Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1 Melbourne In Winter.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, p 6 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona 6 Melbourne In Winter Ruth Sancho From Melbourne. Australia Under the rain walking on a golden whale wandering among sweet streets of lollipops with lines he wraps me up in his web of trams The clock-moon of a church winks at me with each swift and wet minute. The damp pavement weeps green reflected steps on a small man’s light Under the rain he protects me keeping six eyes on me at the corner of the scared metal he seduces me with poems and songs and makes me laugh. Alleluia! On the peaceful park he pounces on my pure imagination with his potty Possum’s passion! Under the rain we love each other again and again and again and ... Copyright ©2007 Ruth Sancho . This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged.