

DOI: 10.28934/ea.18.51.12.pp120-130 


Impact of Exports on Economic Aggregates of Pakistan 

Hasnain Naqvi1*   |   Slobodan Adžić2  |   Nebojša Zakić3   |   Milijanka Ratković4 |   
Israr Ahmad5 
1 University of Hafr Al-Batin, Hafr-Al Batin, Saudi Arabia 
2 Arab Open University, Al-Ardia, Kuwait 
University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty of management FAM, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia 
3 University Union – Nikola Tesla, FMN FPB, Belgrade, Serbia 
4 University Union – Nikola Tesla, Faculty for Education of the Executives, Belgrade, Serbia 
5 Islamic International University, Islamabad, Pakistan 

The study employs CGE model, on the data provided in SAM 2007-08 for Pakistan designed by 
Dorosh et al. (2012), to investigate the impact of Pakistan’s exports on the major aggregates of the 
economy. To this end, three experiments have been conducted, exports are increased by 5% in the 
first simulation (SIM-I), in the second simulation (SIM-II) by 10% and in the third simulation (SIM-
III) by 15%. The findings of the study reveal that increase in exports has favourable impact on the 
performance of macroeconomic variables of the economy i.e. GDP, public and private consumption, 
savings and investment. Domestic output level of most of the commodities has risen except mine, 
food manufacturing and other manufacturing. Incomes and expenditures of all the households have 
risen that results in rise of utility level of all the households. Moreover, all the households have also 
recorded an increase in the values of compensating variation which implies higher level of welfare 
for households. However, the value of compensating variation for non-agriculture households has 
risen more than that of agriculture households indicating pro-urban effect.  Equality among the 
households has improved as the inequality indices have registered declining trend. The study 
suggests that export promotion measures should be incorporated in poverty alleviation, income 
equality and economic growth strategies. 

Key words: economics, export, aggregates, CGE model. economic growth, sustainable development, 
Pakistan, poverty allevation  
JEL Classification: B22, D58, O4, Q01, I30, I32 



Trade openness plays an important role in the economic growth of a country and helps a 
country to achieve higher economic growth, (Anderson and Babula, 2008), through efficient 
utilization of resources and transmitting economic growth from one region of the world to 
another. In international trade much importance is assigned to exports because exports have a 
profound impact on the output of a country. The importance of exports goes back to the 
mercantilist time. In view of mercantilists international trade is a “single-pie” and they stressed 
on ‘more exports and less imports’. Exports are a means of valuable foreign exchange earnings 
which enables us to import our indispensable inputs (technology and machinery). Exports lead 
to employment generation, optimal utilization of resources and economic development of a 
country. That is why exports are considered to be an engine of economic growth. Domestic 
monopolies are vanished and the availability of goods is made at lower prices on one hand and 
* E-mail: naqqvi23@hotmail.com 

Hasnain Naqvi, Slobodan Adžić, Nebojša Zakić, Milijanka Ratković, Israr Ahmad 121 

incomes of the people are raised through employment generation on the other hand. These 
lower prices and higher incomes raise the consumption level (welfare) of people. Exports have 
impacted the GDP of Pakistan positively and there is a strong long-term relationship between 
Exports and GDP of Pakistan, (Shirazi and Manap, 2004). 

The literature on the history of export performance of Pakistan shows bleak picture of the 
export performance of Pakistan. During 1950s and 1960s, export performance of Pakistan 
remained poor either because it did not receive serious attention or due to limited capacity. In 
general Pakistan exports showed an increasing trend both in terms of value and quantity. The 
rate of growth of exports remained very slow till 1972 but after that it accelerated. On the other 
hand, imports have increased more than exports due to which Pakistan has always confronted 
the problem in deficit in balance of trade (BOT) with exceptions of a few years (1950-51, 1954-
55 and 1972-73). 

