Microsoft Word - 01_STA_Elizabeth_rev2.docx Shortest Path … (Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita; Aditya Wikan Mahastama) 161  SHORTEST PATH WITH DYNAMIC WEIGHT IMPLEMENTATION USING DIJKSTRA’S ALGORITHM Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita1; Aditya Wikan Mahastama2 1Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Jl. Janti Blok R Lanud Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta, 55198 2Depatment of Informatics, Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 5 – 25, Yogyakarta, 55224; ABSTRACT Shortest path algorithms have been long applied to solve daily problems by selecting the most feasible route with minimum cost or time. However, some of the problems are not simple. This study applied the case using Dijkstra's algorithm on a graph representing street routes with two possible digraphs: one-way and two- way. Each cost was able to be changed anytime, representing the change in traffic condition. Results show that the usage of one way digraph in mapping the route does make the goal possible to reach, while the usage of two- way digraph may cause confusion although it is probably the possible choice in the real world. Both experiments showed that there are no additional computation stresses in re-calculating the shortest path while going halfway to reach the goal. Keywords: shortest path, dynamic weight, Dijkstra’s algorithm, graph, digraph INTRODUCTION A graph is a symbolic representation of a network and its interconnections. A graph shows an implication of reality simplified as a set of connected nodes. Graph theory is a study of mathematics which codes and measures the features of a network. Graph theory has been enriched in these last decades with influences from social sciences (Rodrigue & Ducruet, 2015). An implementation of graph theory is to find the shortest path connecting a start and end nodes through several other nodes. This search takes into consideration a cost optimization regarding distance or other costs, so in the end, there will be only one optimal path which has the most minimum cost. Therefore, the usual case to which shortest path algorithms were implemented to solve is transportation problems, where transport cost are the main compensation expendable to run a route between two locations. These were a static case since a few decades ago there weren't many dynamic factors affecting transport cost, and some established systems are still using the same measurement such as freight forwarders, packet services, etc. However, when computer games come to a rise, the case are expanded to solve transportation problems in games, which in turn represents today’s real condition on a micro scale. Computer games’ transportation problems are more complex because it involves just-in-time decision to change the next route when additional problems came up, such as unexpected monsters, disasters, and so on. These are not too far away from today's traffic problems. Traffic congestion often came out of nowhere and is not expected before. Gladly the automatic traffic control has the data which shows on what route the congestion occurs and how bad the traffic is, so it is feasible to model the graph and cost using these data in order to find the most possible new route. 162   ComTech Vol. 7 No. 3 September 2016: 161-171  Dijkstra (1959) created one of the earliest algorithms in finding the shortest path, based on selecting the most minimum transportation cost (called weight) of an edge connecting two nodes (basically a way connecting two locations), expand the weight measurement to the next possible nodes, calculating the total weight and updated the route if a new total minimum weight is found. The network is modeled as a directed graph consisting of nodes and directed edges, without any loop edges coming from and pointing to a same node (Harju, 2011). Dijkstra’s algorithm has been implemented mainly to solve static transportation problems such as the shortest path between two cities in Central Java (Sunaryo, Siang & Chrismanto, 2012) and South Sumatera (Fitria & Triansyah, 2013), to define the shortest path using multi-means of public transportation (Arifianto, 2012), and to locate the nearest public facility like hospitals, hotels and bus stations in a city (Sholichin, Yasindan, & Octoviana, 2012). A nearly dynamic implementation was used to solve adaptive drinking water distribution