2 Soft Multiset Topology.dvi Abstract The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of soft multi-set topology (SMS-topology) defined on a soft multi-set (SMS). Soft multi-set and soft multi-set topology are fundamental tools in computa- tional intelligence, which have a large number of applications in soft computing, fuzzy modeling and decision-making under uncertainty. The idea of power whole multi-subsets of a SMS is defined to explore various rudimentary properties of SMS-topology. Certain properties of SMS-topology like SMS-basis, SMS-subspace, SMS-interior, SMS-closure and boundary of SMS are explored. Furthermore, the multi- criteria decision-making (MCDM) algorithms with aggregation operators based on SMS-topology are established. Algorithm i (i = 1, 2, 3) are developed for the selection of best alternative for biopesticides, for the selection of best textile company, for the award of performance, respectively. Some real life ap- plications of the proposed algorithms in MCDM problems are illustrated by numerical examples. The the reliability and feasibility of proposed MCDM techniques is shown by comparison analysis with some existing techniques. Keywords: Soft multi-sets; soft multi-set topology; aggregation operators, algorithms; MCDM. 1 Introduction Modeling and handling uncertainties has become an issue of great importance in the solution of sophisticated problems originating in a vast range of various fields such as computational intelligence, artificial intelligence, data analysis, information fusion, image processing, signal processing, environmental sciences and medical sciences. Mathematical models like multi-sets (Blizard, 1989), fuzzy sets (Zadeh, 1965), soft sets (Molodtsov, 1999) and rough sets (Pawlak, 1982) are fundamental tools for uncertainty, hesitancy and vagueness in the real life circumstances. The researchers have been developed some extension of fuzzy sets like intuitionistic fuzzy sets (Atanassov, 1986), bipolar fuzzy sets (Zhang, 1994), Pythagorean fuzzy sets (Yager, 2013; Yager and Abbasov, 2013) and q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets (Yager, 2017) which have a large number of applications 70 Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 70-96. ISSN: 2560-6018 eISSN: 2620-0104 DOI: https://doi.org/10.31181/dmame2003070r CERTAIN PROPERTIES OF SOFT MULTI-SET TOPOLOGY WITH APPLICATIONS IN MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MAKING Muhammad Riaz 1*, Naim Çagman 2, Nabeela Wali 3 and Amna Mushtaq 4 1 Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 2 Department of Mathematics, Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, Turkey. 3 Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 4 Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: mriaz.math@pu.edu.pk (M. Riaz), naim.cagman@gop.edu.tr (N. Çagman), nabeelawali.math@gmail.com (N. Wali), amna44mushtaq@gmail.com (A. Mushtaq) Original scientific paper Received: 5 June 2020; Accepted: 19 August 2020; Available online: 12 September 2020. in computational intelligence, decision making under uncertainty and many other fields of science and engi- neering. Indeed, the real power of these sets are in their ability to handle and manipulate verbally-stated information into mathematical modeling and seeking feasible solutions to complicated real life problems. Additionally, fuzzy sets and its extensions are strong mathematical models to solve real world problems which can not be solved by classical mathematical techniques. Fuzzy sets, extensions of fuzzy sets, rough sets, soft sets and hybrid structures of these sets have been studied by many researchers like Ali, (2009,2011); Cagman et al., (2011); Chen (2005); Feng et al., (2010,2011,2018); Garg and Rani, (2019); Hashmi et al., (2019); Karaaslan and Hunu, (2020); Kumar and Garg, (2018), Maji et al., (2002,2003); Naeem et al., (2019), Peng and Yang (2015), Peng et al., (2017), Pie and Miao (2005), Roy and Maji (2007); Riaz et al., (2019);, Riaz and Hashmi (2019); Riaz and Tehrim, (2019); Shabir and Naz (2011); Zhang and Xu (2014); Zhan et al., (2015,2019); and Zhang (1994). Multi-set theory and soft multi-set theory have been studied by many researchers including Alkhazaleh et al. (2011); Babitha and John (2013); Balami and Ibrahim (2013); Girish and John (2009,2019); Kumar and Naisal (2016); Mukherjee et al. (2014); Syropoulos (2001) and Tokat and Osmanoglu (2011,2013). A large number of MCDM methods have been developed by the researchers under rough sets, fuzzy sets and soft sets. But these methods do not deal with real life situations under the universe of soft multi-sets. Due to repetition of objects or objects have multiplicity more than one and variety of attributes under consideration in the universe of soft multi-sets it is necessary to develop novel MCDM approaches. The goal of this article is deal with these challenges and to extend the notion of soft multi-sets and soft multi-set topology towards MCDM problems. The topological and algebraic structures of soft multi-sets have large number of applications in soft computing, decision-making, data analysis, data mining, expert systems, information aggregation and information measures. The remaining article is arranged as follows: In section 2, we use power whole multi-subsets of a SMS to introduce some basic concepts of SMS-theory. In section 3, we present some new results of SMS-topology and certain properties including basis, subspace, interior, closure and boundary of soft multi-sets (SMSs). In Section 4, we present Algorithm 1, Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3 for the selection of best alternative for biopesticides, for the selection of best textile company, for the award of performance, respectively. We also present applications of SMS-topology for MCDM by using proposed algorithms. At the end, the sum up of this research studies is given in the in Section 5. 2 Preliminaries In this section, we study few primary rudiments of multi-sets (MSs) and soft multi-sets (SMSs). Definition 2.1. ”A multi-set (MS) over Z is just a pair < Z, f >, where f : Z → W is a function, Z is a crisp set and W is a set of whole numbers. Also in order to avoid any confusion we will use square brackets for multi-sets and braces for sets. Multiset A is given by A =< Z, f >= [k1 z1 , k2 z2 , ..., kn zn ], where z1 occuring k1 times, z2 occuring k2 times and so on (Syropoulos, 2001). Definition 2.2. Let A =< Z, f > and B =< Z, g > be two multi-sets. Multiset A is a submulti-set of B, 71 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 denoted by A ⊆ B if for all z ∈ A, f(z) ≤ g(z) (Syropoulos, 2001). Definition 2.3. A submulti-set A =< Z, f > of B =< Z, g > is a whole submulti-set of B with each element in A having full multiplicity as in B. i.e. f(z) = g(z), for every z in A (Babitha and John (2013)) Definition 2.4. Let [Z]n denotes the set of all MSs whose elements are in Z such that no element in a multi-set appears more than n times. Let A ∈ [Z]n be a multi-set. The power whole multi-set of A denoted by PW(A) is defined as the set of all whole sub MSs of A. The cardinality of PW(A) is 2m, where m is the cardinality of the support set (root set) of A” (Babitha and John (2013)). In the sequel, H indicates to universal multi-set, E is a set of attributes or parameters , PW(H) is a power whole multi-set of H and A ⊆ E. Example 2.5. Let ... M = [2/r, 1/y, 1/k] be a multi-set. Then the set of all sub MSs of M is PW(A) = { ... M1 = [0/r, 0/y, 0/k], ... M2 = [0/r, 0/y, 1/k], ... M3 = [0/r, 1/y, 0/k], ... M4 = [0/r, 1/y, 1/k], ... M5 = [1/r, 0/y, 0/k], ... M6 = [1/r, 0/y, 1/k], ... M7 = [1/r, 1/y, 0/k], ... M8 = [1/r, 1/y, 1/k], ... M9 = [2/r, 0/y, 0/k], ... M10 = [2/r, 0/y, 1/k], ... M11 = [2/r, 1/y, 0/k], ... M12 = [2/r, 1/y, 1/k] } and card(P(M)) = (2 + 1)(1 + 1)(1 + 1) = 12. Furthermore, the power whole multi-set is given by PW(M) = { ... M1, ... M2, ... M3, ... M4, ... M9, ... M10, ... M11, ... M12} and its cardinality is given by card(PW(M)) = 23 = 8. Definition 2.6. ”A soft multi-set (SMS) ΩA on the universal multi-set H is defined by the set of all ordered pairs ΩA = {(ν, ΩA(ν)) : ν ∈ E, ΩA(ν) ∈ PW(H)}, where ΩA : E → PW(H) such that ΩA(ν) = ∅ if ν /∈ A. Throughout this paper, SM(H) denotes the family of all SMSs over H with attributes from E. Now, we elaborate the definition of soft multi-set by the succeeding example” (Babitha and John (2013)). Example 2.7. Let H = [ 2 r1 , 4 r2 , 3 r3 , 5 r4 , 7 r5 , 6 r6 , 9 r7 ] be the universal multi-set of classrooms, E = {comfortable, air conditioned, well decorated, flipped classroom} and A = E. Then the SMS ΩA is given by ΩA = {(comfortable, [ 2 r1 , 5 r4 ]), (air conditioned, [ 6 r6 , 9 r7 ]), (well decorated, [ 2 r1 , 4 r2 ]), (flipped classroom, [ 3 r3 , 7 r5 , 9 r7 ])}. Definition 2.8. ”Let ΩA ∈ SM(H). If ΩA(ν) = ∅, ∀ ν ∈ E, then ΩA is called an empty or null SMS, denoted by Ωφ (See Babitha and John (2013)). 72 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Definition 2.9. Let ΩA ∈ SM(H). Then ΩA is said to be A-universal SMS, denoted by ΩÂ, if ΩA(ν) = H, ∀ ν ∈ A. If A = E, then A-universal soft multi-set is said to be an universal or absolute SMS, denoted by Ω Ê ” (Babitha and John (2013)). Definition 2.10. Let ΩA, ΩB ∈ SM(H). Then, ΩA is a soft multi subset of ΩB, denoted by ΩA⊆̂ΩB, if ΩA(ν) ⊆ ΩB(ν) for all ν ∈ E” (Babitha and John (2013)). Definition 2.11. Let ΩA, ΩB ∈ EM(H). Then, the union ΩA∪̂ΩB, the intersection ΩA∩̂ΩB, the difference ΩA\̂ΩB of ΩA and ΩB are defined by the approximate functions ΩA∪̂B(ν) = ΩA(ν) ∪ ΩB(ν), ΩA∩̂B(ν) = ΩA(ν) ∩ ΩB(ν), ΩA\̂B(ν) = ΩA(ν) ⊖ ΩB(ν), respectively, and the complement Ω c A of ΩA is defined Ω c A(ν) = H ⊖ ΩA(ν), for all ν ∈ E. Note that (Ω c A) c = ΩA and Ω c φ = ΩÊ. Definition 2.12. A soft multi-set ΩA over H is called soft multi-set point (SMS-point), if there is exactly one ν ∈ A, such that ΩA(ν) 6= ∅ and ΩA(µ) = ∅, ∀µ ∈ A \ {ν}. The SMS-point ΩA is in the SMS δA, if for the element ν ∈ A, ΩA(ν) ⊆ δA(ν). Example 2.13. Let H = [ 2 a , 3 b , 4 c ], A = {ν, µ} = E. Let ΩA = {(ν, [ 2 a ])} and δA = {(ν, [ 2 a , 3 b ]), (µ, [3 b , 4 c ])}. Since ΩA(ν) = [ 2 a ] ⊆ [ 2 a , 3 b ] = δA(ν) and ΩA(µ) = ∅ ∀µ ∈ A \ {ν}. Therefore, ΩA is a SMS-point of SMS δA. , where Proposition 2.14. Let ΩA, ΩB ∈ SM(H). Then (i) (ΩA∪̂ΩB) c = σcA∩̂σ c B, (ii) (ΩA∩̂ΩB) c = σcA∪̂σ c B. 3 Soft Multi-Set Topology Different approaches have bee studied by the researchers to define soft multi-set topology (SMS-topology) (Mukherjee et al. (2014), and Tokat and Osmanoglu (2011,2013)). In this section, we introduce the notion of SMS-topology on a soft multi-set and its analogous properties by using the concept of power whole sub multi-sets to use the full multiplicity or zero multiplicity of each objects. Definition 3.1. Let ΩA be a SMS over H. The soft power whole multi-set of the SMS ΩA is denoted by P̃W(ΩA) and is defined as P̃W(ΩA) = {ΩAi : ΩAi⊆̃ΩA, i ∈ I} and its cardinality is given by |P̃W(ΩA)| = 2 ∑ i∈N |Xi|, where |Xi| is the cardinality of the support set Xi of approximation image multi-set ... Mi with respect to parameter ëi, where i ∈ N. Example 3.2. Let H = [ 5 a , 4 b , 3 c ], E = {ë1, ë2, ë3}, A = {ë1, ë2} ⊆ E and a soft multi-set over H is ΩA = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}. Then |P̃W(ΩA)| = 2 |X1|+|X2| = 22+2 = 24 = 16, where |X1| = 2, since X1 = {a, b} and |X2| = 2, since X2 = {b, c}. 73 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 The soft power whole multi-set of the soft multi-set ΩA is given by P̃W(ΩA) = {ΩA1, ΩA2, · · ·, ΩA16}, where ΩA1 = Ω∅, ΩA2 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ])}, ΩA3 = {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA4 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ])}, ΩA5 = {(ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA6 = {(ë2, [ 3 c ])}, ΩA7 = {(ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, ΩA8 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA9 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, ΩA10 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, ΩA11 = {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA12 = {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, ΩA13 = {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, ΩA14 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA15 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, ΩA16 = ΩA. Example 3.3. Let H = [ 1 2 , 1 3 , 2 4 , 3 5 , 2 6 , 5 7 , 1 8 , 5 9 , 4 10 ] and E = {ë1, ë2, ë3, ë4, ë5, ë6} where ë1 denotes divisibility by 2, ë2 denotes divisibility by 3, ë3 denotes divisibility by 4, ë4 denotes divisibility by 5, ë5 denotes divisibility by 6, ë6 denotes divisibility by prime numbers. Let A = {ë3, ë4, ë5} ⊆ E and a soft multi-set over H is ΩA = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}. Then |P̃W(ΩA)| = 2 |X1|+|X2|+|X3| = 22+2+1 = 25 = 32, where |X1| = 2, since X1 = {4, 8}, |X2| = 2, since X2 = {5, 10} and |X3| = 1, since X3 = {6}. The soft power whole multi-set of the SMS ΩA is given by P̃W(ΩA) = {ΩA1, ΩA2, · · ·, ΩA32}, where ΩA1 = Ω∅, ΩA2 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ])}, ΩA3 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ])}, ΩA4 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ])}, ΩA5 = {(ë4, [ 3 5 ])}, ΩA6 = {(ë4, [ 4 10 ])}, ΩA7 = {(ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ])}, ΩA8 = {(ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA9 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ])}, ΩA10 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ])}, ΩA11 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ])}, ΩA12 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ])}, 74 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making ΩA13 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ])}, ΩA14 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ])}, ΩA15 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA16 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA17 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA18 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ])}, ΩA19 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ])}, ΩA20 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ])}, ΩA21 = {(ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA22 = {(ë4, [ 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA23 = {(ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA24 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA25 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA26 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA27 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA28 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA29 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA30 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA31 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA32 = ΩA. Definition 3.4. ”Let ΩA be a soft multi-set over universal multi-set H. A SMS-topology on a soft multi-set ΩA, denoted by τ̃, is a collection of soft multi subsets of ΩA having the following properties: (i) Ω∅, ΩA ∈ τ̃. (ii) Union of any number of members of τ̃ belongs to τ̃ i.e. {ΩAi⊆̃ΩA : i ∈ I ⊆ N}⊆̃τ̃ ⇒ ⋃̃ i∈I ΩAi ∈ τ̃. (iii) Intersection of finite number of members of τ̃ belongs to τ̃ i.e. {ΩAi⊆̃ΩA : 1 ≤ i ≤ n, n ∈ N}⊆̃τ̃ ⇒ ⋂̃ 1≤i≤nΩAi ∈ τ̃. Then a SMS topological space is denoted by (ΩA, τ̃)” (Mukherjee et al. (2014), and Tokat and Osmanoglu (2011,2013)). Example 3.5. Let H = [ 5 a , 4 b , 3 c ], E = {ë1, ë2, ë3}, A = {ë1, ë2} ⊆ E and a soft multi-set over H is ΩA = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])} as given in Example 3.2. Then τ̃1 = {Ω∅, ΩA}, τ̃2 = P̃W(ΩA), and τ̃3 = {Ω∅, {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA} are three SMS topologies on the soft multi-set ΩA. Likewise τ̃4 = {Ω∅, {(ë1, [ 5 a ])}, {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA} is not a SMS-topology on ΩA. Example 3.6. Take soft multi-set (SMS) ΩA = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}. which is same as given in Example 3.3. So that τ̃1 = {Ω∅, ΩA}, τ̃2 = {Ω∅, ΩA24, ΩA26, ΩA30, ΩA} or 75 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 τ̃2 = {Ω∅, {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA} and τ̃3 = P̃W(ΩA) are SMS topologies on the SMS ΩA. Throughout this work, we use the following definition of complement in a SMS topological space. Definition 3.7. The soft multi complement Ωc̃B of a soft multi subset ΩB in a SMS topological space (ΩA, τ̃) is defined as Ωc̃B = ΩA\̃ΩB. Definition 3.8. Let τ̃ be a SMS-topology then each of its element is called soft open multi-set (SOMS) and the complement of each soft open multi-set is called called a soft closed multi-set. Example 3.9. Let τ̃2 be the SMS-topology which considered in Example 3.6. Since ΩA24 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])} is a soft open multi-set. Then Ωc̃A24 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 4 10 ])} is a soft closed multi-set. Remark. The union of two SMS-topologies on a SMS ΩE may not be a SMS-topology on ΩE. Example 3.10. Let H = [ 2 g , 4 h , 6 i ], E = {ë1, ë2}, and τ̃1 = {Ω∅, ΩẼ, Ω1E , Ω2E , Ω3E , Ω4E }, τ̃2 = {Ω∅, ΩẼ, Ω5E , Ω6E , Ω7E , Ω8E } be two SMS topologies on ΩẼ where Ω1E , Ω2E , Ω3E , Ω4E , Ω5E , Ω6E , Ω7E and Ω8E are SMSs over H defined as follows: Ω1E = {(ë1, [ 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g ])}, Ω2E = {(ë1, [ 4 h , 6 i ], (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}, Ω3E = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 4 h ]), (ë2, X)}, Ω4E = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 6 i ])}, Ω5E = {(ë1, [ 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g ])}, Ω6E = {(ë1, [ 4 h , 6 i ], (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}, Ω7E = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}, Ω8E = {(ë1, [ 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 6 i ])}. Now, we define τ̃ = τ̃1∩̃τ̃2 = {Ω1E , Ω2E , Ω3E , Ω4E , Ω5E , Ω6E , Ω7E , Ω8E }. If we take Ω2E ∪̃Ω7E = HE. Then hE(ë1) = f2E (ë1) ∪ f7E (ë1) = [ 4 h , 6 i ] ∪ [ 2 g , 4 h ] = H hE(ë2) = f2E (ë2) ∪ f7E (ë2) = [ 2 g , 4 h ] ∪ [ 2 g , 4 h ] = [ 2 g , 4 h ] but HE /∈ τ̃. Thus τ̃ is not a SMS-topology on ΩẼ. Definition 3.11. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and B̃⊆̃τ̃. If every element of τ̃ can be written as a union of members of B̃, then B̃ is called a soft multi basis for the SMS-topology τ̃. Example 3.12. Let H = [ 5 a , 4 b , 3 c ], E = {ë1, ë2, ë3}, A = {ë1, ë2} ⊆ E and a SMS over H is ΩA = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}. Let τ̃2 = P̃W(ΩA). Then B̃ = {Ω∅, ΩA2, ΩA3, ΩA5, ΩA6} or B̃ = {Ω∅, {(ë1, [ 5 a ])}, {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, {(ë2, [ 4 b ])}, {(ë2, [ 3 c ])}} is a soft multi basis for the SMS-topology τ̃2. 76 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Example 3.13. Consider the SMS-topology τ̃3 that is given in Example 3.6. Since τ̃3 = P̃W(ΩA). Then B̃ = {Ω∅, ΩA2, ΩA3, ΩA5, ΩA6, ΩA8} is a soft multi basis for the SMS-topology τ̃3. Definition 3.14. Let (ΩA, τ̃ΩA) be a SMS topological space and ΩB is contained in ΩA. Let τ̃ΩB be the collection of ΩBi such that ΩBi = ΩAi∩̃ΩB where each ΩAi are contained in τ̃ΩA. Then τ̃ΩB is called a soft multi subspace topology or soft multi relative topology on ΩB. Hence (ΩB, τ̃ΩB ) is soft multi subspace of (ΩA, τ̃ΩA). Theorem 3.15. Let (ΩA, τ̃ΩA) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then a soft multi subspace topology τ̃ΩB on ΩB is a SMS-topology. Proof. (i) Since ΩB⊆̃ΩA and Ωφ⊆̃ΩA. Then clearly Ωφ and ΩB are contained in τ̃ΩB this is so because Ωφ∩̃ΩB = Ωφ and ΩA∩̃ΩB = ΩB, where Ωφ, ΩA are in τ̃ΩA. (ii)-(iii) Since τ̃ΩA SMS topology, then by the given relations ⋂̃n i=1 (ΩAi∩̃ΩB) = ( ⋂̃n i=1 ΩAi)∩̃ΩB, ⋃̃ i∈I (ΩAi∪̃ΩB) = ( ⋂̃ i∈I ΩAi)∩̃ΩB τ̃ΩB is the SMS topology on ΩB. Example 3.16. Let us consider SMS-topology τ̃3 on ΩA as given in Example 3.5. Let ΩB = ΩA10 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, and τ̃3 = {Ω∅, {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA} then τ̃ΩB = {Ω∅, ΩA6, ΩA9, ΩA10}. So (ΩB, τ̃ΩB ) is soft multi subspace of (ΩA, τ̃3). Example 3.17. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃2 that is given in Example 3.6. Let ΩB = ΩA11 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ])} then τ̃ΩB = {Ω∅, ΩA9, ΩA11}. So (ΩB, τ̃ΩB ) is soft multi subspace of (ΩA, τ̃2). Definition 3.18. ”Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then the soft multi interior of ΩB, denoted by Int(ΩB) or Ω ◦ B, is the soft multi union of all soft open multi subsets of ΩB”. Example 3.19. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃3 given in Example 3.5. If ΩB = ΩA13 = {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, then Ω◦B = Ω∅∪̃ΩA3∪̃ΩA12 = ΩA12. Example 3.20. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃2 given in Example 3.6. If ΩB = ΩA17 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, then Ω◦B = Ω∅. Definition 3.21. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then the soft multi closure of ΩB, denoted by Cl(ΩB) or ΩB, is the soft multi intersection of all soft closed super multi-sets of ΩB. Example 3.22. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃3 given in Example 3.5. If ΩB = ΩA10 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])}, then Ωc̃A3 = {(ë1, [ 5 a ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])} = ΩB and Ω c̃ φ = ΩA are soft closed super multi-sets of ΩB. Hence ΩB = ΩA∩̃ΩB = ΩB. 77 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Example 3.23. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃2 given in Example 3.6. If ΩB = ΩA3 = {(ë3, [ 1 8 ])}, then Ωc̃A24 = ΩA13, Ω c̃ A26 = ΩA3 and Ω c̃ φ = ΩA are soft closed super multi-sets of ΩB. Hence ΩB = ΩA3∩̃ΩA13∩̃ΩA = ΩA3. Theorem 3.24. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) (Ω◦B) ◦ = Ω◦B (ii) ΩB⊆̃ΩC ⇒ Ω ◦ B⊆̃Ω ◦ C (iii) Ω◦B∩̃Ω ◦ C = (ΩB∩̃ΩC) ◦ (iv) Ω◦B∪̃Ω ◦ C⊆̃(ΩB∪̃ΩC) ◦. (v) (ΩB) = ΩB (vi) ΩC⊆̃ΩB ⇒ ΩC⊆̃ΩB (vii) (ΩB∩̃ΩC)⊆̃ΩB∩̃ΩC (viii) (ΩB∪̃ΩC) = ΩB∪̃ΩC. (ix) Ω◦B⊆̃ΩB⊆̃ΩB Proof. The proof follows by Definition 3.18 and Definition 3.21. Example 3.25. Let U = [ 2 g , 4 h , 6 i ], E = {ë1, ë2} and τ̃ = {Ω∅, ΩẼ, Ω1E , Ω2E , Ω3E , ..., Ω7E }, where Ω1E = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}, Ω2E = {(ë1, [ 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 6 i ])}, Ω3E = {(ë1, [ 4 h , 6 i ]), (ë2, [ 2 g ])}, Ω4E = {(ë1, [ 4 h ]), (ë2, [ 2 g ])}, Ω5E = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 4 h ]), (ë2, U)}, Ω6E = {(ë1, U), (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}, Ω7E = {(ë1, [ 4 h , 6 i ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}. Then (Ω Ẽ , τ̃) is a soft multi-set topological space. Let ΩE and Ω̈E are defined as follows: ΩE = {(ë1, [ 2 g , 6 i ]), (ë2, ∅)}, Ω̈E = {(ë1, [ 4 h , 6 i ]), (ë2, [ 2 g , 4 h ])}. Then ΩE∩̃Ω̈E = {(ë1, [ 6 i ]), (ë2, ∅)}. Now, ΩE = ΩẼ∩̃Ω c̃ 2E ∩̃Ωc̃4E = Ω c̃ 2E and Ω̈E = ΩẼ. Therefore ΩE∩̃Ω̈E = ΩE. Also ΩE∩̃Ω̈E = ∩̃{ΩẼ, Ω c̃ 1E , Ωc̃2E , Ω c̃ 4E , Ωc̃5E } = Ω c̃ 5E . So ΩE∩̃Ω̈E⊆̃ΩE∩̃Ω̈E but ΩE∩̃Ω̈E*̃ΩE∩̃Ω̈E. Hence, ΩE∩̃Ω̈E 6= ΩE∩̃Ω̈E. Definition 3.26. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a soft multi-set topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. The soft multi interior of soft multi complement of ΩB is called the soft multi exterior of ΩB and is denoted by Ext(ΩB) or Ω ẽ B. In other words, ΩẽB = (Ω c̃ B) ◦. Example 3.27. From Example 3.5, we take SMS-topology τ̃3. Then for 78 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making ΩB = ΩA14 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, then Ωc̃A14 = {(ë2, [ 3 c ])} = ΩA6. Hence Ω ẽ B = (Ω c̃ B) ◦ = Ωφ, (because null soft multi-set is the only soft open multi subset contained in Ωc̃B). Example 3.28. From Example 3.6, we take SMS-topology τ̃2. Then for ΩB = ΩA30 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, then Ωc̃B = {(ë4, [ 4 10 ])} = ΩA6. Hence Ω ẽ B = (Ω c̃ B) ◦ = Ωφ, (because null soft multi-set is the only soft open multi subset contained in Ωc̃B). Theorem 3.29. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) (ΩB∪̃ΩC) ẽ = (ΩB) ẽ∩̃(ΩC) ẽ, (ii) (ΩB) ẽ∪̃(ΩC) ẽ⊆̃(ΩB∩̃ΩC) ẽ. Proof. (i) (ΩB∪̃ΩC) ẽ = ((ΩB∪̃ΩC) c̃)◦ = (Ωc̃B∩̃Ω c̃ C) ◦ = (Ωc̃B) ◦∩̃(Ωc̃C) ◦ = (ΩB) ẽ∩̃(ΩC) ẽ (ii) (ΩB) ẽ∪̃(ΩC) ẽ = (Ωc̃B) ◦∪̃(Ωc̃C) ◦ ⊆̃(Ωc̃B∪̃Ω c̃ C) ◦ = (Ω◦B∪̃(Ω c̃ C) ◦ = (ΩB∩̃ΩC) ẽ. Definition 3.30. ”Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space. A soft multi point α ∈ ΩA is said to be a soft multi interior point of the soft multi-set ΩA if there is a soft open multi-set ΩB such that α ∈ ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Moreover, If α is soft multi interior point of the soft multi-set ΩA then ΩA is called soft multi neighborhood (or soft multi open neighborhood) of α. Thus ν̃(α) = {ΩB : ΩB ∈ τ̃} is the family of soft multi neighborhoods of α” (Mukherjee et al. (2014), and Tokat and Osmanoglu (2011,2013)). Example 3.31. Let ΩA = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b , 3 c ])} be the soft multi-set as given in Example 3.5 and τ̃3 = {Ω∅, {(ë1, [ 4 b ])}, {(ë1, [ 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 3 c ])}, {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, ΩA} be a SMS-topology on the soft multi-set ΩA. Let α = (ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]) ∈ ΩA then α ∈ ΩA14⊆̃ΩA, where ΩA14 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])} is the soft multi open neighborhood of α. Similarly α ∈ ΩA⊆̃ΩA this shows that ΩA is multi soft neighborhood of α. Thus ν̃(α) = {ΩA14, ΩA} is the family of soft multi neighborhoods of α. Example 3.32. Let ΩA = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])} be the soft multi-set as given in Exam- ple 3.6 and τ̃2 = {Ω∅, {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, {(ë3, [ 2 4 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 , 4 10 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, ΩA} be a SMS-topology on the SMS ΩA. Let α = (ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]) ∈ ΩA then α ∈ ΩA30⊆̃ΩA, where ΩA30 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])} is the soft multi open neighborhood of α. Similarly α ∈ ΩA⊆̃ΩA this shows that ΩA is soft multi neighborhood of α. Thus ν̃(α) = {ΩA30, ΩA} is the family of soft multi neighborhoods of α. Theorem 3.33. Let τ̃ be a SMS topology on SMS ΩA. Then a subset ΩB of ΩA is said to be open if and only if it is neighborhood of each of its own soft multi point. Proof. Let ΩB be soft multi open subset of ΩA. Then for each soft multi point λ in ΩB, we have λ∈̃ΩB⊆̃ΩB. This shows that ΩB is a neighborhood of each of its own soft multi point. Conversely, suppose that ΩB is a neighborhood of each of its own soft multi point. Then for each soft multi point λ∈̃ΩB there exists soft multi open set ΩUλ such that λ∈̃ΩUλ⊆̃ΩB. This shows that ΩB = ∪̃{λ}⊆̃∪̃ΩUλ⊆̃ΩB. Thus we get ΩB = ⊆̃∪̃ΩUλ. This proves that ΩB is soft multi open set. 79 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Definition 3.34. ”Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA and α ∈ ΩA. If every multi soft neighborhood of α soft multi intersects ΩB in some soft multi points other than α itself, then α is called a soft multi limit point of ΩB. The collection of all soft multi limit points of ΩB is denoted by Ω ′ B. In other words, if (ΩA, τ̃) is a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA and α ∈ ΩA, then α ∈ Ω ′ B ⇔ ΩC∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α)”. Example 3.35. Consider example 3.31. If ΩB = ΩA14 and α = (x1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]) ∈ ΩA, then α ∈ Ω ′ B, since ΩA∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ and ΩA14∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ. Example 3.36. Consider Example 3.32. If ΩB = ΩA30 and α = (ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]) ∈ ΩA, then α ∈ Ω ′ B, since ΩA∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ and ΩA30∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ. Theorem 3.37. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B = ΩB. Proof. If α ∈ ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B, then α ∈ ΩB or α ∈ Ω ′ B. In this case, if α ∈ ΩB, then α ∈ ΩB. If α ∈ Ω ′ B, then ΩC∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α), and so ΩC∩̃ΩB 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α); hence, α ∈ ΩB. Conversely, if α ∈ ΩB, then α ∈ ΩB or α ∈ Ω ′ B. In this case, if α ∈ ΩB, it is trivial that α ∈ ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B. If α /∈ ΩB, then ΩC∩̃(ΩB\̃{α}) 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α). Therefore, α ∈ Ω ′ B, so α ∈ ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B. Hence ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B = ΩB. Theorem 3.38. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, ΩB is soft closed multi-set if and only if Ω′B⊆̃ΩB. Proof. ΩB = ΩB ⇔ ΩB∪̃Ω ′ B = ΩB ⇔ Ω ′ B⊆̃ΩB. Theorem 3.39. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) Ω′B⊆̃ΩB (ii) ΩB⊆̃ΩC ⇒ Ω ′ B⊆̃Ω ′ C (iii) (ΩB∩̃ΩC) ′⊆̃Ω′B∩̃Ω ′ C (iv) (ΩB∪̃ΩC) ′ = Ω′B∪̃Ω ′ C (v) ΩB is a soft closed multi-set ⇔ Ω ′ B⊆̃ΩB. Proof. The proof is straightforward. Theorem 3.40. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) (Ωc̃B) = (Ω ◦ B) c̃ (ii) (ΩB) c̃ = (Ωc̃B) ◦ (iii) Ω◦B = ((Ω c̃ B)) c̃ (iv) ΩB = ((Ω c̃ B) ◦)c̃ (v) (ΩB\̃ΩC) ◦⊆̃ΩB ◦\̃ΩC ◦ . Proof. (i) Let α ∈ ΩB such that α /∈ Ω ◦ B. Then, for each soft multi open neighborhood of ΩC of α, ΩC soft multi intersects Ωc̃B. Otherwise, for some soft multi open neighborhood ΩC of α, ΩC∩̃Ω c̃ B = Ωφ or ΩC⊆̃ΩB. Since Ω◦B is the largest soft open multi-set in ΩB, therefore α ∈ ΩC⊆̃Ω ◦ B, which is a contradiction. Therefore, α ∈ (Ωc̃B). Hence, (Ω ◦ B) c̃⊆̃(Ωc̃B). 80 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Conversely, suppose α ∈ Ωc̃B, then by Definition 3.34, α ∈ Ω c̃ B or α is a soft multi limit point of Ω c̃ B. If α ∈ Ωc̃B, then α ∈ (Ω ◦ B) c̃. In the second case, α /∈ Ω◦B. Otherwise, by the definition of soft multi limit point, Ω◦B∩̃Ω c̃ B 6= Ωφ, which is false. Therefore, (Ω c̃ B)⊆̃(Ω ◦ B) c̃. Combining, we get (i). (ii) Clearly (ΩB) c̃ = ( ⋂̃ ΩAi ⊇̃ΩB,Ω c̃ Ai ∈τ̃ ΩAi) c̃ = ⋃̃ Ωc̃Ai = (Ω c̃ B) ◦. (iii) and (iv) are directly obtained by taking the complements of (i) and (ii), respectively. (v) (ΩB\̃ΩC) ◦ = (ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ C) ◦ = Ω◦B∩̃(Ω c̃ C) ◦ = Ω◦B∩̃(ΩC) c̃ ⊆̃Ω◦B∩̃(Ω ◦ C) c̃ = Ω◦B\̃Ω ◦ C. Definition 3.41. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. The soft multi frontier or boundary of ΩB is denoted by Ωr(ΩB) or Ω b̃ B and is defined as Ω b̃ B = ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B. Stated differently, the soft multi points that do not belong to soft multi interior and exterior of ΩB are in Ω b̃ B. Example 3.42. From Example 3.5, we take SMS-topology τ̃3, then for ΩB = ΩA14 = {(ë1, [ 5 a , 4 b ]), (ë2, [ 4 b ])}, then Ωc̃A14 = {(ë2, [ 3 c ])} = ΩA6. Hence Ω b̃ B = ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = ΩA∩̃ΩA6 = ΩA6. Example 3.43. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃2 given in Example 3.6. If ΩB = ΩA30 = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, then Ωc̃A30 = {(ë4, [ 4 10 ])} = ΩA6. Hence Ω b̃ B = ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = ΩA∩̃ΩA6 = ΩA6. Theorem 3.44. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) Ωb̃B⊆̃ΩB (ii) Ωb̃B = (Ω c̃ B) b̃ (iii) Ωb̃B = ΩB\̃Ω ◦ B. Proof. (i) The proof is clear by definition of a soft multi boundary. (ii) Take as given α ∈ Ωb̃B ⇔ ΩC∩̃ΩB 6= Ωφ and ΩC∩̃ΩB c̃ 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α) ⇔ ΩC∩̃ΩB c̃ 6= Ωφ and ΩC∩̃(ΩB c̃)c̃ 6= Ωφ for all ΩC ∈ ν̃(α). Hence Ω b̃ B = (Ω c̃ B) b̃. (iii) By using the definitions of a soft multi closure and a multi soft interior, we have ΩB\̃Ω ◦ B = ΩB∩̃(Ω ◦ B) c̃ = ΩB∩̃( ⋃̃ ΩBi ⊆̃ΩB,ΩBi ∈τ̃ ΩBi) c̃ = ΩB∩̃( ⋂̃ ΩBi c̃) = ΩB∩̃(ΩBi c̃) = Ωb̃B. Theorem 3.45. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) (Ωb̃B) c̃ = Ω◦B∪̃(Ω c̃ B) ◦ = Ω◦B∪̃Ω ẽ B (ii) ΩB = ΩB∪̃Ω b̃ B (iii) Ω◦B = ΩB\̃Ω b̃ B. Proof. (i) Ω◦B∪̃(Ω c̃ B) ◦ = ((Ω◦B) c̃)c̃∪̃(((Ωc̃B) ◦)c̃)c̃ = [(Ω◦B) c̃∩̃((Ωc̃B) ◦)c̃ ]c̃ = [Ωc̃B∩̃ΩB ] c̃ = (Ωb̃B) c̃. (ii) ΩB∪̃Ω b̃ B = ΩB∪̃(ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B) = [ΩB∪̃ΩB ]∩̃[ΩB∪̃Ω c̃ B ] = ΩB∩̃[ΩB∪̃Ω c̃ B ] = ΩB∩̃ΩA = ΩB. (iii) ΩB\̃Ω b̃ B = ΩB∩̃(Ω b̃ B) c̃ = ΩB∩̃(Ω ◦ B∪̃(Ω c̃ B) ◦) (by (i)) = [ΩB∩̃Ω ◦ B]∪̃[ΩB∩̃(Ω c̃ B) ◦] = Ω◦B∪̃Ωφ = Ω ◦ B. Remark. From Theorem 3.45, it follows that ΩA = Ω ◦ B∪̃Ω ẽ B∪̃Ω b̃ B. Theorem 3.46. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) Ωb̃B∩̃Ω ◦ B = Ωφ (ii) Ωb̃B∩̃Ω ẽ B = Ωφ. 81 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Proof. (i) Ωb̃B∩̃Ω ◦ B = (ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B)∩̃Ω ◦ B = ΩB∩̃(Ω ◦ B) c̃∩̃Ω◦B = Ωφ. (ii) Ωb̃B∩̃Ω ẽ B = (Ω c̃ B) ◦∩̃(ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B) = (Ω c̃ B) ◦∩̃ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = (ΩB) c̃∩̃ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = Ωφ. Theorem 3.47. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) ΩB is soft open multi-set ⇔ ΩB∩̃Ω b̃ B = Ωφ (ii) ΩB is soft closed multi-set ⇔ Ω b̃ B⊆̃ΩB. (iii) ΩB is both soft open multi-set and soft closed multi-set ⇔ Ω b̃ B = ∅. Proof. (i) Let ΩB is soft open multi-set. Then Ω ◦ B = ΩB. Thus ΩB∩̃Ω b̃ B = Ω ◦ B∩̃Ω b̃ B = Ωφ (by Theorem 3.46(i)). Conversely, let ΩB∩̃ΩB = Ωφ. Then, ΩB∩̃[ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B] = Ωφ, ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = Ωφ, or Ω c̃ B⊆̃Ω c̃ B, which implies that Ωc̃B is soft closed multi-set and hence, ΩB is soft open multi-set. (ii) Let ΩB is soft closed multi-set. Then ΩB = ΩB. Now, Ω b̃ B = ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B⊆̃ΩB = ΩB, or Ω b̃ B⊆̃ΩB and conversely. (iii) We know that ΩB is open ⇔ (ΩB) ◦ = ΩB and ΩB is closed ⇔ ΩB = ΩB. Also by Theorem 3.45, we obtain ΩB = ΩB∪̃Ω b̃ B and Ω ◦ B = ΩB\̃Ω b̃ B. This completes the proof. Theorem 3.48. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB, ΩC⊆̃ΩA. Then, (i) [ΩB∪̃ΩC] b̃⊆̃[Ωb̃B∩̃Ω c̃ C]∪̃[Ω b̃ C∩̃Ω c̃ B] (ii) [ΩB∩̃ΩC] b̃⊆̃[Ωb̃B∩̃ΩC ]∪̃[Ω b̃ C∩̃ΩB ]. Proof. Proof is obvious. Theorem 3.49. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then, ((Ωb̃B) b̃)b̃ = (Ωb̃B) b̃. Proof. (i) ((Ωb̃B) b̃)b̃ = (Ωb̃B) b̃∩̃((Ωb̃B) b̃)c̃ = (Ωb̃B) b̃∩̃((Ωb̃B) b̃)c̃ (1) Now, consider ((Ωb̃B) b̃)c̃ = [(Ωb̃B)∩̃(Ω b̃ B) c̃ ]c̃ = (Ωb̃B∩̃(Ω b̃ B) c̃)c̃ = (Ωb̃B) c̃∪̃((Ωb̃B) c̃)c̃. Therefore, (((Ωb̃B) b̃)c̃) = [(Ωb̃B) c̃∪̃((Ωb̃B) c̃ )c̃ ] = ((Ωb̃B) c̃ )∪̃(((Ωb̃B) c̃)c̃) = ΩC∪̃((ΩC)c̃) = ΩA (2) where ΩC = ((Ω b̃ B) c̃ ). From (1) and (2), we have ((Ωb̃B) b̃)b̃ = (Ωb̃B) b̃∩̃ΩA = (Ω b̃ B) b̃. Definition 3.50. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Then ΩB is said to be a soft clopen multi-set if ΩB is both soft open and soft closed multi-set. Example 3.51. Since Ωφ and ΩA are always present in τ̃, so Ωφ and ΩA are soft open multi-sets. Moreover, Ωφ and ΩA are also soft closed multi-sets since Ω c̃ φ = ΩA and Ω c̃ A = Ωφ. In fact, these two soft multi-sets are soft open and soft closed multi-sets simultaneously. Hence, Ωφ and ΩA are soft clopen multi-sets. Example 3.52. Let us consider the SMS-topology τ̃3 given in Example 3.6. Let ΩB, ΩC∈̃τ̃3, where ΩB = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])}, and ΩC = {(ë4, [ 4 10 ])}. Then Ωc̃C = {(ë3, [ 2 4 , 1 8 ]), (ë4, [ 3 5 ]), (ë5, [ 2 6 ])} = ΩB. Hence ΩB is a soft clopen multi-set. 82 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Theorem 3.53. Let (ΩA, τ̃) be a SMS topological space and ΩB⊆̃ΩA. Ω b̃ B = Ωφ if and only if ΩB is soft clopen multi-set. Proof. Suppose that Ωb̃B = Ωφ. First we prove that ΩB is a soft closed multi-set. Consider Ωb̃B = Ωφ ⇒ ΩB∩̃(Ω c̃ B) = Ωφ ⇒ ΩB⊆̃((Ω c̃ B) c̃) = Ω◦B⊆̃ΩB ⇒ ΩB⊆̃ΩB ⇒ ΩB = ΩB. This implies that ΩB is a soft closed multi-set. Now we now prove that ΩB is a soft open multi-set. Consider Ωb̃B = Ωφ ⇒ ΩB∩̃(Ω c̃ B) = Ωφ or ΩB∩̃(Ω ◦ B) c̃ = Ωφ ⇒ ΩB⊆̃Ω ◦ B Ω◦B = ΩB. This implies that ΩB is a soft open multi-set. Conversely, suppose that ΩB is a soft clopen multi-set. Then, Ωb̃B = ΩB∩̃(Ω c̃ B) = ΩB∩̃(Ω ◦ B) c̃ = ΩB∩̃Ω c̃ B = Ωφ. 4 MCDM based on SMS-topology There are different kinds of decision-making methods for selection of a best alternative. Sometimes it is quite difficult to select an appropriate decision-making method with similar situation in our real life problems. However, MCDM method based on SMS-topology plays a enthusiastic role in our daily life and this is very helpful in selection of a best alternative. MCDM is the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. The concept of aggregation operators in the framework of soft sets and fuzzy soft sets have been introduced by Çağman et al. (2011). We used the notion of aggregation operators to compute aggregate fuzzy soft sets and aggregate multi-sets. 4.1 MCDM for selection of best alternative of biopesticides A big challenge to the agricultural department is to enlarge the production and to meet the demands of the increasing world population without destroying the environment. In modern agricultural exercises, the check of pests is generally completed by means of the extreme usage of agrochemicals, which is source of ambient pollution and the improvement of repellent pests. But biopesticides can proffer a best substitute to synthetic pesticides empowering safer check of pest communities. It is always a challenging task for a farmer to choose a best agrochemicals for biopesticides. Every farmer has to face many difficulties to save his fields from pests. For these challenging tasks various components are take into examination by the farmer either searching for agrochemicals in order to provide safety from pests attack, improve the soil quality, increase the quantity of crops, enhance the quality of crops. Major components of biopesticides include microbial pesticides, biochemical pesticides and biological control agent. The examples of biopesticides include insects, virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoan, and nematodes. Table 1 gives the comparison of merits and demerits of biopesticides and chemicals. 83 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Biopesticides Chemicals pesticides Environmentally intelligent farming Conflicting to intelligent farming Cheaper, affordable Costly, expansive Warmly to non-target genus Dangerous to non-target genus Do not cause pollution Serious pollution to the environment Pests never develop resistance Pests eventually become resistance Expanding market inclination Reduce market inclination Fight their intended pests End up affecting non target species Derived from living organisms Contain non-living organism Table 1: Comparison analysis of biopesticides and chemicals Algorithm 1 The selection of best alternative for biopesticides Step 1: Input a suitable parameter set S and universal multi-set H. Step 2: Input SMSs ΩA and ΩB over H. Step 3: Construct SMS-topology τ̂ containing ΩA and ΩB as soft open MSs in τ̂. Step 4: Compute the aggregate fuzzy soft sets by using the formula, ΓA = {(µi, ΓA(µi)) : µi ∈ S}, where ΓA(µi) = { ki/|ΩA(µi)| ωi : ki ωi ∈ ΩA(µi)}. Step 5: Find resultant fuzzy soft set ΓA ∨ ΓB = ΓA×B by applying ’OR’ operation on ΓA and ΓB. Step 6: Use comparison table of ΓA ∨ ΓB to calculate row-sum (ri) and column-sum (ti) for ωi, ∀ i. Step 7: Calculate the resulting score Ri of ωi, ∀ i. Step 8: Optimal choice is ωj that has max{Ri}. Step 9: Compute the SMS boundary of soft open multi-sets. Step 10: Here non-null SMS boundary of SMS that contains kj ωj is a decision set. Figure 1 shows a brief flow-chart of Algorithm 1. Assume that a farmer wants to safe his fields from pests by using leading alternative of biopesticides without damaging the sustainability of environment. Let H = [ 30 ω1 , 25 ω2 , 28 ω3 , 30 ω4 ] be the universe of some plants, where ω1 = Sheesham (Dalbergia sissoo), ω2 = Safeda (Eucalyptus), ω3 = Sukh Chain (Pongamia pinnata), ω4 = Neem (Azadirachta indica) and the multiplicity of ωi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) denotes the number of plants corresponding to ωi. Consider the set of attributes S = {µ1, µ2, µ3, µ4}, where µ1 = provide safety from pests attack, µ2 = improve the soil quality, µ3 = increase the quantity of crops, 84 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Start input a multi-set H input a parameter set S input SMSs ΩA, ΩB Constuct SMS-topology τ̂ s.t ΩA, ΩB ∈ τ̂ Compute ΓA = {(µi, ΓA(µi)) : µi ∈ S}, where ΓA(µi) = { ki/|ΩA(µi)| ωi : ki ωi ∈ ΩA(µi)}, Find ΓA ∨ ΓBConstruct the comparison table of ΓA ∨ ΓB Calculate score Ri = ri − ti Choose ωj that has max{Ri} If ΩA(µ) = ∅, ∀ µ ∈ S, ΩA ∈ τ̂ Yes No Ωb̂A = Ωφ Ω b̂ A 6= Ωφ Select that Ωb̂A that contains kj ωj Stop ∀ ΩA ∈ τ̂ Figure 1: Graphical representation of Algorithm 1 µ4 = enhance the quality of crops. We here use the following algorithm to choose the best alternative of agrochemicals for biopesticides without damaging the environment to safe the fields from pests. Two decision makers (DMs) Ω1 and Ω2 presented the report to farmer on plant production by using tra- ditional farming system. Let the DMs Ω1 and Ω2 select two sets of attribute A = {µ1, µ2, µ3, µ4} and B = {µ1, µ2, , µ3}, respectively. Then DMs construct two SMSs named as ΩA and ΩB over H given by ΩA = {(µ1, [ 30 ω1 , 25 ω2 , 30 ω4 ]), (µ2, [ 25 ω2 , 28 ω3 , 30 ω4 ]), (µ3, [ 30 ω4 ]), (µ4, H)} and ΩB = {(µ1, [ 30 ω1 , 25 ω2 ]), (µ2, [ 25 ω2 , 28 ω3 ]), (µ3, [ 30 ω4 ])}. 85 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 The first SMS ΩA can be written as: ΩA µ1 µ2 µ3 µ4 ω1 30 0 0 30 ω2 25 25 0 25 ω3 0 28 0 28 ω4 30 30 30 30 The second SMS ΩB can be written as: ΩB µ1 µ2 µ3 ω1 30 0 0 ω2 25 25 0 ω3 0 28 0 ω4 0 0 30 Here we make a SMS-topology on ΩA as τ̂ = {Ωφ, ΩA, ΩB}, where Ωφ is an empty SMS. Now we find the aggregate fuzzy soft sets ΓA and ΓB given by ΓA = {(µ1, { 0.35 ω1 , 0.29 ω2 , 0.35 ω4 }), (µ2, { 0.30 ω2 , 0.33 ω3 , 0.36 ω4 }), (µ3, { 1 ω4 }), (µ4, { 0.26 ω1 , 0.22 ω2 , 0.24 ω3 , 0.26 ω4 })} and ΓB = {(µ1, { 0.54 ω1 , 0.45 ω2 }), (µ2, { 0.47 ω2 , 0.52 ω3 }), (µ3, { 1 ω4 })}. The fuzzy soft set ΓA can be written as: ΓA µ1 µ2 µ3 µ4 ω1 0.35 0 0 0.26 ω2 0.29 0.30 0 0.22 ω3 0 0.33 0 0.24 ω4 0.35 0.36 1 0.26 The fuzzy soft set ΓB can be written as: ΓB µ1 µ2 µ3 ω1 0.54 0 0 ω2 0.45 0.47 0 ω3 0 0.52 0 ω4 0 0 1 We apply here ’OR’ operation on ΓA and ΓB, then we get 4 ∗ 3 = 12 attributes of the form µij = (µi, µj), ∀ i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and j = 1, 2, 3. We find the fuzzy soft set for the set of attributes A × B = {µ11, µ12, µ13, µ21, µ22, µ23, µ31, µ32, µ33, µ41, µ42, µ43}. After applying ’OR’ operation we get fuzzy soft set ΓA ∨ ΓB given as: 86 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making ΓA ∨ ΓB = {(µ11, { 0.54 ω1 , 0.45 ω2 , 0 ω3 , 0.35 ω4 }), (µ12, { 0.35 ω1 , 0.47 ω2 , 0.52 ω3 , 0.35 ω4 }), (µ13, { 0.35 ω1 , 0.29 ω2 , 0 ω3 , 1 ω4 }), (µ21, { 0.54 ω1 , 0.45 ω2 , 0.33 ω3 , 0.36 ω4 }), (µ22, { 0 ω1 , 0.47 ω2 , 0.52 ω3 , 0.36 ω4 }), (µ23, { 0 ω1 , 0.30 ω2 , 0.33 ω3 , 1 ω4 }), (µ31, { 0.54 ω1 , 0.45 ω2 , 0 ω3 , 1 ω4 }), (µ32, { 0 ω1 , 0.47 ω2 , 0.52 ω3 , 1 ω4 }), (µ33, { 0 ω1 , 0 ω2 , 0 ω3 , 1 ω4 }), (µ41, { 0.54 ω1 , 0.45 ω2 , 0.24 ω3 , 0.26 ω4 }), (µ42, { 0.26 ω1 , 0.47 ω2 , 0.52 ω3 , 0.26 ω4 }), (µ43, { 0.26 ω1 , 0.22 ω2 , 0.24 ω3 , 1 ω4 })}. Now the tabular form of ΓA ∨ ΓB is written as: ΓA ∨ ΓB µ11 µ12 µ13 µ21 µ22 µ23 µ31 µ32 µ33 µ41 µ42 µ43 ω1 0.54 0.35 0.35 0.54 0 0 0.54 0 0 0.54 0.26 0.26 ω2 0.45 0.47 0.29 0.45 0.47 0.30 0.45 0.47 0 0.45 0.47 0.22 ω3 0 0.52 0 0.33 0.52 0.33 0 0.52 0 0.24 0.52 0.24 ω4 0.35 0.35 1 0.36 0.36 1 1 1 1 0.26 0.26 1 Now we find the comparison-table of fuzzy soft set ΓA ∨ ΓB by using the algorithm which is given by Roy and Maji in (2007). The comparison-table is given below. ω1 ω2 ω3 ω4 ω1 12 6 6 5 ω2 6 12 6 6 ω3 6 7 12 3 ω4 9 6 9 12 Here we calculate the column-sum (ti) and row-sum (ri) after that we calculate the score (Ri) for each ωi, i = 1, 2, 3, 4. row-sum (ri) column-sum (ti) score (Ri = ri − ti) ω1 29 33 -4 ω2 30 31 -1 ω3 28 33 -5 ω4 36 26 10 Table 2: Tabular form of score score (Ri = ri − ti) From Table 2, we see that the topmost score is 10 which is gained by ω4. Which shows that neem plant is selected to safe the fields from pests. Now problem is that where to grow the neem plants to protect the field from pests. To solve this problem, we find the SMS boundary of soft open multi-sets. If the SMS boundary of at least one soft open multi-sets is not a null SMSs and contains 30 ω4 in non-null µ-approximate elements, ∀ µ ∈ S, then neem plants can grow on the corners of the field. If the SMS boundary of all soft open multi-sets are null SMSs, then neem plants cannot grow on the corners of the field. 87 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Now compute the SMS boundary of Ωφ, ΩA and ΩB given as: Ωb̂φ = Ωφ, Ω b̂ A = Ωφ and Ω b̂ B = ΩB∩̂Ω c B = ΩA∩̂Ω c B = Ω c B = {(µ1, [ 30 ω4 ]), (µ2, [ 30 ω4 ]), (µ4, H)}. Which shows that Ωb̂B contains 30 ω4 in non-null µ-approximate elements ∀ µ ∈ S. So farmer decides to grow neem plants on the corners of field. The attention should be given to grow neem plants as a reassuring choice to exchange agrochemicals in agriculture pest control. Neem can conduce to acceptable development and the determination of pest control problems in agriculture which can be best alternative to plant fertilizer. The proposed Algorithm 1 is used in the environment of SMSs information for the selection of best alternative of biopesticides and the results are compared as indicated in the Table 3. Method Ranking of alternatives The optimal alternative Algorithm 1 (Proposed) ω4 ≻ ω2 ≻ ω1 ≻ ω3 ω4 Algorithm (Çağman et al., 2011) ω4 ≻ ω2 ≻ ω1 ≻ ω3 ω4 Algorithm (Riaz et al., 2019) ω4 ≻ ω2 ≻ ω1 ≻ ω3 ω4 Table 3: Comparison of final ranking with existing methods using Algorithm 1. 4.2 MCDM by using SMS-topology for the selection of best textile company We present two modified algorithms based on SMS-topology for a decision-making problem. At the end, we show the comparison of ranking of objects obtained by Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3. Furthermore we present another interesting application in agriculture for decision-making to find the optimal choice by using SMS-topology and boundaries of soft open multi-set. Algorithm 2 The selection of best textile company Input: Step 1: Consider a universe of multi-set (MS) U. Step 2: A set E of attributes. Step 3: Construct SMS FA and FB. Output: Step 4: Write SMS-topology τ̃ in which FA and FB are open SMSs in τ̃. Step 5: Write the aggregate multi-sets of all open SMSs by using the formula, F ∗A = [ F ∗A(Ωi) Ωi : Ωi ∈ X], where F ∗A(Ωi) = ΣjΩij. Step 6: Add F ∗A and F ∗ B to find decision MS. Step 7: Select the object with greatest multiplicity determined by max F ∗A⊕B(σ). 88 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making Start Stop input a Multi-Set U input a Parameter Set E input Soft Msets Choose that σ that has max F ∗A⊕B(σ) Construct SMS Compute F ∗A = [ F ∗A(Ωi) Ωi : Ωi ∈ X] where F ∗A(Ωi) = ΣjΩij , ∀ FA ∈ τ̃ Add F ∗A and F ∗ B that is F ∗ A ⊕ F ∗ B FA and FB topology τ̃ s.t FA, FB ∈ τ̃ Figure 2: Graphical representation of Algorithm 2 Graphical representation of Algorithm 2 is shown in the Figure 2. Here we introduce another algorithm for SMS-topology in decision-making. Now we give Algorithm 3 and compare the optimal decision obtained by Algorithm 2. Algorithm 3 The award of performance Input: Step 1: Consider a universe of multi-set U. Step 2: A set E of attributes. Step 3: Construct SMSs FA and FB. Output: Step 4: Write SMS-topology τ̃ containing FA and FB as open SMSs in τ̃. Step 5: Find the cardinal MSs of all open SMSs by using the formula, cFA = [ cFA(λi) λi : λi ∈ E], where cFA(λi) = ΣiΩij. Step 6: Find the aggregate multi-sets by using the formula, ... MF ∗ A = ... MFA ∗ M t cFA , → (1) where ... MFA, ... McFA and ... MF ∗ A are representation matrices of FA, cFA and F ∗ A, respectively. Step 7: Adding F ∗A and F ∗ B to find decision mset. Step 8: Select the object that has greatest multiplicity i.e. max F ∗A⊕B(σ). A brief sketch of Algorithm 3 is given in the Figure 3. Assume that government of a country is interested to give the ”award of performance” to best textile company of country to appreciate the contribution of the company. Let U = [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω3 , 1 Ω4 , 1 Ω5 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ] be the multi-set of big textile companies of the state, and the multiplicity of Ωi, i = 1, 2, ..., 7 denotes the 89 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Start Stop input a Multi-Set U input a Parameter Set E input Soft Msets Choose that σ that has max F ∗A⊕B(σ) Construct SMS-topology τ̃ Compute cFA = [ cFA(λi) λi : λi ∈ E], where cFA(λi) = ΣiΩij., ∀ FA ∈ τ̃ Add F ∗A and F ∗ B that is F ∗ A ⊕ F ∗ B FA and FB Find F ∗A and F ∗ B s.t FA, FB ∈ τ̃ Figure 3: Graphical representation of Algorithm 3 number of branches of company Ωi that are selected for the award. Let X = {Ω1, Ω2, Ω3, Ω4, Ω5, Ω6, Ω7} be the support set of U. The set of parameters is given as E = {λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4, λ5} where λ1 = best hosiery, λ2 = best export, λ3 = healthy working environment, λ4 = use of modern technology, λ5 = expert workers. We here use the following Algorithm 2 to select the best company of the state for the ”award of performance. The DMs Ω1 and Ω2 construct two squads named as squad-Ω1 and squad-Ω2, respectively. Then they choose two sets of attributes A = {λ1, λ2, λ3} and B = {λ1, λ2} and use them to construct soft multi-sets (SMSs) FA and FB over U given by FA = {(λ1, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω3 , 1 Ω4 ]), (λ2, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ]), (λ3, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω5 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ])} and FB = {(λ1, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω4 ]), (λ2, [ 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ])}. The 1st SMS FA can be written as 90 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making FA λ1 λ2 λ3 Ω1 2 2 2 Ω2 2 2 2 Ω3 1 0 0 Ω4 1 0 0 Ω5 0 0 1 Ω6 0 1 1 Ω7 0 1 1 The 2nd SMS FB can be written as FB λ1 λ2 Ω1 2 0 Ω2 2 2 Ω3 0 0 Ω4 1 0 Ω5 0 0 Ω6 0 1 Ω7 0 1 Now we construct a SMS-topology as τ̃ = {Fφ, FA, FB, FẼ}, where Fφ and FẼ are empty soft and absolute soft msets, respectively. Write aggregate multi-sets of all open SMSs given by F ∗A = [ 6 Ω1 , 6 Ω2 , 1 Ω3 , 1 Ω4 , 1 Ω5 , 2 Ω6 , 2 Ω7 ], F ∗B = [ 2 Ω1 , 4 Ω2 , 1 Ω4 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ], F ∗φ = [ 0 Ω1 , 0 Ω2 , 0 Ω3 , 0 Ω4 , 0 Ω5 , 0 Ω6 , 0 Ω7 ] and F ∗ Ẽ = [ 10 Ω1 , 10 Ω2 , 5 Ω3 , 5 Ω4 , 5 Ω5 , 5 Ω6 , 5 Ω7 ]. In order to evaluate decision multi-set, The DMs added the sets F ∗A and F ∗ B. Thus F ∗A⊕B(σ) = F ∗ A(σ) + F ∗ B(σ), ∀ σ ∈ X. Thus F ∗A ⊕ F ∗ B = [ 8 Ω1 , 10 Ω2 , 1 Ω3 , 2 Ω4 , 1 Ω5 , 3 Ω6 , 3 Ω7 ]. Since max F ∗A⊕B(σ) = 10 which shows that Ω2 has the highest multiplicity, so Ω2 is chosen for the ”award of performance”. Next we use Algorithm 3 on the same data as above and then compare the optimal results. The DMs Ω1 and Ω2 consider SMSs (data same as above) FA and FB over U given by FA = {(λ1, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω3 , 1 Ω4 ]), (λ2, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ]), (λ3, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω5 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ])} and FB = {(λ1, [ 2 Ω1 , 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω4 ]), (λ2, [ 2 Ω2 , 1 Ω6 , 1 Ω7 ])}. Again consider first SMS FA given as 91 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 FA λ1 λ2 λ3 Ω1 2 2 2 Ω2 2 2 2 Ω3 1 0 0 Ω4 1 0 0 Ω5 0 0 1 Ω6 0 1 1 Ω7 0 1 1 Now consider second SMS FB given as FB λ1 λ2 Ω1 2 0 Ω2 2 2 Ω3 0 0 Ω4 1 0 Ω5 0 0 Ω6 0 1 Ω7 0 1 Now we make a SMS-topology as τ̃ = {Fφ, FA, FB, FẼ}, where Fφ and FẼ are empty soft and absolute soft msets, respectively. Here we find the cardinal msets of all soft open msets given by cFA = [ 6 λ1 , 6 λ2 , 7 λ3 ], cFB = [ 5 λ1 , 4 λ2 ], cFφ = [ 0 λ1 , 0 λ2 , 0 λ3 , 0 λ4 , 0 λ5 ] and cF Ẽ = [ 9 λ1 , 9 λ2 , 9 λ3 , 9 λ4 , 9 λ5 ]. The aggregated multi-set F ∗A is calculated by first decision maker by using (1), ... MF ∗ A =   2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1     6 6 7   =   38 38 6 6 7 13 13   that means, F ∗A = [ 38 Ω1 , 38 Ω2 , 6 Ω3 , 6 Ω4 , 7 Ω5 , 13 Ω6 , 13 Ω7 ]. Furthermore, the aggregate multi-set for FB is calculated by second decision maker, 92 Certain properties of soft multi-set topology with applications in multi-criteria decision making ... MF ∗ B =   2 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1   [ 5 4 ] =   10 18 0 5 0 4 4   which is, F ∗B = [ 10 Ω1 , 18 Ω2 , 0 Ω3 , 5 Ω4 , 0 Ω5 , 4 Ω6 , 4 Ω7 ]. Now we find the final decision multi-set by adding F ∗A and F ∗ B only. Thus F ∗A⊕B(σ) = F ∗ A(σ) + F ∗ B(σ), ∀ σ ∈ X. Thus F ∗A ⊕ F ∗ B = [ 48 Ω1 , 56 Ω2 , 6 Ω3 , 11 Ω4 , 7 Ω5 , 17 Ω6 , 17 Ω7 ]. Since max F ∗A⊕B(σ) = 56 which shows that Ω2 has the greatest multiplicity, so Ω2 is chosen for the ”award of performance”. It is interesting to note that Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3 provides the same optimal decision. The proposed Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3 are used in the environment of soft multi-sets information systems for the award of performance and the results are compared with existing methods as indicated in the Table 4. Method Ranking of alternatives The optimal alternative Algorithm 2 (Proposed) Ω2 ≻ Ω1 ≻ Ω6 = Ω7 ≻ Ω4 ≻ Ω5 ≻ Ω3 Ω2 Algorithm 3 (Proposed) Ω2 ≻ Ω1 ≻ Ω6 = Ω7 ≻ Ω4 ≻ Ω5 ≻ Ω3 Ω2 Algorithm (Çağman et al., 2011) Ω2 ≻ Ω1 ≻ Ω6 ≻ Ω7 ≻ Ω4 ≻ Ω5 ≻ Ω3 Ω2 Algorithm (Riaz et al., 2011) Ω2 ≻ Ω1 ≻ Ω6 ≻ Ω7 ≻ Ω4 ≻ Ω5 ≻ Ω3 Ω2 Table 4: Comparison of final ranking by using Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 3 The comparison analysis of final ranking determined by Algorithm 2, Algorithm 3, Çağman et al. (2011) and Riaz et al. (2011) is also shown by multiple bar chart in the Figure 4. 93 Riaz et al./Decis. Mak. Appl. Manag. Eng. 3 (2) (2020) 70-96 Figure 4: Multiple bar chart view of final ranking 5 Conclusion The algebraic and topological structures of soft multi-sets (SMSs) are quite different from traditional crisp sets. Moreover the MCDM methods developed under rough sets, fuzzy sets and soft sets do not deal with real life situations under the universe of soft multi-sets. Due to the repetition of objects in the universe of soft multi-sets there is a need to develop novel MCDM methods. The goal of this article is deal with these challenges and to extend the notion of SMS-topology towards MCDM problems. We initiated the idea of SMS-topology which is defined on soft multi-sets for a fixed set of attributes. We used the idea of power whole multi-subsets of a soft multi-set in the construction of SMS-topology. The notions of SMS-basis, SMS- subspace, SMS-interior, soft multi-set closure and boundary of soft multi-set are introduced. 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