item: #1 of 77 id: civense-101 author: Muhadi, Muhadi; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Prayogo, Tri Budi title: Analysis of Flood Peak Discharge Based on Watershed Shape Factors date: 2021-11-15 words: 3533 flesch: 62 summary: Based on Table 8, it can be said that the shape factor (FD) influences the result of peak discharge value. Although, Bontojai Watershed has the most significant difference in peak discharge value between the model and the actual peak discharge that is 7.787. keywords: analysis; area; civil; collins; data; discharge; environmental; factor; hydrograph; independent; journal; length; maccini; method; model; observed; parameters; peak; peak discharge; physical; regression; results; river; science; shape; sombala; table; time; unit; value; vol; watershed cache: civense-101.pdf plain text: civense-101.txt item: #2 of 77 id: civense-105 author: Nomleni, Aprianto; Suhartanto, Ery; Harisuseno, Donny title: Estimation of Flow Discharge Model at Temef Watershed - East Nusa Tenggara Using TRMM Satellite Data date: 2021-05-06 words: 4156 flesch: 57 summary: However, for cases with very high observation rainfall, TRMM rainfall data tend to be low. As a region with low rainfall, rainfall data in East Nusa Tenggara are often incomplete. keywords: analysis; ann; artificial; calibration; civil; coefficient; correlation; data; debit; discharge; dry; east; environmental; equation; error; estimation; figure; graph; interpretation; jaxa; journal; low; method; network; neural; nse; nusa; observation; observed; polynomial; rainfall; relationship; relative; results; rmse; satellite; science; station; statistical; strong; table; temef; tenggara; test; time; trmm; validation; value; verification; vol; water; watershed; years cache: civense-105.pdf plain text: civense-105.txt item: #3 of 77 id: civense-106 author: Permata, Veronika Yulia; Siswoyo, Hari; Haribowo, Riyanto title: Mapping of Groundwater Flow Pattern and its Quality Index based on Microbiological Parameters in Klojen District, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia date: 2021-04-26 words: 3855 flesch: 55 summary: DO, BOD, and COD parameters also cannot be used in the analysis of water quality index values because they are not included in the parameters of drinking water quality requirements according to the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation No. 492/2010. The pH and turbidity values are very influential in calculating water quality index values because they have a considerable weight. keywords: area; civil; coliform; correlation; district; drinking; environmental; escherichia; figure; flow; good; groundwater; groundwater flow; groundwater quality; index; index value; journal; klojen; level; location; malang; map; method; microbiological; mpn/100ml; north; parameters; path; pattern; poor; quality; quality index; research; results; science; south; study; table; tds; total; turbidity; urban; value; vol; water quality; wells; wqi cache: civense-106.pdf plain text: civense-106.txt item: #4 of 77 id: civense-121 author: Mayasari, Putri; Ilfan, Freddy; Yasdi, Yasdi; Rimba, Rimba title: Analysis of Cross-Sectional Capacity of the Jambi River in the Muaro Jambi Temple About Various Times of Flooding Using HEC-RAS Software date: 2021-06-25 words: 4496 flesch: 64 summary: According to Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 can be seen the figure of Jambi River cross-section at river sta-5 (measurement point 1), river sta-4 (measurement point 2) and river sta-1 Analysis of Cross-section Capacity of Jambi River at Muaro Jambi Temple About Various Flood Return Period Using HEC-RAS Software. keywords: analysis; area; calculation; capacity; civil; coefficient; cross; data; design; discharge; distribution; elevation; environmental; figure; flood; flow; hec; hydrograph; iii; jambi; jambi river; journal; kedaton; level; log; measurement; method; muaro; nakayasu; pearson; period; planned; point; rainfall; ras; research; results; return; river; science; section; software; sta; synthetic; table; temple; test; type; unit; value; vol; water; watershed; years cache: civense-121.pdf plain text: civense-121.txt item: #5 of 77 id: civense-129 author: Alawy, Gholiqul Amrodh; Wicaksono, Achmad; Suharyanto, Agus title: Correlation Between Mobility and COVID-19 Cases in Surabaya City, Indonesia date: 2021-07-01 words: 3879 flesch: 60 summary: This value shows that during AKB, the number of COVID-19 cases in Surabaya is influenced by the number of people who are active / gathered at transit stations, as well as the lack of people who are active in residential 4. Conclusions Mobility and activities patterns of Surabaya people in 2020 are influenced by the spread of COVID- 19 and government policies to reduce its spread. Mobility data of Surabaya people used in research and institutions that provide such data. keywords: activities; activity; akb; cases; city; civil; community; conditions; correlation; covid-19; covid-19 cases; data; indonesia; initial; mobility; new; normal; number; pandemic; people; phase; positive; science; social; station; study; surabaya; transportation; value; variable; vehicles; vol cache: civense-129.pdf plain text: civense-129.txt item: #6 of 77 id: civense-135 author: Firmansyah, Nur Aldi; Wicaksono, Achmad; Anwar, M Ruslin title: Health Protocol in Penataran Train during the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2021-07-13 words: 4196 flesch: 50 summary: No. HK.01.07/MENKES/382/2020 • Health protocol policies in transportation modes for operators, workers, and passengers 3 Regulation of Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. PM 18 and PM 41 of 2020 • Transportation controls was carried out during travel • Limiting the number of passengers on each mode of transportation 4 Circular Letter of Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. SE 14 and SE 15 of 2020 • Limiting the number of passengers on local train • Health protocol policies that must be implemented by train passengers • Health protocol facilities that must be provided by the operator 5 Circular Letter of Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. SE 27 of 2021 • Health protocol policies that must be implemented by train passengers during travel • Health requirement policies for local train passengers 6 Circular Letter of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2021 • Health protocol policies that must be implemented by passengers during travel • Health requirement policies for domestic travelers • Monitoring, controlling, and evaluating COVID-19 health protocol policies on public transportation Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 163-172, 2021 165 2. Research Methods The research location was conducted in the Surabaya Gubeng Station and Malang Station. [9] M. Hu, H. Lin, J. Wang, C. Xu, A. J. Tatem, B. Meng, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, P. Wang, G. Wu, H. Xie and S. Lai, Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Transmission in Train Passengers: an Epidemiological and Modeling Study, Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. keywords: activities; adaptation; c19; capacity; civil; covid-19; disease; environmental; figure; frequency; genose; health; income; indonesia; journal; letter; maximum; minister; ministry; new; pandemic; passengers; penataran; penataran train; period; protocol; republic; respondents; science; service; spread; table; test; times; train; transportation; travel; vol cache: civense-135.pdf plain text: civense-135.txt item: #7 of 77 id: civense-146 author: Pramono, Agus Adi; Sisno, Suhardjono; Sholichin, Moch title: Study of Water Management Development in Petung Swamp Areas at the Province of East Kalimantan date: 2021-08-09 words: 4353 flesch: 76 summary: Based on the category, tidal swamp land is divided into 4 categories, namely categories A, B, C, and D. Category A is swamp land that is flooded by tidal water during the dry and rainy seasons. The next step is running data with HecRAS application to get the result of water channel profile of all channels. keywords: agricultural; analysis; area; category; channel; civil; condition; environmental; figure; groundwater; irrigation; journal; kirkham; land; left; level; main; management; model; petung; point; profile; results; right; science; sdp; secondary; ss1ka; ss1ka sdp; ss2ki; stake; study; swamp; table; tidal; vol; water cache: civense-146.pdf plain text: civense-146.txt item: #8 of 77 id: civense-147 author: Eryani, I Gusti Agung Putu; Arthana, I Nyoman Nuri; Astiti, Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa title: Development Zoning of Bindu River Ecotourism based on Eco Culture date: 2021-08-09 words: 3532 flesch: 51 summary: 183-191, 2021 183 Development Zoning of Bindu River Ecotourism based on Eco Culture I Gusti Agung Putu Eryani1*, I Nyoman Nuri Arthana2, Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa Bindu River Ecotourism is a tourist attraction that has natural potential as a place of recreation in the Denpasar City area. keywords: activities; area; banjar; bindu; bindu river; city; civil; condition; conservation; culture; data; delineation; denpasar; development; development zone; doi; economic; ecotourism; ecotourism area; environmental; facilities; fauna; figure; flora; function; journal; local; location; natural; potential; problems; protection; recreation; recreation zone; research; resources; river; river ecotourism; science; sustainable; tourist; upstream; use; vol; water; zone; zoning cache: civense-147.pdf plain text: civense-147.txt item: #9 of 77 id: civense-148 author: Astiti, Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa; Astara, I Wayan Wesna; Eryani, I Gusti Agung Putu title: Bali Cattle Cultivation and Eco-Tourism in Ayunan Village Abiansemal District, Badung date: 2021-09-18 words: 2571 flesch: 58 summary: In relation to the management of partner Bali cattle breeding, it can be described the condition of each partner: Bali cattle rearing management in partners is not carried out professionally because it is managed in a family and traditional way and is not the main source of livelihood, Bali cattle rearing is only a sideline filler free time on the sidelines of farming time, which now mostly uses labor, both in land cultivation, seeding, and harvesting. Direct observations in the Karang Ayu and Karya livestock groups, such as in Ayunan village, Abiansemal district, show that partner Bali cattle rearing activities are very constrained by capital, feed, cattle rearing management, processing and manure drainage and how to increase farmers' income from Bali cattle rearing business keywords: abiansemal; able; activities; astiti; ayunan; badung; bali; bali cattle; balinese; cattle; civil; cow; dan; district; dung; environmental; farmers; feed; fertilizer; groups; income; increase; journal; livestock; maintenance; management; marketing; organic; partner; peternakan; problems; production; products; rearing; research; results; science; time; village; vol