problem for housing (Prasetyo, 2013). However, the simulation does not include a real-time dynamic change of water distribution capacity as its weights. A comparative study has also been conducted regarding computational loads of Dijkstra’s algorithm against Floyd-Warshall algorithm for a same certain case (Djojo & Karyono, 2013). Although the algorithm does expand way too wide in search for the optimum weight resulting in a rather inefficient time (Głabowski et al., 2013), it is quite simple to be implemented, so for a limited or a selected number of alternative nodes, this algorithm should fit and gives a clear impression of whether a dynamic change in edge weights between the start and end node is still feasible to implement and how it will affect the computational load. The expected results may show whether dynamic changes in weight is still feasible to be implemented and used for everyday traffic problem solving, e.g. for a fire-fighter to reach the fire location, an ambulance en route to a hospital, etc. This study will focus to resolve several problems. First, to find out whether Dijkstra’s algorithm is feasible to solve and find the shortest path of a directed graph with dynamic weights. Second, to know whether or not the path offered as the final solution is the correct shortest path. Finally, to find whether or not a performance problem occurs when the weights are changed dynamically? For this study, an experimental environment is limited to a maximum of 30 nodes, with one start and one end nodes. The graph used for modelling are directed graph which doesn't contain any direct loop. Weight changes are able to be done real-time through the on-screen interface, regardless the current route calculation has been commenced or not. The result (final overall route selected) will be displayed on the screen to aid manual study for the correct path. There are some purposes to be achieved in this research. The first one is to create a model for shortest path analysis with dynamic weight using Dijkstra’s algorithm. Next, to study whether certain cases of dynamic weight change may render a solving failure which leads to wrongly selected route or an unfinishable route. Third, observing whether a raise in performance load (measured in time needed to calculate) will occur for certain cases of dynamic weights. METHODS A graph is a symbolic representation of a network and its interconnections. A graph shows an implication of reality simplified as a set of connected nodes. Graph theory is a study of mathematics Shortest Path … (Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita; Aditya Wikan Mahastama) 163  which codes and measures the features of a network. According to Astuti (2015), graph G (V, E) is a collection of two sets: (1) set V which elements are the nodes or vertices and (2) set E which elements are the edges. The amount of members in set V determines the order of graph G, while the amount of members in set E is the size of graph G. Examples of graphs are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Graph Examples The second graph from left in Figure 1 shows an occurrence of multiple edges or parallel edges e3= (1, 3) and e4= (1, 3) which connects a same pair of nodes. The third graph from left shows an occurrence of loop e8 which connected to and for a same node. If the edges are having weight (cost needed to pass the edge), then the graph is called a weighted graph. The weight is written near the edge as the name and placed in certain way to avoid confusion. According to the orientation of edges, graph falls into two categories; undirected graph or just “graph” and directed graph or "digraph." Digraph has arrowheads on edges showing the direction in which the edge is leading to, such as displayed in Figure 2. Figure 2 Directed Graph Ruohonen (2013) defined that Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to solve shortest path problem (finding a path with the minimum length) from a start node to an end node in a weighted graph, and the weight should be a positive number. Given G is a weighted digraph with nodes V (G) = {v1, v2,…,vn} and shortest path in question is from v1to vn, Dijkstra's algorithm begins from v1. During its iteration, Dijkstra's algorithm will find a successor node which costs a smaller up-to weight than the current node. Selected successor nodes are kept aside and not involved in the next iteration. The whole pseudo code for Dijkstra's algorithm is declared in Figure 3. 