

UDC: 007:004]:336.71  JEL: G21, O3  ID: 207714060 

The Impact of IT on the Banking Productivity  
Jevtić Boris1, RAF, Belgrade, Serbia 

Kovačević Vladan, TEHNICOM, Belgrade, Serbia, 
Vučeković Miloš, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia  


ABSTRACT – There has been much debate on whether the investment in Information Technology 
provides improvements in productivity and business efficiency of banks and, weather the usage of the 
opportunities of Digital Technologies to better serve customers and achieve firm goals the proliferation 
of technologies offers vast new opportunities. This paper investigates the impact of ICT capital on 
productivity in banks. For the analysis, data from various research reports, and reliable studies on 
banking efficiency and productivity and digitalization of their services are employed. The results 
obtained shed some light on the relative impact of ICT capital, and provide new insights about the 
structural dynamics between these factor inputs. We find that the banks as financial service sectors in 
developed countries are quite similar in terms of efficiency, and that efficiency and productivity 
depends more and more on ICT capital. Although, the financial services industry and banks in 
particular increasingly invest in technologies to improve their online banking and more recently their 
mobile payment solutions, the Serbian case, as banking sector in transition countries, shows slower 
implementation of new digital trends in operational activities of the banks. At the same time, banks 
use tools such as social networks, digital tools kits, online competitions, online advertising campaigns, 
mobile apps, location-based services and online market research to connect with customers. The paper 
also provides an overview of digital trends in general and the banking industry in particular and best 
practices how digital media tools are helpful to achieve marketing goals, and ultimately generate 
higher revenues at lower costs. The contribution of the paper can be seen also in: Deeping the 
understanding of (stationary and mobile) digital technologies in the marketing tool box; Further 
exploring the digital landscape and the types of digital customers in the banking industry, and in 
discussions the cases of the introduction of a mobile payment system  

KEY WORDS: Serbian banks, financial crisis, productivity, ICT, digitalization  


The banking industry world-wide is being transformed. The global forces for change 
include technological innovation; the deregulation of financial services at the national level 
and opening-up to international competition; and - equally important - changes in corporate 
behaviour, such as growing disintermediation and increased emphasis on shareholder value. 
In addition, recent banking crises have accentuated these pressures. The banking industries 
in central Europe and South East Europe have also been transformed as a result of 

1 Doctorial studies, Tadeusa Koscuska 86, Belgrade, Email: boris.jevtic10@gmail.com 

   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


privatisations of state-owned banks that had dominated their banking systems in the past. 
With the increasing use of standardized products and services in the banking business that 
are based on electronic risk ratings of customers, the banking industry increasingly utilizes 
computers and telecommunication equipment connected via the Internet as the ordinary 
distribution channel of their services. Ranging from Online brokerage and Home banking to 
Electronic insurance contracts, information and communications technologies (ICTs) have 
changed the financial service industry significantly over the past decade.  

Banks that deploy technology more successfully to get more from the higher-quality 
knowledge employees they attract will gain large business model advantages—and drive 
substantial growth and productivity gains. In further Table is showed executives weighting 
in on the major developments that will be important for business over the next five years, 
employing. Information streams as the infinite by-product of a knowledge economy, and 
support the idea that the best companies will turn this free good into gold. 

Table 1. The impact of global forces on business,( % of executives who mark the force), 2010 

Forces reshaping the 
global economy 

Is important for 

With the positive 
effect on profits 

Is being actively addressed 
by their company 

The great rebalancing  85 48 72 
The productivity 

57 40 58 

The global grid  61 41 68 
Pricing the planet  48 23 51 
The market state  57 39 29 

Source: Source: McKinsey global forces survey of 1,400 executives, 2010 


A final productivity driver will be something businesses are creating in digital bucket 
loads: information. Although the volume of data created is expected to increase fivefold over 
the next five years, best-guess estimates suggest that less than 10 percent of the information 
created is meaningfully organized or deployed. To sustain wealth creation, developed 
nations must find ways to boost productivity; product and process innovation will be the 

