland China is associated with temperature and humidity: A time-series analysis Effects of flow control in the presence of asymmetric inflows in twin air-intake. It is absolutely essential to reduce the risk of airborne infection transmission to the lowest possible level in hospital isolation rooms to protect the lives of doctors, nurses and other health care workers, and simultaneously, flatten the curve of COVID- This particular investigation was performed to offer understanding the airflow patterns in the isolation room. keywords: aerosol; air; airborne; analysis; care; cfd; computational; conditioning; contact; control; covid-19; disease; dynamics; effective; equations; et al; etc; fig; flow; fluid; health; healthcare; hospital; infected; infection; inlet; isolation; isolation room; machine; model; order; pandemic; patients; respiratory; room; sanitizer; spread; sst; study; system; temperature; transition; transmission; treatment; velocity; ventilation; virus cache: cord-334413-h6n36jei.txt plain text: cord-334413-h6n36jei.txt item: #44 of 58 id: cord-337256-b3j3kg73 author: Wang, Peipei title: Prediction of Epidemic Trends in COVID-19 with Logistic Model and Machine Learning Technics date: 2020-07-01 words: 1945 flesch: 51 summary: We first apply Logistic model to fit the curve and calculate the 200 time with fastest growing rate, then use Prophet to make a prediction. Logistic is often used in regression fitting of time series data due to its simple principle and efficient calculation. keywords: brazil; cases; china; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; curve; data; disease; epidemic; forecasting; global; growth; health; infections; learning; logistic; model; number; outbreak; peak; point; population; prediction; prophet; rate; series; spread; time; trend; world cache: cord-337256-b3j3kg73.txt plain text: cord-337256-b3j3kg73.txt item: #45 of 58 id: cord-337275-phgfpzbt author: Andrew, Jones title: Is Spread of COVID-19 a Chaotic Epidemic? date: 2020-10-20 words: 3657 flesch: 46 summary: Our mathematical examination of COVID-19 epidemic data in different countries reveals similarity of this dynamic to the chaotic behavior of many dynamics systems, such as logistic maps. In order to examine this hypothesis we have analysed COVID-19 epidemic data from different countries. keywords: activity; behavior; cases; chaos; chaotic; chaotic behavior; complex; conditions; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; curve; data; day; days; deterministic; different; disease; dynamics; epidemic; example; figure; following; growth; high; initial; logistic; measles; model; number; order; pandemic; poincaré; point; population; rate; raw; real; similar; spread; study; system; time; unpredictability; unpredictable cache: cord-337275-phgfpzbt.txt plain text: cord-337275-phgfpzbt.txt item: #46 of 58 id: cord-337760-joti9nwg author: Buldú, Javier M. title: The resumption of sports competitions after COVID-19 lockdown: The case of the Spanish football league date: 2020-06-04 words: 5278 flesch: 48 summary: Asymptomatic infectious players (belonging to class I, but not detected by virus tests), and confined infectious players, overcome the disease with probability γ. The days between virus tests N test and the days between matches N match are two critical variables for controlling the number of infected players during the championship, and therefore their influence in the model should be studied carefully. keywords: case; competition; contact; coronavirus; covid-19; days; different; disease; end; exposed; ext; fig; football; individuals; infected; infected players; infectious; influence; latent; league; match; matches; mean; model; note; number; pcr; period; players; possible; probability; quarantine; results; season; seir; social; spanish; sports; spreading; susceptible; symptoms; team; tests; time; training; values; virus cache: cord-337760-joti9nwg.txt plain text: cord-337760-joti9nwg.txt item: #47 of 58 id: cord-342591-6joc2ld1 author: Higazy, M. title: Novel Fractional Order SIDARTHE Mathematical Model of The COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-06-13 words: 3690 flesch: 41 summary: The COVID-19 epidemic Analysis and numerical simulation of fractional model of bank data with fractal-fractional Atangana-Baleanu derivative Determining lyapunov exponents from a time series Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72,314 cases from the Chinese center for disease control and prevention Optimal treatment of an SIR epidemic model with time delay In this section, we show numerically, the effect of applying the four control strategies studied in