164   ComTech Vol. 7 No. 3 September 2016: 161-171  Figure 3 Pseudocode for Dijkstra's Algorithm The study constructed these models to support the research. A system model used in this research, which follows the block diagram shown in Figure 4. Function Dijkstra (M: graph weight in an array of nodes, a : integer) Declare D, S : array[1..n] of integer i, j, k min : integer Steps { Step 0 (initialisation): } for i ← 1 to n do S[i] ← 0 D[i] ← M[a, i] Endfor { Step 1: } S[a] ← 1 { input initial node into S } { Steps 2, 3, ..., n-1 : } for k ← 2 to n – 1 do { look for node j as to S[j] = 0 Dan D[j] = Minimum{D[1], D[2], ..., D[n] } min ← D[1] j ← l for i ← 2 to n do if (S[i] = 0) and (D[i] < min) then min ← D[i] j ← i endif endfor S[j] ← l {Node j is already selected into the shortest path} {recalculate D[i] from node a to node i S} for i ← l to n do if S[i] = 0 then if D[i] > (D[j] + M[j,i]) then D[i] ← D[j] + M[j,i] endif endif endfor endfor return D Shortest A store no dynamic T Observa user inte original changing T which m visualize to end no its "orig finishabl T wheneve path is th T map for which is has a tot t Path … (Eliza A data struc odes, edges r cally. These mode ations and ev erface which weight of an g a node terr The terrain a may lead the ed on-screen ode, and cha inal" shortes le, correct or The path is er there is a hen merged w Two predefin twenty sess s also its tota tal weight of abeth Nurmiy cture model relating two els are imple valuations are h helps the e n edge (state ain or puttin and obstacle e system to s by an ambu anges in path st path. The r render to an recalculated weight chan with the prev ned “maps” sions conduc al initial shor f 2500 for it iyati Tamatjita Figu used to stor o nodes and emented as e conducted ease of use ed as the dis g certain obs represent a select anothe ulating red sp h selection ar animated sp n unfinished Figure 5 T d from a nod nge in at leas vious path w or certain fo cted. Map A rtest path len ts initial sho ta; Aditya Wik ure 4 System M re the digrap its weight. a program using the pro in visualizin stance betwe stacles availa change in tr er feasible r phere running re easy to ob phere is also loop. The pr Testing Progra de to be reac st one of esta which has trod orms of graph A has a total ngth, with st rtest path, w kan Mahasta Model ph data. The The weight which used ogram. The r ng the map m een two nod able into an e raffic load or road on an i g along the " bserve visual o used to obs rogram interf m Interface ched by the ablished shor dden and bec hs are used in l weight of 2 tandard comp with 2500 un ama) data structu t should be to test the resulting pro model of an des), or dyna edge. r congestion intersection. "shortest" pat ly with the s serve whethe face is presen red sphere. rtest path ed come the fina n forty testin 2000 for its pletion time nits long and ure should b able to be cases in th ogram has a n area, modi amically mod in a success The selecte th from the s sphere deviat er the offere nted in Figur Recalculatio dges. The rec al shortest pa ng sessions, w initial short 200 seconds d standard co 165  be able to modified his study. graphical fying the dify it by sive road, d path is start node ting from ed path is re 5. on occurs calculated ath. with each test path, s. Map B ompletion 166   ComTech Vol. 7 No. 3 September 2016: 161-171  time of 250 seconds. Map A and Map B has their special characteristics in which Map A has most edges exiting from a node with slight differences in weight – which reflects small differences in edge length, while Map B has a very different weight for most existing edges, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 Characteristics of Map Types These served as possible conditions of a road map, where sometimes the path choice are easily available because they are near identical; and sometimes there are only a few choice, including turning back if necessary, to obtain the shortest path. Every two sessions, the same dynamic modifications conducted using a single-way digraph and two-way digraph. For the two-way digraph test, the maps are not entirely made as the two-way digraph, only selected edges are made to have parallel edges to simulate the real condition of city streets, which frequently are a two-way system, and vehicles are often able to turn back to