cache: civense-148.pdf plain text: civense-148.txt item: #10 of 77 id: civense-150 author: Oktaviani, Whindy Ndaru; Sarwono, Ariyanti; Suryawan, I Wayan Koko title: Identification of Surface Water Treatment Plan (WTP) Effluent and Distribution Water Quality in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java date: 2021-11-11 words: 2630 flesch: 55 summary: The inspection of raw water quality from the Grobog WTP in May 2020 can be seen in Table 2. From the results of laboratory examinations carried out as in Table 2, the microbiological parameters, color, and pH do not meet the quality standards contained in Permenkes No. 32 of 2017 for microbiological parameters of <50 per 100 mL sample, 25 NTU color parameters, and a pH of 6.5-8.5 [14]. Keywords: drinking water, environment, sludge, water quality, WTP 1. keywords: air; building; chlorine; civil; clean; coliform; color; distribution; doi; drinking; environmental; filtration; giri; intake; journal; kajen; minum; parameters; perumda; process; processing; production; quality; raw; raw water; regency; reservoir; sari; science; sedimentation; sludge; spectrophotometry; standard; surface; suryawan; tirta; treatment; unit; vol; water; water quality; water treatment; wonogiri; wtp cache: civense-150.pdf plain text: civense-150.txt item: #11 of 77 id: civense-17 author: Nugroho, Agung Bayu; Hasyim, Abdul Wahid; Usman, Fadly title: Urban Growth Modelling of Malang City using Artificial Neural Network Based on Multi-temporal Remote Sensing date: 2018-10-02 words: 3441 flesch: 67 summary: Figure 11 shows that the built-up areas would covered 73.21% of Malang City areas in the year 2027 after increasing 31.61% from the year 2003. Blimbing was the second largest district in the largest percentage of built areas in the year 2027. keywords: 2015; ann; areas; bare; bodies; category; city; civil; classification; cover; data; distance; district; environmental; figure; growth; journal; land; land cover; malang; maps; model; period; science; simulation; study; table; urban; vegetation; vol; water; year cache: civense-17.pdf plain text: civense-17.txt item: #12 of 77 id: civense-18 author: Susilo, Gatot Eko title: Rainwater Harvesting as Alternative Source for Wudlu Water in Indonesia date: 2018-10-02 words: 3500 flesch: 63 summary: I, No. 02, pp. 062-069, 2018 62 Rainwater harvesting as alternative source for wudlu water in Indonesia Gatot Eko Susilo1 1Civil Engineering Dept., Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung, 35145, Indonesia Received 01-08-2018; revised 31-08-2018; accepted 24-09-2018 Abstract. Rainwater holds potential as an alternative source of wudlu water. keywords: alternative; building; capacity; civil; clean; country; day; dry; environmental; facility; figure; harvesting; indonesia; journal; maximum; mosque; number; pilgrims; population; prayer; rainfall; rainwater; rainwater harvesting; research; reservoir; rwh; science; scrwh; source; study; supply; volume; water; world; worshipers; wudlu; wudlu water; year cache: civense-18.pdf plain text: civense-18.txt item: #13 of 77 id: civense-19 author: A Tefa, Marcorio; Harisuseno, Donny; Haribowo, Riyanto title: Potential use of aquatic plants in constructed wetlands for simultaneous removal of Phosphate and COD from laundry wastewater date: 2018-10-02 words: 4125 flesch: 56 summary: This research was carried out using constructed wetlands model of laboratory scale using the combination of flow types of subsurface flow systems (SFS) and the type of vertical flow system (VFS) with a waste residence time of 5 days and 10 days. The arrangement, size and volume of the filter media are the same as in the design of constructed wetland model I. keywords: aquatic; canna; civil; cod; cod levels; comparison; days; decrease; detergent; difference; environmental; equal; experiment; figure; flow; greater; initial; journal; laboratory; levels; media; model; modeling; montevidensis; parameters; percentage; phosphate; phosphate levels; plants; process; reduction; repetitions; residence; residence time; results; sagittaria; sample; science; soil; test; time; use; vol; volume; wastewater; wetland cache: civense-19.pdf plain text: civense-19.txt item: #14 of 77 id: civense-20 author: Cahya, Evi Nur; Andawayanti, Ussy; Resmani, Eva title: Analysis of Drainage Capacity and Rehabilitation Subjected to Rainfall and Reverse Flow of Marengan River as a Main Drain in Sumenep City, Indonesia date: 2018-10-02 words: 3552 flesch: 62 summary: 2. Material and Methods The data required in this study are: location map, topographic map, land use map, drainage channel network scheme, existing drainage channel data, rainfall data, population data and geometric data of Marengan River as an analysis on final disposal. Thus it can be concluded that rainfall data in the period 2006 - 2015 recorded on the three stations have no tendency toward one direction, the direction of up or down (trend). keywords: analysis; area; backwater; calculation; capacity; catchment; channel; city; civense; civil; data; design; discharge; drainage; effect; environmental; figure; flood; flow; journal; kebonagung; land; level; marengan; method; model; network; outlet; period; population; rainfall; rehabilitation; return; river; runoff; science; secondary; series; station; study; sumenep; swmm; test; value; vol; water; year cache: civense-20.pdf plain text: civense-20.txt item: #15 of 77 id: civense-21 author: Ingsih, Ita Suhermin; Arifin, M. Zainul; Wicaksono, Achmad title: North Jamrud Terminal Warehouse Performance by The Effect of Halal Logistics Issue date: 2018-10-02 words: 4621 flesch: 56 summary: This is because the available warehouse is still a general warehouse, not yet a special warehouse such as halal products warehouse. The Government today, Government Business Entity and mass media in Indonesia are starting to pay attention to halal, since the turnover of halal products of the world has reached nearly 2 trillion dollars while Indonesia is still larger to be a consumer than a manufacturer. keywords: analysis; chain; civil; cold; contamination; data; environmental; equipment; facilities; food; general; goods; halal; halal products; halal warehouse; hub; hygiene; implementation; importance; indonesia; ipa; item; jamrud; journal; level; line; loading; logistics; low; main; method; muslim; non; officers; perak; performance; port; products; quadrant; research; respondents; science; separation; service; sorting; special; storage; supply; system; tanjung; terminal; time; training; unloading; vol; warehouse; waste cache: civense-21.pdf plain text: civense-21.txt item: #16 of 77 id: civense-23 author: Winarta, Bambang; Damarnegara, A. A. N Satria; Anwar, Nadjadji; Juwono, Pitojo Tri title: Analysis of Waikelo Port Breakwater Failure through 2D Wave Model date: 2018-10-02 words: 2306 flesch: 66 summary: Based on BMKG record, it has increased significantly of wind speed and wave height during 10 days since 21st to 31st of January 2012 in Sumba Strait. Distribution of wave height in surround breakwater due to Hs = 4.0m. Figure 11. keywords: bmkg; breakwater; calculation; civil; damage; data; design; diffraction; environmental; events; failure; figure; height; january; journal; model; port; reasons; result; science; significant; sumba; surround; vol; waikelo; wave; west; wind cache: civense-23.pdf plain text: civense-23.txt item: #17 of 77 id: civense-33 author: Wardani, Yuliana; Suhartanto, Ery; Haribowo, Riyanto title: Analysis of The Correlation Between Land Use Changes in Sub Watershed Wuno Toward Lifetime of Wuno Reservoir, Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province date: 2019-04-01 words: 4451 flesch: 70 summary: Land use changes have resulted in an increase in the value of land erosion, surface runoff, critical watershed condition and an increase in the amount of sediment which has resulted in a reduced lifetime of the reservoir [1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 14]. Trend of land use change, erosion and sediment rate estimation using the ArcSWAT model. keywords: analysis; area; behi; central; changes; civil; conservation; consistency; count; data; efforts; environmental; erosion; figure; forest; hazard; high; increase; index; journal; land; land use; lifetime; map; method; mixed; palolo; period; rainfall; rate; reservoir; results; river; science; sediment; series; sibalaya; soil; station; sulawesi; table; test; use; useful; value; vegetative; vol; watershed; weight; wuno; year cache: civense-33.pdf plain text: civense-33.txt item: #18 of 77 id: civense-34 author: Krisnayanti, Denik Sri; Bunganaen, Wilhelmus; E. Hangge, Elsy; Munaisyah, Farah; A. Nursyam, Nurul; Khaerudin, Dian Noorvy title: Analysis of Runoff Coefficient Value on Retention Ponds in Flores Island date: 2019-04-01 words: 3740 flesch: 66 summary: Result and Discussion The value of surface runoff coefficient is a number that shows the ratio of the amount of surface flow that occurs as a result of the amount of rainfall that falls in a region against the volume of rainfall. The minimum value of runoff coefficient happened in November was ranging from 0.00 - 0.39, and the maximum value of runoff coefficient happened in January was ranging from 0.48 - 0.72. keywords: analysis; area; calculate; calculation; catchment; civil; coefficient; data; development; east; environmental; evapotranspiration; figure; flores; flow; graph; island; journal; land; land slope; manggarai; method; month; monthly; ngada; ponds; rainfall; research; resources; retention; runoff; runoff coefficient; science; slope; surface; value; vol; volume; water cache: civense-34.pdf plain text: civense-34.txt item: #19 of 77 id: civense-344 author: Bahariansyah, Muhammad Alfian Nasril; Herijanto, Wahyu; Widyastuti, Hera title: Impact on The Existence of New Toll Road Section Due to Mode Choice Between Transportation Mode Using Modal Split Methods (Case Study: Tulungagung-Surabaya) date: 2022-02-07 words: 4503 flesch: 69 summary: Then, the proportion value of mode choice with those assumption is minus by the proportion of existing mode choice, in this case the value of proportion of existing mode choice is got from survey. Mode choice model that is used is a modal split with power function (α) with NMAE values 0,5284 which is close to 0. keywords: average; bus; car; choice; civil; cost; data; distance; environmental; extra; function; generalised; hours; idr; journal; kertosono; mode; nmae; people; power; proportion; research; road; science; section; solver; surabaya; survey; table; time; toll; train; transportation; travel; tulungagung; use; user; value; 𝐸𝑋𝑃(−0.00001; 𝐼𝐷𝑅 cache: civense-344.pdf plain text: civense-344.txt item: #20 of 77 id: civense-346 author: Arifin, Syamsul; Suhartanto, Ery; Andawayanti, Ussy title: Analysis of