� Vol. 43. No. 1 March 2010 N o m a m a n a g e m e n t i n a c h i l d w i t h s y s t e m i c l u p u s erythematosus irna Sufiawati1, asri arum Sari2, Budi Setiabudiawan3, and rahmat Gunadi4 1 Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University 2 Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University 3 Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University 4 Department of Allergy and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University Bandung - Indonesia abstract Background: N��a, als� kn���n as cancr�� �ris, is an �r��acial gangrene, ���ic� d�ring its ��l�inating stage ca�ses �r�gressive and ��tilating destr�cti�n �� t�e in�ected tiss�es. ��e disease �cc�rs �ainly in c�ildren ��it� �aln�triti�n, ���r �ral �ygiene and de�ilitating c�nc�rrent illness. Purpose: ��e ai� �� t�is �a�er ��as t� re��rt a �niq�e case �� n��a ass�ciated ��it� syste�ic l���s eryt�e�at�s�s in an 8-year-�ld ��y. Case: An 8-year-�ld ��y re�erred t� Oral �edicine De�art�ent c���laining a���t an �lcer at t�e le�t c�rner �� �is ���t� ��r 1 ��nt�, �ain��l and di��ic�lty in ��ening t�e ���t�. ��e �atient ��as diagn�sed syste�ic l���s eryt�e�at�s�s since 14 ��nt�s �e��re and �ad �een given i���n�s���ressive t�era�y. ��e �atient ��as als� diagn�sed severe �aln�triti�n. Hae�at�l�gic investigati�ns revealed ane�ia. Case management: Pan�ra�ic radi�gra��y ��as �er��r�ed t� c�eck ��r dental �r �eri�d�ntal ��ci �� in�ecti�n, ��t n� a�n�r�alities ��ere �resent. ��e �icr��i�l�gy e�a�inati�n revelaed F�s��acteri�� necr����r��, Sta��yl�c�cc�s a�re�s, and Kla�siella. ��e �atient �as �een treated ��it� �ral irrigati�n �sing �ydr�gen �er��ide, saline and 0.2% c�l�r�e�idine, t��s �el�ed t� sl��g� t�e necr�tic tiss�e. Oral anti�i�tics and analgesics ��ere �rescri�ed. ��e �atient ��as ad�itted t� ��s�ital �nder t�e care �� a �ediatrician, allergy and i���n�l�gy s�ecialist, and a n�triti�nist. ��e res�lt �� t�e c���re�ensive disease �anage�ent s����ed t�at t�e lesi�n �ealed c���letely, ��t leaving a scar �n �is c�rner �� t�e ���t�. �ts ��ysical e��ects are �er�anent and �ay req�ire rec�nstr�ctive s�rgery t� �e re�aired �y �ral s�rge�n. Conclusion: N��a is n�t a �ri�ary disease, t�ere are vari��s �redis��sing �act�rs �s�ally �recede its �cc�rrence. ��e �anage�ent �� n��a req�ires a ��ltidisci�linary a��r�ac�. Key words: N��a, syste�ic l���s eryt�e�at�s�s, �aln�triti�n, �anage�ent abstrak latar Belakang: N��a, dikenal se�agai cancr�� �ris, adala� gangren �ada daera� �r��asial, yang �enye�a�kan ker�sakan �r�gresi� dari jaringan yang terin�eksi. Penyakit ini terjadi ter�ta�a �ada anak dengan gizi ��r�k, kese�atan ��l�t yang ��r�k dan �enyakit yang �ele�a�kan. tujuan: �akala� ini �ert�j�an �nt�k �ela��rkan se��a� kas�s n��a yang �nik �ada se�rang anak laki-laki �er�sia 8 ta��n yang �enderita l���s erite�at�s�s siste�ik. Kasus: Se�rang anak laki-laki 8 ta��n dir�j�k ke Bagian �l�� Penyakit ��l�t, �engel�� adanya l�ka di s�d�t ��l�t se�ela� kiri yang tela� diderita sela�a 1 ��lan, terasa sangat sakit dan s�lit �e���ka ��l�t. Pasien didiagn�sis l���s erite�at�s�s siste�ik sejak 14 ��lan se�el��nya dan tela� di�erikan tera�i i��n�s��resi�. Pasien j�ga didiagn�sis �enderita �aln�trisi yang �erat. Pe�eriksaan �e�at�l�gi �en�nj�kkan �asien �enderita ane�ia. tatalaksana kasus: Radi�gra�i �an�ra�ik dilak�kan �nt�k �e�eriksa ��k�s in�eksi dental ata� �eri�d�ntal, teta�i tidak dite��kan adanya kelainan. Pada �e�eriksaan �ikr��i�l�gi dite��kan adanya F�s��acteri�� necr����r��, Sta��yl�c�cc�s a�re�s, dan Kla�siella. Pera��atan �ada �asien �eli��ti irigasi �ada daera� gangren dengan �idr�gen �er�ksida, lar�tan salin dan kl�r�eksidin 0,2% �nt�k �e��ersi�kan jaringan nekr�tik. Pasien j�ga di�erikan anti�i�tik dan analgesik. Pasien dira��at di r��a� sakit di �a��a� �era��atan d�kter s�esialis anak, d�kter s�esialis alergi i��n�l�gi, dan a�li gizi. Hasil �enatalaksanaan �enyakit secara k���re�ensi� �e��erli�atkan adanya �enye����an, teta�i �eninggalkan jaringan �ar�t �ada s�d�t ��l�tnya. Kelainan �isik terse��t �ersi�at �er�anen dan �e�erl�kan �e��eda�an rek�nstr�kti� �le� d�kter gigi s�esialis �eda� ��l�t. Kesimpulan: N��a ��kanla� �enyakit �ri�er, terda�at �er�agai �akt�r �redis��sisi yang �iasanya �enda��l�i terjadinya �enyakit terse��t. Pengel�laan n��a �e�erl�kan �endekatan ��ltidisi�lin. Kata kunci: N��a, l���s erite�at�s�s siste�ik, �aln�trisi, �enatalaksanaan C�rres��ndence: Irna Sufiawati, c/o: Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran. Jl. Sekeloa Selatan I No. 1 Bandung 40132. E-mail: irnasufiawati@yahoo.com Case Report �Sufiawati, et al.: Noma management in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus his mouth and difficulty in opening the mouth. The patient felt painful while he was eating. He had intermittent fever for the last one month. For the next 4 months, the patient kept complaining about his stomachache. He just ate 3 spoons of food daily, drank 5 glasses of milk, and seldom ate at night. The patient has been suffering from SLE since 14 months ago before being admitted to the hospital and he was treated out of the hospital at Department of Allergy and Immunology Hasan Sadikin Hospital regularly. The result of systemic lupus erythematosus activity index (SLEDAI) examination showed number 12 meaning that he was in moderate of SLE disease activity. Hematologic investigations showed anemia (Haemoglobin 9.3 g/dl, Hematocrit 28 %). The patient was diagnosed moderate malnutrition. The patient had also aphthous stomatitis and oral candidiasis histories. Some medicines that he consumed were prednisone 3 × 2.5 mg daily, Rocatrol caps 1 × 0.25 mcg daily, Ca carbonate 3 × 250 mg daily, Ranitidine tablet 150 mg 2 × 1/3 tablet daily, supplements and 1300 kcal diet. The patient appeared malnourished and weighed only 14 kg. His temperature was 38,5° C at the time, but all other vital signs were within normal limits. Extra oral examination revealed necrotizing tissue at the left corner of his mouth about 2 × 2 cm in size surrounded by oedematous tissue showing a mild to moderate erythema (Figure 1). The left submandibular lymph nodes was mildly painful, palpable, tender, and mobile. Submental, right mandibular, and cervical lymph nodes were unpalpable. Intraoral examination couldn’t be applied because of restricted mouth opening. It was also not possible to obtain intraoral photographs. figure 1. Day 1. Extraoral photographs showed the swelling and crust from the corner of the mouth. case management The patient was referred to microbiology laboratory to identify the microorganism of the necrotizing tissue. Orthopantomogram (OPG) was performed to check for dental or periodontal foci of infection, but no abnormalities were evident. Based on the clinical and radiographic results, suspect of noma diagnosis was made. Therefore, the treatment on the first day was irrigation with hydrogen peroxide, saline, and 0.2% chlorhexidine. Furthermore, the patient was given oral antibiotics (amoxicillin 250 mg three times daily and metronidazole 200 mg three times daily) for introduction Noma, also known as cancrum oris, is a destructive gangrenous stomatitis of the mouth, soft and hard tissues of the face.1 It may lead to devastating facial deformity, circumferential scarring, stenosis of the mouth, and in many cases death.2 “Noma” derives from the Greek word ne��, meaning “to graze” or “to devour”.3 The disease typically affects mostly children between 2 to 16 years of age.1 The epidemiology of noma has not changed much over the years, except that there has been a reduction in the mortality rate from 90% to about 8% to 10%, mainly because of modern antibiotics.3,4 The WHO estimated that 500,000 people are affected with 100,000 new cases each year. Noma has disappeared from the industrialized countries since the 20th century, but is common in the third world especially in Africa.5 This disease occurs almost exclusively among poor malnutrition children in developing countries.6,7 The exact cause of the disease is still not known.1 It is postulated that the disease is triggered by a consortium of micro organisms of which F�s��acteri�� necr����r�� is a key component.2,8 Symbiotic relationship between fusiform bacilli and non-hemolytic streptococci and staphylococci has been considered a significant factor in the development of noma. Anaerobic bacteria may be present in rapidly progressing disease.9-11 Noma is considered to represent the “face of poverty” because factors connected with poverty, such as chronic malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, poor environmental sanitation, exposure to animal and human fecal material, and exposure to viral and bacterial infections, contribute to disease progression.3,12,13 Weak immune system, past history of measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, bacillary dysentery, malaria, whooping cough, tuberculosis, malignancy and HIV are also predisposing factors of noma.3,13,14 This case report describes the risk factors and management of noma in 8-year-old boy suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It is expected that this report will provide information for the clinician that a team approach is needed in better managing this devastating disease. case On 19th December 2008, an 8-year-old boy with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who was under treatment at Department of Pediatric Hasan Sadikin Hospital was referred to Department of Oral Medicine for evaluation and management for his oral disease. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem autoimmune disease characterized by general autoantibody production and a wide range of mucocutaneous, renal, neuropsychiatric, cardiovascular, infectious, and hematologic manifestations. His mother reported that there was an ulcer at the left side of lips 1 month earlier. There was no history of trauma. She also reported discharge of pus from the left corner of � Dent. J. (Maj. Ked. Gigi), Vol. 43. No. 1 March 2010: 6-10 15 days, analgesics (paracetamol 500 mg 3 × ½ tablet daily), 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate gargles were prescribes. Oral hygiene instructions was also given to his mother. On December, 30th, 2007 (11 days later), the patient came to the hospital for medical control. The pain of the mouth has decreased. There was no improvement healing of the noma. The necrotizing tissue on his mouth was enlarging. There was discharge of pus from the corner of the mouth (Figure 2). The result of culture testing showed F�s��acteri�� necr����r��, Sta��yl�c�cc�s a�re�s, and Kla�siella. At this time, a definitive diagnosis of noma was made. The patient did not consume the medicine regularly because he didn’t feel convenient. The patient was referred again to microbiology laboratory for further examination (sensitivity test) because the previous treatment did not show recovery. Hydrogen peroxide, saline, and 0.2% chlorhexidine were applied again to the wound. The dressing was also done to remove sloughed tissue. The same oral antibiotics and nutritional supplements were still given. At that day, the patient was admitted to the hospital under paediatrician and allergy and immunology specialist for evaluation of SLE disease because his condition was decreasing. He was also referred to Department of Nutrition for malnutrition evaluation. Parenteral fluid supplement replacement was also provided to maintain electrolyte balance. figure 2. Day 7. Discharge of pus from the corner of the mouth. figure 3. Day 16. (a) The patient was diagnosed marasmus (severe malnutrition). (b). Extensive necrosis affecting soft tissues. On January, 5th, 2008 (16 days later), the necrotizing tissue at the corner of the mouth became larger (Figure 3). The patient was diagnosed marasmus (severe malnutrition) by his nutritionist. The result of sensitivity test showed that the patient has still sensitive to amoxicillin, but resistant to ampicillin, ceftazidime, chlorampenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, and metronidazole, intermediate to oxacilline, ceftriaxone dan cotrimoxazole. After this testing available, high dose antibiotic therapy was instituted to halt the spread of noma. Parenteral antibiotics were started. The drug dosages were adjusted according to the patient’s age to prevent toxic effects. In addition, adequate hydration, correction of electrolytes and vitamin