The banking industry exhibits the highest proportion of IT investment compared to all 
other industries after 1995 (for the US see e.g. Council of Economic Advisors, 2001, for the 
EU see EITO, various yearbooks 1996 until 2001). The financial service industry will only be 
able to grow steadily in the future by innovations in terms of new financial services. While 
automatic teller machines and credit cards were the early enablers to reduce the need for 
front-desk service workers, such as cashiers etc., the pervasiveness of the Internet provides 
the opportunity to offer and use ubiquitous financial services from virtually everywhere. A 
particularly attractive option is the conduct of financial transactions via mobile 
communications devices. This transformation process has not been completed yet, so that 
one might expect that there is a still on-going labour-saving process that could last well into 
the near- and even mid-term future.  

 Jevtić, B., Banking Productivity, EA (2014, Vol. 47, No, 1-2, 193-204)


In this paper is investigated the impact of ICT capital, and labour input at different skill 
levels, on aggregate productivity and employment in the financial intermediation sector.   

Literature overview 

Several studies over the years have been conducted at both the industry and firm-level to 
examine the impact of IT on productivity. There has been much debate on whether or not the 
investment in Information Technology provides improvements in productivity and business 
efficiency. Firm-level studies, primarily in the manufacturing sector, have shown that there 
are significant positive contributions from IT investments toward productivity. Using data 
collected through a study of retail banking institutions in the United States, it could be 
concluded that additional investment in IT capital may have no real benefits and may be 
more of a strategic necessity to stay even with the competition. However, the results indicate 
that there are substantially high returns to increase in investment in IT labor, and that retail 
banks need to shift their emphasis in IT investment from capital to labor. Brynjolfsson (1993) 
and Wilson (1993) provide reviews of this literature on the business value of IT. Some studies 
have drawn on statistical correlation between IT spending and performance measures such 
as profitability or stock value for their analyses (Dos Santos et al. 1993, Strassman 1990), and 
have concluded that there is insignificant correlation between IT spending and profitability 
measures, implying thereby that IT spending is unproductive. Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996), 
however, caution that these findings do not account for the economic theory of equilibrium 
which implies that increased IT spending does not imply increased profitability. The 
researches which have been drawn upon the economic theory mostly use a technology or 
production function which relates the output of a firm to its inputs and contribute 
significantly to the establishment of the “IT Paradox” with the industry-level studies of the 
mid- and late 1980s; this “paradox” indicated a negative correlation between IT investments 
and productivity. 

More recent firm-level studies, however, paint a more positive picture of IT contributions 
to productivity. These findings raise several questions about miss-measurement of output by 
not accounting for improved variety and quality, and about whether IT benefits are seen at 
the firm level or at the industry-level. Such issues have been discussed in Brynjolfsson (1993), 
and to a lesser extent in Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996). One illustration of the industry-level 
studies is that of Morrison and Berndt (1991), which found that in the manufacturing 
industry, “estimated marginal benefits of investment in IT are less than marginal costs, 
implying over investment”. Of late, the increased availability of firm-level data has led to 
several other studies which report results different from those found in industry-level 
studies. Loveman (1994), for example, using data from the Management Productivity and 
Information Technology Database in a Cobb-Douglas production function framework, 
concludes that for the manufacturing firms included in his study, there is no significant 
contribution to output from IT expenditure. Lichtenberg (1995), on the other hand, concludes 
that there is significant benefit from investment in IT. For his analysis, he draws data from 
annual surveys conducted between 1988 and 1991 by Information Week and Computer World 
magazines. Using a Cobb-Douglas production function, he estimates that there are 
“substantial excess returns to investment in computer capital” and further, that one 
Information Systems employee is equivalent to six non-IS employees in terms of marginal 

   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


productivity. The latest in this trend of research is Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996) and Hitt and 
Brynjolfsson (1996). Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1996) use data from two sources: the dataset 
compiled by the International Data Group, and Standard and Poor’s Compustat II database. 
The IDG data includes self-reported firm-level details of IT expenditure collected annually. 
Using this data in a Cobb-Douglas production function, Brynjolfsson and Hitt conclude that 
“computers contribute significantly to firm-level output.” In fact, they find that computer 
capital contributes an 81% marginal increase in output, whereas non-IT capital contributes 
6%. Similarly, they show that IS-labor is more than twice as productive as non-IS labor. Most 
of such studies relating to the contribution of IT toward firm-level productivity have been 
restricted to the manufacturing industry, possibly owing both to a lack of data at the firm-
level in the service industry and perhaps, more significantly, the difficulty of unambiguously 
identifying the “output” of a service industry.  

