Subject Index Volume 47 Discoloration, 37 Early malocclusion, 92 Early childhood caries, 186 Elderly, 57 Enamel, 206 Esthetic line, 220 Estrogen level, 177 Eugenol, 198 Excision, 77 Expression, 135 Extracellular polymeric substance, 103 FGF2, 126 Fiber reinfoced composite, 52 Fibroblasts, 130, 215 Flexural, 52 Fluoride, 211 Garlic, 215 Gingival crevicular fluid, 25, 141 Glass ionomer, 194 cements, 121, 190 Glass transitional temperature, 173 Glucose, 181 Guinea pigs, 25 Hand-wrist maturation index, 67 High molecular chitosan nanoparticles (HMCn), 63 HSP 27, 41 Hsp60, 7 Hypoxia, 41 IFN-γ, 7 Immersion time, 168 Immunopathobiogenesis, 7 Impacted, 158 maxillary, 77 Indirect pulp capping, 190 Indonesian Deutero-Malayid, 67 Inhibitory concentration, 164 Initial acquisition, 202 Intermaxillary elastic, 98 Iron, 103 Isolated and culture techniques, 115 KI-67, 135 Lactobacillus acidophillus, 13, 82 Lactoferrin, 141 Lower lip, 220 Mass change, 173 Menarche, 67 Menstruation, 177 Mesenchymal stem cells, 41 Micro leakage, 194 hardness, 206 Achasin, 31 Achatina fulica, 31 Acrylic resin, 173 Adhesive interface, 121 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, 103 Algyrogel, 130 Alkaline phosphatase, 25 Allium sativum, 215 Aloe vera, 1 Anterior posterior cross bite, 98 Antimicrobial, 31 activity, 198 Anxiety, 87 Apoptosis, 41 Aspirin, 135 Australian wire, 168 Autism, 146 Band intensity, 141 Bifidobacterium bifidum, 82 Biofilm, 103 Bleaching, 206 Bone remodeling, 19 synthesis, 130 Bottle feeding, 186 Candida albicans, 164 Caries, 202 Cariogram, 45 Casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate, 110 Caspase-9, 41 Cavia cobaya, 19 CD-8, 7 Cell-culture, 215 Central incisor, 77 Characterization, 115 Child, 146 Children, 82, 87, 110, 190, 202 Chitosan, 19 high molecule, 121 Chlorhexidine, 211 Chromium ion, 168 Chronologic age, 72 Computer software, 45 CPP-ACP, 206 Cytotoxicity, 130 Dental caries, 7, 146, 181 maturity, 72 plaque, 153 treatment, 87 Dermijian method, 72 Mixed dentition period, 72 Modifications, 115 Mouthwash, 211 Mutans Streptococci, 82, 202 Mytimacin-AF, 31 NaF, 206 Nano hybrid composite, 37 NF-κβ, 1, 13 Nickel ion, 168 Nystatin, 164 Occlusal vertical dimension, 92 Odontoblast-like cells, 13 Operative-rehabilitative treatment, 92 Oral health, 57, 146 Oral mucosal epithelial thickness, 135 Orthodontic fixed appliance, 158 Orthodontic force, 177 treatment, 77 Ovulation, 177 Parental knowledge, 146 Pediatric caries predicator, 45 Periapical granuloma, 7 Periodontitis, 141 Polyethylene, 52 Porphyromonas gingivalis, 211 Position, 52 Povidone iodine, 211 Premature loss, 77 Preschool children, 186 Prevalence, 186 Primary molar, 190 teeth, 194 Probiotic yoghurt, 82 Propolis, 198 extracts, 13 Quality of life, 57 Rapid maxillary expansion, 98 Relapse distance, 25 Rice husk ash nanoparticles (RHAn), 63 Saliva, 110 Scanning electron microscopy, 63, 121 Severe early childhood caries, 92, 186 Sensitivity, 45 SHED, 115 Siwak, 153 toothpaste, 153 Social learning, 87 Soda beverages, 37 Sodium fluoride, 110 Specific protein, 103 Specificity, 45 Spirulina, 19 Stainless steel crown, 92 Stainless steel, 168 Stichopus hermanii gel, 126 Streptococcus mutans, 110, 181, 211 Sucrose, 164, 181 Surgical exposure, 158 TGFβ-1, 13 Tissue healing, 19 Tooth eruption, 72, 202 extraction socket, 1 movement, 177 Toxicity, 215 Trauma, 77 Traumatic ulcer, 126 Tweed triangle, 220 Upper lip, 220 Vertebrae maturation index, 67 Volumetric, 52 Wistar mice, 135 Xenograft, 1 Xylitol, 164, 181 Young permanent tooth, 206 Zinc oxide, 198 Authors Index Volume 47 Adinda, Citra, 202 Agustina, Dewi, 57 Ameliana, Yemy, 198 Arinawati, Dian Yosi, 135 Bibi, Dewi Anggreani, 82 Bramanti, Indra, 153 Cilmiaty, Risya, 7 Dewati, Retno, 98 Djajusman, Sarah Kartimah, 164 Effendi, M. Chair, 37 Emilda, Yulie, 215 Fajriani, 110 Hendrayanti W, Marchella, 103 Herdiyati N., Yetty, 146 Kresnoadi, Utari, 1 Kuswandari, Sri, 72 Liwang, Budianto, 206 Madyarani, Dita, 194 Mafranenda DN, Herluinus, 31 Mardiati, Endah, 67 Melati, Bingah Fitri, 77 Metalita, Murtia, 190 Mulyani, Sri Wigati Mardi, 41 Oktaviona, Intan, 220 Pudyani, Pinandi Sri, 25 Puspitasari, Tri Wijayanti, 115 Quroti a’yun, 45 Rasyid, Nolista Indah, 168 Rostiny, 19 Saktiyawardani, Stefany Elan, 130 Salim, Sherman, 173 Sari, Rima Parwati, 126 Septommy, Catur, 52 Setiawan, Arlette Suzy, 87 Silalahi, Pretty Farida Sinta, 63 Sinaredi, Betadion Rizki, 211 Susilo, Sonya Grecila, 177 Susilowati, 181 Sutjipto, Rahel Wahjuni, 186 Sutrisman, Henny, 