item: #1 of 188 id: ccsj-100 author: Mikkelsen, Maria Kirk title: A Colour Palette Methodology date: 2018-09-03 words: 3030 flesch: 59 summary: KEYWORDS Colour, design, method cards, design students, didactics, colour harmonies CITATION: Kirk Mikkelsen M. (2018) ‘A Colour Palette Methodology’, Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science Journal, 10, pp. 43-48, DOI: 10.23738/ccsj.i102018.05 Received 05 July 2018; Revised 30 August 2018; Accepted 03 September 2018 Maria Kirk Mikkelsen is senior lecturer at Kolding School of Design in Denmark. The Colour Combination Cards (Mikkelsen 2018) is a colour palette methodology developed for design students. keywords: adjust; cards; collection; colore; colour; colour combination; colour scheme; combination; combination cards; complementary; create; culture; del; design; figure; intuitive; issn; kirk; methodology; methods; mikkelsen; palette; phase; plan; process; project; review; scheme; science; scienza; student; thinking; work cache: ccsj-100.pdf plain text: ccsj-100.txt item: #2 of 188 id: ccsj-106 author: Martone, Maria; Papa, Floriana title: Colors, lights and shapes in the Naples underground. The “art stations” of Line 1 date: 2018-07-09 words: 11576 flesch: 59 summary: Si è venuto quindi anche a sviluppare un nuovo modo di concepire la stazione ferroviaria (Cascetta, Cartenì, Henke, 2014), non più solo nodo di un sistema dei trasporti, ma anche centro culturale, di scambi sociali, di shopping e di ristorazione, partecipando attivamente alla vita della città e dei cittadini. In basso: la copertura vetrata e il rivestimento in vetro bianco, il secondo ingresso con la testa di cavallo dei “Carafa”, la sequenza di fotografie in bianco e nero di Mimmo Jodice e il volume esterno rosso pompeiano. keywords: aa.vv; acciaio; alcuni; alla; alto; ambienti; anche; ancora; aniai; architectural; art; art stations; atrium; authors; autori; azzurro; background; banchina; base; basso; bianco; black; blanca; blue; bright; brillante; carafa; cartenì; cascetta; ccsj.i92018.12; center; central; centro; che; città; city; cladding; coating; cold; collegamento; color culture; colore color; colored; colors; combinations; con; con il; con la; conducono; connection; contemporary; covering; cui; cui si; cultura e; cultural; culture; curvilinear; dal; dalle; dante; degli; dei; del; del colore; del mezzanino; della; della metropolitana; della stazione; dell’arte; design; di napoli; different; disegni; doi; drawings; d’arte; e del; e il; e la; earth; environment; escalators; ferro; figure; fino; floor; flooring; forme; foto; fucsia; gae; galleria; garibaldi; garibaldi station; giallo; glass; grande; gray; green; grigio; hanno; harmonious; head; henke; history; il viaggiatore; inoltre; insieme; intense; interni; invece; issn; jodice; karim; large; lava; lavica; level; light; lime; line; livello; long; loro; luce; luci; lucido; lungo; main; maniera; mare; martone; materdei; material; mendini; mesh; metropolitana; mezzanine; michelangelo; mobili; montecalvario; mosaic; moura; movement; movimento; municipio; museo; museum; naples; napoli; neapolitan; nel; nero; new; non; ocher; opere; panels; pannelli; papa; paper; pareti; parte; particular; path; pavimentazione; pavimento; pedestrian; percorso; photos; piano; pianta; piazza; pietra; pink; piscinola; pistoletto; più; places; plan; planimetria; platform; polis; port; presenti; primary; principali; profile; profondità; quale; questo; quota; rashid; rassegna; real; red; representation; rispetto; rivestimento; rome; rooms; rosa; rosso; sampling; sapienza; scale; scene; science; scienza; scienza del; sea; secondary; section; seguono; sezione; sfondo; shapes; sistema; siza; slabs; solo; sono; sotterranei; sotto; space; spazio; square; stairs; station; stazione; stazione di; steel; stone; stradale; street; studio; subway; sui; sulla; suo; system; tessere; tiles; toledo; tonalità; tones; toni; traveler; tre; tusquest; tusquets; tutto; una; underground; università; uno; urban; vanvitelli; vedute; verde; verso; vetro; viaggiatore; viera; views; vomero; walls; white; work; yellow cache: ccsj-106.pdf plain text: ccsj-106.txt item: #3 of 188 id: ccsj-111 author: Pompas, Renata title: Review Andrea Dall’Asta e light splendour of truth. Paths among art, architecture and theology from early Christian to baroque Ancora Editrice, Milan, 2018. date: 2018-12-01 words: 1105 flesch: 59 summary: Il libro La luce splendore del vero. The interesting book by Andrea Dall’Asta - Director of the Gallery and 130 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 10 | 2018 | Pompas R. ISSN 2384-9568 of the San Fedele Museum in Milan and of the Lercaro collection in Bologna - investigates the theological aspect of the representation of light in ancient painting and in religious buildings, with a clear and erudite writing. keywords: alla; andrea; architecture; art; barocco; baroque; capitolo; chapter; che; christian; color; con; cui; culture; dall’asta; dei; della; different; early; issn; light; luce; nel; opere; paths; questo; religious; science; scienza; splendour; theology; truth; una cache: ccsj-111.pdf plain text: ccsj-111.txt item: #4 of 188 id: ccsj-112 author: Catanese, Rossella title: Repainting the mechanical ballet. Restoration of colours in ‘Ballet mécanique’ by Fernand Léger date: 2015-10-01 words: 2458 flesch: 52 summary: This restoration has not been finished: one of Haghefilm’s requests (improving of research on film restoration and dissemination of its results) was that the hand coloured print of the film had to be made available by EYE to the Haghefilm Foundation for exhibition in educational, research, and outreach activities with mention of EYE as the source of the material. Of course this negative event should be a chance to think about the mission of films restoration, about the free spread of research and its results. keywords: applied; audiovisual; ballet; black; cinema; color; coloured; colours; copy; culture; del; different; digital; dudley; dutch; eye; fernand; film; foundation; frame; french; haghefilm; hand; léger; man; murphy; mécanique; new; nitrate; number; order; original; positive; press; print; ray; research; restoration; science; scienza; sections; text; university; white; work cache: ccsj-112.pdf plain text: ccsj-112.txt item: #5 of 188 id: ccsj-113 author: Valdegamberi, Veronica; Paggetti, Giulia; Menegaz, Gloria title: On the perceptual/linguistic origin of the twelfth basic color term in the Italian color lexicon date: 2015-10-01 words: 4111 flesch: 56 summary: Comparison with B&O and S&W Basic color terms: The psychological saliency of the eleven basic color terms was confirmed by the experiment. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Berlin, B., Kay, P.: Basic color terms: their universality and evolution. keywords: azzurro; basic; basic color; berlin; blue; category; color; color terms; dark; del; different; existence; experiment; frequency; gender; giallo; green; grigio; hypothesis; ink; italian; kay; language; light; lightness; linguistic; listing; menegaz; names; naming; number; paggetti; participants; perceptual; purple; reaction; recall; red; results; rosso; science; scuro; stroop; terms; test; time; twelfth; verde; white; word cache: ccsj-113.pdf plain text: ccsj-113.txt item: #6 of 188 id: ccsj-114 author: Arrighetti, Walter title: Motion Picture Colour Science and film ‘Look’: the maths behind ACES 1.0 and colour grading date: 2015-10-01 words: 4678 flesch: 47 summary: For this reason the continuum formalism may be well abandoned at this stage, and replaced by a ColorLUT (colour look-up table, or cluT, [6]) which is a discrete-mapping representation of it on a finite, m-dimensional grid of N points per input colour channel, with each point being a n-tuple in the output colour space (e.g. in the shape of a N×N×N RGB cube). Within ACES colour pipeline the image is considered as virtually captured by a Reference Input Capture Device (RICD), which is an idealized digital ‘camera’ recording in a RGB colour space called SMPTE2065 after the standard that defines it. keywords: academy; aces; ampas; arrighetti; author; b b; b r; camera; cdl; cfr; channel; cinema; clut; colore; colorimetry; colour; colour space; correction; creative; culture; del; device; different; digital; encoding; field; figure; file; film; frame; g b; gamut; grading; hue; image; input; linear; look; management; mapping; mathematical; means; motion; need; non; output; picture; pipeline; post; primaries; production; r g; real; rgb; science; scienza; set; smpte2065; space; specific; technical; transfer; transform; use; video; xyz; ∂ ∂ cache: ccsj-114.pdf plain text: ccsj-114.txt item: #7 of 188 id: ccsj-115 author: Sandford, Jodi L. title: A Cognitive Linguistic Usage Perspective: What is Italian Blu, azzurro, celeste? Do English agree on BLUE semantics? date: 2015-10-01 words: 6053 flesch: 60 summary: The results of the four phases of this study converge to suggest that contemporary Italian use of BLUE color terms reveals a twelfth BCT, a tone of BLUE. it must be psychologically salient, i.e., occur at the beginning of elicited lists of color terms, and have stability of reference across informants and occasion of use, v. if doubtful it should have the same distributional potential [1]. keywords: adj; agreement; answer; approach; associated; association; azure; azzurrino; azzurro; azzurrognolo; basic; basicness; bct; bluastro; blue; blue color; cambridge; celeste; celestino; cognitive; color; color term; concept; culture; del; dictionary; different; eds; english; entrenchment; frequency; grey; group; indaco; informants; italian; italian blue; kay; kind; language; light; linguistic; list; mean; menegaz; naming; number; object; oltremarino; pale; paper; patches; percentage; phase; position; press; primary; rank; reference; results; salience; science; scienza; sea; second; semantic; shift; sky; sky blue; speakers; specific; study; table; task; terms; turchino; type; university; use cache: ccsj-115.pdf plain text: ccsj-115.txt item: #8 of 188 id: ccsj-116 author: Valentini, Paola title: Society in colour: Italian television and the switch to colour date: 2015-10-01 words: 4419 flesch: 49 summary: While Italy was proudly celebrating the advent of its own television system on 3 January 1954 and the first official broadcasts were starting to go out, at around the same time, the United States saw the arrival of colour television. Indeed, in December 1953, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the standard for colour television set out by the National Television System Committee (the same one that established the 525 line standard in 1941). keywords: able; arrival; black; broadcasting; broadcasts; cameras; channel; choice; cinema; colore; colour; colour television; complex; coverage; crisis; cultura; del; delay; della; example; experience; experiments; fact; famous; film; following; foreign; game; germany; great; history; image; international; italian; italy; large; live; milano; mina; minute; news; newspapers; october; olympics; pal; paratexts; particular; picture; place; political; politics; private; radio; rai; reality; relationship; science; scienza; screen; set; small; standard; states; studio; system; television; television picture; text; time; united; viewer; white; widespread; window; world; year cache: ccsj-116.pdf plain text: ccsj-116.txt item: #9 of 188 id: ccsj-117 author: Schumacher, Jada title: Color, Mon Dieu: A Case-Study Comparison Between the Church Of the Epiphany (New York City) and Kresge Chapel (Cambridge, Massachusetts) date: 2015-10-01 words: 3715 flesch: 54 summary: the continuum of religious space design. The visitor discovers, once inside, that the two squat towers are the light wells for the holy niches edging the entry and sanctuary spaces: the baptismal font and side prayer chapel. keywords: altar; architectural; area; art; atmospheric; belfatto; building; case; chapel; church; city; color; color culture; colore color; comparison; contemporary; culture; del; design; east; effect; envelope; epiphany; experience; exterior; facing; figure; glow; god; interior; kresge; kresge chapel; left; light; lighting; long; lower; mass; massing; material; modernist; new; paper; parishioners; pavarini; people; presence; quality; religious; saarinen; sacred; sanctuary; science; scienza; scoops; sense; space; strong; study; sun; techniques; visitor; volume; wall; wells; windows; yellow; york cache: ccsj-117.pdf plain text: ccsj-117.txt item: #10 of 188 id: ccsj-118 author: Tavast, Arvi; Uusküla, Mari title: How blue is azzurro? Representing probabilistic equivalency of colour terms in a dictionary date: 2015-10-01 words: 3126 flesch: 52 summary: [21] I. R. L. Davies and G. G. Corbett, “A practical field method for identifying probable basic colour terms,” Languages of the World, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. Representing probabilistic equivalency of colour terms in a dictionary 1. keywords: approach; basic; blue; bluish; castilian; cognitive; colore; colour; concepts; culture; data; del; dictionaries; dictionary; english; equivalents; estonian; fieldwork; figure; graphs; information; italian; language; lilla; method; morado; naming; participants; present; probabilistic; purple; relation; results; science; scienza; spanish; standard; stimuli; systematic; task; tavast; terminology; terms; university; uusküla; violeta; vol; word cache: ccsj-118.pdf plain text: ccsj-118.txt item: #11 of 188 id: ccsj-119 author: Bianco, Simone; Schettini, Raimondo title: Adaptive Illuminant Estimation and Correction for Digital Photography date: 2015-10-01 words: 4114 flesch: 48 summary: An extension of this idea could be to use “memory objects” in the scene for color constancy. If we are able to automatically recognize objects and logos that have intrinsic colors, we can use them for color constancy. keywords: algorithms; awb; bianco; camera; class; classification; color; color constancy; computational; constancy; correction; culture; del; diagonal; different; digital; estimate; estimation; features; finlayson; funt; ieee; illuminant; image; imaging; level; low; matrix; pattern; pipeline; problem; process; rgb; scene; schettini; science; scienza; sensor; space; spectral; transformation; use; vol cache: ccsj-119.pdf plain text: ccsj-119.txt item: #12 of 188 id: ccsj-120 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2015-10-01 words: 643 flesch: 37 summary: Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science 04 15 riv is ta s em es tr al e | h al f- ye ar ly jo ur na l Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Colore CULTURA E SCIENZA DEL COLORE COLOR CULTURE AND SCIENCE CULTURA E SCIENZA DEL COLORE COLOR CULTURE AND SCIENCE Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Colore ISSN 2384-9568 DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maurizio Rossi VICEDIRETTORE | DEPUTY EDITOR Davide Gadia COMITATO SCIENTIFICO | SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE John Barbur (City University London, UK) Berit Bergstrom (NCS Colour AB, SE) Giulio Bertagna (B&B Colordesign, IT) Janet Best (Natific, UK) keywords: cnr; colore; colour; cultura e; culture; degli; del; del colore; dell’associazione; e scienza; italiana; jodi; milano; rivista; sandford; science; scienza; studi; università; usa; veronica cache: ccsj-120.pdf plain text: ccsj-120.txt item: #13 of 188 id: ccsj-121 author: Pompas, Renata title: Jean-Gabriel Causse, Lo stupefacente potere dei colori Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2015 date: 2015-10-01 words: 726 flesch: 50 summary: “A costo di darvi una delusione, vi informo che il colore non esiste!” e prosegue sostenendo che se le teorie contemporanee sulla luce intesa come trasferimento di energia (fascio di fotoni) si sono affermate da poco è perché “c’è chi non ha avuto abbastanza coraggio si mandare in pensione l’amico Goethe”. E sebbene il colore preferito in tutto il mondo sia il Blu e quello che genera unanime ostilità sia il giallo, Casse suggerisce di ascoltare istintivamente qual è il nostro colore preferito per trarne benessere: raccomandazione consigliata da un color designer che progetta cartelle tendenze colore e che ne mostra un’apertura notevole. keywords: alle; altro; aspetti; capitolo; causse; che; colore; con; cultura; degli; dei; della; esempi; lettore; libro; mondo; nel; nelle; non; percezione; perché; ponte; recensioni; ricco; rosa; science; scienza; scritto; sia; sono; stato; sul; tono cache: ccsj-121.pdf plain text: ccsj-121.txt item: #14 of 188 id: ccsj-122 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2014-06-01 words: 2170 flesch: 44 summary: Molti membri del Centro presero parte alla Conferenza di Pescara (2004) e contribuirono alla nascita del Gruppo del Colore. Lia Luzzatto La percezione del colore nascita ai 3 anni di Francesca Valan Coloured Lighting, Urban Underground and Human Beings: relationship inquiry through showcase analysis by Daria Casciani and Maurizio Rossi James Hillman, Psicologia alchemica, Adelphi Edizioni, Milano, 2013 a cura di Renata Pompas SOMMARIO | SUMMARY ITALIANO ENGLISH RECENSIONI 01 4 8 13 16 21 26 31 35 40 45 4 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 01/14 MAURIZIO ROSSI Molte realtà inerenti la scienza, cultura e professione del Colore, operanti in Italia da tanti anni sono confluite nel tempo nella nostra associazione, che ha nella Conferenza Nazionale del Colore il suo principale momento di aggregazione annuale. keywords: 1995; 1998; 2004; alessandro; alla; altri; aspetti; associazione; bepi; bertagna; biennale; bottoli; centro; che; claudio; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; conferenza; cultura e; culture; davide; del; del colore; della; dell’associazione; design; d’arte; francesca; gadia; giulio; gli; group; gruppo; internazionale; italiana; maurizio; members; nel; oleari; osvaldo; padua; percezione; pompas; pos; prima; psicologia; renata; rivista; rizzi; rossi; science; scienza; scienza del; siof; storia; suoi; tutti; una; university; valan; venezia cache: ccsj-122.pdf plain text: ccsj-122.txt item: #15 of 188 id: ccsj-123 author: Berolo, Anna J. ; Rizzi, Alessandro; Marini, Daniele; Gadia, Davide; Bonanomi, Cristian; Sabatini, Desirée title: Digital colour restoration: an appearance-based approach date: 2014-06-01 words: 2145 flesch: 51 summary: In questo articolo presentiamo un approccio alternativo al classico restauro digitale del colore, basato sull’idea di recuperare l’apparenza del colore piuttosto che il segnale originale. [6] R. Bonisoli and A. Rizzi, “Restauro digitale del colore: il caso de il racconto della Stura,” Atti della II Conferenza nazionale del Gruppo del Colore (SIOF), Milan (Italia), 2006. keywords: aceforfilm; anche; approccio; articolo; base; canali; che; cinema; colore; come; con; contrasto; cortometraggio; cromatica; cultura; degli; degrado; dei; del; del colore; della; dell’apparenza; dell’immagine; dell’opera; destra; digitale; dinamico; dominante; d’animazione; esempio; fade; fase; fatta; figura; frame; inoltre; istogrammi; lavoro; live; lunga; l’opzione; maniera; materiale; nel; non; nostra; originale; pellicola; percezione; piuttosto; più; presenti; presenza; primo; questo; racconto; range; restauro; rgb; rizzi; rodovetri; sabatini; scene; science; scienza; sinistra; soggetti; sono; stato; storico; stura; suddivisione; sul; sulla; supporto; tecnica; ulteriore; una; uno; variazioni; verde cache: ccsj-123.pdf plain text: ccsj-123.txt item: #16 of 188 id: ccsj-124 author: Bottoli, Aldo; Bertagna, Giulio title: Colours, signs, conventions and colour-blindness date: 2014-06-01 words: 1556 flesch: 50 summary: Gli apparati segnaletici orientativi dovrebbero essere organizzati per categorie orientative in modo da adattarsi ai diversi ruoli e compiti da svolgere di un utenza molto diversificata. Il termine daltonismo prende origine da John Dalton, un fisico e chimico inglese che nel 1798 descrisse un’anomalia congenita della visione dei colori di cui era affetto lui stesso. keywords: aldo; anche; aver; bertagna; bottoli; certa; che; chi; ciò; colore; compito; con; convenzioni; cosa; culture; daltonici; daltonismo; dei; del; della; dell’indicazione; deuteran; difficile; difficoltà; diverse; dunque; figura; giulio; gli; interfacce; loro; l’ambiente; molte; naturale; navigazione; nel; non; normative; percettivo; percezione; perché; più; punto; quale; quanto; quello; science; scienza; segnaletica; segni; seguito; sempre; sia; significato; sistemi; solo; sono; spesso; svolgere; tricrom; tutti; una; visione; visto cache: ccsj-124.pdf plain text: ccsj-124.txt item: #17 of 188 id: ccsj-125 author: da Pos, Osvaldo; Brunettin, Chiara title: Reproduction of colours partially concealed by transparent veils date: 2014-06-01 words: 2465 flesch: 61 summary: Prima di terminare l’aggiustamento di un Mondrian, gli osservatori sono stati invitati a verificare che il suo aspetto globale apparisse uguale al Mondrian da riprodurre e di aggiungere ulteriori regolazioni fino a raggiungere l’uguaglianza ritenuta migliore possibile. Il dato utilizzato per la elaborazione finale consisteva nella deviazione del colore aggiustato rispetto a quello test, e questa deviazione è stata calcolata in termini di differenze di colore in CIECAM02_ UCS (∆E’). keywords: abbiamo; aggiustati; anche; attraverso; bianco; buona; cerchi; che; ciecam02; circa; colorati; colori; combinazioni; con; condizione; controllo; costanza; culture; dal; degli; dei; del; della; diagramma; dieci; dietro; differenze; distanza; era; essere; figura; frecce; fronte; inferiore; loro; misurati; modo; mondrian; monitor; nel; nero; osservatori; parte; piuttosto; più; quadrati; quando; quelli; questo; ricerche; riduzione; riprodotti; riprodurre; risultati; rombi; schermo; science; scienza; scoperto; sfondo; sono; stati; stimolo; tra; trasparenza; tre; triangoli; tutti; ucs; una; uno; veli; velo cache: ccsj-125.pdf plain text: ccsj-125.txt item: #18 of 188 id: ccsj-126 author: De Mario, Bepi title: Colour and Tourism: Sociology of tourist hospitality date: 2014-06-01 words: 3640 flesch: 57 summary: Evitare il rosso che può causare disturbi del sonno. Nelle camere per lo studio vanno impiegati toni come il bianco e il giallo, che risvegliano la concentrazione e la fantasia, ma per gli ansiosi e gli irritabili sono meglio l’azzurro e il verde. i colori dello spettro solare quello più felice e luminoso, evoca il sole che genera la vita, è simbolo di speranza e di saggezza. keywords: abbiamo; agisce; alla; alle; altro; ambienti; anche; architettura; artificiale; aspetto; attenzione; attività; attraverso; avere; benessere; bianco; blu; buio; calma; cambiare; camere; caratteristiche; che; ciò; colore; comprendere; comunicazione; comunque; con; con il; conoscenza; conoscere; corpo; cosa; creare; cromatica; cui; culture; dai; dal; dato; degli; dei; del; della; dimensioni; dove; d’onda; effetto; essere; esso; evitare; far; fenomeno; fino; fisico; forma; fra; funzioni; giallo; gli; il colore; interni; invece; legato; legno; linguaggio; locale; loro; luce; luminoso; luogo; l’ambiente; l’uomo; l’uso; marrone; materiali; meglio; mentre; mobili; modo; molto; natura; naturale; nei; nel; nelle; nero; noi; non; nostra; oggetti; ogni; oltre; pareti; pastello; pavimento; percezione; più; possono; posto; poter; primo; principali; progetto; psicologico; punto; può; quali; quanto; quello; questo; quindi; rapporti; richiama; rilassamento; rilassanti; risulta; rosso; saggezza; science; scienza; scuro; secondo; sempre; sensazione; senso; senza; sfumature; sia; sicurezza; simbolo; società; soffitto; sono; spazio; spesso; stanza; stati; stessi; stimolante; sue; sui; sul; sulla; suo; tale; tempo; tendenze; tinte; tonalità; toni; turismo; turistica; tutti; una; uno; verde; viene; visivo; vista; vivere; è il cache: ccsj-126.pdf plain text: ccsj-126.txt item: #19 of 188 id: ccsj-127 author: Marchiafava, Veronica; Bartolozzi, Giovanni; Cucci, Costanza; De Vita, Marco; Picollo, Marcello title: Colour measurements for the characterisation and monitoring of contemporary works of art date: 2014-06-01 words: 2733 flesch: 50 summary: Le misure effettuate sulle campiture verde e blue mostrano spettri con andamento simile, sebbene con assorbimenti in posizioni diverse, che permettono di ipotizzare l’impiego di due pigmenti della stessa natura (Figura 2). Una campagna diagnostica a supporto dell’intervento di restauro, finanziato dal Progetto CoPAC (Conservazione Preventiva dell’Arte Contemporanea), dal Comune di Pisa e dall’associazione “Friends of Heritage Preservation” (USA), è stata realizzata al fine di comprendere i materiali e il loro stato di degrado. keywords: acquisiti; acrilica; alla; area; aree; assorbimento; attribuibili; background; bande; bianco; blue; burgundy; campagna; campiture; caolinite; che; circa; colore; colorimetrici; componente; con; conservativo; contemporanea; costituito; culture; dall’artista; degli; dei; del; della; dopo; durante; fibre; figura; fine; fors; giallo; gli; hanno; infatti; invece; linee; l’area; mediante; misure; mostrano; murale; nell’intervallo; nere; nir; non; ottiche; particolare; pisa; più; presenza; prima; protettivo; pulitura; radiazione; realizzata; resina; riflettanza; rosa; rosso; rutilo; science; scienza; significative; sono; spettrale; spettri; state; sulle; superficie; tabella; trattamento; una; uno; valori; variazioni; verde; violetto cache: ccsj-127.pdf plain text: ccsj-127.txt item: #20 of 188 id: ccsj-128 author: Luzzatto, Lia; Pompas, Renata title: Cyber Colours date: 2014-06-01 words: 1835 flesch: 45 summary: Viaggio tra antiche e nuove simbologie del colore; in: La psicologia del colore; Ed. In natura la formazione e la conoscenza del colore passa attraverso la materia e attiva la complessità di tutti i sensi che, nel ricordo, si fissano nell’immagine trasmessa dalla vista. keywords: alla; alle; anche; artificiale; artisti; attraverso; blu; che; colori; computer; comunità; con; costruito; così; cromatico; cui; cultura; culturale; cyber; dai; dal; definizione; degli; dei; del colore; della; digitali; divisione; fluorescenti; gamme; hanno; immagini; iniziato; lia; loro; luce; luminescenze; luzzatto; materia; materiali; metà; milano; momenti; mondo; natura; nei; nel; nelle; noi; non; nuove; ora; pensiamo; più; pompas; presenza; prima; processo; punto; quelli; questi; quotidiana; realtà; renata; rete; schermi; science; scienza; senso; simbolo; sociali; spazio; stato; sua; sulla; suo; tassonomie; una; universi; uno; violenti; visione; vista cache: ccsj-128.pdf plain text: ccsj-128.txt item: #21 of 188 id: ccsj-129 author: Valan, Francesca title: The perception of colour from 3 years of age date: 2014-06-01 words: 2214 flesch: 65 summary: Gli stimoli devono essere adeguati alle capacità visive e cognitive del bambino; i colori, come le figure e le dimensioni e i patterns dovrebbero variare con la crescita. Oggetti di un unico colore e di diverso materiale (monocromatici e polimaterici) portano in secondo piano il colore e gli consentono di apprezzare differenze di materiale:legno, plastica, metallo; e di finitura: lucido, opaco, ruvido… BIBLIOGRAFIA Occhio, cervello e visione, David H.Hubel – Zanichelli Editore 1989 Forma e Colore nel mondo visivo dei bambini, Giorgio Tampieri – Cappelli Editore 1970 keywords: alla; anche; ancora; anni; anno; bambino; capacità; che; chiarezza; colori; contrasti; culture; dal; dei; del; della; differenze; distanza; distinguere; dopo; essere; fase; figura; finitura; fondo; forma; fra; giorni; già; gli; grado; informazioni; l’attenzione; mese; mesi; molto; nei; non; occhi; oggetti; percezione; più; poco; primari; primi; questa; quindi; riesce; saturazione; science; scienza; secondari; sempre; settimane; solo; sono; stimolo; sua; sul; suoi; superfici; tinta; tre; tutti; una; variazioni; vede; vedere; verso; visiva cache: ccsj-129.pdf plain text: ccsj-129.txt item: #22 of 188 id: ccsj-130 author: Casciani, Daria; Rossi, Maurizio title: Coloured Lighting, Urban Underground and Human Beings: relationship inquiry through showcase analysis date: 2014-06-01 words: 2859 flesch: 39 summary: Heinrich Frieling [10] presented the findings of a study on the psychological effects of coloured light on human beings. The subjects of this study were asked to look into red, yellow, 42 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 01/14 green, and blue light. keywords: architecture; beings; blue; city; color; coloured; colours; comfortable; culture; day; del; design; different; distribution; effects; emotional; environment; figure; freiheit; gallery; high; human; intensity; interesting; interiors; light; lighting; munich; new; people; perception; platform; psychological; reactions; relationship; science; scienza; social; space; specific; station; studies; subway; underground; urban; use; users; walls; yellow cache: ccsj-130.pdf plain text: ccsj-130.txt item: #23 of 188 id: ccsj-131 author: Pompas, Renata title: James Hillman, Psicologia alchemica. Adelphi edizioni, Milano, 2013. date: 2014-06-01 words: 862 flesch: 47 summary: Nigredo (nero), albedo (bianco) e rubedo (rosso) sono i tre colori principali dell’opus alchemico a cui Hillman aggiunge la citrinitas (giallo), presente nei testi fino al XVI secolo e poi soppresso, e il blu a cui dedica molte pagine. Blu immaginativo Tra il nero e il bianco inserisce il blu, in cui la disposizione esistenziale depressiva del nero si scioglie in tristezza; colore puritano e malinconico, della sobrietà e della saggezza, che rappresenta l’immaginazione. keywords: alchemico; bianco; blu; che; colore; con; concetto; cui; cultura; dal; dei; del; della; dell’opus; fase; giallo; hillman; jung; mondo; nero; nigredo; non; percorso; psicologia; qualità; rappresenta; rosso; rubedo; science; scienza; secondarie; sono; stato; stesso; tra; una; vista cache: ccsj-131.pdf plain text: ccsj-131.txt item: #24 of 188 id: ccsj-133 author: Siniscalco, Andrea; Seassaro, Alberto; Tinelli, Paolo; Conio, Claudio title: The Shapes of Light: Project didactics with coloured neon sources date: 2014-12-01 words: 2065 flesch: 53 summary: Per sottolineare quanto sia diversa la natura di questi due modi di usare la luce, basti pensare al fatto che mentre l’illuminazione di un ambiente richiede una particolare attenzione allo smorzamento dei gradienti di luminanza, nell’uso della luce come messaggio, i contrasti, risultano invece molto importanti. A destra, “Rainbow City” di E. Bertolini, M. Menini, R. Nicoli, C. Pastormerlo, N. Piccaluga Figura 10 – Alcune fasi della realizzazione dei progetti. 