The latter problem is particularly persistent in the banking industry, which is the focus of 
this study. As Parsons, Gotlieb, and Denny (1993) argue in the banking industry, “the 
growth of output, and the measurement of productivity, is very sensitive to the choice of 
output. Parsons, Gotlieb, and Denny (1993), in fact, is one of the very few studies that deal 
with the impact of IT on banking productivity per se. They conclude from their estimation of 
data from five Canadian banks using a trans log production function that, while there is a 17-
23% increase in productivity with the use of computers, the returns are very modest 
compared to the levels of investment in IT. 

Productivity of banks highlights 

The productivity and efficiency of banks critically impacts the productivity and efficiency 
of all economic activity and is a matter of concern for policy makers and economy watchers, 
while the banks form the core of a nation’s financial system, performing the vital function of 
financial intermediation through liquidity, maturity and risk transformation. The banking 
efficiency could be like highlighted as allocation and operational. Allocational efficiency 
focuses on ensuring that the precious financial resources are allotted to the most productive 
activities as per development needs of society. It seeks to ensure that the broad national 
priorities are furthered through the process of resource allocation and that the interests of the 
most vulnerable sections are protected. Operational Efficiency means banks seek to provide 
financial services in a safe, secure, speedy and cost effective manner. The goal should be to 
ensure that the transformation function generates least friction in terms of time and cost 
overlays. These concepts of efficiencies have considerable inter-linkages and the challenge 
for banks is to ensure optimal performance on both fronts.  

Technology in banking 

According to McKinsey Institute (2013), as top Retail Banking Trends could be seen 
further Predictions: 

� Drive-to-Digital: Impacting delivery, marketing and service usage 

� Payment Disruption: New players, technologies and innovations 
� Increased Competition: Neo banks and non-traditional player pressures 

 Jevtić, B., Banking Productivity, EA (2014, Vol. 47, No, 1-2, 193-204)


� Branch Optimization: Maybe not branchless, but certainly less branches 

� Focus on Customer 3.0: Digitally astute, social and yearning for insight 
� Breaking Down Silos: Product and data silos begin to crumble 
� Simplifying Engagement: Removal of friction and steps to engage 

� Improving Contextual Experiences: Leveraging data for improved service 
� Differentiating Brands: Avoiding commoditization in a digital world 
� Global Innovation Perspective: Expanding view of tomorrow's innovations 

According to conventional wisdom, new information technology is not at present likely 
to impinge much on the development of the banking industry in the emerging economies, 
which remain technologically behind the industrial countries. For example, the low level of 
penetration in most emerging economies means that the internet is not seen as a threat to 
traditional banks. Given the signs of a possible bursting of the e-banking .bubble. in the 
United States and Europe, some have also argued that the issue of electronic banking may go 
away before the emerging markets need to worry about it. 

This conventional view can be challenged on several grounds. As noted above, the major 
issue about new IT is its impact on the processing of information, which is the very essence 
of the banking business. Perhaps the most significant innovation has been the development 
of financial instruments such as derivatives that enable risk to be reallocated to the parties 
most willing and able to bear that risk, thereby inducing more investment in real assets and 
fostering the development of banking and financial markets in general.4 The use of such 
instruments is not the preserve of industrial countries: 

� With their increasingly sophisticated IT applications, banks in the emerging 
economies use new financial instruments daily in their transactions. Their 
banking systems and financial markets are thus in a position to advance much 
more rapidly from a rudimentary to a fairly advanced stage of development of 
risk management and other commercial banking functions. Such potential 
skipping of financial development stages would not have been possible in the 
past, when information processing technology was not readily available, and 
when the development of futures markets and other domestic financial 
institutions that enable unbundling and shifting of risks on a large scale was 
much more time-consuming and costly. 