Changes in Land Use Patterns for Erosion and Sediment Prediction date: 2022-03-05 words: 7468 flesch: 65 summary: The Watershed hydrological model cover that is often used is spatial modelling based on land cover data, forecasting and predicting the condition of a change for flood, drought, erosion, sedimentation, and other conditions [2]. The HRUs generated from the analysis differ between land cover data in 2018, as many as 1254 HRU, and data with land cover in 2028 as many as 1073 HRU (Figure 11). keywords: accuracy; agricultural; amprong; amprong watershed; analysis; area; average; calibration; change; civil; class; coefficient; conditions; conservation; cover; critical; curve; data; discharge; doi; environmental; equal; erosion; field; figure; forest; grand; hru; hydrological; image; interpretation; journal; kandang; kappa; kedung; land; land cover; land use; landsat; level; malang; management; map; matrix; method; mixed; model; modeling; number; open; parameters; process; rain; rainfall; results; rice; river; science; sediment; sedimentation; simulation; software; station; study; swat; table; test; tons; total; use; validation; value; vol; watershed; xxx; year cache: civense-346.pdf plain text: civense-346.txt item: #21 of 77 id: civense-347 author: Galih M Fatian; Hari Siswoyo; Riyanto Haribowo title: Rainwater Quality Improvement Model as an Alternative Source for Drinking Water in Mojoagung District, Jombang Regency date: 2022-10-31 words: 3577 flesch: 64 summary: The type of water filter used is the slow flow type. This storage period is suspected to cause changes in the characteristics of rainwater and cause a decrease in water quality. keywords: activated; april; aquarium; charcoal; civil; composition; cotton; daily; data; district; environmental; figure; filter; filtration; health; jombang; journal; kmno4; laboratory; mojoagung; pah; parameters; process; quality; rainfall; rainwater; related; research; results; sample; sand; science; smell; sterile; table; taste; test; turbidity; vol; zeolite cache: civense-347.pdf plain text: civense-347.txt item: #22 of 77 id: civense-349 author: Kriswardhana, Willy; Hayati, Nunung Nuring; Kusdiyanto, Achmad Reza title: Public Attitude to Urban Public Transportation Services in Jember, Indonesia date: 2022-04-03 words: 4077 flesch: 59 summary: User Satisfaction Analysis of Public Transport Services in Jember User satisfaction of public transport services is obtained from the level of importance (expectations) and performance levels by interviewing respondents. [19] R. C. P. Wong, W. Y. Szeto, L. Yang, Y. C. Li, and S. C. Wong, “Elderly users’ level of satisfaction with public transport services in a high-density and transit-oriented city,” J. Transp. keywords: analysis; arrival; attributes; average; bus; civil; condition; conformity; data; doi; driver; environmental; factor; fares; high; hold; idr; importance; indonesia; ipa; jember; journal; level; low; need; performance; public; public transport; public transportation; quadrant; quality; reliability; reliable; respondents; results; safety; satisfaction; science; service; study; table; test; transportation; urban; users; valid; value; vol; willingness; wtp cache: civense-349.pdf plain text: civense-349.txt item: #23 of 77 id: civense-351 author: Hasyim, Abdul Wahid; Kurniawan, Eddi Basuki ; Purnamasari, Wulan Dwi title: Cafe market share using satellite image data and Google Database in Malang City date: 2022-04-29 words: 3522 flesch: 65 summary: Based on GDP Malang City (2021) data, Café and Restaurant is one of the sectors contributing the highest GRDP in Malang City. So, hundreds of cafe locations in Malang City are included in the list (Figure 1). keywords: analysis; area; building; cafe; café; city; civil; class; close; data; density; environmental; factors; figure; google; hierarchy; independent; journal; location; malang; malang city; map; market; middle; model; number; rating; regression; research; results; road; sample; science; share; sig; spatial; study; table; test; university; upper; value; variables; visitors; vol cache: civense-351.pdf plain text: civense-351.txt item: #24 of 77 id: civense-352 author: Wahyu Sayekti, Rini; Sholichin, Moh. ; Bisri, Mohammad ; Suprijanto, Heri; Nathania, Nadya Ayu title: Mathematical model distribution of some water quality parameters in the reservoir date: 2022-04-29 words: 5439 flesch: 61 summary: Collecting water quality data in the Sutami Reservoir at each water quality monitoring station. Water Quality Test Testing of water quality data is carried out by testing the homogeneity of the data or commonly called analysis of variance. keywords: analysis; area; average; brantas; civil; count; data; depth; doi; downstream; dry; environmental; figure; hydrological; index; journal; malang; mathematical; method; middle; model; modeling; monitoring; monitoring station; multiple; polluted; pollution; polynomial; polynomial regression; quality; quality status; r2 value; rainfall; regression; regression model; research; reservoir; results; river; science; season; stability; station; status; study; sutami; sutami reservoir; table; test; upstream; value; variance; vol; waste; water; water quality; y =; year cache: civense-352.pdf plain text: civense-352.txt item: #25 of 77 id: civense-353 author: Subagyo, Rachmat; Ambarwati, Nina ; Muchsin title: The characteristics of combustion of non-catalyst Rubber Seed Oil (Hevea Brasilliensis) combustion with variations of Methanol mixture date: 2022-04-29 words: 3307 flesch: 60 summary: The variation of the mixture used in this study was a mixture of rubber seed oil and methanol with mixed percentages of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Based on the explanation above, research on rubber seed oil with a mixture of methanol will be conducted to determine its combustion characteristics and its use on a larger scale. keywords: burning; civil; colour; combustion; delay; effect; environmental; figure; fire; flame; flashpoint; fuel; heat; height; higher; ignition; journal; lower; lowest; maximum; methanol; methanol mixture; mixture; oil; percentage; rate; rubber; rubber seed; science; seed; seed oil; temperature; time; value; visualization; vol cache: civense-353.pdf plain text: civense-353.txt item: #26 of 77 id: civense-354 author: Lilya Susanti; Wijaya, Ming Narto title: Eccentricity effect on the cyclic response of braced frame type-V date: 2022-04-29 words: 2248 flesch: 64 summary: There are three types of frame structures that have been widely used worldwide so far. [6] and also comparison study of bracing configuration on EBF structures by Wilson, Rafael and Lukas keywords: beam; braced; bracing; cbf; civil; compressive; concrete; cyclic; ebf; eccentricity; figure; frame; journal; lateral; link; load; loading; maximum; model; mpa; phase; steel; strain; stress; structure; tensile; type; vol cache: civense-354.pdf plain text: civense-354.txt item: #27 of 77 id: civense-358 author: Augusty, Widya Rizka; Subagiyo, Aris; Wijayanti, Wawargita Permata ; Prayitno, Gunawan title: Mapping of tourism potential and assessment of development stages in Sidomulyo Tourism Village, Batu City date: 2022-04-29 words: 5359 flesch: 48 summary: This value needs to be reconsidered that obstacles are still found in the accessibility of Sidomulyo Village tourism, especially on the indicator of the availability of directional signs to the tourist attraction such as flower markets and flower malls marked with the lowest score of 1.75. The tourist information center has not gone through the digitization process using special applications such as electronic tickets or big data for Sidomulyo Village tourism. keywords: accessibility; advanced; amenities; aspect; assessment; attractions; availability; batu; category; city; civil; community; development; environmental; facilities; figure; final; final score; flower; highest; independent; information; institutions; journal; local; management; ornamental; plant; potential; promotion; readiness; research; road; science; score; sidomulyo; sidomulyo tourism; sidomulyo village; stage; stakeholders; table; tourism; tourism village; tourists; village; village aspect; vol cache: civense-358.pdf plain text: civense-358.txt item: #28 of 77 id: civense-359 author: Marwaji , Muhammad An Al ; Arifin, Yulian Firmana title: Bearing Capacity of Large Drilled Shafts Fully Embeded in Claystone and Sandstone Layers date: 2022-10-31 words: 5567 flesch: 74 summary: Bearing capacity of the upper side of the load cell Several methods have been suggested for calculating bored pile bearing capacity. [23] S. Rezazadeh and A. Eslami, “Empirical methods for determining shaft bearing capacity of semi- deep foundations socketed in rocks,” J. Rock Mech. keywords: analysis; armitage; bearing; bearing capacity; bored; calculation; capacity; cell; civil; claystone; close; data; diameter; doi; drilled; end; environmental; equation; factor; field; figure; foundation; friction; journal; kulhawy; layer; load; method; mpa; pells; phoon; pile; pile1; reese; results; rock; rowe; rqd; sandstone; science; shaft; soil; strength; table; test; total; upper; value; vol; williams; zhang cache: civense-359.pdf plain text: civense-359.txt item: #29 of 77 id: civense-36 author: Sedyowati, Laksni; Susanti, Eko Indah title: Hydraulic Performance of Concrete Block Pavement under High Rainfall Intensities date: 2019-04-01 words: 5053 flesch: 62 summary: The equalization results of CBP surface roughness to Izzard coefficient (c) and Manning coefficient (n) are as follows: pav1 (rectangular CBP with herringbone pattern) had c = 0.0125 and n = 0.99; pav2 (rectangular CBP with basket-weave pattern) had c = 0.013 and n = 0.1; and pav3 (tri-hexagonal CBP) had c = 0.015 and n = 0.012. There have been some researches on the relationship between surface roughness and the runoff velocity. keywords: analysis; cbp; civil; coefficient; condition; correlation; data; design; environmental; factor; figure; flow; high; increase; intensities; intensity; izzard; journal; layer; method; mmh-1; number; openings; overland; pattern; pav1; pav2; pav3; penetration; performance; plot; rainfall; rainfall intensity; rectangular; relationship; research; results; roughness; roughness number; runoff; science; sedyowati; slope; study; surface; surface roughness; surface slope; time; travel; velocity; vol; water cache: civense-36.pdf plain text: civense-36.txt item: #30 of 77 id: civense-368 author: Megantara, Anggit Gilang; Wahyuni, Sri; Limantara, Lily Montarcih title: Rationalization of Rainfall Station Density in the Jatiroto Sub-Watershed Using Ground and Satellite Rainfall Data date: 2022-10-31 words: 6037 flesch: 69 summary: In that case, it can also be considered rainfall data from satellites such as CHIRPS rainfall data [2]. Hydrological analysis requires rainfall data. keywords: 143; analysis; appropriateness; area; average; blimbing; calculation; chirps; chirps