Microsoft Word - 03_ARS_Albertus Prawata_POP UP CAFE-HS.doc Pop Up Cafe as A Creative .… (Albertus Prawata)   343  POP UP CAFE AS A CREATIVE GENERATOR IN JAKARTA Albertus Prawata Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Binus University Jalan K.H. Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480 ABSTRACT The government has a strong role to make plans and shape the city. The planning establishment by the government is based on capital-intensive strategic actions, so they can shape the urban spaces according to a certain set of values. These values are made clearly in the patterns of resource consumption. However, they often create a hierarchical gap between the people and the communities. In the city, the economy becomes the basis of how the urban spaces are shaped and created. New economic activities often have the impact in degrading the quality of the spaces. As a result, the city will lose its attractions, and people feel alienated and they become aesthetically unpleasant. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the interaction and appreciation of creative users and the citizens of the city towards the urban spaces, and how they will encourage endless collaboration amongst local citizens to create thoughtful and meaningful designs for the public. The discussion and arguments will be based on some creative activities such as pop up café/store. It has the importance to be a creative generator and become the urban fabric that support the city and be a part of the sustainable city concept. The engagement and ideas from the creative activities can be a strong foundation of a good urban space, that have the power to re-shape the city spaces to be more livable. Therefore, it can also bring a new identity and vibrant atmosphere to a certain area as well as to the city. Keywords: urban spaces, creative, creative activities, city, economy ABSTRAK Pemerintah memiliki peran yang sangat kuat untuk membuat rencana dan bentuk kota. Penerapan perencanaan ruang-ruang yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dilaksanakan berdasarkan strategi dan nilai-nilai ekonomi yang dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi kota tersebut, sehingga mereka dapat menerapkan pola perancangannya berdasarkan nilai-nilai ekonomi tertentu. Nilai-nilai ini dibuat jelas dalam pola konsumsi sumber daya. Dengan penerapan ini banyak terjadi kesenjangan hirarki antara masyarakakt di kota itu sendiri. Di kota, perekonomian menjadi dasar dari bagaimana ruang kota yang dibentuk dan dibuat. Kegiatan ekonomi baru seringkali berdampak menurunkan kualitas ruang. Akibatnya, kota ini akan kehilangan atraksi, dan masyarakatnya akan merasa terasing dan keindahan kota tidak akan terwujud. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk membahas interaksi dan apresiasi komunitas kreatif dan warga kota terhadap ruang-ruang perkotaan, dan bagaimana dengan keberadaan mereka akan mendorong kolaborasi di antara warga setempat untuk membuat suatu bentuk rancangan baik dan bermakna bagi masyarakat. Diskusi dan argumentasi pada tulisan ini akan didasarkan pada beberapa kegiatan kreatif seperti pop up café atau toko. Bentuk aktifitas dan kegiatan ini memiliki peran penting sebagai generator aktifitas kreatif dan menjadi bagian kota yang dapat mendukung kota dan menjadi bagian dari konsep kota yang berkelanjutan. Keterlibatan dan ide-ide dari kegiatan kreatif dapat menjadi dasar yang kuat untuk menciptakan ruang kota yang baik, yang memiliki kekuatan untuk menghadirkan bentuk ruang kota yang lebih layak huni. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan dan aktifitas kreatif ini dapat membawa identitas baru dan suasana yang lebih hidup untuk daerah tertentu dan juga bahkan bagi suatu kota. Kata kunci: ruang urban, kreatif, kegiatan kreatif, kota, ekonomi 344 ComTech Vol. 6 No. 3 September 2015: 343-350  INTRODUCTION The quality and quantity of a city’s creative aspects have direct impacts on creating a better and vibrant city, including its economic development. It would bring benefits to the city; it will attract skilled workforce, more entrepreneurship, cultural and local tourism, and strong social connection. These will make a city a great place to live. By providing opportunities to attract, retain and develop the best and brightest local culture and creative aspects and atmosphere, a city can create an outstanding and culturally creative experience for its residents. The world’s population continues to grow at an alarming rate. At the same time, urbanization will also increase. Forecasts from the UN suggest that by the year 2050, it is estimated that there will be 9.3 billion people on earth, and almost 7 billion will live in the cities (UN 2011). With their high concentration of people, infrastructure, business and investment, cities are the engine rooms of the new global economy. The new consumption economy has emerged, and it is driven by talented creative innovators. The best and brightest creative talents have the power to drive the new economy; they create unique products and services that are highly profitable. When they have access to the right conditions, environments and opportunities, they will thrive, generate new products, services and boost innovation. Other cities around the world have employed lifestyle-development strategies to capture global attention and create an economic