Subject Index Volume 52 Adjustment disorder, 163 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, 81 Alginate, 36 Alveolar bone, 13 Anadara granosa, 177 Andrographis paniculata Nees extract, 219 Angular cheilitis, 76 Anti-inflammatory, 90 Antioxidant, 90 Apoptosis, 138 Applied behavior analysis, 117 Arab population, 154 Autistic spectrum disorders, 117 Bone formation, 177 repair, 61 Bovine bone graft (BBG), 126 Bulk fill packable composite, 192 Caffeine, 1 Calcium hydroxide, 183 Candida, 110 Carbonic acid, 192 Carcinogenesis, 138 Caries, 86 Caspase-1, 105 Cell proliferation, 142 Cell viability, 142 Chronological age, 100 Cigarette smoke, 133 Closed reduction, 147 Cocoa pod husk extract, 159, 215 Collagen density, 209 Coronally advanced flap, 8 Cortisol level, 163 COX-2, 105 Dental caries, 66 Dental trauma, 57 Diabetes mellitus, 76 Diabetes type, 110 Diabetes, 51 Differential diagnosis, 32 dmf index, 66 Dry, 41 EDTA, 122 Eighth-generation bonding, 41 Endodontic, 215 infection, 172 Enterococcus faecalis, 172, 215 Epithelial dysplasia, 187 Er,Cr:YSGG, 57 Ergonomics, 18 Ethanol, 41 Exposure to cigarette smoke, 187 Extracellular polymeric substance biofilm, 215 Fibroblasts, 126, 209 Fusobacterium nucleatum, 81 Gelatine, 36 Gestational, 110 Gingival enlargement, 204 overgrowth, 204 recession, 8 Glycerin, 95 Glycoproteins B-1, 197 Granule scaffold, 177 Hand foot mouth disease, 32 Hardness of nanofilled composite resin, 95 Herpes labialis, 76 Human cytomegalovirus, 197 immunodeficiency virus, 197 periodontal ligament fibroblast cells, 142 Hyperplasia, 133 IgY, 81 IL-17, 105 Inflammation, 105 Irradiation, 24 Isopropanol, 41 Isothiocyanate, 71 Laser diode, 142 Lemuru, 51 Lipotheicholic acid, 172 Malocclusion, 168 Management, 76 Mandibular fracture, 147 Mesenchymal stem cells, 36 Micro-computed tomography, 1 Microleakage, 192 Mixed dentition analysis, 154 MMP-8 expression, 51 Moist, 41 Monocytes viability, 219 Moringa oleifera extract, 71 Moyers method, 154 MTA, 57 Musculoskeletal disorders, 18 Neglected mandibular fracture, 147 NFATc1, 172 Nutrient intake, 86 Odontoblast like cell, 183 Oral cancer, 71, 133, 187 health, 66 thrush, 76 Orthodontic, 168 tooth movement, 1 Osphronemus goramy, 45 Osteoblasts, 13, 61, 126 Osteoclasts, 13, 126 p53, 138 Packable composite, 24 Pericoronitis, 105 Periodontitis, 51, 61 induced with Porphyromonas gingivalis, 209 Peripheral ossifying fibroma, 204 Permanent incisors, 57 tooth eruption, 100 Picture cards, 117 Pineapple peel extract, 122 Platelet-rich fibrin, 8 Porcelain repair, 27 Porphyromonas gingivalis, 81, 219 Preschoolers, 66 Primary varicella zoster infection, 32 Prophylaxis brush, 117 Propolis extract, 126 , 159, 183 Protein biofilm, 86 density, 86 Pulp therapy, 57 RANK, 172 Rapid entire body assessment, 18 Rattus norvegicus, 187 Reccurent aphthous stomatitis, 163 Red pomegranate, 90 Residual monomer, 24 Root canal irrigation, 122, 159 Scaffold hydroxyapatite gypsum puger, 13 Scales, 45 Self-etch bonding, 192 Sex, 100, 168 Shark liver oil, 209 Shear bond strength, 27 Sidestream cigarette smoke, 138 Silane, 27 Smear layer, 122 Snail mucin (Achatina fulica), 61 Socioeconomic status, 66 Sockets, 13 preservation, 126 Stichopus hermanni, 177 Streptococcus mutans, 45, 86 sanguinis, 81 Tamarind soft drink, 95 Tanaka-Johnston method, 154 Thorns, 45 TIMP-1 expression, 51 Tongue mucosa, 138 Tooth extraction, 18, 177 Total-etch bonding, 192 Traumatic ulcer, 90 Ulser, 163 Umbilical cord, 36 Upeneus moluccensis, 45 VEGF expression, 71 Viability, 45 Wistar rats, 172 Xerostomia, 197 Authors Index Volume 52 Angriany, Dian, 138 Anugraha, Ganendra, 204 Apriasari, Maharani Laillyza, 32, 76 Ayuningtyas, Nurina Febriyanti, 133 Azlan, Adriana, 168 Balan, Gülşah, 57 Damaiyanti, Dian Widya, 51 Dewanti, I Dewa Ayu Ratna, 45 Dewi, Asti Rosmala, 8 Dwiandhono, Irfan, 41 Gunardi, Olivia Jennifer, 147 Handayani, Fani Tuti, 154 Titis Mustikaningsih, 95 Hartono, Dwicha Rahma Nuriska, 71 Hendrawati, H., 61 Hendrijantini, Nike, 36 Hernawati, Sri, 90 Herniyati, H.,1 Ismiyatin, Kun, 142 Kriswandini, Indah Listiana, 86 Lestari, Oktaviani Suci, 81 Lunardhi, Louisa Christy, 126 Marjianto, Agus, 100 Melati, Felicia, 117 Mulawarmanti, Dian, 209 Nain, Amiyatun, 13 Noaman, Bushra Rashid, 66 Pangestu, Ayu Ragil Destrian, 110 Prayitno, Adi, 105 Prayudha, Anggy, 18 Pribadi, Nirawati, 122, 172 Prijaryanti, Dorisna, 187 Rahayu, Yani Corvianindya, 219 Rosha, Jayanti, 24 Saraswati, Widya, 192 Sari, Rima Parwati, 177 Sufiawati, Irna, 197 Widjiastuti, Ira, 27, 183 Yuanita, Tamara, 159, 215 Yuliana, Y., 163 Guide for authors The Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) publishes original articles on all aspects of dentistry and dental-related disciplines. Articles are considered for publication on condition that they have not been previously published or submitted for publication by other academic journals. Articles can be classified as research reports, case reports or literature reviews that inform readers about current issues, innovative cases and reviews in the field of dentistry. They should also promote