Microsoft Word - 82-CVR-IT SPM on Applied Research Center Environment Report -.docx 1140 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 MODIFICATION OF CVR / IT SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY ON OUTSOURCED APPLIED RESEARCH TO INTERNSHIP PROGRAM ENVIRONMENT Renan Prasta Jenie Information Technology Directorate Bina Nusantara IT Directorate, KH. Syahdan No. 9 Kemanggisan – Palmerah Jakarta 11480,   ABSTRACT This study is done to analyze how to Internship Student can be used by Tech Dev as a Research Outsourcing Body, what to tweak and modify. It is suggested to use CVR / IT Model on Research Project Management System Utilization. The model is implemented in system procedures. Based on observation until 2009, the system adoption rate is 40 % at most. Keywords: CVR / IT Project Management, Internship, Applied Research   ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk analisis bagaimana siswa magang dapat ditempatkan dalam bagian Tech Dev sebagai Research Outsourcing Body, apa yang perlu dirubah dan diganti. Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan Model CVR/IT on Research Project Management System Utilization. Model ini diterapkan pada prosedur system. Berdasar pengamatan hingga 2009, laju adopsi system berkisar 40%. Kata kunci: CVR / IT Project Management, Magang, Riset Terapan   Modifica Nature B Bodies w ITD is re ITD con Figure 1 maintain applicati maintain foundati research I dedicate Teams to 1st year student consider Scope T Research in Resea T changes Software ation of CVR Bina Nusant with distinct esponsible in nsists of three 1. The Inform ning whole ions. The N ning Networ on. Technol researchers ITD is ough d researcher o create thos for Feasibili / 15 team red as partner This study i h Outsourcin arch Internsh This study a should be m e Developme R... (Renan Pra tara Foundat t responsibili n developing e main divisi mation Syste foundation etwork, Dat rk Connectio logy Develo and Internsh Figure ht to publish r, and they c se paper, or 4 ity Study, an powered A rs, with full t is done to a ng Body, wha hip Program, also describe made to modi ent Environm In De rasta Jeni) INT tion is a Te ities, and on g and maintai ions, as in em Developm Information ta, and Oper ons, Data St opment Divi hip partner st 1. Information 20 National called them R 40 teams for nd 2nd year fo Associate me turnover per analyze how at to tweak a including re s how the Pr ify Project M ment. formation  System  velopment RODUCT eaching and ne of them is ining informa ment Divisio n System S rational Divi torage and ision (Tech tudents for h n technology D l Level Rese Research Spe safety. ITD for Product R ember Resea semester. w to Internsh and modify. warding and roject Manag Management Information  Technology  Directorate Technology  Development Associat Membe Research‐ TION Learning Co s Informatio ation technol on (IS Dev) Solution, su ision (Oper) Servers, and Dev) is res elping the w Directorate St earch Paper y ecialist. ITD Research is d Research. Th arch Interns hip Student This study e d punishment gement Proc Process Mo te  er Lab! Network,  and Opera orporation. I n Technolog logy solution is responsib uch as web are respons d daily oper sponsible in whole director tructure. yearly, but t D need at lea divided into hey are curre ship program can be used explains how t system. cess Model is del to suite a Data,  tional  It consists o gy Directora n in whole co ble in develo b sites and sible in buil rational proc maintaining rate. they only ha ast about 20 two Semeste ently support m. The stud d by Tech D w to maintain s implement a Student Ou 1141 of several ate (ITD). orporate. oping and console lding and cedure in g applied ave 5 non Research er yearly, ted by 54 dents are Dev as a n students ted. What utsourced 1142 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Importance This study should be done to copes several issues. Internship Researcher should be utilized well and rewarded systematically. Failure to do so can cause serious impact to student trust to ITD, such as lost of faith and even truancy. Current available Project Management Model normally did not include model for Research Environment that Outsourced to Student Internship. There is model for Professionally Outsourced System, but could not be adapted fully due to different philosophy on how to work with between Students and Professionals. It is suggested to use CVR / IT Model on Research Project Management System Utilization. What the impact on core system and Social Impact should be documented. How fast the adaption time and what to modify should be found. Failure to do so can stop the whole Research Management System. Literature Review We are using (Boehm & Ross, 1989) as definition of software project management, which shall activate several soft skills (Sukhoo, Bernard, Eloff, Poll, & A., 2008). We chose ( CVR/IT Consulting LLC, 2002) as in Table 1 over several software management processes such as (Paul, Kunii, Shinagawa, & Khan, 1998), (Goebel III, 2003), (Liu, Kane, & Bambroo, 2003), (Alba & Chicano, 2006), and (Jalote, 2007); subsequently omitting needs of tools like (Quantitative Software Management Associates, 2004), (Reid & Wilson, 2007), and (Callahan & Ramakrishnan, 2007), for internship management as in (True, 2007). Table 1. Project Management Process ( CVR/IT Consulting LLC, 2002).   