rainfall; civil; coefficient; correlation; data; density; distance; environmental; equation; error; figure; ground; ground rainfall; ideal; influence; jatiroto; journal; kagan; kali; km2; method; model; penggung; rainfall; rainfall data; rainfall station; regression; results; rodda; satellite; satisfactory; science; station; strong; sub; table; test; thiessen; value; variance; vol; watershed; wmo; ±2.16 cache: civense-368.pdf plain text: civense-368.txt item: #31 of 77 id: civense-369 author: Irawati, Sara; Widyawati Agustin, Imma; Rini Dwi Ari, Ismu title: Factors Affecting Commuters' Intentions in Using Park and Ride (P&R) Facilities Based on Theory of Planned Behavior date: 2022-10-31 words: 8394 flesch: 59 summary: The implementation of public transportation policy during the covid-19 pandemic encourages me to use P&R 0,745 Intention 0,947 0,899 I1. The implementation of public transportation policy during the covid-19 pandemic encourages me to use P&R 0,749 Intention 0,947 0,899 I1. keywords: approach; area; attitude; availability; behavior; center; city; civil; commuters; conditions; control; covid-19; doi; environmental; evaluation; facilities; factors; findings; good; hair; high; implementation; increase; indicators; influence; intention; journal; latent; level; line; loading; low; measurement; model; norm; number; outer; p&r; pandemic; parking; people; person; planned; planning; pls; policies; policy; public; public transportation; quality; research; restriction; results; ride; role; science; sem; sidoarjo; significant; station; structural; study; subjective; surabaya; table; theory; transportation; use; value; variable; vehicle; vol cache: civense-369.pdf plain text: civense-369.txt item: #32 of 77 id: civense-37 author: Khaerudin, D Noorvy; Primantyo, Andre; Rahardika, Ryan title: Determining Infiltration Rate from Infiltration Measurement with Flooding Method by Turftech Infiltrometer date: 2019-04-01 words: 3714 flesch: 65 summary: the result of infiltration rate observations is infiltration rate for higher density soil and land slope had low influences. for the measurement results feasibility, then the turftech infiltrometer unable to represent for the land slope and density, because from the regression test the relationship between land slope and density toward infiltration rate was not significant and obtained average of 38% from the obtained r2. keywords: 0.6667; calculation; capacity; clay; composition; density; field; figure; flow; ground; horton; infiltration; infiltration rate; infiltrometer; influence; journal; land; location; measurement; minute; parameters; rate; research; results; science; silt; size; slope; soil; surface; tool; value; vol; water cache: civense-37.pdf plain text: civense-37.txt item: #33 of 77 id: civense-372 author: Subagyo, Rachmat; Nugraha, Andy; Isworo, Hajar; Pratama, Trendy; Rusdi, M. Zainul title: Effect of Variation of Mixture (Wood Gelam+Rice Husk) on Bio-Pellet on the Value of Temperature, Rate and Pressure of Combustion date: 2022-10-31 words: 4883 flesch: 62 summary: The abundant availability of rice husks and gelam wood in Batola Regency makes the potential for their use as raw material for rice husk wood pellets very large [17]. Wood pellets are an alternative energy source from biomass. keywords: addition; air; alternative; area; biomass; burning; calorific; characteristics; circle; civil; combustion; combustion pressure; combustion rate; combustion temperature; composition; conductivity; dan; density; different; effect; energy; environmental; figure; fuel; gelam; gelam composition; gelam wood; higher; husk; husk composition; journal; kalimantan; kayu; large; material; mixture; molding; parts; pellet; pellet combustion; percentage; physical; potential; pressure; process; production; properties; rate; raw; regency; research; results; rice; rice husk; science; sekam; simulation; south; study; temperature; thermal; time; value; vol; waste; wood; wood pellets cache: civense-372.pdf plain text: civense-372.txt item: #34 of 77 id: civense-373 author: Amalina, Anisa Nur; Teuku Faisal Fathani ; Wahyu Wilopo title: Comparison of SPT and Vs-based Liquefaction Assessment on Young Volcanic Sediment: A Case Study in Bantul District of Yogyakarta, Indonesia date: 2022-10-31 words: 4584 flesch: 67 summary: Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference series Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. 05, No. 02, pp. 171-182, 2022 171 Comparison of SPT and Vs-based liquefaction assessment on young volcanic sediment: a case study in Bantul District of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. 05, No. 02, pp. 171-182, 2022 172 Besides damaging hundreds of houses, the earthquake destroyed university and school buildings, offices, infrastructures, and the runway at Adi Sutjipto International Airport. keywords: acceleration; analysis; area; bantul; civil; classification; crr; csr; cyclic; data; deposits; depth; earthquake; engineering; environmental; equation; factor; figure; ground; indonesia; journal; liquefaction; max; medium; merapi; method; period; pga; potential; ratio; research; resistance; result; safety; sand; science; sediment; shear; site; soil; spt; stress; study; table; value; velocity; vol; volcanic; wave; yogyakarta; young cache: civense-373.pdf plain text: civense-373.txt item: #35 of 77 id: civense-374 author: Risdianto, Dwi; Widyastuti, Hera title: The Impact of the Age of the Driver of Freight Transport on the probability of being involved in a Traffic Accident (Case Study in Krian – Taman Sidoarjo Road) date: 2022-10-31 words: 3953 flesch: 67 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to research the factors of freight transport drivers that affect the possibility of traffic accidents on the Krian – Taman Sidoarjo road. Data on traffic accidents from 2015 to 2020 on the Krian – Taman Sidoarjo road (Police Resort Sidoarjo). keywords: accidents; age; analysis; causes; characteristics; chart; civil; data; distribution; drivers; environmental; factors; figure; freight; independent; indonesia; jalan; journal; kecelakaan; krian; lalu; lintas; logistic; model; number; people; percentage; probability; regression; research; respondents; road; science; sidoarjo; sidoarjo road; study; surabaya; table; taman; taman sidoarjo; test; traffic; traffic accidents; transport; trosobo; users; variable; vehicle; vol cache: civense-374.pdf plain text: civense-374.txt item: #36 of 77 id: civense-377 author: Wirasana, I Made Adi; Sinarta, I Nengah; Armaeni, Ni Komang title: Landslide Threat Analysis and Slope Reinforcement Method with Sheet Pile on Singaraja City Boundary Road – Mengwitani Km 37+900 Right date: 2022-10-31 words: 3510 flesch: 62 summary: The study was carried out through field investigations with two drill points 30m deep, and slope stability analysis with Geoslope software obtained the value of the existing slope safety factor of 0.939, while at the time of moderate rain for 6 hours at 0.236 based on saturated soil parameters, so it is necessary to strengthen. Slope stability analysis requires an understanding of rain intensity and soil behavior in Partially saturated conditions [5]. keywords: analysis; area; bishop; brown; city; civil; conditions; data; environmental; factor; figure; hours; infiltration; journal; landslides; method; moderate; normal; pile; pore; program; rain; rainfall; reinforcement; results; road; safety; sand; science; seep; shear; sheet; silty; singaraja; slope; soil; stability; steel; study; table; value; vol; water cache: civense-377.pdf plain text: civense-377.txt item: #37 of 77 id: civense-378 author: Mandia, I Wayan ; Wahyuni, Putu Ika; Sinarta, I Nengah title: Risk Mitigation of Toll Road Development (Case Study of Trans Sumatera Toll Road) date: 2022-10-31 words: 5600 flesch: 59 summary: Sources of construction risk for Sumatra toll road construction [21] Variable Indicator Number Matrix Toll Road Sector Construction Risk Full Concession Soil structure risk 1 Contamination/pollution to the site environment 2 Disruption of biodiversity in forest areas/conservation areas 3 Barriers to public transportation access 4 Disruption of the comfort of the community around the project area 5 Unclear output specifications 6 Failed to maintain security and safety on site 7 Increase in construction costs 8 Poor contractor/subcontractor performance 9 Default contractor/sub-contractor 10 Design error 11 Late completion construction 12 Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. 05, No. 02, pp. Identification of construction risks on toll roads by PT.PII. keywords: acquisition; activities; analysis; assessment; civil; column; concession; construction; contractor; control; cost; delphi; development; environmental; expert; feasibility; figure; financing; government; handling; identification; implementation; improvement; increase; indonesia; influence; infrastructure; investment; jalan; journal; konstruksi; land; level; management; method; mitigation; natural; pada; performance; pile; private; process; project; proyek; pvd; research; results; risiko; risk; road; road construction; science; significant; site; slab; soft; soil; stage; stone; study; sumatra; table; test; time; toll; toll road; uncertainty; value; variable; vol; work cache: civense-378.pdf plain text: civense-378.txt item: #38 of 77 id: civense-379 author: Syarief, Akhmad; Fadliyanur; Suryanta, Dhanu; Nugraha, Andy; Aufa Ramadhasari, Aulia; Setiawan, Bayu title: Effect of Volume Fraction hybrid composite duck feathers (Anas Plathycus Borneo) - Rat Purun Fiber (Eleocharis Dulcis) With Matrix Polyester On Tensile And Bending Strength date: 2022-10-31 words: 3959 flesch: 63 summary: 215-224, 2022 215 Effect of volume fraction hybrid composite duck feathers (anas plathycus borneo) - rat purun fiber (eleocharis dulcis) with matrix polyester on tensile and bending strength Akhmad Syarief1, Fadliyanur1, Dhanu Suryanta1, Andy Nugraha1, Aulia Aufa Ramadhasari1, Bayu Setiawan1 1Mechanical Engineering Department, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru, 70714, Indonesian,,,,, Received 05-08-2022; accepted 23-10-2022 Abstract. The equation can calculate composite strain: 𝜀 = ∆𝐿 𝑙0 ×100% (2) Where: ε = Enginerring Strain (Strain) (%), Lo = The length of the first specimen before being given a charge (mm), ΔL = Length gain (mm). keywords: akhmad; alabio; astm; bending; civil; composite; dan; duck; duck feathers; elasticity; engineering; environmental; fault; feathers; fibers; figure; fraction; graph; hybrid; journal; kalimantan; komposit; length; material; matrix; mechanical; modulus; mpa; polyester; process; pull; purun; rat; rat purun; relationship; results; science; serat; shows; sifat; specimen; strain; strength; stress; teknik; tensile; terhadap; test; testing; value; volume; volume fraction cache: civense-379.pdf plain text: civense-379.txt item: #39 of 