ea_2013_3-4 finalna ver Notes from the Editor-in-Chief This issue of Economic Analysis is a special edition comes on the occasion of fifty-five years since the founding of the Institute of Economic Sciences, which is the publisher of this peer Journal. In this context, there is something more than the usual number of articles that are thematically divided into three segments: Finance and Banking, Investments and Competitiveness and Employment and Well-being. A great number of the articles take a tour through different approaches of the relationship between globalization, finance, investments, competitiveness or employment in terms of a global economic crisis. What gives the special quality to these papers is the fact that most of them are original scientific empirical papers, and as such they give a special contribution to the topics addressed in the Journal. Since this year, the Journal is categorized with M52 by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Thank you for the great work by all reviewers, and authors. We also expect your valuable contribution in the next year 2014. Editor-in-Chief Professor Dr. Mirjana Radović-Marković, academician World Academy of Arts and Sciences, United States Academia Europaea, London, United Kingdom Royal Society of Arts, London, United Kingdom Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences, Athens, Greece Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria Serbian Royal Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia (vice-president)