scientific advancement, education and dental practice development. Since manuscripts will be published in English, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the language of submitted material is of appropriate clarity and quality. Manuscripts must not exceed the maximum number of words, must not contain numbers in the form of figures and must be free of typing errors. Articles must be between ten and twelve pages in length. Manuscripts must be typed on a word processer and submitted in the form of a soft copy file. The obligatory Times New Roman font should be size 14 pt for the title and 12 pt for all other sections of text. Headlines should be written in bold type with any Latin names presented in italics. Manuscripts must be of A4 format typed with one and a half space between lines and a 2.5 cm (1 inch)-wide margin. Authors are strongly advised to follow the manuscript preparation guidelines provided below. All Research Reports, Case Reports, and Literature Reviews must contain:  Title: brief, specific, informative and written in English. It must contain a maximum of ten words (not exceeding a total of 40 letters and spaces) with the first word starting with a capital letter.  Name(s) of Author(s): should include author(s)’ full name(s), mailing address(es) for proofs, name(s) and address(es) of the department(s) to which the work should be attributed listed sequentially using a number (1) symbol. Example: Jamal Bin Razak,1 Matsuo Hamada,2 Ninuk Hartati,3 and Harold Whitfield4 1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia 2 Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima – Japan 3 Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya – Indonesia 4 Department of Endodontics, School of Dental and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne – Australia  Abstract: a concise (maximum 250 words), one-paragraph description in English with single space formatting. Footnotes, references, and abbreviations are not to be included in the abstract.  The Abstract in Research Reports should consist of a single paragraph containing Background:, Purpose:, Methods:, Results: and Conclusion: written in bold type.  The Abstracts in Case Reports should consist of Background:, Purpose:, Case(s):, Case Management: and Conclusion: typed in bold within one paragraph.  The Abstracts in Literature Reviews should be divided into Background:, Purpose:, Review:, and Conclusion: typed in bold within one paragraph.  Keywords: 3-5 words and/or a phrase must be provided below the abstract. Key standard scientific phrases or words must be provided in English. Each word/phrase in the keywords section should be separated by a semicolon (;).  Correspondence: details of the lead author with complete mailing and e-mail addresses (consisting of full name, name of institution, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and email address). Correspondence is followed by the following sections according to type of article (Research Reports, Case Reports, or Literature Reviews) as follows: I. Contents in Research Reports: The research reports should contain the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, and results.  Introduction: background to the problem, formulation and purpose of the work, case or review and prospects for future research. The rationale of the study is stated together with the main problem under investigation, any resulting findings and, finally, the references consulted. Introductions to literature reviews should be followed by clearly headline topics and the main points to be discussed.  Materials and Methods: clear description of materials consulted, experiments conducted and methods applied. These are deemed necessary to facilitate duplication of the research and re-assessment of its validity. Reference should be made to any novel methods employed. Research ethics relating to the use of animal and/or human subjects must also be outlined in accordance with academic convention.  Results: presented accurately and concisely in a logical sequence with the minimum number of tables and illustrations necessary to summarize the most important observations. Undue repetition of text and tables should be avoided. Tables must be presented horizontally (without vertical line separation) to facilitate understanding of their content. Calculation results should be reported in SI units. Mathematical Equations should be clearly expressed. Mathematical symbols unavailable on computer keyboards may be hand-written using a soft lead pencil. Decimal numbers should be identifiable by the appropriate location of a decimal point (.). Tables, illustrations, and photographs should be cited consecutively within, but presented separately to, the manuscript text. Titles and detailed explanations of figures should appear in the legends corresponding to illustrations (figures, graphs) rather than within the illustrations themselves. All non-standard abbreviations used must be explained in the footnotes. II. Contents in Case Reports: The case reports should contain the following sections: introduction, case(s), and case management.  Introduction: outlines the background and formulation of the problem, the purpose of the work, case or review and prospects for the future. The rationale for the study is stated, a number of references identified and the main problem and unusual clinical cases highlighted or the use of cutting-edge technology in a clinical case.  Case(s): contains a clear and detailed description of the case(s) presented, including: anamnesis and clinical examinations. The specific system of tooth nomenclature: Zygmondy, World Health Organization or Universal must be clearly stated.  Case management: presented accurately and concisely in chronological order supported with figures and a detailed description of the research methodology employed. III. Contents in Literature Reviews Literature reviews are reviews provided by expert in its field with verified supporting credentials. The literature reviews should contain the following sections: introduction, and overviews.  Introduction comprises the problem's background, its formulation and purpose of the work or case or review and prospect for the future. Introduction in literature reviews are followed by headline topics and overviews to be discussed. All Research Reports, Case Reports, and Literature Reviews must be followed by:  Discussion explains the meaning of the examination's results, not repeating the result, in what way the reported result can solve the problems, differences and equalities with previous study and development possibilities. This section should include the conclusion of the reported work or case and suggestion for further studies if necessary.  Acknowledgements to all research contributors, if any, should be stated in brief at the manuscript, prior to references.  References should be arranged according to the Vancouver superscript system. References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, and listed at the end of the text in numeric, not alphabetical order. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in superscript. References must be valid and taken within the last 10 years of publication, containing at least 70% of primary references (from journals, books, thesis, dissertations, and patent documents). Unpublished sources, such as manuscripts in preparation and personal communication, are not acceptable as references. Only those sources cited in the text should appear in the reference list. The names of authors must be written in a consistent manner throughout the text. The numbers and volumes of journals must be cited, with edition, publisher, city and page numbers of textbooks also included. References to downloaded internet sources must include the time of access and web address. Any abbreviations of journal titles must comply with dental and medical index conventions. All research reports should include at least ten references. Citation format for journal articles: 1. Thesleff I. The genetic basis of tooth development and dental defects. Am J Med Genet. 2006; 140(23): 2530-5. 2. Fekonja A. Hypodontia in orthodontically treated children. Eur J Orthod. 2005; 27: 457-60. Citation format for textbooks: 1. Anusavice KJ. Phillips’ science of dental materials. 11th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier; 2003. p. 205-9, 231-48. 2. Craig RG, Powers JM. Restorative dental materials. 11th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Co; 2002. p. 330-40. Citation format for proceedings: 1. Syafiar L. Titanium as metallic implant material. In: TIMNAS V & Lustrum XVI. Surabaya; 2009. p. 16-20. 2. Sutowijoyo A, Suardita K, Prasetyo EP. Restoring mastication by one visit endodontic as a preliminary treatment for immediate overdenture. In: Temu Ilmiah Nasional IKORGI I. Surabaya; 2010. p. 131-4. Citation format for thesis and dissertations: 1. Munadziroh E. Karakterisasi, ekspresi dan kloning gen penyandi protein secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor membrana emnion sebagai kandidat untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka gingiva. Dissertation. Surabaya: Universitas Airlangga; 2008. p. 8-21. Citation format for patents: 1. Yamagishi H, Hiroe A, Nishio H, Miki K, Tawada Y. Methods Procedures of Hand Surgery. US Patent No. 5264710, 1993 Nov 23. Figures or illustration All figures, illustrations and photos must be concise, relevant, informative, referenced and contained in a file (JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format). Non-file photos should be printed on clear glossy paper with minimum dimensions of 125mm x 195mm. The maximum number of figures, illustrations, photos and tables contained in the research report and literature review is 4 (four), while that for case reports is 8 (eight). All figures, illustrations and photos must be separated from the manuscript text. Images should be referred to in the text and figure legends should be listed at the end of the manuscript, citing illustrations in numerical order (figure 1, figure 2, etc.) as they appear in the text. 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