Copyright©2018 P-ISSN: 2087-1244 E-ISSN: 2476-907X 1 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 9(1), June 2018, 1-8 DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v9i1.4027 Integration of Information System Based on Supply Chain Management (SCM) for Pharmaceutical Warehouse in Mamasa Regency Akhmad Qashlim1 and Basri2 1Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Al Asyariah Mandar 2Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Al Asyariah Mandar Jln. Budi Utomo No. 2, Polewali Mandar 91311, Indonesia; Received: 22nd September 2017/ Revised: 12th December 2017/ Accepted: 14th December 2017 How to Cite: Qashlim, A., & Basri. (2018). Integration of Information System Based on Supply Chain Management (SCM) for Pharmaceutical Warehouse in Mamasa Regency. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 9(1), 1-8. Abstract - This research applied information system by using Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the pharmaceutical warehouse in Mamasa Regency. The scope of the research was maximized on pharmaceutical warehouse operations and drug distribution to clinics. This research did not focus on cost, profit, lead time, and procurement costs. This system was built using PHP programming language and MySQL database. System development process used waterfall method. It consisted of requirement analysis, system analysis, design, development, and testing. The test system used the xampp 6.2 servers with a black box testing method that involved the pharmaceutical warehouse staff as the end user. The results demonstrate technologies that can be used by physicians to submit drug requests faster and report on real-time drug use (LPLPO). For pharmaceutical warehouses, this system is useful for drug availability, drug management, and response information. This technology can help the health department to perform its role as a supervisory or controlling function (internal controls) of the drugs. This research also gives a recommendation for the pharmaceutical warehouse management in providing benefits for the institutions/companies involved. This research has an insight for the management to realize the importance of Information Technology (IT) to support daily operational activities. Keywords: integration system, Supply Chain Management (SCM), pharmaceutical warehouse I. INTRODUCTION A pharmaceutical warehouse is a place that serves the needs of health clinic medicine, work area on inventory and distribution planning, and demand scheduling (Shah, 2004). It is a Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the health sector by involving multiple entities/work units (Qashlim, 2016). Each activity will be coordinated by the district health office (BPOM, 2012). The minister of health and social welfare of the Republic of Indonesian through policies and strategies for the development of Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Nasional (SIKNAS - National Health Information System) has sought to collect the coordinated data. It can be the integration of existing health systems such as assignment, responsibility, and interconnected mechanisms (KEPMENKES, 2001). However, the need for data integration has not been met. This is reinforced by the health sector difficulties in making the right decision because of the limitations or unavailability of accurate, precise, and fast data and information. These conditions indicate the problem of health information system in strengthening the improvement and efforts through data integration (Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2012). In general, problems arising related to future needs should be adjusted to demands (Shah, 2004). In addition, the amount of usage will affect the number of requests. When the request is not performed in accordance with or less than the required thing, the health clinic will re-request this. It may take a long time. On the other hand, it may affect the size of the goods demanded by the pharmaceutical warehouse and provided by the supplier’s section (Putri & Prihanti, 2016). Then, the pharmaceutical warehouse and all its entities involved in operational activities manage the same data. However, because conventional systems applied cannot show the same data, the inventory calculations are performed by each party as a result of frequently different produced data (Nasir, Satoto, & Kridalukmana, 2014; Mulia, 2016) and resulted in delaying the report of drug use (Mulia, 2016). Operational activities of pharmaceutical warehouses are procurement, reception, storage, distribution, and recalling (Arustiyono, 2015). The pharmaceutical warehouse should ideally perform drug stock calculations, and provide information on the amount of stock regarding available drugs in real time (Amir, 2011). In addition, collaboration, coordination, and integration among entities must be met for work efficiency (Qashlim, 2016; Rees, 2011). Information Technology (IT) can be the solution to help the business process in the pharmaceutical warehouse to