Microsoft Word - 2009_1_2.doc


Letter from the Editor-in-Chief 

Welcome to the first issue of the Economic Analysis in 2009. At the same 
time it is the first issue that I edited.  
After a long period of time starting from the year 2009 the Journal will be 
published except for the e- and in printed version, too. Our goal is to be 
available to as big number of the scientific public as possible. Our aim for 
this Journal is to bring it onto the working desk of our current and future 

colleagues all over the world.  It is our wish to get to ISI list among the world’s most 
prestigious scientific journals with its quality of works and articles and with the variety of its 
contents. What the editorial politics is concerned, I will work diligently with all my heart and 
might on the realization of this aim as one of my top priorities accompanied with all the 
other members of the editorial board as well.   
In the end, I ask all the future authors to send us their works and articles as much as they can 
all the year around, so that we can make a selection of works and to be able to publish them 
yearly in two planned issues. All of them will be objectively examined by independent, non-
partial language experts as I planned to include periodically a foreign guest editor or to 
publish thematic issues of the Journal.  
I wish you the best of luck in your work and a good cooperation in the future. 

Prof. dr Mirjana Radović-Marković