Microsoft Word - 2009_1_2.doc BOOK PREVIEW: MODERN MANAGEMENT - Concepts and Topical Issues (revised and adopted book for Indian market) by Prof. M. A. Omolaja & Prof. M. Radović-Marković Publisher for US market: Aardvark Global Publishing, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2008, ISBN -13: 978-1-4276-3508-2 Publisher for Indian market: Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India Publication Date: April, 2009 Pages: 596 In 21st century, Globalization, Privatization and Liberalization process ignoring political boundaries has made the world into one village socio-economically and technically. Either WTO regime or Regional Organization regime pleads trade liberalization and multilateral trade regime for increasing share of developing countries in the global economic growth and income. However, giant multinational companies have been emerging in the World Trade. In the labor market, good, efficient, and skill management and management students are in the great demand. In this context, this book, Modern Management: Concepts and Topical Issues written by Management Gurus, Prof. M. A. Omolaja & Prof. M. Radovic-Markovic is very relevant and urgent essential as a basic hand book. Each of the 14 chapters provided a thorough explanations of managerial concepts supported by case studies and (or) figures to give clarity or visual representation. The collection of concepts will serve as a historical lens that managers can use to guide managerial practices, and researchers can use to guide studies. Key terminologies and roles were introduced to refine the context. The context reinforced by beliefs that managerial skills are as essential as leadership skills. The context that centered on motivation gave me a better understanding of behaviors, approaches, perspectives, and positions of graduate learners who experience difficulties completing their dissertations. Omolaja and Radovic-Markovic should be commended for applying the holistic approach, which various cultures and subcultures will appreciate. As a basic hand book of management guru mantra (key formulas), it insights minutely each and every core subject and issue of management and its relevancy in the simple layman’s language for uniform attraction and attention towards the book and also for making highly utility product to all (Manager, Administrator, Students, etc). This adequately focuses on the principles and practice of management in the contemporary industrial and even governmental settings with a great deal of details. This is systematically presented into Economic Analysis 1-2 (2009) 79-80 8 the fourteen chapters arranged by Chapter I - Nature of Management, Chapter II - Management Function, Chapter III - Organization in Modern Management, Chapter IV - Specialized Management Technique, Chapter V - Control in Modern Management, Chapter VI - Corporate Policy, Chapter VII - Corporate Strategy, Chapter VIII - Operational Environment, Chapter IX - Corporate Objectives, Chapter X - Managing Employee at Work, Chapter XI - Organizational Behavior, Chapter XII - Employee’s Motivation, Chapter XIII - Basic Tool of Management and Chapter XIV - Communication Theory. They can be rearranged into four major parts: • Part I-Management Chapters, Part II-Organizational Chapters, Part III-Corporate Body and • Part IV-Communication theory. If all relevant chapters are rearranged, it will get extreme excel and continuity. Objectives of the book are to provide basic skills to all personnel engaging in Multinational Companies, Corporate Office and Companies etc. In this, the authors are successful to justify it. Theoretically, its presentation, structure, style and writing are interestingly motivated to me. I wish it would be effective to all readers, despite its lengthy chapters. However, in my notice, the authors have ignored practical sides of management for supplementing theoretical discussion and presentation. Besides it, it doesn’t cover evolutionary part of management and trend of the world with out which the book seems to be incomplete. Thus, unlink ages with market and real world that may be counter product when in market competition may erode quality and standard of the book because the reader needs completeness, real world picture and practical paradigm. Despite these digestible shortcomings, its reflection is marvelous for basic foundation and skill of management. Therefore, its usefulness to common people as well as academic and professional will be significantly noticeable and worthwhile. Dr Raghu Bir Bista, Assistant Professor, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Akamai University, USA