Section 3. In this paper, we propose to model the COVID-19 pandemic by fractional order SIDARTHE model which not appear in the literature before. keywords: cases; conditions; control; covid-19; derivative; derivative order; different; differential; dynamics; effect; epidemic; equations; exponents; figure; fractional; fractional derivative; fractional order; infected; infection; lyapunov; mathematical; model; numerical; optimal; optimal control; order; order sidarthe; phases; population; rate; section; sidarthe; sidarthe model; sir; state; strategies; study; susceptible; system; time; total; treatment; vaccination; variables cache: cord-342591-6joc2ld1.txt plain text: cord-342591-6joc2ld1.txt item: #48 of 58 id: cord-342955-vf3c6ksm author: Lu, Jingjing title: An age-structured model for coupling within-host and between-host dynamics in environmentally-driven infectious diseases date: 2020-06-21 words: 6567 flesch: 60 summary: We obtain from the third equation of (9) that On substituting (10) and (11) into the fourth equation of (9) , we have Therefore, Hence, if R b 0 > 1, then system (6) has a endemic equilib- We first consider the local stability of disease free equilibrium W 0 In fast time system (1) , we assume that the environmental virus concentration E ( t ) is a constant E and 0 keywords: age; basic; cells; condition; coupled; disease; dynamics; endemic; environment; epidemic; equation; equilibrium; fast; following; follows; free; function; global; host; infected; infection; isolated; model; number; positive; proof; r b; rate; reproduction; slow; stability; stable; system; theorem; time; unique; virus cache: cord-342955-vf3c6ksm.txt plain text: cord-342955-vf3c6ksm.txt item: #49 of 58 id: cord-344252-6g3zzj0o author: Farooq, Junaid title: A Novel Adaptive Deep Learning Model of Covid-19 with focus on mortality reduction strategies date: 2020-07-21 words: 6952 flesch: 51 summary: Deep learning and other machine learning techniques stand out in solving problems of data based model parameter estimation due to their state-of-the-art results. Different models have been developed to analyse the transmission dynamics of many infectious diseases like malaria (Ronald Ross model) keywords: adaptive; algorithm; ann; case; complete; contact; covid-19; data; deaths; deep; dfe; different; disease; epidemic; figure; following; function; group; health; herd; high; high risk; immunity; impact; incremental; india; individuals; infected; infection; learning; like; lockdown; low; low risk; mobility; model; natural; new; number; pandemic; parameters; people; population; preventive; rate; recovered; risk; risk group; sars; set; stability; strategy; system; technique; time; total; training; training data; transmission; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-344252-6g3zzj0o.txt plain text: cord-344252-6g3zzj0o.txt item: #50 of 58 id: cord-346185-qmu1mrmx author: Velásquez, Ricardo Manuel Arias title: Forecast and evaluation of COVID-19 spreading in USA with Reduced-space Gaussian process regression date: 2020-05-22 words: 1125 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-346185-qmu1mrmx authors: Velásquez, Ricardo Manuel Arias; Lara, Jennifer Vanessa Mejia title: Forecast and evaluation of COVID-19 spreading in USA with Reduced-space Gaussian process regression date: 2020-05-22 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.109924 sha: doc_id: 346185 cord_uid: qmu1mrmx In this report, we analyze historical and forecast infections for COVID-19 death based on Reduced-Space Gaussian Process Regression associated to chaotic Dynamical Systems with information obtained in 82 days with continuous learning, day by day, from January 21(th), 2020 to April 12(th). Late on January, USA confirmed the first patient with COVID-19, who had recently traveled to China, however, an evaluation of states in USA have demonstrated a fatality rate in China (4%) is lower than New York (4.56%), but lower than Michigan (5.69%). keywords: analysis; april; associated; chaotic; china; covid-19; data; dynamical; epidemic; fig; forecast; gaussian; infections; january; learning; new; process; rate; real; regression; space; systems; time; usa cache: cord-346185-qmu1mrmx.txt plain text: cord-346185-qmu1mrmx.txt item: #51 of 58 id: cord-349841-eigcqb1b author: Boukanjime, Brahim title: Dynamics of a stochastic coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic model with Markovian switching date: 2020-10-16 words: 3026 flesch: 49 summary: See [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 20, 29] and references therein for epidemic models with environmental noise. To demonstrate the effect