deficiencies with provision of sufficient nutritional support were also given by nutritionist. Local debridement of necrotic tissue was still performed throughout the course of the treatment. figure 4. Day 60. (a) Moon face caused by corticosteroids therapy. (b) Healing lesion. The lesion healed completely after 2 months, at the last visit on February 12th, 2008 (Figure 4). But there was leaved scar of his corner of the mouth. Moon face as a side- effect of corticosteroids was seen in this patient (Figure 4-a). The proposed treatment was polishing of all teeth and reconstructive surgery in the left corner of his mouth. The patient was then referred to Department of Oral Surgery to have reconstruction done. Until this report was made it has not been done yet because of his poor health condition. discussion In this case, the diagnosis of noma was made based on clinical features supported by microbiology examination. Initially, the patients had an ulcer on the left corner of his mouth and then necrotizing tissue and discharge of pus from the corner of the mouth appeared rapidly. Clinical feature of noma was began at the mucous membranes lining of cheeks which become inflamed and develop as an ulcer. The infection spreads from the mucous membranes to the skin thus causing necrosis of the tissues of lips and cheeks.15 Foul smelling, purulent oral discharge were associated with profuse salivation, anorexia and palpable cervical lymphadenopathy. Noma causes sudden, rapidly progressive tissue destruction.1 Definitive diagnosis of noma with SLE was based on the result of culture testing which showed F�s��acteri�� necr����r�� (F. necr����r��), Sta��yl�c�cc�s a�re�s, and Kla�siella. It is difficult to pinpoint the specific trigger agent in the complex microbiota of a noma lesion. It has been speculated that B�rrelia vincentii and F�s��acteri�� are prominent bacteria in such lesions.2,8 Recent reports suggest that besides fusiform bacilli and spirochetes, �Sufiawati, et al.: Noma management in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus other anaerobic bacteria are present in a relatively high proportion of noma lesions.8 F. necr����r�� is considered a key component. This organism produces dermatotoxins, which could explain the rapid progression of the disease.9 F. necr����r�� elaborates several dermonecrotic toxic metabolites and is acquired by the impoverished children via fecal contamination, resulting from shared residential facilities with animals and very poor environmental sanitation. Anaerobic bacteria may be present in rapidly progressing disease.9,10 Prev�tella inter�edia has the ability to break down lipid structures, which contributes to tissue destruction. It also produces proteolytic enzymes capable of breaking down immunoglobulin G, which impedes elimination of microorganisms.12 It was supposed that there were various factor stimulating susceptibility of the disease in the patient of this case. The patient was diagnosed severe malnutrition called marasmus (a condition primarily caused by a deficiency in calories and energy) by nutritionist. Malnutrition leads to alteration in cell-mediated immune function and early breakdown of the epithelial tissues, alterations in the oral mucosa facilitate invasion by pathogens.12 Eating difficulties due to infection further was aggravated by any existing malnutrition. Therefore, malnutrition can be considered to have been a major predisposing factor for development of noma in this patient. There was a complex three-way relationship existed between malnutrition, immune dysfunctions in the host, and increased susceptibility to infections.9 Studies of the effect of malnutrition on oral microbial ecology in the village of Nigerian children have demonstrated prominently increased recovery of spirochetes and anaerobic rods compared to control groups of well-fed children from the same ethnic background.16 Cellular depletion of key nutrients such as zinc, retinol, ascorbic acid, and the essential amino acids, will impair the structural integrity of the oral mucosa, thus creating easy portals of entry for the pathogenic microorganisms and their products.17-19 Another predisposing factor that could lead noma in the patient was the use of long term corticosteroids for his systemic disease. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by typical involvement of many different organ systems and by immunological abnormalities, such as hyperactive B cells producing various autoantibodies.20 The aetiology of SLE is unspecific. It is likely that a combination of genetic, environmental, and possibly hormonal factors worked together to cause the disease. This led to inflammation and damage to various body tissues.20,21 The diverse presentations of lupus range from rash and arthritis through anemia and thrombocytopenia to serositis, nephritis, seizures, and psychosis. SLE is considered a predominantly female disease. Lupus should be part of the differential diagnosis in virtually any patient presenting with one of these clinical problems, especially in female patients between 15 and 50 years of age.22 Approximately 20% of all patients who have SLE are diagnosed in childhood. The diagnosis of SLE often is considered in children who have prolonged unexplained complaints.23 The mainstay of lupus treatment involves the use of corticosteroid hormones, such as prednisone. They work by rapidly suppressing inflammation. Persons who have been on l�ng-ter� oral c�rtic�ster�ids may become immunosuppressed and s�sce�ti�le t� infection. Increased steroid levels in the mouth could also serve as a rich nutrient source for anaerobes.24 Thus, the patient has high risk for developing secondary infection such as noma. Lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. William Osler, in 1895, was the first to emphasize that the GI manifestations may overshadow other aspects of the disease and mimic any type of abdominal condition. GI manifestations of SLE include mouth ulcers, dysphagia, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, haemorrhage and abdominal pain. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are seen in up to 50% of patients with SLE. However, they may be due to the disease, represent intercurrent processes (e.g. secondary to uraemia) or side- effects of medication.25 These complications may lead malnutrition in patient with SLE. In the early stages, the child need oral irrigation with hydrogen peroxide, saline and 0.2% chlorhexidine, thus helps to slough the necrotic tissue. Amoxicillin and metronidazole were given to the patient. As there is no clear consensus but most authors recommend penicillin plus metronidazole to cover predominant organisms. Medication needs to be continued for at least 14 days. After the result of sensitivity testing, other antibiotics were given parenterally. The use of antibiotic may cause Candida al�icans overgrowth, thus requires antifungal coverage with Nystatin.1 After being treated together at the same time with the systemic disease, finally noma showed recovery. Usually in such cases, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons repair the defect once the infection subsides. Patients who have risk factors, such this child, have to be prevented from noma, by increasing the nutritional status of children and decreasing the animal-fecal contamination of the environment. Proper and early treatment of oral lesions, and also maintenance of oral health would seem to be the means of control for preventing noma.8 It was concluded that noma is not a primary disease, there are various predisposing factors usually precede its occurrence, such as severe malnutrition and immune system disease with intensive immunosuppressive therapy. This case report may guide the clinician in better managing this devastating disease. Management of noma requires a multidisciplinary team approach. references 1. Wazir SM, Khan su. Cancrum oris. Journal of Pakistan AssociationJournal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2008; 18: 110–2. 2. Falkler WA, Enwonwu CO, Idigbe EO. Isolation of Fusobacterium necrophorum from Cancum Oris (Noma). Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999; 60(1): 150–6. �0 Dent. 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