UDC: 336.744/.746 
COBISS.SR-ID 252604940 


Assessing a Currency Substitution Persistency in the Western 
Balkan Region 

Mehmed Ganić1*   |   Alina Dizdarević1   |   Agim Mamuti2 
1 Faculty of Business Administration, International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
2 American University in the Emirates (AUE) Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

The study aims to examine the euroization phenomenon in seven Western Balkan countries (Albania, 
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia) between 2000 and 2015 
and a number of –specific challenges faced by the region. More precisely, the paper analyzes the 
impact of the latest global financial crisis on the extent of currency substitution persistency by 
exploring the trends before, in wake of the financial crisis, and after the financial crisis. The study 
employed several indicators as a proxy variable for measuring of the overall level of currency 
substitution or euroization and cross country analysis in selected countries (liability euroization, 
credit euroization and deposit euroization and asset substitution- overall euroization index). Finally, 
the study found that deposit euroisation, credit euroization, and liabilities euroization in seven 
Western Balkan countries is still high with relatively high degree of heterogeneity. In some countries 
of the Western Balkan region the process of euroisation was further intensified in spite of the 
consequences of the latest global financial crises, while in the other ones the crisis years were 
marked by the trend of de-euroisation. In overall, this study does not find any significant evidence on 
significantly increases or decreases in currency substitution at the region sub-samples. Finally, 
Student t-test results indicate that there is no significant difference in means of before, in wake and 
after the financial crises at level of Western Balkan region. 

Key words: credit euroization, deposit euroization, liability euroization, Western Balkan region 
JEL Classification: F41, G01, E52 



The question of euroisation has been on the forefront of the economic debate. It is very 
natural that this debate intensifies and leads the economic analysis process during and after 
crisis. The Western Balkan economies are known as the highly euroised countries. It seems 
impracticable to report all available leadership definitions within the scope of this paper. Due to 
this, it will be contented with definitions which are distinguishable and relevant to approach in 
question. The terms euroisation and dollarization are used interchangeably to describe a 
situation when residents of a country hold foreign currency and when the assets and liabilities, 
including bank loans, deposits, as well as non-banking assets are denominated in foreign 
currency (Izeand Levi Yeyati, 2003).  

Euroisation is especially a widespread phenomenon in transitioning economies which needs 
to be carefully considered and comprehended. Among the transitioning economies the Western 

* E-mail: mganic@ius.edu.ba 


Economic Analysis (2017, Vol. 50, No. 3-4, 43-54)

Balkans is one of the most euroised regions in Europe characterized by a history of political 
uncertainty, macroeconomic instability, conflicts as well as by the hyperinflation (Bechmannand 
Scheiber, 2012).  

The study explores the dynamics of euroization as a widespread phenomenon in the Western 
Balkans, by focusing on seven countries in the region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 
Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia). Post-socialist development characterized by 
disparities in levels of economic development across the region is the main reason for selecting 
the Western Balkan region for this research. In order to define variables needed to conduct the 
analysis, a detail research on previous writings on this topic has to be made. The findings of 
number studies are shown in literature review section. 

This paper first of all aims to discuss the concept of euroisation and make a twofold 
contribution to the current debate. Firstly, is to examine the impact of latest global financial 
crises on the trends of euroisation of deposits, loans, and liabilities in selected countries. 
Secondly, it evaluate if there is consistency in the impact of euroisation over the years across 

In this study, the main research question is to investigate whether the latest financial crisis 
caused any changes in euroization level in the Western Balkan region? 

There are no many researches on analysis trend of euroisation in post crises period in 
Western Balkan region. Main reason may be found in the lack of data especially in long term. 
Most of the researches were conducted in pre crises period. Consequently, the significance of 
this paper is to provide more information about trends of euroization in selected transition 
countries in post crises period. 

This paper consist of the following sections: The second section of this paper contains 
literature review, and followed by methodology. The fourth section contains cross-country 
analysis, and paper ends with conclusion and recommendations. 


