Microsoft Word - Jaime Coolabah Mariella Gabay Coolabah, Vol.2, 2009, ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 6 Mariela Garibay Lima, 1976 She is currently engaged in completing her Barcelona University, Spain, and will complete by Fall 2009 Doctoral program in Public Space and Urban Regeneration. B.F.A. (Bachelor in Fine Arts), Pontific Catholic University of Peru, 2004 She has held solo exhibitions in Catalunya, Zaragoza and Peru. She has won prizes for her sculptures and drawings in Peru. Sacred time in stone History is imbued with the cultural significance of Stone which are charged with meaning because they are witnesses to and participants in the physical construction of history itself. Time is represented in my work in the idea of one stone superimposing itself on another. Stone has been used to build sacred sites in different societies because they allow for the imbrication of the sacred and the worldly within each culture .My work always has a spiritual depth which evokes the transcendental. The timelessness of stone and the forms I choose as well as the vertical lines recurrent in my work, are intimately linked to the idea of the relationship between the worldly and the spiritual. In using stone I take as my reference the Andean sacred towers known as “Apachetas” which unite both sky and earth In my work Stone is not an object of worship but I am aware of the sacred value that it has for some Andean societies and hence my deep respect for those beliefs and traditions which are still alive today.