ContEntS Page Printed by: Airlangga University Press. (034/02.10/AUP-B5E). Kampus C Unair, Jln. Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115, Indonesia. Telp. (031) 5992246, 5992247, Telp./Fax. (031) 5992248. E-mail: Ijin penerbit: No. 0787/SK/Dir. PK/SIT/1969. Accredited No. 48/DIKTI/Kep/2006. Volume 43 Number 1 March 2010 ISSN 1978 - 3728 Dental Journal Majalah Kedokteran Gigi 1. Relationship between trauma mechanism and etiology on mandibular fracture patterns fakhrurrazi ...................................................................................................................................... 1–5 2. Noma management in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus irna Sufiawati, asri arum Sari, Budi Setiabudiawan, and rahmat Gunadi ............................. 6–10 3. Tissue engineered bone as an alternative for repairing bone defects Evy Eida Vitria and Benny S. latif ................................................................................................ 11–16 4. Mozart effect on dental anxiety in 6–12 year old children arlette Suzy Setiawan, hilma Zidnia, and inne Suherna Sasmita .............................................. 17–20 5. The comparison of minocycline oral-rinse and gel on pocket depth Eka fitria augustina ....................................................................................................................... 21–25 6. Human-leukocyte antigen typing in Javanese patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis diah Savitri Ernawati, Bagus Soebadi, and desiana radithia ..................................................... 26–30 7. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia Linn.) gel affect on post-extraction fibroblast acceleration Christian Khoswanto ....................................................................................................................... 31–34 8. Special considerations for orthodontic treatment in patients with root resorption haru S. anggani .............................................................................................................................. 35–39 9. Various curing methods on transverse strength of acrylic resin Sherman Salim ................................................................................................................................ 40–43 10. The frequency of bottle feeding as the main factor of baby bottle tooth decay syndrome Mochamad fahlevi rizal, heriandi Sutadi, Boy M Bachtiar, and Endang W Bachtiar ........... 44–48 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all pages Trim: cut bottom edge by 8.50 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Both AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Smaller 8.5039 Bottom QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 53 54 1 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all pages Trim: extend top edge by 8.50 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Both AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Bigger 8.5039 Top QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 53 54 1 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all odd numbered pages Trim: cut right edge by 2.83 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Odd AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Smaller 2.8346 Right QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 52 27 1 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all odd numbered pages Trim: extend left edge by 2.83 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Odd AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Bigger 2.8346 Left QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 52 27 1 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all even numbered pages Trim: cut left edge by 2.83 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Even AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Smaller 2.8346 Left QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 53 27 1 HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all even numbered pages Trim: extend right edge by 2.83 points Shift: none Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 1 0 No 789 202 None Up 0.0000 0.0000 Even AllDoc CurrentAVDoc Bigger 2.8346 Right QITE_QuiteImposingPlus2 Quite Imposing Plus 2 2.0a Quite Imposing Plus 2 1 0 54 53 27 1 HistoryList_V1 qi2base