select a better path from a node before. The two-way digraph also uses to test the possibility of Dijkstra's algorithm in solving it, since researches conducted before have not been discussing about a possibility of the two-way digraph. The types test sessions conducted are illustrated in Table 1. Table 1 Test Types Map Dynamic Change # Digraph Test Session Map A Mod #1 One-way Test A1-1 Two-way Test A1-2 Mod #2 One-way Test A2-1 Two-way Test A2-2 Mod #3 One-way Test A3-1 Two-way Test A3-2 Mod #4 One-way Test A4-1 Two-way Test A4-2 Mod #5 One-way Test A5-1 Two-way Test A5-2 Mod #6 One-way Test A6-1 Two-way Test A6-2 Mod #7 One-way Test A7-1 Two-way Test A7-2 Mod #8 One-way Test A8-1 Two-way Test A8-2 Mod #9 One-way Test A9-1 Two-way Test A9-2 Mod #10 One-way Test A10-1 Two-way Test A10-2 Shortest W weight r the “terr number node is a path has M modifica modifica modifica path up the end n t Path … (Eliza Map Map B Weight mod required for p rain level” to to arriving e altered so as to be selecte Modification ation, so M ations. Figur ation, the sh to the end no node is reach abeth Nurmiy Dy B dification is passing edge o water or hil edges’ weigh the original ed. The inten n with a bi od #10 will re 7 illustra ortest path i ode. Next te hed. iyati Tamatjita Table 1 T ynamic Chang Mod #1 Mod #2 Mod #3 Mod #4 Mod #5 Mod #6 Mod #7 Mod #8 Mod #9 Mod #10 done by alte es to reach th ll (default is ht. This can a incoming pa nsity of the a igger numbe l have at le ated how mo s recalculate est session co Figure 7 ta; Aditya Wik Test Types (co ge # ering a pred his node. Alte 0 or a flat la also serve as ath's weight b alterations is er indicates east ten mo odifications ed and waite ommenced b Mod #1-#3 fo kan Mahasta ontinued) Digraph One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way One-way Two-way determined n ernation is do and), to incre traffic conge become not e indicated by previous m difications a #1 to #3 o ed until the r by performing for Map A ama) Test Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Te Tes Tes node for each one by select ease the wei estion weigh eligible to pa y the radius o modification as it resulte of Map A ar red sphere fi g all modific t Session st B1-1 st B1-2 st B2-1 st B2-2 st B3-1 st B3-2 st B4-1 st B4-2 st B5-1 st B5-2 st B6-1 st B6-2 st B7-1 st B7-2 st B8-1 st B8-2 st B9-1 st B9-2 st B10-1 st B10-2 h test to inc ting a node t ght by addin ht. The prede ass, and an al of the bluish m added with ed from all re made. A inished follo cations and w 167  rease the then slide ng certain etermined lternative mists. h another previous fter each owing the wait until 168   F of the pa D suggeste M Map A (Initia path: weigh length standa comp 200se For every tes ath, factors o Data collect ed path are su Map A al shortest (1) total ht: 2000, (2) h: 2000, (3) ard letion time econds) F st session co occurred rega R ted from tes ubject to fini Dyn. Chang Mod #1 Mod #2 Mod #3 Mod #4 Mod #5 Mod #6 Mod #7 Mod #8 Mod #9 Mod #10 Figure 7 Mod # onducted, dat arding finish RESULTS sting session ishability, the Table 2 ge # Digr One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- One-w Two- Com #1-#3 for Map ta is collected ability, and t AND DIS ns sum up t erefore, com 2 Test Session aph Tes way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way T -way T way Te -way Te mTech Vol. 7 p A (continue d regarding s time of comp CUSSION the results a mpletion time n Results st Session est A1-1 est A1-2 est A2-1 est A2-2 est A3-1 est A3-2 est A4-1 est A4-2 est A5-1 est A5-2 est A6-1 est A6-2 est A7-1 est A7-2 est A8-1 est A8-2 est A9-1 est A9-2 est A10-1 est A10-2 No. 3 Septe d) shortest path pletion. NS as presented regarded as Finishable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No – Loop Yes No – Loop Yes Yes Yes No – Loop Yes No – Loop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ember 2016: h solved, fini in Table 2 not available e Complet 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 161-171  sh ability . Not all e. t. time (s) 01 01 03 03 10 06 01 05 15 08 04 04 02 02 16 11 Shortest Path … (Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita; Aditya Wikan Mahastama) 169  Table 2 Test Session Results (continued) Map Dyn. Change # Digraph Test Session Finishable Complet. time (s) Map B (Initial shortest path: (1) total weight: 2500, (2) length: 2500, (3) standard completion time 