8 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 02/14 (i vincoli stabilivano un numero limitato di colori e tubi utilizzabili) di un arcobaleno. keywords: 02/14; agli; alla; ambiente; anche; art; bianco; blu; cervello; che; colorata; colore; come; composizione; comunicazione; con; corso; cultura; dal; dei; del; del colore; della; design; destra; differenti; esempio; essere; figura; forma; funzione; gli; hanno; illuminare; light; loro; luce; l’arte; l’emisfero; materia; meno; mentre; messaggio; milano; molto; natura; necessità; nei; nel; nell’ambito; neon; non; numero; oggetti; più; prima; progettazione; progetto; punto; può; quanto; quella; questo; quindi; rosso; science; scienza; sempre; solo; sono; sorgenti; spazio; spesso; stato; studenti; sua; sviluppo; tema; tra; tubi; una; uno; utilizzando; vedere; vincoli; vista cache: ccsj-133.pdf plain text: ccsj-133.txt item: #25 of 188 id: ccsj-134 author: Zuccoli, Franca title: School of colour. Thoughts and words of teachers and children date: 2014-12-01 words: 6692 flesch: 48 summary: Pensieri e parole di insegnanti e di bambini 1. [30] il progetto è stato realizzato nella scuola dell’infanzia di Cardano al Campo, nell’anno scolastico 2009/2010, con venticinque bambini, grazie a un’azione di gioco e di scoperta, arrivando poi alla conoscenza diretta e sperimentale di alcune riproduzioni delle opere di Wassilij Kandinskij. keywords: al colore; alcune; alla; alle; all’arte; ambienti; anche; anni; argomento; artistica; aspetto; attenzione; attività; attuali; aveva; azioni; azzano; bambini; bartolomeis; base; campo; capacità; caso; che; che non; che si; children; classe; colorate; colore; colore color; colore viene; coloritura; come; con; con il; con un; confronti; conoscenza; considerazione; cosa; così; cui; cultura; cultura e; cura; cura di; dai; dal; dato; definizione; degli; dei; dei bambini; dei colori; del; della; dell’infanzia; di questo; di un; didattiche; discipline; disegno; diverse; domanda; e alle; e colore; e della; e di; e il; e la; e scienza; editore; edizioni; educare; educativa; educazione; elementare; elemento; emilia; era; esclusivamente; esercizi; esperienze; estetica; forma; formazione; fruizione; futuro; giochi; già; grafico; grande; grazie; gusto; hanno; il colore; il disegno; indicazioni; insegnanti; insieme; interessante; interviste; invece; ipotesi; journal; junior; lavori; legata; legislazione; letteratura; loro; luce; luzzato; l’arte; l’uso; maggioranza; materiali; materna; mentre; milano; modalità; modo; molto; munari; museo; nei; nella scuola; nelle; non; nuovi; oggetti; ogni; oltre; opere; osservazione; paolo; parla; parte; particolare; partire; percezione; perché; percorsi; però; pittura; più; poi; pompas; possibilità; preferenze; presente; prima; primaria; produzione; progetto; programmi; proposte; psychology; punto; punto di; può; quali; quando; quello; questionario; questo; qui; rapporto; realizzata; realtà; reggio; relazione; ricci; ricerca; ricordi; riferimento; riferite; riguarda; risposto; roma; rosso; scelta; science; scientifiche; scienza; scolastico; scuola; scuola dell’infanzia; secondo; sempre; sensazioni; senza; sezione; si è; sia; solo; sono; specifici; sperimentale; sperimentazione; spesso; stato; storia; strumenti; studenti; studi; sua; successiva; sul; sulle; sviluppo; tematica; tempo; tenuto; terzo; tipo; tra; tutti; un colore; una; uno; un’azione; un’indagine; varietà; vengono; verde; vestiti; viene; vista; è il; è stato cache: ccsj-134.pdf plain text: ccsj-134.txt item: #26 of 188 id: ccsj-135 author: Bertagna, Giulio; Bottoli, Aldo title: Textures: The fascination of apparent textures date: 2014-12-01 words: 4732 flesch: 46 summary: Possiamo ipotizzare che una certa attivazione del completamento amodale si attivi anche quando la profondità breve si riduce, così che una superficie, verticale oppure orizzontale che sia, ci appaia dotata di una certa permeabilità e di una tessitura fine tale da ridurne l’aspetto di artificialità, avvicinandone la percettibilità a quella degli elementi naturali. QUINTE DI PROFONDITÁ Si può notare che in un campo di osservazione i diversi elementi si configurano come appartenenti a diverse quinte. keywords: 02/14; alcune; alla; altre; ambiente; amodale; anche; apparenti; artificiali; base; bene; bertagna; bordi; breve; campo; capacità; caratteristiche; caratterizzato; cellule; cerebrale; certa; cervello; che; chiamiamo; circa; ciò; colore; come; componenti; con; configurazione; considerare; contesto; conto; così; cui; cultura; dai; dal; dalle; dare; dati; definire; definita; definizioni; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; dell’ambiente; dell’oggetto; densità; detection; determinate; di una; dimensione; discriminazione; distanza; diverse; dove; dunque; ecc; elementi; esempio; essere; fine; foglia; forma; fuoco; giulio; gli; gradiente; grado; grazie; hanno; insieme; intrinseche; loro; luce; lucia; luminanza; luogo; l’individuazione; maggiore; massima; media; meno; mentre; modo; momento; muro; naturale; nei; nel; noi; non; nostra; oggetto; omogenea; oppure; ordinata; orientamento; osservazione; parla; parte; percettiva; percezione; perché; permeabilità; però; più; porzione; posizione; possa; possiamo; prato; processo; profondità; psicofisica; punto; pura; può; qualche; quali; quando; quella; questione; questo; quindi; quinte; rampicante; riconoscere; rilevabile; rilevazione; ronchi; salienti; salienza; scala; scena; science; scienza; scienza del; secondo; segmentazione; segregazione; sempre; sensazioni; seppure; sia; siano; simili; sistema; situazione; sono; spaziale; stesso; stiamo; struttura; sue; sulla; superficiali; superficie; tale; tempo; tessitura; texture; tra; tratta; trova; troviamo; una; una texture; uno; valutazione; variabili; variazioni; viene; visione; visivo; vista cache: ccsj-135.pdf plain text: ccsj-135.txt item: #27 of 188 id: ccsj-136 author: Clini, Paolo; Quattrini, Ramona; Nespeca, Romina; Sagone, Luigi title: Colour, reflectance and temperature. From the case study of Villa Trissino to new integrated applications of terrestrial lidar data for surveying and diagnostics date: 2014-12-01 words: 3498 flesch: 49 summary: Naturalmente questa esperienza è concepita per fare una valutazione qualitativa riguardo una possibile correlazione tra variazioni di riflettanza in presenza di infiltrazioni di acqua. Si può affermare quindi che la termografia ha il vantaggio di essere un metodo non distruttivo molto efficace e di fornire una rapida lettura delle aree interessate da fenomeni di risalita capillare. keywords: abbiamo; acquisizione; alla; analisi; anche; approccio; architettonico; aree; basso; c10; cagli; campo; casi; caso; che; chiesa; colore; comparazione; con; confronto; consentono; cricoli; cui; cultural; culture; cupola; cyclone; dal; dati; dato; degli; degrado; dei; della; di riflettanza; diagnostica; digital; distanza; distribuzione; diversi; essere; facciata; falsi; fase; figura; filippo; fronte; genera; gli; griglia; heritage; hue; immagini; infiltrazioni; informazioni; inoltre; intensity; journal; laser; leica; letteratura; lettura; lidar; l’angolo; manufatto; mappatura; mappe; materiali; materico; modello; modo; molto; monitoraggio; multi; murature; nel; nelle; non; nostro; nuvola; ottenere; palladio; pari; parte; permette; più; poi; possibile; presa; presenza; prima; prof; punti; può; quello; questo; quindi; restauro; rgb; ricerca; riflettanza; rilevamento; rilievo; risultati; san; scanner; science; scienza; sferica; sia; sistema; software; sono; sotto; stata; studio; sud; sulla; superficiale; temperatura; termocamera; termografia; termogrammi; terrestri; test; tra; trissino; umidità; una; valore; valutando; valutazione; variazioni; vengono; villa; visivo; zone cache: ccsj-136.pdf plain text: ccsj-136.txt item: #28 of 188 id: ccsj-137 author: Evans, Stig title: The Portland Colour Chart date: 2014-12-01 words: 1595 flesch: 62 summary: Examples for non-specific names: ‘Turning Tide’, ‘Deep Blue Dive’, ‘Stormy Sea’, ‘Navy Blue,’ ‘Beach Hut Blue’, Examples of specific names: ‘Deadmans Storm,’ ‘The Race,’ ‘Viper’s Burgloss,’ ‘Portland Blue.’ Based on the colour Library this time I was interested to see if the public, when asked, would use colour names more specific to a place or area, rather than general ‘paint industry’ colour terminology that was apparent in the original colour library. keywords: area; blue; chart; colore; colour; culture; del; dulux; figure; language; library; names; non; paint; people; portland; public; red; results; science; scienza; small; specific; terminology; world cache: ccsj-137.pdf plain text: ccsj-137.txt item: #29 of 188 id: ccsj-138 author: Gianni, Liliana; Adriaens, Annemie; Cavallini, Mauro; Natali, Stefano; Volpe, Valerio; Zortea, Laura title: Reflectance curves and CIE L* a* b* parameters to describe patina characteristics and corrosion mechanism on bronze alloys date: 2014-12-01 words: 4013 flesch: 58 summary: These data are confirmed by the lightness and DE values which show a large decrease during the first weeks for the 3% and 7% samples and much less for the 20% sample (Figure 3b; Table 1: 3% of tin sample exposed to urban environment L* a* b* ΔE clean 83.63 10.35 14.17 37.06 2 weeks 49.48 18.21 26.24 9.82 4 weeks 45.12 12.78 19.31 10.94 6 weeks 45.15 6.11 10.63 2.67 8 weeks 44.68 8.37 11.97 7.11 10 weeks 40.51 4.77 7.46 Table 2: 7% of tin sample exposed to urban environment L* a* b* ΔE clean 84.07 8.26 14.63 25.50 2 weeks 59.58 6.98 21.64 6.61 4 weeks 53.16 6.14 22.96 2.55 6 weeks 55.7 6.32 22.77 2.79 8 weeks 54.48 6.25 20.26 9.21 10 weeks 49.61 4.01 12.76 Table 3: 20% of tin sample exposed to urban environment L* a* b* ΔE clean 81.76 2.99 11.94 9.85 2 weeks 76.44 5.29 19.91 8.95 4 weeks 68.35 4.34 16.18 3.31 6 weeks 65.65 2.46 16.59 3.09 8 weeks 65.99 1.84 13.58 3.05 10 weeks 63.23 1.27 14.76 b)a) Figure 3 - The CIEL* a* b* parameters detected for the samples exposed to urban environment. In the 3% of tin samples the green grows continuously whilst for the 7% and 20% it decreases in the second month as a* values underline (Figure 7; Tables1-3). keywords: 240h; 24h; acid; alloys; bronze; clean; colour; corrosion; curves; del; difference; environment; exposure; figure; hours; marine; marine environment; measurements; month; parameters; patina; r% l; rain; reflectance; samples; science; tables; test; time; tin; tin sample; urban; urban environment; values; vapour; weeks cache: ccsj-138.pdf plain text: ccsj-138.txt item: #30 of 188 id: ccsj-139 author: Musante, Fulvio; Rossi, Maurizio title: An overview for colour rendering indices in Solid State Lighting date: 2014-12-01 words: 3652 flesch: 49 summary: Most of these investigations involved visual experiments where observers ranked the appearance of illuminated scenes (containing real object or color samples) using lamps with different CRIs. In addition, selected samples do not cover the gamut of possible colors in proper manner as instead can make color samples extracts from other collections like Macbeth Colour Checker. keywords: appearance; appl; applications; area; cct; chromatic; cie; color; color rendering; cqs; cri; culture; differences; different; evaluation; fidelity; gai; gamut; illuminant; index; indices; lamp; led; light; light source; lighting; low; method; metric; new; quality; reference; rendering; rendition; res; samples; scale; science; scienza; score; set; source; space; special; step; temperature; test; value; visual; white cache: ccsj-139.pdf plain text: ccsj-139.txt item: #31 of 188 id: ccsj-140 author: Neiva, Miguel title: ColorADD . Color identi cation system for colorblind people date: 2014-12-01 words: 1552 flesch: 46 summary: 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Using primary colors, represented through simple symbols, the system was constructed through a process of logical association and direct comprehension, allowing its rapid inclusion in the “visual vocabulary” of the user. Based on these results a conceptual basis was defined, capable of constituting a universal method of graphic color identification, easy to comprehend and memorize. keywords: addition; certain; code; color; colorblind; colorblindness; culture; del; figure; forms; graphic; grey; identification; implementation; inclusion; light; people; population; primary; real; school; science; scienza; symbols; system; vision cache: ccsj-140.pdf plain text: ccsj-140.txt item: #32 of 188 id: ccsj-141 author: Rossi, Michela title: Color design in the Bauhaus laboratory of wall-painting date: 2014-12-01 words: 2923 flesch: 39 summary: The first one is directly connected to the experimentation of color in his formal and perceptive relationship with the spatial environment and it documents the development of Bauhaus’s chromatic research in the choice of colors such as the one in representation. Even more abstract is the solution adopted by Le Corbusier; in 1927 he attached the real samples of color in the project documents for the Maison Citrohan and later on even pen-drawings illustrating the “Polichromie Architecturale” (1956), he indicated the combination of colors on a schematic perspective box with numbers and letters, giving up the simulation of color completely [8]. keywords: activity; architecture; arts; bauhaus; box; building; codes; color; color culture; color design; color representation; colore color; concept; constructive; conventional; cultura; decorative; del; design; development; doesburg; drawings; element; experimentation; expression; figure; formal; interior; laboratory; new; original; painting; primary; project; relationship; representation; research; role; room; science; scienza; space; spatial; surface; use; van; wall cache: ccsj-141.pdf plain text: ccsj-141.txt item: #33 of 188 id: ccsj-142 author: Luzzatto, Lia; De Biase, Daniela title: Scrivere con la luce date: 2014-12-01 words: 1111 flesch: 48 summary: Il Foro di Augusto La divina gloria di Roma dell’epoca augustiana, fondamento di civiltà, di pace, di prosperità e di abbondanza è alla base della simbologia illuministica di questo Foro. i misteri della visione, attraverso l’ esperienza personale, maturata in tanti anni di lavoro e di vita, e quella catturata nei testi dei filosofi, nelle teorie degli scienziati, nelle opere dei pittori, negli scatti della fotografia dove luce e oscurità si relativizzano e, uscendo dall’assolutezza senza luogo dell’inizio del tempo, diventano oggetti di percezione, generando nel loro dialogo, colori, ombre e forme. keywords: alla; attraverso; augusto; basso; che; civiltà; colonna; colore; con; così; cui; culture; dal; dei; del; della; figura; fori; foro; fotografia; francesca; ideazione; insieme; loro; luce; luci; luministica; modo; nel; nelle; nerva; non; progetto; roma; science; scienza; serie; sole; sono; storaro; storia; sua; sui; sul; suo; testi; traiano; una; vittorio cache: ccsj-142.pdf plain text: ccsj-142.txt item: #34 of 188 id: ccsj-143 author: Pompas, Renata title: Guy Deutscher, La lingua colora il mondo. Come le parole trasformano la realtà. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2013. date: 2014-12-01 words: 678 flesch: 48 summary: Riporta la grande controversia natura- cultura investì le riflessioni sul colore per la relazione tra ciò che l’occhio è in grado di vedere e ciò che il linguaggio è in grado di descrivere; esaminando da una parte le concezioni universaliste, innatiste e dall’altra quelle relativiste, culturaliste che infervorarono il dibattito novecentesco e cioè se la maggior parte della grammatica del linguaggio, ossia tutte le lingue umane, è innata, codificata nel nostro DNA, o se viceversa le strutture grammaticali sono conseguenza dell’evoluzione culturale e dell’esigenza di comunicare in maniera efficiente, come sostiene la concezione relativista. è rimasta realmente priva di eccezioni è quella che indica nel rosso il primo colore dopo il bianco e il nero a ricevere un nome. keywords: bianco; blu; che; colore; con; cultura; dei; del; della; dopo; giallo; grado; linguaggio; lingue; molte; nel; nero; non; parte; ricercatori; rosso; science; scienza; sensibilità; sequenza; sono; termini; tra; una; verde cache: ccsj-143.pdf plain text: ccsj-143.txt item: #35 of 188 id: ccsj-144 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2015-05-01 words: 686 flesch: 27 summary: Giulio Bertagna (B&B Colordesign, IT) Aldo Bottoli (B&B Colordesign, IT) Patrick Callet (École Centrale Paris, FR) Jean-Luc Capron (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE) Elizabeth Condemine (Couleur & Marketing Paris, FR) Osvaldo Da Pos (Università degli Studi di Padova, IT) Bepi De Mario (CRASMI, IT) keywords: colore; colore color; culture; davide; degli; degli studi; del; del colore; e scienza; francesca; giuseppe; italiana; laura; luigi; maria; milano; nicola; paris; rivista; rossi; science; scienza; studi; università cache: ccsj-144.pdf plain text: ccsj-144.txt item: #36 of 188 id: ccsj-145 author: Alberghina, Maria Francesca; Barraco, Rosita; Brai, Maria; Pellegrino, Lorella; Prestileo, Fernanda; Tranchina, Luigi title: Use of Principal Component Analysis for statistical analysis of colorimetric data of mosaic floor tiles date: 2015-05-01 words: 4271 flesch: 51 summary: Per quanto riguarda la porzione musiva in corrispondenza della Maschera A, dal confronto dei valori colorimetrici dei punti campione acquisiti prima della pulitura e di quelli relativi agli stessi punti misurati dopo la prima fase consistente in impacchi di carbonato di ammonio, è stato possibile rilevare la presenza di forti variazioni cromatiche dovute soprattutto ad un aumento della luminosità L* e, in quasi tutti i casi, una leggera diminuzione dei valori colorimetrici a* e b*, come mostrato dalle differenze calcolate e riportate in tabella 1 e dal grafico in figura 3. Per ovviare a tale inconveniente, e quindi valutare nella maniera più immediata e corretta gli effetti generati sulle superfici in seguito ai trattamenti di pulitura e di consolidamento, l’analisi delle componenti principali (PCA – Principal Component Analysis) è stata applicata ai dati colorimetrici acquisiti sulle tessere musive, proponendo in tal modo una possibile lettura più intuitiva dei fenomeni generati dalle variazioni colorimetriche. keywords: acquisiti; alberghina; alla; alle; anche; area; armerina; bianco; caccia; campione; carbonato; casale; caso; che; cluster; colore; colorimetrici; componenti; comportamento; con; coordinate; cromatiche; cultura; cura; dal; dati; degli; dei; del colore; della; differenti; diminuzione; dopo; d’ammonio; e dopo; effetti; fase; figura; giallo; gli; grafico; gruppo; impacchi; incarnato; interventi; luminosità; l’analisi; maniera; maschera; mesi; misura; monitoraggio; musive; nazionale; nel; nero; non; palermo; pca; pellegrino; piazza; piccola; più; possibile; prestileo; prima; principal; pulitura; punto; quaderni; questo; relativi; restauro; riflettanza; riportati; romana; rosa; rosso; schiavone; science; scienza; seguito; sono; spettrofotometrici; stanza; stati; sulle; superfici; tempo; tessere; tessere musive; tramite; trattamento; una; valori; variabili; varianza; variazioni; verde; villa cache: ccsj-145.pdf plain text: ccsj-145.txt item: #37 of 188 id: ccsj-146 author: Burattini, Chiara; Gugliermetti, Franco; Marchetti, Mario; Bisegna, Fabio title: The role of colour in the design of a living module for the International Space Station date: 2015-05-01 words: 3849 flesch: 45 summary: Il modello utilizzato per lo studio è un piccolo habitat contenuto all’interno di un cilindro del diametro di 3,85 m e lungo 13,65 m che accoglie gli alloggi personali per gli astronauti: il modulo ha una distribuzione secondo l’asse 1503/15 | Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science di orientamento rispetto a quelli Americani ed Europei, perché un maggior numero di soggetti riesce a posizionarsi correttamente rispetto all’orientamento del modulo e soprattutto in minor tempo. Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare le possibili soluzioni adottabili per facilitare l’orientamento dell’essere umano in uno spazio extra-atmosferico come la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale dove la gravità è assente: come mezzo di indagine si è utilizzato un ipotetico ambiente tridimensionale progettato e modellato come un prototipo di modulo abitativo 3. keywords: abitativo; acta; agevolare; agli; alla; alle; ambiente; anche; anni; assi; astronauti; aumenta; bianco; che; ciascun; colorazione; colore; colore color; come; comfort; con; concezione; correttamente; cui; culture; dal; degli; dei; del; del colore; delle; dell’essere; design; di un; differente; dimostrato; direzionalità; diventa; dove; effetti; elementi; essendo; essere; figura; funzione; gli; grado; gravità; habitat; hanno; human; international; interno; laboratori; laterali; loro; l’orientamento; l’uso; marrone; mentre; microgravity; missioni; modo; modulo; molto; movimenti; nasa; nella; nodi; non; normalmente; oggetti; ogni; orbita; orientation; pareti; pavimento; perché; perde; periodo; permette; più; porta; possibile; possono; presente; primi; problemi; progettazione; progetto; può; quale; qualsiasi; quando; quello; questo; ricerca; rispetto; saturazione; science; scienza; scritte; sensazione; sia; sistema; soffitto; soggiorno; soluzione; sono; soprattutto; sovietiche; space; spatial; spaziale; spazio; station; stato; stazioni; studio; sulla; superfici; tale; tempo; terra; terrestre; testa; tra; tutte; umano; una; uno; verso; verticale; visual; volta cache: ccsj-146.pdf plain text: ccsj-146.txt item: #38 of 188 id: ccsj-147 author: Emmer, Michele title: Colours and Soap Bubbles date: 2015-05-01 words: 3376 flesch: 64 summary: It is very interesting to study the parallel story of soap bubbles and soap films in art and science. Soap bubbles and soap films were one of the matters of his conference, which was entirely devoted to the Soft Matter. keywords: air; art; artists; black; blue; book; bubbles; century; children; color; colours; culture; del; emmer; films; forms; geometry; interest; jean; like; mathematics; newton; observation; order; phenomena; plateau; red; rings; science; scientific; scientists; scienza; small; soap; soap bubbles; soap films; solution; surfaces; taylor; water cache: ccsj-147.pdf plain text: ccsj-147.txt item: #39 of 188 id: ccsj-148 author: Alekseeva, Natalia; Cirafici, Alessandra; Senese, Vincenzo Paolo title: Interaction of color scheme and noise in the metro interior. Multisensory evaluation and subjective testing date: 2015-05-01 words: 3060 flesch: 55 summary: Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science 3303/15 | Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science 1 Natalia Alekseeva 2 Alessandra Cirafici 3 Vincenzo Paolo Senese 1 PhD in Environmental Technical Physics 2 Department of Architecture and Industrial Design «Luigi Vanvitelli», The Second University of Naples 3 Department of Psychology, The Second University of Naples Interaction of color scheme and noise in the metro interior. The graphic model was designed by means of Google SketchUp 7.0 software, simulating geometrical constructions according to actual dimensions, and elaborated color schemes. keywords: acoustic; annoyance; assessment; beige; berlin; blue; chromatic; color; comfort; cultura; del; design; environment; evaluation; experiment; factor; figure; interaction; interior; loudness; means; metro; naples; noise; overall; participants; perception; reality; red; research; results; scenarios; scheme; science; scienza; sound; subjective; table; train; university; values; virtual; visual; volume cache: ccsj-148.pdf plain text: ccsj-148.txt item: #40 of 188 id: ccsj-149 author: Fibiani, Marta; Rotino, Giuseppe L.; Toppino, Laura; Mennella, Giuseppe; Lo Scalzo, Roberto title: Pigment variation by colorimetric analysis in raw, grilled and boiled eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) fruits date: 2015-05-01 words: 3255 flesch: 57 summary: Eggplant anthocyanins have simple profiles generally characterized by a single delphinidin-glycoside [5] [6]. Unlike other phenolic compounds such as caffeic acid derivatives, eggplant anthocyanins were strongly depleted after cooking, being boiling (a mild heating process) more preservative than grilling. keywords: 0,0; absorbance; activity; agric; anthocyanins; antioxidant; average; buia; chem; colore; colorimetric; colour; compounds; content; cooked; cooking; coordinates; culture; d3r; del; different; eggplant; extracts; fold; food; fruits; hplc; japanese; min; nasunin; non; pigments; purple; raw; reflectance; respect; ricerca; samples; science; scienza; spectra; spectrophotometry; thermal; total; tunisina; types; values; vegetables cache: ccsj-149.pdf plain text: ccsj-149.txt item: #41 of 188 id: ccsj-150 author: Bellia, Laura; Agresta, Nicola; Rossi, Luigi; Spada, Gennaro title: Measured color changes under fluorescent and LED lamps date: 2015-05-01 words: 2614 flesch: 64 summary: L* a* b* C* ab h ab 1.Fluo 2700K 40.74 -8.44 -32.79 33.86 1.32 2.Fluo 6500K 47.09 6.85 -73.70 74.02 -1.48 3.LED 2900K 34.53 -14.15 -65.54 67.05 1.35 4.LED 6100K 45.17 14.12 -60.83 62.45 -1.34 L* a* b* C* ab h ab 1.Fluo 2700K 60.43 -10.58 -16.84 19.88 1.01 2.Fluo 6500K 63.75 -7.45 -60.21 60.67 1.45 3.LED 2900K 58.57 -17.14 -38.36 42.01 1.15 4.LED 6100K 64.14 -3.68 -34.89 35.08 1.47 L* a* b* C* ab h ab 1.Fluo 2700K 51.82 -46.39 40.21 61.39 -0.71 2.Fluo 6500K 31.51 -61.32 24.41 66.00 -0.38 3.LED 2900K 46.18 -61.33 37.27 71.77 -0.55 4.LED 6100K 48.58 -64.74 49.76 81.65 -0.65 L* a* b* C* ab h ab 1.Fluo 2700K 94.95 10.21 93.53 94.09 1.46 2.Fluo keywords: 2700k; 6100k; block; blue; cct; chroma; cold; color; comparison; different; figure; fluo; green; led; light; orange; red; reflectance; scenes; sources; spd; spectral; technologies; values; yellow cache: ccsj-150.pdf plain text: ccsj-150.txt item: #42 of 188 id: ccsj-151 author: Brun, Giulia title: De Coloribus: new perspectives on a series of recipes for making pigments within the Compositiones lucenses tradition date: 2015-05-01 words: 4370 flesch: 57 summary: Additional ingredients are also required for different hues and De coloribus lists verdigris, cinnabar, saffron, vitriol, white lead, and lime. The reds of De coloribus are made up of two different compounds. keywords: alia; antiquity; apostolica; biblioteca; bibliothèque; bodleian; book; capitolare; century; cinnabarin; città; clavicula; clt; coefficient; collection; colore; coloribus; coloris; compositiones; consecutio; contents; corning; correlation; culture; cum; de coloribus; del; figure; firenze; flores; glass; ingredients; iotta; item; lat; lazurin; lib; libram; library; lucca; lucenses; making; manuscripts; mappae; medieval; nascitur; omnia; oxford; pandius; phillipps; pigments; practical; psimithin; quianus; recipes; reg; science; scienza; section; sequence; sicut; spearman; study; sélestat; texts; titles; tolle; tradition; trita; units; vatican; vermiculi; viridis; witnesses cache: ccsj-151.pdf plain text: ccsj-151.txt item: #43 of 188 id: ccsj-152 author: Pompas, Renata title: Manlio Brusatin, Verde. Storie di un colore date: 2015-05-01 words: 1303 flesch: 61 summary: Il cavaliere Verde: prende in considerazione i colori delle fazioni circensi giustinianee, con il loro retroterra politico e ideologico, i colori dello sport, del calcio e dei ‘green tartan’ del golf, per approdare al romanzo cavalleresco del ‘Cavaliere Verde’, assorbito nell’Ordine della Giarrettiera e al verde del battesimo e dell’eucarestia. Solo per non far sentire la mancanza di una storia del verde (in realtà già annunciata dal Pastoureau. keywords: alla; alle; anche; aspetti; blu; brusatin; capitolo; casa; che; circensi; colore; con; cui; cultura; dai; dal; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; di un; dopo; fare; libro; manlio; michel; nel; nelle; nero; non; pastoureau; pittura; più; poi; questo; recensioni; rosso; science; scienza; secolo; secondo; smeraldo; sono; storia; storico; suo; un colore; una; uomini; verde cache: ccsj-152.pdf plain text: ccsj-152.txt item: #44 of 188 id: ccsj-153 author: Siniscalco, Andrea title: Didactic for building professionals. The experience of Lighting Design and Color Design masters date: 2015-05-01 words: 2410 flesch: 44 summary: Color for fashion design Study of the color texturing in fashion with the aim of being able to offer the same product with different color variation, in order to reach culturally different markets and to offer the sensation of a personal choice to individual consumers. The experience of Lighting Design and Color Design masters Figure 1 - Students attending the first lectures of the eleventh edition of the master in Lighting Design & LED Technology DIDACTICS 5703/15 | Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science that went through. keywords: color; color culture; color design; communication; competences; creation; culture; del; design; didactics; different; figure; goback; lighting; lighting