� The potential for rapid development of commercial banking functions offered by 
alternative delivery channels such as ATMs, debit cards, telephone, internet and 
electronic banking should not be underestimated. Despite the still low level of 
usage of such channels (with the exception of ATMs, which are now very 
widespread), the vast majority of banks in the emerging economies see such 
channels as a must for their industry. Banks fighting for some important part of 
the retail market believe that they have to offer such services as an essential 
marketing tool, although the true demand for them has so far been limited. 

� In advanced economies, new technology is affecting the structure and 
performance of the banking industry in the emerging markets mainly through its 
impact on the costs and the determination of optimal scale. Branch-based 
transactions are much more expensive than alternative delivery channels. This 

   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


cost advantage would seem to favor smaller institutions, as investments needed 
to attract deposits or provide banking services via the internet are in principle 
lower than the costs of setting up a traditional branch network. At the same time, 
investments needed to develop adequate back office and risk assessment systems 
are very high, creating considerable cost advantages for larger institutions. 
Moreover, branch networks are not expected to shrink as a result of the However, 
just because share prices of internet stocks fall, this does not mean that the impact 
of new technology on banking will disappear. 

Table 2. Costs of banking transactions (in US dollars) 

Estimates by US 
Department of 

Commerce (1998) 

Estimates by Booz, 
Allen & Hamilton 


Estimates by 
Goldman Sachs & 
Boston Consulting 

Physical branch 1.07 1.07 1.06 
Phone 0.52 0.54 0.55 
ATM 0.27 0.27 0.32 
PC-based dial-up 0.11 0.02 0.14 
Internet 0.01 0.01 0.02 

Source: Sato, Hawkins and Barentsen (2001) 


Banks are increasingly losing their privileged access to information about investment 
opportunities, and are thus under pressure to merge or build alliances with domestic or 
foreign-owned banks and technology companies in order to share the costs and exploit the 
benefits of the development of new IT applications. 

For retail banks, today’s markets are fraught with challenges: new digital competitors 
and digitally empowered customers prominent among them. Yet most still pursue business 
as usual, striving to be all things to all customers. Despite their best efforts to focus on the 
customer, many still don’t offer what their customers actually want. These banks also tend to 
manage their extensive channel networks—including digital—separately, and not as a 
holistic function impacting all aspects of their retail operation. 

According to the Accenture Report (2013, conducted online interviews with more than 
2,000 US retail banking customers of the 15 most leading retail banks doing business in the 
US today. When asked how happy they are with the performance of their primary bank 
provider, 71 percent declared themselves “satisfied” and 68 percent said they would be 
“extremely likely” to recommend their primary bank to a friend, family member or 
colleague). This research, however, also reveals just how fragile this apparent customer 
loyalty really is. More than a quarter (26 percent) of bank customers who remain with their 
primary provider do so simply because they consider switching to be a hassle. Among them, 
about half just haven’t seen competing offers compelling enough to make them move, and 
the other half believe the process of switching to another bank is just too difficult. This not 
only exposes the tenuous relationship banks have with their customers. It also confirms that 
the right offering and approach can induce them to switch. 

 Jevtić, B., Banking Productivity, EA (2014, Vol. 47, No, 1-2, 193-204)


