item: #1 of 260 id: eol-100628 author: Gregová, Renáta; Kiktova, Eva title: On the Position of /s/ in Slovak Consonant Clusters: an Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis date: 2023-05-08 words: 4765 flesch: 56 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: e-Journal of Linguistics Available online at Vol. 17, No. 2, July 2023, pages: 241--252 Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586 241 On the Position of /s/ in Slovak Consonant Clusters: an Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis 1 Renáta Gregová Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, 2 Eva Kiktová Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, Article info Abstract* Received Date:5 May 2023 Accepted Date: 31 Juni 2023 Published Date: 31 July 2023 Keywords:* Slovak, consonant clusters, sonority violation, acoustic analysis, perception The paper presents the results of research aimed at the acoustic and perceptual analysis of onset and coda clusters from standard Slovak that violate the principle of sonority. Nevertheless, as it is well-known, in languages, there are consonant clusters occurring in onset or coda positions that violate this principle of sonority in the syllable structure and are still considered very frequent in the given language. keywords: /s/; /sp; acoustic; analysis; articulation; clusters; coda; combinations; consonant; consonant clusters; data; english; engstrand; ericsdotter; female; figure; final; final clusters; fricative; gregová; initial; initial consonant; language; liquid; nasal; native; nonsense; onset; perceptual; place; position; principle; recordings; research; results; sample; sequences; sk/; slovak; sonorant; sonority; sonority principle; sound; speakers; spectral; stop; structure; syllable; table; test; types; university; voiceless; voiceless fricative; voiceless stop; words cache: eol-100628.pdf plain text: eol-100628.txt item: #2 of 260 id: eol-100898 author: Mahardika, I Putu Permana title: MS Glow and PS Glow: A Forensic Linguistics Study date: 2023-05-10 words: 2470 flesch: 71 summary: Ema il: permanamahardika@gmail.c om Article info Abstract* Received Date: 29 Agustus 2022 Accepted Date: 5 September 2022 Published Date: 31 July 2023 Keywords:* Forensic Linguistics, Trademark , MS Glow and PS Glow The feud between PS Glow and MS Glow became a conversation that caught the public's attention. This study analyzes the trademark dispute between PS Glow and MS Glow. keywords: ana; analysis; artic; bahasa; brand; case; class; court; data; evidence; feud; forensic; glow; indonesia; ith; judges; language; law; lawsuit; lega; linguistics; lys; merek/2022; methods; ms glow; niaga; number; owner; pdt.sus.hki; perspective; phonology; pstore; putra; registration; research; results; rights; shandy; siregar; sounds; study; surabaya; techniques; trademark; voice cache: eol-100898.pdf plain text: eol-100898.txt item: #3 of 260 id: eol-100905 author: Maurarochelle, Valeryan Salsabilla; Ambalegin, Ambalegin title: An analysis of Particularized Iplicature in to All the Boys I Loved Always and Forever: Pragmatics Approach date: 2023-05-10 words: 3989 flesch: 66 summary: According to previous research above, the theory was used to the data source to analyze the characteristic of particularized conversational implicature. As a result, the goal of this study was to identify the causes and ways of particularized conversational implicature in “To All the Boys Always and Forever” movie. keywords: answers; boys; conversational; conversational implicature; data; dialogue; flouting; grice; implicature; implied; information; jean; kitty; language; linguistics; manner; maxim; meaning; movie; particularized; peter; phenomenon; pragmatics; quality; quantity; relevant; research; response; speaker; specific; strategies; study; theory; university; utterances; uttered cache: eol-100905.pdf plain text: eol-100905.txt item: #4 of 260 id: eol-104238 author: suparman, suparman; Sani, Hasrul title: The Effectiveness of Eco-Descriptive Text to Increase Student’s English Reading Skill at Senior High School 1 Maronge date: 2023-07-12 words: 3351 flesch: 64 summary: Types of eco-descriptive texts to increase student's English reading skills at senior high school 1 Maronge The types of eco-descriptive texts to increase students' English reading skills, which are the design from different eco-lexicon. This research purposed to find out the student’s reading comprehension by the types of eco-descriptive texts to increase student's English reading skills at senior high school 1 Maronge. keywords: approach; beach; data; descriptive; descriptive text; design; eco; education; effectiveness; english; english reading; environment; gamang; high; horse; jaran; learning; maronge; matti; mean; media; mindai; paired; post; pre; pretest; reading; reading skills; research; results; samawa; sample; school; senior; skills; students; study; sumbawa; test; text; types; university; use; value cache: eol-104238.pdf plain text: eol-104238.txt item: #5 of 260 id: eol-104364 author: Arafiq, Arafiq title: Transitivity in the Bima Language date: 2023-07-14 words: 3793 flesch: 62 summary: ‘Mother bought me shirt’ b. Nami ngaha-kai -mu (oha) uta puru 1Pl-Ex eat -APPL -CLT/1PL-Ex (rice) fish grilled ‘We ate (rice) with grilled fish’ c. Sia mbei sepe -na Ma piti 3SG give borrow - CLT/3SG/PAST mother money ‘She lent mother money’ Transitive constructions in the Bima Language consist of clauses which require two core arguments (monotransitive) and clauses which require three arguments (ditransitive). Transitive constructions Basically, transitive constructions are derived constructions which syntactically causative (Shibatani, 1976). keywords: -na; action; activities; affectedness; agent; argument; azha; baju; basic; bima; clauses; constructions; control; haja; hopper; language; linguistics; money; morphology; mother; nahu; object; parameters; past; patients; predicate; sepe; sia; subject; thompson; transitive; transitivity; university; verbs; volitionality; water; weli cache: eol-104364.pdf plain text: eol-104364.txt item: #6 of 260 id: eol-104373 author: Gracesela Sanjaya, Aileen; Rachmawaty Linuwih, Endar title: Language Style Used by James Corden in the Late Late Show date: 2023-07-14 words: 3904 flesch: 71 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: e-Journal of Linguistics Available online at Vol. 17, No. 2, July 2023, pages: 220--229 Print ISSN: 2541-5514 Online ISSN: 2442-7586 220 Language Style Used by James Corden in the Late Late Show 1 Aileen Gracesela Sanjaya Email: Universitas Widya Kartika, Surabaya, Indonesia 2 Endar Rachmawaty Linuwih Email: Universitas Widya Kartika, Surabaya, Indonsesias Article info Abstract* Received Date: 14 Februari 2023 Accepted Date: 28 Februari 2023 Published Date: 31 July 2023 Keywords:* language style, talk show, sociolinguistics Language is one of the important things to communicate with others. Language style can be used to characterize a person's personality, thinking, or state of being (Meyerhoff, 2007). keywords: casual; casual style; consultative; conversation; corden; curtis; data; dialogue; different; dwayne; figure; formal; frozen; guests; host; interview; intimate; james; jamie; johnson; language; language style; late; lee; older; research; response; sheeran; short; style; table; talk; times; video cache: eol-104373.pdf plain text: eol-104373.txt item: #7 of 260 id: eol-104603 author: Fitriana, Ita; Adiarti, Dian; Hamidah, Idah title: Translation Lexicon of Traditional Plants as Rice Substitute in Nganjuk Regency, East Java date: 2023-07-18 words: 3541 flesch: 62 summary: Tiwul, gaplek, and gatot are traditional foods made from cassava (Ambarsari, Endrasari, and Anomsari 2022:1). Therefore, considering that the lexicon of traditional food will be lost if it is not preserved, it is necessary to document the language through lexicon. keywords: agricultural; analysis; community; consumption; dan; data; degree; district; doi; environment; figure; food; future; gadung; ganyong; garut; gembili; generation; indonesia; interviews; ireng; japanese; jenderal; journal; kentang; kimpul; language; lexicon; linguistics; local; mbote; method; nganjuk; past; people; plant; potatoes; regency; research; rice; soedirman; staple; study; substitutes; suweg; taro; times; tiwul; today; traditional; tubers; universitas; uwi cache: eol-104603.pdf plain text: eol-104603.txt item: #8 of 260 id: eol-10875 author: Parmini, Ni Putu; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman; Suastika, I Made title: DISCOURSE OF AGURON-GURON SYSTEM IN GEGURITAN SIDHA YOGA KRAMA (GSYK) date: 2014-07-31 words: 4647 flesch: 62 summary: Conclusions and Suggestions 5.1 Conclusions GSYK contains the priesthood teaching applied using the system of aguron-guron and may be used as one of the sources of priesthood teaching. GSYK gives enlightenment to people especially to priests and prospective priests so that they will perform their responsibilities in accordance with the priesthood ethics. keywords: applicable; ceremony; change; cultural; data; diksa; discourse; ethics; geguritan; gsyk; guron; hinduism; holy; implementation; learning; literary; nabe; norms; pandita; people; present; priest; priesthood; priesthood teaching; process; prospective; religious; sastra; senior; senior priest; sidha; sisya; socio; spiritual; status; study; system; teaching; values; walaka; work; yoga cache: eol-10875.pdf plain text: eol-10875.txt item: #9 of 260 id: eol-10876 author: Ratna Erawati, Ni Ketut; Artawa, Ketut; Pastika, I Wayan; Sri Satyawati, Made title: MIDDLE DIATHESIS IN OLD JAVANESE LANGUAGE date: 2014-07-31 words: 5773 flesch: 61 summary: Dalam medial periprastik, kedua argumen inti dinyatakan secara eksplisit sebagai agen dan pasien yang terbatas pada lingkungan subjek itu sendiri. Pola urutan klausa tersebut adalah P-S. Pola P-S sangat produktif dalam BJK dan sangat sedikit berpola S-P, seperti pada data (8) di atas. keywords: 1994; 3sg; 