item: #1 of 393 id: ajceb-1581 author: Sankaran, Shankar title: Construction Stakeholder Management date: 2010-06-29 words: 1111 flesch: 45 summary: Chapter 3 by Frank Harris provides a historical perspective of stakeholder management including a listing of reports by government and industry on how to improve construction industry performance. Chapter 11 by Abbas Ali Elumualim discusses the role of culture and leadership in stakeholder management covering some theoretical aspects of relationships and power and socio-cultural elements in stakeholder management. keywords: book; management; stakeholder cache: ajceb-1581.pdf plain text: ajceb-1581.txt item: #2 of 393 id: ajceb-1582 author: Madikizela, Kolosa; Haupt, Theo title: Influences on Women’s Choices of Careers in Construction: A South African Study date: 2010-06-29 words: 7759 flesch: 41 summary: The Impact of Low Representation of Women The responses to two questions related to the impact of the low representation of women on the skills shortage experienced by the construction sector are shown in Table 14. Women tended to believe that legislation such as the Employment Equity Act created the platform for the low representation of women in construction to be addressed. keywords: building; careers; choices; construction; discrimination; gender; industry; male; south; study; women cache: ajceb-1582.pdf plain text: ajceb-1582.txt item: #3 of 393 id: ajceb-1583 author: Jarkas, Abdulaziz M title: The Effects of Buildability Factors on Rebar Fixing Labour Productivity of Beamless Slabs date: 2010-06-29 words: 9287 flesch: 22 summary: Abstract Buildability is an important factor affecting labour productivity. The findings show a significant influence of these factors on the fixing operation, which can be used to provide designers and construction managers with feedback on how well the design of this activity considers the requirements of buildability, and the tangible consequences of designers’ decisions on labour productivity. keywords: buildability; building; construction; economics; effects; factors; fixing; journal; labour productivity; layer; level; quantity; rebar; reinforcement; slabs cache: ajceb-1583.pdf plain text: ajceb-1583.txt item: #4 of 393 id: ajceb-1584 author: Belusko, Martin; O'Leary, Timothy title: Cost Analyses of Measures to Improve Residential Energy Ratings to 6 Stars - Playford North Development, South Australia date: 2010-07-05 words: 5470 flesch: 45 summary: Updated Star Rating with Technology Option Lot Foil in roof R2.5 ext walls R4 roof R1.5 internal walls Low E glass in living zone 16 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.9 6.4 17 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.6 23 6 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.7 26 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.8 13 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.3 29 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.4 6.1 184 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.6 6.2 45 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.6 901 5.3 5.4 5.6 6 6.6 8 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.8 6.5 902 5.7 5.8 5.8 6.1 6.6 194 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.4 6 Table 3 Cumulative star rating impact of each technology measure for each lot Star Rating Increase with Technology Option Lot Foil in roof R2.5 ext walls R4 roof R1.5 internal walls Low E glass in living zone 16 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 17 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.2 23 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 26 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 13 0.3 0.1 0.1 0 0.4 29 0.3 0.2 0 0 0.7 184 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6 45 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 901 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 8 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.7 902 0.3 0.1 0 0.3 0.5 194 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.6 Average 0.24 0.13 0.11 0.18 0.49 Table 4 Incremental increase of star rating (rounded to one decimal) by impact of each technology measure for each lot Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Belusko, M and O’Leary, T  (2010)  As shown in Table 3 the application of these measures delivers varying increases in star rating often well above 6 stars. keywords: building; construction; cost; economics; energy; house; insulation; measures; rating; star cache: ajceb-1584.pdf plain text: ajceb-1584.txt item: #5 of 393 id: ajceb-1587 author: Pullen, Stephen; Arman, Michael; Zillante, George; Zuo, Jian; Chileshe, Nicholas; Wilson, Lou title: Developing an Assessment Framework for Affordable and Sustainable Housing date: 2010-07-02 words: 8250 flesch: 26 summary: Arman et al. (2009b) reviewed a variety of definitions of affordability, affordable housing, sustainability and sustainable housing and arrived at a conceptual definition of affordable and sustainable housing: Oct 2009, Nanjing, China Zillante, G., Pullen, S., Wilson, L., Davidson, K., Chileshe, N., Zuo, J. and Arman, M. (forthcoming) ‘Integrating affordable housing and sustainable housing: bridging two merit goods in Australia’, In Wallis, I., Bilan, L., Smith, M. and Kazi, A.S. (Ed.) keywords: affordability; assessment; building; construction; development; economics; energy; environmental; et al; framework; housing; indicators; journal; sustainability; urban cache: ajceb-1587.pdf plain text: ajceb-1587.txt item: #6 of 393 id: ajceb-1589 author: Soo, Alexander; Oo, Bee title: The Effect of Information Feedback in Construction Bidding date: 2010-07-05 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-1589.pdf plain text: ajceb-1589.txt item: #7 of 393 id: ajceb-1591 author: Ng, Andy K.W; Price, Andrew D.F title: Optimizing the Time Performance of Subcontractors in Building Projects date: 2010-07-02 words: 5602 flesch: 42 summary: Time performance = a + b1SCP1 + b2SCP2+ b3SCP3+ b4SCP4+ b5SCP5+ b6SCP6 Where SCPi (critical site coordination problems) are the independent variables Time performance is the dependent variable a is a constant which is the y-intercept bi is the partial regression coefficient for SCP Equation 1: Form of multiple regression equation Some of the variables of the regression equations can be eliminated without having significant impact to the accuracy of the regression equations. Keywords: Subcontractor, Site coordination problem, Time performance Introduction Subcontracting Subcontracting is very important to the Hong Kong construction industry as labour-only subcontractors and fee subcontractors contributed 24 per cent and 42 per cent of the gross value of construction work performed in 2008, according to government statistics. keywords: building; construction; model; performance; regression; site; subcontractors; time cache: ajceb-1591.pdf plain text: ajceb-1591.txt item: #8 of 393 id: ajceb-1592 author: Fugar, Frank DK; Agyakwah-Baah, Adwoa B title: Delays in Building Construction Projects in Ghana date: 2010-07-05 words: 6626 flesch: 41 summary: The literature is replete with studies of construction delays and their negative impact on project success and company performance (Couto and Teixeira, 2007). Construction delay is a major problem facing the Ghanaian construction industry. keywords: building; causes; construction; construction projects; contractors; delay; economics; factors; ghana; journal; projects cache: ajceb-1592.pdf plain text: ajceb-1592.txt item: #9 of 393 id: ajceb-1593 author: Lateef, Olanrewaju Abdul; Khamidi, Mohd Faris; Idrus, Arazi title: Building Maintenance Management in a Malaysian University Campus: A Case Study date: 2010-07-05 words: 7997 flesch: 45 summary: The word “model” in the research is synonymous with the decision-making framework or guidelines for managing university buildings maintenance. However, discussions with those concerned in the management of university building maintenance revealed a concern about the amount of funding universities wish to have compared to the amount of funding they are actually receiving. keywords: building; building maintenance; case; case study; construction; economics; education; journal; maintenance; maintenance management; malaysia; management; study; university; work cache: ajceb-1593.pdf plain text: ajceb-1593.txt item: #10 of 393 id: ajceb-1594 author: de Valence, Gerard title: Defining an Industry: What is the Size and Scope of the Australian Building and Construction Industry date: 2010-07-05 words: 6106 flesch: 51 summary: These include the regulatory, institutional and technological structures in a framework for construction industry firms. By Gerard de Valence The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building Page 63 development and refinement of construction industry policy in Australia, with a range of State and Commonwealth agencies involved. keywords: australia; building; construction; construction industry; economics; firms; industry; scope; services; size; total; valence cache: ajceb-1594.pdf plain text: ajceb-1594.txt item: #11 of 393 id: ajceb-1595 author: Sundquist, Jan title: From Focus on Price to the Pyramid of Innovation, Information, Cooperation, Value and Trust: A Success Story of Five Swedish Building Material Manufacturers date: 2010-07-05 words: 7079 flesch: 58 summary: The MD has also extended his thinking to include other companies in order to discuss mutual tenders from a combined group of companies, whose tender to the customer would be reinforced concrete poured into a mould with reinforcement mounted and all that is required. Through the engagement of a university, the company and its offerings will probably be regarded as being more respected and trustworthy than other companies without those contacts. keywords: building; companies; company; construction; cooperation; development; information; innovation; processes; products; values cache: ajceb-1595.pdf plain text: ajceb-1595.txt item: #12 of 393 id: ajceb-1602 author: Ameh, John Oko; Odusami, Koleola Tunwase title: Nigerian Building Professionals’ Ethical Ideology and Perceived Ethical Judgement date: 2010-10-28 words: 6696 flesch: 32 summary: ‗A General Theory of Marketing Ethics‘, Journal of Macromarketing , 8, 5–16 Johnson, R. N. (2003) ‗An overview of ethical theory‘, Available [on-line], accessed 24/06/03 Lee, D. J. and Sirgy, M. J. (1999) ‗The effect of ethical ideology and ethnocentrism on quality of life orientation in international marketing: a cross cultural comparison‘, Journal of Business Ethics, 18, 73-89 Marques, P. A. and Pereira, J. A. (2009) ‗Ethical ideology and ethical judgments in the Portuguese accounting profession‘, Journal of Business Ethics, 86, 227-242 Monga, M. (2001) ‗Ethics and ethical ideologies: an empirical study of managers in North Indian large manufacturing enterprises‘, Proceedings of Australian association of professional and applied ethics, Adelaide, September Rawwas, M.Y.A and Patzer, G.L. (1995) ‗Consumer ethics in cross-cultural settings entrepreneurial implications‘, European Journal of Marketing, 29(7), 62-78 Redfern, K. (2005) ‗The influence of industrialisation on ethical ideology of managers in the people‘s republic of china‘, Cross Cultural Management, 12(2), 38-50 Robb, D. J. (1996) ‗Ethics in project management: issues, practice, and motives‘. Keywords: Professional, building industry, ethical ideology, ethical judgement, Nigeria Introduction Corrupt practices are found in every phase of the procurement of building projects - during planning and design, in the award of contracts, during the construction process, and post construction stage including maintenance of completed projects. keywords: building; construction; economics; ethics; forsyth; idealism; ideology; industry; journal; nigerian; professionals; relativism; respondents cache: ajceb-1602.pdf plain text: ajceb-1602.txt item: #13 of 393 id: ajceb-1660 author: Forsythe, Perry John title: Drivers of Housing Demolition Decision Making and the Impact on Timber Waste Management date: 2011-03-31 words: 7655 flesch: 38 summary: For instance a recent study in Australia concerning extended producer responsibility (Infield 2007) indicates that the percentage of timber construction waste available for recovery is as high as 71% in Australia, 80% in the UK and 44% in the US. Despite the scale of the problem the nature of timber waste from demolition projects (i.e. including dirt and unseparated materials) makes it hard to efficiently recover from demolition projects. keywords: approach; building; construction; demolition; economics; journal; making; management; materials; recovery; timber; value; waste cache: ajceb-1660.pdf plain text: ajceb-1660.txt item: #14 of 393 id: ajceb-1675 author: Best, Rick title: Using Purchasing Power Parity to Assess Construction Productivity date: 2010-12-16 words: 5452 flesch: 44 summary: One key problem is that of converting construction costs to a common currency. The average cost of the BLOC in each city was the used to produce CPPPs that could be used to convert construction costs in different currencies to a common base with price differences removed, thus producing “real” rather than “nominal” exchange rates. keywords: bloc; building; construction; cost; economics; labour; materials; power; productivity; purchasing; sydney cache: ajceb-1675.pdf plain text: ajceb-1675.txt item: #15 of 393 id: ajceb-1680 author: Dobgegah, Rockson; Owusu-Manu, De-Graft; Omoteso, Kamil title: A Principal Component Analysis of Project Management Construction Industry Competencies for the Ghanaian date: 2011-03-31 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-1680.pdf plain text: ajceb-1680.txt item: #16 of 393 id: ajceb-1681 author: Abdul-Lateef, Olanrewaju Ashola title: Quantitative Analysis of Criteria in University Building Maintenance in Malaysia date: 2010-10-28 words: 6010 flesch: 42 summary: The remainder of the paper is structured as follows; An overview of the relevant literature concerning university building maintenance; discussion of the research and data analysis methodology adopted; presentation and discussion of data analysis; major findings and conclusions. Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Olanrewaju, A A (2010) ‘Quantitative analysis of criteria in university building maintenance in Malaysia’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 10 (3) 51-61 52 Literature Review and Background Education is a very significant and integral part of the Malaysian Strategic Thrust. keywords: analysis; building; building maintenance; construction; criteria; economics; journal; maintenance; management; respondents; university cache: ajceb-1681.pdf plain text: ajceb-1681.txt item: #17 of 393 id: ajceb-1688 author: Gharaie, Ehsan; Wakefield, Ron; Blismas, Nick title: Explaining the Increase in the Australian Average House Completion Time:Activity-based versus Workflow-based Approach date: 2010-12-16 words: 7198 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Average house completion time, Australian house building industry, Activity-based planning, Work-flow-based planning Introduction Completion time of a construction project is always a major concern for all stakeholders. The trend of The completion time and number of completions (Vic) 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 2000.1 2001.1 2002.1 2003.1 2004.1 2005.1 2006.1 2007.1 2008.1 Time C o m p le ti o n T im e ( q u a rt e rs ) 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 Q u a rt e rl y N u m b e r o f C o m p le ti o n s Completion time Number of Completions Figure 1: Average house completion time and quarterly number of completions in Victoria Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Gharaie, E et al. keywords: building; completion time; construction; house building; house completion; increase; planning cache: ajceb-1688.pdf plain text: ajceb-1688.txt item: #18 of 393 id: ajceb-1712 author: Ting, Michael title: Building on Shaky Ground: Quality and Safety in China’s Construction Industry in the Wake of the Wenchuan and Yushu Earthquakes date: 2010-10-28 words: 7804 flesch: 41 summary: In a speech introducing a conference on building codes, the Vice Premier of China, Mr Zeng Peiyan, stated that construction investment was very important for China’s economic growth and he hoped that China could improve construction standards and the legal system (National Work Conference for Fixed Construction Standards 2007). This staggering amount of regulation highlights the great potential for confusion of construction standards. keywords: building; china; construction; construction industry; construction law; law; people; quality; republic; standards; supervision; wenchuan cache: ajceb-1712.pdf plain text: ajceb-1712.txt item: #19 of 393 id: ajceb-1751 author: Tam, Vivian W. Y.; Zhang, Xiaoling; Lee, Winnie; Shen, LY title: Applications of Extensive Green-roof Systems in Contributing to Sustainable Development in Densely Populated Cities: a Hong Kong Study date: 2011-03-31 words: 5264 flesch: 44 summary: The application of extensive green roofs on existing buildings has been recommended in Hong Kong since 2001. Although a green roof system has been introduced and adopted in Hong Kong since 2001, the emphasis is mainly given to the application of intensive green roofs for podium gardens instead of extensive green roofs. keywords: building; construction; development; green; hong; kong; roof; systems cache: ajceb-1751.pdf plain text: ajceb-1751.txt item: #20 of 393 id: ajceb-1796 author: Liu, Junxiao; London, Kerry title: Convergence Among the Submarkets in Australian Regional Building and Construction Sector date: 2010-12-16 words: 8864 flesch: 43 summary: Owing to a simultaneously dramatic increase in the construction prices of the sub-markets in the building construction sector in Australia, this paper aims to identify the convergence among these markets, involving house construction market, other- residential building construction market, and non-residential building construction market. (2010) identifies this point and investigates the long-run relationship between house construction markets across Australia’s six states and two territories. keywords: australia; building construction; construction; construction economics; construction markets; convergence; house; hppi; journal; markets; orbppi; prices; regional cache: ajceb-1796.pdf plain text: ajceb-1796.txt item: #21 of 393 id: ajceb-1803 author: Kay, Robert title: Australia’s Crisis of Uncertainty date: 2010-10-28 words: 2114 flesch: 47 summary: Often built around the use of best practice studies all designed to provide knowledge on how to achieve increased certainty of outcome. Many organisations pursue a policy of hiring for and promoting the best and brightest staff they can get their hands on. keywords: certainty; construction; organisation; term cache: ajceb-1803.pdf plain text: ajceb-1803.txt item: #22 of 393 id: ajceb-1804 author: Coggins, Jeremy; Fenwick Elliott, Robert; Bell, Matthew title: Towards Harmonisation of Construction Industry Payment Legislation: A Consideration of the Success Afforded by the East and West Coast Models in Australia date: 2010-10-28 words: 14737 flesch: 41 summary: Thus, whether such is the intent or not, the Northern Territory is the only place in Australia where the construction of underground works is covered by the security of payment Act. Introduction Over the past decade construction industry payments legislation (the „legislation‟) has been progressively passed on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis throughout Australia. keywords: act; act s; adjudication; australia; building; coast; coast model; construction; construction economics; construction industry; east coast; industry payment; journal; legislation; nsw act; payment; payment act; payment claim; payment legislation; wa act; west cache: ajceb-1804.pdf plain text: ajceb-1804.txt item: #23 of 393 id: ajceb-1805 author: Davenport, Philip title: Harmonisation of Chalk and Cheese date: 2010-10-28 words: 9057 flesch: 51 summary: The Authors point out that the East Cost model only allows payment claim to be made up the ‘contractual stream’. The Authors say that in WA the total value of payment claims in 2008/2009 was approximately $36 million. keywords: act; adjudication; claimant; coast model; construction; east coast; payment; progress payment; respondent cache: ajceb-1805.pdf plain text: ajceb-1805.txt item: #24 of 393 id: ajceb-1810 author: Sawhney, Anil title: Managing Performance in Construction date: 2010-10-28 words: 1161 flesch: 40 summary: However, little renewed attention has been paid to the development of new tools, models, methods and approaches for measuring construction performance at the workface level. Chapter ten presents the importance of communication and communication systems for improving construction performance. keywords: authors; chapter; construction; performance; productivity cache: ajceb-1810.pdf plain text: ajceb-1810.txt item: #25 of 393 id: ajceb-1811 author: Wasif, Ingeborg; Josephson, Per-Erik; Styhre, Alexander title: Individual Learning in Construction Projects: Professions and their Approaches date: 2010-10-28 words: 6669 flesch: 45 summary: By structuring the two main styles: networks and organizing, so that that are seen as learning possibilities and by giving them higher priority are two ways to increase construction project learning possibilities. Little has been written about project organization learning involving multiple companies and professions with widely differing learning behaviors. keywords: construction; courses; individual; information; knowledge; learning; managers; new; organization; project; site; workers cache: ajceb-1811.pdf plain text: ajceb-1811.txt item: #26 of 393 id: ajceb-1817 author: Onukwube, Henry Ndubuisi; Iyagba, Reuben title: Construction Professionals Job Performance and Characteristics: A Comparison of Indigenous and Expatriate Construction Companies in Nigeria date: 2011-06-20 words: 6716 flesch: 31 summary: Thus, it is important to study the job characteristics–job performance relationship at the facet level because it is plausible that due to the multidimensional nature of job characteristics and job performance, there are differential relationships between facets of job characteristics and dimensions of performance. Meta-analyses of the relationship between job characteristics and job performance have reported a wide range of results between overall job characteristics and overall job performance. keywords: construction; construction companies; construction economics; construction professionals; expatriate; job characteristics; job performance; journal; performance; relationship; task performance cache: ajceb-1817.pdf plain text: ajceb-1817.txt item: #27 of 393 id: ajceb-1841 author: Tran, Van Dai; Tookey, John E title: Labour Productivity in the New Zealand Construction Industry: A Thorough Investigation date: 2011-03-31 words: 7832 flesch: 43 summary: These sectors, and their associated extraneous variables, provided some useful information in relation to the “real” performance of NZ construction labour productivity. The formulated objectives for the research are stated as follows: i) To re-examine existing studies on labour productivity in NZ construction; ii) To identify factors which have significant effects on construction labour productivity; iii) To set up a platform for future research in this area in NZ Defining Productivity Productivity was formally defined by the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation as: “the quotient obtained by dividing output by one of the factors of production. keywords: building; construction; construction economics; construction industry; economics; industry; journal; labour; labour productivity; new; new zealand; productivity; zealand cache: ajceb-1841.pdf plain text: ajceb-1841.txt item: #28 of 393 id: ajceb-1883 author: de Valence, Geard title: Innovation, Procurement and Construction Industry Development date: 2010-12-16 words: 5803 flesch: 33 summary: Conclusion Tatum‟s (1986, 1989) characteristics of the construction industry represent a widely applied model of construction industry innovation. Abstract The implications for analysis of innovation in construction of theoretical developments in industrial organisation are considered in this research, as an attempt to outline a new approach to construction innovation incorporating the ideas found in knowledge based, technology centred models. keywords: building; construction; construction industry; development; economics; firms; industry; innovation; journal; procurement; r&d cache: ajceb-1883.pdf plain text: ajceb-1883.txt item: #29 of 393 id: ajceb-1884 author: Karamujic, Harry M title: An Investigation into the Fundamental Drivers of Pricing of Residential Mortgage Products – A Risk Pricing Viewpoint date: 2010-12-16 words: 7884 flesch: 44 summary: In its pure form the total of credit risk 11 , market risk 12 , operational risk 13 , interest rate risk in the banking book 14 and business risk 15 capital is referred to as “risk capital”. Consequently, the product level gross amount of risk capital required is 9 per cent multiplied by the outstanding loan amount. keywords: basel; building; capital; cent; construction; cost; home; interest; journal; loan; pricing; products; rate; risk cache: ajceb-1884.pdf plain text: ajceb-1884.txt item: #30 of 393 id: ajceb-1885 author: McGeorge, Denny title: Managing Construction Logistics date: 2010-12-16 words: 876 flesch: 54 summary: Section 3 contains a chapter on the future of construction logistics followed by a chapter containing a number of case studies. In fact, I read some parts of this publication with almost a guilty pleasure worrying as to whether the serious and worthy topic of managing construction logistics should be so enjoyable. keywords: book; construction cache: ajceb-1885.pdf plain text: ajceb-1885.txt item: #31 of 393 id: ajceb-1886 author: Davenport, Philip title: Practical Guide to Engineering and Construction Contracts date: 2010-12-16 words: 2143 flesch: 45 summary: Under the heading „Objectives of this book‟ the authors say, „This book is intended to provide a concise but accurate guide to the law relating to construction contracts in Australia as at 2009. It is intended for the use of engineers (and others) who are involved in the negotiation and administration of construction contracts to enable them to understand the risks involved, and how to minimise them‟. keywords: construction; contractor; payment; superintendent cache: ajceb-1886.pdf plain text: ajceb-1886.txt item: #32 of 393 id: ajceb-1939 author: Coggins, Jeremy title: From Disparity to Harmonisation of Construction Industry Payment Legislation in Australia: A Proposal for a Dual Process of Adjudication based upon Size of Progress Payment Claim date: 2011-06-20 words: 15425 flesch: 32 summary: ‘From disparity to harmonisation of construction industry payment legislation in Australia: a proposal for a dual process of adjudication based upon size of progress payment claim’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 11 (2) 34-59 35 Jurisdiction Legislation Date of Commencement NSW Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 26 March 2000 Victoria Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 31 January 2003 Queensland Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 1 October 2004 Western Australia Construction Contracts Act 2004 1 January 2005 Northern Territory Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Act 2004 1 July 2005 Tasmania Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 17 December 2009 ACT Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 1 July 2010 South Australia Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009 ‘From disparity to harmonisation of construction industry payment legislation in Australia: a proposal for a dual process of adjudication based upon size of progress payment claim’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 11 (2) 34-59 36 Finally, building upon the Davenport and Bailey proposals, a third proposal for harmonisation is proffered by the author. keywords: act; adjudication; adjudication process; building; claims; coast; coast model; coast process; construction; construction economics; construction industry; east coast; industry payment; nsw; payment; payment claim; payment legislation; process; progress payment cache: ajceb-1939.pdf plain text: ajceb-1939.txt item: #33 of 393 id: ajceb-1996 author: Kaewsri, Nuanthip; Tonghong, Tanit title: An Investigation of Women Engineers in Non-Traditional Occupations in the Thai Construction Industry date: 2011-06-20 words: 10841 flesch: 40 summary: Abstract For over a decade, the public and the private sectors have carried out research aimed at attracting women engineers to the construction industry and retaining them. This paper aims to examine the experiences of women engineers in non-traditional careers and the implications for their employment turnover. keywords: building; career; construction; construction economics; construction industry; contractor companies; economics; engineering; industry; journal; thai; women engineers; working cache: ajceb-1996.pdf plain text: ajceb-1996.txt item: #34 of 393 id: ajceb-2009 author: Brewer, Graham title: Responsible Corporate Strategy in Construction and Engineering. Doing the Right Thing? date: 2011-03-31 words: 547 flesch: 44 summary: It is often said that the practice of management in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector is highly derivative, that attempts to distinguish it as a separate and distinct area of professional practice are erroneous, and that the best prescription for its low productivity is to imitate best practice from the manufacturing industry – Egan can't be wrong, can he? Arguably the most important feature of this book is that the first four chapters are followed by a fifth, containing nine case studies of AEC organisations. keywords: book; case cache: ajceb-2009.pdf plain text: ajceb-2009.txt item: #35 of 393 id: ajceb-2106 author: Baroudi, Bassam Michael; Metcalfe, Mike title: A Human Perspective of Contractor Prequalification date: 2011-06-20 words: 6370 flesch: 35 summary: The rationale behind contractor prequalification appears valid however the above suggests that many experts believe that prequalification systems still harbour significant problems. Sifting through their respective experiences allowed for an alternative view of contractor prequalification systems, a very human perspective to emerge. keywords: building; client; construction; contractor; criteria; economics; industry; journal; management; people; prequalification; research; systems cache: ajceb-2106.pdf plain text: ajceb-2106.txt item: #36 of 393 id: ajceb-2120 author: Durdyev, Serdar; Mbachu, Jasper title: On-site Labour Productivity of New Zealand Construction Industry: Key Constraints and Improvement Measures date: 2011-09-21 words: 8356 flesch: 36 summary: On the other hand Kazaz et al. (2008) group sub-factors influencing construction labour productivity under 4 main factors: organizational, economic, physical and socio-psychological factors. References Abdul Kadir, M.R., Lee W.P., Jaafar M.S., Sapuan S.M. and Ali A.A.A. (2005) „Factors affecting construction labour productivity for Malaysian residential projects‟‟ Structural Survey, 23 (1), 42-54 Alinaitwe, M.H., Mwakail, J.A. and Hansson, B. (2007) „ keywords: building; constraints; construction; economics; impact; industry; journal; labour; labour productivity; level; new; productivity; project; site; zealand cache: ajceb-2120.pdf plain text: ajceb-2120.txt item: #37 of 393 id: ajceb-2134 author: Ibem, Eziyi Offia; Anosike, Michael Nwabueze; Azuh, Dominic Ezenwa; Mosaku, Tim O. title: Work Stress among Professionals in Building Construction Industry in Nigeria date: 2011-09-21 words: 6807 flesch: 36 summary: This is in view of the fact that to date, very little is known about work stress among professionals in the building construction industry in this country. Keywords: Work stress, Building construction Industry, Professionals, Nigeria Introduction In the last few decades, the building construction industry has witnessed tremendous institutional and organizational transformation across the globe. keywords: building; building construction; construction; construction industry; factors; journal; nigeria; professionals; result; stress; work; work stress cache: ajceb-2134.pdf plain text: ajceb-2134.txt item: #38 of 393 id: ajceb-2171 author: Ramachandra, Thanuja; Rotimi, James Olabode title: The Nature of Payment Problems in the New Zealand Construction Industry date: 2011-06-20 words: 7031 flesch: 51 summary: The forgoing provides an insight into construction payment delays and losses and show that these are prevalent. Summary of construction payment disputes Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Ramachandra, T and Rotimi, J O (2011) ‘The nature of payment problems in the New Zealand construction industry’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 11 (2) 22-33 29 claimed and schedule amount, non-payment due to defective and incomplete work, non- issuance of payment schedule, etc. keywords: building; cases; construction; construction industry; contractor; delay; disputes; industry; liquidation; new; payment; zealand cache: ajceb-2171.pdf plain text: ajceb-2171.txt item: #39 of 393 id: ajceb-2173 author: Oo, Bee Lan; Abdul-Aziz, Abdul-Rashid; Lim, Yoke Mui title: Information Feedback and Learning in Construction Bidding date: 2011-09-21 words: 6326 flesch: 41 summary: At worst, irrelevant bidding feedback information can be ignored by the bidders. Although the bidders with partial bidding feedback are more likely to vary their bids as indicated by learning theory, their bids are less competitive than those with no bidding feedback information. keywords: bidding; bids; construction; economics; feedback; information; information feedback; learning; subjects; treatment cache: ajceb-2173.pdf plain text: ajceb-2173.txt item: #40 of 393 id: ajceb-2174 author: Liu, Junxiao; London, Kerry title: Analysing the Relationship between New Housing Supply and Residential Construction Costs with Regional Heterogeneities date: 2011-09-21 words: 4929 flesch: 42 summary: However, DiPasquale and Wheaton (1994) can not identify a significant linkage between construction costs and new housing construction. ‘Housing market dynamics and the future of housing prices’, Journal of Urban Economics, 35 (1), 1-27 Engle, R.F. and Granger, C.W.J. (1987) ‘Co-integration and error correction: representation, estimation, and testing’, Econometrica, 55 (2), 251-276 Follain, J.R. (1979) ‘The price elasticity of the long-run supply of new housing construction’, Land Economics, 55 (2), 190-199 Granger, C.W.J. and Newbold, P. (1974) ‘Spurious regression in econometrics’, Journal of Econometrics, 2 (2), 111-120 Greene, W.H. (2000) Econometric analysis, 4th Edn. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, US Holmes, M.J. (2007) ‘How convergent are regional house prices in the United Kingdom? keywords: construction; construction costs; costs; economics; housing; housing supply; journal; new; panel; supply cache: ajceb-2174.pdf plain text: ajceb-2174.txt item: #41 of 393 id: ajceb-2195 author: Mahamid, Ibrahim title: Early cost estimating for road construction projects using multiple regression techniques date: 2011-12-09 words: 6202 flesch: 52 summary: Table 4 shows the projects distribution based on project cost. Category No. of projects small 46 medium 43 large 42 Table 4 Projects distribution based on project cost in the collected data Moreover, a consideration is taken to have approximately equal number of projects under each cost category per each year of award. keywords: construction; cost; estimating; model; project; regression; road; table cache: ajceb-2195.pdf plain text: ajceb-2195.txt item: #42 of 393 id: ajceb-2198 author: Formoso, Carlos Torres; Isatto, Eduardo Luis title: Three Theoretical Perspectives for Understanding Inter-firm Coordination of Construction Project Supply Chains date: 2011-09-21 words: 9071 flesch: 29 summary: Each of those stakeholders can both affect and be affected by the way a project is managed, and none of them usually has the power or the ability to coordinate project supply chains. This paper discusses the role of three different theoretical perspectives for understanding the inter-firm coordination process of project supply chains in the construction industry: the Theory of Coordination, the Transaction Cost Theory and the Language-Action Perspective. keywords: building; chain; client; construction; construction economics; construction project; coordination; design; governance; journal; project; project supply; supply; supply chain cache: ajceb-2198.pdf plain text: ajceb-2198.txt item: #43 of 393 id: ajceb-2200 author: Bridge, Adrian John title: Modern Construction Economics date: 2011-06-28 words: 3214 flesch: 37 summary: Before giving some thought to how far each of the chapters achieve this, it‟s worth reflecting on the virtues of developing construction economics as its own discipline or sub-discipline in general economics and the bold manner by which de Valence is proposing we do this. George Ofori in his article in Construction Management and Economics (CME) in 1994 held the view that construction economics cannot be described as a bona fide academic discipline. keywords: building; chapter; construction; economics; industry; theory cache: ajceb-2200.pdf plain text: ajceb-2200.txt item: #44 of 393 id: ajceb-2201 author: Gajendran, Thayaparan; Brewer, Graham; Runeson, Goran; Dainty, Andrew title: Investigating informality in construction: philosophy, paradigm and practice date: 2011-06-23 words: 8282 flesch: 25 summary: The aim is neither to unearth the ‗roots‘ of informality research, nor to give an in-depth account of informality research in other disciplines. Taxonomies of Informality Research in Construction In this paper, it is argued that informality research can be conceptualised through four aspects, and that these aspects influence the design of the research approach/methodological paradigms, and vice versa. keywords: building; construction; construction economics; data; economics; informality; journal; management; methods; paradigm; practice; process; project; research; studies; study cache: ajceb-2201.pdf plain text: ajceb-2201.txt item: #45 of 393 id: ajceb-2216 author: Runeson, Goran title: The Demise of the Journal Ranking: A Victory for Common Sense date: 2011-06-28 words: 838 flesch: 26 summary: In the case of Construction Management, among several other irregularities, including a distorted perception of Open Access journals by at least one senior member of the ranking committee who arbitrarily decided and enforced that no Open Access journal would be given an A ranking despite the fact that there were numerous examples of A* and A rankings of such journals in other disciplines. One common example was the setting of targets for publication in A and A* journals by institutional research managers.” keywords: arc; journal; ranking cache: ajceb-2216.pdf plain text: ajceb-2216.txt item: #46 of 393 id: ajceb-2234 author: Ogbeifun, Edoghogho title: Training Artisans On-Site date: 2011-09-21 words: 4528 flesch: 38 summary: Conclusion The concept of executing construction projects from simple to complex areas as a tool for training artisans on-site in the construction industry provides a potential solution to the dearth of skilled artisan in the industry. Training of Artisans On-site Apprenticeship is one of the oldest methods of training artisans in construction skills. keywords: artisans; building; construction; construction economics; construction industry; industry; project; site; skills; training; training artisans cache: ajceb-2234.pdf plain text: ajceb-2234.txt item: #47 of 393 id: ajceb-2238 author: Lowe, David; Skitmore, Martin title: The learning climate of chartered quantity surveying practices date: 2011-12-09 words: 10864 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: Learning organization, Experiential learning, Learning styles, Practitioners, Quantity surveying Introduction Professional practitioners, it is held, continually learn on the job, as their work necessitates involvement in a series of projects, problems or cases which are new to them. Several researchers have hypothesised that learning styles affect behaviour in the workplace (Gish, 1980; Manring, 1979; Miller, 1978; Sims, 1983). keywords: building; climate; construction; economics; experience; factor; journal; lcq; learning; organisation; practices; practitioners; quantity; size cache: ajceb-2238.pdf plain text: ajceb-2238.txt item: #48 of 393 id: ajceb-2239 author: Oluwatayo, Adedapo Adewunmi; Amole, Dolapo title: Architectural firms: workforce, business strategy and performance date: 2011-12-09 words: 12648 flesch: 42 summary: The study of professional service firm performance by Greenwood et al (2005) however revealed a negative correlation between number of professionals and the performance of the firms. London: Institute of Personnel and Development Pennings J. M. Lee, K. and Wiitteloostuijn A. (1998) ‘Human capital, social capital and firm dissolution’, Academy of Management Journal, 41, 425-440 Phua, F. T. T. (2006) ‘Predicting construction firm performance: an empirical assessment of the differential impact between industry- and firm-specific factors’, Construction Management and Economics, 24 (3), 309 - 320 Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Oluwatayo, A A and Amole, D (2011) ‘Architectural firms: workforce, business strategy and performance’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 11 (4) 21-44 41 Raiden, A. B., Dainty, A. R. J. and Neale, R. H. (2008) ‘Understanding employee resourcing in construction organizations’, Construction Management and Economics, 26 (11), 1133 - 1143 Rameezdeen, R. and Ramachandra T. (2008) ‘Construction linkages in a developing economy: the case of Sri Lanka’, Construction Management and Economics, 26 (5), 499-506 Register of Architectural Firms entitled to practice in the federal republic of Nigeria, 2006 edition Reich, R. B. (1991) keywords: building; business strategy; characteristics; construction; construction economics; economics; firms; human; influence; journal; management; number; performance; professional; resource; staff; strategy; study; workforce; workforce characteristics cache: ajceb-2239.pdf plain text: ajceb-2239.txt item: #49 of 393 id: ajceb-2271 author: Idoro, Godwin Iroroakpo title: Influence in-sourcing and outsourcing of consultants on construction project performance in Nigeria date: 2011-12-09 words: 8086 flesch: 32 summary: The results of the hypothesis are expected to assist clients to know the effect of engaging the two types of consultants and which consultants to source in-house or outside Conceptual Framework of the Study Three categories of variables namely: project consultant, consultant source and project performance were used in the study. For the test of the hypothesis, data collected on the use of the two variables of project consultants and the respondents’ assessment of the twelve variables of project performance as stated in the research methods were used. keywords: building; construction; consultants; cost; engineers; journal; outsourcing; overrun; performance; project; use cache: ajceb-2271.pdf plain text: ajceb-2271.txt item: #50 of 393 id: ajceb-2276 author: Smith, Peter title: Information Technology and the QS Practice date: 2011-08-29 words: 10021 flesch: 48 summary: 5 N o n - B u ild in g S e r v ic e s 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% PetroChemical M anufacturing M ining Aeronautical Ship Building Water Services T ransport Aeronautical M arine Works Infrastructure Works Civil Works Research/Publishing Other % of respondent firms 1999 1998 Fig. 3 Traditional Services 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Estim/Cost Plan Bills of Quant Bldrs Quants Spec Prep Contract Admin % of respondent firms 1999 1998 Information Technology and the QS Practice by Peter Smith The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building Page 11 F ig . % < 5 % 5 -1 0 % 1 0 keywords: australian; building; cad; construction; firms; industry; information; information technology; profession; quantities; quantity; services; surveying; technology; use cache: ajceb-2276.pdf plain text: ajceb-2276.txt item: #51 of 393 id: ajceb-2277 author: Chan, Albert P C; Ho, Denny K C; Tam, C M title: Design and Build: Views from some Major Public Clients in Hong Kong date: 2001-09-01 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2277.pdf plain text: ajceb-2277.txt item: #52 of 393 id: ajceb-2278 author: Lawther, Peter M; Edwards, Peter J title: Design Cost Modelling - The Way Forward date: 2001-09-01 words: 5171 flesch: 49 summary: Skitmore and Patchell (1990) and Bowen (1993) have cited lack of understanding of the construction process on the part of “design cost estimators” as the reason for Design Cost Modelling – A Way Forward by Peter Lawther and Peter Edwards The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building Page 39 the lack of usage of the simulation and Cost of Contractors Operations resource based cost modelling techniques respectively. Consequently, two distinct paradigms of cost modelling techniques exist: • product based – where the completed building is modelled. keywords: building; construction; cost; cost modelling; design; modelling; process; quantity; resource; techniques cache: ajceb-2278.pdf plain text: ajceb-2278.txt item: #53 of 393 id: ajceb-2279 author: Smallwood, John; Venter, Danie title: The Role of Media in South African Health and Safety date: 2011-08-31 words: 4621 flesch: 50 summary: Table 6: Media aspects reviewed by editors Response (%) II Rank Media aspect Never Rarely Some- times Often Always No response Editorial 16.7 16.7 22.2 16.7 22.2 5.5 2.00 1 Photographs 38.9 5.5 5.5 22.2 22.2 11.1 1.72 2 Columns (regular) 50.0 0.0 6.3 6.3 25.0 12.6 1.31 3 Advertorial 33.3 11.1 11.1 16.7 11.1 16.7 1.28 4 Advertisements 44.4 5.5 16.7 11.1 11.1 0.0 1.17 5 Table 7 indicates that based upon an II with a minimum value of 0 (not at all) and a maximum value of 3 (extensively), contractors are the stakeholder perceived to be able to contribute most to improving construction H&S, followed by management (construction), and workers (construction). • aware of the need to improve construction H&S, which need is reinforced by industry statistics; keywords: construction; editors; h&s; industry; magazines; media; role; safety; south cache: ajceb-2279.pdf plain text: ajceb-2279.txt item: #54 of 393 id: ajceb-2280 author: de Valence, Gerard title: Defining an Industry: What is the Size and Scope of the Australian Building and Construction Industry date: 2011-08-31 words: 6106 flesch: 51 summary: These include the regulatory, institutional and technological structures in a framework for construction industry firms. By Gerard de Valence The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building Page 63 development and refinement of construction industry policy in Australia, with a range of State and Commonwealth agencies involved. keywords: australia; building; construction; construction industry; economics; firms; industry; scope; services; size; total; valence cache: ajceb-2280.pdf plain text: ajceb-2280.txt item: #55 of 393 id: ajceb-2281 author: Tse, R Y C; Raftery, John title: Infrastructure Policy and Economic Growth: Case of Hong Kong date: 2001-09-01 words: 7244 flesch: 39 summary: Once we have established the basis for public infrastructure project, we have to examine the impact of government finance on private incentives and resource use. The next section discusses government’s role in infrastructure investment in Hong Kong, and draw attention to the trend for privatization of infrastructure projects. keywords: capital; case; construction; development; economics; government; growth; hong; hong kong; infrastructure; investment; kong; policy; projects; sector cache: ajceb-2281.pdf plain text: ajceb-2281.txt item: #56 of 393 id: ajceb-2282 author: Wasi, Daniel; Skitmore, Martin title: Factors Affecting the Performance of Small Indigenous Contractors in Papau New Guinea date: 2001-09-01 words: 5049 flesch: 50 summary: Small indigenous contractors in PNG face similar problems as small contractors in other developing countries and their performance is thought to be poor. In addition, small contractors in developing countries experience a shortage in skilled labour due to the salary and the security of employment offered by large construction companies being greater than that offered by the small contractor (ILO, 1987:40-3). keywords: building; construction; contractors; factors; management; performance; skills; work cache: ajceb-2282.pdf plain text: ajceb-2282.txt item: #57 of 393 id: ajceb-2283 author: Weddikkara, Citra; Devapriya, Kapila title: Demand and Supply Trends and Construction Industry Development: A Case Study in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry date: 2001-09-01 words: 6836 flesch: 39 summary: Raftery et al (1998), observe that vertical integration of construction projects in Asia is necessitated by an effective way of overcoming a firm’s weakness or other drawbacks in competitive markets. However, limitations of the effectiveness of such programs are to be seen in potential conflicts involving priorities between delivering construction projects on time, within cost and quality targets the accomplishment of TT objectives (Simkoko, 1992). keywords: building; construction; construction industry; contractors; demand; development; industry; industry development; infrastructure; lanka; projects; sector; sri; supply; trends cache: ajceb-2283.pdf plain text: ajceb-2283.txt item: #58 of 393 id: ajceb-2284 author: Wood, Brian title: Sustainability of Construction Education date: 2011-09-01 words: 3602 flesch: 44 summary: Students as Customers The profile of construction students in terms of age, entry qualifications, gender, etc is not ‘typical’ of university students generally. There is also a significant proportion of mature students on construction courses, helping universities provide broader access to higher education. keywords: construction; courses; education; industry; learning; students; sustainability; time; wood cache: ajceb-2284.pdf plain text: ajceb-2284.txt item: #59 of 393 id: ajceb-2285 author: Jeary, Alan title: Editorial date: 2011-09-01 words: 538 flesch: 53 summary: As befits our international remit, there are papers in this issue, that consider the construction industries, or aspects of them, in Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Papua New Guinea. It should be pointed out to non-native English speakers that the description of this by the euphemism “Go away, find out” avoids a classical profanity. keywords: australian; journal cache: ajceb-2285.pdf plain text: ajceb-2285.txt item: #60 of 393 id: ajceb-2295 author: Fereidouni, Hassan Gholipour title: Factors contributing to the fluctuations in residential construction in Iran date: 2011-12-09 words: 4768 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, housing construction can lead recoveries and recessions in the economy of Iran. By applying cointegration approach, the empirical results show that housing prices, construction costs, GDP and gold prices are important factors to predict changes in the level of residential construction in Iran. keywords: building; construction; economics; gdp; housing; investment; iran; journal; prices; sector cache: ajceb-2295.pdf plain text: ajceb-2295.txt item: #61 of 393 id: ajceb-2297 author: Sporrong, Josefin title: Criteria in consultant selection: public procurement of architectural and engineering services date: 2011-12-09 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2297.pdf plain text: ajceb-2297.txt item: #62 of 393 id: ajceb-2311 author: Rose, Marianne title: Can Project Alliance Contracts deliver Australia’s National Broadband Network? date: 2011-09-23 words: 8634 flesch: 35 summary: In order to connect the premises to FTTP network NBN Co needs to enter the relevant land and install the drop cable and ONT. However, prior to the deal being negotiated, the predominate suggestion was that if Telstra cooperated with NBN Co then $8 billion in project costs could be saved. keywords: alliance; broadband network; building; construction; contract; economics; fibre; government; model; nbn; nbn co; nbn project; project; project alliance cache: ajceb-2311.pdf plain text: ajceb-2311.txt item: #63 of 393 id: ajceb-2312 author: Cheung, Sai On title: Scientific Feng Shui for the Built Environment date: 2011-09-23 words: 1233 flesch: 51 summary: In Chapter 11, an example of a 6-star rated office development in Sydney is used to compare the concepts of Western sustainable design and Chinese Feng Shui. Overall, this is an interesting introduction to Feng Shui, a handy reference on the applications of Feng Shui concepts to the built environment and a thought-provoking read on a scientific approach to explain Feng Shui. keywords: chapter; feng; shui cache: ajceb-2312.pdf plain text: ajceb-2312.txt item: #64 of 393 id: ajceb-2313 author: de Valence, Geard title: The Lords of Strategy: The Secret History of the new Corporate World date: 2011-09-23 words: 1876 flesch: 58 summary: The founder of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Bruce Henderson, was the originator of business strategy as we know it today. What it did do was build client relationships and make Porter’s value chain the closest thing we have to a universal concept in business strategy. keywords: bcg; book; business; construction; strategy cache: ajceb-2313.pdf plain text: ajceb-2313.txt item: #65 of 393 id: ajceb-2323 author: Karamujic, Harry M title: Modelling seasonality in Australian building approvals date: 2012-02-26 words: 4861 flesch: 33 summary: This is corroborated with the analysis of out of sample forecasting capabilities of the considered modelling specifications, which showed that the models with deterministic seasonal specification exhibit superior forecasting capabilities. The examination of the out-of-sample forecasting power of the three models clearly shows that the seasonality apparent in the actual data is well picked up by specifications entailing deterministic seasonal factor, corroborating the earlier finding that the seasonal pattern in the number of dwelling units approved in Victoria is deterministic and not stochastic. keywords: building; construction; economics; journal; modelling; seasonality; stochastic; time; trend cache: ajceb-2323.pdf plain text: ajceb-2323.txt item: #66 of 393 id: ajceb-2330 author: Ramanathan, Chidambaram; Narayanan, S P; Idrus, Arazi B title: Construction delays causing risks on time and cost - a critical review date: 2012-02-26 words: 8637 flesch: 44 summary: .pdf Aibinu, A.A. and Odeyinka, A. (2006) ‘Construction delays and their causative factors in Nigeria’, Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 132 (7), 667-677 Ajanlekoko, J.O. (1987) ‘Controlling cost in the construction industry’, Lagos QS Digest, Lagos, 1 (1), 8–12 Akinsola, A.O. (1996) ‘Neural network model for predicting building projects’ contingency’, In Conference proceedings of association of researchers in construction management, ARCOM 96, Sheffield Hallam University, England, 507–16 Alaghbari, W., Kadir, M.R.A., Salim, A. and Ernawati (2007) ’The significant factors causing delay of building construction projects in Malaysia. Abstract There is an increase in the number of construction projects experiencing extensive delays leading to exceeding the initial time and cost budget. keywords: assaf; australasian; building; construction; construction economics; contractor; cost; delays; economics;; factors; journal; management; project; time cache: ajceb-2330.pdf plain text: ajceb-2330.txt item: #67 of 393 id: ajceb-2358 author: Morrison, Emily; Thurnell, Derek title: Employee preferences for work-life benefits in a large New Zealand construction company date: 2012-02-26 words: 7741 flesch: 36 summary: The concept of work-life balance has evolved in response to a changing culture where work has become more demanding of both sexes and free time has become less available, in turn increasing pressures in both domains causing endemic work-life imbalance (Dallimore & Mickel 2006; Lewis, Gambles & Rapoport 2007; Families and Work Institute 2008). Rates of employment have increased for women and remained constant for men resulting in less time available outside of work. keywords: balance; benefits; construction; employees; francis; life; life balance; life benefits; lingard; new; work; zealand cache: ajceb-2358.pdf plain text: ajceb-2358.txt item: #68 of 393 id: ajceb-2427 author: Mahamid, Ibrahim; Bruland, Amund title: Cost diviation in road construction projects: The case of Palestine date: 2012-02-26 words: 4792 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract This paper investigates the statistical relationship between actual and estimated cost of road construction projects using data from road construction projects awarded in the West Bank in Palestine over the years 2004–2008. This paper presents the statistical relationship between actual and estimated cost of road construction projects using data from road construction projects awarded in the West Bank in Palestine over the years 2004–2008. keywords: construction; construction projects; cost; deviation; estimates; projects; road; road construction cache: ajceb-2427.pdf plain text: ajceb-2427.txt item: #69 of 393 id: ajceb-2428 author: Bröchner, Jan title: Constructing futures: Industry leaders and futures thinking in construction date: 2011-12-16 words: 647 flesch: 54 summary: Thus says George Ferguson, RIBA ex-president, one of the fifteen influential people in UK construction who have been interviewed by Chan and Cooper. The semi- scientific Delphi method, based on independent and anonymous expert guesses, merged with old-style commissions of the great and the good to create the foresight style of cosy discussion of industry problems. keywords: construction; industry cache: ajceb-2428.pdf plain text: ajceb-2428.txt item: #70 of 393 id: ajceb-2429 author: Zillante, George title: Construction management: understanding and leading an ethical project team date: 2011-12-16 words: 1377 flesch: 56 summary: Conclusion The book is easy to read and, although North American biased, is generic enough to be understood by most construction industry professionals in most countries around the world. Module 3 deals with project owners and construction managers. keywords: book; construction; industry cache: ajceb-2429.pdf plain text: ajceb-2429.txt item: #71 of 393 id: ajceb-2432 author: Li, Rita Yi Man title: Econometric modelling of risk adverse behaviours of entrepreneurs in the provision of house fittings in China date: 2012-03-09 words: 5585 flesch: 54 summary: Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Li, R Y M (2012) ‘Econometric modelling of risk adverse behaviours of entrepreneurs in the provision of house fittings in China’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (1) 72-82 73 District Total residential developments available for occupation in 2004 - 2007 1 Percentage of bare flats Bai Xia 32 92 Da Han 4 50 Gao Chun 3 100 Gu Lou 65 94 Jian 71 93 Jiang Zhu 133 98 Li Shui 11 91 This applies also to Table 2. Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Li, R Y M (2012) ‘Econometric modelling of risk adverse behaviours of entrepreneurs in the provision of house fittings in China’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (1) 72-82 74 The first proposition: keywords: brand; building; china; construction; costs; developers; economics; entrepreneurs; fittings; housing; journal; risk; units cache: ajceb-2432.pdf plain text: ajceb-2432.txt item: #72 of 393 id: ajceb-2433 author: Loosemore, Martin; Phua, Florence T T; Teo, Melissa; Dunn, Kevin D title: Management strategies to harness cultural diversity in Australian construction sites - a social identity perspective date: 2012-02-26 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2433.pdf plain text: ajceb-2433.txt item: #73 of 393 id: ajceb-2434 author: Gajendran, Thayaparan; Brewer, Graham; Dainty, Andrew R J; Runeson, Goran title: A conceptual approach to studying the organisational culture of construction projects date: 2012-05-30 words: 14520 flesch: 22 summary: The Case for Multiple Methods’, Goldstein, I. L. (Ed.), Frontiers of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, Jossey-Bass Inc, California Ruikar, K. Anumba, C. J. and Carrillo, P. M. (2005) ‘End-user perspective on use of project extranets in construction organisations’, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 12 (3), 325-343 Santos, F. M. and Eisenhardt, K. M. (2005) ‘Organisational boundaries and theories of organization’, Organisation Science, 16 (5), 491-508 Sathe, V. (1985) Culture and related corporate realities: texts, cases and readings on organisational entry, establishment, and change, Irwin, Homewood IL Schein, E. H. (1984) ‘Coming to a new awareness of organisational culture’, Sloan Management Review, 25 (2), 3-16 Schein, E. H. (1990) ‘Organisational Culture’, American Psychologist, 45 (2), 109-119 Schein, E. H. (1993) ‘Legitimating Clinical Research in the study of organisational culture’, Journal of counseling and Development, 71 (6), 703-708 Schein, E. H. (1996) ‘Three Cultures of management: The key to organisational learning’, Sloan Management Review, 38 (1), 9-20 Schein, E. H. (2004) Organisational culture and leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco Schneider, B., Ed. The Fragmentation-Emancipation Philosophical Position Fragmentation Perspective The third key perspective of organisational culture studies is ‘fragmentation’ (Martin et al. 1983; Meyerson and Martin 1987; Martin, 2004). keywords: ambiguity; approach; building; construction; construction economics; construction management; construction projects; culture; fragmentation; integration; journal; management; manifestations; martin; organisations; perspective; project; studies cache: ajceb-2434.pdf plain text: ajceb-2434.txt item: #74 of 393 id: ajceb-2438 author: de Valence, Gerard; Runeson, Göran title: On the state of the building industry after the GFC and the Euro crisis date: 2011-12-16 words: 7652 flesch: 52 summary: When Danish property prices began declining a few years ago, construction demand suffered. However, as reconstruction after WWII happened during a short period, there will be another period ahead (maybe in 20 years) when new construction will pick up considerably. keywords: building; building industry; construction; construction economics; construction industry; construction sector; crisis; growth; industry; projects; sector; years cache: ajceb-2438.pdf plain text: ajceb-2438.txt item: #75 of 393 id: ajceb-2448 author: Sargent, Kimberley; Hyland, Paul; Sawang, Sukanlaya title: Factors influencing the adoption of information technology in a construction business date: 2012-06-01 words: 7638 flesch: 31 summary: References Acar, E., Kocak, I., Sey, Y. and Arditi, D. (2005) ‘Use of information and communication technologies by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in building construction’, Construction Management and Economics, 23, 713-722 Adam, F., Carton, F. and Sammon, D. (2007) ‘Project management: a case study of a successful ERP implementation’, International Journal of Managing Projects in Businesses, 1, 106-124 Adriaanse, A., Voordijk, H. and Dewulf, G. (2010) ‘The use of interorganisational ICT in United States construction projects’, Automation in Construction, 19 (1), 73-83 Ajzen, I. (1991) ‘The theory of planned behavior’, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50 (2), 179-211 Ali, A.S.B, Anbari, F.T and Money, W.H. (2008) ‘Impacts of organisational and project factors on acceptance and usage of project management software and perceived project success’, Project Management Journal, 39 (2), 5-33 Buhi, E. R, Goodson, P. and Neilands, T. B. (2007) ‘Structural equation modelling: a primer for health behavior researchers’, American Journal of Health Behavior, 31 (1), 74 – 85 Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Sargent, K et al. (2012) ‘Factors influencing the adoption of information technology in a construction business’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (2) 72-86 84 Bovey, W. H. and Hede, A. (2001) ‘Resistance to organisational change: the role of defence mechanisms’, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 16 (7/8), 534-548 Bjork, B.-C. (1999) ‘Information technology in construction: domain definition and research issues’, International Journal of Computer Integrated Design and Construction, SETO, 1 (1), 3-16 Bjork, B.-C. (2003) ‘Electronic document management in construction: research issues and results’. Abstract Construction firms are increasingly utilizing information technologies to better manage geographically dispersed projects. keywords: adoption; change; construction; information; information technology; intention; journal; management; project; technology; use cache: ajceb-2448.pdf plain text: ajceb-2448.txt item: #76 of 393 id: ajceb-2460 author: Onukwube, Henry Ndubuisi title: Correlates of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria date: 2012-05-30 words: 5868 flesch: 32 summary: The Work Itself and Overall Job Satisfaction Locke (1995) postulates that employee job satisfaction is dependent on job satisfaction with the job components, such as the work itself. The motivation to work, New York: John Wiley & Sons Hunt, J .S. and Saul, P .N. (1975) ‘The relationship of age, tenure, and job satisfaction in males and females,’ Academy of Management Journal, 18, 690-702 Kh metle, M. 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(1998) ‘Explaining Nursing Turnover Intent: Job Satisfaction, Pay Satisfaction, or Organizational Commitment?’, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 19, 305‑320 McCormack, D. Casimir, G. Djurkovic, N. and Yang, L. (2006) ‘The concurrent effects of, satisfaction with supervisors, and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment among school teachers in China’, International Journal of Conflict Management, 17, 316-331 McNeese-Smith, D. and Nazarey, M. (2001) ‘A nursing shortage: building organizational commitment among nurses,’ Journal of Healthcare Management, 46, 173-87 Milkovich, G .T. and Newman, J. (2008) Compensation, 8 th ed, New York, McGraw-Hill Irwin Muchinsky, P. M. (1978) ‘Age and job facet satisfaction: A conceptual reconsideration,’ Aging and Work, 1, 175-9 Oshagbemi, T. (1997) ‘The influence of rank on the job satisfaction of organizational members’, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 12 (8), 511-9 Oshagbemi, T. (2000) ‘Gender differences in the job satisfaction of university teachers’, Women in Management Review, 15 (7), 331-43 Oshagbemi, T. (2003) ‘Personal correlates of job satisfaction: Empirical evidence from UK universities,’ International Psychology, 2 nd ed, Consulting Psychological Press, Palo Alto, CA, 485-550 Pergamit, M. R. and Veum, J .R. (1999) ‘what is promotion?’, Industrial & Labour Relation Review, 52 (4), 21 Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Onukwube, H N (2012) ‘Correlates of job satisfaction amongst quantity surveyors in consulting firms in Lagos, Nigeria’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (2) 43-54 54 Raabe, B. and Beehr, T. (2003) ‘Formal mentoring versus supervisor and coworker relationships differences in perceptions and impact’, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 24, 271-292 Robbins, S .P. (2003) Organizational behavior, Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall Ronen, S. (1978) ‘Job satisfaction and the neglected variable of job seniority’, Human Relations, 31 (4), 297-308 Spector, P. E. (2006) Industrial and organizational psychology, 4 th ed, USA John Willey & Sons Sloane, P .and keywords: construction; firms; job; job satisfaction; journal; pay; quantity; quantity surveyors; satisfaction; surveyors; work cache: ajceb-2460.pdf plain text: ajceb-2460.txt item: #77 of 393 id: ajceb-2461 author: Arif, Mohammed; Khalfan, Malik M A; Barnard, James H; Heller, Nathan A title: Assessing knowledge retention in construction organisations: Cases from the UAE date: 2012-05-30 words: 9856 flesch: 47 summary: Based on the analysis of the knowledge retention system the major drivers for its successful implementation are prevalence of a culture of sharing knowledge, reward and recognition for sharing knowledge, a technology platform that can accommodate multi formats of files, awareness of knowledge retention system and its benefits among its employees, and top management support. One more issue involved with knowledge retention system is the configuration management. keywords: building; cases; company; construction; construction economics; economics; employees; information; journal; knowledge; knowledge retention; management; retention; sharing; system; uae cache: ajceb-2461.pdf plain text: ajceb-2461.txt item: #78 of 393 id: ajceb-2474 author: Finnie, David title: Contract delay: what is it and how are we performing? date: 2012-02-26 words: 5708 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract This paper examines the management of contract delays in the construction industry as cur- rently practised, and suggests some best practice alternative methods. Research results about the level of contractor’s time management skills were analysed to determine the relat- ed impact on their ability to manage contract delays. keywords: building; construction; contract; delay; management; principal; programme; project; time cache: ajceb-2474.pdf plain text: ajceb-2474.txt item: #79 of 393 id: ajceb-2487 author: Loosemore, Martin title: Risk management for design and construction date: 2012-03-15 words: 615 flesch: 49 summary: Later chapters go into the practicalities of collecting risk data to populate the models described. It describes a highly quantitative approach to risk management and will be of interest to anyone who is responsible for delivering design and construction projects or indeed, projects of any kind. keywords: book; risk cache: ajceb-2487.pdf plain text: ajceb-2487.txt item: #80 of 393 id: ajceb-2507 author: Reed, Richard title: Evaluating sustainable development in the built environment, 2nd edition date: 2012-03-15 words: 1126 flesch: 37 summary: The final chapter in the book is chapter nine (Education and Research) which is designed to examine the largest single challenge facing sustainable development in the built environment, namely how to educate the stakeholders and also undertake meaningful research. Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment covers 264 pages in approximately A5 page size and is divided into nine chapters. keywords: chapter; development; environment cache: ajceb-2507.pdf plain text: ajceb-2507.txt item: #81 of 393 id: ajceb-2536 author: McCarthy, Sean Francis title: Developing an Australian code of construction ethics date: 2012-05-30 words: 6852 flesch: 41 summary: Keywords: Ethics, Construction law Why construction ethics? The very question of ‘why it should be supposed that ethics would have any application to the field of construction law’ has been answered by the UK Society of Construction Law (Uff 2003), and suggests the following reasons: Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building McCarthy, S F (2012) ‘Developing an Australian code of construction ethics’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (2) 87-100 88 1) The need for regulation in areas not covered by legally enforceable duties (with medicine as a prime example). keywords: australian; building; code; conduct; construction; construction economics; construction ethics; construction industry; economics; ethics; industry; journal; law; professional cache: ajceb-2536.pdf plain text: ajceb-2536.txt item: #82 of 393 id: ajceb-2537 author: Best, Rick; Purdey, Brian title: Assessing occupant comfort in an iconic sustainable education building date: 2012-09-11 words: 5800 flesch: 41 summary: The results for lighting also point to the complex task of balancing natural light, artificial light and glare in design in order to deliver optimum lighting conditions to a majority of building occupants. The advent of green buildings in recent years has seen some major changes in the way base buildings are designed with much greater emphasis on energy efficiency, material choice and water usage. keywords: air; building; comfort; construction; economics; green; journal; noise; occupant; users cache: ajceb-2537.pdf plain text: ajceb-2537.txt item: #83 of 393 id: ajceb-2560 author: Bjork, Bo-Christer title: A comparison of subscription and open access journals in construction management and related fields date: 2012-05-30 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2560.pdf plain text: ajceb-2560.txt item: #84 of 393 id: ajceb-2583 author: Aranda-Mena, Guillermo; Gameson, Rod title: An alignment model for the research higher degree supervision process using repertory grids - reflections on application in practice in built environment research date: 2012-09-11 words: 7883 flesch: 38 summary: Harman (2003) also identified the issue of an expansion in PhD enrolments in Australia since the early 1990’s, suggesting that universities had not kept pace with the needs of a growing body of research students, leading to increasing levels of student dissatisfaction. On the other hand it is generally expected that research students should develop their own ideas and test their own hypotheses – and not that of their supervisors (Harman, 2003). keywords: building; construction; degree; economics; environment; grids; journal; model; phd; practice; process; repertory; research; student; supervision cache: ajceb-2583.pdf plain text: ajceb-2583.txt item: #85 of 393 id: ajceb-2584 author: Carson, Chris; Abbott, Malcolm title: A review of productivity analysis of the New Zealand construction industry date: 2012-09-11 words: 8144 flesch: 43 summary: Most research on construction industry productivity tends to be concerned more with site level labour productivity, which has a more direct relevance to industry management (Ganesan 1984; Lowe 1987; Maloney 1983; Allen 1985; Thomas, Maloney, Horner, Smith, Handa and Sanders 1990; Thomas and Sakarcan 1994). References Allen, S.G. (1985) ‘Why construction industry productivity is declining’, Review of economic statistics, 117 (4), 661-665 Alterman, J. and E.E. Jacobs (1961) ‘Estimates of real product in the United States by industrial sector, 1947-1955, Output, input and productivity measurement, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton University press Barton, G.T., and M.R. Cooper (1948) ‘Relation or agricultural production to inputs’, Review of economics and statistics, 30 (7), 117-126 Black, M., Guy, M. and N. McLellan (2003) Productivity in New Zealand 1988 to 2002, Treasury Working paper 03/06, Wellington, The Treasury Bollard, A. and R. Barrow (2012) ‘Could we be better off than we think?’ keywords: building; construction; construction industry; economics; growth; industry; labour; new; new zealand; output; productivity; zealand; zealand construction cache: ajceb-2584.pdf plain text: ajceb-2584.txt item: #86 of 393 id: ajceb-2628 author: Konanahalli, Ashwini; Oyedele, Lukumon O.; Coates, Ron; von Meding, Jason; Spillane, John title: International projects and cross-cultural adjustments of British expatriates in Middle East: A qualitative investigation of influencing factors date: 2012-09-11 words: 12749 flesch: 30 summary: Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Konanahalli A et al. (2012) ‘International projects and cross-cultural adjustments of British expatriates in Middle East: A qualitative investigation of influencing factors’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (3) 31-54 47 Conclusion The current study qualitatively explored the influence of organisational, work and non-work factors on the three facets of adjustment of British expatriate's posted on international assignments in the Middle Eastern regions. (2012) ‘International projects and cross-cultural adjustments of British expatriates in Middle East: A qualitative investigation of influencing factors’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (3) 31-54 41 Table 2 Factors extracted from Literature Review, Interviews and Focus Groups Discussion Upon completion of the qualtiative data analysis, this research proposes a framework for cross-cultural adjustment, which attempts to cluster factors along organisational, work and non-work issues and assess their impact on the three facets of adjustment. keywords: adjustment; black; british; building; construction; construction economics; cross; east; economics; et al; expatriates; factors; focus; groups; international; interviews; journal; management; middle; projects; qualitative; research; work cache: ajceb-2628.pdf plain text: ajceb-2628.txt item: #87 of 393 id: ajceb-2634 author: Wilkinson, Sara title: Writing a built environment dissertation: Practical guidance and examples date: 2012-06-05 words: 485 flesch: 40 summary: In my 20 years’ experience final year built environment students are often overwhelmed and intimidated with the seemingly onerous task of what they perceive as ‘writing a book’. Wilkinson, S (2012) Book review, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (2) 101 101 Book Review Writing a Built Environment Dissertation: Practical Guidance and Examples Peter Farrell, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, 256 pages, ISBN 9781405198516, Price AUD 44.95, NZD 49.99, USD 37.95, GBP 22.95 EUR 27.60, as eBook USD 30.95 AUD 35.99 Peter Farrell has written a comprehensive and practical introductory guide for first time researchers in the built environment disciplines. keywords: book; research cache: ajceb-2634.pdf plain text: ajceb-2634.txt item: #88 of 393 id: ajceb-2641 author: Thangaraj, Ram Karthikeyan; Chan, Toong Khuan title: The effects of the global financial crisis on the Australian building construction supply chain date: 2012-09-11 words: 8626 flesch: 41 summary: The analysis focused on characterizing the impact of the GFC on the financial performance of companies within four sectors of the industry: building material suppliers, building contractors, property -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% -1.5% -1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Change in GDP Change in Building Volume Change in Building Starts 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 C h a n g e in G D P ( Q -o n -Q , % ) C h a n g e in B u ild in g V o lu m e a n d S ta rt s ( Q -o n -Q , % ) Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Thangaraj, R K and Chan, T K (2012) ‘The effects of the global financial crisis on the Australian building construction supply chain’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12 (3) 16-30 18 developers and Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs). Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Sales Revenue Building Material Suppliers (Change, % year-on-year) 19,926 20,961 5.2% 24,454 16.7% 23,775 keywords: asx; building; building construction; companies; construction; construction economics; economics; gfc; journal; property; ratio; reits; year cache: ajceb-2641.pdf plain text: ajceb-2641.txt item: #89 of 393 id: ajceb-2658 author: Oke, Ayodeji Emmanuel; Ogunsami, Deji Rufus; Ogunlana, Stephen title: Establishing a common ground for the use of structural equation modelling for construction related research studies date: 2012-09-11 words: 2693 flesch: 35 summary: The study also recommended appropriate sample size as well as cut-off value for various required goodness- of-fit tests of SEM model. Research Methodology A review of existing literature in the area of SEM was carried out with emphasis on differences in approaches, software programs, sample size, data and respondents' type as well as necessary tests required in the final selection of SEM model. keywords: construction; equation; fit; modelling; research; sem cache: ajceb-2658.pdf plain text: ajceb-2658.txt item: #90 of 393 id: ajceb-2662 author: Best, Rick title: International comparisons of cost and productivity in construction: a bad example date: 2012-09-11 words: 3938 flesch: 49 summary: Australian Construction Handbook, 30 th edition, Rawlhouse Publishers, Perth The Economist (2012) Big Mac Index, Accessed 21 June 2012 Turner & Townsend (2012) International construction cost survey 2012 Vermande, H. and van Mulligen, P-H. (1999) ‘Construction costs in The Netherlands in an international context’, Construction Management and Economics, 17, 269-283 Walsh, K. and Sawhney, A. (2002) International Comparison of Cost for the Construction Sector: Keywords: International comparisons, Construction costs, Purchasing power parities, Productivity Introduction The following appeared in in a leading national newspaper in June 2012 (Hepworth 2012) Landmark research to be released today finds that, compared with the US, airports are 90 per cent more expensive to deliver, hospitals 62 per cent, shopping centres 43 per cent and schools 26 per cent. keywords: building; construction; cost; data; usd cache: ajceb-2662.pdf plain text: ajceb-2662.txt item: #91 of 393 id: ajceb-2724 author: Arashpour, Mehrdad; Shabanikia, Majeed; Arashpour, Mohammadreza title: Valuing the contribution of knowledge-oriented workers to projects: a merit based approach in the construction industry date: 2015-10-15 words: 5336 flesch: 37 summary: Keywords: Construction industry, knowledge-oriented workers, salary scale formulation Introduction As a rule of thumb the objective of any payment system is to attract, hold, and motivate employees. Replication of this study in construction industries in other regions of the world is recommended. keywords: arashpour; building; construction; construction industry; economics; factors; industry; journal; knowledge; management; workers cache: ajceb-2724.pdf plain text: ajceb-2724.txt item: #92 of 393 id: ajceb-2743 author: Stevens, Matt title: Construction item pricing for more profit and less risk date: 2012-09-11 words: 523 flesch: 58 summary: Price USD 34.95, ZAR 265.00 David Cattell has written the next evolution in construction pricing approaches and strategies. Construction pricing is the first opportunity for construction firms to improve a project’s financial outcome. keywords: construction; pricing cache: ajceb-2743.pdf plain text: ajceb-2743.txt item: #93 of 393 id: ajceb-2749 author: Wang, Xiangyu title: BIM Handbook: A guide to Building Information Modeling for owners, managers, designers, engineers and contractors date: 2012-09-14 words: 760 flesch: 42 summary: For example, Groupware (computer-supported collaborative work) and Social Network Software (SNS) can potentially be integrated with existing BIM tool to better support BIM’s collaborative capabilities. The book emphasizes more the business and organizational issues of BIM implementation than the detailed technical aspects of BIM technologies and tools. keywords: bim; book; technologies cache: ajceb-2749.pdf plain text: ajceb-2749.txt item: #94 of 393 id: ajceb-2751 author: de Valence, Gerard title: A theory of construction management? date: 2012-09-15 words: 3607 flesch: 46 summary: So, are management theories of production product-based or process-based? Processes are secondary, because they are bundled with the production decision, and despite the appearance of diversity in the range of management theories, the approach taken typically treats the firm as a ‘black box’ that turns inputs into outputs using a range of capabilities (Porter 1980). keywords: building; construction; management; production; project; research; theory cache: ajceb-2751.pdf plain text: ajceb-2751.txt item: #95 of 393 id: ajceb-2808 author: Dada, Joshua Oluwasuji; Jagboro, Godwin Onajite title: Core skills requirement and competencies expected of quantity surveyors: perspectives from quantity surveyors, allied professionals and clients in Nigeria date: 2015-10-15 words: 7301 flesch: 33 summary: However, the general literature on quantity surveying skill and competence illustrates a multiplicity of perspectives (Nkado and Meyer, 2001; Crafford and Smallwood, 2007; Babalola, 2009). In the built environment, the art of selecting the required skills and competencies expected of quantity surveyors and understanding the inherent dependencies between them remains a research issue. keywords: building; competencies; construction; core; economics; engineering; journal; management; quantity; quantity surveyors; skills; surveying cache: ajceb-2808.pdf plain text: ajceb-2808.txt item: #96 of 393 id: ajceb-2830 author: Jaafar, Mastura; Mohd Radzi, Nurhidayah title: Level of satisfaction and issues with procurement systems used in the Malaysian public sector date: 2013-03-08 words: 8917 flesch: 38 summary: These organizations were selected because they are the actual players in the construction industry, and they have important roles in managing project procurement systems. An introduction to Building Procurement Systems, Spon PR, London Mbachu, J.I & Nkado, R. (2006) Conceptual framework for assessment of client needs and satisfaction in the building development process’, Construction Management and Economics, 24 (1), 31-44 Migliaccio, G.C., Bogus, S.M & Chen, A. (2010) ‘Effect of duration of Design-Build procurement on performance of transportation projects’, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2151, 67-73 Neighbour, K. (2000) ‘The clients’ guide to construction projects: Best practices for the procurement and delivery of a project’, RAIA, accessed at: content/uploads/2009/12/a_guide_to_construction_projects_2006-publication_issue.pdf on 11th Oct 2012 Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building Jaafar, M and Radzi N M (2013) ‘Level of satisfaction and issues with procurement systems used in the Malaysian public sector’, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 13 (1) 50-65 65 Nitithamyong, P. & Tan, Z. (2007) ‘Determinants for effective performance of external project management consultants in Malaysia’, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14 (5), 463-478 Ofori, G. (2007) ‘Procurement reform: A research agenda for construction in developing Countries’, Proceeding of CIB World Building Congress, Cape Town, South Africa Pratt, R. (2000) Project management in Malaysia, some ideas on the way ahead, paper presented at Asia Pacific Diligence Sdn Bhd seminar, Project management: strategies, techniques, operations and control, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Puerto, C.L.D., Gransberg, D.D & Shane, J.S (2008) ‘Comparative analysis of owner goals for design/build projects’, Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 24 (1), 32-39 Rahman, H.A., Wang, C. & Yap, X.W. (2010) ‘How professional ethics impact construction quality: Perception and evidence in a fast developing economy’, Scientific Research and Essays, 5 (23), 3742-3749 Ramus, J., Birchall, S. & Griffiths, P. (2006) Contract Practice for Surveyors (Fourth Edition), Elsevier, Great Britain Rashid, R.A., Taib, I.M., Ahmad W.N.W, Nasid M.A, Ali, W.N.W. and Zainordin, Z.A. (2006) ‘Effect of procurement systems on the performance of construction projects’, available at (accessed Sept 2011) Rashid, K.B.A., & Morledge, R. (1998) ‘Construction procurement processes in Malaysia: constraints and strategies’, paper presented at the 14th Annual ARCOM Conference Roodhooft, F. & Abbeele, A.V.D. (2006) ‘Public procurement of consulting services: Evidence and comparison with private companies’, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19 (5), 490-512 Rwelamila, P.D & Meyer, C. (1999) ‘Appropriate or default project procurement system’, Cost Engineering, 41 (9), 40-44 Skitmore, R.M., & Marsden, D.E. (1988) ‘Which procurement system?, Towards a universal procurement selection technique’, Construction Management and Economics, 6 (3), 71-89 Smith, J., Zheng, B., Love, P.E.D. & Edwards, D.J. (2004) ‘Procurement of construction facilities in Guangdong Province, China: factors influencing the choice of procurement method’, Facilities, 22 (5), 141-148 Soon, T.K. (2010) ‘Dispute resolution in relation to delay in construction project’, unpublised Msc thesis, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Tabish, S.Z.S., & Jha, K.N. (2010) ‘Identification and evaluation of success factors for public construction projects’, Construction Management and Economics, 29 (8), 809-823 Toor, S.U.R. & Ogunlana, S.O. (2008) ‘ keywords: building; construction; economics; industry; journal; malaysian; management; mean; problems; procurement; procurement systems; project; public; satisfaction; sector; system cache: ajceb-2830.pdf plain text: ajceb-2830.txt item: #97 of 393 id: ajceb-2871 author: Saha, Swapan; Greville, Colin; Mullins, Trevor title: Optimisation of Construction Process Inspection Rates using a Learning Approach date: 2012-11-14 words: 5786 flesch: 51 summary: Therefore, optimisation of inspection costs based on certain quality levels would be valuable. The minimum cost model (MCM) is developed using different categories of quality costs, namely prevention cost, appraisal cost and failure/rectification cost. keywords: construction; cost; defective; inspection; lot; number; plan; quality; sample; sampling; size cache: ajceb-2871.pdf plain text: ajceb-2871.txt item: #98 of 393 id: ajceb-2872 author: Teo, Ai-Lin; Runeson, Goran title: Aspects of Market Differentiation in the Building Industry date: 2012-11-14 words: 5144 flesch: 37 summary: The specific aim of the study was test the hypothesis: that different markets have significantly different requirements in terms of resources, organisational structure and skills1, and to establish the main strategic aspects of the use of differentiation as a survival technique in the building industry. The hypothesis behind this paper is that different types of buildings require different types of resources and therefore are produced in what is in effect different markets, but very little is known about movements between different markets, what the opportunities and constraints are and in particular, how firms select the markets they diversify into, or how they obtain and allocate their resources between different markets. keywords: building; construction; differentiation; economics; firms; industry; markets; resources; structure cache: ajceb-2872.pdf plain text: ajceb-2872.txt item: #99 of 393 id: ajceb-2873 author: Stewart, Peter title: The Role of E-Commerce Systems for the Construction Industry date: 2012-11-14 words: 6442 flesch: 39 summary: E-business designs The adoption of e-business systems is often undertaken with a focus on maximizing value and reducing the risks associated with implementation. The BuildOnline web site provides a series of case studies that can be used to illustrate the competitive advantage of adopting e-business systems. keywords: applications; business; commerce; companies; construction; construction industry; industry; internet; new; number; systems; use cache: ajceb-2873.pdf plain text: ajceb-2873.txt item: #100 of 393 id: ajceb-2874 author: Smallwood, John; Venter, Danie title: The Role of the Media in South African Construction Health and Safety (H&S) date: 2012-11-14 words: 4602 flesch: 50 summary: Table 6: Media aspects reviewed by editors Response (%) II Rank Media aspect Never Rarely Some- times Often Always No response Editorial 16.7 16.7 22.2 16.7 22.2 5.5 2.00 1 Photographs 38.9 5.5 5.5 22.2 22.2 11.1 1.72 2 Columns (regular) 50.0 0.0 6.3 6.3 25.0 12.6 1.31 3 Advertorial 33.3 11.1 11.1 16.7 11.1 16.7 1.28 4 Advertisements 44.4 5.5 16.7 11.1 11.1 0.0 1.17 5 Table 7 indicates that based upon an II with a minimum value of 0 (not at all) and a maximum value of 3 (extensively), contractors are the stakeholder perceived to be able to contribute most to improving construction H&S, followed by management (construction), and workers (construction). The perceived degree of attention required relative to these interventions correlates with the top four ranked stakeholders in terms of the extent industry stakeholders can contribute to improving construction H&S: keywords: construction; editors; h&s; industry; magazines; media; role; safety; south cache: ajceb-2874.pdf plain text: ajceb-2874.txt item: #101 of 393 id: ajceb-2875 author: Wilkinson, Suzanne title: An Analysis of the Use of Information Technology for Project Management in the New Zealand Construction Industry date: 2012-11-14 words: 5029 flesch: 37 summary: The barriers to the use of the project management software raised by Doherty (1997) hold, although this more detailed research has uncovered other problems associated with project management software use. This paper discusses some of the deficiencies in the use of project management software in the New Zealand construction industry. keywords: companies; construction; management; new; project; project management; software; zealand cache: ajceb-2875.pdf plain text: ajceb-2875.txt item: #102 of 393 id: ajceb-2876 author: Jeary, Alan; Jeary, Ian title: The Influence of Flooding Risk on Infrastructure Development in Western Sydney date: 2012-11-14 words: 4367 flesch: 60 summary: The bridge at Windsor crosses the Hawkesbury river and represents a datum for the measurement of the height of flood waters. The objective of the spillway is to allow sufficient run-off of flood water in the event of an extreme event, such that the dam would not be breached. keywords: area; flood; flooding; jeary; risk; windsor cache: ajceb-2876.pdf plain text: ajceb-2876.txt item: #103 of 393 id: ajceb-2877 author: Cheung, Sai-On; Lam, Ka-Chi; Wong, Schek-Sau; Wong, Sik-Hung title: The Fee Sensitive Risk Exposures of Project Authorized Person in Hong Kong date: 2012-11-14 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2877.pdf plain text: ajceb-2877.txt item: #104 of 393 id: ajceb-2878 author: Najjir, George; Love, Philip; Runeson, Goran title: Issues for the Global Construction Market date: 2012-11-14 words: 4446 flesch: 39 summary: Conclusion Globalization for the construction industry and construction organisations is creating a new type of construction industry, high technology and vertically integrated that will operate side by side but totally independent of the conventional, low technology industry. Quantifying any globalization based construction industry development and any subsequent improvement in efficiency and effectiveness will not be possible if the major theses of this paper is accepted: that globalisation will create a new industry and that there will be little contact between the old and the new industry. keywords: construction; development; economics; global; globalization; industry; market; najjar; new; technology cache: ajceb-2878.pdf plain text: ajceb-2878.txt item: #105 of 393 id: ajceb-2879 author: Nimcharoenwon, Pongchai; Miller, Graham title: Combating the 'Sick Building Syndrome' by Improving Indoor Air Quality date: 2012-11-14 words: 3496 flesch: 48 summary: The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building performed in two different areas: a typical air-conditioned office (3m x 3m x 2.4mH), and a room (6m x 3m x 2.4mH), which was used for testing only the effects of an air conditioning system, and the density of negative ions outside the rooms (Dneg) - about 1,500 ions/cc. DOF-NIL showed the results in terms of negative ion density (ions/cc) in the rooms, and the rate (ions/hr) of negative ions reduced by VDT’s and BC’s with +- 15% error of VDT and BC effects. The DOF-NIL formula can be used to estimate the loss in terms of negative ion density (ions/cc) by HVAC, and the rate (ions/hr) of negative ions reduced by VDT’s and BC’s. keywords: air; australian; building; ions; nil; vdt cache: ajceb-2879.pdf plain text: ajceb-2879.txt item: #106 of 393 id: ajceb-2880 author: Jeary, Alan title: Editorial date: 2012-11-14 words: 530 flesch: 54 summary: Much of our concept of values and risk in everyday life is based on the assumption that things will remain substantially similar to the way we find them now. This, second edition in year 2001, marks a successful first year for the journal, and if this edition receives the same type of feedback as did the first, then we will be well pleased with it’s reception. keywords: journal cache: ajceb-2880.pdf plain text: ajceb-2880.txt item: #107 of 393 id: ajceb-2881 author: Jeary, Alan title: Releasing Brownfields date: 2012-11-14 words: 299 flesch: 42 summary: The publication has emerged as a result of a two year study conducted by Professor Syms in the UK, and is a response to a political initiative intended to address the question of the physical regeneration of ageing cities. Twenty case examples would be of use and interest to any who would be involved with such a problem and chapters on risk assessment, Environmental concerns, the local community‟s concerns, transport and valuing brownfield land will strike a chord with developers and local authorities. keywords: publication cache: ajceb-2881.pdf plain text: ajceb-2881.txt item: #108 of 393 id: ajceb-2882 author: Manley, Karen; Marceau, Jane title: Integrated Manufacturing-Services Businesses in the Australian Building and Construction Sector date: 2012-11-15 words: 5845 flesch: 44 summary: For customised output, such services can be considered part of the manufacturing proc- ess that make the product saleable. Such services primarily involved providing clients with information regarding the characteristics of the material, product, machinery or equipment supplied. keywords: building; construction; design; manufacturers; manufacturing; project; respondents; sector; services; value; work cache: ajceb-2882.pdf plain text: ajceb-2882.txt item: #109 of 393 id: ajceb-2883 author: Soetanto, Robby; Proverbs, David title: Modelling Client Satisfaction Levels: The Impact of Contractor Performance date: 2012-11-15 words: 6829 flesch: 48 summary: THE IMPACT OF CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING VOL.2 NO.1 17 Table 2: List of contractor performance criteria based on clients' opinion Contractor performance criteria Code Pre-construction stage ~ THE IMPACT OF CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING VOL.2 NO.1 13 MODELLING CLIENT SATISFACTION LEVELS: THE IMPACT OF CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE Robby Soetanto and David G. Proverbs University of Wolverhampton INTRODUCTION Traditionally, the main participants of the construction project coalition (PC) are the client, the architect and the contractor. keywords: 0–10; assessment; attributes; building; client; construction; contractor; criteria; importance; journal; levels; likert; models; performance; project; satisfaction; variables cache: ajceb-2883.pdf plain text: ajceb-2883.txt item: #110 of 393 id: ajceb-2884 author: Francis, Valerie; Lingard, Helen title: The Case for Family-Friendly Work Practices in the Australian Construction Industry date: 2012-11-15 words: 6080 flesch: 55 summary: While it may be difficult to provide on-site child care centres due to the limited space and tempo- rary nature of construction work, other options for child care provision which con- struction companies may be able to provide include employer contributions towards employees' child care fees. Construction firms serious about attracting and retaining staff may consider the provi- sion of paid parental leave or offering part- time work to their male and female employees. keywords: care; child; construction; employees; employment; family; industry; journal; practices; responsibilities; time; women; work cache: ajceb-2884.pdf plain text: ajceb-2884.txt item: #111 of 393 id: ajceb-2885 author: Ling, Florence; Leong, Edwin title: Performance of Design-Build Projects in terms of Cost, Quality and Time: Views of Clients, Architects and Contractors in Singapore date: 2012-11-15 words: 6558 flesch: 59 summary: It is therefore necessary to determine the performance levels of DB projects in terms of their time, cost and quality, so that when this procure- ment method is used the parties enter into the contract with full knowledge of what DB can and cannot achieve. The objective of this paper is to determine the performance of DB projects from the Singapore clients’, architects’ and contrac- tors’ points of views, and to compare these views. keywords: build; clients; construction; contractors; design; performance; projects; quality; time cache: ajceb-2885.pdf plain text: ajceb-2885.txt item: #112 of 393 id: ajceb-2886 author: Jefferies, Marcus; Chen, Swee; Conway, Jane title: Assessment of Professional Competence in a Construction Management Problem-based Learning Setting date: 2012-11-15 words: 5909 flesch: 41 summary: The assessment of these elements of com- petence is simply on a ‘satisfactory’ or ‘not satisfactory’ basis, consistent with other forms of competency based assessment. On the other hand, there was also a significantly positive response which saw competency based education and training as benefiting higher education in clarifying in- tended outcomes of undergraduate pro- grammes, particularly in relation to workplace requirements. keywords: approach; assessment; competencies; competency; construction; education; learning; pbl; professional; students cache: ajceb-2886.pdf plain text: ajceb-2886.txt item: #113 of 393 id: ajceb-2887 author: Smallwood, John; Venter, Danie title: The Influence of Project Managers on Construction Health and Safety in South Africa date: 2012-11-15 words: 7352 flesch: 48 summary: Table 3: Frequency at which PMs consider, or refer to construction H&S on various occasions Frequency (%) Respondents were asked to rate the three key total quality management (TQM) pa- rameters of contractor H&S, labour produc- tivity and quality on a scale of ‘very important’ to ‘not important’. keywords: construction; design; h&s; management; pms; project; quality; safety; site; smallwood; south cache: ajceb-2887.pdf plain text: ajceb-2887.txt item: #114 of 393 id: ajceb-2888 author: Ng, Thomas; Luu, Duc; Chen, Swee title: Decision Criteria and Their Subjectivity in Construction Procurement Selection date: 2012-11-15 words: 5664 flesch: 47 summary: To ensure that in-depth knowledge of procurement selection was obtained, people in the sample had to: have good theoretical knowledge and practical experience in different building procurement methods have been actively involved in the process of selecting building procurement systems understand the methods of procurement selection. This paper reports the findings of an Australian study focusing on procurement selection criteria. keywords: building; certainty; client; complexity; construction; criteria; price; procurement; project; selection cache: ajceb-2888.pdf plain text: ajceb-2888.txt item: #115 of 393 id: ajceb-2889 author: Lam, K.C; Cheung, S.O; Tang, C.M; Ng, S.T title: Capital Budgeting Evaluation Practices of Building Contractors in Hong Kong date: 2012-11-15 words: 6221 flesch: 56 summary: Capital budget evaluation A comparison of the PAs reveals that there was a general increase in the popularity of various capital budget evaluation techniques from 1994 to 1999 (Table 7), except for “risk analysis” (from 96.6% to 89.5%). A survey of capital budgeting techniques used by contracting firm in Hong Kong. keywords: analysis; capital; construction; contractors; evaluation; group; rate; techniques cache: ajceb-2889.pdf plain text: ajceb-2889.txt item: #116 of 393 id: ajceb-2890 author: Awil, Ahmed; Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rashid title: International Markets: Malaysian Construction Contractors and the Stage Theory date: 2012-11-15 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2890.pdf plain text: ajceb-2890.txt item: #117 of 393 id: ajceb-2891 author: El-Higzi, Faiza title: Foreign Market Selection Factors in the Australian Construction Services Sector date: 2012-11-15 words: 7631 flesch: 51 summary: Subgroup B, on the other hand, contained strategic motivation and FOREIGN MARKET SELECTION FACTORS IN THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SECTOR THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING VOL.2 NO.1 111 market variables and subgroup C contains project, market and strategic motivation variables. FOREIGN MARKET SELECTION FACTORS IN THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SECTOR THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING VOL.2 NO.1 119 Heckscher, E. (1949) keywords: business; companies; company; construction; country; entry; factors; home; host; journal; market; marketing; services; variables cache: ajceb-2891.pdf plain text: ajceb-2891.txt item: #118 of 393 id: ajceb-2892 author: Runeson, Goran; Best, Rick title: Editorial date: 2012-11-15 words: 519 flesch: 42 summary: The end result is a collection of papers that address a number of fundamental concerns that are influencing many aspects of our work in the realisa- tion of construction projects worldwide in the early part of the new millennium including health and safety (a prime concern in the recent UK report, Accelerating Change), expansion into glob- alised markets, the bundling of goods and services in the construction industry, the balancing of work and family, and some more sternly practical considerations such as the use of capital budgeting techniques and the criteria used in selecting project procurement systems. A journal can probably survive well without editors and refe- rees, but not without good authors, and we have been lucky in terms of both quality and diversity of interests. keywords: construction; editorial cache: ajceb-2892.pdf plain text: ajceb-2892.txt item: #119 of 393 id: ajceb-2894 author: Best, Rick; Runeson, Goran title: Editorial date: 2012-11-17 words: 705 flesch: 47 summary: On the other hand, as both bodies have their own profes- sional journals, in which practitioner papers and articles regularly appear, we have generally steered away from papers that we feel fall into that category. In keeping with our aim of publishing papers that will be of some interest to all our readers we have also looked for clarity in the writing and reporting of research outcomes. keywords: papers; research cache: ajceb-2894.pdf plain text: ajceb-2894.txt item: #120 of 393 id: ajceb-2895 author: Drew, Derek; Kwong, Connie; Zou, Patrick; Shen, L.Y title: Determining the Optimal Fee-Technical Proposal Combination in Two Envelope Fee Bidding date: 2012-11-17 words: 4627 flesch: 58 summary: For Case 37 it can be seen that technical scores vary more than fee score meaning that technical score is more dominant in the aggregation and for Case 38 fee score varies more than technical score meaning that fees are more dominant in the aggregation. However, where fee score varies more than technical score, Outcome 2 (i.e. absolute low fee) is likely to occur and where technical score varies more than fee score, Outcome 3 (i.e. absolute high technical score) is likely to occur. keywords: construction; consultant; fee; proposal; score; total cache: ajceb-2895.pdf plain text: ajceb-2895.txt item: #121 of 393 id: ajceb-2896 author: Cioffi, Jane; Wilkes, Lesley; O'Brien, Jess title: Outdoor Workers and Sun Protection: Knowledge and Behaviour date: 2012-11-17 words: 3078 flesch: 59 summary: Outdoor workers are part of this high risk group and are targeted in the Skin Cancer Prevention Strategic Plan for NSW 2001–2005 (The Cancer Council NSW and NSW Health Department, 2001). LITERATURE REVIEW Some studies were found that addressed outdoor workers in Australia (Dobbinson and Knight, 2001; Parisi et al., 1999; Kimlin et al., 1998; Airey et al., 1997; Green et al., 1996; Wong et al., 1996; Girgis et al., 1994; Borland et al., 1991). keywords: cancer; nsw; skin; sun; workers cache: ajceb-2896.pdf plain text: ajceb-2896.txt item: #122 of 393 id: ajceb-2897 author: Loosemore, M; Teo, M.M.M title: The Crisis Management Practices of Australian Construction Companies date: 2012-11-17 words: 7676 flesch: 50 summary: The objectives were to gauge attitudes towards crisis management and the adequacy of sys- tems used to plan for and manage them. People in crisis-prone organisations also believe that crisis management is someone else’s responsibility and that they have the power to offload risks onto other parties, thereby insulating themselves from their environment. keywords: building; companies; company; construction; crisis; crisis management; management; media; mitroff; organisation; pearson; practices; public; risk cache: ajceb-2897.pdf plain text: ajceb-2897.txt item: #123 of 393 id: ajceb-2898 author: Xiao, Hong; Proverbs, David title: An Investigation into Factors Influencing Construction Costs Based on Japanese, UK and US Contractor Practice date: 2012-11-17 words: 4864 flesch: 55 summary: AN INVESTIGATION INTO FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSTRUCTION COSTS BASED ON JAPANESE, UK AND US CONTRACTOR PRACTICE THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING VOL.2 NO.2 27 AN INVESTIGATION INTO FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSTRUCTION COSTS BASED ON JAPANESE, UK AND US It is also a major concern to contractors as construction cost relates closely to their competitiveness and profit- ability. keywords: building; construction; contractors; cost; economics; journal; management; performance; price; projects; unit cache: ajceb-2898.pdf plain text: ajceb-2898.txt item: #124 of 393 id: ajceb-2899 author: Tran, Dun; Skitmore, Martin title: The Impact of Culture on International Management: A Survey of Project Communications in Singapore date: 2012-11-17 words: 6344 flesch: 34 summary: Possibly due to the logical nature of thinkers, they are more likely to perceive cultural aspects and personal communication skills as the main tools for communicating with clients or customers. This paper provides the results of a small survey of 36 Singapore managers aimed at identifying the main cultural and individual factors affecting project communication. keywords: anglo; communication; construction; culture; management; managers; process; project; skills; understanding; variables cache: ajceb-2899.pdf plain text: ajceb-2899.txt item: #125 of 393 id: ajceb-2900 author: Bowen, P.A; Cattel, K.S; Hall, K.A; Edwards, P.J; Pearl, R.G title: Perceptions of Time, Cost and Quality Management on Building Projects date: 2012-11-17 words: 5307 flesch: 47 summary: Clients rate project quality as more impor- tant than project time performance, whereas contractors and consultants be- lieve that clients actually hold a converse view. The interesting finding from the responses to this question is that, contrary to the views of other project team participants, clients rate project qual- ity as more important than project time per- formance. keywords: building; clients; cost; management; procurement; project; quality; time cache: ajceb-2900.pdf plain text: ajceb-2900.txt item: #126 of 393 id: ajceb-2901 author: Janet, Xin; Lam, Ka-Chi title: Building a House Prices Forecasting Model in Hong Kong date: 2012-11-17 words: 7694 flesch: 61 summary: Bajic (1983) suggests that the market is not generally in short run equilib- rium and that changes in housing prices are frequent and rapid, while DiPasquale and Wheaton (1994) suggest that there is, in- stead, a continuous adjustment as actual prices converge towards equilibrium prices. Reichert (1990) suggests that national economic factors such as mortgage rates, and local factors such as population shifts, employment and income trends have a unique impact on housing demand, and thus on housing price. keywords: construction; data; demand; economics; hong; hong kong; house; housing; journal; kong; market; model; prices; supply; variables cache: ajceb-2901.pdf plain text: ajceb-2901.txt item: #127 of 393 id: ajceb-2902 author: Mills, Anthony; Smith, Jim; Love, Peter title: Barriers to the Development of SME's in the Australian Construction Industry date: 2012-11-17 words: 4683 flesch: 43 summary: The study by Smith et al. (2000) looked at the demand and supply factors that influence regional construction markets. Alternatively, changes in market dimensions may mean that regional construction markets are no longer viable. keywords: areas; building; construction; contractors; industry; metropolitan; regional; research cache: ajceb-2902.pdf plain text: ajceb-2902.txt item: #128 of 393 id: ajceb-2903 author: Langston, Craig title: RED MAN GREEN MAN date: 2012-11-17 words: 7 flesch: 90 summary: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway nginx keywords: gateway cache: ajceb-2903.pdf plain text: ajceb-2903.txt item: #129 of 393 id: ajceb-2905 author: Stewart, Peter title: Editorial date: 2012-11-18 words: 351 flesch: 47 summary: The first paper sees Jackson examining the need to apply cost control techniques for capital works projects , finding that budget performance relies on the implementation of formal cost control processes. Pro f. Peter Stewarl Head, Deparlment of Building and Construction Economics RMIT University Welcome to the first issue of The Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building for 2003. keywords: building; construction cache: ajceb-2905.pdf plain text: ajceb-2905.txt item: #130 of 393 id: ajceb-2912 author: Stewart, Peter title: Editorial date: 2012-11-18 words: 615 flesch: 58 summary: He argues that to achieve these reforms then we will need to fundamentally change the way that construction projects, construction companies and the government-industry interface are managed. Oyedele, Jaiyeoba and Fadeyi then identify the five most important design factors influencing the quality of building projects. keywords: construction; paper cache: ajceb-2912.pdf plain text: ajceb-2912.txt item: #131 of 393 id: ajceb-2914 author: Mills, Anthony title: Property and Construction Professions: The Views of Industry Leaders date: 2012-11-18 words: 3843 flesch: 45 summary: The views of industry leaders Anthony Mills, (Senior Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melboume,Australia) ABSTRACT The role of professionals has changed significantly, and so too should the role of professional societies. The future is very unclear, and it is likely that professional societies will continue to change and adapt. keywords: building; cpo; industry; institute; members; professional; societies cache: ajceb-2914.pdf plain text: ajceb-2914.txt item: #132 of 393 id: ajceb-2928 author: Zou, Patrick title: Knowledge Management Practice in Two Australian Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) Companies date: 2012-11-18 words: 50634 flesch: -1020 summary: �� ���� /�* �� � ����� -�� � � �� �������� /�* �� $��� ���.�� � �� ,�. � ����� � -�� � � �� �&�.�� ���� ��������� � ����� � /������� � �� ����������� +�� � � &������#��� � #���� �)� � ������� ������ � �� ������� �� ���70�#�������#7*��� ��� ����8�0*9����) �����/��� ���!