The growth rate of the world output and trade witnessed deceleration in 2011 due to 
detrimental impact cast by the deteriorating global environment. Growth rate of the world 
output declined from 5.3% in 2010 to 3.9% in 2011. In the same manner growth rate of the 
world trade decelerated from 13% in 2010 to 5.8% in 2011. But quite opposite to it, growth rate 
of Pakistan’s exports accelerated from 9.06% in 2009-10 to 28.61% in 2010-11 and Pakistan’s 
imports grew at the rate of -0.32 in 2009-10 to 16.43 in 2010-11. This indicates inflating volume 
of Pakistan external trade. Pakistan’s exports are characterized by high concentration in 
commodity and export markets. However, shift in the nature of Pakistan’s exports has been seen 
from primary products to manufactured products. The share of primary products in Pakistan’s 
total exports was 33% in 1971 which has declined to 18% in 2011. Similarly, the share of semi-
manufactured goods in Pakistan’s total export was 24% in 1971 which has now declined to 12% 
of total exports in 2011. On the other hand the share of manufactured goods has increased from 
44% in 1971 to 70% in 2011 (Pakistan’s Economic Survey, 2011-12). 

A large number of facilities/incentives have been given to the exporters to inflate the volume 
of exports from Pakistan. These incentives are targeted to make exports zero-rated (exporters 
pay no tax on sales abroad). These facilities include export financing (in domestic and foreign 
currency), Export Credit Guarantee, concessionary rate of income tax (under the income Tax 
Ordinance 1979), Common Bonded Warehouse Scheme, Export Marketing and Product Up-
gradation Fund, Duty Drawback Scheme, and Export House Scheme (Haque and Kemal, 2007).   

This shows that there have been no systematic trend in Pakistan’s exports growth over the 
years that calls for its analysis as it can impact different economic aggregates in a significant 
way. This study aims to unfold the nexus between export and various economic aggregates in 


Economists have employed CGE models for the analysis of economic policies and for the 
appraisal of costs and benefits accrued to nations through economic integration and trade 
liberalization, for example, Oslington (2005), Akerman (2005), Bouet et al. (2004) and Kurzweil 

To simulate the fiscal policy, Bhattarai and Trzeciakiewicz (2016) developed a Computable 
General Equilibrium Model to analyze fiscal policy in United Kingdom. They found that 
investment and public consumption causes high GDP multiplier in short run. In long run, 
whereas, private investment and capital income tax have high impact on GDP. Moreover, this 
study also explored effectiveness of public outlays and consumption taxes.  

 Naqvi, et al. (2011) developed CGE model of Pakistab to analyze the impact of Agricultural 
Income Tax on Household Welfare and Inequality. The model analysed the economic 
implications of Agricultural Income Tax and reduction in sales tax for production activities to 
adjust the budget surplus. The objective of this experiment was to determined the possibility of 


Economic Analysis (2018, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 120-130)

implementation of agricultural income tax in case of Pakistan and to analyse its benefits at  
macro and household level. Two variables were considered in this experiment i.e., imposition  of 
agricultural income tax, and decrease in sales tax rates. The article concluded that the imposition  
of agricultural income tax is beneficial in terms of household and economy-wide welfare 

Bouet et al. (2010) appraised the gains and losses accrued to members and non-members of 
South Asia from South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) by using CGE model. The study 
assessed the costs and benefits of both the cases: including the sensitive products envisaged in 
SAFTA and excluding them from the process of trade liberalization. Full trade liberalization 
(including sensitive products) had been considered to cause trade diverting effects in terms of 
income that was reduced due to tariff-cut. Liberalization of sensitive products was thought to be 
non-beneficial for LDCs of the region. The pattern of distribution of gains among the factors of 
production promised higher incomes for unskilled labourers, hence, pro-poor. However, the 
consequences of SAFTA were deemed to cause low tariff income for almost all of its members. 

Ahmed and O’Donoghue (2009) analyzed the impact of variations in external balance of 
Pakistan developing country on the various economic entities of the economy by employing CGE 
model. The study integrated the economy into 33 sectors and gauged the impacts of changes in 
import prices and external savings on these aggregates. Simulation results of the study 
ascertained that increase (50%) in foreign savings led to expansion of imports and contraction 
of exports. The sectors expected to face reduction in their exports were cement, leather, textile 
and livestock. Under these conditions the factors expected to receive increased incomes were 
non-agriculture unskilled wage labour and agriculture wage labour. A rise in import prices 
especially petroleum and industrial raw material led to decline in exports. The state of poverty 
and income inequality was aggravated. 

Gilbert (2008) investigated the impact of integration of the South Asian economies under 
SAFTA on the welfare, poverty and income distribution of the concerned countries through CGE 
model. The main contribution of this study in the existing literature was that it took into account 
the whole South Asian region, not a single country for CGE approach. The findings of the study 
revealed that almost all of the countries except Bangladesh would gain from trade liberalization, 
though the gains would be modest because these countries had similar export structure. In case 
of Bangladesh, unilateral reforms had been proposed to be the best option. The trade reforms 
stipulated to be brought about under the auspices of SAFTA had been perceived to cast positive 
impact on overall welfare. Thus, regional integration was deemed to be pro-poor especially in 
Bangladesh and India. However, income inequality was liable to rise.  

Panda and Kumar (2008) explored the relationships among trade liberalization, economic 
growth, food security and poverty through CGE model constructed for India. The study used the 
data provided in the SAM for India for the year 2003-04. The simulation results of the study 
depicted that trade liberalization had a negligible impact on the growth of GDP. It was the only 
agriculture sector that benefited from both unilateral and multilateral trade liberalization in 
GDP while non-agriculture GDP remained invariant in face of unilateral liberalization and 
declined under multilateral liberalization. Both wages and consumer prices rose but wages rose 
more than prices; hence, real incomes of all households soared. Due to rise in real income, 
income poverty plummeted. Consequently, lower income groups of both rural and urban 
sections witnessed a decline in food intake in terms of calories while others increased the intake 
of nutrients. 

Siddiqui (2007) investigated and compared the effects of liberalization of agriculture trade in 
the domestic and the world economy on the economic growth of Pakistan by employing both 
static as well as dynamic CGE frameworks. The study used the data provided in Pakistan Social 
Accounting Matrix for the year 2002 (SAM 2002). The simulation results of the study depicted 
that liberalization of agriculture trade whether at domestic level or international level had 
favourable impact on the economic growth of the country. However, the effects of liberalization 

Hasnain Naqvi, Slobodan Adžić, Nebojša Zakić, Milijanka Ratković, Israr Ahmad 123 

of agriculture trade at international level were found to be stronger than those of liberalization 
at domestic level. Complete liberalization of agriculture trade was expected to increase the 
incomes of both rural and urban households. However, long run consumption of rural 
households increased more than that of urban households. The distribution of income was, in 
the short run, improved while it was worsened in the long run.  

Cockburn et al. (2006) investigated and compared the effects of trade liberalization on 
different economic aggregates of seven African and Asian countries by using CGE model. Roles of 
relative factor endowment, initial tariff structure, trade pattern, production pattern and income 
and consumption patterns were given much consideration in explaining the results. The findings 
of the study demonstrated that trade liberalization had varying effects on different commodity 
sectors and household groups. Manufacturing sector had gained while agriculture sector had 
lost under trade liberalization process. The urban households benefited while rural households 
lost in terms of welfare. Nonetheless, overall trade liberalization raised the level of welfare and 
reduced poverty. Wages of households increased more than the increase in domestic price of 
consumer goods. The pro-urban effect of trade liberalization was considered to be due to 
substantial fall in the returns to land. 

Adam and O’Connell (2000) employed CGE model to investigate and compare the gains 
accrued from aid and trade preference to a recipient developing African country. The findings of 
the study substantiated that the gains from trade preference were dominant over the gains from 
aid. The study advocated for transfers (whether in the form of aid or trade) that promote capital 
accumulation in the receiving country. Through capital accumulation, a developing country was 
thought to shift from raw exports to manufactured exports. This shift, in turn, was deemed to 
enhance welfare effects of donor assistance. Transfer of resources via aid impacted the 
manufactured exports and total domestic output adversely. Contrarily, trade preferences 
increased domestic output and consumption. Fiscal distortions attached more importance to aid 
than trade because export subsidy given to promote exports would result in increased fiscal 


The study has employed Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model designed on the 
pattern of Lofgren et al. (2002), on the data provided in SAM 2007-08 for Pakistan designed by 
Dorosh et al. (2012), to investigate the impact of Pakistan’s exports on its economic aggregates. 
The framework of mathematical equations is based on the neo-classical assumptions of 
optimizing behaviour of economic agents: maximization of utility and output, and minimization 
of costs1. Trade elasticities for different commodities in Pakistan have been borrowed from 
Ahmed et al. (2008). Three experiments have been conducted to gauge the impact of increase in 
Pakistan’s exports on various economic aggregates of Pakistan. In the first simulation (SIM-I) 
Pakistan’s exports have been increased by 5%, in the second simulation (SIM-II) by 10% and in 
the third simulation (SIM-III) by 15%. 


Macro level 

The GDP (at fixed cost) of Pakistan has registered growth of 1.474%, 2.911% and 4.314% in 
SIM-I, SIM-II and SIM-III respectively (table 1). This rise in GDP can be attributed to increase in 
investment, higher level of activities, increase in household incomes and hence higher savings. 
Investment has grown by 0.942%, 2.011% and 3.193% in the respective three experiments. This 
increase in investment is in line with theory as rise in institutional incomes and consequent rise 

1  Mathematical equations and economic aggregation can be provided on demand. 


Economic Analysis (2018, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 120-130)

in their savings have resulted in higher investment. Government consumption has inflated by 
0.702%, 1.418% and 2.141% while private consumption has risen by 0.936%, 1.859% and 
2.769% due to rise in the incomes of institutions coupled with fall in the prices of various 
consumer goods and fall in the price of imports in terms of domestic currency due to 
appreciation of domestic currency. 

Table 1. National Income Accounts (% Variation) 





GDP at Factor Prices 3377101.000 1.474 2.911 4.314 
Government Consumption 408940.000 0.704 1.418 2.141 
Investment 534109.000 0.942 2.011 3.193 
Exports 677841.000 3.716 7.491 11.325 
Imports 1030150.000 1.181 2.517 3.993 
Net Indirect Taxes 251634.000 -0.163 -0.177 -0.059 
Private Consumption 3037997.000 0.936 1.859 2.769 

Source: research by authors 

Both exports and imports have grown but the growth rate of exports is higher than that of 
imports (table 2 and 3). Exports have grown by 3.716%, 7.491% and 11.325%. This surge in 
exports is in conformity with economic literature as it is mainly due to rise in activity level, 
consequent increase in output and rise in GDP. Moreover, increase in imported inputs has led to 
increase in domestic output which in turn has increased the quantity of commodities to be 
exported. Imports have registered growth rate of 1.181%, 2.517% and 3.993%. This positive 
growth of imports is mainly the result of fall in the price of imports due to appreciation of 
domestic currency and increase in foreign exchange reserves due to more exports. 
Table 2. Quantity of Exports for Commodities (% Variation) 

Commodities Base 



Agriculture 26415 2.924 6.085 9.478 
Mine 5292 6.755 13.305 19.635 
Food Manufacturing 112975 1.890 3.868 5.928 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 60824 1.595 3.232 4.908 
Textiles 216278 1.734 3.452 5.157 
Leather 15385 2.903 5.790 8.667 
Other Manufacturing 122350 6.667 13.247 19.725 
Services 118322 0.689 1.339 1.956 

Source: research by authors 
Table 3. Quantity of Imports for Commodities (% Variation) 

Commodities Base 



Agriculture 36087 17.960 37.678 59.154 
Mine 95779 0.720 1.487 2.296 
Food Manufacturing 57923 14.577 30.111 46.564 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 7297 14.472 29.952 46.421 
Textiles 18918 15.603 32.514 50.730 
Leather 1178 14.615 30.337 47.159 
Other Manufacturing 807118 3.609 7.198 10.766 
Services 53953 13.118 27.215 42.307 

Source: research by authors 

Hasnain Naqvi, Slobodan Adžić, Nebojša Zakić, Milijanka Ratković, Israr Ahmad 125 

Domestic output 

Output of most of the commodities has shown rising trend except mine (C-MINE), food 
manufacturing (C-FMAN) and other manufacturing (C-MANF) as shown in table 4. 
Table 4. Level of Activities (% Variation) 

Activities Base 



Agriculture 1364731 0.000 0.000 0.000 
Mine 28424 -1.665 -3.156 -4.496 
Food Manufacturing 673967 -0.174 -0.342 -0.503 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 224415 0.289 0.561 0.820 
Textiles 545403 0.530 1.029 1.500 
Leather 35937 1.220 2.415 3.588 
Other Manufacturing 646118 -0.724 -1.342 -1.866 
Energy 189246 0.060 0.117 0.170 
Services 3067054 0.059 0.106 0.142 