3tg; act; action; active; adalah; agen; akt; aktif; alternasi; apz; argumen; art; artawa; atau; bahasa; bahwa; basic; bentuk; berada; berdasarkan; berikut; bjk; blake; clause; construction; core; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; datěng; demikian; dengan; diathesis; form; function; fungsi; gadha; gandhari; grammatical; ini; inti; intransitif; itu; jakarta; javanese; jawa; juga; karena; keadaan; kedua; ketut; klausa; konstruksi; kuna; language; leksikal; lexical; linguistik; lungha; malayu; medial; melakukan; melalui; memiliki; merupakan; middle; middle diathesis; morfologis; morphological; nama; objek; ojl; old; oleh; pada; pasien; patient; pattern; periphrastic; perspective; pola; predicate; predikat; prep; press; relasi; relations; ring; run; satu; sebagai; sebelum; secara; sehingga; sekaligus; semantis; sendiri; seperti; shibatani; sintaktis; sira; structure; struktur; subject; subjek; syntactic; teks; terdapat; tersebut; tindakan; transitive; tědun; udayana; umungsi; university; untuk; verba; wpj; yaitu; yang; zoetmulder cache: eol-10876.pdf plain text: eol-10876.txt item: #10 of 260 id: eol-10877 author: Mekarini, Ni Wayan; Sutjaja, I Gusti Made; Pastika, I Wayan; Sutama, Putu title: IDEOLOGIES BEYOND THE INVITING RAIN TEXT BY BALINESE MIGRANT IN SUMBAWA date: 2014-01-31 words: 3309 flesch: 60 summary: Emperically, inviting rain text can be found in the area of the Balinese migrants along Sumbawa Island which is generally carried out as agricultural protection. So far, this inviting rain text is appointed and agreed upon as a a cultural tradition of agriculture. keywords: balinese; community; context; covers; cultural; discourse; domination; field; general; god; group; hard; head; hope; ideologies; ideology; implementation; information; key; knowledge; language; linguistics; meaning; members; metaphor; migrants; offering; pamangku; participant; people; perspectives; power; practices; rain; relation; ritual; role; shared; social; specific; stages; structure; study; teks; text; time; use; values; view; village; water; words; working cache: eol-10877.pdf plain text: eol-10877.txt item: #11 of 260 id: eol-11190 author: Sudewa, I Ketut; Darma Putra, I Nyoman; Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman title: SOCIAL CRITICISM IN THE POEMS AND DRAMAS CREATED BY W.S. RENDRA FROM NINETEEN SEVENTIES TO NINETEEN NINETIES date: 2013-01-31 words: 2511 flesch: 54 summary: His dramas also contained such social criticisms, as exemplified by the poems “Sajak Sebotol Bir” and “Sajak Pulau Bali” and the drama “Kisah Perjuangan Naga”, which contained the theme of how vicious capitalism was. His consistency in expressing social criticisms through his poems and dramas made him successful in becoming the most talkative man of letters during the Indonesia’s history of literature. keywords: criticisms; dramas; indonesia; language; literary; literature; nineties; period; poems; rendra; seventies; social; social criticisms; sociology; study; themes; theory; time; works cache: eol-11190.pdf plain text: eol-11190.txt item: #12 of 260 id: eol-11193 author: Mahardika, Ida Bagus; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Mulyono, I Nyoman; Rai Putra, Ida Bagus title: Cohesion and Metaphor Aspects in Andabhuana Text date: 2013-01-31 words: 3499 flesch: 64 summary: Comparative Reference It is a grammatical cohesion which compare two things or more that has characteristic similarity, as indicated below: (5) “... yan mangkana ulah Hyang Bhatari, Dhurgakala hiun Bhatari, moga ta sira Hyang Bhatari, masarira Dhurgadewi, ...(Page 6a, AB). There are some repetitions found in AB text which strengthen the story. a) Epizeuksis Repetition of a lingual structure, can be a word or a phrase subsequently, as indicated below: (7) Nihan atur Hyang Bhatari, ring sira Sanghyang Praméstiguru: “Uduh ta sira dé Bhatara Śiwa, iti irengwakena ajar ulun, ulun aturakena ring sira dé Bhatara, apang ta sira weruh ring citaning ulun, ulun Déwa, ulun angremini, tan lén citaning ulun, ...(Page 2a, AB). keywords: aesthetic; analysis; andabhuana; aspect; bagus; bhatari; characters; cohesion; data; denpasar; dialog; earth; giriputri; god; grammatical; gururéka; human; hyang; ida; language; lembu; lexical; lingual; literature; manusa; meaning; metaphor; milk; nyoman; page; persona; phrase; prof; pustaka; quote; reference; repetition; research; ring; sangulun; sira; story; tan; text; ulun; university; values; word; śiwatattwa cache: eol-11193.pdf plain text: eol-11193.txt item: #13 of 260 id: eol-11195 author: Nasution, Siti Norma; Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman title: THE STRUGGLE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN FIVE NOVELS OF Nh. DINI date: 2013-01-31 words: 2305 flesch: 67 summary: The theory of Feminism is used to understand the novels related to women problems, patriarchal culture and gender equality. Keywords: Women problems, patriarchal culture, gender equality, feminism ideology 1. keywords: culture; dan; data; dini; dokumentasi; equality; feminism; fight; gender; gramedia; h.b; ideology; indonesia; jakarta; jassin; kol; lives; novels; nyoman; patriarchal; problems; prof; pusat; pustaka; rights; sastra; sector; struggle; study; theory; tradition; university; utama; women; work; yogyakarta cache: eol-11195.pdf plain text: eol-11195.txt item: #14 of 260 id: eol-11196 author: Wajdi, Majid; Darma Laksana, I Ketut; Suastra, I Made; Budiarsa, I Made title: CODE-CROSSING: HIERARCHICAL POLITENESS IN JAVANESE date: 2013-01-31 words: 5561 flesch: 64 summary: The research is meant to describe, analyze, 3 and interpret (1) the patterns of asymmetrical use, (2) the factors which influence, and (3) politeness of the use of ngoko and krama speech levels of Javanese. T/V in Javanese is an integral part of ngoko and krama speech levels. keywords: address; allah; anderson; asymmetrical; asymmetrical use; bahasa; children; code; communication; contract; crossing; dalam; dan; daughter; different; diglossia; distance; employs; exchanges; existence; factors; father; god; hierarchical; hierarchy; high; human; indonesia; inequality; inferior; intimacy; javanese; jawa; kowe; krama; kula; language; levels; low; maryam; ngoko; obligation; participants; phenomenon; politeness; power; press; program; research; rights; sampeyan; scollon; second; sister; social; society; speaker; speech; speech levels; status; superior; term; text; udayana; university; use; user; wajdi; younger cache: eol-11196.pdf plain text: eol-11196.txt item: #15 of 260 id: eol-11197 author: Sukendra, I Nyoman; Artawa, Ketut; Mbete, Aron Meko; Kardana, I Nyoman title: PROMOTION OF NON-SUBJECT NOUN PHRASE TO SUBJECT IN CLAUSE OF SABU LANGUAGE, SABU RAIJUA REGENCY, EAST NUSA TENGGARA PROVINCE date: 2013-07-31 words: 3956 flesch: 73 summary: Thus, the role of non-subject relation can be promoted to the slot of subject. 2. Discussion and Results Based on what was described above, the promotion of non NP subject in BS could be realized in the MOTION, AFFECT, GIVING, and CORPOREAL verbal constructions; however, the promotion of non NP subject in BS could not be realized in the instrumental construction. keywords: agak; baik; baru; bola; buku; cepat; clause; construction; data; dengan; dengan baik; direct; examples; following; heweka; itg; itu; j’enela; kain; kayu; kopi; mary; meja; method; mudah; new; non; object; original subject; prep; present; promotion; role; saya; slot; stick; study; subject; subject np; tongkat; transitive; tutup; verb; walu; woie; ya’a cache: eol-11197.pdf plain text: eol-11197.txt item: #16 of 260 id: eol-11199 author: Ino, La; Mbete, Aron Meko; Dhanawaty, Ni Made; Fernandez, Inyo title: PHONOLOGICAL AND LEXICAL DESCRIPTION OF MODEBUR LANGUAGE date: 2013-07-31 words: 3245 flesch: 62 summary: The phonemic distribution is initiated with vowels, consonants, diphthongs, consonants series, and word combinations in Md language. In Md language, it can distribute completely, in the initial, medial, and final position of words. keywords: /a/; /b/; /g/; /h/; /i/; /k/; /n/; /p/; /w/; /ƛ/; 1988; austronesian; bahasa; consonants; dalam; dan; data; description; distinctive; distinctive sound; final position; historical; historis; initial; initial position; island; jakarta; language; linguistics; md language; medial position; modebur; pantar; phoneme; phonological; position; prof; program; sound; stop; study; university; untuk; voiceless; vowels; words cache: eol-11199.pdf plain text: eol-11199.txt item: #17 of 260 id: eol-11201 author: Budiarta, I Wayan; Artawa, Ketut; Mbete, Aron Meko; Sri Satyawati, Made title: PODI AND ODI IN CLAUSE CONSTRUCTION OF KEMAK date: 2013-07-31 words: 3987 flesch: 67 summary: This article reveals podi and odi in clause construction of Kemak. Clause with nonvebral (verbless) predicate will begin the discussion on clause construction in Kemak. keywords: 1sg; adjective; ama; arguments; art; baru; book; buy; clause; clause construction; construction; core; ditransitive; examples; father; function; grammatical; house; kemak; language; man; monotransitive; mother; new; nonverbal; noun; podi; poss; postverbal; predicate; prep; preverbal; roma; school; senua; shirt; study; uma; verb; woman; word cache: eol-11201.pdf plain text: eol-11201.txt item: #18 of 260 id: eol-11336 author: Muliana, I Nyoman; Suastra, I Made; Budiarsa, Made; Dhanawaty, Ni Made title: BILINGUALISM AMONG THE ADOLESCENTS IN BADUNG REGENCY, BALI date: 2015-01-01 words: 3935 flesch: 70 summary: They use Balinese language in all their communicative activities, except some females occasionally showed the use of Indonesian language. The result of the discussion also indicates that Balinese language still used and maintained by the adolescents in Badung Regency. keywords: adolescents; alus; badung; balinese; bilingualism; buduk; buduk village; code; communication; conversation; criteria; dialog; different; discussion; english; event; female; indonesian; language; meaning; mixing; observation; old; paper; participant; people; program; regency; repertoire; research; situation; university; use; verbal; village; words; years cache: eol-11336.pdf