MKG Vol 41 No 4 Oct-Dec 2008.indd 199 15% EDTA, 67 5% tetracyline hydrochloride, 67 Acrylic resin plate, 84 Acrylic resin, 25 All ceramic crown, 62 Aloe vera, 74 Allergic symptoms, 155 Allergy, 43 Alveolar bone, 21 Amalgam, 30 Amniotic membrane, 123 Angiogenesis, 88 Anti proliferation, 5 Antimicrobial effect, 39 Ascending ramus, 10 fixator, 10 reposition, 10 Asseointegration, 56 Baduy, 188 Bitter taste, 95 Bone plating, 77 Bootstrap, 190 Bracket placement, 173 Ca(OH)2, 35 Calcium hydroxide, 39, 88, 182 Cancer, 5 Candida albicans, 25 Caries, 190 Chemical hazard, 30 Citric acid, 103 Cloning, 123 membrane, 123 c-myc, 194 Collagen, 74 Complex aesthetic, 179 Connecting implant to natural tooth, 56 Crown preparation, 62 Cytotoxicity, 67, 103, 107 Delayed placement, 173 Dendrophtoespecies, 5 Dental caries, 100 pulp,142 therapy, 147 Direct pulp capping, 35 Ectodermal dysplasia, 70 children, 70 partial denture, 70 Essential oil, 147 Eugenia polyantha Wight, 147 Exposure duration, 91 Fibroblast, 67 Flavonoid, 147 Gingival immunity, 43 Subject Index Volume 41 Gustducin, 95 Herb medicine, 5 Herpes Zoster, 132 Hydrogen peroxide, 107, 186 Hyperbaric oxygen, 151 IL-1, 95 Immunohistochemistry, 194 Immunologicqal, 167 Index, 43 Inflammation, 88, 95 Innate immunity, 142 Intracoronal teeth bleaching agent, 186 Invasive treatment, 137 Lactobacillus sp, 53 Major and minor RAS, 47 Malar prominence correction, 77 Malformed teeth, 179 Malondialdehyde, 151 Management, 160 Mandible joint angle, 10 prothesis, 10 reconstruction, 10 Maxillary complete denture, 1 Medical problem, 160 Mercury, 30 Microhybrid composite, 164 Microwave polimerizing, 1 MTT assay, 91, 103 Myeloma, 5 Necrosis, 35 Noni fruit juice, 84 Occlusion rehabilitation, 77 Odontoblas, 142 Oncogene, 194 Oral candidosis, 132 manifestation, 160 OREGA new sealer, 110 Orthodontic tooth movement, 21 Periapical lesions, 137 Periodontal disease, 167 Persistent oroantral fistula, 128 Polycrystalline composite, 164 Porcelain fused to metal crown, 179 Preclinical simulation, 62 Preventive dentistry, 100 Primary teeth, 53 Probiotic therapy, 100 Prophylaxis, 160 Psidium guajava Linn, 25 Pulp perforation, 182 RasP21, 194 200 Reactionary dentin, 15 Recombinant, 123 Reparative dentin, 15 Root canal irrigation, 107 Saliva, 53, 151 Scaling, 155 Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor, 123 Self etch dentin bonding, 91 Setting time, 110 Skills, 62 Smokers, 194 Sodium peroxide, 186 Splint, 179 Streptococcus viridans, 39 mutans, 53 Subgingival plaque, 155 bacteria, 114 Sundanese, 118 Surface roghness, 164 Systemic diseases, 167 Tamarindus indica extract, 107 Tanine, 147 Temperature and storage, 110 Tertiary dentinogenesis, 15 Tetracycline gel 0.5 - 0.7%, 114 TGF-β1, 35, 88, 182 Three dimensional change after polymerization, 1 Toll-like receptors, 47 Tooth remodelling, 21 Toxicity, 91 Transforming growth factor beta,15 Transversal strength, 25, 84 Treatment of maxillary sinusitis, 128 Two-way relationship, 167 Type I collagen, 182 Upper integument lip, 118 Vacuolization, 35 Various orthodontic cases, 173 Veillonella sp, 100 Water, 186 Wound healing, 123 Zygomatico - maxillary fracture, 77 201 Ardan, Rachman, 118 Arijanti, Ester, 74 Berniyanti, Titiek, 30 Budi, Ananta Tantri, 186 Djamil, Melanie Sadono, 167 Ernawati, Diah Savitri, 47 Febriastuti, 179 Haniastuti, Tetiana, 15, 142 Harijanti, Kus, 132 Indiani, Sri Redjeki, 84 Juniarti, Devi Eka, 67 Kamadjadja, David B, 77, 128 Michael Josef Kridanto, 56 Khoswanto, Christian, 103 Kintawati, Silvi, 194 Kriswandini, Indah Listiana, 100 Kunarti, Sri, 35, 88, 182 Lazuardi, Mochamad, 5 Lestari, Sri, 91 Mulawarmanti, Dian, 151 Author’s Index Volume 41 Munadziroh, Elly, 123 Naini, Amiyatun, 25 Oewen, Roosje Rosita, 160 Peeters, Harry Huiz, 137 Pradopo, Seno, 43, 53 Pramono, Coen D, 10 Prasetyo, Eric Priyo, 164 Pudyani, Pinandi Sri, 21 Sadamori, Shinzuke, 1 Saskianti, Tania, 70 Setiawati, Ernie Maduratna, 114 Sumono, Agus, 147 Sunariani, Jenny, 95 Sunarko, Bambang, 110 Tarib, Natasya Ahmad, 62 Utomo, Haryono, 155 Wigati, Chandra, 173 Wulandari, Erawati, 107 Yani, Ristya Widi Endah, 190 Zubaidah, Nanik, 39 202 