�: � �.��C< �������# ��� ��� ��� ��� ������������������� ��� �) � � #���� ������ ��� � �����))�� �����!����� [�&� � ��� ��� �,�� ���������� ������ ��� �)� �������� ��������� � � #���� �)����������������E������ ����#�� �)������ ��� #������ � ��) � ���) ����� ����&����� � 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text: ajceb-7062.txt item: #356 of 393 id: ajceb-7119 author: Marisa, Amy; Yusof, Nor'Aini title: Factors influencing the performance of architects in construction projects date: 2020-09-03 words: 7841 flesch: 42 summary: The impact of incentive mechanisms on project performance. Figure 1 presents the structural model results on the relationships between working condition (WCond), organisational support (OS), working relationship (WR), design process (DP) and architect performance (ArchPerf ). keywords: architects; building; construction; design; economics; factors; journal; management; organisational; performance; process; project; relationship; study; support; working cache: ajceb-7119.pdf plain text: ajceb-7119.txt item: #357 of 393 id: ajceb-7121 author: Livesey, Peter Vincent title: Further insights by project managers into the problems in project management date: 2020-11-19 words: 7402 flesch: 48 summary: In round 6, the panel members were asked to rate the significance of reflection on both their career development and their ability to solve project problems as they developed. The significance of reflection on career development and the management of project problems Livesey Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 2020142 Discussion ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT IDENTIFIED BY THE DELPHI PANEL Externally imposed salary caps As indicated in the panel’s comments, this problem relates to the project manager not being able to attract suitably qualified team members due to salary caps being established on a basis other than a consideration of the potential contribution of the team member to the project’s success. keywords: agree; building; construction; economics; importance; journal; management; members; panel; panel members; problems; project; project management; research; success; team cache: ajceb-7121.pdf plain text: ajceb-7121.txt item: #358 of 393 id: ajceb-7134 author: Paul, Christiana Ada; Aghimien, Douglas Omoregie; Ibrahim, Ahmed Doko; Ibrahim, Yahaya Makarfi title: Measures for Curbing Unethical Practices among Construction Industry Professionals: Quantity Surveyors’ Perspective date: 2021-05-27 words: 8409 flesch: 45 summary: In exploring the occurrence of unethical practices among QS in the study area, the result in Table 3 revealed that 90% of the respondents (36) reported that they had witnessed at least a form of unethical practice in the cause of executing their professional duties. While several studies have explored issues touching on ethics, ethics compliance and unethical practices within the construction industry, the problems persist especially in developing countries. keywords: building; construction; construction industry; ethics; industry; issues; measures; oke; olatunji; practices; professionals; quantity; research; study cache: ajceb-7134.pdf plain text: ajceb-7134.txt item: #359 of 393 id: ajceb-7145 author: Akotia, Julius; Manu, Emmanuel; Opoku, Alex; Sackey, Enoch title: The role of built environment practitioners in driving the socio-economic sustainability aspects of sustainable regeneration date: 2020-05-09 words: 10292 flesch: 31 summary: While there is a rise in demand for higher sustainability benefits by stakeholders such as clients, communities and policy makers, the delivery of sustainability benefits from sustainability regeneration projects are yet to meet the expectations of these stakeholders. However, available evidence suggests that the delivery of sustainability projects, such as regeneration projects, which have been designed specifically to promote socio-economic and environmental sustainability benefits has been faced with numerous challenges (Erbey and Erbas, 2017; Winston, 2009). keywords: benefits; building; construction; development; drivers; organisations; practices; practitioners; principles; projects; regeneration; regeneration projects; requirements; socio; sustainability; sustainability principles; sustainable cache: ajceb-7145.pdf plain text: ajceb-7145.txt item: #360 of 393 id: ajceb-7166 author: Abdul Latiff, Abdul Muhaimin ; Jaapar, Aini; Mat Isa, Che Maznah title: Project governance practices in urban public housing projects: a case study of public housing in Malaysia date: 2020-11-19 words: 8718 flesch: 42 summary: Besides that, mutual trust, empowerment, and collective decision making are elements of project governance that could be applied in the context of the positive interplay between project actors in public projects. A study by Musa et al. (2015) found the end- user involvement together with good project location and appropriate design significantly related to the success of public housing projects. keywords: building; case; construction; decision; governance; government; housing; housing project; jpn; malaysia; management; ppr; practices; project; project governance; public; stakeholders; study cache: ajceb-7166.pdf plain text: ajceb-7166.txt item: #361 of 393 id: ajceb-7191 author: Opoku, Alex; Akotia, Julius title: Special issue: urban regeneration for sustainable development date: 2020-05-09 words: 2289 flesch: 30 summary: Sustainable urban regeneration should deliver city DECLARATION OF CONFLICTING INTEREST Sustainable urban regeneration of historic city centres: lessons learnt. keywords: cities; city; construction; development; regeneration; sdg; sustainability; urban cache: ajceb-7191.pdf plain text: ajceb-7191.txt item: #362 of 393 id: ajceb-7239 author: Nguyen , Dinh Manh; Ding, Grace; Runeson, Göran title: Energy and economic analysis of environmental upgrading of existing office buildings date: 2020-11-18 words: 9290 flesch: 44 summary: Energy and economic analysis of environmental upgrading of existing office buildings. Keywords: Energy upgrading, existing office buildings, energy efficiency, upgrading activities, economic analysis. keywords: activities; buildings; case; co2; construction; cost; emissions; energy; energy consumption; energy efficiency; office; office buildings; potential; savings; study; table; upgrading cache: ajceb-7239.pdf plain text: ajceb-7239.txt item: #363 of 393 id: ajceb-7359 author: Osuizugbo, Innocent Chigozie; Oyeyipo, Opeyemi Olanrewaju; Ojelabi, Rapheal Abiodun; Oshodi, Olalekan Shamsideen title: Factors Inhibiting Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Among Construction Companies date: 2021-03-03 words: 7266 flesch: 37 summary: However, there are many factors discouraging construction companies to implement or establish a CSR plan. Therefore, the current study seeks to investigate the factors inhibiting CSR initiatives among construction companies within the context of a developing country such as Nigeria. keywords: construction; construction companies; csr; expatriate; factors; implementation; inhibiting; initiatives; lack; management; nigeria; responsibility; √ √ cache: ajceb-7359.pdf plain text: ajceb-7359.txt item: #364 of 393 id: ajceb-7453 author: Das, Dillip Kumar; Emuze, Fidelis title: Design Delays in Building Projects in India: Effects and Remedies date: 2021-02-24 words: 8892 flesch: 44 summary: Similarly, the design-related factors that were the main cause of delay in building projects were: the complexity of project design (DI = 4.25); unclear and inadequate details in drawings (DI = 4.19); mistakes and discrepancies in design documents (DI = 4.15); and delay in the production of design documents (DI = 4.11) as shown in Table 2. The complexity of project design 4.25 0.80 1.548 0.94 Mistakes and discrepancies in design documents 4.15 0.75 1.520 0.94 Delay in the production of design documents 4.11 0.73 1.524 0.93 Unclear and inadequate details in drawings 4.19 0.78 1.524 0.93 Insufficient data collection and survey before design 3.45 0.32 1.400 0.91 Misunderstanding of owner’s requirements by the design engineer 3.39 0.29 1.344 0.91 Quality assurance and control 2.62 0.47 -0.808 0.19 Inconsistency and incomplete technical specifications 2.84 0.52 -0.307 0.38 Insufficient data for design 2.48 0.43 -1.733 0.04 *(Factors were extracted from Aibinu and Odeyinka, 2006; Al-Kharashi and Skitmore, 2009; Bagrecha and Bais, 2017; Doloi, et al., 2012; KPMG and PMI, 2012; Love, et al., 2011; Mäki, 2015; Mali and Warudkar, 2016; Pandya and Malek, 2018; Rivera, Baguec, and Yeom, 2020; Singh, 2010) CAUSAL LOOP DIAGRAMS The Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) were developed by considering the consultant- and design-related issues in an integrated manner, as illustrated in Figure 2 below. keywords: building; building projects; challenges; construction; consultant; das; delay; design; emuze; factors; model; period; project; variables cache: ajceb-7453.pdf plain text: ajceb-7453.txt item: #365 of 393 id: ajceb-7482 author: Boadu, Elijah Frimpong; Wang, Cynthia Changxin; Sunindijo, Riza Yosia title: Challenges for Occupational Health and Safety Enforcement in the Construction Industry in Ghana date: 2021-02-24 words: 11098 flesch: 47 summary: However, the challenges confronting OHS enforcement institutions have been underexamined. OHS enforcement institutions have an important role in enforcing OHS legislation in workplaces, providing advice and assisting to resolve H&S issues. keywords: challenges; construction; construction industry; consultants; contractors; e n; enforcement; ghana; government; health; industry; inspectors; institutions; journal; o n; ohs; ohs enforcement; regulations; safety cache: ajceb-7482.pdf plain text: ajceb-7482.txt item: #366 of 393 id: ajceb-7501 author: Gurmu, Argaw ; Galluzzo, Anna ; Kite, John title: Modelling Customers’ Perception of the Quality of Services Provided by Builders: A Case of Victoria, Australia date: 2021-02-24 words: 11896 flesch: 60 summary: Generally, the research found that for volume-builders, customers have the highest satisfaction level for ‘customer service’ and the lowest satisfaction level for ‘plumbing and waterproofing’ work. In Equation 1, OR is an overall rating; SA is rating for site administration, nsa is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding site administration; CS is rating for customer service, ncs is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding customer service; T is rating for timeliness, nt is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding timeliness; SI is rating for structural integrity, nsi is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding structural integrity; PW is rating for plumbing and waterproofing, npw is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding plumbing and waterproofing; EL is rating for electrical and lighting, nel is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding electrical and lighting; F is rating for flooring, nf is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding flooring; and Tr is rating for transparency and ntr is the number of customers who provided reviews regarding customer service. keywords: builders; building; construction; customer; e w; integrity; le n; model; n o; s s; service; vi e; w s cache: ajceb-7501.pdf plain text: ajceb-7501.txt item: #367 of 393 id: ajceb-7518 author: Lukhele, Themba; Botha, Brink; Mbanga, Sijekula title: Exploring Project Complexity Relations to Scope Changes in Construction Projects: A Case Study of NEC Projects in South Africa date: 2021-05-27 words: 7723 flesch: 45 summary: Against this background, this study seeks to explore the relations between project complexities and scope changes in construction projects, with an aim to provide possible precautions and preventive measures to minimize the occurrence of scope changes in construction projects. The three multiple-cases of construction projects were deemed relevant for the exploration of the relations of project complexities and scope changes because of its relatively new construction contract and unique system of change management procedures. keywords: building; changes; complexities; complexity; construction; construction projects; et al; management; nec; project; project complexity; scope; scope changes; study cache: ajceb-7518.pdf plain text: ajceb-7518.txt item: #368 of 393 id: ajceb-7521 author: Malesev, Simon; Cherry, Michael title: Digital and Social Media Marketing - Growing Market Share for Construction SMEs date: 2021-03-03 words: 8607 flesch: 44 summary: However, most also noted that they pursued social media marketing strategies because everyone else was doing it. March 202173 A number of respondents noted that social media marketing strategies were a function performed by staff in addition to their ‘day jobs’, with no dedicated staff hired for the role. keywords: advertising; building; business; companies; construction; industry; marketing; marketing strategies; media; media marketing; online; research; respondents; smes; strategies cache: ajceb-7521.pdf plain text: ajceb-7521.txt item: #369 of 393 id: ajceb-7526 author: Oo, Bee Lan; Lim, Benson Teck Heng title: Changes in Job Situations for Women Workforce in Construction during the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2021-05-27 words: 12053 flesch: 52 summary: Construction businesses have had faced different challenges including cash flow and reduced demand for product or services due to the pandemic. The Australian government measures in response to COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on construction businesses Month (2020) Key measures and impacts on construction businesses March • Introduction of international travel restrictions. keywords: building; career; changes; construction; covid-19; economics; hours; impacts; industry; job; june; lim; pandemic; respondents; time; women; work; working cache: ajceb-7526.pdf plain text: ajceb-7526.txt item: #370 of 393 id: ajceb-7564 author: Dang, Chau Ngoc; Le-Hoai, Long; Peansupap, Vachara title: Effect of Encouragement-based Management Mechanism on Construction Firms’ Manpower Development: An Empirical Study from Vietnam date: 2021-05-29 words: 10959 flesch: 36 summary: This study attempts to investigate the relationship between encouragement-based management mechanism (EMM) and manpower development (MD) in construction firms and examine the moderating effect of firm size on this relationship by conducting bivariate Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analyses to analyse empirical data collected from 79 construction firms in Vietnam. The findings could provide construction firms in Vietnam, as well as other developing countries, with a better understanding of the effect of EMM on MD. keywords: collaboration; construction; construction firms; dang; development; effect; emm; employees; encouragement; engineering; et al; incentives; journal; knowledge; learning; management; model; performance; project; size; study; vietnam cache: ajceb-7564.pdf plain text: ajceb-7564.txt item: #371 of 393 id: ajceb-7593 author: Fehan, Hassan; Aigbogun, Osaro title: Influence of Internal Organizational Factors and Institutional Pressures on Construction Firms' Performance date: 2021-05-26 words: 7906 flesch: 31 summary: In that light, growing concern about the effect of certain internal organizational factors (leadership style, team competency and skills, and effective communication) on construction firm performance has reignited interest in the questions of various literature (Adeleke, Bahaudin and Kamaruddeen, 2017; Jin, 2018; Onana, 2018). Literature Review CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CONSTRUCTION FIRM PERFORMANCE Over the years, several construction firms have shown an imperative for identifying vital areas of their business model that are crucial to their performance. keywords: construction; construction firm; effect; factors; firm; firm performance; journal; management; model; outcomes; performance; performance outcomes; pressures; relationship; research; study; table; value cache: ajceb-7593.pdf plain text: ajceb-7593.txt item: #372 of 393 id: ajceb-7609 author: Dodanwala, Tharindu; Shrestha, Pooja; Santoso, Djoen San title: Role Conflict Related Job Stress among Construction Project Professionals: The Moderating Role of Age and Organization Tenure date: 2021-12-03 words: 8746 flesch: 52 summary: H3: Organization tenure moderates the effect of role conflict on job stress such that the effect of role conflict job stress is lower for employees with longer tenure. Specifically, the literature does not fully explain the positioning of age and organization tenure on the relationship between role conflict and job stress. keywords: age; conflict; construction; dodanwala; employees; job stress; journal; organization; project; role; role conflict; stress; study; tenure; work cache: ajceb-7609.pdf plain text: ajceb-7609.txt item: #373 of 393 id: ajceb-7628 author: Zighan, Saad; Abualqumboz, Moheeb title: A Project Life-Cycle Readiness Approach to Manage Construction Waste in Jordan date: 2021-08-15 words: 10479 flesch: 42 summary: Therefore, this study relies on the project management approach to analyze construction waste management across the phases of the project lifecycle to improve the management of construction waste by outlining causes for waste and strategies to tackle them at each phase along the project lifecycle. In 2016, the EU generated 2,538 million tons of waste, of which 25%- 30% was construction waste. keywords: abualqumboz; building; causes; construction; construction project; construction waste; design; journal; lifecycle; management; materials; phase; project; project lifecycle; project management; research; waste; waste management; waste minimization cache: ajceb-7628.pdf plain text: ajceb-7628.txt item: #374 of 393 id: ajceb-7634 author: Aghimien, Douglas Omoregie; Ikuabe, Matthew; Aigbavboa, Clinton; Oke, Ayodeji; Shirinda, Wealthy title: Unravelling the Factors Influencing Construction Organisations’ Intention to Adopt Big Data Analytics in South Africa date: 2021-08-15 words: 9880 flesch: 45 summary: While several studies have emerged on Big Data adoption, challenges, benefits and diffusion with other digital technologies within the construction industry (Bilal, et al., 2016; Koseleva and Ropaite, 2017; Moynihan, et al., 2017; Lu, et al., 2018), not much as surfaced on the factors that might influence construction organisations intention to adopt this beneficial technology. To determine the factors with greater impact on construction organisations intention to adopt BDA, Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation (FSE), an application fuzzy set theory (Zhao, Hwang, and Gao, 2016), was adopted. keywords: adoption; aghimien; bda; building; construction; construction industry; construction organisations; data; factors; industry; influence; information; intention; journal; organisations; study; technology; use cache: ajceb-7634.pdf plain text: ajceb-7634.txt item: #375 of 393 id: ajceb-7642 author: Stefańska, Anna; Cygan, Marta; Batte, Kinga; Pietrzak, Joanna title: Application