Microsoft Word - 31_SI_Marisa Karsen_IT Improvement at Alfamart-OK.docx 324 ComTech Vol.4 No. 1 Juni 2013: 324-332 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) IMPROVEMENT AT PT SUMBER ALFARIA TRIJAYA Marisa Karsen Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems, Binus University Jl. K.H. Syahdan No. 9, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480; ABSTRACT Retail industry is the second largest industry after agricultural industry in terms of employment absorption in Indonesia. The situation of the quite dynamic retail industry is marked by the development of modern retail trade and it impacts on traditional markets and suppliers. PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, known as Alfamart is one of the best retail company in Indonesia. It already uses Supply Chain Management and B2B to support their operations. Alfamart also has its own website which provides information about products, outlets, services, and promo. This research discusses about IT improvement. The purpose of this paper is to improve Alfamart IT performance and make innovation on the IT to increase customer satisfaction. The methodology used is defining the problem, measure, analyst problem, improvement required by Alfamart, and control to monitor the implementation. Problems are identified using SWOT analysis, problem clarification, and business model canvas. Analyzing the problems, solution hypotheses and IT improvement are recommended for Alfamart. Keywords: IT improvement, problem analysis, SWOT analysis, IT recommendation ABSTRAK Industri ritel merupakan industri terbesar kedua setelah industri pertanian dalam hal penyerapan tenaga kerja di Indonesia. Situasi industri ritel yang cukup dinamis ditandai oleh perkembangan perdagangan ritel modern yang berdampak pada pasar tradisional dan pemasok. PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, yang dikenal sebagai Alfamart, merupakan salah satu perusahaan ritel terbaik di Indonesia. Alfamart sudah menggunakan Supply Chain Management dan B2B untuk mendukung operasi mereka. Alfamart juga memiliki website sendiri yang menyediakan informasi tentang produk, outlet, layanan, dan promo. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perbaikan TI. Tujuanya adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja TI Alfamart dan membuat inovasi TI demi meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah mendefinisikan masalah, ukuran, analisis masalah, perbaikan diperlukan oleh Alfamart, dan kontrol untuk memonitor pelaksanaannya. Masalah diidentifikasi menggunakan analisis SWOT, klarifikasi masalah, dan kanvas model bisnis. Setelah menganalisis masalah, hipotesis dan solusi perbaikan TI dapat diusulkan untuk Alfamart. Kata kunci: perbaikan TI, analisis masalah, analisis SWOT, usulan TI Informat R industry industry suppliers other ha increasin suppliers sales (ex T Carrefou transacti cashless POS (po headqua E consume Compan new nam owned r expectat custome ethical b skills in which be Alfamar promo. tion Technolo Retail indus in terms of is marked b s. The mode and, the in ngly weak. I s’ position. xcl.cigarette) There are m ur, Alfamart, ions faster a payment us oint of sales) arter. That’s w Established er goods trad ny started an me, i.e ‘Alfa retail distribu tions. The vi r needs and business prac the Compan enefits all sta Alfamart al rt also has o ogy… (Marisa stry is a stra f employmen y the develo ern retail trad ncreasing nu It is characte Up to Dece (Figure 1). Figure 1 Tra many mode , Alfa Midi, and easier, sing debit ca ) terminal fo why IT has m in 1989 by ding and dist n exponential amart’. Its v ution network ision is expe expectations ctices, to be t ny and the s akeholders. lready uses wn website sa Karsen) INT ategic one, s nt absorption pment of mo de growth is umber of m erized by the mber 2011, ade Channel C rn retail tra Seven Elev most of ret ard, prepaid or the cashie made a signif Djoko Susa tribution bus l expansion vission is to k that empow ected to be s by focusing the best in al society; (4) Supply Cha that provide RODUCT since it is th n in Indones odern retail t s inversely p modern retai e increase of Modern Tra Cotribution (S ade in Indo ven, Circle-K tail trade no card, and cr r and alread ficant contrib anto and Fam siness, then i through acq be Indonesi wers small e achived thro g on high qu ll of our acti to develop ain Managem e information TION he second l sia. The situ rade and it im proportional ilers makes f the trading ade has reac Source: Nielse onesia, such K, etc. Since ow already c redit card. M dy use ERP t bution to mo mily, PT Sum in 1999 ente quiring 141 A ia’s largest entrepreneur ough several uality produc ons; (3) to d a reliable, h ment and B n about thei argest indus ation of the mpacts on tra to the tradit suppliers’ terms consi ched 42.9% n Retail Audi h as Indoma customers a collaborate w Many of thei to connect b dern retail tr mber Alfaria red into reta Alfa Minima and globally s and