item: #1 of 338 id: coolabah-15418 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin; Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Editorial Note date: 2016-04-01 words: 567 flesch: 31 summary: There, in a panel on the changing character of higher education, David Hoffman addressed the issue of abandonment amongst immigrant scholars attempting to get a foothold in Finnish academia. Hoffman’s team’s research laid bare an emergent hierarchisation and stratification in Finnish academia identifiable as ‘methodological nationalism’, which responds to the transnational character of capitalism and aims to contain the forces of globalisation within Finnish academia inasmuch that access to, and mobility of immigrant scholars within the tertiary educational system are complicated precisely on the assumption that there is no competitive difference between national and foreign candidates for posts. keywords: coolabah; hoffman cache: coolabah-15418.pdf plain text: coolabah-15418.txt item: #2 of 338 id: coolabah-15419 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin; Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Editorial: After the Water has been Shed date: 2016-03-17 words: 1335 flesch: 34 summary: The Role of Place in Writing”, the non-Indigenous poets Lynda Hawryluk and Leni Shilton look at the issue of Australian belonging and place by applying John Keats‟s notion of „negative capability‟ (1891, p. 48) to their writing. In “Identity and friendship in Hsu-Ming Teo´s Behind the Moon (2000)”, Catalina Ribas Segura takes us back to the Asian strand with her discussion of identity issues in the novel Behind the Moon (2000) by the Chinese Australian author Hsu-Ming Teo. keywords: barcelona; centre; studies; university; women‟s cache: coolabah-15419.pdf plain text: coolabah-15419.txt item: #3 of 338 id: coolabah-15420 author: Bill, Boyd title: Pedagogical Change at Times of Change in the Higher Education System: An Exploration of Early Career Mentoring, Co-publication and Teaching & Learning Insights date: 2016-03-17 words: 8660 flesch: 44 summary: ―One realistic way of bringing teaching and research together in learning environments‖, claims Willison, ―is for academics to explicitly develop student research skills in regular semester-length courses …, immersing students in the discipline, not only for its content, but also for its knowledge- making practices‖ (Willison, 2012:906). The basis of the study is the adoption of a research methodology – that is the planning, execution and write-up of small, usually group, research projects by final year Masters students in an Osteopathy course. keywords: academics; boyd; career; centre; development; education; ethics; learning; nexus; project; research; students; studies; teaching; team cache: coolabah-15420.pdf plain text: coolabah-15420.txt item: #4 of 338 id: coolabah-15422 author: Danica, Čerče title: Literature as Protest and Solace: the Verse of Alf Taylor date: 2016-03-17 words: 4441 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Australian indigenous poetry, Alf Taylor, Singer Songwriter, Winds Since the 1970s, indigenous Australian authors have steadily gained prominence in Australia‟s mainstream (Wheeler). Abstract: Although Australian indigenous poetry is often overtly polemical and politically committed, any reading which analyzes it as mere propaganda is too narrow to do it justice. keywords: aboriginal; australians; black; centre; poem; poetry; singer; songwriter; taylor; taylor‟s; winds; writing cache: coolabah-15422.pdf plain text: coolabah-15422.txt item: #5 of 338 id: coolabah-15423 author: Jordi, Codó Martínez title: Transnationalism and the Decentralization of the Global Film Industry date: 2016-03-17 words: 6898 flesch: 52 summary: This does not necessarily mean that cinemas in Europe and North America will be inundated by Chinese films, but it will nonetheless lead to changes in the consumer products that we are offered. Curiously enough, however, it was under the ownership of an Asian company that Columbia believed it could introduce Asian films into mainstream markets worldwide, and thus in 1998 it launched a division called Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia, based in Hong Kong, with the aim of producing Asian films and distributing them internationally. keywords: asian; barcelona; centre; china; chinese; cinema; cultural; culture; film; hollywood; hong; industry; new; production; universitat; world cache: coolabah-15423.pdf plain text: coolabah-15423.txt item: #6 of 338 id: coolabah-15424 author: Lynda, Hawryluk; Leni, Shilton title: Negotiating ‘Negative Capability’: The Role of Place in Writing date: 2016-03-17 words: 9082 flesch: 56 summary: Carter (1996, p. 25) writes of the process of writing history, place and exploring characters to make a new history: This process of bringing places „into being‟ dissolves the distinction between autobiography and history; to affiliate successfully to the new environment was to be initiated into a new history, but also envisage different ways of telling history. Abstract: Taking its lead from the poet John Keats‟ notion of „negative capability‟ (1891, p. 48), this paper explores the methodology of representing landscapes in writing, specifically using place to effect the process of „…being capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubt, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason…‟ (ibid). keywords: australians; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; glimpse; issn; landscape; moment; no.16; observatori; place; poem; poetry; reader; sense; studies centre; universitat; work; writing cache: coolabah-15424.pdf plain text: coolabah-15424.txt item: #7 of 338 id: coolabah-15425 author: Anne, Holden Rønning title: Louisa Lawson and the Woman Question date: 2016-03-17 words: 6409 flesch: 56 summary: Women had understood that purely feminist ideas and ideology would not reach out to the greater mass of women. Louisa considered male journalists should refocus their opinions away from ―disquisitions on woman, her weakness, inconstancy, vanity and little failings innumerable.‖ Instead authors should turn ―the search light of genius‖ upon men and boys, because ―a serious examination of modern social affairs, renders apparent the significant fact that women and girls in the mass, have a higher standard of action, and a finer moral tone, than men and boys in the mass possess.‖ (―The Man Question, or, The Woman Question Re-stated.‖ September 2, 1889) Louisa is clear and unequivocal on what she considers typical attitudes to women in contemporary society. keywords: australia; centre; dawn; issn; journal; lawson; louisa; observatori; studies; suffrage; vote; women; women‘s cache: coolabah-15425.pdf plain text: coolabah-15425.txt item: #8 of 338 id: coolabah-15426 author: Chen, Hong title: On Matteo Ricci’s Interpretations of Chinese Culture date: 2016-03-17 words: 5674 flesch: 59 summary: Xu Guangqu(徐光启) was a famous scholar who learned from Ricci Western learning and worked together in translating Euclids Elements. Abstract: On the contribution to introducing Western learning to China by Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), the 16 th -century Italian Jesuit missionary to the Ming Dynasty, abundant research has been done; however, not so on his contribution to introducing Chinese learning to the West, and if so, not profoundly. keywords: centre; china; chinese; christian; confucian; learning; matteo; missionary; people; ricci; studies cache: coolabah-15426.pdf plain text: coolabah-15426.txt item: #9 of 338 id: coolabah-15427 author: Ulla, Rahbek title: Developing a Connective Feminine Discourse: Drusilla Modjeska on Women’s Lives, Love and Art date: 2016-03-17 words: 6112 flesch: 60 summary: How to hinge, we might say: “What I wanted to capture in writing was the spreading, weaving talk that happens with an intimate friend” (Timepieces, 85), Modjeska writes, again using that metaphor of weaving that becomes her way of talking about female lives, friendships and conversations. Towards the end of Poppy Modjeska writes about her own work, not only Poppy but also Exiles at Home, that she gradually realised that her search for a way of writing, for a way of creating art, also entailed “the discovery of a feminine history of writing and art” (Poppy, 260). keywords: art; centre; female; life; lives; love; modjeska; poppy; women; women‟s cache: coolabah-15427.pdf plain text: coolabah-15427.txt item: #10 of 338 id: coolabah-15428 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Identity and Friendship in Hsu-Ming Teo´s Behind the Moon (2000) date: 2016-03-17 words: 5627 flesch: 60 summary: The novel reflects the change undergone by Australian society: from the White Australia policy and the narrow definition of being “Australian” to the acknowledgement and celebration of Australia´s multicultural society and the questioning of “Australianness” in order to look for a more inclusive meaning. This evolution in Justin´s identity is logical: when he overcomes his fears, he starts to look for his niche in this new community. keywords: australian; centre; family; father; friends; gibbo; identity; justin; teo; tien cache: coolabah-15428.pdf plain text: coolabah-15428.txt item: #11 of 338 id: coolabah-15429 author: Jeanti, St Clair title: Doing it for Real: Designing Experiential Journalism Curricula that Prepare Students for the New and Uncertain World of Journalism Work date: 2016-03-17 words: 9444 flesch: 41 summary: An Australian study into work- integrated internship placements for journalism students found that media employers generally had high expectations of the level of skills that students should present during placement. Anchoring experiential learning in authentic settings or around authentic activities further supports relevant and deep learning, helps journalism students develop skills and mindsets they can draw upon during internships and their first professional roles. keywords: activities; centre; curriculum; digital; education; educators; experiential; issn; journalism; learning; media; news; observatori; reporting; skills; students; studies; university; work cache: coolabah-15429.pdf plain text: coolabah-15429.txt item: #12 of 338 id: coolabah-15430 author: -, - title: Special Monographic Issue. When “Time Stands Still”: Remembering Pamela Dahl-Helm Johnston, Australian Artist and Academic. date: 2016-03-17 words: 143 flesch: 71 summary: Coolabah, No.14, 2014, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Special Monographic Issue When “Time Stands Still”: For that millisecond we are sublime … (Johnston, Pamela; 1995, HEARTSBLOODBREATHESPIRIT, exhibition catalogue, James Harvey Gallery). keywords: johnston cache: coolabah-15430.pdf plain text: coolabah-15430.txt item: #13 of 338 id: coolabah-15431 author: Conway-Herron, Janie title: Janie Conway-Herron, Dedications and Acknowledgements date: 2016-03-17 words: 383 flesch: 50 summary: Professor Diana Wood Conroy for her support and assistance in the early stages of the project as well as her writing; Trevor Avery for bringing to light the importance of Pam’s work in a global sense; Pauline Mitchell for bringing us together as family and for her continuing support of Pam and her work; C.Moore Hardy for articulating the importance of a woman’s life in Pam’s work and adding a strong feminist perspective plus continuing support to honouring Pam; Cate McCarthy, for her ongoing friendship and support in getting this special edition for Pam together plus the many invaluable talks we have had by phone on email and for being a perfect host at Fat Wombat Farm as well as providing much of the background information and images from Pam’s archives. To Doctor Sue Ballyn of the Australian Studies Centre at the University of Barcelona, for suggesting we could publish a special edition for Pam in the first place and to Doctor Maarten Renes for special insights and assistance as executive editor on the project. keywords: pam; support cache: coolabah-15431.pdf plain text: coolabah-15431.txt item: #14 of 338 id: coolabah-15432 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Editorial: When time Stands Still date: 2016-03-17 words: 800 flesch: 45 summary: “When I’m actually developing my imagery, time stands still, I truly exist in that moment” (Pamela Johnston in Caroline Ambrus’s book The Unseen Art Scene: 32 Australian women artists (Irrepressible Press, 1995). Cornelis Martin Renes Coolabah co-editor Co-director of the University of Barcelona Centre of Australian Studies May 2014 i Pam was known variously as Pam Johnston Dahl Helm, Pam Dal-Helm Johnston and just Pam Johnston. keywords: janie; johnston; pamela cache: coolabah-15432.pdf plain text: coolabah-15432.txt item: #15 of 338 id: coolabah-15433 author: Conway-Herron, Janie title: Mapping Our Heartlands: In Memory of Doctor Pam Dahl-Helm Johnston date: 2016-03-17 words: 8253 flesch: 57 summary: When Pam and I finished writing Remembering Ruby – a tribute to author and Bundjalung elder Doctor Ruby Langford Ginibi for a special edition of Coolabah Journal – I had little idea that within six months I would also be mourning my dear friend, fellow academic, artistic colleague and sister in arms, Doctor Pam Johnston. In our commemorative piece to Ruby Pam describes how our relationship has broader connections to Indigenous ways of relating to an extended family network: Years ago when Ruby and I were visiting up at Cabbage Tree Island in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Aunty Eileen Morgan asked about Janie. keywords: aboriginal; art; australians; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; johnston; life; pam; people; ruby; studies; women; work; world cache: coolabah-15433.pdf plain text: coolabah-15433.txt item: #16 of 338 id: coolabah-15434 author: Diana, Wood Conroy title: Pam Johnston Dahl Helm: Lost to our Mothers date: 2016-03-17 words: 7988 flesch: 53 summary: The anthropologist TGH Strehlow recorded the predations of white men on black women when he was Chief Protector in the 1930s: “The worst elements of white society were at liberty with Aboriginal women and increasingly breeding a generation…about whom no one had a clear social policy” (Hill, 2002, p.269). References Bell, Diane, 1998, “Aboriginal women and religious experience” in Max Charlesworth (ed), 1998, Religious Business: keywords: aboriginal; art; artists; arts; australians; barcelona; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; johnston; land; observatori; pam; pam johnston; people; studies; studies centre; university; women cache: coolabah-15434.pdf plain text: coolabah-15434.txt item: #17 of 338 id: coolabah-15435 author: Trevor, Avery title: We Shimmer We Shine date: 2016-03-17 words: 3934 flesch: 75 summary: Coolabah, No.14, 2014, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 42 Johnston P., 1993, Shimmer – 4 WELCOME to Shimmer - Introduction by Trevor Avery 1999 Welcome to this exhibition by Dr Pam Johnston or Pam Johnston Dahl- Helm or Murai Tighara or, to me, simply Pam. As John states once again: Pam Johnston, Dr. Pam Johnston, Dahl Helm, Murai Tighara, all are manifestations of one remarkable woman. keywords: body; centre; exhibition; johnston; land; pam; sand; shimmer cache: coolabah-15435.pdf plain text: coolabah-15435.txt item: #18 of 338 id: coolabah-15436 author: C. Moore, Hardy; Cate, McCarthy title: 2+2=5: A Collective Inspiration date: 2016-03-17 words: 2867 flesch: 64 summary: Doctor Pam Johnston was an inspiration, a testament to how much can be achieved despite adversity. Coolabah, No.14, 2014, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 52 2+2=5 at their last meeting at Fat Wombat Farm, Bathurst Left to right Cate McCarthy, Deb Young, Pam Johnston, Josie Kim (Newton) (Photo by C.Moore Hardy 2013) References Johnston, P., 2007. keywords: art; centre; life; pam; sydney; women cache: coolabah-15436.pdf plain text: coolabah-15436.txt item: #19 of 338 id: coolabah-15437 author: Pauline, Mitchell title: DR PAM JOHNSTON, MY BIG ‘BLISTER’ SISTER date: 2016-03-17 words: 622 flesch: 78 summary: ONE OF THE BEST TIMES WE ALL HAD TOGETHER WAS MUM’S BIRTHDAY IN 1990 WHEN PAM PICKED HER UP AND DROVE OUT TO MY SISTER AILEEN`S HOUSE IN BIDWELL, MOUNT DRUITT, FOR THE PARTY WE PUT ON. SHE WOULD CHUCK MUM IN THE CAR AND SAY, ‘COME ON WE’RE GOING AWAY FOR A BIT TO GET OUT OF THE CITY’. keywords: mum; pam cache: coolabah-15437.pdf plain text: coolabah-15437.txt item: #20 of 338 id: coolabah-15438 author: -, - title: Exhibitions and Publications: Pam Dahl-Helm Johnston date: 2016-03-17 words: 1449 flesch: 47 summary: ‘Pam Johnston at Boomalli, Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative Gallery, Chippendale. 1987 ‘One Woman Show’ Kelly Street Kolektiv Gallery, Ultimo. 1992 ‘Aboriginality’ – National Aboriginal Week, Long Gallery Wollongong. keywords: artists; arts; centre; exhibition; gallery; johnston; sydney; women cache: coolabah-15438.pdf plain text: coolabah-15438.txt item: #21 of 338 id: coolabah-15516 author: Hoffman, David M.; Pöyhönen, Sari; Cools, Carine; Stikhin, Anatoly; Habti, Driss; Siekkinen, Taru; Sama, Thomas title: Aspiration, Achievement and Abandonment in ‘The World’s Best Country’: Merit and Equity or Smoke and Mirrors? date: 2016-04-01 words: 35980 flesch: 40 summary: Hoffman, Cools and Seikkinen were already acutely aware of the risk entailed in studies of this nature, as higher education studies are generally not a showcase for critical approaches to power relations within academe (Alvesson 2003; Hoffman et al. 2014, 2013b; Tight 2012), and in Finnish higher education studies in particular (Hoffman et al. 2013a; Hoffman, Saarinen & Cools 2012). This self-ethnography questions the extent to which the nature of equality and inclusion in Finland’s higher education system is quickly moving toward the social stratification characteristic of places like Australia or the USA, or Coolabah, No.17, 2015, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 16 whether this is seriously considered, or even noticed within higher education studies in Finland. keywords: 2013; academic; analysis; approach; australians; barcelona; career; coolabah; dynamics; d’estudis; education; education studies; ethnography; fier; finland; finnish; group; hoffman; issn; migration; no.17; observatori; policy; research; scholars; self; social; studies; studies centre; study; team; terms; topic; universitat; work cache: coolabah-15516.pdf plain text: coolabah-15516.txt item: #22 of 338 id: coolabah-15517 author: Alonso Breto, Isabel; Grau Perejoan, Maria; Hoyos, Kathleen; Phillips, Bill; Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Looking Back: Inspiration to Move On date: 2016-04-01 words: 1554 flesch: 49 summary: Coolabah, No.13, 2014, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Looking Back: Inspiration to Move On Isabel Alonso-Breto, Maria Grau Perejoan, Kathleen Hoyos, Bill Phillips and Martin Renes In this issue of Coolabah we proudly present a new collection of essays which once again sprang from a conference jointly organised by the Centre of Australian Studies at the University of Barcelona, Spain, and the Centre for Peace and Social Justice, Southern Cross University, Australia. It often happens in Cultural Studies journal issues that most of the articles are about literature. keywords: centre; coolabah; memory; past; studies; time cache: coolabah-15517.pdf plain text: coolabah-15517.txt item: #23 of 338 id: coolabah-15518 author: Arimitsu, Yasue title: Nation, Identity, and Subjectivity in Globalizing Literature date: 2016-04-01 words: 6557 flesch: 56 summary: Though non-Japanese readers came to share something with Japanese writers, they still seemed to read these writers’ works as representing Japanese literature which definitely reflected Japanese people, society, culture and tradition. Edward W. Said, Reflection on Exile and Other Essays (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2002), 269; Gayatri Spivak declares the death of comparative literature in the era of globalization in her Death of a Discipline (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003); The Japanese critic Karatani Koujin remarks that Japanese modern literature is coming to an end, although literature itself will continue, and says that the literature of the future will be unrecognizable. keywords: author; castro; centre; english; home; identity; japanese; literature; subjectivity; works; writers cache: coolabah-15518.pdf plain text: coolabah-15518.txt item: #24 of 338 id: coolabah-15519 author: Grau Perejoan, Maria title: The grass that they cut and trample and dig out and sprout roots again”: The Spiritual Baptist Church in Earl Lovelace’s The Wine of Astonishment date: 2016-04-01 words: 4414 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Earl Lovelace, Creole art forms, Spiritual Baptist church, steel pan, resistance At the heart of Earl Lovelace’s works lies the assumption that fiction is an instrument of social transformation. First, it was argued that that Spiritual Baptist practices were deemed as non-tolerable in a well-conducted community, and secondly, it was also argued that the neighbourhood in which the Spiritual Baptists meeting took place was made almost impossible for residential occupation (Herskovits, 1947: 330). keywords: african; baptist; caribbean; centre; church; lovelace; novel; people; spirit cache: coolabah-15519.pdf plain text: coolabah-15519.txt item: #25 of 338 id: coolabah-15520 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Pacific Studies: Quo Vadis? date: 2016-04-01 words: 5616 flesch: 55 summary: i One of the hindrances facing Pacific area studies is that so far many courses in area studies do not necessarily give credits, and seldom can Australian or New Zealand topics be taught as separate courses. But this raises a very salient problem that we need to discuss—what is the justification for Pacific area studies? keywords: area; australian; barcelona; centre; cultural; european; literature; new; pacific; studies; studies centre; zealand cache: coolabah-15520.pdf plain text: coolabah-15520.txt item: #26 of 338 id: coolabah-15522 author: Hoyos, Kathleen title: Canadian Multiculturalism, Same as it ever Was? date: 2016-04-01 words: 4328 flesch: 55 summary: Polyethnicity holds an inherent value in Canadian society and culture since Canada proclaimed its own ‘Multiculturalism Policy’ in 1971, making Canada the first country in the world to officially implement a legislative framework for multiculturalism. “The Current State of Multiculturalism in Canada and Research Temes on Canadian Multiculturalism 2008-2010” (A report biten for the Departament of Citi-les-hi and Immigration Canada, 2010). keywords: canada; canadians; centre; groups; kymlicka; multiculturalism; society; studies; walker cache: coolabah-15522.pdf plain text: coolabah-15522.txt item: #27 of 338 id: coolabah-15523 author: Hummell, Eloise title: Standing the Test of Time – Barth and Ethnicity date: 2016-04-01 words: 7407 flesch: 37 summary: It also contributes to the early stages of the author’s current PhD research which includes a focus on Catalan ethnic identity. Keywords: Barth; ethnicity; Catalan ethnic identity As a theory for understanding the dynamics, complexities and ambiguities of group identity and social organisation, ‘ethnicity’ retains its relevance for making sense of societies in the 21st century. keywords: barth; boundaries; catalan; centre; culture; ethnicity; groups; identities; identity; language; organisation; sami; studies; work cache: coolabah-15523.pdf plain text: coolabah-15523.txt item: #28 of 338 id: coolabah-15524 author: Martinez-Criado, Gerard title: The World of Bullying: An Overview and Reflexion date: 2016-04-01 words: 6338 flesch: 53 summary: When the bully is older (e.g. a boy of a more advanced grade) bullying behaviours may be more easily identifiable, but most of these episodes happen among children within a similar age group. Intervention programs are crucial for preventing bullying behaviours. keywords: adults; behaviour; bullying; centre; children; group; research; rigby; school; studies; victim cache: coolabah-15524.pdf plain text: coolabah-15524.txt item: #29 of 338 id: coolabah-15525 author: Martínez-Expósito, Alfredo title: Vested Interests: the Place of Spanish in Australian Academia date: 2016-04-01 words: 6403 flesch: 37 summary: Research projects on Spanish language and culture funded by the Australian Research Council remain scarce but growing. Gone are the days when languages disciplines were defined by the US- inspired notion of ‘language and literature’ or by the French ‘langue et civilisation’. keywords: american; australia; centre; departments; discipline; education; english; language; latin; research; spanish; studies; universities cache: coolabah-15525.pdf plain text: coolabah-15525.txt item: #30 of 338 id: coolabah-15527 author: Oró Piqueras, Maricel title: Memory Revisited in Julian Barnes's The Sense of an Ending date: 2016-04-01 words: 5033 flesch: 57 summary: Within this context, life narratives have the function of providing a sense of continuity and logical meaning to a long life trajectory. The revision of such experiences usually becomes more recurrent after retirement, a transition time from one period of life to another and, as such, a time in which we, human beings, have a tendency to take stock of our lives. keywords: age; ageing; centre; life; memory; narrative; veronica; webster cache: coolabah-15527.pdf plain text: coolabah-15527.txt item: #31 of 338 id: coolabah-15528 author: Pallua, Ulrich title: The Rhetoric of Inferiority of African Slaves in John Fawcett’s Obi; or, Three-Fingered Jack (1800) Re-evaluated in Charlie Haffner’s Amistad Kata-Kata (1987) date: 2016-04-01 words: 5814 flesch: 53 summary: Scrutinizing images of African slaves created by the imperial ideology in the contact zone is most essential to understand how they came into being and, most importantly, how they influence modern thinking in terms of national/cultural/ethnic differences and divergence. Particular emphasis in the analysis of the plays featuring African slaves is laid on the national identity of the British Empire in creating ‘auto’ and ‘hetero’ images, whose frequent reiteration successfully familiarized the British public with the character of the ‘non-familiar.’ keywords: african; amistad; body; british; centre; haffner; identity; jack; kata; obi; slavery; slaves; white cache: coolabah-15528.pdf plain text: coolabah-15528.txt item: #32 of 338 id: coolabah-15529 author: Phillips, Bill; Mendoza, Marlene title: The Dead Walk date: 2016-04-01 words: 6289 flesch: 58 summary: Zombies, however, are amoral – their motivation purely instinctive and arbitrary, yet they are, perhaps, the most loathed of all contemporary monsters. Keywords: cultural studies, zombies, horror, monsters, uncanny valley According to Niall Scott, The monster is perhaps one of the most significant creations serving to reflect and critique human existence (Scott, 1). keywords: barcelona; centre; dead; death; disease; disgust; fear; human; issn; life; living; monsters; mori; studies; valley; zombie cache: coolabah-15529.pdf plain text: coolabah-15529.txt item: #33 of 338 id: coolabah-15530 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Language and Bilingualism in Antigone Kefala’s Alexia (1995) and The Island (2002) date: 2016-04-01 words: 9706 flesch: 63 summary: Nicolas seems to be troubled about and paralyzed by this change while for Alexia language represents the key she can use to adapt and have a future she can enjoy. This demand is especially targeted at immigrants who use different languages as they are considered outsiders and, consequently, potential enemies. keywords: alexia; antigone; australian; centre; country; culture; english; island; kefala; language; melina; migrants; mother; new; people; studies cache: coolabah-15530.pdf plain text: coolabah-15530.txt item: #34 of 338 id: coolabah-15531 author: Rolls, Mitchell title: The Northern Territory Intervention: The Symbolic Value of ‘Authentic’ Indigeneity and Impoverishment, and the Interests of the (Progressive) Liberal Left date: 2016-04-01 words: 11448 flesch: 35 summary: That there are leaders and prominent members of remote Aboriginal communities, comprising former Labor party supporters and even a former Labor member of the Northern Territory legislative assembly, seeking candidacy, winning seats and being instrumental in delivering office to a party long thought to be inimical to Aboriginal interests, raises issues relevant not only to the actions of the men cited above, but also to the disputatious reaction to the ‘emergency response’ in the Northern Territory.vii Coolabah, No.13, 2014, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 138 In a speech delivered in March 2006 the shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Chris Evans, reflected on the ideological convictions of the major Australian political parties vis-à-vis indigenous policy. It is here too where there is convergence between the progressive politics of predominantly urban-based, middleclass, educated black and white, and their respective interests in remote Aboriginal communities. keywords: aboriginal; australian; barcelona; black; centre; communities; coolabah; cultural; culture; difference; d’estudis; identity; indigenous; issn; no.13; northern; observatori; people; remote; studies; territory; university; white cache: coolabah-15531.pdf plain text: coolabah-15531.txt item: #35 of 338 id: coolabah-15532 author: Ryan, John title: Memory: The Theatre of the Past date: 2016-04-01 words: 3855 flesch: 58 summary: In the next part of this paper I focus on Australian novelist and academic Gail Jones’ Sixty Lights, a text where modernism is made a subject and means for expression. The Theatre of the Past John Ryan Abstract: This paper explores curricula where a cultural study of texts offers opportunities for New South Wales high school students to consider the discourses and stories that have continued to preoccupy and shape their own society and lives these last hundred and fifty years. keywords: centre; english; gail; jones; new; novel; students; studies; study; text cache: coolabah-15532.pdf plain text: coolabah-15532.txt item: #36 of 338 id: coolabah-15534 author: Schlunke, Katrina title: Beyond Nation? Ludwig Leichhardt’s Transnationalism date: 2016-04-01 words: 4553 flesch: 51 summary: Once in Australia Leichhardt was eventually supplied with accommodation by another follower of natural science, Robert Lynd, and was able to put together his first expedition through a mixture of Nicholson’s money and materials supplied by friends he had made either among the squatters or among fellow scientists. Keywords: Ludwig Leichhardt, transnationalism, nationalism The disappearance of Leichhardt in 1848 and failure to ever find his body (or those of his final party) has produced not a stable historical figure easily folded into continuing national mythologies but an indeterminate subject. keywords: australia; centre; coolabah; favenc; issn; leichhardt; observatori; science; studies; support cache: coolabah-15534.pdf plain text: coolabah-15534.txt item: #37 of 338 id: coolabah-15535 author: Watson, Virginia title: Colonialism’s Past and Present: Performing History at a Gold Rush Theme Park date: 2016-04-01 words: 7035 flesch: 53 summary: Rather, that non-Indigenous practices of history and heritage from history theme parks to academic texts are just that, exemplars of non-Indigenous historical consciousness. It then moves on to reflect on the representations of the past produced at this history theme park (at least as I experienced and understood these), and particularly to reflect on these in relation to published histories of the region, mining history, and Indigenous histories of the south coast. keywords: centre; coast; gold; heritage; history; mogo; park; past; people; present; south; theme; town cache: coolabah-15535.pdf plain text: coolabah-15535.txt item: #38 of 338 id: coolabah-15538 author: Fresno Calleja, Paloma title: “For Was I Not Born Here?” Identity and Culture in the Work of Yvonne du Fresne, by Anne Holden Rønning (2010) date: 2016-04-01 words: 2289 flesch: 41 summary: As Patricia Grace argues above, New Zealand literature has not fully managed to reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity that has characterized its society from the beginning of the colonial period. Although, as she points out, Maori literature is now firmly established and has been subject to numerous critical studies, the same does not apply to the literature produced by writers of other backgrounds, whose works have tended to be ignored as constitutive of the body of New Zealand literature (Nola 1999). keywords: fresne; holden; new; zealand cache: coolabah-15538.pdf plain text: coolabah-15538.txt item: #39 of 338 id: coolabah-15539 author: Barnes, John title: Travelling in Lawson's Tracks: A Review-Essay date: 2016-04-01 words: 6425 flesch: 57 summary: In 1931, with Lawson’s daughter, Bertha, he edited a volume of reminiscences entitled Henry Lawson By His Mates. As for Clancy, Webby provides a reference to the Lawson-Paterson exchange in the Bulletin, but