77 id: civense-38 author: Anwar, M. Ruslin; Hasyim, M. Hamzah; R. D. A, Ayu title: Study of economic impact of terminals type A and weigh stations management handover in East Java province to the central government date: 2019-04-01 words: 7703 flesch: 53 summary: It can be concluded that user satisfaction level in Arjosari Terminal service is still not satisfactory or Arjosari Terminal service is considered not optimal. The calculated data is then entered into Cartesian diagram (shown in Figure 2) to determine the priority of each variable to improve Arjosari Terminal service. keywords: analysis; arjosari; arrival; bayuangga; central; civil; contribution; departure; east; economic; environmental; facilities; factors; fines; frequency; goods; government; group; growth; idr; impact; importance; ipa; java; journal; level; operational; opportunity; passengers; performance; province; public; regional; result; retribution; satisfaction; science; service; stations; strategy; strength; study; table; terminal; threat; total; transportation; type; value; vehicles; vol; weakness; weigh; weigh stations; year; 𝑋 𝑌 cache: civense-38.pdf plain text: civense-38.txt item: #40 of 77 id: civense-381 author: Hafiz Hamdani; Pujiastuti, Heni title: Priority Mapping for Handling Environmental Road Using GIS in Gerung District, West Lombok Regency date: 2022-10-31 words: 3509 flesch: 58 summary: The classification of road conditions determines the handling priority of environmental roads: good, medium, lightly damaged, and heavily damaged. Road conditions based on SDI value No. Road Conditions SDI Value 1 Good < keywords: area; average; civil; color; condition; damaged; data; distress; district; environmental; figure; gerung; gis; good; handling; index; information; journal; lombok; map; mapping; medium; method; network; priority; qgis; regency; road; science; sdi; segments; software; sub; surface; survey; system; table; university; value; village; vol; west cache: civense-381.pdf plain text: civense-381.txt item: #41 of 77 id: civense-383 author: Achmad Tjachja Nugraha; Rahmawati, Rahmawati; Auliah, Aidha; Gunawan Prayitno title: Farmers' Social Capital in Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, Indonesia date: 2022-10-31 words: 6884 flesch: 57 summary: These factors include trust in tourism institutions (T6), Communication with fellow village communities (T7), Participation in religious activities (NW2), and Participation in village social activities (NW3) (Table 1 and Figure 6). Therefore, they have an income below the UMK and tend to trust fellow village communities, religious leaders and customs, and village institutions and government. keywords: activities; agriculture; analysis; capital; cfa; characteristics; civil; communities; community; development; disagree; doi; economic; education; environmental; factor; farmers; farming; figure; fit; form; good; goodness; government; income; journal; kidul; kidul tourism; kidul village; leaders; level; loading; low; meetings; networks; norms; opinions; participation; people; percentage; pujon; pujon kidul; question; religious; requirements; respondents; results; rural; science; social; social capital; stage; study; sustainable; test; tourism; tourism village; traditional; trust; valid; value; variable; village; village community; vol; work cache: civense-383.pdf plain text: civense-383.txt item: #42 of 77 id: civense-39 author: Susilo, Gatot Eko; Jafri, Muhammad title: The analysis of rainwater harvesting carrying capacity on water domestic supply for dwelling areas in Indonesia date: 2019-04-01 words: 4644 flesch: 64 summary: Therefore, if RWH water is only used for sanitation purposes then the carrying capacity of RWH will increase as shown in Figure 5. 0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 120,0 140,0 160,0 180,0 0 1 -J a n -1 3 0 1 -A p r- 1 3 0 1 -J u l- 1 3 0 1 -O c t- 1 3 0 1 -J a n -1 4 0 1 -A p r- 1 4 0 1 -J u l- 1 4 0 1 -O c t- 1 4 0 1 -J a n -1 5 0 1 -A p r- 1 5 0 1 -J u l- 1 5 0 1 -O c t- 1 5 0 1 -J a n -1 6 0 1 -A p r- 1 6 0 1 -J u l- 1 6 0 1 -O c t- 1 6 0 1 -J a n -1 7 R a in fa l (m m ) Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. II, No. 01, pp. 067-075, 2019 73 Figure 4. Domestic water needs are not difficult to overcome. keywords: area; capacity; carrying; carrying capacity; cities; civil; data; day; domestic; dry; environmental; facility; figure; harvesting; house; indonesia; inflow; intensity; jan; journal; needs; number; outflow; people; rainfall; rainwater; research; reservoir; roof; rwh; scarcity; science; season; simulation; smax; study; supply; type; vol; volume; water; world; year cache: civense-39.pdf plain text: civense-39.txt item: #43 of 77 id: civense-4 author: Mukarromah, lailatul; Andawayanti, Ussy; Prayogo, Tri Budi title: Water Management System Based On Zero Run Off Policy In Multi Unit Area (Case Study Of Menara Asuransi Astra In Cilandak, South Jakarta, Indonesia) date: 2018-03-20 words: 3371 flesch: 59 summary: Water system management is an effort of planning, management, control, and supervision of runoff water that is structured and integrated in an area according with the policies. According to Governor Regulation of Jakarta Capital City Administration No. 20 of 2013 about recharge wells, the effort to utilize rainwater, reduce water runoff and conserve groundwater is by creating recharge wells and shelters that serve as a space to accommodate, store, and absorb rainwater that can increase the groundwater content. keywords: administration; analysis; area; building; calculation; capacity; capital; concept; conservation; discharge; environmental; governor; hydrological; indonesian; jakarta; journal; land; management; method; national; open; period; pond; recharge; regulation; retention; runoff; sni; soil; space; standard; study; surface; system; total; type; volume; water; wells cache: civense-4.pdf plain text: civense-4.txt item: #44 of 77 id: civense-40 author: Asmaranto, Runi; Suryono, Antonius; Hidayat, Muhammad Nurjati title: Inspections of Hydro-Geotechnical on Ngancar Dam date: 2019-10-03 words: 3716 flesch: 69 summary: Until now Ngancar dam is still able to function properly, although it declined in addressing the needs of irrigation water. Ngancar dam is geographically located at 7°48’5” S and 110°53’53” E. Dams condition is still functioning properly and technically adequate; dam today is still able to serve the needs of irrigation area measuring 1,300 ha keywords: analysis; average; body; calculation; civil; conditions; dam; deformation; earthquake; element; engineering; environmental; factor; figure; flow; geotechnical; guidelines; inspection; journal; level; load; lwl; monitoring; m³/s; ngancar; node; nwl; period; piezometers; probe; quantity; reservoir; result; return; risk; safety; science; seepage; slope; stability; table; total; vol; water; years; ∆𝐻𝑖𝑗 cache: civense-40.pdf plain text: civense-40.txt item: #45 of 77 id: civense-42 author: Sulianto, Sulianto; Bisri, M.; Limantara, lily Montarcih; Sisinggih, Dian title: Performance of The Dispin Models with Automatic Parameter Calibration on The Transformation of Rainfall to Runoff Data date: 2019-10-03 words: 4983 flesch: 51 summary: The Monte Carlo method can also be used to estimate the value of Tank Model parameters [3] and successfully identify the value and structure of the HBV Model with great satisfaction [19]. The optimal 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 periode D is c h a rg e (m 3 /s e c ) Comparation Q DISPRIN-DE, Q DISPRIN-MC & Q-obs Q-obs DISPRIN-DE DISPRIN-MC 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Q-DISPRIN DE [m3/sec] Q -o b s [ m 3 /s e c ] Plot Q-DISPRIN DE VS Q-Obs 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Q-DISPRIN MC [m3/sec] Q -o b s [ m 3 /s e c ] Plot Q-DISPRIN MC VS Q-Obs Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. II, No. 02, pp. 084-094, 2019 93 value of DISPRIN25 Model parameters from the output of the two models gives different results because the resulting performance level is also different. keywords: algorithm; analysis; base; calibration; carlo; civil; coefficient; combination; comparison; daily; data; different; discharge; disprin25; effect; engineering; environmental; factor; figure; flow; function; high; hill; hydrological; initial; input; journal; land; level; maximum; method; minimum; model; monte; nse; number; optimization; outlet; parameters; performance; period; pme; position; process; rainfall; results; river; rmse; runoff; science; set; simulation; slope; slope zone; stage; storage; sub; surface; table; tank; testing; training; translation; validation; value; vector; vol; water; watershed; zone cache: civense-42.pdf plain text: civense-42.txt item: #46 of 77 id: civense-43 author: Yasa, I Wayan; Bisri, M.; Sholichin, M.; Andawayanti, Ussy title: El-nino effect on reservoir volumetric (A case study of the Batujai Dam on the island of Lombok) date: 2019-10-03 words: 2998 flesch: 61 summary: 076-083, 2019 80 𝐶𝑠 = 𝑁 ∑ ( 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑋 − 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑋 ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅)3𝑛𝑖=1 ( 𝑁 − 1 )( 𝑁 − 2 )( 𝑆log 𝑥 ) 3 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑋 ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅̅ ̅ (10) Where: Log X : Logarithm of data : The mean logarithm of data Slog x : Standard deviation from the data logarithm CS : Coefficient of skewness k : Frequency factor 3. Results and Discussion The weak El Nino events occurred in 1994, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Although those events were classified as weak but they have significant impact on water volume reservoir. keywords: change; civil; climate; data; decrease; deficit; effective; environmental; events; extreme; figure; impact; journal; log; moderate; nina; nino; occurrence; period; reservoir; reservoir volume; resources; return; river; science; strong; time; type; volume; volumetric; water; weak; ̅̅ ̅̅; 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑋; 𝑋 ̅̅ cache: civense-43.pdf plain text: civense-43.txt item: #47 of 77 id: civense-44 author: Cahya, Evi Nur; Guntoro, Dani Eko; Harisuseno, Donny title: Integrated Urban Drainage Management for Flood Inundation Controlling in Sidokare Area at Sidoarjo Regency date: 2019-10-03 words: 4884 flesch: 58 summary: In this catchment area, the handling is planned using a combination of existing drainage channels, existing storage ponds and existing flood pumps. While for flood discharge 2-year return period (2.9647 m3/sec), using existing drainage channel of 2.0856 m3/sec (70.35%), storage pool of 0.4837 m3/sec (16.32%) and existing flood pumps of 0.3953 m3/sec (13.34%). keywords: afvoer; analysis; area; capacity; catchment; catchment area; channel; combination; data; diponegoro; discharge; drainage; excess; flood; handling; historical; hours; integrated; intensity; inundation; journal; level; management; new; period; plan; pool; pump; rainfall; return; return period; season; sec; sidokare; station; storage; street; study; tertiary; urban; volume; water; years cache: civense-44.pdf plain text: civense-44.txt item: #48 of 77 id: civense-45 author: Suryoputro, Nugroho; Suhardjono, Suhardjono; Soetopo, Widandi; Suhartanto, Ery title: Calibration of surface runoff parameters with the hydrologic tank model using recursive digital filter and master recession curve date: 2019-10-03 words: 2769 flesch: 59 summary: The calibration of tank model parameters for the Bango watershed can be seen in table 3 and Figure 3. Parameter values and calibration of tank model. keywords: baseflow; calibration; civil; coefficient; curve; day; digital; discharge; figure; filter; hydrograph; hydrological; infiltration; initial; journal; master; method; model; parameters; rdf; recession; results; runoff; science; separation; streamflow; surface; tank; tank model; value; watershed cache: civense-45.pdf plain text: civense-45.txt item: #49 of 77 id: civense-46 author: Lestari, Handayani; Haribowo, Riyanto; Yuliani, Emma title: Determination of Pollution Load Capacity Using QUAL2Kw Program on The Musi River Palembang date: 2019-10-03 words: 5243 flesch: 66 summary: Secondary data collected include maps, river water quality data, river hydraulic conditions, water quality point source, population of Palembang City and meteorological conditions [4]. 