Microsoft Word - coola6baya Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 4 Mixed Pau Baya Remenat (Catalan) (Mixed), "revoltillo" (Scrambled) in Spanish, is a dish which, in Catalunya, consists of a beaten egg cooked with vegetables or other ingredients, normally prawns or asparagus. It is delicious. Scrambled refers to the action of mixing the beaten egg with other ingredients in a pan, normally using a wooden spoon Thought is frequently an amalgam of past ideas put through a spinner and rhythmically shaken around like a cocktail until a uniform and dense paste is made. This malleable product, rather like a cake mixture can be deformed pulling it out, rolling it around, adapting its shape to the commands of one’s hands or the tool which is being used on it. In the piece Mixed, the contortion of the wood seeks to reproduce the plasticity of this slow heavy movement. Each piece lays itself on the next piece consecutively like a tongue of incandescent lava slowly advancing but with unstoppable inertia. Mixed ia a group of sculptures made out of carved wood. The wood is African cedar. Copyright © 2011 Pau Baya This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 5 Pau Baya (Barcelona, 1974) He studied at the University of Barcelona, specialising in sculpture, finishing his degree in arts in 2000. He is an art teacher in a private secondary school in Barcelona. He has won prizes for his work and has worked with Italian architects as well as exhibiting his work in Catalunya. “Remenat” Mixed African Cedar 60x40x 20 cm Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 6 Remenat. Remenat, "revoltillo" en espanyol, és un plat de casa nostra que consisteix en ou batut i cuit amb verdures o altres ingredients. Normalment amb gambes i espàrrecs. Boníssim. Remenat fa referència a l'acció de barrejar amb una cullera (normalment de fusta) l'ou liquat amb els ingredients dins d'una paella. El pensament a vegades, és una amalgama d'idees passades per la centrifugadora i sacsejades a ritme de còktel fins a assolir una pasta uniforme i densa. Aquest producte maleable, com si fos la pasta per a un pastís es deforma estirant-se i arrontsant-se, adaptant la seva massa a la voluntat de les mans o de l'estri que la treballen. A l'obra remenat la contorsió de la fusta cerca aquest moviment de plasticitat lenta i feixuga. Cada peça del conjunt s'abraona damunt la seva consecutiva com una llengua de lava incandescent que avança amb lentitud, amb inèrcia imparable. Remenat és un grup escultòric realitzat amb talla de fusta. La fusta és cedre africà. “Remenat” African Cedar 60x40x 20 cm