Group Activities Project Initiation Activities Assign an initiating Project Manager Identify the Project Sponsor Define the Business Need/Opportunity Identify Business Objectives and Benefits Define Overall Scope Define Project Objectives Identify Project Constraints and Assumptions Ensure Alignment with Strategic Direction and Architecture Identify and Engage Key Stakeholders Identify Key Potential Risks Procurement and Resourcing Requirements Determine Cost/Benefit and Schedule Estimates Develop a Project Phase Exit Plan Project Planning Activities Analysis Phase Assign a Project Manager Refine Project Scope Determine Procurement and Sourcing Strategy Refine Project Schedule Resource Planning Identify Other Resource Requirements Establish Project Life-Cycle Phase Checkpoints Refine Project Cost Estimate and Budget Identify Potential Project Risks Determine Process for Issue Identification and Resolution Develop a Change Management Process Develop an Organizational Change Management Approach Develop a Quality Management Approach Develop A Project Communication Approach Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1143 Group Activities Develop A Configuration Management (CM) Approach Project Performance Commitment Consolidate the Project Plan Design Phase Detailed Designs Establish a Requirements Traceability Matrix Manage scope, cost, schedule and quality (Manage Change) Manage issues, change and risk Establish and report project status Update Project Performance Commitment document Obtain approval from the Governance Body at Design Review Project Execution and Control Activities Manage Risk Communicate Information Manage Schedule Document the Work Results Manage Organizational Change Manage Scope Manage Quality Manage Costs Manage Issues Conduct Status Review Meetings Review Project Life-Cycle Phases Checkpoints Execute the Procurement Plan Administer Contract/Vendor Update Project Planning Documents Build & Test Implementation Conduct Rollout Acceptance Meeting Project Closeout Activities Conduct Final Contract Review Conduct Lessons Learned Meeting Conduct Knowledge Transfer Post Project Review Distribution of Resources Celebration METHODS Whole Design The whole design shall be explained in 3 parts, stakeholders, methods templates, and procedures, as in Table 2. The CVR / IT Standard were mapped as in Table 3. The mapping is necessary to alleviate several problems. In research world, resources often come from grant that has fixed schedule, so grant must be pursued before researcher procurement. Furthermore, to maintain whole University research map, all research planned must go through committee examination. After the permission granted, researcher must procure student for running the research. Table 2. Whole design. Methods Template This part explains how the activities represented. Proce dures Research Communication Activities This part explains how research plan are communicated to every researcher and lecturer. 1144 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Methods Template This part explains how the activities represented. Research Monitoring Activities This part explains how researches are monitored. Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities This part explains how the systems accept researcher proposal and compiling budget on it. Research Budget Sounding Activities This part explains how budget are communicated to management level. Research Permission Grant Activities This part explains how every proposal granted or denied. Research Execution and Control Activities This part explains how to control and execute every research plan granted. Student Research Advertisement Activities This part explains how the researches are communicated to student body. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities This part explains how the systems accept student proposal and compiling budget Student Research Execution and Control Activities This part explains how to control and execute every research plan granted. Research Evaluation Activities This part explains how every researcher and student are evaluated based on their achievement in their research. Research Training Schedule Commission Activities This part explains how research training schedule are controlled. Research Schedule Commission Activities This part explains how research schedule are controlled. Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities This part explains how monthly researcher monitoring done. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities This part explains how monthly research student monitoring done. Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities This part explains how weekly research student monitoring done. Researcher Reward Activities This part explains how weekly researcher and research student rewarded. Table 3. CVR / IT Mapping.   CVR / IT Activities R es ea rc h C om m un ic at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h M on it or in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h B ud ge t S ou nd in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P er m is si on G ra nt A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h A dv er ti se m en t A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng St ud en t R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol R es ea rc h E va lu at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h T ra in in g Sc he du le C om m is si on R es ea rc h Sc he du le C om m is si on A ct iv it ie s M on th ly R es ea rc h Sp ec ia lis t M on it or in g M on th ly R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g W ee kl y R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g R es ea rc he r R ew ar d A ct iv it ie s Assign an initiating Project Manager O O U ni qu e fo r U ni qu e fo r U ni qu e fo r