could have said more about Lawson’s reaction to ‘ideal bush literature’, directing the reader to such Lawson items as ‘Some Popular Australian Mistakes’ ‘The Bush and the Ideal’. keywords: billy; book; centre; eggert; jose; lawson; new; roderick; stories; studies; work cache: coolabah-15539.pdf plain text: coolabah-15539.txt item: #40 of 338 id: coolabah-15540 author: Boyd, Bill title: Postcolonial Times: Lock the Gate or Pull Down the Fences? date: 2016-04-01 words: 12074 flesch: 52 summary: Key words: Tricontinental Conference, Australia, coal seam gas, fracking, community protest, language, power, postcolonial studies, postcolonial scholarship Introduction to the Tricontinental Lecture in Postcolonial Studies lecture series An initiative of the teachers of Postcolonial Studies in the English Department at Barcelona University, The University of Barcelona Tricontinental Lectures Series was created in 2011 to incorporate interventions by speakers of diverse academic and cultural backgrounds in the Postcolonial Studies courses offered at the Department of English and German Studies. Coal seam gas exploration and mining in Australia Let us return now to coal seam gas and the social response to it. keywords: australian; barcelona; centre; coal; community; coolabah; d’estudis; environmental; gas; government; issn; language; observatori; people; power; public; seam; studies; studies centre cache: coolabah-15540.pdf plain text: coolabah-15540.txt item: #41 of 338 id: coolabah-15544 author: Blagrove, Anna title: “Red Dog: Film of the Year” date: 2016-04-01 words: 2530 flesch: 58 summary: Red Dog has an inter-generational appeal, with animal action for young people (including the cartoon-like scraps between Red Cat and Red Dog), and nostalgic elements for older audiences who lived through the 1970s. Abstract: This article seeks to provide an overview and analysis of the 2011 Australian film, Red Dog as a popular cultural product from Western Australia. keywords: australian; centre; dog; film; grant; john; pilbara; red cache: coolabah-15544.pdf plain text: coolabah-15544.txt item: #42 of 338 id: coolabah-15545 author: Holmqvist, Jytte title: Contrasting cultural landscapes and spaces in Peter Weir’s film Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975), based on Joan Lindsay’s 1967 novel with the same title date: 2016-04-01 words: 5398 flesch: 50 summary: There is a contradictory beauty in this gothic horror which attracts readers, viewers and visitors to revisit the text, film and physical site of Hanging Rock time and again. Microsoft Word - jytteholmqvist3.docx Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona       25  Contrasting cultural landscapes and spaces in Peter Weir’s film Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975), based on Joan Lindsay’s 1967 novel with the same title 1 Jytte Holmqvist Copyright©2013 Jytte Holmqvist. keywords: australians; centre; college; film; landscape; lindsay; miranda; picnic; rock; studies; time; weir cache: coolabah-15545.pdf plain text: coolabah-15545.txt item: #43 of 338 id: coolabah-15546 author: Dorrington, Anna title: My immigrant plight or the question of 49/51 date: 2016-04-01 words: 2844 flesch: 72 summary: Image number two: Fractured Image Multiple layers of print on collected images are also a technique that I use for expressing what I have to say. Image number one: Altered Landscape keywords: art; centre; image; number; work cache: coolabah-15546.pdf plain text: coolabah-15546.txt item: #44 of 338 id: coolabah-15547 author: Copland, Stephen title: Border Protection date: 2016-04-01 words: 2031 flesch: 49 summary: The title of the work, Border Protection is assembled to form the map of Australia. The original idea behind the installation Border Protection came from a series of sketches of lighthouses. keywords: australia; border; centre; installation; lighthouse; protection cache: coolabah-15547.pdf plain text: coolabah-15547.txt item: #45 of 338 id: coolabah-15548 author: Keen, Seth title: Purrumbete Verandah, 2008 date: 2016-04-01 words: 1329 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract: In describing his 2008 digital video installation, a continuous 3 minute five second loop, Seth Keen introduces a contemporary engagement with the historic landscape of rural Victoria witnessed by Von Guérard in his paintings of the 1850s. Purrumbete Verandah, 2008 documents the landscape and location that Von Guérard painted in 1858. keywords: centre; guérard; purrumbete; seth; video cache: coolabah-15548.pdf plain text: coolabah-15548.txt item: #46 of 338 id: coolabah-15549 author: Garbutt, Rob; Costello, Moya title: Wood for the trees date: 2016-04-01 words: 7116 flesch: 58 summary: Because timber and trees were so closely connected with the settler history of the Northern Rivers region, from the initial colonisation to the present, through phases of large-scale extraction of timber to vigorous and successful rainforest conservation actions, Adlington wanted the exhibition “to be about the tree as well as well as the timber […with] elements of traditional wood work in the exhibition, […] the type of show that [would be] accessible to [non-gallery-going] male audiences and [which] would draw people in” (personal communication, July 4, 2011). And art exhibitions, in this instance in regional Australia, exist “at an environmental cost”, says Adlington, because artworks have to be transported across the country (personal communication, July 4, 2011). keywords: adlington; australians; centre; d’estudis; exhibition; figure; gallery; garbutt; issn; lismore; observatori; regional; studies; trees; universitat; wood cache: coolabah-15549.pdf plain text: coolabah-15549.txt item: #47 of 338 id: coolabah-15586 author: Jorgensen, Darren title: Art History in Remote Aboriginal Art Centres date: 2016-04-01 words: 4126 flesch: 51 summary: This paper suggests, through some of Morphy's scholarship in the area, that art history should not be tied to major institutions that collect and exhibit Aboriginal art. Now is an opportune time for research on Aboriginal art that aims to have an international impact, while art history moves towards constructing methodologies for thinking about cross-cultural and world arts (Elkins 2006; Miller 2008; Summers 2003: 661-663). keywords: art; art history; artists; australian; centre; history; new; remote; work cache: coolabah-15586.pdf plain text: coolabah-15586.txt item: #48 of 338 id: coolabah-15587 author: Berry, Marsha title: Being There: Poetic Landscape date: 2016-04-01 words: 5027 flesch: 59 summary: By walking with video when writers took me to their favourite places I was able to document visceral intersubjective experiences of these places, of being there together, so that I could empathically share the writers’ sense of landscape. This paper discusses what happens when a hodological approach is taken to explore connections and flows between poetic expressions, places and landscapes. keywords: centre; issn; landscape; observatori; pilbara; place; poetry; studies; video; walking; writers cache: coolabah-15587.pdf plain text: coolabah-15587.txt item: #49 of 338 id: coolabah-15588 author: Boyd, Bill title: (Hardly) anyone listening? Writing silent geography date: 2016-04-01 words: 7404 flesch: 60 summary: By chance my words crawling limping falling over meet an old unknown a new friend Ngurrara Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona   108 I have to talk of my words for this is all I have words is all it is The flow of words like water over stones hiding mirroring shaping reshaping speaking of the riverbed the catchment sheep grazing trees murdered water running away words words words water words shapeless in themselves yet shaping and shaping and shaping our futures formed in reflected depth formed of a history and forming the history the flow of words is all I have Your flow is Ngurrara and I hear a glimpse of Ngurrara The Ngurrara the country that speaks of love and being and creation Ngurrara listen to the Ngurrara Ngurrara On the Border Crossing to the Land of Reconciliation   An abstract as such: a travel guide to the land of reconciliation Crusty old servitor, man of words with tales to stir the imagination Toothlessly smiling the possibilities Hissing the awfulness of the past the unacceptabilities making them seem quite reasonable Bringing to life the shackles, the forced marches, the stolen children, the virtues of transporting men to hell, the massacred people for simply being people. keywords: australian; centre; d’estudis; geography; issn; kiss; ngurrara; observatori; place; poetry; porteous; studies; verdant; words; world; writing cache: coolabah-15588.pdf plain text: coolabah-15588.txt item: #50 of 338 id: coolabah-15589 author: Merlyn, Teri title: Poems date: 2016-04-01 words: 850 flesch: 56 summary: Microsoft Word - terimerlyn11.docx Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona     114  Poems 1 Teri Merlyn Copyright©2013 Teri Merlyn. Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona     116  We drive past often, eyes straining, hearts yearning, longing for an evocation, some vestige to remind others of it’s passing; all those lives, stories, grassed over, as if they never were. keywords: centre; coolabah; house; issn cache: coolabah-15589.pdf plain text: coolabah-15589.txt item: #51 of 338 id: coolabah-15590 author: Conway-Herron, Janie title: In Your Dreams: Travelling the road to Mandalay date: 2016-04-01 words: 6606 flesch: 66 summary: The women on the border are part of a large network of refugees who are being trained for leadership roles through NGOs such as Altsean Burma; groups such as the Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO), Shan Women’s Action Network (SWAN) and overseas support groups such as Burma Campaign UK and Burma Campaign Australia. Artwork held in the private collection of Janie Conway Herron. Scent of Steel Flowers from Prison, 2003, Burma Women’s Voices Together, Thanaka Team (eds) Altsean Burma, Bangkok, pp. keywords: border; burma; burma border; burmese; centre; country; issn; mae; observatori; people; prison; refugees; thai; women cache: coolabah-15590.pdf plain text: coolabah-15590.txt item: #52 of 338 id: coolabah-15592 author: Horne, Robert title: Aboriginal Culturation of the Environment in South Australia and excerpts from the novel The Glass Harpoon date: 2016-04-01 words: 8772 flesch: 73 summary: It may have been that the Murray men felt the plains could stand populating as well, as the population of the Kaurna people, phonetically misspelt Ghanaa by Matthew Larkin in his diary, had been decimated even before the arrival of white man by disease which came down the River Murray from earlier settlements in New South Wales. One contemporary account records a native making the simple plea: When white man fight in Adelaide, blackfellow say nothing. keywords: australians; cawthorne; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; man; men; native; observatori; south; spears; studies; white cache: coolabah-15592.pdf plain text: coolabah-15592.txt item: #53 of 338 id: coolabah-15593 author: Drahos, Tom title: The Imagined Desert date: 2016-04-01 words: 7153 flesch: 59 summary: Said writes that spaces can never be ‘coterminous with some stable reality out there that identifies and gives them permanence’ because space and landscape stimulate ‘not only memory but dreams and fantasies’35. These two characters typify certain archetypal roles in narratives of space; those that are comfortable living in spaces of chaos, wilderness, outside of civilisation; and those who come from spaces of order and travel into the untamed space. keywords: australian; centre; conrad; creek; film; heart; landscape; outback; press; space; studies; wolf cache: coolabah-15593.pdf plain text: coolabah-15593.txt item: #54 of 338 id: coolabah-15594 author: Drahos, Tom title: Patterns in the Dust date: 2016-04-01 words: 6300 flesch: 80 summary: Several nights in various budget motel rooms had alerted me to the fact that no one seemed to ask for identification. Microsoft Word - tomdrahos15.doc Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 162 Patterns in the Dust 1 Tom Drahos Copyright©2013 Tom Drahos. keywords: australians; centre; coolabah; desert; d’estudis; highway; issn; no.11; observatori; outback; studies; universitat cache: coolabah-15594.pdf plain text: coolabah-15594.txt item: #55 of 338 id: coolabah-15595 author: Chudy, Tessa title: Heaven and Hell at the Paradise Motel date: 2016-04-01 words: 5455 flesch: 74 summary: The Paradise is surrounded by bladey grass. But I was writing from an urban setting and I was no longer ‘in’ that landscape (the sound of running water had been replaced by the steady stream of passing traffic) however that landscape still remained an important force within me and the novel. keywords: centre; gothic; grass; hell; landscape; paradise; studies; time; way cache: coolabah-15595.pdf plain text: coolabah-15595.txt item: #56 of 338 id: coolabah-15596 author: Boyd, Bill; Rall, Denise; Ashley, Peter; Laird, Wendy; Lloyd, David title: Finding a home: Harnessing biographical narrative in teaching and learning in cultural geography date: 2016-04-01 words: 9133 flesch: 49 summary: As the conversation evolved, rather than exactly following Cloke’s approach in this paper, the authors are merely following his lead and highlighted, through a our conversation, significant relationships and influences that have brought us to both the particular form of geographic enquiry and the specific relationships we have as research supervisor and research students. However, our interests are wider, extending to the teaching and learning of research; while this paper focuses on the use of biographical narrative as a research method, it is considered to have further potential as a supervisory mode, both for research students and beyond into the larger arena of undergraduate teaching. keywords: academic; biographical; centre; conversation; cultural; geography; life; narrative; reflection; research; science; social; students; studies; work cache: coolabah-15596.pdf plain text: coolabah-15596.txt item: #57 of 338 id: coolabah-15598 author: Bullock, Emily title: Snapshots from a West Coast Death Trip date: 2016-04-01 words: 4486 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract: Tasmania’s west coast carries the memory of multiple colonial traumas – traumas associated with the violence and uprooting of an indigenous population and the punishment of convicts on the carceral Sarah Island in Macquarie Harbour. – Kathleen Stewart Tasmania’s west coast carries the memory of multiple colonial traumas – traumas associated with the violence and uprooting of an indigenous population and the punishment of convicts on the carceral Sarah Island in Macquarie Harbour. keywords: australians; centre; coast; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; mining; no.11; observatori; place; studies; west cache: coolabah-15598.pdf plain text: coolabah-15598.txt item: #58 of 338 id: coolabah-15599 author: Norman, Ray title: Interrogating Placedness: Tasmanian Disconnections date: 2016-04-01 words: 12669 flesch: 51 summary: Somewhat curiously, on the institution’s art gallery campus only five objects – maireener shell necklaces – of Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural production are on exhibition. In so many ways, Tasman’s VDL can be imagined as a paradise of a kind and one that Tasmanian Aboriginal people had existed within in splendid isolation for eons. keywords: 15/12/12; aboriginal; australians; barcelona; centre; colonial; coolabah; cultural; d’estudis; island; issn; kind; museums; no.11; observatori; paradise; people; place; social; studies centre; tasmanian; truganini; universitat; vdl; world cache: coolabah-15599.pdf plain text: coolabah-15599.txt item: #59 of 338 id: coolabah-15600 author: Gardner, Mary title: A short historical investigation into cross-cultural Australian ideas about the marine animal group Teredinidae, their socioecological consequences and some options date: 2016-04-01 words: 5876 flesch: 50 summary: But every example of the changing significance of marine species is both a caution and an encouragement as multicultural settlers revamp their guides and practices in new places. Information suitable for understanding local species of burrowing clams, their ecology and monitoring is not easily available. keywords: animals; australians; centre; coastal; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; marine; new; no.11; observatori; october; practices; species; studies; teredinidae cache: coolabah-15600.pdf plain text: coolabah-15600.txt item: #60 of 338 id: coolabah-15601 author: Norman, Ray title: Necklace making and placedness in Tasmania date: 2016-04-01 words: 8173 flesch: 53 summary: Paraphrased, in respect to shell necklaces, Hawkins says that James Cook presented the people he encountered at Adventure Bay with glass bead necklaces and circumstantially these gifts introduced the idea of shell necklace wearing to them28. Necklace Makers Absent and Present The story of Tasmanian Aboriginal shell necklaces made a sharp turn following the craft movement’s emergence from post war internationalism. keywords: aboriginal; apple; colonial; cultural; dec; hawkins; history; hobart; link; maireener; making; necklaces; people; place; reference; seed; shell; tasmania cache: coolabah-15601.pdf plain text: coolabah-15601.txt item: #61 of 338 id: coolabah-15603 author: Brown, Sally; Norman, Ray; Boyd, Bill title:   305  Reflections: Remade, Reworked, Reimagined: Sally Brown talks about place date: 2016-04-01 words: 4046 flesch: 63 summary: This continuing discussion can be followed at the COOLABAHplacedness blog spot ( Acknowledgments All the images are © Sally Brown. Microsoft Word - sallybrownetal.24.docx Coolabah, No.11, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona       305  Reflections: Remade, Reworked, Reimagined: Sally Brown talks about place 1 Sally Brown, Ray Norman and Bill Boyd Copyright©2013 Sally Brown, Ray Norman and Bill Boyd. keywords: brown; centre; kind; place; sally; tasmania; work cache: coolabah-15603.pdf plain text: coolabah-15603.txt item: #62 of 338 id: coolabah-15604 author: Trail, Margaret title: ‘And she flies! Beautiful’: the dislocating geography of football sound date: 2016-04-01 words: 3619 flesch: 52 summary: Football noise is produced most obviously by large crowds in football stadiums, during football games. Beautiful’: the dislocating geography of football sound 1 Margaret Trail Copyright©2013 Margaret Trail. keywords: centre; football; geography; place; play; scrimshaw; sound cache: coolabah-15604.pdf plain text: coolabah-15604.txt item: #63 of 338 id: coolabah-15605 author: Alonso Breto, Isabel; Renes, Cornelis Martin title: An Introduction to Pacific Solutions in Hindsight date: 2016-04-06 words: 3563 flesch: 34 summary: Eleanor Wildburger explores in Indigenous Australian art in practice and theory issues connected to the Ngurrara canvas, the famous Aboriginal Australian cultural object which is both an art work and a legal document. Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 4 In “Creating inter-cultural spaces for co-learning”, Kristina Everett and Eloise Hummell propose a pacific solution to the under-representation of Indigenous students in Higher Education as a result of what they signal as the “attendant lower social indicators than those of the wider Australian society,” which have turned into such a serious, long-standing concern for Australian government and human rights advocates. keywords: articles; barcelona; bill; centre; literature; pacific; solutions; studies; world cache: coolabah-15605.pdf plain text: coolabah-15605.txt item: #64 of 338 id: coolabah-15606 author: Arizti Martín, Bárbara title: New Possibilities of Neighbouring: Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet date: 2016-04-06 words: 6530 flesch: 65 summary: In line with other novels by Tim Winton, like The Riders and That Eye, the Sky, Cloudstreet combines realism with other more experimental narrative forms that try to account for that part of the human experience that escapes reason and cannot be grasped by traditional modes of representation. The concept of neighbour has lost its innocence, they say. keywords: centre; cloudstreet; family; fish; house; love; neighbour; novel; oriel; quick; reinhard; theology; winton cache: coolabah-15606.pdf plain text: coolabah-15606.txt item: #65 of 338 id: coolabah-15607 author: Bellot, Andrea Roxana title: The Malvinas/Falklands War (1982): Pacific Solutions for an Atlantic Conflict date: 2016-04-06 words: 5287 flesch: 53 summary: Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina, 2001. Floria, Carlos A. and García Belsunce, César A., Historia Política de la Argentina Contemporánea 1880-1983. keywords: argentina; british; centre; falkland; government; islands; malvinas; military; national; nations; sovereignty; studies; war cache: coolabah-15607.pdf plain text: coolabah-15607.txt item: #66 of 338 id: coolabah-15608 author: Boyd, Bill; Christidis, Les; den Exte, Kristin; Lloyd, David title: Current issues in environmental management in Australia – what do people think? date: 2016-04-06 words: 7270 flesch: 36 summary: Environmental science – the Forecasting-Observations-Threshold component of the Grand Challenges – is represented in Figure 5 at the lower right-hand area of the rigour-relevance field, implicitly informed conceptually from the lower left-hand area. Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 36 The Australian environmental science and management community’s views on global environmental challenges In June 2011, Southern Cross University held a conference entitled Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges. keywords: australians; centre; challenges; change; climate; environment; issues; knowledge; management; research; science; social; studies; survey cache: coolabah-15608.pdf plain text: coolabah-15608.txt item: #67 of 338 id: coolabah-15609 author: Collellmir, Dolors title: Connections and Integration: Oral Traditions/Quantum Paradigm date: 2016-04-06 words: 5511 flesch: 57 summary: As Vlatko Vedral says, space and time, two of the most fundamental classical concepts, according to quantum mechanics, are secondary, while the entanglements are primary because “they interconnect quantum systems without reference to space and time” (2011: 43). That conclusion implied that quantum reality was not objective, because it depends on the method of measurement used and, by extension, it could be said that it is influenced by the subjectivity of the observer. keywords: energy; heart; light; new; physics; quantum; reality; space; time; universe; vacuum; world cache: coolabah-15609.pdf plain text: coolabah-15609.txt item: #68 of 338 id: coolabah-15610 author: Ellis, Toshiko title: The Invisible Other and Symptomatic Silences: Japanese Poetic Visions of the Colonial Pacific in the 1920s date: 2016-04-06 words: 5186 flesch: 62 summary: To conclude, I will quote a poem by a Korean poet, Yi Sang, the verbal construction of which is characterized by an overwhelming kind of intensity, suggesting tension and fear we have not observed in the works by Japanese poets of the same period. Though acknowledging that this kind of an illusion of cosmopolitanism, covered up by the discourse of love, is heavily orientalist in itself – as it is nothing but a self-complacent construction of the other – such approach taken by Kaneko and other Japanese traveler poets has a potential to agitate and disturb the colonialist discourse. keywords: centre; child; city; dalian; japanese; no.10; poems; sea; studies cache: coolabah-15610.pdf plain text: coolabah-15610.txt item: #69 of 338 id: coolabah-15611 author: Everett, Kristina; Hummell, Eloise title: Creating inter-cultural spaces for co-learning date: 2016-04-06 words: 6732 flesch: 35 summary: Daruganora prioritises the participation of Indigenous students but it is essential that non-Indigenous students also participate. Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 73 Creating inter-cultural spaces for co-learning Kristina Everett & Eloise Hummell Abstract: Among the many inhibitors to social inclusion and mobility faced by Indigenous peoples in Australia, under-representation of Indigenous students in Higher Education has long featured as a concern for government and human rights advocates. keywords: aboriginal; art; australian; centre; daruganora; education; groups; inter; learning; program; research; students; studies; university cache: coolabah-15611.pdf plain text: coolabah-15611.txt item: #70 of 338 id: coolabah-15612 author: Frost, Lucy title: Protecting the Children: Early Years of the King’s Orphan Schools in Van Diemen’s Land date: 2016-04-06 words: 7443 flesch: 64 summary: Franklin’s approach was tellingly different: he directed the Colonial Treasurer and the Collector of Internal Revenues to ‘trace out from the commencement of the Institution, the number of the children of Convict parents who have been annually maintained in the Establishment’ lii in order to ascertain ‘the debt due by the British to the Colonial Treasury on account of Convict children maintained in the King’s Orphan Schools’. xlviii List of children in Orphan Schools (1837) whose parents came free, Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence, CSO 5/93/2074. keywords: arthur; bromley; centre; children; colonial; colony; committee; convict; cso; king; orphan; orphan schools; schools; years cache: coolabah-15612.pdf plain text: coolabah-15612.txt item: #71 of 338 id: coolabah-15613 author: Fulton, David title: Pacific Solutions for the Environment: A Personal Journey date: 2016-04-06 words: 2705 flesch: 73 summary: Recently, I was given a small book on documentary film by Patricia Aufderheide entitled “Documentary Film - A very short introduction” and I would like to quote: “A shared convention of most documentaries is the narrative structure. It was in documentary film that I first became interested in the natural world and how essential it was for us all to play our part in preserving it. keywords: centre; documentary; film; narrows; people; work cache: coolabah-15613.pdf plain text: coolabah-15613.txt item: #72 of 338 id: coolabah-15614 author: Herrero, Dolores title: Merlinda Bobis’s The Solemn Lantern Maker: The Ethics of Traumatic Cross-Cultural Encounters date: 2016-04-06 words: 6392 flesch: 58 summary: Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 112 Noland has remained mute for six years, and it is only right at the end of the novel that the reason for this is revealed. Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 113 Nena, Noland’s mother, is another trauma victim. keywords: american; bobis; centre; issn; mother; noland; novel; observatori; studies; trauma; world cache: coolabah-15614.pdf plain text: coolabah-15614.txt item: #73 of 338 id: coolabah-15618 author: Jones, Andrew title: It’s Not [Just] Cricket: The Art and Politics of the Popular – Cultural Imperialism, ‘Sly Civility’ & Postcolonial Incorporation date: 2016-04-06 words: 6208 flesch: 54 summary: Trobriand cricket represents a clear example of the incorporation of colonial practice into the local culture, rather than the other way around, nothing short of an indigenization of the game itself. This article’s intention is to demonstrate the mimetic devices inherent in Lagaan’s narrative, and how they mirror the regional resilience evident in the global success of both popular Indian cinema and the Indian performance of cricket. keywords: australian; barcelona; british; centre; cinema; colonial; cricket; cultural; film; game; indian; issn; lagaan; new; pacific; studies cache: coolabah-15618.pdf plain text: coolabah-15618.txt item: #74 of 338 id: coolabah-15619 author: Llauradó i Duran, Francesc title: The target is food for all: what’s new in agriculture? A pacific army of farmers date: 2016-04-06 words: 3043 flesch: 48 summary: Coolabah nr.9, pp.132-143 22 Biofuel Demand – US Ethanol Impact Doane Market Research, USDA, ProExporterNetwork Coolabah nr.9, pp.132-143 23 Growth drivers Source: USDA and Goldman Sachs Commodities Research estimates Food, feed and fuel consumption have led to a trend increase in demand for agriculture commodities Billion metric tons Coolabah nr.9, pp.132-143 24 1/28/2013 5 US Ethanol Production Source : Renewable Fuels Association. Coolabah nr.9, pp.132-143 2 CURRENT SITUATION: keywords: coolabah; coolabah nr.9; demand; food; index; nr.9; population; pp.132; price cache: coolabah-15619.pdf plain text: coolabah-15619.txt item: #75 of 338 id: coolabah-15620 author: Lloyd, David; Luke, Hannabeth; Boyd, Bill title: Community perspectives of natural resource extraction: coal-seam gas mining and social identity in Eastern Australia date: 2016-04-06 words: 9107 flesch: 55 summary: Drawing on interviews, observations and workshops, the paper explores the anti-coal-seam gas social movement from its stages of infancy through to being a national debate linking community groups across and beyond Australia. To form alliances with community groups concerned with gas and coal developments, a Lock the Gate website was developed – the Lock the Gate group is a national alliance, formed due to concerns of coal-seam gas and coal mining, with a very active website providing information and a point of contact for over a hundred community groups campaigning on these issues across Australia. keywords: australian; centre; coal; community; d’estudis; gas; group; industry; issn; land; members; mining; no.10; observatori; research; seam; seam gas; studies cache: coolabah-15620.pdf plain text: coolabah-15620.txt item: #76 of 338 id: coolabah-15621 author: Phillips, Bill title: The Decline of Violence is Surely a Good Thing date: 2016-04-06 words: 6436 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Violence; Steven Pinker; history; literature “Believe it or not – and I know that most people do not – violence has declined over long stretches of time, and today we may be living in the most peaceable era in our species’ existence” (Pinker xxi). Violence between the combatants may be called war; violence by the bystander against the combatants may be called law. keywords: australians; barcelona; centre; d’estudis; empathy; issn; man; observatori; people; pinker; studies; violence; war cache: coolabah-15621.pdf plain text: coolabah-15621.txt item: #77 of 338 id: coolabah-15622 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Kim Scott’s Fiction within Western Australian Life-Writing: Voicing the Violence of Removal and Displacement date: 2016-04-06 words: 6652 flesch: 51 summary: Un-writing past policies of physical and ‘epistemic’ violence on the Indigenous Australian population, his fiction addresses a way of approaching Australianness from an Indigenous perspective as inclusive, embracing transculturality within the nation-space. i Archie Weller and Mudrooroo have also used an Indigenous Australian paradigm in writing but, while having had an Aboriginal life experience, their Indigeneity has been questioned on genetic grounds, so they are generally not considered Aboriginal (writers). keywords: aboriginal; australians; centre; family; identity; kim; life; place; print; scott; studies; western; white; writing cache: coolabah-15622.pdf plain text: coolabah-15622.txt item: #78 of 338 id: coolabah-15623 author: Rønning, Anne Holden title: Mismatching Perspectives and Pacific Transculturality date: 2016-04-06 words: 6330 flesch: 56 summary: This aspect of perspective is often overlooked in literary critical commentaries, but it is just this which makes literature such a powerful tool for understanding of other cultures. Other cultures and languages reinforce and enrich us by powerfully Coolabah, No.10, 2013, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 195 affecting and destabilising our familial tongue. keywords: centre; cultural; duff; language; maori; new; pacific; perspective; studies; text; transculturation; writing cache: coolabah-15623.pdf plain text: coolabah-15623.txt item: #79 of 338 id: coolabah-15624 author: Wildburger, Eleonore title: Indigenous Australian art in practice and theory date: 2016-04-06 words: 5104 flesch: 53 summary: In cross-cultural art exhibitions we learn about ourselves through perceiving difference. Indigenous Australian art in European museums The role (and epistemological importance) of museums (and art museums, for that matter) have been widely discussed (Weil 1990; Karp & Levine 1991; Coombes 1994; Bennett 1995; Bennett 2004; Hakiwai 2005; Sherman 2008). keywords: art; artworks; centre; claim; country; cross; museums; new; ngurrara; studies; western cache: coolabah-15624.pdf plain text: coolabah-15624.txt item: #80 of 338 id: coolabah-15625 author: Phillips, Bill title: Error by Elizabeth Campbell (Review) date: 2016-04-06 words: 1332 flesch: 69 summary: But life demands a price be paid, perhaps in madness. describes the tortured life of a gelding with a brain tumour, while “The mad, unseen, are nuns to us” (the second of two poems about the Old Testament figure, Job), with its reference to convents and mental hospitals, suggests that life itself is a total institution of the kind described by Copyright©2013 Bill Phillips. keywords: error; life; poem; section cache: coolabah-15625.pdf plain text: coolabah-15625.txt item: #81 of 338 id: coolabah-15629 author: Ballyn, Sue title: Introduction date: 2016-04-06 words: 272 flesch: 57 summary: Microsoft Word - Introduction Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Introduction Sue Ballyn It has been a sad pleasure to put together this volume in memory of a dear friend and colleague to many across the world; Bruce Bennett, who died on 14 April 2012 after several years of fighting cancer. It is a sign of our joint appreciation of Bruce Bennett: loyal friend, generous colleague and great scholar. keywords: bruce cache: coolabah-15629.pdf plain text: coolabah-15629.txt item: #82 of 338 id: coolabah-15630 author: Ballyn, Sue title: Bruce and Exploding Coffee Perculators date: 2016-04-06 words: 1214 flesch: 67 summary: Microsoft Word - Article Sue Ballyn Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 2 Bruce and Exploding Coffee Perculators Sue Ballyn Anybody who met Bruce would remark on his open frank smile which captivated both the person he met, the audiences he spoke to and which was, the hallmark of his open- mindedness and generosity towards others. I will eventually get to the “exploding perculators”, but first I would like to back track to when I first met Bruce. keywords: australian; barcelona; bruce cache: coolabah-15630.pdf plain text: coolabah-15630.txt item: #83 of 338 id: coolabah-15631 author: Barnes, John title: An Honorary West Australian Remembers Bruce Bennett date: 2016-04-06 words: 1229 flesch: 56 summary: Microsoft Word - Final John Barnes Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 4 An Honorary West Australian Remembers Bruce Bennett John Barnes The news of Bruce Bennett’s death brought back memories of over half a century ago, when I first met him. Malcolm Treadgold and Bruce Bennett both went on to Oxford as Rhodes Scholars and then became academics. keywords: australian; bruce; centre cache: coolabah-15631.pdf plain text: coolabah-15631.txt item: #84 of 338 id: coolabah-15632 author: Caesar, Adrian title: Bruce Bennett – Colleague and Scholar date: 2016-04-06 words: 2630 flesch: 55 summary: Microsoft Word - Final Adrian Caesar Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 7 Bruce Bennett – Colleague and Scholar Adrian Caesar Bruce was a good man and a good friend. But I want to spend the rest of the time available to me in saying something about Bruce’s written scholarly work, which I think shares many of the virtues he displayed as a leader and colleague. keywords: australian; bruce; centre; literary; literature; work cache: coolabah-15632.pdf plain text: coolabah-15632.txt item: #85 of 338 id: coolabah-15633 author: Eggert, Paul title: BRUCE BENNETT AO FACE FAHA 1941–2012 date: 2016-04-06 words: 2317 flesch: 51 summary: By 1973 Bruce Bennett and Veronica Brady had convinced their colleagues to allow a full-year subject in Australian literature, the first such offering at UWA. When Bruce Bennett died on 14 April 2012 an extraordinarily productive career in Australian literary studies came to an end. keywords: australian; bennett; bruce; centre; literature; studies cache: coolabah-15633.pdf plain text: coolabah-15633.txt item: #86 of 338 id: coolabah-15634 author: Haag, Oliver title: Transcending the National in Australian Studies Bruce Bennett’s Influence on a Discipline date: 2016-04-06 words: 1334 flesch: 53 summary: He was actively supportive of Australian studies scholars from overseas. Hopefully his ambitions continue to serve as an incentive for Australian studies scholars. keywords: bruce; scholars; studies cache: coolabah-15634.pdf plain text: coolabah-15634.txt item: #87 of 338 id: coolabah-15635 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Bruce Bennett: An Appreciation date: 2016-04-06 words: 677 flesch: 58 summary: As a former President of EASA it is a great pleasure to contribute a little to this edition of Coolabah in memory of Bruce Bennett. An Appreciation Anne Holden Rønning President EASA 2001-2005 With his characteristic and warm smile Bruce was nearly always part of the Australian contingent attending EASA (European Association for Studies on Australia) conferences, most recently at Palma in 2009. keywords: bruce; studies cache: coolabah-15635.pdf plain text: coolabah-15635.txt item: #88 of 338 id: coolabah-15636 author: Riem Natale, Antonella; Bindella, Maria Teresa title: That Picture of us Together on the Castle Bridge in Verona. Bruce Bennett in Italy date: 2016-04-06 words: 983 flesch: 47 summary: Please think of us, and come and visit when you can. love, Antonella and Maria Teresa (and all of your many Italian friends) Maria Teresa Bindella, now happily retired, is full professor of English Literature at the Universities of Udine, Trento, Milano Cattolica and Verona. Bruce Bennett in Italy Antonella Riem Natale (Udine University) Maria Teresa Bindella (Verona University) keywords: teresa; udine; verona cache: coolabah-15636.pdf plain text: coolabah-15636.txt item: #89 of 338 id: coolabah-15637 author: MacDermott, Doireann title: Bruce Bennett date: 2016-04-06 words: 267 flesch: 65 summary: Microsoft Word - Article Doireann MacDermott Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 23 Bruce Bennett Doireann MacDermott “Like wine, Australian Studies overseas can be said to have travelled well only if they are imbibed with pleasure by their hosts” So said Bruce when he and I travelled with a small group of European and Australian academics to Hungary in the spring of 1992. Imbibing in the Barceloneta Bruce Bennett with Doireann MacDermott, Richard Nile and Peter Kuch Barcelona 2007 keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15637.pdf plain text: coolabah-15637.txt item: #90 of 338 id: coolabah-15638 author: Walker, Shirley title: Taking Miles Franklin to the Voortrekkers: Memoir date: 2016-04-06 words: 3436 flesch: 65 summary: Notes 1 The lectures on Breaker Morant and Banjo Paterson were published as ‘”A Man Never Knows his Luck in South Africa”: Some Australian Literary Myths from the Boer War” in English in Africa, XII, 2 ,1985. Perhaps the myths of victimisation so prevalent in Australia − think of Ned Kelly, Moondyne Joe, Thunderbolt − don’t transplant well to another, completely different culture. keywords: africa; australian; boer; breaker; centre; morant; south; war cache: coolabah-15638.pdf plain text: coolabah-15638.txt item: #91 of 338 id: coolabah-15639 author: Dalisay, Jose title: BALI STORY date: 2016-04-06 words: 3705 flesch: 86 summary: “I’m told,” Aram said as a full-breasted maiden poured water on her head before us, “that at least once a year the people sacrifice an animal to the gods of the lake. To my even greater amazement Preeya giggled and clapped as Aram bowed to her and to the rest of the economy class. keywords: aram; bali; centre; lake; marini; preeya; water cache: coolabah-15639.pdf plain text: coolabah-15639.txt item: #92 of 338 id: coolabah-15640 author: Croft, Julian title: For Bruce Bennett date: 2016-04-06 words: 235 flesch: 67 summary: Microsoft Word - Final Julian Croft Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 38 Julian Croft (born 31 May 1941) is an Australian poet and Emeritus Professor of English, University of New England. keywords: julian cache: coolabah-15640.pdf plain text: coolabah-15640.txt item: #93 of 338 id: coolabah-15641 author: O'Sullivan, Vincent title: A Selection from Us date: 2016-04-06 words: 1817 flesch: 76 summary: Microsoft Word - Final Vincent o'Sullivan Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 39 A Selection from Us Vincent O'Sullivan First time, about Easter There was a donkey inside a wire fence where the road begins its first climb to the Rimutakas. Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 41 Love, assuming nothing When she decided, ‘All right then, that’s what you want,’ left her jandals at the screen door, hooked her bra on the doorknob as she walked into the bunk-room, the rest of whatever she’d been wearing out there still on the verandah, he quoted a poem that said,’ Every gift I ever imagined comes to me, love, on these naked feet,’ keywords: australians; centre; issn; observatori cache: coolabah-15641.pdf plain text: coolabah-15641.txt item: #94 of 338 id: coolabah-15642 author: Helff, Sissy; Dalal, Sanghamitra title: And She Wrote Backwards: Same-Sex Love, Gender and Identity in Shani Mootoo’s work and her recent Valmiki’s Daughter date: 2016-04-06 words: 22015 flesch: 114 summary: In t e r e s t i n g l y e n o u gh , b o t h p o e m s u i n t e r e s t e d keywords: e e; e n; e s; e t; n t; o n; r e; s t; t o cache: coolabah-15642.pdf plain text: coolabah-15642.txt item: #95 of 338 id: coolabah-15643 author: Moreno Álvarez, Alejandra title: Mapping a Memoir within Australian Landscapes: Shirley Walker date: 2016-04-06 words: 4120 flesch: 64 summary: Walker has also published The Ghost at the Wedding (2009) based on the life of Walker’s mother in law, a woman whose life was largely shaped by war, and who, in 1918 near the end of WW1, married a returned soldier. The present article focuses on Roundabout at Bangalow: An Intimate Chronicle, where Walker narrates the complicated and, sometimes, blurred resonances of her “half-a-lifetime” memoir. keywords: australians; bangalow; centre; life; memory; new; roundabout; walker; war cache: coolabah-15643.pdf plain text: coolabah-15643.txt item: #96 of 338 id: coolabah-15644 author: Nandan, Satendra title: Notes Towards an Autobiography. Patrick White-- Writing, Politics and the Australia-Fiji Experience date: 2016-04-06 words: 5001 flesch: 69 summary: For many of us today, Australia is home – in the past twenty odd years more Fiji people have come to Australia than those transported from India to Fiji in 40 years from 1879-1920. You’ll not see it in Fiji hotels or Aussie ads for a holiday in Fiji. keywords: australia; canberra; centre; fiji; life; literature; new; politics; studies; white; years cache: coolabah-15644.pdf plain text: coolabah-15644.txt item: #97 of 338 id: coolabah-15645 author: Pender, Anne title: Kerry Walker, Patrick White and the Faces of Australian Modernism date: 2016-04-06 words: 7431 flesch: 67 summary: The paper brings together two of Bruce Bennett’s enduring interests: Australian modernist drama, and the life and work of Patrick White Abstract This essay considers the work of Australian actor Kerry Walker (b. 1948) in the years 1977-1989. Microsoft Word - Final Anne Pender Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 75 Kerry Walker, Patrick White and the Faces of Australian Modernism Anne Pender keywords: actor; centre; funeral; night; patrick; play; production; review; role; sharman; studies; sydney; theatre; walker; white cache: coolabah-15645.pdf plain text: coolabah-15645.txt item: #98 of 338 id: coolabah-15646 author: Senn, Werner title: “Around the world each needful product flies:” England's global expansion and the poets' trade date: 2016-04-06 words: 9033 flesch: 62 summary: (ll. 197-206) Global trade is propagated here – as it still is in Cowper’s “Charity” (“art thrives most/ Where commerce has enrich’d the busy coast,” ll. 113-14) - as the source and origin of all civilisatory and cultural agency and achievement - including Glover's own. The text engages briefly but trenchantly with the issue of global trade and its boosting of consumerism, in lines that seem to echo Jago: Proud swells the tide with loads of freighted ore, And shouting Folly hails them from her shore; Hoards, even beyond the miser's wish, abound, And rich men flock from all the world around. keywords: australians; britain; british; centre; commerce; coolabah; d’estudis; empire; global; issn; no.9; observatori; poem; studies; trade; universitat; walcott; world cache: coolabah-15646.pdf plain text: coolabah-15646.txt item: #99 of 338 id: coolabah-15647 author: Suárez Lafuente, María Socorro title: The Hedge and the Labyrinth. A Holistic Vision of Dorothy Hewett´s poetry date: 2016-04-06 words: 3214 flesch: 55 summary: My Fortieth Year, a poem that rounds up previous experience (full circle goes my life) and marks the renewal of life (now I grow), ends with a stanza that expresses in full clarity my own feelings in reading Dorothy Hewett´s poems: I gather at my knee the children of my spirit, Old as a legend, new as milk from heaven, In the round green wood of the world. Note All references and quotations to Dorothy Hewett´s poems in this essay are from the following edition: Hewett, Dorothy: Collected Poems.1940-1995. keywords: centre; garden; hewett´s; labyrinth; life; literary; poetry; reality cache: coolabah-15647.pdf plain text: coolabah-15647.txt item: #100 of 338 id: coolabah-15648 author: Riem Natale, Antonella title: The Pleiades and the Dreamtime: an Aboriginal Women's Story and Other Ancient World Traditions date: 2016-04-06 words: 7537 flesch: 65 summary: This also happens in the case of many other world ancestral traditions that are connected to the Aboriginal one, not as a way of omogenising and generalising, but rather as a clear stance of how everything is related to everything else in the sense of non linear theories. Let us see how it its symbolism is related to other world traditions and in different epochs. keywords: aboriginal; antonella; australian; centre; d’estudis; goddess; honey; issn; natale; new; no.9; observatori; partnership; pleiades; press; riem; sacred; sky; stars; studies; universitat; world cache: coolabah-15648.pdf plain text: coolabah-15648.txt item: #101 of 338 id: coolabah-15649 author: ., . title: In Memoriam Signature List: Bruce Bennett date: 2016-04-06 words: 154 flesch: -13 summary: In Memoriam: Bruce Bennett Anne Holden Ronning, Bergan University Brian Worsfold, Lleida University Britta Olinder, Gothenburg University Catalina Ribas, Barcelona University David Callahan, Universidade de Aveiro Delys Bird, University of Western Australia Dieter Riemenschneider Dolores Herrero, Zaragoza University Donna Coates, Universit of Calgary Elisa Morera de la Vall, Barcelona University Geoffrey Davis, Aachen University John C. Hawley,President of the US chapter of ACLALS Jose Dalisay Jr., University of the Philippines Marc Delrez, University of Liège Maria Vidal Grau, Lleida University Paul Eggert, University of New South Wales Ranjan Goonetilleke, Santosh Sareen, Jawaharlal Nehru University Sissy Helff, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Sue Ballyn Barcelona University Werner Senn, Berne University Wolfgang Zach, Innsbruck University Microsoft Word - In Memoriam list Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 114 Bruce Bennett 1941–2012 Coolabah, No.9, 2012, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 115 keywords: d’estudis australians; studies centre cache: coolabah-15649.pdf plain text: coolabah-15649.txt item: #102 of 338 id: coolabah-15650 author: Johnson, Pam; Conway-Herron, Janie title: Remembering Ruby date: 2016-04-06 words: 16078 flesch: 63 summary: This monograph, in honouring Ruby Langford Ginibi, is the written expression of an ongoing dialogue between the two authors about their experiences living in Australia and the way that Ruby has interconnected with us and influenced our experiences of growing up in an Australian cultural context. I could dwell on a vast number of events to illustrate Ruby Langford Ginibi’s connection to both ancestral culture and contemporary political awareness but the lead up to the Australian Bicentennial celebrations and the actual Australia Day events seemed to me to be the best way to illustrate the place that Indigenous Australians were situated and how Ruby and her writings were placed both inside and outside this huge event. keywords: aboriginal; australian; book; bundjalung; centre; coolabah; culture; d’estudis; ginibi; issn; langford; life; no.8; observatori; pam; people; ruby; ruby langford; story; studies; time; town; universitat; way; writing cache: coolabah-15650.pdf plain text: coolabah-15650.txt item: #103 of 338 id: coolabah-15651 author: Everett, Kristina title: Urban Aboriginal Creation Stories and History: contesting the past and the present date: 2016-04-06 words: 6795 flesch: 45 summary: In re-telling the Maria Locke story I mimic the many theatrical and story-telling performances of the Maria Locke story presented to me by Darug people themselves over many years. The Maria Locke historymyth, as I now demonstrate in the telling, not only explains the current condition of Darug culture and the physical characteristics of Darug people, but explains Darug origins and affirms Darug oppositional positioning to the dominant culture. keywords: aboriginal; australians; centre; darug; historymyth; locke; macquarie; maria; native; people; stories; tradition cache: coolabah-15651.pdf plain text: coolabah-15651.txt item: #104 of 338 id: coolabah-15652 author: Stephan, Matthias title: Do you believe in magic? The Potency of the Fantasy Genre date: 2016-04-06 words: 7352 flesch: 53 summary: “Tolkien, Lewis and the explosion of genre fantasy.” The question is whether writing literary fiction can be separated from genre fiction. keywords: centre; fantasy; fiction; genre; science; science fiction; story; studies; suvin; texts; tolkien; world cache: coolabah-15652.pdf plain text: coolabah-15652.txt item: #105 of 338 id: coolabah-15653 author: Ryan, John title: Reflections on an Australian Fantasy: constructing the impossible date: 2016-04-06 words: 3618 flesch: 54 summary: First, is there such a thing as Australian fantasy? Key words: Australian fantasy, difference, ethics, Eurocentric, genre, imagination As an educator in the New South Wales secondary school system, I find the experience of teaching fantasy to be frequently problematic. keywords: aboriginal; australia; cambridge; centre; fantasy; genre; work; world; wrightson cache: coolabah-15653.pdf plain text: coolabah-15653.txt item: #106 of 338 id: coolabah-15654 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Postcolonial Rewritings of Bram Stoker´s Dracula: Mudrooroo’s Vampire Trilogy date: 2016-04-06 words: 8352 flesch: 51 summary: In the mid-1990s, the Australian writer and critic Mudrooroo, formerly known as Colin Johnson, proposed Maban Reality as a genre denomination for fiction which introduces the reader to the powerful and empowering universe of the Aboriginal maban or shaman, also known as the Dreaming. As if to underline the inexorability of white domination, throughout the trilogy George mostly appears in his Dreamtime-animal shape, a dingo turned into Amelia’s obedient, “faithful … doggy” (Mudrooroo 1999: 103) and under whose psychic control he is unable to change back to his human shape. keywords: aboriginal; amelia; australian; barcelona; blood; centre; colonial; dracula; female; george; gothic; mudrooroo; studies; trilogy; vampire; wadawaka; white cache: coolabah-15654.pdf plain text: coolabah-15654.txt item: #107 of 338 id: coolabah-15655 author: Bildsøe, Helle title: Into an Age of Cultural Contagion: Vampiric Globalisation in Mudrooroo’s Master of the Ghost Dreaming Series date: 2016-04-06 words: 8376 flesch: 52 summary: In Australia Mudrooroo achieved prominence as the first Aboriginal writer to publish a novel; he became a central figure in establishing Aboriginal writing. Though there are some places of “strong power” (Master of the Ghost Dreaming, 21) to be located on the island, their origin and history remain obscure; Island cannot be named. keywords: aboriginal; amelia; centre; dreaming; european; ghost; jangamuttuk; land; master; mudrooroo; studies; underground; vampire; world cache: coolabah-15655.pdf plain text: coolabah-15655.txt item: #108 of 338 id: coolabah-15656 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Searching for the fantastic: an Australian case date: 2016-04-06 words: 8201 flesch: 61 summary: Folklore and myth as setting in Australian fantasy stories As mentioned earlier there is a certain tradition in modern fantasy, following Tolkien, to set the story in a quasi-mediaeval setting. Australian fantasy stories could have been taken to their culture, which is what European literature has done down through the ages. keywords: century; fantastic; fantasy; folklore; legends; literature; magic; new; novellas; people; reader; stories; story; tale; texts; use; world cache: coolabah-15656.pdf plain text: coolabah-15656.txt item: #109 of 338 id: coolabah-15657 author: Jarrar, Osama title: The Carnivalesque in George MacDonald’s The Light Princess date: 2016-04-06 words: 8895 flesch: 58 summary: Through parody MacDonald makes frontal assault on the courtly world as represented by the king, Hum-Drum and Kopy-Keck. The narrator’s commentary, “It was rather cunning in the prince to request such an easy post, for the princess could not possibly soil as many shoes as other princesses” (38), serves to juxtapose the cunning of the prince with the simplemindedness of the king: keywords: bakhtin; carnival; carnivalesque; centre; children; issn; king; light; literature; macdonald; princess; story; studies; world cache: coolabah-15657.pdf plain text: coolabah-15657.txt item: #110 of 338 id: coolabah-15658 author: Conway-Herron, Janie title: A Glitch in the Script: Fantasy, Realism and the Australian Imagination date: 2016-04-06 words: 8471 flesch: 44 summary: My interest is in ways that the series reflects certain aspects of Australian culture and history and, in particular, how inclusive the series has been in representing Indigenous Australian ways of seeing this history. They provide a way to explore the aesthetics of identity in the play between reality and unreality where an Australian Gothic sense of the uncanny is contrasted with the subversive way Magic Realism places the extraordinary within the same realm of the possible as the ordinary everyday event. keywords: australian; centre; fantasy; glitch; gothic; magic; narrative; realism; reality; sense; series; studies; television; way cache: coolabah-15658.pdf plain text: coolabah-15658.txt item: #111 of 338 id: coolabah-15659 author: del Olmo Ramón, Alex title: Spanish Zombie Films: The Cases of Amando de Ossorio and Jorge Grau date: 2016-04-06 words: 6559 flesch: 62 summary: It is no wonder then that the main body of Spanish horror films – and, therefore, zombie films – appears when the fantasy genre had already developed all its facets and even exhausted its cycles throughout most of the world. Keywords: Spanish zombie films, Amando de Ossorio, Jorge Grau, fantastique. keywords: amando; barcelona; centre; cinema; dead; film; genre; grau; horror; ossorio; romero; spain; time; universitat; zombie cache: coolabah-15659.pdf plain text: coolabah-15659.txt item: #112 of 338 id: coolabah-15660 author: Phillips, Bill title: “Robbed of our confidence as the planet’s dominant life-form:” Max Brooks’s Zombie Wars date: 2016-04-06 words: 6606 flesch: 66 summary: Abstract: According to The Zombie Survival Guide, “extensive research has yet to find an isolated example of Solanum [the virus which causes its victims to become zombies] in nature. Key words: Zombies, ecocriticism, allegory 113 Zombies were initially associated with Voodoo which emerged in Haiti in the 1790s when African slaves struggled for, and ultimately achieved, their independence (Kee 10). keywords: american; brooks; christie; earth; humanity; life; living; nature; new; population; romero; war; world; zombies cache: coolabah-15660.pdf plain text: coolabah-15660.txt item: #113 of 338 id: coolabah-15663 author: Everett, Kristina; Ambler, Trudy title: Daruganora: a model for inclusive inter-cultural education date: 2016-04-06 words: 3819 flesch: 46 summary: We decided to design a programme, again as a pilot, initially for Indigenous school students in years 8-10 from schools designated ‘low SES’ by the NSW government in the western suburbs of Sydney. Indigenous art and Indigenous Studies have proven to be subject areas which can provide an educational advantage to Indigenous students which is not usual in their educational experience and allows them to 'shine' in front of their non-Indigenous peers and teachers. keywords: centre; education; experience; learning; programme; students; studies; university cache: coolabah-15663.pdf plain text: coolabah-15663.txt item: #114 of 338 id: coolabah-15668 author: ., . title: Reviewers date: 2016-04-01 words: 152 flesch: -24 summary: Marsha Berry, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia Anna Blagrove, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom Emily Bullock, University of Tasmania, Australia Tessa Chudy, Southern Cross University, Australia Janie Conway Heron, Southern Cross University, Australia Stephen Copland, Independent Artist Moya Costello, Southern Cross University, Australia Anna Dorrington, independent artist Tom Drahos, Flinders University, Australia Rob Garbutt, Southern Cross University, Australia Jane Gardiner, Cultural Heritage Adviser Mary Gardner, Southern Cross University, Australia Jytte Holmqvest, Melbourne University, Australia Rob Horne, University of Adelaide, Australia Darren Jorgensen, University of Western Australia, Australia Britta Kuhlenbeck, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council, Australia David Lloyd, Southern Cross University, Australia Teri Merlyn, Independent Writer Maarten Renes, University of Barcelona, Spain John Smith, Southern Cross University, Australia Margaret Trail, Victoria University, Australia Coolabah, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona The following people are thanked for their contribution in reviewing the manuscripts. keywords: australia; university cache: coolabah-15668.pdf plain text: coolabah-15668.txt item: #115 of 338 id: coolabah-15670 author: Córdoba Benedicto, Jaime de title: Introduction date: 2016-04-08 words: 971 flesch: 60 summary: De hecho la escultura es una de las artes sobre las que menos se atreven a hablar las” gentes de a pie”, las gentes de fuera del mundo artístico. Fueron formas para pensar o más bien una exposición de “Formas de pensar” que intentó materializar el esfuerzo de un Congreso Internacional sobre como debemos luchar contra la desnutrición intelectual. keywords: las; que; una cache: coolabah-15670.pdf plain text: coolabah-15670.txt item: #116 of 338 id: coolabah-15671 author: Baya Grass, Pau title: Mixed date: 2016-04-08 words: 493 flesch: 68 summary: Cada peça del conjunt s'abraona damunt la seva consecutiva com una llengua de lava incandescent que avança amb lentitud, amb inèrcia imparable. Microsoft Word - coola6baya Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 4 Mixed Pau Baya Remenat (Catalan) (Mixed), revoltillo (Scrambled) in Spanish, is a dish which, in Catalunya, consists of a beaten egg cooked with vegetables or other ingredients, normally prawns or asparagus. keywords: centre; remenat cache: coolabah-15671.pdf plain text: coolabah-15671.txt item: #117 of 338 id: coolabah-15672 author: Camí, Josep Mª title: Reliquiarum date: 2016-04-08 words: 566 flesch: 72 summary: Novament el silenci i amb el silenci el Mirar. Nuevamente el silencio y con el silencio el Mirar. keywords: silenci cache: coolabah-15672.pdf plain text: coolabah-15672.txt item: #118 of 338 id: coolabah-15673 author: Cera, Lluís, 1967- title: The Geometry Of Oblivion date: 2016-04-08 words: 1589 flesch: 68 summary: i que tots els relats valen el mateix, que la política de la memòria de la democràcia La topogénesis és elemental encara que el resultat sigui tan il· limitadament complex. keywords: barcelona; centre; les; que cache: coolabah-15673.pdf plain text: coolabah-15673.txt item: #119 of 338 id: coolabah-15674 author: Coderch, Lúa title: Shelling a nut is not art date: 2016-04-08 words: 654 flesch: 61 summary: Un ejercicio de lectura, en el plano de la proyección y en el plano de la vivencia misma de la obra. Microsoft Word - coola6luacoderch Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 14 Shelling a nut is not art Lúa Coderch Shelling a nut is not art Lúa Coderch | Shelling a nut is not art| 2010 | vídeo (4’54” continuous reproduction), digital frame, wood | variable dimensions keywords: barcelona; lúa cache: coolabah-15674.pdf plain text: coolabah-15674.txt item: #120 of 338 id: coolabah-15675 author: Ibargüen, Mariela Garibay title: Everything, just to look at you date: 2016-04-08 words: 1098 flesch: 51 summary: She has lectured at both PUCP and at the School of Fine Arts in Ayacucho At present she is living and working in Barcelona. Todo, sólo para contemplarte Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 19 El trabajar con piedras, en especial con el mármol de Calatorao, siempre es un reto personal, por su calidad y dureza. si hay tantas dificultades, ¿Para qué hacer más esculturas?, me lo he preguntado tantas veces, y una de las respuestas la encuentro cuando veo mis trabajos o los de mis compañeros, es que se hace arte muchas veces “Solo para tener el placer de contemplarle”, Todo, sólo para contemplarte. keywords: barcelona; centre; que cache: coolabah-15675.pdf plain text: coolabah-15675.txt item: #121 of 338 id: coolabah-15676 author: Itabashi, Toshie title: Caressing with the tongue 3 date: 2016-04-08 words: 559 flesch: 58 summary: Microsoft Word - coola6itabishi Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 21 Caressing with the tongue 3. This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 22 Acariciando con la lengua. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15676.pdf plain text: coolabah-15676.txt item: #122 of 338 id: coolabah-15677 author: Navarro Comas, Joan title: Vol nocturn. (Night Flight) date: 2016-04-08 words: 739 flesch: 58 summary: Microsoft Word - coola6juannavarro Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 24 Vol nocturn. i Comas This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 25 keywords: barcelona; centre cache: coolabah-15677.pdf plain text: coolabah-15677.txt item: #123 of 338 id: coolabah-15678 author: Rodríguez, Efraïm title: Building: Food for thought date: 2016-04-08 words: 1003 flesch: 59 summary: Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 30 En un tercer plano, los elementos constituyen unidades para un todo, estas unidades moleculares y la figura dialogan desde diferentes escalas, y como en una fantasía de Giuseppe Arcimboldo, no podemos ver al mismo tiempo los elementos individuales y el todo, el espectador tiene que modificar su atención y adaptarse a cada una de las escalas y “momentos” para ver ahora el todo, ahora las partes. La obra trata el tema del desarrollo de las ideas y el pensamiento a partir de lo que se conoce, se ha aprendido y como a su vez lo aprendido constituye la base del crecimiento. keywords: elements cache: coolabah-15678.pdf plain text: coolabah-15678.txt item: #124 of 338 id: coolabah-15679 author: Córdoba Benedicto, Jaime de title: Food for thought date: 2016-04-08 words: 1324 flesch: 58 summary: Microsoft Word - coola6decordoba Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 31 Food for thought. This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 32 The sculpture, Food for Thought, is made of cast iron, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam. keywords: barcelona; centre; food; ideas cache: coolabah-15679.pdf plain text: coolabah-15679.txt item: #125 of 338 id: coolabah-15680 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Introduction to Food for Afterthought date: 2016-04-08 words: 888 flesch: 40 summary: Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 2 would like to thank all our contributors and peer reviewers for their time and effort to make the publication of this selection of essays possible. Microsoft Word - 1introduction.doc Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Introduction to Food for Afterthought Martin Renes As the guest editor of the present issue of Coolabah (No. 5, 2011), entitled Food for Afterthought keywords: centre; food; studies cache: coolabah-15680.pdf plain text: coolabah-15680.txt item: #126 of 338 id: coolabah-15681 author: Alonso Breto, Isabel title: Eating One’s Way Through History: Food and Politics in Manuka Wijesinghe’s Monsoons and Potholes date: 2016-04-08 words: 6712 flesch: 63 summary: In the context of Sri Lankan history, this image amounts to a weeping for the immense loss of lives and illusions effected by inefficient policies, lack of understanding and concern for “the other self” (341), and an irrational civil war which, as we said, precisely began with these riots (Nissan 1996; Schwartz 1988). Microsoft Word - 2alonso Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 3 Eating One’s Way Through History: Food and Politics in Manuka Wijesinghe’s Monsoons and Potholes Isabel Alonso-Breto Abstract: This paper consists of an analysis of Monsoons and Potholes (2006), the first novel by Sri Lankan playwright Manuka Wijesinghe. keywords: centre; country; family; food; lankan; manuka; monsoons; mrs; novel; podian; potholes; sri; studies; wijesinghe cache: coolabah-15681.pdf plain text: coolabah-15681.txt item: #127 of 338 id: coolabah-15682 author: Avila, Cathy; Evans, Sue; Morgan, Annette title: Herbal Wisdom: memory and migration date: 2016-04-08 words: 8970 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: complementary medicine; herbal medicine; memory performance Introduction In this paper, we use the conference theme ‘Food for Thought’ as an opportunity to describe the practice of Western herbal medicine in Australia, interpreting it literally, in order to allow consideration of the use of medicinal plants in the enhancement of cognition. Recent publications have concerned the changes to the knowledge base of Western herbal medicine, and the problems associated with the globalisation of herbal medicine. keywords: australian; bacopa; centre; d’estudis; effects; health; herbal; herbs; issn; journal; medical; medicine; memory; observatori; practice; practitioners; studies cache: coolabah-15682.pdf plain text: coolabah-15682.txt item: #128 of 338 id: coolabah-15683 author: Baumer, Martina; van Rensburg, Henriette title: Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure in Computer-Mediated Communication date: 2016-04-08 words: 7327 flesch: 40 summary: How is this affecting cross-cultural communication and negotiation in CMC? Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 35 Introduction In the CMC domain, cross-cultural communication is twofold. keywords: australians; background; centre; cmc; communication; cross; english; esl; females; interlocutors; language; native; nebg; participants; politeness; studies cache: coolabah-15683.pdf plain text: coolabah-15683.txt item: #129 of 338 id: coolabah-15684 author: Bonastre, Roger title: Beyond Rock. Social commitment and political conscience through Popular Music in Australia 1976 - 2002. The case of Midnight Oil date: 2016-04-08 words: 4119 flesch: 51 summary: The case of Midnight Oil Roger Bonastre Abstract: The work and career of Midnight Oil illustrate a case of interaction between culture and politics in Australia. Keywords: Midnight Oil; Peter Garrett; ethnomusicology Since emerging as a new urban expression of popular music, in the mid fifties of the last century, rock has become a cultural reality with a huge social and political dimension that should not be underestimated in order to explain and understand our society. keywords: australians; band; centre; garrett; midnight; midnight oil; music; oil; rock; social cache: coolabah-15684.pdf plain text: coolabah-15684.txt item: #130 of 338 id: coolabah-15685 author: Bosch Vilarrubias, Marta title: ‘In love, she remains whole’: Heterosexual Love in Contemporary Arab American Poetry Written by Women date: 2016-04-08 words: 4670 flesch: 56 summary: Given this mainstream perception of Arabs, this article aims at exploring the positioning of Arab American women towards Arab men, taking into account the feminist fight against sexism and racism. Analyzing the articulations of heterosexual love made by Arab American women in their poetry (including Mohja Kahf, Suheir Hammad and Pauline Kaldas), this article will examine the potential political use of poetry. keywords: american; arab; arab american; body; feminism; kahf; love; poem; sexism; women cache: coolabah-15685.pdf plain text: coolabah-15685.txt item: #131 of 338 id: coolabah-15686 author: Brien, Donna Lee title: Margaret Fulton: A study of a 1960s Australian food writer as an activist date: 2016-04-08 words: 5527 flesch: 48 summary: Focusing on one food writer in the 1960s allows an initial reckoning of how the food- related issues that concern Australian consumers now were prefigured and discussed by Australian food writers then. Keywords: Margaret Fulton; Australian food writing; food writers Introduction: The complexities of thinking about eating Current concerns about the environment and ethical/sustainable ways of living have ensured that contemporary eating and shopping practices are frequently imbued with complex moral choices. keywords: 1968; australian; centre; cookbook; food; fulton; magazine; margaret; national; new; sydney; weekly; women; writing cache: coolabah-15686.pdf plain text: coolabah-15686.txt item: #132 of 338 id: coolabah-15687 author: Camps-Gaset, Montserrat; Grau, Sergi title: Philosophy for the Body, Food for the Mind date: 2016-04-08 words: 10719 flesch: 52 summary: What if somebody seeks a higher level of wisdom, a surer path of perfection leading to God, like ancient philosophers did in terms of wisdom? In fact, their daily practices and renunciations were quite similar to those narrated by the biographers of ancient philosophers: refraining from sexual intercourse, despising any material luxuries or worldly honours, despising all kind of bodily comforts, often including elementary hygienic measures, and considerably reducing either the amount or the type of food taken, or both. keywords: asceticism; barcelona; body; centre; fasting; food; greek; issn; life; perfection; philosophers; philosophy; studies; way; wisdom; women cache: coolabah-15687.pdf plain text: coolabah-15687.txt item: #133 of 338 id: coolabah-15688 author: Conway-Herron, Janie title: What is Happening is Real date: 2016-04-08 words: 5360 flesch: 45 summary: Indigenous people owned what we now call Australia and called for 1988 to be a time when unceded sovereignty of the country by Aboriginal people could be recognised. Keywords: Australian identity; Indigenous human rights; cultural challenges On September 23rd 2009, Patrick Dodson, in his address at the opening of the Indigenous Policy Dialogue and Research Unit at the University of NSW, discussed the need for a new national dialogue in Australia that incorporated ritual and ceremony as a way of recognising Indigenous people. keywords: aboriginal; australians; centre; day; dodson; history; intervention; nation; people; reconciliation; sydney; way cache: coolabah-15688.pdf plain text: coolabah-15688.txt item: #134 of 338 id: coolabah-15689 author: Everett, Kristina title: Swallowed Words: bringing up an Aboriginal past in the city date: 2016-04-08 words: 4140 flesch: 59 summary: That is, a walk with Gwalan to collect materials for artwork requires the transformation of Parramatta from a place which is variously represented as ‘colonial seat of power’, ‘modern shopping centre’ and ‘place of past significance to Aboriginal people’ (among other things) to a place which is used to tell Gwalan stories. Before I say anything else, it is important that I explain that Gwalan people have only recently (re)emerged as the traditional Aboriginal owners of what is now a large part of modern Sydney. keywords: aboriginal; centre; gwalan; objects; people; place; stories cache: coolabah-15689.pdf plain text: coolabah-15689.txt item: #135 of 338 id: coolabah-15690 author: Gibson, Lorraine title: Politics, pain and pleasure: the art of art-making for ‘settled’ Aboriginal Australians date: 2016-04-08 words: 5702 flesch: 62 summary: Fourmille 1994).i Indeed, in many ways, Aboriginal art has come to represent Aboriginal people and their culture (Myers 2002). If culture is a way of life then why was I being directed by Aboriginal people to other particular Aboriginal individuals who were said to ‘know all about culture’? keywords: aboriginal; art; australia; barkindji; centre; culture; dreaming; new; people; south; studies; wilcannia cache: coolabah-15690.pdf plain text: coolabah-15690.txt item: #136 of 338 id: coolabah-15691 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Halligan’s Love Affair with Food date: 2016-04-08 words: 4844 flesch: 64 summary: Food and Pleasure Philosophers have discussed food in relation to the terms of the pleasure derived, its temporality and value. In her book Food for Thought: Philosophy and Food (1996) Elizabeth Telfer discusses both the qualitative and quantitative views on the pleasure of food, as expressed, for example, by Plato in Gorgias: “Plato claims that seeking pleasure from food is self-defeating: a person who does this is never satisfied, and gets less pleasure each time” (27, cf. keywords: australians; books; bricolage; centre; cookery; emw; example; food; halligan; memory; pleasure; studies; words cache: coolabah-15691.pdf plain text: coolabah-15691.txt item: #137 of 338 id: coolabah-15693 author: Maccallum, Mark title: Suddenly Cooking, Casera Publications, Barcelona, 2010 date: 2016-04-08 words: 1967 flesch: 74 summary: So I was surprised to see a chapter up the back titled The Basics in which techniques for cooking vegetables, potato mash, pasta and rice are explained. Equally, the section following which explains cooking terminology might have been better placed before the beginner encountered the terminology. keywords: barcelona; book; centre; cooking; page; section cache: coolabah-15693.pdf plain text: coolabah-15693.txt item: #138 of 338 id: coolabah-15695 author: Mallari, Julieta C. title: Indigenizing the Zarzuela: Kapampangan Ethnocentric Adoption of the Foreign Genre date: 2016-04-08 words: 7136 flesch: 54 summary: (There is no God!), the most popular and acclaimed by many as most expressive of the beauty of Kapampangan language, was first staged on November 16, 1902. Kapampangan literature took on a hybrid form that came to be an incitement for the movement of the province’s literary history. keywords: centre; fidel; foreign; form; genre; kapampangan; literary; literature; pabalan; people; soto; spanish; writers; zarzuela cache: coolabah-15695.pdf plain text: coolabah-15695.txt item: #139 of 338 id: coolabah-15696 author: Morera de la Vall, Elisa title: Eat, my children, eat date: 2016-04-08 words: 2812 flesch: 69 summary: Juan Cruz, in his well documented book, Alimentación y Cultura (Food and Culture), comments on the subject of food as symbol. The Coopers will soon encounter a very different—and indifferent—kind of food, “the national food” (Waten 1978, 67), then heavily indebted to British cuisine: grilled steak and onions with Worcestershire sauce (Waten 1978, 67), and alternatives of “steak and onions, steak and eggs, chops, sausages and fried whiting” (Waten 1978, 68) or, for a change, mulligatawny soup and “roast mutton lying in thick brown gravy and steamed pudding covered in thin, yellow custard sauce” (Waten 1978, 73). keywords: centre; eat; food; joshua; mother; shoshanah; waten cache: coolabah-15696.pdf plain text: coolabah-15696.txt item: #140 of 338 id: coolabah-15697 author: Offord, Baden title: Village in the Jungle: The Eighth Annual Doireann MacDermott Lecture date: 2016-04-08 words: 6800 flesch: 44 summary: The debate over what constitutes Australian values has become a fault-line in contemporary Australian culture and society. Events such as September 11, the bombings in Bali and Jakarta, and the ‘war on terror’ brought Australian values powerfully into the purview of politicians, political cartoonists and media commentators. keywords: australian; belonging; centre; citizenship; colonial; culture; enlightenment; jungle; society; studies; values; village cache: coolabah-15697.pdf plain text: coolabah-15697.txt item: #141 of 338 id: coolabah-15698 author: Phillips, Bill title: The Sharpest Knives in the Drawer date: 2016-04-08 words: 5946 flesch: 67 summary: At the same time as the Warshawski novels became popular, so did a number of other, similar novels about women detectives by women writers, and none of them like cooking. Sadly, in confirmation of the gender divide, the same cannot be said for women detectives. keywords: barcelona; carvalho; centre; cooking; detective; food; kitchen; novels; parker; spenser; studies; vázquez; women cache: coolabah-15698.pdf plain text: coolabah-15698.txt item: #142 of 338 id: coolabah-15699 author: Rahbek, Ulla title: Mythologizing Food: Marion Halligan’s non-fiction date: 2016-04-08 words: 4965 flesch: 56 summary: In this latest book about food Halligan is not ashamed to openly admit her “admiration for suburbia” (Halligan 2004: 48). The word “thrift” is also interesting here, and a notion Halligan self- consciously returns to in The Taste of Memory, where she admits that the idea of thrift delights her – but that it is a word you do not hear much nowadays (Halligan 2004: 114). keywords: barthes; centre; food; halligan; memory; myth; suburbia; way; words cache: coolabah-15699.pdf plain text: coolabah-15699.txt item: #143 of 338 id: coolabah-15700 author: Seguro, María Isabel title: Redeeming American democracy in Sayonara date: 2016-04-08 words: 5898 flesch: 51 summary: Still they were often presented as emergent members of a new kind of Japanese American community, which was primarily attractive because the war brides were seen solely as compliant wives and mothers unfettered by the disturbing public history of internment. The changes in plot introduced by the film adaptation reflect not only the changes in U.S. policy towards these marriages, but also Michener’s own attitude: in 1955 he was to marry a Japanese American, Mari Yoriko Sabusawa, whom he had met in Japan (Chung Simpson 1998: 71). keywords: american; centre; film; gruver; hana; japanese; love; novel; ogi; u.s; war cache: coolabah-15700.pdf plain text: coolabah-15700.txt item: #144 of 338 id: coolabah-15702 author: Serra Pagès, Carles title: Cannibalism in Montaigne, de Certeau and Derrida date: 2016-04-08 words: 6555 flesch: 51 summary: In de Certeau, the figure of the cannibal provides “food for thought” in that it constitutes and menaces the symbolic order of culture, we can always re-interpret the “horror” that cannibalism produces in Western cultures and turn it into a noble figure. Microsoft Word - 21serra Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 226 Cannibalism in Montaigne, de Certeau and Derrida Carles Serra Pagès Abstract: In this text we introduce the discursive strategies of Montaigne, de Certeau and Derrida in analysing the figure of the cannibal. keywords: certeau; derrida; language; sacrifice; savage; subject; text cache: coolabah-15702.pdf plain text: coolabah-15702.txt item: #145 of 338 id: coolabah-15703 author: vanden Driesen, Cynthia title: Sea-change or Atrophy? The Australian Convict Inheritance date: 2016-04-08 words: 7385 flesch: 66 summary: Robert Hughes (in The Fatal Shore) discredits the idea of any bonding between the convict and the Aborigine but acknowledges examples of “white blackfellas”—white men who had successfully been adopted into Aboriginal societies. Key words: convict; Aborigine; settler culture Interpreting the conference theme in its metaphoric sense as a playing with ideas that could stimulate new modes of thinking; of feeding the imagination and the intellect, this paper will highlight selected literary representations of the Australian convict which suggest that the transportation into exile resulted, for some at least, not in atrophy and extinction but in a new transmutation, a re-birth and an attaining to a new status of belonging in the new land. keywords: australian; blacks; centre; convict; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; man; no.5; observatori; studies; universitat; white; world cache: coolabah-15703.pdf plain text: coolabah-15703.txt item: #146 of 338 id: coolabah-15704 author: Wessell, Adele title: Dairy Chains: Consumer Foodways and Agricultural Landscapes date: 2016-04-08 words: 5026 flesch: 55 summary: Adele’s main research interests are in food history and she is a Founding Editorial Board member of LOCALE: The Australasian-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies. This points to the significant paradox at the heart of the 1950s dream: that the fantasy of domestic goddess, the Coolabah, No.5, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 253 kitchen at the centre of her life is simultaneously bound up with the acquisition of appliances and prepared food that promise to free her from it. keywords: association; australians; centre; dairy; farmers; food; housewives; industry; milk; production; studies; women cache: coolabah-15704.pdf plain text: coolabah-15704.txt item: #147 of 338 id: coolabah-15705 author: Serra Pagès, Carles title: Introduction date: 2016-04-08 words: 603 flesch: 64 summary: So I was also present when Stephanos Stephanides and Gloria Montero came to talk about their work. I have also met Gloria Montero several times since then. keywords: centre; teaching cache: coolabah-15705.pdf plain text: coolabah-15705.txt item: #148 of 338 id: coolabah-15706 author: Cacciavilni, Giada title: Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and Sylvia Plath: “a passionate journey” towards “a revolution in female manners” date: 2016-04-08 words: 3314 flesch: 66 summary: In addition to this, being women, they found it hard to be recognised as writers and their fight against social conventions and norms is now considered of huge importance since they managed to open doors for women that came after them. The three authors rebelled against the feminine mystique of their time and the subsequent domestification of women. keywords: behn; line; man; philips; plath; women cache: coolabah-15706.pdf plain text: coolabah-15706.txt item: #149 of 338 id: coolabah-15707 author: Serra Pagès, Carles title: Why should Aboriginal peoples learn to write? date: 2016-04-08 words: 2826 flesch: 56 summary: The thesis is that the transformation that goes from myth to logos, or from primitive to civilized cultures is a linguistic revolution: the discovery of writing and, more particularly, of alphabetic writing. Since both oral culture and written culture (in the form of libraries, law, etc.) are inscribed by means of signs, that is, since both of them ‘make present’ what makes up a Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 11 culture, oral culture by means of living memory and written culture by means of linguistic signs, both cultures share a unity of essence. keywords: culture; gemmy; life; writing cache: coolabah-15707.pdf plain text: coolabah-15707.txt item: #150 of 338 id: coolabah-15708 author: ., Poetry title: Poetry by Lachlan Brown in Translation date: 2016-04-08 words: 1102 flesch: 78 summary: él lloraba en el pecho de su padre. Microsoft Word - coolabahlachlan Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 14 Poetry by Lachlan Brown in Translation As a result of Lachalns Brown’s visit to the Centre d’Estudis Australians – Australian Studies Centre - at the Universitat de Barcelona Bill Phillips translated some of his work into Catalan, Laura López into Spanish and Victoria Dimitrova into Bulgarian. keywords: australians; centre; d’estudis; que; studies cache: coolabah-15708.pdf plain text: coolabah-15708.txt item: #151 of 338 id: coolabah-15709 author: ., Poetry title: Poetry by Stephanos Stephanides in Translation date: 2016-04-08 words: 1331 flesch: 67 summary: Días augustos y grandiosos como el mar Y noches anchas como tejados Yazgo aquí No sirve la camisa que llevo encima Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 21 Ni sirven las paredes de mi casa Tumbado ante un cielo implacable Que se fruncirá y se hinchará Con amago o promesa de lluvia El león se alzará a las estrellas Alumbrantes con un rocío de luz feroz La de Perseo que escala alto, o cae bajo Con lágrimas por los días que perdemos Por los días -- quemados rojo de sol con luna Y el mes huye El gato se escabulle Y las caléndulas se apagan Dejando solo un toque De polvo tierno Y una hija a punto de volar Y con Derek canto: Días que he tenido Días que he perdido Días que ya están grandes como hijas En mis brazos albergadores Stephanos Stephanides Agosto 2008 Jaya Devi Goddess, tonight you are dreadful Last night you enticed me In your watery blue Even the moon was blue. Sólo guíame más suavemente Y de nuevo cantaré tus alabanzas Jaya Devi Jaya. keywords: australians; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; observatori; que; studies cache: coolabah-15709.pdf plain text: coolabah-15709.txt item: #152 of 338 id: coolabah-15710 author: Fernández Dorado, Pedro title: An Interview with Gloria Montero date: 2016-04-08 words: 4759 flesch: 81 summary: Gloria, I would like to start this interview with a quote from your novel The Villa Marini, in which you depict the encounter of Marini, the main character, with the spectacular Australian landscape. The Catholic Church had bought up large tracts of land to attract Irish immigrants. keywords: australia; centre; gloria; land; marini; novel; pedro cache: coolabah-15710.pdf plain text: coolabah-15710.txt item: #153 of 338 id: coolabah-15712 author: Phillips, Bill title: An Exercise In Googling, reviewed by date: 2016-04-08 words: 1380 flesch: 66 summary: Fortunately there is Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 37 a page devoted to “Notes and Sources” at the end of the book, but sadly “Man is Wolf to Man” does not appear there, and we are left unenlightened. Microsoft Word - coolabahreviewphillips Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 36 BOOK REVIEWS An Exercise in Googling Bill Phillips Unversitat de Barcelona LK Holt. keywords: centre; collection; man; poem cache: coolabah-15712.pdf plain text: coolabah-15712.txt item: #154 of 338 id: coolabah-15713 author: Russell, Kate title: Australia and Galicia: Defeating the Tyranny of Distance/Australia e Galicia: vencendo a tiranía do afastamento, by Kate Russell date: 2016-04-08 words: 1593 flesch: 43 summary: Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 40 Central to Australian Galician relations is Galician monk Rosendo Salvado. The second focal point of Galician Australian relations is based in commerce and seafaring. keywords: australia; centre; contribution; galicia cache: coolabah-15713.pdf plain text: coolabah-15713.txt item: #155 of 338 id: coolabah-15714 author: Seguro, María Isabel title: Joan London, The Good Parents, by María Isabel Seguro date: 2016-04-08 words: 1400 flesch: 68 summary: In London’s words, there comes a point when with older children ‘[t]here’s not much to do, except wait and be there’ when the moment arrives (Sullivan 2008). Her father, Nig, is typically aloof with Toni and her Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 43 older sister Karen, ‘never seemed to really look at his daughters, as if that was taboo. keywords: jacob; maya; parents; toni cache: coolabah-15714.pdf plain text: coolabah-15714.txt item: #156 of 338 id: coolabah-15715 author: ., . title: Contributors date: 2016-04-08 words: 603 flesch: 51 summary: Coolabah, Vol.4, 2010, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 45 Dr. Bill Phillips is a senior lecturer in English literature and culture at the University of Barcelona. He is a member and collaborator of The Australian Studies Centre at Barcelona University, and is currently in charge of organising the next Derrida Today International Conference in Barcelona in 2012. keywords: barcelona; studies; university cache: coolabah-15715.pdf plain text: coolabah-15715.txt item: #157 of 338 id: coolabah-15716 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Introduction date: 2016-04-06 words: 911 flesch: 51 summary: He also queries whether there is such a thing as Australian fantasy. Historically, as critics such as Todorov, Rosemary Jackson, Kathryn Hume, W.P. Irwin and Colin Manlove have pointed out, tales of fantasy date back to Æsop’s fables and Homer. keywords: articles; fantasy; text cache: coolabah-15716.pdf plain text: coolabah-15716.txt item: #158 of 338 id: coolabah-15717 author: Ballyn, Sue title: Introduction date: 2016-04-11 words: 1127 flesch: 62 summary: For four days there was an ongoing conversation between paper readers and their audience, an enriching dialectic backtracking as themes developed and rolled through the four day event. It is my firm belief that today academic conferences benefit from avoiding multiple sessions thus enabling a true engagement with subject matter under discussion. keywords: conference; papers; studies cache: coolabah-15717.pdf plain text: coolabah-15717.txt item: #159 of 338 id: coolabah-15718 author: White, Terri-ann title: The country and the city date: 2016-04-11 words: 3707 flesch: 65 summary: It was inspired, after reading Joan London’s new novel The Good Parents and thinking back to my own experiences of country towns in Australia, and my recent encounters with towns in transition. When country towns become as sophisticated as the city and suburbs, become a place to escape to rather than establishing yourself in: financially, setting up a family—when towns were service centres with a mobile population of doctors, nurses, schoolteachers, bank clerks and police. keywords: australians; centre; city; country; issn; life; observatori; people; studies; town cache: coolabah-15718.pdf plain text: coolabah-15718.txt item: #160 of 338 id: coolabah-15719 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Did it really happen? Memory, history and myth in Eugenia Tsoulis´ Between the ceiling and the sky date: 2016-04-11 words: 4368 flesch: 65 summary: Premier´s Council for Women: Government of South Australia, 2002. She is the Executive director of the Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia and one of her goals is to “promote the cultural expression of all new groups of migrants” (Tsoulis 2006). keywords: antigone; australia; centre; hospital; novel; petro; vangelia cache: coolabah-15719.pdf plain text: coolabah-15719.txt item: #161 of 338 id: coolabah-15720 author: Seguro, María Isabel title: ‘Hawaii, Hawaii/ Like a dream/ So I came/ But my tears/ Are flowing now/In the canefields’: Beauty’s Price in Philip Kan Gotanda’s Ballad of Yachiyo date: 2016-04-11 words: 3220 flesch: 57 summary: As Crystal Parikh points out: Conceived of in tourist fantasy as America’s ‘first strange place’ and, alternatively, as a coordinate in the still-emergent Asia-Pacific marketplace, Hawaii functions as an object of contestation between the discourses of transnational capitalism and globalization on the one hand and, on the other hand, as an ahistorical site for the recreational pleasures and military needs of the nation-state (2002). Microsoft Word - Ma Isabel Seguro 1 Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 17 ‘Hawaii, Hawaii/ Like a dream/ keywords: american; centre; gotanda; hawaii; hawaiian; history; islands; sugar; yachiyo cache: coolabah-15720.pdf plain text: coolabah-15720.txt item: #162 of 338 id: coolabah-15722 author: vanden Driesen, Cynthia title: From `a shrew from the Orkneys´ to white indigene- the many re-Inventions of Eliza Fraser date: 2016-04-11 words: 3963 flesch: 59 summary: Leicester UP 38 - 46 Miller, Olga (1998), “K’gari,Mrs.Fraser and Butchulla Oral Tradition,” in Constructions of Colonialism, Perspectives on Eliza Fraser’s Shipwreck, Eds. Re-inventions of Eliza Fraser. keywords: eliza; eliza fraser; ellen; fraser; myth; new; people; story; white; world cache: coolabah-15722.pdf plain text: coolabah-15722.txt item: #163 of 338 id: coolabah-15723 author: Auguste, Isabelle title: On the significance of saying “sorry” – politics of memory and Aboriginal Reconciliation in Australia date: 2016-04-11 words: 3834 flesch: 55 summary: In presenting the policy of the Hawke government in 1983, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Clyde Holding referred to this deliberate policy of governments to separate children from their families in view of assimilation and promised to “restore the rights of Aboriginal families to raise and protect their own children” (3486). Microsoft Word - Isabelle August 1 Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 43 On the significance of saying “sorry” – politics of memory and Aboriginal Reconciliation in Australia Isabelle Auguste Abstract: 2007 marked the 40 th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum. keywords: aboriginal; apology; australian; centre; generations; parliament; reconciliation; time cache: coolabah-15723.pdf plain text: coolabah-15723.txt item: #164 of 338 id: coolabah-15724 author: Ryan, Lyndall title: ‘The long shadow of remembrance’: Remembering the debate about massacre in the Black War in Tasmania date: 2016-04-11 words: 4159 flesch: 57 summary: More recently, in articles published in Journal of Genocide Research, the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Journal, and in the entry on Tasmania in the International Online Encyclopaedia of Mass Violence she offers new evidence that colonial massacre played a significant part in rapid Aboriginal population decline in the 19 th century. Clive Turnbull, a war correspondent who was imbued with ‘the long shadows of massacre remembrance’ handed down by his own family which had settled in Tasmania in the 1820s, produced his powerful text, Black War: the extermination of the Tasmanian Aborigines. keywords: aborigines; black; centre; debate; history; massacre; tasmania; war cache: coolabah-15724.pdf plain text: coolabah-15724.txt item: #165 of 338 id: coolabah-15725 author: McCredden, Lyn title: Forms of Memory in Post-colonial Australia date: 2016-04-11 words: 3592 flesch: 61 summary: If we are to address the hope entailed in remembering, it is necessary to examine what forms post-colonial remembering is taking in contemporary Australia; remembering experienced differently by indigenous and non-indigenous Australians, but also differently by individual writers. The ghosts and traumas of the past are symbolically relegated to that past, as “the future” takes over: “moving forward with confidence to the future”, “For the future we take heart; resolving that this new page in the history of our great continent can now be written”, “a future that embraces all Australians”, “A future where this Parliament resolves that the injustices of the past must never, never happen again”, “A future where we harness the determination of all Australians, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to close the gap”, A future where we embrace the possibility of new solutions to enduring problems where old approaches have failed. keywords: centre; derrida; future; indigenous; memory; mourning; past; remembering cache: coolabah-15725.pdf plain text: coolabah-15725.txt item: #166 of 338 id: coolabah-15726 author: Serra Pagès, Carles title: A reading of Husserl’s “life-world” against the loss of history in the context of postcolonial Aboriginal Australia date: 2016-04-11 words: 3364 flesch: 66 summary: Philosophy as strict science and worldview philosophy In this context, it seems suitable to recall a distinction that Husserl makes between worldview philosophy and scientific philosophy in his book Philosophy as Strict Science. That will allow us to inquire whether and, if so, in what way life-world philosophy differentiates itself from worldview philosophy. keywords: husserl; life; phenomenology; philosophy; sally; world cache: coolabah-15726.pdf plain text: coolabah-15726.txt item: #167 of 338 id: coolabah-15727 author: Everett, Kristina title: Traditional Urban Aboriginal Religion date: 2016-04-11 words: 5999 flesch: 56 summary: The Gwalan woman’s words are a political claim to country and to relationships with country and other Gwalan Custodians past and present. However, because of the radical, long term disruption of cultural practices as one of the first peoples to have contact with Europeans and because they have inter-married with whites and many different groups of Aboriginal peoples, Gwalan Custodians do not have one, common cultural tradition on which to draw. keywords: aboriginal; australian; centre; ceremony; custodians; dreaming; group; gwalan; identity; people; studies; tree cache: coolabah-15727.pdf plain text: coolabah-15727.txt item: #168 of 338 id: coolabah-15728 author: Offord, Baden title: Androgynous ethical intervention and living history date: 2016-04-11 words: 3980 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: androgynous belonging, Australian beach culture, living history, sexuality, colonisation, cultural imbrication, borderland Introduction The dominance of history as a project of the Western Enlightenment has truly fixed itself in our major cultural, political, economic and social institutions. New cultural formations emerged of the Surf Life Saver, which underscores a transformation of Australian beach culture (see image below). keywords: australian; beach; centre; culture; gay; history; life; surf; sydney cache: coolabah-15728.pdf plain text: coolabah-15728.txt item: #169 of 338 id: coolabah-15729 author: Soriano, Dolors; Medina, Victòria title: The Body as Language and Expression of the Indigenous Australian Cultural Identity date: 2016-04-11 words: 4102 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Indigenous Australian communities, body painting, oral tradition 1. We have the evidence of explorers, pioneers and missionaries who were shown them: Don Rosendo Salvado, a benedictine monk, saw them in 1852; Phillips Parker Kink in 1837; James Dawson in the colony of Victoria in 1882; Carl Lumholtz saw body paintings in Aranda in 1889, and Spencer and Guillen in 1898 and they also registered forms, contents, styles and techniques. keywords: arnhem; art; australian; body; centre; designs; land; red; sculptures; studies; style cache: coolabah-15729.pdf plain text: coolabah-15729.txt item: #170 of 338 id: coolabah-15730 author: Wildburger, Eleonore title: Indigenous Australian art in intercultural contact zones date: 2016-04-11 words: 2973 flesch: 49 summary: Indigenous art is currently the strongest sector of Australia's art industry, with around 6,000 artists producing art and craft works with an estimated value of more than A$300 million a year. So, I will focus on Indigenous art as complex representations of Indigeneity within intercultural contact zones. keywords: art; artist; artworks; centre; dreaming; knowledge; painting cache: coolabah-15730.pdf plain text: coolabah-15730.txt item: #171 of 338 id: coolabah-15734 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Echoes of a not so Mythical Past: Memories of Race in Elizabeth Jolley’s The Well date: 2016-04-11 words: 3458 flesch: 50 summary: As gender is obviously such a vexed issue in The Well, the question becomes what story Hester might tell—how she might translate her gender trouble into the Australian context. Significantly, Hester associates the well-dweller with a thieving intruder, which is a stock representation of the Aborigine in pastoralist Australia. keywords: australia; centre; gender; gothic; hester; jolley; novel; text cache: coolabah-15734.pdf plain text: coolabah-15734.txt item: #172 of 338 id: coolabah-15735 author: Morera de la Vall, Elisa title: A Noah of Our Days: Around Him Mythologies Arose date: 2016-04-11 words: 2914 flesch: 67 summary: Keneally acknowledges his debt in the dedication of his book: “To the memory of Oskar Schindler, and to Leopold Pfefferberg who by zeal and persistence caused this book to be written” (Keneally 2007, n.p.). “So the story of Oskar Schindler is begun perilously…” (Keneally 2997, 32), the author writes in the first pages. keywords: centre; jews; keneally; oskar; schindler cache: coolabah-15735.pdf plain text: coolabah-15735.txt item: #173 of 338 id: coolabah-15736 author: Trapè, Roberta title: From Notebook to Novel and from Diary to Dante: Reading Robert Dessaix’s Night Letters date: 2016-04-11 words: 3865 flesch: 64 summary: For Night Letters Dessaix relied on the 1991 notes, and elaborated upon them in recounting the facts; however, he added descriptions of Vicenza railway station, mainly of the people crowded there; that is, of the setting for R.’s experiences and encounters. So back I went […] After a very long time I came out of the gathering fog into the echoing vestibule of Vicenza railway station. keywords: dessaix; italy; letters; night; novel; vicenza cache: coolabah-15736.pdf plain text: coolabah-15736.txt item: #174 of 338 id: coolabah-15737 author: Requena Pelegrí, Teresa title: Catharine Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie (1827) and the Revision of the Puritan Past date: 2016-04-11 words: 3899 flesch: 42 summary: Microsoft Word - Requena 1 Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 136 Bringing out Censored Stories and Reassessing the Past in Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie Teresa Requena Pelegrí Abstract: Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s texts and achievement have been long overshadowed by the undisputed recognition of some of her male contemporaries. Set in colonial times, Hope Leslie or Early Times in the Massachusetts (1827) constitutes one of Sedgwick’s poignant explorations of the Puritan past of the country and its interrelation with issues of gender and race. keywords: history; hope; leslie; puritan; sedgwick; text; time; women cache: coolabah-15737.pdf plain text: coolabah-15737.txt item: #175 of 338 id: coolabah-15738 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Some Reflections on Myth, History and Memory As Determinants of Narrative date: 2016-04-11 words: 4288 flesch: 65 summary: The creative function of such myths makes them a determinant of the narrative, for as Goodman states: “Myths are fictions and the men and women who make them know it. Such myths, by a ‘glorification’ of the past, contribute to linking past and present in the formation of a contemporary stance, and can have a therapeutic effect. keywords: centre; history; life; memory; myth; new; past; texts; world cache: coolabah-15738.pdf plain text: coolabah-15738.txt item: #176 of 338 id: coolabah-15739 author: Montero, Gloria title: Myth and memory in the “queen of dreams” date: 2016-04-11 words: 7092 flesch: 81 summary: Give Nando your empanadas, Rora. Angelina showed Rora how to fold the napkins like crowns. keywords: angelina; australians; centre; elvala; grandmother; italians; nando; room; rora; studies; time cache: coolabah-15739.pdf plain text: coolabah-15739.txt item: #177 of 338 id: coolabah-15740 author: Rion, Rosanna title: Translation and tradition: the translator as mediator between two literary systems date: 2016-04-11 words: 3205 flesch: 50 summary: Literary translation only makes up 2% of the total output.//In Australia, things are even worse. The introduction of new ideology The polisystem theory developed, among others, by Even-Zohar studies literary phenomena and the way in which literary works relate to each other. keywords: centre; idea; literature; studies; text; translation; work cache: coolabah-15740.pdf plain text: coolabah-15740.txt item: #178 of 338 id: coolabah-15741 author: Serrat, David title: Climatic Change and Humanity: A Permanent Conflict? date: 2016-04-11 words: 2052 flesch: 54 summary: Climate change has occurred, whether due to human activity or not, throughout the history of the Earth to a greater or lesser traumatic degree. Keywords: Climate change, demography, energetic resources That human activity has influenced and continues to influence the climate today? keywords: centre; change; climate; years cache: coolabah-15741.pdf plain text: coolabah-15741.txt item: #179 of 338 id: coolabah-15742 author: Wilson, Jennifer title: The Experience of Being Injured: An Otherwise Perspective date: 2016-04-11 words: 2961 flesch: 54 summary: Myth, history and memory are crammed with inadequately represented accounts of suffering and horror, of the abject, of un-willed injuries. Myth, history and memory, personal and societal, are the storehouses for accounts of traumatic injury and its aftermath, and our efforts at redress and retribution through or outside of culturally determined juridico-political systems. keywords: abject; centre; horror; injury; world cache: coolabah-15742.pdf plain text: coolabah-15742.txt item: #180 of 338 id: coolabah-15743 author: Cuenca, Mercè title: “Inscrutable Intelligence”: The Case against Plastic Surgery in the Works of Jean Stafford and Sylvia Plath date: 2016-04-11 words: 3876 flesch: 57 summary: In this way, the male (re)construction of the female body is posited by Stafford as an exclusively Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 186 masculine obsession, projected and enforced on women by the pervasive heterosexist discourse on what constitutes female beauty. Using a markedly mnemonic tone, both authors trace in detail the passive submission of female bodies to male (re)construction. keywords: beauty; body; centre; cold; female; plath; stafford; war; women cache: coolabah-15743.pdf plain text: coolabah-15743.txt item: #181 of 338 id: coolabah-15744 author: Read, Peter title: A “Funa” in Australia? date: 2016-04-11 words: 4445 flesch: 57 summary: 4 The fate of all three, so disappointing to the present author in terms of government response, were the nearest Australia was able to come to a Truth and Reconciliation Commission into the treatment of Aboriginal Australians. And the crowd roars in response Hay funa ! keywords: aboriginal; australia; centre; crowd; denunciation; funa; government; people; reconciliation; studies cache: coolabah-15744.pdf plain text: coolabah-15744.txt item: #182 of 338 id: coolabah-15745 author: Phillips, Bill title: Constructing Catalonia date: 2016-04-11 words: 4265 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Catalonia, constructing national identity, Spanish Civil War, George Orwell Catalonia, in common with other nations, has long been concerned with the question of identity and difference. Subsequent portrayals of the Spanish Civil War – Valentine Cunningham’s The Penguin Book of Spanish Civil War Verse (ed.), Penguin, 1980, or Ken Loach’s 1995 film Land and Freedom base their arguments unquestioningly on Homage to Catalonia, perpetuating a view of the nation’s recent history that is both reductive and inaccurate. keywords: barcelona; catalan; catalonia; centre; homage; identity; orwell; spain; studies; war cache: coolabah-15745.pdf plain text: coolabah-15745.txt item: #183 of 338 id: coolabah-15746 author: Córdoba Benedicto, Jaime de title: Drawing Myth and History in visual art date: 2016-04-11 words: 2328 flesch: 59 summary: The more art history produces the greater the number of art works to translate, to comprehend and to incorporate into our knowledge. Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 210 The idea of creation in the interpretation of art work has already had been studied by Haverkamp and others in his “Creative copies” catalogue and, after the exhibition at the Louvre, the initiatives extended throughout Europe. keywords: art; centre; drawing; value; work cache: coolabah-15746.pdf plain text: coolabah-15746.txt item: #184 of 338 id: coolabah-15747 author: Ryan, John title: La mel es més dolÇa que la sang: Fiction as Magical Intervention - a reading of E.M. Forster’s The Life to Come date: 2016-04-11 words: 3698 flesch: 62 summary: In an attempt to “think other-wise about history” (Rose: 2008, p. 157), Deborah Bird Rose, who once titled an article, What if the Angel of History was a Dog? History, that Baconian scientific rational categorizing enterprise, outcome of the Enlightenment, does not deal with angels or dogs – neither is represented as a subject for history. keywords: centre; fiction; forster; history; life; past; paul; rose cache: coolabah-15747.pdf plain text: coolabah-15747.txt item: #185 of 338 id: coolabah-15748 author: Ommundsen, Wenche title: Brave new world: Myth and migration in recent Asian-Australian picture books date: 2016-04-11 words: 3809 flesch: 61 summary: Shaun Tan, The Lost Thing Unlike Li Cunxin’s account of migration, Shaun Tan’s books focus primarily on the migrant’s encounter with a host society. Shaun Tan, The Arrival Shan Tan’s next book, The Arrival is not so much a picture book as a graphic novel. keywords: australia; centre; migrant; myth; new; tan; thing; world cache: coolabah-15748.pdf plain text: coolabah-15748.txt item: #186 of 338 id: coolabah-15749 author: Mallari, Julieta C. title: King Sinukwan Mythology and the Kapampangan Psyche date: 2016-04-11 words: 3596 flesch: 54 summary: In the development of Kapampangan civilization, Sinukwan has become an established archetype in Kapampangan arts and literature, a rallying point in the socio-political transformation of the Kapampangan community, and the paradigmatic model that is constantly invoked in the unfolding events of Kapampangan history. Keywords: Sinukwan, Kapampangan psyche, Kapampangan history ...out of the whole symbol-building achievement of the past, what survives … is the tale of wonder. keywords: centre; eruption; kapampangan; malyari; people; pinatubo; sinukwan cache: coolabah-15749.pdf plain text: coolabah-15749.txt item: #187 of 338 id: coolabah-15750 author: Medina, Victòria; Koui, Théophile title: After the Wê mask in Ivory Coast: preliminary study about its origin, symbolism and value as element of communication date: 2016-04-11 words: 3596 flesch: 54 summary: In the development of Kapampangan civilization, Sinukwan has become an established archetype in Kapampangan arts and literature, a rallying point in the socio-political transformation of the Kapampangan community, and the paradigmatic model that is constantly invoked in the unfolding events of Kapampangan history. Keywords: Sinukwan, Kapampangan psyche, Kapampangan history ...out of the whole symbol-building achievement of the past, what survives … is the tale of wonder. keywords: centre; eruption; kapampangan; malyari; people; pinatubo; sinukwan cache: coolabah-15750.pdf plain text: coolabah-15750.txt item: #188 of 338 id: coolabah-15751 author: Bosch, Roser title: A way of reasserting and sharing identity: acrylic paintings of the Central Desert. A critical approach date: 2016-04-11 words: 4213 flesch: 49 summary: The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal art and culture. Benjamin, R. ¨The brush with words: criticism and Aboriginal art¨ The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal art and culture. keywords: aboriginal; acrylic; art; central; centre; communities; desert; identity; success; works cache: coolabah-15751.pdf plain text: coolabah-15751.txt item: #189 of 338 id: coolabah-15752 author: Cole, Anna title: Dancing with myth, memory and mimesis. date: 2016-04-11 words: 3267 flesch: 56 summary: For example, when white women called for abortion rights and liberation from being defined only by their maternal role, Indigenous women were fighting enforced sterilisation in some parts of Australia and the violent denigration and refusal of their maternal role through the wide-spread removal of Indigenous children from their families. Today Aboriginal debutante balls are held regularly around Australia. keywords: aboriginal; australia; ball; centre; debutante; film; mimesis; white; women cache: coolabah-15752.pdf plain text: coolabah-15752.txt item: #190 of 338 id: coolabah-15753 author: D'Cruz, Vin title: Connectedness and Being: Reflections date: 2016-04-11 words: 6136 flesch: 54 summary: While the ‘60s spurred Australian culture on to greater autonomy, freedom and choice, it also became obvious to some of us working at the Centre for the Study of Innovation in Education, at La Trobe University, and especially to Professor Peter Sheehan with whom I was collaborating in philosophical, cultural and policy areas at the time, that we were in danger of losing the bonds of cultural belonging. It then appeared for a moment that mutually accountable modes of negotiation might restore Coolabah, Vol.3, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 263 classes, I attempted to draw attention to the institutional racism that was reproduced at both official and unofficial levels of Australian culture. keywords: anglo; australian; barcelona; centre; coolabah; culture; d’estudis; issn; observatori; people; studies; university; vol.3 cache: coolabah-15753.pdf plain text: coolabah-15753.txt item: #191 of 338 id: coolabah-15754 author: Córdoba Benedicto, Jaime de title: Introduction date: 2016-04-11 words: 297 flesch: 54 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Introduction Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Introduction Jaime de Cordoba Last July 2008 The Exhibition brought together teachers of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, special students selected from the same university and special guest artists. keywords: centre cache: coolabah-15754.pdf plain text: coolabah-15754.txt item: #192 of 338 id: coolabah-15755 author: Baya Grass, Pau title: Carving and living date: 2016-04-11 words: 446 flesch: 78 summary: Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 3 As if stricken by an intoxicating and lucid madness, my gesture is drawing, nervous and loquacious, filling virgin surfaces. Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Pau Baya Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 2 Pau Baya Grass Barcelona, 1974. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15755.pdf plain text: coolabah-15755.txt item: #193 of 338 id: coolabah-15756 author: Cera, Lluís, 1967- title: Stone language date: 2016-04-11 words: 227 flesch: 65 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Lluis Cera Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 4 Lluís Cera Barcelona, 1967 He is an Associate Lecturer in Fine Arts at Barcelona University. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15756.pdf plain text: coolabah-15756.txt item: #194 of 338 id: coolabah-15757 author: Córdoba Benedicto, Jaime de title: Achieving memory date: 2016-04-11 words: 201 flesch: 64 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Jaime de Cordoba Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 5 Jaime de Córdoba Benedicto Born in Barcelona in 1961. He is a Professor in Fine Arts, at the University of Barcelona. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15757.pdf plain text: coolabah-15757.txt item: #195 of 338 id: coolabah-15758 author: Ibargüen, Mariela Garibay title: Sacred time in stone date: 2016-04-11 words: 264 flesch: 56 summary: Stone has been used to build sacred sites in different societies because they allow for the imbrication of the sacred and the worldly within each culture .My work always has a spiritual depth which evokes the transcendental. Sacred time in stone History is imbued with the cultural significance of Stone which are charged with meaning because they are witnesses to and participants in the physical construction of history itself. keywords: stone cache: coolabah-15758.pdf plain text: coolabah-15758.txt item: #196 of 338 id: coolabah-15759 author: Itabashi, Toshie title: Mermaids date: 2016-04-11 words: 198 flesch: 59 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Toshi Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 7 Toshie Itabashi Tokyo, 1974 Mermaids “Mermaids” is the title of one of the series which the Japanese sculptor Toshie Itabashi has been working on over the last few years. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15759.pdf plain text: coolabah-15759.txt item: #197 of 338 id: coolabah-15760 author: Navarro Comas, Joan title: Memory inside geometry date: 2016-04-11 words: 145 flesch: 68 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Joan Navarro Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 8 Joan Navarro Barcelona, Spain. May 20, 1974. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15760.pdf plain text: coolabah-15760.txt item: #198 of 338 id: coolabah-15762 author: Vallverdu, Jaume title: Un bloc de memoria date: 2016-04-11 words: 118 flesch: 65 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Jaume Vallverdu Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 10 Jaume Vallverdu. The stone sculpture Un bloc de memòria” represents femininity transferred into the interior of earth through the material employed. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15762.pdf plain text: coolabah-15762.txt item: #199 of 338 id: coolabah-15763 author: Ruestes, Francesc title: Myth, history and memory date: 2016-04-11 words: 218 flesch: 50 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Francesc Ruestes Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 11 Francesc Ruestes Born in Barcelona 1959. His sculpture has been acquired by public and private collections such as the La Caixa Foundation Iron. Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 12 Myth, history and memory Speaking of myth, history and memory, is to speak of the conjunction of the conscious essence of the soul, the soul as well as light, wisdom and intuition. keywords: centre cache: coolabah-15763.pdf plain text: coolabah-15763.txt item: #200 of 338 id: coolabah-15764 author: Ruiz –Gimenez Coderch, Lua title: Remains of the lived date: 2016-04-11 words: 190 flesch: 68 summary: Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Lua Ruiz Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 13 Lua Ruiz –Gimenez Coderch Born 1982 in Iquitos, Perú Currently studying, B.A. Fine Arts , University of Barcelona 2004 She obtained sculpture degree at the Escola Massana, Barcelona She has exhibited her work in group exhibitions in Barcelona, Italy, and the Netherlands. keywords: barcelona cache: coolabah-15764.pdf plain text: coolabah-15764.txt item: #201 of 338 id: coolabah-15765 author: ., . title: Acknowledgments date: 2016-11-21 words: 299 flesch: 58 summary: Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FROM THE EDITOR.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, p.1 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FROM THE EDITOR Coolabah 1 is a dream come true. During the process I had Dr Ballyn’s and Dr. Morera de la Vall´s invaluable guidance and support, which I deeply appreciate: they read, commented and improved the final version of Coolabah 1: keywords: coolabah cache: coolabah-15765.pdf plain text: coolabah-15765.txt item: #202 of 338 id: coolabah-15766 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Introduction date: 2016-11-21 words: 1088 flesch: 53 summary: The reader will find theoretical articles, creative pieces of writing and personal papers dealing with different aspects of the “foreign country” that Australia was for all contributors. Therefore, the word “coolabah” included three very important aspects: first, it was related to the previous printed journal (Eucalypt); second, it acknowledged the traditional inhabitants of Australia; and, finally, it is known by all Australians. keywords: australia; coolabah; country cache: coolabah-15766.pdf plain text: coolabah-15766.txt item: #203 of 338 id: coolabah-15767 author: Sancho, Ruth title: Melbourne In Winter date: 2016-11-21 words: 180 flesch: 77 summary: In Winter.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, p 6 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 6 Melbourne Copyright ©2007 Ruth Sancho . keywords: melbourne cache: coolabah-15767.pdf plain text: coolabah-15767.txt item: #204 of 338 id: coolabah-15768 author: Xampeny i Solaní, Elena title: What can We do about It? date: 2016-11-21 words: 1022 flesch: 81 summary: Elena Xampeny i Solaní 13 References The animals were drawn by Elena Xampeny i Solaní and coloured by Caty Ribas Segura. keywords: -“i; koala cache: coolabah-15768.pdf plain text: coolabah-15768.txt item: #205 of 338 id: coolabah-15769 author: Martínez, Mila title: A View on the Dialectic Between the Individual and the Environment date: 2016-11-21 words: 3224 flesch: 59 summary: The entrepreneurial city detaches itself from earth, creating new spaces of segregation of public space and private space, of culture and nature. For millennia before the arrival of the white peoples, Indigenous peoples lived a dignified existence by hunting and gathering, keeping a close and respectful relationship with their environment. keywords: australia; city; individual; power; space; white; world cache: coolabah-15769.pdf plain text: coolabah-15769.txt item: #206 of 338 id: coolabah-15770 author: Serra Pagès, Carles title: Reflections on Phenomenology and the Poetry of Kevin Hart. Foreignness and Strangeness at the Heart of Australian Identity date: 2016-11-21 words: 3553 flesch: 64 summary: Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1 Carles.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, pp.24-35 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Reflections on Phenomenology and the Poetry of Kevin Hart. In this way, following the threads of the poetry of Kevin Hart, we will suggest that it is possible to affirm that all poetry is about finitude, contingency and destiny, both from the point of view of its form and of its content. keywords: concept; hart; heidegger; kevin; poem; things; world cache: coolabah-15770.pdf plain text: coolabah-15770.txt item: #207 of 338 id: coolabah-15771 author: Sancho, Ruth title: Gulliver Surfs into Alice´s Virgin Bay date: 2016-11-21 words: 532 flesch: 81 summary: “Milmilng Kang, Dilebang, Billabong, Lony’tjung” Copyright ©2007 Ruth Sancho. Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1 Sancho2.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, pp.36-38 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Ruth Sancho (At the Royal Botanic Gardens. keywords: love; wurrung cache: coolabah-15771.pdf plain text: coolabah-15771.txt item: #208 of 338 id: coolabah-15772 author: Calderón Prada, David title: Australian Expatriates: Who are They? date: 2016-11-21 words: 2502 flesch: 57 summary: They still call Australia home: inquiry into Australian expatriates, Legal and Constitutional References Committee, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 2005. However, whether they leave because of cultural, historical, geographical or economic reasons, they are known and unified as one within Australia: Expatriates. keywords: australia; country; expatriates; place cache: coolabah-15772.pdf plain text: coolabah-15772.txt item: #209 of 338 id: coolabah-15773 author: Gras, Victòria title: Mama `poma´, dad `apple´: Raising a Child with Catalan in Australia date: 2016-11-21 words: 2840 flesch: 72 summary: So far, we have access to a lot of other languages and to food. Keywords: Catalan, bilingualism, Australian community languages, first language, minority language, language policy. keywords: australia; catalan; language; spanish; speak cache: coolabah-15773.pdf plain text: coolabah-15773.txt item: #210 of 338 id: coolabah-15774 author: Zamora, Anna title: Destination: Down Under date: 2016-11-21 words: 3383 flesch: 78 summary: To summarize Australia’s touristy spots was not an easy task for Edu. Pam had been his best friend since arriving in Australia, a nice girl from Queens, NY, who shared his sense of humour and made Edu laugh non-stop. keywords: australia; edu; nico; pam; place; sara; time cache: coolabah-15774.pdf plain text: coolabah-15774.txt item: #211 of 338 id: coolabah-15775 author: Lund, Lena title: Australia: The Land That Changed My Life date: 2016-11-21 words: 3374 flesch: 70 summary: Consequently, it’s good to keep in mind that my experiences in Australia might be more positive than those of other people with different backgrounds. I had heard plenty of good things about Australia, but people’s opinions are always subjective, and I was excited to see if this ‘new’ continent would please me as much as it seemed to please most people. keywords: australia; life; lismore; melbourne; people; time cache: coolabah-15775.pdf plain text: coolabah-15775.txt item: #212 of 338 id: coolabah-15776 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: This Foreign Country Fascinates Me date: 2016-11-21 words: 3149 flesch: 68 summary: In class, we read about, watched and discussed the following topics and films: being Indigenous in contemporary Australia in Ivan Sen´s Beneath Clouds (2002), the experience of migration for a Chinese family from Hong Kong in Clara Law´s Fascinates Me Catalina Ribas Segura When people learn that I have been to Australia three times, that I am writing a PhD thesis on Greek-Australian and Chinese-Australian literature and that I love the country keywords: australia; life; lismore; melbourne; people; research; university cache: coolabah-15776.pdf plain text: coolabah-15776.txt item: #213 of 338 id: coolabah-15777 author: Sancho, Ruth title: Why Do You Have To Own Everything Nice? date: 2016-11-21 words: 230 flesch: 83 summary: Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Why Do You Have To Own Everything Nice? They stay quiet on the sand, on the seashore’s line, covered with transparent water, Pacific’s water, a mirror of the sky. keywords: coolabah cache: coolabah-15777.pdf plain text: coolabah-15777.txt item: #214 of 338 id: coolabah-15778 author: ., . title: Contributors date: 2016-11-21 words: 1400 flesch: 57 summary: Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1Contributers.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, pp.85-87 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS EDITION David Calderón Prada was born in Barcelona in 1984. The next year he started studying English Literature and Language at the Universitat de Barcelona. keywords: barcelona; language; universitat cache: coolabah-15778.pdf plain text: coolabah-15778.txt item: #215 of 338 id: coolabah-17105 author: Ballyn, Susan title: Introduction date: 2016-11-21 words: 444 flesch: 50 summary: Coolabah, No.19, 2016, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 2 Dabner points out that climate change, responsible environmental politics and action are, perhaps, Australia’s “greatest moral challenge” notwithstanding other moral challenges such as those represented by “(…) His idea in a first instance was to include other authors but this did not materialize as authors he approached were already committed and with a burden of deadlines, the bane of all academics. keywords: centre cache: coolabah-17105.pdf plain text: coolabah-17105.txt item: #216 of 338 id: coolabah-17106 author: Dabner, Justin title: Multiculturalism and legal plurality in Australia date: 2016-11-21 words: 6529 flesch: 33 summary: ”11 Coolabah, No.19, 2016, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 10 Government hypocrisy on Islamic finance Given such emphatic statements of “principle”, it is extraordinary that, in the midst of these statements, the same government was promoting Australia as an Islamic finance centre and commissioning a review into Australian law to determine how it might be amended to better accommodate Islamic finance. Similarly, neither should the challenge of reconciling the various shariah schools with Australian law be underestimated. keywords: australian; centre; courts; family; finance; islamic; law; laws; muslim; recognition; rights; shariah; society; studies cache: coolabah-17106.pdf plain text: coolabah-17106.txt item: #217 of 338 id: coolabah-17107 author: Dabner, Justin title: Australia’s greatest moral challenge? date: 2016-11-21 words: 7874 flesch: 43 summary: Somewhat more controversial are programs directed at the sequestration of already emitted carbon, such as trapping carbon emissions underground and, more commonly, the planting of trees. By far the most controversial response is the proposal to place a price on carbon emissions. keywords: australia; carbon; centre; change; climate; cost; emissions; energy; ets; government; price; regime; scheme; tax cache: coolabah-17107.pdf plain text: coolabah-17107.txt item: #218 of 338 id: coolabah-17249 author: Alonso Breto, Isabel title: “The Case of the POCRIF Research Group” (editorial note) date: 2016-12-14 words: 3697 flesch: 48 summary: The forms of crime fiction are vast and varied, yet we need to note that, as Charles J. Rzepa and Lee Horsley recall in their introduction to A Companion to Crime Fiction (2010), not everything that shines – that sins – is crime fiction: “Transgressions alone do not crime fiction make [sic.]