design; master; module; order; perception; process; professional; program; project; science; scienza; students; study; subject; technical; technologies; technology; tools; urban; work; world cache: ccsj-153.pdf plain text: ccsj-153.txt item: #45 of 188 id: ccsj-160 author: Orlando, Emanuela title: I colori di Gualtiero Marchesi - Gualtiero Marchesi’s colours date: 2015-10-01 words: 1210 flesch: 52 summary: Ha saputo tradurre il suo amore per l’arte in piatti memorabili plasmando le materie prime in forme e colori che diventano a loro volta arte, prima che cibo. Fa parte a buon diritto dello stile italiano al pari di altre forme riconosciute come il design industriale, la moda, la musica e l’arte in generale. keywords: art; beauty; bellezza; chef; colore; colours; column; con; cucina; cultura; cuoco; del; della; gli; grande; great; gualtiero; italian; loro; l’arte; maestro; marchesi; nutrono; parte; premio; prima; rubrica; saputo; science; scienza; senses; sensi; sua; una cache: ccsj-160.pdf plain text: ccsj-160.txt item: #46 of 188 id: ccsj-161 author: Pandini, Davide; Ludwig, Nicola; Gragano, Marco; Moneta, Annalisa title: Methodologies for studying paint pigment mixtures with fibre-optic spectrometry date: 2015-05-01 words: 3049 flesch: 55 summary: 5. APPLICAZIONE A MISCELE BINARIE Una volta costruito un database di valori di K ed S relativo a diversi pigmenti, è quindi possibile, in linea di principio, ricavare in modo analitico lo spettro di riflettanza di miscele di pigmenti. Nel caso di mescolanze di n pigmenti in concentrazioni ci note, K ed S sono ottenuti come somma pesata sulle concentrazioni di ciascun pigmento, per cui il rapporto K/S (λ) assume la forma: (1.2) Per poter correlare la forma dello spettro di riflettanza con il tipi di pigmento impiegato è necessario conoscere keywords: 1.3; alla; assorbimento; bianco; binarie; blu; cadmio; campioni; caso; che; cobalto; coefficienti; colore; con; concentrazioni; cromo; culture; dai; dallo; database; dei; del; della; diversi; d’onda; fattore; fibra; figura; fondo; gargano; giallo; gli; incidente; integratrice; k(λ; kubelka; ludwig; lunghezza; mediante; mescolanze; metodo; misc; miscela; misura; modello; modo; munk; napoli; nel; non; oltremare; ottenere; ottenuti; ottica; partire; pigmenti; pittorici; più; possibile; presenti; puro; quale; questo; quindi; radiazione; rapporto; riconoscimento; riflessione; riflettanza; s(λ; science; scienza; sfera; sono; spessore; spettrale; spettro; stati; strato; tale; tinta; una; uno; verde; viene; wppp cache: ccsj-161.pdf plain text: ccsj-161.txt item: #47 of 188 id: ccsj-162 author: Melgosa, Manuel; Cui, Guihua; Oleari, Claudio; Pardo, Pedro J.; Huang, Min; Li, Changjun; Ronnier Luo, Ming title: Is it possible to improve the weighting function for lightness in the CIEDE2000 color-difference formula? date: 2018-12-01 words: 4391 flesch: 56 summary: New weighting functions for weighted CIELAB color difference formula’. She has undertaken some projects mainly focused on color difference evaluation and colorimetric observer categories and their applications. keywords: application; average; berns; better; china; cie; ciede2000; color; color pairs; columns; cui; cultura; datasets; del; difference; difference formula; formula; function; huang; lightness; luo; melgosa; original; pairs; performance; research; results; science; scienza; significant; stress; table; university; values; visual; weighting; ∆e00; ∆e00_m3 cache: ccsj-162.pdf plain text: ccsj-162.txt item: #48 of 188 id: ccsj-163 author: Lecca, Michela; da Pos, Osvaldo title: Communications and Comments date: 2018-12-01 words: 1715 flesch: 45 summary: The answer I gave is already somehow present in the previous edition of this column, namely that the research in question clarifies the fundamental relationships between physical stimuli, colour perception and verbal language of colour, relationships that are often only implicitly assumed in colour studies or even misunderstood (Figure 1). The talk of Prof. Da Pos was not directly related to technical features of the Munsell system, but it coped with the more general problem of the meaning and the relationships among colour perception, stimuli, and colour terminology, that we partially investigated in our previous column. keywords: colore; colour; column; culture; del; environment; interface; munsell; perception; physical; pos; prof; relationships; science; scienza; space; stimuli; stimulus; subjective; system; theory; transparency; world cache: ccsj-163.pdf plain text: ccsj-163.txt item: #49 of 188 id: ccsj-165 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Claudio Oleari Memorial date: 2018-05-01 words: 324 flesch: 56 summary: This page has been intentionally left white Claudio Oleri Memorial The Associazione Italiana Colore, with all its members would like to express its deepest condolences for the premature death of Claudio Oleari on 23 January 2018, together with all who have known him, read his books, listened to his conferences or lectures. Moreover in 1995 he started the Gruppo in Colorimetria e Reflectoscopia which later became the Associazione Italiana Colore. keywords: associazione; colore; del; italiana; physics; scienza cache: ccsj-165.pdf plain text: ccsj-165.txt item: #50 of 188 id: ccsj-167 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2019-12-01 words: 1591 flesch: 46 summary: Patrick Callet (École Centrale Paris, FR) Jean-Luc Capron (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE) Daria Casciani (Politecnico di Milano, IT) Vien Cheung (University of Leeds, UK) Paula Csillag (ESPM University, BR) Marcello Picollo (IFAC-CNR, IT) Renata Pompas (AFOL Milano-Moda, IT) Boris Pretzel (Victoria & Albert Museum, UK) Noel Richard (University of Poitiers, FR) Katia Ripamonti (Cambridge Research System, UK) keywords: alessandro; article; associate; associazione; cnr; color; culture; degli; design; di milano; doi; editorial; editors; ifac; issn; italiana; journal; marcello; milano; open; papers; peer; picollo; politecnico; referees; review; rizzi; science; studi; support; universidad; university; usa; valan; vol; year cache: ccsj-167.pdf plain text: ccsj-167.txt item: #51 of 188 id: ccsj-168 author: Ajò, David; Elettivo, Giuseppe; Fenzi, Federica; Nunziante Cesaro, Stella ; Tegani, Sabrina title: The Colored Chemistry date: 2019-12-01 words: 3957 flesch: 49 summary: The synthesis modalities of such materials are investigated, among the others, for restoration: the advantage for a chemist in fact consists in the possibility of having, obviously not in all cases, items available to compare with the materials of the artifact. KEYWORDS Chemistry, Restoration, Gemology, Colored metals, Synthetic materials, Treated materials, Effective Microorganisms RECEIVED 30 March 2019; REVISED 10 June 2019; ACCEPTED 30 July 2019 keywords: ajò; ancient; b.c; blue; case; ccsj.110201; chemistry; chiari; cnr; color; colored; commercial; conservation; cultural; culture; del; diamonds; different; doi; effective; egyptian; fact; figure; gemological; gemology; gems; gemstones; glass; heritage; high; institute; interest; italy; journal; lead; materials; metals; methods; microorganisms; natural; new; padua; particular; photoluminescence; pigments; precious; properties; purposes; research; rome; science; spectroscopy; state; study; synthesis; synthetic; techniques; treatment; university; use; vol; wall cache: ccsj-168.pdf plain text: ccsj-168.txt item: #52 of 188 id: ccsj-170 author: Martini, Berta; Tombolato, Monica; D’Ugo, Rossella title: Primary colors as a source of possible misconceptions: an insight into teaching and learning about color date: 2019-12-01 words: 6841 flesch: 52 summary: Primary colors as a source of possible misconceptions: an insight into teaching and learning about color 28 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 11 (2) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.110203 In Newton’s definition of primary colors is outlined the distinction between monochromatic spectral colors (simple), characterized by a particular wavelength (between 380 nm and 780 nm), and colors obtained by mixing lights (compound). KEYWORDS Misconceptions, Primary colors, Additive and subtractive color mixing, Teaching and learning process, Constructive theory of learning, Newton’s prism RECEIVED 31 March 2019; REVISED 11 July 2019; ACCEPTED 03 September 2019 keywords: additive; answers; basic; black; blue; cases; ccsj.110203; children; colored; colors; culture; different; distinction; doi; education; epistemological; framework; green; insight; journal; knowledge; learning; level; light; misconceptions; mixing; mixture; model; nature; naïve; newton; objects; painters; physical; physics; physiology; pigment; possible; practice; primaries; primary; primary colors; prism; question; red; research; responses; school; science; scientific; second; source; spectral; spectrum; standpoint; students; subtractive; teachers; teaching; theories; theory; triad; urbino; vision; visual; vol; wavelengths; white; yellow cache: ccsj-170.pdf plain text: ccsj-170.txt item: #53 of 188 id: ccsj-171 author: Picollo, Marcello; Cucci, Costanza; Stefani, Lorenzo; Jiménez-Garnica, Reyes; Fuster-López, Laura; Vila, Anna title: Chromatic values in Pablo Picasso’s early work: a comparison of hues in “Science and Charity” (1897) and its three oil sketches date: 2019-12-01 words: 5429 flesch: 54 summary: Bacci M., Picollo M., Trumpy G., Tsukada M., Kunzelman D. (2007) ‘Non- invasive identification of white pigments on 20th century oil paintings by using fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy’, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 46, pp. 27-37. ABSTRACT This paper deals with the chromatic and colorimetric analysis of one of the most representative paintings by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) of his formative years, “Science and Charity” (Ciencia y Caridad, 1897), and its three oil sketches of the Museu Picasso in Barcelona. keywords: addition; areas; artist; artworks; barcelona; bed; canvas; caridad; ccsj.110204; characters; charity; child; chromatic; ciencia; cnr; color; colorimetric; comparison; composition; conservation; culture; dark; data; different; doctor; doi; dress; early; exhibition; fig; final; final painting; gage; hues; ifac; jiménez; journal; measurements; modern; mpb; museu; nun; oil; pablo; pablo picasso; painting; painting mpb; paper; picasso; preparatory; present; process; project; promesa; red; reflectance; research; scene; science; science journal; scientific; sheet; sketches; spots; study; values; version; visual; vol; white; woman; work cache: ccsj-171.pdf plain text: ccsj-171.txt item: #54 of 188 id: ccsj-172 author: Zuccoli, Franca title: Education about colour: a look at some authors from the 19th and 20th centuries in Italy: Corrado Ricci, Maria Montessori and Giuseppina Pizzigoni date: 2019-12-01 words: 4070 flesch: 53 summary: […] If one wishes to prepare objects that serve, for example, to distinguish between colours, it is necessary to build them with the same substance, form and dimension and differentiate them only by colour” (Montessori 2013). In 1877, he published a small pamphlet called L'arte dei bambini (The art of children), which included a special reflection about the theme of colour. keywords: 19th; 20th; artistic; attention; authors; ccsj.110205; centuries; children; colour; corrado; corrado ricci; culture; dei; different; doi; drawing; education; elements; environment; fundamental; giuseppina; gradation; historian; idea; interest; italy; journal; look; maria; materials; method; milano; montessori; objects; pedagogist; people; pizzigoni; point; ricci; science; shades; skills; small; specific; study; teacher; terms; theme; vol; works cache: ccsj-172.pdf plain text: ccsj-172.txt item: #55 of 188 id: ccsj-174 author: Marotta, Anna title: Two theories for a model: the “querelle” between Klee and Ostwald date: 2019-12-01 words: 6722 flesch: 46 summary: Now other colour theories have also been formulated; today two are being discussed: Wingler notes in particular: On the rotating spinning top, cardboard discs with printed segments in different colours or eccentric coloured circles could be thrown onto the pole. keywords: analogies; anna; artistic; artists; aspects; author; bauhaus; black; blue; canon; ccsj.110207; chemist; chord; chromatic; circle; circumference; colors; colour; comparison; cone; culture; differences; different; digital; doi; double; dynamic; effect; essential; example; field; fig; figuration; figure; form; formal; green; grey; harmonic; harmony; interest; itten; journal; klee; line; marotta; material; means; model; movement; music; nature; need; new; nobel; order; ostwald; painter; painting; parameters; particular; paul; paul klee; place; point; position; possible; principles; production; psychological; querelle; red; representation; respective; science; scientific; source; theories; theory; things; thought; time; tones; totality; value; virtual; voice; vol; white; wilhelm; work; yellow cache: ccsj-174.pdf plain text: ccsj-174.txt item: #56 of 188 id: ccsj-175 author: Gaiani, Marco; Apollonio, Fabrizio title: Under the lens of ISLe: Leonardo da Vinci’s "Landscape" drawing analysed by colourimetry date: 2019-12-01 words: 5530 flesch: 49 summary: Using ISLe, Landscape drawing has been examined as a graphic artefact through visual and colourimetric analysis. Technically, ISLe aims to provide a unified answer to two distinct and complementary questions: the first is the creation of drawing archives that can accurately describe the information of the original analogical physical system; the second is related to the methods for the collection and rendering of 3D drawings, i.e those systems and techniques that allow for the reproduction and systematically show a perception of the form three-dimensionally thus creating a visual evaluation of the current state of conservation of the drawing, of the superimposed sedimentation and of any restorations received over time. keywords: acquisition; analysis; apollonio; average; bologna; burns; camera; ccsj.110208; colour; colourimetry; conference; correction; culture; da vinci; different; digital; doi; drawing; edge; effective; evaluation; fidelity; fig; florence; frequency; function; gaiani; graphic; high; image; imaging; inks; isle; iso; journal; landscape; lens; leonardo; leonardo da; light; man; mtf; mtf10; observation; original; paper; patches; pixels; point; proceedings; rendering; reproduction; resolution; results; science; space; spatial; system; target; today; university; values; vinci; vitruvian; vol; williams cache: ccsj-175.pdf plain text: ccsj-175.txt item: #57 of 188 id: ccsj-176 author: Siniscalco, Andrea title: A case study on light and colour for monuments and cultural assets date: 2019-12-01 words: 4032 flesch: 51 summary: Current technologies related to lighting sources allow us much greater flexibility, without compromising the efficiency of the sources. With the new control systems and a specifically customised user interface, it is possible to offer the municipality a tool to make the monumental complex of Neptune, a veritable scenographic element, easily controllable and scalable for festivals and events that can take place on-site; all without sacrificing classic white lighting, designed to enhance colors, shapes and materials, limiting glare towards passers-by and guarantee a good usability of the cultural site. keywords: assets; author; bologna; buildings; case; ccsj.110209; colour; coloured; complex; concept; consumption; control; cultural; cultural assets; culture; day; design; doi; elements; fig; fountain; heritage; italy; journal; lamp; levels; light; lighting; luminance; luminous; maggiore; monumental; monumental complex; municipality; neptune; palazzo; pedestal; piazza; possible; projectors; rendering; rizzoli; science; simulation; sources; square; statue; study; survey; system; temperature; time; use; vol; white; work; world cache: ccsj-176.pdf plain text: ccsj-176.txt item: #58 of 188 id: ccsj-177 author: Plutino, Alice; Grechi, Laura; Rizzi, Alessandro title: Evaluation of the perceived colour difference under different lighting for museum applications date: 2019-12-01 words: 3868 flesch: 51 summary: Subsequently, the efficiency of different illuminants for the identification of colour differences between two objects was tested. The experiment we are presenting can be divided into two main parts: evaluation of light sources and evaluation of colour differences. keywords: applications; blue; booth; brilliance; calculated; ccsj.110210; checker; colour; colour difference; cri; culture; d65; differences; different; doi; evaluation; figure; illuminant; index; indexes; journal; led1; lighting; museum; objects; original; patches; perceptual; pleasantness; printed; rendering; results; satisfaction; science; sources; spectra; test; users; values; vol; δe00 cache: ccsj-177.pdf plain text: ccsj-177.txt item: #59 of 188 id: ccsj-178 author: Pompas, Renata title: BOOK REVIEW: Nature & Colour - New perspectives on dyeing. date: 2019-12-01 words: 795 flesch: 51 summary: Part two – Dyeing processes This is the most substantial section of the book which, beginning with the textile fibers and their preparation handling, describes the process of gathering and drying of plants, the different types of color dips and their final fixation. - Direct dyeing, by immersion in water of the dye vegetable and of the untreated textile fibers. Nature & Colour - New perspectives on dyeing. keywords: book; color; different; dip; dyeing; dyes; eco; ennia; fibers; nature; new; plants; process; section; substances; textile; visentin; water cache: ccsj-178.pdf plain text: ccsj-178.txt item: #60 of 188 id: ccsj-180 author: Bartlett, Lynne title: An overview of the history of the use of colour in jewellery date: 2017-12-17 words: 3328 flesch: 57 summary: The first identifiable piece of designed titanium jewellery is a belt buckle. The Ancient Egyptians used turquoise, lapis and coral with gold to produce vibrant multi-coloured jewellery. keywords: aluminium; ancient; bartlett; beads; blue; british; century; color; coloured; colours; culture; del; diamonds; doi; early; emeralds; enamel; examples; figure; fine; garnets; gemstones; gold; issn; jewellery; jewels; london; materials; metal; multi; museum; new; overview; particular; prized; range; roman; science; scienza; set; silver; surface; titanium; twentieth; use; white; work; years; yellow cache: ccsj-180.pdf plain text: ccsj-180.txt item: #61 of 188 id: ccsj-182 author: Białobłocka, Karolina title: Three colour design proposals for the Market Square in Warsaw date: 2020-03-01 words: 4801 flesch: 57 summary: Corresponding author: Karolina Białobłocka ( ABSTRACT Research on the history and theory of colour planning in the built environment has been undertaken as the need to regulate colour and has become crucial as the proliferation of unlimited hues of artificial paints that, when applied without guidelines, may easily lead to visual chaos in the built environment. This particular study concentrates on colour planning for the Market Square in Warsaw. keywords: architectural; archival; art; artists; author; białobłocka; blue; building; ccsj.120101; colour; colour design; colour planning; composition; conservation; culture; current; design; design proposals; details; different; dnia; doi; façades; fig; grey; historical; hues; journal; kania; kolegium; light; limited; market; market square; mhw; miasta; monument; muzeum; number; old; opiniodawczego; planning; polichromii; proposals; protokół; public; reconstruction; research; rynku; scheme; science; shades; sprawie; square; starego; strona; town; urbanowicz; use; vol; warm; warsaw; warszawy; yellow cache: ccsj-182.pdf plain text: ccsj-182.txt item: #62 of 188 id: ccsj-183 author: Barlet, Aline; Bousigues, Audrey; Herbert, Alice title: Color as a sign of urban transition in the city of Bordeaux date: 2020-03-01 words: 3621 flesch: 58 summary: Jean-Philippe Lenclos (1982) talks about the “Geography of Color” as the result of close interactions between the use of materials found on-site and the application of colors linked to local traditions. Color is complex to manipulate, this is why there are different systems and tools available, such as color charts, to help deal with color in the city, especially in a historic city. keywords: architects; architecture; bordeaux; building; case; ccsj.120102; choice; city; cité; color; colored; context; culture; degree; different; doi; façades; fig; france; herbert; heritage; historic; housing; journal; landscape; location; material; natural; paris; photo; place; project; result; science; short; sign; social; space; specific; stone; transition; unesco; urban; use; vol; way; world cache: ccsj-183.pdf plain text: ccsj-183.txt item: #63 of 188 id: ccsj-184 author: Premier, Alessandro title: Colour design of textile architectural envelopes: an initial study date: 2020-03-01 words: 4408 flesch: 59 summary: Colour and function The study of the relationships between colour and function of the textile surface shows that, although whitish colours are the most widespread for all the three functions, there seems to be a strong preference for their use in claddings. Another important aspect is the function of the object: building envelopes, claddings, solar shadings and canopies have all different needs when dealing with colour design, especially if we consider the intended use of the artefact. keywords: architectural; author; buildings; case; categories; ccsj.120103; choice; cladding; colour; coloured; context; criteria; culture; design; different; doi; envelopes; example; façade; ferrari; fig; form; function; important; initial; installations; irregular; journal; lifespan; light; lighting; materials; multiple; object; pavilion; photo; premier; projections; research; sas; science; serge; shading; strategy; studies; study; surfaces; table; technologies; temporary; tenda; textile; urban; use; vol; white; whitish; zennaro cache: ccsj-184.pdf plain text: ccsj-184.txt item: #64 of 188 id: ccsj-185 author: Yu, Beichen ; Bell, Simon title: Emerging colours: new trends, demands and challenges in contemporary urban environments date: 2020-03-01 words: 4944 flesch: 47 summary: Since the 1960s, studies on environmental colour design have explored the relationship between architectural colours and elements including space, form, structure, light and function (e.g., McLachlan et al. 2015, Nemcsics 1993), principles for urban colour planning (e.g., Brino 2009; Spillmann 2009) and environmental colour design in a contemporary context (e.g., Lenclos 2009, Porter and Mikellides 2009). Through the comparison between examples of the new phenomenon and traditional environmental colour use, notable differences and tendencies of colour design in contemporary urban environments can be identified. keywords: application; applied; architecture; art; bright; ccsj.120104; challenges; cities; city; colour; colour design; colourful; contemporary; contemporary urban; context; culture; demands; design; designers; different; distinct; doi; element; environments; expressions; fig; functions; general; identity; journal; landscape; lenclos; local; london; mclachlan; media; new; online; palettes; people; phenomenon; pink; place; popularity; potential; projects; public; research; role; science; settings; social; space; specific; street; traditional; trends; urban; urban environments; urban public; use; vol; york cache: ccsj-185.pdf plain text: ccsj-185.txt item: #65 of 188 id: ccsj-186 author: Aroua, Ichraf; Hussein, Faten title: Color analysis of birth space ambiances date: 2020-03-01 words: 4346 flesch: 59 summary: In terms of ambiance, color creates ‘welcoming’, ‘homey’ and ‘pleasurable’ ambiances to ease the stress of patients by the use of warmer colors, to improve satisfaction and help patients sleep (Dalke et al. 2006). When choosing the fields of study, two different cultures are taken into consideration to explore a diversity of color space experiences, which are the French and the Tunisian ones (Fig. 1). keywords: activity; ambiances; analysis; approach; architecture; aroua; birth; birth space; birthing; blue; ccsj.120105; center; color; culture; dalke; delivery; design; different; doi; eda; effects; environment; experience; fig; french; green; grey; hospital; ichraf; journal; labor; light; lighting; maternity; orange; patients; perception; pink; qualitative; research; role; room; science; space; stress; study; time; tunisian; use; vol; white; women cache: ccsj-186.pdf plain text: ccsj-186.txt item: #66 of 188 id: ccsj-187 author: Boeri, Cristina title: An educational experience about color emotion and its design implications date: 2020-03-01 words: 4411 flesch: 41 summary: An educational experience about color emotion and its design implications 49 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 12 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.120106 1. The research project is focused on the possible relationships between the approaches, methods and outcomes of color research that deals with color emotion and the approaches, methods and tools developed in the field of design research and practice that deals with color and the emotional and sensorial qualities. keywords: area; associations; associative; attributes; color; color attributes; color combinations; color emotion; combinations; concentration; cool; design; educational; emotion; emotional; evaluation; experience; fig; heavy; hue; hues; implications; journal; light; lightness; map; number; palettes; relation; research; response; results; schemes; science; space; students; studies; terms; vol; warm; words cache: ccsj-187.pdf plain text: ccsj-187.txt item: #67 of 188 id: ccsj-188 author: Quattrer, Milena; Zonatti, Welton Fernando; Gouveia, Anna Paula Silva title: Color Lab IFRJ: practical color exercises for fashion courses date: 2020-03-01 words: 3145 flesch: 54 summary: ABSTRACT This paper is part of a research project called Color Lab IFRJ (Laboratório de Cor – IFRJ, in Portuguese) that aims, among other things, to analyze and propose practical color exercises for fashion courses at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IFRJ Campus Belford Roxo. KEYWORDS Color Education, Color Literacy, Practical Exercises, Fashion Design, Doll RECEIVED 07 October 2019; REVISED 25 November 2019; ACCEPTED 27 November 2019 Color Lab IFRJ: practical color exercises for fashion courses 58 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 12 keywords: arts; belford; black; book; campinas; campus; chromatic; color; concepts; contrast; courses; design; dolls; education; exercises; fashion; fig; harmony; hue; ifrj; important; janeiro; jenifer; lab; look; milena; paper; paulo; practical; quattrer; research; roxo; samples; science; students; são; teacher; teaching; theory; university; white cache: ccsj-188.pdf plain text: ccsj-188.txt item: #68 of 188 id: ccsj-190 author: Lobo, Carla title: Ceramic products and their chromatic ‘DNA’ markers date: 2020-03-01 words: 4030 flesch: 54 summary: Ceramic colour imagery (from left to right): Country comparisons of Picular ceramic colour schemes with ceramic artefacts: a. Turkish ceramic colours: Turkish creamer, early 20th century (Photo: © Kütahya Tiles and Ceramics Collection Courtesy of Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Pera Museum) and tiles, 18th-century (Photo: Carla Lobo); Picular was used in an attempt to establish a connection between the collective imagery of ceramic colour from a country, and its ceramic creation and production. keywords: 18th; architecture; areas; artefacts; blue; body; caldas; carla; ccsj.120109; century; ceramic; ceramic colour; ceramic products; characteristics; chinese; chromatic; cobalt; colour; common; country; cultural; culture; decoration; design; different; dna; doi; fig; figure; firing; formal; glazes; identity; journal; left; lobo; local; markers; materials; oxides; photo; porcelain; portugal; portuguese; possible; pottery; process; production; products; raw; red; right; schemes; science; specific; syntaxes; tiles; transparent; visual; vocabulary; vol; white cache: ccsj-190.pdf plain text: ccsj-190.txt item: #69 of 188 id: ccsj-192 author: Kovanova, Yulia title: Approaching ecological ambiguity through a non-divisionary understanding of colour in art date: 2020-03-01 words: 4008 flesch: 46 summary: KEYWORDS Ambiguity, Art, Colour, Ecology, Entanglements RECEIVED 01 November 2019; REVISED 06 December 2019; ACCEPTED 07 December 2019 Approaching ecological ambiguity through a non-divisionary understanding of colour in art 83 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 12 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ. Buether, A. (2014) ‘The function of colour – an introduction to colour theory and a definition of terms’, Colour: design principles, planning strategies, visual communication, Buether, A. (ed.) keywords: ambiguity; ambiguous; approach; art; author; avocado; borders; categories; ccsj; colour; contemporary; culture; divisionary; doi; ecological; ecology; edinburgh; entangled; entanglements; environmental; experience; exploration; fig; flower; focus; great; human; humanities; hummingbird; installation; journal; key; life; morton; nature; new; non; number; photo; piece; powerful; practice; science; space; species; things; thinking; time; tool; understanding; visual; vol; way; world cache: ccsj-192.pdf plain text: ccsj-192.txt item: #70 of 188 id: ccsj-193 author: Schindler, Verena M. title: COLUMN: BOOK REVIEWS date: 2020-03-01 words: 2217 flesch: 52 summary: The Atelier’s focus was on colour design in urban planning, architecture, and for industrial sites. Gasser also describes how in 1943 Winterthur’s city core became a protected zone – including in terms of colour design – and that the Urban Planning Act of 1975 states that the overall colour character should be preserved in the old city centre. keywords: architecture; authors; betschart; book; centre; chapter; charts; chinese; city; colour; culture; dark; der; design; designer; different; essay; farbkultur; farbraum; façade; illustrated; isbn; jean; journal; lenclos; main; natural; paris; philippe; preface; publication; research; science; second; stadt; strategies; strategy; urban; vol; winterthur; work; zurich cache: ccsj-193.pdf plain text: ccsj-193.txt item: #71 of 188 id: ccsj-194 author: Schindler, Verena M.; A. Griber, Yulia title: Index&Editorial date: 2020-03-01 words: 1915 flesch: 45 summary: Robin Kingsburgh (York University, Toronto, CA) Maggie Maggio (AIC Study Group on Colour Education, US) Fiona McLachlan (University of Edinburgh, GB) Inez Michiels (CITY OF 8 Design Semantics, BE) Patrick Callet (École Centrale Paris, FR) Jean-Luc Capron (Université Catholique de Louvain, BE) Daria Casciani (Politecnico di Milano, IT) Vien Cheung (University of Leeds, GB) Paula Csillag (ESPM University, BR) keywords: aic; alessandro; architecture; article; associate; buenos; city; cnr; colore; colour; congress; culture; degli; design; di milano; doi; editorial; editors; environmental; fashion; ifac; issn; issue; journal; milano; new; peer; politecnico; referees; research; review; russian; schindler; science; silva; smolensk; special; state; studi; technology; universidad; university; urban; valan; verena; vol; yulia cache: ccsj-194.pdf plain text: ccsj-194.txt item: #72 of 188 id: ccsj-195 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2020-07-01 words: 1732 flesch: 39 summary: Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. keywords: aesthetic; appearance; article; aspects; associate; associazione; ccsj; color; color culture; communication; culture; design; digital; doi; editorial; editors; education; following; food; graphics; imaging; instrumentation; issn; italiana; journal; lighting; maria; materials; open; papers; peer; process; production; referees; restoration; review; science; vision; vol cache: ccsj-195.pdf plain text: ccsj-195.txt item: #73 of 188 id: ccsj-197 author: Ferrini, Maria Fernanda title: ???? ???????? (Peri chr?mat?n): Colour formation and investigation method. date: 2020-07-01 words: 4075 flesch: 54 summary: Other colours derive from these, as can easily be seen, by combining and mixing with each other. […]. Other colours must then be observed in the processes of ripening since they are produced in plants, fruits, hair, feathers and so on».