become 2 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 1 June 2018, 1-8 simpler, integrated, automated and optimize health services (Lee, McCullough, & Town, 2013). IT plays a critical role in SCM practice in the company (Hardjo & Suharjito, 2013). It is because it can record all transaction activities for clarification or addition of requests. It can create a good communication between the parties involved in SCM (Arshinder, Kanda, & Deshmukh, 2011; Risnandar & Wulandari, 2010). It can minimize information distortion and create strong interaction between agencies or work units involved in SCM, shorter cycle times, effective information flow and waste reduction (Troutt, Ambrose, & Chan, 2005). It can reduce operational costs and improve performance such as the improvement of health clinic services by shortening lead time and availability of data (Saputro et al., 2012). According to Nasir, Satoto, and Kridalukmana (2014), the designed drug management information systems on pharmaceutical installations can help collect Lembar Permintaan dan Laporan Pemakaian Obat (LPLPO - request of drug and report of usage) data from all clinic. It assists in determining the distribution of drugs to clinic (public health service), managing drug supply data in Pharmaceutical Installations, and helping recovering expense and mutation reports. Unfortunately, the system has not yet integrated with the health service. In addition, the implementation of SCM-based systems for drug stocks and distributions can demonstrate drug use reports (Mulia, 2016; Qashlim, 2016). It also briefly discusses the problem. The designed prototype integration system enables health clinics to apply for pharmaceutical warehouses. Thus, stock data of pharmaceutical warehouse can be seen by the clinic. The system for simulation has not been fully used in the LPLPO format, and it has not processed the actual data. As shown by Nasir, Satoto, and Kridalukmana (2014), Mulia (2016), and Qashlim (2016), they have not involved health services as a control function. This research will implement IT in the practice of SCM pharmaceutical warehouse. This system as an informative media will record all activities to provide information in real-time (Setijadi, 2015). A sub-system for health clinics according to LPLPO format and health department sub-system as a control function (internal control). Each party involved in the supply chain can access information and communicate without having to wait for a long time. The results of this research can be a recommendation for pharmaceutical warehouse management in improving the previous system. II. METHODS IT designed for SCM practice in the pharmaceutical warehouse has health clinic sub-systems for submission of LPLPO. The sub-system of health department has a function of internal control. Then, pharmaceutical warehouse system is for drug stock information, LPLPO acceptance, and drug distribution. The system is built using PHP programming language and MySQL database. The testing is done using xampp server 6.2 with a black box testing method. It involves the pharmaceutical warehouse staff as the end user. Besides that, focus discussion involves several pharmaceutical warehouses to evaluate the design and see how much the support is provided for the user. The research stages are shown in Figure 1. The research phase involves industries that have been using supply chain-based integration systems. This is intended as a comparison of integration systems built with systems that have successfully expanded the company’s performance. The results of research on industry become the basis for creating a prototype of systems integration in the health sector. The researchers involve pharmacists for functional system design. The pharmacists will examine the need for drug usage data, streamline data entry, and system of flow determination process. Figure 1 The Research Stages 3 Integration of Information System Based.....(Akhmad Qashlim and Basri) For the current process path of the pharmaceutical warehouse, Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF - pharmaceutical wholesalers) will meet the needs or drugs in pharmaceutical warehouses and clinics. This fulfillment will always be coordinated to health officer as the responsible person. The next operational activity will be an SCM practice where Puskesmas, pharmacy installation, and health office will mutually collaborate. The activity begins when clinics submit LPLPO to the pharmaceutical warehouse. This submission will be verified by health department first. The verification is the process of matching between request submitted with previous stock and usage. The verification results will be submitted to the pharmaceutical warehouse to determine the distribution schedule. The distribution schedule can be known immediately by clinics and health department. This manual process will be the basis for determining the model of computerized systems (Oktavia, 2013). Basically, the system is running as shown in Figure 2. It