0,00 1000,00 2000,00 3000,00 4000,00 5000,00 6000,00 0246 fl o w ( m ^ 3 /s ) distance upstream (km) Sungai Musi (10/5/2016) Q, m3/s 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 3,50 4,00 0246 v e lo c it y ( m /s ) distance upstream (km) Sungai Musi (10/5/2016) U, mps 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 9,00 01234567 d e p th ( m ) distance upstream (km) Sungai Musi (10/5/2016) H, m Musi River Musi River Musi River Civil and Environmental Science Journal Vol. II, No. 02, pp. keywords: badja; bod5; calculation; calibration; capacity; civil; condition; data; day; environmental; figure; hydraulic; input; journal; load; model; musi; musi river; nh3; palembang; parameter; po4; point; pollution; pollution load; profile; pulokerto; qual2kw; quality; reach; results; river; science; segment; simulation; sources; standard; table; value; vol; waste; water; water quality; worksheet cache: civense-46.pdf plain text: civense-46.txt item: #50 of 77 id: civense-47 author: Ariyani, Dwi; Putuhena, Frederick Josep; Wira, Dharma title: Using Water Balance to Analyse Water Availability for Irrigation with Upraising Surface Temperature ( Acase Study Pasar Baru Barrage in Cisadane Watershed) date: 2020-02-16 words: 3214 flesch: 54 summary: India predicts that without climate change demand for irrigation water will increase by around 3.5-5% in 2025, 73% of water use in India is for irrigation, in Gujarat it is predicted to fall -6 to -8%, while in north-western India rainfall rises around 10% from normal, without doing good water management, it is likely that India will have a water deficit Water Balance from water avaibility Cisadane River and water irrigation in1985 – 2018 From the graph of the water balance in the figure 8 above it can be seen that the availability of river water Cisadane cannot meet the water needs of irrigation, water irrigation (red line) is greater than availability (blue line) so that the water balance (green line) in deficit each year. keywords: air; area; availability; average; balance; barrage; baru; calculation; change; cisadane; civil; data; deficit; environmental; evapotranspiration; figure; graph; iii; irrigation; journal; kendall; mann; maximum; pasar; rainfall; requirement; research; river; science; surface; temperature; test; trend; value; vol; water; years cache: civense-47.pdf plain text: civense-47.txt item: #51 of 77 id: civense-48 author: Suryaningtyas, Lufi Suryaningtyas; Ery, Suhartanto; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati title: Hydrological Analysis of TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Data in Lesti Sub Watershed date: 2020-02-16 words: 5708 flesch: 64 summary: Then, conducted an analysis of the flow discharge estimation using TRMM rainfall data and validated with Tawangrejeni Automatic Water Level Record (AWLR) data. 3.2 Correlation of Rain Data of Rain Station Post and TRMM Based on Table 9, the correlation analysis results of all rain station posts with TRMM data (2002- 2018 data), have a good correlation with TRMM rain data, this can be seen from the correlation coefficient values that are at values> 0,6. keywords: analysis; average; awlr; calibration; civil; coefficient; correlation; data; discharge; environmental; error; figure; flow; iii; ja n; journal; lesti; method; mock; monthly; n p; nse; o n; observation; p o; p r; post; r ju; rain; rain station; rainfall; rainfall data; results; rmse; satellite; science; station; station post; table; test; ti o; trmm; validation; value; vol; watershed; xxx; years cache: civense-48.pdf plain text: civense-48.txt item: #52 of 77 id: civense-5 author: Anugerahputra, Krisna Febrian; Tzu Ying, Lee; Wibowo, Ari title: Application of Polynomial Rocking Bearings as Seismic Isolation System on Irregular Bridges date: 2018-03-20 words: 3734 flesch: 64 summary: For the convenience, the force system in the Figure 3a is slightly replaced by the equivalent calculation of force system in the Figure 3b, in which W and U are the equivalents vertical and horizontal force components. In this study, a Polynomial Rocking Bearing (PRB) which has variable isolation stiffness is used to improve the performance of seismic isolation systems applied on irregular bridges under near-fault earthquakes. keywords: analysis; base; bearing; bridge; civil; column; contact; coordinate; deck; displacement; earthquake; engineering; environmental; equation; fault; figure; force; fps; friction; ground; horizontal; irregular; isolation; journal; moment; near; parameters; point; polynomial; prb; prbs; rocking; science; seismic; state; stiffness; structure; surface; system; vol cache: civense-5.pdf plain text: civense-5.txt item: #53 of 77 id: civense-50 author: Rahman, Kurdianto Idi; Sisinggih, Dian; Asmaranto, Runi title: Application of Sediment Runoff Model to the Wlingi Reservoir Watershed, Indonesia date: 2020-02-16 words: 2494 flesch: 53 summary: As a result of this application, the water discharge, sediment discharge, and riverbed elevation can be obtained [4]. 2.3. Wash load sediment transport Based on the results of the movement of sediment material from the model, it can be described that the material entering the Wlingi Reservoir is as follows. keywords: area; bed; channel; civil; data; discharge; duration; environmental; fig; figure; iii; journal; kelud; load; material; mechanism; model; movement; process; rainfall; reservoir; results; river; runoff; science; sediment; sedimentation; slope; transport; unit; vol; watershed; wlingi cache: civense-50.pdf plain text: civense-50.txt item: #54 of 77 id: civense-51 author: Suryawan, I Wayan Koko; Sofiyah, Evi Siti title: Cultivation of Chlorella Sp. and Algae Mix for NH3-N and PO4-P Domestic Wastewater Removal date: 2020-02-16 words: 2186 flesch: 61 summary: This study used the cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sp. and algae mix to manage domestic wastewater. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of cultivation of Chlorella sp. in processing nutrients in the form of NH3-N and PO4-N in domestic wastewater. keywords: algae; biomass; chlorella; chlorella sp; civil; cultivation; dan; doi; domestic; environmental; figure; growth; iii; journal; microalgae; mix; nh3; nutrient; po4; rate; ratio; removal; science; study; treatment; vol; wastewater cache: civense-51.pdf plain text: civense-51.txt item: #55 of 77 id: civense-59 author: Haribowo, Riyanto; Prayogo, T.B.; Shaleha, N.N.; Hafni, K.N. title: Performance of multi-soil-layering (MSL) urban domestic wastewater treatment system date: 2020-03-27 words: 7094 flesch: 61 summary: 037-050, 2020 45 and MSL B reactors are better in processing suspended solids in domestic waste, but the MSL C reactor could not process solids better than the Integrated Sanitation facility. Considering the change in water quality of the outflow for each processing, the hypothesis is that MSL reactors do not have a uniform effect on the pH parameter. keywords: average; best; blocks; charcoal; civil; discharge; domestic; efficiency; elimination; environmental; figure; iii; increase; integrated; journal; layer; layering; mixture; msl; msl b; multi; outflow; outlet; parameter; permeable; processing; pumice; quality; quality standard; ranking; reactor; research; sand; sanitation; science; score; second; silica; soil; stage; standard; system; table; tds; total; tss; value; vol; wastewater; water; water quality; zeolite cache: civense-59.pdf plain text: civense-59.txt item: #56 of 77 id: civense-6 author: Haribowo, Riyanto; Dermawan, Very; Yudha, Nevandria Satrya title: Application of Artificial Neural Network For Defining The Water Quality in The River date: 2018-03-20 words: 2430 flesch: 58 summary: Discussion of configuration results II Configuration II is conducted to predict water quality in the downstream with water quality parameters, in which the measurement can be done in the laboratory, with the requirement having the data of river water quality that will be measured on the upstream and downstream of the river. Therefore, it is important to monitoring the condition of river water quality. keywords: actual; analysis; ann; artificial; bod; cod; composition; configuration; data; dataset; epoch; error; field; figure; journal; model; network; neural; output; parameter; quality; results; river; science; smallest; table; temperature; value; vol; water cache: civense-6.pdf plain text: civense-6.txt item: #57 of 77 id: civense-60 author: Jafri, M.; Iswan, Iswan; Rizki, M.; Susilo, G.E. title: Slope stability analysis in Ulubelu Lampung using computational analysis program date: 2020-03-27 words: 3441 flesch: 70 summary: Forces acting on landslides for Janbu slope analysis method Each slice block is assumed to contribute due to the following forces: Wi = block weight, including material surcharge having the character of weight including the influence of the coefficient of vertical earthquake Kv KhWi = horizontal inertia force representing the effect of earthquake, Kh is the factor of horizontal acceleration during earthquake Ni = normal force on the slip surface The results showed that all samples showed safety factor values that were not much different that were spread between the numbers 1.7 to 4.3. keywords: analysis; bishop; block; civil; environmental; factor; fellenius; forces; geostudio; geothermal; iii; janbu; journal; lampung; landslides; mechanics; method; potential; province; results; safety; safety