In the literature on monetary theory and system, there exist many works on 
dollarization/euroization and its advantages and weaknesses, but very limited number of 
academic work has been carried out about trend of euroization in crises and post crises period. 
The term euroisation is described by Winkler, et al. (2004) as a term which refers to the 
situation when a country uses the currency of another country. The term is used 
interchangeably with the term dollarization. However, the term dollarization is used more 
frequently than the term euroisation, and suggests the replacement of the national currency in 

A large number of indicators of euroisation can be found in research literature. The choice of a 
concrete indicator to analyze the quantitative data depends on the characteristics of the 
economy and its purpose to be used. Traditional approaches to the measurement of euroisation 
are mainly based on foreign currency deposits. Reinhart, et al. (2003) describes the dollarized 
economy as one in which economic entities hold a part of a foreign currency portfolio, and / or 
the one in which the private and public sector borrow in foreign currency. Thus, financial 
euroisation implies the euroisation of deposits and / or loans. On the side of banking assets, the 
level of euroization is most often measured by the ratio of FX loans or FX indexed loans to total 

Financial euroisation is actually asset and liability euroisation, while the term real euroisation 
is used for the situation when the foreign currency is set for the local prices and wages (Winkler 
et al., 2004). 

Fischer (1982) suggests that the country which adopts foreign currency benefits from the 
elimination of costs related to the exchange of domestic currency for the foreign one. Moreover, 

Mehmed Ganić, Alina Dizdarević, Agim Mamuti 45 

dollarization can lead to improvement in a country's economic integration with the economy 
whose currency is adopted (Dallas and Tavlas, 2001; Frankel and Rose, 1998). As a result of 
higher integration, the GDP levels and business cycles may converge with the issuing country 
(Dallas and Tavlas, 2001). Also, shocks between euroized and the foreign country become more 
symmetrical, business cycles become more synchronized, and the integration further improves 
(Winkler et al., 2004). 

Barro and Gordon (1983) argue that the financial euroisation can benefit the country since it 
is fostering macroeconomic stability by solving the problem with credibility that arises when a 
domestic central bank is not able to pre-commit itself to a low rate of inflation. By adopting the 
monetary policy of the foreign country with a high degree of credibility, the level of inflation and 
interest rates in the domestic economy is expected to converge to the level in the foreign country 
(Winkler et al., 2004). If the convergence works, the output costs associated with disinflation in 
the low environment should be avoided (Országhová, 2015).  

Ize and Levi Yeyati (2003) describe financial euroisation as the situation when assets and 
liabilities are held in foreign currency; while Calvo and Veigh (1992) discuss that the process of 
euroization begins with substitution function of money as a store of value, which is the most 
vulnerable function in the periods of inflation. Within the balance sheets of households, asset 
euroisation is referred as the situation when households hold deposits in foreign currency, 
whereas the liability euroisation represents their obtained loans in foreign currency (Calvo and 
Veigh, 1992).  

When it comes to the banks' balance sheets, the asset euroisation refers to the situation when 
banks are lending in foreign currency, while raising deposits in foreign currency refers to 
liability euroisation (Calvo and Veigh, 1992).  

Ivanov, et al. (2011) defines the deposit euroisation as the tendency of households, 
enterprises, and even governments, to hold deposits in foreign currency.  

The Western Balkans region is an area characterized by a long history of political uncertainty, 
macroeconomic instability, and distrust in the quality of institutions (Bechmann & Scheiber, 
2012). The region as whole has a long history of hyperinflation, which is one of the driving 
forces for euroisation (Bechmann & Scheiber, 2012). However, the countries of Western 
Balkanswere characterized by the abundant supply of foreign capital inflows, which made 
foreign currency lending easily accessible at low interest rates. The easy access to foreign 
currency lending caused the liability side of banks’ balance sheets to become heavily dominated 
in foreign currency (Országhová, 2015). Also, the countries’ economic and financial links with 
the countries in Eurozone as well as the overall EU integration process intensified the process of 
euroisation (Fabris et al., 2004). Luci et al., (2006) investigated the level of euroisation in 
Albania, by taking into account foreign deposits and foreign currency in circulation. They found 
very high level of euroisationin Albania (45%). Merollari and Mosko (2015) investigated the 
level of euroisation in Albania between 2007 and 2014 and suggested that the level of 
euroisation is relatively high, even though the official euroisation did not take place yet. The 
results of the study indicate that the ratio of the foreign currency deposits to the total is over 
30% and therefore the tendency towards euroisation is high. 

As it is argued by Galac (2012), euroisation in Croatia is a consequence of a set of 
historical events in both economic and financial spheres. Besides the events, it is influenced also 
by the monetary and prudential measures of the Croatian National Bank and by the attempts by 
banks to minimize their financing costs (Galac, 2012).  

Madzova et al. (2014) discuss that the process of intense euroisation in Macedonia started in 
2002 when the euro was adopted as the exchange rate anchor. However, they found the 
extensive use of euro in the banking system of Macedonia was followed by the process of de-
euroisation, which implies the decrease in the level of liquid assets, deposits, and loans in 
foreign currency. 


Economic Analysis (2017, Vol. 50, No. 3-4, 43-54)

Euroisation in Serbia was investigated by Chailloux et al. (2010) who claim that the 
phenomenon is rooted in a history of instability in macroeconomic terms. Chailloux et al. (2010) 
also argue that after the process of intense euroisation, the process of de-euroisation has started, 
so that the borrowers have become more interested in the local currency borrowing. 


The paper examines the trend of currency substitution persistency seen through the case of 
the selected Western Balkan countries. It analyzes qualitatively pre-determinants of the latest 
financial crisis and statistically describes selected countries’ indicators sourced from the World 
Bank data, National Central banks annual reports and IMF database. 

The study has divided the years into three different sub periods: 2000-2007 (pre-recession 
period), 2008-2009 (recession period) and 2010-2015 (post-recession). Data for all variables 
used in the study are sourced an annual basis. The rationale behind this division is to compare 
the countries’ trend of currency substitutions before, during and after the crisis and to explore 
whether the trend of currency substitution is influenced by the global financial crises. 

The analysis involved the manipulation of data with an aim of getting the results which would 
answer the research question. Due to data consistency problems, a relatively short time series of 
annual data was employed in order to measure changes in the level of currency substitution. In 
much of the existing professional literature, we encounter various variables for measuring the 
degree of dollarization / euroization.  

In order to examine how the latest financial crisis influences on the changes in the degree of 
currency substitutions of the Western Balkan countries, a set of certain variables need to be 
determined and tested. By examining of previous researches on measuring euroisation it is 
possible to note that some authors employed a whole range of variables to measure the level of 
euroisation of a particular national economy (Ize and Levi Yeyati, 2003; Calvo and Veigh, 1992; 
Ivanov, et al. 2011).  

Accordingly, some variables as deposits, loans and liabilities, between 2000 and 2015, are 
employed to estimate the extent of currency substitution in the selected transition countries hit 
by latest financial crises. Credit euroization is measured as the ratio of foreign currency 
denominated loans to total loans; liability euroization is measured as the ratio of foreign 
currency denominated liabilities to total liabilities; and deposit euroization is measured as ratio 
of foreign currency denominated deposits to total deposits. Furthermore, euroization index 
(Roeinhart, et al., 2003 and IMF) as the ratio of foreign currency bank deposits to M3 (broad 
money) is used to measure the level of asset substitution and represents proxy variable for 
euroization. For the sake of our analysis , the study employs a descriptive statistical analysis 
(mean) to assess certainty level of currency substitutions across the Western Balkan region 
while for the purposes of estimating the significance of the difference in means between 
numerical variables, a parameter t-Test: Two-Sample with unequal variances is used. 

The first indicator used in many studies is deposit dollarization (Ize and Levy Yeyati, 2003). 
Another important point that we can speak about is liability euroization. Also as a measure of 
euroisation is increasingly used by indicator of liability euroization(Barajas and Morales, 2003). 
This indicator is calculated as the ratio of foreign currency denominated liabilities as percentage 
of total liabilities. The inclusion of this indicator is based on recent experiences from the recent 
financial crisis as the private and public sector liabilities in developing countries were largely 
denominated in foreign currency. 

Based on an overview of research problem, and the aims of the study, this paper set out the 
main hypotheses as follows.  

H1: There is no significant difference in means of before, in wake and after the financial crises 
for our variables  

Mehmed Ganić, Alina Dizdarević, Agim Mamuti 47 

H0: There is significant difference in means of before, in wake and after the financial crises for 
our variables. 


Financial Sector development  

The degree of financial intermediation, as measured by the ratio of banking sector assets' to 
GDP, is one of the most representative indicators of the maturity of the banking sector. As shown 
in Figure 1, the Western Balkan region is characterized by a relatively high degree of 
heterogeneity. Between 2000 and 2015, the average percentage of bank assets to GDP ranges 
between 55.69% (Romania) and 111.6% (Croatia).  