Source: research by authors 

The highest rise in the output of leather and textile is witnessed. The output of leather (C-
LEAT) has increased by 1.220%, 2.415% and 3.58% respectively in the SIM-I, SIM-II and SIM-III. 
The output of those commodities has increased whose producer price and domestic price have 
risen and the commodities whose producer price has fallen their output has shrunk (table 5). 
However, the fall in the output of mine (C-MINE) is at the highest rate, it has observed the fall of 
1.665%, 3.256% and 4.496% in the respective three experiments. On the other hand the 
quantity of domestic output sold domestically has fallen (table 6). Supply of composite 
commodities in domestic market has increased (table 7). 
Table 5. Producer price for Commodities (% Variation) 

Commodities Base 



Agriculture 1.000 0.393 0.744 1.056 
Mine 1.000 -1.612 -2.970 -4.107 
Food Manufacturing 1.000 0.432 0.842 1.235 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 1.000 0.684 1.353 2.010 
Textiles 1.000 0.719 1.438 2.158 
Leather 1.000 0.565 1.143 1.734 
Other Manufacturing 1.000 -1.272 -2.351 -3.260 
Energy 1.000 0.552 1.153 1.799 
Services 1.000 0.802 1.619 2.446 

Source: research by authors 
Table 6. Quantity Sold Domestically of Domestic Output (% Variation) 

Commodities Base 



Agriculture 1338316 -0.058 -0.121 -0.189 
Mine 23132 -3.624 -7.051 -10.296 
Food Manufacturing 560992 -0.591 -1.197 -1.815 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 163591 -0.198 -0.438 -0.714 
Textiles 329125 -0.263 -0.574 -0.927 
Leather 20552 -0.045 -0.137 -0.270 
Other Manufacturing 523768 -2.477 -4.852 -7.134 


Economic Analysis (2018, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 120-130)

Commodities Base 



Energy 189246 0.060 0.117 0.170 
Services 2948732 0.034 0.057 0.069 

Source: research by authors 
Table 7. Quantity of Composite Goods Supplied Domestically (% Variation) 

Commodities Base 



Agriculture 1374403 0.406 0.832 1.277 
Mine 118911 -0.130 -0.193 -0.197 
Food Manufacturing 618915 0.802 1.627 2.473 
Cotton Lint/Yarn 170888 0.416 0.808 1.179 
Textiles 348043 0.582 1.153 1.718 
Leather 21730 0.735 1.455 2.163 
Other Manufacturing 1330886 1.200 2.402 3.604 
Energy 189246 0.060 0.117 0.170 
Services 3002685 0.264 0.523 0.778 

Source: research by authors 

Incomes of households  

Incomes of all households have shown soaring trend in all the three experiments but the rate 
of increase in incomes differ from household to household (table 9). The growth rate of incomes 
of households who are not concerned with agriculture sector is higher than the growth rate of 
incomes of those who are concerned with the agriculture sector (table 7). The income of urban 
poor households (H-URPR) has registered highest growth rate of 1.485%, 2.945% and 4.381% 
in the three experiments. The average prices (rewards) of all the factors have increased but the 
rate of increase in the prices of labour whether skilled or unskilled has remained higher than 
that of other factors (table 8). Price of unskilled labour has registered the highest rate of growth. 
Moreover, the output of leather and textile has witnessed substantial increase so the demand for 
skilled and unskilled labour has increased leading to increase in their rewards, hence, income of 
these households has increased. The increased outputs of domestic commodities and increased 
exports have indirectly increased labour demand. Resultantly, jobless workers have got 
employment and a source of income. 