[6] keywords: air; ancient; author; black; ccsj.120202; chromatic; chrōmatōn; colour; culture; darkness; different; doi; dyeing; elements; example; ferrini; fire; formation; greek; investigation; journal; light; method; mixed; mixing; nature; objects; painters; peri; phenomena; plants; processes; purity; rays; red; reference; science; shadow; significant; simple; sun; time; treatise; vol; water; white; yellow; περὶ; χρωμάτων cache: ccsj-197.pdf plain text: ccsj-197.txt item: #74 of 188 id: ccsj-198 author: Paglierani, Pietro; Liberini, Simone ; Rizzi, Alessandro; Valan, Francesca title: Graphical interpolation of Munsell data date: 2020-07-01 words: 6007 flesch: 50 summary: (Newhall et al. 1943) gave a fundamental contribution to the Munsell to CIE conversion problem, by providing the Munsell Renotation Data (MRD) - i.e a collection of reference Munsell notations with the corresponding CIE Yxy coordinates, and outlining a graphical conversion Graphical interpolation of Munsell data 23 Colour Culture and Science Journal Vol. 12 (2) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.120202 procedure based on specific MRD charts available in (ASTM Standard D 1535-14 2014). ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the problem of converting Munsell color notations (hue, value and chroma) into CIE 1931 Yxy coordinates using the graphical method outlined in 1943 by the Optical Society of America (OSA). keywords: 8.75r5/12; analysis; arc; astm; available; ccsj.120202; centore; charts; chips; chroma; cie; cie coordinates; cielab; color; computer; conference; constant; conversion; coordinates; corresponding; culture; data; design; different; digital; doi; fig; graphical; graphical interpolation; hue; instrumental; interpolation; journal; konica; length; linear; mbc; mcs; measurements; milan; minolta; mrd; munsell; munsell color; munsell data; munsell notations; newhall; notations; number; paglierani; paper; plane; points; problem; procedure; programs; radial; reference; research; results; science; spline; standard; stiles; system; techniques; use; valan; value; vol; wyszecki cache: ccsj-198.pdf plain text: ccsj-198.txt item: #75 of 188 id: ccsj-199 author: Magnaghi-Delfino, Paola; Mele, Giampiero; Norando, Tullia title: Francesco Algarotti explains Newton’s prism experiment to Ladies date: 2020-07-01 words: 3881 flesch: 57 summary: Francesco Algarotti: a Venetian Polymath Count Francesco Algarotti (1712–1764) was an eclectic scholar: philosopher, poet, essayist, art critic and art collector. KEYWORDS Optics, Colour, Enlightenment, Algarotti RECEIVED 18/10/2019; REVISED 10/01/2020; ACCEPTED 12/02/2020 Francesco Algarotti explains Newton’s prism experiment to Ladies 32 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 12 (2) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.120204 1. keywords: 18th; algarotti; art; authors; book; ccsj.120204; century; châtelet; color; colours; culture; dialogue; dissemination; doi; enlightenment; experiment; face; fig; francesco; francesco algarotti; glimmer; great; ideas; interest; italy; journal; ladies; light; mathematics; milano; nature; newton; newtonianism; optics; philosophy; popular; principles; prism; public; ray; research; science; scientific; sphere; sun; text; theories; theory; university; value; voltaire; wall; white; women; work; émilie cache: ccsj-199.pdf plain text: ccsj-199.txt item: #76 of 188 id: ccsj-200 author: Paiato, Maria Letizia title: Light and Colour at the Theatre in Paolo Bini's Works for Francesco De Gregori date: 2020-07-01 words: 4063 flesch: 54 summary: The landscape, colour, and environment work Cromatismo emozionale in ritmo variabile in the interaction between light and colour Paolo Bini was born in Battipaglia, in the province of Salerno, in 1984. Catricalà V. (2018), Naufragi Rosso e Oro nell’opera di Paolo Bini, in Mediterraneo Rosso e Oro, catalogo della mostra, Polo Museale Regionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Museo Riso – Cappella dell'Incoronata, Palermo. keywords: abstract; art; arte; artist; backdrop; bini; case; catalogo; ccsj.120205; century; collection; colori; colour; concerts; contemporary; cromatismo; culture; cura; della; doi; emozionale; environment; experiences; fact; fluorescent; francesco; francesco de; garbatella; gregori; interaction; interest; journal; klee; landscape; letizia; light; luce; maria; milano; mostra; music; nature; new; paiato; painting; paolo; paolo bini; performance; place; research; ritmo; rome; science; set; space; specific; spectators; stage; study; subject; teatro; theatre; twentieth; use; variabile; vol; work cache: ccsj-200.pdf plain text: ccsj-200.txt item: #77 of 188 id: ccsj-202 author: Di Roma, Annalisa ; Scarcelli, Alessandra title: Food waste: potential bioresource for the colour of polymers date: 2020-07-01 words: 4915 flesch: 44 summary: In order to obtain material samples, it was necessary to make moulds in which to pour the composite of curl and resin. What distinguishes Caffil from other experimented materials is the desire to define a new material class, rather than a defined and finished product, able to open infinite creative possibilities and to generate classes of products from new material qualities. keywords: aesthetic; algae; art; authors; bari; bioresource; caffil; case; ccsj.120207; characterization; che; chromatic; coffee; collaboration; color culture; colour; compound; culture; design; design_kind; development; different; doi; experimentation; field; fig; filament; food; food waste; hand; industrial; industry; journal; laboratory; layers; material; natural; new; optical; order; organic; origin; original; particular; phase; pigment; plastic; polyester; polymeric; polymers; potential; powder; printing; product; production; project; qualities; reflection; research; resin; results; samples; scarcelli; science; scientific; starting; state; strength; suitable; technical; test; theme; urchin; use; value; verification; vol; waste cache: ccsj-202.pdf plain text: ccsj-202.txt item: #78 of 188 id: ccsj-203 author: Miraglia, Francesco title: The restoration of the Basilica Minore di Maria SS. Incaldana in Mondragone (northern Campania): the role of color date: 2020-07-01 words: 1938 flesch: 52 summary: The choice of new colors for the interiors is based on the observation of the absence of historicized colors (evidently eliminated during previous interventions); this allowed the choice of the colors in order to meet the renewed needs of the worship building. Fig. 4. Basilica Minore di Maria SS. keywords: analysis; basilica; basilica minore; campania; central; church; colors; culture; di maria; doi; external; fig; heritage; incaldana; interventions; maria; maria ss; minore; minore di; miraglia; mondragone; nave; new; northern; pathologies; possible; presence; restoration; sacred; science; stratigraphic; vol; work cache: ccsj-203.pdf plain text: ccsj-203.txt item: #79 of 188 id: ccsj-206 author: Pompas, Renata title: BOOK REVIEW: L'anima e la magia dei COLORI. Uso consapevole dei colori nella vita date: 2020-07-01 words: 714 flesch: 48 summary: Then Di Donato looks at the significance and function of colours through myths, rituals, alchemy, and holistic therapies, with the aim of evoking a journey of knowledge. In conclusion Di Donato in the twelve chapters of the book presents a wide and diverse outline of the various fields of knowledge in which colour is the protagonist, quick and essential points in which the content stirs the comparison between cultures and applications, searching for similarities and differences. keywords: author; book; chakras; colori; colours; consapevole; dei; different; donato; l'anima; magia; nella; science; uso cache: ccsj-206.pdf plain text: ccsj-206.txt item: #80 of 188 id: ccsj-214 author: Falzone, Patrizia title: Bramante and his work of Painted Façades: Bergamo and Lombardy date: 2021-04-09 words: 4645 flesch: 67 summary: Introduction Within the decades-long field of study of painted façades of historical architecture, and of the relationship between painted façades and architecture, the specific theme of Bramante’s activity as a painter of façades is here addressed. As far as colors are concerned, here too there is a recurring range of few fundamental colors, often complementary, declined in different hues, with a good color saturation and a strong chiaroscuro. keywords: aranciato; arancione; architectural; author; bergamo; blue; bramante; bright; bruschi; casa; ccsj.130102; chiarissimo; chiaro; chromatic; ciano; color; crimson; culture; debole; decoration; della; doi; falzone; façades; figures; forte; fragment; frescoes; giallastro; giallo; giallo aranciato; green; hue; hues; journal; light; lombardy; mantegna; mantle; milan; moderato; molto; orangey; original; palazzo; perspective; philosophers; piazza; podestà; preserved; purpureo; red; renaissance; rosso; science; shade; square; tints; urbino; verde; vol; work; yellow cache: ccsj-214.pdf plain text: ccsj-214.txt item: #81 of 188 id: ccsj-222 author: Attademo, Greta title: Color and/is narration. The narrative role of color in Wes Anderson’s filmic images date: 2021-04-09 words: 3650 flesch: 48 summary: The choice of specific colors and the variation of saturation scales of the tones, in fact, become emblematic in the construction of underlying meanings Color and/is narration. KEYWORDS Wes Anderson, color palette, films, chromatic perception, narrative color, movies sequences RECEIVED 21/01/2021; REVISED 28/03/2021; ACCEPTED 31/03/2021 Color and/is narration. keywords: american; analysis; anderson; atmosphere; audience; blue; budapest; capable; ccsj.130101; characters; chromatic; color; contrast; culture; different; director; doi; emotional; emotions; fact; father; fig; filmic; films; grand; hotel; images; journalvol; language; life; media; narration; narrative; particular; potential; red; relationship; representation; research; role; scene; science; specific; story; tones; vaughn; viewer; visual; vreeland; wes; wes anderson; world; yellow cache: ccsj-222.pdf plain text: ccsj-222.txt item: #82 of 188 id: ccsj-223 author: Silva, Camila; Oliveira Clementino, Thamyres ; Oliveira Gonçalves, Thalita title: The contribution of black color to visual rhetoric of Brazilian packaging of hair care products date: 2021-04-09 words: 4628 flesch: 53 summary: In this paper, we present the analysis and discussions related to the self-acceptance approach, taking to account the use of black color in hair care cosmetic product packaging. The contribution of black color to visual rhetoric of Brazilian packaging of hair care products. keywords: acceptance; analysis; approach; authors; available; black; black color; brazilian; campina; care; ccsj.130208; certain; color; communication; companies; connotative; context; contribution; culture; curls; design; discourse; doi; elements; empowerment; federal; female; figure; grande; hair; hygiene; image; important; information; journal; language; meanings; message; new; packaging; paper; paulo; personal; possible; present; products; research; rhetoric; science; symbolic; são; textual; use; verbal; visual; visual rhetoric; vol cache: ccsj-223.pdf plain text: ccsj-223.txt item: #83 of 188 id: ccsj-224 author: Costa Pinheiro Monteiro, Gisela; Assis Peres Silva, Camila title: The selection of colors for fashion collections in relation to color theory: a case study from the analysis of Brazilian ready-to-wear date: 2021-04-09 words: 3915 flesch: 58 summary: Regarding its application in the fashion market, the company presents the Pantone® Textile Color System which is separated in two sort of color charts - the colors The selection of colors for fashion collections in relation to color theory: a case study from the analysis of Brazilian ready-to-wear 26 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130103 references in dyed cotton (TC or TCX) and the colors references printed on paper (TP or TPX). Methods and materials To carry out a case study of the trendy color chart, we selected color charts from the same year and the same season (winter) of four similar companies were analyzed. keywords: analysis; attributes; available; brand; brazilian; case; ccsj.130103; charts; chroma; clothing; collections; color; color charts; color theory; companies; creation; culture; design; designers; doi; fashion; fig; hue; janeiro; journal; moda; names; organization; pantone; paper; present; process; ready; references; relation; research; rio; science; selection; study; system; textile; theory; universidade; use; value; vol; wear cache: ccsj-224.pdf plain text: ccsj-224.txt item: #84 of 188 id: ccsj-226 author: Bideaux, Kévin title: Is white skin really pink? : Flesh color as a pink color in art and culture in Occident date: 2021-11-09 words: 5285 flesch: 63 summary: KEYWORDS Flesh color, Skin color, Pink, Race, History of Color RECEIVED 30/01/2021; REVISED 28/03/2021; ACCEPTED 19/09/2021 Is white skin really pink? Skin color is one of the main criteria for forming these categories and the category of white people, to which the color flesh pink refers, is then symbolically and socially opposed to a broader set of non-white people keywords: art; artists; available; bideaux; black; blanchard; body; boëtsch; canvas; ccsj.130205; chevé; color; color culture; complexion; concept; corps; couleur; cultural; culture; desfour; designate; diderot; doi; fashion; fig; flesh; flesh color; french; history; human; images; january; journal; keywords; layers; magnain; mollard; non; nude; oil; painters; painting; paris; people; photo; pink; pink color; question; race; red; representations; science; shades; skin; skin color; social; steiner; symbol; term; use; vol; western; white; white people; white skin; whiteness; work cache: ccsj-226.pdf plain text: ccsj-226.txt item: #85 of 188 id: ccsj-227 author: Luzzatto, Lia; del Zoppo, Laura title: Zhang Ymou: great master of color date: 2021-11-09 words: 4211 flesch: 58 summary: Different colors to represent the inner worlds and situations of the different characters. 7 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (2) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130101 Zhang Yimou: great master of color Lia Luzzatto 1 , Laura del Zoppo 2 1 Color and Colors, Milan, 2 Film Director, London, Corresponding author: keywords: aesthetic; ancient; art; black; ccsj.130201; china; chinese; cinema; color; color culture; country; culture; death; different; director; doi; dou; films; fire; gray; great; hero; historical; husband; journal; king; lanterns; life; loss; love; luzzatto; marks; master; movie; nameless; narrative; place; plot; red; red sorghum; scene; science; shadow; sign; sorghum; story; symbolic; tradition; unfolding; use; vol; way; white; works; yimou; zhang; zhang yimou cache: ccsj-227.pdf plain text: ccsj-227.txt item: #86 of 188 id: ccsj-230 author: Marotta, Anna title: Color in architecture among futurism, neoplasticism, rationalism (and more...) date: 2021-04-09 words: 5312 flesch: 47 summary: In 1927, according to a similar but more complex concept, Theo created (together with Hans Arp and his wife Sophie Taeuber) the Café Aubette in Strasbourg, one of the most ambitious designs of the architectural culture of the time: here his spatial vision through formal synthesis and pure colors is evident (Marotta, 2019). And van Doesburg concludes that in modern architecture the surfaces ask to be animated, that is, to be composed with the help of pure color, the color of space (van Doesburg, 1925). keywords: alberto; architecture; bauhaus; belloli; ccsj.130104; chromatic; color; color culture; complex; composition; corbusier; cultural; culture; del; design; different; dimension; diulgheroff; doesburg; doi; dynamism; elements; example; field; fig; fillia; fourth; functional; fundamental; futurism; gray; grossi; gruppo; house; interest; international; italy; itten; journal; light; manifesto; marotta; mazzotti; method; milano; modern; mondrian; neoplasticism; new; nicolay; painting; pinottini; primary; project; pure; rationalism; relationship; representation; research; rietveld; sartoris; science; shop; sommella; space; spatial; specific; switzerland; synthesis; theories; time; torino; turin; van; van doesburg; vision; visual; vol; white; yellow; zevi cache: ccsj-230.pdf plain text: ccsj-230.txt item: #87 of 188 id: ccsj-231 author: Dantas, Ítalo José de Medeiros; Freire, Aline Gabriel; Solino, Livia Juliana Silva; Nascimento, Mariana Nunes do; Alves, Heloisa Mirelly Ferreira title: Does gender have an impact on the color preferences in fashion products? date: 2021-04-09 words: 5312 flesch: 62 summary: Thus, this paper aims to identify how color preferences in fashion products change as the differences between genders are observed. It was concluded that genders play a certain role in color preferences in fashion products, identifying socially constructed characteristics through the history of colors as being responsible for those tendencies. keywords: application; black; blue; brazil; ccsj.130206; choices; clothing; color; color preferences; culture; dark; design; development; differences; doi; fashion; fashion products; federal; female; fig; gender; general; grande; greater; hues; hypothesis; ifrn; impact; individual; journal; lightness; lilaceous; men; mentions; norte; paulo; people; pink; preferences; preferred; products; psychology; questionnaire; research; results; rio; science; silva; social; society; studies; survey; são; theory; tones; vol; women; zhang cache: ccsj-231.pdf plain text: ccsj-231.txt item: #88 of 188 id: ccsj-233 author: Prencipe, Nicoletta; Provenzi, Edoardo title: Geometric models for color perception date: 2021-11-09 words: 3970 flesch: 51 summary: Geometric models for color perception 54 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (2) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130206b Schrödinger’s axioms can be summarized stating that the space of perceived colors of trichromatic observes has the geometric structure of a convex regular cone of dimension 3. The wide range of color spaces proposed for digital and industrial applications clearly shows that the choice of these three parameters is far from being trivial. keywords: berthier; ccsj.130206b; chromatic; color; color perception; cone; coordinates; culture; doi; experiment; fig; geometric; geometry; homogeneous; illuminant; jordan; journal; light; mathematical; model; observer; paper; perception; possible; prencipe; provenzi; quantum; real; red; relativistic; relativity; resnikoff; room; saturation; schrödinger; science; second; space; special; states; theoretical; theory; vision; vol; white; work; yilmaz cache: ccsj-233.pdf plain text: ccsj-233.txt item: #89 of 188 id: ccsj-237 author: Cereda, Matteo; Plutino, Alice; Rizzi, Alessandro title: Quick Gamut mapping for simplified color correction date: 2021-04-09 words: 2381 flesch: 63 summary: Color gamut mapping. Introduction When talking about color reproduction in digital systems it is fundamental to define the concept of color gamut. keywords: affine; chromaticity; color; coordinates; correction; digital; gamut; image; imaging; journal; mapping; matrix; method; new; output; quick; rgb; science; space; transformation; values; vol; xyz; 𝑌 𝑍 cache: ccsj-237.pdf plain text: ccsj-237.txt item: #90 of 188 id: ccsj-240 author: Paes de Barros Camara de Lucia Beltramini, Luiza; Castral, Paulo César title: The red of Lina and Oscar date: 2021-11-09 words: 3851 flesch: 61 summary: A primeira reforma do edifício do Museu de Arte de São Paulo’. PhD thesis, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos. keywords: addition; architects; architecture; art; article; auditorium; available; bardi; brazil; brazilian; building; ccsj.130207b; color; concrete; country; cultural; culture; design; doi; elements; entrance; fig; gallery; history; ibirapuera; journal; jul; kon; large; lina; lúcio; masp; master; miyoshi; modern; museum; national; new; niemeyer; oscar; park; paulo; pavilion; project; ramp; red; research; rio; science; serpentine; sesc; solar; são; são paulo; unhão; university; urbanism; vol; white; years cache: ccsj-240.pdf plain text: ccsj-240.txt item: #91 of 188 id: ccsj-241 author: Peruzzi, Greta; Cucci, Costanza; Picollo, Marcello; Quercioli, Franco; Stefani, Lorenzo title: Non-invasive identification of dyed textiles by using VIS-NIR FORS and hyperspectral imaging techniques date: 2021-04-09 words: 4615 flesch: 54 summary: KEYWORDS Natural dyes, wool fiber, FORS, hyperspectral imaging, textiles, non-invasive RECEIVED 17/20/2021; REVISED 28/03/2021; ACCEPTED 06/04/2021 Non-invasive identification of dyed textiles by using Vis-NIR FORS and hyperspectral imaging techniques 62 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130207 1. Non-invasive identification of dyed textiles by using Vis-NIR FORS and hyperspectral imaging techniques 63 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130207 Among the selected dyes, nine are from plants (Alkanna Tinctoria, Anthemis Tinctoria, Indigofera Tinctoria, Haematoxylum Campechianum, Rubia Tinctorum, Carthamus Tinctorius, Curcuma Longa, Juglans Regia, Reseda Luteola), two are insect dyes (Dactylopius Coccus Cacti and Kerria Lacca) and one is a lichen (Roccella Tinctoria). keywords: alum; analysis; application; camera; ccsj.130207; cnr; cochineal; color; copper; cucci; culture; data; doi; dyed; dyeing; dyes; et al; features; fiber; file; fors; historical; hyperspectral; identification; imaging; indigo; invasive; investigation; iron; journal; line; logwood; measurements; mordants; natural; nir; non; optics; orchil; picollo; possible; radiation; raman; range; reflectance; samples; science; set; specim; spectroscopy; study; sulfate; techniques; textiles; vis; vol; water; wool cache: ccsj-241.pdf plain text: ccsj-241.txt item: #92 of 188 id: ccsj-244 author: Kmita, Anna title: Color and material in interior Design of coloring in aspect of didactics Case study “Study of the project of unusual area for playing and relaxation” date: 2021-11-09 words: 3601 flesch: 48 summary: Introduction This article presents the findings of an educational project concerning colors design and CMF (color, material, finish) implementation in public space, interiors, and product. The Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice conducts research and didactic program regarding color design. keywords: academy; area; available; case; ccsj.130203; children; cmf; color; company; conditions; cooperation; culture; day; design; designers; didactics; doi; experts; fabrics; finish; foundation; gniazdo; interior; journal; june; katowice; lech; light; materials; ncs; pantone; perception; playroom; process; producer; product; project; ral; relaxation; scheme; science; selected; space; students; study; temperature; textile; users; vol; young cache: ccsj-244.pdf plain text: ccsj-244.txt item: #93 of 188 id: ccsj-246 author: Pompas, Renata title: Book Review: Yellow, the history of a color date: 2021-04-09 words: 923 flesch: 62 summary: Chapter An equivocal color (6th-15th centuries) From this century on yellow turns towards negative judgements. The case of Clodius in which Cicero's mockery of Clodius is reported, describes him as a debauchee who wears yellow clothes, a purely feminine color. keywords: ages; alle; book; centuries; century; chapter; color; colours; dyes; gold; golden; grazie; history; middle; pastoureau; ponte; presence; wood; yellow cache: ccsj-246.pdf plain text: ccsj-246.txt item: #94 of 188 id: ccsj-247 author: Siniscalco, Andrea title: Lighting and color design in the live music show between new technologies and practice date: 2021-04-09 words: 4541 flesch: 58 summary: From those Lighting and color design in the live music show between new technologies and practice 45 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130105 years onwards, stage lighting has become dynamic in live music shows, theater and television stages. 43 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13(1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130105 Lighting and color design in the live music show between new technologies and practice Andrea Siniscalco Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano, ABSTRACT keywords: available; ccsj.130105; chen; choices; chromatic; color; color design; concert; control; culture; design; designer; different; digital; doi; experience; factors; fig; film; freedom; giovanni; important; journal; lighting; lighting designer; lights; live; live music; luminous; march; music; new; order; performer; pinna; point; possible; practice; production; research; rossi; science; set; shows; software; songs; sources; stage; technologies; technology; television; time; use; variables; vasco; view; vol; white; work; years cache: ccsj-247.pdf plain text: ccsj-247.txt item: #95 of 188 id: ccsj-249 author: Poli, Annamaria title: A didactics of colour based on an innovative educational approach at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm date: 2021-11-09 words: 9126 flesch: 48 summary: Hannes Meyer e la HfG Ulm, Riccini R. (ed.), Tomás Maldonado Bauhaus. KEYWORDS: didactics of colour, Tomás Maldonado, visual education, visual methods, scientific approach to visual culture, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm, RECEIVED 15/01/2020; REVISED 25/10/2020; ACCEPTED 07/04/2021 A didactics of colour based on an innovative educational approach at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm 14 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 13 keywords: academic; albers; applied; approach; architecture; archiv; art; basic; bauhaus; beginning; bill; black; ccsj.130202; classes; colour; component; concrete; cooperation; course; culture; curriculum; curve; design; designers; didactics; different; disciplines; doi; drawing; educational; educational approach; exact; exercises; experiments; fig; figure; foundation; foundation course; für; für gestaltung; gestaltung; hfg; hfg ulm; hochschule; hochschule für; huff; image; important; industrial; innovative; interdisciplinary; interest; journal; key; knowledge; later; learning; lecturer; lindinger; maldonado; mathematical; max; methods; milano; museum; new; non; peano; perception; practical; relation; representation; research; school; science; scientific; set; source; stated; structure; students; studies; surface; teaching; themes; theoretical; theory; time; tomás; tomás maldonado; training; ulm; university; visual; vol; william; work; world; year cache: ccsj-249.pdf plain text: ccsj-249.txt item: #96 of 188 id: ccsj-250 author: Rizzi, Alessandro title: Index & Editorial date: 2021-04-09 words: 1492 flesch: 47 summary: The narrative role of color in Wes Anderson’s filmic images 7 Greta Attademo DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130101 Bramante and his work of Painted Façades: Bergamo and Lombardy 14 Patrizia Falzone DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130102 The selection of colors for fashion collections in relation to color theory: a case study from the analysis of Brazilian ready-to-wear 24 Gisela Costa Pinheiro Monteiro, Camila Assis Peres Silva DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130103 Color in architecture among futurism, neoplasticism, rationalism (and more...) 32 Anna Marotta DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130104 Lighting and color design in the live music show between new technologies and practice 43 Andrea Siniscalco DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.130105 Does gender have an impact on the color preferences in fashion products? Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic and diagnostic aspects. keywords: alessandro; article; aspects; associate; board; ccsj; color; culture; del; design; digital; doi; editorial; editors; education; following; food; imaging; issn; journal; lighting; milano; pandemic; peer; process; production; research; review; reviewers; rizzi; science; textiles; topic; vision; visual; vol; work cache: ccsj-250.pdf plain text: ccsj-250.txt item: #97 of 188 id: ccsj-252 author: Valge, Claudia; Ceccarelli, Sofia; Bertacchi, Silvia; Uueni, Andres; Hiiop, Hilkka; Randla, Anneli ; Apollonio, Fabrizio Ivan title: Colour measurement and documentation in historical buildings: the case study of the Kirna Manor House in Estonia date: 2022-04-30 words: 4815 flesch: 37 summary: On the other hand, although the L*a*b* spectral data received with a spectrophotometer allows to preserve the most accurate and reproducible information about historical paint colours. 5. Conclusions The workshop was a successful first attempt at determining the correlation and the differences between colour measurements obtained with visual, digital and spectrophotometric analyses. keywords: academy; analysis; architectural; architectural paint; arts; board; buildings; case; ccsj.140115; charts; colorimetric; colour; colour measurement; conservation; countries; cultural; culture; data; decorative; department; determination; devices; different; digital; documentation; doi; entrance; estonia; et al; experiment; fig; finishes; gaiani; general; green; hall; heritage; historical; historical buildings; house; identification; images; information; international; investigation; journal; kirna; kirna manor; layers; lighting; manor; manor house; measurement; measuring; ncs; paint; paint research; participants; perception; phd; processing; research; restoration; results; schemes; science; spectrophotometer; study; subjects; test; tools; university; vision; visual; vol; workshop cache: ccsj-252.pdf plain text: ccsj-252.txt item: #98 of 188 id: ccsj-253 author: Plutino, Alice; Scipioni, Sofia; Lombardi, Chiara Andrea; Giuliani, Luca; Mazzoni, Andrea; Marcucci, Roberta; Rizzi, Alessandro title: A Test on color discrimination in complex scenes for a better comprehension of color blindness date: 2021-11-09 words: 5089 flesch: 58 summary: Opsin genes, cone photopigments, color vision, and color blindness. Bef ore the beginning of the test, we made a short survey asking to the participants for sex, age, and potential color blindness, we did not f ocus on the type of color blindness. keywords: aim; analysis; answers; better; blindness; ccsj.130209b; color; color blindness; color culture; color discrimination; color vision; complex; comprehension; cones; context; correct; culture; daltonized; different; discrimination; doi; edges; experiment; fig; gradients; group; human; image; journal; level; missing; ncb; order; original; paintings; people; perception; phenomenon; picture; piece; preliminary; results; retinal; rizzi; scenes; science; second; setup; signal; spatial; study; subjects; test; type; users; vision; visual; vol; work cache: ccsj-253.pdf plain text: ccsj-253.txt item: #99 of 188 id: ccsj-258 author: Le Guern, Nicolas title: The long-term development of three-color Kodachrome. An odyssey from the additive to the subtractive method of color reproduction. date: 2022-04-30 words: 5364 flesch: 57 summary: When they graduated from university, they started to work full time as professional musicians but were still experimenting during their spare time on color processes. The effect of parallax occurred with color additive processes, when the spatial viewpoint of each lens to record a color was slightly offset from the viewpoints of the other lenses. keywords: additive; american; blue; brayer; coated; collaboration; color; color kodachrome; color photography; color reproduction; company; coote; couplers; culture; development; doi; dyes; eastman; emulsion; experimental; fig; film; filters; friedman; gamber; george; godowsky; image; journal; kodachrome; kodak; kodak research; laboratories; laboratory; layer; leopold; long; mannes; mees; method; monopack; motion; multi; new; odyssey; patent; phillips; photography; picture; process; processes; processing; reproduction; research; rochester; science; scientific; sensitive; separation; subtractive; technology; term; use; vol; work; york cache: ccsj-258.pdf plain text: ccsj-258.txt item: #100 of 188 id: ccsj-259 author: Maaruf, Nayla; Pénichon, Sylvie; Kokkori, Maria title: The Flexichrome: visual examination and scientific analysis of an overlooked color process. date: 2022-04-30 words: 5093 flesch: 56 summary: Making dye imbibition prints usually consists of successively transferring dyes from a yellow-, magenta- and cyan-dyed relief matrix onto a receiving sheet of paper coated with gelatin. The dyes used for dye imbibition processes fall under the family of acid dyes, which belong to the larger class of synthetic organic dyes (Colton and Thronson, 1940). keywords: acid; analysis; areas; art; available; black; carbro; ccsj.140101; chicago; color; coloring; commercial; company; conservation; crawford; crawford flexichrome; cross; culture; defender; doi; dyes; eastman; examination; figure; film; flexichrome; flexichrome process; fluorescence; ftir; gelatin; hand; image; imbibition; institute; journal; kodak; kodak flexichrome; layer; light; materials; museum; new; paper; patent; photographic; prints; process; processes; reference; relief; research; rochester; science; scientific; sets; silver; spectroscopy; times; trade; varnish; visible; visual; vol; white; xrf; york cache: ccsj-259.pdf plain text: ccsj-259.txt item: #101 of 188 id: ccsj-260 author: Csillag, Paula; Cavallini, Joyce C. title: Visual grouping: a study on preponderances of color or shape in Match-three games date: 2021-11-09 words: 4169 flesch: 60 summary: The final games found that visual color groups were perceived more quickly by players, as soon as the programs accounted for a total of 644 color grouping and 435 form grouping made by the participants. Both games have a black background and differ from other games in the Market that have complex and/or textured backgrounds. keywords: authors; aymoz; black; ccsj.130204; color; colored; combinations; culture; different; doi; easier; experiment; fig; final; form; games; greater; grouping; groups; journal; male; match; orientation; participants; people; perception; players; possible; preponderances; research; science; shape; similarity; speed; study; test; time; vision; visual; visual grouping; viviani; vol; white cache: ccsj-260.pdf plain text: ccsj-260.txt item: #102 of 188 id: ccsj-262 author: Herrero-Cortell, Miquel; Artoni, Paola; Picollo, Marcello; Raïch, Marta; Zalbidea, Maria Antonia title: The Changes of Transparent Colours in Being Laid upon Others’: Considerations for a New Perception of Glazes with Historical Pigments and Dyes date: 2021-11-09 words: 6156 flesch: 64 summary: Most of the pigments available on the palette from the 15th to the 18th century were translucent to a certain extent, especially when applied thinly, and more translucent still are dyes, which become lake pigments when they are precipitated on an inorganic substrate such as rock alum, calcium carbonate or sodium carbonate. The use of lake pigments applied over pigments was much more common than is generally believed; moreover, it was essential to the development of a whole range of tones that made it possible to blur the colour and expand the chromatic possibilities (Thompson, 1956; Bruquetas, 2003; Herrero-Cortell, 2019). keywords: 130208b; 15th; 16th; 19th; appearance; applied; arte; article; azurite; blue; cases; ccsj; cennini; century; changes; chapter; cochineal; colour; common; con; considerations; cortell; culture; degree; del; doi; dyes; earth; example; fels; fig; glazes; green; herrero; historical; indigo; journal; lake; lapis; layer; lazuli; lead; leonardo; london; los; madder; main; malachite; materials; mayerne; minium; naples; new; ochre; oil; orpiment; overlays; pacheco; painters; painting; palette; palomino; perception; pigments; practice; red; reseda; saffron; sample; sap; science; smalt; spain; states; study; tone; translucent; transparent; treatise; ultramarine; university; use; verdigris; vermilion; vinci; vol; white; woad; yellow cache: ccsj-262.pdf plain text: ccsj-262.txt item: #103 of 188 id: ccsj-263 author: Bellotti, Serena; Venturini, Simone title: Digital Struggles for Film Restoration: La battaglia dall’Astico al Piave date: 2022-04-30 words: 6337 flesch: 51 summary: We made further comparisons with other films from the end of the 1920s onwards, such as Resistere (1918), The Other Army (1917), Il piave mormorò (1934), Guerra Nostra (1928), Gloria – La Grande Guerra (1934), and, like witness “TO” described above, we found them to contain minor parts of La battaglia, identifying relationships and contaminations between several films from the period. They display the code “R37” in the bottom- right corner to identify the film, which is the same for the Italian and the French version (in which an “F” has been added for French); in the bottom-left corner, it is possible to see the number of the intertitle, which helped us to find them in other films too, as was the case for intertitle 26, recently found in the film Dio segnò keywords: al piave; approach; army; artefacts; battaglia; ccsj.140107; cinema; cineteca; color; critical; culture; dall’astico; date; del; department; description; different; digital; documentation; doi; dupe; edge; edition; film; film restoration; frames; french; friuli; handwritten; historical; history; important; information; intertitles; isomorphic; istituto; italian; journal; la battaglia; long; luce; material; missing; museo; nazionale; nitrate; non; number; order; original; piave; positive; possible; present; print; process; reconstruction; reference; research; restauro; restoration; royal; science; sequences; set; sources; struggles; texts; time; tinting; udine; university; venturini; version; visual; vol; witness; witnesses; work cache: ccsj-263.pdf plain text: ccsj-263.txt item: #104 of 188 id: ccsj-266 author: Pfluger, David; Garmsen, Lutz; Trumpy, Giorgio title: Modern methods for the visualization of lenticular film colors date: 2022-04-30 words: 4735 flesch: 51 summary: KEYWORDS Lenticular film, Kodacolor, Color reconstruction, Deep learning, Film digitization RECEIVED 31/10/2021; REVISED 04/01/2022; ACCEPTED 19/02/2022 Modern methods for the visualization of lenticular film colors 65 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 14 An efficient approach to obtain digital color images from lenticular film is to scan the film in high-resolution—with the emulsion facing the imaging system—and let a software extract the encoded color information. keywords: approach; berthon; black; blue; ccsj.140108; cinema; color; color components; color culture; color image; color information; color reconstruction; components; culture; deep; described; digital; digitization; doi; dolce; dorian; emulsion; fig; film; film colors; filter; historical; image; imaging; information; journal; keller; kodacolor; kodacolor1928; lens; lenticular; lenticular color; lenticular film; lenticular screen; light; lippmann; localization; methods; modern; motion; new; optical; original; pattern; process; projection; reconstruction; red; rgb; scan; science; screen; setup; silver; slit; software; space; standard; structure; success; system; time; tripartite; trumpy; values; vertical; visualization; vol; white cache: ccsj-266.pdf plain text: ccsj-266.txt item: #105 of 188 id: ccsj-267 author: Tosini, Paolo title: Two Prizma Color films, a curious finding in the Mexican National Film archive date: 2022-04-30 words: 2365 flesch: 55 summary: Prizma color was a coloring technique invented by the Prizma Company, a company created by William van Doren Kelley, in the ’10s. The Negotiation of Innovation 1900-1955”, BFI Flueckiger B., Historical film colors: A guest entry from Barbara Flueckiger, Available at: guest-entry-from-barbara-flueckiger/ (Accessed: 3 November2021). keywords: archive; collection; color; coloring; company; culture; curious; digital; doi; doren; fig; film; finding; history; image; journal; kelley; material; mexican; movies; national; original; positive; prizma; prizma color; restoration; science; system; techniques; technology; van; vol cache: ccsj-267.pdf plain text: ccsj-267.txt item: #106 of 188 id: ccsj-269 author: Trott, Louisa title: The Start of the Rainbow: Possibilities of Color Motion Photography for the Amateur date: 2022-04-30 words: 5183 flesch: 50 summary: [7] The name Agfacolor was later used for other color processes made by Agfa. KEYWORDS Color motion picture film, Amateur motion picture film, Additive color processes, Historical color processes RECEIVED 03/11/2021; REVISED 03/01/2022; ACCEPTED 25/01/2022 keywords: amateur; amateur movie; april; article; available; bell; camera; ccsj.140106; cinematographer; color; color motion; colored; coloring; culture; doi; dufaycolor; early; era; fig; film; filter; frames; green; hand; history; howell; image; journal; kodacolor; lenticular; makers; market; maxim; mckay; morgana; motion; movie; movie makers; natural; natural color; new; photography; picture; possibilities; press; process; processes; projector; rainbow; réseau; s.n; science; september; start; technology; tinting; toning; usa; use; vitacolor; vol; white; years cache: ccsj-269.pdf plain text: ccsj-269.txt item: #107 of 188 id: ccsj-274 author: Negri, Sabrina title: Fine Arts on Film: The Hand-Painted Work of Stan Brakhage date: 2022-04-30 words: 4154 flesch: 54 summary: Digital technology hardly changes this; if anything, film preservation highlights some continuity from the analogue era by showing that certain technological elements cannot be reproduced regardless of whether the restoration is performed digitally or analogically (Fossati, 2018). The direct intervention of the artist on film materials is key to Brakhage’s poetics, as a way to both work around the limitations of the camera and leave a distinctly authorial mark on his work. keywords: artist; arts; author; brakhage; camera; case; ccsj.140109; cinema; color; culture; cycle; different; digital; doi; elements; example; experimental; film; filmmaking; fine; hand; journal; loops; lyrical; materials; medium; museum; nature; negative; new; original; originality; painting; perspective; preservation; print; production; restoration; science; spring; stan; stan brakhage; strips; university; vision; vol; work cache: ccsj-274.pdf plain text: ccsj-274.txt item: #108 of 188 id: ccsj-275 author: Avci, Ayse Nihan; Akbay, Saadet title: A Review based on OLED Lighting Conditions and Human Circadian System date: 2023-03-17 words: 4243 flesch: 48 summary: In any case, advances in technology can provide useful tools for designing circadian lighting. Her research interests include human-centric lighting, circadian lighting design, artificial lighting technologies, and color and light. keywords: architecture; artificial; avci; brain; cells; circadian; circadian system; color; comfort; conditions; culture; design; different; diodes; doi; effects; energy; environment; et al; exposure; eye; human; human circadian; illuminance; impact; indoor; interior; journal; lighting; lighting conditions; lighting technologies; mood; office; oled; organic; performance; physiological; research; review; science; sleep; solid; sources; ssl; state; studies; study; system; technologies; technology; temperature; university; user; visual cache: ccsj-275.pdf plain text: ccsj-275.txt item: #109 of 188 id: ccsj-276 author: Tarajko-Kowalska, Justyna title: Is a house named “yellow” really yellow? Survey on the perception and naming of the yellow color on building facades depending on its hue, lightness and saturation date: 2022-04-30 words: 4329 flesch: 58 summary: doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.383588 Tarajko-Kowalska, J. (2021) ‘Yellow color in European architecture and built environment: traditions and contemporary application’, Potential yellow color subcategories, depended on the parameters of hue, lightness and saturation. keywords: appearance; architecture; author; blackness; building; case; chroma; color; culture; doi; environment; facades; g80y; g90y; high; highest; house; hue; hues; journal; level; lightness; naming; ncs; nuance; participants; percentage; perception; research; responses; results; samples; saturated; saturation; science; study; survey; swatches; term; vol; whiteness; y10r; yellow; yellow color; yellowish cache: ccsj-276.pdf plain text: ccsj-276.txt item: #110 of 188 id: ccsj-277 author: Trini Castelli, Clino title: Umbrella Diagram: 1981-2021, five decades of forecasts and CMF design date: 2021-11-09 words: 1933 flesch: 52 summary: Umbrella Diagram graph: − Color Arches (Historical Trend arch, Fashion Trend arch). The Philosopher of Color Clino Castelli. keywords: arches; castelli; ccsj.130210b; chromatic; clino; cmf; color; context; culture; decades; design; diagram; distribution; doi; europe; figure; forecasts; graph; historical; iconic; journal; languages; large; nature; science; syntactic; tool; trend; trini; umbrella; umbrella diagram; vol cache: ccsj-277.pdf plain text: ccsj-277.txt item: #111 of 188 id: ccsj-279 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index & Editorial date: 2021-11-09 words: 1526 flesch: 44 summary: Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic, and diagnostic aspects. Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. keywords: 14th; access; aic; article; aspects; associate; associazione; board; ccsj; chief; color; color culture; congress; culture; day; del; design; doi; editorial; editors; fee; following; food; imaging; issn; italiana; italy; journal; lighting; milano; online; open; peer; process; registration; review; reviewers; science; vision; vol cache: ccsj-279.pdf plain text: ccsj-279.txt item: #112 of 188 id: ccsj-282 author: Gökmenoğlu, Firdevs; Akbay, Saadet title: Virtual interior environment: Influence of colour on the sense of immersion date: 2023-03-17 words: 3582 flesch: 40 summary: ABSTRACT This article investigates the effects of colour on the sense of immersion in virtual interior environments. The study aims to investigate how the sense of immersion in virtual interior environments varies depending on hue, saturation, and lightness and to examine the extent to which colour dimensions influence the sense of immersion in VEs. keywords: architecture; ccsj.150102; colour; culture; decrease; degree; department; design; different; doi; environment; experience; figure; flow; games; hsl; hue; human; image; immersion; immersive; influence; interior; interior environment; journal; lightness; martini; participants; perception; presence; reality; research; saturation; science; sense; study; technology; university; ves; virtual; virtual interior; vol cache: ccsj-282.pdf plain text: ccsj-282.txt item: #113 of 188 id: ccsj-283 author: Magrin-Chagnolleau, Ivan title: The Relationship between Photo Retouching and Color Grading date: 2022-04-30 words: 5436 flesch: 67 summary: ABSTRACT This paper deals with photo retouching and color grading. Introduction The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between photo retouching and color grading. keywords: aesthetics; bit; ccsj.140110; clip; color; color grading; contrast; correction; culture; doi; film; grader; grading; image; instance; journal; look; new; particular; photo; photo retouching; photography; picture; plug; point; possible; process; relationship; retoucher; retouching; routledge; science; sequence; simplified; time; use; vol; white; workflow; york cache: ccsj-283.pdf plain text: ccsj-283.txt item: #114 of 188 id: ccsj-284 author: DE CLERMONT-GALLERANDE, Helene; MAUGER, Emmanuelle; ROLLAND, Nicolas title: A comparative study of lipstick shades preferences by geographical areas date: 2023-03-17 words: 4293 flesch: 66 summary: Italy and France were the two markets most representative in terms of lipstick shades. They are both in cluster 7, which gives the impression that this cluster represents lipstick shades which are appreciated whatever the culture and geographical area (Premium Beauty News, 2017). keywords: allure; america; analysis; areas; asia; best; chanel; classification; cluster; coco; color; comparative; countries; culture; doi; fig; france; geographical; italy; journal; kingdom; lightness; lipstick; markets; medium; preferences; ranges; ranking; red; reds; regions; rouge; rouge allure; rouge coco; science; sellers; shades; shine; south; specific; states; study; stylo; united; velvet; vol; world cache: ccsj-284.pdf plain text: ccsj-284.txt item: #115 of 188 id: ccsj-285 author: Pompas, Renata title: BOOK REVIEW: Andrea dall'Asta Light - the color of desire date: 2022-04-30 words: 918 flesch: 51 summary: The author, continuing the path of analysis and research on the tension towards light, asks himself whether in contemporary art light is symbolic, physical, or simply functional, and answers in seven chapters: seven interdisciplinary paths starting from Impressionism to monochromy, through the icon-works of some artists, including at the end of the book, also sacred architecture, photography and cinema. Light - the color of desire Renata Pompas Andrea dall'Asta: Light - the color of desire, Ancora Editrice, Milan, 2021. keywords: art; author; black; blue; book; century; chapel; chapter; cinema; color; contemporary; culture; dall'asta; journey; light; pages; photography; research; science; works cache: ccsj-285.pdf plain text: ccsj-285.txt item: #116 of 188 id: ccsj-287 author: Caumon, Lorrain title: Colours, light and well-being: characterisation of chromatic phenomena in collective housing. date: 2022-10-25 words: 4269 flesch: 47 summary: Thus, the luminance indices of each recommended colour are between 0.6 and 0.9 for light colours and between 0.2 and 0.45 for dark colours, and finally, a contrast of 70% has been respected between the various important media so that they can be perceived by a visually impaired person, whose sensitivity to contrasts is still operating. Here, light colours are used for large surfaces and dark colours for small surfaces or accessories to allow better discrimination of spatial elements. keywords: account; age; analysis; approach; architectural; available; building; caumon; ccsj.140201; certain; choice; chromatic; collective; colour; comfort; comfortable; conditions; contrast; creation; culture; design; different; doi; elements; environment; france; future; haranam; housing; inclusive; inhabitants; journal; light; lighting; materials; movement; needs; order; orientation; particular; people; phase; phenomena; place; project; protocol; quality; research; results; science; site; sobrim; spaces; standards; study; system; terms; toulouse; values; version; visual; vol cache: ccsj-287.pdf plain text: ccsj-287.txt item: #117 of 188 id: ccsj-289 author: Bortolotti, Alessandro; Cannito, Loreta; Anzani, Stefano ; Rossi, Maurizio; Palumbo, Riccardo title: About the influence of color perceived lightness on psychological functions date: 2022-04-30 words: 8343 flesch: 51 summary: Motoki, K. et al. (2019) ‘Light colors and comfortable warmth: Crossmodal correspondences between thermal sensations and color lightness influence consumer behavior’, Food Quality and Preference, 72(November 2018), pp. In this regard, color lightness can influence all these factors by modulating the cognitive performance of individuals (Rossi, 2019). keywords: alertness; area; attention; behavior; behavioural; blue; body; brain; ccsj.140114; characteristics; clinical; cognitive; color; color culture; color lightness; color research; context; control; culture; design; differences; different; difficult; disorder; doi; effects; elliot; emotional; emotions; et al; experimental; factors; field; functioning; functions; general; heart; hue; human; important; individual; influence; information; journal; level; light; lighting; lightness; literature; maier; memory; methodological; mood; neuroscience; perception; performance; physical; physiological; preference; process; processing; properties; psychological; psychology; rate; recent; red; regard; related; research; response; results; review; science; scientific; sleep; social; stimuli; stimulus; studies; study; subject; subjective; temperature; theory; university; variables; visual; vol; work cache: ccsj-289.pdf plain text: ccsj-289.txt item: #118 of 188 id: ccsj-290 author: Broeder, Peter title: Colours of Emotion, Trust, and Exclusivity: A Cross-Cultural Study date: 2022-10-25 words: 5391 flesch: 55 summary: Cultural differentiations Adams and Osgood (1973) provided a good example of a classic study on cultural colour differentiations. Therefore, this study aims to investigate variations in colour associations across cultures. keywords: associations; black; blue; broeder; ccsj.140202; colors; colour; colour associations; consumers; country; cross; cultural; cultures; dark; different; doi; dutch; effects; emotion; empirical; environment; et al; exclusivity; figure; french; greek; groups; higher; hue; human; influence; investigations; jonauskaite; journal; lee; light; marketing; netherlands; online; patterns; people; perception; preferred; proportion; psychology; pure; red; research; respondents; russian; science; specific; studies; study; terms; trust; universal; variations; vol; yellow cache: ccsj-290.pdf plain text: ccsj-290.txt item: #119 of 188 id: ccsj-291 author: Covarsí, Laura title: The Jos-Pe process in the Jacob Merkelbach collection at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam date: 2022-04-30 words: 3704 flesch: 62 summary: Thanks to the transparency of the printing plates, the superposition of the three images was easy if compared with other color printing processes with opaque matrices. The three Jos-Pe dyes are common in the literature of dye imbibition processes and were also used in the Pinatype. keywords: amsterdam; barcelona; blue; camera; ccsj.140102; collection; color; company; culture; different; doi; dye; dyes; farbenfoto; fig; gelatin; glass; group; herstellung; image; jacob; jacob merkelbach; jos; journal; koppmann; layer; light; materials; matrices; merkelbach; merkelbach collection; negatives; paper; patent; pe farbenfoto; pe process; photography; plates; printing; prints; process; processes; red; relief; research; rijksmuseum; science; spain; studio; time; verfahren; vol; von; yellow; zur cache: ccsj-291.pdf plain text: ccsj-291.txt item: #120 of 188 id: ccsj-292 author: Stanulevich, Nadezhda title: Prokudin-Gorskii’s technique of colour photography: colour separation, additive projection and pigment printing date: 2022-04-30 words: 5331 flesch: 52 summary: Gorskii emphasized the merits of colour reproduction, indicated the considerable labour input in production and long exposure that embarrassed the photographing animate objects (Prokudin-Gorskii, 1899). Two months later, on 19th March 1899, Sergei Prokudin- Gorskii showed at IRTS a stereoscopic photochromoscope by Lumière (The photography section of the IRTS meeting journal on 19th March 1899, 1899). keywords: additive; albums; apparatus; archive; articles; black; blue; ccsj.140104; century; chemistry; collection; colour; colour photography; congress; culture; department; different; doi; example; exhibition; fig; glass; gorskii; gorsky; historical; history; house; images; imperial; interest; irts; journal; lantern; library; method; moscow; museum; negatives; paper; petersburg; photography; pigment; plates; printing; prints; process; projection; prokudin; prokudingorskii; red; russian; saint; science; section; separation; sergei; sergei prokudin; slides; society; stanulevich; state; studio; technical; technique; university; vol; white; yellow cache: ccsj-292.pdf plain text: ccsj-292.txt item: #121 of 188 id: ccsj-293 author: Kooroshnia, Marjan; Dumitrescu , Delia ; Lewis , Erin ; Walters , Kathryn title: The colour, texture, and luminance: Textile design methods for printing with electroluminescent inks date: 2023-03-17 words: 4350 flesch: 58 summary: KEYWORDS electroluminescent printing, smart textiles, textile design, texture, colour mixing RECEIVED 30/03/22; REVISED 18/11/22; ACCEPTED 05/11/22 Colour, texture, and luminance: Textile design methods for printing with electroluminescent inks 28 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 15 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.150104 1. This leaves space for further research exploring the design potential of the raw material – printed EL ink – in terms of expanding its colour palette and aesthetic range by experimenting with textile design methods – forming diverse colour mixtures, overprinting, and halftones. keywords: blue; ccsj.150104; colour; coloured; complex; conductive; culture; darkness; design; design methods; designers; different; doi; effects; el inks; electroluminescent; figure; green; gwent; halftone; inks; journal; kooroshnia; layer; light; lpi; luminance; materials; methods; mixing; mixtures; new; orange; order; overprinting; palette; patterns; potential; printed; printing; prints; proceedings; process; properties; rasterization; research; result; school; science; screen; second; smart; surface; swedish; terms; textile; textile