Industry newcomers have understood that in the post-financial crisis environment the 
most fundamental question in retail banking has changed from “how do you find your 
future customers?” to “how do new customers find you?” And they are leveraging their 
innate advantage as digital pure plays to deliver the speed, convenience and low-cost 
personalized service that today’s customers increasingly seek. Traditional players, of course, 
also have an innate advantage—the extensive branch networks that customers still value, as 
our research confirms. But they cannot afford to ignore what the nimble new entrants are 
telling them: winning with digital in the future will be all about winning more satisfied and 
loyal customers with trusted, transparent and compelling offerings. And that means 
becoming an integral part of customers’ lives: an agile, ubiquitous presence, wherever those 
customers may be. In an era of industry consolidation, new entrants, expanding regulation, 
more onerous capital requirements, and continuing economic volatility, traditional retail 
banks urgently need a lower-cost operating model that can generate more predictable and 
sustainable revenues. Indeed, if traditional providers don’t move swiftly and decisively to 
build such a model, they will lose more customers. The core challenge for traditional full-
service providers: how to build a seamless digital customer experience—and optimize its 
power with a better and more cost-effective complementary offering in the branches that 
customers still find so attractive. Common Characteristics of the Emerging Disruptors 

� Emphasize social responsibility 
� Focus on customer centricity and empowerment 

� Present simpler fee structure to customers 
� Provide personal financial management tools and access to other accounts 
� Embedded with social media, especially Facebook 

� Leverage Big Data and analytics 
� Offer mobile bill pay, P2P, remote-deposit, free ATM access 

One source of concern related to new banking technology is the emergence of a digital 
divide in the access to banking services. According to this view, better educated and more 
affluent customers will be able to obtain improved service from banks through the internet 
over the medium term, while the services provided to poorer and older customers will 
deteriorate as branches are closed, particularly in remote areas. These concerns have led 
some policymakers to seek a continued role for the state owned commercial banks that 
maintain traditional, nationwide branch network. With the rapid expansion of ownership of 
smartphones and tablet devices, today's consumer wants to be able to research, purchase and 
manage their financial services on demand using the device(s) of their choice in virtually any 
location. Reinventing the financial services purchase funnel, the way people conduct daily 
banking, the delivery of insight, and the interaction between channels, the drive-to-digital 
will provide both opportunities and challenges for financial institutions of all sizes. 

   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


Figure 1. Emerging Disruptors 

Source: Accenture Report, 2013 


In 2014, it is expected to be seen greater experimentation in new products and revenue 
build around mobile, web and social commerce, and the emergence of Drive-to-Digital 
competing with Drive-to-Branch. Mobile and web have all been about brochure ware and 
transactional services to this point – finally we’ll start to see a concerted effort to revenue 
fulfillment digitally. There will be a realization that channels are owned by consumers, and 
not banks, and thus must meld into a digital experience that exists seamlessly regardless of 
channel or device. The silos of traditional retail delivery channels will begin to erode and a 
more holistic approach to a digital banking experience will take hold. In a mobile-first 
environment, banks will begin to support more complex types of functions and transactions 
on the small screen, new forms of authentication that better balance security and 
convenience, and more relevant, contextual information delivery via alerts, push 
notifications, and other forms of messaging. Banks will also likely promote mobile banking 
to an older, more risk-averse cohort than in the past. 

The impact of ICT on Serbian banks productivity  

The efficiency of the Serbian banks operations has an important bearing on overall 
economic health of the country. The Serbian banking system which is 78 percent foreign 
owned in these where state capital is dominated has not succeeded in balancing allocation 
and operational efficiency focuses on ensuring that the precious financial resources are 
allotted to the most productive activities as per development needs of society. It seeks to 
ensure that the broad national priorities are furthered through the process of resource 
allocation and that the interests of the most vulnerable sections are protected. In the purpose 

 Jevtić, B., Banking Productivity, EA (2014, Vol. 47, No, 1-2, 193-204)


to support the usage of the IT technologies in banks National Bank of Serbia has adopted the 
decision on minimum information system management standards for banks, (RS Official 
Gazette, 2013). For the purpose of this Decision: 

• Information system should be implemented as a comprehensive set of technological 
infrastructure (hardware and software assets), organization, people and 
procedures for the collection, processing, storage, transfer, presentation and use 
of data and information; information system resources would include software 
assets, hardware assets and information assets; software assets would adopt all 
types of system and application software, software development tools and other 
software and hardware assets would include computer equipment, communication 
equipment, data storage media, and other technical equipment supporting the 
functioning of the information system.  