Table 8. Average Price of Factors (% Variation) 

Factors Base 



Own Large Farm 1.059 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Own Medium Farm 1.058 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Own Small Farm 1.056 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Agriculture Wage 1.081 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Non-Agriculture Unskilled 1.058 1.878 3.740 5.485 
Skilled 1.037 1.803 3.574 5.316 
Large Farm 1.054 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Irrigated Medium Farm 1.063 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Irrigated Small Farm 1.059 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Non-Irrigated Small Farm 0.979 0.659 1.230 1.725 
Capital 1.067    

Source: research by authors 

Hasnain Naqvi, Slobodan Adžić, Nebojša Zakić, Milijanka Ratković, Israr Ahmad 127 

Table 9. Income of Households (% Variation) 

Households Base 



Large Farm 93954 0.800 1.568 2.306 
Medium Farm 226190 0.818 1.602 2.357 
Small Farm 501515 0.937 1.847 2.735 
Landless Farmers 104611 0.905 1.779 2.628 
Rural Agriculture Landless 98471 0.948 1.867 2.760 
Rural Non-Farm Non-Poor 400770 1.303 2.589 3.861 
Rural Non-Farm Poor 134399 1.242 2.471 3.688 
Urban Non-Poor 1744122 0.775 1.549 2.321 
Urban Poor 181413 1.485 2.945 4.381 

Source: research by authors 

Welfare of households 

Table 13 depicts that overall welfare of households has increased. Incomes of households 
have risen as a result of rise in factor rewards and higher level of activities. Higher incomes have 
lifted constraints to consume more (table 10) which in turn has guaranteed higher level of utility 
(table 12). Moreover, the welfare effect can be assessed by comparing prices of the factors 
owned by households and consumer prices of commodities (CPI). Table 8 represents average 
prices of factors while consumer price indices have been portrayed in table 11. By comparing 
the results of these tables it can be concluded that average factor prices have risen at higher rate 
than consumer prices of commodities. Consequently real incomes of households have risen. 

The results about compensating variation (CV) of households reveal that the households 
would be better-off in the consequence of increased Pakistan’s exports. All the households have 
positive CV. However, the highest CV is recorded by urban non-poor, non-farm non-poor, small 
farm and urban poor households (H-URNP, H-NFNP, H-SF and H-URPR) respectively. The 
highest value of CV for urban non-poor and non-farm non-poor (H-URNP and H-NFNP) is due to 
negative change in Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs) for these households and substantial increase 
in average price of factors – unskilled and skilled Labour (LA-SKU and LA-SK). The households 
who have witnessed negative change in their respective CPIs are Large farm, Medium farm, Non-
farm non-poor, Urban non-poor households (H-LF, H-MF, H-NFNP and H-URNP). The low value 
of CV for Large Farm households (H-LF) is due to lower rewards of factors owned by H-LF, 
though it has witnessed negative change in its respective CPI. Anyhow, the lowest values of CV 
are recorded by Agriculture wage, non-farm and Large farm households (H-AGW, H-0F and H-
LF) respectively. It is evident that the households related to agriculture have received fewer 
gains than households related to non-agriculture. 

Nevertheless, the incomes and expenditures of all the households have soared. Consequently, 
an increase in utility is witnessed by all the households (table 12). However, the highest utility is 
recorded by Non-farm non-poor, Non-farm Poor and Urban poor households (H-NFNP, H-NFP 
and H-URPR). Conversely, the lowest gains in terms of utility are stipulated for Non-Farm and 
Agriculture wage households (H-0F and H-AGW). Such pattern of distribution of utility also 
confirms that more gains are promised for households engaged in non-agriculture (urban 
households). However, overall, economy-wide CV has risen (table 14). 


Economic Analysis (2018, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 120-130)

Table 10. Consumption Expenditures of Households (% Variation) 

Households Base 



Large Farm 84554 0.800 1.568 2.306 
Medium Farm 214882 0.818 1.602 2.357 
Small Farm 476443 0.937 1.847 2.735 
Landless Farmers 99374 0.905 1.779 2.628 
Rural Agriculture Landless 93542 0.948 1.867 2.760 
Rural Non-Farm Non-Poor 360694 1.303 2.589 3.861 
Rural Non-Farm Poor 127680 1.242 2.471 3.688 
Urban Non-Poor 1408485 0.775 1.549 2.321 
Urban Poor 172343 1.485 2.945 4.381 

Source: research by authors 

Table 11. Household Consumer Price Index (% Variation) 

