MKG Vol 41 No 4 Oct-Dec 2008.indd 190 Vol. 41. No. 4 October–December 2008 Research Report Bootstrap study to estimate linear regression parameter (Application in the study on the effect of oral hygiene on dental caries) Ristya Widi Endah Yani Department of Dental Public Health Faculty of Dentistry Jember University Jember - Indonesia ABSTRACT Background: Bootstrap is a computer simulation-based method that provides estimation accuracy in estimating inferential statistical parameters. Purpose: This article describes a research using secondary data (n = 30) aimed to elucidate bootstrap method as the estimator of linear regression test based on the computer programs MINITAB 13, SPSS 13, and MacroMINITAB. Methods: Bootstrap regression methods determine β̂ and Ŷ value from OLS (ordinary least square), iii YY ˆ−=ε value, determine how many repetition for bootstrap (B), take n sample by replacement from iε to )(iε , )(ˆ iii YY ε+= value, β̂ value from sample bootstrap at i vector. If the amount of repetition less than, B a recalculation should be back to take n sample by using replacement from iε . Otherwise, determine β̂ from “bootstrap” methods as the average β̂ value from the result of B times sample taken. Result: The result has similar result compared to linear regression equation with OLS method (α = 5%). The resulting regression equation for caries was = 1.90 + 2.02 (OHI-S), indicating that every one increase of OHI-S unit will result in caries increase of 2.02 units. Conclusion: This was conducted with B as many as 10,500 with 10 times iterations. Key words: bootstrap, caries Correspondence: Ristya Widi Endah Yani, c/o: Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Masyarakat dan Pencegahan, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember. Jl. Kalimantan No.37 Jember 68121, Indonesia. Telp. (0331) 333536. E-mail: INTRODUCTION Bootstrap is a computer simulation-based method that provides estimation accuracy in estimating inferential statistical parameters. To solve problems in insufficient statistical samples (small number of samples), computer- based method such as bootstrap has rarely been employed although its use is quite simple.1 The simplicity of application can be observed in the use of the media and more advanced method, which is an implementation of the basic concept in statistics. Being computer-based, this method does not use classical statistical method anymore, which application use a relatively complex formulation.2 Multiple linear regression analysis is an extension of simple linear regression analysis. Simple linear regression analysis of two variables correlation analysis is made between one dependent variable (Y) and one independent variable (X). In multiple linear regression analysis, there are one dependent variable (Y) and more than one independent variables (Xi), in which i = 1, 2, 3 ... p, with an aim to predict Y value (dependent variable) based on X values (independent variables). The correlation between one independent variable and one dependent variable is discussed in simple linear regression, and correlation between more than one independent variables in multiple linear regression analysis.3 As an application in this study, we used data on the effect of oral hygiene on dental caries. The dependent variable was dental caries and the independent variable was oral hygiene. The problem of this study addressed the process of bootstrap method application to assess linear regression parameter. The objective of this study was to evaluate bootstrap method as an estimation of 191Yani: Bootstrap study to estimate linear linear regression parameter. The benefit of this study was to find the solution using bootstrap method in estimating linear regression parameter. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research using secondary data,4 with independent variable (oral hygiene) and dependent variable (dental caries). Data source was secondary data entitled “Permanent Teeth Eruption and Oral Hygiene among Elementary School Children in Goiter Endemic Area, District of Jember”.5 Data analysis was undertaken using computer (MINITAB 13, SPSS 13, MacroMINITAB). The algorithm of data regression method of bootstrap result (Figure 1). This program begins to determine β̂ and Ŷ values from OLS, iii YY ˆ−=ε , the number of repetition bootstrap (B), then taking n sample from the return of iε , which is regarded as )(iε . Determine )(ˆ iii YY ε+= values, and then determine β̂ values in ith sample. If the number of repetition bootstrap < B consequently taking n sample from the return of iε , which is regarded as )(iε . If the number of repetition < B consequently determining β̂ from “bootstrap” method as the average of β̂ of sample taking in B times. RESULT Thirty out of 100 secondary data were randomized. The data were tried to be firstly subjected to linear regression Determine β̂ and Ŷ values from OLS Determine iii YY ˆ Determine the number of repetition bootstrap (B) Taking n sample from the return of i , which is regarded as )(i Determine )( ˆ iii YY values Determine β̂ values in ith sample Is the number of repetition 0.15. Residual had normal distribution. The result of Spearman’s correlation test revealed insignificant correlation between residual and OHI-S variable (“Sig” = 0.685), indicating no heteroscedacity. No correlation assumption was observed by comparing the values in Durbin Watson table to the values of Durbin Watson values from the estimation. The value of d was > du or 4-d > du, H0 was accepted, indicating no correlation between residuals. The independent variable was only one, multicolinearity assumption test could not be performed. Plot dots were distributed around the value 0, indicating the presence of linearity. Determining regression coefficient parameter of bootstrap result data Bootstrap method applied was performed by resampling the residuals. The call of bootstrap command in the form of MacroMinitab with 10 iterations was %d:\bootstrap_baru. txt c1 c2 c3-c12 c13-c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 c27 c28, which was subsequently entered into Minitab program. Description: %d:\bootstrap_baru.txt is formula bootstrap, c1 is column variable dependen, c2 is column variable independent, c3-c12 is column regression parameter b0 . c13-c22 is column regression parameter b1, c23 is column b0 bootstrap, c24 is column b1 bootstrap, c25 is column lowb1, c26 is column up b0, c27 is column low b1, c28 is column up b1. First, we used B of 1000 as many as 1000 times iteration, and the B was augmented with the addition of 500 until reaching convergent (constant) regression parameter, with an agreement that resulted regression coefficient parameter is using two decimal places. It was found that in B = 10.500 in 10 times iteration the regression coefficient parameter value of b0 was convergent/constant. Table 1 shows that b0 was 1.90, and b1 was between 2.02 –2.03 (two decimal places). Mean of b0 = 1.90 and mean of b1 = 2.02. Subsequently, the variance of each bootstrap was estimated. The variance of b0 and b1 of B = 10.500 can be seen in table 2. Table 2. Variance values of b0 and b1 in B = 10.500 B Parameter b0 b1 10.500 0.000002072 0.000002813 Table 2 shows that in B = 10.500 the variance of b0 is 0.000002072, b1 = 0.000002813. B = 10.500 with 10 times iteration revealed the least variance (minimum) compared to other B. DISCUSSION Regression equation produced using bootstrap method (with B = 10,500 and 10 times iteration) is not far different from simple linear regression equation. The resulted regression equation was Caries = 1.90 + 2.02 Table 1. Parameters of b0 and b1 in B = 10.500 in 10 times iteration B= 10.500 Parameter i = 1 i =2 i = 3 i = 4 I = 5 i = 6 i = 7 i = 8 i = 9 i = 10 b0 1.8 982 5 1.9 021 6 1.9 006 5 1.9 022 6 1.9 012 1 1.8 990 5 1.8 995 5 1.8 995 2 1.9 014 4 1.9 020 8 b1 2.0 220 6 2.0 250 6 2.0 223 8 2.0 237 3 2.0 2 608 2.0 238 5 2.0 251 5 2.0 256 2 2.0 215 5 2.0 219 8 193Yani: Bootstrap study to estimate linear OHI-S, indicating that every increase of one OHI-S unit will increase 2.02 unit of the caries. Linear regression analysis with bootstrap method requires a longer time, because repetition will be done until required convergent (constant) regression coefficient and minimum variance are obtained. Prior to performing linear regression analysis using bootstrap method, it should be considered first that not all data can be bootstrapped. Bootstrap method is used only in highly necessary conditions, such as insufficient (small) number of samples, unknown data distribution, and in the measurement of parameter estimation accuracy. From B = 10.500 the convergent (constant) regression parameter values (b0 1.90, b1 2.02) were obtained. The estimation of regression parameter (b) was obtained by adding the beta (b0, b1) in each resampling, and divided with B value. Thus, it presents as the mean of beta estimation in each resampling process.7 There was no explanation in the literature that determines the amount of bootstrap that should be used in a study. It is apparent that bootstrap recommended in various literatures today is increasing along with the advanced capability in computerization. In B = 100,000 in an increase of 500 in each bootstrap would quickly produce more centralized (more convergent) parameter. In this study the bootstrap was started in 1000.8 A general guidelines, B = 1000 is the most frequently used bootstrap for the first bootstrapping. Iteration was performed 10 times to produce convergent (constant) regression coefficient parameter.9 Iteration process is performed until obtaining convergent (constant) regression coefficient parameter.10 In B = 10.500 with 10 times iteration, the least (minimum) variance were produced, i.e., b0 = 0.000002072 and b1 = 0.000002813. The more convergent the data, the less the variance produced. However, this was not supported by Walpole and Sudjana11 who found that the best estimator was the one with minimum variance (estimator with the least variance among all other estimators for the same parameter).12 OHI-S variable has effect on dental caries (p-value = 0.000). Poor dental hygiene is one cause of dental caries, either milk or permanent teeth, particularly in children who are mostly unable to brush their teeth appropriately. The better the oral hygiene, the lower the severity of the caries. In contrast, the worse the oral hygiene, the higher the severity of the caries. This confirms the assumption that oral hygiene is one of the factors that influence dental caries. The prevalence of dental caries increased in children with poor dental hygiene compared to those with good dental hygiene.13 There was a strong correlation between poor oral hygiene, the presence of plaque, and the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases and dental caries.14 Regression equation produced by using simple linear regression is not far different from bootstrap method with B = 10,500 and 10 times iteration. Linear regression analysis with the data resulting from bootstrap should be employed in highly required conditions, such as insufficient (small) number of samples, unknown data distribution, and in the measurement of parameter estimation accuracy. REFERENCES 1. Longini, Halloran A. 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