plain text: eol-11336.txt item: #19 of 260 id: eol-11337 author: Sumitri, Ni Wayan; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Suarka, I Nyoman; Bustan, Fransiscus title: FORM AND MEANING OF TI'I KA DISCOURSE IN MBASA WINI RITUAL OF RONGGA ETHNIC IN FLORES date: 2015-01-31 words: 5291 flesch: 56 summary: Second, the peculiarities of language form of the TD mbasa wini is characterized by the use of complex sentences as the means of organizing meaning that reveal the essence of the message of Rongga ethnic conceptualization of the world's. 5.2 Recommendations Seeing that the form of TD in the mbasa wini ritual is a means of storing meaning that exposed Rongga ethnic conceptualization of the world, some suggestions can be put forward through this study. keywords: adjective; ana; ancestors; ancestral; ancestral spirits; chicken; clause; conceptualization; context; cultural; culture; data; discourse; economic; embu; essence; ethnic; form; good; kami; knowledge; language; linguistics; main; manggarai; manu; mbasa; mbasa wini; meaning; means; message; meu; ndia; noun; order; ramba; reality; rebha; research; ritual; rongga; rongga ethnic; second; sentence; significance; social; spirits; structure; study; symbolic; symbols; system; theory; ti'i; university; verb; village; wini; wini ritual; word; woso cache: eol-11337.pdf plain text: eol-11337.txt item: #20 of 260 id: eol-11405 author: Pamantung, Rina P; Beratha, N.L. Sutjiati; Sutjaja, IGM; Mahyuni, Mahyuni title: NOUN DERIVATION OF THE TYPICAL MINAHASA FOOD AND BEVERAGE NAMES date: 2015-01-31 words: 2997 flesch: 63 summary: Program Studi Linguistik, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya, Universitas Udayana Prof. Dr. Mahyuni Email: Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa, Universitas Mataram ABSTRACT Derivation of the name of typical Minahasa food and beverage is a change or replacement of the word class of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives into nouns. Linguistically, the derivation is a word formation process which appears at the naming of typical Minahasa food and beverage. keywords: -an; adjective; adverb; affixation; affixes; base; beverage; change; class; compounding; construction; derivation; drink; food; formation; infix; insertion; kinetor; language; meaning; minahasa; minahasa food; morphemes; morphological; names; nouns; prefix; process; reduplication; rica; root; structure; suffix; theory; typical; typical minahasa; verbs; vocabulary; vowel; woku; word cache: eol-11405.pdf plain text: eol-11405.txt item: #21 of 260 id: eol-11972 author: Paramarta, I Ketut; Mbete, Aron Meko; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus; Putra, A.A. Putu title: TRANSLITERATION FROM LATIN INTO BALINESE SCRIPT (AKSARABALI)USING COMPUTERIZED PROGRAM OF BALI SIMBAR date: 2015-01-31 words: 2926 flesch: 62 summary: The study focused on the process of satua text transliteration from Latin letters into Balinese with the use of computerized programs of Bali Simbar. The theory used as a basis or foundation of this research is the theory of philology, that is, text transliteration. keywords: ability; aksara; alphabet; aspects; average; bali simbar; balinese; balinese script; computer; computerized; decoding; errors; filologi; form; issn; journal; latin; letters; linguistics; mistakes; number; n¾ð; page; pasang; process; program; punctuation; research; results; satua; script; simbar; software; spelling; students; study; syllables; test; text; tradition; transliteration; uger; use; vol; words; writing cache: eol-11972.pdf plain text: eol-11972.txt item: #22 of 260 id: eol-11989 author: Dafirah, Dra; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Suarka, I Nyoman; Pudentia, Dr title: LANGUAGE STYLE OF DIDEK TEXT IN THE ISLANDS OF SELAYAR, SOUTH SULAWESI PROVINCE date: 2015-01-31 words: 3047 flesch: 66 summary: Here are some examples of didek text that use denotative words. The text above is an example of the use of denotative words. keywords: aesthetic; bahasa; beru; choice; community; connotative; dalam; dan; denotative; diction; didek; elements; example; figure; form; group; hell; issn; jakarta; jakobson; journal; kata; kelong; language; linguistics; meaning; means; na.2; oral; page; pare; people; poor; repetition; reply; roman; rules; selayar; song; speech; style; text; tradition; tuna; university; unrequited; use; vol; word; yang cache: eol-11989.pdf plain text: eol-11989.txt item: #23 of 260 id: eol-13891 author: Sartini, Ni Wayan; Artawa, Ketut; Budiarsa, Made; Dhanawaty, Ni Made title: FORMAL ORAL INDONESIAN REGISTER USED IN OPEN EXAMINATION A SYNTHATICAL-PRAGMATIC STUDY date: 2012-01-31 words: 3957 flesch: 51 summary: The forms of politeness in BIRLF used in the open examination could be observed from imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, and declarative sentences. Types of Sentences in BIRLF Used in the Open Examination Based on the syntactical forms, the types of sentences used in the open 4 examinations were imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, and declarative sentences. keywords: acts; analysis; birlf; clause; complex; declarative; deletion; elements; examination; formal; forms; imperative; imperative sentences; interrogative; interrogative sentences; language; lexical; method; ones; open; open examination; oral; politeness; pragmatics; present; register; sentences; serial; simple; speech; study; syntactical; types; university; utterances; verbs; words cache: eol-13891.pdf plain text: eol-13891.txt item: #24 of 260 id: eol-13892 author: Suryati, Ni Made; Mbete, Aron Meko; Lauder, Multamia; Dhanawaty, Ni Made title: PHONOLOGICAL AND LEXICAL VARIETIES OF LIO LANGUAGE IN FLORES, EAST NUSA TENGGARA: A STUDY OF GEOGRAPHICAL DIALECT date: 2012-01-31 words: 5866 flesch: 61 summary: The calculation of the lexical dialectometry of all the fields of meaning above can be mapped as follows. 12 Explanation: = different languages = different dialects = different sub dialects = different speeches = not different It can be seen from the calculation of the lexical dialectometry of all the fields of meaning above that there was no independent dialect or group of dialects. 14 Explanation: = different languages = different dialects = different sub dialects = different sub speeches = not different Map of the Application of Phonological Dialectometry The map of the phonological dialectometry above did not show clear groups of dialects. keywords: areas; bahasa; bl dialect; bundle; calculation; central; change; consonant; dan; data; deletion; dialectometry; dialects; dialek; different; different dialects; distribution; dsd; ende; fields; group; isogloss; jakarta; language; lexical; lio; map; meaning; method; people; phonemes; phonological; place; regency; regular; research; rules; segments; speeches; sporadic; status; study; sub; sub dialects; tengah; tps; university; varied; varieties; vowel cache: eol-13892.pdf plain text: eol-13892.txt item: #25 of 260 id: eol-13893 author: Hadi, Wisman; Pastika, I Wayan; Suparwa, I Nyoman; Putra, A.A. Putu title: PHONOLOGY OF KAUR LANGUAGE IN GENERATIVE THEORY date: 2012-01-31 words: 6343 flesch: 62 summary: Later, the results of data analysis were presented in the form of a research report using both formal and informal methods. 3. Material and Discussion 3.1 Representation of the Segments of KL sounds This study found four segments of KL phonological vowels (/a, ɘ, i, u/), seventeen KL phonological consonants (/p, b, t, d, c, ɟ, k, g, ʔ, m, n, ɲ, ŋ, s, ʕ, h, l/), and two segments of KL phonological semivowel segments (/w, j/). Then, the steps in the segmental phonological analysis including phonological segments were proved and phonetic variants were found. keywords: /ɘ/; addition; analysis; approximant; bahasa; base; basic; blackwell; cambridge; change; chicago; clusters; condition; consonants; dalam; dan; data; deletion; diphthongs; factors; features; follows; form; frequency; fricative; generative; group; introduction; kaur; language; linguistics; london; markers; nasal; new; number; obstacled; oxford; pastika; patterns; phonetic; phonological; phonological processes; phonology; place; position; press; processes; program; rules; segments; sequences; series; sounds; speech; stress; structures; study; syllabic; syllable; syntax; system; theory; unique; university; velar; vowels; word; york cache: eol-13893.pdf plain text: eol-13893.txt item: #26 of 260 id: eol-13973 author: Ramendra, Dewa Putu title: THE LANGUAGE ATTITUDE OF JABA SPEAKERS IN BALINESE SPEECH COMMUNITY OF SINGARAJA CITY date: 2015-07-31 words: 9546 flesch: 56 summary: Sifat penurunan yang sama juga terlihat pada sikap terhadap tingkat tutur biasa dan tingkat tutur kasar yang dalam hal ini sikap terhadap tingkat tutur biasa tetap berkategori positif, baik pada komponen kognitif, afektif, maupun konatif; dan sikap terhadap tingkat tutur kasar tetap dalam kategori netral, baik pada komponen kognitif, afektif, maupun konatif. Hal itu juga berarti bahwa mereka ingin menjaga, melestarikan, mengembangkan, dan menggunakan tingkat tutur alus dan tingkat tutur biasa dalam kehidupan berbahasa sehari-hari. keywords: accreditation:-; adalah; afektif; affective; alus; alus speech; angket; atas; atau; attitude; bagi; bahasa; bahasa bali; bahwa; baik; balinese; balinese language; balinese speech; berikut; berkategori; biasa; biasa speech; category; cenderung; city; cognitive; community; component; conative; dalam; dan; dan tingkat; dapat; dari; data; decline; dengan; dibedakan; digunakan; dimensi; dimensions; female; gender; group; guyub; guyub tutur; hal; hasil; high; indonesia; ini; interview; issn; jaba; jakarta; journal; juga; jumlah; karena; kasar; kasar speech; kategori; kepercayaan; kognitif; komponen; konatif; kota; kurang; laki; language; language attitude; language speech; lebih; levels; likert; linguistics; linguistics vol; loyalty; male; masyarakat; melalui; mengungkapkan; menjadi; menjawab; menunjukkan; mereka; method; metode; na.2; negative; neutral; norms; number; occupation; old; oleh; pada; pekerjaan; penelitian; penggunaan; penurunan; penutur; penutur jaba; percentage; perempuan; pernyataan; populasi; population; positif; positive; pride; questionnaire; rerata; research; respondents; responses; results; sama; sampel; samples; sangat; score; sebagai; secara; selain; selanjutnya; seseorang; setuju; sikap; sikap bahasa; sikap terhadap; singaraja; singaraja speech; singgih; skala; skor; sosial; speakers; speech; speech community; speech level; statements; status; study; suatu; tabel; table; tanggapan; tentang; terhadap; terhadap tingkat; terkait; tersebut; tidak; tinggi; tingkat tutur; total; triwangsa; tutur; tutur alus; tutur bahasa; tutur kasar; tutur kota; umur; university; untuk; use; vol; yakni; yang cache: eol-13973.pdf plain text: eol-13973.txt item: #27 of 260 id: eol-13976 author: Sukatha, I Nyoman title: FEMINISM IN KAKAWIN N?TIS?STRA date: 2015-07-31 words: 4674 flesch: 70 summary: On the other part Nītiṡȃstra stated that women ways of thinking were not needs to be obeyed. The way of the implementation of the ethic is through disgracing women, so it as negative meaning. keywords: accreditation:-; bad; beautiful; behaviour; big; breasts; cause; condition; dan; deconstruction; destruction; dewi; disgraced; drupadi; ethic; existence; fear; female; feminism; form; good; guidelines; intelligence; issn; javanese; journal; kakawin; kusuma; life; linguistics; literary; loud; meaning; moral; na.2; new; non; nîtisậstra; nītiṡȃstra; old; period; political; relation; ring; school; sita; stanzas; states; strength; students; studies; study; theory; things; thinking; time; type; view; voice; vol; war; wars; way; wife; wirama; women; work; world; writer; yogyakarta cache: eol-13976.pdf plain text: eol-13976.txt item: #28 of 260 id: eol-14130 author: Puspawati, Luh title: TEXT OF THE MYTH BULU GELES IN THE VILLAGE OF TAMBAKAN, KUBUTAMBAHAN DISTRICT, BULELENG REGENCY date: 2015-07-31 words: 4253 flesch: 62 summary: ISSN: 2442-7586 Accreditation:-- 89 e-Journal of Linguistics TEXT OF THE MYTH BULU GELES IN THE VILLAGE OF TAMBAKAN, KUBUTAMBAHAN DISTRICT, BULELENG REGENCY Luh Putu Puspawati e-mail : Udayana University I Wayan Cika e-mail: Study Program of Language and Indonesian Literature, Post Graduate Study Program Udayana University Nyoman Kutha Ratna e-mail: Study Program of Language and Indonesian Literature, Post Graduate Study Program Udayana University I Made Suastika e-mail: Study Program of Jawa Kuna Literature, Post Graduate Study Program Udayana University ABSTRACT Tambakan Village Community, District Kubutambahan, Buleleng believe the tradition of myth sampi bulu geles text contained in that village that vows payment using calf (bulu geles) as offerings at Pura Dalem. Currently not only Tambakan villagers who professed and offer bulu geles, but is also done by people from outside the village of Tambakan. keywords: accreditation:-; buleleng; bulu; bulu geles; conservation; culture; dan; data; dewa; forest; function; geles; generation; god; issn; jakarta; journal; kingdom; life; linguistics; local; meaning; mungkah; myth; mythological; mythological text; na.2; oral; pay; people; place; process; program; research; ritual; social; society; structure; study; tambakan; tambakan village; temple; text; theory; time; tradition; tri; troops; university; village; vol; vow; wali cache: eol-14130.pdf plain text: eol-14130.txt item: #29 of 260 id: eol-14131 author: Pratiwi, Desak Putu Eka title: VIOLATION OF CONVERSATION MAXIM ON TV ADVERTISEMENTS date: 2015-07-31 words: 4942 flesch: 63 summary: Conversation maxim is divided into four namely maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner of speaking. Violation of Maxim of Quantity Based on maxim of quantity, speakers in conversations should provide necessary contribution to their speaking partners. keywords: ada; advertisement; advertisers; ambiguous; ayam; baru; clear; conversation; cup; dan; data; date; dengan; dulu; energen; fitbar; food; grice; gue; ibu; information; issn; journal; kalori; language; lezat; linguistics; magic; makan; manner; masakan; maxim; mie; na.2; nggak; oktober; order; principle; quality; quantity; rasa; relevance; sedaap; speaker; speaking; speech; study; sumber; tango; violation; vol; words; worry; yang cache: eol-14131.pdf plain text: eol-14131.txt item: #30 of 260 id: eol-14132 author: Tingkat, I Nyoman title: NOVEL MLANTJARAN KA SASAK: FROM DILLEMATIC TEACHERS TO HUMOROUS ONES date: 2015-07-31 words: 7005 flesch: 67 summary: Apart from Dayu Priya‘s critical attitude, the teacher was also imaged of being dilemmatic, as what was shown by Made Sarati who was different from Dayu Priya in regard to the castes they belonged to. 2 ISSN: 2442-7586 Accreditation:-- 139 Mlantjaran ka Sasak were dominated by the games of alliteration rhyme, traditional poetry, metaphors, and dialogues between Made Sarati and Dayu Priya. keywords: 1930s; accordance; agung; ajur; anak; apa; attitude; bagus; balinese; bhadra; bukit; caste; characters; community; critical; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; darma; dayu; dayu priya; department; djatajoe; dutch; editor; education; fact; father; gde; geria; government; group; gunawan; ida; indonesian; intellectual; interesting; issn; jaba; java; jokes; journal; ka sasak; kembang; ketut; lady; lebur; life; linguistics; linguistics vol; literary; lombok; love; lower; magazine; meaning; menak; mlantjaran; mlantjaran ka; modern; modernity; ngurah; novel; novel mlantjaran; nyoman; people; place; priya; punggawa; pustaka; putra; relation; representation; ring; role; sarati; sasak; sastra; saya; school; society; srawana; study; teachers; theory; time; tradition; translation; tresnane; upper; vacation; vol; wayan; women; work; writer; yang; yogyakarta; ―api cache: eol-14132.pdf plain text: eol-14132.txt item: #31 of 260 id: eol-14136 author: Kasni, Ni Wayan title: Strategy to Combine Clauses In Waijewa Dialect A Sumbanese Language date: 2012-07-02 words: 3523 flesch: 58 summary: Introduction Bahasa Sumba dialek Waijewa (hereinaffer abbreviatred to BSDW) is a language spoken in South West Sumba regency especially in North Waijewa, West Waijewa, East Waijewa , and South Waijewa districts . ―Kedudukan dan Fungsi Bahasa Sumba di Sumba Timur‖ (skripsi). keywords: 1997; 2000; accusative; activity; adjunct; arguments; aspect; bahasa; bsdw; case; clause; clitic; complementation; conjunction; construction; coordinate; dalam; dan; data; definiteness; dem; denpasar; dialect; disertasi; double; fact; faculty; forms; genitive; indonesia; jakarta; kambera; language; letters; like; linguistics; marker; marking; method; modality; nominative; non; person; potential; predicate; prefix; press; pronouns; relative; research; strategy; structure; subordinate; sumba; system; tesis; type; udayana; universitas; universitas udayana; valence; verb; verbal; waijewa; wayan cache: eol-14136.pdf plain text: eol-14136.txt item: #32 of 260 id: eol-14137 author: Sukarini, Ni Wayan title: PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISING: AN ANALYSIS ON TEXT AND SEMIOTICS date: 2012-07-02 words: 3523 flesch: 58 summary: Introduction Bahasa Sumba dialek Waijewa (hereinaffer abbreviatred to BSDW) is a language spoken in South West Sumba regency especially in North Waijewa, West Waijewa, East Waijewa , and South Waijewa districts . ―Kedudukan dan Fungsi Bahasa Sumba di Sumba Timur‖ (skripsi). keywords: 1997; 2000; accusative; activity; adjunct; arguments; aspect; bahasa; bsdw; case; clause; clitic; complementation; conjunction; construction; coordinate; dalam; dan; data; definiteness; dem; denpasar; dialect; disertasi; double; fact; faculty; forms; genitive; indonesia; jakarta; kambera; language; letters; like; linguistics; marker; marking; method; modality; nominative; non; person; potential; predicate; prefix; press; pronouns; relative; research; strategy; structure; subordinate; sumba; system; tesis; type; udayana; universitas; universitas udayana; valence; verb; verbal; waijewa; wayan cache: eol-14137.pdf plain text: eol-14137.txt item: #33 of 260 id: eol-14138 author: Iwan Indrawan, Ni Made title: MARKED PERSONAL NAMES: AN ANTROPONIMIC STUDY OF BALINESE STUDENTS’ NAMES IN DENPASAR date: 2012-07-02 words: 5022 flesch: 56 summary: These numbers suggest that in accordance with the frequency criterion, names such as Anak Agung Arim Kasunu Arya Penarungan, Ni Made Intan Maggie Setiari, Ni Putu Chrisna Wulandari and Agus Suryanata, are indeed marked Balinese names. The foreign component in Balinese names like this indicates that there have been more sophisticated experience and perception among today‟s Balinese. keywords: 1984; addition; agung; anak; antropologi; arim; arya; bahasa; balinese; bandung; bawa; budaya; cambridge; caste; chrisna; cika; connotations; context; criteria; criterion; critical; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; denpasar; department; dictionary; distance; distancing; distinctive; dkk; elements; english; example; expectation; factors; foreign; functions; giovani; hindu; hlm; identities; ideologies; ideology; ilmu; imagery; indonesia; introduction; jakarta; jalasutra; john; kasunu; kebudayaan; ketut; komunikasi; language; linguistik; london; marked; marked names; markedness; media; metode; nama; names; ndmbmk; new; ones; orang; oxford; penarungan; penelitian; penerbit; people; personal; perspektif; press; problems; prof; pustaka; putu; related; research; sastra; semiotika; social; society; spelling; status; students; studies; study; surabaya; system; teori; terjemahan; theory; udayana; university; unmarked; wayan; wish; wulandari; yogyakarta; york cache: eol-14138.pdf plain text: eol-14138.txt item: #34 of 260 id: eol-14139 author: Suar Adnyana, Ketu title: Patriarchy in Maternal Society Belu Est Nusa Tenggara date: 2012-07-02 words: 3162 flesch: 63 summary: The observation in the family domain was focused on the communication between the husbands and wives. The observation made in the family domain was focused on the communication taking place between the husbands and wives. keywords: adnyana; belu; bisa; communication; community; conversation; district; husband; interruptions; key; line; linguistic; maternal; maternal community; men; order; patriarchy; position; power; privileges; quiet; regency; society; speech; strategy; superordinate; tolong; topic; wife; women cache: eol-14139.pdf plain text: eol-14139.txt item: #35 of 260 id: eol-14140 author: Ngongo, Magdalena title: TEXT MOOD IN WAIJEWA LANGUAGE: A SISTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS date: 2012-07-02 words: 7303 flesch: 70 summary: The number of mood clauses type used in each text of KKWK are presented in the table (1) as follows. hida ka ma kako nee ba bawai ndi ne bahina// ne padengngi na kaweda Dada// gai ka manowara-ngga //. //Nyaka waiku ndi ndapa pande ma keywords: adjunct; adverbial; affirmative; analysis; bahina; barra; betel; bolo; bride; clause; come; comment; complement; concerns; conj; consists; data; declarative; dowries; duada; elements; enga; exchange; exclamative; experience; fact; following; functional; giving; grammar; groom; group; halliday; handbag; hida; hina; imperative; indaki; indicative; information; interpersonal; interrogative; intonation; kabullu; kaleku; katopo; kkwk; language; london; machete; mama; meaning; mediators; metafunction; modal; modalisation; modality; modulation; mono; mood; nda; ndi; nee; ngga; ngge; nggu; noto; number; nut; nya; nyaka; obligation; oma; phrase; pirra; pongngu; predicate; prepositional; probability; pronoun; question; residue; s^p; short; social; speaker; structure; subject; system; table; taka; teki; tenor; text; time; total; type; university; waijewa; wulla cache: eol-14140.pdf plain text: eol-14140.txt item: #36 of 260 id: eol-15291 author: Seri Malini, Ni Nyoman title: DYNAMICS OF BALINESE LANGUAGE IN THE TRANSMIGRATION AREA OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE date: 2011-07-31 words: 3689 flesch: 57 summary: E-journal DYNAMICS OF BALINESE LANGUAGE IN THE TRANSMIGRATION AREA OF LAMPUNG PROVINCE Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini English Department Faculty of Letters, Udayana University email: / Postgraduate Program, Udayana University I Gusti Made Sutjaja Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University Ketut Artawa, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University I Wayan Pastika Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, Udayana University Abstract This study examines the dynamics of Balinese language in one of the Indonesia's transmigration areas of Lampung Province. keywords: analysis; area; balinese; balinese language; balinese trans; base; children; choice; code; community; dan; data; department; development; domain; dynamics; east; ethnic; events; existence; faculty; form; government; high; indonesian; interference; javanese; lampung; language; letters; level; lexical; linguistic; local; maintenance; mastery; migrants; pattern; policy; prof; province; religious; research; speech; spoken; switching; trans; transmigrants; transmigration; udayana; university; usage; use; word cache: eol-15291.pdf plain text: eol-15291.txt item: #37 of 260 id: eol-15496 author: Sarmi, Ni Nyoman; Mbete, Aron Meko; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus; Padmadewi, Ni Nyoman title: THE INTERGENERATIONAL UNDERSTANDING AND USE LEVEL OF BAMBOO AND COCONUT TREE LEXICONS IN THE SPEECH COMMUNITY OF USING date: 2016-01-31 words: 7480 flesch: 62 summary: Looking at the above phenomenon, it seems that modernization has affected the conception of UEC on bamboo lexicons because of the lack of interaction, interrelation and interdependence of the entities of reference. The diversity of bamboo lexicon and equipment made of bamboo, as well as the level of use of each of the respondents to the lexicons can be seen in the following table. keywords: 66,7; 68,2; 77,3; 90,5; 90,9; 95,5; accreditation:-; addition; adult; aged; bamboo; coconut; community; data; differences; e n; e t; entities; entity; environment; equipment; factors; function; h e; high; important; interaction; interdependence; intergenerational; interrelation; issn; jajang; journal; juvenile; kelapa; knowledge; l e; language; leaf; level; lexicon level; lexicons; linguistics; low; n d; n s; n t; na.1; natural; page; parts; plastic; population; reference; respondents; s e; small; social; study; t h; table; tree; types; uec; understanding; understanding level; use; vol cache: eol-15496.pdf plain text: eol-15496.txt item: #38 of 260 id: eol-15497 author: Adhiti, Ida Ayu Iran; Mbete, Aron Meko; Putra, A.A. Putu; Budasi, I Gede title: GROUPING OF KABOLA, HAMAP, AND KLON LANGUAGES ON THE ISLAND OF ALOR, EAST NUSA TENGGARA date: 2016-01-31 words: 2606 flesch: 57 summary: The research location of Kabola language is in the district of Alor Barat Laut, while the study of Hamap and Klon languages is located in the District of Alor Barat Daya. Based on lexicostatistic techniques, between Kabola language and the language of Hamap, the highest percentage was found, namely 53%. keywords: accreditation:-; alor; blagar; cognate; comparative; data; district; east; grouping; hamap; historical; informants; issn; journal; kabola; kinship; klon; language; linguistics; local; local language; na.1; nusa; page; percentage; regency; regional; related; research; study; technique; tenggara; vocabulary; vol cache: eol-15497.pdf plain text: eol-15497.txt item: #39 of 260 id: eol-16017 author: Syafri Badaruddin, Muhammad; Cika, I Wayan; Maknun, Tadjudin; Suarka, I Nyoman title: THE STRUCTURE OF TULEMBANG AND TUPAKBIRING MANTRAS IN THE LIFE OF MAKASSAR ETHNIC date: 2016-01-31 words: 4773 flesch: 64 summary: Mantra for planting rice or mantra for cultivation is called Tulembang mantra, while mantra for fishing is called Tupakbiring mantra. The elements include: sounds, words lines, stanzas, and typography. keywords: accreditation:-; addition; allah; barakka; body; closing; communities; community; consists; dallekku; dan; elements; form; function; god; illallah; issn; journal; khaidir; lailaha; language; lines; linguistics; linguistics vol; magical; makassar; malaekak; mantra; meaning; means; na.1; na.1 issn; nabbi; opening; page; poetry; power; prophet; reader; repetition; rice; society; structure; study; sustenance; taalah; text; todong; traditional; tulembang; tupakbiring; use; vol; words; yamming cache: eol-16017.pdf plain text: eol-16017.txt item: #40 of 260 id: eol-16129 author: Rambut, Kanisius; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus; Budiarsa, Made; Mbete, Aron Meko title: ECOLINGUISTIC PERSPECTIVE OF KERAPINGAN CULTURE date: 2016-01-31 words: 4295 flesch: 59 summary: Besides, raping tree can hold the water so there is no erosion. It is suggested to the local government, in this case the departement of agriculture to program raping tree cultivation in the region of Kolang and other areas that could be planted with raping trees. keywords: accreditation:-; activities; addition; community; cultural; dan; data; discourse; diversity; environment; example; expressions; form; fruit; gola; group; house; issn; journal; kerapingan; kolang; language; lexicon; life; linguistics; manggarai; meaning; method; mince; na.1; noun; observation; page; palm; people; phrase; plant; processing; products; raping; relationship; researcher; social; speakers; study; sugar; tree; tuak; vol; words; wunut cache: eol-16129.pdf plain text: eol-16129.txt item: #41 of 260 id: eol-16615 author: Sri Yudari, A.A. Kade; Suarka, I Nyoman; Kutha Ratna, I Nyoman; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman title: TRI HITA KARANA AND HYDROLIC CYCLE BASED ON VEDA date: 2016-01-31 words: 5966 flesch: 74 summary: Kade Sri Yudari e-mail: Hindu University of Indonesia I Nyoman Suarka e-mail: Study Program of Linguistics, School of Postgraduate Studies of Udayana University Nyoman Kutha Ratna e-mail: Study Program of Linguistics, School of Postgraduate Studies of Udayana University I Nyoman Weda Kusuma e-mail: Study Program of Linguistics, School of Postgraduate Studies of Udayana University Abstract Hydrologic cycle refers to the route of water cycle or the journey made by water on the earth’s surface. Description of Concepts 2.1 Hydrologic Cycle According to the modern geography, the hydrologic cycle is a route of water cycle or the journey made by water on the earth’s surface. keywords: access; access journal; accreditation:-; balanced; beings; book; clouds; cycle; dan; directory; directory open; doaj; doaj directory; dwipa; earth; flows; form; god; gods; great; harmony; hindu; hita; holy;; human; hydrologic; hydrologic cycle; important; issn; journal; karana; law; life; linguistics; linguistics support; lord; means; na.1; na.1 issn; nature; ocean; open; open access; page; print; rain; rivers; sea; source; strength; sun; support; support doaj; surface; tri; universe; veda; vedic; vol; waruna; water; word; work; worshippers cache: eol-16615.pdf plain text: eol-16615.txt item: #42 of 260 id: eol-16984 author: Soedjiwo, Novena Ade Fredyarini; Suarka, I Nyoman; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Rai Putra, Ida Bagus title: ORAL MYTH OF BADAWANGNALA IN THE ISLAND OF SERANGAN, SOUTH DENPASAR date: 2016-01-31 words: 4519 flesch: 61 summary: The overall interpretation of the text of Bedawangnala, Serangan Island version, results in meanings that have values and norms for Serangan commnity. The text of Badawangnala myth in Serangan Island is a strategy to improve the moral and environmental damage in the village of Serangan. keywords: accreditation:-; adiparwa; api; awatara; badawangnala; batu; batu api; behavior; community; cultural; culture; data; environment; fire; form; function; giant; human; inspiration; island; issn; journal; kurmaraja; life; linguistics; local; lord; lord vishnu; meaning; myth; na.1; new; oral; page; people; pura; reclamation; research; serangan; serangan island; social; story; study; text; turtle; vishnu; vol; watugunung; world cache: eol-16984.pdf plain text: eol-16984.txt item: #43 of 260 id: eol-18931 author: Tri Sukarsih, Ni Nyoman; Budirasa, Made; Artawa, Ketut; Mbete, Aron