Households Base 



Large Farm 1.023 -0.126 -0.244 -0.355 
Medium Farm 1.023 -0.130 -0.252 -0.367 
Small Farm 1.020 0.082 0.156 0.222 
Landless Farmers 1.021 0.140 0.268 0.385 
Rural Agriculture Landless 1.020 0.204 0.392 0.563 
Rural Non-Farm Non-Poor 1.022 -0.007 -0.015 -0.023 
Rural Non-Farm Poor 1.023 0.143 0.272 0.390 
Urban Non-Poor 1.021 -0.052 -0.098 -0.139 
Urban Poor 1.022 0.136 0.261 0.377 

Source: research by authors 

Table 12. Utility of Households (% Variation) 

Households Base 



Large Farm 82670 0.927 1.816 2.670 
Medium Farm 210039 0.949 1.859 2.734 
Small Farm 467056 0.854 1.689 2.507 
Landless Farmers 97329 0.763 1.507 2.234 
Rural Agriculture Landless 91732 0.742 1.470 2.184 
Rural Non-Farm Non-Poor 352910 1.310 2.604 3.885 
Rural Non-Farm Poor 124810 1.098 2.192 3.285 
Urban Non-Poor 1379794 0.827 1.648 2.463 
Urban Poor 168712 1.347 2.677 3.990 

Source: research by authors 

Table 13. Compensating Variation of Households 




Large Farm 783.018 1531.453 2249.628 
Medium Farm 2036.844 39833.94 5852.417 
Small Farm 4074.444 8060.780 11972.136 
Landless Farmers 759.681 1501.683 2228.701 
Rural Agriculture Landless 695.911 1380.172 2054.809 
Rural Non-Farm Non-Poor 4724.538 9392.037 14010.118 
Rural Non-Farm Poor 1403.589 2806.924 4210.789 

Hasnain Naqvi, Slobodan Adžić, Nebojša Zakić, Milijanka Ratković, Israr Ahmad 129 




Urban Non-Poor 11648.041 23194.694 34648.929 
Urban Poor 2322.181 4624.842 6901.769 

Source: research by authors 

Table 14. Economy Wide Compensating Variation 




Total Compensating Variation 0.937 1.859 2.769 

Source: research by authors 


Inequality has been a question of debate. A great deal of economic literature has been devoted 
to answer whether inequality retards the process of economic growth or not? A number of 
different techniques and indicators are used by economists to measure inequality but the most 
popular and common in practice are Hoover index and Theil indices: Theil-L, Theil-T and Theil-S. 
These indicators measure intra-group and inter group inequality. However, in this study 
inequality among groups has been measured. The results of these indices, as depicted in table 
15, show that inequality among the household groups has decreased with the increase in 
Pakistan’s exports as these indices have shown smaller values in SIM-I than in SIM-II and so on.  

Table 15. Indices of Inequality 

Indices Base 



Theil-T 0.318 0.317 0.316 0.315 
Theil-L 0.326 0.325 0.324 0.323 
Theil-S 0.322 0.321 0.320 0.319 
Hoover Index 0.346 0.345 0.344 0.344 

Source: research by authors 


The study employs CGE model, on the data provided in SAM 2007-08 for Pakistan designed 
by Dorosh et al. (2012). Trade elasticities for different commodities in Pakistan have been 
borrowed from Ahmed et al. (2008). Three experiments are performed to gauge the impact of 
increase in Pakistan’s exports on its various economic aggregates. Pakistan’s exports have been 
increased by 5% in the first simulation (SIM-I), in the second simulation (SIM-II) by 10% and in 
the third simulation (SIM-III) by 15%. The findings of the study reveal that increase in exports 
has favourable impact on the performance of macroeconomic variables of Pakistan’s economy 
i.e. GDP, public and private consumption, savings and investment. Domestic output level of most 
of the commodities has risen except mine, food manufacturing and other manufacturing. 
Incomes and expenditures of all the households have risen. Resultantly, utility level of all the 
households has risen. Moreover, all the households have also recorded an increase in the values 
of compensating variation which implies higher level of welfare for households. However, the 
value of compensating variation for non-agriculture households has risen more than that of 
agriculture households indicating pro-urban effect. Equality among the households has 
improved as the inequality indices have registered declining trend. All this suggests that export 
promotion measures should be incorporated in poverty alleviation, income equality and 
economic growth strategies. 


Economic Analysis (2018, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 120-130)


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Article history: Received:  March 26, 2018 
Accepted:  June 20, 2018