of telegraph noise on the dynamics of COVID-19 disease, in addition to data of Table 1 , we set the following settings: Then, by direct computation, we obtain R 0 s = 0.6303 < 1. keywords: analysis; class; control; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; dynamics; environmental; epidemic; equilibrium; extinction; following; function; global; infected; lim; model; noise; novel; number; pandemic; paper; population; positive; proof; rate; solution; stochastic; switching; system; time; transmission cache: cord-349841-eigcqb1b.txt plain text: cord-349841-eigcqb1b.txt item: #52 of 58 id: cord-351343-zdh8ms1z author: Din, Anwarud title: STATIONARY DISTRIBUTION AND EXTINCTION OF STOCHASTIC CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) EPIDEMIC MODEL date: 2020-06-24 words: 4223 flesch: 59 summary: Stochastic models possess some inherent randomness. Numerous approaches and methods exist for studying stochastic models (such as Binomial moment equation etc.) keywords: a.s; behavior; class; coronavirus; covid-19; deterministic; disease; distribution; dynamics; epidemic; extinction; following; i(t; individuals; infected; infection; initial; intensity; lemma; model; noise; novel; population; q(t; rate; respiratory; s(t; spread; stationary; stochastic; susceptible; syndrome; time; transmission; value; white cache: cord-351343-zdh8ms1z.txt plain text: cord-351343-zdh8ms1z.txt item: #53 of 58 id: cord-352990-0uglwvid author: Nadim, Sk Shahid title: Occurrence of backward bifurcation and prediction of disease transmission with imperfect lockdown: A case study on COVID-19 date: 2020-08-17 words: 3272 flesch: 50 summary: It is observed that the system undergoes backward bifurcation which is a new observation for COVID-19 disease transmission model. We perform the sensitivity of model parameters with respect to the significant re-311 sponse variable and analyze different control parameters to limit COVID cases for the 312 four countries. keywords: backward; basic; bifurcation; cases; coronavirus; covid-19; dfe; disease; dynamics; endemic; equilibrium; free; imperfect; india; infected; infectious; lockdown; mathematical; matrix; model; number; outbreak; parameters; period; rate; reproduction; reproduction number; south; study; system; table; theorem; transmission cache: cord-352990-0uglwvid.txt plain text: cord-352990-0uglwvid.txt item: #54 of 58 id: cord-353306-hwwswvi3 author: Zhu, Bangren title: Analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of big data on social media sentiment with COVID-19 epidemic topics date: 2020-07-17 words: 4578 flesch: 52 summary: Obtain data through crawler tools, with the help of big data technology, social media topics and emotional change characteristics are analyzed from spatiotemporal perspectives. Through the analysis of media information, it helps relevant decision makers to grasp social media topics from spatiotemporal characteristics, so that relevant departments can accurately grasp the public's subjective ideas and emotional expressions, and provide decision support for macro-control response strategies and measures and risk communication. keywords: analysis; areas; attention; beijing; characteristics; china; chinese; covid-19; curve; data; discussion; document; economic; emotional; emotions; epidemic; epidemic topic; february; fig; health; high; higher; host; hubei; information; interactive; january; lda; low; measures; media; microblogs; models; new; number; order; origin; peaks; people; period; public; quarantine; rate; relevant; research; role; rumor; search; social; social media; spatial; study; text; time; topic; volume; weibo; words cache: cord-353306-hwwswvi3.txt plain text: cord-353306-hwwswvi3.txt item: #55 of 58 id: cord-354792-6ckgxn9l author: Ghosh, Mousam title: Dynamic Model of Infected Population Due to Spreading of Pandemic COVID-19 Considering Both Intra and Inter Zone Mobilization Factors with Rate of Detection date: 2020-10-19 words: 3417 flesch: 42 summary: Further, factor ( ) to find the cured/recovered population from detected infected population has been determined taking = 5 with moving average basis (Fig. A1(b) ). Further how such infected population in each zone changes due the crucial realistic cause of spreading such as intra and inter zone mobilization factors with rate of detection has been estimated. keywords: average; china; coronavirus; covid-19; data; day; death; delay; detection; disease; dynamic; factors; fig; infected; infected population; inter; intra; mobilization; model; ncov; non; novel; operating; pandemic; paper; population; prediction; procedures; proposed; rate; real; responses; spreading; time; wise; wuhan; zone; zone