is the practice of SCM in the field of health. SCM practice starts from procurement of pharmaceutical warehouse stock and inventory to the distribution for the health clinic. The process of planning in the needs of drug and health supplies begins from the data of LPLPO in public health clinic. This data is based on the type and amount of drugs according to the pattern of disease. Then, it is submitted to district health office for verification and matching between stock, usage, and demand. Further verification results are submitted to the regency pharmacy installation. It is compiled into a plan for the need of public drugs and health supplies in the regency. Furthermore, in planning the stock and needs of the central and provincial health clinic, it will adjust to the needs of public drugs and health supplies in the regency/city and refer to Daftar Obat Esensial Nasional (DOEN - national list of essential medicines) (Direktorat Bina Obat Publik dan Perbekalan Kesehatan, 2007). Figure 2 is the requirement in the analysis phase. It will assist the system design. The file system based on the flow is the initial support of the system to computerize the manual process systematically (Oktavia, 2013). The utilization of IT in the pharmacy field should involve pharmacists from designing and building information systems and technology to ensure the quality and safety. Involving pharmacists can help to design functional systems by examining drug usage data, streamline data entry, and to reduce the risk of excessive drug stocks. However, in the end, the pharmacist’s involvement will be constrained by a lack of understanding of how pharmacists can engage in IT design (Stecklera et al., 2017). In IT on business operational, SCM can help companies in completing the work. It can support business needs both internally and externally (Susarla & Karimi, 2012). IT used in companies is more likely to maximize business processes. Then, the most popular function is to provide information on stocks in which a customer has purchased or a notice to the customer about the remaining stock, delayed delivery order information, and inventory conditions. It should lead to a complex SCM implementation (Risnandar & Wulandari, 2010). Supply chain technology that only adopts business processes is not a good strategy. It cannot create benefits or influence on the inter-firm relationship. It ultimately does not show improvement of company performance (Magutu, Aduda, & Nyaoga, 2015). This situation demands the new creation of various models and designs to support supply chain networks (Zahiri, Zhuang, & Mohammadi, 2017) For example, it can be visibility process and global flow control support for intelligent transactions that provide real- time business process information, demand planning and distribution scheduling, a collaboration of activities, and information synchronization (Estrada, 2011). Management in the company begins to aware of the need to automate tasks and control inventory through the benefits of IT implementation (Hardjo & Suharjito, 2013). The practice of SCM in pharmaceutical warehouses can be automated using IT. This means that only companies that have managed their supply chain with good IT are companies with the right strategy to run a business operation. It also has an opportunity to improve performance (Magutu, Aduda, & Nyaoga, 2015). Figure 2 Demand Flow and Drug Distribution on Pharmaceutical Warehouse Figure 3 Model Proses (Source: Troutt, Ambrose, & Chan, 2005) 4 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 1 June 2018, 1-8 The illustration of IT is shown in Figure 3. It is one of the programming models that can be applied to supply chain model. This model shows that in every process, there is a buffer on each stage. This model is the order of the overall process of the supply chain. Then, the buffer is the output of the results of one process. It will be the input of the next process (Troutt, Ambrose, & Chan, 2005). Pharmaceutical warehouse operational activity is a repeated monthly routine. IT implementation to automate the process will improve work efficiency. Figure 4 shows the pharmaceutical warehouse operational activities designed for IT implementation. It is the proposed process flow of the IT system. In Figure 4, there are three entities involved in the pharmaceutical warehouse operations activity. Each entity manages the transaction data. It can share information without ignoring the independence of each entity. The managed data is basically the same, but the assignment of each entity is different at the time of the transaction. The result of the health department activity has a buffer as the output. Then, this output becomes the input for processed activity on the pharmaceutical warehouses. The work of pharmaceutical warehouse is the final information that will be received by the clinic about the drugs to be distributed. It also becomes report for the next needs of public drugs and health suppliers. Basically, to control the movement of the