. The body This issue of Coolabah compiles a sample of results of research carried out by the members of the group POCRIF: “Postcolonial Crime Fiction: a global window into social realities”. keywords: barcelona; centre; crime; crime fiction; detective; fiction; genre; pocrif; studies cache: coolabah-17249.pdf plain text: coolabah-17249.txt item: #219 of 338 id: coolabah-17250 author: Phillips, Bill title: “The Representation of Aboriginality in the Novels of Peter Temple” date: 2016-12-14 words: 6787 flesch: 57 summary: Peter Temple's representations of Aboriginal men (there are no Aboriginal women in his work) attempt to avoid both traps with mixed success. The representation of Aboriginality by white writers is fraught with danger, as Temple is clearly aware. keywords: aboriginal; aboriginality; australian; cam; centre; crime; dove; fiction; ned; novels; representation; studies; temple; white cache: coolabah-17250.pdf plain text: coolabah-17250.txt item: #220 of 338 id: coolabah-17251 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: “Philip McLaren and the Indigenous-Australian Crime Novel” date: 2016-12-14 words: 8896 flesch: 48 summary: Whereas Australian crime fiction has given expression to the white experience of the continent in manifold ways, up until recently it made no room for Indigenous voices – with the exception of the classic Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte series written by the prolific Arthur Upfield in the first half of the 20 th century. Written as of the 1990s, McLaren’s oeuvre is eclectic in that it does not respond to traditional formats of Australian crime fiction, shifts between generic subtypes and makes incursions into other genres. keywords: aboriginal; australia; barcelona; centre; colonial; crime; crime fiction; d’estudis; fiction; issn; land; mclaren; murder; new; novel; observatori; police; series; studies; violence; white cache: coolabah-17251.pdf plain text: coolabah-17251.txt item: #221 of 338 id: coolabah-17252 author: Ballyn, Sue title: “The Biography of Adelaide de la Thoreza: Fact or Fiction?” date: 2016-12-14 words: 5513 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract: This article centres on the first part of James Cameron’s 1878 biography of Adelaida de la Thoreza, entitled Adelaide de la Thoreza: A Chequered Career, in order to briefly discuss the problematics of biography as a literary genre, but in particular to reveal what appears to be a reconstruction of identity in the figure of Adelaide. Coolabah, No.20, 2016, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 38 The Biography of Adelaide de la Thoreza: Fact or Fiction? keywords: adelaide; australian; barcelona; biography; cameron; centre; life; spanish; studies; thoreza cache: coolabah-17252.pdf plain text: coolabah-17252.txt item: #222 of 338 id: coolabah-17253 author: Ribas Segura, Catalina title: Phryne Fisher: A postcolonial female detective in Ruddy Gore (1995) date: 2016-12-14 words: 10451 flesch: 60 summary: This, Phryne assures Lin, is a sign that Dorothea is happy with them (Greenwood 207). ‘Silver Lady’ is Miss Phryne Fisher, the protagonist of the novel, a brave independent rich educated woman who works as a detective. keywords: australian; barcelona; centre; chinese; detective; d’estudis; episode; family; female; fisher; greenwood; issn; lin; novel; observatori; phryne; studies; white cache: coolabah-17253.pdf plain text: coolabah-17253.txt item: #223 of 338 id: coolabah-17254 author: Santaulària i Capdevila, Isabel title: “‘This Is Getting a Little Too Chinese for Me’: The Representation of China in Crime Fiction Written in English” date: 2016-12-14 words: 9776 flesch: 56 summary: (Sampson, 2007: 280-81) However, the authors do not establish a sense of continuity between China’s colonial past and the neo-colonial practices at work in the country, as if neo-colonialism was a phenomenon that, far from revealing the West’s uninterrupted encroachment on foreign territories, has finally made Chinese people aware of the opportunities and prosperity they had missed when the Bamboo Curtain fell. In fact, these novels are furiously engaged in the process of Othering China by activating a series of strategies ultimately devised to reassure the West, if not of its superiority, at least of its inherent decency, social stability and overwhelming value in a world which has lost its master narrative of the Cold War that, just a few decades ago, helped to fabricate interested knowledge of the East. keywords: australians; barcelona; centre; china; chinese; coolabah; country; crime; detective; d’estudis; fiction; foreign; issn; lisa; london; no.20; novels; observatori; people; sampson; studies; universitat; west cache: coolabah-17254.pdf plain text: coolabah-17254.txt item: #224 of 338 id: coolabah-17255 author: Stotesbury, John title: “The Crime Scene as Museum: The (Re)construction in the Bresciano Series of a Historical Gibraltarian Past” date: 2016-12-14 words: 5199 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: Gibraltar, Bresciano, crime fiction, museumification, historical memory, reconstructed narrative memory Contexts In the course of some five or six years, between 2010 and 2015, a duo of native Gibraltarian friends, Sam Benady and Mary Chiappe, both in their seventies, produced a collaborative seven-volume series of detective novels set in early colonial Gibraltar. Abstract: The “Bresciano” series of seven historical detective novels (2010-2015) by Sam Benady and Mary Chiappe set in a period of four decades early in the British imperial history of Gibraltar from the 1780s to the 1820s provides an excellent opportunity not only for reconstructing a significant image of the historical past of the colony – and possibly also of its current status – but also for investigating a complex of critical approaches to such writing in terms of historical crime fiction, post-coloniality, and the wider ramifications of the function of cultural-historical “museumification” and its impact on the literary narrative. keywords: benady; bresciano; centre; chiappe; city; crime; detective; fiction; gibraltar; gibraltarian; novels cache: coolabah-17255.pdf plain text: coolabah-17255.txt item: #225 of 338 id: coolabah-17753 author: Arimitsu, Yasue title: Richard Flanagan’s The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Matsuo Basho’s Oku no Hosomichi date: 2017-02-21 words: 7688 flesch: 62 summary: I am very much interested in why Flanagan chose this title for the novel, and in how well Flanagan is versed in the knowledge of Japanese haiku poems. Flanagan says, in writing this novel, he was not going to express his feelings of accusation, judgment or hatred towards Japanese officers, but was rather very careful not to make the readers feel that way (Koval). keywords: australian; basho; centre; dorrigo; flanagan; japanese; life; nakamura; novel; railway; war cache: coolabah-17753.pdf plain text: coolabah-17753.txt item: #226 of 338 id: coolabah-17754 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Living on the borders of belonging: An editorial note date: 2017-02-21 words: 2316 flesch: 25 summary: He codirects the University of Barcelona’s interdisciplinary Observatory: Australian Studies Centre, through which he co-edits the journal Coolabah, and he is the current Chair of the European Association for Studies of Australia, EASA. Coolabah, No.21, 2017, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Living on the borders of belonging: An editorial note Cornelis Martin Renes University of Barcelona Copyright©2017 Cornelis Martin Renes. keywords: australia; barcelona; centre; coolabah; essay; studies; university; white cache: coolabah-17754.pdf plain text: coolabah-17754.txt item: #227 of 338 id: coolabah-17755 author: Baranay, Inez title: Belonging on the Borders date: 2017-02-21 words: 3478 flesch: 59 summary: In India it was made clear to me, as I joined like-minded people in seminars, interviews and informal conversations, and as I formed friendships, both of finite and infinite duration, that I shared cultural references, humour, political sympathies, literary favourites and a range of tastes and values with many people there. We had more in common with each other than with many people of our own nations. keywords: borders; centre; nationality; people; space; time; writing cache: coolabah-17755.pdf plain text: coolabah-17755.txt item: #228 of 338 id: coolabah-17756 author: Briskman, Linda; Latham, Susie title: Muslims at the Australian periphery date: 2017-02-21 words: 5627 flesch: 41 summary: Connected but more insidious is the Islamophobia of the ‘white savior rescue’ movement, in which Muslim men and Islam are positioned as perpetrators of oppression and harm toward Muslim women, requiring non-Muslim intervention. In linking these sections, we draw on the work of Sherene Razack (2007) on the interconnection of the tropes of ‘dangerous’ Muslim men, imperilled Muslim women and the ‘civilised’ European. keywords: australia; fear; islam; islamophobia; media; muslim; new; people; press; terror; terrorism; west; women; world cache: coolabah-17756.pdf plain text: coolabah-17756.txt item: #229 of 338 id: coolabah-17757 author: Horta, Paula title: Becoming, belonging and sharing: Striving to live in the spirit of Ubuntu in Portugal date: 2017-02-21 words: 5956 flesch: 47 summary: At the end of each session, a mosaic of life stories had been formed, revealing, as Barbara Nussbaum (2009:101) writes, “our interconnectedness, our common humanity, and the responsibility to one another that flows from that connection”. Importantly, these three stories reveal that there was not a unified way of conveying life stories but there was a process of self-understanding, self-respect and growth that was common to the three storytellers. keywords: academy; africa; centre; life; narrative; participants; personal; south; stories; story; studies; ubuntu cache: coolabah-17757.pdf plain text: coolabah-17757.txt item: #230 of 338 id: coolabah-17759 author: Lytle, Cynthia title: Violence, borderlands and belonging: The matter of Black lives and Others date: 2017-02-21 words: 8115 flesch: 64 summary: His acquittal moved the nation, and with the simple hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, a national conversation soon became a social movement (Chokshi 2016: How #BlackLivesMatter Came”; Stephen 2015: “Social media helps”; Safdar 2016: “Black Lives Matter”) and later an official policy agenda (“The Movement for Black Lives”). By calling attention to the underlying structural racism that makes laws, controls court systems, and ultimately governs the daily lives of Black people, Garza raises awareness to the profundity of the power and violence that have commanded Black lives both externally and intra-communally through gender, racial, social and class hierarchies throughout American history. keywords: access; access date; butler; centre; date; lives; matter; migrants; new; people; police; race; refugees; violence; web; women cache: coolabah-17759.pdf plain text: coolabah-17759.txt item: #231 of 338 id: coolabah-17760 author: Mallari, Julieta C. title: College Educated Pinatubo Aytas: A ‘Struggle of Identification’” date: 2017-02-21 words: 8160 flesch: 52 summary: With the nature of things surrounding these displaced people and the confrontation between their culture and a dominant one, shadows in the pictures of the currently evolving young Aytas are inevitable. Thus, it is quite noticeable that the parents of the scholars chose to marry lowlanders called “unats” or “straight-haired” since all of those interviewed are no longer pure Aytas—the dilution ranging from 50 to 75 per cent. keywords: australians; aytas; centre; college; d’estudis; education; identity; issn; lowlanders; no.21; observatori; people; pinatubo; studies cache: coolabah-17760.pdf plain text: coolabah-17760.txt item: #232 of 338 id: coolabah-17819 author: Kerr, Thor; Cox, Shaphan title: Kalla yarning at Matagarup: Televised legitimation and the limits of heritage-making in the city date: 2017-02-21 words: 5694 flesch: 48 summary: An opportunity for popular recognition and respect for Aboriginal sovereignty seemed to occur at the Matagarup Refugee Camp when Nine News Perth (Nine News Perth, March 13, 2015) reported that police had treated the campfire as a safe zone for the people gathered around it during one of their raids to remove the camp. Ten days later, Nine News Perth (Nine News Perth, March 24, 2015) offered its audience an opportunity to move in from outside the camp to share in the fireside stories around a Nyoongar sacred fire. keywords: aboriginal; camp; centre; fire; heirisson; island; item; media; news; people; perth; place cache: coolabah-17819.pdf plain text: coolabah-17819.txt item: #233 of 338 id: coolabah-18624 author: García Fernández, Aurora; Suárez Lafuente, Maria Socorro title: Foreword: “Veronica Brady, academic voices and pending hugs” date: 2017-04-26 words: 3064 flesch: 47 summary: Coolabah, No.22, 2017, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Foreword: Veronica Brady, academic voices and pending hugs Aurora García-Fernández University of Oviedo Socorro Suárez-Lafuente University of Oviedo Copyright©2017 As guest editors we have been Coolabah, No.22, 2017, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 3 honoured with the task of inviting contributions and engaging Veronica’s friends from both hemispheres into a written conversation either about Veronica, her work or on topics they would have enjoyed discussing with her. keywords: australia; barcelona; brady; centre; literature; studies; university; veronica cache: coolabah-18624.pdf plain text: coolabah-18624.txt item: #234 of 338 id: coolabah-18625 author: Ballyn, Susan title: Travelling with Veronica date: 2017-04-26 words: 2208 flesch: 74 summary: Key Words: Veronica Brady; Shirley Walker; Julian Croft; ASAL; EASA; EACLALS I first met Veronica in Launceston, Tasmania in 1988. Abstract: I met Veronica in 1988 on my first trip to Australia. keywords: australian; centre; conference; shirley; veronica cache: coolabah-18625.pdf plain text: coolabah-18625.txt item: #235 of 338 id: coolabah-18629 author: Jones, Gail title: Dark Places: The Movement of the Image (Thoughts on the work of Veronica Brady) date: 2017-04-26 words: 3694 flesch: 55 summary: Saint Veronica with the Sudarium, retrieved from: veronica-saint-veronica-with-the-sudarium (iii) Caption: Patrick White wearing the wooden cross Veronica had given him, retrieved from: 2015-06-22-at-3.29.27-pm-e1434951043718.png Works cited: Barthes, Roland 1972. The so-called ‘Master of Saint Veronica’ produced this image in about 1420, ‘St Veronica and the Sudarium’, showing a modest and lovely woman holding up a gigantic Christ head on a veil. keywords: australians; brady; centre; image; issn; observatori; studies; veronica; white cache: coolabah-18629.pdf plain text: coolabah-18629.txt item: #236 of 338 id: coolabah-18630 author: Carrera Suárez, Isabel; Lazaroo, Simone title: Researching the city and walking with street dwellers: Recreating urban encounters past and present date: 2017-04-26 words: 7002 flesch: 53 summary: Often, firsthand encounters with people in city streets prompt this narration. The begging and homeless strangers encountered during my research undertaken whilst walking, were significant to me for a number of reasons: because they challenged my preconceived ideas about those cities and their inhabitants; because they challenged my ideas about myself as both traveller and researcher; because they helped me represent embodied, located characters; and, finally, because they suggested to me new insights into city streets, sidewalks and tourist sites as places where people of divergent cultural and socio-economic backgrounds encounter and sometimes confront one another. keywords: australians; centre; cities; city; encounters; fiancé; people; simone; singapore; stories; studies; urban; war; woman; writing cache: coolabah-18630.pdf plain text: coolabah-18630.txt item: #237 of 338 id: coolabah-18647 author: Fresno Calleja, Paloma title: Competing Demands, Intertwined Narratives: Ethnic, Gender and National Identities in Alison Wong´s As the Earth Turns Silver date: 2017-04-26 words: 9594 flesch: 49 summary: I will show that her novel offers a localised and inclusive approach to the history of the Chinese in New Zealand history, including but not limited to the Chinese perspective. In her study, Ooi also talks about the “inconsistent ascriptions of ethnicity” (2009: 319) affecting ethnic writers; for instance, she contrasts the branding of New Zealand authors like Alan Duff or Lynda Chanwai-Earle as “ethnic”, with the creative strategies developed by others, like Kelly Ana Morey and Ann-Marie Houng Lee, to avoid such branding. keywords: australian; centre; chinese; d’estudis; ethnic; identity; issn; katherine; new; new zealand; no.22; novel; observatori; studies; wong; yung; zealand cache: coolabah-18647.pdf plain text: coolabah-18647.txt item: #238 of 338 id: coolabah-18649 author: Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús title: Australia and Galicia in Transnational Narratives date: 2017-04-26 words: 9603 flesch: 57 summary: For example, one of his stories was adapted as the short film Coolabah, No.22, 2017, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 76 Unfinished Thoughts, which, following a very favourable reception in Australia, was nominated for eight South Australia Screen Awards, winning the best actress award for Chantal Contouri. RELACIÓNS CULTURAIS E LITERARIAS ENTRE GALICIA E AUSTRALIA Coolabah, No.22, 2017, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 65 Australia and Galicia in Transnational Narrativesi María Jesús Lorenzo Modia University of Corunna keywords: australia; barcelona; calvino; centre; contemporary; coolabah; corunna; d’estudis; english; galicia; issn; literature; new; no.22; observatori; place; quiros; stories; studies; universitat; work; world cache: coolabah-18649.pdf plain text: coolabah-18649.txt item: #239 of 338 id: coolabah-18650 author: Moreno Álvarez, Alejandra title: From Cosmopolitanism to Planetary Conviviality: Suneeta Peres da Costa and Michelle de Kretser date: 2017-04-26 words: 5913 flesch: 54 summary: Nevertheless, even though there are relevant historical, anthropological and sociological studies available on the South Asian diaspora in Australia (Rashmere Bhatti, 2001; Purushotttama Bilimoria, 1996; R.S. Gabbi, 1998; Adrian Gilbert, 2009; Vijaya Joshi, 2000; Pamela Rajkowski, 1987; Joyce Westrip and Peggy Holroyde, 2010), very few have dealt with South Asian literature on the South Asian diaspora in Australia (Sarwal 2013, pp. 34). As Sarwal argues, “there are only nominal critical articles or dissertations on South Asian diasporic literature published in Australia and most themes remain under-explored” (2013, pp. 43) causing the South Asian diasporic writer “anxiety of invisibility” (Lal in Madan 2009). keywords: 2013; asian; australian; centre; diaspora; indian; kretser; new; peres; roots; sarwal; south; studies cache: coolabah-18650.pdf plain text: coolabah-18650.txt item: #240 of 338 id: coolabah-18651 author: Suárez Lafuente, Maria Socorro title: On the Road to Hokitika: The Epics of a New Constellation date: 2017-04-26 words: 6084 flesch: 51 summary: With The Luminaries, Catton has gone one step further into fantasy, the language of re/creation of new worlds —she has brought to life the zodiacal signs, transmuting them into people, or maybe it is the other way around, maybe we should say that Catton has forced people into astral archetypes. Each character has his or her own personal story, consisting of hopes, wishes, loves, pains, name, place and chronology, which develop, clash or collapse when, within the general outline of Hokitika country, their orbits cross those belonging to someone else. keywords: carter; catton; centre; characters; history; hokitika; luminaries; new; novel; place; time; world cache: coolabah-18651.pdf plain text: coolabah-18651.txt item: #241 of 338 id: coolabah-18652 author: Walker, Shirley title: The Voices of Women in the Night: Veronica and Judith date: 2017-04-26 words: 1526 flesch: 66 summary: Both of these concerns —for literature and for the loss of Aboriginal culture— came together in her last major work, her comprehensive biography of the poet Judith Wright. Judith Wright concedes this herself, with great sadness (Brady 1998, p. 191). keywords: centre; night; veronica; wright cache: coolabah-18652.pdf plain text: coolabah-18652.txt item: #242 of 338 id: coolabah-18654 author: Holden Rønning, Anne title: Christina Stead - An Internationalist and Cultural Mediator date: 2017-04-26 words: 7384 flesch: 63 summary: After a revived interest in her work in the 70s and 80s, Hazel Rowley’s Biography (1993) and Chris William’s Christina Stead: A Life of Letters (1989), as well as an issue of Southerly in 2003, Stead is in danger of being once again forgotten. After a revived interest in her work in the 70s and 80s with the Virago reprints, Hazel Rowley’s Biography (1993) and Chris William’s Christina Stead: A Life of Letters (1989), Stead seems to have been yet once again to some extent forgotten. keywords: australian; centre; characters; christina; england; english; hotel; life; london; people; stead; stories; story; studies cache: coolabah-18654.pdf plain text: coolabah-18654.txt item: #243 of 338 id: coolabah-21413 author: Bakowski, Peter title: Contents date: 2018-01-30 words: 151 flesch: 84 summary: Microsoft Word - Coolabah SHORT POEMS ISSUE (indexed) Coolabah, No.23, 2018, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Contents Coolabah Short Poem Issue; foreword by Peter Bakowski ............................................. 1 MARK MAHEMOFF ................................................................................................... 43 Walking to Montjuïc: Cycles of belonging by Claire Rosslyn Wilson .......................... keywords: coolabah cache: coolabah-21413.pdf plain text: coolabah-21413.txt item: #244 of 338 id: coolabah-21414 author: Bakowski, Peter title: The Coolabah Short Poem Issue date: 2018-01-30 words: 5853 flesch: 68 summary: Coolabah, No.23, 2018, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Coolabah 23: The Short Poem Issue With poems by Adam Aitken, Amanda Anastasi, Grant Caldwell, Aidan Coleman, Dan Disney, Joe Dolce, Laurie Duggan, Marisa Fazio, Barry Gillard, Jeff Guess, Matt Hetherington, Andy Jackson, Ross Jackson, Leanne Jaeger, John Jenkins, Ray Liversidge, Justin Lowe, Mark Mahemoff, Michaela Mark, Alex McKeown, Julian McLucas, Jan Napier, Nathanael O’Reilly, Geoff Page, Gregory Piko, Jan Price, Chris Ringrose, Rob Scott, Lel Sebastian, and Claire Rosslyn Wilson, who also provides the closing essay. Coolabah, No.23, 2018, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians / Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 3 MARK MAHEMOFF Babushka Before my grandmother died at 92 keywords: barcelona; city; claire; coolabah; d’estudis australians; issn; no.23; observatori; poems; poet; poetry; rosslyn; studies centre; universitat cache: coolabah-21414.pdf plain text: coolabah-21414.txt item: #245 of 338 id: coolabah-22066 author: Offord, Baden; Kerr, Thor; Garbutt, Rob; Gelaw Woldeyes, Yirga; Shiosaki, Elfie; Farquhar, Misty; Chan, Dean title: FOREWORD TO REIMAGINING AUSTRALIA, PART 1 date: 2018-05-03 words: 171 flesch: 16 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 1 Foreword to Reimagining Australia, Part 1 Guest Editors: Baden Offord, Thor Kerr, Rob Garbutt, Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes, Elfie Shiosaki, Misty Farquhar and Dean Chan The two special issues of Coolabah numbers 24 and 25 were developed from selected presentations at Reimagining Australia: Encounter, Recognition, Responsibility, the International Australian Studies Association (InASA) Conference 2016, hosted by the Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University, and held in Fremantle, Western Australia, on 7-9 December. Coolabah, No.24&25, 2018, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: keywords: australia cache: coolabah-22066.pdf plain text: coolabah-22066.txt item: #246 of 338 id: coolabah-22069 author: Birch, Tony title: INTRODUCTORY ESSAY: “On what terms can we speak?” Refusal, resurgence and climate justice date: 2018-05-03 words: 7343 flesch: 45 summary: For Coulthard, and for many Indigenous people globally, this productive confrontation is necessary if we are to overcome the stubborn adherence to a continuation of colonial domination, embedded in the ideology of recognition itself: Instead of ushering in an era of peaceful coexistence grounded on the ideal of reciprocity or mutual recognition, the politics of recognition in its contemporary liberal form promises to reproduce the very configurations of colonialist, racist, patriarchal state power that Indigenous peoples’ demands for recognition have historically sought to transcend. Indigenous people in Australia are at the forefront of the issue, both as communities majorly impacted on by climate change, and the custodians of knowledge, scientific and philosophical, able to assist other communities in working towards the health and protection of country. keywords: australian; centre; change; climate; colonial; communities; country; knowledge; land; people; recognition; relationships; studies cache: coolabah-22069.pdf plain text: coolabah-22069.txt item: #247 of 338 id: coolabah-22070 author: Joy, Rachel title: Thinking for place in Australia: Owning the occupation date: 2018-05-03 words: 6712 flesch: 45 summary: Despite the fact that the doctrine of terra nullius has been overturned by the Mabo judgement, the juridical and political agents of the occupation have contrived to continue to deny Aboriginal people political sovereignty. By what right do non-Indigenous Australians make a claim over this continent and execute a governing document to supersede the sovereignty of Indigenous nations and their laws/lores? keywords: australians; centre; country; land; law; people; place; settler; sovereignty; studies; thinking; title cache: coolabah-22070.pdf plain text: coolabah-22070.txt item: #248 of 338 id: coolabah-22071 author: Chisari, Maria title: Re-imagining Australian citizenship: Australian values and allegiance to Australia date: 2018-05-03 words: 7383 flesch: 46 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 30 Re-imagining Australian citizenship: Australian values and allegiance to Australia Maria Chisari University of Sydney Copyright©2018 Maria Chisari. Keywords: Australian values; allegiance; Australian citizenship. keywords: allegiance; australian; centre; citizenship; government; migrants; national; new; studies; values; way cache: coolabah-22071.pdf plain text: coolabah-22071.txt item: #249 of 338 id: coolabah-22072 author: Woldeyes, Yirga title: Reimagining belonging: The quest of Africans for relational belonging and the Australian requirement of integration date: 2018-05-03 words: 8774 flesch: 50 summary: African traditions and historical experiences provide proper insights into the meaning of belonging for African refugees. Abstract: This paper reflects on the challenges African refugees face in achieving a sense of belonging in Australia, largely as a result of the negation of their traditional experiences by modernist states both in Africa and Australia. keywords: african; australia; belonging; centre; citizenship; community; human; life; nature; new; refugees; sense; state; studies; values; way cache: coolabah-22072.pdf plain text: coolabah-22072.txt item: #250 of 338 id: coolabah-22073 author: Butta, Fausto title: Reimagining Italian-Australian identities through soccer: Critical notes on a history of Italian soccer clubs in Perth date: 2018-05-03 words: 7609 flesch: 45 summary: Within this framework, a history of Italian soccer clubs in Perth represents a significant tool to shed light on the issues of transnationalism and social inclusion in Australia, as it can enhance the understanding of some of the dynamics that affected Italian migrants’ social process of settling, integration and inclusion within the development of a multicultural mass society in Australia. For Italians, soccer became an extra-territorial space, their clubs’ success being a source of pride, and the relatively quick spread of Italian soccer clubs in Perth metropolitan area (Azzurri, Tricolore, Vastese and Aurora) as well as in country regions (La Fiamma in Geraldton and Swan Athletic in the Swan Valley) reflects the developing process of social inclusion of Italian migrants in Australia. keywords: australian; azzurri; centre; club; fremantle; identities; individual; italian; migrants; new; perth; soccer; society; studies; tricolore; western cache: coolabah-22073.pdf plain text: coolabah-22073.txt item: #251 of 338 id: coolabah-22074 author: Atkinson-Phillips, Alison title: Re-remembering Australia: Public memorials sharing difficult knowledge date: 2018-05-03 words: 7732 flesch: 51 summary: By adopting Gómez-Barris’s term of witness citizenship to describe the cultural work Australian memorials aim for, I do not assume that the context is the same as for memory activists working in Chile, but aim to point to similarities between the work of memory activists who resist the call to ‘move on’ from their own pain to save others from discomfort. Public memorials sharing difficult knowledge Alison Atkinson-Phillips Newcastle University keywords: australia; centre; children; community; experiences; loss; memorials; memory; past; rights; site; space; studies; work cache: coolabah-22074.pdf plain text: coolabah-22074.txt item: #252 of 338 id: coolabah-22075 author: Ellis, Katie; Kent, Mike; Hollier, Scott; Burns, Shawn; Goggin, Gerard title: Reimagining Australia via disability and media: Representation, access and digital integration date: 2018-05-03 words: 8688 flesch: 44 summary: Article 9 on accessibility declares “States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure to person with disabilities access, and an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, including information and communication technologies and systems …;” Article 21 on freedom of expression and access to information highlights “Encouraging the mass media, including providers of information through the Internet, to make their services accessible to person with disabilities;” and in Article 8, on awareness raising and media representation, it states all parties will “… combat stereotypes, prejudices and harmful practices relating to persons with disabilities …,” and “… promote awareness of the capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities” (United Nations, 2006). He researches the representation of people with disability in news media, disability inclusion, newsroom practice and pedagogy. keywords: access; accessibility; australia; centre; demand; disabilities; disability; ellis; media; ndis; new; news; people; studies; technology; television; use; video cache: coolabah-22075.pdf plain text: coolabah-22075.txt item: #253 of 338 id: coolabah-22076 author: Hetherington, Paul; Atherton, Cassandra title: Broken forms: Prose poetry as hybridised genre in Australia date: 2018-05-03 words: 6488 flesch: 46 summary: (8) This extends to language as an expression of alienation, explored in the gaps, spaces and ambiguity that Australian prose poetry prioritises. (1) Specifically, Australian prose poetry tends to prioritise spaces of uncertainty and anxiety to rework the Western canon, and make its own individual forms of utterance. keywords: australians; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; form; issn; narrative; observatori; poem; poetry; prose; prose poem; studies; transnacionals cache: coolabah-22076.pdf plain text: coolabah-22076.txt item: #254 of 338 id: coolabah-22077 author: Millner, Carol title: Tracing the Girls: Reimagining the immigrant past date: 2018-05-03 words: 6952 flesch: 66 summary: By this time, pre-selected groups of single women travelled to West Australia under the care of a ship board matron such as Mary Pittman Monk (Fairweather and Hayes, 2013a, p.213; Gothard, 2001, p.84) who served as the girls’ chaperone. From Gardiner’s study, it is possible to see that single women in West Australia were at times sexually abused and raped, and that the society of nineteenth century West Australia did not accept unlicensed sexual behaviour from young women. keywords: australia; bridie; centre; eva; gardiner; girls; immigrant; issn; kate; studies; teehan; western; women; work cache: coolabah-22077.pdf plain text: coolabah-22077.txt item: #255 of 338 id: coolabah-22078 author: Yamanouchi, Yuriko title: Japanese ancestors, non-Japanese family, and community: Ethnic identification of Japanese descendants in Broome, Western Australia date: 2018-05-03 words: 6853 flesch: 59 summary: Simply put, Japanese identity can be transmitted to mixed-Japanese children not only by Japanese people, but also by non-Japanese people. However, it does not necessarily mean that they have given up Japanese ethnic identity. keywords: australia; broome; centre; community; cynthia; descendants; father; identity; japanese; people; race; studies cache: coolabah-22078.pdf plain text: coolabah-22078.txt item: #256 of 338 id: coolabah-22079 author: Shiosaki, Elfie title: “They were afraid to speak”: Testimonies of Aboriginal women at the 1934 Moseley Royal Commission date: 2018-05-03 words: 4093 flesch: 53 summary: The 1905 Act denied Aboriginal people human rights and granted the State and its institutions great power to exercise control over their lives. This paper is a case study of archival traces of a royal commission into the state government’s policies towards Aboriginal people in Western Australia in 1934, known as the Moseley Royal Commission. keywords: archive; centre; commission; harris; people; rights; women cache: coolabah-22079.pdf plain text: coolabah-22079.txt item: #257 of 338 id: coolabah-22080 author: Yu, Sarah title: Searching for the in-between: Developing Indigenous holistic approaches to cultural heritage assessment and interpretation date: 2018-05-03 words: 7656 flesch: 50 summary: In this paper, I discuss the way Yawuru people, the native title holders of the country in and around Broome, have started to share their story of how they see and know their country and history. The Bugarrigarra is associated with events that created our world, deep at the beginning of time yet it transcends time and space to inform and give meaning to contemporary Yawuru life … it is the spiritual force that shapes our cultural values and practices, our relationship with our country and the responsibilities and obligations that we have to each other as Yawuru people. keywords: aboriginal; australia; broome; centre; country; cultural; exhibition; heritage; history; jetty; pearling; pearlshell; people; place; values; yawuru cache: coolabah-22080.pdf plain text: coolabah-22080.txt item: #258 of 338 id: coolabah-22081 author: Bui, Michelle title: Resistance and visibility: How technology has promoted activism from Australia's black sites date: 2018-05-03 words: 6898 flesch: 45 summary: We refer to Australia's camps on its own former colonial territories of Manus Island, PNG, and Nauru as black sites in order to highlight their structural connections with other extra-legal or illegal places of confinement, abuse and torture ... She regularly visits people detained at the Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre and maintains contact with several of Australia’s political prisoners, incarcerated on Manus Island and Nauru. keywords: activists; australia; centre; communication; detention; island; issn; manus; nauru; people; phones; prisoners; sites; work cache: coolabah-22081.pdf plain text: coolabah-22081.txt item: #259 of 338 id: coolabah-22082 author: Offord, Baden; Kerr, Thor; Garbutt, Rob; Gelaw Woldeyes, Yirga; Shiosaki, Elfie; Farquhar, Misty; Chan, Dean title: FOREWORD TO REIMAGINING AUSTRALIA, PART 2 date: 2018-05-03 words: 169 flesch: 25 summary: This special double issue of Coolabah, numbers 24&25, was developed from selected presentations at Reimagining Australia: Encounter, Recognition, Responsibility, the International Australian Studies Association (InASA) Conference 2016, hosted by the Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University, and held in Fremantle, Western Australia, on 7-9 December. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 198 Foreword to Reimagining Australia, Part 2 Guest Editors: Baden Offord, Thor Kerr, Rob Garbutt, Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes, Elfie Shiosaki, Misty Farquhar and Dean Chan keywords: australia cache: coolabah-22082.pdf plain text: coolabah-22082.txt item: #260 of 338 id: coolabah-22085 author: Chan, Dean; Farquhar, Misty; Garbutt, Rob; Kerr, Thor; Offord, Baden; Shiosaki, Elfie; Woldeyes, Yirga title: A case for reimagining Australia: Dialogic registers of the Other, truth-telling and a will to justice date: 2018-05-03 words: 6824 flesch: 46 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 201 Reimagining Australia through dialogic registers of the other The reimagining Australia project substantially comprised of research conducted, presented, performed and discussed in and around the 2016 International Association of Australian Studies (InASA) conference held in Fremantle or Walyalup in Whadjuk Noongar country. Tony Birch calls out the other of reimagined Australia, as an enduring shunning of Indigenous people, Indigenous self-determination and Indigenous care for country. keywords: aboriginal; australia; centre; coolabah; country; d’estudis; human; issn; observatori; people; place; reimagining; rights; studies; university cache: coolabah-22085.pdf plain text: coolabah-22085.txt item: #261 of 338 id: coolabah-22086 author: Watson, Greg title: Reimagining Australia at the cosmopolitan intersection date: 2018-05-03 words: 8177 flesch: 55 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 224 explains that she avoids people with disability in other everyday spaces but within the space provided by the Human Library she felt able to push herself to engage in dialogue with a Human Book with acquired brain injury (Watson 2015, 130). The spaces of the everyday urban include our streets, parks, malls and cafes, and they are often described as shared spaces of freedom, mingling and serendipitous encounters. keywords: appiah; australia; centre; coexistence; cosmopolitan; doi; human; nancy; people; spaces; studies; tales; way cache: coolabah-22086.pdf plain text: coolabah-22086.txt item: #262 of 338 id: coolabah-22087 author: Cox, Shaphan; Kerr, Thor title: One Day in Fremantle: TV representation of this alternative to Australia Day date: 2018-05-03 words: 8793 flesch: 51 summary: The process of analysis and our interpretations were informed by our research on contemporary spatial-rights issues in Fremantle in fields of geography and urban planning Date Source Title Min's 25-Aug-16 Nine News Waterside bars and cafes are set to be the biggest losers in a decision to axe Fremantle's Australia Day Fireworks 01:32 25-Aug-16 ABC1 Perth News Fremantle city council has axed its Australia Day fireworks celebrations, saying it's insensitive to Aboriginal people 00:49 26-Aug-16 NITV News A Fremantle city council has axed its Australia Day celebrations saying its not culturally appropriate for Aboriginal people 00:57 25-Nov-16 Seven News First it banned Australia Day Fireworks now Fremantle City Council is changing the date 00:30 25-Nov-16 ABC1 Perth News National day: Divisive debate: The city of Fremantle's decision to shift Australia Day celebrations two days later to heal a division within the community has generated an even more divisive debate 02:41 25-Nov-16 SBS World News An aboriginal elder has condemned a city council for creating an alternative day to Australia day 02:09 25-Nov-16 NITV News The city of Fremantle and Western Australia has decided to celebrate to Australia Day on the 28th of the January not the 26th 00:46 27-Nov-16 ABC1 Perth News The Premier admonished the City of Fremantle for cancelling its Australia Day celebrations in favour of an alternative event two days' later broadcast 00:40 28-Nov-16 NITV The Point Just a day after a Fremantle council announced it's plans to shift Australia Day celebrations an editorial was published in The Saturday Paper echoing those calls to change the date 05:37 30-Nov-16 NITV News Our elders have confirmed that the city of Fremantle did consult with them over the port cities plan to hold a celebration separate to Australia Day on the 20th of January next year 00:29 02-Dec-16 ABC1 Perth News The Federal Government has upped the ante over Fremantle council's decision to hold Australia Day celebrations two days after the national holiday 01:48 09-Dec-16 Nine News Fremantle council has back flipped, now agreeing to hold ceremonies for new citizens on Australia Day 00:26 09-Dec-16 ABC1 Perth News Fremantle has bowed to pressure from the federal government 00:44 02-Jan-17 Nine News Fremantle businesses are fighting back, announcing their own fireworks display and festival for Australia Day 01:52 20-Jan-17 Nine News There's a new controversy over Australia Day celebrations with a group of Perth employees vowing to boycott the public holiday, and instead go to work 01:46 24-Jan-17 keywords: abc; aboriginal; australia; australia day; centre; city; council; date; day; decision; fireworks; fremantle; january; news; nitv; people; perth cache: coolabah-22087.pdf plain text: coolabah-22087.txt item: #263 of 338 id: coolabah-22088 author: Hopkins, Lekkie; Hopkins, Lucy title: Teaching the welcoming of diversity and difference in a contemporary Australian university date: 2018-05-03 words: 7154 flesch: 50 summary: That is, we argue to students that, as professional people working with someone who is culturally different, in the broadest possible interpretation of cultural difference, we have a responsibility to find ways to accord the deepest possible respect for the human dignity of the other when we interact, design programs, work with that other. La Caze elegantly argues that generosity and wonder are both needed in the development of an ethics of respect for difference: We should respond to other differences beyond sexual difference with wonder … The passions of generosity and wonder need to be brought together to ground an ethics; … wonder and generosity must be understood as attitudes that we can cultivate in ourselves. keywords: australians; centre; competence; difference; issn; respect; self; students; studies; unit; wonder; work cache: coolabah-22088.pdf plain text: coolabah-22088.txt item: #264 of 338 id: coolabah-22089 author: Williamson Kefu, Majon title: From rhetoric to learning: Bridging the disconnect between policy and teaching practice around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia in the Australian primary education system date: 2018-05-03 words: 6437 flesch: 31 summary: This process should be a cumulative program of connected multi-disciplinary and multi-focused work in teacher education that concerns itself with issues of practice and policy, curriculum and pedagogy across the continuum of preparatory, transitional, and continuing teacher education, and involves both universities and the profession. Mayer, D, Dixon, M, Kline, J, Kostogriz, A, Moss, J, Rowan, L, Walker-Gibbs, B, and White, S 2017, Studying the effectiveness of teacher education: Early career teachers in diverse settings, Springer Nature, Singapore, doi: 10.1007/978-981- 10-3929-4 McConaghy, C, and Nakata, M 2000, Rethinking Indigenous education: Culturalism, colonialism and the politics of knowing, Post Pressed, Flaxton. keywords: aboriginal; australian; centre; curriculum; education; islander; learning; strait; studies; teachers; teaching; torres cache: coolabah-22089.pdf plain text: coolabah-22089.txt item: #265 of 338 id: coolabah-22090 author: Brady, Danielle; Murray, Jeffrey title: Reimagining the cultural significance of wetlands: From Perth’s lost swamps to the Beeliar Wetlands date: 2018-05-03 words: 7500 flesch: 59 summary: The extensive wetlands of central Perth, food gathering and meeting places for Noongar people are now expunged from the landscape. After considering the lost wetlands of central Perth, this paper moves to a contemporary dispute about the Beeliar Wetlands in outer, suburban Perth. keywords: australian; beeliar; centre; city; highway; lake; noongar; park; people; perth; river; roe; studies; swamp; swan; western; wetlands cache: coolabah-22090.pdf plain text: coolabah-22090.txt item: #266 of 338 id: coolabah-22091 author: Adusei-Asante, Kwadwo title: The impact of targeted educational programmes on academic outcomes for African students in Western Australia date: 2018-05-03 words: 8387 flesch: 44 summary: Developing social inclusion through after school homework tutoring: a study of African refugee students in Greater Western Sydney. The impact of targeted educational programmes on academic outcomes for African students in Western Australia Kwadwo Adusei-Asante Edith Cowan University Copyright©2018 Kwadwo Adusei-Asante. keywords: african; australia; commonwealth; education; international; issues; journal; mentees; mentoring; mentors; programme; refugee; students; sudanese; support; university cache: coolabah-22091.pdf plain text: coolabah-22091.txt item: #267 of 338 id: coolabah-22092 author: Hartman, Yvonne; Darab, Sandy title: On the ground: Reimagining community protection of the ecosphere in the Northern Rivers date: 2018-05-03 words: 6784 flesch: 45 summary: As well, it has been expressed in other social movements attempting to save places under environmental Coolabah, No. 24&25, 2018, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: Further, there were concerns about the escape of emissions of methane and other gases into both the groundwater and the atmosphere (Hartman & Darab 2014). keywords: australians; centre; community; environmental; gas; issn; mining; movement; northern; people; place; rivers; sense; studies; transnacionals cache: coolabah-22092.pdf plain text: coolabah-22092.txt item: #268 of 338 id: coolabah-22093 author: Downing, Brenda title: The aftermath of rape: Innovative approaches to understanding sexual violence against Australian women and children date: 2018-05-03 words: 7017 flesch: 57 summary: Contextualising my interest in sexual trauma research I write not only from a position as a feminist materialist researcher with a specific interest in the embodied impact of sexual trauma, but also from a position of experiential ‘knowing’: I endured the terror of rape violence on two separate occasions in 1971 and have lived with the evolving and multiple consequences ever since. Keywords: rape trauma; somatic symptoms; arts-based methodologies. keywords: australia; body; childhood; downing; experience; inquiry; performance; rape; research; trauma; violence; women; writing cache: coolabah-22093.pdf plain text: coolabah-22093.txt item: #269 of 338 id: coolabah-22094 author: Murn, Molly title: Writing on thresholds: Ali Cobby Eckermann’s Inside My Mother date: 2018-05-03 words: 7196 flesch: 59 summary: And she writes on the threshold between two or more locations, be they geographical, or figurative (the ancient world and the contemporary world), and two or more identities—her Aboriginal identity and her identity as a woman raised by a white family in rural South Australia (Cobby Eckermann Wasafiri 2016). When the judges of the Windham-Campbell Prize for 2017—a prize administered out of Yale University in order to “call attention to literary achievement” —awarded Cobby Eckermann for her contribution to poetry, they had this to say about her work: Through song and story, Ali Cobby Eckermann confronts the violent history of Australia’s Stolen Generations and gives language to unspoken lineages of trauma and loss. keywords: australians; body; centre; cobby; cobby eckermann; eckermann; mother; place; poetics; poetry; sand; space; threshold; writing cache: coolabah-22094.pdf plain text: coolabah-22094.txt item: #270 of 338 id: coolabah-22095 author: Manganas, Nicholas title: Queering and querying the Australian suburbs: Reimagining (sub)urban identities date: 2018-05-03 words: 6078 flesch: 59 summary: In Loaded Australian suburbia is a nihilistic ‘season in hell’ that its protagonist Ari seeks to escape from through the rituals of sex and drugs. Abstract: This article takes an autobiographical approach to explore the changes that have occurred in Australian suburbia over the past twenty years. keywords: 2017; ari; australian; bux; centre; city; class; loaded; queer; suburbia; suburbs; sydney; tsiolkas cache: coolabah-22095.pdf plain text: coolabah-22095.txt item: #271 of 338 id: coolabah-28838 author: Ballyn, Susan; Morera de la Vall, Elisa title: Introduction date: 2019-06-26 words: 590 flesch: 72 summary: When Anna Mow, Serge Liberman’s widow, wrote to us both to tell us Serge had died, we were stunned. Sue Ballyn Elisa Morera de la Vall Barcelona 2019 Serge amidst books (courtesy Anna Mow) keywords: serge cache: coolabah-28838.pdf plain text: coolabah-28838.txt item: #272 of 338 id: coolabah-28840 author: Zable, Arnold title: Serge Liberman. A story date: 2019-06-26 words: 2105 flesch: 76 summary: Like father, like son: first Serge would fulfil his medical task. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 8 Serge Liberman. keywords: carlton; centre; melbourne; serge; stories; zable cache: coolabah-28840.pdf plain text: coolabah-28840.txt item: #273 of 338 id: coolabah-28842 author: Jurgensen, Manfred title: A Look Back in Doubt. “Confessions of a Heretic”: Multicultural Literature in Australia date: 2019-06-26 words: 10508 flesch: 54 summary: As such, its content and format have been faithful reflections of the state of ostensible ‘multiculturalism’ in Australian writing at that time. In 1988 Penguin published a bicentennial double edition under the heading Australian Writing 1988 (with Robert Adamson and Manfred Jurgensen as co- editors). keywords: adamson; australian; centre; culture; d’estudis; ethnic; issn; literature; migrant; migration; multicultural; new; observatori; outrider; studies; transnacionals; writers; writing cache: coolabah-28842.pdf plain text: coolabah-28842.txt item: #274 of 338 id: coolabah-28843 author: Freadman, Richard title: Between two worlds: the stories of Serge Liberman date: 2019-06-26 words: 1647 flesch: 51 summary: Indeed one could imagine a story of his in which a man, a sort of Australian Chekhov, whilst ministering compassionately to thousands of patients during a long medical career, spent his spare time writing short stories and dreaming of the day when he would produce a magnum opus that would be launched before a large and admiring gathering late in his life…but in which death takes him just months before the great work debuts. Thus you will find in The Storyteller stories that read like parables and fantasy – more like Magic Realism than Realism; stories which seem to live outside the ‘heedless flow’ of chronological time, as Liner puts it, and to lift us into a realm of archetypal imaginings, preternatural happenings and stunning metamorphoses. keywords: centre; liberman; stories; story cache: coolabah-28843.pdf plain text: coolabah-28843.txt item: #275 of 338 id: coolabah-28874 author: Skovron, Alex title: Passion, energy, and a love of language date: 2019-06-26 words: 1783 flesch: 52 summary: Key Words: Australian Jewish writers, short stories, Melbourne, Judaica. Serge Liberman in 2017 (courtesy Alex Skovron) Coolabah, Nr 26, 2019, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: keywords: centre; liberman; melbourne; serge; stories cache: coolabah-28874.pdf plain text: coolabah-28874.txt item: #276 of 338 id: coolabah-28891 author: Liberman, Serge title: The Other Literature of Australia (Posthumous First Publication) date: 2019-06-26 words: 3058 flesch: 50 summary: The point of all this is that much of Australian migrant writing is in a sense done by exiles, whether migrants by necessity or by choice. To put the subject in context, I will begin by giving you some idea of the changes in Australia’s population and attitudes to migrants since the country’s settlement just over 200 years ago; I will go on to deal with the efforts of the country’s early writers to develop a distinctive Australian literature and the effects of this on migrant writing; I will refer to the recent more visible emergence of migrant writers; and I will elaborate a little on the theme of the migrant being in a sense an exile in Australia, a theme which I will illustrate by quoting from my own writing. keywords: australian; centre; country; exile; home; migrant cache: coolabah-28891.pdf plain text: coolabah-28891.txt item: #277 of 338 id: coolabah-30512 author: Hutton, Tiffany title: Folklore, Media-Lore & Modernity: An Introduction date: 2019-12-20 words: 1185 flesch: 37 summary: Media- lore, they posit, in its immediacy and interactivity, has more in common with oral folklore than in does with the intermediate stage of written text. Although they are not mermaids, the narf and the selkie in the films examined in Shalaby’s essay ‘Reworking the postmodern understanding of reality through fantasy’ nevertheless fulfil a similar role to the mermaid, as ‘fantasy’ aquatic creatures who are able to offer the human protagonists a different and ‘more enabling’ understanding of themselves. keywords: centre; lore; media; mermaid cache: coolabah-30512.pdf plain text: coolabah-30512.txt item: #278 of 338 id: coolabah-30514 author: Houlbrook, Ceri title: From Popular Culture to Popular Custom, and Back Again: A Love-Lock’s Tale date: 2019-12-20 words: 7829 flesch: 52 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 12 Mara’s plan when she travels to the Cinque Terre — ‘find lock, unlock lock, relock lock, throw the dang key into the sea and live happily ever after’ (53) — is thwarted by the sheer number of locks on the Via Dell’Amore and the various factions of local inhabitants who wish to see her fail. Visitors to the Casa di Giulietta in Verona, for instance, queue for their brief moment on ‘Juliet’s balcony’ to re-enact that most famous of love scenes: ‘Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?’ keywords: australian; bridge; centre; coolabah; culture; custom; d’estudis; film; folk; folklore; issn; lock; love; moccia; observatori; studies; transnacionals cache: coolabah-30514.pdf plain text: coolabah-30514.txt item: #279 of 338 id: coolabah-30515 author: Shalaby, Manal title: Reworking the postmodern understanding of reality through fantasy in M. Night Shyamalan’s Lady in the Water (2006) and Neil Jordan’s Ondine (2009) date: 2019-12-20 words: 6090 flesch: 50 summary: Fantasy does not point out countless versions of reality to prove the existence of none — or obliterate Reality altogether; instead, it restores faith in our ability to continuously reshape reality and fill in its gaps. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 20 Reworking the postmodern understanding of reality through fantasy in M. Night Shyamalan’s Lady in the Water (2006) and Neil Jordan’s Ondine (2009) Manal Shalaby Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt keywords: centre; cleveland; fantasy; man; narrative; ondine; reality; story; syracuse; water; world cache: coolabah-30515.pdf plain text: coolabah-30515.txt item: #280 of 338 id: coolabah-30517 author: Farinelli, Marcel A.; Hayward, Philip title: Place, Visibility and Perception: The materiality of Es Vedrà and its enfolding within New Age discourse and media-lore date: 2019-12-20 words: 8822 flesch: 36 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 43 Figure 6: Image from main page of Carmelitas de Europa website (2019), showing Ibizan coast (far left) and Es Vedrà (centre left) Medialoric Es Vedrà Within the international counter-cultural community, its Ibizan participants, tourism entrepreneurs and, to some extent, elements of the Ibizan community more generally, a process of “co-mythologising” has occurred, not only with regard to Es Vedrà, as discussed in detail below, but also to a location on the coast directly opposite the island that merits reference. But while the island may not possess the material assets and/or archaeological records that can provide such “vestiges”, since the 1960s it has been ascribed a set of (often tenuous and/or tendentious) associations that have become institutionalised within New Age/recreational pilgrimage discourse, forming a media- loric mass that has come to serve a similar function for Es Vedrà as (more empirically verifiable) ancient vestiges have for locations such as Manchu Picchu or Glastonbury Tor. While unusual in comparison to other established inland recreational pilgrimage sites, Es Vedrà’s merits comparison to other island sites. keywords: age; australians; barcelona; centre; centre d’estudis; coolabah; es vedrà; figure; ibiza; island; issn; media; new; observatori; studies centre; transnacionals; universitat; vedrà; western cache: coolabah-30517.pdf plain text: coolabah-30517.txt item: #281 of 338 id: coolabah-30518 author: Renes, Cornelis Martin title: Sung by an Indigenous Siren: Epic and Epistemology in Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria date: 2019-12-20 words: 9688 flesch: 43 summary: In his analysis of Carpentaria, the Jungian psychoanalyst Craig San Roque’s eco- psychological tack avoids subsuming Indigenous reality and myth into the hierarchical Freudian framework of his discipline and takes this agenda into literature. The destruction sung to Indigenous culture and country by the suspect imposition of white civilisation and religion (“We know your story already”) is questioned and unsettled by an Indigenous counternarrative of mythical Dreamtime proportions, moulded by the meandering tracks of the slow, sinuous and powerful Rainbow Serpent’s movements through Waanyi country that determine the structure of the ensuing narrative (1–3). keywords: aboriginal; alexis; australians; barcelona; carpentaria; centre; coolabah; country; d’estudis; epic; issn; land; mermaid; novel; observatori; studies; studies centre; transnacionals; universitat; western; white; wright cache: coolabah-30518.pdf plain text: coolabah-30518.txt item: #282 of 338 id: coolabah-30519 author: Hayward, Philip title: Under the Mermaid Flag: Achzivland and the performance of micronationality on ancestral Palestinian land date: 2019-12-20 words: 5475 flesch: 38 summary: Eli Avivi declared himself president, by means of an election in which he was the only voter, produced Achzivland passports that were available for purchase, adopted a flag and, in recognition of the micronation’s location and his maritime associations, adopted the sound of the sea as the micronational anthem. The principal cause of conflict in the territory from the 1920s on was the tension between the wishes for self-determination and security of the area’s established Palestinian (and predominantly Muslim) population and the desires of Jewish settler-refugees to set up Jewish areas and spheres of influence in response to varying degrees of marginalisation and/or hostility in their former countries of residence. keywords: achzivland; area; avivi; figure; flag; israel; mermaid; micronation; online; palestine; peter; shima; state cache: coolabah-30519.pdf plain text: coolabah-30519.txt item: #283 of 338 id: coolabah-30520 author: Cashman, David title: King Neptune, the Mermaids, and the Cruise Tourists: The line-crossing Ceremony in Modern Passenger Shipping date: 2019-12-20 words: 6656 flesch: 56 summary: Data for the paper is drawn from several sources, including my own experiences observing cruise ship ceremonies in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. While the cruise ship version bears some similarities to the traditional ceremony, it differs in purpose, the brutality of the original version is lessened, and the gender onboard cruise ships permits a difference in the makeup of participants (including the portrayal of mermaids) and a reduction in the need for transvestite performances. keywords: centre; ceremony; court; crossing; crossing ceremony; cruise; line; naval; neptune; pollywogs; sailors; ship; studies; tourism cache: coolabah-30520.pdf plain text: coolabah-30520.txt item: #284 of 338 id: coolabah-30521 author: Mesker, Alex title: Through an Ale Glass, Palely: Mermen, Neptune/Poseidon and Tritons as motifs in beer brands and product labels date: 2019-12-20 words: 12870 flesch: 40 summary: While IPAs are enjoying a prolonged popularity (given that continued experimentation in craft beer gives rise to variations on the style), it is interesting to note that a significant proportion of the beers identified in this article are classified as part of the IPA class of beer styles. Articles on the rise of craft beer in recent years highlight similarities between slow-food- style descriptors that recur in the communities, with adjectives like ‘craft’, ‘artisanal’, ‘micro’ and ‘nano’ considered as “cult adjectives” (Day, 2015: online). keywords: ale; art; australian; beer; branding; breweries; brewery; brewing; centre; centre d’estudis; craft; craft beer; culture; figure; india; ipa; issn; label; mermaid; merman; neptune; observatori; online; sea; studies centre; style; transnacionals cache: coolabah-30521.pdf plain text: coolabah-30521.txt item: #285 of 338 id: coolabah-30522 author: Jilkén, Olle; Johansson, Lina title: Aquatic Heterosexual Love and Wondrous Cliché Stereotypes: Amphibian Masculinity, the Beast Bridegroom Motif and ‘the Other’ in The Shape of Water date: 2019-12-20 words: 6850 flesch: 50 summary: Amphibian Man has a lot of similarities with Gill Man, the monster from the cult film The Creature from the Black Lagoon (Arnold, 1954). This is the case for both Gill Man from The Creature from the Black Lagoon and Amphibian Man in The Shape of Water who are connected to native mythology of the Amazon River. keywords: amphibian; beast; beauty; centre; creature; elisa; film; gender; man; masculinity; shape; studies; water cache: coolabah-30522.pdf plain text: coolabah-30522.txt item: #286 of 338 id: coolabah-30523 author: Lee, Sung-Ae title: The New Zombie Apocalypse and Social Crisis in South Korean Cinema date: 2019-12-20 words: 8187 flesch: 54 summary: Prosocial and Pro-self Behaviour in Zombie Films As Bishop (2015: 14) argues, new directions in zombie films in the twenty-first century have been enabled by “the world’s collective fears and anxieties about terrorist attacks and global pandemic. Characters in zombie films always include one or two who are so deeply egoistic they cannot grasp that their survival, for which they are ready to sacrifice the entire country, depends on prosocial action. keywords: australians; busan; centre; d’estudis; family; film; issn; korean; life; observatori; self; seok; social; south; studies; train; zombie cache: coolabah-30523.pdf plain text: coolabah-30523.txt item: #287 of 338 id: coolabah-31174 author: Devy, Ganesh title: Empathy for the Dispossessed date: 2020-04-02 words: 2039 flesch: 68 summary: Abstract: A brief history of how Geoff Davis became involved with the Adivasi Academy in Baroda and how the Chotro conferences came into being Keywords: Geoff Davis, activism, Adivasi Academy In our literary and academic life, we keep acquiring friends, adding more to the ones we already have, drawing and re-drawing an intangible but definitive circle of our knowing together and being together. He knew that I had stopped attending academic conferences and there was no chance of our meeting in Hyderabad. keywords: baroda; centre; conference; geoff cache: coolabah-31174.pdf plain text: coolabah-31174.txt item: #288 of 338 id: coolabah-31175 author: Griffiths, Gareth title: A Marvelous Man date: 2020-04-02 words: 1099 flesch: 65 summary: In 1997 the collection of the plays of the artist and playwright Matsemela Manaka, edited by Manaka and by Geoff displays this project too as its title Beyond the Echoes of Soweto suggests. and I travelled together with Geoff and Ingrid, Ben and Judy Lindfors and Russ McDougall through South Africa for a month, from Kwazulu-Natal through Grahamstown and through the Eastern and Western Cape. keywords: african; geoff; studies cache: coolabah-31175.pdf plain text: coolabah-31175.txt item: #289 of 338 id: coolabah-31176 author: Hart, Justina title: Tribute to Geoff Davis date: 2020-04-02 words: 464 flesch: 66 summary: Abstract: A tribute to Geoff Davis and a poem inspired by meeting him Keywords: Geoff Davis, inspiration, generosity I met Geoffrey Davis only once: during the three-day SPACLALS conference at UNE in Parramatta in February 2019, to which I had travelled from England to give a paper as a UK poet and fiction writer, thanks to an Artists' International Development Fund from the British Council/Arts Council England. This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged, in accordance with our Creative Commons Licence. keywords: centre; davis cache: coolabah-31176.pdf plain text: coolabah-31176.txt item: #290 of 338 id: coolabah-31177 author: Haskell, Dennis title: Digressions on Davis and the Natterjack Toad date: 2020-04-02 words: 1854 flesch: 63 summary: Abstract: A series of humorous anecdotes about the author’s friendship with Geoff Davis and a poem written in his honour Keywords: Geoff Davis, sense of humour, friendship This Geoff Davis issue of Coolabah is a fitting tribute to a wonderful, intelligent and dedicated scholar. During a period of high theory which seemed to distance literature and even language itself from experience, Geoff Davis’s writing firmly placed literature in the midst of people’s lives and implicitly saw elements of common humanity, whether they lived in South India or South Africa. keywords: centre; davis; geoff; literature; studies cache: coolabah-31177.pdf plain text: coolabah-31177.txt item: #291 of 338 id: coolabah-31178 author: Lindfors, Bernth title: Remembering Geoff Davis date: 2020-04-02 words: 449 flesch: 46 summary: Abstract: A tribute to the warm personality of Geoff Davis and his pioneering work in postcolonial studies Keywords: Geoff Davis, pioneering scholar, bonhomie What I remember best about Geoff Davis was his innate congeniality. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 19 Remembering Geoff Davis Bernth Lindfors keywords: centre; studies cache: coolabah-31178.pdf plain text: coolabah-31178.txt item: #292 of 338 id: coolabah-31179 author: Marsden, Peter title: Larger than Life: A Tribute to Geoff Davis (1943–2018) date: 2020-04-02 words: 3399 flesch: 67 summary: Geoff Davis played many roles in his life but Geoff as retiree was one he manifestly didn’t intend to play. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 21 Larger than Life: A Tribute to Geoff Davis (1943–2018)1 Peter Marsden Copyright© 2020 keywords: aachen; centre; davis; geoff; life; man; studies; time; world cache: coolabah-31179.pdf plain text: coolabah-31179.txt item: #293 of 338 id: coolabah-31180 author: McDougall, Russell title: Geoffrey Davis: Interactions with Australia, Its Literature and Its Culture date: 2020-04-02 words: 2352 flesch: 51 summary: The second reason that Geoff’s writings on war literature are important is that, although war has been a significant shaping influence on Australian society and national identity, Australian war literature is not as well-studied or as well-known as its British counterpart, even within Australia; and there is no readily agreed-upon canon of Australian war writing. But Geoff kept stocking up on Australian books and movies, cramming them into his already cramped and top-heavy apartment in downtown Aachen. keywords: australian; centre; geoff; german; literature; studies; war cache: coolabah-31180.pdf plain text: coolabah-31180.txt item: #294 of 338 id: coolabah-31181 author: Moss, Laura title: ‘The intoxicated octopus and the garlic-kissed prawn’: Geoffrey Davis in Canada date: 2020-04-02 words: 1252 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract: A celebration of Geoffrey Davis’s work in Canadian literature and his great organizational skills Keywords: Geoffrey Davis, Canadian literature, consummate organizer I have a confession to make. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 32 Geoffrey Davis: Interactions with Australia, Its Literature and Its Culture ‘The intoxicated octopus and the garlic-kissed prawn’: Geoffrey Davis in Canada Laura Moss Copyright© 2020 Laura Moss. keywords: canadian; davis; geoffrey; literature cache: coolabah-31181.pdf plain text: coolabah-31181.txt item: #295 of 338 id: coolabah-31182 author: Nandan, Satendra title: Commonwealth Literature: An Uncommon Literary Inheritance date: 2020-04-02 words: 7592 flesch: 67 summary: Perhaps the most important course we introduced at undergraduate level was ‘Writing Fiji’. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 35 Commonwealth Literature: An Uncommon Literary Inheritance Satendra Nandan Copyright© 2020 Satendra Nandan. keywords: aclals; anu; canberra; centre; commonwealth; conference; delhi; english; fiji; indian; issn; jyoti; life; literature; new; studies; university; years cache: coolabah-31182.pdf plain text: coolabah-31182.txt item: #296 of 338 id: coolabah-31183 author: Prentice, Chris title: A totara has fallen date: 2020-04-02 words: 1961 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract: A tribute to Geoff Davis as a committed Commonwealth scholar and promotor of Inclusive Education, Indigenous Rights and Climate Justice Keywords: Geoff Davis, ACLALS, commitment, Commonwealth scholar It was a shock to learn of Geoff’s passing on 22 November, 2018. By way of his roles in ACLALS organisations and Commonwealth groups, as well as travel, conferences, collaborative projects, teaching, his own scholarship, and sheer intellectual energy, he epitomised the Commonwealth scholar and all that ACLALS stands for. keywords: aclals; centre; commonwealth; culture; geoff cache: coolabah-31183.pdf plain text: coolabah-31183.txt item: #297 of 338 id: coolabah-31184 author: Riemenschneider, Dieter title: An Open Letter to Geoff Davis date: 2020-04-02 words: 967 flesch: 54 summary: And you surprised me again not only with your essay on “The Experience of War in Canadian and Australian Literature” contributed to Crabtracks, a collection of essays published in my honour in 2002, but also with your active involvement, together with Ganesh N. Devy, in the promotion of Indian culture at several Chotro conferences, among them “Chotro Three” in Delhi and Simla in Coolabah, Nr 28, 2020, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: I think we had our first longish exchanges on academic matters at the EACLALS conference in Nice in 1988, followed by many more talks at conferences we both attended. keywords: centre; conference; english cache: coolabah-31184.pdf plain text: coolabah-31184.txt item: #298 of 338 id: coolabah-31185 author: Romich, Manfred title: It all began with an invitation – from China. date: 2020-04-02 words: 4040 flesch: 81 summary: Abstract: An account of how the author and Geoff travelled together to China several times. For Geoff, China in 2005 was a very different China. keywords: australians; centre; china; geoff; issn; studies; time; trip cache: coolabah-31185.pdf plain text: coolabah-31185.txt item: #299 of 338 id: coolabah-31186 author: Senior, Mike title: It all started when ……………. date: 2020-04-02 words: 1218 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: Geoff Davis, South Africa, apartheid I first met Geoff, well, I can’t really remember when or where and I’m sure he wouldn’t know any more either, but it must have been around 1973 and almost certainly in a pub. Geoff and I grew to be great friends, best mates really, and for many, many years Geoff, and his wife Ingrid, have been our most welcome guests over Christmas. keywords: centre; geoff; south cache: coolabah-31186.pdf plain text: coolabah-31186.txt item: #300 of 338 id: coolabah-31187 author: Stevens, Christa title: Honouring Geoff Davis date: 2020-04-02 words: 972 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Geoff Davis, Cross/Cultures series, Matatu I’ve been working with Geoff at Rodopi’s since 2005, when I became the editor-in-charge of the series Cross/Cultures and Matatu. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 67 Honouring Geoff Davis Christa Stevens Copyright© 2020 Christa Stevens. keywords: geoff; series cache: coolabah-31187.pdf plain text: coolabah-31187.txt item: #301 of 338 id: coolabah-31189 author: Hand, Felicity title: Editorial date: 2020-04-02 words: 575 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract: An introduction to the special In memoriam issue of the journal dedicated to the memory of Geoff Davis. Keywords: Geoff Davis, moving tributes, admiration I am greatly honoured to have been asked to guest edit this special issue of Coolabah to commemorate the life and achievements of the late Geoff Davis. keywords: geoff; journal cache: coolabah-31189.pdf plain text: coolabah-31189.txt item: #302 of 338 id: coolabah-31190 author: Macdermott, Doireann title: Homage from the Universitat de Barcelona date: 2020-04-02 words: 182 flesch: 70 summary: Coolabah, Nr 28, 2020, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 3 Homage from the Universitat de Barcelona EACLALS will greatly miss his cheery face, which has delighted so many people in meetings all over the world. keywords: centre cache: coolabah-31190.pdf plain text: coolabah-31190.txt item: #303 of 338 id: coolabah-31191 author: Birns, Nicholas title: Tribute to Geoff Davis date: 2020-04-02 words: 457 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract: A tribute to Geoff Davis Keywords: Geoff Davis, engagement, postcolonial criticism I first met Geoffrey Davis at the Toronto MLA in 1993. Geoffrey Davis was a learned, compassionate, and kind man, who loved good writing and hated racism and any kind of cruelty. keywords: centre; davis cache: coolabah-31191.pdf plain text: coolabah-31191.txt item: #304 of 338 id: coolabah-31198 author: Davis, Ingrid title: The Pathfinder date: 2020-04-02 words: 1646 flesch: 68 summary: Abstract: An homage to the scholar, traveller and person Geoff Davis by his wife, Ingrid Davis. Keywords: Geoff Davis, travelling as learning, sense of direction Geoff proposed to me under a palm tree in Sydney Harbour on New Year’s Eve 1995. keywords: centre; geoff; studies cache: coolabah-31198.pdf plain text: coolabah-31198.txt item: #305 of 338 id: coolabah-33960 author: Walker-Nolan, Lorne title: An Introduction to Crime & Punishment date: 2021-03-01 words: 1147 flesch: 55 summary: Few scholars of Australian history need reminding that Colonial Australia began as a British prison. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 2 Few scholars of Australian history need reminding that Colonial Australia began as a British prison. keywords: australia; barcelona; centre; coolabah cache: coolabah-33960.pdf plain text: coolabah-33960.txt item: #306 of 338 id: coolabah-33961 author: Dolgopolov, Greg title: Ghosting in the outback Noir date: 2021-03-01 words: 6891 flesch: 51 summary: With the recent wave of Outback Noir films, they are returning often with a vengeance. The unifying aspect of Outback Noir films is that they examine the trauma of the Australian frontier – the past in the case of The Proposition and Wake in Fright (Kotcheff, 1971), the future in The Rover (Michôd, 2014), but mainly the present that is skewed out-of-time in films such as The Dry (Connolly, 2020), the TV series Mystery Road (2018 - 2021), Locusts (Davis, 2019), Wake in Fright (Stenders, 2017) and Kill Me Three Times (Stenders, 2014). keywords: australian; centre; conway; crime; film; hill; justice; matilda; noir; outback; past; red; swagman; waltzing cache: coolabah-33961.pdf plain text: coolabah-33961.txt item: #307 of 338 id: coolabah-33962 author: Romano, Mary-Anne title: Enigma of the Dark: Reflections while Researching Journalism and the Claremont Serial Killings date: 2021-03-01 words: 7161 flesch: 59 summary: These interviews were undertaken as part of a PhD project on journalistic practices in the case which includes interviews with other journalists and media participants as well as analyses of newspaper articles, television news broadcasts and a recent audio podcast series. Findings from interviews During interviews, the journalists were questioned on a wide variety of issues related to the Claremont case, including what role they were in at their workplace during the case, how they perceived other journalists were working the story, the opinions about how the 23 victims were portrayed in the media and the effect it had on Perth as a whole, keeping in line with the themes around journalism practices, ritual and memory. keywords: australian; case; ciara; claremont; communication; glennon; journalists; killer; media; news; perth; public; serial; western cache: coolabah-33962.pdf plain text: coolabah-33962.txt item: #308 of 338 id: coolabah-33963 author: Thakur, Chinmaya Lal title: Crime, punishment, and death: Reading finitude and the self in David Malouf’s ‘The Conversations at Curlow Creek’ date: 2021-03-01 words: 6212 flesch: 60 summary: (Attridge, 133-134) On the basis of the above discussion, it can thus be argued that Malouf’s The Conversations at Curlow Creek maintains a delicate balance between historical plausibility and fictional possibility in its depiction of the events surrounding the execution of the escapee-convict Carney under the supervision of the Irish sheriff Adair in colonial New South Wales. (McKinnon, 5-6) Perhaps on account of his Irish heritage and the sheer sense of dislocation that the rough terrain of provincial New South Wales causes him to endure, Adair does not quite feel up to the task that the British colonial administration located in Sydney wants him to carry out before Carney’s execution. keywords: adair; carney; centre; conversations; creek; curlow; irish; malouf; new; novel cache: coolabah-33963.pdf plain text: coolabah-33963.txt item: #309 of 338 id: coolabah-33969 author: Smith, Ian C title: “Mugs”, “Rehabilitation”, and “Stitched Up” date: 2021-03-01 words: 1290 flesch: 70 summary: In “Stitched” Up the boredom, inanity, banality, and a soft pain of prison life is exposed. Coolabah, Nr 29, 2021, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: keywords: centre; face; poetry; smith cache: coolabah-33969.pdf plain text: coolabah-33969.txt item: #310 of 338 id: coolabah-33970 author: Boyd, Bill; Doolan, Emma; Henderson, Ruth title: Seeking Asylum—Holding Patterns: The 2020 Ballina Region for Refugees Poetry Prize date: 2021-03-01 words: 8270 flesch: 70 summary: The Ballina Region for Refugees poetry competition commenced in 2018, when BR4R supporter Christine Ahern offered $1,000 for a poetry competition to broaden awareness about refugee issues. Community groups such as the Ballina Region for Refugees provide support to refugees and asylum seekers both in Australia and offshore. keywords: asylum; australian; ballina; barcelona; centre; centre d’estudis; coolabah; d’estudis australians; issn; observatori; poems; poetry; refugees; region; social; studies centre; transnacionals; universitat cache: coolabah-33970.pdf plain text: coolabah-33970.txt item: #311 of 338 id: coolabah-35001 author: Wilson, Claire title: An introduction to Translation, Poetry and Creative Practice date: 2021-06-03 words: 1105 flesch: 35 summary: Together, the papers and translations explore a number of themes, including intercultural exchange, connection to place, the slippages and difficulty in the translation process and translation as a way to open up thinking about the world. But while there is a movement against the invisibility of the translator, the argument that translations must almost be undetectable (in that if the translation is good you don’t notice it’s from another language) perhaps understates the productive cultural negotiations that take place when moving between languages. keywords: centre; language; translation cache: coolabah-35001.pdf plain text: coolabah-35001.txt item: #312 of 338 id: coolabah-35003 author: Atherton, Cassandra; Hetherington, Paul; Kikuchi, Rina title: Poetry co-translation and an attentive cosmopolitanism: internationalising contemporary Japanese poetry date: 2021-06-03 words: 8753 flesch: 50 summary: For the remainder of this paper, we take up the question of why poetry translation is worth attempting, focusing on some of what may be gained in translation. Rich’s and Staid’s discussions of the film can be repurposed as metaphors for the practice of poetry translation, especially its dependency on connections and ephemeral, creative and ‘shimmering’ spaces. keywords: atherton; centre; english; hetherington; houwen; japanese; kikuchi; language; poems; poetry; process; studies; tanaka; translation cache: coolabah-35003.pdf plain text: coolabah-35003.txt item: #313 of 338 id: coolabah-35004 author: Grau Perejoan, Maria; Collins Klobah, Loretta title: On Crossing Barriers: Contemporary Caribbean Women Poets in Translation date: 2021-06-03 words: 3326 flesch: 56 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 27 Zulema Leonor Gutiérrez Lozano Paisaje rojo 13 hombres detrás de la puerta con las manos en la entrepierna/ una mujer siente el peso de la sombra/ la punzada del miedo/ la huella dolorosa sobre su vientre/ 13 hombres frente a lo más oscuro de su espíritu/ todo está sucio/ una mujer hace cualquier cosa por volar unas horas/ nunca sabrá que 13 hombres cruzaron el umbral de su carne mientras flotaba en el nirvana/ yo fui la sombra de un perro aquella tarde/ los vi derramarse/ volverse ratas y excremento/ un paisaje rojo después de la batalla Red Landscape 13 men behind the door with their hands on the crotch / a woman feels the weight of the shadow / the pang of fear / the painful imprint on her belly / 13 men facing the darkest part of their spirit / everything is dirty / Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 23 On Crossing Barriers: Contemporary Caribbean Women Poets in Translation Maria Grau Perejoan University of the Balearic Islands Loretta Collins Klobah University of Puerto Rico Copyright©2021 Maria Grau Perejoan and Loretta Collins Klobah. keywords: australians; barcelona; caribbean; centre; coolabah; d’estudis; issn; observatori; poetry; studies; studies centre; translation; transnacionals; women cache: coolabah-35004.pdf plain text: coolabah-35004.txt item: #314 of 338 id: coolabah-35006 author: Colmer, David title: From the Germanic Soup date: 2021-06-03 words: 2290 flesch: 60 summary: The simplest explanation is that I have been asked, several times, and each time, neither I nor the poet, editor or publisher doing the asking has been aware of anyone with a track record in English poetry translation and the Frisian skills to do the job directly. One of the basic principles of literary translation is that you shouldn’t translate from a language you don’t know well. keywords: centre; dutch; english; frisian; german; poem; translation cache: coolabah-35006.pdf plain text: coolabah-35006.txt item: #315 of 338 id: coolabah-35008 author: Page, Jean title: Translating Trakl: James McAuley’s Encounter with the Cultural Other date: 2021-06-03 words: 9271 flesch: 65 summary: These, unlike his translations of Trakl poems contained in his essay, were included in McAuley’s publication MLN (1976, 289-292) and CP94, 289-292. James McAuley (1917-1976), regarded as one of the important Australian poets of the mid-to- late twentieth-century, remains a complex of seeming paradoxes; regarded as representing the “second wave of modernism” (letter H.M Green to McAuley, 15/3/44) in Australia in the 1940s, but predominantly as an anti-modernist, formalist poet, Catholic convert, and polemic critic. keywords: centre; cp94; issn; james; landscape; mcauley; poems; poet; poetry; studies; time; trakl; translation; work; world cache: coolabah-35008.pdf plain text: coolabah-35008.txt item: #316 of 338 id: coolabah-35009 author: Savin, Cristina title: Translating alienation – between escapism and adventure date: 2021-06-03 words: 10007 flesch: 64 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 77 şi la Veliko Târnovo, Coborând pe lângă brutării din care, până-n trotuar, ieşea căldură, Deopotrivă în Europa bătrână şi în Japonia bătrână, Ca şi în America la fel de bătrână, Întinerită de la Columb cu bătrâneţea Europei bătrâne, Cu modernismul de care se face atâta caz. se tot aprindea şi se stingea, Un fel de nori curgători, un fel de păsări cu aceleaşi mutre, Numai că traversând din când în când. keywords: australians; baghiu; barcelona; care; centre; centre d’estudis; chimerism; coolabah; cum; când; dacă; dar; de la; din; d’estudis australians; fel; fost; issn; life; mai; mereu; numai; observatori; pe care; pentru; poetry; prin; sau; studies centre; sunt; time; tot; translation; transnacionals; unde; universitat; voi; way; în care; într cache: coolabah-35009.pdf plain text: coolabah-35009.txt item: #317 of 338 id: coolabah-35010 author: Hecq, Dominique title: The Uncanny Pleasures of Autotranslation date: 2021-06-03 words: 7221 flesch: 60 summary: I will use my own practice to identify what is recovered in this act, namely, a voice, a word, a letter threaded through the fabric of language. As a writer who has translated both fiction and poetry and who now autotranslates, I am interested in textual dynamics and in the autotranslator’s relationship with what I call the material fabric of language. keywords: act; australians; autotranslation; centre; d’estudis; french; issn; language; observatori; studies; text; tongue; transnacionals; word; writing cache: coolabah-35010.pdf plain text: coolabah-35010.txt item: #318 of 338 id: coolabah-35011 author: Alonso-Breto, Isabel title: Feeling and Healing in Languages / Sentir y sanar en mis lenguas date: 2021-06-03 words: 1134 flesch: 47 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 121 Women so selfish that could Nauseate passers-by Women with flowers in their hair Women with their souls Full of flowers Women with star-apple and Jellyfish in their armpits Hands smelling of cinnamon Women like, perhaps, your own mother Like perhaps your daughter Women with hope for a better world Women with shining futures Women like me Humble Women like you Inconceivable Deeply powerful women Look at them being born To a new, deeper Transcendental glee And thus we were crossing the sea Thousands of women Of any size and condition Tall women, short women Fat and skinny Lean and bright, sturdy women Women without a degree Women with a doctorate in Suffering Women mother-of-child Childless women Women in green Women with beautiful scarves Brought from yonder Women with skins Virtually transparent Spoiled, rich, superficial All kinds of unlivable women Women with spots Women with scars Women with seas of wisdom Spotless women Scarless women Ignorant, indecent, inappropriate women Women who love women and don’t Women who don’t love men And yet do Women who love men Till self-starvation Coolabah, Nr 30, 2021, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: keywords: centre; centre d’estudis; mujeres; studies centre; women cache: coolabah-35011.pdf plain text: coolabah-35011.txt item: #319 of 338 id: coolabah-35013 author: Bobis, Merlinda title: Ménage à Trois of Tongues (A Trilingual Homecoming) date: 2021-06-03 words: 1298 flesch: 73 summary: But I know, try as I do, this English that I need to love more because of the demand of domicile, this English that has opened secret doors for me can never begin to comprehend how, at times — napuputot an bayawas sa sakuyang puso. Bikol (My first tongue) Puso ki Batag pagkatapos kan haloy-haloy na biyahe, pigsulot ko sa sarong kahoy an sakong puso ki batag — sa lindong nin mga berdeng bandera, honi an biyoletang pelus na nagbubukad pa sana. keywords: australian; centre; english; puso cache: coolabah-35013.pdf plain text: coolabah-35013.txt item: #320 of 338 id: coolabah-35014 author: Jaireth, Subhash title: Translating the ‘Still’ and the ‘Silent’: Stephen Poliakoff’s Shooting the Past date: 2021-06-03 words: 6123 flesch: 68 summary: The opposition between ‘still’ photos and moving images is thrust right up, although we also hear Oswald acknowledging that he would have, at this time of crisis, the last day of his life, found a video camera handy. Oswald, the archivist of photos who has dedicated his whole life in collecting, seeing and showing these photos, suddenly finds doubting their capacity to record the last day of his own life. keywords: camera; centre; film; movement; movie; narrative; oswald; photos; real; translation cache: coolabah-35014.pdf plain text: coolabah-35014.txt item: #321 of 338 id: coolabah-35015 author: Boyd, Bill title: Accompanying a drunk man from “coupin’ gless for gless” to silence – An es-say in translating Hugh MacDiarmid date: 2021-06-03 words: 6925 flesch: 65 summary: Key words: Hugh MacDiarmid, Scots language, Caledonian antisyzygy, translation as repurposing, translations as reworking In this essay, I explore several threads loosely woven into a translation of poetry. In seeking more MacDiarmid, my introduction to A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle invited me to reconsider this opening section to On a Raised Beach, and to better appreciate what may be seen to be clumsy juxtaposition of technical, scientific and everyday language. keywords: buthlay; centre; education; english; hugh; language; macdiarmid; man; poem; poetry; scots; studies; translation cache: coolabah-35015.pdf plain text: coolabah-35015.txt item: #322 of 338 id: coolabah-35025 author: Niaz, Nadia title: Multilingual negotiations: the place and significance of translation in multilingual poetry date: 2021-06-03 words: 6777 flesch: 56 summary: Nadia’s research interests include multilingual creative and poetic expression, the practicalities and politics of translation, and language use among third culture kids and other globally mobile cohorts. But as Doris Sommer argues, in the coexistence of languages lies much opportunity, regardless of who happens to be wielding said languages (Sommer, 2004). keywords: audience; australian; centre; english; language; multilingual; poem; poetry; studies; translation; writer; writing cache: coolabah-35025.pdf plain text: coolabah-35025.txt item: #323 of 338 id: coolabah-36019 author: MacKinnon , Sarah title: An Introduction to Coolabah’s Special Issue on Mythical and Fictional Islands date: 2021-08-04 words: 2413 flesch: 51 summary: In these past two decades island scholars have grappled with island typologies (Royle & Brinklow, 2018), their location and distribution across the globe (Depraetere, 2009a and b), island epistemologies and methodologies (Baldacchino, 2008), and the complex relationship between the terrestrial, aquatic, and living/non-living elements of island places (Hayward, 2012a and b). As well as discussions around the geographic particularities of islands, scholarly attention has turned to the depiction and representation of island places and spaces in fictive literature (Crane & Fletcher, 2017), and other media (Fitzgerald & Hayward, 2016). keywords: centre; coolabah; island; island studies; journal; london; studies cache: coolabah-36019.pdf plain text: coolabah-36019.txt item: #324 of 338 id: coolabah-36020 author: Hayward, Philip title: “A place of inexhaustible mysteries”: The modern legendry of Skull Island in the King Kong films and related media texts date: 2021-08-04 words: 10253 flesch: 45 summary: While the ridge is too deep to be marked by islands on its peaks, it provides an elevated delineation of the Eastern and West Indian Ocean. One distinctive element of De Vito’s volume is its revision of the shape of the island, retaining the walled south-western peninsula shown in the map from the 1933 film but rendering the island in a skull-like side profile that matches the shape of Skull Mountain and adds a group of fringing islands along the south and north-western coasts. keywords: australians; barcelona; book; centre; centre d’estudis; coolabah; cooper; earth; film; island; issn; king kong; kong; new; observatori; original; place; skull island; studies centre; transnacionals; universitat; world cache: coolabah-36020.pdf plain text: coolabah-36020.txt item: #325 of 338 id: coolabah-36021 author: Johnson, Henry title: Piffling: Differential Geography, Islandness and a Fictional Channel Island date: 2021-08-04 words: 9353 flesch: 58 summary: Island locations are typically very self- sustaining, with varying degrees of connectivity to mainlands and other islands, large or small (Grydehøj and Casagrande, 2020). Keywords: Channel Islands; converse parody; fictional islands; islandness Coolabah, Nr 31, 2021, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: keywords: barnes; centre; channel; channel islands; english; guernsey; island; island studies; islandness; issn; location; overcoats; piffling; podcast; rudyard; studies cache: coolabah-36021.pdf plain text: coolabah-36021.txt item: #326 of 338 id: coolabah-36022 author: Machado Jiménez , Almudena title: On Utopus’ uterus: The colonisation of the body and the birth of patriarchal utopia in Thomas More’s Utopia date: 2021-08-04 words: 8153 flesch: 54 summary: The geographic island forcibly accommodates and reinforces the socio-political principles of patriarchal Utopia, and in so doing, allegorises a reformation of women that grants them deceptive progress towards individualism while Coolabah, Nr 31, 2021, ISSN 1988-5946, Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians i Transnacionals / Observatory: Serras agrees with this idea in stating that: Utopian women are once again defined according to the roles men attributed them throughout their lives […] that is, they get no identity of their own during the different stages of their lives, always depending on their fathers’ and especially on their husbands’ status (2002, p. 327). keywords: australians; centre; d’estudis; female; island; issn; land; new; observatori; patriarchal; press; studies; transnacionals; university; utopia; women cache: coolabah-36022.pdf plain text: coolabah-36022.txt item: #327 of 338 id: coolabah-36023 author: Suwa, Juni’chiro title: Shimaumi: Aquapelagic imagery and poetics of ‘island-laying’ in Kojiki date: 2021-08-04 words: 5573 flesch: 60 summary: The initial chapter is known as shimaumi, or ‘island-laying’, where the birth of gods also gives rise to the formation of Japanese islands. Japanese islands are born of kami and named as their descendants, therefore ‘island-laying’ is a sacred process. keywords: centre; god; gods; imagery; island; izanagi; japanese; kojiki; koworo; shima; shimaumi; studies cache: coolabah-36023.pdf plain text: coolabah-36023.txt item: #328 of 338 id: coolabah-36024 author: Triantafyllos, Sotirios title: Early Modern utopian islands: restoring a damaged Garden. date: 2021-08-04 words: 7786 flesch: 51 summary: Abstract: Interest in islands grew rapidly during the Early Modern period as many explorers, merchants, monarchs and political commentators perceived islands as earthly paradises or magical loci of extreme riches. Keywords: utopia, island, Robinsonade, Eden, Crusoe, Thomas More Throughout history utopianism has been expressed as the desire for an ideal world in various forms and visions (Sargent, 1993: 3). keywords: australians; bacon; centre; crusoe; european; garden; humanity; island; issn; nature; new; society; studies; utopia; world cache: coolabah-36024.pdf plain text: coolabah-36024.txt item: #329 of 338 id: coolabah-39791 author: Sanchez, Mark G title: Between the Colonial and the Postcolonial: : Writing and the Creation of a Third-Space Identity date: 2022-05-20 words: 6510 flesch: 65 summary: This was the depressing situation that I faced growing up in Gibraltar, a British overseas territory that almost everybody in the world has heard about, but which few people really understand. It is taken from a series called Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun which was aired on British television some years ago. keywords: australians; barcelona; border; british; centre; d’estudis; gibraltar; gibraltarian; issn; names; observatori; people; spanish; writing cache: coolabah-39791.pdf plain text: coolabah-39791.txt item: #330 of 338 id: coolabah-43166 author: Kidder Hodges, Benjamin title: Apparitions and Atmospheres: an Introduction to the Special Issue “On Gases, Clouds, Fogs and Mists” date: 2023-07-09 words: 2784 flesch: 53 summary: To this list, it would be easy to add any number of other atmospheres that evoke more than just the weather. Australian and Trans- national Studies Centre (CEAT), University of Barcelona 1 Apparitions and Atmospheres: an introduction to the special issue “On gases, clouds, fogs and mists” Benjamin Kidder Hodges University of Macau Copyright© 2023 Benjamin Kidder Hodges. keywords: atmospheres; cloud; coolabah; issue; new; special; studies; university cache: coolabah-43166.pdf plain text: coolabah-43166.txt item: #331 of 338 id: coolabah-43170 author: Hayward, Philip R title: Extraordinarily Hazardous: Fog, water, ice and human precarity in the aquapelagic assemblage of the Grand Banks (northwest Atlantic) date: 2023-07-09 words: 8552 flesch: 57 summary: Substantial consideration is also given to the atmospherics of Grand Banks fog in literature and visual art and of the imaginative space created for it. Martin’s discussions of the physical sensation of fog – which are echoed by the descriptions of being in fog on the Grand Banks detailed in the subsequent section of this article – are not simply imaginative. keywords: area; banks; barcelona; ceat; centre; coolabah; dory; experience; fishing; fog; ice; issn; journal; newfoundland; observatory; sea; studies; university; water cache: coolabah-43170.pdf plain text: coolabah-43170.txt item: #332 of 338 id: coolabah-43171 author: Smith, Oliver D. title: Nessie and Noctilucent Clouds: A Meteorological Explanation for Some Loch Ness Monster Sightings date: 2023-07-09 words: 9893 flesch: 59 summary: Loch Ness is 57-degrees N. Most reported Loch Ness Monster sightings occur when noctilucent clouds are visible in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere between May and August (Gadsden and Par- viainen, 2006: 8). 4).xxxiii Shadows or reflections of tropospheric clouds are therefore a poor explanation for Loch Ness Monster sightings and are dismissed by sceptics as a plausible explanation (Nickell, 2006: 14). keywords: animal; bauer; centre; clouds; eyewitness; issn; journal; loch; loch ness; mackal; monster; ness; ness monster; nessie; reports; sightings; studies; university; water cache: coolabah-43171.pdf plain text: coolabah-43171.txt item: #333 of 338 id: coolabah-43175 author: Malley, Erin title: Consumed in the fog: A metropolitan revenge fantasy date: 2023-07-09 words: 1526 flesch: 72 summary: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre (CEAT), University of Barcelona 48 Staring up as the tower disappears into low cloud I’m always reminded of the murkiness that surrounds Crown Casino Tower’s approval, financing and governance. Mick Tsikas (2021) summarised it well: Crown Towers Sydney, at 75 storeys, is now the city’s tallest building. keywords: city; fantasies; fog; tower; university cache: coolabah-43175.pdf plain text: coolabah-43175.txt item: #334 of 338 id: coolabah-43184 author: Lazaroo, Simone title: My Mother’s Ghosts date: 2023-07-09 words: 2196 flesch: 79 summary: My mother began seeing ghosts in Singapore during her first pregnancy, a few months after she had travelled from Western Australia to marry my father. Many Singaporeans believe in ghosts. keywords: centre; father; ghosts; journal; mother; university cache: coolabah-43184.pdf plain text: coolabah-43184.txt item: #335 of 338 id: coolabah-43187 author: Mitchell, Marea title: Effects of Atmosphere in Andrew McGahan’s “The Rich Man’s House” date: 2023-07-09 words: 7295 flesch: 59 summary: His final novel most certainly addressed Marr’s and Goldworthy’s concerns about cultural and political rele- vance, as do other novels published in recent years, including Heather Rose’s Bruny, also published in 2019. Australian and Transnational Studies Centre (CEAT), University of Barcelona 58 Plot, Author, Context The central point of view of the novel comes from Rita Gausse, who is herself author of a book on “invisible non-human presences, non-human forms of consciousness, all around us in the landscape” (229). keywords: atmosphere; gausse; house; human; man; mcgahan; mountain; novel; observatory; reader; richman; rita; wheel cache: coolabah-43187.pdf plain text: coolabah-43187.txt item: #336 of 338 id: coolabah-43188 author: Bicudo de Castro , Vicente ; Coelho , Heitor ; Bantim Frambach , Danilo title: Mistification: The Dreadful Side of Cloud Computing date: 2023-07-09 words: 9286 flesch: 54 summary: About Metaphor In his book, Bridle rationalizes the very justifiable need for new metaphors with but a few considerations, followed by many critiques of current metaphors and suggestions for novel ones. Metaphors would, as Bridle proposes, allow for some form of comprehension of the world even when (technical, functional) understanding is not possible, but also beyond it; only through metaphor could anyone, “plumber” or “non-plumber”, hope to make sense of “the complex interactions between water tables, political geography, ageing infrastructure”, etc. keywords: bridle; ceat; centre; cloud; computing; end; horror; issn; journal; metaphor; mists; new; observatory; ravenloft; studies; university cache: coolabah-43188.pdf plain text: coolabah-43188.txt item: #337 of 338 id: coolabah-43190 author: Kidder Hodges, Benjamin title: Future Clouds: Diatoms, Speculation and Weather Modification date: 2023-07-09 words: 4395 flesch: 58 summary: Such clouds are also visible in the exhaust from shipping boats and a source of inspiration for new ideas about how to combat climate change. Abstract: This article uses diatoms and the role they play in cloud formation as a prompt to consider histories of weather modification in practice, science fiction and possible future applications to address climate change. keywords: algae; atmosphere; cloud; diatoms; form; future; huxleyi; new; rain; science; water; weather cache: coolabah-43190.pdf plain text: coolabah-43190.txt item: #338 of 338 id: coolabah-43191 author: Dymond, Chris title: Weather as cinema: Exploring fungal and weatherly creativity in film date: 2023-07-09 words: 9265 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: cinematic weather; experimental cinema; early cinema; meteorology; mycol- ogy. Cinematic weather can never be fully instrumentalised in nar- rative. keywords: air; art; cinema; cinematic; epstein; evers; film; human; journal; life; media; mushrooms; spores; studies; time; university; weather cache: coolabah-43191.pdf plain text: coolabah-43191.txt