• Information assets in banks should be improved as data in files and databases, 
program code, configuration of hardware assets, technical and user 
documentation, internal regulations, procedures, with information system users 
authorized to use the information system (employees in a financial institution, 
employees in other entities accessing the information system of a financial 
institution, clients of a financial institution accessing the institution’s information 
system through electronic interactive communication channels).  

As information system risk is shown to be very high in state owned banks, the possibility of 
negative effects on the financial result and capital, achievement of business objectives, 
operation in accordance with regulations, and reputation of a financial institution due to 
inadequate information system management or other system weaknesses which negatively 
affect the system functionality or security, and/or jeopardize the business continuity of the 
financial institution, controls are proposed to design and monitor policies, procedures, 
practices, technologies and organizational structures relating to the information system and 
established to reasonably ensure that business objectives of a financial institution will be 
achieved and that undesired events will be prevented or detected. Controls would differ by 
the implementation method (administrative, technical and physical) and purpose 
(preventive, detective and corrective). Different type of controls in that process which would be 
provided mean; administrative controls means the adoption and implementation of policies, 
standards, plans, procedures and other internal acts, and the establishment of an adequate 
organizational structure, for the purpose of achieving and maintaining the adequate level of 
information system functionality and security; technical controls means controls implemented 
in hardware and software assets of the information system and physical controls are controls 
protecting the information system resources from unauthorized physical access, theft, 
physical damage or destruction; preventive controls means controls aimed at the prevention of 
problems and incidents; detective controls means controls aimed at the detection and 
recognition of problems and incidents, and the identification of problems and incidents 
which occurred; corrective controls means controls aimed at the limitation and elimination of 
problems and consequences of incidents.  

Information system security would have to uphold the principles of confidentiality, 
integrity, availability, authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation and reliability as well as 
confidentiality of data and information not to be disclosed or made available to unauthorized 

   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


persons. The integrity of data, information and processes would have to be better protected 
from unauthorized or unforeseen modifications, or that any such modifications do not 
remain undetected; availability of data, information and processes more available and usable 
on request of the authorized party; accountability would be upgraded so that each activity in 
the information system may be traced uniquely to its source. It has to support the faster 
electronic banking systems development which enable bank clients to use services offered by 
banks (access to financial information, electronic payment) from a remote location through 
electronic interactive communication channels (e.g. internet banking, mobile banking, 
telephone banking). 

Greater efficiency in banking operations in Serbian banks would have to ensure that the 
cost of financial intermediation is minimized. At a time when the global and Serbian 
economy are facing challenges on multiple fronts, efficient financial intermediation would 
provide impetus to the process of economic recovery by channelizing funds to the most 
productive sectors at the 

Improvement in productivity and efficiency, and the resultant decline in cost of 
providing financial services will help in furthering financial inclusion, although it seems to 
be very hard task, as banks don’t demonstrate the will to decrease the cost of their services 
very soon. More importantly, it will help in converting the improved access to financial 
services into improved usage. This improved usage will make the financial activities 
commercially viable for the banks and encourage them to scale up their initiatives. Hence, 
banking productivity and efficiency has a direct impact on improving financial access and 
financial usage. The recent decline in economic growth has presented significant challenges 
to banks through rising impairment of assets, pressure on margins and volatility in non-
interest income. In this demanding business environment, improved operational efficiency 
could help banks in standing up to the challenges and enable them to maintain their health 
and profitability. As banks form the core of the Serbians financial system, the health and 
profitability of banks will help in ensuring stability and resilience of the entire financial 
system. Thus, from a systemic stability perspective also, improved productivity and 
efficiency of the banking system is a definite positive. 