environment in which these talented people can prosper. To date, others have found success in exploring options such as city branding, employing successful place making and event strategies, and enriching creative settings. Jakarta, a mega city with the population more than 9.7 million people, is one of the highest density in the world and Indonesia. As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is not only a center of government, but also becomes the center of information, trade, and economic sector in Indonesia. Jakarta is also fast becoming the place for creative talents and communities to thrive. A lot of events such as exhibitions and performances are being held in the capital city of Indonesia. There also a lot of communities and creative talents exploring new creative engagement on public spaces during certain day such as car free day. This research will share the interaction of creative users and the citizens of Jakarta towards the urban spaces through creative movements and activities such as pop up café, which would be the great design addition to the public space in Jakarta. METHOD This research is based on qualitative method, which will compare and demonstrate the engagement of creative user to improve the qualities of the urban space. The paper also demonstrates briefly the process adopted and established at bicycle coffee’s (To.Gather Bike) event in Menteng Square and during Car Free Day. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Creative Design and The Placemaking Solving urban challenges has become the key to address global challenges. It is important for cities to be ready for the challenges ahead, transforming city spaces into more efficient and welcoming Pop Up Cafe as A Creative .… (Albertus Prawata)   345  spaces that better accommodate all users. Hollis (2013) stated, in the last couple of decades numerous cities have begun to rebrand themselves as Creative Cities. As of 2011, at least sixty cities around the world have initiated creativity policies; Britain alone has twenty. One of the cities that has been a leader in creating new models for sustainable urban development in recent years is New York. New York City Department of Transportation (2012) has already developed a robust set of metrics to evaluate the outcomes of its projects with respect to the agency’s policy goals, both in the service of continually improving project designs and because the public increasingly expects such data-driven decision-making from government. Table 1 Potential Metrics for Project Goals Goal Potential Metrics Safety • Crashes and injuries for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists • Traffic speeds Access/ Mobility • Volume of vehicles, bus passengers, bicycle riders and users of public space • Efficiency in parking/loading • Traffic speeds Economic Vitality • Number of businesses; employment • Retail sales; visitor spending Public Health • Minutes of physical activity per day • Rates of obesity, asthma, diabetes, etc. Environmental Quality • Air quality; water quality • Urban heat island; energy use Livability/ Quality of Life • User satisfaction • Public space usage Source: New York City Department of Transportation (2012) The table shows that the goals of the project design in New York simply to create a better and saver environment for its residents. Mann (2012) stated, the changes of New York City streetscape are making pedestrians, cyclist and drivers saver. It shows that bike lane and pedestrian plazas have been good to business too. Using data from the city’s Department of Finance, the Department of Transportation found an increase of as much as 49% in retail sales on 9th Avenue from 23rd to 31st Streets since the bike lane & plaza was initiated in the fall of 2007. New York City Department of Transportation (2010) also stated that a large body of experience and research from around the world indicates that attractive streetscape and urban public space improvements can enhance local business performance in retail and real estate sectors. It shows that a good and creative design for pedestrians and local communities has strong impact on economic activity. The data below by New York City Department of Transportation (2010) shows that a good and attractive public space will draw people; 84% more people are staying (e.g. reading, eating, taking photographs) in Times and Herald Squares, 42% of NYC residents surveyed in Times Square say they shop in the neighborhood more often since the changes, 70% of theatre goers say the plazas have had a positive impact on their experience and 26% of Times Square employees report leaving their offices for lunch more frequently. The effort to reclaim street space for pedestrians, New York city Department of Transportation has temporarily created nine pedestrian plazas in four of the city's five boroughs, in many cases simply marking the street with paint and orange cones and adding movable chairs and 346 ComTech Vol. 6 No. 3 September 2015: 343-350  tables. Now the city aims to refashion the spaces with more permanent materials (Baker, 2010). There is also a more formal, city-sponsored capital program, the NYC Plaza Program, reviews proposals for pedestrian plazas from local community organizations. In other cities, San Francisco launched a similar program called Pavement to Parks. It has carved three makeshift pedestrian spaces out of existing streets. Another initiative is unfolding in Seattle, where the city aims to reclaim downtown alleys for pedestrians. Collectively, these initiatives point to a new generation of car-free spaces, a movement that emphasizes simple, flexible, and inexpensively creative designed spaces, managed by local organizations and integrated into the surrounding neighborhood. The projects also reimagine streets space as places to build community. The addition of bigger pedestrian spaces and plazas definitely will boost the qualities of the spaces. The trend of biking and walking, as the new urban mobility will help the spaces in urban area become more vibrant, and it certainly play the major role to boost the urban spaces in the city. Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery has developed Wheely’s Bicycle Café. It is a model of a franchise bike café. The bike serves most things any traditional café would serve; coffee, tea, cold drinks, juices, pastries, fruits and even salads and sandwiches. The franchise model is already being promoted globally, and offers young entrepreneurs to start a new business and network. It would become a great model and creative generator for urban spaces throughout the city. These examples show that creative and initiative designs from communities and local organizations can lead into positive changes and impacts toward a better urban space and place. The plaza, pedestrian spaces creates opportunities for people to enjoy their surroundings. Local economy will boost by creating creative movements or activities. They certainly can play a major role to start building a better community. Pop up cafés, temporary shops or retails are some of the initiatives that can be easily created as creative acts and movements to push the city or local authorities to create a better public space. Bicycle Pop Up Cafe In cities with a short supply of public space and a need for more publicly accessible seating, pop-up cafés are fast becoming a valued addition to the public realm (Lyndon, 2012). The development of creative industries and coffee culture has grown rapidly over the past years, and it has become a catalyst for the development of our urban communities. The changes in social and economic activities play a major part, where the formal and informal activities are fading. Business meeting and hanging out sometimes is hard to distinguish, especially for the freelancers who have flexible working hours. The blends of professional and personal activities create spaces other than offices or homes (work spaces) become a trendy alternative for working purpose. In Jakarta, the café experiences are mostly can be found inside malls or other big corporate buildings. It is nice to have different experiences and atmosphere to get the job done or have casual business meeting inside a nice cafe. However, cafes can also play a bigger part to engage and collaborate with certain communities by creating events or other activities that would create a livable space and its surrounding. It does not have to be inside a building that only certain people could go into. It should engage the public, where a pop up café could be the main tool for creative enterprise to deliver their products to broader communities. Around Bunderan HI, Monas, Taman Suropati and Taman Menteng, we can see the method of delivering products (mostly drinks) to customers are by bicycles. This experience could bring a new method for entrepreneurs or even city developer to develop a pop up cafes or places in public spaces around the city. It can help a certain space become a popular meeting place or a new activity space for a community. It also can help a neighborhood develop and increase livability and attract more people Pop Up Cafe as A Creative .… (Albertus Prawata)   347  and business to the area. Coffee culture could help the city to have livable spaces and attractive neighborhoods. Based on the phenomena of bicycle drinks in Jakarta, ONX Studio and Volume Factory have created a stylish bicycle coffee bike called To.Gather Bike. They believe that the current bicycle drinks in Jakarta can be the new way in creating a city branding of Jakarta. Therefore, it needs to be revamped to maximise its potentials. Rony Rahardian, the designer of the bike, has designed multiple storages and equipment to accomodate drinks that the bike would serve, such as tea, milk and coffee. The culture of get together and socializing by drinking coffee certainly would be the key aspect that the bike would fit into the communities. The bike could serve as the pause between the hectic routines of the citizens. It would provide the morning or afternoon break for drinks during busy schedule. The coffee culture of manual brewing such as pour over technique is become the bike speciality, which will create differnet atmoshphere and experience to the customers. Figure 1 Bicycle drinks in Jakarta Source: Albertus Prawata Figure 2 To.Gather Bike in Menteng Square, Central Jakarta Source: Albertus Prawata Figure 3 Pour Over Brewing Coffee Technique Source: Albertus Prawata 348 ComTech Vol. 6 No. 3 September 2015: 343-350  Josh Estey, a photographer who lives in Jakarta has a strong passion about brewing, and He decided to do a pop up coffee bike and to set it up on Sunday mornings in Jakarta’s main street during the car-free day hours. Bear&Co was launched on January 5, 2014 in MH Thamrin Street, Central Jakarta. Mr. Estey passion of brewing led him to create a pop up coffee bike, which create an example for creative entrepreneurs to reach the broader public. His pop up coffee bike could become the new icon during car free day events in Jakarta main Street. Car Free Day in Jakarta also attracts coffee shop which has already established stores to engage with its customers. Djournal Coffee in Jakarta creates coffee bar using bicycle that will operate during Car Free Day event in Jakarta. These bicycles certainly will attract people, and they will add new color and dynamism to the urban space. The process of brewing and the fresh smell of coffee could be the new attraction to the urban space. The ritual of manual brewing and the experience that usually can be found in the coffee shop is now can be experienced on the street. Figure 4 Bear&Co popped up in front of Wisma BNI 46, Central Jakarta Source: Ve Handojo Figure 5 Djournal Coffee Caffeine Bike during Car Free Day in Jakarta Source: Djournal Coffee Pop Up Cafe as A Creative .… (Albertus Prawata)   349  Improving Urban Economics through Creative Strategies According to Murray (2011), there are three methods to improve the economy; they are facility-centric, people-oriented approach and program-based approach. These three creative strategies can be used to improve economic vitality. Table 2 Creative Strategies for Improving Economic Vitality Strategies Description Promotion of Assets Promoting culture to attract investment and skilled workers Development Promoting the development of communities through culture, arts and creativity Revitalization Promoting revitalization in community through arts and creative strategies Economic/ Job Clusters Creating an economic region or jobs according to the creative activities Education Training, professional development or other activities for arts, culture or creative enterprise Arts-Oriented Incubators Creating specific arts oriented business and services to support arts, culture and creative talents Branding Developing visual element which communicate the character of the community, using graphic design for commercials, marketing and promotions District Live-Work Projects Creating region of arts, culture, entertainment, history and supporting the economy or easy access or rules for living space of creative talents and practioners Arts-specific and General Public Venue Giving the economic support or easy access for market space, art communities, public space, park and other supporting facilities for arts education. Events Using celebration or festival to introduce culture or communities Urban Design and Reuse Re-using the site or building for arts and culture events Public Art Supporting permanent or temporary public arts exhibitions Source: David J. Murray (2011) From the table above, pop up cafes using bicycle for instance, could be easily linked in almost all of the strategies. However, it mostly can be easily made based on economic, branding, arts-specific and general public venue, and events strategies. It can create creative culture in a certain region and it can act as the new activity generator for a community or an urban space. CONCLUSION Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has a lot of potentials to be a creative city, and to recreate its city branding. A lot of creative events had been held in Jakarta and in the future, those events would add up to the further development of the city. The development of creative economy in recent years could lead to multiple events based on arts, culture and education. With all of the resources of a particular site, historic site, building or even a region, Jakarta offers a lot of varieties and strategies to trigger creative acts and talents to boost its economy. The government, urban planners and developers who have the role to plan and shape the city could use the creative strategies to increase the livability of a city. In the future, they should engage the broader public and communities as the generator for the creative strategies. They could create a 350 ComTech Vol. 6 No. 3 September 2015: 343-350  new urban design guideline for creative strategies that would define the physical development of an urban area. The guidelines would involve strong legal aspect, special regulation and incentives. Creative movements such as pop up café using bicycle as the eco friendly tool is a great design addition to the public space realm in Jakarta. It certainly will drive Jakarta to have better and lively urban spaces throughout the city. It is only several examples of creative movements that could act as the urban fabric that would bring varieties and livability of an area. In the future, pop up cafes movements could lead into a legal commodity or retail in the busy plaza or pedestrian spaces. It could lead into permanent guidelines and regulations of a public space in a certain area that has the potential to increase the local economy, and to strengthen the city branding. It could create livable communities; it could be the urban icon, generator of creative talents that would create creative movements based on economy and culture. REFFERENCES Baker, L. (2010). Walking Wins Out. Pedestrian streets are in style again. Planning, the magazine of the American Planning Association. 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