Microsoft Word - Coolabah 1 Sancho3.doc Coolabah, Vol.1, 2007, p.84 ISSN 1988-5946 Observatori: Centre d’Estudis Australians, Australian Studies Centre, Universitat de Barcelona Why Do You Have To Own Everything Nice? Ruth Sancho I’ve got used to walking on St. Kilda beach in the morning. I often find several starfishes of different colours and sizes. Amazing. I didn’t know that there are violet starfishes. And some of them have four limbs, and others, five. They arrive at night, I suppose with the tide. They stay quiet on the sand, on the seashore’s line, covered with transparent water, Pacific’s water, a mirror of the sky. Now I am trying to identify which ones arrived before. I guess I’m close to the clue. Yesterday I discovered a huge jellyfish, and its appearance was the mystery of the day. I wonder if one day, who knows?, I will see a Sea Winged Dragon. This morning you have arrived with your boyfriend on one hand and chips from Mac Donalds on the other one. You have taken them. All of them. Tonight you will throw them away in the airport because your suitcase weighs too much. Copyright ©2007 Ruth Sancho. This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged.