ea_2014_3-4 Note oft he Editor-in-Chief The concept of the Journal is such that it gives the advantage to multidisciplinary approach to various subjects. It also emphasizes publishing of the scientific papers, which have an empirical and a research character. However, there is also the place in the Journal for quality theoretical papers as well, reviews of the latest publications of national and international significance and scientific critiques and discussions. All papers are subjected to anonymous review, and the authors are notified of its outcome within one month. Papers are sent in via e-mail to the address of the redaction. The potential authors are advised not to send the papers which are not laid out according to the technical instructions for writing the papers. Such papers will not be taken into consideration for publishing. Besides this, we insist on language correctness and a professional translation to English language. Any manuscript submitted to the journals must not already have been published in another journal or be under consideration by any other journal. The journal does not have page charges or submission fees. Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radović-Marković, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), Salzburg,Austria Academia Europea (EA), London, United Kingdom World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), United States Royal Society of Arts (RSA), London, United Kingdom Bulgarian Academy of Science and Arts (BASA), Sofia, Bulgaria Editor in Chief