design; texture; values; visual; vol cache: ccsj-293.pdf plain text: ccsj-293.txt item: #122 of 188 id: ccsj-294 author: Csillag, Paula; Sabao, Amanda title: PIXAR’s Colorscripts: Chromatic Analyses of Four Films Using Sens|Org|Int Model date: 2022-10-25 words: 3182 flesch: 59 summary: Research interests are related to color communication, visual language, color perception and color trends. Colorscript of the film “Finding Nemo” Source: The art of Pixar (2011) 2. Color in Cinema To review the origin of color in cinema, the following authors were used: Barbosa (2007); Misek (2010); Costa (2005); Neale (1985); Reis (2016); Bordwell, Staiger, Thompson (1985); Sagen (2015); Braga (2000, 2011) and Hercules (2012), referring to the painting methods used, companies that stood out and the importance of color in narratives. keywords: amidi; analyses; brain; cars; ccsj.140203; chromatic; cinema; college; color; colorscripts; communication; contrast; csillag; culture; design; doi; egg; espm; factors; figure; films; journal; model; nemo; new; objective; orange; perception; pixar; processes; research; saturation; scenes; science; sens|org|int; studio; terms; use; uses; variable; vibration; visual; vol; wall cache: ccsj-294.pdf plain text: ccsj-294.txt item: #123 of 188 id: ccsj-30 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2018-04-19 words: 2183 flesch: 30 summary: Infine Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic, in “Symbolic Color Associations in Goethe’s Farbenlehre and its application in the pictorial work of its early receptors”, presenta un’interessante analisi nell’ambito della cultura del colore, in merito ai contributi teorici di Johann Wolfgang Goethe in relazione agli aspetti simbolici del colore nell’ambito della pratica pittorica. Simbolismo Internazionale fra Otto e Novecento by Anna Mazzanti Restorations of the monumental polychromy of the Gothic cathedrals undertaken by Viollet-le-Duc by Laurence Pauliac Glossy Black is not actually ‘Black’: Evidence from Psycholinguistic Colour-Naming Studies in 14 European Languages by Mari Uusküla and Martin Eessalu Digital Visualization of a Luminaire: From blueprint to Photorealistic Representation by Andrea Siniscalco and Gianluca Guarini Review and Comparison of Random Spray Retinex and of its variants STRESS and QBRIX by Michela Lecca, Alessandro Rizzi, Gabriele Gianini Symbolic Color Associations in Goethe’s Farbenlehre and its application in the pictorial work of its early receptors by Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic Communications and Comments by Michela Lecca and Osvaldo da Pos Claudio Oleari Memorial by Gruppo del Colore – Associazione Italiana Colore COLOUMN ENGLISH 4 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 09 | 2018 ISSN 2384-9568 keywords: alessandro; andrea; anna; application; article; aspects; associate; associazione; black; board; cnr; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; culture; degli; del; del colore; della; di milano; editor; editorial; elisabetta; gabriele; gli; goethe; issn; italiana; journal; laurence; lecca; maria; maurizio; michela; milano; naming; nell’ambito; osvaldo; pauliac; politecnico; pos; representation; retinex; review; rivista; rizzi; rossi; ruggiero; science; scienza; scienza del; siniscalco; studi; symbolic; una; università; usa; uusküla; valan; viollet cache: ccsj-30.pdf plain text: ccsj-30.txt item: #124 of 188 id: ccsj-301 author: Bonanomi, Cristian; Sathaye, Kedar title: Imaging colorimeters to evaluate Camera Monitor Systems image quality date: 2023-03-17 words: 3926 flesch: 46 summary: Top row: CMS camera, bottom row: CMS display However, since exterior mirrors are fundamental for the safety, it is important to evaluate if a CMS can be a source of reduced safety or provide equal or more information to the driver. In the following section we are going to focus only on image quality tests. keywords: aspects; autonomous; camera; camera monitor; ccsj.150105; chart; cms; color; colorimeter; conditions; contrast; culture; devices; different; digital; direct; display; doi; driver; driving; evaluate; evaluation; figure; gray; image; imaging; iso; journal; light; lighting; luminance; mirrors; monitor; monitor systems; necessary; optical; point; quality; rendering; safety; science; sharpness; software; sources; specific; standard; systems; test; uniformity; vehicle; view; vol cache: ccsj-301.pdf plain text: ccsj-301.txt item: #125 of 188 id: ccsj-302 author: Giani, Camilla; Boeri, Cristina title: An experimentation on children’s colour preferences in generic terms and applied to a school context date: 2023-03-17 words: 3604 flesch: 47 summary: In particular, two experiments have been planned and partially conducted in order to evaluate both the differences that may be found between colour preferences expressed in generic terms and contextualized in a school environment, and the differences that may be found between digital simulations displayed on the computer and experimented using the CAVE technology. KEYWORDS Colour design, colour preference, school design, children colour preference RECEIVED 30/03/22; REVISED 30/12/22; ACCEPTED 30/12/22 keywords: abstract; age; available; cave; children; classroom; colour; colour preferences; coloured; context; culture; design; differences; different; digital; doi; environment; experimentation; experiments; females; generic; image; interior; january; journal; milano; number; order; politecnico; preferences; preferred; questionnaire; research; results; samples; school; science; simulations; studies; study; terms cache: ccsj-302.pdf plain text: ccsj-302.txt item: #126 of 188 id: ccsj-303 author: Guerry, Estelle title: An analysis of chromatic and luminous environment of healthcare establishment. date: 2023-03-17 words: 5565 flesch: 52 summary: The study is divided into three phases: color observation, light observation and observation of interactive movements. [6] are mainly used and are the only ones used for warm colors keywords: aalto; alvar; architect; architectural; artificial; atmospheres; available; blue; building; ccsj.150107; chromatic; color; combination; conditions; conducive; couleur; culture; design; different; doi; dominant; elements; environment; establishment; etude; exterior; fig; free; furniture; general; green; interior; journal; kauria; lamp; light; lighting; lightness; lumineux; luminous; main; modern; natural; ncs; needs; neutrals; observation; openings; paimio; palette; particular; patients; perception; possible; principle; program; reflection; sanatorium; science; shades; spaces; study; system; terms; thanks; tones; types; use; users; variations; visual; vol; walls; warm; window; work cache: ccsj-303.pdf plain text: ccsj-303.txt item: #127 of 188 id: ccsj-305 author: Martini, Berta; Monica Tombolato; Rossella D'Ugo title: Integrating knowledge about color within the STEM/STEAM approach: some instructional procedural principles date: 2022-10-25 words: 5467 flesch: 42 summary: Some scholars believe that the addition of “A” is unnecessary, and that the application of creativity and the arts is a natural premise of STEM education. While professional meetings and science education conferences are increasingly geared toward STEM and new textbooks and websites are popping up to advise teachers on how to implement STEM practices, STEM curricula lack an awareness of what STEM is and what STEM programs should include. keywords: activities; activity; additive; approach; arts; ccsj.140204; color; consistent; content; contexts; culture; degree; didactic; different; disciplinary; disciplines; doi; education; epistemic; example; fig; instructional; integration; interdisciplinary; invariants; journal; knowledge; koyunkaya; learning; level; light; martini; misconceptions; mixing; need; perspective; phase; practice; principles; procedural; procedural principles; real; research; school; science; scientific; situations; specific; steam approach; stem; students; subtractive; teachers; teaching; teaching activity; technologies; theoretical; tombolato; university; use; variables; vol; way; world cache: ccsj-305.pdf plain text: ccsj-305.txt item: #128 of 188 id: ccsj-307 author: Voss, Lupe; Wong, Sherman title: More Than a Tube of Color - The Emotion date: 2022-10-25 words: 4379 flesch: 57 summary: 3. Method Two questionnaires were developed to investigate the behaviors and opinions of hair color consumers and professional hair colorists. Introduction A tube of hair color has a broad impact on lives. keywords: ability; appointment; available; beauty; blondes; ccsj.140206; choice; color; colorist; confidence; connection; consumer; culture; doi; education; emotion; emotional; established; experience; formula; grey; hair; hair color; impact; important; industry; journal; line; natural; perception; performance; personal; product; professional; rate; relationship; respondents; results; science; service; space; success; table; trust; tube; type; use; vol cache: ccsj-307.pdf plain text: ccsj-307.txt item: #129 of 188 id: ccsj-308 author: Picollo, Marcello; Cattaneo, Barbara title: Editorial date: 2022-04-30 words: 1891 flesch: 32 summary: An odyssey from the additive to the subtractive method of color reproduction 24 Nicolas Le Guern DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140103 Prokudin-Gorskii’s technique of colour photography: colour separation, additive projection and pigment printing 33 Nadezhda Stanulevich DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140104 Two Prizma Color films, a curious finding in the Mexican National Film Archive 42 Paolo Tosini DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140105 The Start of the Rainbow: Possibilities of Color Motion Photography for the Amateur 47 Louisa Trott DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140106 Digital Struggles for Film Restoration: La battaglia dall’Astico al Piave 55 Serena Bellotti, Simone Venturini DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140107 4 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 14 (1) ISSN 2384-9568 Modern methods for the visualization of lenticular film colors 64 David Pfluger, Lutz Garmsen, Giorgio Trumpy DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140108 Fine Arts on Film: The Hand-Painted Work of Stan Brakhage 73 Sabrina Negri DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140109 The Relationship between Photo Retouching and Color Grading 79 Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.140110 What about discoloration in plastic artifacts? Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. keywords: access; article; arts; aspects; associate; board; ccsj; color; color culture; conference; conservation; culture; del; delle; design; digital; doi; editorial; editors; education; film; following; food; imaging; issn; issue; journal; lighting; marcello; materials; milano; open; papers; peer; photography; picollo; preservation; process; research; restoration; review; reviewers; science; scientific; special; topics; vision; vol; work cache: ccsj-308.pdf plain text: ccsj-308.txt item: #130 of 188 id: ccsj-309 author: Espinosa-Zaragoza, Isabel title: “Perpetual plum”: Colour naming strategies in Maybelline’s lip products date: 2023-03-17 words: 4613 flesch: 49 summary: Thus, cosmetic colour names in general, but specially in lipsticks, do much more than simply describe or designate hues: these “constructed nameables” instil lip products with a distinctive touch that helps relating them to their brand and also serve as an organising tool where all the colours in a collection are named in a coherent and homogeneous way in hopes of capturing customer attention. On the subject of the use of romance as a theme in cosmetic colour names (see Espinosa-Zaragoza, 2002), there is a patent ambivalence with the customer both seducing and being seduced. keywords: advertising; alicante; aspects; attention; basic; berry; brand; case; collection; colour; company; consumer; cosmetic; culture; different; doi; economic; elements; espinosa; hand; homogeneous; identity; industry; information; journal; linguistic; lipstick; liquid; magenta; makeup; mauve; maybelline; names; naming; nomenclature; non; perpetual; phonetic; phonological; pink; plum; products; red; repetition; romance; ruby; sample; scarlet; science; secondary; semantic; sensational; shade; step; strategies; study; super; taupe; terminology; terms; university; verbal; vol; zaragoza cache: ccsj-309.pdf plain text: ccsj-309.txt item: #131 of 188 id: ccsj-310 author: Cortina Maruenda, Francisco Javier; Serra Lluch, Juan; Torres Barchino, Ana; Llopis Verdú, Jorge title: Digital applications to train color ordering in three dimensions for architects and designers date: 2022-10-25 words: 3792 flesch: 49 summary: Among all the types of games used for learning, digital color puzzles are good alternatives to train these abilities. Introduction In the acquisition of skills to work with the color for an architect or an interior designer, it is important to train the visual discrimination of colors and to gain the sensitivity to display different colors in order. keywords: albers; app; applications; architects; architecture; bodies; ccsj.140205; color; colordoku; culture; designers; different; difficulty; digital; dimensions; discrimination; doi; faces; figure; game; gamification; geometries; geometry; graphic; group; hue; icosahedron; journal; level; ncs; number; ordering; palette; perceptual; polyhedra; puzzle; regular; research; science; skills; solid; space; spatial; students; study; system; time; training; triangular; understanding; universitat; use; variables; vol cache: ccsj-310.pdf plain text: ccsj-310.txt item: #132 of 188 id: ccsj-318 author: Rossi, Maurizio; Plutino, Alice title: Editorial date: 2022-10-25 words: 1297 flesch: 39 summary: Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic, and diagnostic aspects. keywords: access; article; associate; associazione; board; ccsj; chief; color; color culture; culture; del; design; digital; doi; editorial; editors; following; food; imaging; issn; italiana; journal; lighting; milano; online; open; peer; process; review; reviewers; science; science journal; vision; vol cache: ccsj-318.pdf plain text: ccsj-318.txt item: #133 of 188 id: ccsj-321 author: Bortolotti, Alessandro; Cannito, Loreta; Anzani, Stefano; Palumbo, Riccardo title: The promise of color in marketing: use, applications, tips and neuromarketing date: 2023-03-17 words: 7495 flesch: 50 summary: Color preferences influence various daily tasks. Thus, it is necessary to place color preferences at the center of marketing strategies. keywords: applications; articles; behavior; blue; brand; business; category; ccsj.150110; characteristics; choice; color; color culture; color preference; color research; companies; consumer; context; cultural; culture; decisions; differences; different; doi; effects; elliot; emotions; et al; evt; example; experimental; field; functioning; gender; hue; human; hurlbert; impact; important; individual; influence; journal; labrecque; learning; ling; literature; marketing; model; neuromarketing; new; packaging; perception; preference; process; product; promise; psychological; psychology; purchase; red; related; research; responses; results; review; role; schloss; science; selection; store; strategies; studies; study; theories; theory; time; tips; universal; university; use; variables; vol cache: ccsj-321.pdf plain text: ccsj-321.txt item: #134 of 188 id: ccsj-33 author: Pauliac, Laurence title: Restorations of the monumental polychromy of the Gothic cathedrals undertaken by Viollet-le-Duc date: 2018-04-19 words: 6137 flesch: 50 summary: In this context, it is very interesting to notice the ambiguity of the architect’s attitude facing monumental exterior colour setting. 31 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 09 | 2018 | 29 - 38 Restorations of the monumental polychromy of the Gothic cathedrals undertaken by Viollet-le-Duc ISSN 2384-9568 And adds: «A notre avis, le temps a manqué pour compléter les conceptions premières. keywords: 19th; analysis; architect; architecture; aspect; black; blue; building; cathedrals; ccsj.i92018.03; century; ces; chapels; chevreul; circle; color; coloured; colours; complementary; culture; dame; dame de; de paris; decoration; del; des; doi; duc; exterior; figure; gothic; harmony; influence; inside; internal; issn; les; light; medieval; middle; monumental; monumental polychromy; notre; opinion; orange; ouradou; outside; paintings; paris; pauliac; polychromatic; polychromies; polychromy; primitive; process; project; que; qui; red; restoration; science; scienza; sculpture; stained; study; theories; time; tones; use; viollet; walls; white; windows; yellow; zone cache: ccsj-33.pdf plain text: ccsj-33.txt item: #135 of 188 id: ccsj-333 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Editorial date: 2023-03-17 words: 1950 flesch: 38 summary: Phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic, and diagnostic aspects. Mechanisms of vision in their experimental and theoretical aspects, color vision and color appearance, deficiencies, abnormalities, clinical and biological aspects, synesthesia, health, well-being. keywords: access; akbay; article; associate; board; ccsj; color; culture; del; design; digital; doi; dynasty; editorial; editors; environment; food; imaging; immersion; influence; interior; issn; journal; lighting; lipstick; marketing; milano; open; paper; peer; preferences; process; review; reviewers; saadet; science; sense; study; system; terms; textile; use; virtual; vision; vol cache: ccsj-333.pdf plain text: ccsj-333.txt item: #136 of 188 id: ccsj-335 author: Picollo, Marcello title: BOOK REVIEW: I colori sono di tutti? 22 domande curiose sul colore date: 2023-03-17 words: 566 flesch: 53 summary: Among the many, and among the ones that most intrigued and fulfilled me personally, I would like to mention those related to such questions as 'Does everyone own color?', 'Is color tasty?' [Italian Language] Since the early years of the last century, color, and the world surrounding it, has attracted increasing interest of professionals from various fields. keywords: authors; book; chapters; color; curiose; domande; sul; terms; tutti; version; world cache: ccsj-335.pdf plain text: ccsj-335.txt item: #137 of 188 id: ccsj-34 author: Uusküla, Mari; Eessalu, Martin title: Glossy Black is not actually ‘Black’: Evidence from Psycholinguistic Colour-Naming Studies in 14 European Languages date: 2018-04-19 words: 3613 flesch: 53 summary: We investigate the selection of colour stimuli shown to subjects during psycholinguistic (field) experiments, or more precisely, the surface of the selected stimuli. As black had almost no dominance in the experiments using Munsell stimuli (Group II), other colour terms occupied the area that could be expected to be called ‘black’. keywords: aid; appearance; basic; black; brown; colore; colour; culture; dark; data; del; dominant; eessalu; estonian; evidence; field; frequency; german; glossy; green; grey; group; hue; languages; majid; munsell; naming; number; participants; psycholinguistic; results; science; scienza; stimuli; stimulus; studies; subjects; surface; table; term; uusküla cache: ccsj-34.pdf plain text: ccsj-34.txt item: #138 of 188 id: ccsj-35 author: Siniscalco, Andrea; Guarini, Gianluca title: Digital Visualization of a Luminaire: From blueprint to Photorealistic Representation date: 2018-04-19 words: 6441 flesch: 50 summary: Real luminaires, in most cases, have a spatial distribution of the lighting intensity more complex than those achievable through OpenGL lights. CASE STUDIES Five case studies of digital representation of real luminaires will be described below, but before starting, a little premise is necessary: the described techniques, both for modelling and for rendering, are not the only ones that can be used. keywords: appearance; april; available; basic; body; case; center; color; complex; computer; correct; culture; designer; detail; different; digital; distribution; elements; emission; example; external; figure; files; geometric; geometry; guarini; images; instance; issn; light; lighting; luminaire; materials; model; modelling; necessary; number; object; order; photometric; photometric center; photometric web; photorealistic; point; polygonal; polygons; position; possible; real; relation; rendering; representation; results; scene; science; scienza; shell; simple; siniscalco; software; sources; standard; techniques; tool; use; user; visualization; web cache: ccsj-35.pdf plain text: ccsj-35.txt item: #139 of 188 id: ccsj-38 author: Lecca, Michela; da Pos, Osvaldo title: Coloumn date: 2018-04-19 words: 1904 flesch: 54 summary: Different theories has been proposed and many experiments have been designed to disentangle the relationship between colour stimulus and colour names. An interesting example for this is given by the recent web discussion about the colour names and colour perception by ancient Greeks [1][2][3]. keywords: ancient; blue; colore; colour; cultural; culture; del; different; experience; figure; greek; issn; lecca; like; linguistic; names; number; odyssey; perception; perceptual; pos; purple; science; scienza; sea; sensation; sky; stimuli; stimulus; terms; use; wine cache: ccsj-38.pdf plain text: ccsj-38.txt item: #140 of 188 id: ccsj-39 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2019-02-25 words: 1884 flesch: 37 summary: And also the topics on color and psychology: phenomenology of colors, color harmonies, color & form, perceptive, emotional, aesthetic and diagnostic aspects. Francesca Valan, color designer (IT), for the topics of color and communication, marketing: graphics, communication, packaging, lettering, exposure, advertising. keywords: aic; alessandro; article; associate; associazione; buenos; chair; cnr; color; color culture; culture; degli; design; di milano; doi; editorial; editors; food; gdc; ifac; issn; italiana; journal; leeds; marcello; marco; maurizio; milano; peer; picollo; politecnico; president; process; referees; review; rossi; science; scientific; studi; topics; universidad; university; usa; valan; vol cache: ccsj-39.pdf plain text: ccsj-39.txt item: #141 of 188 id: ccsj-40 author: Borsotti, Marco title: Contemporary architecture and colour: final definitions for mapping intent date: 2019-02-25 words: 5236 flesch: 41 summary: Introduction This text illustrates the third and final contribution – the first and second appeared in Colour and colorimetry VIII (Borsotti in Rossi, Siniscalco, 2012) and Colour and colorimetry X volumes (Borsotti, in Rossi, Marchiafava, 2014) – on the reflection that, moving between identification of contemporary paradigmatic case studies and hypotheses of classification of their outcomes within defined areas referring to common attitudes, look at the use of colour as a true design tool; a real “material” for the realisation of an architectural program. Here, there is an intentionality to delve deeper into the idea of spatiality, designed as a layering of layers, which, as on a computer screen, are distinguished and managed through the attribution of different colours. keywords: architects; architecture; artistic; available; boa; borsotti; box; brazil; building; capable; case; categories; ccsj.110101; chromatic; city; clear; color culture; colore; colour; compact; complex; conceptual; container; contemporary; contemporary architecture; courtesy; culture; definitions; depth; design; different; dimensional; doi; elements; example; fact; favela; field; fig; final; form; fundamental; housing; intent; intervention; journal; large; luz; mapping; mistura; moureaux; n.d; nas; new; october; paulo; potential; presence; process; project; research; role; rossi; science; space; studies; study; system; são; tool; urban; use; vielas; vila; visual; vol; volume; way; words; work cache: ccsj-40.pdf plain text: ccsj-40.txt item: #142 of 188 id: ccsj-42 author: Cherubini, Filippo; Casini, Andrea; Cucci, Costanza; Picollo, Marcello; Stefani, Lorenzo title: 'Khrôma' the first software for management of the Color and Decoration Plan for small historic villages date: 2019-05-24 words: 3262 flesch: 41 summary: 28 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 11 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.110103 'Khrôma' the first software for management of the Color and Decoration Plan for small historic villages Filippo Cherubini 1 , Andrea Casini 1 , Costanza Cucci 1 , Marcello Picollo 1 , Lorenzo Stefani 1 1 Istituto di Fisica applicata ABSTRACT The 'Khrôma' project is aimed at creating the first software for the management of the Color and Decoration Plan that can be applied to small historic villages. keywords: abacus; application; architecture; cherubini; cities; citizens; cnr; color; color culture; color plan; critical; cultural; culture; decoration; decoration plan; del; digital; doi; elements; fig; graphic; historic; historic villages; indications; interface; journal; khrôma; management; materials; means; necessary; pag; plan; platform; possible; process; program; project; science; small; small historic; software; specific; technical; techniques; urban; villages; vol cache: ccsj-42.pdf plain text: ccsj-42.txt item: #143 of 188 id: ccsj-43 author: Boeri, Cristina title: Color emotion as a feasible tool in a participatory project for a Primary School date: 2019-06-20 words: 4336 flesch: 45 summary: KEYWORDS color emotion, color design, color preference, color in educational environments RECEIVED 16 May 2019; In the study by Park (2014), the correlations between color attributes and color preferences in children were analyzed using scale models of rooms. keywords: associations; blue; ccsj.110102; children; color; color emotion; color preferences; comparison; culture; design; discussion; doi; emotion; emotional; environments; experimentation; feasible; green; hypotheses; journal; light; natural; palette; participatory; positive; preferences; primary; primary school; project; questionnaires; questions; red; related; research; responses; results; school; science; specific; studies; study; table; tool; verification; vol; warm; words; yellow cache: ccsj-43.pdf plain text: ccsj-43.txt item: #144 of 188 id: ccsj-44 author: Giannattasio, Carlo title: The Tropical Aquarium: a case of polychrome decoration in the architecture of the early 1900s date: 2019-06-18 words: 2588 flesch: 53 summary: The covering was manufactured by the Ceramiche di Posillipo factory, but the design and construction were carried out by Paolo Ricci, a friend and colleague of Carlo Cocchia. The ornamentation was created by the majolica factory Ceramica di Posillipo, and specifically by Paolo Ricci, an eclectic artist of the 1900s. keywords: 1900s; analysis; aquarium; architecture; building; carlo; case; ccsj.110104; ceramic; ceramiche; cocchia; color; colours; composition; culture; decoration; del; dimensional; doi; early; exhibition; factory; features; figures; journal; main; mostra; naples; napoli; paolo; polychrome; posillipo; ricci; science; study; stylistic; tropical; tropical aquarium; universidad; use; vol; work cache: ccsj-44.pdf plain text: ccsj-44.txt item: #145 of 188 id: ccsj-45 author: Farini, Alessandro; Baldanzi, Elisabetta; Raffaelli, Marco; Russo, Francesco title: Evolution of colours in football shirts through colorimetric measurements: Fiorentina's case. date: 2019-05-23 words: 2217 flesch: 60 summary: 41 Color Culture and Science Journal Vol. 11 (1) DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.110105 Evolution of colours in football shirts through colorimetric measurements:,, 2 Corresponding author: Alessandro Farini 1 ( ABSTRACT Football fans express their identification with their team especially with colours of football shirts. keywords: case; ccsj.110105; colorimetric; colour; culture; different; doi; evolution; fake; fans; farini; fiorentina; florence; football; hue; important; journal; measurements; optics; original; purple; reflectance; science; season; shirts; spectra; sponsor; team; technical; year cache: ccsj-45.pdf plain text: ccsj-45.txt item: #146 of 188 id: ccsj-46 author: Bracci, Susanna; Magrini, Donata; Bartolozzi, Giovanni title: Painted or not painted? Discovering color traces of ancient stones date: 2019-06-06 words: 4595 flesch: 48 summary: Understanding ancient polychromy is indeed a crucial issue since the lack of attention to this theme leads to a significant misunderstanding of both the artwork itself and of the artistic culture it represents. Today, despite important results achieved within the last few years, research on ancient polychromy is still at an early stage and shows some obvious limitations pertaining to the transferability of methodologies or findings (Gasanova 2018). keywords: analytical; ancient; approach; archaeological; art; artworks; blue; bracci; case; ccsj.110106; color; color traces; colours; conservation; culture; different; digital; doi; egyptian; fig; florence; fluorescence; fors; han; heritage; iannaccone; image; imaging; infrared; interest; invasive; journal; lake; large; light; liverani; luminescence; marble; museum; new; non; number; original; pigments; polychromy; ray; reconstruction; red; research; sarcophagus; science; sculpture; situ; spectroscopy; stones; studies; study; techniques; today; traces; verri; vil; visible; vol; xrf cache: ccsj-46.pdf plain text: ccsj-46.txt item: #147 of 188 id: ccsj-47 author: Perdomo, Lina title: Industrial colour invention: a comparative analysis from the perspective of the colourist designer date: 2019-06-10 words: 10698 flesch: 55 summary: 3.1 Fan deck company A (Latin America) – 1407 colours (colour tool A) In comparison with colour tool A, this first group does not introduce the whole range of colours that we find in the tool as it covers only five colour families of the NCS colour circle (-G80Y, - G90Y, -Y, -Y50R, -R). keywords: 60y; 80y; actors; analysis; artistic; atlas; best; certain; chromatic; classification; colour; colourist; communication; companies; company; comparative; context; creative; culture; deck; designer; different; doi; e s; expertise; fan; field; g 70y; g e; g s; group; industrial; industry; international; invention; journal; l v; language; lightness; marketing; n g; n s; natural; ncs; ncs colour; original; perspective; process; processes; products; property; r s; reasons; research; result; s b; s o; s s; sample; saturation; scandinavian; science; specific; study; system; terms; tool; v y; variations; vol; w s; y 10r; y =; y s; yellow; ® © cache: ccsj-47.pdf plain text: ccsj-47.txt item: #148 of 188 id: ccsj-48 author: Barbato, Giuseppe; Bellia, Laura; Morone, Alfonso title: How the colours of objects and light affect human emotions, performance and health. The need for a holistic approach to design indoor environment. date: 2019-06-03 words: 5081 flesch: 44 summary: Light colours for walls are to be preferred for most applications, in order to increase adaptation luminance and illuminances both for visual comfort and energy saving. It appears necessary to establish reciprocal interactions among the different disciplines involved in the choice of objects and light colours, and namely among researchers in medical science, psychology, lighting and industrial design, in order to assess an interdisciplinary methodology that can be applied to indoor design. keywords: approach; aspects; barbato; bellia; black; blue; brain; brand; ccsj.110108; cct; ccts; cells; choice; chromatic; circadian; color; colours; cool; cultural; culture; department; design; different; doi; effects; emotions; environment; et al; eye; factors; final; furniture; health; holistic; human; identity; index; indoor; industrial; influence; journal; light; lighting; melatonin; natural; necessary; need; new; non; objects; order; perception; performance; physical; process; product; production; properties; psychology; quality; red; research; rich; role; science; short; signals; social; sources; spds; specific; spectral; spectrum; suppression; system; technology; time; university; vision; visual; vol; walls; warm cache: ccsj-48.pdf plain text: ccsj-48.txt item: #149 of 188 id: ccsj-49 author: Fiorentin, Pietro; Pedrotti, Elena; da Pos, Osvaldo; Metellini, Ariella title: Semantic resonance to light sources of different correlated colour temperature date: 2019-06-27 words: 4146 flesch: 51 summary: In the entrance room a commercial viewing booth with different light sources was placed on a table; a large poster was hanging on the wall above and showed the main characteristics of the cabinet sources and the ways of measuring them by appropriate instruments. The research aimed to highlight how young naive people perceive, discriminate, and judge indoor illuminations produced by different light sources. keywords: analysis; ccsj.110109; cct; characteristics; colour; correlated; culture; data; different; doi; effects; evaluations; experiment; factor; factorial; fig; figure; halogen; illumination; interesting; journal; lamp; led; leds; light; light sources; lighting; padua; participants; people; psychological; psychology; quality; relative; rendering; research; resonance; results; rooms; scales; science; semantic; sources; students; subjective; temperature; university; vol; wall cache: ccsj-49.pdf plain text: ccsj-49.txt item: #150 of 188 id: ccsj-50 author: Bideaux, Kévin title: Millennial pink: gender, feminism and marketing. A critical Analysis of a color trend date: 2019-07-02 words: 4344 flesch: 61 summary: Pink but not really, millennial pink could be described as almost pink. I intend to analyze this trend through the lens of gender studies, as it appears that millennial pink, far from being genderless, is actually a new form of gendered marketing. keywords: analysis; attention; available; bideaux; blue; boys; brand; ccsj.110110; color; color trend; commons; consumers; contrast; critical; culture; design; doi; fashion; feminine; femininity; feminism; feminists; fig; gender; gendered; generation; girls; gold; images; internet; iphone; journal; kévin; male; march; marketing; masculine; media; millennial; millennial pink; new; pantone; paris; pink; product; quartz; rose; science; sex; shades; social; time; trend; use; visual; vol; wear; women; world; year cache: ccsj-50.pdf plain text: ccsj-50.txt item: #151 of 188 id: ccsj-51 author: Pompas, Renata title: Two books that describe pigments and dyes, in a different and complementary way. date: 2019-07-22 words: 1536 flesch: 64 summary: It is a rich and complex text, divided into eight sections entrusted to different authors, who analysed pigments and dyes, described the materials, the production techniques, their history and application in painting and in textile dyeing. (Including numerous examples of over- dyes, or mixing of dyeing colors, to obtain the desired gradation, which debunk the myth of only-one dye substance used at a time). keywords: age; author; blue; book; brown; century; chapters; colors; colour; different; dyeing; dyes; green; history; industrial; orange; origin; pages; painting; pigments; processing; purple; red; sub; technique; times; ultramarine; use cache: ccsj-51.pdf plain text: ccsj-51.txt item: #152 of 188 id: ccsj-52 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2017-07-24 words: 2289 flesch: 40 summary: Il contrasto di quantità nella Teoria di Itten: la spettrofotometria per la verifica degli enunciati by Agapito Di Tommaso, Vincenzo Garro, Anna Maria Gueli, Sabina Martusciello, Maria Dolores Morelli, Stefania Pasquale Nell’articolo “Il contrasto di quantità nella Teoria di Itten: la spettrofotometria per la verifica degli enunciati”, Agapito Di Tommaso, Vincenzo Garro, Anna Maria Gueli, Sabina Martusciello, Maria Dolores Morelli e Stefania Pasquale, tramite un’analisi storica e metrologica, partendo dagli scritti di Schopenhauer, trattano il tema della paternità del concetto di contrasto di quantità dei sei colori primari della teoria di Itten. keywords: anna; article; associate; bottoni; casciani; cnr; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; cromatismi; cultura e; culture; degli; dei; del; del colore; design; desirée; di milano; doi; dolores; editors; garro; giovanni; gueli; ilma; italiana; itten; journal; lighting; maria; martusciello; materials; maurizio; michela; milano; nella; osvaldo; peer; piero; politecnico; pompas; pos; renata; research; review; ricerca; rivista; rossi; sabatini; sabina; san; science; scienza; scienza del; sesto; sono; studi; una; università; valan; vincenzo cache: ccsj-52.pdf plain text: ccsj-52.txt item: #153 of 188 id: ccsj-54 author: Di Tommaso, Agapito ; Garro, Vincenzo; Gueli, Anna Maria; Martusciello, Sabina; Pasquale, Stefania title: Colour quantity contrast in Itten’s Theory: Spectrophotometry for verifying statements date: 2017-11-13 words: 6893 flesch: 53 summary: Questi, ad eccezione del rosso, sono stati corretti con quantità note di pigmento verde (verde smeraldo), per il blu e di pigmento rosso (cinabro), per il giallo. i valori di luminosità in valori armonici di quantità, i rapporti numerici vanno invertiti: cioè, il giallo ad esempio essendo tre volte più luminoso dovrebbe occupare una superficie tre volte più piccola del suo complementare viola” (Itten, 1997). keywords: -34; a*±d; acrilici; acrylic; analizzati; analysis; applied; arancione; armonici; arnheim; authorship; benecon; blue; brightness; campioni; casein; catania; ccsj.i82017.02; che; ciano; cielab; colore; colore color; colour; colour quantity; complementary; con; contrast; coordinates; cromia; cts; cui; cultural; culture; data; dating; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; design; di itten; diagnostics; dick; doi; e scienza; ferrario; figure; following; giallo; goethe; green; gueli; harmonious; heritage; hue; ink; international; issn; itten; l*±d; laboratori; landesign; lavoro; lefranc; liquitex; luminosità; magenta; maimeri; mediante; milano; misure; napoli; nel; non; ogni; oil; olio; orange; physics; primary; quantitative; quantity; quanto; rapporti; reciprocal; red; related; relationships; relativi; research; results; rispetto; rosso; samples; schema; schopenhauer; science; scienza; secondary; secondo; sei; sempre; site; somma; sono; spectrophotometry; standard; statements; stati; studi; subtractive; sum; synthesis; tabella; table; teoria; teorici; theoretical; theory; tommaso; una; university; valori; values; van; verde; viola; violet; white; work; yellow; zecchi cache: ccsj-54.pdf plain text: ccsj-54.txt item: #154 of 188 id: ccsj-55 author: Sabatini, Desirée; Forte, Ivano; Schiavitti, Ilma; Sabatini, Mauro; Pietrini, Alessio title: The recovery of the original colour of the archive material: the digital colour correction of the ancient anti- Semitic discourse of the Duce in 1938 date: 2017-11-13 words: 8366 flesch: 45 summary: Queste operazioni sono state utili per poter applicare le giuste correzioni a seconda dei disturbi riscontrati, in particolare è stata effettuata una omogeneizzazione della luminosità (mezzi toni, alte e basse luci) e della gradazione di bianco e nero a livello globale, mentre sui fotogrammi che risultavano maggiormente sbiaditi (primi piani di Mussolini) è stata applicata una maschera di contrasto che ha permesso, quindi, un intervento selettivo. Tuttavia, dato il tipo di codec e di formato, e tenuto conto delle macchine a disposizione per il lavoro, il progetto di restauro in questo caso è stato impostato in uno spazio colore RGB lineare a 8 bit. keywords: 1920x1080; addition; alla; alle; allo; analysis; anche; ancient; anti; antisemita; archive; archivio; argento; arts; audio; audiovisual; available; benito; benito mussolini; bit; black; brightness; case; ccsj.i82017.03; che; choice; cinematografico; città; city; clip; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; colour correction; come; con; con il; contrast; copia; copy; correction; correzione; cristalli; crystals; cui; cultura e; culture; cut; dal; degli; degree; dei; del; del colore; della; della pellicola; dell’immagine; dell’unità; development; di mussolini; di restauro; di una; digital; digital colour; digital restoration; digitale del; discorso; discourse; documentary; doi; dove; duce; duplicate; ebrei; editing; entire; era; fabbrica; faded; fascist; figura; file; film; fissaggio; fixing; forte; fotogramma; frame; giulia; già; gli; gradation; historical; image; immagini; information; initial; inoltre; intervenire; intervention; issn; istituto; italian; italy; itinerary; jews; lavoro; light; livello; low; luce; luminosità; macchine; material; medium; modo; montaggio; mussolini; nazionale; necessary; negative; nel; nitrate; non; original; original frame; originale e; parameters; parte; pellicola; pfclean; piazza; più; politica; positive; possible; prima; process; project; proprio; quale; quando; questo; quindi; racial; range; razziale; recovery; regime; relative; research; resistenza; resolution; restauro; restoration; rome; sabatini; sant’andrea; sapienza; scelta; scene; science; scienza; scienza del; seconda; seguito; semitic; september; sia; silver; smpte; software; sono; space; spazio; speech; stage; stata; storico; strong; sul; sulla; suo; supporto; sviluppo; svolta; taglio; tali; technical; tempo; time; tool; tratta; trieste; tutto; una; university; uno; variazioni; venezia; video; viene; white; work cache: ccsj-55.pdf plain text: ccsj-55.txt item: #155 of 188 id: ccsj-56 author: Tallarita, Anna Luana title: The meanings of the Red date: 2017-05-31 words: 8609 flesch: 65 summary: della fertilità, dove il rosso in tal caso è simbolo di vita, di fertilità e di rinascita. Proprio come il sole che è sempre lo stesso e risorge solo dopo che il sole precedente è tramontato, di Fenice ne esisteva sempre un unico esemplare per volta. keywords: adam; adornment; agli; aibhill; alla; aluminium; amazing; ancient; anni; appearance; apple; available; banshee; bartlett; base; beads; beautiful; bennu; blombos; blood; blue; british; ccsj.i82017.04; centuries; century; che; color; color culture; colore color; colore rosso; coloured; colours; come; con; cui; cultura e; culture; dal; dalle; death; decades; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; diamonds; different; dio; doi; donna; dove; early; egyptians; emeralds; enamel; era; europe; examples; fact; feathers; fenice; fertile; fertility; figure; fine; fire; forms; foschi; fuoco; garnets; gemstones; gli; god; gold; greek; high; history; il rosso; infatti; interest; iron; issn; jewellery; jewels; knowledge; lacrime; lapis; late; layer; legato; life; london; long; marazzi; mastromattei; materials; meanings; mela; men; metal; miti; mito; mondo; morte; multi; museum; myth; nei; nel; new; nome; non; note; objects; ogni; overview; oxide; particular; pearls; period; phoenix; pieces; pitture; più; platinum; poi; present; prized; prometheús; propp; questo; range; rappresenta; rappresentazione; rare; red; red color; representation; rituali; roman; rosso; rosso è; rubies; sangue; sapphires; sciamanismo; science; scienza; scienza del; sempre; set; shamanic; silver; simbolo; simbologia; snow; sole; sono; sources; status; strength; sua; sulla; sun; suo; surface; symbol; symbolism; tallarita; testi; thin; time; titanium; tradizione; tree; turquoise; twentieth; una; uno; use; utet; vita; war; white; wojkowitz; work; world; years; yellow; zeus; è il cache: ccsj-56.pdf plain text: ccsj-56.txt item: #156 of 188 id: ccsj-57 author: Kwiatkowska - Lubanska, Agata title: Colour as a mass product. Designing of the collection of interior paint colours for the Polish market date: 2017-08-31 words: 2945 flesch: 48 summary: Designing colour collections for two large Polish companies over several years has allowed me to make certain interesting observations concerning the specific colour preferences of the Polish customer, based on both sales results and the colour trends established by the Polish market, which are often different from the trends of Western Europe. As it has been shown by the research carried out by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw in 2011, the basic reasons for choosing interior colours are as follows: individual colour preferences of consumers (48%), price (18%), colours of other furnishings (15%), family and friends’ advice (8%), designs derived from the interior and architectural magazines (5%), sale special offers (4%), others (2%). keywords: architecture; buildings; collection; color; colours; companies; company; consumers; culture; del; design; designing; fact; fine; hues; interior; issn; krakow; kwiatkowska; landscape; lenclos; local; lubanska; market; mass; materials; names; natural; ncs; paint; poland; polish; popular; preferences; product; range; ready; research; science; scienza; set; trends; warm; years; yellow cache: ccsj-57.pdf plain text: ccsj-57.txt item: #157 of 188 id: ccsj-59 author: Pompas, Renata title: Riccardo Falcinelli, CROMORAMA. How color changed our gaze. Einaudi Stile Libero Extra, Torino, 2017. date: 2017-07-01 words: 1925 flesch: 55 summary: Idee e miti del mondo antico” parla di ricettari e relazione tra la materia colorante e il suo simbolismo. I contrasti cromatici fondamentali” riprende i sette contrasti di Itten e ne aggiunge altri due che propone di chiamare: “contrasto di cromaticità” (tra un singolo colore e il bianco e nero) e “contrasto di coppia” (tra due tinte unite, piatte e omogenee che si contendono il campo con pari dignità). keywords: alla; analizza; blue; book; che; chromatic; color; come; comprende; con; contrast; cromatica; cromorama; cui; culture; dal; dei; del; del colore; della; designer; falcinelli; film; gaze; green; history; hues; industrial; isia; issn; libro; l’argomento; marketing; modernity; narrative; non; parte; pompas; prima; red; repubblica; riccardo; rosso; science; scienza; scritto; sguardo; società; solid; sono; sottocapitoli; storia; subchapters; teorie; testo; text; theories; time; tinte; tra; una; verde; visual cache: ccsj-59.pdf plain text: ccsj-59.txt item: #158 of 188 id: ccsj-60 author: Lecca, Michela; da Pos, Osvaldo title: Communications and Comments date: 2017-07-01 words: 2049 flesch: 48 summary: In this framework, many issues have to be addressed, first of all the definition of color sensation and color perception. The debate between Anglo-Saxon and American theories opens the problem to determine which features are captured and/or involved in color sensation and in color perception. keywords: brain; color; color sensation; coloumn; comments; communications; culture; del; different; experience; figure; fish; human; information; issn; john; objects; perception; point; press; retinex; scene; scholars; science; scienza; sensation; spatial; stimulation; system; tappeto; theory; ungaretti; vision; visual cache: ccsj-60.pdf plain text: ccsj-60.txt item: #159 of 188 id: ccsj-62 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2016-11-01 words: 2100 flesch: 39 summary: This page has been intentionally left white 5 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 06 | 2016 ISSN 2384-9568 La rivista Cultura e Scienza del Colore, edita dalla Associazione Italiana Colore, è giunta al suo terzo anno di vita con la pubblicazione di questo numero sei. In una prima fase la rivista raccoglieva solo articoli, rieditati, di autori che partecipano alla Conferenza del Colore. keywords: alessio; anna; annamaria; antonella; associate; associazione; biasi; board; bonaiuto; cardaci; cavaleri; che; chief; clonier; colonnese; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; conferenza; contesto; context; croveri; culture; degli; del; del colore; della; editorial; editors; fabio; giovagnoli; giulia; isabelle; issn; italiana; italiana colore; maurizio; milano; nel; osvaldo; paola; pellegri; piccirillo; politecnico; pompas; pos; referees; renata; review; revisori; rivista; rossi; science; scienza; scienza del; studi; tema; tiziana; una; università; usa; valan; valeria; versaci cache: ccsj-62.pdf plain text: ccsj-62.txt item: #160 of 188 id: ccsj-63 author: Colonnese, Fabio title: Chromatic gradation as a symbolic and spatial device in the European context: Piero Bottoni’s Cromatismi architettonici date: 2016-09-30 words: 9210 flesch: 48 summary: I CROMATISMI DALL’ACQUERELLO AL DIGITALE E AL REALE Gran parte dell’innegabile fascino dei disegni di Bottoni risiede non solo nella visione ordinata e cromaticamente sinfonica della città e nelle atmosfere poetiche e vagamente inquietanti, ma anche nella tecnica utilizzata: l’acquarello inevitabilmente evoca l’idea del lavoro manuale, dell’impronta umana oltre che un certo senso di arte, di gioco e, oggi, anche di nostalgia. Ombre proprie e portate sono simulate mediante l’applicazione di velature di grigio. keywords: 1921; 1927; 1929; able; abstract; acquarelli; adobe; aerea; aerial; agli; alla; alle; altezza; altri; anche; anni; application; architects; architecture; architettonici; architettonici issn; archivio; article; atmosphere; author; bands; basso; bottoni; brightness; bruno; buildings; ccsj.i62016.01; che; che si; chiave; chromatic; chromatic gradation; città; city; colonnese; color; color culture; color gradations; color plan; colore color; come; con; contesto; context; corbusier; corso; così; criteria; cromatiche; cromatismi; cromatismi architettonici; cui; cultura e; culture; dai; dal; decorative; degli; dei; dei cromatismi; del; del colore; della; della città; der; design; device; di bottoni; di un; different; digital; disegni; distant; diverse; doi:10.23738; drawing; duiker; e di; e il; edifici; edilizi; editor; effect; era; essere; european; europeo; example; exhibition; facades; facciate; far; fasce; figure; floors; form; fronts; funzione; giallo; giovanni; gli; gradation; green; horizontal; housing; intensity; international; interpretation; invece; issn; italian; j.g; kandinsky; key; klee; large; lenin; leonardo; like; loro; luminosità; lungo; malevich; mediante; mentre; milano; modello; molti; nel; nelle; new; nirwâna; non; number; nuova; ogni; op.cit; orizzontali; padiglione; painting; parte; particolare; partire; paul; pavilion; people; perception; percezione; perspective; piano; piero; piero bottoni; più; place; plan; potential; potenzialità; precise; prima; process; project; prospettiva; public; quale; quello; questo; quindi; quinte; reality; red; research; revolutionary; room; rosso; scala; scenario; science |; scienza; scienza del; secondo; sei; senso; sia; simbolico; sinfonica; size; solo; sono; soprattutto; space; spatial; spazi; spaziale; spirituale; stato; stesso; strada; street; structure; struttura; studies; sua; sulla; suo; symbolic; symphonic; tale; tall; taut; time; tinte; tonon; twenties; una; urban; use; v.f.krinsij; valori; values; vchutemas; venti; version; verso; views; vinci; visione; visivo; visual; volume; volumetric; watercolor; waterfront; wiebenga; yellow cache: ccsj-63.pdf plain text: ccsj-63.txt item: #161 of 188 id: ccsj-64 author: Versaci, Antonella; Cardaci, Alessio title: The restoration of color in the French historic cities: approaches, methods and experiences date: 2016-09-28 words: 7953 flesch: 43 summary: i n e - secteurs-proteges) pregi, i limiti e le carenze di una sperimentazione che sembra globalmente confermare l’ipotesi di una efficacia strettamente vincolata alle qualità dei suoi attuatori. Al di là di alcuni casi particolari, il tema delle coloriture nei centri storici sembra svincolato dalle altre preoccupazioni inerenti la tematica del restauro e più che alla tutela e alla conservazione di determinate tinte legate a dati ambienti storicizzati e alle connesse stratificazioni storiche, sembra predominare l’interesse verso la pianificazione di nuove cromie da attribuire ai fronti degli antichi edifici e all’edilizia di accompagnamento. 35 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 06 | 2016 | 23 - 36 The restoration of color in the French historic cities: approaches, methods and experiences ISSN 2384-9568 CONFLICT OF INTEREST keywords: 1975; abitanti; agli; ain; alla; alle; altre; ambientale; analysis; anche; anni; appartenenti; approaches; architectural; art; association; atelier; brino; buildings; carattere; cardaci; cases; ccsj.i62016.02; centers; centri; che; chromatic; chromatictownscape; cities; città; city; cler; colombages; color; color culture; colore color; con; concerns; conseil; couleur; cromatico; cultura e; cultural; culture; dal; degli; dei; del; del colore; delle; department; development; di una; diagonal; doi:10.23738; dominique; d’urbanisme; e dei; e la; e scienza; ecc; edifici; elements; engineering; ensembles; environmental; esempio; experiences; facades; facciate; fact; fase; figure; fillacier; fine; france; francia; french; fronts; giovanni; goyeneche; granada; grands; hanno; heritage; historic; history; idea; identity; image; information; issn; jean; landscape; lenclos; level; life; livello; local; loro; luoghi; l’ain; maisons; marseille; marsiglia; materiali; methods; michel; moniteur; monuments; natural; nei; nel; nella; new; nice; nizza; non; number; numero; ogni; old; operazioni; opération; order; original; paints; paris; patrimoine; patrimonio; perception; percezione; philippe; più; places; planning; plans; plu; policies; polychrome; progetti; protection; puy; quale; quality; quanto; questi; realizzate; region; restauro; restoration; result; riguarda; sauvegardés; science |; scienza; secondo; secteurs; sempre; sia; sites; siti; sono; specific; state; storia; storici; studies; suo; survey; system; tali; terms; terres; time; tinte; towns; tradition; troyes; una; understanding; university; urban; use; versaci; villages; villaggi; ville; vista; war; work; years; zones; éditions cache: ccsj-64.pdf plain text: ccsj-64.txt item: #162 of 188 id: ccsj-65 author: Gregoris, Chiara title: Colour and light in communication of fabric façades date: 2016-09-30 words: 6404 flesch: 45 summary: Grazie alle sue caratteristiche di leggerezza e flessibilità il materiale tessile può essere impiegato per esplorare nuove forme e soluzioni, in grado di adattarsi alle richieste dello stile di vita contemporaneo. Se di giorno il disegno è composto da sfumature di grigio, di notte i colori si fanno accesi e variano dall’azzurro pallido al blu/viola intenso. keywords: addition; aim; alla; anche; architecture; architettonico; area; aspect; austria; blue; building; campo; canvases; caratteristiche; ccsj.i62016.03; center; characteristics; che; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; coloured; come; comfort; communication; comunicazione; con; concert; contemporary; contesto; copenhagen; coverings; creare; cui; cultura e; culture; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; dell’edificio; dietrich; different; doi; edifici; effect; elements; envelope; environmental; ephemeral; essere; example; fabric; fabric façades; facciata; façades; fibre; field; glass; gli; grado; grandi; grazie; gregoris; hall; high; images; immagini; important; information; innovative; inside; interesting; issn; jean; kogler; landmark; light; luce; lustenau; l’involucro; materials; media; membrane; messages; messaggi; movement; movimento; natural; nel; new; non; notte; nouvel; nuove; oltre; outline; outside; paper; parte; people; persone; peter; più; polyester; possibilità; possono; potenzialità; progetto; project; ptfe; può; pvc; quello; questi; research; rivestimenti; science; scienza; scienza del; semi; sistema; skin; society; sono; stesso; superfici; surfaces; surroundings; systems; technology; tela; teli; tempo; tessili; tessuto; thanks; time; today; tra; transparent; types; una; untertrifaller; urban; use; utilizzano; vehicle; vetro; visible; weave; work; wrap cache: ccsj-65.pdf plain text: ccsj-65.txt item: #163 of 188 id: ccsj-66 author: Biasi, Valeria; Bonaiuto, Paolo title: Emotional Qualities of Colours Added to Humorous Illustrations date: 2016-10-21 words: 2712 flesch: 47 summary: Alarming and serious colours CITATION: Biasi V. and Bonaiuto P. (2016) [6] A.M., Giannini, V. Biasi, P. Bonaiuto, “Un nuovo esperimento sui processi percettivi di attenuazione o risalto di anomalie strutturali, influenzati dal colore”, Comunicazioni Scient. keywords: alarming; biasi; black; board; bonaiuto; colorations; colore; colours; culture; del; emotional; experience; figure; hues; humorous; humour; hypothesis; illustrations; issn; mean; meeting; mixed; perception; playful; psychology; qualities; reassuring; rome; science; scienza; scores; suggestion; table; test; version; white cache: ccsj-66.pdf plain text: ccsj-66.txt item: #164 of 188 id: ccsj-67 author: Bollini, Letizia title: Topos vs. Iris. Colour design in Web 3.0 mobile app and OS: a critical review date: 2016-07-01 words: 4089 flesch: 48 summary: If the first generation of Internet adopts a set of colours to indicate the different states of the interaction of a link or a button – i.e. link: blue, active link: red, visited link: purple – in Web 2.0, the semantic of colour becomes more complex. A way to admit that colour meaning and mood, if correctly used to highlight or put elements in evidence, are stronger than standard —not designed— solutions inherited by the software culture. keywords: action; blue; bollini; brand; button; chromatic; colore; colour; colour design; communication; contrast; corporate; critical; culture; cyan; del; design; dominant; experience; facebook; field; figure; generation; grey; hand; hue; interface; internet; iris; issn; language; light; link; media; mobile; networks; neutral; new; palette; platforms; professional; red; review; science; scienza; second; social; tint; topos; twitter; user; visual; web cache: ccsj-67.pdf plain text: ccsj-67.txt item: #165 of 188 id: ccsj-68 author: Pellegri, Giulia title: Chromatic and decorative planning choices: geometry, knowledge and survey date: 2016-09-23 words: 4337 flesch: 32 summary: The approach exemplifying the types of decorative facades led to the identification of three basic types: Monochrome Bottom front and basement with simple decorative elements (frames) - Monochrome Bottom front with monochrome base or ashlars with decorative elements or simple (and frames antheridia) and Monochrome bottom front with base monochrome ashlars or complex with decorative elements (frames- antheridia-pilasters-panels and other decorative elements). It’s fundamental to highlight how the drawing and the color are related to the potential conditionings that may accentuate, mitigate, reduce or differentiate the individual elements, making a proportionate or perceptually distorted building, through the research about the drawing of the patterns and the visual perception of painted decoration. keywords: application; approach; architects; architecture; art; book; building; ccsj.i62016.06; century; che; choices; chromatic; color; color culture; colore color; complex; compositional; conservation; contrast; cultura; cultura e; dark; decorations; decorative; decorative elements; decorative planning; del; del colore; design; different; doi; drawing; e scienza; elements; façade; figure; fundamental; genoa; geometry; historical; individual; issn; knowledge; light; methodology; monochrome; order; painting; pellegri; perspective; planning; possible; pozzo; processing; relationship; representation; research; scheme; science; scienza; shape; structure; study; survey; techniques; treatises; types; urban; use cache: ccsj-68.pdf plain text: ccsj-68.txt item: #166 of 188 id: ccsj-69 author: Cavaleri, Tiziana; Clonier, Isabelle; Croveri, Paola; Giovagnoli, Annamaria; Piccirillo, Anna title: Colorimetric and spectrophotometric analyses for an ecoinnovative application of natural dyeing in textile conservation date: 2016-09-30 words: 5265 flesch: 44 summary: Considering CRITT samples simulating the triangle’s sides, one problem about the use of natural dyes emerges soon: ΔE 00 calculated between close natural samples (table 1) are high and non-homogenous, suggesting that operator SAMPLES OF COLOURS ALONG THE YMG TRIANGLE’S SIDES Pre-metallized YM mixtures CRITT natural dyeing Pre-metallized YG mixtures CRITT natural dyeing Pre-metallized MG mixtures CRITT natural dyeing Magenta % ΔE 00 between close samples ΔE 00 be- tween close samples Grey % ΔE 00 between close samples ΔE 00 between close samples Grey % ΔE 00 between close sam- ples ΔE 00 between close samples 0 0 0 10 19.2 19.1 10 26.3 12.4 10 5.2 6.2 20 11.3 12.2 20 9.2 21.3 20 4.1 11.3 30 5.1 11.4 30 6.4 14.5 30 2.2 7.4 40 4.3 6.3 40 4.1 5.1 40 2.1 3.3 50 1.2 7.2 50 3.2 50 2.3 4.1 60 3.4 7.3 60 3.1 18.2 60 2.3 5.2 70 2.1 15.3 70 3.1 5.4 70 2.1 4.2 80 2.2 7.2 80 2.4 6.1 80 2.4 5.3 90 2.4 2.2 90 2.2 4.1 90 1.2 4.1 100 3.3 3.4 100 2.1 3.2 100 1.3 3.2 Table 1 - Trends of the ΔE 00 calculated between couples of close samples along the YMG triangle’ sides and between their respective couples of samples reproduced by CRITT with natural ingredients 74 Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science | 06 NATURAL DYES AND NON-TOXIC MORDANTS BEHAVIOR Inside the collection of natural samples made by CRITT, many recipes contain more than one dye and/or more than one mordant. keywords: acetate; aluminium; analyses; ccr; chromatic; colore; colorimetric; colour; conservation; conservators; coordinates; copper; critt; culture; curve; del; different; dyed; dyeing; dyes; fibres; final; fustic; green; iron; iron lactate; lactate; madder; metallized; mordants; natural; old; oxalate; palette; pre; recipe; reflectance; samples; science; scienza; spectrophotometric; synthetic; table; tapestry; textile; titanium; triangle; use; values; wool; yellow cache: ccsj-69.pdf plain text: ccsj-69.txt item: #167 of 188 id: ccsj-70 author: Pompas, Renata title: Food, colour and art date: 2016-11-01 words: 652 flesch: 59 summary: Originally it was the name of a performance by Bice Perrini at the Galleria Bluorg in Bari, it has now become a brand known for its tagline ‘Eating with eyes’, dealing with food production and sale, catering, food tasting, workshops, and art events. However, the general public and many artists too have recently focused more and more on the colours of food. keywords: art; black; colore; coloribo; colours; culture; del; food; green; red; scienza; white; yellow cache: ccsj-70.pdf plain text: ccsj-70.txt item: #168 of 188 id: ccsj-71 author: Lecca, Michela; da Pos, Osvaldo title: Communications and Comments date: 2016-10-01 words: 1317 flesch: 46 summary: Michela Lecca gave some examples of color as communication tool in science: colors τό διαλέγησθαι εστί τό μήγιστον αγαθόν The dialog is the highest good. An example of color based synesthesia was reported also by Francesca Valan, industrial designer with strong competences on color. keywords: certain; color; comments; communication; culture; degli; del; different; entity; italy; lecca; physical; pos; project; science; scientists; scienza; studi; tool; vision; workshop cache: ccsj-71.pdf plain text: ccsj-71.txt item: #169 of 188 id: ccsj-75 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2017-06-01 words: 1905 flesch: 36 summary: Lia Luzzatto (Color and colors, IT) Kevin Mansfield (UCL, UK) Veronica Marchiafava (Associazione Italiana Colore, IT) CULTURA E SCIENZA DEL COLORE COLOR CULTURE AND SCIENCE Rivista dell’Associazione Italiana Colore Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Milano al n. 233 ISSN 2384-9568 La rivista Cultura e Scienza del Colore, edita dalla Associazione Italiana Colore, con questo numero 7 è approdata al quarto anno di pubblicazione. keywords: andrea; anna; apollonio; art; associate; associazione; chief; cnr; color culture; colore; colore color; con; culture; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; dell’associazione; di milano; doi; editors; fabrizio; gaiani; italiana; italiana colore; jodi; lecca; marco; marotta; maurizio; metodo; michela; milano; osvaldo; peer; politecnico; pompas; pos; renata; research; review; ricerca; rivista; rosso; sandford; science; scienza; scienza del; studi; sul; tema; una; università; università degli; usa; valan cache: ccsj-75.pdf plain text: ccsj-75.txt item: #170 of 188 id: ccsj-76 author: Tallarita, Anna Luana title: Red: the symbol in history date: 2017-05-31 words: 3705 flesch: 62 summary: S. Giovanni dirà: Questi è colui che è venuto con acqua e sangue, Gesù Cristo; non con acqua soltanto, ma con l’acqua, e con il sangue. Il fuoco è la base della luce che si dimensiona in quella parte della giornata in cui si svolge l’azione umana e per tale ragione rappresenta l’azione in genere e come tale o come simbolo dell’attacco e della conquista è complementare al verde che rappresenta il colore della conservazione e della difesa e simboleggia il dio Marte, il dio della guerra Marte rappresenta il colore rosso nel suo aspetto negativo legato alla forza, alla violenza e allo spargimento di sangue. keywords: action; alla; black; blood; body; burial; ccsj.i72017.01; cei; che; christ; color; color culture; colore color; come; con; corpo; cristo; cui; culture; dal; death; dei; del; della; doi; donna; earth; era; essere; fact; fire; foinikus; fuoco; general; gli; heat; history; human; il colore; infatti; issn; latin; legato; life; light; love; luce; meaning; mircea; negative; nei; nel; nelle; nero; non; ocher; osiride; osiris; person; place; power; primary; quanto; quella; rappresentato; rappresentazione; rebirth; red; representation; rites; riti; rito; ritual; rosso; ruber; rubeum; rutilus; sangue; science; scienza; segno; seth; sign; simbolo; simbologia; sono; spirit; storia; sua; suo; symbol; symbolism; tallarita; terra; una; vita; water; woman; word cache: ccsj-76.pdf plain text: ccsj-76.txt item: #171 of 188 id: ccsj-77 author: Marotta, Anna title: Art and Colour in the Requali cation of Urban Areas and Landscapes date: 2017-05-31 words: 9762 flesch: 48 summary: criteri apparenti a partire dal dopoguerra, progressivamente abbandonate al degrado, ghettizzate, con problemi di manutenzione, viabilità, inquinamento, necessità di un maggior numero di servizi, di luoghi di incontro, di spazi pubblici adeguati, di una maggiore identità locale, a lungo trascurate in favore della rinascita del centro storico. [2]; e ancora «il concetto di periferia è comunemente associato ad una immagine di degrado, di mancanza di infrastrutture, di povertà economica e culturale. keywords: 2012; albania; alla; altri; anche; ancora; anna; architects; architecture; areas; aree; art; artist; artistic; attention; attraverso; author; beever; blu; bologna; bruno; brutto; building; campobasso; capable; case; ccsj.i72017.02; centro; che; che il; chromatic; città; city; ciò; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; come; communication; complessa; complex; comunicazione; comunità; con; concept; concetto; conditions; conferma; contemporary; contesto; context; cosso; così; crea; cui; cultura e; cultural; culture; cura; dal; dalle; degli; dei; del; del colore; della; dell’arte; design; di torino; di un; doi; dove; dunque; e che; e di; e il; e scienza; edifici; elementi; elisa; esempio; essential; essere; example; fabrizio; falchera; fatto; festival; figura; fine; foggia; fra; fuji; galleries; giaconi; grado; gruppo; hanno; heritage; http://; idea; identity; image; immediate; impact; interest; issn; julian; knowhow; knowledge; la riqualificazione; lack; landscapes; large; left; legrenzi; levels; life; loro; luoghi; l’arte; mario; marotta; means; medusa; member; meta; milano; modo; mount; murales; need; neighbourhood; nel; new; non; nuova; oggi; opere; outlying; outskirts; paesaggio; particolarmente; people; perception; periferie; piano; più; places; planning; politecnico; possible; potential; present; progetto; project; proprio; pubblici; public; può; quality; quarter; quartiere; questo; reality; realizzato; realtà; regeneration; related; relationship; renzo; requalification; research; ricerca; riferimento; rigenerazione; risulta; roberta; role; ruolo; science; scienza; sempre; sense; senza; services; servizi; shop; sironi; social; solo; sono; sostenibile; spaces; spazi; spesso; sprawl; storia; street; street art; structures; strumento; studies; studio; sue; sulla; sustainable; taut; tema; teorie; theories; time; tirana; today; tools; torino; true; turin; tutto; ugly; una; uno; urban; urban areas; urban art; urban requalification; urbe; use; visione; visivi; visual; vita; way; work; years; zone cache: ccsj-77.pdf plain text: ccsj-77.txt item: #172 of 188 id: ccsj-78 author: Lecca, Michela title: Using Color and Local Binary Patterns for Texture Retrieval date: 2017-05-14 words: 4782 flesch: 53 summary: Her research interests include color image processing, object recognition, image retrieval and labeling, and low-level image processing for embedded vision systems. In fact, the change of image colors due to an illuminant change is well approximated by the von Kries diagonal map between the color responses captured under the varied lights [14], [16], i.e. where the s are real strictly positive numbers, called von Kries coefficients, and is the intensity value of the -th color channel ( = 0, 1, 2, i.e. red, green, blue) of the RGB input image. keywords: algorithm; amp; binary; changes; channels; color; culture; del; description; descriptors; distance; euclidean; features; fig; gray; histograms; illuminant; image; intensity; invariant; issn; joint; kries; lbp; lbprius; lbps; lecca; local; map; normalized; pattern; performance; probability; recognition; retrieval; rgb; rotation; science; scienza; texture; value; visual; vol; von; weighted; world cache: ccsj-78.pdf plain text: ccsj-78.txt item: #173 of 188 id: ccsj-79 author: Apollonio, Fabrizio Ivan; Ballabeni, Andrea; Gaiani , Marco title: Highlight and Specular reflection removal in photogrammetric techniques applied to Architectural Heritage 3D modeling date: 2017-06-02 words: 10126 flesch: 47 summary: [25] G.J. Klinker, et al., “The measurement of highlights in color images”, IJCV, 1988, Vol. 2, N. 1, pp 7-32. [26] K. Schluns, A. Koschan, “Global and local highlight analysis in color images”, CGIP ‘2000 Proceedings, 2000, pp. keywords: algorithm; analysis; apollonio; approach; architectural; assumption; automatic; background; ballabeni; bologna; camera; capture; case; ccsj.i72017.04; clustering; color; color culture; colore color; components; computer; culture; cvpr; data; del; dense; different; diffuse; doi; edges; effects; efficient; estimation; features; field; figure; filter; flow; gaiani; gradients; hdr; heritage; highlight; histogram; ieee; image; information; input; intrinsic; issn; issue; large; layer; local; main; matching; means; methods; model; modeling; motion; multi; multiple; new; number; optical; original; pami; photogrammetric; pipeline; pixel; point; problem; proceedings; processing; quality; real; reconstruction; reflection; reflection removal; region; removal; results; scale; scene; science; scienza; segmentation; separation; sequence; set; shop; sift; single; solution; space; specific; specular; specular reflection; specularity; study; techniques; time; urban; user; view; vol; warping; watershed cache: ccsj-79.pdf plain text: ccsj-79.txt item: #174 of 188 id: ccsj-80 author: Nishi, Shogo; Kimachi, Akira; Doi, Motonori; Tominaga, Shoji title: Image Registration for a Multispectral Imaging System Using Interference Filters and Application to Digital Archiving of Art Paintings date: 2017-05-31 words: 5809 flesch: 49 summary: Although luminance is an important image feature that is utilized in many registration methods, this feature is not available for registration because the luminance of spectral image varies between wavelength bands. Although a non-linear image registration method can be used to calibrate the distortion caused by misregistration, the method cannot be easily adapted for spectral images with considerable changes in luminance values. keywords: aberration; accuracy; application; archiving; area; art; calibration; camera; color; component; correlation; culture; digital; doi; engineering; estimate; estimation; fig; figure; filters; image; imaging; imaging system; interference; issn; light; measurement; method; misregistration; model; multispectral; multispectral imaging; nishi; normal; oil; osaka; painting; phase; present; properties; reference; reflectance; reflection; results; science; scienza; small; spectral; specular; surface; system; target; tominaga; university; vector; vol; wavelength cache: ccsj-80.pdf plain text: ccsj-80.txt item: #175 of 188 id: ccsj-81 author: Sandford, Jodi L. title: Color categorial perception and second language acquisition date: 2017-06-10 words: 5132 flesch: 54 summary: [1] have shown that young children demonstrate categorial color perception across the green- blue, blue-purple hue boundaries, and across the red-pink lightness and saturation boundaries. [1] states that “infant color categorial perception has been found in British and American infants, but no such tests have been made on infants from other language groups”, this research evinces that young Italian children also demonstrate categorial perception. keywords: 5yos; accuracy; acquisition; afc; azzurro; bear; blue; boundaries; boundary; categorial; categorial perception; categorization; category; celeste; children; color; comprehension; correct; culture; del; different; effect; english; focal; franklin; general; green; higher; italian; knowledge; language; linguistic; mean; naming; perception; perceptual; pink; purple; red; results; sandford; science; scienza; second; set; stimuli; sweater; task; terms; test; tested cache: ccsj-81.pdf plain text: ccsj-81.txt item: #176 of 188 id: ccsj-83 author: Lecca, Michela; da Pos, Osvaldo title: Communications and Comments date: 2017-06-01 words: 2074 flesch: 57 summary: In this column, we focus our attention on the topic “Food & Colour” that is of great interest for all of us, because color- based food visual inspection allows to decide about the freshness of the food, and food color often unawares influences our food choices. These images show the large variety of food colors and they are an example of how food can stimulate the human creativity. keywords: chart; cibo; color; color culture; colore color; conference; cultura e; culture; del; del colore; expo; figure; food; fruits; issn; issue; italia; journal; life; milano; paintings; papers; plant; points; quality; science; science issue; scienza; scienza del; special; taste; vegetables; visual cache: ccsj-83.pdf plain text: ccsj-83.txt item: #177 of 188 id: ccsj-84 author: Pompas, Renata title: Michel Pastoureau “Rosso. Storia di un colore” date: 2017-06-01 words: 1052 flesch: 62 summary: Dice infatti lo studioso che “Le questioni relative al colore hanno un carattere strettamente culturale (perciò) ogni storia del colore deve essere prima di tutto un storia sociale (…) che evidenzi come in qualunque società per quanto riguarda il colore la funzione primaria è la tassonomia: classificare, accostare, contrapporre, gerarchizzare”. Storia di un colore” ISSN 2384-9568 religiosi e le loro applicazioni tintorie, accompagnandole da curiosi aneddoti; tra questi la divertente caricatura teatrale del barbaro germanico: “un uomo “gigantesco, obeso, riccio, rubicondo e rosso di capelli”. keywords: alla; alle; book; capitolo; century; chapter; che; colore; colour; come; con; culture; del; della; history; libro; michel; nel; pastoureau; primo; red; rich; rosso; science; scienza; secolo; sociale; storia; una cache: ccsj-84.pdf plain text: ccsj-84.txt item: #178 of 188 id: ccsj-85 author: Mignani, Anna Grazia; Farini, Alessandro title: Index&Editorial date: 2016-02-01 words: 1345 flesch: 39 summary: CULTURA E SCIENZA DEL COLORE COLOR CULTURE AND SCIENCE Rivista semestrale dell’Associazione Italiana Colore ISSN 2384-9568 DOI: 10.23738/CCSJ.00 DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maurizio Rossi (Politecnico di Milano, IT) REDAZIONE | ASSOCIATE EDITORS Aldo Bottoli (B&B Colordesign, IT) Daria Casciani (Politecnico di Milano, IT) Alessandro Farini (INOA-CNR, IT) Davide Gadia | Deputy Editor (Università degli Studi di Milano, IT) Marco Gaiani (Università di Bologna, IT) Lia Luzzatto (Color and colors, IT) Kevin Mansfield (UCL, UK) Veronica Marchiafava (Associazione Italiana Colore, IT) Gabriel Marcu (Apple, USA) Anna Marotta (Politecnico di Torino, IT) Manuel Melgosa (Universidad de Granada, ES) Anna Grazia Mignani (IFAC-CNR, IT) Annie Mollard-Desfour (CNRS, FR) Maria Luisa Musso (Universidad de Buenos Aires, RA) keywords: alessandro; anna; associate; cnr; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; culture; degli; del; del colore; editors; farini; food; grazia; ifac; issue; italiana; journal; maurizio; mignani; milano; politecnico; referees; review; rivista; rossi; science; scienza; scienza del; special; studi; università cache: ccsj-85.pdf plain text: ccsj-85.txt item: #179 of 188 id: ccsj-86 author: Hidaka, Kyoko title: A Comparison of Color Schemes and Images in the Package Design of Sweets in the US and Japan date: 2016-02-08 words: 2623 flesch: 60 summary: In the US, marketing to children and color scheme of American comics deeply influence the design and colors of sweets packages. Figure 9 illustrates a list Figure 1 - Japanese Sweets (left) Figure 2 - US Sweets (right) of typical colors used in packages, sequenced from the first to fifth place. keywords: american; candy; chocolate; color; comparison; cultural; culture; del; design; figure; food; gray; green; hard; hues; images; issue; items; japan; japanese; packages; red; scheme; science; scienza; special; sweets; typical; use cache: ccsj-86.pdf plain text: ccsj-86.txt item: #180 of 188 id: ccsj-87 author: Musso, Maria Luisa title: Colour as a Code in Food Packaging: an Argentine Case date: 2016-02-19 words: 2297 flesch: 59 summary: In Spain, for instance, light products began to appear in the 80’s proposed as healthy products. Big companies of massive consumer products invested heavily in communication to encourage the establishing of an expressive symbolic code. keywords: argentine; blue; brand; category; code; color; colours; consumers; culture; dairy; del; diet; expectations; fat; figure; food; functional; green; information; issn; issue; light; low; milk; packaging; pink; products; red; research; science; scienza; segmentation; skimmed; special; use cache: ccsj-87.pdf plain text: ccsj-87.txt item: #181 of 188 id: ccsj-88 author: Mastropietro von Rautenkrantz, Marina title: Colour in Food Packaging Strategies and Rules date: 2016-03-02 words: 4384 flesch: 58 summary: FOOD PACKAGING Originally conceived to prevent diseases deriving from poor sanitary conditions, food packaging means more than a mere food package. Changes and adaptations of product packaging, shape and colour are common to meet country specific expectation. keywords: barilla; best; blue; box; brand; brown; case; ccsj.i52016.03; code; coffee; color culture; colore; colore color; colour; company; competitors; consumers; culture; dark; del; different; doi; emotions; etc; features; figure; food; food color; food packaging; fresh; green; issn; issue; leader; light; market; mastropietro; means; milk; new; package; packaging; pasta; pellini; people; point; price; product; purchasing; rautenkrantz; red; rule; sale; science; scienza; shades; special; specific; strategies; strategy; strong; table; time; type; von; white; yellow cache: ccsj-88.pdf plain text: ccsj-88.txt item: #182 of 188 id: ccsj-89 author: Casciani , Daria ; Musante, Fulvio ; Rossi , Maurizio title: Domestic Horticultural - Centric Lighting Design date: 2015-12-15 words: 3989 flesch: 38 summary: More than this, the aim was to gather insights in terms of desired features to better define a domestic horticultural-centric LEDs based lighting system. Finally, LEDs were recognized as a more efficient technology for indoor growing compared to traditional lighting systems not only in terms of lower energy consumption but also in terms of the lighting quality provided that responds more precisely to plants’ needs, thus defining a more productive growing system. keywords: blue; casciani; ccsj.i52016.04; centric; channels; color; color culture; colore color; coloured; cultivation; culture; del; del colore; design; different; dimensions; distribution; doi; domestic; efficient; environment; features; figure; flowering; food; food color; good; green; growth; horticultural; issn; issue; leds; lighting; literature; order; photosynthesis; plant; proper; prototype; quality; quantity; receipts; red; requirements; research; review; science; scienza; solution; special; spectral; survey; system; terms; users; visible; way cache: ccsj-89.pdf plain text: ccsj-89.txt item: #183 of 188 id: ccsj-91 author: Chambers , Paul ; Patera , Marianne ; Cox , Trevor title: A Look into Cross-modal Associations between Taste, Color and Music date: 2016-02-08 words: 4136 flesch: 60 summary: Color showed a statistically significant effect on sweet taste perception, with red and green being linked to higher sweetness scores than blue or white. Color was found to have a significant effect on taste perception with a significance value of p = 0.0005 (F= (3, 54) = 7.292), which also returned a partial Eta squared effect size of η2= 0.757. keywords: associations; blue; color; cross; culture; del; different; effect; experiment; food; green; high; higher; influence; issue; levels; lighting; liquid; low; modal; music; participants; perception; person; piano; pitch; red; results; sample; scale; science; scienza; significant; sound; special; spence; stimuli; stimulus; studies; study; sweet; sweetness; taste; vol; white cache: ccsj-91.pdf plain text: ccsj-91.txt item: #184 of 188 id: ccsj-92 author: Poli, Anna title: Food Perception Without Colors date: 2016-01-22 words: 5203 flesch: 50 summary: But if a person lacks the sensorial perception of food colors does the stimulation of gastric juices always rely on the visual channel? What effects does this lack of color perception have on their nutrition? keywords: absence; achromates; achromatopsia; anomalies; bioactive; blindness; blue; bodies; body; certain; changes; color; color culture; color vision; colore color; complete; cones; culture; del; different; electromagnetic; eyes; flavor; food; food color; food perception; green; greyscale; human; information; issn; issue; lack; life; light; main; new; normal; people; perception; person; poli; press; problems; quality; red; retinal; science; scienza; sensations; sensitivity; sensorial; sensory; special; spectrum; studies; study; texture; trichromatic; university; visible; vision; visual; visual perception; ways; world; york cache: ccsj-92.pdf plain text: ccsj-92.txt item: #185 of 188 id: ccsj-93 author: Rossi, Maurizio title: Index&Editorial date: 2018-12-01 words: 2277 flesch: 38 summary: The experience of equivalent luminous colors at architectural scale by Ute Besenecker, Ted Krueger, John Bullough, Zachary Pearson, Robert Gerlach The changing colour of CHANEL’s lipstick ranges from 1960 to 2015 by Hélène de Clermont-Gallerande, Nicolas Rolland, Patrick Doucet, Julie Deydier, Anne Varichon, Barbara Blin-Barrois Light and colors in the “Villa dei Misteri” by Laura Bellia, Massimo Osanna, Gennaro Spada, Annamaria Mauro, Chiara Donzella, Francesca Fragliasso, Emanuela Stefanizzi A Colour Palette Methodology by Maria Kirk Mikkelsen Blue color traditions in Polish wooden architecture – valuable cultural heritage and a source of inspiration by Justyna Tarajko-Kowalska Is it possible to improve the weighting function for lightness in the CIEDE2000 color-difference formula? by Manuel Melgosa, Guihua Cui, Claudio Oleari, Pedro J. Pardo, Min Huang, Changjun Li, Ming Ronnier Luo From decoration to industrial design: Gio Ponti and color in architectural innovation by Michela Rossi and Giorgio Buratti The contribution of colour in the artistic representation of the sacred. Italian innovations from the end of XIX century to the first part of the XX century by Anna Mazzanti Improvement of a lamp construction with a highly reflective material by Eszter Dudás and Ágnes Urbin A digital framework for color design and education by Pietro Paglierani and Francesca Valan Colors, lights and shapes in the Naples underground. keywords: aldo; anna; architecture; article; associate; bertagna; bottoli; cnr; color; color culture; colore color; cui; culture; degli; del; del colore; design; di milano; doi; editor; francesca; giulio; hélène; italiana; john; journal; light; manuel; maria; maurizio; melgosa; michela; milano; osvaldo; paper; patrick; peer; politecnico; politecnico di; pos; process; referees; research; review; revisori; rivista; robert; rossi; science; scienza; studi; university; usa; valan cache: ccsj-93.pdf plain text: ccsj-93.txt item: #186 of 188 id: ccsj-94 author: Benkhedda, Meriem; Tabet Aoul , Kheira title: Color on Ceramics in the Medieval Architecture of Tlemcen, Algeria: Light, Ambiance and Symbolism date: 2018-11-30 words: 4018 flesch: 58 summary: In this floral composition, the color contrast is very pronounced, creating a raised pattern effect: the floral decor in dark brown seems to stand out from its white background (color contrast between advancing and receding colors). Comparatively, little has been done in terms of the study of color design and arrangements. keywords: algeria; ambiance; aoul; arab; architectural; art; background; bands; benkhedda; black; boumediene; bright; brown; ceramic; city; clear; clévenot; color; combination; contrast; culture; dark; decor; decoration; degeorge; del; design; diamonds; enamel; figure; floral; form; frame; geometric; green; heritage; inlaid; issn; light; marçais; medieval; minaret; monuments; mosaic; mosque; obscure; ornamentation; paris; polychrome; porch; science; scienza; sidi; source; study; surfaces; symbolism; tabet; tlemcen; tones; white; yellow cache: ccsj-94.pdf plain text: ccsj-94.txt item: #187 of 188 id: ccsj-96 author: Besenecker, Ute; Krueger, Ted; Pearson, Zachary; Bullough , John D. ; Gerlach , Robert title: The experience of equivalent luminous colors at architectural scale date: 2018-08-03 words: 4004 flesch: 46 summary: Figure 3 -Spectral power distributions of cyan conditions 2-7 in relation to condition 1 (scaled for relative light level). In theaters and studios, seven- color light emitting diode (LED) systems are being used increasingly to replace traditional filtered tungsten sources. keywords: amber; architectural; besenecker; blood; brightness; bullough; center; chromaticity; color; colored; conditions; culture; cyan; del; design; differences; different; emotional; equivalent; experience; field; figure; gerlach; hue; illuminated; institute; issn; krueger; light; lighting; luminous; paint; participants; pearson; perception; polytechnic; pressure; qualities; rensselaer; research; responses; results; saturation; scale; science; scienza; spatial; study; visual cache: ccsj-96.pdf plain text: ccsj-96.txt item: #188 of 188 id: ccsj-97 author: de Clermont- Gallerande, Hélène; Rolland, Nicolas; Doucet, Patrick; Deydier, Julie; Varichon, Anne; Blin-Barrois, Barbara title: The changing colour of CHANEL’s lipstick ranges from 1960 to 2015 date: 2018-08-27 words: 6437 flesch: 68 summary: Rose Aurore 3 Rose Mousseline 4 Rose Tendre 55 Ispahan22 Rose Aurore 22 Rose Aurore 9 Rose Mousseline1 Rose Tendre 62 Ankara 46 Fuchsia 58 Bénarès63 Lahore19 Flamme 19 Flamme 73 Taloda 17 Bruyère 30 Rose Fission 19 Rouge N°1948 Rose de Chanel 86 Flamme Bleue 90 Ouragan Bleu91 Rose Éclat 91 Rose Éclat 16 Rose Escale 6 Rouge Satin 13 Rose Fou 57 Bengale 31 Faille Rose68 Aurore 41 Précieux #17 Intensité Rose 6 Rouge Satin48 Rose de CHANEL 19 Rouge N°19 55 Envoûtant 79 Insolite 91 Rose Éclat16 Rose Escale 13 Rose Fou 30 Rose Frisson 31 Faille Rose 46 Rose d‘Or61 Rose de Glace 41 Précieux17 Intensité Rose #9 Rouge N°1955 Evoûtant34 Sirocco 37 Morocco96 Rouge Argent 57 Pimpant 61 Rose de Glace 10 Malice 73 Violette 29 Fuschine55 Envoûtant Berry11 Sirène7 Rose Aurore 3 Rose Mousseline 4 Rose Tendre 55 Ispahan22 Rose Aurore 22 Rose Aurore 9 Rose Mousseline1 Rose Tendre 62 Ankara 46 Fuchsia 58 Bénarès63 Lahore19 Flamme 19 Flamme 73 Taloda 17 Bruyère 30 Rose Fission 19 Rouge N°1948 Rose de Chanel 86 Flamme Bleue 90 Ouragan Bleu91 Rose Éclat 91 Rose Éclat 16 Rose Escale 6 Rouge Satin 13 Rose Fou 57 Bengale 31 Faille Rose68 Aurore 41 Précieux #17 Intensité Rose 6 Rouge Satin48 Rose de CHANEL 19 Rouge N°19 55 Envoûtant 79 Insolite 91 Rose Éclat16 Rose Escale 13 Rose Fou 30 Rose Frisson 31 Faille Rose 46 Rose d‘Or61 Rose de Glace 41 Précieux17 Intensité Rose #9 Rouge N°1955 Evoûtant34 Sirocco 37 Morocco96 Rouge Argent 57 Pimpant 61 Rose de Glace 10 Malice 73 Violette 29 Fuschine55 Envoûtant Berry11 Sirène7 keywords: aurore; barrois; beige; blackness; blin; bluish; bois; bombay; brun; chanel; charts; chromaticness; colore; colorimetric; colour; coromandel; couleur; culture; dark; del; deydier; doré; doucet; figure; flamboyant; flamme; gabrielle; garance; high; issn; light; lipsticks; low; midi; ncs; noir; orangey; paris; period; pink; pivoine; property; r10b; r20b; range; reds; reference; rolland; rose; rouge; sari; sari doré; saturated; science; scienza; shades; space; study; time; tones; téhéran; varichon; y90r; years cache: ccsj-97.pdf plain text: ccsj-97.txt