With the exception of Croatia (121.6% of GDP) and Bulgaria (106.2% of GDP) where the size 
of the banking system in relation to GDP is predominantly above 100% of GDP, the level of 
financial intermediation in other Western Balkan countries is predominantly below 90%. If we 
neglect the banking sector of Romania, in other analyzed EU member states (i.e. Bulgaria, and 
Croatia), the banking sector made the progress in its development showing greater saturation in 
comparison to the other countries in the region. Analyzed as a percentage of GDP, it was found 
that Croatia has the most developed banking sector (121.6% of GDP) measured by total assets of 
banks while the least development was observed in Romania (75% of GDP).  



Figure 1. Total assets of banks as % of GDP (2000-2015) 
Source: The authors’ elaborations on Global Financial Development Database (GFDD), National CBs 


Furthermore, the ratio of private sector credit to GDP provided by the banking sector to 
measure of financial development reveal significant differences between the Western Balkan 
countries (figure 2). In our case it varies widely across the countries. 

In the three new EU member states the ratio has grown slowly in the range between 45.00% 
(Romania), 73.25% (Croatia) and 75.50% (Bulgaria). Bulgaria’s standard deviation is high 
showing us that the country has experienced significant fluctuations in evolution of its banking 






average stdeviation min max


Economic Analysis (2017, Vol. 50, No. 3-4, 43-54)


Figure 2. Bank private credit to GDP (%), 2000-2015 
Source: The authors’ elaborations on Global Financial Development Database (GFDD), National CBs 

Among the other countries of the Western Balkan region out of EU the highest ratio was found 

in B&H (56.37%) and it doubled several times between 2000 and 2015. The highest value in 
relative terms for this ratio was found in Bulgaria, (75.50%), while the lowest one was recorded 
in Albania (38.26%) and Romania (45%).  

Moreover, the highest share of deposits in GDP (Figure 3) was recorded in Albania (71.7%) 
and Slovenia (69%), with the lowest in Romania (34.4%) and Serbia (47.15 %). The reason for 
lower ratio in Romania and Serbia may be found in excessive of hyperinflation in the middle of 



Figure 3. Bank Deposits to GDP (%) for Selected Western Balkan Countries (2000-2015) 
Source: The authors’ elaborations on Global Financial Development Database (GFDD), National CBs 


Our cross-country comparisons of average total deposits to GDP ratio indicates that Serbia 
(47.15%) and Romania (34.4%) with their ratio are lagging significantly behind other analyzed 

The demand for loans has been steadily increasing over the period 2000-2015. The positive 
trends in terms of economic growth, privatization revenues, as well as restored confidence in the 
banking system have created a basis for the creation of deposits potential. 

(De) Euroization in Western Balkan countries 

During the period of transition only few Western Balkan countries established financial 
system similar to the ones in advanced transition countries. The level of euroization significant 
varies among countries in the region. Cross-country comparisons of euroization deposits as 
measured by FX deposits to Total deposits show some differences in terms of euroization 






Albania B&H Croatia Macedonia Serbia Romania Bulgaria
average stdeviation min max






average stdeviation min max

Mehmed Ganić, Alina Dizdarević, Agim Mamuti 49 

deposits across region in the years before the crisis, in the wake of crisis and after the crisis 
(Figure 4). 

As it can be seen from Figure 4, the growth of euroization deposits is generally found in 
Albania and Serbia as a notable exception. More specifically, in pre-crisis period, FX deposits 
amounted to the 63.21% of the total deposits, which increased to 72.25% in the wake of crisis, 
and 75% in post-crisis period. As presents, Croatia is among the countries with the highest 
extent of euroization deposits. 

In the pre-crisis period the ratio amounted to 68.23%, while the period of de-euroisation was 
experienced during the crisis as result deposit withdrawals. After the crisis, however, there was 
high degree of euroisation deposits when compared to the one in the pre-crisis period. On the 
other side, Macedonia recorded fall of the deposit euroisation and the ratio had declined 
significantly compared to pre crises period. In the meantime, when pre crisis and crisis periods 
are compared, it can be seen that there was a slight decline in deposit euroisation during the 


Figure 4. Deposit euroization, between 2000 and 2015 
Source: IMF Country Reports, different issues 


After the crisis, a trend of further deposit euroisation was found in Albania, Croatia Serbia and 
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data for Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria shows the decline in 
deposit euroisation. In case of Romania, the crisis period was marked by the 7.54% decline in 
deposit euroisation, while in the post-crisis period there was only 1.92% decline. In Bulgaria, the 
data indicates that the trend in de-euroisation deposit before, during, and after the crisis was 
similar. However, in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the crisis period was marked by 
deposit de-euroisation, while in the post crisis-period the ratio of foreign-currency denominated 
deposits in total deposits increased to 44.47%, which is lower than 46.65% as experienced in 
pre-crises period. 