of Timber and Wood-based Materials in Architectural Design using Multi-objective Optimisation Tools date: 2021-08-15 words: 7419 flesch: 40 summary: Multivariate optimisations serve to minimise the production time or the amount of used material and the applied technology. Influence of environmental requirements (design according to international organisations’ strictures related to Sustainable Development), technological development of wood- based construction materials (micro- laminated and CLT), and development of modern tools (generative software, structural analysis, computer- controlled fabrication) resulted in a return of interest in timber and wood- based materials and their reuse as effective solutions (e.g., in high- rise buildings, large- surface coverings or freeform complex geometries) (Lara- Bocanegra, et al., 2014). keywords: building; construction; design; economics; elements; engineering; fabrication; figure; material; optimisation; pavilion; research; september; stefańska; structures; technologies; timber; use; vol; weight; wood cache: ajceb-7642.pdf plain text: ajceb-7642.txt item: #376 of 393 id: ajceb-7643 author: Oo, Bee Lan; Lim, Teck Heng Benson; Zhang, Yixi title: Women Workforce in Construction during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies date: 2021-12-03 words: 10565 flesch: 46 summary: For example, the strategies of flexible working arrangements, breaking out work time and personal time and self-scheduling have been adopted by the respondents in response to challenges associated with changes in work location and working hours. The strategies adopted to overcome the challenges associated with the changes in the respondents’ job situations during the pandemic Strategies Freq. n* Changes in employment status Looking for new job 3 Changed job 2 Negotiated redundancy 1 Total 6 Changes in work location Increased visual communication 13 Dedicated working space 7 Working space setup 6 Maintain strong and consistent connections with project team 5 Flexible working arrangements 4 Breaking out work time and personal time 4 Self-scheduling 3 Learning new technologies and took on the opportunity for skills development 3 Self-adaptation 2 Balancing caring responsibilities and work 2 Organised virtual work socialisation 2 Practising stress reduction techniques 1 Total 52 Changes in working hours Self-scheduling 5 Flexible working arrangements 4 Budgeting expenses 4 Breaking out work time and personal time 3 Practising stress reduction techniques 3 Increased visual communication 1 Self-adaptation 1 Learning new technologies and took on the opportunity for skills development 1 Total 22 * keywords: challenges; changes; construction; covid-19; economics; employment; hours; industry; job; pandemic; respondents; strategies; time; women; work; working cache: ajceb-7643.pdf plain text: ajceb-7643.txt item: #377 of 393 id: ajceb-7647 author: Khalil, Aussama; Rathnasinghe, Akila Pramodh; Kulatunga, Udayangani title: Challenges to the Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practices in Libya date: 2021-08-15 words: 9485 flesch: 37 summary: Challenges for the Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practices in Libya Aussama Khalil1, Akila Pramodh Rathnasinghe2,*, Udayangani Kulatunga3 1 School of the Built Environment, Salford University, United Kingdom 2 Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, United Kingdom 3 Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka *Corresponding author: Akila Pramodh Rathnasinghe, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle- upon- However, applying sustainable construction practices, influenced by the knowledge and involvement of all individuals involved in the industry, will require a more in- depth understanding of the sustainability concept for successful application (Omardin, Abidin and Ali, 2015). keywords: analysis; building; challenges; construction; construction industry; construction practices; costs; development; green; implementation; industry; knowledge; libya; practices; sustainability; technical; technologies cache: ajceb-7647.pdf plain text: ajceb-7647.txt item: #378 of 393 id: ajceb-7653 author: Aslam, Mughees; Gao, Zhili; Smith, Gary title: Development of Lean Approaching Sustainability Tools (LAST) Matrix for Achieving Integrated Lean and Sustainable Construction date: 2021-08-15 words: 10324 flesch: 41 summary: The main problem causing these constraints is that most SC practices are implemented without aligning with construction management processes (Sourani and Sohail, 2005). Therefore, this study focuses on exploring the potential for LC to overcome SC challenges. keywords: building; challenges; construction; implementation; industry; lack; lc practices; lean; management; practices; principles; process; sc challenges; sustainability; techniques; tools cache: ajceb-7653.pdf plain text: ajceb-7653.txt item: #379 of 393 id: ajceb-7657 author: Demirkesen, Sevilay; Sadikoglu, Emel; Jayamanne, Eshan title: Assessing Psychological Safety in Lean Construction Projects in the United States date: 2021-08-15 words: 9333 flesch: 43 summary: Further, psychological safety and construction safety are studied and proposed to be positively related. The second hypothesis proposed that psychological safety promotes construction safety. keywords: construction; construction projects; construction safety; demirkesen; edmondson; employees; industry; interviewees; lean; management; projects; research; safety; studies; study; team cache: ajceb-7657.pdf plain text: ajceb-7657.txt item: #380 of 393 id: ajceb-7660 author: Mat Isa, Siti Sarah ; Zainul Abidin, Nazirah title: Eco-innovation Adoption in Malaysian Contractor Firms: Understanding the Components and Drivers date: 2021-08-15 words: 11896 flesch: 39 summary: Towards environmental sustainability adoption in construction firms : An empirical analysis of market orientation and organisational innovativeness impacts. The survey revealed that the level of EI adoption in contractor firms is still at a moderate pace. keywords: adoption; building; construction; contractor; contractor firms; ecoinnovation; ei adoption; ei practices; environmental; factors; firms; green; innovation; practices; process; product; study; technology cache: ajceb-7660.pdf plain text: ajceb-7660.txt item: #381 of 393 id: ajceb-7681 author: Ahmed, Vian; Saboor, Sara; Ahmed Almarzooqi , Fatima ; Ahmed Alshamsi , Hessa ; Abdalla Alketbi , Mariam; Ahmed Al marei , Fatema title: A Comparative Study of Energy Performance in Educational Buildings in the UAE date: 2021-08-15 words: 11239 flesch: 46 summary: These buildings have been defined by their adoption of advanced technologies and materials, which have allowed the Building Sector to reduce the burning of fossil fuels and generate energy from clean resources resulting in a positive impact on the environment and the decrease in GHG emissions, while leaning towards the development of more energy efficient buildings (Marszal, et al., 2011). As such, buildings can be classified into; conventional buildings, sustainable buildings or Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs) (Kamar, Abd Hamid and Azman, 2011; Kamali, Hewage and Sadiq, 2019). keywords: buildings; co2; construction; electricity; emission; energy; energy buildings; energy consumption; energy efficiency; energy performance; environment; figure; impact; study; sustainable; uae cache: ajceb-7681.pdf plain text: ajceb-7681.txt item: #382 of 393 id: ajceb-7829 author: Raja Mohd Noor, Raja Nor Husna ; Che Ibrahim, Che Khairil Izam; Belayutham, Sheila title: Making Sense of Multi-Actor Social Collaboration in Building Information Modelling Level 2 Projects: A Case in Malaysia date: 2021-12-03 words: 13058 flesch: 32 summary: Received: 22/07/2021; Revised: 14/11/2021; Accepted: 16/11/2021; Published: 20/12/2021 Abstract Despite the diversity of thinking among the scholars on building information modelling (BIM) collaboration, there is a paucity of studies that capture the dimension of social collaboration in BIM projects. This study attempts to develop a comprehensive understanding on the key attributes of multi-actor social collaboration in BIM projects through the experience of practitioners in BIM-Level 2 construction project. keywords: actor; attributes; bim; bim level; bim project; building; collaboration; construction; engineering; experience; information; level; management; multi; order; practise; process; project; team; understanding; working cache: ajceb-7829.pdf plain text: ajceb-7829.txt item: #383 of 393 id: ajceb-7835 author: Yap, Jeffrey Boon Hui; Hew, Queennie Lip Tin; Skitmore, Martin title: Student Learning Experiences in Higher Education: Investigating a Quantity Surveying Programme in Malaysia date: 2022-03-06 words: 12067 flesch: 44 summary: 2 01 0) (A sh ra f, O sm a n a n d R a ta n , 2 01 6) (F a jč ík ov á a n d U rb a n co vá , 2 01 9) (C lo ss , M a h a t a n d I m m s, 2 02 1) A Course factor A1 Course content √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A2 Programme flexibility √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A3 Activities and workshop availability √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A4 Quality of study material √ √ √ √ √ A5 Counselling services √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B Personal factor B1 Peer relationships √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B2 Living arrangements √ √ √ B3 Self-evaluations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ B4 Family encouragement √ √ B5 Financial considerations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ C Lecturer factor C1 Lecturer’s academic experiences √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ C2 Lecturer’s clarity √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ C3 Lecturer’s interpersonal and communication skills √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ C4 Lecturer’s preparedness √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ C5 Lecturer’s responsiveness √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ D Institution factor D1 Classroom environment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ D2 Computer and lab facilities √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ D3 Recreation facilities √ √ √ √ √ D4 Library services √ √ √ √ √ √ √ D5 Ancillary services √ √ √ Yap, et al. Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 22, No. 1 March 20224 questionnaire, which is economical and practical for a large sample (Hair, et al., 2019). © 2022 by the author(s). keywords: attributes; building; construction; course; e n; economics; education; environment; experiences; facilities; factor; journal; learning; lecturer; programme; quality; research; satisfaction; services; students; teaching; yap; year; √ √ cache: ajceb-7835.pdf plain text: ajceb-7835.txt item: #384 of 393 id: ajceb-7854 author: Sarhan, Saad; Pretlove, Stephen title: Lean and Sustainable Construction: State of the Art and Future Directions date: 2021-08-21 words: 5675 flesch: 32 summary: Toward a holistic view on lean sustainable construction: A literature review. Lean construction, building information modelling and sustainability, ERACOBUILD Workshop, Malmö, Sweden, pp.1- 8. Murray, A., Skene, K. and Haynes, K., 2017. keywords: building; challenges; construction; design; energy; issue; production; sarhan; sector; study; sustainability cache: ajceb-7854.pdf plain text: ajceb-7854.txt item: #385 of 393 id: ajceb-7936 author: Malla, Vijayeta; Delhi, Venkata Santosh Kumar title: Determining Interconnectedness of Barriers to Interface Management in Large Construction Projects date: 2022-06-06 words: 15004 flesch: 39 summary: Influencing factors for project interface management. In addition, such exercises can improve the coordination among participants in construction projects. keywords: barriers; building; construction; construction economics; construction management; construction projects; delhi; design; economics; engineering; et al; hammad; interface; interface management; international; ism; issues; journal; malla; management; matrix; micmac; model; project; project management; research; stakeholders; study; table; vol cache: ajceb-7936.pdf plain text: ajceb-7936.txt item: #386 of 393 id: ajceb-8015 author: Oke, Ayodeji ; Atofarati, John; Bello, Sherifat title: Awareness of 3D Printing for Sustainable Construction in an Emerging Economy date: 2022-06-06 words: 7905 flesch: 50 summary: The study reveals that the professionals in the construction industry of the emerging economy have low awareness of 3D printing technology, therefore its practices in the construction industry of the study area are significantly low. More awareness of 3D printing technology should be raised by bodies shouldered with management and regulation of the construction industry to increase professionals' DECLARATION OF CONFLICTING INTEREST keywords: 3d printing; awareness; building; concrete; construction; construction industry; digital; economics; et al; industry; oke; printing; professionals; respondents; table; technology cache: ajceb-8015.pdf plain text: ajceb-8015.txt item: #387 of 393 id: ajceb-8052 author: Manivannan , J; Loganathan, Santhosh; T J, Kamalanabhan ; N. Kalidindi, Satyanarayana title: Investigating the Relationship between Occupational Stress and Work-Life Balance among Indian Construction Professionals date: 2022-06-06 words: 11771 flesch: 41 summary: Similarly, from Table 7, hypothesis H03 is partially supported, and it can be concluded that there is a significant and negative relationship between work nature stressors and WEPL and there is no significant relationship between work time stressors and WEPL. Work stress has been widely linked with adverse effects on employees’ psychological and physical well-being in many occupations (Kinman and Jones, 2005). keywords: construction; construction industry; construction professionals; economics; industry; job; journal; life; life balance; management; nature; organisation; professionals; relationship; stress; stressors; study; time; work; work life cache: ajceb-8052.pdf plain text: ajceb-8052.txt item: #388 of 393 id: ajceb-8163 author: Domínguez-Herrera, Marta Mª; González-Morales, Olga; González-Díaz, Eduardo title: Social Responsibility of Construction Company as Strategy for Sustainability in Island Territories date: 2023-07-12 words: 11698 flesch: 50 summary: Darko, et al. (2019) reviewed the practices adopted by the stakeholders of construction companies in countries such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, India and China, and confirmed that, at the end of the 20th century, the construction sector took CSR into account and, as the socio- environmentally responsible vision spreads, the interest of the agents involved in the construction process and of the researchers in the sector grows. The methodology employed in this research has also been used by Zhang, Oo and Lim (2022), who identify and classify the practices and perceived benefits of CSR in construction companies using an online questionnaire and subsequently analyses the perception of CSR through the social networks of these companies. keywords: actions; aspects; building; companies; construction; construction sector; csr; group; io n; n se; n st; n y; o n; sector; social; strategy; y c cache: ajceb-8163.pdf plain text: ajceb-8163.txt item: #389 of 393 id: ajceb-8390 author: Debs, Luciana; Hubbard, Bryan title: Gathering and disseminating lessons learned in construction companies to support knowledge management date: 2023-07-12 words: 10836 flesch: 40 summary: Management of project knowledge and experiences.  Development of a methodology for live capture and reuse of project knowledge in construction. keywords: aec; companies; company; construction; evaluations; industry; information; knowledge; lessons; management; participants; procedures; project; research cache: ajceb-8390.pdf plain text: ajceb-8390.txt item: #390 of 393 id: ajceb-8441 author: None title: Health and Safety Challenges Among Post-Disaster Reconstruction Workers date: None words: 13491 flesch: 51 summary: Also, the study opens a door for future research efforts on reconstruction workers health and safety. However, as specified in the above section, reconstruction workers health and safety has not been studied thoroughly in the disaster risk management literature. keywords: disaster; earthquake; efforts; hazards; health; management; nepal; participants; pdr; people; post; reconstruction; reconstruction workers; recovery; research; safety; safety challenges; safety equipment; safety training; study; training; workers; workers health cache: ajceb-8441.htm plain text: ajceb-8441.txt item: #391 of 393 id: ajceb-8532 author: Suriyanon, Natee; Sutheerawatthana, Pitch; Kaewmoracharoen, Manop; Klansai, Veera title: The utility and value of contract terms: a case study on interior contractors date: 2023-07-12 words: 9203 flesch: 55 summary: Contract term values and its cumulative population The value of the period to make a payment term to the interior contractor ranges from 2.00–11.67 % of the proposed price, the average value being 3.78% of it. The Utility and Value of Contract Terms: keywords: advance; condition; construction; contract; contract term; payment; payment term; period; price; project price; proposal; term; utility; value cache: ajceb-8532.pdf plain text: ajceb-8532.txt item: #392 of 393 id: ajceb-8707 author: None title: Construction Economics and Building; A Rare Breed with Fine Pedigree date: None words: 1355 flesch: 46 summary: Whilst the discipline of construction management has arguably existed for 60 or more years, it is only in recent years that the number of associated quality academic journals has risen much above a handful. The last 20 years have seen something of a revolution in the way academic journals are published and distributed, with the decline of the printed hard copy and the rise of e-journals. keywords: ceb; construction; economics cache: ajceb-8707.htm plain text: ajceb-8707.txt item: #393 of 393 id: ajceb-8711 author: Brewer, Graham title: Lights under a Bushel: a digest of highly cited papers from Construction Economics and Building date: 2023-07-14 words: 2702 flesch: 33 summary: The results will help benchmark the current state of lean construction implementation, which will enable the construction industry to identify strategies to implement lean construction in Saudi Arabia in accordance with their needs and project goals, to achieve better productivity. org/10.5130/AJCEB.v15i3.4608 Brewer Construction Economics and Building, Vol. 23, No. 1/2 July 202398 Lean Construction Implementation in the Saudi Arabian Construction Industry Jamil Ghazi Sarhan1, Bo Xia2, Sabrina Fawzia1, Azharul Karim2 1 School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology, Australia 1 Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology, Australia au Abstract The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has witnessed a huge increase in construction during the last two decades. keywords: australia; bim; building; construction; economics; factors; implementation; industry; university cache: ajceb-8711.pdf plain text: ajceb-8711.txt