fulfills l mission,the cts and servic develop entre healthy and g B2B to supp ir products, stry after ag quite dynam aditional ma tional marke bargaining dered burden of Total Ind it) aret, Ace H always want with banks ir outlets alr between bran rade. a Trijaya sta ail sector. In art stores and y competitiv s customer n ey are: (1) t ces; (2) to im epreneurial sp growing org port their op outlets, serv 325 gricultural mic retail arkets and t. On the position nsome to donesia’s Hardware, t to make to create ready use nches and arted as a 2002 the d bring a ve widely needs and to satisfy mplement pirits and ganization perations. vices, and 326 I software forecast Compan inventor control i I people ( informat I side. Th innovatio strong IT make ev T various l that are stages in problem Compa F what wa Alfamar that, we IT has becom e – includin software), nies can trac ry somewher it (Taylor, 20 Information (the “Who”) tion (Pearson In this paper he main goa on in IT to in T infrastruct very goods ar The problem labels. This h used are not nvolve and m solving are any Obser First step to as happened rt stores in K obtain the da me an enable ng such IT t barcodes, R k and locate re other than 011). System is d ), and proce n & Saunders r, we would l l presented ncrease custo ture to suppo re available. m solving pro has been don t important. follow them (Figure 1): Figu rvation do problem and kinds o Karang Tenga ata from Alf er for effecti tools as Ent Radio Frequ e inventory n their own defined more ess (the “Ho s, 2009). like to add s in this resea omer satisfac ort Alfamart M ocess can be ne to make i To be a suc m methodica ure 2 Methodo m solving is m of related pro ah-Ciledug w famart annua ive supply ch terprises Re uency Ident through its facility, an e broadly as ow”) that an omething ne arch is to im ction. This p activity; (2) METHOD divided in d it easier to un ccessful prob ally wheneve ology (source: make observa oblem. On th which are di al report and ComTec hain manage sources Plan tification (R supply chain d control it the combina n organizatio ew for techno mprove Alfa aper has the ) to increase DS different way nderstand bu blem solver er you enco personal anal ation to the his case, the rectly related start to analy ch Vol.4 No. ement, becau nning (ERP) RFID), and n, which en remotely or ation of tech on uses to p ology, especi amart IT per following ob service to c ys and the sta ut how it is d you need to ounter a pro lysis) company to observation d with Alfam yze the data. 1 Juni 2013: use of techno ) systems (i point-of-sa nables them r have some hnology (the produce and ially from cu rformance a bjectives: (1) customer wit ages have be divided and t understand oblem. The s know real c n is scoped i mart Operati 324-332 ology and including les data. to locate eone else “what”), d manage ustomer’s and make ) to make th always een given the labels what the stages of condition, n several on. After Information Technology… (Marisa Karsen) 327 Literature Study Having observations on the stores condition, comparison is made between the real situation with ideal condition in the theories retrieved from book, internet, and other media related to the scoped of the problems. Recognizing and Defining the Problem Obviously, before any action can be taken to solve a problem, we need to recognize that a problem exists. SWOT Analysis is used to analyze the details about Alfamart’s strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. After that, the best recommendations for Alfamart can be proposed. From the observation to the company, there are some issues that can be discussed. In this case, excellence IT Improvement for CRM is used as the problem solving to be implemented by the company. Collecting Data Data are collected from Alfamart Annual Report and Alfamart website. Data collected include: (1) general data that includes company history, vision and mission into the future, and the number of stores; (2) customer needs to make IT improvement in the future, so Alfamart could build new CRM to meet customer needs. Finding Possible Solution Through an analysis problem process, this phase focuses on creating solutions and making project design to increase IT performance. In addition to ensuring continued success, this phase also involves monitoring for new problems created by system changes. Conclusion and Recommendation After make analysis and find the alternative solution for the problem, conclusion and recommendation can be made which represents all of the results in the study. Conclusion should maked to make more understanding about the goals and ensure the problem analysis will meet the right solution. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Current IT Implementation at Alfamart Strong Supply Chain Management Alfamart already implement supply chain management from supplier to retail stores, both on regular and franchise store, and also has Customer Loyalty Program which generates date of customer spending pattern. Alfamart Distribution Centers already uses integrated system and IT driven which include Order, Receiving, storage, Picking, and Delivering. Distribution Centers work seven days a week to ensure stock fulfilling in all of Alfamart stores. These conditions are based on Alfamart Annual Report 2011 (Figure 3). 328 Distribu D spore ne inventor on avera Finance A and mak Using K releaser. custome B2B for T (B2B, Fi Stores, r B2B feat Custom A members SpecialK be redee BNI to Alfamar Machine service t ution Center Distribution etwork to co ry needs of e age of 300 sto e Operation Alfamart alr ke payments KlikBCA Bis KlikBCA rs. r Suppliers To establish igure 3 dan return of goo ture. er Loyalty P Alfamart has s of which Ku (MySpeci emed periodi provide mem rt Store alrea e to receive to customers Fi rs Centers (DC onnect with each store. Ea ores. ready uses In s to supplier snis, all trans Bisnis uses better coop 4) for suppli ods, service le Program an s loyalty pro 50 % are ial), and Had cally. To cre mbership ca ady receive c payment fro that can use igure 3 Alfam C) is the hear all Alfamar ach DC is un nternet Bank rs with mass saction was Virtual Pri eration with iers which c evel, etc. Ev nd Payment ogram called active mem diahKu (MyP eate more fun ard which ca cash less pay om Debit C ed Prepaid Ca mart IT Platform rt of operatin rt Stores. Th niquely desig king (KlikBC s transfer sy created by m ivate Netwo all suppliers an be used t very supplier Methods d Kartu AKU mbers. Memb Prize). Point nctions in K an be used yment metho Card, so with ard for their m (Source: Al ComTec ng system in his comprehe gned for Alf CA Bisnis) t ystem called maker, appro rk (VPN) to s, Alfamart i to see List o has their ow U (Figure 5) ber benefit s are accumu artu AKU, A as payment od with using h this coope transactions. lfamart Annua ch Vol.4 No. Alfamart. E ensive IT sy famart specia to support p payroll sys ove by appr o give best implements f Purchase O wn user name which has m includes He ulated for ev Alfamart coo t method (pr g Electronic ration, Alfam . al Report 201 1 Juni 2013: Each DC uses ystem determ al needs and payroll for em tem and Au over and rel security sy Business to Orders from e and passwo more than 3. ematKu (My very purchase operate with B repaid card) Data Captur mart could g 1). 324-332 s hub and mines the is served mployees utoCredit. leased by ystem for Business Alfamart ord to use 1 million ySaving), e and can BCA and ). Every re (EDC) give best Informat T Alfamar used for Merchan BNI is A can be u Website A custome http://co because SWOT T threat. S POS, Fl regular infrastru tion Technolo Two type of rt Member C r transaction nt, such as re Alfamart Me used for trans e Alfamart ha r loyalty pro rporate.alfam the website T Analysis The internal Strength: (1) azz Card). W service. Opp ucture. Threa ogy… (Marisa Figure 4 Alf f membership ard launched not only in estaurant, Sa ember Card l saction in all as a website ogram, event is user friend l factors are network wit Weakness: (1 portunities: at: competito sa Karsen) famart B2B fo p card and al d on May 15 n all Alfama aloon, bookst launched on Alfamart Sto e that provid t, etc at http .  In this we dly and easy strength and th a lot of st 1) lack of in (1) fast gro ors (due to the or Supplier (S lso prepaid c 5, 2010, coop art Stores, A tore, etc (Jab Jan 1, 2010 ores, Alfami des informat p://www.alfa ebsite, we ca to understan d weakness, tores (5,969 nventory mon owing of IT e faster grow ource: Alfama ard, as follow perated with Alfamidi, or bodetabek an , cooperated idi, or Alfexp tion about p an see a lot nd. and the ext stores); (2) nitoring syst T in the ma wing of retail art Website). ws: (1) A Ca Flazz BCA. Alfexpress, nd Bandung d with BNI B press (Jabode products, sto / and also a t of informa ernal factors High Techno tem between arket; (2) b l industry). ard Flazz (Fig A Card Flaz but also in only); (2) K Bank. Kartu A etabek only) ore locations corporate w ation about s are opportu ology suppo n Alfamart st building exc 329 gure 6) is zz can be all Flazz Kartu Aku Aku BNI . s, promo, website at Alfamart unity and ort (SCM, tores; (2) ellent IT 330 Proble O wanted t cashier a know wh In this ca informat by his/he IT Rec A adopting and priv program “Online be one o Future M U products store for website Location check th custome store to b Benefits custome Implem T technolo inventor F ems in Exis One exampl to buy a pro about the sto hether the s ase, custome tion about th erself. This s commenda According t g new techno ate label, Al m, but also b Customer T of the Alfama Mechanism Using “Onli s and find the r buying the p at http://ww ns. And then he availabilit r to find ano buy the prod s Some benef r satisfaction entation This kind of ogy use Alfa ry system al Figure 5 Kartu sting Mech e of problem duct that is n ock. The emp same product er was not sa he product, a situation is il ation for A to the futur ology