When the comparison is made across countries, it can be said that the tendency towards 
holding euroization deposits in Albania and Serbia increased during the financial crisis while in 
the case of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia recorded 
de-euroisation of deposits in the wake of crises. Moreover, in the post-crisis period, the data on 
Albania, Croatia, and Serbia shows the trend of growth euroisation deposit. However, the data 
on Macedonia, Romania, and Bulgaria show that deposit de-euroisation occurred in the years 
following the financial crisis. 

Further, considering Western Balkan countries the differences in the extent of credit 
euroization in Serbia, Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Bosnia and 
Herzegovina, in pre-crisis, in the wake of crises, and post-crisis period are given in Figure 5. As it 










Albania Croatia Macedonia Serbia Romania Bulgaria Bosnia and

before in wake after


Economic Analysis (2017, Vol. 50, No. 3-4, 43-54)

can be seen from Figure 5, the post-crisis period was affected by decline of credit euroization in 
Albania and Macedonia.  

On the other side, in the post-crisis period the credit euroisation has slightly risen in Romania 
and Bulgaria. However, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced the opposite trends. 
Additionally, in Croatia the ratio decreased (68.85%) in the wake of crisis, and increase in post-
crisis period (73.86%). Interestingly, in case of Bosnia and Herzegovina there was recorded rise 
of credit euroization in the wake of crisis (73.6%) and decline in post crises period (64.61%). 
However, the trend of credit de-euroisation occurred in post-crisis years, with the number of FX 
loans being lower than the one in pre-crisis years. The similar trend was occurred in Macedonia. 
Specifically, credit euroization increased by 1.45% in the wake of crisis and a decline of 7.13% in 
post-crisis period.  



Figure 5. Credit euroization, between 2000 and 2015 
Source: IMF Country Reports, different issues 

Figure 6 shows some interesting differences in the percentage of liabilities euroization in 

selected countries in pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis period. Serbia (77.5%) and Croatia 
(77.5%) are considered countries with very high euroization ratios across the years, while the 
data on Albania (41.4%) and Romania (43.25%) shows the lowest values when compared to the 
other countries.  


Figure 6. Liabilities euroizations, between 2000 and 2015 

Source: IMF Country Reports, different issues 


pre crises in wake after crises






pre crises in wake after crises

Mehmed Ganić, Alina Dizdarević, Agim Mamuti 51 

The overall euroisation trend in Serbia was high, with a sharper increase in post-crisis years 
in comparison with the pre-crisis period.  

The rise of euroisation liabilities was also experienced in the economy of Albania, reaching 
41.4% in pre-crisis period, 48.7% in the wake of crisis, and 52.13% in post crises period. In case 
of Croatia, the increase in liabilities’ euroisation was recorded during the financial crisis 
(77.55%), to slightly decline in post-crisis period to the value lower than the one in pre-crisis 
years (72.58%). Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bulgaria experienced the same trend 
in liabilities’ euroisation. Thus, there was an increase in liabilities’ euroisation during the crises, 
with de-euroisation trend in post-crisis period. However, the number of foreign currency 
denominated liabilities remained higher than the one in pre-crisis period.  

In the case of Romania there was a different trend when compared to other countries 
considered in the study. As Figure 6 reveals, there was liabilities’ de-euroisation in Romania in 
the wake of financial crisis (43.25%). After the crisis, the euroisation trend occurred again, but 
the value remained lower than the one before the crisis (44.13%). 

Finally, we included an indicator euroization index (EI) used by Roeinhart, Rogoff and 
Savastano, 2003 and IMF in our study to measure overall level of euroization or asset 
substitution. Figure 7 presents average EI across countries between 2000 and 2015. Most 
countries of Western Balkans are high-euroization countries with notable exception of Romania.  

A closer look at the data reveals that all countries of the Western Balkan (with exception of 
Romania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) increased its euroization ratio from pre 
crises to post crises period.  


Figure 7. Euroization index (EI), between 2000 and 2015 
Source: IMF Country Reports, different issues 

Although the phases of the euroization are similar by countries there are some striking 

differences among them. First, while the euroization ratio is increasing continuously as of pre 
crises period until post crises period (in Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria), the decline of the 
extent of euroization (in Romania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) starts in post crises 
period. Second, the euroization ratio has recovered significantly better in Albania (9.29%) and 
Croatia (6.9%) from the crisis than in Serbia (3.72%) and Bulgaria (1.72%). Third, while the 
trend of euroization slowed during the global crisis, its level is still high in some countries as 
follows: Croatia (60.67%), Serbia (67.08%), Bulgaria (42.57%) and Macedonia (41.19%).  