Discussions and conclusion  

This paper has shown the importance of IT capital in the overall productivity and 
profitability of the banking industry. The results of the research point to the need to 
continually invest in software and hardware capital in banks. This research can be extended 
in several directions. First, using data collected from US Reports, EU reports and Serbian 
banking system, analysis can be conducted as to what firm-level characteristics differentiate 
banks that use IT better from those that do not. Are there any business process-related 
parameters that make IT use more productive in some cases, and not in some others? What 
can we say about human resource practices and work-organization, and how they affect the 
implementation and use of IT? Does the IT capital budgeting process influence IT 
contributions toward productivity and efficiency? How does the decision-making process 
about IT investments affect the success of IT implementation--do firms that employ 
“technology committees” to make IT-investment decisions see better returns from IT than 

 Jevtić, B., Banking Productivity, EA (2014, Vol. 47, No, 1-2, 193-204)


those that rely on “pioneers” who promote IT use in the firm? We will seek to explore these 
and other related questions in our future research. 

The Serbian banking system, taken as an case in The Paper, has seen important 
productivity improvements over the last two decades, bridging the gap with new private 
banks and foreign banks. However, the pace of progress has declined, largely due to lack of 
desired impetus. Our banks have to strive towards closing this gap. Banks’ gains in 
operational efficiency have, however, come at the cost of their allocation efficiency. The 
improved operational efficiency has been a result of technological progress and structural 
changes in balance sheet towards more wholesale business. The operational efficiency gains, 
though profitable for the banks, have not had the desired beneficial impact on the society as 
a whole, particularly the rural areas, individuals and small businesses. It can be concluded 
that the vulnerability of the banking system has increased on account of the imbalances 
arising from growth in operational efficiency without commensurate rise in allocation 


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Systems Research, 4(1): 1-23. 

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June, 121-142. 

Loveman, G.W. (1994). “An Assessment of the Productivity Impact of Information 
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Parsons, D., C.C. Gotlieb, and M. Denny. (1993). “Productivity and Computers in Canadian 
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   Economic Analysis (2014, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 193-204)


Uticaj IT na bankarsku produktivnost  

REZIME – Aktualne su brojne diskusije o tome da li ulaganje u informacione tehnologije 
obezbeđuje poboljšanja u produktivnosti i efikasnosti poslovanja banaka, te da li korišćenje 
mogućnostii digitalnih tehnologija za u ciju boljih usluga klijentima i postizanja ciljeva banke, 
širenjem ovih tehnologija i pruža ogromne nove mogućnosti. Ovaj rad ispituje uticaj IKT kapitala na 
produktivnost banaka. Za potrebe analizu korišćeni su podaci iz raznih izvještaja, istraživanja i 
studija o bankarskoj efikasnosti i produktivnosti i digitalizacii usluga. Dobijeni rezultati bacaju svetlo 
na relativan uticaj IKT kapitala, i pružaju nov uvid o strukturi dinamike između ovih faktora inputa . 
Nalazimo, da su banke kao finansijski sector usluga u razvijenim zemljama veoma slične u pogledu 
efikasnosti, i da efikasnost i produktivnost zavise sve više IKT kapitala. Iako industrija finansijskih 
usluga i banke povećavaju svoja ulaganja u tehnologije u cilju unapređenja elektronskog bankarstva i 
plaćanja, srpske banake, kao sektor zemalja u tranziciji, pokazuje sporiju primenu novih digitalnih 
trendova u operativnim aktivnostima banaka. Istovremeno, banke koriste alate kao što su društvene 
mreže, digitalnih alata kompleti online takmičenja, online reklamnih kampanja, mobilne aplikacije 
usluge bazirane na lokaciji i onlajn tržištu istraživanja da se povežu sa kupcima. Rad takođe daje 
pregled digitalnih trendova globalno ubankarskoj industriji, naglašva najboluu praksu i alate 
digitalnih medija u podršci marketinških ciljeva, većih prihoda sa nižim troškovima. Doprinos rada 
može se videti takođe u: produbljavanju razumevanja (stacionarnih i mobilnih) digitalnih tehnologija 
u kao marketinških alata, upućivanju na dalja istraživanja digitalnih oblasti, vrstama digitalnih 
kupaca u bankarskoj industriji, i dalje diskusije dobrih primera uvođenja mobilnog sistema plaćanja. 


KLJUČNE REČI: Srpske banke, finasijska kriza, produktivnost, IKT, digitalizacija  


Article history: Received: 30 December 2013  
Accepted: 8 May 2014