250 seconds) Mod #1 One-way Test B1-1 Yes 223 Two-way Test B1-2 Yes 222 Mod #2 One-way Test B2-1 Yes 235 Two-way Test B2-2 Yes 251 Mod #3 One-way Test B3-1 Yes 258 Two-way Test B3-2 Yes 245 Mod #4 One-way Test B4-1 Yes 258 Two-way Test B4-2 Yes 262 Mod #5 One-way Test B5-1 Yes 255 Two-way Test B5-2 No – Loop Mod #6 One-way Test B6-1 Yes 256 Two-way Test B6-2 No – Loop Mod #7 One-way Test B7-1 Yes 253 Two-way Test B7-2 No – Loop Mod #8 One-way Test B8-1 Yes 252 Two-way Test B8-2 Yes 252 Mod #9 One-way Test B9-1 Yes 252 Two-way Test B9-2 Yes 252 Mod #10 One-way Test B10-1 Yes 252 Two-way Test B10-2 Yes 252 From 40 test sessions conducted, seven of them (17,5%) are failed to be finishable. This means that the red sphere keeps looping between two nodes and not selecting another option as a way out of this. Three modifications (7,5%) even resulting better completion times than the original standard, and seven pairs of one-way and two-way tests or 14 sessions (35%) result in the same completion time. The result is inevitably subjected to the features of Map A or Map B. Map A has the feature of which alternative edges have nearly similar weights, while Map B has the unique feature of which alternative path(s) may have a very different weight, speaking of individual edge weights, total alternative path weight or even node count. Thus, Map B has a wider variation of alternative path weights than Map A. Nevertheless, there are several discussion points regarding the results. First, identical completion time between pairs of one-way and two-way tests is a result of same new path rendered and one or two-way edge are not heavily affecting the resulting new path. This especially occurred at the beginning or near the edge of the path where options are rare. Second, loops occurred whenever an edge selected as the best beginning “way back” also has the smallest weight in the “next” intersection, which originally was the “previous” intersection. This leads to selecting the same edge as a path over and over and the red sphere are keep rotating over the edge. It may be a feature specific to the map. Third, completion times which are lower than the standard completion time is a result of over adding weight on an edge, then the sphere turned back on its first edge and selected another edge which happens to have less weight and less node compared to the added modification. Fourth, another possible explanation for completion time lower than standard is that the red sphere began to move right after the first edge is determined. This is a programming feature which 170   ComTech Vol. 7 No. 3 September 2016: 161-171  may or may not interfere with the final “correct” shortest path, as is it unknown whether the first edge determination is final or not for the corresponding path. Fifth, each completion time has a small deviation compared to the real length of path. Every second is roughly equal to 10 units of route length. Although completion time cannot be rendered as detail as milliseconds, the deviation which manually calculated in seconds shows only 1%, thus the recalculation time is so fast and not effective when implemented to the real map of the same complexity. CONCLUSIONS The study made three conclusions from research conducted. First, Dijkstra’s algorithm is feasible to solve shortest path problem with dynamic weights, using a one-way digraph (digraph without parallel edges). Second, Dijkstra’s algorithm is not feasible to solve shortest path problem with dynamic weights, using a two-way digraph (digraph with opposite parallel edges), because a large “loop” may occur between two nodes after a recalculation. Therefore regular road map consisting of two-way traffic is not to be solved as is using Dijkstra’s algorithm. A suggestion to eliminate this is by programming that parallel edges between two nodes are not to be selected as a sequence in the path. Third, there are no performance drawbacks in recalculating the shortest patch every time a change happened. For example, when situated as a problem-solving alternative of how to avoid city traffic congestion and road class from the fire station to fire site, this has no significant effect in computational time. Effects on a wider graph consisting of more than 30 nodes are unknown. REFERENCES Astuti, Y. D. (2015). Dasar Teori Grafin “Logika dan Algoritma” lecture notes. 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