Meko title: CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR IN THE PARABLES ON THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: AN ENGLISH - INDONESIAN TRANSLATION STUDY date: 2016-07-31 words: 4700 flesch: 52 summary: Secondly, to overcome the problems of translating conceptual metaphors, the translators applied methods closely oriented towards target language (TL) based on a number of conceptual metaphors translation procedures. This study aims at exploring the application of conceptual metaphors in the parable texts found in the Gospel of Luke and various strategies applied in the translation of conceptual metaphors from English into Bahasa Indonesia. keywords: abstract; access; access journal; accreditation:-; characteristics; conceptual; conceptual metaphor; data; directory; doaj; domain; expression; form; gospel;; issn; journal; july; language; linguistics; luke; mapping; meaning; metaphor; metaphorical; method; open; page; parable; print; research; source; study; support; system; target; tax; technique; text; translation; university; vol cache: eol-18931.pdf plain text: eol-18931.txt item: #44 of 260 id: eol-18941 author: Pita, Petrus title: THE LINGUISTIC STATUS OF ISOLECTS IN NAGEKEO REGENCY: A DIALECT GEOGRAPHY ANALYSIS date: 2016-07-31 words: 10991 flesch: 67 summary: a) Nagekeo language Area (1) Allophone 1) Nagekeo Language Area a) Allophonic variant of [z] ≈ becomes the characteritic of use in (1) North Central Nage Area, found in Munde dialect at OP 3; Dhawe dialect at OP 4; Lape – Ia dialect at op 6, 7; Lambo dialect at OP OP 12; Dhereisa dialect at OP 15; Rendu dialect at OP 16. keywords: -138; /k/; access; access journal; accreditation:-; allophone; analysis; area; assimilation; bahasa; bilabial; boawae dialect; central; change; characteristic; consonant; dalam; dan; data; dental; dhawe; dialect; dialect area; dialect op; dialect research; dialectology; dialek; differences; different; directory; directory open; doaj; doaj directory; east; ende; following; form;; implosive; indonesia; isogloss; isolects; issn; jaduro dialect; jakarta; journal; july; kelimado; kotagana; lambo dialect; language; language area; lape; lejo dialect; lengkosambi; lengkosambi dialect; lexical; linguistics; linguistics support; map; maukaro; mbay; metathesis; method; metode; nage area; nagekeo; nagekeo language; nasal; ngada; nggolombay; nggolombay dialect; nggolonio; north; observation; oja; op op; open; open access; page; people; phonemes; phonological; points; press; print; regency; regular; research; riung; rule; sara; second; segmental; south; speech; stop; study; subdialect; support; support doaj; syllable; theory; toto dialect; university; use; variants; variation; velar; village; vol; vowel; west; wolowae; wolowae dialect; word; yogyakarta cache: eol-18941.pdf plain text: eol-18941.txt item: #45 of 260 id: eol-18944 author: Pratama, Agus Darma Yoga; Artawa, Ketut; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus; Sri Satyawati, Made title: STRATEGIES APPLIED IN ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN TRANSLATION OF PRISON SLANG WORDS IN “THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION” MOVIE SUBTITLING date: 2016-07-31 words: 3558 flesch: 63 summary: This study deals with: 1) strategies applied in the English into Indonesian translation of prison slang words in “The Shawshank Redemption” movie subtitling using the theory on translation strategies proposed by Gottlieb (1992); and 2) the most frequent strategy and type of translation (literal to idiomatic translation) of the prison slang words using the theory on translation typologies proposed by Larson (1984). There are some occurrences of this prison slang word but only four were selected to represent the variations in translation strategies used. keywords: -152; access; access journal; accreditation:-; data; directory; doaj; english; fish‟; gottlieb;; idiomatic; indonesian; issn; journal; july; language; linguistics; literal; meaning; means; movie; new; open; page; picture; print; prison; prison slang; shawshank; slang; slang words; source; strategies; strategy; study; subtitle; subtitling; support; text; translation; vol; words cache: eol-18944.pdf plain text: eol-18944.txt item: #46 of 260 id: eol-18945 author: Ketut Alit Suputra, Gusti; Budirasa, Made; Dhanawaty, Ni Made; Putu Putra, A.A. title: THE MEANINGS OF THE BALINESE 'TO EAT': A STUDY OF NATURAL SEMANTIC METALANGUAGE (NSM) date: 2016-07-31 words: 4541 flesch: 71 summary: The word nede is classified as word form of respect for the humble. „Please eat first, later on you may continue working‟ Ngrayunang lexicon in speech (5) simply cannot be replaced with the word madaar because ngrayunang word has different semantic features with madaar lexicon. keywords: -167; access; accreditation:-; balinese; daar; data; different; directory; doaj; field; following; form;; issn; journal; july; language; lexicon; linguistics; meaning; means; mouth; natural; nede; ngajeng; ngamah; ngrayunang; nidik; nsm; nunas; nyaplok; open; page; pets; print; semantic; sentence; speech; support; theory; time; vol; word cache: eol-18945.pdf plain text: eol-18945.txt item: #47 of 260 id: eol-20693 author: Erfiani, Ni Made; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus; Sudipa, I Nengah; Puspani, Ida Ayu Made title: Analysis of Three Dimensions of Meaning in the Translation of Religious Verbal Symbols in the Book of Revelation date: 2016-07-31 words: 4958 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: grammatical meaning, referential meaning, emotive meaning 1. The meaning which is intended is made up of three dimensions; they are grammatical meaning, referential meaning, and emotive meaning. keywords: -181; access; access journal; accreditation:-; analysis; authority; book; conception; dan; data; daud; david; dia; directory; doaj; emotive; emotive meaning; free; grammatical;; issn; journal; july; key; kunci; language; linguistics; literal; meaning; membuka; nida; object; open; page; philadelphia; phrase; print; product; referential; referential meaning; relation; result; signs; source; structure; support; symbol; text; translation; vol; word; yang cache: eol-20693.pdf plain text: eol-20693.txt item: #48 of 260 id: eol-26455 author: Dewi Yulianti, Ni Ketut; Pastika, I Wayan; Artawa, Ketut title: Readability of the Translation of Figure of Speech in Srimad Bhagavatam From English Into Indonesian date: 2017-01-02 words: 2850 flesch: 58 summary: The above diagram shows that, like the ideology of translation, translation methods also have two polars. Followings are presentation of translation seen from the implementation of translation method. keywords: access; access journal; accreditation:-; bhagavatam; body; chariot; communicative; data; directory; doaj; english; figure;; ideology; indonesian; issn; january; journal; language; level; linguistics; material; meaning; method; open; page; print; readability; sentences; speech; srimad; study; style; support; text; translation; vol cache: eol-26455.pdf plain text: eol-26455.txt item: #49 of 260 id: eol-26457 author: Dewi Yulianti, Ni Ketut; Pastika, I Wayan; Artawa, Ketut; Putra Yadnya, Ida Bagus title: Readability of the Translation of Figure of Speech in Srimad Bhagavatam From English Into Indonesian date: 2017-01-31 words: 2850 flesch: 58 summary: The above diagram shows that, like the ideology of translation, translation methods also have two polars. Followings are presentation of translation seen from the implementation of translation method. keywords: access; access journal; accreditation:-; bhagavatam; body; chariot; communicative; data; directory; doaj; english; figure;; ideology; indonesian; issn; january; journal; language; level; linguistics; material; meaning; method; open; page; print; readability; sentences; speech; srimad; study; style; support; text; translation; vol cache: eol-26457.pdf plain text: eol-26457.txt item: #50 of 260 id: eol-26458 author: Kristianto, Yohanes; Budiarsa, Made; Simpen, I Wayan; Netra, I Made title: Hospitality Language In Tourism Field: Facework date: 2017-01-31 words: 5354 flesch: 48 summary: Previous research only describe the phenomenon of language tourism services in tourist guiding, whereas this research in addition to describe, e-Journal of Linguistics Support DOAJ Directory Open Access Journal Vol. 11. Ethnography of communication method used to observe verbal interaction in tourism services, said events, narrative style, and how to speak, and so on. keywords: access; accreditation:-; acts; advance; analysis; communication; dan; data; directory; doaj; ethnography; face; facework; field; findings; form; formal; hospitality; hospitality language;; informal; interaction; interpretation; issn; january; journal; language; linguistics; negative; norms; online; open; page; positive; practice; practitioners; print; rating; research; schemata; service; service interaction; setting; social; speakers; speech; structure; study; support; system; theory; tourism; tourism practitioners; tourists; travelers; university; use; vol cache: eol-26458.pdf plain text: eol-26458.txt item: #51 of 260 id: eol-26460 author: Udu, Hamiruddin; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Suarka, I Nyoman; Alifuddin, Muh title: Kangkilo Oral Tradition: Reflection of Sufism and Political Powers in Buton Community date: 2017-01-31 words: 6658 flesch: 46 summary: Therefore, in order to revive kangkilo oral tradition, inheritance need to adopt a system of formal education learning and use the modern media. Among Buton distinctive culture is kangkilo oral tradition. keywords: access; access journal; accreditation:-; allah; analysis; buton; buton community; clean; community; cultural; data; directory; directory open; discourse; doaj; doaj directory; formula; function; god;; human; inheritance; islam; issn; january; journal; kangkilo; kangkilo oral; knowledge; language; life; linguistics; linguistics support; meaning; medium; online; open; open access; oral; oral tradition; page; people; political; power; print; program; purification; purify; religious; research; results; ritual; sanctity; social; society; speech; strategy; structure; study; sufism; sultanate; support; support doaj; system; text; theory; tradition; understanding; use; values; vol; world; worship cache: eol-26460.pdf plain text: eol-26460.txt item: #52 of 260 id: eol-26461 author: laepe, Aderlaepe; Suastika, I Made; Kutha Ratna, Nyoman title: Educational Values of Munanese Folksong: A Literary Anthropology Study date: 2017-01-31 words: 5714 flesch: 64 summary: The word langkamuda in line (1) of kabhanti song number 3 above is a symbolic representament that refers to the interpretant of “sincerity of love”. The message of sincerity in kabhanti song number 4 above describes the willing of the singer to get nothing for the sake of a great affair. keywords: access; access journal; accreditation:-; anthropology; appreciative; bellow; certain; character; community; cultural; directory; discipline; doaj; educational; folksong; group; honesty;; interpretant; issn; january; journal; kabhanti; kau; kaudara; lagu; life; line; linguistics; literary; love; lyric; man; meaning; medium; men; messages; modero; munanese; new; ngkodau; number; online; open; oral; page; people; print; promise; sentence; sincerity; singer; social; song; study; support; tempo; texts; time; university; value; vol; woman; word cache: eol-26461.pdf plain text: eol-26461.txt item: #53 of 260 id: eol-26468 author: Lestari, Denok; Suastra, I Made; Pastika, I Wayan; Sedeng, I Nyoman title: Developing A Method of Learning English Speaking Skills Based on the Language Functions Used in the Food and Beverage Service date: 2017-01-31 words: 3185 flesch: 52 summary: This research is aimed to analyse language functions in English, specifically those which are used in the context of Food and Beverage Service. The first one is the theory of language functions which is reconstructed in accordance with the Food and Beverage Service context. keywords: access; accreditation:-; asri; beverage; data; design; directory; doaj; english; factors; food; function;; issn; january; journal; language; language functions; learning; linguistics; method; online; open; page; print; research; restaurant; service; skills; speaking; stage; students; support; teaching; tourism; use; vol cache: eol-26468.pdf plain text: eol-26468.txt item: #54 of 260 id: eol-26469 author: Suyasa, I Made; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Suarka, I Nyoman; Darma Putra, I Nyoman title: The Bakayat SpokenText Tradition The Articulation of Religious Value and Social Discourse of Sasak Community in Lombok date: 2017-01-31 words: 5244 flesch: 52 summary: The telling style of the story of bakayat text could be seen from the reader’s mood which was illustrated by the storytelling style as a form of the articulation of the bakayat text. Some studies have been conducted on this oral- text of bakayat tradition. keywords: access; accreditation:-; allah; articulation; aspects; bakayat; bakayat sasak; bakayat text; bakayat tradition; community; data; development; directory; discourse; doaj; existence; form; function; historical;; islam; islamic; issn; january; joseph; journal; language; linguistics; literature; lombok; meaning; media; narrative; online; open; page; people; print; prophet; religious; research; sasak; sasak people; social; spoken; structure; studies; study; support; text; text tradition; theory; tradition; vol cache: eol-26469.pdf plain text: eol-26469.txt item: #55 of 260 id: eol-34672 author: Laba, I Nengah; Riana, I Ketut; Budiarsa, Made; Pastika, I Wayan title: Lingual Domination in Tourism Discourse: A CDA Study date: 2017-07-03 words: 3989 flesch: 53 summary: This is the role of discourse analysis to explore the social practice in tourism discourse. Faculty of Arts, Udayana University 4. Faculty of Arts, Udayana University Abstract—This study examines tourism discourse in the national print media to answer a research question of how lingual domination is presented in the tourism discourse. keywords: access; analysis; approach; bali; burton; certain; cognitive; construction; critical; data; directory; discourse; discourse analysis; doaj; domination; form; group; hotel;; ideology; information; international; issn; journal; july; language; leeuwen; lingual; linguistics; london; mass; media; new; online; open; page; print; reality; representation; research; review; social; society; study; support; text; theory; tourism; tourism discourse; use; van; vol; yang; york cache: eol-34672.pdf plain text: eol-34672.txt item: #56 of 260 id: eol-34675 author: Nyoman Mantra, Ida Bagus; Weda Kusuma, I Nyoman; Suarka, I Nyoman; Rai Putra, Ida Bagus title: Oral Text of Genjek in Karangasem Regency date: 2017-07-03 words: 6532 flesch: 57 summary: The words in the lyrics of genjek text were structurally arranged to express specific meanings depending on the context, (2) Judging from the perspectives of formal linguistics, linguistics discourse of genjek oral tradition is in the form of poem composed of lines and stanzas that utilizes the choice of words in conveying the idea. There are several novelty of this study, such as (1) genjek oral text is created together by the players based on the concept of solidarity and togetherness. keywords: access; addition; analysis; balinese; closing; community; control; cultural; culture; dan; data; directory; discourse; doaj; education; existence; form; function; generation; genjek; genjek oral; genjek text;; issn; jakarta; journal; july; karangasem; language; life; linguistics; literary; literature; local; lyrics; macro; main; meaning; online; open; oral; oral text; oral tradition; page; past; people; performance; players; present; press; print; process; reference; regency; religious; research; ritual; sentences; social; society; solidarity; sound; stratification; structure; study; superstructure; support; text; text structure; theory; tradition; university; values; van; vol; words cache: eol-34675.pdf plain text: eol-34675.txt item: #57 of 260 id: eol-34686 author: Sudaryano, Gregorius; Budiarsa, Made; Suastra, I Made; Ola, Simon Sabon title: Helong Language in West Kupang District, Kupang Regency East Nusa Tenggara is Shifting Towards Death date: 2017-07-03 words: 3428 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore, the phenomenon of HL shift was analyzed based on the choice of HL language use in a domain that implies HL maintenance by its speakers among generations. The Language Use between Adults and the Same Age, Older, and Younger Neighbors (N=29) Languages The same age neighbors % Older neighbors % Younger neighbors % HL 7 24,14 24 82,76 0 0 IL 13 44,83 3 10,34 23 79,31 HL-IL 9 31,03 2 6,90 6 20,69 DL 0 0 0 0 0 0 RL 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 29 100 29 100 29 100 Table 4.6 describes the language situation in the domain of neighborhood involving Helong adult speakers and interlocutors of: the same age neighbor using HL 24,14 %, IL 44,83 %, HL-IL 31,03 %, DL 0 %, and RL 0 %; Older neighbors using HL 82,76 %, IL keywords: children; data; death; domain; family; generation; group; helong; issn; journal; kupang; language; native; neighborhood; neighbors; older; parents; shift; situation; speakers; table; use cache: eol-34686.pdf plain text: eol-34686.txt item: #58 of 260 id: eol-34687 author: Sri Adnyani, Ni Luh Putu; Sutjiati Beratha, Ni Luh; Pastika, I Wayan; Suparwa, I Nyoman title: Early Lexical Development and the Development of Translation Equivalents in a Simultaneous Bilingual Child date: 2017-07-03 words: 7130 flesch: 67 summary: In this study, the data on the development of word acquisition were collected until the child was 3;0. The increase in word acquisition at this stage can be caused by the child‟s more developed speech organ so that her articulatory ability increased. keywords: access; acquisition; addition; adjectives; adverbs; aly; aly‟s; bilingual; child; children; child‟s; clark; data; developed; development; directory; doaj; english; equivalents; german;; indonesian; issn; journal; july; language; lexical; linguistics; months; new; new words; nouns; number; online; open; page; print; pronouns; stage; study; support; systems; translation; utterance; utterance stage; verbs; vol; word utterance; words cache: eol-34687.pdf plain text: eol-34687.txt item: #59 of 260 id: eol-34688 author: Demon, Yosef; Pastika, I Wayan; Artawa, Ketut; Udayana, I Nyoman title: Aplicative Construction in Lamalera Dialect of Lamaholot Language date: 2017-07-03 words: 5809 flesch: 55 summary: Beneficiaries (users / beneficiaries) are manifested as the main objects of double object construction (English, Indonesia, Chichewa) or as IO (German). Applicative verbs in Balinese can be formed from pre-categorical forms, intransitive verbs and transitive verbs. keywords: access; addition; alternation; applicative; applicative construction; argument; artawa; balinese; basic; benefactive; book; causative; change; chichewa; clause; constituent; construction; constructs; core; creation; dan; dengan; dia; direct; directory; doaj; ema; example; following; form; guru;; ibu; indirect; internal; intransitive; issn; journal; july; kursi; lamaholot; lamalera; language; ldll; linguistics; locative; mary; modification; morphological; nei; new; object; oblique; online; open; order; page; pergi; peripheral; phenomenon; position; poss1tg; print; process; rae; saya; semantic; shibatani; sound; strategy; structure; suffix; support; syntactic; university; untuk; valence; verb; verbal; vol cache: eol-34688.pdf plain text: eol-34688.txt item: #60 of 260 id: eol-34689 author: Rai Jaya Widanta, I Made; Budiarsa, Made; Simpen, I Wayan; Netra, I Made title: Implementation of Brown & Levinson’s Sociological Aspects in Verbal Interaction at Hotel Context date: 2017-07-03 words: 2382 flesch: 64 summary: Distance (D) also has positive (+) mark as distance between staff and hotel guests is always far. Page: 165-171 166 was used in developing instruemnt of oral role play card, an instrument used to collect data of request and refusal utterances made by hotel staff during their giving hospitality services. keywords: aspects; card; case; context; distance; guests; high; hotel;; imposition; issn; journal; july; language; online; pdr; play; politeness; power; print; refusal; request; research; role; situation; social; staff; support; vol cache: eol-34689.pdf plain text: eol-34689.txt item: #61 of 260 id: eol-3524 author: Yusdi, Muhammad; Meko Mbete, Prof. Dr.Aron; Artawa, M.A., Ph.d., Prof. Dr. Drs. I Ketut; Pastika, M.S., Prof. Dr. I Wayan title: Relasi Gramatikal BahasaMelayu Klasik dalam Hikajat ‘Abdullah date: 2008-01-31 words: 5018 flesch: 48 summary: BMK yang dianalisis dalam disertasi ini adalah karya tulis ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul Kadir Munsyi yang naskah itu sendiri diterbitkan oleh Pustaka Djambatan (1958) dan sudah dianotasi – diberi keterangan dan penjelasan yang kritis oleh Teeuw dan dibantu oleh Datoek Besar. Penelitian ini membahas perihal relasi gramatikal dengan kerangka kerja linguistis Adapun yang menjadi pokok bahasan dalam disertasi ini ialah “Bagaimana Relasi Gramatikal” saling berhubungan dalam BMK yang terdapat pada Hikajat ‘Abdullah. keywords: -kan; abdullah; accusative; active; adalah; adapun; agent; aktif; akusatif; apabila; argument; artawa; bahasa; bahwa; basic; bentuk; berikut; bmk; bmk habakm; book; buku; cambridge; cannonical; case; classical; clause; construction; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dasar; data; demikian; dengan; derived; diatesis; dikatakan; discussion; ergatif; ergative; gramatikal; grammar; habakm; hal; hikajat; ini; intransitive; itu; jakarta; juga; kajian; kalimat; kanonis; karena; kedua; klasik; klausa; konstruksi; langsung; language; linguistic; makna; malays; medial; membeli; menjadi; merupakan; morfologis; naskah; new; nominatif; object; objek; oleh; pada; pasif; passive; pembahasan; penelitian; peran; pivot; pola; predicate; predikat; press; relasi; relasi gramatikal; relation; research; role; satu; sebagai; secara; semantis; sentences; seperti; sintaksis; study; subject; subjek; sudah; syntactic; syntax; tersebut; tidak; tipologi; transitif; turunan; typological; typology; university; untuk; verba; voice; vtr; yaitu; yang cache: eol-3524.pdf plain text: eol-3524.txt item: #62 of 260 id: eol-3525 author: Sukri, Muhammad; Sutjiati Beratha, Ni Luh title: Bentuk Potensial Bahasa Indonesia: Kesenjangan antara Kaidah Pembentukan Kata dengan Pruduktivitas dan Kreativitas Penutur Suatu Bahasa date: 2008-01-31 words: 3093 flesch: 56 summary: Adapun kata-kata yang telah diamati paling tidak dalam satu kesempatan atau pada suatu saat tertentu tetapi tidak pernah ditemukan di dalam masyarakat tutur dikenal dengan istilah kata jarang atau kata-kata sesekali2. Proses pembentukan kata yang menggunakan paradigma morfologi generatif mensyaratkan empat komponen, yakni 1) daftar morfem, 2) kaidah pembentukan kata, 3) saringan, dan 4) kamus. keywords: adalah; afiks; ani; aronoff; atau; bahasa; bahwa; banyak; baru; bentuk; burung; certain; concept; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; dengan; digunakan; dikatakan; formation; forms; fudeman; haspelmath; indonesian; ini; itu; jadi; jawa; kaidah; kajian; kalimat; karena; kata; katamba; konsep; kpk; language; lebih; luh; matthews; membentuk; menggunakan; menjadi; mereka; morfologi; morphology; mungkin; new; oleh; pada; page; pembentukan; penutur; post; potensial; press; process; productive; productivity; produktif; produktivitas; proses; saya; sebagai; secara; semi; sound; speakers; study; suatu; sutjiati; tersebut; tertentu; tetapi; tidak; untuk; words; yang cache: eol-3525.pdf plain text: eol-3525.txt item: #63 of 260 id: eol-3526 author: Suwija, I Nyoman; Cika, M.S., Prof. Dr. I Wayan; Kutha Ratna S.U., Prof. Dr. Nyoman; Suastika, S.U., Prof. Dr. I Made title: WACANA KRITIK SOSIAL WAYANG CENK BLONK, JOBLAR, DAN SIDIA date: 2008-01-31 words: 4803 flesch: 53 summary: Dalang Cěnk Blonk dan Joblar misalnya, telah memodifikasi pertunjukan wayang dengan gaya pementasan sendratari serta menambah personel penabuhnya, karena telah menggunakan gong Semarandahana. Memperhatikan selera penonton pada era ini yang cenderung menunggu lelucon atau dagelan yang kocak dan banyak gosipnya, ternyata para dalang masih sanggup menyisipkan wacana-wacana kritik sosial yang cukup variatif dan memiliki peranan yang cukup penting bagi kehidupan bermasyarakat. keywords: adalah; amanat; anak; analisis; art; atau; audience; bahasa; bahwa; bali; balinese; banyak; baru; basa; bentuk; blonk; budaya; cenk; community; critic; critic discourse; cukup; cěnk; cěnk blonk; dadi; dalam; dalang; dan; dan sidia; dapat; dari; data; dengan; denpasar; dewa; dialog; dialogue; dibia; discourse; dpr; eksistensi; entertainment; era; existence; function; fungsi; ilmu; ini; joblar; kreasi; kritik; kritik sosial; kulit; kulit bali; lakon; leader; leather; leather puppet; level; marajaya; masters; masyarakat; meliputi; mengandung; menggunakan; menjadi; merdah; message; metode; new; nyoman; oleh; pada; para; pemimpin; penelitian; penonton; performance; pertunjukan; press; prof; puppet; research; response; result; sasaran; sebagai; seni; seorang; serta; sidia; sidia puppet; social critic; sosial; sosial wayang; tanggapan; target; telah; temuan; teori; terhadap; theory; tiga; tualen; untuk; wacana; wacana kritik; wayang; wayang cěnk; wayang kulit; yadnya; yaitu cache: eol-3526.pdf plain text: eol-3526.txt item: #64 of 260 id: eol-3527 author: Simpen, I Wayan; Meko Mbete, Prof. Dr. Aron; Suastra, Ph.D., Prof. Drs. I Made; Pastika, M.S., Prof. Dr. I Wayan title: KESANTUNAN BERBAHASA PADA PENUTUR BAHASA KAMBERA DI SUMBA TIMUR date: 2008-01-31 words: 5476 flesch: 50 summary: Metode yang digunakan dibedakan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu metode dan teknik pengumpulan data, metode dan teknik penganalisisan data, dan metode dan teknik penyajian hasil analisis. Jadi, di dalam teori Sosiopragmatik tercakup hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tindak tutur dan kesantunan. keywords: adalah; akhir; alat; analisis; andong; atas; atau; bahasa; bahasa kambera; bahwa; bentuk; berbahasa; berikut; cambridge; class; community; cultural; dalam; dan; dapat; dari; data; dengan; dianggap; digunakan; ditemukan; east; elements; factors; faktor; findings; forms; function; fungsi; hal; hasil; hopu; hubungan; ideologi; indonesia; ini; itu; jenis; juga; kabihu; kambera; karena; kata; kebudayaan; kekerabatan; kelas; kesantunan; kesantunan berbahasa; lain; language; lebih; linguistik; makna; maramba; marapu; masyarakat; matter; means; memerintah; memiliki; mempengaruhi; menemukan; menyertai; merupakan; metode; new; nilai; nonverbal; oleh; orang; pada; paralinguistik; penelitian; penting; penutur; penutur bahasa; pikiran; politeness; press; prinsip; prof; requests; satuan; sebagai; secara; segala; seperti; sistem; social; speakers; speech; speech politeness; status; study; sumba; suprasegmental; teknik; temuan; tentang; teori; tidak; timur; tuturan; umum; units; university; unsur; untuk; utterance; verbal; witihopu; words; yaitu; yang; york cache: eol-3527.pdf plain text: eol-3527.txt item: #65 of 260 id: eol-3528 author: Pampe, Pius; Jendra, S.U., Prof. Dr. I Wayan title: PEMAKAIAN BAHASA MANGGARAI DALAM MISA INKULTURATIF DIKABUPATEN MANGGARAI date: 2008-01-31 words: 3944 flesch: 63 summary: BM yang digunakan dalam misa inkulturatif memiliki tiga ragam, yakni ragam biasa, semibeku, dan ragam beku. Mereka hanya memahami makna dan nilai yang terkandung pada penggunaan ragam biasa yang mencapai 71,52%. keywords: adalah; agu; ami; bagi; bahwa; berupa; bunyi; cahir; catholic; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; digunakan; discourse; ekspresif; ema; ethnic; expressive; form; frozen; fungsi; haeng; halliday; hanya; hubungan; ini; inkulturatif; ite; kalimat; kami; karena; kata; kepok; language; mai; makna; manga; manggarai; masing; mass; meaning; memiliki; mereka; merupakan; misa; monolog; mori; nilai; no’o; oleh; pada; pastor; patient; pemahaman; penelitian; penggunaan; predicate; predikat; puji; pu’un; ragam; religious; retorika; satu; sebagai; secara; semi; semibeku; sentence; serial; serta; sini; sound; syukur; tegi; tentang; terdiri; terkandung; tersebut; tidak; ukem; untuk; use; variasi; variation; verba; verhaar; wacana; word; yakni; yang cache: eol-3528.pdf plain text: eol-3528.txt item: #66 of 260 id: eol-3529 author: Kosmas, Jeladu; Artawa, M.A., Ph.D, Prof.Drs.Ketut; Pastika., M.S., Prof. Dr. I Wayan title: PERILAKU PENJANGKA KAMBANG DALAM BAHASA RONGGA date: 2008-01-31 words: 2948 flesch: 64 summary: There are a numbe of tests for subjecthood, one of them is the use of floating quantifier (FQ) (see Siewierska, 1991:33-35; Kroeger, 1993:22-23; Dalrymple, 2001:17; Arka, 2003a:43, 69). In relation to which grammatical function is the grammatical subject of the sentence, the floating quantifier test can be applied to a given NP in order to determine whether that NP is a subjet or not by placing floating quantifier in different position in the sentene and then if this floating quantifier always quantify the NP being tested, then this NP can be determided as a grammatical subject. keywords: ana; ata; bahasa; baju; bhate; bisa; california; cambridge; coffee; csli; dalam; dalrymple; dan; dengan; functional; grammar; grammatical; itu; joan; kambang; kepada; klausa; konstruksi; kopi; lambu; language; lexical; mara; mbeja; mengacu; mula; muncul; ndau; orang; oxford; pada; pengambangan; penjangka; perilaku; person; petani; posisi; press; quantifier; rita; semua; stanford; subject; syntax; tani; tetapi; tidak; university; verba; weli; yang cache: eol-3529.pdf plain text: eol-3529.txt item: #67 of 260 id: eol-3530 author: SUPARSA, I NYOMAN; Meko Mbete, Prof. Dr. Aron; Pastika, Prof. Dr. I Wayan; Lapoliwa, M.Phil., Dr. Hans title: FONOLOGI BAHASA RONGGA: SEBUAH KAJIAN TRANSFORMASI GENERATIF date: 2009-01-31 words: 7160 flesch: 64 summary: Yang menempati posisi awal dan tengah kata adalah /p, t, d, k, g, dΖ, �, �, �, �b,