Identify the Project Sponsor O O Define the Business Need/Opportunity O O Identify Business Objectives and O O Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1145 CVR / IT Activities R es ea rc h C om m un ic at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h M on it or in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h B ud ge t S ou nd in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P er m is si on G ra nt A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h A dv er ti se m en t A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng St ud en t R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol R es ea rc h E va lu at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h T ra in in g Sc he du le C om m is si on R es ea rc h Sc he du le C om m is si on A ct iv it ie s M on th ly R es ea rc h Sp ec ia lis t M on it or in g M on th ly R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g W ee kl y R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g R es ea rc he r R ew ar d A ct iv it ie s Benefits Define Overall Scope O O Define Project Objectives O O Identify Project Constraints and Assumptions O O Ensure Alignment with Strategic Direction and Architecture O O Identify and Engage Key Stakeholders O O Identify Key Potential Risks O O Procurement and Resourcing Requirements O O Determine Cost/Benefit and Schedule Estimates O O Develop a Project Phase Exit Plan O Assign a Project Manager O Refine Project Scope O O Determine Procurement and Sourcing Strategy O Refine Project Schedule O Resource Planning O Identify Other Resource Requirements O Establish Project Life-Cycle Phase Checkpoints O Refine Project Cost Estimate and Budget O O Identify Potential Project Risks O O Determine Process for Issue Identification and Resolution O O Develop a Change Management Process O O Develop an Organizational Change Management Approach O O Develop a Quality Management Approach O O Develop A Project Communication Approach O O Develop A Configuration O O 1146 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 CVR / IT Activities R es ea rc h C om m un ic at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h M on it or in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h B ud ge t S ou nd in g A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h P er m is si on G ra nt A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h A dv er ti se m en t A ct iv it ie s St ud en t R es ea rc h P ro po sa l a nd B ud ge ti ng St ud en t R es ea rc h E xe cu ti on a nd C on tr ol R es ea rc h E va lu at io n A ct iv it ie s R es ea rc h T ra in in g Sc he du le C om m is si on R es ea rc h Sc he du le C om m is si on A ct iv it ie s M on th ly R es ea rc h Sp ec ia lis t M on it or in g M on th ly R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g W ee kl y R es ea rc h St ud en t M on it or in g R es ea rc he r R ew ar d A ct iv it ie s Management (CM) Approach Project Performance Commitment O O Consolidate the Project Plan O O Detailed Designs O O Establish a Requirements Traceability Matrix O O Manage scope, cost, schedule and quality (Manage Change) O O O O O O O O Manage issues, change and risk O O O O O O O O Establish and report project status O O O O O O O O Update Project Performance Commitment document O O O O O O O O Obtain approval from the Governance Body at Design Review O Manage Risk O O O O O O O O Communicate Information O O O O O O O O Manage Schedule O O O O O O O O Document the Work Results O O O O O O O O Manage Organizational Change O O O O O O O O Manage Scope O O O O O O O O Manage Quality O O O O O O O O Manage Costs O O O O O O O O Manage Issues O O O O O O O O Conduct Status Review Meetings O O O O O O O O Review Project Life-Cycle Phases Checkpoints O O O O O O O O Execute the Procurement Plan O O O O O O O O Administer Contract/Vendor O O O O O O O O Update Project Planning Documents O O O O O O O O Build & Test O O Implementation O O Conduct Rollout Acceptance Meeting O Conduct Final Contract Review O Conduct Lessons Learned Meeting O Conduct Knowledge Transfer O Post Project Review O O Distribution of Resources O Celebration O Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1147 Stake Holders These system stake holders are as follows. Community Development Coordinator. He is in charge of running supporting events like admission, training, and others. Technology Development Manager. He is the one who in charge of Technology Development Division where research done. Research Committee. This is the team to judge whether one research is feasible to run. Research Coordinator. He is in charge of daily task in research coordination. Research Specialist. Researcher for one specific research fields. Head of Information Technology Directorate, Head of Information Technology Department and Board of Management. They are in charge of judging research product and its availability for incubation. Thesis Student. Main source of internship program. Methods Template Every activity shall be presented in following fashions. Visual representation of procedures. It shall give the reader who shall do certain activities and where they shall get and give the deliverables. What points should be considered so the activities can be called success, and failure to do so can ruin the project. What activities should be done so every success factor can be paid. What deliverables are made in each activity. Procedures Research Communication Activities Research Communication Procedure is as in Figure 2. Community Development Officer describes how the researches are communicated to every researcher. C om m un ity D ev el op m en t O ffi ce r T ec hn ol og y D ev el op m en t M an ag er Figure 2. Research Communication Procedure Standard. Research Communication Activities critical success factor is all Lecturers and Research Specialist in University and Information Technology Directorate recognize the program, problems emerged and potential remedies are identified, and Technology Development Manager already approves the research communication report draft. Research Communication Activities activities is run the Researcher and Lecturers Briefing and report the realization, identify Problems emerged and its potential remedies, and Obtain approval of Research Communication Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Research Communication Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found.. Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities Research Proposal and Budgeting Procedure is as in 1148 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Figure 3. Research Coordinator gather every research proposal available. Figure 3. Research Proposal and Budgeting Procedure Standard. Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities critical success factor is Every proposal received is reviewed, The following budget is calculated: Man Power demand, Tools / Machine budget, Research object budget, Research operational budget, Literature budget, Seminar / Proceeding / Journal Budget, Awards Budget, Knowledge Sharing Budget, and Student Briefing Budget, and Every member of research committee already approves the research budget plan draft. Research Proposal and Budgeting Planning Activities activities are Review every research proposal, Calculate: Man Power demand, Tools / Machine budget, Research object budget, Research operational budget, Literature budget, Seminar / Proceeding / Journal Budget, Awards Budget, Knowledge Sharing Budget, Student Briefing Budget, and Obtain approval of Research Budget Plan Draft from Research Committee. Research Proposal and Budgeting Planning Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source  not found. and Error! Reference source not found. Research Budget Sounding Activities Research Budget Sounding Procedure is as in Figure 4. Research Budget is to be communicated with board of management. Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1149 Figure 4. Research Budget Sounding Procedure Standard. Research Budget Sounding Activities critical success factor is Research budget plan is presented to board of management, and every related member of board of management already approves the research budget plan draft. Research Budget Sounding Activities activities is Research budget plan presentation and Obtain approval of Research Budget Plan Draft from Every related member of board of management. Research Budget Sounding Activities deliverables is as follows. Error! Reference source not found.  Research Permission Grant Activities Research Permission Grant Procedure is as in Figure 5. Research Specialist and Research Coordinator are to run every research planned. R4. Research Permission Grant Procedure Standard Approved Research Budget Research Permission Grant Activities Approved Research Research Execution and Control Activities Figure 5. Research Permission Grant Procedure Standard. Research Permission Grant Activities critical success factor every proposal received is reviewed, Research Approved Budget is reviewed, Status of every proposal permission is made, and every related member of research committee already approves the research permission grant draft. Research Permission Grant Activities activities is Review every proposal received, Review Research Approved Budget, Grant or deny every proposal permission, The end choice should be made by all the research committee members. And Obtain approval of Research Permission Grant Draft from Every related member of research committee. Research Permission Grant Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found..  Research Execution and Control Activities Research Execution and Control Procedure is as in Figure 6. Research Specialist and Research Coordinator are in charge of execution of every research plan. 1150 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Figure 6. Research Execution and Control Procedure Standard. Research Execution and Control critical success factor is The research proposal is reviewed, Every research prerequisite is satisfied, Every phases described in research methodology is committed, Every milestones / deliverables needed is made, At minimum, it consist of: Research Report, Solutions and it’s Manual or Training Materials, Research Journal in English and Indonesian Language, Business Journal in English and Indonesian Language, Script, Thesis, or Dissertation, if available, and Technology Development Manager already approves the research report draft. Research Execution and Control Activities activities are Review the proposal, Satisfy every research prerequisite, Ensure that every phases described in research methodology is committed, ensure that every milestone / deliverables needed is made, and Obtain approval of Research Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Research Execution and Control Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found.. Student Research Advertisement Activities Student Research Advertisement Procedure is as in Figure 7. Student is drafted based on research plan. Figure 7. Student Research Advertisement Procedure Standard. Student Research Advertisement Activities critical success factor is All Thesis Student in University and Information Technology Directorate recognize the program, Problems emerged and potential remedies are identified, and Technology Development Manager already approves the Student Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1151 Research Advertisement report draft. Student Research Advertisement Activities activities is Run the Thesis Student Briefing and report the realization, Identify Problems emerged and its potential remedies, and Obtain approval of Student Research Advertisement Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Student Research Advertisement Activities deliverables is Error! Reference  source not found.  Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Procedure are as in Figure 8. Research Coordinator is gathering every student research proposal. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities critical success factor is Every proposal received is reviewed, The following budget is calculated: Man Power demand, Tools / Machine budget, Research object budget, Research operational budget, and Literature budget, and Every related research specialist and coordinator already approves the student research budget plan draft. R7. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Procedure Standard Research Proposal Yes Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities Adequate? Approved Research Proposal Satisfied? Research Budget Draft No Redraft Request Redraft Request No Student Research Execution and Control Activities Figure 8. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Procedure Standard. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Planning Activities activities are Review every research proposal, Calculate: Man Power demand, Tools / Machine budget, Research object budget, Research operational budget, and Literature budget, and Obtain approval of Research Budget Plan Draft from Every related research specialist and coordinator. Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Planning Activities deliverables is Error!  Reference  source  not  found.  and  Error!  Reference source not found..  Student Research Execution and Control Activities Student Research Execution and Control Procedure are as in Figure 9. Research Specialist handle day to day control of Thesis Student. 1152 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 T he si s S tu de nt R es ea rc h S pe ci al is t Figure 9. Student Research Execution and Control Procedure Standard. Student Research Execution and Control critical success factor is The research proposal is reviewed, Every research prerequisite is satisfied, Every phases described in research methodology is committed, Every milestones / deliverables needed is made, At minimum, it consist of: Research Report, Solutions and it’s Manual or Training Materials, Research Journal in English and Indonesian Language, Business Journal in English and Indonesian Language, and Script, Thesis, or Dissertation, if available, and Technology Development Manager already approves the student research report draft. Student Research Execution and Control Activities activities are Review the proposal, Satisfy every research prerequisite, Ensure that every phases described in research methodology is committed, ensure that every milestone / deliverables needed is made, and Obtain approval of Student Research Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Student Research Execution and Control Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found.. Research Evaluation Activities Research Evaluation Procedure is as in Figure 10. Research Committee is to evaluate deliverables of every research done. Figure 10. Research Evaluation Procedure Standard. Research Evaluation Activities critical success factor is every finished research is reviewed, every research and student research report is reviewed, every research phases described in research methodology is committed, every research milestones / deliverables needed is made, and every member of research committee already approves the researcher performance report draft. Research Evaluation Activities activities is Review every finished research, Review every research and student research report, and Obtain approval of Researcher Performance Report Draft from every member of Research Committee. Research Evaluation Activities deliverables is Error!  Reference  source  not  found.    Research Training Schedule Commission Activities Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1153 Research Training Schedule Commission Procedure is as in Figure 11. Researcher attendance in training must be documented. Figure 11. Research Training Schedule Commission Procedure Standard. Research Training Schedule Commission Activities critical success factor is Every Research Training Attendance List Report is reviewed, and Technology Development Manager already approves the research training schedule commission activities report draft. Research Training Schedule Commission Activities activities is Review every Research Attendance List Report, and Obtain approval of Research Training Schedule Commission Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Research Training Schedule Commission Activities deliverables is Error!  Reference source not found..  