mobilization cache: cord-354792-6ckgxn9l.txt plain text: cord-354792-6ckgxn9l.txt item: #56 of 58 id: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k author: Kassa, Semu M. title: Analysis of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19: from mathematical modelling perspective date: 2020-06-05 words: 8624 flesch: 48 summary: key: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k authors: Kassa, Semu M.; Njagarah, John B.H.; Terefe, Yibeltal A. title: Analysis of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19: from mathematical modelling perspective date: 2020-06-05 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.109968 sha: doc_id: 355267 cord_uid: ndzgxk0k In this article, a mathematical model for the transmission of COVID-19 disease is formulated and analysed. The World Health Organization (WHO) medical team codenamed the new outbreak caused by SARS-CoV-2 as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) . keywords: addition; analysis; asymptomatic; average; bifurcation; cases; china; class; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; days; different; disease; distancing; dynamics; effect; environment; epidemic; equilibrium; figure; health; immunity; individuals; infected; infection; infectious individuals; initial; intervention; lockdown; mathematical; measures; mechanisms; mitigation; model; new; novel; number; observed; outbreak; parameters; pathogen; period; phase; population; positive; potential; prccs; processes; protective; similar; situation; social; strategies; strict; study; symptoms; system; table; theorem; time; total; transmission; use; value; weeks cache: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k.txt plain text: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k.txt item: #57 of 58 id: cord-355419-8txtk0b3 author: Feng, Liang title: Epidemic in networked population with recurrent mobility pattern date: 2020-06-25 words: 3357 flesch: 43 summary: As far as we know, this is the first attempt to analyse epidemic spreading in networked population with human recurrent mobility by using social contacts network among individuals. [5, 6, 22, 24, 25] , i ( t ) consists of two different components where p is the mobility possibility, D i ( t ), C i ( t ) are infection possibilities when agent i stays in social contact network or gets into public places. keywords: areas; common; connections; contact; different; dynamics; epidemic; erdös; individuals; infected; infection; law; mobility; model; network; networked; pattern; places; population; possibility; power; public; recurrent; results; rényi; social; spreading; threshold; time; virus cache: cord-355419-8txtk0b3.txt plain text: cord-355419-8txtk0b3.txt item: #58 of 58 id: cord-355689-mo4mvwch author: Huang, Jiechen title: Role of vaccine efficacy in the vaccination behavior under myopic update rule on complex networks date: 2019-09-06 words: 5092 flesch: 43 summary: Price elasticity of demand for influenza vaccination among the elderly in japan Impacts of subsidy policies on vaccination decisions in contact networks Simulation analysis of vaccination subsidy with ABM approach Preferential imitation can invalidate targeted subsidy policies on seasonal-influenza diseases Subsidy strategy based on history information can stimulate voluntary vaccination behaviors on seasonal diseases Effects of behavioral response and vaccination policy on epidemic spreading -an approach based on evolutionary-game dynamics A susceptible-infected epidemic model with voluntary vaccinations Group interest versus self-interest in smallpox vaccination policy Imitation dynamics predict vaccinating behavior Impact of committed individuals on vaccination behavior The impact of imitation on vaccination behavior in social contact networks The influence of social norms on the dynamics of vaccinating behavior for paediatric infectious diseases Risk assessment for infectious disease and its impact on voluntary vaccination behavior in social networks Can influenza epidemics be prevented by voluntary vaccination? keywords: behavior; cost; decision; disease; dynamics; efficacy; epidemic; failure; failure rate; fig; fraction; free; game; heterogeneous; human; impact; individuals; infected; infectious; infective; lower; model; myopic; neighbors; networks; outbreak; population; rate; recovered; relative; risk; rule; scale; sir; social; spread; state; step; strategy; susceptible; time; topology; update; vaccinated; vaccinated individuals; vaccination; vaccination behavior; vaccine; vaccine failure cache: cord-355689-mo4mvwch.txt plain text: cord-355689-mo4mvwch.txt