ea_2016_3-4 Notes from of Editor-in-Chief Dear Readers, We appreciate the efforts of all the authors who have sent us quality papers, which passed the peer reviews and were published in our journal. Besides the original papers we welcome the papers from other scientific categories - position papers, letters to editors, research papers, reviews, and syntheses as well as book and conference reviews. The responsibility for plagiarism is solely of the author. This is why we are introducing one new procedure this year – all authors, whose papers are being considered to be published, will fill in one form concerning the originality of the paper. All publications in the Economic Analysis are in English language. Authors whose first language is not English should make sure their manuscript is written in idiomatic English before submission. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). No language and copy-editing services are provided by the Economic Analysis; hence, authors who feel their article may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors are encouraged to obtain such services prior to submission. At last, we want to remind you to follow the author's guide and to send your papers to the e-mail eaoffice@ien.bg.ac.rs. Editor-in-Chief Acad. Prof. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, PhD