factor; samples; science; segment; slip; slip surface; slope; slope stability; soil; stability; surface; tons; ulubelu; value; vol cache: civense-60.pdf plain text: civense-60.txt item: #58 of 77 id: civense-61 author: Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Asmaranto, Runi; Murdhianti, Ari title: Stability of existing Banyukuwung DAM in recent hydrology and geotechnical conditions date: 2020-07-14 words: 6437 flesch: 70 summary: Banyukuwung Dam is located in the villages of Sukorejo and Sudo, Sumber District, Rembang Regency, Central Java Province. Banyukuwung Dam is located in Sumber District, Rembang Regency, it was built in 1995 keywords: analysis; banyukuwung; body; civil; conditions; dam; data; design; discharge; e n; earthquake; engineering; environmental; figure; flood; follows; fwl; geotechnical; hydrological; iii; journal; level; m f; maximum; method; m³/s; nwl; o n; o p; p m; rainfall; reservoir; results; safe; safety; science; seepage; slope; stability; study; table; vol; water cache: civense-61.pdf plain text: civense-61.txt item: #59 of 77 id: civense-63 author: Ingsih, Ita Suhermin; Rahmawati, Anita title: Public perception of transportation systems in the halal logistics date: 2020-08-11 words: 3340 flesch: 60 summary: The results of the study showed that more than 90% of respondents considered important variables needed in the implementation of halal logistics: mainly in sorting goods according to types as well as halal and non-halal, separating halal and non-halal products, setting the position of goods in cargo, using vehicles specifically for halal products, maintenance of cargo cleanliness, training of halal logistic officers, and health care for halal logistic officers. The need for halal products has now become a trend. keywords: cargo; chain; civil; concept; consumers; data; doi; environmental; figure; food; goods; halal; halal logistics; halal products; iii; important; indonesia; journal; level; logistics; muslim; non; perception; process; products; public; questionnaire; research; respondents; results; risk; science; separation; supply; technology; transportation; use; value; vehicles; vol cache: civense-63.pdf plain text: civense-63.txt item: #60 of 77 id: civense-65 author: Putri, Kartika Nur Rahma; Marzuki, Puti Farida title: Model of land acquisition productivity performance for toll road projects in Indonesia date: 2020-08-04 words: 4791 flesch: 50 summary: The focus of government plays a significant role in land acquisition projects. Meanwhile, based on [5] the three dominant risk source variables in toll road projects land acquisition were (a) The planning stage where investors do not immediately complete administrative requirements (6.2%); (b) the deliberation stage where complaints arise from the community (5.9%); (c) and the occurrence of land problems (5.6%). keywords: acquisition; activities; activity; actual; civil; claims; compensation; data; days; density; distribution; duration; environmental; figure; function; government; iii; implementation; indonesia; journal; land; land acquisition; parameter; pdf; performance; phase; probability; process; productivity; project; public; regulation; results; road; science; simulation; study; table; time; toll; value; vol; year cache: civense-65.pdf plain text: civense-65.txt item: #61 of 77 id: civense-66 author: Kusumabrata, Luffi; Andawayanti, Ussy; Suhartanto, Ery title: Drainage management study of the city of Merauke towards inundation by rainfall date: 2020-08-03 words: 4223 flesch: 63 summary: With the Microsoft Excel application, hydrological analysis was performed; spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) resulted in a map of the characteristics of the case study area, and with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), hydraulics analysis was performed on existing drainage channels along with simulated management. The obtained inundation height was based on rainfall with return periods of 2, 5, 10, and 25 years against existing land use, drainage channels, and topography. keywords: analysis; application; area; capacity; channel; city; civil; data; day; discharge; drainage; environmental; figure; flow; height; hydrological; iii; information; inundation; journal; management; merauke; method; overflow; peak; period; rainfall; return; return period; runoff; sal11; sal24; science; sec; storage; study; swmm; upstream; vol; volume; water; wells; year; year return cache: civense-66.pdf plain text: civense-66.txt item: #62 of 77 id: civense-69 author: Yusuf, Rakhmat; Haryadhi, Yayan; Dermawan, Herwan title: Vibration Impact on Potentially Liquefactions Slope Deformation date: 2020-10-23 words: 3937 flesch: 63 summary: Relation between soil slope (α) with Effective Stress (’) In the event of soil liquefaction phenomenon, it can be deformation due to shock. keywords: 24; acceleration; analysis; angle; axial; bulk; civil; content; damage; deformation; density; earthquake; effective; engineering; environmental; figure; frequency; gram; gravity; journal; laboratory; lateral; liquefaction; load; maximum; model; particles; physical; piezometer; pore; pressure; properties; repose; research; result; sample; sand; science; seconds; settlement; slope; soil; specific; stress; table; teknik; testing; time; vibration; vol; water; zone cache: civense-69.pdf plain text: civense-69.txt item: #63 of 77 id: civense-7 author: Susilo, Gatot Eko title: Data Generation In Order To Replace Lost Flow Data Using Bootstrap Method And Regression Analysis date: 2018-04-06 words: 3298 flesch: 61 summary: Results of the research show that both methods are able to generate new series of flow data that the distribution is similar to available field data. Keywords: data generation, flow data, Bootstrap method, regression analysis. keywords: analysis; available; bootstrap; calculation; carlo; complete; data; dependable; discharge; distribution; equation; flow; generation; hydrological; indonesia; irrigation; journal; method; monte; new; period; random; regression; river; sample; science; simulation; statistical; table; value; vol; water; way; year cache: civense-7.pdf plain text: civense-7.txt item: #64 of 77 id: civense-73 author: Eryani, I Gusti Agung Putu; Yujana, Cok Agung; Astara, I Wayan Wesna title: Management and arrangement model of Loloan river area for conservation and development as a tourist attraction area date: 2020-09-08 words: 3403 flesch: 54 summary: Loloan River Area Loloan River is one of the watersheds that flow in the Denpasar city with a river length of 3.75 km and irrigates 103 hectares of rice fields [3]. To optimize the development of the Loloan river area as an area of tourist attraction, it can be done by empowering the surrounding society in the form of cooperation in efforts to clean up weeds in the Loloan river basin so that the river's capacity can be optimal, socializing the importance of conserving irrigation channels for potential Loloan River water can be used optimally as well as planning the arrangement and conservation of the Loloan River watershed. keywords: area; arrangement; attraction; attraction area; bodies; city; civil; conditions; conservation; data; denpasar; development; environmental; fields; figure; iii; journal; land; location; loloan; loloan river; management; model; natural; potential; problems; renon; research; river; river area; science; society; tourist; tourist attraction; use; village; vol; water cache: civense-73.pdf plain text: civense-73.txt item: #65 of 77 id: civense-74 author: Wibisono, Andhika Yoga; Kusumaningtyas, Disfiatri; Lahmadi, Salman Farid; Najwa, Alfiyah; Rachmantoro, Hafiz Arie; Sarwono, Ariyanti; Suryawan, I Wayan Koko title: Design of Hazardous Waste Station in XYZ Port, Jakarta City date: 2020-09-23 words: 3699 flesch: 58 summary: The composition of hazardous wastes, based on the solid waste characteristics, was flammable (20%), flammable and toxic (56%), toxic (23%), and corrosive (1%). If hazardous waste is not managed properly, it will impact on all living things and natural environments on this earth [4]. keywords: area; bapedal; boxes; characteristics; civil; composition; container; dan; data; design; drums; environmental; extinguishers; figure; fire; flammable; floor; generation; hazardous; hazardous waste; iii; jakarta; journal; land; limbah; materials; number; oil; placement; port; requirements; science; secondary; spills; station; storage; symbols; toxic; vol; volume; waste; waste station; wooden; xyz cache: civense-74.pdf plain text: civense-74.txt item: #66 of 77 id: civense-76 author: Prayogo, Tri Budi; Wahyuni, Sri; Iqbal, Muhammad title: A Study of Irrigation Performance Index and Real Cost Value of Irrigation Operations and Maintenance in Surak Irrigation Area date: 2021-01-18 words: 6926 flesch: 45 summary: A study found that it is crucial to create an enabling environment to enable farmers to realize profits and other economic benefits to participate in irrigation infrastructure maintenance [11]. 030-042, 2021 34 participate in collective irrigation infrastructure maintenance. keywords: area; aspect; assessment; assets; associations; availability; calculation; channel; civil; condition; costs; crop; damage; data; documentation; environmental; equipment; evaluation; facilities; field; gates; good; guards; idr; implementation; index; indonesia; infrastructure; irrigation; irrigation area; irrigation performance; journal; maintenance; management; materials; maximum; need; number; observers; officers; operations; performance; periodic; personnel; physical; planting; priority; productivity; public; regional; rehabilitation; results; river; science; score; sluice; structures; study; surak; surak irrigation; survey; technical; total; unit; user; value; vol; water; weir; work; wuas cache: civense-76.pdf plain text: civense-76.txt item: #67 of 77 id: civense-79 author: Afriani, Lusmeilia; Iswan, Iswan title: The investigation of avalanche patterns on railroad tracks with steep slopes date: 2020-09-29 words: 2496 flesch: 65 summary: The greater the value of the effective soil stress that occurs, the better the condition of the soil particles in providing bearing capacity for sloping soil landslides on the landfill. Therefore, retaining walls for supporting soil must be installed on steep soils so that the safety factor value reaches a value of more than 1.25 and the construction is safe against landslides. keywords: analysis; angel; bearings; civil; concrete; condition; data; day; direction; effective; environmental; figure; fill; iii; indonesia; journal; lampung; landslides; level; permeability; phreatic; railroad; science; sloping; soil; station; stress; study; train; value; vol; weight cache: civense-79.pdf plain text: civense-79.txt item: #68 of 77 id: civense-8 author: Hidayat, Muhammad Nurjati title: The Application of Modal Split Using Revealed and Stated Preference Techniques: A study