to imp famart needs by concern i racking Inve art’s Custom ine Custome e store locati products. Th ww.alfamart n customers ty of the pro other Alfama duct. fits of imple n, estabishing f technology amart websit ready exists u Aku. hanism m happens at not displaye ployee or cas t was availab atisfied with and the custo lustrated on Alfamart re strategis prove efficie s to give bett in customer entory System mer Relationsh er Tracking ion at Alfam he future mec and input the pr duct in that art store near ementing thi g better inven can be impl te that can b s in Alfamar t an Alfamar d in one stor shier said th ble or not at Alfamart’s s omer needed Figure 7. of Alfamart ency; (2) imp ter services f ’s demand. m” using e-c hip Managem g Inventory mart Stores th chanism is as d click on roduct that t store. If the r the location is technology ntory manag lemented at be accessed rt, adding tr ComTec Figure rt store is de re. The custo at the produ other Alfam service becau to find the p t in improv proving marg for customer In this case commerce thr ment Program System”, cu rough Alfam s follows (Fi “Layanan” they want to product is o n. After that, y are maxim gement. all Alfamart at almost a racking syste ch Vol.4 No. 6 A Card Fla escribed as f omer then as uct is out of s mart stores (e use Alfamart product avai ving profitab gin through rs, not only fr e, we would rough Alfam m. ustomers ca mart website, igure 8): Cus menu. Afte o buy. The A out of stock, customer ca mizing webs t stores in In ll places in em for custo 1 Juni 2013: azz. follows: A c sked the emp stock and the even the near t could not g ilability in ot bility which value added from custome d like to rec mart website. an find the before they stomer open er that, sele Alfamart Sys the system an go to the site value, in ndonesia, bec Indonesia. S omers does 324-332 customers ployee or ey didnot rest one). give more ther store are: (1) d services er loyalty commend This can stock of go to the Alfamart ect Store stem will will help Alfamart ncreasing cause this Since the not need Information Technology… (Marisa Karsen) 331 radical change on IT. It only needs an additional connection between e-commerce and inventory system. We believe this new mechanism will bring more value to all Alfamart customers and increase customer satisfaction at Alfamart. Risk Management To implement new project of the system, we should consider about risk management in the company. In this case, Alfamart need to prepare the security system to mitigate the risk. Every customer that wants to use online tracking system should be registered as member of Kartu Aku and have their own username and password. The system also protects all stock data and only presents the information of the items searched by customers. Performance Measurement This system implementation will be reviewed every year with the increase number of Alfamart customers and Customer Satisfaction Rating from independent research company. This project should include several people, as follows: (1) IT officers, such as web designer to design the user interface, and programmer to create application, connect the program and network; (2) inventory officer to maintain the latest stock in every Alfamart store and update price for every item purchased; (3) customer service officer to respond customer request of complain, especially if the website can not work well. Figure 7 Alfamart Existing Mechanism (Source: personnal research) 332 ComTech Vol.4 No. 1 Juni 2013: 324-332 Figure 8 Alfamart Future Mechanism (source: personnal research) CONCLUSION Having a research on IT implementation at PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya (Alfamart), we can actually conclude that the IT functions are needed to be taken into consideration in order to maximizing the IT services and performance to be more efficient and effective for Alfamart customers. With “Online Customer Tracking Inventory System”, Alfamart is believed able to defeat the competitors. Several significant IT improvements & implementations with cost saving result in better outlook of Alfamart services. “Online Customer Tracking Inventory System” is recommended for better inventory monitoring system, because we know that nowadays competitors can easily create the same thing and benchmark this strategy, so Alfamart needs to make fast movement in implementing this new strategy. With continuous improvement on IT, Alfamart can achieve its vision to be Indonesia’s largest and globally competitive widely owned retail distribution network that empowers small entrepreneurs and fulfills customer needs and expectations, and win competition in the retail industry. REFERENCES Alfamart Website. (2012). Diakses dari Alfamart Corporate Website. (2012). Diakses dari: Pearson, K. E., & Saunders, C. S. (2009). Strategic Management Information Systems. Florida: John Willey & Sons.   Taylor, R. A. (2011). Operations Management. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.