Thanks to editors in duty of Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Volume 41 Number 1 January–March 2008: 1. Prof. dr. A.G.M. Tielens (Medical Microbiology and Infections Disease – Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) 2. Dr. Leslie Ang (Restorative Dentistry – National Dental Centre of Singapore) 3. Widowati Witjaksono, drg., Ph.D. (Periodontic – University Science Malaysia, Malaysia) 4. Dr. M. Suharsini, drg, M.S., Sp. KGA. (Pediatric Dentistry – Indonesia University) 5. Dr. Nugrohowati, drg, M.Kes. (Conservative Dentistry – Prof. Dr. Moestopo University) 6. Achmad Gunadi, drg, M.S., Ph.D. (Prostodontic – Jember University) Volume 41 Number 2 April–June 2008: 1. Prof. Nairn Hutchinson Fulton Wilson, MSc. Ph.D., FDS. (Conservative Dentistry – University of Guy’s Dental School, London) 2. Prof. W.J. Spitzer, DMD., MD. (Head Department of Cranio & Oral – Maxillofacial Surgery Hamburg University, Germany) 3. Prof. Edward C. Combe. M.Sc. Ph.D. D.D.Sc. (Biomaterial – Minnesota University, U.S.A)Endrajana, drg.,MS.,Sp. BM. (Oral Maxillofacial Surgery - Airlangga University) 4. Achmad Harijadi, drg.,MS.,Sp.BM (Oral Maxillofacial Surgery – Airlangga University) 5. Sudarjani Gunawan, drg.,MS.,Sp.KG. (Conservative Dentistry – Airlangga University) Volume 41 Number 3 July–September 2008: 1. Prof. H. AB. Rani Samsudin D.D.S., FDSRC, AM. (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – University Science Malaysia, Malaysia) 2. Prof. Taizo Hamada, D.D.S., Ph.D. (Prostodontic – University of Hiroshima, Japan) 3. Prof. Yukio Kato, D.D.S., Ph.D. (Oral Bio Chemistry – University of Hiroshima, Japan) 4. Sudarjani Gunawan, drg.,MS.,Sp.KG. (Conservative Dentistry – Airlangga University) Volume 41 Number 4 October–December 2008: 1. Prof. Lakshman Samaranayake (Oral Microbiology – The University of Hongkong) 2. Kok Van Kessel (Medical Microbiology and Infections Disease – Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) 3. Sudarjani Gunawan, drg.,MS.,Sp.KG. (Conservative Dentistry – Airlangga University) 4. Endanus Harijanto, drg.,M.Kes. (Dental Material – Airlangga University) Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) publishes original articles on all aspects of dentistry and dental related disciplines. Articles are considered for publication with the condition that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles can be classified as research reports, case reports and literature reviews that keep the readers informed of current issues, inovative thinking in dentistry. They also support scientific advancement, education and dental practice. Manuscript should be written in English or in Indonesian. Authors should follow the manuscript preparation guidelines. I. Research reports preparation guidelines The text of research report should be devided into the following sections: • Title, should be brief, specific and informative. Include a short title (not exceeding 40 letters and spaces). • Name of Author(s), should include full names of authors, address to which proofs are to be sent, name and address of the Departement(s) to which the work should be attributed. • Abstract, concise description (not more than 250 words) of the background, purpose, methods, results and conclusions required. Key words (3–5 words) should be provided below the abstract. • Introduction, comprises the problem’s background, its formulation and purpose of the work and prospect for the future. • Materials and Methods, containing clarification on used materials and schema of experiments. Method to be explained as possible in order to enable others examiners to undertake retrial if necessary. Reference should be given to the unknown method. • Result, should be presented in logical sequence with the minimum number of tables and illustrations n e c e s s a r y f o r s u m m a r i z i n g o n l y i m p o r t a n t observations. The vertical and horizontal line in the table should be made at the least to simplify of view. Mathematical Equations, should be clearly stated. When mathematical symbols are not available on the typewriter, hand written symbols with soft lead pencil could be used. Decimal numbers, should be separated by point (.) for English-written-manuscript, and be separated by comma (,) for Indonesian-written manuscript. Tables, illustration, and photographs should be cited in the text in consecutive order. The titles and detailed explanations of the figures belong in the legends for illustrations (figures, graphs) not on the illustrations themselves. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used. • D i s c u s s i o n , e x p l a i n i n g t h e m e a n i n g o f t h e examination’s results, in what way the reported result can solve the problems, differences and equalities with previous study and development possibilities. This section should include the conclusion of the reported work and suggestion for further studies if necessary. • Acknowledgements, to all research contributors, if any, should be stated in brief at the manuscript, prior to references. • References, should be arranged according to the Vancouver system. References must be identified in the text by the superscript Arabic numerals and numbered in consecutive order as they are mentioned in the text. The reference list should appear at the end of the articles in numeric sequence. Examples: 1) Grimes EW. A use of freeze-dried bone in Endodontics. J Endod 1994; 20:355–6. 2) Cohen S, Burns RC. Pathways of the pulp. 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby Co; 1994. p. 123–47. 3) Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar; 1(1):[24 screens]. Available from: URL:http://www/ cdc/gov/ncidoc/EID/eid.htm. Accessed December 25, 1999. 4) Bennett GL, Horuk R. Iodination of chemokines for use receptor binding analysis. In: Horuk R, editor. Chemoking receptors. New York: Academic Press; 1997. p. 134–48. 5) Amerongen AVN, Michels LFE, Roukema PA, Veerman ECI. 1986. Ludah dan kelenjar ludah arti bagi kesehatan gigi. Rafiah Arbyono dan Sutatmi Suryo. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press; 1992. p. 1–42. 6) Salim S. Pengaruh humiditas dan waktu penyimpanan serta cara curing terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan mekanik akrilik basis gigi tiruan. Disertasi. Surabaya: Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga; 1995. p. 8–21. II. Reviews article preparation guidelines The text of literature reviews should be devided into the following sections: title, name of Author(s), abstract, introduction, overview, discussion that ended by conclusion & suggestion, references. III. Case reports preparation guidelines The text of case reports should be devided into the following sections: title, name of Author(s), abstract, introduction, case(s), case management(s) that completed with photograph/descriptive illustrations, discussion that ended by conclusion & suggestion, references. Photographs could be clear or glossy. Color or black and white photographs must be submitted for both illustrations and graphs. Photographs should be prepared with the minimum size of 125 × 195 mm. The manuscript should be submitted in a floppy disc or compact disc and be typed using MS Word program. Three Notes to authors legible photocopies or an original plus two legible copies of manuscript which are typed double space with wide margins on good quality A4 white paper (210 × 297 mm) should be enclosed. The length of article should not exceed 12 pages. The left, right, top, and bottom margin should be 2.5 cm or 1 inch length. The editor reserves the right to edit manuscript, fit articles into available, and ensure conciseness, clarity, and stylistic consistency. All accepted manuscript and their accompanying illustration become the permanent property of publisher, and may not be published elsewhere in full or in part, in print or electronically, without written permission from publisher. All datas, opinion or statement appear on the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the contributor. Accordingly, the Publisher, the Editorial Board, and their respective employees of the Dental Journal accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion, or statement. 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