in Malang date: 2018-04-30 words: 3476 flesch: 59 summary: Similar to utility function of RP model, the utility function of SP model is: 𝑈𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑃 = 𝑣𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑃 + 𝜀𝑖 𝑆𝑃 = 𝛽′𝑥𝑖 𝑆𝑃 + 𝛾 ′𝑧𝑖 𝑆𝑃 + 𝜀𝑖 𝑆𝑃 (5) and the choice of decision maker given by: 𝑑𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑃 = { 1, if 𝑈𝑠 = max𝑗=1, . . RP/SP Model Estimation Three models were estimated: RP model, SP model and RP/SP model using Multinomial Logit (MNL) model, each of which was estimated by maximizing the log-likelihood function. keywords: alternative; attributes; car; choice; civil; commuter; cost; current; data; estimation; function; high; income; individual; journal; malang; microbus; model; motorbike; new; number; preference; respondent; result; science; set; survey; table; train; transport; travel; user; utility; vol cache: civense-8.pdf plain text: civense-8.txt item: #69 of 77 id: civense-81 author: Erryanto, Sandi; Andawayanti, Ussy; Suhartanto, Ery title: Analysis of Sedimentation for The Optimization of Lempake Dam Operations for Flood Control for The City of Samarinda, Province of East Kalimantan date: 2020-12-14 words: 4537 flesch: 62 summary: The input from the inundation mapping for HEC-RAS utilized hydrograph data from the results of flood hydrograph analysis for Lempake Dam with return periods of 2 and 5 years. The outflow that resulted from the spillways became the input for flood routing analysis along the river from Lempake Dam to Pasar Segiri with the Muskingum method. keywords: analysis; area; capacity; containment; dam; data; discharge; elevation; environmental; figure; flood; flood inundation; inundation; journal; lempake; lempake dam; mapping; method; outlet; pasar; period; planned; rainfall; reservoir; results; return; river; routing; scenario; science; segiri; surface; testing; volume; water; years cache: civense-81.pdf plain text: civense-81.txt item: #70 of 77 id: civense-83 author: Ariyani, Dwi; Warastuti, Niken; Arini, Resti Nur title: Ecobrick Method To Reduce Plastic Waste In Tanjung Mekar Village, Karawang Regency date: 2020-12-28 words: 3327 flesch: 71 summary: Testing of eco- bricks materials using sand and plastic waste to produce bricks, was carried out by heating at 2000C. Then compared the results between bricks mixed with sand and plastic with traditional local bricks, it was observed that plastic sand bricks have low water absorption, low porosity and high compressive strength [5]. From the result eco-bricks has a higher compressive strength value than other materials. keywords: binding; bottles; bricks; cement; citarum; civil; compressive; concrete; eco; environmental; figure; indonesia; journal; materials; method; mixture; mm2; mpa; plastic; plastic waste; red; research; results; river; sand; science; specimen; strength; table; test; testing; use; vol; waste cache: civense-83.pdf plain text: civense-83.txt item: #71 of 77 id: civense-85 author: Prasetyo, Wahyu; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Sisinggih, Dian title: Analysis on The Effect of Groyne Type Impermeable Placement on Sediment Distribution in Lariang River Bend date: 2021-01-18 words: 7095 flesch: 61 summary: The RMA2 Model Simulation is conducted to obtain the distribution of river flow velocity at the research location (Figure 2). In severe situations, large volumes of landslides can occur on river banks, which can cause damage to existing infrastructure. keywords: bank; bed shear; bend; blue; building; change; civil; colour; current; current velocity; data; direction; distribution; environmental; erosion; figure; flow velocity; green; groyne; journal; lariang river; left; left bank; maximum river; model; model simulation; modelling; outer bend; outer river; process; q20; red; results; right bank; river; river bank; river bed; river flow; riverbed; riverbed scenario; riverbed shear; rma2; scenario; science; sec; sed2d; sedimentation; shear; shear stress; simulation; simulation results; value; velocity; velocity value; vol; water; yellow cache: civense-85.pdf plain text: civense-85.txt item: #72 of 77 id: civense-91 author: Priambodo, Didit; Suhartanto, Ery; Sumiadi, Sumiadi title: Analysis of Runoff Curve Number Distribution into Surface Runoff of Lesti Watershed date: 2021-02-04 words: 4620 flesch: 63 summary: Map of The 2010 Lesti Watershed Surface Runoff According to the figures above, there is an increasing of surface runoff values from 2010 to 2017. The results of model simulation using calibrated parameter values obtained the watershed rate of surface runoff distribution value. keywords: alternative; analyse; analysis; area; average; awlr; changes; civil; clay; condition; conservation; cover; curve; data; discharge; distribution; environmental; erosion; figure; forest; hydrological; increasing; infiltration; irrigation; journal; land; land use; lesti; loam; map; method; model; number; physical; process; rainfall; rate; research; results; river; runoff; science; scs; simulation; soil; study; sub; surface; surface runoff; swat; table; type; use; value; vol; watershed; year; 𝐶𝑁(𝐼𝐼 cache: civense-91.pdf plain text: civense-91.txt item: #73 of 77 id: civense-92 author: Wijayanto, Achsin; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Cahya, Evi Nur title: The Influence of Damage to the Geomembrane Layer on the Seepage Pattern and Discharge at the Homogeneous Embankment Dam date: 2021-02-08 words: 2754 flesch: 60 summary: The influence of the size and location of the defect to the seepage discharge The analysis results show that the amount of seepage discharge for defect widths of 10, 25 and 50 cm is 2.71 x 10-5, 2.76 x 10-5 and 2.79 x10-5 m3/s/m respectively. The amount of seepage discharge for a 10 cm defect width is 5.23 l/s or 1.94% of the mean annual inflow. keywords: aceh; analysis; bendungan; body; civil; conditions; dam; damage; dan; data; defect; discharge; embankment; engineering; environmental; figure; foundation; geomembrane; homogeneous; journal; layer; level; line; location; material; pattern; phreatic; piezometer; rembesan; results; science; seepage; sianjo; study; table; upstream; vol; water; width; zone cache: civense-92.pdf plain text: civense-92.txt item: #74 of 77 id: civense-94 author: Sumiadi, Sumiadi; Kironoto, Bambang Agus; Legono, Djoko; Istiarto, Istiarto title: Bed-Shear Velocity Measurement in Curved Open Channel date: 2021-03-05 words: 4303 flesch: 62 summary: In Table 3, the number of tangential flow velocity data is also included –especially in inner region- which still follows logarithmic equations and is given a notation: N. Based on the analysis of the data in Table 3, it is known that for the flow in the straight channel (sequence number 1 to 5), the Clauser method and the Reynolds stress distribution method produce relatively the same shear velocity where the average difference is 1.97%. The measuring instrument used in this study includes flow velocity measuring devices, discharge measuring instrument, water level/table gauge, bed topographic measuring instruments and time measuring instruments. keywords: adv; approach; average; bed; c120; channel; civil; clauser; clauser method; curved; data; difference; direction; distribution; environmental; equation; figure; flow; fluctuations; inner; journal; measurement; method; radial; results; reynolds; reynolds stress; science; section; shear; shear stress; shear velocity; stress; stress distribution; table; tangential; value; velocity; vertical; vol; ′തതതതതത; −𝑣𝑧 cache: civense-94.pdf plain text: civense-94.txt item: #75 of 77 id: civense-95 author: Hadini, La Ode; Sartohadi, Junun; Setiawan, Muhammad Anggri; Mardiatno, Djati title: The Dynamics of Flow Discharge and Suspension Flow Discharge in Volcano Watershed with Agroforestry Land Cover date: 2021-06-30 words: 6267 flesch: 63 summary: The studies of flow suspension dynamics under the land use of agroforestry have been reported to be optimal enough to control the formation of suspension flow [18][24][25][26][27][28]. The study of flow suspension dynamics in volcanic watersheds with agroforestry covers the following problems: the corresponding responses of flow and suspension, the time lag between rain events and the initial formation of suspension flow, and the grain size of the suspension during the flow. keywords: agroforestry; aliran; analysis; area; average; base; capacity; characteristics; civil; clay; concentration; conditions; content; correspondence; dan; data; different; discharge; duration; dynamics; environmental; erosion; events; february; field; flow; flow discharge; flow dynamics; flow events; flow formation; formation; fraction; high; hour; infiltration; initial; intensity; january; journal; key; lag; lahan; land; march; minutes; patterns; peak; peak flow; peak suspension; phase; previous; rain; rain events; rain intensity; rainfall; research; runoff; sand; science; sediment; silt; size; slope; soil; stage; storage; study; sungai; surface; suspension; suspension discharge; suspension flow; thick; time; tqp; tqsp; use; vol; volcanic; watershed cache: civense-95.pdf plain text: civense-95.txt item: #76 of 77 id: civense-96 author: Kriswardhana, Willy; Hasanuddin, Akhmad; Muntsari, Daud Rosyid R.A. title: Mode Choice Modelling Between Bus and Train Under the New Normal Condition date: 2021-02-15 words: 3558 flesch: 64 summary: However, in the new normal condition, the behaviour of travel mode choice might be changing. Some factors influence the behaviour of travel mode choice. keywords: analysis; attribute; bus; characteristics; choice; civil; condition; cost; data; difference; environmental; fare; figure; idr; indonesia; jakarta; java; journal; mode; mode choice; new; new normal; normal; pandemic; passengers; preference; probability; respondents; route; science; sensitivity; stated; study; surabaya; survey; test; time; train; train mode; transportation; travel; travel mode; utility; value; vol cache: civense-96.pdf plain text: civense-96.txt item: #77 of 77 id: civense-99 author: Saputro, Robert Agung; Sisno, Suhardjono; Juwono, Pitojo Tri title: Analysis Of Carrying Capacity of The Porong River Caused by Sidoarjo Mud Disposal date: 2021-08-23 words: 3293 flesch: 58 summary: Similar founding occurred at Porong River Estuary This study used the analysis of Porong River topographic data and Bathimetry, river cross section and field sediment distribution models [3] [4]. keywords: analysis; area; bathymetry; capacity; civil; data; discharge; disposal; distribution; environmental; estuary; field; figure; flow; increase; island; journal; lusi; model; mouth; mud; operation; outlet; pattern; porong; porong river; profile; quality; results; river; science; season; secondary; sediment; sediment distribution; sidoarjo; sidoarjo mud; study; times; vol; water; watershed; year cache: civense-99.pdf plain text: civense-99.txt