121 Wati, Sisca Meida, 141 Widjiastuti, Ira, 13 Widyagarini, Amrita, 92 Wijaya, Syeh Brata, 158 thanks to Editor dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Volume 47 number 1 March 2014: 1. Prof. Dr. Mandojo Rukmo, drg., MSc., Sp.KG(K) (Conservative Dentistry-Universitas Airlangga) 2. Prof. Dr. Adioro Soetojo, drg., MS., Sp.KG(K) (Conservative Dentistry – Universitas Airlangga) 3. Prof. Dr. Jenny Sunariani, drg., MS (Oral Biology – Universitas Airlangga) 4. Achmad Gunadi, drg., MS., Ph.D., Sp.Pros. (Prosthodontics – Universitas Jember) 5. Dr. Rini Devijanti, drg., M.Kes. (Oral Biology – Universitas Airlangga) 6. Kus Harijanti, drg., MS., Sp.PM (Oral Medicine – Universitas Airlangga) 7. David Buntoro K, drg., MDS., Sp.BM (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Universitas Airlangga) Volume 47 number 2 June 2014: 1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Roosje Rosita Oewen, drg., Sp.KGA (Pediatric Dentistry – Universitas Padjadjaran) 2. Prof. Dr. Al Supartinah, drg., SU., Sp.KGA (Pediatric Dentistry – Universitas Gadjah Mada) 3. Prof. Dr. drg. Regina Titi Christinawati, M.Sc (Oral Biology – Universitas Gadjah Mada) 4. Maretaningtias Dwi Ariani, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.Pros (Prosthodontics – Universitas Airlangga) Volume 47 number 3 September 2014: 1. Endanus Harijanto, drg., M.Kes. (Dental Material – Universitas Airlangga) 2. Dr. Intan Nirwana, drg., M.Kes. (Dental Material – Universitas Airlangga) 3. Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy, drg., M.Kes. (Oral Pathology and Maxillofacial – Universitas Airlangga) 4. Dr. Retno Indrawati, drg., M.Si (Oral Biology – Universitas Airlangga) Volume 47 number 4 december 2014: 1. Dr. IB. Narmada, drg., Sp.Ort(K) (Orthodontics – Universitas Airlangga) Guide for authors Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) only publishes original articles on all aspects of dentistry and dental related disciplines. Articles are considered for publication with the condition that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles can be classified as research reports, case reports and literature reviews that keep the readers informed of current issues, innovative cases and reviews in dentistry. They should also support scientific advancement, education and dental practice development. Manuscripts will be published in English therefore it is the author's responsibility to ensure the submitted manuscript to be provided in appropriate English. The language used in manuscript must be non numeral, and free of mistypes. The length of manuscript must be proportional. The manuscript must be submitted in soft copy file via CD or e-mail. Manuscript should be typed using MS Word program. The font used should be Times New Roman, sizing 14 pt for the title, and 12 pt for others. Headlines are typed in bold, while Latin names are typed in italics. Three legible copies of the manuscript which are typed in double space with wide margins on good quality A4 white paper (210 × 297 mm) should also be enclosed. The length of article should not below 10 pages and should not exceed 12 pages. The left, right, top, and bottom margin should be 2.5 cm or 1 inch length. Authors should also follow the manuscript preparation guidelines. all research reports, Case reports, and literature reviews must contain:  title should be brief, specific and informative. The title must contain maximum 10 words (not exceeding 40 letters and spaces) with capital letter on the first word of the title. The title must be provided in English and Bahasa Indonesia.  name of author(s) should include full names of author(s), address to which proofs are to be sent, name and address of the department(s) to which the work should be attributed and appointed accordingly with asterisk (*) symbol. Example: Jamal Bin Razak*, Matsuo Hamada**, Ninuk Hartati***, and Harold Whitfield**** * Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty of Dentistry - University of Malaya Malaysia ** Department of Prosthodontics School of Dentistry - Hiroshima University Japan *** Department of Dental Public Health Faculty of Dentistry - Airlangga University Surabaya - Indonesia **** Department of Endodontics School of Dental and Health Sciences - The University of Melbourne Australia  abstract should be structured with concise description (contains not more than 250 words, formatted in 1 space, and done in one paragraph). The abstract must be provided in English and Bahasa Indonesia.  