Microsoft Word - coola6cami Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 7 RELIQUIARUM Josep M a Camí RELIQUIARUM I fou la Llum ! Quan la llum esvaí el Misteri; es va fer el Silenci. El silenci engendrà el Pensar i el pensament devingué Raó. De nou la llum, un segle de llum ! Però quan la llum s’imposà desencadenà les Tenebres. Novament el silenci i amb el silenci el Mirar. El mirar engendrà la Tècnica que donà a llum a la electricitat. Més enllà: la nit, el Silenci. D’aquest silenci nasqué la Ciència. La ciència cregué enllumenar el Tot, però esclatà la Desraó. Buits ja de misteri, raó, tècnica i ciència, només ens queda el Silenci. Fou Llum o miratge ? Aquí el seu RELIQUIARI. Copyright © 2011 Cami This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 8 RELIQUIARUM Y fue la Luz! Cuando la luz desvaneció el Misterio; se hizo el Silencio. El silencio engendró el Pensar y el pensamiento devino Razón. De nuevo la luz, un siglo de luz! Pero cuando la luz se impuso, desencadenó las Tinieblas. Nuevamente el silencio y con el silencio el Mirar. El mirar engendró la Técnica que dio a luz a la electricidad. Más allá: la noche, el Silencio. De aquel silencio nació la Ciencia. La ciencia creyó alumbrar el Todo, pero estalló la Sinrazón. Vacios ya de misterio, razón, técnica y ciencia, solo nos queda el Silencio. ¿Fue Luz o espejismo? Aquí su RELICARIO. Reliquary And there was light! When light revealed the mystery; silence fell. Silence gave birth to thought and from thought came reason. Light again, a century of light! But when light imposed itself it released darkness. Silence again and with silence came vision. Vision engendered technology which in turn enabled electricity. But far beyond: night and silence This silence gave birth to science. Science attempted to illuminate everything, but unreason broke out. Now emptied of mystery, reason, technology and science, All we have left is silence. Was it light or a mirage? Coolabah, Vol.6, 2011, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 9 Here is its RELIQUARY. Josep M a Camí is a Senior Lecturer in the Sculpture Department at the Escola Massana de Barcelona affiliated to to the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He has held thirty solo exhibitions and over a hundred collective exhibitions in the European Union, The USA and Japan. He has public space scultpures in Badalona, Batea Tiene esculturas públicas en Badalona, Batea, Portugal, Ecuador, South Korea, the Lebanon, Taiwan and Puerto Rico. His sculptures are made of stone, bronze, wood and above all wood and he has recently begun to incorporate organic materials. With regard to his personal work: he has worked on conceptual series; De Natura Mutante (Mutant Nature), Letargies (Lethargies), Tylopsis (Tylopsis),Volaverunt (Volaverunt), Trobes (Trobes) and Memento (Memento) have evolved from a geometrical symbolism to an inherent syntax which latches on to poetic resonances, formal austerity and expressive materials. With Sybils’ Time , involves a search to enable sculpture to be as diaphanous as prose. Artist: Camí Date: 2004 Material: iron, glass and bronze Mesurements: 152 x 22 cm