Research Schedule Commission Activities Research Schedule Commission Procedure is as in Figure 12. Researcher attendance in research lab must be documented. Figure 12. Research Schedule Commission Procedure Standard. Research Schedule Commission Activities critical success factor is Every Research Attendance List Report is reviewed, and Technology Development Manager already approves the research schedule commission activities report draft. Research Schedule Commission Activities activities is Review every Research Attendance List Report, and Obtain approval of Research Schedule Commission Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Research Schedule Commission Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found.  Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities 1154 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Procedure is as in Figure 13. Research Specialist is ought to report to Research Coordinator Monthly. Figure 13. Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Procedure Standard. Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities critical success factor is Every Plan for meeting is scheduled, in every meeting, every intended information from every owner is captured, and Technology Development Manager already approves the Monthly Research Specialist monitoring report draft. Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities activities are Schedule every Meeting, in every meeting, the intended information from every owner must be captured an documented, and Obtain approval of Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities deliverables is Error!  Reference source not found.. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities Monthly Research Student Monitoring Procedure is as in Figure 14. Research Student is ought to report to Research Coordinator Monthly. R es ea rc h C oo rd in at or R es ea rc h S tu de nt Figure 14. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Procedure Standard. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities critical success factor is Every Plan for meeting is scheduled, in every meeting, every intended information from every owner is captured, and Technology Development Manager already approves the Monthly Research Student monitoring report draft. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities activities are Schedule every Meeting, in every meeting, the intended information from every owner must be captured an documented, and Obtain approval of Monthly Research Student Monitoring Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities deliverables is Error!  Reference source not found.  Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1155 Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities Weekly Research Student Monitoring Procedure is as in Figure 15. Research Student is ought to report to Research Coordinator Monthly. R es ea rc h S pe ci al is t R es ea rc h S tu de nt Figure 15. Weekly Research Student Monitoring Procedure Standard. Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities critical success factor is Every Plan for meeting is scheduled, in every meeting, every intended information from every owner is captured, and Technology Development Manager already approves the Weekly Research Student monitoring report draft. Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities activities are Schedule every Meeting, in every meeting, the intended information from every owner must be captured an documented, and Obtain approval of Weekly Research Student Monitoring Report Draft from Technology Development Manager. Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not  found..  Researcher Reward Activities Researcher Reward Procedure is as in Figure 16. System shall pay every researcher based on their achievement in research. Figure 16. Researcher Reward Procedure Standard. Researcher Reward Activities critical success factor is Every Researcher Evaluation Report is reviewed, Ensure that all work done is within budget, Technology Development Manager already approves the researcher reward report draft, Reward and Level Advancement is granted to the deserved Researcher, and Budget Balance is updated. Researcher Reward Activities activities is Review every Researcher Evaluation Report, Review available budget, Obtain approval of Researcher Reward Report Draft from Technology Development Manager, Pay every Researcher 1156 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Reward, and Update Budget Balance. Researcher Reward Activities deliverables is Error! Reference  source not found..  Researcher Punishment Activities Researcher Punishment Procedure is as in Figure 17. System shall punish every researcher based on their achievement in research. T ec hn ol og y D ev el op m en t M an ag er R es ea rc h C oo rd in at or Figure 17. Researcher Punishment Procedure Standard. Researcher Punishment Activities critical success factor is Every Researcher status is reviewed, Every Researcher Evaluation Report is reviewed, Verify Researcher misconduct to themselves, related Research Specialist, Research Coordinator, or other related person / group, Ensure that the Researcher is deserved to be punished, If the misconduct is made not by them, they did not deserve to be punished, Technology Development Manager already approves the Researcher punishment report draft, and Punishment is mandated to the deserved Researcher. Researcher Punishment Activities activities is Review every Researcher status, Review every Researcher Evaluation Report, Verify Researcher misconduct to themselves, related Research Specialist, Research Coordinator, or other related person / group, Obtain approval of Researcher Punishment Report Draft from Technology Development Manager, and Punish the Researcher. Researcher Punishment Activities deliverables is Error! Reference source not found..    System Implementation Test The CVR / IT system adoption rate is calculated using simple equation, how much activities mandated from CVR / IT already implemented on current system. RESULTS The CVR / IT system adoption rate is as in Table 4. Furthermore, the system adoption status is in Table 5. Table 4. CVR / IT Adoption current status.   Activities Adoption Status Assign an initiating Project Manager O Identify the Project Sponsor O Define the Business Need/Opportunity O Identify Business Objectives and Benefits O Define Overall Scope O Define Project Objectives O Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1157 Activities Adoption Status Identify Project Constraints and Assumptions O Ensure Alignment with Strategic Direction and Architecture O, but using IT Directorate Research Tree Identify and Engage Key Stakeholders O Identify Key Potential Risks O, using simple test Procurement and Resourcing Requirements O, handled by Binus Procurement Determine Cost/Benefit and Schedule Estimates O Develop a Project Phase Exit Plan O Assign a Project Manager O Refine Project Scope O Determine Procurement and Sourcing Strategy Refine Project Schedule Resource Planning O Identify Other Resource Requirements O Establish Project Life-Cycle Phase Checkpoints O, based on project Refine Project Cost Estimate and Budget O Identify Potential Project Risks Determine Process for Issue Identification and Resolution Develop a Change Management Process Develop an Organizational Change Management Approach Develop a Quality Management Approach O Develop A Project Communication Approach Develop A Configuration Management (CM) Approach Project Performance Commitment Consolidate the Project Plan Detailed Designs O Establish a Requirements Traceability Matrix Manage scope, cost, schedule and quality (Manage Change) Manage issues, change and risk Establish and report project status O Update Project Performance Commitment document Obtain approval from the Governance Body at Design Review O Manage Risk Communicate Information O Manage Schedule Document the Work Results Manage Organizational Change Manage Scope O Manage Quality O Manage Costs O Manage Issues Conduct Status Review Meetings Review Project Life-Cycle Phases Checkpoints Execute the Procurement Plan Administer Contract/Vendor Update Project Planning Documents O Build & Test O Implementation O Conduct Rollout Acceptance Meeting O Conduct Final Contract Review O Conduct Lessons Learned Meeting O, but problem with documentation Conduct Knowledge Transfer Post Project Review O, with problem with 1158 ComTech Vol.1 No.2 Desember 2010: 1140-1159 Activities Adoption Status different POV Distribution of Resources O Celebration O Table 5. System adoption status.   Activities Adoption Status Research Communication Activities O Research Monitoring Activities O Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities O Research Budget Sounding Activities O Research Permission Grant Activities O Research Execution and Control Activities O Student Research Advertisement Activities O Student Research Proposal and Budgeting Activities O Student Research Execution and Control Activities O, with problem with different POV Research Evaluation Activities O, with problem with different POV Research Training Schedule Commission Activities O Research Schedule Commission Activities O Monthly Research Specialist Monitoring Activities O Monthly Research Student Monitoring Activities O Weekly Research Student Monitoring Activities O Researcher Reward Activities O There are about 54 Internship Researcher in IT Directorate until this paper is written, compared to 120 Internship Researcher needed. Their Research Speed is on par with ITD Standard. IT Directorate currently can only handle around 15 researches. All of them yields system adoption rate to around 40 %. DISCUSSIONS Low adoption rate is come from several traits, based on post research observation. There some traits in Binus student, that they seldom documenting their problem, but they like to documenting their achievement in their research, so Research Specialist sometimes late in recognizing problems in research. The IT Directorate research program still unpopular in student body, due to fear to fail in research. Further research is needed to alleviate this problem. Preservation of Research tree is still uncommon in Binus University by the time this paper is written. IT Directorate must establish its own research tree, based on Research Directorate inputs.Different Point of View (POV) between IT Directorate and IT Department does ignite problem, mostly in how the project conducted and roll out of project. Some monitoring and documentation activities and rules cannot be done due conflict with IT Department rules. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on observation, the system adoption rate is 40 % at most. Further activity is needed to raise the value to 100 %, addressing how to reduce fear in student, and how to manage research documentation and monitoring. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Modification of CVR... (Renan Prasta Jeni) 1159 The author would like to thank Mr. Gintoro FX, this system is based on his idea to expand current associate member system to accommodate IT Directorate needs. This work will not taken place to begin with if without his idea. The author would like to Thanks Mr. Eddy Santosa Jaya, Head of Information Technology Directorate, and everyone within the directorate to support the program adoption and let the study takes place. REFERENCES CVR/IT Consulting LLC. (2002). The Project Management Template Library. 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