abstract in research reports should consists of "Background:", "Purpose:", "Method:", "result:" and "Conclusion:" typed in bold within one paragraph. Footnotes, references, and abbreviations are not used in the abstract.  abstract in Case reports should consists of "Background:", "Purpose:", "Case(s):", "Case Management:" and "Conclusion:" typed in bold within one paragraph. Footnotes, references, and abbreviations are not used in the abstract.  abstract in literature reviews should consists of "Background:", "Purpose:", "reviews:", and "Conclusion:" typed in bold within one paragraph. Footnotes, references, and abbreviations are not used in the abstract.  Key words contain 3-5 words and/or phrases and must be provided below the abstract. The key words must be provided in English and Bahasa Indonesia.  Correspondence should contain details of the author in charge with detailed mailing address and e-mail. Correspondence is followed by the following sections according to type of article (research reports, Case reports, or literature reviews) as follows: i. Contents in research reports: The research reports should contain the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, and results.  introduction comprises the problem's background, its formulation and purpose of the work or case or review and prospect for the future. Introduction in literature reviews are followed by headline topics and exposures to be discussed.  Materials and Methods contain clear description on used materials and scheme of experiments as well as methods in order to enable other examiners to undertake retrial or duplication and validity checked if necessary. Reference should be given to the unknown method. Research ethics on animal and human subjects must be stated accordingly, if applicable.  results should be presented accurately and concisely in logical sequence with the minimum number of tables and illustrations necessary for summarizing only important observations. Tables must be made in horizontal (without vertical line separation) for simple viewing. Mathematical Equations should be clearly stated. When mathematical symbols are not available on the typewriter, hand written symbols with soft lead pencil could be used. decimal numbers should be separated by point (.). tables, illustration, and photographs should be cited in the text in consecutive order and provided separately from the texts of manuscript. The titles and detailed explanations of the figures belong in the legends for illustrations (figures, graphs) not on the illustrations themselves. All non-standard abbreviations that are used must be explained in footnotes. ii. Contents in Case reports: The case reports should contain the following sections: introduction, case(s), and case management.  introduction comprises the problem's background, its formulation and purpose of the work or case or review and prospect for the future.  Case(s) contain clear and detailed description on presented case(s) including anamnesis and clinical examinations.  Case(s) management should be presented accurately and concisely in chronological sequence supported with figures and detailed descriptions on what was done. iii. Contents in literature reviews The literature reviews should contain the following sections: introduction, and overviews.  introduction comprises the problem's background, its formulation and purpose of the work or case or review and prospect for the future. Introduction in literature reviews are followed by headline topics and overviews to be discussed. all research reports, Case reports, and literature reviews must be followed by:  discussion explains the meaning of the examination's results, not repeating the result, in what way the reported result can solve the problems, differences and equalities with previous study and development possibilities. This section should include the conclusion of the reported work or case and suggestion for further studies if necessary.  acknowledgements to all research contributors, if any, should be stated in brief at the manuscript, prior to references.  references should be arranged according to the Vancouver system. References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, and listed at the end of the text in numeric, not alphabetical order. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in superscript. References must be valid and taken within the last 10 years of publication, containing at least 70% of primary references (from journals, thesis, dissertations, and patent documents). Unpublished sources, such as manuscripts in preparation and personal communications are not acceptable as references. Only sources cited in the text should appear in the reference list. List all authors when four or fewer authors are involved; when there are more than four authors, list the first three authors and add "et al.". The name of authors must be written in consistency. The number and volume of journals must be included. Edition, publisher, city, and page numbers of textbooks must be included. Internet downloaded references must include the time of access and web address. Any abbreviation of journals must comply with dental index and medic index. Citation format for journal articles: 1. Donnelly PV, Miller C, Ciardullo T, Occlusion and its role in esthetics. J Esthetic Dentistry 1996; 8: 111–8. 2. Grimes EW. A use of freeze-dried bone in Endodontics. J Endod 1994; 20: 355–6. 3. Bilhaut. Guerison d'un pounce par un noueau procede o p e r a t o i r e . C o n g r e s F r a n c a i s d e C h i r u r g i e 1 9 9 8 ; 4: 576–580. Citation format for textbooks: 1. Hickey JC, Zarb GA. Boucher's prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients. 9th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1985. p. 452–9. 2. Cohen S, Burns RC. Pathways of the pulp. 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby Co; 1994. p. 123–47. Citation format for electronic publications: 1. Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan–Mar; 1(1): [24 screens]. Available from: URL: ncidoc/EID/eid.htm. Accessed December 25, 1999. 2. Yu F. Management of thumbs duplication. Emerg Infect Dis (on line) 1997. 3. Surgery, Edward G. Media Scientific, producer. 4th ed. San Diego: Media Scientific, 1998. p. 4 Citation format for proceedings: 1. Perry CH, Lu F, Namavar F, Kalkhoran NM, Soref RA. Radical styloid. Proceedings of the 10 th International Congress of Clinic; New York, USA. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1991. 2. Favier JJ, Camel D. Enforcement of data in medical information. In: Lun KL, editor. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Medicine; York, UK, 1986 Sept 8–10. Citation format for thesis and dissertations: 1. Ramos R. Preventive Health Amendments. PhD Thesis. College van Dekanen. University of Twente. The Netherland, 1992. 2. Amerongen AVN, Michels LFE, Roukema PA, Veerman ECI. 1986. Ludah dan kelenjar ludah arti bagi kesehatan gigi. Rafiah Arbyono dan Sutatmi Suryo. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press; 1992. p. 1–42. 3. Salim S. Pengaruh humiditas dan waktu penyimpanan serta cara curing terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan mekanik akrilik basis gigi tiruan. Disertasi. Surabaya: Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga; 1995. p. 8–21. Citation format for patents: 1. Yamagishi H, Hiroe A, Nishio H, Miki K, Tawada Y. Methods Procedures of Hand Surgery. US Patent No. 5264710, 1993 Nov 23. All figures, illustrations and photos must be relevant, informative, concise, and referred if any, provided in file (jpg, tiff, etc.). Non-file photos should be printed in clear glossy paper. The size should meet with the minimum measurement of 125 × 195mm. The maximum number of figures, illustrations, photos, and tables in research report and literature review is 4 (four). The maximum number of figures, illustrations, photos, and tables in case report is 8 (eight). All figures, illustrations and photos must be separated from the texts of manuscript. Written permission must be obtained for material that has been published in copyrighted material; this includes tables, figures, and quoted text that exceeds 150 words. Signed patient release forms are required for photographs of identifiable persons. A copy of all permissions and patient release forms must accompany the manuscript. The editor reserves the right to edit the manuscript, fit articles into space availability, and ensure conciseness, clarity, and stylistic consistency. All accepted manuscripts and their accompanying illustrations will become the permanent property of the publisher, and may not be published elsewhere in full or in part, in print or electronically, without written permission from the publisher. All data, opinions or statements appeared on the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Accordingly, the publisher, the editorial board, and their respective employees of the Dental Journal will accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements.