New models using scale analysis and perturbation methods were derivated starting from the shallow water equations based on barotropic fluids. In the paper, to discuss the irregular topography with different magnitudes, especially considering the condition of the vast terrain, some modified quasi-geostrophic barotropic models were obtained. The unsteady terrain is more suitable to describe the motion of the fluid state of the earth because of the change of global climate and environment, so the modified models are more rational potential vorticity equations. If we do not consider the influence of topography and other factors, the models degenerate to the general quasi-geostrophic barotropic equations in the previous studies. Este trabajo deduce nuevos modelos con el uso de los métodos de análisis a escala y de perturbación a partir de las ecuaciones de aguas poco profundas con base en fluidos barotrópicos. En este artículo se obtuvieron algunos modelos semigeostróficos barotrópicos para aplicar en zonas de topografía inestable con diferentes magnitudes y considerar especialmente la condición del extenso terreno. La topografía inestable es más propicia para describir el movimiento del estado fluido de la tierra debido al cambio del clima y ambiente, por lo tanto los modelos modificados son ecuaciones de vorticidad potenciales más razonables. Si no se considera la influencia de la topografía y otros factores, los modelos se reducirían a las ecuaciones generales semigeostróficas barotrópicas de estudios anteriores. ABSTRACT RESUMEN Keywords: Quasi-geostrophic; Potential vorticity; Scale analysis; Topography. Palabras clave: Semigeostrofía; vorticidad potencial; análisis a escala; topografía. The Modified Quasi-geostrophic Barotropic Models Based on Unsteady Topography Record Manuscript received: 01/03/2017 Accepted for publication: 31/03 /2017 How to cite item Zhao, B., Sun, W., & Zhan, T. (2017). The Modified Quasi-geostrophic Barotropic Models Based on Unsteady Topography. Earth Sciences Research Journal, 21(1), 23-28. doi: ISSN 1794-6190 e-ISSN 2339-3459 Modelos Semigeostróficos Barotrópicos Modificados con Base en Topografía Inestable G E O M O R P H O L O G Y EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL Earth Sci. Res. J. Vol. 21, No. 1 (March, 2017): 23 - 28 Baojun Zhao 1, Wenjin Sun 1,*, Tianming Zhan 2 1 College of Oceanography, HoHai University, Nanjing 210098, China 2 School of Technology, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, China *Email of Corresponding Author: 24 Baojun Zhao, Wenjin Sun and Tianming Zhan 1. Introduction In recent decades, many scholars have conducted extensive research on large-scale atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. Among them, the topographic effect has great influences on the dynamic mechanism of potential vorticity equations (Pedlosky, 1974; Collings, 1980; Pedlosky, 1980; Treguier, 1989). In the atmosphere, the topographic height plays an importance role in atmospheric cyclone and anticyclone changes. Luo (1990) pointed out the topographic effect was also an important factor of forming atmospheric blocking, and the global atmospheric circulation would even get affected by the topographic effect. Lu (1987) discussed the effects of topographic height and shaped on Rossby wave activation and the influences of topographic south-north and east-west slopes on waveform and energy propagation. Chen (1998) and Jiang (2000) derived the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation with large-scale topography, friction, and heating under the barotropic model, and the large-scale effects of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on atmosphere were discussed. In addition, the oceanic topography is very complex, such as The North West Shelf of Australia (Holloway, 1997), Portugal Shelf Sea Area (Sherwin, 2002), etc. The relationship between topography and ocean circulation was pointed out in the literature (Roslee et al., 2017b; Kamsani, 2017; La, 1990; Marshall, 1995; Alvarez, 1994; Sou, 1996). Cessi (1986) discussed the important role of topography in ocean circulation. Holloway (1992) introduced the interaction of eddies with seafloor topography and argued that ocean circulations would be significant interaction between turbulent vortices and topography rather than gravity wave drag. Then, general expressions for the eddy-topographic force, eddy viscosity, and stochastic backscatter, as well as a residual Jacobian term, are derived for barotropic flow over mean topography by Frederiksen (1999). All the above researches, Actually the topography height also changes with time in the earth fluid. Changes in topography can lead to tsunamis, floods and natural disasters(Abdullah, 2017; Elfithri, 2017; Rahim, 2017). Yang (2011,2012) and Song (2012, 2013) discussed topography changes over time discussed topography changes over time t, the influence of the nonlinear long wave amplitude and waveform. Da (2013) discussed the shallow water equation forms when underlying surface slowly changes with time and obtained the vorticity equation with an underlying surface. This model considered the actual circumstances that the topography changes with time-space (Erfen et al., 2017; Roslee, 2017a) . In this paper, we discuss different magnitude topography under spatial-temporal variable and obtain some modified models, which have important effects on the future discussion about the waveform changes of nonlinear long waves. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, starting from the rotating shallow water equation set, we give the bottom topography which is not smooth boundary and simplify the equation set with unsteady topography. Section 3 is given scale analysis and perturbation methods; then we obtain new equation set by topographic conditions with different magnitudes. Later we derive the equations with different orders and get some modified models in Section 4. Finally, make the relevant conclusions in Section 5. 2. Basic equations Assuming the static equilibrium condition, the fluid can be regarded as barotropic, incompressible, frictionless state. The upper boundary height is ( , , )h x y t , and , free surface pressure intensity is constant. The basic equation set can be written as (Pedlosky, 1987) (1a) (1b) (1c) (1d) especially, the bottom topography is about spatial-temporal variable ( , , )B Bh h x y t= , the coriolis parameter is (2) first of all, we integrate Eq. (1c) (3) and get (4) so (5) (6) Eqs. (5) and (6) indicate that the horizontal pressure gradient under the barotropic model can be expressed by the gradient of the free surface gravitational potential (Taharin & Roslee, 2017). We assume that the preliminary horizontal velocity is independent of the z , Eqs. (1a) and (1b) can be rewritten as (7a) (7b) then integrate continuity Eq. (1d) from ( , , )Bz h x y t= to the free surface ( , , )z h x y t= , we can get (7c) assuming that the free surface height H is constant when the fluid is static (Pedlosky, 1987). (8) the barotropic equation set with unsteady topography can be written as (9a) 25The Modified Quasi-geostrophic Barotropic Models Based on Unsteady Topography (9b) (9c) If (10) the equation set can be written as (11a) (11b) (11c) 3. Scale analysis, perturbation methods Making dimensionless analysis on the Eqs. (11a), (11b) and (11c), for the large-scale motions (12) where l is an undetermined parameter. Substituting Eq. (12) into Eqs. (11a), (11b) and (11c), then (13a) (13b) (13c) Eqs. (13a) and (13b) divided by 0f U , (13c) divided by 2 0c U gHU L L = , we get (14a) (14b) (14c) where (15) Let (16) meantime so (17) then we get (18a) (18b) (18c) where (19) 4. Derive the barotropic models Making classified discussion on the magnitude of λ. 4.1. λ ~ 1 magnitude The scale of the ϕB is consistent with the small amplitude function ϕ, most of the topography parameters following with this situation in the real world. 0Ro order approximation (20) or a dimensional form (21) (0) (1) 1 1 1u u Rou= + + (0) (1) 1 1 1v v Rov= + + (0) (1) 1 1 1 ˆ̂̂ Rof f f= + + 26 Baojun Zhao, Wenjin Sun and Tianming Zhan 1Ro order approximation (22a) (22b) (22c) after calculation, the dimensionless vorticity equation is derived (23a) (23b) eliminating from the Eqs. (23a), (23b), we get (24) namely (25) where (26) λR is the Rossby radius of deformation, Eq. (25) is a modified model. 4.2. λ ~ 10 magnitude Large-scale atmospheric motion of large topography is suitable for such conditions (L ~ 106 m, U ~ 10m/s, f 0 ~ 10-4 s -1 ). For example, a case study of Tibetan Plateau topography, the height is 3 4 ×103m approximately which is suit for the situation. 0Ro order approximation (27) or a dimensional form (28) in order to get the results, we should consider the magnitude of , according to the Eq. (18c), 20m can be considered as a parameter. 1Ro order approximation (29a) (29b) (29c) or dimensional form (30a) (30b) (30c) Eqs. (30a), (30b) and (30c) can be transformed into the vorticity equations (31a) (31b) Eqs. (31a), (31b) are quasi-geostrophic barotropic models, so (32a) (32b) where (33) 27The Modified Quasi-geostrophic Barotropic Models Based on Unsteady Topography assuming , we eliminate from Eqs. (32a) and (32b), then (34) finally (35) Eq. (35) is a modified model. 4.3. λ ≤ 10 -1 magnitude According to (18c), it is observed that the magnitude of topography expression form λ is too small, which approximately ignores the influences of topographic effect. Now we can observe that the Eqs. (25), (35) are two quasi- geostrophic barotropic models under variable topographic conditions with time t . If the topographic effect is independent of time, equations degrade into the following forms. Under the stable topography, Eq. (35) degenerates into (36) where (37) the model (25) under the stable topography can be written as (Pedlosky,1987) (38) where (39) otherwise, if we don’t consider the topographic effect and the divergence of the fluid, Eqs. (36) and (38) degenerate into (Liu, 1991) (40) Eq. (40) is a classics dynamics model used by the large-scale atmospheric and oceanic motions. 5. Conclusion (a). Under the unsteady topography, some new modified models (25), (35) are derived. 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