Student’s t-test is employed to explore the variations in the level of de euroization the 
countries of the Western Balkan region over the three sub periods. It examines statistically 









Albania Croatia Macedonia Serbia Romania Bulgaria Bosnia
and Herz.

pre crises crises post crises


Economic Analysis (2017, Vol. 50, No. 3-4, 43-54)

different from one to another sub periods (before of the financial crisis, in wake of the financial 
crisis, and after the financial crisis).The means for the three sub periods are the same for 
selected variables is tested as the main hypothesis.  

The following hypothesis is tested: 

H0: μ1 =μ2= μ3 

Where μ1 is the mean for pre-crisis period (2000-2007), μ2 is the mean for post-crisis period 
(2008-2009) and μ3 is the mean for (2010-2015). It compares the average Deposit euroization, 
credit euroization, liability euroization and euroization index calculated for pre-crisis period 
with the average the ratios calculated for crises and post crises period. A hypothesis test 
examines critical values associated the mean with test statistics. Our basic assumption: if p-value 
is less than or equal to the significance level (P≤ α = 95% confidence interval for the mean of a 
group), the null hypothesis is rejected. And vice versa if P-value ≥ α, the null hypothesis is not 

Table 1 below provides a summary of a Student’s t- test results for the three sub periods 
under review. 

Table 1. Student’s t- Test Results 





Post Crisis 



Post crises 



50.86% 51.07% 0.95 51.07% 51.86% 0.84 50.86% 51.86% 0.71 


62.98% 66.08% 0.22 66.08% 63.73% 0.31 62.98% 63.73% 0.71 


57.39% 61.60% 0.27 61.60% 60.59% 0.79 57.39% 60.59% 0.20 

n index  

41.51% 45.10% 0.30 45.1%  45.8% 0.84 45.51 45.8% 0.09 

*α =95%,p=0.05 

Source: Author`s elaborations on data from IMF Country Reports, different issues 

Analysis of the results by Student's t-test for dependent samples has shown that there is no 
significant difference in means of before, in wake and after the financial crises for our variables. 
Analyzing the average values for our variables, before, during the crisis and after the crisis, a 
statistically significant difference is not found (p> 0.05) and mean values has remained almost 
unchanged over time. Accordingly, our main hypothesis is accepted.  


The study aimed at investigating the changes in the extent of deposit, credit, liability and asset 
substitution before, in the wake of crises, and after the latest financial crisis in seven Western 
Balkan countries. Findings our study indicates that overall the deposit euroization in the post-
crisis period are higher than their pre-crisis levels in three countries (Albania, Croatia and 
Serbia). While this decrease is more pronounced from the crisis to post-crisis period for 
Macedonia and Romania, the deposit euroization for Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased from 
crisis to post crises period. The trend with deposit euroisation was quite different in Croatia, 
where the increase in FX deposits occurred in the wake of the crisis, which was preceded by the 
sharp decrease in crises period. 

Mehmed Ganić, Alina Dizdarević, Agim Mamuti 53 

Also, overall credit euroization has increased in the post-crisis period in Croatia, Romania and 
Bulgaria over crisis period levels. The study found that the credit euroisation of Bosnia and 
Herzegovina was affected by the financial crisis in the way that the number of FX denominated 
credits increased in the wake of crisis, while after the crisis there was a trend of decline of 
credits held in foreign currency. In Macedonia, the crisis influenced on the fall of credits held in 
foreign currency in post crises period in comparison to crises period. 

 When the liability euroisation is taken into consideration, Macedonia and Croatia had the 
situation of the sharp decrease of the FX liabilities in post-crisis period, while in Albania the 
euroisation of liabilities sharply increased during and after the crises. 

The level of overall euroisation measured by euroization index in all four countries was high 
over the years and it is still sizeable in some of selected countries with exception of Romania, 
Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Furthermore, Student t-test results indicate that there is no significant difference in means of 
before, in wake and after the financial crises at level of Western Balkan region. In overall, this 
study does not find any significant evidence on significantly increases or decreases in currency 
substitution for the region sub-samples. 


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Article history: Received:  October 12, 2017 
Accepted:  November 10, 2017