materials, each department has roles. It is to control and inform regarding the needs that should be shared (Wibisono, Sofianti, & Awibowo, 2016). The functions of each entity are described in Table 1. The data in this research is LPLPO. It is obtained in pharmacy installation of Mamasa Regency. The data will be used to simulate and test the system. LPLPO from 17 clinics is shown in Table 2. The researchers analyze this to see the trends or patterns in disease based on drug demand and usage. Each clinic has different drug requirements and disease trends. This will certainly affect the demand and usage of medicines in the clinic area. Figure 5 is a database system design. Moreover, the data analysis results are presented in Table 3 The design of the database indicates that the proposed drug demand data (LPLPO) will be connected to the acceptance or supply table. It will be accessed by the pharmaceutical installation. Based on the data of drug demand, this data will describe the pattern of disease in the clinic. Figure 4 SCM-based IT Design for Operational Activity Process Flow Table 1 User Involved in Functional Systems No User Description 1 Super Admin Manage user of data in pharmacy, clinic, health department 2 Pharmacy Admin Manage drug data including procurement, receipt, storage, distribution, recalling, and monthly report printing. 3 Clinic Admin Submit LPLPO data, view pharmaceutical warehouse stock, and print LPLPO report 4 Public Health Service Admin Conduct LPLPO clinical data verification and control pharmacy distribution of pharmaceutical drugs 5 Integration of Information System Based.....(Akhmad Qashlim and Basri) Table 2 Data of 17 Clinics in Mamasa Regency Number Community Health Clinic Type District 1 Tabulahan Inpatient Tabulahan 2 Balla Outpatient Balla 3 Sumarorong Inpatient Sumarorong 4 Nosu Inpatient Nosu 5 Tabang Inpatient Tabang 6 Sesenapadang Outpatient Sesenapadang 7 Mehalaan Outpatient Mehalaan 8 Rantebulahan Timur Outpatient Rantebulahan Timur 9 Pana Outpatient Pana 10 Mambi Inpatient Mambi 11 Aralle Inpatient Aralle 12 Malabo Outpatient Tandukalua 13 Tawalian Outpatient Tawalian 14 Buntu Malangka Outpatient Aralle 15 Bambang Outpatient Bambang 16 Mamasa Inpatient Mamasa 17 Messawa Inpatient Messawa From all drugs in the clinic, the groupings are based on the type of disease. There are general and dental; maternal and child health and nutrition; tuberculosis and leprosy; malaria and filariasis; and immunization. The five types of diseases will be used to monitor and control the development of disease patterns. Each clinic has different drug needs. The tendency of drug usage also varies based on the most common consumption and the most frequently requested for pharmacy installation. This level of tendency will be considered to determine the pattern of disease in the community in five diseases groups. The data will be displayed on the system. Data on demand, usage, and stock are the results of the overall recapitulation of drug used in each type of disease. The tendency of the disease can be seen in the usage of the drug. It is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Data of Diseases Pattern of Trend Type of Diseases Demand Usage Stock General & dental 23 43 23 Maternal and child health & nutrition 34 23 23 Tuberculosis & leprosy 45 43 32 Malaria & filariasis 21 32 23 Immunization 23 12 32 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of this research show an integrated information system and use the SCM concept to support pharmaceutical warehouse operations. This system can be the recommendation for management in the pharmaceutical warehouse. It is to repair old systems to assist the operational activity. Figure 4 shows the relationship between entities in SCM. Each entity will describe the shape of SCM practice, and the applied IT model. It also shows the business process between pharmacy installations, clinics, and health offices as SCM actors. It also describes the scope of each major entity in the use of IT to be implemented. IT to train SCM on each entity is as follows. First, it is IT for SCM practice in clinic health. The clinic’s LPLPO contains information about the trends of the drug requested. This can be the basis for determining the pattern of public illness. LPLPO will be compiled by pharmaceutical installations to become a plan for the needs of public drugs and health supplies in the district. This LPLPO health office becomes a control system to formulate a health action plan. It also determines the intervention or policy determination of community disease management. Figure 5 is a GUI clinical subsystem. Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Figure 6 is a clinical subsystem for the submission of this LPLPO. It is the beginning of the process to be performed in the pharmaceutical warehouse. Figure 5 Database System Design 6 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 1 June 2018, 1-8 Figure 6 GUI Submit LPLPO Clinic Second, it is IT for SCM practice in pharmaceutical warehouses. SCM practices in pharmaceutical warehouses are more likely to be in inventory management. GUI pharmaceutical storehouse subsystem is presented in Figure 7. The researchers really maximize system performance in here. To calculate inventory, the researchers use the equations as follows. f = d + e (1) Equation (1) explains that f is supply, d is initial stock, and e is acceptance. The sum of the initial stock (d) and the receipt (e) is the stock inventory for the future. For calculating the remaining stock (h), the researchers use the following equation. h = f – g (2) Figure 7 The Relationship between the Entities Involved in SCM in the Scope of the Study The remainder of the stock (h) can only be determined by subtracting the supply (f) by the amount of use (g). Equation (2) automatically provides information about the state of the drug stock in the warehouse. Third, it is IT for internal control. The supervisory function undertaken by the public health service is more as a form of control (internal control). It is to monitor drug management and distribution. Figure 7 shows some functional systems that can be performed by the health service such as LPLPO verification. It is by receiving reports of pharmaceutical warehouse and LPLPO verification, and seeing dashboards about disease patterns. Then, Figure 8 is a GUI sub-system for the health service supervision function. Figure 8 and 9 are data of visual analytics. This is the tendency of disease patterns. It can be seen in the high usage of the drug. By district government, this data can be used to support the health policy. Fourth, it is system testing. The system testing is done by black box testing method. It involves pharmaceutical warehouse staff as the system users. The test results are presented in Table 3. Portal system can be visited in http:// Figure 8 GUI Pharmaceutical Warehouses Figure 9 GUI Sub-System of the Public Health Office Figure 10 Data of Visual Analytics 7 Integration of Information System Based.....(Akhmad Qashlim and Basri) Table 3 The Test Results of User Acceptance No Test Cases Expected Result Status Pass/Fail Clinical Sub-system 1 Login System User can login Pass 2 Show amount of medicine Stock from Pharmaceutical warehouse Drug stock is displayed Pass 3 Show progress request Request progress is displayed Pass 4 Data Input Drug demand Drug requests are successful Pass 5 Input drug usage Drug request is sent Pass Pharmaceutical Warehouse Sub-system 6 Login System User can login Pass 7 Show stock count Drug stock can be seen Pass 8 Show LPLPO clinic LPLPO is in process Pass 9 Show total drug usage The overall drug stock is displayed Pass 10 Input of drug data Drug data is recorded Pass Subsystem Public Health Office 12 Login System User can login Pass 13 Show LPLPO Clinic LPLPO is displayed Pass 14 Input drug verification Verification is possible Pass 15 Graph of clinic drug usage Users can view the drug charts Pass 16 Pharmaceutical warehouse distribution chart Users can see the drugs distributed Pass Last, there is a recommendation for the management. The graph presented in the system is sourced from clinical drug demand data. The system can be a strategic decision- making tool to assist management knowledge in mapping out health care needs. It is by determining disease patterns and ensuring public health policy intervention planning. This technology is a sustainable product that shows system integration with SCM concept. This is considered as a tool to improve performance and services in the health sector. The implementation of this IT should be supported by a good internet service to produce good results as well. IV. CONCLUSIONS The operational activities of the health sector involved in the demand, acceptance, and distribution of medicines such as Puskesmas, pharmaceutical installations, and health department have conducted supply chain practices. Maximizing supply chain practices is done by integrating all existing information systems. The integrated information system will help them to access the pharmacy distribution and distribution division. This allows pharmaceutical supply planning and the fulfillment of clinical needs to be met on demand at the right time. Systems in each sector have been integrated. People can access information related to inventory and distribution, establish cooperation with outsiders, and enable communication with other institutions. Further research can be done to test the challenges existing in distributing data or information to each sector. System development can be a control system to monitor the ups and downs of disease patterns in each clinic. It can also be integrated with other units. Additionally, this technology offers a new way of making healthcare policy. The implementation of this technology will be constrained by the availability of a good internet network and limited human resources who will manage the system. This solution will also need support from the government. 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